Sentences with the letter l for children. Speech therapy exercises for the sound "l"

A white lily of the valley, a white dove, an avalanche rolled down, Volodya is young, a smooth bench, a dexterous husky, a lavsan T-shirt, a cold forehead, gentle hands, a broken ladle, Laika barks, a sweet smile, a white boat, a brave baby, blue Lagoon, a one-year-old baby, a clever scout, a warm bathrobe, a pencil case fell, Alla gourmet, sat down at the table, hollowed out a Christmas tree, a raft floats, Aladdin's lamp, floats on the waves, clouds float, yellow litmus, went to catch, long lactation, melted from the heat, caught salmon, squirrel's foot, treated a doll, Laotians in Laos, knew how to swim, caressed a baby, swims badly, a ball of thread, took armor, in the corner, patched armor, looked for a pin, armor from brass, crawl out from under the bench, Latvians from Latvia, did not spare soap, a wolf in a trap, did not want milk, a flat burdock, took a spatula, a good swimmer, watered an elk, a swimmer at the dam, smoothed his hair, shaggy elk, a husky barked, a horse galloped, tied a tie, the boat swam, barked and fell silent, a white lotus, an elk near a calf, saw a squirrel, a baby cried, put a pencil case, phloxes in a flower bed, set up a bicycle, Cinderella had a towel, ironed a towel, pushed with his elbow, scarves and towels, a lump floated, found and put it, the flag of the flotilla, combed her hair, domineering lord, digging a flower bed with a shovel, Volodya in a T-shirt, cash roach silt, clever naughty, cried

First, Slava crybaby, put on a cap, the archer had a bow, did not swim well, brittle hair, made pilaf, in a deep well, a lasso on a horse, a heavy blanket, a lagman's shop, a wet palm, a voice was heard, clap your hands, apple jam,soldiers on the parade ground, power of voice, golden treasure, hall with columns, prickly needle, pewter spoon, swept floors, difficult puzzle, watered gladiolus, starting a business, Glashka cutie, cute baby, ironed a blouse, notebook cover, blue blouse, ripe sweet Apple, white blouse, the moon rose, the locomotive left, blue-eyed Klava, a spoon in a bowl, with blue hair, an evil Vlas, a fragile boat, a broken bicycle, a warm blanket, a ray of sunshine, pounded on the floor, a dress with frills, Luntik from the Moon, a ski pole, a bald pilot , caught a jackdaw, a swallow sat down, went to the station, banged with a hammer, hammered with a hammer, the baby slept, forged armor, beat the buckets, it turned out nicely, the jackdaw was made of plasticine, a craft made of bad material, the whitewash came off, a scarf was on his head, he showed ingenuity, lays down on a bench, a rolling pin under a bench, folded a lotto, a broken jigsaw, younger than Alla, a piece of lavsan, shod a flea, buried a treasure, caught a flea, white foam, the fleet sailed away, visited Lapland, bast shoes from bast, won with a word, sour onion, put together puzzles, tilt the ceiling, a dress made of lavsan, White dress, allowed to break, blue dress, the elephant hears, the main puppeteer, the clown leaned over, silky cotton, the clown clapped, thick cellophane, swim to the raft, hit the forehead, nylon raincoat, best gloss, blond hair, speech therapist listened,

Christmas tree, Christmas tree prickly needle.

Mila put on a bathrobe.

On the palm of a cold lagman.

The lamp fell to the floor.

Aladdin's lamp on the bench.

Mila ate a salad.

Slava put on sandals.

Volodya became a pilot.

The lop-eared babbler stood by the burdock.

Michael sat down at the table.

The elk was trapped.

Mila pushed her chair away from the table.

The wolf howled at the moon for a long time.

The pilot put on a cap.

The Latvian caught a salmon.

Lana has a scarf on her head.

The kid was playing loto.

Volodya had lotto.

The cutie came with chocolate.

Mila drank cold milk.

The carpenter has a jigsaw in his hands.

Allah washed herself with soap.

The young man has brass armor.

A ripe apple fell from an apple tree.

Michael put the lilies of the valley into the glass.

A boat floated near the swamp.

The crowd in T-shirts pushed the pusher.

Volodya became a pilot.

Glasha weeded the onion.

The woodpecker was chiseling the tree trunk.

Volodya filled the glass with sweet juice.

Michael sat down at the table.

The scout scratched his head.

Klava put on a white dress and threw on a blue scarf.

The flames engulfed the entire raft.

Mila was a bad swimmer.

A crowd of kids ate salmon.

The raft floats on the waves.

Well done dug a well.

Volodya made a horse from plasticine.

The Scot was playing a prank.

Baby, don't cry.

Alla put her plasticine palm.

Mila has a new notebook with a blue cover.

Laika barked at the scout.

A ball of thread fell to the floor.

The horse galloped into the meadow.

Klava was looking for a pin.

Lusha took the shovel.

Volodya smoothed his hair.

A shaggy husky barked.

Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out.

Pavel smoothed his hair.

Mikhail saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree.

Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.

Slava ironed the handkerchiefs and the towel.

Uncle Luka was digging a flower bed with a shovel.
Volodya and Slava are sailing on a boat.
Klava washed her palms with soap.
The dog took the doll to the closet.
Volodya rode a bicycle.
Michael studied the globe.
Pavel was catching a pigeon.

Malvina has blue hair.

Volodya sailed on a fragile boat.

The great white shark frightened the scuba diver.
Ulukbek made plov.
The bee fell into the apple jam.
The pilot in galoshes rode a bicycle.

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse.
Grandpa Nile caught the bees.
Pavel caught a jackdaw.
My brother went to football.
Vova put the bottle on the shelf.
Dad put up a Christmas tree, and mom hung golden cones on it.
The chair fell to the floor and I got scared.
Mikhail played football and scored a goal.
Father went to the station.
A dog was barking around the house.
A raft floated on the waves.
The kitten was drinking milk.
Pavel smoothed his hair.
Neil received a letter from Michael.
My father served in the Navy and sailed on a submarine.
The soldier reported that he had completed the task.
Petya broke, and then fixed the bike.
Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case.
The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away.
Stake near the table, table near the stake.
Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

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Tasks used in the stages of audio automation [l]
in words, phrases, sentences and connected speech

and sound combination al

Pronounce the words correctly

Alphabet, diamond, pencil case, station, glass, dump truck, oval, jackdaw, stick, beam, halva, rolling pin, skipping rope, balcony, violet, bathrobe, halibut, carnival.


Determining the position of a sound. Name the words in which the sound [l] is heard at the end of the word. Repeat the words in which the sound [l] is heard in the middle of the word.

Sound analysis of the word Hall. Circle the sounds of the word Hall.

Change the first sound in a word jackdaw sound [n]. What word came out? ( Stick.)

Before a syllable al put the sound [m]. What word did we hear? ( Mal)

A similar task is performed with the sounds [d], [h], [c]. ( Dal- Hall- shaft.)

repeat the words rolling pin- jump rope. How are these words similar? What is the difference? “Send” the second sound [k] from the word rolling pin"walk". What is the new word? ( Rock.)

"We develop memory and voluntary attention"

Look, remember and name the objects. How many items do you want to remember?

Remember and repeat after me. What word doesn't fit?

Did the train sped me off or broke me?

The cat lapped milk, meowed, lay, dozed, slept.

Ears heard, listened or swallowed?

"We develop the grammatical structure of speech"

Learn past tense verbs.

What did you do in kindergarten?

I drew, I played, I read, I leafed through a book, I helped a friend, I arranged the dishes, I had breakfast, I dined, I dined, I wiped the table (a), walked (a) on the street, dug a bed (a), spread the bed (a), tucked (a).

I drew, what did you do? I drew an oval, read a book, played on the street, took a walk, etc.

Suggest the right word.

I'm on a horse ... (galloped),

Yes, he fell off and ... ( fell).

I didn't cry, didn't... ( shouted),

And he got up and said:


I rode on a horse.

Sound automation (l] in words with sound combinations ol, ate, ate

Pronounce the words correctly

Ox, floor, stake, wolf, regiment, salt shaker, column, straw, Christmas tree, table, shelf, bangs, bee, football, goal (goalkeeper and ball in the goal), goldfinch, trunk, injection, case, donkey, goat, cauldron , squirrel, chalk, crayons, woodpecker, knot, ashes, quail, panicle (grass and whisk for cleaning), case.


"One word - many meanings." Zipper - fastener, zipper - instant spark discharge accumulated atmospheric electricity in the air, a needle is a sewing accessory, a needle on a branch of a Christmas tree, a needle on a hedgehog.

Name the pictures.

Do you know these words? What is lightning? Trunk? Panicle? Goldfinch?

"We develop phonemic perception"

Name the items. What is the same sound heard in the named objects?

Determining the position of a sound. In the names of which objects the sound is heard at the beginning of the word? In what words did you hear the sound at the end of the word? Name the words in which the sound is in the middle of the word.

Add to words ox, floor sound [k]. Name new words. ( ox- wolf. Floor- regiment.) Change the first sound in a word floor sound [k]. ( Qty.) Replace the first sound in the word kol with the sound [g]. (Goal.)

Repeat words. Kolol, weeded. Stake, prickly, cleaver. Long, long, long.

Change the words. Add to word floor syllable ka.(Floor- shelf). How to turn a word shelf in a word stick? Word stick in a word jackdaw? (Shelf- stick- jackdaw.)

Replace in word table vowel [o] to the sound [a]. ( Became.)

I will say a syllable more, and you Goal. What word came out? ( Goldfinch.)

"Word in word". What short words are in the words prick, column, trunk, shelf?

Ladder from the words:


a piece of chalk


pencil case


Collect “scattered” sounds into words: [v], [l], [k], [o] ( wolf); [a], [n], [l], [o], [k] ( shelf).

Collect the syllables into a word: i-ka-goal(needle), co-ca-scrap(straw).

Make a word from letters: in, l, k, o(wolf); s, t, l, o(table).

Sound automation [l] in words with sound combinations st, silt

Pronounce the words correctly

Aul, bun, volcano, stockings, muscle, chair, dove, silt, fork, saw, drinker, mower, stretcher, threshing machine.

He climbed, walked, wore, mowed, stroked, pounded, asked, forked, poured, drank, threshed.


"Developing Memory"

Listen, memorize and repeat the words. In what words is the sound [l] heard at the end of a word? In what words do we hear the sound [l] in the middle of a word?

"We develop phonemic perception"

Add to word silt sound [n]. What word came out? ( Drank.) Add to the word drank syllable ka. What word came out?

Change the first sound in words. Drank- beat- mil- pitchfork

Replace in word stick sound [a] to sound [and]. ( File.) How to turn a word nail file in a word shelf?

Change the vowel in the middle of a word. Chalk- small- crumpled- mil- they say- a piece of chalk- mule.

Collect the “scattered” sounds [b], [y], [k], [l], [l] into a word. ( Bulka.)

Collect "scattered" letters chair into a word.

Guess the word. In it, the first sound is [b], and the last one is [th]; the first sound is [g], the last is [b "].

Performing actions according to the instructions. What did you do? ( Jumped, jumped, jumped, jumped, jumped.)

Answer the question "What did you do?". Wind... ( puffed, puffed), branch... ( bent), bear for the winter... ( fell asleep), and in the spring ... ( woke up, yawned, stretched, licked his lips.)

Add a word. Wolf in the forest... ( lived), he's loud... howl).

Glory tea... ( poured, cooled, drank), cup... ( set).

Volodya to the store ... ( walked, went), cake... ( bought), guests... ( invited), cake... ( treated), tea... ( got drunk).

On the chair... ( sat down), pie... ( ate), song... ( sang), in the window ... ( looked), cat... ( saw), loudly... ( whistled).

Say it right. Pants... ( allotment), little sister... ( dressed). Shirt... ( allotment), brother... ( dressed).

Snow... ( melted, melted). Grandpa seeds... ( sowed), and flour ... ( sifted).

What word is missing? The dog barked, barked, laughed, got lost.

Suggest a word in a slang phrase.

Ul-ul-ul, we bought a new one... ( chair).

Ulom-ulom-ulom, don't run with... ( chair).

Kan-kan-kan, erupting... ( volcano).

Words with sound combinations yl

Soap, bottle, bottlenose, swam, washed, howled, lived,

Words with a syllable yal

Add words. Snow... ( melted, melted). Grandpa seeds... ( sowed), flour... ( sifted). Table... ( stood).

What word is missing? The snow barked, the dog melted. The handkerchief laughed, Pavel was lost.

Sound automation [l] in words with a syllable la

Pronounce the words correctly

Varnish, doe, chest, laz, fret, lava, paw, laurel, lama, lamp, weasel, lapta, noodles, paw, husky, palm - palm, patties, stall, flippers, lily of the valley, avalanche, spiny lobster, gourmet, swallow, bulb.

Saw, spinning top, ash, bowl, rock, bee, beetroot, shark, school, broom, flounder, resin, scale, marshmallow.

Pin, scarf, tent, patch, balalaika, fist, kulan, closet.


"We develop memory."

Repeat, make no mistake! Saw, spinning top, ash, resin. What word came up? Saw, bee, spinning top, ash, resin.

Name only the animals.

Name similar words. Tent- patch, kulan- lumber room.

"We develop the grammatical structure of speech."

Answer the questions.

Who's doing what? Cat... ( caresses, caresses, climbs, feasts).

What did Lana do? ( I came, I went, I left, I left, I went, I bought.)

What was Mila doing? ( She sat, ate, drank, played, wrote, read, walked, carried, washed, dressed.)

How did Allah help her mother? What was God doing at home? Floor... ( sweeper, soap), dust... ( wiped), dishes... ( cleaned), pot... ( cleaned) etc.

What was Mila doing? Sweet in the morning... ( woke up, got up). Bed... ( run the show). To the bathroom... ( went to wash), teeth... ( brushed), hair... ( combed her hair), pigtails... ( braided) etc.

What did Klava do? Doll dress... ( sewed), buttons... ( sewn on, fastened), bow... ( tied up), with a doll... ( played) etc.

What can be said about affectionate? (Sun.) Mom's son... ( affectionate).

Make up the names of the dolls from two words. Brown eyes - brown-eye, Blue eyes - Blue-eyed.

What words make up the name Snow White?

Phonemic analysis and synthesis of words varnish, doe, scrap. Circle the sounds. How many sounds in a word varnish?

"Scatter" the sounds of the word chest.

Collect the sounds [p "], [l], [and], [a] into a word.

Collect the syllables pa-la, pa-lam into a word.

"Word in word". Find the same short word in the following words: flounder, beam, balcony, fishing.(Ball.)

Guess the name of the dolls. In her name there are sounds [m "], [and], [a], [l]. ( Mila.) In the name of another doll - [l], [a], [l], [n]. ( Lana.) The boy's name starts with [p] and ends with [l]. ( Paul.) The name of this doll has three syllables, the first syllable la.(Larisa.)

Let's come up with names for the girl dolls. Lana, Mila, Bela, Alla, Larisa, Lola, Klava. Boys names - Volodya, Mikhail, Pavel.

Working with a letter

Write a letter l. Mi...ah, ba..., ...ama.

Sound automation [l] in words with a syllable lo

Pronounce the words correctly

Forehead, scrap, lotto, vine, lotus, pilot, boat, spoon, shovel, lair, burdock, galoshes, quitter, elbow, elk - moose cow, calf, well, column, lap dog, pendant, stocking, galoshes, milk, swamp, pilot, catch (fish in a bucket), oar, ceiling, hammer, glass, mirror, drill, soap, case, blanket, cold, gold.


"Developing auditory memory."

Repeat, make no mistake! Listen and repeat the words. Hunger, cold, ear, voice, hair.

"We develop the grammatical structure of speech."

Answer the question. Is it warm or cold in winter?

"Family of Words"

Boat - boat - boatman - boatman.

Elk - moose - moose - moose - calf.

Cold - cold - cold - cold - getting colder.

Say it kindly. Forehead - ( forehead), scrap - ( crowbar), boat - ( boat), horse - ( horse), a spoon - ( spoon), elbow - ( elbow), lopar - ( loparenok).

The words are "enemies". Cold- warm, dark- light, up- dropped. What words have a syllable lo?

Phonemic analysis and synthesis

What sound is missing from the word? Slice- crowbar.

Change the words by changing the sound. Scrap- forehead- lore- elk- False. crowbar- house, lobby- Bobik.

Choose rhyming words. Hunger - ( cold), ear - ( voice), voice - ( hair), ceiling - ( corner, hammer)

"Learning to think."

Say the extra word. Boat, oar, catch, boatman, swamp. Explain why the word swamp does not fit this group of words?

Letter work.

Put the letters in order according to the numbers.

4 2 1 3 2 1 4 3

n l s o o l i s(Elephant. Moose?)

Sound automation [l] in words with a syllable lu

Pronounce the words correctly

Meadow, bow, ray, Lusha, puddle, moon, ray, radiant, moon rover, lawn, basket, bulb (vegetable), bulb (architectural element), onion, valuuy, beluga, beluga whale, sheepskin coat, cabbage rolls, deck, naughty, moon - fish, lunatic, lunar.


"Developing phonemic representations."

Shift words. hum-meadow.

Replace the sound (letter) [n] in the word moon sound (letter) [n]. ( Magnifier.) Replace the sound [p] with the sound [g]. ( Puddle.)

Sound analysis of words moon, puddle. What sound scheme fits these words?

Letter work.

Write a letter l.... already. ( Puddle.) Make up words Lusha, rays from the cut alphabet.

Read the words. Underline the same letters. Bow, puddle, chair.

Make a ladder out of words.




puddle... zhitsa


Divide words into syllables bow, moon, puddle, bulb. Which word has one syllable? Name a word that has two syllables. How many syllables in words puddle, bulb?

"We develop the grammatical structure of speech."

"One is many." Pigeon... ( pigeons), boulder... ( boulders), acorn... ( acorns).

The words are "relatives". What word doesn't fit? Puddle, puddle, puddle, puddle. Dove, dove, dove, dovecote, blue.

Say it kindly. Meadow - ( meadow), onion - ( onion), Ray - ( ray), bulb - ( onion), basket - ( basket).

Sound automation [l] in words with a syllable lu

Pronounce the words correctly

Smile, peg, pitchfork, skis, kid, ski track, tables, saws, sharks, bees, glasses, pencil cases.


Repeat, make no mistake! Naked, white, scarlet, warm, ripe, bold.

"We develop the grammatical structure of speech."

"One is many." One table, and when there are several, they say that this is ... ( tables), floor - ... ( floors), saw - ... ( saws), pencil case - ... ( pencil cases), bee - ... ( bees), wineglass - ... ( glasses), railway station - ... ( railway stations), a donkey - ... ( donkeys), goat - ... ( goats).

Choose the words "relatives". Skis- ski track- skier- skier.

"Developing phonemic representations."

Change the sound in a word. What word will turn out if in the word floors replace the sound [o] with the sound [and]? ( floors- saws). Replace the sound [p"] with the sound [v"]. ( Pitchfork.)

Guess the word: the first sound in it is [a], and the last one is [s]. ( Sharks.)

Guess the word. Words have sounds...

Syllable. Separate the words table, saw, skier, holidays into syllables.

kla, klo, klu, kla

Pronounce the words correctly

Klava, treasure, pantry, pantry, treasure hunter, keys, class, clown, strawberry, fang, toothfish.


Complete the word fret. Lad- treasure- stock. Lay, closet.

Find 8 differences. 4 clowns in different caps, blouses, galoshes. Each of them has a torch in one hand, a dove in the other.

Pronunciation of syllables kla, klo, klu, kla with different intonations on behalf of clowns: clown Pavel - sad, clown Danil - fun, clown Volodya - surprised, clown Slava - scared.

Words with syllables pla, plo, pla, pla, blo, blu

Pronounce words and phrases correctly

Raincoat, scarf, handkerchief, swimming trunks, ceiling, planet, plates, plasticine, platform, swimmer, poster, pilaf, raft, dam, roach, bowl, plow.

Plastic cover.

Plastic plate, bowl.

Plastic plates.

Plastic chair.

Blouse, blouson, blouse, heel, notepad, letterhead, block, gratitude, thanks, blond, blond.

Words with syllables gla, glo, glu, gla

Pronounce the words correctly

Eyes, peephole, big-eyed, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, glazed, icing, smooth, ironing, ironing, ironed, fried eggs, smooth, iron.

Globe, depth, wilderness, capercaillie, depth, deep, deep, silly.

Lump, corners.

Words with syllables fla, flo, flu

Pronounce the words correctly

Flag, flag, bottle, flamingo, flannel, navy, navy, flora, felt-tip pen, phloxes.

Words with syllables vla, chlo

Pronounce the words correctly

Moisture, wet, possession, master, cracker, clap, clap.

Words with syllables evil, evil, evil, evil

related words. Do you know what the words mean evil, wickedness, villain, villain, villainy, malevolent? A good person cannot be... ( vicious, wicked, evil).

What does the word mean cereals?

What two words are words made up of? gold-eyed, goldilocks, golden-maned, golden-haired, golden-headed? What can be said golden-maned?

Sound automation [l] in words with syllables sla, slo, slu, sly

Pronounce the words correctly

Glory, sweetness, sweets, puff, sweet, glorious, puff, hear, listen.


"Objects on the balls". Name the pictures. In the names of which objects the sound [l] is heard at the beginning of the word? Connect these balls with a red thread.

Name the objects in the name of which we pronounce the sound [l] at the end of the word. Connect the balls with a blue thread.

In the names of which objects does the sound [l] sound at the end of a word? Connect the balls with green thread.

Make suggestions:

Mila ate a salad. Lusha took the shovel. The swallow made a nest. Mom made milk noodles. Mila washed her hands and combed her hair. There are burdocks and wormwood around the tents. Lusha weeded onions and beets. Mila saw an elephant. Glory goes to the pantry for oars. The water in the deep well is cold. There are ripe and sweet apples in the shop. Volodya is a brave swimmer. Klava put a white scarf over her head.

Doll Mila (retelling of the text)

Mom bought Lusha a doll. Doll Lusha liked: Blue eyes, blonde hair, blue dress, blue shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. Lusha was with Mila for whole days. She dressed and dressed her. She washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to sleep and cradled it.
Lusha took care of the doll. Once Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away. She carried the doll and ruined it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. Secretly exchanged, and Lusha did not guess.

Blue handkerchief (retelling of the text)

Mila bought a blue scarf. It was smooth, silky, with tassels - a feast for the eyes! Mila wanted to wear a headscarf to school. When Mila took the handkerchief from the shelf, it turned out to be wrinkled. Mila began to iron the scarf. But then the phone rang. Mila ran out of the room and left the iron on a handkerchief. When Mila entered the room, she realized that her blue scarf was gone!

Fixing a solid sound L in reverse syllables

Make suggestions:

Uncle Mikhail watered the horse. Grandpa Nile caught a swarm of bees. Pavel caught a jackdaw. My brother went to football. Vova put the bottle on the floor. Dad bought a tree. The chair fell to the floor and I got scared. The woodpecker was chiseling the bark and looking for beetles. Pavel saw a squirrel on the Christmas tree. Mikhail played football and scored a goal. Uncle Neal tied his tie and went out. Father went to the station.

Cat (text retelling)

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered the house and went under the bench. Stretched out. covered himself with a paw and fell asleep. Slept well. The cat got up, yawned and stretched. And then he began to wash.

Behind the berries (text retelling)

Mikhail took the box and went for berries. For a long time Michael was in the forest. Picked up berries and tired. Michael sat down under the tree. Somewhere a woodpecker was chiseling a bark. He was looking for bugs. Then Michael saw a hare. The hare sat down for fear, and then galloped. Michael rested, got up, took the box and went. On the way I saw a squirrel on the tree. He took a bump and threw it at the squirrel. The squirrel ran away.

Fixing a solid sound L in direct and reverse syllables

Make suggestions:

The dog was barking in the yard. A raft floated on the river. The kitten was drinking milk. Pavel smoothed his hair. Neil received a letter from Michael. Pavel himself ironed towels and scarves. In the summer I threshed grain and worked on a winnowing machine. My father served in the Navy and sailed on a submarine. The soldier reported that he had completed the task. Petya broke, and then fixed the bike. Volodya forgot where he put the pencil case. The cat caught the mouse, but did not catch it - the mouse ran away. Stake near the table, table near the stake. Here is a cheerful bun rolled like a ball.

Fisherman (text retelling)

Volodya wanted to fish. He knew the places where the roach is found. Volodya took the boat and swam. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. Stopped near the pool. He took out a rod and began to fish. There were all sorts of fish, both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled in the line, pushed the boat and swam home.

Missing Products (text retelling)

It was summer. Volodya's mother left home on business. She left money for her son and told him to go to the store. Volodya had to buy two packs of milk, two packs of butter and a pack of sour cream. Volodya took the bag and went to the store. He bought butter, sour cream and milk. When Volodya entered the entrance, the familiar boys called out to him: “Volodka, come out, let's play football!” Volodya ran into the kitchen, threw the bag on the floor and immediately jumped out into the street. After half an hour in the warmth, without a refrigerator, the milk turned sour, the butter flowed, and the sour cream became liquid and tasteless. What a pity!

Squirrel (text retelling)

Klava was walking in the forest and saw a squirrel. The squirrel sat on the Christmas tree and slyly looked at Klava. Klava took a candy out of her bag and showed it to the squirrel. She deftly descended from the Christmas tree and sat on the palm of Klava. Klava stroked the squirrel. The squirrel grabbed the candy and carried it into the hollow.
At home, Klava looked at the palm and remembered how sly the eyes of the squirrel were.