Where does the tiger live in what. Where tigers live, many still do not know

A large predator with chic fur and feline habits is a tiger. Today, this animal is listed in the Red Book, as the probability of its disappearance from the face of the earth is too high. Where do tigers live? Where can you find these unique tabby cats today?

Do tigers live in Africa?

There have never been tigers in the African wild. It is believed that the ancestor of all existing species This tabby cat is a South China tiger. Therefore, the center of origin and distribution of the predator is China. From there, the animals traveled north and south across the Himalayas. They began to populate Iran, Turkey, spread to the islands of Bali, Sumatra, Java, the territory of India and the Malay Peninsula. But a long way before Africa, wild cats did not master. In addition, the climate and living conditions do not meet the natural needs of these animals.

The tiger is an Asian animal. The historical area covers the territory of the Far East of Russia, Afghanistan, India, Iran, China and the countries of Southeast Asia. Today, this range is strongly dissected into separate populations, some of which are significantly distant from each other.

The habitat of predators began to form about two million years ago in northern China. Moving south through the Himalayas, they gradually occupied an area with the following borders: the Sunda Islands - from the south, the mouth of the Amur - from the west, Northern Iran - from the east and Kazakhstan - from the north. Today, tigers have been exterminated in most of this range.

Where do tabby cats live?

Researchers identify nine subspecies of the striped predator, of which three have already completely disappeared. Wild cats live in different landscapes. They like tropical rainforests, dry savannahs, bamboo thickets, semi-deserts, mangrove swamps, and bare rocky hills. The name of all existing subspecies is a territorial sign.

Amur tiger

Other names are Siberian, North Chinese, Ussuri, Manchurian. Habitat - fourteen districts. The most significant populations are concentrated in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories of Russia, in northeastern China and North Korea.

As a result of the last two counts, the largest undivided area was found Amur cats in nature, about five hundred and twenty individuals. This fact makes this population the largest in the world.

bengal predator

It lives in Nepal, Bhutan, India and Bangladesh. This subspecies inhabits both mangroves and savannahs, and rain forests. Most Bengalis occupy the territory of the Terai-Duar ecoregion.

Bengal cats are the most numerous, but they are also endangered. Main reasons: poaching and destruction of the natural environment. A large-scale conservation project launched in India at the end of the twentieth century stopped the process of extinction of striped predators. In the nineties, this program was recognized as one of the most successful.

indochinese tiger

The habitat is limited to the territory of Cambodia, southern China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and Malaysia. The approximate number of individuals is one thousand two hundred. This figure provided the subspecies with the second largest number among other tabby cats. The largest number of Indochinese tigers is concentrated in Malaysia. Severe measures in this country do not allow poachers to run amok. But the population is threatened by inbreeding and fragmentation of habitats.

Three-quarters of Vietnamese animals were destroyed to sell organs for Chinese medicine. Today, the killing or trapping of animals is strictly prohibited.

Malayan predator

As a subspecies, it was isolated by researchers only in 2004. Previously, the population was attributed to the Indochinese species. Malays live exclusively on the island of Malacca, in its southern part. Today it is the third largest subspecies, with a population of six hundred to eight hundred individuals.

Sumatran tiger

Place of residence - the Indonesian island of Sumatra. AT wild nature four hundred to five hundred cats of this subspecies are found. Most of them are in national parks and reserves. But even here the animals are in danger: even in the strictly protected areas of Sumatra, deforestation is taking place.

Meanwhile, unique genetic markers have been found in the genotype of this subspecies. This indicates that on the basis of this variety, over time, separate view feline. If the Sumatran predator does not die out, of course. Indeed, today it is represented by the smallest number.

Chinese tiger

A subspecies that is on the verge of extinction. In the wild, the last predator was shot dead in 1994. Today, South China cats are kept only in captivity.

Extinct subspecies

Balinese who previously lived on the island of Bali. The last individual of this breed was killed by hunters in 1937. These cats have never been kept in captivity.

Transcaucasian was found on the territory of Armenia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and southern Kazakhstan. The last animal was seen in 1968 in the southeastern part of Turkey.

Javanese until the eighties of the twentieth century lived on the Indonesian island of Java. The disappearance was due to destruction natural environment habitat and hunting.

Thus, the main habitat of tigers is the territory of Asia. Do you know where the skunk lives?

How long do tigers live?

How long do lions live? Oh tigers. We are talking about them.

In the wild, tabby cats can live up to twenty-six years. Most high level mortality - among tiger cubs up to one and a half years. About fifty percent die. Moreover, the more babies in the litter, the more often they die.

Sexual maturity of animals occurs at the age of four or five years. The pregnancy lasts three and a half months. Most often, a tigress breeds two or three cubs, less often - one, four or five. Babies stay with their mother for two to three years. During this time, they almost acquire the size of an adult. A new litter is born only when the previous one begins an independent life.

The tigress does not leave her cubs alone for a long time. Only by the end of the first year of their life does the mother begin to go far away. The ability to hunt is not an innate skill. All ways and techniques cubs learn from their mother.

For some time, while the cubs are very small, the tigress does not let her father get close to them. Only later, perhaps, will an adult tiger be allowed to visit his family.

Tigers are the largest land predators, second only to polar and brown bears in weight. There are 9 subspecies of the tiger, of which only 6 have survived in the 21st century. Total population population is 4000-6500 individuals. Tigers are listed in the Red Book of the IUCN and many countries of the world, and hunting for them is prohibited everywhere.

Tiger - the largest and heaviest wild cat, but known subspecies differ markedly in size and weight.


The largest are the Bengal and Amur tigers. Males in length from 2.3 to 2.5 m, with a body weight of about 300 kg. The height at the withers reaches 1.15 m. Females are usually inferior to males in size.


Tigers have a massive, elongated, muscular, flexible body. The tail is long, pubescent. The front paws are five-fingered, the hind legs are four-fingered, the claws are retractable. The head is rounded, the forehead is convex. The ears are small and rounded. Tanks are located on the sides of the head. White vibrissae are arranged in 4-5 rows. The animal has well developed fangs, up to 8 cm in length. Tigers have well-developed night vision and color vision.


The wool is low, sparse, dense and low in the southern subspecies, high and fluffy in the northern ones. The coloration is from rusty red to rusty brown, the belly, chest and paws are light inside. Light markings are also visible on the ears. The body is covered with stripes painted in brown or black. The muzzle is below the nostrils, the vibrissa area, the chin are white, there are black spots around the mouth. The tail has a black tip and transverse stripes-rings. The shape and distance between the stripes are varied in subspecies, but their number is on average about 100. The arrangement of stripes in tigers is unique for each individual.

What does it eat

The diet of tigers mainly consists of ungulates: Bengal tigers prey on sambar, axis, wild boar and nilgai; Amur tigers hunt noble and spotted deer, wild boars, roe deer and musk deer; Sumatran tigers - sambara, wild boars and black-backed tapirs. Among the prey of tigers there are also large herbivores, for example, Indian buffaloes, gaurs and elks. Monkey, pheasant, hare, reptiles and fish fall into their diet. Sometimes tigers also hunt domestic animals: dogs, cows, horses and donkeys. Vegetable food, nuts, grass and fruits can be enjoyed in the summer.

Complete nutrition for a tiger is 50-70 ungulates per year. At one time, the meal is 30-40 kg of meat. The lack of food is tolerated relatively easily by the tiger due to the presence of a subcutaneous layer of fat about 5 cm thick.

Where does it live?

The tiger is an Asian animal. Its historical range included the Russian Far East, Iran, Afghanistan, China, India and the countries of Southeast Asia.

To date, the tiger has been exterminated in most of these territories, large populations have survived only in India and Indochina and in Far East(in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Iran, Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Thailand).

Tigers live in a wide variety of landscapes: in tropical rainforests, mangrove swamps and bamboo thickets in the tropics, in dry savannahs, semi-deserts, bare rocky hills and taiga in the north. In the mountains they are found at altitudes up to 3000 m above sea level.

Common types

There are 9 subspecies of the tiger, of which three are now completely exterminated.

Known as Ussuri, Siberian, Manchu or North Chinese, distributed in the Amur region, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk regions of Russia. The population size reaches about 500 individuals.

The Amur tiger is a large subspecies. It is distinguished by thick, long and fluffy coat, light color and many stripes.

Nominative subspecies that lives in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar. The population is estimated at 3100-4500 animals, but it is still under threat due to poaching. Average weight for males is 205-227 kg, for females - 140-150 kg.

Distributed in Cambodia, Myanmar, southern China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. The number of individuals is 1200-1800. This subspecies is distinguished by a darker color. The average weight of males is from 150 to 190 kg, for females this figure is in the range of 110-140 kg.

Distributed only in the south of the Malay Peninsula. Previously, the population of this subspecies was attributed to the Indochinese tigers, but according to genetic studies at the beginning of the 21st century, it was isolated as an independent subspecies. Its number is estimated at 600-800 individuals, that is, it is the third largest in nature.

An inhabitant of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, where there are about 400-500 animals. This is the smallest of all subspecies: the weight of males is 100-130 kg, females weigh 70-90 kg.

This small sized subspecies is the most endangered. Body length 2.2-2.6 meters, weight of males 127-177 kg, females - 100-118 kg. Now 59 individuals are kept in captivity in China, and they are trying to introduce them into the wild.

Male and female: main differences

Sexual dimorphism in tigers is manifested in the larger size of males compared to females. Both males and females are colored the same.

Tiger behavior

Tigers are most active in the morning, evening and night. They usually spend the day in their lairs. They move in big steps. They don't climb trees. They do not avoid water and swim well, and the inhabitants southern regions even bathe regularly. Tigers are hardy and low temperatures. They molt twice a year: in March and September.

Tigers are mostly silent and rarely raise their voices. Only during mating season males begin to roar dully, and when they are angry or attack prey, they growl. An adult tiger is a territorial animal that leads a solitary life and fiercely defends its territory. The tiger marks his personal territory different ways, leaves urine marks on tree trunks, rocks, bushes, loosens snow or soil, rubs against trees and leaves scratches on trunks. The size of personal territories is determined by the habitat, the amount of prey, the presence of females (for males). Tigresses usually occupy an area of ​​about 20 km², and males - 60-100 km². Females can live in the territory of the male.

The territorial behavior of males is very aggressive, they do not let strangers into their territory and enter into serious battles with them, they get along only with tigresses. In turn, females normally get along with each other and can put up with intersecting areas.

Tigers hunt only alone, either by sneaking up on prey (in winter) or lying in wait for it in ambush (in summer). Their victims are often hunted down near bodies of water. Prey can be pursued 100-150 m, reaching speeds up to 60 km / h.


Tigers are polygamous animals. Their mating season is December-January. At this time, males often fight for females. Since the tigress is capable of fertilizing only a few days a year, mating occurs many times during this time. The first offspring in females is observed at the age of 3-4 years. A tigress usually gives birth once every 2-3 years. The duration of pregnancy is 97-112 days.

To breed offspring, the female arranges a den in a hard-to-reach place: in crevices among stones, in a cave, windbreak. Tiger cubs are born in March-April, there are 2-4 of them, they are blind, helpless, weigh 1.3-1.5 kg, their eyes are opened after 6-8 days. The first 6 weeks are breastfeeding. Only the female takes care of them, and the males do not let them in. At 8 weeks old, the cubs leave the den and follow their mother. They start independent life at 18 months, but can stay with the female until they reach puberty.

Females become sexually mature at 3-4 years, males at 4-5 years. For life, the female brings 10-20 cubs, but half die in young age. In nature, tigers live for about 25 years.

tiger threat

Throughout its range, the tiger is at the top of the food chain and other predators do not attack or compete with it. On the contrary, tigers attack wolves, leopards and pythons. Danger to each other Amur tiger and Brown bear. Crocodiles are potentially dangerous for tigers.

The main factor that limits the size of the tiger population is economic activity people and hunting with trophy (for the extraction of skins) and for medicinal purposes (use in traditional oriental medicine).

Due to hunting and habitat destruction, the number of tigers is rapidly declining. A hundred years ago, the population was estimated at 100,000 wild tigers, and now there are about 5,000 left. About 20,000 animals are kept in captivity, which prevents the complete destruction of the species. In addition, tigers are under international protection, are listed in the IUCN Red List, hunting for them is strictly prohibited.

  • July 29th is International Tiger Day.
  • The destruction of tigers was associated with the use of their organs and tissues in traditional oriental (Chinese) medicine. The best-known medical products of this type are painkillers and aphrodisiacs. Now such use is prohibited and criminally punished; but illegal trade still persists.

The tiger (lat. Panthera tigris) is a mammal and the largest predator of the cat family. The body of this animal is elongated, flexible and muscular, 1.8 - 3.1 m long and weighing about 270 kg.

The head has a rounded shape, the ears are small, the tail is long (about 90 cm). The color of the coat is red with black transverse stripes.

Thanks to this unusual color, the animal can be well camouflaged in thickets. In addition, the color of the skin depends on the specific geographical location of the "cat", which makes it possible to distinguish between several subspecies of this animal.

Most famous species are the Amur, Bengal, Indochinese tiger. These animals can only be found in Asia (in Southeast Asia, in the Middle and Far East, in the Primorsky Territory of Russia), they live in various areas (both in forests and in the mountains).

They feed on ungulates, and also do not disdain crocodiles, turtles, crabs, fish and insects. The mating season is usually winter time years, the duration of pregnancy varies between 95 and 112 days.

Usually from two to four cubs are born, in rare cases - one. Young tigers live with their mother for 2-5 years, and reach sexual maturity: females - at 3-4 years, males - at 4-5 years. Life expectancy is a maximum of 25-26 years.

Tigers always hunt in packs. This statement is far from the truth. Many people confuse the way of life of tigers with the way of life of lions. Lions - yes, they live and hunt in groups, while tigers are animals accustomed to loneliness, and therefore prefer to hunt alone. Although there is an exception to this tiger rule: tigers can hunt in a small group during the mating season and when young tiger cubs cannot yet lead a full adult life on their own.

Each tiger can be distinguished from the other by its paw print. In fact, the same tiger's footprint will always look different on different soil, so it's not easy to tell which tiger has been in a given area.

Tigers are afraid of water. Unlike other animals of the cat family, just tigers and jaguars are not a bit afraid water places and swim there with great pleasure. When it's worth it hot weather, these animals literally do not get out of the water, they can lie there for hours, escaping from the scorching sun.

Tigers cannot climb trees. They also belong to the cat family, which means, like an ordinary domestic cat, they can climb a tree. But their occupation is not particularly favorite, and a tiger can climb a tree only if a tidbit has "settled" there, or if there is stressful situation. Therefore, when a person encounters a tiger, it makes no sense to hide from the beast on a tree.

Tigers love to eat humans. As a rule, a healthy young tiger will never specifically hunt a person; ungulates and other animals are quite enough for him. Old or sick (wounded) tigers can really attack people, since they are no longer able to hunt large prey.

Having obtained food for himself and having a hearty meal, the tiger sets off on a long journey, no longer paying attention to other animals. False statement. The tiger is not a fan of long walks, and therefore rarely makes long journeys. And he can hunt at any opportunity presented to him.

There is a separate species of tigers - White tigers. This is an erroneous statement. In fact, white tigers are not distinguished into a separate group of breeds. In addition, the birth of a white tiger is quite rare. Such " ugly duck"Among tigers, a completely normal orange-black tiger family can be born. The thing is that the coat of white tigers can sometimes be devoid of pigmentation responsible for the red color, while the black stripes remain unchanged. So it turns out a tiger with black stripes on white fur coat.

Tigers fight among themselves not for life, but for death. Controversial statement. Usually, a fight for tigers is a way to prove which of them is stronger. But, as a rule, the strongest will never "finish off" the weak. As soon as the weaker animal realizes that it cannot fight the enemy, it tries to retreat quickly, and the strong one, in turn, shows generosity and does not pursue the fleeing brother.

Tigers hate dogs. What's right is right. There are several reasons for this hatred. One point of view is the long-standing feud between dog and cat. The other is inclined to think that dog meat is very healthy for a tiger and is extremely tasty. In any case, no matter what the dog does and no matter where he is - having noticed it, the tiger strives to "crush" the animal.

These animals live only in Africa. As most researchers believe, all varieties of this predatory cat known today are descended from South China tigers. Gradually they populated Iran and Turkey, but the same cannot be said about Africa. Of course, today there are more than enough of them, but this does not mean that the tigers themselves moved there and chose these places, most likely a person helped them in this.

The tiger is a large mammal, a predator of the cat family. To date, the tiger is listed in the Red Book, so hunting for it is prohibited. And this means that there are few tigers left. So where do tigers live, the largest and smallest tabby cats?

Tiger habitats

Now the tiger can be found in a very specific area - this is exclusively Asia. Specific areas are the Russian Far East, China, India, Iran, Afghanistan, the countries of Southeast Asia and the Indonesian Islands. The habitat of tigers was formed in the north of China, later they spread across the Malay Peninsula, India, on the islands of Java, Bali and Sumatra. In Russia, tigers can be found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Far East. What habitats do tigers choose for themselves? These are mangrove swamps, tropical rainforests, bamboo thickets, semi-deserts, savannahs, rocky hills and northern taiga. You can meet tigers in the mountains - they rise up to 3 km above sea level. Where exactly does each species of tiger that exists today live?

  • Where do Amur tigers live? The Amur tiger (other names are Siberian, Ussuri, Manchurian, North Chinese) is found in Russia - in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in northeastern China.
  • Royal Bengal tiger lives in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan.
  • The Indochinese tiger can be found in southern China, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
  • The Malayan tiger walks in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula.
  • The Sumatran tiger lives only on the island of Sumatra.
  • The South China tiger is severely endangered and the remaining individuals can only be found in China.

For the first time I saw a tiger in the Kiev Zoo. He was lying on a stone belly to the top and basking in the warm sun. I so wanted to climb over the fence and stroke this beautiful kitty. But of course I didn't. The tiger is not a gentle animal. This is a formidable and intelligent predator, which can be found only in some parts of our planet.

Where do tigers live

Today tigers can meet in a limited area. Scientists divide tigers into nine kinds. But three of them are final destroyed. Formerly tiger population numbered about 100,000 individuals. But over the past hundred years this The number has dropped to 4,000. People hunted tigers for their beautiful fur. Or just for fun. Today tigermeets only in taiga Far East of Russia, in China, Korea and India. And earlier it was found in the territories of Afghanistan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Turkey. What places to stay choose tigers:

  • rainforests;
  • bamboo thickets;
  • taiga;
  • mangrove swamps;
  • savannas.

Depending on where you live tigers differ in coat color and sizes. For example, Amur tiger- most large in size. But their left no more 500 individuals. reside these beauties in Russia, Primorsky Krai and China.Bengal tiger not as exterminated as other species and is the most numerous. He lives in India and Bangladesh. The governments of these countries carry out many programs to protect these wonderful animals from extinction. But precisely Bengal tiger most often becomes cannibal. On the Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula reside the smallest representatives this type of cat. Maximum weight such a tiger reaches only 130 kilograms, whereas Amur tiger may weigh more than 350 kilograms.

Amazing tabby cats

The tiger is a very beautiful animal. He has mass amazing abilities. Here is some of them:

  1. Tiger takes third place on the list largest predators our planet.
  2. lives tiger about 20 years.
  3. Tiger fangs have 10 cm length.
  4. The tiger is an excellent swimmer. He loves to swim just for fun.
  5. Tiger sees at night in 6 times better than a human.
  6. tiger has nis only striped fur, but also skin.
  7. identify the tiger can along his lanes. They are unique.
  8. Tiger paw kick maybe break the back of the brown bear.
  9. Tiger maybe imitate the voice of a leopard or a bear.

Today tigers are threatened with extinction. In Russia, killing a tiger is punishable only by a fine, but in China, a poacher loses his life for this crime.