Symptoms of shawarma poisoning and what to do in this case? Shawarma poisoning in humans.

A modern person, spinning in the whirlpool of everyday worries, does not always have time for a normal, full-fledged lunch, so you have to save yourself with snacks on the run, being content with the delights of fast food, and, of course, shawarma is in the first place in popularity.

Inexpensive, tasty and very satisfying product takes first place not only in the number of orders, but also in the frequency of cases of food poisoning.

Shawarma is a dish that came from oriental cuisine, however, it has undergone a number of changes.

Thin, crispy, fried pita bread, meat soaked in spices with a golden crust, fresh or pickled vegetables - it would seem that all these products separately cannot be harmful to health.

But a delicious gastronomic cocktail is a very harmful product, fatty, and also carries the danger of intoxication of the body.

Shawarma can be poisoned due to the following reasons:

The clinic of shawarma food poisoning is identical to any food intoxication. Signs begin to appear 1-3 hours after eating and are as follows:

  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • gagging;
  • profuse salivation;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • indigestion;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • the presence of blood streaks in the feces;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe pain in the head.

Symptoms may vary in intensity, depending on what caused the poisoning.

With simple food intoxication, the poor condition of the victim returns to normal rather quickly.

Pathological signs, upon detection of which it is mandatory to contact a medical institution:

  • diarrhea lasting more than 3 days;
  • blood clots in vomit;
  • body temperature rises above 38.5 degrees;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • speech disorder;
  • confusion;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • severe dryness of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity;
  • excessive thirst that cannot be quenched by drinking large amounts of water;
  • small volume of urine;
  • rare urge to urinate.

Even mild forms of intoxication require competent first aid in order to normalize a person’s condition and remove toxic substances from the liver. If there are attacks of nausea, but there is no vomiting, or it is rare, an artificial gastric lavage is performed. It is necessary to press the root of the tongue with two fingers, drink a saline solution or use a weak one.

With abundant vomiting, it is strictly forbidden to take medicines to stop this symptom.

With vomit, toxic substances come out, and the faster the digestive system is cleared, the sooner the condition of the injured person will improve.

When the stomach has been cleansed, drugs are taken - sorbents. The danger of food poisoning, in which profuse vomiting occurs, lies in the high risks of dehydration. To avoid this complication, you must take saline or glucose solution:

A glucose solution can be prepared at home - 18 grams of sugar is added to 1 liter of water.

During the recovery period after suffering intoxication, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and drinks, which include caffeine. These fluids irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibit the process of removing toxins, and lead to dehydration.

A therapeutic diet is prescribed, excluding heavy, fatty foods, pickles and marinades, seasonings. From drinks, water, weak tea, herbal infusions on soothing herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm) are allowed.

To quickly improve digestion and normalize the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to take probiotics - Bionorm, Lactulose, fermented milk products. Scheme of taking the drug Bionorm:

The duration of the course of treatment is 2 weeks.

medical treatment

It is impossible to determine what exactly caused the sharp deterioration in the condition after eating shawarma without medical tests. If vomiting and diarrhea, after first aid, do not stop on the second day, medical assistance is needed.

To clarify the causes of poisoning, a number of medical tests are given - a general and detailed blood test, an analysis of vomit and feces.

Therapeutic measures are selected individually, depending on the reasons that led to poor health.

If necessary, cleanse the body of toxic substances, gastric lavage is carried out using a probe.

If the provoking factor was a food intestinal infection, treatment is carried out in the infectious diseases department.

Antibacterial therapy is carried out for the fastest recovery and in order to destroy the pathogenic pathogen. During rehabilitation, a vitamin course is prescribed to quickly restore the functionality of internal organs and increase the protective functions of the immune system.

Intoxication with low-quality shawarma can cause serious consequences. If you do not provide timely pre-medical manipulations to remove the toxin from the intestines, with profuse vomiting and diarrhea, severe dehydration develops, which is fraught with a heavy burden on the kidneys, which requires a separate, long-term treatment.

Intoxication with fast food is fraught with an exacerbation of diseases that occur in a chronic form, especially this often happens with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Prevention is very simple. The main measure to help avoid poisoning is not to eat shawarma and other types of fast food.

If it so happened that you can’t do without junk food, the rules of hygiene and sanitation will reduce the risks of complications and the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • washing hands before eating street food or at least wiping them with a damp cloth is a must;
  • before buying fast food in a street kiosk, it is necessary to examine the conditions in which food is prepared, whether the table is clean, how the chef works - with or without gloves, how clean his hands and nails are;
  • it is better to buy a product with pita bread in one outlet, which has already been tested by time.

Shawarma is a very tasty and satisfying dish. Many people, constantly being in a hurry, prefer to eat fast food, but it is often forbidden to eat these foods. One meal a month is enough to protect yourself from oversaturation with harmful fats and dysfunction of the digestive system.

Shawarma is a popular type of fast food. Spicy ingredients and freshly cooked meat make this product delicious. Unfortunately, such outlets do not adhere to the rules for the storage and preparation of food products, which leads to intoxication. Symptoms of shawarma poisoning correspond to the manifestation of any food poisoning and are characterized mainly by dyspeptic symptoms and dehydration. Treatment of shawarma poisoning is aimed at cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and restoring water balance.

Causes of shawarma poisoning

Shawarma is a meat product in pita bread with vegetables and spices. To attract the buyer, all the necessary ingredients are stored openly on the table in front of the seller-cook. Such storage of food products leads to an increased risk of various bacterial microorganisms entering them, which quickly begin to multiply and release toxins. The latter, when ingested, cause. Improper storage of meat is a risk factor for shawarma poisoning.

An important reason for shawarma poisoning is the neglect of the hygiene of the buyer himself. Eating on the street with dirty hands, buying shawarma at "suspicious" points, eating a product that is not freshly prepared - all this can lead to the development of poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning

Poisoning with shawarma proceeds according to the type of classical food poisoning. Within one or several hours after consuming the product, a person notes the appearance of nausea, pain in the upper abdomen (see). As a rule, repeated vomiting appears almost immediately, bringing relief. If the amount of toxins in the product was large and they got into the intestines, then the poisoned person develops rumbling, bloating, and soon diarrhea begins - the stool is liquid, plentiful, maybe with streaks of mucus.

Most patients develop an intoxication syndrome: headache, weakness, general malaise appear. Including similar symptoms are associated with dehydration, which develops against the background of profuse vomiting and diarrhea.

Important! As a rule, the symptoms disappear on their own within one to two days after the removal of toxins from the body. However, despite the ease of poisoning, it is always necessary to seek medical attention due to the risk of dehydration and serious complications.

What to do if you are poisoned by shawarma? Assistance to the patient or self-help is based on the following actions:

  1. A person is given a large volume of warm, lightly salted water to drink. You can add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution. After that, pressing on the root of the tongue causes vomiting. The procedure is repeated until the washings from the stomach become clear. If a small child has been poisoned or the person is unconscious, then gastric lavage is contraindicated.
  2. To bind toxins and bacteria in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, enterosorbents are used - Activated carbon, Smecta, Lactulose,. These drugs do not have side effects, but they allow you to cope with toxins and prevent their effects on the intestines and on the body as a whole.
  3. With a significant rise in temperature or severe headache, painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Nimesulide, Ibuprofen) are used.
  4. The greatest threat to health in food poisoning is dehydration. To combat it, the patient is allowed to drink clean ordinary water or use special medications (Regidron).

Warning! Do not use antiemetic or antidiarrheal drugs, as this will lead to the accumulation of toxin in the body and worsen the course of poisoning.

Diagnosis of poisoning

Making the correct diagnosis is not difficult. The person himself knows about the fact of using shawarma and immediately indicates to the doctor about it. It is important to remember that the development of food poisoning does not always indicate that the patient has been poisoned by shawarma. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully interrogate him about other products that he has consumed during the last 24 hours, as well as about activities during this time.

During an external examination, the doctor notes the symptoms described above: bloating, fever up to 38-38.5 ° C. It is recommended to collect the vomit in a clean container and transfer it to medical workers. In the laboratory, they are sown on special bacterial media, which makes it possible to identify the "culprit" of poisoning.

Laboratory research methods show a picture of an inflammatory response in the body: an increase in the number of leukocytes (leukocytosis) and an acceleration of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) are noted in a clinical blood test, and the content of fibrinogen and C-reactive protein increase in a biochemical blood test. Diagnosis of shawarma poisoning does not cause any difficulties, but it is always worth seeking medical help if any symptoms develop.

Treatment of food poisoning with shawarma should be comprehensive and should be provided immediately after the onset of symptoms. It is always necessary to seek medical help, because, despite the ease of the course, the risk of dehydration and other complications is quite high.

Most people love fast food. Even among healthy eaters, there are those who sometimes break loose and treat themselves to a quick and satisfying meal in the form of a store-bought shawarma or burger. Unscrupulous shawarma producers, in pursuit of profit, often cook from stale products or neglect sanitary standards, so shawarma poisoning, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, shawarma poisoning (or as it is called shawarma by St. Petersburg residents), like most other cases of food poisoning, is classified as A05 "Other bacterial food poisoning, not elsewhere classified."

Causes of shawarma poisoning

To prepare shawarma, the meat is cooked on a vertical grill, as it is ready, cut off the edges into a pan and chop them. Then they are placed in pita bread along with chopped vegetables, pouring this whole mixture with hearty sauce.

The reasons for poisoning with such a simple dish as shawarma can be as follows:

  • low-quality products (spoiled or poorly fried meat with pathogenic microbes, rotten vegetables or high content of pesticides and nitrates, expired sauces and harmful fats),
  • non-compliance with the rules for storing food, cooking shawarma, unsanitary conditions (you can easily get poisoned by infectious microbes from dirty equipment, dishes, places of preparation),
  • the seller or the direct manufacturer of shawarma is the carrier of the infection (lack of a sanitary book and proper medical examinations can also cause poisoning),
  • buying outside of reliable, official, well-established shawarma outlets, street stalls.


Symptoms of shawarma poisoning:

  • nausea, vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • severe malaise, weakness, headache and abdominal pain,
  • increase in body temperature,
  • excessive salivation and sweating,
  • indigestion, rumbling in the stomach during poisoning,
  • fetid stools,
  • with severe intoxication, it is also possible to affect the central nervous system with such signs of poisoning as impaired consciousness, fainting.

First aid

When the first signs of poisoning appear, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim, the measures of which will help stop the absorption of toxic substances and accelerate the return to normal of the body.

Here's what to do first when poisoned:

  • drink as much water as possible and induce vomiting. Perform gastric lavage until clear water comes out. For a small child or an unconscious person, such a cleansing of the stomach is contraindicated. The effectiveness of cleaning the stomach will increase if you add a little soda, salt or potassium permanganate to the water. You need to be extremely careful with manganese, the solution should be pale pink, while you need to make sure that whole crystals of potassium permanganate do not get into the esophagus, as a burn of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus or intestines can occur,
  • do not take drugs that stop vomiting,
  • after the cessation of vomiting, sorbents are indicated (activated carbon, Sorbex, Carbolong, Enterosgel), which neutralize and remove toxins,
  • if the temperature has risen to critical values ​​​​- bring it down with paracetamol, ibuprofen,
  • provide the patient with warmth and rest, while laying him on his side to prevent choking with vomit,
  • in case of very severe poisoning (if vomiting and diarrhea do not stop on the second day) or childhood, be sure to consult a doctor.

protein poisoning


What to do with shawarma poisoning and what is the treatment? The essence of the treatment is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and restore the water balance in the body.

After first aid measures, diet is important in the treatment of poisoning. The first day you won’t be able to eat anything, it’s better to limit yourself to drinking clean water (without gas), herbal teas. Profuse vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration. You need to drink all the time as much as possible in order to save the body from dehydration and quickly wash out harmful microorganisms from it with their waste products. On the second day, you can try to carefully introduce light soups, cereals on the water, crackers, baked apples, bananas, dairy products, boiled meat, eggs, potatoes. Milk, spicy, fried, canned food is better to save until full recovery.

Are antibiotics needed for shawarma poisoning? In case of especially severe poisoning, indeed, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. But this is done only after a laboratory study by a medical worker of the victim's biomaterial in order to identify the causative agent of the disease and select the appropriate antibiotic.

With a strong fever, antipyretic tablets will be required.

Enterosorbents help to quickly cope with intoxication and restore the body, here are some more useful recipes for cleansing the body of toxins:

  • decoction of anise - 5 seeds per glass of water - bring to a boil, insist and drink, then induce vomiting. Repeat the cleaning procedure again
  • decoction based on 1 sl. oak bark, 2 tbsp. clover and horsetail - pour the mixture with a liter of water, bring to a boil, insist and drink several times a day,
  • dry seaweed - several times a day, take half a teaspoon of kelp with water,
  • olive oil with honey (1:2),
  • cleansing enemas of boiled water and castor oil,
  • herbal tea from marshmallow - 1 tbsp. plants in a glass of boiling water. 5 hours insist and drink half a glass several times a day.

Sushi poisoning

At the final stage of treatment, to restore the intestinal microflora, the intake of probiotics - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is indicated, and you can also add a vitamin-mineral complex.

Complications and consequences

With effective and timely assistance provided after shawarma poisoning, there should not be any health consequences, but very rarely in the case of advanced botulism or salmonellosis, consequences are possible:

  • CNS disorders,
  • the development of allergies
  • chronic jaundice,
  • gastritis, ulcer,
  • dysfunction of the heart, kidneys, liver,
  • dehydration.


Prevention of shawarma poisoning comes down to buying this oriental dish only at official fast food outlets, which have a good reputation and have all the documentation required for their activities. You also need to pay attention to the conditions for preparing shawarma and the seller himself. The safest solution is to learn how to cook this dish yourself at home.

If you have already been poisoned and have all the symptoms of intoxication on your face, it is better to consult a doctor, since only the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment and prevent possible complications.

Most people love fast food. Even among healthy eaters, there are those who sometimes break loose and treat themselves to a quick and satisfying meal in the form of a store-bought shawarma or burger. Unscrupulous shawarma producers, in pursuit of profit, often cook from stale products or neglect sanitary standards, so shawarma poisoning, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, shawarma poisoning (or as it is called shawarma by St. Petersburg residents), like most other cases of food poisoning, is classified as A05 "Other bacterial food poisoning, not elsewhere classified."

Causes of shawarma poisoning

To prepare shawarma, the meat is cooked on a vertical grill, as it is ready, cut off the edges into a pan and chop them. Then they are placed in pita bread along with chopped vegetables, pouring this whole mixture with hearty sauce.

The reasons for poisoning with such a simple dish as shawarma can be as follows:

  • low-quality products (spoiled or poorly fried meat with pathogenic microbes, rotten vegetables or high in and, expired sauces and harmful fats);
  • non-compliance with the rules for storing food, cooking shawarma, unsanitary conditions (you can easily get poisoned by infectious microbes from dirty equipment, dishes, places of preparation);
  • the seller or the direct manufacturer of shawarma is the carrier of the infection (lack of a sanitary book and proper medical examinations can also cause poisoning);
  • buying outside of reliable, official, well-established shawarma outlets, street stalls.


Symptoms of shawarma poisoning:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • severe malaise, weakness, headaches and abdominal pain;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • excessive salivation and sweating;
  • indigestion, rumbling in the stomach in case of poisoning;
  • fetid stools;
  • with severe intoxication, it is also possible to affect the central nervous system with such signs of poisoning as impaired consciousness, fainting.

First aid

When the first signs of poisoning appear, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim, the measures of which will help stop the absorption of toxic substances and accelerate the return to normal of the body.

Here's what to do first when poisoned:

  • the victim to drink as much water as possible and. Perform gastric lavage until clear water comes out. For a small child or an unconscious person, such a cleansing of the stomach is contraindicated. The effectiveness of cleaning the stomach will increase if you add a little soda, salt or potassium permanganate to the water. With manganese, you need to be extremely careful, the solution should be pale pink, while you need to make sure that whole crystals of potassium permanganate do not get into the esophagus, as a burn of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus or intestines can occur;
  • you can not take drugs that stop vomiting;
  • after the cessation of vomiting, sorbents are indicated (activated carbon, Sorbex, Carbolong, Enterosgel), which neutralize and remove toxins;
  • if the temperature has risen to critical values ​​- bring it down with paracetamol, ibuprofen;
  • provide the patient with warmth and rest, while laying him on his side to prevent choking with vomit;
  • in case of very severe poisoning (if vomiting and diarrhea do not stop on the second day) or childhood, be sure to consult a doctor.


What to do in case of shawarma poisoning and what is the treatment? The essence of the treatment is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and restore the water balance in the body.

After first aid measures, diet is important in the treatment of poisoning. The first day you won’t be able to eat anything, it’s better to limit yourself to drinking clean water (without gas), herbal teas. Profuse vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration. You need to drink all the time as much as possible in order to save the body from dehydration and quickly wash out harmful microorganisms from it with their waste products. On the second day, you can try to carefully introduce light soups, cereals on the water, crackers, baked apples, bananas, dairy products, boiled meat, eggs, potatoes. Milk, spicy, fried, canned food is better to save until full recovery.

Do I need antibiotics for shawarma poisoning? In case of especially severe poisoning, indeed, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. But this is done only after a laboratory study by a medical worker of the victim's biomaterial in order to identify the causative agent of the disease and select the appropriate antibiotic.

With a strong fever, antipyretic tablets will be required.

Enterosorbents help to quickly cope with intoxication and restore the body, here are some more useful recipes for cleansing the body of toxins:

  • decoction of anise - 5 seeds per glass of water - bring to a boil, insist and drink, then induce vomiting. Repeat the cleaning procedure again;
  • decoction based on 1 sl. oak bark, 2 tbsp. clover and horsetail - pour the mixture with a liter of water, bring to a boil, insist and drink several times a day;
  • dry seaweed - several times a day, take half a teaspoon of kelp with water;
  • olive oil with honey (1:2);
  • cleansing enemas of boiled water and castor oil;
  • herbal tea from marshmallow - 1 tbsp. plants in a glass of boiling water. 5 hours insist and drink half a glass several times a day.

At the final stage of treatment, to restore the intestinal microflora, the intake of probiotics - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is indicated, and you can also add a vitamin-mineral complex.

Complications and consequences

With effective and timely assistance provided after shawarma poisoning, there should not be any health consequences, but very rarely in the case of advanced botulism or salmonellosis, consequences are possible:

  • CNS disorders;
  • the development of allergies;
  • chronic jaundice;
  • gastritis, ulcer;
  • disruption of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • dehydration.


Prevention of shawarma poisoning comes down to buying this oriental dish only at official fast food outlets, which have a good reputation and have all the documentation required for their activities. You also need to pay attention to the conditions for preparing shawarma and the seller himself. The safest solution is to learn how to cook this dish yourself at home.

Publication date: 08.10.2012

Poisoning can be different. You can eat low-quality shawarma, or you can unknowingly eat a poisonous mushroom. In this article I will tell you some simple but effective ways to cope with poisoning.


Food poisoning can be of two types. The first is poisoning by pathogenic microorganisms. The second is poisoning with toxins. Those. in the first case, you are poisoned by microbes, and in the second, by toxins and poison.

The symptoms of food poisoning come on very quickly. Of course, it all depends on the specific case. However, in most cases, you will feel sick 1 to 2 hours after eating.

Symptoms of poisoning are obvious:

1) Acute abdominal pain. At the same time, the pain is felt weakly at first, but as the infection or toxins spread, the pain begins to increase.

2) Nausea, vomiting. Nausea is a natural reaction of the body. The body wants to get rid of toxins naturally.

3) Diarrhea. Another natural way to get rid of toxins. The worse the poisoning, the more time you will spend "embracing the toilet." Therefore, stock up on newspapers, books or something else to keep yourself busy.

4) Headache and dizziness. Your head hurts because you don't use it at all. If they had, they would not have stupidly eaten a cat pie at the station.

5) Sharp weakness, loss of consciousness. There is no time for jokes here. Feel that you are losing consciousness - call an ambulance.


Mild poisoning can be treated at home, but serious cases are the lot of doctors. There are several ways that, if not to help you fully recover, then at least give you a chance to hold out until the ambulance arrives.

Tip 1. Vomiting

If you are poisoned by food, then you need to “remove” it. The easiest way is to induce vomiting. The method is nasty, but effective. This is done simply: press your fingers on the base of the tongue. It makes no sense to induce vomiting if 3 hours have already passed since the meal. All food has already been digested, and toxins are “absorbed” into the body.

If you are poisoned by pills, then the method with vomiting will also help. Pills are dangerous. So, anyway, call a doctor or an ambulance.

Tip 2. Gastric lavage

Gastric lavage also helps. Only this should be done immediately after poisoning or ingestion of toxins into the body. Drink in one gulp 5 - 6 glasses of water (you can use tap water). You can add regular salt to the water. Then you induce vomiting. Ideally, all food will "come out" mixed with salt water. In addition, salt water is good for inducing vomiting.

Tip 3. Common Mistakes

There are some serious mistakes that people make. First, never drink milk. Milk will only aggravate your condition. Yes, milk helps with radiation exposure, with the bite of a poisonous animal or plant. But with food poisoning, you can not drink milk. Milk will only help the toxins to be absorbed into the body faster. Secondly, you can not drink a solution of potassium permanganate in case of poisoning - this will also only worsen the patient's condition.

Tip 4. Activated charcoal

In general, any absorbent will do. But almost everyone in the house has activated carbon. Activated charcoal is better to take not in the form of tablets, but in the form of gruel. Take 10 - 20 tablets of activated charcoal, fill them with a glass of boiled water. Drink the resulting slurry. The number of coal tablets is calculated according to the principle of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Those. if you weigh 90 kg, then you need 9 tablets. However, in case of severe poisoning, the number of tablets can be increased.

Tip 5. Loss of consciousness

If the patient has lost consciousness, then it is not recommended to give him ammonia to sniff. In fact, this statement is a bit controversial. If the patient is unconscious, but at the same time his heart is working and breathing is present, then there is a certain sense not to bring him to consciousness. After all, loss of consciousness is a natural reaction of the body. If the patient's heart or breathing has stopped, then give him a heart massage or artificial respiration.

Tip 6. Drink plenty of water

Drink as much water as possible, but without fanaticism.

Tip 7. Medicines

It is better to find out in advance which medications help with poisoning. In general, these are drugs that have an absorbent property. The main thing to remember here is that your task is not to get rid of pain, but to get rid of toxins. And therefore, instead of painkillers, it is better to take something like "Smecta", "Rehydron", "Furazelidone", etc.

Tip 8. Fruit

Some fruits help to cope with poisoning. You can drink an infusion of pomegranate peel. Or drink a decoction of rice. A decoction of pears also helps. However, fruits will help you cope with mild poisoning. Because with severe poisoning, you will have neither the time nor the strength to prepare any decoctions. Moreover, fruit may simply not be at hand.

Tip 9. Don't eat food

It is better to delay the next meal. Let the body recover. If you really want to eat, then eat in small portions. Naturally, you will have to give up fried and spicy for some time. Porridge and soups - they will help you satisfy your hunger and help the body.

Tip 10. Doctor!

If the clinic is near your house, then you can go there. In the clinic, in any case, there are more medicines and smart people than you have at home. If you are severely poisoned and cannot walk due to severe pain, then call an ambulance. Just don't scream "I'm dying!" or "Poisoned by yogurt - save!". Say in a calm voice that you are badly poisoned. If you know what poisoned you, then tell me right away. The operator on the line can give you a couple of tips before the ambulance arrives.


The easiest way to avoid poisoning is to watch your diet. Look at the date of manufacture of the products. If you really want to eat, and there is no one else besides the shawarma merchant, then it is better to be patient than to lie under a dropper later.

Your health is in your hands! The tips in this article will help you cope with poisoning (and maybe even save someone's life).

Thank you for your attention!

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