The oldest survivor in the world. The oldest person in Russia

In the vastness of our site, the topic of longevity and life expectancy is often touched upon. Let's remember who the long-livers are. The concept of a long-liver (long-lived) is interpreted differently everywhere. Age limits are different everywhere. In the United States of America old man at the age of 85 is a long-liver. In Russia, from the age of 90, which corresponds to the generally accepted international border. For men and women, these limits are the same.

This article will focus on the centenarians of our country. Everyone has heard about the elders from the island of Okinawa, where 100 years is the age suitable for martial arts. Most of the world's older people live there. And what about our Russian expanses? Who is the oldest person in Russia and how old is he?

Life expectancy today

Statistics show that today the level and duration of life in the world is growing. Only in 2017 was a record set for the number of Russian citizens who are over 100 years old. Today, 70-75 years is the ALE throughout our planet. And Russia will soon be no exception. Every day, the list of centenarians is replenished by Russians at an enviable rate.

Centenarians of Russia

But what about us? How are things with the elderly in Russia? In our country, there are many Russians celebrating their centenary, we just do not advertise such events as widely as other countries. Due to the fact that the level of life expectancy in Russia is not as high as in other more developed countries We don't have that many long-livers. That is why among the Russians there are no people listed in the Guinness Book of Records because of their longevity. But Russian centenarians left their mark on history. Let's learn more about them.

Nanu Shaova

Experts of the Mir TV channel interviewed an elderly resident of Russia, Nana Shaova.

Nanu talks about herself, her life and how she celebrated her 127th birthday.

For Kuzbass, long-lived people are not uncommon. And one of them (according to some sources, the most an old man in Russia) - Anischuk Ekaterina Trofimovna. She was born in Novosibirsk in 1903. She is a "Veteran of Labour", a home front worker. He has lived in his hometown all his life. In 2017, the centenarian turned 114 years old.

It used to be the oldest long-liver of Russia. Magomed died at the age of 123.

Grandfather Magomed was born on May 1, 1890 in the village of Gedari. The inhabitants treated the man with great respect. People from the most remote places of the republic turned for his instructions and wisdom. No wonder, because the government of the Kizlyar region has always set Magomed as an example to others. The younger generation looked up to the man.

He was deported to Kazakhstan along with other Chechens. After returning to his homeland, he took up cattle breeding. When he retired, he returned to Dagestan and finally took root in his native land. Got a wife and children.

And Labazanov was married twice. From his first wife he had no children, and with his second he remained until the end of his life. In marriage, they had 4 sons, from whom 9 grandchildren were born, and from those 12 great-grandchildren.

Magomed also claimed that he did not follow any special diet. He ate as much as he wanted, but only healthy food.

Born in 1880 at the turn of the century. In 2012, Tuti crossed the mark of 133 years. A film was made about her as about the oldest Russian resident.

The long-liver lives with her family in the Aul of Karakalpakstan. Tuti Yusupova gave her life to work for the sake of the motherland and her family. She got married at the age of 17. But she was widowed in 1940 and has lived alone ever since. From her children, she has more than a hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is an absolute record in world history.

Born in the village of Aminevo. She died in 2011 at the age of 121. But again, this is not entirely confirmed data, since many important papers and lists that could testify the exact date births have been lost. But the long-liver herself assured everyone that her birthday was the first of July.

Khametova worked as a healer in her village and treated the inhabitants. She raised seven children alone. The husband died in the war.

Habimbal stuck to her routine. She took daily walks, followed her own diet, drank useful herbs. But some argue that long life was not uncommon in her lineage.

Russian Pelageya Zakurdaeva was born in 1886 on the birthday of A.S. Pushkin. This time the data is fully documented.

As a child, the long-liver was illiterate. She was engaged in housekeeping, cattle breeding. She got married 4 times.

Pelageya had no native children. But the second husband already had sons and daughters from his first marriage. She raised the children as her own and took great care of them. Pelageya met her third love in Tashkent. Soon this husband also died.

The last marriage of Zakurdaeva was to a German - Karl. But by the evil fate of fate, he was destined to die in a car accident.

Pelageya Zakurdaeva died from SARS at the age of 118.

Sarhat lived in her native village until the age of 131. The long-liver remembers the reign of Alexander II. The woman prayed daily. She categorically refused to take any medicine other than herbs. She raised someone else's child, since she did not have her own children. For most of her life, Sarhat Rashidova lived alone. She was a sensitive hostess and a hospitable hostess. I have always loved hosting guests in my home.

Born in Yakutia in 1890. The head of the family was a reindeer herder, and the centenarian successfully continued family business. She was given the title for her services to her cohabitants in the village. She tried to convey her knowledge and skills in this matter to everyone and everyone.

She was married to Alexei Semennikov, a hunter. They had two children who died early. After the incident, Varvara took four children into her care. Later she became a grandmother. She had over 10 grandchildren.

Until her century, she smoked tobacco excessively and did not hesitate to drink a glass of another wine on a special occasion. Her food was based on the usual diet in those parts: fish and venison. Before last days was fully capable.

The famous long-liver of North Ossetia. Gosada says that longevity was passed on to her from a snake that bit her in early childhood.

All her life Tsallaeva was at work and even after her retirement she got her own farm. She was able-bodied until the age of 98.

She had 11 children, four of them adopted.

Gosada Tsallayeva died at the age of 122.

Maria Strelnikova

In 2005, Maria Petrovna was awarded the title of the longest-lived resident of Russia (before her, Pelageya Zakurdaeva had this status).

Maria Strelnikova worked until the age of 81. The list of products that she consumed daily included vegetables and dairy products. She did not like meat, but her addiction to coffee could not be taken away. Often Strelnikova did not remember how many cups of coffee she drank in a day.

A native among her daughters died. She was 115 years old.

Other famous centenarians of Russia

Few people know that there were quite a few centenarians among celebrities or public Russian personalities. Soviet Minister of Defense Sergey Leonidovich Sokolov died at the age of 101.

Nikolai Annenkov, actor of the Soviet Union, died when he was 100 years old.

Famous ballerina Marina Semenova, who died at the age of 101.

The most common problem in determining the oldest person on earth is the lack of documentary evidence this fact. After all, all today's centenarians were born long before any censuses were conducted in the form in which they exist now. Thus, it is difficult to determine exactly who is actually the oldest inhabitant in Russia.

The oldest person in the world is a multifaceted concept. Here you can turn to official statistics or ancient scriptures, talk about those who are alive today or about those who are no longer with us. In this article, we will try to put everything on the shelves, and determine which person lived the longest, based on facts.

Imagine that people at some point began to live forever. Some will call it the ultimate dream, others will say that the lack of renewal of generations and infinity can slow down the development of all mankind, cause global stagnation. Therefore, human life is finite, and only the Lord knows how much we have been allotted. Awareness of limited time becomes an important motivator for us, killing natural laziness.

Now let's go down from heaven to earth and ask ourselves: how many managed to defeat time and how long did they live? Officially, older people are called centenarians if they are over 90 years old. There are quite a few of these around the world. For example, in the Russian Federation there are approximately 350,000 of them. In an effort to single out the very best of them, this threshold is raised to 110 years, since centenarians are already orders of magnitude smaller. The gap is huge.

The truth is somewhere near

The main question is how to find out the truth. Natural disasters, wars and coincidences lead to the unfortunate loss of documents. In addition, anyone in pursuit of fame can claim to be 200 years old and be convincing enough due to their historical knowledge of the past of their native places.

So, The list of centenarians of the world decided to conditionally divide into 2 groups:

  • Verified - age is documented: a birth certificate or a mark in a church book;
  • Conjectural - strong evidence of longevity is not provided.

Documents and their authenticity are fixed by an organization called “Gerontological research group”, Since 1990, outstanding centenarians have been listed in the Guinness Book of Records. There are also national lists but they are not recognized by the international community.

Ancient characters, religious figures and saints who have lived for more than one hundred years stand apart. There is no confirmation of this, so it is up to everyone to believe this information or not.

Today, the general list of the oldest people on the planet has 1062 surnames. Only 108 (slightly less than 10%) of them are men.

Living record holders (Top 8)

The current list of living centenarians over 110 years old as of April 2, 2018 has only 8 names, including 7 women:

First and last name Floor Country Daybirth
1 Nabi TajimafemaleJapan04.08.1900
2 Chiyo MiyakofemaleJapan02.05.1901
3 Giuseppina Proetto FraufemaleItaly30.05.1902
4 Kane TanakafemaleJapan02.01.1903
5 Maria Giuseppa Robucci NargisofemaleItaly20.03.1903
6 Iso NakamurafemaleJapan23.04.1903
7 Delphin GibsonfemaleUSA17.08.1903
8 Masazo NonakaHusbandJapan25.07.1905

Woman - Nabi Tajima (117 years old)

She is one of the 4 oldest people in history. The real pride of Nabis - big family, consisting of 9 children, more than two dozen grandchildren and fifty great-grandchildren - this is a real record!

Man - Masazo Nonaka (112 years old)

He was born on July 25, 1905 in Hokkaido, Japan. He took first place in 2016 after the death of Masamitsu Yoshida. Now the only longest-lived male person over 110 years old.

Departed (leaders in the history of mankind)

The dead centenarians of the planet are more numerous: the list includes hundreds of names, we will give the 25 most famous ones (click on the image to enlarge):


Woman - Jeanne Calment (122 years old)

Today's list of those who celebrated their centenary is rightfully headed by the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who was born on February 21, 1875. She lived 122 years and 164 days and died on 4 Aug. 1997 This maximum figure is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. During her longevity, she went through 2 world wars and saw firsthand one of the most famous artists- Vincent Willem van Gogh.

Jeanne associated her life expectancy with the absence of stress (she never worked), physical activity and spending time in nature. Now it's hard to believe, but she smoked, and her diet was not healthy, as the woman did not deny herself the use of wine and sweets. Fruits were always present in the diet of the centenarian.

An interesting story is connected with the name of Jeanne Calment. One lawyer suggested that an elderly woman enter into a contract to inherit the house in exchange for lifetime monthly payments. At that time, he had no idea that the old woman would be the biggest centenarian in the world. During his lifetime, the lawyer never became the owner of the property, and his elderly widow received 2,500 francs for another 24 months.

Man - Jiroemon Kimura (116 years old)

The oldest man is again a resident of Japan! They definitely know some secret to extending a person's "shelf life" and getting into the list of centenarians.

His name is Jiroemon Kimura and he was born in Kyoto Prefecture on 19 Apr. 1897 Died aged 116 years and 54 days due to pneumonia.

The oldest male survivor on Earth worked at the post office, and after retirement he cultivated his own land. Big role in setting the record, Jiroemon's moderate diet and an amazing craving for an active life played.

Where do the official centenarians of the world live

Today, the maximum average life expectancy is noted in:

  1. Japan
  2. Switzerland
  3. Italy
  4. Australia
  5. Israel
  6. France
  7. Norway
  8. Iceland
  9. Spain
  10. Sweden

And in terms of the number of centenarians, high rates are demonstrated by:

  1. USA - 45 of the 100 oldest centenarians;
  2. Japan - 25;
  3. France;
  4. Great Britain;
  5. Italy.

What can be the conclusion? If a country has achieved a maximum in the overall longevity of the population, this is not a guarantee that it will occupy the first place in terms of the number of long-lived citizens over 110 years old.

In addition to states, individual settlements, regions or tribes are distinguished by a high number of centenarians. For example, the Hunza tribe in India, the Japanese island of Okinawa, and in Russia have such fame.

Scientists, comparing these phenomena, have not found any unambiguous formula for longevity. However, favorable environment, food, active image life and inner balance are distinguished among critical factors capable of making you the oldest person on the planet.

Unconfirmed cases

There are much more non-verified centenarians: 52 living and 445 people who lived from 115 to 256 years.

The five living unofficial record holders look like this:

  1. Mom Efisho, 194 years old (1824) - Nigeria;
  2. Mahashta Murasi, 183 years old (01/06/1835) - India;
  3. Kakek Beruzia Vamiarja, 147 years old (07/01/1870) - Indonesia;
  4. Anami, aged 143 (1875) - Indonesia;
  5. Maritina Wangatala, aged 139 (1879) - Solomon Islands.

Presumably long-lived people from the past (Top 5):

  1. Li Qingyun, 256 years old (1677-1933) - China.
  2. Devraha Baba, 250 years old (1740-1990) - India;
  3. Thomas Carne, 207 years old (1381-1588) - England;
  4. Anna Feinset, 195 years old (1809-2004) - USA;
  5. Elizabeth M. Mahoney, 191 (1808-2000) - USA.

Today's championship belongs to the Chinese herbalist, which we talked about in a special one. It is not known for certain how long Li actually lived, since unambiguous evidence has never been found.

Russian statistics

Officially, there are 15.7 thousand elderly people in Russia who have celebrated their centenary. In the period from 2015-2017. this figure has grown:

  • +600 people by 2016
  • +923 people by 2017

The highest life expectancy, according to Rosstat, is observed in the following regions:

  1. Ingushetia - 80.82;
  2. Dagestan - 77.23;
  3. Moscow - 77.09;
  4. Kabardino-Balkaria - 75.12;
  5. North Ossetia - Alania - 75.05;
  6. St. Petersburg - 74.90;
  7. Karachay-Cherkessia - 74.72;
  8. Chechen Republic - 74.20;
  9. Republic of Tatarstan - 73.64;
  10. Stavropol Territory - 73.40.

Now you have a detailed idea of ​​​​who is now the oldest person on Earth. If you are on fire with the idea of ​​becoming, pardon the tautology, the longest-lived person in the world, follow those related to health, nutrition, lifestyle, relationships with the outside world and other people. And then you are guaranteed to push back your deadline - who knows where our maximum is.

A long, happy and healthy life is what everyone dreams of. Today we will talk about the amazing people in the world - centenarians who managed to cross the century boundary. How did they do it? What is the secret of longevity on earth? Let's figure it out!

Scientists of the world are endlessly looking for a universal remedy for absolute health and longevity. But, unfortunately, most of the popular hypotheses about the effectiveness of certain measures are not confirmed in practice. So what really works? The best way learn - ask those who managed to live more than a hundred years.

Some manage not only to babysit their grandchildren and hold them in their arms, but also to catch great-great-grandchildren. One of these people is Bolivian Carmelo Flores Laura, whose age, according to unofficial data at the time of his death in 2014, was 124 years.

According to the results of the census, this maximum age person recorded over the past decade. The man himself joked that he "passed a little over 100" on how exactly - he does not remember. AT last years In life, the man had the same sharp eyesight as in his youth and easily moved without support. The only thing that was starting to fail him was his hearing, but he still heard. Carmelo believed that the secret of his longevity was specific.

This old man, despite his venerable age, moved a lot on foot, never sat idle for a day and was extremely picky about food. He flatly refused rice and noodles, preferring his own grown barley, potatoes and beans. He ate meat only if the game was obtained by himself. The elder boasted that once he even managed to taste fox meat. Besides, the man preferred to drink exclusively pure spring water and never tried alcohol.

For my long life Carmelo Flores managed to raise three children, become a grandfather to 16 grandchildren and a great-grandfather to 39 great-grandchildren.

The man has not yet been entered into the Guinness Book of Records, however, the local government plans to award the late farmer the official title of “Living Heritage of Humanity”.

Guinness Book of Records

The first person to enter the Guinness Book of Records was Jeanne Louise Calment, whose life expectancy was 122 years and 165 days.

This woman was born back in 1875 and died in 1997, having managed to survive two world wars and see Vincent van Gogh with her own eyes.

This lively Frenchwoman did not lead a healthy diet, but she knew how to enjoy it sincerely: she loved to eat chocolate, sip red wine, and smoke several cigarettes a day. She explained her secret of longevity with her excellent sense of humor, positive attitude and love for leisurely bike rides in good weather.

At the age of 90, Jeanne Louise Calment, being a very gambling woman, made a deal with her lawyer Raffre. According to the agreement, he had to pay the old woman every month 2,500 francs (about 150 thousand rubles), and she, in turn, would give him all her property, including a large house. Why not? After all, the woman outlived all her genetic relatives and friends. Raffre considered that the old woman at such a venerable age would not last long and, without hesitation, agreed.

The irony lies in the fact that Raffre died at the age of 77, and his widow sent money to Jeanne for another 2 years. Because of this, the house, even if you list all the property, cost the lawyer's family twice as much. However, no offense arose - everyone treated the elderly woman with great respect.

Long-lived Jeanne Louise Calment

After the death of Jeanne Louise, the title of the oldest person in the world was given to the 117-year-old Japanese Misao Okawa.

On the eve of her 117th birthday, she shared her longevity secret with an interviewer: Eat well, sleep at least 8 hours at night and have a quiet hour during the day, and then you will live a very long time. ". Just like Zhanna, Misao believes that it is very important not to mope and keep positive attitude.

Misao Okawa. Yes, yes, this is her photo at the very beginning of the article

One step below Misao is an American of Spanish origin, Salustian Sanchez-Blasquez. One of the few men who managed to cross the 100-year milestone. He lived to be 112 years old and sincerely believed that the secret of his longevity was the habit of eating a banana for breakfast, drinking clean water and exercise daily.

Centenarians of the world

It seems that the average life expectancy is just a blurry figure, but looking at the world statistics, you can understand that this is not at all the case. By adopting the experience of other countries, you can reach a better standard of living. There are 5 places in the world where people live as long as possible, while remaining healthy and happy.

Okinawa (Japan)

A secluded island located 600 km off the coast of Japan, where out of 1.3 million people, 740 people cross the line of 100 years, while remaining capable. Agriculture is very popular in these parts: it provides year-round local residents fresh fruits and vegetables and keeps them busy. In addition, among the inhabitants of Okinawans, a philosophy of moderate consumption is common, which says: "eat until you are 80% satiated." Thus, harmony with nature and the desire for physical activity allows the inhabitants of Okinawan to maintain vigor of body and spirit even at a venerable age.

Sardinia (Italy)

A picturesque island located 120 km off the coast of Italy. That rare case when the centenarians are mostly men: farmers and shepherds. Good genetics, lifelong adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the ability to relax, forgetting about problems - these are the main secrets of longevity of the islanders. Besides, their menu includes fresh goat's milk and calcium-rich cheese.

Loma Linda (California)

Loma Linda is a religious community of 9,000 with incredibly long lives, often in their 90s. Adepts of Loma Linda adhere to vegetarianism, do not use alcohol and tobacco, and carefully monitor emotional state supporting each other and relying on family values.

Nicoya (Costa Rica)

A secluded reservation with a record low death rate among middle-aged people. For comparison, A 60-year-old resident of Nikoya is 3 times more likely to live to 90 than his peer from Russia. In addition, Nicoya also has the lowest oncological diseases for Costa Rica. The secrets of longevity are as follows: a lot of fiber and fresh fruits in the diet, fresh water and at least 8 hours of healthy sound sleep.

Ikaria (Greece)

Ikaria Island

Greek island located 60 km from the Turkish border. According to sociological studies, there are practically no cases in this area senile dementia in addition, people living here are 20% less likely to suffer from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Residents of Ikaria eat a lot of green vegetables, fresh seafood, drink tea rich in important trace elements, and also relax in the local hot springs.

Dan Buettner (a scientist who collaborated with National Geographic) found that the same patterns are visible in all areas where centenarians live. Namely, psychological comfort, proper nutrition, love of physical labor, friendliness and good system healthcare.

Hunza people

Hunza is a separate people living on the banks of the river of the same name in northern India, in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. For the first time, military doctor Mark Carrison, who for almost 15 years treated the sick in this God-forsaken corner of the planet, spoke about this unusual tribe.

Mark it seemed that everyone around was slowly dying from poverty and dysentery, but not the people of Hunza.

Despite the harsh living conditions, they retained the youth of body and spirit: at 40, they could not be given more than 20, and some women managed to give birth to healthy children even after 50 years. In addition, many old people experienced the 110-year milestone, while maintaining a sober mind, sharp eyesight and hearing.

The main craft of the people is precisely agriculture, since all of them, without exception, are vegans (they do not consume any products of animal origin). It is veganism and an active lifestyle that hunzakuts consider the basis of their longevity.

For many generations, the Hunda people ate only plant products. If you want to go vegan, make sure your diet contains all the micronutrients your body needs.

Because of the seasonality of many vegetables and fruits, Hunzakuts often had to distribute their stocks so as to feed themselves during the "cold" season. AT recent months spring in their diet are actively used soups based on cereals and dried vegetables, as well as drinks from dried apricots like compote. Initially, the use of such food was only a measure to survive famine times, but then it grew into the tradition of observing a two-month fast.

So, here rules that help Hunza maintain physical and mental health for many years:

  • The basis of the diet is raw vegetables and fruits. Only out of season they are allowed to be consumed stewed or boiled.
  • There is no salt and seasonings in the diet- they are acceptable, but in limited quantities when preparing soup and compote.
  • Bread is allowed exclusively black, with sprouted grains .
  • No alcohol- the only exception, home-made wine from grapes grown in the local area.
  • High physical activity. Hunzakuts are very hardy, which they actively use. They spend most of the daylight hours in the field, which allows them to keep their bodies in shape.
  • love of life– no matter how hard and hungry the times are, the hunzakuts always smile. Even while working on the ground, they love to sing songs and tell jokes.

Centenarians of Russia

In the ranking of countries in terms of life expectancy, Russia ranks 116 out of 197. The average is 71.4 years, where 65.9 years for men and 76.7 for women. But still there are people who not only refuted the statistics, but also overcame the age-old milestone. Meet the five long-livers

Nanu Shaova - 128 years old

Nanu Shaova is the oldest person in Russia according to the latest official data. She passed away on January 21, 2019 at the age of 128. The world learned about this amazing woman in 2018 when she went to the polls on her own to take part in presidential elections. All her life, Nanu worked on a collective farm and got used to most spend time on your feet. Until her death, the woman retained good spirits, sharp eyesight and hearing.

Appaz Iliev - 123 years old

Appaz Iliev is a native of the village of Guli, born in 1886. Until the age of 56, he lived in the mountains and descended for the first time only when it became necessary to defend his homeland during the Great Patriotic War. To this day, the man works in agriculture and is in fairly good health. Moreover, all his teeth are healthy and intact. The elder believes that he still feels good because he eats exclusively from his garden, does not smoke or drink alcohol.

Tanzilla Bisembeeva - 122 years old

Long-liver Tanzilya Bisembeeva

Tanzilla is an amazingly strong and strong-willed woman who had to endure many terrible events and losses. During the Great Patriotic War, her first husband died, and the child died while still a baby. From grief, the woman closed herself in and lived alone until the age of 49. But still, then she met her love and even gave birth to three children.

Tanzilla Bisenbeeva has always been distinguished by good health and willpower. Until the age of 100, she never went to the doctors, and even gave birth to children herself - at home.

Now the woman lives in Astrakhan region, and prefers to spend his days watching TV news. She has a large family: 10 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren.

Anischuk Ekaterina - 116 years old

Ekaterina Trofimovna was born at the very dawn of the 20th century - in 1903. All her life she worked on a collective farm, and during the Second World War she even worked as a groom. The woman thinks that the secret of her long life lies in the habit of drinking holy water every day. Ekaterina Trofimovna says that a glass of water in the morning gives her a boost of energy for the whole day. Today, the woman is surrounded by a large family: 4 children, 18 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.

In 2019, the territory of the Russian Federation is home to more than 8 thousand people whose age exceeds 95 years.

Evdokia Treteykina - 114 years old

At the very beginning of 2019, on January 9, Evdokia celebrated her 114th birthday. Now the pensioner prefers to spend most of her time at home. The long-liver still has an enviable appetite and prefers to eat natural products rich in pure protein: eggs, chicken breast and milk. According to her, to live more than a century the positive attitude helped the woman.

Lifespan record

The following cases of longevity were widely discussed in the media and the press at one time. Who are these elders? What is life beyond 100 years?

Maria is officially recognized as the oldest person in Ecuador in the history of South America. Her life path began back in 1889 and ended in 2006. The woman had five children, two of whom she survived. At 116, she remained adequate and moved quite freely without a stick. She preferred to spend her days watching television. The woman did not manage to live only 18 days before her 117th birthday.

Perhaps the story of Lee Ching-Yun is the most amazing of this collection, because he managed to live 256 years! According to the man himself, he was born in 1736, but many indirect data testify in favor of 1677. Both estimated data give astonishing figures - 197 and 256 years, respectively!

In 1928, a New York Times correspondent conducted a survey at the place of residence of the elder. Many of the old-timers claimed that their grandfathers had known the adult Ching Yun since their childhood.

Of course, the words of eyewitnesses cannot be trusted, but the records found in the imperial documents are already more serious evidence.

Marie-Louise Meyer

Maria was born in 1880 and died on April 16, 1998. She is the oldest inhabitant of Canada. The woman was married twice and gave birth to ten children. At the same time, her lifestyle is very far from healthy: she smoked several cigarettes a day and gave them up only at the age of 90.

Sarah Knauss

America's Longevity Sarah Knauss

Sarah held the title of the oldest inhabitant of the planet for a whole year (from 04/16/1998 to 12/30/1999) and was recognized as the oldest inhabitant in the history of the United States. Sarah did not live up to the new millennium only 33 days and died in a nursing home, where she lived for the last 9 years.

Sarah's daughter also became a long-liver and lived to 101 years. This once again confirms that heredity plays a big role.

Secrets of centenarians

How to live long and high quality? The best way to find out which rules work is to ask the centenarians themselves!

Gertrude Weaver (116 years old): “The main thing is to treat people the way you want to be treated. This will help maintain psychological comfort. And avoiding chronic protracted ones helps to avoid alcohol and sound sleep.

Jesse Galana (age 109) stood out and suggested the following: My secret to a happy and long life is the absence of men in it! They are more stress than good! I have never been married and I believe that this is my most correct decision in my life.

Alexander Imich, (111 years old) “I feel good and live long because I know how to listen to my body and give it what it wants: pure protein from poultry and fish and fresh vegetables. All my youth and youth I devoted myself to gymnastics and swimming.”

Durand Willardov (108 years old) "My bail healthy life– a serving of oatmeal with fruit in the morning, a serving of fish and vegetables for dinner and at least 7 push-ups a day”

George Boggess (age 105) « Modern people prefer to travel by car, and very in vain! My secret to longevity is walking in any weather.”

Longevity of the Earth

Birds centenarians

Surprisingly, sometimes the life span of a bird is almost identical to that of a person. Consider a few examples:

  • Cockatoo- a frequenter of pet stores and a fairly popular pet among poultry farmers. With proper care, such a bird can live with the owner up to 60 years.
  • White crane (Siberian crane)rare view, possessing only a few regions of Russia. Their population is rapidly declining every year and biologists are doing everything possible to restore their numbers. big luck that in the wild these birds can live up to 45 years, and in the conditions of the reserve - up to 80.
  • Golden eagle- one of the most beautiful and largest birds of prey. AT Central Asia people still tame them for sport hunting. Such a partnership can last for many years, because the life expectancy of a golden eagle is about 50 years.
  • Goose- not only wild, but also domestic goose can live up to 30 years. Unless, of course, give him a chance. An example is Gosha, who lives in the Chernihiv region of Ukraine. It does not have any unique conditions: the owners simply took pity on the bird and let it live its life in peace. True, as the owners admit, by the age of 27, Gosha's character had deteriorated greatly, and he became a real miser.
  • Crow in vivo The crow does not live that long - about 30-40 years. However, there is evidence that in captivity they can live up to 70 years.

Longevity among animals

There are also many centenarians among animals. We list the most notable creatures.

  • Asian elephant. The Asian (Indian) elephant is a majestic creature that is second in size to the bush elephant. It is considered the most dangerous herbivore in the world. The average life expectancy is 60 years, but in the conditions of the reserve the animal can live for about 80 years.
  • Tuatara. A rare reptile that lives on several islands of New Zealand. The only modern representative of the ancient order of beakheads. In the wild, these creatures can live from 100 to 200 years.
  • elephant turtle- the largest turtle on earth, which lives exclusively on Galapagos Islands Pacific Ocean. An adult can reach over 1.8 m in length and 400 kg in weight. According to scientists, in the wild, such a turtle can live for more than 200 years, however, in captivity, this figure is reduced to 170.
  • Nordic walking - walking to health and longevity

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The question of human life expectancy has been haunting people's minds for thousands of years. This is the most important question for any adult who lives on earth.

A thousand years of life

According to biblical records, the oldest person in history was almost a thousand years old. He lived several centuries ago and his name was Methuselah. He lived a long life and died at the age of 969. And at that time, according to scriptures, it was a normal age. However, it is written about this only in the Bible and there is no other data about this centenarian. Therefore, someone believes in its existence, someone does not. But even now there is documentary evidence that there are cases of longevity. Some, as before, submitted to the milestone of a hundred years. Practice shows that such facts are not few.

Life expectancy in Japan is longer than in other countries of the world. At the end of 2012, there were almost 45,000 people in the country who had crossed the 100-year mark. Moreover, the vast majority of them are women. It turns out that in Japan for every 2900 people there is one centenarian.

Now the oldest person in the world lives in Japan. In 2012, a former postman named Jiroemon Kimura turned 115 years old. And for his advanced age, he lives quite actively. Every day a man reads newspapers, delves into the broadcasts of the meetings of the local parliament, that is, strives to know everything that is happening around him.

According to other sources, the oldest person is a resident of Georgia, Antisa Khvichava. A woman in 2012 celebrated her 132nd birthday. However, there is no absolute evidence of her solid age. In the fall of 2012, the centenarian died. But until her death, she thought sensibly, played backgammon, and even allowed herself to drink a glass of vodka a day. Another centenarian glorified El Salvador. Cruz Hernandez Rivas turned 130 years old. And up to a hundred years the woman worked - she was a midwife. However, even here it is impossible to document the age - there is no evidence. All data is based only on the words of the long-liver herself.

Russian centenarians

In Russia, residents are also met, and not a few, who celebrate their centennial anniversary and live happily ever after. But there are not so many such people compared to other countries. For example, in the Guinness Book of Records, since its inception, there has never been a record of Russian people who have lived for a long time.

Because no one wants to die, and everyone wants to live almost forever. And that is why information about people who celebrate important dates is perceived with great interest. There are plenty of centenarians in Kuzbass. There are about a hundred people in the region who have already celebrated their 100th birthday. Among them, perhaps, lives the oldest man in Russia. Her name is Anishchuk Ekaterina Trofimovna. In January 2012, she turned 109 years old.

Grandpa Magomed

Well, the previous oldest resident of Russia was Magomed Labazanov, a resident of Dagestan. He passed away in the fall of 2012. He died at the age of 123.

For a long time he was considered the oldest inhabitant of Russia. Magomed Nasibovich was born, in his own words, in the village of Gedari, Tsumandinsky district, on May 1, 1890. In his native village he was called grandfather Magomed. And his age was respected, people came to the wisest man for advice from different corners republics.

And not surprisingly, the leadership of the Kizlyar region called Magomed Labazanov a worthy example for younger generation. It turns out that grandfather Magomed witnessed the Great Patriotic War, deportation to Kazakhstan Chechen people. The latter was important for Labazanov, because before the Second World War he worked in Chechnya at a sawmill. Upon returning from the Kazakh steppes, grandfather began to engage in animal husbandry. And in retirement he returned to Dagestan, where, together with his family, he remained to live in the village of Staraya Serebryakovka in the company of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He survived two wives and three of his four children.

Grandfather Magomed was married twice. The first wife was there for 9 years. She did not give birth to her husband's children. Well, Magomed remained faithful to his second wife until the end of his days. The woman was 19 years younger than her chosen one, she died at the age of 89.

During his lifetime, Magomed Labazanov happily shared the secrets of his long life. This is the right way of life. Grandpa never smoked or drank. And besides that, eat in moderation. He was especially fond of corn tortillas, whey, fruits, vegetables and herbs.

The Dagestani did not learn to read and write, but no one dared to call him illiterate. Relatives say that they wanted to record Magomed Nasibovich more than once in the Guinness Book of Records. The family was constantly visited by specialists from different countries world to learn the secrets of longevity from a long-liver. By the way, then there was no time for the Book of Records. The family was busy, Magomed himself went to the mosque almost to death, for every prayer. Relatives call main reason longevity of his father, grandfather and great-grandfather - physical activity, movement and work. The man had 4 sons, 9 grandchildren, and 12 great-grandchildren.

Longevity's birthday

By the way, there are many people on the lists of centenarians who have connected their lives with scientific or journalistic activities. There are quite a lot of celebrities in Russia who have died at an advanced, venerable age (it is worth noting that a person is considered a long-liver if he celebrated his 90th birthday). So, Soviet military leader, Minister of Defense of the USSR Sokolov Sergey Leonidovich died at the age of 101 years. Soviet actor Nikolai Annenkov lived to be 100 years old. The master of political caricature Boris Yefimov died at the age of 109. The Russian ballerina Marina Semenova died when she was 101 years old, the choreographer Igor Moiseev died at the same age.


It is worth noting that in most cases, when calculating the oldest inhabitant of the planet, documentary data become a huge problem. They often turn out to be lost, because most of today's centenarians were born in the nineteenth century, at a time when documents were not treated as carefully as they are now.
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In the interdisciplinary science called "sociobiology" there is a special concept - longevity, or longevity. It combines all cases of high "survivability" - a phenomenon in which a person steps over the maximum possible age limits. On the present stage long-livers are people over 90 years old, but for some, even this is not a figure at all! So how old were and are the oldest people in the world?

Many of the oldest people in the world have passed away by now, such as Jeanne Louise Calment, who holds the absolute record in terms of age attained, both among those who have already died and among those who are living today. Jeanne was born in the French city of Arles on February 21, 1875, and died on August 4, 1997 - she was 122 years and 164 days old!

Kalman was born into a bourgeois family. Her father, Nicolas, who knew the art of shipbuilding perfectly, was a member of the city council. Mother Margaret, descended from a family of millers, was engaged in farming. The family had to endure a lot of grief - even before the birth of Zhanna, her parents buried 2 small children, a boy and a girl. However, the heirs that appeared after the Kalmans were distinguished by good genes and health. For example, Jeanne's brother, Francois, was also included in the category of centenarians - he was able to celebrate 97 birthdays.

Jeanne has lived in Arles all her life. Already in adulthood, the woman recalled how, as a 13-year-old teenager, she worked part-time in her father's shop, where she met ... Vincent van Gogh himself, a Dutch post-impressionist painter! However, then the guest did not make any impression on Jeanne. Kalman noticed that the creator was dirty, smelly and unfriendly.

It so happened that Jeanne survived both her husband Fernand Nicolas, who was her second cousin and died of poisoning with spoiled berries, and her daughter Yvonne, who died of pneumonia, and the grandson of Frederic Jean-Paul Billot, who died in a car accident. In order to maintain the opportunity to live comfortably, the lonely 90-year-old Jeanne made a deal with the lawyer François Raffret, the latter had to pay the woman 2,500 French francs a month in exchange for her apartment, which became the property of a lawyer only after Calment's death. Alas, Raffre never saw this apartment. He assumed that the old woman would die soon, but he simply did not expect to run into a man whose age would be the greatest in all world history! As a result, the man died first, and the responsibility for the monthly payment of 2,500 French francs for 2 years passed to his widow. The apartment still went to the Raffre family, but paid for it was three times the real market value.

Kalman smoked, and also did not refuse wine and chocolate, which she loved very much. The last sweet, containing useful antioxidants, in principle, is called by researchers almost the key to longevity - it turned out that almost all of the oldest people on Earth ate a lot of chocolate. If we talk about Jeanne, then she also included fruits, vegetables, olive oil, and was also actively involved in sports: fencing, tennis, bike rides.

The next person is considered the oldest of all who live on Earth at the moment - the age of Japanese woman Tie Miyako is 117 years old. Just like Jeanne Calment, Tie is a woman - geneticists have established that it is the fair sex that, as a rule, live to the turn of 115 years. In the list of the oldest verified centenarians in history, there are only 6 men per 100 women.

Tie was born on May 2, 1901. Today she lives in the port city of Yokohama. The secret of longevity in the case of Miyako is swimming and skiing, as well as the traditional Japanese diet, consisting of rice and fish that are healthy for the body. Miyako stopped eating meat and also adopted a raw food diet, a practice that involves avoiding any thermally processed food (be it frying, boiling, steaming, in the oven, etc.).

A few years ago, Tie could easily get on skis and go down a steep slope, but at the moment she has difficulty moving and practically does not leave her house. Sports have been replaced by reading books: a woman reads 2-3 complete works in a week.

Japan is a country rich in centenarians in principle. Most recently, the title of the world's oldest person was held by Chie's compatriot Nabi Tajima, who lived for a total of 117 years, 260 days. She was born on August 4, 1900, i.e. turned out to be older than Miyako by only 1 year. Despite the fact that Nabi, who passed away on April 21, 2018, did not live to see her 120th birthday, she left behind a great legacy in the form of a close-knit family consisting of:

  • 9 children;
  • 28 grandchildren;
  • 56 great-grandchildren;
  • 35 great-great-grandchildren.

Kane Tanaka and Shimoe Akiyama

2nd and 4th place in modern ranking the oldest people in the world are also occupied by representatives of Japan - these are Kane Tanaka and Shimoe Akiyama, who celebrated their 115th birthdays in 2018. Tanaka adds another 204 days to this round date, while Akiyama adds 67 days.

Kane was born on January 2, 1903. During her life, she saw not only her native country, but also the United States, where she went in the 1970s to visit her nephews and nieces. Even today, a woman can clearly remember her impressions of the trip, despite how much time has passed! Tanaka lives in a nursing home in Fukuoka Prefecture, where she receives constant support as she Kane is no longer able to move without a walker. The Japanese woman calls the enduring faith in God the secret of her longevity.

Her compatriot, Shimoe Akiyama, was born just a few months later - on May 19, 1903. At the moment, he lives in Aichi Prefecture, where no one can compete with her in terms of the number of years.

Their champions in terms of the maximum number of years exist in modern Europe. So, the representative of Italy, Maria Giuseppe Robucci Nargiso, who has lived for a total of 115 years and 127 days, today is the oldest person not only in her native country, but throughout the EU. In a similar global nomination, she takes an honorable 3rd place - after Chie Miyako and Kane Tanaka.

Maria was born on March 20, 1903. At the age of 25, she married Nicola Nargiso, to whom she gave 5 children - Concetta, Angelo, Giuseppe, Filomena and Antonio. The family was able to survive the 1940s, but still faced serious financial problems. In 1982, the husband of Maria Giuseppe died.

For the 100th anniversary, the Italian was invited to participate in the TV show "La vita in diretta" (Italian - "Life in live"). Robucci-Nargiso was shown as an active, active woman who, even at such a venerable age, chopped wood on her own!

4 years ago, the centenarian injured her hip as a result of an unsuccessful fall, so she had to lie on the operating table. However, even this did not knock Mary down. Surprisingly, today both the Italian herself and one of her sons, Angelo, who is also quite a few - 86 years old, are alive.

The woman declares that to achieve such old age 3 things helped her:

  • mediterranean diet;
  • Faith in God;
  • optimistic attitude towards life.

Lucille Randon

5th place in the global ranking of living centenarians is occupied by Lucile Randon, a representative of France, who celebrated her 114th birthday in 2018. Lucille was born on February 11, 1904 in the family of a school teacher, Paul Randon, who at that time taught in the city of Ales. The girl was not born alone, but together with her twin sister, who died a year later.

Already at the age of 12, Lucille began working as a governess in one of the Marseille families, and at the age of 16 she moved to Versailles, where she got a job as a home teacher for children. She continued to work as an educator for wealthy families until 1945, when she decided to enroll as a nurse in the Vichy hospital, where help was needed to care for the elderly and orphans. So she worked for 28 years, after which she devoted herself to serving God, enrolling first in the Savoy monastery, and then, at the age of 105, in the Toulon local monastery.

The oldest of men

The absolute champion can also be distinguished among the representatives of the strong half of humanity - we are talking about the late Japanese Jiroemon Kimura, who was born on April 19, 1897 and died on June 12, 2013. None of the men could compete with the age of Kimura, who lived 116 years and 54 days.

For 45 years of his life, Jiroemon devoted himself to working in the post office, but upon reaching the age of 90, he decided to start running a personal household - a farm. Despite the fact that the man’s legs soon weakened, until the end of his days he remained active and positive: he was interested in politics, gave interviews to journalists and reporters, talked with the younger generation, watched sumo competitions. Kimura called regular exercise and a healthy, but moderate diet, the key to longevity. Jiroemon urged not to overeat, even if the food is very tasty, and always know when to stop.

Kimura died of pneumonia in a hospital bed. He gave birth to 7 children, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great-grandchildren, and always instructed his relatives to support each other and live happily.

Unconfirmed centenarian

However, not all of the oldest people are verified, verified and listed in official statistics. For example, a living Indian, Mahashta Mursassi, states that he was born on January 6, 1835. This means that a man should be no less than 183 years old!

However, the Guinness Book of Records refuses to recognize Mursassi as a record holder, citing insufficient supporting documents. It is not possible to ask the doctors who have ever treated Makhashta, because. the last person to work with him died in 1971.

Mursassi was born in major city Bangalore back when India was a British colony. He worked all his life as a shoemaker until he retired… At the age of 122. The man could not even imagine that he would celebrate the anniversary of 180 years. Murashi, who enjoys every passing day, treats life philosophically, and therefore thanks death for such a long respite. Until representatives of the Guinness Book of Records conduct a genetic examination and find out the real age of Makhashta, the laurels of the championship will belong to the 112-year-old Japanese Masazo Nonako.

The oldest Russian woman

AT Russian Federation also has its oldest resident - we are talking about Nana Tsukovna Shaova, who lives in the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Zayukovo. The only documents confirming the age of a woman are a passport and a certificate from the Russian Book of Records. However, the date of birth in these papers is conditional, because the birth certificate has not been preserved, and Nanu herself does not remember on which day she was born. She remembers only the year - 1890. This means that by now she has already turned 128 years old.