Payments to anniversaries of family life. Sergei Sobyanin congratulated the anniversaries of married life

In Moscow, lump-sum payments are made to spouses living in the capital and celebrating marriage anniversaries of 50 years or more. So, couples who have been married for 50 years receive 10 thousand rubles each, 55 years old - 11 thousand rubles, 60 years old - 12 thousand rubles, 65 years old - 13 thousand rubles, 70 years old - 15 thousand rubles. The Russian authorities take care of their citizens and try to support as much as possible the number of families who have lived with each other for 50 years or more.

Such couples set an example for the younger generation. Which in turn is very important aspect for the functioning of a strong state. Living together for so many years is hard work, on relationships which is useful for the whole society as a whole. It is also an indicator of the well-being of the country. After all, the more such families, the less negative indicators social position countries.

What relies on a golden wedding from the state in Moscow, how many “golden” couples will receive monetary gratitude from the authorities

This year, more than 10,000 families have become anniversaries in Moscow. 5181 couples celebrated the golden wedding, 3350 couples have been married for 55 years, 1525 for 60 years, 257 for 65 years, 26 for 70 years and one married couple celebrated their 75th anniversary.

The family is the most important unit of society. It is in the family that the child receives the baggage of love that helps him go through life with his head up and cope with any difficulties. One of the main tasks of the family is to raise a highly moral person.

What relies on a golden wedding from the state in Moscow, where citizens can apply for payments

For payments in honor of the anniversary life together now you need to contact the client services of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in the multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). New order was introduced throughout Moscow on January 1. Couples can apply to any MFC in Moscow, no matter what region the family lives in.

Having received an increased payment, of course, families will think about how to celebrate such an important day. Today, a very popular option is the so-called "reconstruction of the wedding." This is an option to play the wedding again. Refresh feelings, remember the day when they first put rings on a friend in the registry office.

What relies on the golden wedding from the state in Moscow, details of the increase in payments

So, from 2018, lump-sum payments to those who have been married for 50 years will increase from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, 55 years - from 11 thousand to 25 thousand rubles, 60 years - from 12 thousand to 25 thousand rubles, 65 years - from 13 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, 70 years and more - from 15 thousand to 30 thousand rubles.

Golden wedding is not only a beautiful name. It is quite justified. Gold has always been considered a valuable metal. The heroes of fairy tales and stories have always wanted to get this wealth at any cost, and this, in turn, is very hard work. Not everyone can handle it. It is from this association that the name "Golden Wedding" came about.

The budget of the capital provides for an increase in the amount of social cash benefits for vulnerable categories of the population next year. Assistance to the needy will be increased and large families, disabled people, privileged categories, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor, as well as increased lump-sum payments to anniversaries of married life planning to celebrate the 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th wedding anniversary.

What payments are due to the anniversaries of married life

Since 2000, the Government of Moscow has been special program for married couples who celebrated the 50th anniversary of the registration of marriage, remained faithful, supported each other. For them, a gift is provided from the city budget - a monetary reward. Payments to spouses are due not only on the golden wedding anniversary, but also on other anniversaries, every 5 years. Additionally, at the request of the married couple, a solemn ceremony is held to celebrate the anniversary of the marriage.

Who is eligible to receive

Married couples who celebrate a golden, emerald, iron, diamond, royal wedding - 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th (and all subsequent anniversaries) weddings can count on a gift from the Moscow budget . A one-time payment to anniversaries of married life is provided subject to certain conditions:

  • spouses are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • their place of residence is the city of Moscow.

How will the amount of payments to the anniversaries of married life in Moscow change in 2018

In 2018, more than 10,000 families became the anniversaries of the capital, who celebrated the 50th anniversary and more from the date of marriage. On the solemn event on the occasion of the anniversaries of the spouses "Golden Pairs of Moscow", Mayor of the capital Sobyanin presented Thanksgiving letters 11 families and announced the decision to increase payments to the anniversaries of married life in Moscow in 2019.

Since 2000, there have been several increases in cash benefits for married couples, but a significant increase in cash benefits is foreseen for 2019. The data on how much lump-sum cash payments will increase are shown in the table:

Anniversaries couples

Amount of cash lump-sum remuneration in 2018 (rubles)

The amount of a one-time cash remuneration for 2018 (rubles)

The ratio of remuneration in 2017 to the amount in 2018

50th wedding anniversary

55th wedding anniversary

60th wedding anniversary

65th wedding anniversary

70th anniversary and all subsequent anniversaries after 5 years

Registration procedure

To know detailed information regarding the execution of documents, you can call the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. The receipt of payments by the spouses by the anniversary date includes the following steps:

  1. Filling out an application. The document is drawn up on the provided form on behalf of the two spouses. In the application, you need to state your desire to receive cash benefits, indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the spouses, their passport details, place of residence, personal account number for transferring funds.
  2. Submission of documents. The collected documents, together with the application, must be submitted to the social protection authority at the place of residence. This can be done by one of the family members or ask their friends, relatives. Social workers can apply for single spouses.
  3. Ordering a solemn ceremony (optional - at the request of the spouses).
  4. Calculation of a one-time allowance for spouses-anniversaries and notification of them.
  5. Money is transferred by bank transfer to the bank account or savings book of one of the spouses or paid by postal order.
  6. Carrying out a solemn ceremony on the occasion of the anniversary in the registry office or in the Wedding Palace, if it was ordered.

Where to make payments for the golden wedding in Moscow

Although the registry offices have lists of anniversaries of married life, you should not count on automatic receipt of a lump sum payment. For remuneration, you must contact the relevant authorities. Before issuing documents for issuance Money for the anniversary, the registry offices of the city of Moscow were engaged. Now the rules for submitting documents have changed.

In 2018, you should contact the Client Service of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, which operates in multifunctional public service centers (MFCs). Anniversaries registered in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts can make one-time payments at the USZN Client Service at the MFC or the social protection department, which is located at the place of residence of the spouses.

For Internet users or for those who have assistants among friends or relatives, it is possible to electronically apply for a lump sum payment for the anniversary. On the website of public services, you can fill out an application form and send it. To view the status of the document, the section "My Applications" is provided. The application service is provided free of charge. The term for consideration of the application is 3 days. After the decision is made, a message about the result comes.

What documents are required

There are no time limits for submitting documents. It is necessary to apply for payments in 2018 after the anniversary. Cash reward will be paid on several anniversaries of life together, if no payments have been made before. The amounts of funds paid will correspond to the amounts that were in effect in the year of the anniversary. The list of documents that must be submitted to apply for a lump-sum allowance is contained on the website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow. For 2018 it includes:

  • joint declaration of both spouses;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • a certificate or certificate of registration of the place of residence, if such data is not included in the identity card;
  • marriage registration certificate;
  • passport and issued power of attorney or decision of the guardianship authority for persons representing the interests of the spouses.