When to plant a chasnik for the winter. When winter garlic is planted: planting time, tips for preparing beds and seed treatment

Garlic - very useful product. The daily use of cloves in a small amount can have a beneficial effect on the increase protective functions organism. Therefore, most gardeners are happy to plant it in their beds. To learn how to choose the right winter garlic for planting, prepare a garden bed and plant it in the fall before winter, read this article.

Which garlic is better to plant: winter in autumn or spring in spring

Garlic according to its characteristics is classified into spring and winter. The differences in them are that the first is planted in the spring, and the second - in the fall before winter.

However, for example, spring garlic is more often planted because of the possibility of its longer storage, but winter garlic is by no means inferior to its competitor, having the following advantages:

  1. In the spring there are many different worries, and in the fall there is much more time.. The timing of planting winter garlic in the fall is not strictly fixed, so planting work can be stretched for a long period.
  2. Winter garlic is not afraid of either the first frost or a fierce winter., not to mention the return of spring temperature drops. While the tender leaves of spring garlic in the spring can be ruined by a sharp drop in temperature.
  3. planting material in autumn months boasts larger sizes in front of spring specimens. The larger the planting material, the larger in the end you will get a crop (the relationship is direct). While spring seedlings often dry out by the time of sowing.
  4. Winter species are immune to neither diseases nor pests., which cannot be said about spring specimens.
  5. Planting garlic before winter does not require special care. The soil in the autumn period is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture, which allows you to overwinter well in the cold months.
  6. Harvesting is done earlier than during spring planting. What says that in summer months on the shelves of stores there are only representatives of winter varieties.
  7. Planting in autumn gives more yield than spring rooting.

By the way! You can see how winter garlic differs from spring garlic in the picture below.

Thus, planting garlic in the fall before winter is considered very profitable business bringing a bountiful harvest. However, in order for everything to work out, you need to know the timing of the start of planting work.

When to plant garlic in the fall - in what month: optimal timing

The timing of planting garlic in the fall directly depends on the characteristics climate zone where you live and are going to plant cloves, as well as current weather conditions.

As a rule, winter garlic begins to be planted 2-3 weeks before frost, so that during this time it has time to take root.

In garlic for this period only the root system should develop but no way non-aerial green mass.

Optimum temperature soil for planting garlic - + 10-12 degrees, but lower is allowed, but it is impossible to plant in frozen ground.

If we allocate planting periods by region, then the following dates for planting garlic in the fall are recommended:

  1. middle lane(Moscow region) - the end of September - the first half of October.
  2. Southern regions - the end of October-November.
  3. Northern regions (Siberia, Urals) - the second half of September, the deadline is the first half of October.

Interesting! Each gardener is guided by his own observations. Some, for example, are sure that the best garlic is obtained if it is planted before the Feast of the Intercession. Others, on the contrary, try to plant in sunny days just after the holiday.

Thus, garlic should be planted in the fall and, above all, guided by the weather.

Video: when and how to plant garlic before winter

How to plant winter garlic in the fall - features and step by step instructions

To get a crop consisting of large, whole and even cloves, you must first decide on a place for planting, prepare a bed, soil for planting cloves, choose good planting material and properly prepare and process winter garlic itself for planting.

Landing place

The place where winter garlic will be planted is selected in advance. Culture is a plant that loves sunlight very much. Therefore, it must be planted on open areas, not shaded, for example, by fruit trees.

Great place for planting garlic, a small mound or a bed on a hill will serve (for example, warm bed). If it is placed in a lowland, then during the spring snowmelt, the plantings will be flooded, and the seedlings may rot because of this.

The best predecessors for planting winter garlic: crop rotation rules

Note! Naturally, if you want to get a rich harvest of winter garlic, then you need to plant it, like any vegetables, according to the rules of crop rotation. About, after what crops is it better to plant winter garlic, read .

Preparing beds and soil for planting winter garlic

The preparation of the beds where winter garlic will be planted, they begin to deal with about a month before the start of planting.

Interesting! A bed for winter garlic is made in advance so that the soil in it settles a little.

As for the location in the garden, then, as already mentioned earlier, optimally place the bed in a sunny place from north to south.

Further on the planned site you need dig the soil to a depth of about 20-30 cm (shovel bayonet), while removing all weeds and other debris, and then apply fertilizer under digging to improve soil fertility.

The soil for growing winter garlic requires loose, soft, filled with nutrients. A spicy vegetable loves a soil that is perfectly permeable to air and water, and most importantly, has a neutral acidity level (pH).

You should not choose a place where the soil is clay, dense or overly acidic. Sandy substrates will work, but large heads require heavy watering and frequent fertilization.

By the way! If the soil is excessively clayey, then you can make it looser by adding peat and sand.

To prepare the soil for planting garlic before winter, organic and / or mineral fertilizers should be applied to it.

If you are a supporter of organic farming, then the following fertilizers should be applied for digging:

  • compost or rotted manure (1 bucket per 1 sq. meter);
  • wood ash (1-2 cups per 1 sq. meter).

By the way! Ash can be poured into a hole or groove right before planting.

Video: planting garlic in the fall before winter and fertilizing the moon with ash

If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then add:

  • superphosphate (20-30 grams per 1 sq. meter);
  • potassium sulfate and potassium nitrate (20-30 grams per 1 sq. meter).

By the way! As an enhanced measure, you can mix organic and mineral fertilizers.

After digging and making necessary fertilizers into the soil, the bed is well leveled and left until autumn planting.

Advice! Some gardeners advise additionally protecting and disinfecting the soil by spilling it with a 1% solution of copper sulphate, or. But, in principle, this can be done after landing.

How to choose the right seedlings

You need to choose the largest cloves from the most correct heads, and it is desirable that each has no more than 5-6 pieces. If you choose small cloves, then the garlic will turn out to be very small volumes.

Important! There should be no rot or mold on the cloves. It is worth carefully inspecting the surface for the presence of spots of an unnatural structure. You can not take cloves for rooting with mechanical damage.

All cloves suitable for planting must be fully "dressed" in the shell, with no visible flaws.

Important! Garlic should be divided into cloves immediately before planting (before soaking).

Processing and preparing garlic for planting

Before planting garlic cloves in the fall open ground, they should be pre-prepared for landing:

  1. Each clove is carefully separated from the others so as not to damage the outer shell and the root growth site (bottom). Some gardeners recommend lightly cleaning the bottom (from cork raids) so that it takes root better, but this must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally remove the scales and expose the clove.
  2. Next, all the cloves must be carefully sorted. You should get rid of all the spoiled ones. If you plant such garlic, it will not only not give a normal head, but it can infect the entire garden.
  1. You can soak the cloves in the Maxim solution (according to the instructions) for 20-30 minutes.
  2. To be sure to pickle and disinfect the garlic, it is soaked in a solution of "Fundazol" (according to the instructions).
  3. A pink solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable. Again, 20-30 minutes.
  4. For soaking, you can also use a 1% solution of copper sulfate (10 grams per 1 liter). For all the same up to half an hour.
  5. Many summer residents recommend holding the cloves in the solution (according to the instructions) for 5-10 minutes.
  6. According to the old tradition, quite often the cloves are soaked in a saline solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), keeping for half an hour.

Advice! What is the best way to process garlic cloves is decided by each gardener on his own. For fun, you can try soaking several batches of cloves in different solutions and planting them in separate rows to experiment.

Video: proper preparation (processing, soaking) of winter garlic for autumn planting

Direct landing and its rules

Basic rules for planting winter garlic:

By the way! Many people like plant garlic not in grooves, in separate holes, in other words, plant in spots. Moreover, it is convenient to make such pits with special devices, or with a bottle neck (as in the title photo of the article).

Important! If the teeth are placed too high to the surface, they may be subject to freezing. If, on the contrary, it is too deep, then they will germinate for too long or completely rot.

Step-by-step instruction planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  1. Decide on a place to plant, while taking into account the rules of crop rotation.
  2. Prepare the garden and soil.
  3. Select high-quality planting material, process (soak) it in a disinfectant solution.
  4. Cut grooves or holes.
  5. Plant cloves in accordance with the rules.
  6. Cover with fertile soil.
  7. If desired, for additional disinfection of the soil, it can be spilled with a solution (according to the instructions).
  8. Mulch (if you have a cold and harsh climate in autumn).

Video: proper planting of garlic in the fall before winter

Care for winter garlic after planting

If your winters are very cold, then with the onset of frost, the bed is mulched with sawdust, or laid with pine branches or straw, you can even cover it with spunbond. But in the spring, all shelter will need to be removed at the first warm days, but the mulch can be left (some people specially grow garlic in the mulch).

Video: planting and mulching garlic in the fall

If the autumn is dry, there is little rainfall, then it is recommended to shed the beds a couple of times so that the rooting process goes faster.

Naturally, the main care falls on spring time. Some time after the snow masses come down, the first green sprouts should already be visible. Watering is not yet required, because after the snow melts, the soil is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture.

When to harvest winter garlic and how to store it (ways)

Possible mistakes when planting garlic in the fall and when growing it

No matter how experienced the gardener is, he still often makes offensive mistakes that could not be made if you know exactly what you should pay special attention to.

The following mistakes are distinguished, which are often made when planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  1. When buying planting material, the sellers themselves names are often confused or even mixed together. Therefore, it is possible to buy in the fall not the garlic that is required. So, either use your own planting material, or carefully and carefully watch what you buy.
  2. Planted without shell. Garlic, like a fish, dies without scales. Many gardeners believe that the shell must be removed. They are of the opinion that the scales (or poorly removed old crust) prevent roots from germinating. However, in the absence of a shell, the clove soon begins to actively rot.
  3. Planting is done immediately after the bed has been dug up and prepared. Firstly, when you make mineral and organic additives for digging, they need time to saturate the soil with nutrients. Secondly, the cloves planted during this period, after the earth sags, will surely dig into the ground excessively deep, which will negatively affect their germination and further growth.
  4. Planted out too early. If you plant early enough - back in August, then warm weather will provoke the active growth of green shoots. And they will die during the onset of cold weather, which will lead to a weakening of the planting material.
  5. Arrows are not removed in spring. Of course, the final size of the garlic depends on the bulb head, but if you leave the arrow that he released in the spring, then all the force of the head will go to the formation of bulbs. Therefore, the arrows should be broken off during the period of their formation.

Video: tricks of planting garlic before winter

Thus, it is better to plant winter garlic in the autumn period, since during the winter it undergoes a natural stratification that allows the plant to harden into natural conditions and accumulate mass. And then the main thing is to do everything (preparing the beds and soil, processing and planting the cloves themselves) on time and correctly.

Video: how to plant garlic before winter

In contact with

Garlic is one of the most popular and sought-after crops that can be found in almost every area. This vegetable spice gives dishes a special taste and aroma, and it is also a true storehouse useful substances. Garlic is a rather unpretentious plant; By following some rules, you can significantly increase the degree of its productivity.

The best period for - from the last decade of October to the 20th of November. The culture tolerates cold well, and winter planting will only strengthen and harden it, ensuring the harvest is already in the first spring months. At the same time, it is recommended that the soil be sufficiently light, porous, freely pass water, nutrients and oxygen. To get large garlic heads with a pronounced rich taste and characteristic aroma, the plant should be planted in areas that are sufficiently well lit and open to sunlight.

Why are precursors important?

When choosing a place for planting winter garlic, it is extremely important to take into account the "predecessors". So it is customary to call the plants that grew in this place during the previous season. The fact is that there are a number of crops, after which it is categorically not recommended to plant garlic, since this will have an extremely negative impact on the quantity and quality of the future harvest.

This is due to the fact that after certain garden crops, the earth tends to accumulate specific substances that prevent the growth and development of plants, similar diseases and lesions, and also store larvae and entire broods. harmful insects. Sometimes, up to 60% of cases, it is affected by a stem nematode.

By choosing the right site for planting garlic before winter, you will be able to minimize the tillage associated with feeding and protecting the plant, automatically increasing the stability and viability of the root crop.

In addition, in order to develop and grow normally, crops belonging to a certain group need an appropriate complex of useful substances, mineral compounds, as well as chemical indicators. Obviously, with the onset of the next season, planting vegetables that need identical nutrition in the same place is simply not advisable, since the soil is depleted. And suitable predecessors fill the earth with organic matter and, consuming other microelements, leave in the soil all the necessary substances for full growth, comfortable existence and the formation of garlic.

In addition, growing garlic in the same garden for more than 2 years in a row is also undesirable. It is recommended to take a short break in one season and let the earth recover, periodically feeding it with organic fertilizers. After that, it will be possible to plant almost any kind of plant here, with the exception of the garlic itself.

After what the bed is considered favorable?

Winter garlic has a short rhizome, therefore, according to people with experience, it is necessary that the plants preceding it have a long root system. This will ensure the intake of nutrients from various soil layers. In this case, all kinds of cereals are considered ideal predecessors, with the exception of barley and oats. Their rhizome loosens the soil, making it more receptive to air, nutrition and moisture, and leaves with stems organically fertilize the soil, improve its chemical properties and greatly increase the level of fertility, which is perfect for the full development of winter garlic.

great effect and good performance gives planting after squash, cucumbers, zucchini, as well as representatives of winter crops. Garlic also grows well in those beds where berries were previously planted, especially strawberries and garden strawberries. Moreover, with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot, experienced gardeners recommend growing it together with strawberries, since these plants will not interfere with each other and will be able to get everything they need from the soil.

Another favorable precursor for garlic is considered to be cauliflower, wheat, various herbs, white cabbage, pumpkin, table root vegetables, dill, parsley, cilantro, lettuce, celery, and legumes. Very often, garlic is planted after potatoes, but this is not the most the best option and can lead to damage to the vegetable by fusarium or nematode.

So, if the predecessors can be classified as favorable, and the soil itself is not characterized by high acidity, then such a site can be considered suitable for planting garlic before winter. We only note that no later than a few weeks before planting, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the beds from plants that have grown on them (roots, leaves, etc.), dig up the soil and feed it with fertilizers, after which you can count on a quality crop.

Which beds should not be planted with garlic?

There are a number of horticultural crops, after which in no case should garlic be planted before winter. Otherwise, the plant will grow weak and extremely vulnerable to all external factors, planting will give a minimal yield.

Experienced gardeners say that garlic should not be placed in the area where beets or carrots used to grow. The fact is that these root crops deplete the soil very much, pulling out all the microelements and nutrients from it, making the soil unsuitable for the subsequent planting of any other vegetables. For the same reason, not the best precursors for garlic and eggplant, which also increase the risk of crop damage by certain diseases and dry out the soil.

It is categorically not advised to plant garlic before winter after green, fragrant, onion, as well as varieties of onions "Shallot" and "Batun". This is due to the fact that the listed crops have and are susceptible to damage by the same pests, so the risk of garlic infection is extremely high. In addition, both vegetable crops have a short rhizome, that is, they absorb nutrients from the same soil layer, which after one season is simply emptied. It is also not recommended to plant winter garlic after tomatoes, radishes, radishes and garlic itself.

Garlic (lat. Allium sativum) is perennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Onion of the family Amaryllis subfamily Onion. This vegetable crop has been popular with many peoples of the world for six thousand years - garlic is in demand both in cooking and in medicine. Edible are not only the bulbs of garlic, but also the leaves, arrows and flower stalks of young plants. The plant is native to middle Asia, and it was introduced into the culture in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Scientists suggested that garlic originated from a long-pointed onion, which is common in the mountain gorges of Turkmenistan and the Tien Shan, and further research confirmed this conjecture - garlic is indeed genetically indistinguishable from this type of onion, therefore, with a high degree We can say with certainty that garlic is a type of onion. It is grown in both spring and winter ways. In this article, we will tell you how to properly plant winter varieties of garlic.

When to plant garlic before winter

Dates of planting garlic in the fall of 2018

When to plant winter garlic? Winter garlic is grown from autumn. The previous crop must be removed from the site where you plan to sow winter garlic, no later than before the end of July. Planting garlic in the ground is carried out 35-45 days before frost. Before the onset of winter and freezing of the soil, garlic has time to develop a root system 10-12 cm long, but the green shoots will no longer appear. The optimal time for planting garlic is from September 20 to mid-October. However, if you decide to grow garlic from bulbs, and not from cloves, then you can sow them in April.

According to the lunar calendar, the most auspicious days for planting garlic in 2018 - September 4, 5, 12-15, as well as 11, 12 and 13 October. Who did not have time on these dates, there are still 8, 11 and 16 November.

When Not to Plant Garlic

Planted garlic too early will sprout, which should not be allowed categorically, and garlic planted too late will not have time to take root and freeze, therefore it is so important to observe the planting dates of winter varieties verified by many years of experience.

In the photo: Winter garlic dug in spring

After which crop to plant garlic

Before you determine the site for winter garlic, you need to know after which you can plant garlic, that is, which crops can precede garlic, and after which it will not grow. Garlic will grow best after annual vegetables with a short growing season - cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, zucchini, cereals or berry bushes. It is not recommended to plant garlic in the area where root crops grew - their crop is harvested late, and the soil depleted by root crops is unlikely to have time to recover. Can you plant garlic after garlic? Absolutely not. Just like after the bow. The principle of fruit change suggests that growing garlic in the place where it grew in current year, you can not earlier than in three or four years.

Garlic before planting - preparation

Unlike spring garlic, which reproduces only by cloves, winter garlic reproduces by both cloves and bulbs. In order to grow a full-fledged bulb from a bulb, it will take two years, and from a clove you can get a large onion the next year after planting. Before planting garlic in the fall, the seed is sorted out, discarding damaged, small and diseased teeth, as well as those in which the shell is broken, then high-quality teeth are disinfected for 2 hours in ash liquor - a solution of 400 g of ash in two liters of water, boiled in for half an hour and then chilled. Instead of ash alkali for disinfecting teeth, you can use a two-minute treatment of the seed in saline solution (3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water) followed by disinfection for a minute in a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water).

soil for garlic

Where to plant garlic? Garlic is photophilous, so grow it under the sun in sandy, non-acidic soil manured for the previous crop - fresh manure in the soil for garlic leads to the fact that it is more often affected by diseases and pests. If there is a need to fertilize the soil after the previous crop, do it no later than one and a half to two weeks before planting garlic: dig the soil onto a shovel bayonet, adding 5-6 kg of humus per m², as well as 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt, then pour the area with a solution of copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). Before planting, cover the bed with foil.

Pictured: Heads of garlic

How to plant garlic before winter

On the site prepared for planting, furrows are made with a depth of 15-20 cm at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, coarse-grained sand is poured into the bottom of the grooves with a layer of 1.5-3 cm in order to prevent contact of the teeth with the soil and protect them from decay . The distance between large teeth should be 12-15 cm, and between those that are smaller - 8-10 cm. After planting the teeth in the soil, the site must be mulched with a two-centimeter layer of dry peat or sawdust mixed with the ground. If the winter is snowless, you will have to cover the crops with roofing material or polyethylene, but as soon as the snow starts, remove the film so that the snow falls on the site.

If you use bulbs as seed, they are sown to a depth of no more than 3 cm at a distance of 2 cm from each other with a distance between the grooves of 10 cm. which need to be dug up, dried and planted again in the ground, so that next year they give a full-fledged bulb.

In the photo: Winter garlic grows

Caring for garlic after planting in the fall

Planting and caring for garlic in the open field will not cause you any trouble. Winter garlic is a culture with increased cold resistance, and if only it has time to build up a root system by winter, it will endure the winter perfectly, especially if you mulch the area and cover it with roofing material. In the spring, the shelter is removed from the site and 2 cm of mulch is removed to make it easier for seedlings to break through the earth's thickness. At the end of June, the garlic begins to throw arrows, which must be broken out before they reach a height of 10 cm, otherwise the bulb will end up too small. As soon as the first greens appear, apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil - urea, mullein or a solution of bird droppings. The next top dressing - a solution of 200 g of ash in a bucket of water - apply in June or July. Garlic is best fed with organic fertilizers. Watering garlic in the phase of active growth should be plentiful, in the phase of bulb ripening they switch to moderate watering, and if it is rainy weather, then there is no need for additional moisture, since an excess of moisture in the second half of the growing season provokes diseases and dampening of the bulbs. After watering or rain, the ground on the site is loosened, and the weeds are removed. If you have mulched the area after the shoots have hatched, you will have to fight weeds, loosen the soil and water the garlic much less often.

In the photo: Harvested winter garlic crop

You need to harvest garlic in sunny weather, when the lower leaves turn yellow en masse - this usually happens in late July or early August, two weeks earlier than spring garlic ripens. The dug out bulbs of winter garlic are dried in the sun for 4-5 days, cleaned of soil, cut off the roots and shorten the stem to 10-20 cm. Do not let the garlic overripe - its heads disintegrate from this.

Features of planting winter garlic

Planting garlic before winter in the suburbs

Actually, no big difference between the cultivation of winter garlic in Ukraine and in the Moscow region - it all depends on when and how the winter begins. If the winter starts with a snowfall, then you don’t even have to cover the garlic with a film, but if the winter is snowless during severe frosts, the garlic will freeze without shelter. The most important thing is not to let the crops freeze in the soil, so be guided by the amount of snow: a lot of snow - do not cover the garlic, a little - cover it. In the spring, when shoots appear, all your fears will be left behind.

Planting garlic before winter in the Urals

Ural gardeners recommend not mulching winter plantings of garlic, but simply covering them from frost with roofing felt or film. It is better to mulch the site in the spring, when the seedlings hatch. In addition, if garlic becomes smaller and worse over the years, the Urals recommend using bulbs rather than cloves as planting material: in the first year, bulbs will produce medium-sized single-tooth bulbs, but in the second year they will become noticeably larger. The Urals do not recommend loosening the soil, because when loosening the top row of roots is cut off, and the plant may not receive some kind of nutrient, it will weaken and, possibly, even get sick. A site mulched in the spring makes loosening an unnecessary procedure and keeps the plant healthy.

In the photo: Garlic flowering on the site

Planting garlic before winter in Siberia

AT Western Siberia planting dates for winter garlic are earlier - from mid-September to the first week of October. In addition, covering the area with crops with roofing felt before snow falls is mandatory. Otherwise, planting and caring for garlic is not much different from these processes in other areas.

Varieties of winter garlic

In order to succeed in growing winter garlic, it is very important to choose a variety adapted to your area. Varieties of garlic are arrowed and not forming arrows. Those varieties that give an arrow are usually more hardy and winter-hardy. We offer you the characteristics of several popular winter varieties in the culture, among which you can find the one that suits you.

  • Lyubasha- a variety of Ukrainian selection with good winter hardiness and dry resistance, perfectly stored for up to 10 months without loss of quality. Stem height 90-120 cm, number of teeth up to 7 pieces, average weight one clove 15-10 g. The bulb is white with barely noticeable purple streaks.
  • Ukrainian white- cultivated both in spring and winter crops. The variety does not shoot, but is perfectly stored, the weight of the bulb is from 50 to 140 g, the number of cloves in the bulb is from 4 to 12 pcs.

In the photo: A good harvest of garlic

  • Saved- also a Ukrainian variety, bred by Lviv breeders, which has a high yield and keeping quality. The number of cloves is from 7 to 9, the average bulb weight is from 60 to 100 g. Resistant to nematodes and Fusarium.
  • Jubilee Gribovsky- one of the best old varieties with a very sharp taste, high yield, keeping quality and resistance to pests and diseases. The bulb weighs about 40 g and consists of 5-8 cloves.
  • Anniversary 07- the variety is productive, resistant to Fusarium, well stored. The bulb is white-lilac with strokes, consists of 5-8 cloves, the taste is semi-sharp.
  • Reliable- a fruitful variety with a semi-sharp taste, it is stored for almost a year in a warm room, the bulb, white with lilac touches, consists of 6-7 cloves.

Good afternoon dear guests and readers of the blog!

I think everyone knows how difficult it is to do without this vegetable culture in the kitchen, because it gives the dishes a refined, piquant taste and sophisticated aroma. Oh oh useful properties heard, for sure everyone, even children. Therefore, it is simply a must have in every home!

Many will say that garlic can be bought in the supermarket, beautiful and neat, and you should not even bother. But we do not know where and under what conditions it was grown, what fertilizers it was fed. And for lovers of agriculture, it is a sacred thing to cultivate everything with your own hands. Therefore, I suggest growing your own large, juicy and tasty vegetable.

When planting, it is extremely important to follow biological processes. surrounding nature. Therefore, I propose to focus on these very processes, favorable dates according to the lunar calendar and, of course, take into account the climatic conditions of your region. And also follow the rules of tillage, planting and care. Then you will have a huge harvest, which the neighbors will envy (just kidding) - they will be delighted!

Today we will plant winter crops with teeth and in the summer we will collect gifts. This variety is planted before winter (autumn), it will take root perfectly and grow all winter, without requiring much labor. Now is just the time to land, so I suggest reading all the recommendations and tips that are collected in the article and feel free to get down to business ...

And remember, the main rule is to love the land, and then you will collect incredible crops!

When to plant winter garlic before winter 2018 in order to harvest a good harvest?

The climatic conditions of a particular region directly affect the timing of planting garlic in the winter. and define accordingly the exact date landing is not realistic. But it is quite possible to choose a period of time that will favorably affect the work.

Every gardener, I'm sure, knows that in order for a vegetable to successfully winter, it is necessary that the seed is sufficiently rooted. Gathered nutrients and in no case germinated to frost.

To strengthen the garlic cloves, 2-3 weeks are enough.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn - you need to plant piquant cloves 15-20 days before frost (2-3 weeks). And the air temperature should be stable and not higher than + 13- + 15 ° С. The optimum temperature is +10 - +12°C.

Check the weather report in advance so that there is no warming, otherwise the plant will germinate before winter and die from frost.

If you look at the lunar sowing calendar for October 2018, then the favorable days for sowing are October 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30 October.

And the southern regions plant this crop in November and December, favorable numbers for planting:

  • November — 5,6,7,14
  • December — 5,8,11,14

But it should be noted and unfavorable days in October, on which it is not advised to work with plants:

If you plant on these "bad" days, then you should not expect a good harvest. The plant may not germinate well, turn yellow, get sick, or even rot.

How to plant a plant in the fall in the open field so that the garlic grows large

We figured out the favorable planting dates, now I propose to consider how to properly plant a plant in order to reap a good harvest. In fact, everything is very simple, garlic, in itself, is not a whimsical culture. But there are a number of rules that must be followed when growing. I propose to consider everything in order from soil preparation to harvest.

After which crops to plant winter garlic in autumn

Absolutely every crop that is grown on our site absorbs useful and nutritious substances. Accordingly, after a while the soil is depleted. In this regard, it is recommended that before planting a new crop, plant a plant that will restore the fertility of the land. This agricultural technique is called fruit change, it prevents the complete depletion of soil reserves.

Our hero has a short root system and when grown, it significantly depletes the topsoil. Therefore, before this, it is best to plant plants with a long root system that will feed from the deep layers of the earth.

The best predecessors are cereals (in addition to barley and oats), as these are super green manures that improve soil quality. The culture will also grow well after clover and alfalfa (forage grasses), zucchini and squash.

But there are also such plants after which it is impossible to plant: carrots, beets, potatoes, onions.

I know that many are still faced with the question - is it possible to plant garlic after garlic? It is possible, but not recommended! After all, if you grow on the same site, then pests and pathogens will remain. Therefore, if the territory allows you, then grow in different places.

Follow crop rotation and planting rules, then you will definitely have an excellent harvest!

Soil preparation before planting, how to fertilize the land?

It is necessary to prepare the land for planting in advance, at least two weeks in advance, and preferably a month in advance. You need to choose a sunny place in which water does not stagnate and then the plant will receive enough light and will not die from excess moisture.

Try to plant from north to south, this is the most optimal location.

Our main character prefers soft, loose soil filled with nutrients. So that the soil perfectly passes air and water and has a neutral acidity. Therefore, immediately you need to clear the area from debris and weeds. Then dig deep (18-20 cm) and fertilize:

Then the dug up area is leveled and compacted a little.

Do not plant in too dense, acidic or clay soil. However, clay soil can be made loose by adding sand or peat.

Preparing beds for planting garlic in the fall

We have already found out above that garlic will not grow in those places where water stagnates at the roots. Therefore, you need to choose a landing site where water from the rains will not accumulate. If there is no particular choice, then it is worth equipping the garden bed with edging made of slate, brick, boards or plastic.

The height of such a structure should not exceed 20 cm.

A high bed will not let the rain wash away the soil and it will be good and quickly warmed up by the spring sun

It is possible to make such a klaptik of the earth in an embankment without "sides", but with a fence it is still more effective.

When the bed is prepared, we “forget” for it until the very landing. The soil during this time is fairly compacted, which is what we need.

How to process cloves before planting

Before planting, the head is disassembled into cloves, only large, whole, dry and not spoiled cloves are selected.

I want to emphasize once again that the head is disassembled just before planting, right in the garden, and not a week or a month earlier.

Before planting this vegetable with a piquant taste, it must be disinfected. There are several processing options:

  1. Immerse overnight in a weak solution of potassium permanganate,
  2. Soak the cloves overnight in a 1% solution of copper sulfate in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 bucket of water,
  3. Dilute the solution with 3 tbsp. tablespoons of kitchen salt for 1/2 teaspoon of water, dip the garlic for 2 minutes, then immediately dip it for 1 minute in a solution of copper sulfate (see the proportions in paragraph No. 2). After all these manipulations, rinse the teeth in clean water and plant in the ground.

Before planting, the cloves must be dried from moisture.

It is up to you to decide which option to choose, but I strongly recommend that you disinfect the planting material.

Scheme of planting garlic in open ground: at what depth and at what distance to plant

The scheme for planting a winter vegetable is approximately as follows: grooves are made along at a distance of 25 cm - 35 cm from each other, the depth of which is 6-8 cm (the size of the clove also plays a very important role, it is necessary that there is a distance of 4-5 cm from the soil surface to the clove .). And the teeth sprouted at a distance of about 8-10 cm from each other (the length of the palm). Make the holes convenient for you with inventory, it can be pegs, a hoe, a garden shovel).

Take care and sprinkle a small amount of wood ash into each hole - this is the best fertilizer for garlic for the whole winter.

When the planting material has been prepared, you need to carefully place the cloves on the bottom of the hole and sprinkle with earth. Do not press the tooth, as it may be damaged.

When to Water

It is not worth watering in the fall, because it is already a rainy time. And the plant cannot grow rapidly so that frosts do not hit.

If possible, mulch the bed with a layer of sawdust or dried grass, the mulch will save crops from hard frosts by keeping moisture in the ground.

Processing and feeding garlic in the spring

Spring top dressing is an important stage in growing, which is difficult to overestimate. And the correct application of fertilizers will increase the yield several times!

Without top dressing, this fragrant crop can turn yellow or become lethargic.

Wood ash for garlic is a source of nutrition, a prophylactic against diseases.

And one more important point if you planted a variety that forms an arrow, then it will then need to be cut off. Otherwise, the plant will grow small, and the yield will decrease by about a third. And if you leave these air arrows until ripe, then you get a great seed.

Shoots should not be thrown away, they can be used to make a delicious snack!

When to harvest (dig up) garlic planted in winter

This culture ripens in about 110 days from the day of germination, but weather conditions play a huge role during the ripening period.

The main signs by which you can determine that the garlic is ripe:

  • No new stems appear
  • Existing leaves turn yellow,
  • Arrows straighten, and the seed box becomes purple,
  • The neck becomes dry

You need to dig in clear sunny weather, in the morning or in the evening, so that the sun does not burn the heads. You can not pull out the bulbs, otherwise you will damage them. Dig with a shovel or pitchfork.

Some gardeners not only plant this vigorous vegetable according to the lunar calendar, but also dig it up.

in 2019, the harvest of winter garlic on the Moon falls from July 18-31 and August from 16-29. However, you need to look for visual signs of maturity, and the phases of the moon in our case are just hints, not a clear recommendation.

It is also very important to dry the vegetable well after removing it from the ground. If a sunny weather, everything about everything will take about two days. You can dry it right in the garden, just cover it with a film from dew at night or bring it into the room.

How to plant garlic from bulbils in the fall?

I think it's no secret to anyone that the seed needs to be updated periodically so that vegetable diseases do not accumulate. Planting bulbs is a wonderful way to get a healthy harvest.

However, there is one feature this method cultivation, the harvest will be only in the second year, and not the next. Because in the first year a clove will grow from a bulb, and in the second year a full-fledged head will grow from a clove.

I suggest watching a more detailed planting process in the video, where the author tells in detail how and what needs to be done in order to grow large garlic from bulbs

Planting winter garlic in different regions of Russia (Moscow region, Ural, Siberia)

Each region of Russia has its own landing dates, the climate is to blame. Let's go through the "correct" dates...

The best time for Lunar calendar for planting garlic for residents Moscow region October 25-30. But most gardeners are planted on October 14, the time before the Day of the Intercession. There is an opinion that a decent crop will grow if planted on that day.

The best varieties for this region: Messidor, Kharkovsky, Spas, Yubileiny 07, Yubileiny Gribovsky.

For Southern Urals favorable days - October 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, and residents Northern Urals should focus on October 26,27,28,29,30.

I will also give a list of numbers when you should not plant this crop on October 8, 9, 10, 23, 24 and 25.

Inhabitants Siberia already sown and waiting for a rich harvest! For this region, the best dates were September 23-30 (second mid-September).

How to store winter garlic for the winter at home

Winter garlic is rather difficult to store until spring, with an approximate shelf life of 4-6 months. Therefore, they try to keep it by all known methods for as long as possible. Below is a list, read carefully and choose the one that suits you:

  • Dried heads are braided and stored in a cool dry place,
  • Storage in nylon tights, cardboard boxes or nets,
  • Cold storage
  • Sprinkling with salt, flour or onion skins

Optimal conditions: temperature: +2 - +3 C (when stored in a refrigerator); +15 - +20 C (storage in the pantry or in the kitchen). Humidity: 70 to 80%.

But in no case should you keep this vegetable near heating appliances, otherwise the heads will quickly lose moisture and dry out.

Here is an informative article! I hope it will come in handy for you, you will use the recommendations and grow a rich harvest of this vegetable crop.

Planting garlic before winter is a responsible event, here you need to choose the right planting material, correctly determine the planting time, know the subtleties and rules, nuances and features. Let me start with such nuances.

Bulbs or cloves?

Few people know (and maybe many), but I personally learned about it only about 15 years ago that garlic as a culture has two different forms: one is referred to as non-shooting, the second - shooting, which in our Tambov region has always been called simply "zimnyak". What is an arrow? The simplest is an ordinary peduncle. The arrow is formed only by winter garlic, that is, the one that we sow in autumn.

In winter garlic, as we understand it, giving arrows, at the very end of the burning summer, bulbs begin to ripen on the peduncle, these are such air bulbs, and in each inflorescence there can be a hundred or even more of them.

It is also possible to use these same bulbs for planting in the fall, but next season you will not get a full-fledged head with garlic cloves. Only a rather small onion, weighing only 4-7 g, will grow from a bulb, which we call a single-tooth and are very briskly sold on the market for planting in the fall. From one-tooth next summer you will get a full-fledged head of garlic. By the way, sometimes quite large and with teeth in it.

Everything would be fine, but there are exceptions: the bulbs also come in different sizes, and when you sow very small ones, then the next season the onions will not be very large. You can get a high-quality crop of solid-sized garlic bulbs, clogged with cloves and ready for long-term storage, only after another season, that is, in the third year. Due to the rather slow development of garlic, when propagating it in this way, sowing with bulbs is practiced on home plots only sometimes as an experiment, or, more often, to preserve all the cultural characteristics of a certain variety of garlic.

Zimnyanka - planting full-fledged garlic cloves before winter

Planting full-fledged garlic cloves before winter, its popularity cannot be compared with sowing bulbs. By the way, what is a toothpick? A clove is, in essence, a daughter onion that has a well-developed, active, living rudimentary bud. And if there are a lot of such cloves of garlic (do not think that there are at least three, maybe one, and a maximum of as many as seven pieces), which are arranged on a common bottom and carefully wrapped in covering scales, then this is already an onion, and more complex.

From large to large

It is believed that the larger (larger) the planting material itself, the greater the yield. That is, if we plant a hefty clove of garlic in the soil, then in the spring we simply have to get a large bulb with the maximum number of large cloves. If you plant a small clove, then the garlic bulb will be of medium size, at best - with a small or even one clove inside.

It's not worth regretting

Beginners, who have not grown garlic before, usually take the largest cloves for food or storage, and the smaller ones are planted on the plot. As a result, every year they have less and less yields, although they remove the arrows on time (an important procedure, by the way: the arrows draw a lot of food on themselves), but this technique does not help. If you do not want to reduce your garlic yields to close to zero, then for planting try to divide large cloves equally - half for food and half for harvest, and, of course, use single cloves for planting.

Once every two or three years, I would advise to revive garlic on a separate small bed, that is, grow it from bulbs, there will be no harm from this, only benefit.

When to plant garlic before winter?

Let's move on to the deadlines, this is important, but in many respects the deadlines also depend on climatic conditions. If we talk about the center of Russia, then the optimal period for this is, of course, the very beginning of October. If we are talking about the south, then it is better to plant garlic no earlier than the end of October, or, even more beautiful, no earlier than the beginning of October, in order to be completely safe. And if the conditions are Siberian, then hurry up.

As you can see, the terms are more than vague, but experienced gardeners long time living in the same zone already have notes with a couple of secret signs in their stock of knowledge. For example, some seriously think that garlic must be planted before the Intercession, while others - the next day after this great holiday.

I know that, for example, in the conditions of the Tomsk region, the planting of winter garlic begins every year on September 22-23 and (if it's hot), then it is delayed until October 7. Friends from Ufa always take a vacation and on the very first day, starting from October 8, they plant garlic. Of course, there are thermometers to help us, and we need to listen to intuition: the older a person is, the better developed it is. My grandfather in Kazan plants garlic in general, regardless of the weather outside the window - stubbornly - in the first ten days of October and has not deviated from this tradition for twenty years.

So, one cumulative rule for planting garlic, regardless of calendar dates, says: the teeth should be in the soil one and a half months (maximum - 50 days) before the onset of real frosts, when the soil temperature drops below nine degrees Celsius. This is the optimal time for the garlic to form a fairly decent bunch of roots (sometimes even 15 cm, but usually about ten).

Place for planting garlic

The right place chosen is very important and affects the final result, so this point cannot be neglected. It must be remembered that garlic is a light-loving crop, therefore, we choose for it the most open and well-lit place on the site. Try to choose a place so that even during the day a short-term shadow does not cover this culture. As for the predecessors, green manure, pumpkin (and indeed all melons in general), tomatoes, any cabbage (especially early ones), legumes and leafy greens are considered good, but bad predecessors for garlic are onions, garlic itself, carrots, cucumbers and potatoes.

Having chosen a site and decided on the predecessors, find out what kind of soil is on this site, do not forget that, like all bulbs, garlic loves loose soil, air and water permeable, nutritious and always with a neutral pH level, you need to take care of all this in advance, at least for a month.

Try not to plant garlic in the fall in swampy areas, those where melt or rain water accumulates for a long time, where the soil is dense, clay type, and of course, the soil is acidic, these are usually any soils that contain a lot of peat. You can plant garlic on sandstones, but it will be of little use: this substrate is poor and requires very frequent watering, so the bulbs will most likely be very small.

Soil preparation

As we know, plots are different, and it's good when a given plot is raised, leveled and the ground on it is like fluff; quite different when the site is low, the land dries out slowly. What to do? In this case, the best option is the construction of high beds (twenty centimeters - just right). The width of the beds can be any, but usually no one makes more than a meter wide, it is more convenient to weed.

Of course, high beds have their drawbacks, do not forget about them. The most important thing: the soil on such beds dries twice as fast as on a regular bed, but there are pluses: in the event of a shower or excessive watering, the water will drain faster, and such beds warm up in spring twice as fast as even soil. The main thing is that they are fenced and not spread over the site.

If the soils in your area are acidic, then you can completely abandon the autumn planting of garlic and spend the spring. Or a month before planting, add 200 g of lime per square meter beds, well (on a full bayonet of a shovel) digging up the soil. Of course, perfect option- liming the soil, especially under the predecessor of garlic, but then you will have to abandon both the autumn planting and the spring one. In autumn, 250-300 g of lime are added for digging, early cabbage is planted in spring, and winter garlic is planted in the fall of next year.

If everything is in order with the soil, that is, its reaction is neutral, then 10-12 kg of humus, a tablespoon of superphosphate and a tablespoon of potassium sulfate can be added to the beds for digging the beds, for each square meter. The main thing in this case is not to resort to the help of fresh manure, you can use humus, and if there is nothing besides manure, then use it to lie in a heap for at least four years, that is, it is well rotted.

Additionally, depending on the type of soil:

In the event that the soil is very heavy, clayey, dense and both melt and irrigation water stagnates on it for a long time, then it must be brought back to normal as soon as possible. This should be done at least a month before planting garlic, this work is physically difficult and without the possibility of using equipment, although it all depends on the size of the future garden with garlic. In order to make the soil loose, it is necessary to make a bucket of peat and river sand for each square meter of soil for deep digging on a full bayonet of a shovel.

If, on the contrary, the soil in your area is excessively loose, that is, sandy, then you need to compact it by adding clay and humus. Clay must be dried very well before application, then crushed literally into the smallest parts to a powder state, and only after that, in combination with sand, can it be applied to the soil. Usually, per square meter for digging, you need both of them (that is, sand and clay) in a bucket.

Owners of peat soils, which are often acidic, in addition to adding 250 g of lime per square meter, we also recommend adding a bucket of sand, always river sand and clay prepared according to the method described above. All this is brought under the obligatory digging of the soil.

Planting garlic cloves

Let's start with the traditional and most common planting of garlic - planting cloves. When the bed is ready, leveled, loosened, it is necessary to make rows on it, stepping back 18-20 cm from each other, and with very wide beds and 25 cm it will be just right, but no more. The distance between the cloves of garlic depends on their size: small ones can be planted, leaving 14-16 cm between them, larger ones - 19 and even 22 cm, saving soil in this case is simply pointless. Usually, the teeth are planted on loose soil to a depth of four centimeters, and on dense soil to a depth of five or six centimeters.

Planting bulb bulbs

Between the rows it is quite possible to make the same distance equal to two tens of centimeters, but between the bulbs ten is enough if they are already quite small, and 15 cm if they are larger. Bulbs of garlic are planted on loose soil to a depth of four centimeters, on denser soil - five centimeters. Usually, about three dozen bulbs go per square meter of the garden bed, less often - more, it’s still not worth parting with the placement.

It is not worth increasing the planting of garlic for the reason that usually weeds grow quite actively in its plantations and it becomes elementary difficult to take care of it later, in addition, banal competition arises between them and the bulbs simply cannot grow large.

It is necessary to prepare the soil before planting garlic for 10-15 days, that is, if we plan to plant it at the end of September, then at the beginning of the month it is quite possible to start preparing the soil.

Is it necessary to treat garlic cloves before planting? It is rarely carried out, it can be soaked for an hour or two in a solution of light-colored potassium permanganate, but usually success in cultivation lies precisely in further agricultural technology.

On any soil, even the loosest, maximum depth deepening of a clove of garlic - six centimeters, bulbs - five centimeters.

It is impossible to “stick” garlic cloves strongly, they must be carefully “placed” in the soil, for which the soil must first be brought to a loose state.

On planted beds, after planting, it is enough to sprinkle the top layer with oven ash, 200 g per square meter.

Watering the garlic after planting is not needed, usually there is enough rain, but if not a single one falls in a month, then you can water it once, spending a bucket per square meter.

After the onset of frost, while there is no snow, garlic can be covered with leaf litter with a layer of 15-25 cm, and a non-woven covering material can be spread on top of it. Or do not use the leaves at all, managing only the material.

In the north, winter garlic is protected - it is covered with straw manure, and horse manure, mixing manure and sawdust in equal proportions. You can also cover with humus, a layer of 18-20 cm. The main thing is to remove this shelter as quickly and accurately as possible in the spring so that the soil warms up more actively and does not damage the seedlings.

A month after the snow melts, you can loosen the soil, trying to go deeper by 1.5-2 cm, but this is already care, that is, another article.