What type of genital warts. Why warts occur, methods for removing formations and principles of HPV treatment

(genital warts) - a type of viral warts, which are soft papillary formations on the leg, prone to fusion. Merging, they form colonies, outwardly resembling the appearance of a cauliflower. They often occur in the anogenital region. They cause discomfort in the genital area, psychological inconvenience, sexual problems. Traumatization of genital warts leads to their infection and is accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and pain. They can recur and become malignant. The virus is transmitted sexually. Treatment consists in the removal of genital warts (laser, liquid nitrogen, radioknife, conventional scalpel) against the background of systemic antiviral therapy.

General information

human papillomavirus- a filtering virus that causes the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of a person of small, often multiple, tumor-like formations of a benign nature. It manifests itself in the form of viral warts or genital warts. The human papillomavirus (HPV) is characterized by a chronic relapsing course, widespread, high susceptibility. Papillomavirus infections of the genital tract constitute a risk group for the occurrence of malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and the development of bleeding.

Genital warts, often referred to as genital warts, are growths of the skin and genital mucosa caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). This is one of the most frequent manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, characterized by a long, chronic, recurrent nature of the course. Typically, warts are flesh-colored papillae with a lobed structure and stalk, but they can also grow into massive, cauliflower-like masses.

Condylomas are located more often on the genitals (in women - on the labia, vagina, cervix; in men - on the glans penis, foreskin), also in the anus and perineum, less often in the mouth.

Genital warts belong to the group of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), therefore, venereology is mainly involved in their diagnosis and treatment. However, women, as a rule, come with this problem to a consultation with a gynecologist and are treated by him. Men go to the urologist. And with condylomas of the anal region, the proctologist most often encounters.

The main spread of HPV infection usually occurs through vaginal, oral, or anal sexual contact with an infected partner. Genital warts usually appear in places that are traumatized during sexual contact. HPV can be carried during sexual intercourse with scales peeling off with genital warts, and in women it can also enter the vagina and cervix from the external genital organs when using hygienic tampons during menstruation.

It is also possible intrauterine transmission of the virus from an infected mother to the fetus, and infection of the child during childbirth in the presence of active HPV or warts on the mucous membranes of the genitals of a pregnant woman.

Risk factors for infection with genital warts

Human papillomavirus is widespread and highly contagious. More than half of the people who are sexually active are infected with one or more strains of HPV. In the human body, HPV changes the pattern of tissue growth, which leads to diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (genital warts, warts, papillomas, dysplasia and cervical carcinoma). There are more than 100 strains of HPV, and different strains cause various diseases, including precancerous ones. HPV strains (6 and 11) mainly affect the urogenital tract and cause the development of genital anogenital warts.

The appearance of papillomavirus infection and its further development is caused by a weakening of human immunity. This infection is characterized by an asymptomatic course, in many infected people it does not manifest itself in any way. Most people who carry the corresponding strains of HPV do not develop genital warts. Factors that increase the risk of contracting genital warts include:

  • transferred STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, candidiasis, etc.);
  • free sexual behavior (with frequent change of sexual partners, through a partner who has previously had sexual contact with an HPV carrier);
  • internal factors of the body (lowered immunity, lack of vitamins, susceptibility to stress);
  • pregnancy;

Ways of development of HPV infection (genital warts)

The development of HPV infection is determined by the state of the body's immune reactions, depending on this, the most possible options for the development of human papillomavirus infection (including genital warts) are:

  • self-healing, regression of genital warts (in particular, those that appeared during pregnancy);
  • the absence of any dynamics for a long period of time;
  • gradual or rapid growth of genital warts (increase in size, number);
  • malignant degeneration of warts.

According to the degree of risk of developing an oncological process, several groups of HPV strains are distinguished:

  • non-oncogenic
  • low risk
  • medium risk
  • high risk

Medium and high risk HPV strains (mainly 16, 18, 31, 33 and 35) cause cervical dysplasia and increase the risk of cervical cancer, but do not cause genital warts. Low-risk HPV strains (primarily 6 and 11) cause genital warts but do not cause cervical dysplasia. Women infected with high-risk HPV should undergo regular examination (oncocytology) for the timely detection of cervical dysplasia.

With a complicated variant of the development of anogenital warts, they can be injured and infected, bleeding can be observed. In addition, condylomas of the genital area interfere with a normal sexual life and normal childbirth, cause a feeling of psychological discomfort due to the presence of a cosmetic defect.

Pathogenesis and manifestations of genital warts

Papillomavirus infection is transmitted from person to person, and several types of papillomavirus can be infected at the same time. HPV lives in the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. For a long time, papillomavirus infection can proceed secretly (latently). Enough virus must accumulate in the cells to cause clinical symptoms of human papillomavirus infection. The reproduction of HPV and its amount in the body depend on the level of immune protection. Under the influence of various factors that reduce local and general immunity, the virus is activated, it multiplies and develops skin manifestations.

Once in the body, HPV infects epithelial cells (especially the transition zone of stratified squamous epithelium into cylindrical). In an infected cell, the virus can be in two forms: episomal (outside the cellular chromosomes - a benign form) and introsomal - integrated (as part of the cellular genome - a malignant form).

In the latent course of infection, HPV exists in an episomal form, without leading to pathological changes in cells and without causing clinical manifestations.

Having multiplied in large numbers, HPV changes the growth and development of epithelial cells. They begin to intensively and uncontrollably divide, there is an increase in the area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane and the formation of genital warts. There may be several of them, and sometimes several dozen. Anogenital warts often occur simultaneously, less often within a few days.

In men, genital warts are most often found on the glans penis (coronary sulcus) and foreskin (bridle and inner sheet), less often on the body of the penis, scrotum, near the anus and urethral opening. The appearance of genital warts in the urethra causes discomfort, difficulty urinating, spraying the urine stream.

In women, condylomas most often appear in the region of the labia minora (bridle, clitoris), less often in the vagina, on the labia majora, on the cervix, in the region of the anus, perineum and urethral opening. Genital warts of the vagina and cervix can only be detected during a gynecological examination.

It is extremely rare for genital warts to develop in the oral cavity. With constant mechanical damage, warts can grow up to 3-5 cm in diameter.

In addition to anogenital, there are other types of genital warts:

  1. Papular warts are dark red in color, have a domed shape and a smooth surface, are located on a completely keratinized epithelium.
  2. Keratotic warts - look like cauliflower, usually located on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, labia.
  3. Giant condyloma - develops during pregnancy, in patients with reduced immunity.
  4. Endourethral warts - localized in the urethra, are found mainly in men.
  5. Cervical warts:
  • exophytic (external) warts - practically do not differ from anogenital warts
  • endophytic (internal) flat warts - located in the thickness of the tissues of the vagina and cervix of the epithelium, they cannot be detected during a routine examination. Identified by colposcopy, often associated with dysplasia and sometimes with preinvasive cervical carcinoma, pose a risk of malignancy
  • warty epidermodysplasia - multiple polymorphic flat papules of pinkish - red color with a warty surface.

Diagnosis of HPV infection (genital warts)

Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection includes:

  • clinical examination

In the presence of typical forms of genital warts, the determination of the HPV strain is not necessary. In men, genital warts are often confused with the papular necklace of the penis (normal variant). In women, genital warts are sometimes mistaken for micropapillomatosis of the labia (a variant of the norm). If genital warts are suspected, other diseases must be excluded (molluscum contagiosum, wide warts with syphilis).

  • conducting an extended colposcopy, ureteroscopy (if endourethral warts are suspected);
  • cytological examination of a smear from the cervical canal for atypical cells to exclude cervical dysplasia;
  • histological examination;
  • PCR - diagnostics (definition and typing of HPV);
  • immunological examination (presence of antibodies to HPV in the blood).

Those infected with genital warts must be examined for syphilis, HIV and other STIs.

Treatment methods for genital warts

Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely get rid of HPV by any of the modern methods of treatment, just as it is impossible to guarantee the absence of recurrence of genital warts. It is impossible to exclude the self-propagation of genital warts, the appearance of new foci in other areas of the skin or mucous membranes.

Strong immunity is not developed on HPV, condylomas can be infected and get sick again if the sexual partner has not been treated or the rules of safe sex have not been followed.

The main method of treatment remains the removal of genital warts by various methods, each of which has its own indications, limitations, contraindications. Treatment of genital warts is carried out under local anesthesia and is almost painless.

When carrying out laser coagulation (neodymium or carbon dioxide laser), the condyloma tissue evaporates with the formation of a dry crust in its place - a scab. The radio wave method or radio knife quickly and almost painlessly removes warts. Cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen) "freezes" warts, but this method is not recommended for nulliparous women. Electrocoagulation is based on the effect on warts with the help of an electrode (electric knife) that transmits high-frequency current.

For the destruction and removal of genital warts, chemicals are also locally used - cytotoxic drugs - podophyllinotoxin, podophyllin, imiquimod, ferezol, fluorouracil.

The risk of recurrence of human papillomavirus infection is high (30%) with any treatment method, since the virus persists in other cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, the treatment complex for anogenital warts includes anti-relapse (antiviral) HPV therapy. Immunity-enhancing drugs are used (meglumine acridone acetate, licopid, panavir, immunomax). A domestic antiviral drug based on alloferon (in injections) has been developed for the treatment of herpes and human papillomavirus infection.

It is necessary to carry out virological control of the cure of warts. Women with genital warts are recommended an annual histological examination.

Prevention of HPV infection (genital warts)

Measures to prevent human papillomavirus infection (genital warts, in particular) include:

  • use of barrier contraception (condoms);
  • elimination of factors that cause a decrease in immunity (avitaminosis, hypothermia, smoking and alcohol abuse, stress and overwork).
  • vaccination against cervical cancer. Vaccination is carried out for girls from 11-12 years old, three times.

Condyloma means a growth or tumor, and it is in this form that condyloma looks on the skin. More precisely, condyloma is a nipple growth on the epidermis, which can take place in the process of inflammation. Most often, warts appear in places of periodic friction and in the genital area.

Condylomas can be either single or multiple. The size of single warts usually does not exceed 7 mm, and the size of multiple fused formations can reach several centimeters.

Types of genital warts

Condylomas are of two types:

Genital warts

Genital warts are outgrowths on the skin that occur in the oral cavity or in the genital area. Since this type of warts appears most often in intimate areas, they are sometimes referred to as genital warts or genital warts. Speaking about condyloma, there are several main points that every person should know when they find the first wart of this type:

  • Infection with warts occurs in 90% during sexual intercourse.
  • The virus can be passed to the baby during childbirth from an infected mother.
  • Warts may not appear for years, and their appearance requires a decrease in immunity.

As for the separation of the localization of condyloma in men and women, we note that in a man, the growth is most often formed on the frenulum of the foreskin and on the head itself. And in a woman, condylomas are localized on the labia, in the vagina, on the clitoris and around the anus.

The number of growths and their size completely depend on the state of the immune system. However, they may not change at all for a long time and not continue to grow and develop. However, condyloma can cause a lot of inconvenience, especially in terms of intimate life. It is worth noting that every second person on the planet today is infected with one or more types of human papillomavirus. Therefore, all studies show that most often infection with condyloma of the genital type occurs precisely in sexual contact.

Condylomas in men

It should be said right away that genital warts are rarely found in healthy people who do not have bad habits, therefore, first of all, you need to consider what predisposing factors exist for the formation of these warts.

reduced immunity

It is far from always that we are talking about any diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Problems with the immune system can be caused by sleep disturbances or work-related hard work. If the cause of the growth of genital warts lies in the immune system, then it is extremely difficult to cure the disease without restoring immunity.


The formation of genital warts is more often observed in men who are exposed to strong emotional stress.

Wrong way of life

Ignoring the elementary rules of hygiene, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet and smoking can cause the development of genital warts.

The human papillomavirus is sexually transmitted, but in some cases a person can be a carrier of the virus all his life and not have genital warts, while other people begin to develop growths after the incubation period. In this case, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The incubation period of the papillomavirus is from 6 to 8 months, after which the first signs of wart formation may appear.

Warts are formed due to the fact that the virus, getting into the cell of the mucosal tissue, introduces DNA into it, which causes the cell to change and become horny. In the same way, neighboring cells also fall under the influence of the virus, which first leads to the formation of a small spot, and then genital warts, which is a growth on a thin stalk.

Such growths, as a rule, are formed along the edges of the glans penis and in the area of ​​the urethra. In some cases, the growth of genital warts in the urethra leads to difficulty in the outflow of urine. Condylomas in men can be detected even in the early stages of their development at home. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir development, keratinization of the mucous membrane takes place, and under the layer of skin, you can feel the peculiar lumps. These lumps are the roots of warts.

Condylomas in women

In general, the papilloma virus is present in the body of about thirty percent of women and does not cause them any inconvenience or discomfort. The virus quietly exists in the skin layers and mucous membranes, is not detected and does not pose a threat. However, with a sharp decrease in immune defense, activation of the virus is observed, which is expressed in the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The virus that provokes the appearance of genital warts can enter the female body in several ways, the most common of which is sexual contact, both traditional and anal and orogenital. In this case, the sexual partner may turn out to be an ordinary carrier of the virus and no more. Injury to the skin and mucous membranes (cracks, abrasions, cuts, wounds, etc.), as well as the usual non-compliance with personal hygiene, can contribute to the penetration of the virus into the body.

The time interval from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms of the disease can be from one to five months. At the same time, the virus can be in “hibernation”, and with a decrease in immunity (stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, illness, etc.), it begins to multiply, as a result of which uncontrolled cell division occurs, which later manifests itself with the corresponding symptoms. Women at risk of developing the disease are:

  • with excessive emotionality, prone to frequent stress.
  • sitting on long-term strict diets.
  • having children under one year old, with constant overwork and lack of sleep.
  • being treated with antibiotics.

Condylomas in women are observed mainly in the vagina, in the area of ​​the labia, perineum, urethra, on the cervix, in the anus. Less commonly, warts affect the throat and oral cavity, the walls of the urethra.

It is also possible to become infected with a virus that causes the development of genital warts through the contact-household route, due to discharge from genital warts. The virus can enter the child's body during the birth process if the virus is localized on the walls of the vagina.

In recent years, the prevalence of genital warts in women has become quite wide, which is facilitated by modern freedom of morals. Girls start to live sexually early, have several sexual partners, and do not use protective equipment.

Symptoms of the manifestation of condylomas are local in nature. If the growths are localized in the anus, the woman experiences discomfort, expressed in the form of itching, burning.

Genital warts, which have merged with each other and formed large lesions, in addition to itching and burning, are accompanied by the release of an unpleasantly smelling liquid, which causes a constant feeling of moisture in the area in which they are common. If warts are damaged by clothing or sexual intercourse, irritation and inflammation may occur.

Flat condylomas are asymptomatic, but in some situations there may be a slight discharge from the vagina, accompanied by itching in the genital area.

Ways of infection with warts

It is no coincidence that the papillomavirus has an indication - "human", that is, it can only develop in the human body and be transmitted through human contact. The main route of infection, as in many STDs - sexually transmitted diseases, is sexual.

It does not matter at all what kind of sexual contact it is - heterosexual or homosexual, anal, oral. Condyloma does not recognize such restrictions and moral standards. Even when using a condom, if one of the partners is a virus carrier, the second falls into a zone of high risk of infection, since body contact is still inevitable.

As a rule, people with reduced, weakened immunity, who are prone to stress and do not observe a full diet, rest and sleep, become infected. Children can be infected with condyloma at the time of birth, when the mother's birth canal infected with the virus passes. For children, the human papillomavirus is just as dangerous as for adults, since age limits are not an obstacle for the virus.

Symptoms of genital warts

Genital warts can appear weeks, months, or even years after infection with the human papillomavirus. So just because you've recently had genital warts doesn't mean you've been infected by your current partner. Perhaps the infection happened even before you met. Most often, it is not possible to establish from whom the infection occurred.

In women, genital warts can appear in a variety of places: around the entrance to the vagina (around the vulva), on the labia majora and minor, inside the vagina, between the vagina and the anus, around the anus (anal, perianal warts), on the cervix and in the urethra. Warts may be solitary, sometimes clustered, and sometimes grow so densely that they look like cauliflower.

Despite their name, genital warts do not always have a pointed end: they can sometimes be flat, round, and grow on a stalk (mushroom-like). Genital warts are usually flesh-colored, but sometimes they can appear lighter than skin or darker (brown or almost black). In some people, genital warts are so small that a person may not even know that he has this disease.

As a rule, genital warts do not hurt, but sometimes they can cause itching and skin irritation, especially if they are located around the anus. Sometimes warts can become damaged and bleed.

Diagnosis of genital warts

When examining the affected skin surfaces in women and men, there is usually no doubt about the origin of neoplasms. In the event that there are initial signs of damage to the body by papillomavirus, the mucous surfaces of the genital organs are treated with a solution of acetic acid. Then, with the help of colposcopy, papillomas are diagnosed, which turn white after treatment against the background of the natural color of healthy areas.

Additionally, a smear is performed from the cervix, which is examined for the presence of malignant cells (oncocytology). If cancer is suspected, tissue is taken (biopsy) for examination. In a blood test for HPV by ELISA, PCR, antibodies to one or more genotypes of the virus are detected. In case of detection of oncogenic varieties of papillomavirus, additional preventive measures are recommended.

In men, the primary examination of the affected area is carried out by a urologist. Based on the results obtained (characteristic features, symptoms, localization), a diagnosis is made. To identify the genotype of the human papillomavirus, blood is taken for analysis for antibodies or HPV DNA.

The differential diagnosis is carried out with skin manifestations of syphilis, mother-of-pearl papules. Persons of both sexes are recommended to be tested for other STDs, HIV, which is associated with a frequent combination of infections with each other.

Systemic treatment of genital warts

Systemic treatment in women and men is most effective when the duration of the disease is not more than a year and may include:

Local treatment of genital warts

Local treatment consists in the use of agents to remove or reduce the size of genital warts:

Removal of genital warts

Condylomas usually require complex treatment - the first step is removal, the second is a decrease in the amount of the virus in the body. The problem of treating papillomavirus infection is that:

Genital warts often (in 30% of patients) recur, therefore, after removal, it is recommended to carry out anti-relapse treatment. Papillomavirus infection does not give stable immunity, so the disease can develop again upon re-infection if:

  • the sexual partner has not been examined and has not received treatment;
  • not following the rules of safe sex.

Stages of warts removal

  • removal (destruction) of papillary growths;
  • anti-relapse treatment;
  • virological control of cure.

Methods for removing genital warts

Warts can be removed both surgically and non-surgically. The most modern and priority of them are laser therapy and exposure to the radio wave method. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and is virtually painless.

Electrocoagulation (removal of genital warts with electric current) has recently lost its popularity due to the duration, pain of the procedure and the presence of contraindications.
Cryotherapy involves the removal of genital warts with liquid nitrogen. The neoplasm is affected by low temperatures, which cause the death of condyloma without affecting healthy tissues. The procedure is almost painless, without anesthesia, well tolerated by the patient. With a mild form of the disease and a highly qualified doctor, such treatment passes without consequences, and the removal of genital warts does not leave scars and scars.
Surgical removal of genital warts is a fairly effective method, performed under local anesthesia, a suture is applied to the wound site.
Chemical removal of genital warts is one of the traditional methods of combating condylomatosis. The neoplasm is affected by the chemical preparations Solkovagin, Podophyllotoxin, Kondilin, Imiquimod, which cause tissue necrosis. This method has a number of contraindications, in particular, it is prohibited for pregnant women.
Laser removal of genital warts is the most modern and effective method of combating the disease. The procedure is absolutely safe, has no contraindications. The laser beam does not affect healthy tissues and reduces the possibility of scarring.
Radiosurgery, or removal of warts with a radioknife (Surgitron), is a non-contact method that provides an accurate incision with minimal destruction of adjacent healthy tissues. In addition, the Surgitron radioknife seals blood vessels, eliminating pain and bleeding during and after the procedure. Radiosurgery guarantees rapid healing of the wound and minimizes the risk of scarring.

Treatment of warts with folk remedies

Some patients try to fight the disease on their own, and when diagnosed with genital warts, treatment is carried out at home, using a variety of folk recipes. And someone claims that even conspiracies from genital warts can give results.

Not always in the presence of condylomas, treatment with folk remedies is permissible and safe, therefore, when there are genital warts, treatment with a folk method can only be carried out, being sure of their benign nature.

How to cauterize warts at home? How to remove warts quickly and without pain? Usually, supporters of such methods use iodine, celandine and propolis. These folk remedies for genital warts act like chemical solutions - they dry out growths that disappear after some time.

Iodine burns out warts quite effectively, but you need to lubricate the formations with it very carefully so as not to burn healthy tissues. The procedure must be repeated several times a day, then the treatment of genital warts with iodine will give faster results. If it is wrong to lubricate genital warts, iodine treatment can have unpleasant complications in the form of a burn of healthy tissues, followed by scarring.

Propolis tincture from warts works similarly. And another folk method is the treatment of genital warts with celandine. For cauterization of warts, celandine is used in the form of an alcohol tincture or pure plant juice is taken. Treatment of genital warts with propolis and celandine should also be carried out very carefully to avoid burns and scarring.

Alternative treatment can completely remove small warts, but if there is no effect, you need to contact a specialist.

Is it possible, and how to get rid of genital warts forever? Papillomavirus infection, once entering the body, remains in it for life. But whether you let her get out depends only on your immunity, your habits and lifestyle. So, the answer to the question of how to get rid of genital warts is obvious.

Prevention of genital warts

To prevent infection with the human papillomavirus, you must:

Questions and answers on the topic "Condylomas"

Question:Hello! I have HPV-16 and 18. The gynecologist prescribed Galavit treatment for me. I still doubted whether it was possible to defeat HPV with just pills. I began to look for information on this topic and came across a video where, in her program about health, E. Malysheva said that Galavit does not cure HPV. What should I do now? My gynecologist prescribed it to me!

Answer: Currently, there are no effective treatments for the human papillomavirus. In medicine, drugs that strengthen the immune system and antiviral agents of general action (Galavit) are used. The drug does not cure, but helps your body resist HPV.

Question:Hello. I have warts, the doctor prescribed a course of treatment Panavir (ampoules), pierced. Please tell me they should fall off or what?

Answer: Hello! Yes, they can simply disappear, if not -.

Question:Hello! Pregnancy 7 weeks! Genital warts appeared! And they grow quickly and extensively! Epigen does not give any effect! Is it possible to cauterize them during pregnancy and is it true that because of their appearance you will have to give birth to a caesarean? I'm very afraid please help.

Answer: Hello! No association between preterm birth, miscarriages, other pregnancy complications and warts has been found. As a rule, treatment during pregnancy is not carried out. But! It is necessary to strictly observe the doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Question:Hello. I am 28 weeks pregnant. There were genital warts. In the antenatal clinic, I was appointed to resemble them for cauterization with celandine. In a paid medical center, they said not to touch anything at all during pregnancy, that this is the activation of the virus for immunosuppression caused by pregnancy - it happens, it will pass by itself. They recommended 10 days "Genferon 500", then "Genferon Light" for a month. I'm all confused. How to be.

Answer: Hello! Without examining these warts, I will not answer your question. It is possible either way.

Question:Hello. On examination by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with warts. And I'm planning a pregnancy. Should they be removed? Or is the presence of genital warts not a threat to the bearing of the fetus?

Answer: Hello, they need to be removed and treated for a viral infection before pregnancy.

Question:Good afternoon. I am 18 and have never had sex. From the age of 14 she noticed a pointed process at the entrance to the vagina. He did not give me any discomfort. Only now, having a boyfriend and paying attention to my health, I began to worry about this. The fact is that I read about warts. And that virgins can have them too. This process is fleshy and has the same color as the walls of the vagina and labia. But I wonder how I can have my period, because it closes the entrance completely and looks like a "rosebud". Could you say something about this?

Question:Hello! A month ago there was some education in the labia. At first it came out as an ordinary small wart, then it grew to a size of 1.5x0.5 cm. I saw a gynecologist in a private clinic. They said - condyloma (papilloma). Another gynecologist said there is inflammation, that everything is so terrible and dangerous, and she began to advertise her devices, drugs. I can’t believe her words after she told me that I might be pregnant, although from the beginning of the examination I told her that I had not been sexually active for the last six months and repeated several times. It is absolutely out of the question! And the sexual transmission of some kind of infection, I think, is also unlikely, since there was no contact for half a year and there was only one partner for all the time. She refused to prescribe anything, said that they are not supposed to, they never prescribe. And this formation was recommended to be removed surgically. Please tell me what drugs can be taken for condyloma? And what can you tell about inflammation by looking at the smear tests? Thank you!

Answer: Hello. According to the data presented, you have signs of bacterial vaginosis. In this connection, it is advisable to exclude sexually transmitted infections. It should be borne in mind that papilloma is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Surgical methods of treating papillomas are based on their destruction by laser, cold (liquid nitrogen), radio wave method, electric current, etc.

Question:Hello. I have such a problem: by all indications, I believe that I have warts on the border of the glans penis. They have been with me for a very long time, from a young age and did not interfere with my life in any way. But I am very afraid for the health of my other half, so I want to get rid of this problem. Is the procedure for removing these neoplasms painful? Is the treatment expensive and how long will it take?

Answer: Hello. Most likely, these are not warts, but the so-called mother-of-pearl necklace. This is the norm. Descend or go to the doctor that correspondence thoughts were confirmed.

Question:Hello! Woman, 22 years old. Infected with HPV type 6 for 1.5 years. Condylomas are small, multiple, flat. The affected area is extensive. After removal, less than a week passes, and warts reappear. Antiviral drug treatment has not yet yielded results, even temporarily. The study of the immune status showed a low T-cytotox - 10, the rest of the indicators are normal. Can this indicator of the immunogram explain such activity of the virus? What can be done and in what direction to work? They prescribed echinacea. Recommended intravaginal autolymphocytotherapy.

Answer: Hello. Naturally, I cannot say whether all methods of local and systemic treatment were used. about your analyses. A slight decrease in one of the immunogram indicators is not the cause of the disease, and the virus is active on its own, rather, like any virus, it is capable of depressing the immune system. But the stimulation of immunity is one of the moments of the treatment of the human papillomavirus, along with antiviral agents and local treatment. You can take echinacea, you can use other adaptogens eleutherococcus, ginseng or pantocrine. The main, of course, antiviral treatment.

Question:Hello! I have condyloma on my labia minora. She was removed (cut out) in the hospital, after which she was prescribed a course of treatment with ISOPRINOZIN tablets (2 tablets 3 r / day, 1 week per month, 3 months) in order to cure this HPV virus in the blood. took pills (3 months). And literally in 2-3 weeks the condyloma reappeared! And in the same place! Again removed in the hospital. 1) Can warts appear without HPV in the blood? (After all, I took a course of pills). 2) Do I need to take another course of pills after the 2nd operation?

Answer: Hello. To clarify the management tactics, it is advisable to conduct a cytological examination of the cervix and colposcopy, as well as to identify the type of HPV and its clinically significant concentration.

Genital warts- These are lesions of the skin of the genital organs and mucous membranes. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, and the disease itself is transmitted through sexual intercourse. These formations on the skin can cause cancerous swelling, and the risk of various oncological diseases also increases significantly.

Types and classification of genital warts

Most people know that warts are ugly formations in intimate places. But outwardly they are not all the same, some warts remain invisible. Condylomas in women are most often detected by a doctor because they are difficult to see. In men, they are more noticeable because they are located directly on the penis.

Classification of genital warts:

  • typical. This species includes genital warts, which are distributed on the genitals and near the anus in both sexes;
  • hyperkeratotic. These are formations that are layered on top of each other, reminiscent of scales. They are located on the skin, can become keratinized on the intimate organs;
  • papular. These are smooth formations;
  • flat. These warts are like spots, they spread inside the skin. They often remain invisible because they do not rise above the skin. Such formations are quite difficult to recognize. To identify genital warts, a suspicious surface is treated with acetic acid. If the skin is affected, it will take on a gray-white color. In the female, flat warts are located on the cervix, in the male - on the head of the penis. Flat warts can grow inside.

There are the following types of warts:

  • papular warts: have a dark red color, resemble a dome in shape, their surface is smooth;
  • keratotic warts: visually similar to cauliflower, formed on the genitals;
  • large warts: occur during pregnancy;
  • endourethral warts: most often in men, located in the urethra;

Condylomas on the cervix which also come in several varieties.

  1. outdoor- practically do not differ from genital warts, which are formed on the genitals.
  2. Internal- are found in the tissues of the vagina and on the cervix. They cannot be identified during normal examination. Such warts are dangerous because they are malignant.
  3. warty- These are papules that are pink-red in color, they are flat and have a warty surface.

The color of warts is different. Sometimes it is the same as in healthy skin. Warts come in different shades of red, white, or heavily pigmented.

Causes of genital warts in men and women

All types of warts are formed due to the human papillomavirus. This is a virus that affects only the mucous membranes or skin. It does not affect the blood and internal organs.

More than 160 types of papillomavirus are known. Some types affect the skin of the hands, others - the legs. The third type infects the genitals. There are about 40 types of viruses of the third type. They are divided into several groups:

  • low risk. Just this group causes genital warts, but there is no risk of cancer;
  • middle. Warts do not appear, but there is a risk for women, since this virus provokes cervical dysplasia and cancer;
  • high. Warts do not form, but there is a rather high risk of cervical dysplasia and cancer.

Features of the virus:

  • the papillomavirus multiplies in the depths of the layers of the skin, collects in the middle layers, and infection occurs when the virus reaches the upper layers of the skin, which is why it affects the mucous membranes;
  • may be in a state of sleep. A long period of time can be in the lower layers of the skin. In this case, it will be quite difficult to detect the virus by a laboratory method;
  • if there is definitely an infection, the virus may appear, but there may be no obvious signs;
  • not only the genitals are affected, but also the skin around them;
  • can be passed from mother to fetus.

The papilloma virus is very easily transmitted through unprotected intercourse. If there was unprotected sexual contact with an infected person, then the risk of infection is 75%. This is the most contagious infection that is transmitted sexually.

Signs and symptoms of genital warts

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 3 months. But under some circumstances, the time period may be shorter or longer. After the incubation period has passed, growths begin to appear on the skin, resembling a cauliflower head in their appearance.

There is a high risk of contracting not one type of virus, but several. Enough virus must accumulate for clinical symptoms to occur. It is activated already when the level of immunity is quite low. The virus can have two forms: benign and malignant.

Other symptoms of genital warts can be attributed to their occurrence not only on the genitals, but also in the oral cavity. If permanent mechanical damage is present, warts can grow up to 3-5 centimeters in diameter.

If there are a lot of genital warts, then itching and pain may occur, otherwise there will be no pain. In simple terms, warts are warts on the genitals. The course of the disease is difficult to predict. It happens that warts disappear on their own - common in 30% of cases, in the first 4 months, in 20% of cases - for 2 years. But warts can reappear even if they are completely removed. Relapses are possible in 30% of cases.

Diagnosis of genital warts

Previously, only venereologists were engaged in the diagnosis of diseases caused by papillomaviruses, but the disease has spread greatly, so urologists and gynecologists also diagnose this disease.

Experienced doctors will be able to identify the disease by its appearance. But for an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take the DNA of the virus from the patient's blood. For this is done. An analysis of the urogenital microflora is also carried out to exclude the possibility of infection with other types of sexually transmitted diseases.

Infections with the papilloma virus are possible due to low immunity, so you should additionally visit an immunologist. Which without fail prescribes a blood test to determine the status of immunity. This helps to determine the further strategy for the treatment of genital warts in the patient's body.

The main methods of treating genital warts

A method that can completely destroy the causative agent of the papillomavirus does not yet exist.. Wellness procedures are carried out in order to increase the level of immunity.

There are several methods by which warts are affected;

  • cryotherapy. This is a method in which warts are removed with liquid nitrogen. A little nitrogen is applied to the problem area, after which the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is frozen. Condyloma is frozen for 30-40 seconds, then you need to wait until it thaws and repeat the procedure. Repeat the procedure several times. As a result of such a deep freeze, genital warts die off and disappear. A small wound remains for a week or two, which subsequently heals. This is the easiest and cheapest way to treat warts. The effectiveness of the method is about 85%, relapses occur in 30%;
  • medicines. Usually these are drugs that contain acid. One application is usually enough to stop the further development of the virus. A small scab will form at the site where the condyloma was, which will fall off by itself in a few days;
  • using high temperature. This treatment requires local anesthesia. This is a complete operation. The effectiveness of the method is 90%, relapses occur in 20%;
  • laser therapy. A beam of laser beams affects condylomas. The tissue gradually evaporates, and a scab remains in its place. Efficiency - 60%, besides, the method is much more expensive than cryotherapy;
  • radioknife. Condylomas are destroyed due to the fact that they are affected by electromagnetic waves. Efficiency is approximately 92%, relapses can be in 20% of cases.

Usually, the treatment method is chosen by the specialized doctor in the hospital. The main factor is price. Another important factor in the treatment is the therapy to correct the state of immunity. The doctor will cure the local manifestation of genital warts without any problems, but it will not be possible to completely get rid of them. The virus can reappear, so a course is being conducted to strengthen immunity.

There are methods by which patients can get rid of warts on their own, but this is treatment with medications;

  • "Podophyllotoxin" - this drug prevents epithelial cells from dividing. Available in the form of a solution or ointment. The solution removes warts on the penis. The cream is used to remove warts on the vulva. The product is applied for 3 days in the morning and evening. Then break for 4 days and repeat the treatment again. The course should not last more than 4 weeks. There is a risk of side effects: redness and erosion of the skin. The effectiveness of such treatment is up to 77%. Relapses can occur in 40% of cases. The drug should not be used during pregnancy;
  • "imiquimod". This is a drug that strengthens the immune system at the site of application. Available as a cream. Use it before bed 3 times a week. Wash off with warm water in the morning. Treatment is carried out until the complete disappearance of warts, but not more than 4 months. Side effects: erosion of the skin and burning. Efficiency is about 50%, relapses occur in 20% of cases. The method is expensive, but the effectiveness is average.

There is no universal method for removing genital warts. In many respects, everything depends on the number of genital warts, their type and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Complications in the development of genital warts

Due to the inability to completely get rid of the problem, condylomas can give the following complications:

  • if delayed with treatment, warts can cause purulent reactions;
  • if you constantly touch linen to warts, they will disappear, but in their place there will be a bleeding wound or a painful ulcer;
  • If warts are not removed, new ones will constantly appear. In especially severe cases, there is practically no healthy skin left;
  • if condylomas are not treated, immunity will be weakened, and this will lead to an increased risk of contracting other diseases;
  • sometimes cancer can occur at the site of genital warts.

Condylomas cannot be considered safe neoplasms. They are based on the same processes as in the formation of a cancerous tumor. Prolonged development will lead the skin to a precancerous condition. If condylomas have grown, then they can not only bleed, but also interfere with a normal sexual life, causing psychological discomfort.

Prevention of genital warts

In order not to become infected with the papilloma virus, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of hygiene during sexual activity. Condoms are selected quality, from trusted manufacturers, they must be tested for impermeability. But this does not guarantee 100% that the virus will not enter the bloodstream. It is best to limit yourself from promiscuity and have a regular sexual partner.

If there is even the slightest suspicion that warts have appeared, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not make an independent diagnosis, this also applies to self-treatment.

There is a risk of not guessing with the dosage of drugs or confusing warts with malignant tumors. It is better to entrust your health to professionals, since the consequences of genital warts are far from the best.

Warty neoplasms on the human body, the appearance of which is caused, are called genital warts. They have another name - anogenital warts, as they mostly appear on the genitals and in the anus. The disease is quite common among people who are sexually active between the ages of 18 and 35.

Problem Features

They can have different shapes and sizes. There are such small parameters that it is difficult to consider them at the beginning of development. Outwardly, vesicular neoplasms resemble cauliflower. They form in intimate places and cause discomfort.

Genital warts according to the ICD-10 code refer to anogenital (venereal) warts - A63.0.

Genital warts as a result of papillomavirus are discussed in this video:

Classification and localization

Condyloma is easy to recognize by its separate small nodules, each of which is no more than 2 mm, there is also a thread-like leg with a lobed structure, with which they are attached to the skin.

  • Localization of genital warts in men most often it happens on the genitals or scrotum, but many representatives of the stronger half do not realize that these are venereal warts, taking them for processes that should go away on their own.
  • Among women genital warts appear in the vagina or cervix, where they are not visible, and their existence can only be known after examination by a gynecologist. They can also appear on the genitals.


The main factor influencing the appearance of genital warts is the ingestion of papillomavirus into the human body. It is easily transmitted by contact and sexual contact, but it can be in a man or for a long time, and manifest itself in the form of genital warts under favorable conditions:

  • decreased immunity;
  • regular;
  • with lack of sleep;
  • malnutrition;
  • long stay in a damp place.

Pregnant women who carry the virus can pass it on to their baby during pregnancy or after they have had a vaginal delivery.

Symptoms of genital warts

Usually, when it enters the body, the papillomavirus does not manifest itself in any way, and only two to three months after that, genital warts appear. Their symptoms can be confused with other diseases, but basically, in parallel with the formation of bubbles, a person can feel:

  • irritation;
  • bleeding.

During pregnancy, there are no significant changes at the cellular level, a woman can give birth herself, but there is a risk of transmitting this virus to the fetus, although such cases are rare.


The doctor can even determine genital warts even with a routine visual examination, but to confirm the diagnosis, you will need to go through:

  • . It consists of checking a chain reaction, after which the type of papillomavirus, its type and stage of the disease are established. For analysis, skin fragments are scraped off from neoplasms in humans.
  • . With such an examination, the anus area is studied under magnification.
  • Blood collection.
  • in which scraped cells are examined under a microscope.

As a result of the diagnosis, the doctor determines which infection caused the formation of growths, and if it is definitely condylomas, then their type, since it is necessary to exclude the possibility of their wide appearance, which appears in the second stage.


Basically, it involves the use of complex therapy.

Photo of genital warts in women

Therapeutic way

All of them will be aimed at removing neoplasms. Modern methods include:

  • . With it, liquid nitrogen is used to get rid of genital warts. In a small amount, nitrogen is applied to the neoplasm and freezes it, after which it disappears. After the procedure, a wound remains, which heals in two weeks.
  • Laser coagulation. A whole beam of laser beams acts on the pimply pointed protrusions, under their influence the tissue on the condyloma evaporates and a dry crust forms - a scab.
  • Surgical removal is rarely used today, as a scar forms after it.
  • . This is a radio wave method that painlessly eliminates warts, but because of its high cost has not yet been widely used.
  • . In this method, an electric current is used, it, by creating a high temperature, cauterizes the neoplasm. This is an old method that requires local anesthesia, but it can leave a scar.

This video will tell you about the treatment of such an ailment and its diagnosis:

Medical method

Drugs are used that lead to detrimental changes in the tissues of warts, but they do not contain acids.

  • These funds include: Kondilin, Kondilayn and Podophyllotoxin. A special applicator is attached to them, with the help of which the products are applied directly to warts, carefully so as not to get on healthy skin. The average course of treatment lasts 3 days, the drugs are applied daily twice a day, then you will need to take a break of 4 days and resume treatment again. Repeat this cycle of treatment for 5 weeks. Considered drugs can also cause unpleasant short-term sensations. For pregnant women, they cannot be used, and after undergoing treatment, you will need to wait six months before conception.
  • Interferon is used as an antiviral agent, which is injected intramuscularly into an area with numerous warts.
  • Another commonly used medication is. It is made in the form of a cream and is applied in the genital area. It is used every other day, no more than 4 months.

Other methods

There are many homemade recipes that aim to cauterize these growths, they can be found on the Internet, but you need to be patient when using them to get rid of warts. Can be used sometimes.

Disease prevention

You can protect yourself from such an unpleasant disease if you follow some recommendations:

  • exercise caution when choosing sexual partners;
  • use barrier contraception, even if oral contraceptives are taken;
  • observance of intimate hygiene;
  • mandatory treatment of condylomatosis during pregnancy;
  • regular visits to the urologist and gynecologist;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • vaccination against various types of papillomavirus.


  • They can be different, some in a neglected form can cause.
  • If the neoplasms in question are not treated, they will begin.
  • And if you accidentally touch them with clothes, then the thin leg of the genital warts will break and remain in its place. They also increase in size and soon bring inconvenience when visiting the toilet.
  • But most importantly, condylomas cause a decrease in immunity and a person becomes a target for various infections.


After removing all warts from the body, a person should not relax in the fight against this disease, because this is the elimination of only the visible part of the trouble, and the virus remains to live in the body, and perhaps, under favorable circumstances, it will again appear in the form of warts. You can protect yourself from such unpleasant growths only if you follow all the advice of your doctor and increase your immunity.

Genital warts are also considered by Elena Malysheva in her video:

Condylomatosis is an inflammatory disease that is manifested by the formation of growths of various shapes, sizes, structures on the skin of the external genital organs. In the presence of adverse factors, condylomas often occur in women, which causes some physical and psychological discomfort.

Letting the development of this disease take its course, as well as self-medicating at home, is not recommended, as this can be fraught with an increase in the number of genital warts, the area of ​​damage to the skin, including in the vagina, and lead to more serious health problems.

What are warts?

Condylomas are genital warts, which are one of the manifestations of infection of women with papillomavirus. This DNA virus has a lot of strains, so it is so important to conduct a thorough examination and identify the one that caused candidiasis. Otherwise, the treatment may be ineffective.

Important! According to statistics, on average, up to 30% of women are carriers of the virus and they never develop warts. And in general, 90% of people have papillomavirus, without showing themselves in any way. Moreover, different strains of HPV can be present simultaneously in one organism.

Causes of condylomatosis

The main reason for the infection of women with condylomatosis is sexual intercourse of any form (oral, anal, vaginal) without contraceptives. There is an opinion that HPV is transmitted by household means - through personal hygiene items, underwear, but this has not been scientifically proven.

Condylomatosis in women can be actively manifested against the background of factors provoking the activity of the virus.

These include:

How dangerous are condylomas if they are not treated?

There are no pronounced pain sensations in the presence of small or single genital warts in women. But this does not mean at all that such formations are not dangerous and should not be removed.

Here are just a few risks associated with the lack of competent treatment of genital warts in women:

  • Transformation of warts into malignant tumors;
  • Development of cervical cancer;
  • The development of other infectious diseases against the background of depressed immunity;
  • Complication of childbirth due to loosening of the tissues of the vagina and damage to a large area of ​​the mucous membrane and skin of not only the external, but also the internal genital organs due to the abundant blood supply to genital warts;
  • Infection of a newborn with condylomatosis, which can manifest itself not only on the genitals, but also on the eyelids, in the mouth.

Important! During pregnancy, women are usually not prescribed antiviral and immunostimulating drugs aimed at combating HPV, as this can provoke the rejection of the fetus by the body - miscarriages, premature births. Treatment of condylomatosis is often carried out locally, under the supervision of a physician.

  • The formation of small protruding or flat formations on the skin;
  • Feeling of itching, burning;
  • Feeling of constant humidity in the place of localization of genital warts;
  • The appearance of a fetid odor;
  • Spotting is possible if the warts have been mechanically damaged.

Important! If, after the onset of condyloma, an insufficient amount of blood enters this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, it can dry out and fall off without any third-party intervention. But most often, just a few hours are enough for the formation to grow to a size of 6 mm or more.

Diagnosis of genital warts

The primary diagnosis of the activation of the HPV virus in the form of warts is a visual examination of warts. Also, in order to obtain a complete picture of the extent of damage to the mucous membranes and skin, an examination of the vagina, cervix, and vulva is carried out.

Video about PCR analysis in women

Treatment of the condyloma virus in women

To date, several methods of treating genital warts in women are practiced:

  • Mechanical.
  • Therapeutic.
  • Antiviral.

Mechanical methods of treatment of genital warts

Important! There is no universal way to get rid of the HPV virus and its manifestations in the form of genital and wide warts once and for all. Therefore, it is not uncommon for growths to reappear on the same or adjacent area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin after some time. But the duration of the delay depends on the general condition of the body.

Treatment of genital condylomatosis with pharmaceutical preparations

If genital warts are small, topical non-invasive treatment is possible.

The patient is prescribed:

The following drugs showed the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of condylomatosis:

Antiviral complex therapy

Treatment of genital warts in women is desirable to be carried out in a complex manner, and not only to remove the growths themselves. To do this, the doctor prescribes special drugs that depress the HPV virus.

The following showed themselves best in the course of complex therapy:

Condylomas during pregnancy - remove or leave?

There are different medical points of view as to whether warts should be treated during pregnancy:

The conclusion about whether it is worth treating warts during pregnancy can be made as follows:

  • If this is a single condyloma in a woman, she does not bother her much, does not increase in size, then it is better not to take any measures until the end of pregnancy;
  • If the virus behaves actively and affects large areas of the skin and mucous membranes, it is imperative to remove warts, only by suitable methods.

When to remove genital warts in pregnant women?

For the treatment of genital warts in pregnant women, there are favorable and unfavorable periods that must be taken into account when prescribing therapy, given the possible risk to the fetus:

  • It is not recommended to treat and remove warts in the first half of pregnancy;
  • A favorable time for all procedures is the period from 28 weeks, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Video about the removal of genital warts in pregnant women and children

Technologies for the treatment of condylomatosis

Condylomas during pregnancy can be removed in the following ways:

  • Electrocoagulation;
  • Surgical cutting;
  • acid solutions.

Drugs containing interferon may also be prescribed.

Folk remedies for the treatment of genital warts

Papillomas have been affecting the human body for more than one century, therefore, in a practical way, many means have been identified that will help get rid of growths on the skin.

Here is what you can use to treat genital warts at home:

  • Acidic juices - pineapple, apple;
  • Grapevine juice, garlic, duckweed;
  • Alcohol tincture of celandine;
  • Egg white;
  • Castor oil;
  • Kalanchoe leaves gruel;
  • Onions soaked in vinegar for an hour - left on condyloma overnight.

Important! It is unacceptable to use any folk remedies to treat genital warts in women. Otherwise, there is a high probability of burns of the mucous membranes.

Prevention of genital condylomatosis

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the HPV virus, but you can reduce the risk of genital warts if you:

Infection with the condyloma virus is not a sentence! Many people live for years and are able to control HPV activity through a healthy lifestyle. Strive for this, too, if the first symptoms of condylomatosis appear and you successfully overcome them!