Does being overweight affect ovulation? The effect of being overweight on infertility

Gynecologists, endocrinologists recommend paying attention to the problem of obesity to young couples trying to get pregnant for many years. Overweight and infertility are inextricably linked. Specialists point to concomitant diseases resulting from overweight. The vegetative-vascular system, reproductive organs, gastrointestinal tract suffer, endocrine disorders occur. The cause of infertility often lies in these pathologies.

Reproductologists and gynecologists have been dealing with the problem of overweight or underweight for a long time. It has been proven that obesity, as well as anorexia, negatively affects the reproductive system. It is difficult for a woman not only to become pregnant, but also to endure, give birth to a healthy child. In men, spermograms deteriorate. Sex cells become non-viable, inactive.

How to determine the ideal weight

Checking for obesity is easy. In the modern world, it is customary to focus on BMI - body mass index. It is calculated using weight, height data. A simple calculation is to subtract the number 100 (for a woman) and 110 (for a man) from height. Example: a woman's height is 162 kg, subtract 100 from this value, get 62 - the ideal weight.

Obesity and infertility in women

The chances of getting pregnant are reduced in women who are overweight. Obesity causes negative manifestations of the body, emerging pathologies.

  1. Excess body weight leads to serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, when it is harder for a woman to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.
  2. the amount of estrogen increases, which also leads to infertility (hormonal disorders become the root cause of the unlikely natural conception).
  3. fertility occurs, excess weight provokes a decline in reproductive functions.
  4. obese women often have a difficult pregnancy, a high risk of premature birth, early miscarriages.
  5. obesity is the cause of menstrual irregularities, its absence.

These effects can cause infertility in women. They do not appear together. Just one item can affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

Obesity and male infertility

The chances of getting pregnant are reduced when it comes to male obesity. Often, overweight leads to the fact that a married couple has to seek the help of reproductive specialists. In the stronger sex, obesity and infertility are associated with impaired secretory function, hormonal imbalance. The importance of sex hormones, testosterone and prolactin, is incredibly high. Normally, the former should outperform the latter. If there is an increased level of prolactin in the blood, we can talk about a violation of spermatogenesis, a deterioration in the reproductive function of a man.

Conception is unlikely with obesity in the stronger sex for the following reasons:

    • as a result of excess weight, the function of the bladder is disturbed, retrograde ejaculation occurs;
    • the quality of the genetic material, mobility and viability of spermatozoa suffer;
    • the inability to conduct a full-fledged sexual intercourse;
  • due to body weight lines, most men develop varicocele (scrotal varicose veins), which leads to infertility.

Obesity and IVF

Many couples resort to in vitro fertilization due to being overweight. Such a decision can be prompted by a doctor when infertility is found in one of the spouses. But the chances of an excellent pregnancy, a successful conception are reduced if you do not undergo special training before IVF.

Obesity is the reason for several attempts at artificial conception. They don't always succeed. In order to prepare as much as possible for the procedure, to reduce the risks, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. A woman or a man suffering from obesity should go on a special diet. Their daily menu excludes fatty foods that are high in calories. You need to pay attention to fiber, plant foods. Forget about fast food, pastries, carbonated drinks.
  2. An unhealthy lifestyle and reduced activity are considered a factor that reduces the chances of conception. Both spouses are advised to quit smoking, to exclude alcohol from life. Do more sports, ideal for overweight people yoga, pilates, swimming.
  3. Preliminary preparation is not complete without medication. Patients are prescribed proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Nolpaza, etc.). They help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal complications during weight loss, the feeling of fullness comes faster, which is important when losing weight.

Ideally, a man or woman should reduce monthly 2-3 kg from the current body weight. On average, preparation for IVF lasts for these couples from 3 months to a year. The term depends on the degree of obesity. Hormone therapy may also be required at the preparation stage.

Treatment of infertility in obesity

Treatment of obesity takes place in several stages. The course of therapy depends on the degree of overweight. First of all, specialists conduct the necessary tests to understand the cause of infertility. It is not always the high weight that becomes the decisive factor. The impossibility of conception occurs due to hormonal disruptions, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, gynecological problems in women and impaired spermatogenesis in men. These pathologies are the consequences of obesity. Therefore, the first point doctors prescribe is a strict diet based on the exclusion of fatty and high-calorie foods. To therapy is added (depending on the individual causes of infertility):

  • hormonal drugs;
  • medicines that improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • COCs (combined hormonal oral contraceptives, if gynecological pathologies are observed);
  • Drugs that support the cardiovascular system.

Gynecologists talk about the importance of losing weight. Patients with 1 degree of obesity manage to get pregnant naturally in 80% of cases when they lose body weight and bring it to normal levels. Urologists note that men have high sperm counts after losing weight and undergoing special treatment.

According to most scientists, the most favorable conditions for conception and successful pregnancy are created when a woman has a normal body weight.

Underweight, as well as its excess, can adversely affect female reproductive function, and given the fact that worldwide there is a tendency to increase the number of pregnancies as a result of in vitro fertilization, there is a good reason for a detailed examination.

As you know, not every child that occurs as a result of IVF or naturally ends with delivery. A variety of factors can influence its unfavorable outcome, including overweight or underweight women. As a result of scientific research, it was possible to find out that body weight plays a special role precisely at. Moreover, if overweight women have a chance of successfully becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child, they are reduced by about half, then women with very low body weight are much more at risk. However, overweight pregnant women are at risk for the development of complications during childbearing, during childbirth and some time after them.

During the IVF procedure, the woman receives the necessary sex hormones with medication, but the risk of miscarriage may be due to the fact that the uterus is unprepared for pregnancy. It may also be difficult to introduce a fertilized egg into it.

overweight and pregnancy

If a woman is overweight, conception may also be difficult. Obesity is often accompanied by the development of insulin resistance, which leads to hormonal disruptions in the female body. Of course, any hormonal disorders can adversely affect reproductive function.

According to statistics, overweight women experience more difficulties with, and also have less chance of a successful delivery and the birth of a healthy baby. In addition, in the course of research, scientists have found that overweight women are more likely to have premature births.

How is optimal body weight calculated?

The optimal weight is calculated using the so-called body mass index, which depends on the height and weight of a person. Indicators of absolutely normal and healthy weight are between 18.5 and 25. Accordingly, an index value below this norm will indicate underweight, and higher - overweight. Neither being overweight nor underweight are absolute contraindications to IVF, but certain measures may need to be taken to increase the chances of success.

As a rule, we can talk about serious risks during conception if the body mass index of a woman preparing to become a mother is 30 or higher. With, as well as natural conception, it makes sense to lose weight, which will significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy outcome. And it should be understood that in this case it is impossible to lose weight with the help of any extreme diets. Ideally, you should consult with a qualified nutritionist who will give competent advice not only on losing weight, but also on gaining weight, if necessary.

Weight gain during pregnancy

The increase in body weight during pregnancy always depends on how much weight the woman had previously. Of course, part of the weight is gained from the developing fetus and amniotic fluid, the rest is the woman's body fat, which is necessary to store energy for subsequent breastfeeding.

It is difficult to single out any specific recommendations regarding the issue of weight gain during pregnancy. It can be said that it is advisable for overweight women to try to gain as little as possible, while thin future mothers can practically not limit themselves and gain about 13-18 kilograms. Women with an average weight should stick to the figure of 11-16 kilograms. It is very important that during the entire period of pregnancy a sufficient amount of essential nutrients enter the woman's body, so it is better to consult a specialist on proper nutrition.

Additional Information

When you make the decision to get pregnant, there are many questions to think about. When is ovulation? What are the best positions for intimate relationships? If you get pregnant right now, when will your baby be born? Will you breastfeed? How long will it take you to get pregnant? Will your man be a good dad? As you can see, there are many issues that come with trying to conceive and so many factors to take into account. One of the most important factors is your weight.

Why is weight so important in conceiving children?

Weight is very important in conception. Both being overweight and underweight can be a problem. Weight affects our body in different ways, conceiving a child is just one of these ways. Hormones are the real reason for the connection between body weight and the possibility of getting pregnant.


Being underweight can be an unexpected obstacle in trying to get pregnant. Being underweight not only makes it harder to get pregnant, but also puts you at risk of having a low birth weight baby. The bottom line is that fat produces small amounts of estrogen, and too little can send the wrong signals to the brain. Sometimes, the body may even think that the woman is too thin to support the pregnancy, which can result in eggs and follicles not being produced properly and in sufficient quantities.


Being overweight before getting pregnant can really be a problem. The risk of complications during pregnancy increases. Being overweight can also cause your body to not produce enough hormones to make an egg mature. Some doctors have even suggested that as much as 25 percent of problems associated with ovulation and infertility may be due to obesity. Being overweight can also cause an increase in the production of androgens, male hormones that can prevent you from getting pregnant.

Ideal weight for conception

Ideal weight for conception? Well, this is very strange, since every woman has a different BMI (body mass index), which is considered ideal. On average, doctors recommend that women maintain a BMI between 19 and 25 for the best chance of getting pregnant. It's important to think about BMI and maintaining a healthy weight before you get pregnant, so try to put some thought into this beforehand. If you're worried about your weight, ask your doctor for some tips on how to reach your ideal weight.

Achieving a healthy weight for conceiving a child


  • m - body weight in kilograms
  • h - height in meters,

and is measured in kg/m².

For example, a person's weight = 85 kg, height = 164 cm. Therefore, the body mass index in this case is:

BMI \u003d 85: (1.64 × 1.64) \u003d 31.6

If you need to gain or lose weight to achieve a healthy BMI, a balanced diet with nutritious foods will help. A balanced diet increases your chances of conceiving, so be sure to include proteins, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. Avoid extreme weight loss as this can lead to malnutrition.

If you are planning to become pregnant, talk to your doctor. It can help you reach a healthy weight. Your BMI isn't always accurate, especially since it doesn't take muscles into account. You should also take vitamins to make sure you have the nutrients you need for healthy fetal development in early pregnancy.

How are weight and conception related? Is it possible to get pregnant with a weight above and below the norm? To some, these questions may seem far-fetched. But in fact, putting weight in order can make the dream of motherhood a reality.

Women trying to get pregnant should pay attention to many factors: age, lifestyle, previous diseases, etc. However, few of them know that body weight is an important element that affects fertilization. This is an important factor that not only helps to get pregnant, but is also key when it comes to successful gestation.

Adipose tissue and hormones, or does weight affect the conception of a child?

Most people know that sex hormones are produced by the ovaries. However, almost 30% of them are the result of the activity of adipose tissue. Therefore, we can argue that there is an important relationship between it (and therefore weight) and the fertility of women and men.

What kind of weight affects the ability to conceive women - small or large? This factor can be influenced by both underweight and overweight. Due to the fact that adipose tissue is part of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance can affect metabolism, which can lead to obesity.

To find out if the relationship between our adipose tissue and hormones is “correct”, it is enough to determine the ratio of height and weight, that is, you should use the Body Mass Index (BMI - Body Mass Index). To get it, you need to divide the weight by the height squared. You can also find a ready-made table with values ​​​​on the Internet or in books, medical magazines.

Weight and conception: we consider different options

After the calculation or search in the sources, our result should be compared with the standard parameters. It is best if the resulting numbers are in the range from 18.5 to 24.99. And here are the results that should worry us:

    • a result below 18.5 means underweight - before attempting to conceive a child, it is necessary to systematically gain weight;
    • index greater than 25 to 29.9 - overweight. In order to get pregnant without problems, it is better to lose a few or several tens of kilograms;
    • more than 30 is an indicator of obesity. There are good reasons to believe that this factor will cause a lot of trouble when trying to get pregnant.

Overweight and conception: problems of expectant mothers with overweight

Is it possible to get pregnant with a lot of weight? Even a small excess of kilograms can lead to fertility problems. This is due to an excess amount of estrogens, which affect the disruption of the ovulatory cycle or contribute to its absence.

The problem of the influence of excess weight on conception also applies to those women who menstruate regularly and have no problems in this area. Keep in mind that too many kilograms can contribute to much more significant disorders, such as an increase in insulin or testosterone levels, or the appearance of common female diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome.

The problem of extra kilos can and should be analyzed in terms of acquired and congenital overweight. In the first case, the “wrong” result is often the result of an incorrect diet, excess sugar and fat, etc. This situation allows you to lose extra pounds relatively smoothly.

However, if we are talking about a person whose overweight is associated with a genetic predisposition, then this is a more complex problem. Therefore, such women should carefully control their food intake, resort to physical activity and diet.

If the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with a weight above the norm was decided positively, and the woman managed to conceive safely, this does not mean the end of her problems. What other risks can be expected in an interesting position?

  • Being overweight can cause miscarriage.
  • Often leads to diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension.
  • Often, the result of extra pounds is a longer birth (often with a more difficult prenatal period) or the need for a caesarean section.
  • However, the problems do not end with the mother alone. Her obesity or overweight can cause diseases in the child. For example, neural tube defects and other congenital diseases are common.

How does being underweight affect conception?

The first sign associated with the influence of lack of body weight on the hormonal background is a violation or absence of the menstrual cycle. An indicator that something is wrong may be irregular ovulation. Hence the answer to the question, is it possible to get pregnant with a small weight, for example, 45 kg? All this leads to difficulties in conceiving a child.

Too thin people should be interested in what is the reason for their condition - is it a consequence of excessive weight loss due to diets, genetic problems, diseases or some kind of disorder?

Even if with a small weight it is possible to achieve the goal of becoming a mother, then insufficient weight can complicate the entire “interesting” period with an increase in nausea and vomiting. Also, low body weight can be the main cause of problems with pregnancy.

Impact of Eating Disorders on Women's Fertility

Today, there are many diseases that have a significant impact on the chances of getting pregnant. Particular attention should be paid to situations where a woman in her life has resisted or still has problems associated with anorexia or bulimia. These ailments violate the stability of the hormonal background, which makes fertilization difficult.

Anorexia and conception

In the case of the first disease, we are talking about a very modest amount and variety of foods, and often exhausting workouts - down to a dangerously low level of body weight. Therefore, without treatment, anorexia can lead to the cessation of the menstrual and ovulatory cycles, as well as serious disorders in the reproductive system.

Bulimia and conception

People who suffer from bulimia, due to constant overeating and then "returning" food through vomiting, can also have problems conceiving. Despite the fact that, as a rule, their body weight is normal, there are menstrual disorders. In this case, even the weight that does not differ from the norm and the conception of a child are “friends” badly.

Is there any chance?

In both cases, we are dealing with a depleted diet that does not provide the body with the necessary trace elements, minerals, nutrients or vitamins. Therefore, the libido of patients with such eating disorders is often very low, the quality of the eggs is not the best, and the uterus does not create enough favorable conditions for the development of the fetus.

However, treatment increases the chances of pregnancy in women with bulimia or anorexia. Therefore, despite so many threats and obstacles, there is a very real chance of becoming a mother.

Man's weight and conception: problems concern not only women

Of course, it is women who, as carrying new life in their bodies, should pay special attention to their weight. However, it should be remembered that "it takes two to tango." Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a man’s weight affects conception sounds like this: yes, the stronger sex can also have fertility problems in the case of an “incorrect” body weight.

  • Sperm production can be impaired if a woman's partner is overweight.
  • Also, extra pounds can increase the temperature of the testicles, which is dangerous for the health of the male intimate sphere.
  • Excess adipose tissue causes the conversion of testosterone to female estrone, which reduces the production of sperm and also reduces its quality, which can adversely affect a woman's fertilization.
  • Male libido is at risk when overweight.
  • Obese men often have difficulty getting aroused and getting an erection, as fatty deposits block blood flow to the penis.

It may seem that body weight does not significantly affect whether a woman can become pregnant or not. Often couples look for the root of evil in some kind of illness, disorder, or mental problem. However, in a number of cases, it is enough to simply think about whether a large or small weight does not affect not only the forms, but also the conception. The good news is that this is a problem that can be solved - unlike many others.

In this case, it makes sense to undergo an examination in order to identify direct and indirect causes of infertility. Sometimes the examination reveals factors that, it would seem, do not directly affect a woman's ability to become pregnant. So, in particular, women often have a question - does being overweight affect conception and ovulation, and how does this happen.

It is a well-known fact that excess weight is not only not aesthetic, but can also cause various diseases. The easiest way to determine if a woman is overweight is to subtract 110 from her height in centimeters. The resulting figure is the ideal weight for this height. Exceeding the norm of weight by more than 20% becomes a serious cause for alarm. There is a formula for calculating body mass index. Body mass index is obtained by dividing body weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters. If the resulting index ranges from 20 to 25, then the weight is normal, above 25 - overweight, above 30 - these are already signs of obesity.

There is no direct relationship between a woman's ability to get pregnant and her weight. There are many examples when overweight women give birth to several children, and they do not have any problems. And vice versa, when women with ideal weight cannot get pregnant for years. And, nevertheless, there is every reason to believe that the presence of excess weight in a woman can be an indirect cause of infertility. There are a number of facts in support of this opinion.

In overweight women, the menstrual cycle is much more likely to occur under the influence of the endocrine factor, which leads to infertility. Often, reducing excess weight by at least 10% leads to the normalization of the menstrual cycle.

Excess weight disrupts the balance of sex hormones in a woman's body, which in turn affects conception and ovulation in the most direct way. For example, female sex hormones (estrogens and progesterone) regulate the process of ovulation. During ovulation, the egg matures. Progesterone prepares a woman's body to accept a mature egg, estrogens, in turn, control progesterone. Fat cells activate the production and accumulation of a large amount of estrogen, the excess of which blocks progesterone. As a result, ovulation is disrupted and the egg does not mature.

Accumulated in body fat, estrogens send signals to the pituitary gland in the brain, which produces FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) about its excess. As a result, FSH production decreases, which disrupts ovarian function and ovulation.

In addition, an increased level of estrogen in a woman's body creates the risk of the formation of various types of tumors, such as fibroids and uterine fibroids, which is also often the cause of infertility.

Another unpleasant consequence of excess estrogen in the body of an overweight woman is endometriosis of the uterus (growth of the lining of the uterus). As a result of hormonal disorders, the uterine mucosa is not completely shed during menstrual flow, which negatively affects ovulation, and as a result leads to infertility.

The consequence of being overweight in a woman can be a disease such as polycystic ovaries. Violation of the hormonal background in a woman's body leads to the accumulation of partially mature eggs in the ovaries, which again leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle. With polycystic ovaries increase the production of androgen hormones, the accumulation of which slows down ovulation, often ovulation can stop completely. Polycystic ovaries are more common in women over 30 who already have children, and can cause secondary infertility.

In addition to hormonal disorders, excess weight can cause other physiological changes in a woman's body, leading to infertility. Of great importance is the distribution of body fat. If fat deposits are evenly distributed, this is not as fraught with consequences as the accumulation of fatty tissues in certain places on a woman's body. But, unfortunately, most often most of the body fat is formed in a woman in the abdomen and thighs. In this case, the blood flow in this area of ​​the body is disturbed, and, accordingly, the metabolism is disturbed in the internal genital organs of the woman (in the uterus and ovaries). These disorders can lead to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which directly affects the patency in them, and is often the cause of infertility.

Overweight is especially dangerous for girls during puberty and the formation of the childbearing functions of a future woman. Violation of the hormonal background during this period can have the most serious consequences. Excess weight during the period of maturation of the girl disrupts the hormonal background. Hormones, in turn, change the structure of the girl's body, which can contribute to the accumulation of body fat. This vicious circle must be controlled precisely during the ripening period. In addition, according to experts, excess weight in adolescence contributes to early puberty, and further instability of the menstrual cycle and disruption of the ovulation process.

It is impossible to say in advance whether excess weight will affect conception and ovulation in each specific case. When planning a pregnancy, it is still desirable to bring your body into full readiness for stress. And reducing excess weight, as a way to a healthy lifestyle, should be one of the first places in the process of preparing for pregnancy. However, it is completely unacceptable to exhaust your body with diets and many hours of training when planning a pregnancy. The process of losing weight should be gradual and painless for the body of the expectant mother.