Active lifestyle of the elderly as a prevention of stress. Prevention of emotional stress

About the Day of the older generation

Since 1992, the Day of the Older Generation has been celebrated in Russia on the first day of October. Today, every sixth Tomich can consider the Day of the older generation as his holiday. According to the All-Russian population census, over the past 20 years the number of elderly residents of the Tomsk region has grown from 143 to 176.3 thousand people. Six people living in the regional center celebrated their 100th anniversary.

Often, it is difficult to call these vigorous and persistent, young at heart people old. They need our attention every day. This holiday date is another reason to express your love, care, support and respect to them!

Prevention of age-related changes in the body

Age-related changes in the body are an inevitable physiological process and affect almost all systems and organs. But with premature aging, they can occur in more young age, move into diseases that are difficult to treat. Let's dwell on some of them.

  • Strength decreases with age heart muscle, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels decreases, therefore, resistance to blood flow increases, the speed of blood flow decreases, increases arterial pressure. Maintaining the required volume of blood circulation is achieved in an uneconomical way associated with increased heart rate. All circulatory system in old age it becomes less labile, its ability to adapt to environmental conditions decreases.
  • AT respiratory system the strength of the respiratory muscles and bronchial patency decrease, which reduces ventilation of the lungs and worsens the gas exchange of air with blood, shortness of breath occurs, especially during physical exertion.
  • Age changes osteoarticular apparatus start with cartilage. The cartilage loses its elasticity, "ossifies". The flexibility of the spine decreases, pain occurs in the joints, inflammatory processes develop - arthritis and arthrosis. With age, the thickness of the muscle fiber also changes. Age-related changes in the motor function of the body are expressed in a decrease in strength, flexibility, speed, endurance, agility.
  • Significant changes are observed in digestive system. Weakening of the abdominal muscles promotes prolapse internal organs. The secretion and activity of digestive secretions in the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, and liver are reduced. All this contributes to the difficulty of digestion and absorption of food, for example, iron absorption decreases and iron deficiency anemia develops, and diabetes mellitus develops against the background of a decrease in insulin production.
  • In some older people, due to physiological characteristics, the presence of diseases or certain socio-economic conditions arises malnutrition or deficiency of certain nutrients, due to the monotony of the diet.
  • Efficiency immune system decreases in old age. This leads to the appearance of some immune deficiency, which manifests itself in a decrease in the immune response, as a result of which sensitivity to infections increases, with a tendency to a more severe and protracted course of the disease, with frequent transition to chronic forms, there is a more frequent nosocomial infection of elderly patients, including opportunistic microflora. Older people are more likely to develop complications such as pneumonia or urinary tract infections. Decreased immunity increases the risk of tumor growth.
  • Exist eye diseases that threaten the elderly. Such diseases include degenerative diseases of the retina and optic nerve, glaucoma, cataracts.
  • Older people are more likely to suffer from problems in oral cavity arising in connection with the process of natural physiological aging and, strange as it may sound, unwillingness and ignoring the observance of constant dental hygiene and oral care.
  • Prostate adenoma, or benign hypertrophy prostate- a disease of older men.

This list " age problems' is far from complete.

According to WHO, health and active longevity 20% of a person is determined by heredity, another 20% - by the state environment, by 50% - by conditions and lifestyle, by 10% - by the level of medical care.

For early diagnosis age-related changes and diseases, even in the absence of health complaints, strongly We recommend visiting the clinic at least once a year and fully pass the examination assigned to you.

Familiarization with the information presented in the following sections: “Prevention of stress in the elderly”, “Physical activity for the elderly”, “ healthy eating in old age” and following these simple recommendations in your life will help you stay healthy and active for many years.

Prevention of stress in the elderly

Stress in old age provokes disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system of the body, heart rhythm disturbances, the development of heart attack and stroke, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, the brain, manifested in a decrease in attention and memory impairment.

Dangerous stress factors in old age:

  • withdrawal from active work;
  • narrowing the scope of communication;
  • withdrawal of a person into himself;
  • lack of a clear rhythm of life.

How to help yourself?

  • don't live in a box– new impressions, short-term effect of physical activity and outbursts of emotions activate vitality a person and increase his life expectancy;
  • don't let your brain idle- engage in work that requires mental strain, play Mind games, learn poetry or foreign language, solve crossword puzzles.


In this article, I will briefly talk about such a now widely known concept as “stress”, its symptoms and methods for preventing stress.

The term “stress” itself was introduced into scientific circulation by the Canadian physiologist Hans Selye back in 1936. Over time, he defined stress as "a general non-specific reaction of the body to any external influence, leading to the mobilization of the defenses of the whole organism."

Now stress is understood much more broadly, and in fact the whole life of a person is stress from birth until the moment of physical death.

stress symptoms

Before taking up the prevention of stress, it is necessary to find out what symptoms of stress can be detected in a person.

Of course, there are positive aspects to stress, but we will consider negative impact stress on the human psyche.

So, we list the following symptoms of stress:


Constant headaches, depression.

Decreased concentration, memory.

Constant feeling of irritability.

uncontrollable behavior.

Decreased appetite.

Self-pity, a feeling of tearfulness.

Inadequate reactions to any stimulus from the outside.

Muscular tension in the back, neck.

Gastrointestinal disorders, exhaustion.

Growing problems in the family.

Irrational distribution of time, constant rush "nowhere".

avoiding relationships.

Deviant behavior (alcohol abuse, drug use).

Thus, we have indicated these symptoms of stress as the main ones.

All of them lead to a deterioration in the state of both the body and the human psyche. Stress in this case can serve as a catalyst for launching negative and irreversible changes both in the psyche and in human physiology.

Therefore, it is so important to identify the symptoms of stress and find ways to prevent stress.

Stress prevention methods.

In general, you need to learn how to cope with stress with kindergarten, so already in it the child is faced with a powerful stressful effect, and there is nothing to say about the school. Teenagers are especially vulnerable to negative stress. But few people do this.

Basically, an adult already has to learn one or another method of stress prevention. If of course he is capable of such training.

Physical activity as a method of preventing stress.

One of best practices prevention of stress is physical activity. This can include running, exercise, brisk walking, different kinds fitness and yoga. Physical activity in this case removes toxins from their body, saturates the blood with oxygen, calms the nervous system, that is, it is a powerful method of relieving the body of stress.

In general, you need to walk a lot, and not sit in the chairs first of the car with the transition to the sofa. Then there will be less stress.

Rational nutrition as a method of preventing stress.

You need to eat right. What does it mean? As a rule, we eat a lot and in a hurry on the go, thereby creating another food stress. You need to change your eating habits.

Vegetables and fruits, cereals and the use of fish in the diet, the rejection of fatty and salty foods can bring the body out of a stressful state. You need to stop eating cold food, or eating buns on the run with coffee.

Next, you should stop eating at night eating stress foods. This only exacerbates the symptoms of stress and is unlikely to help to effectively get out of it. As for vitamins, they should be used carefully in the diet without overdoing it.

In general, it is better to eat simple, healthy and regular meals. Then it will help both counteract stress and prevent it.

Rest as a method of stress prevention.

After returning from work, it is best to go and take a contrast shower. Water in itself already contributes to stress relief. Then go lie down in the room for a while, distracted from everyday worries.

Focus on your internal state, and breath mentally shake off the events of the past day. If possible, go for a walk in a park or lake. If this becomes a habit for you, then it will be a serious help in counteracting stress.

Prayer and meditation as a method of stress prevention.

It all depends on your faith. In general, prayer can serve as a method not only to deal with stress, but as a method of healing both the body and the soul. Especially if she's sincere. The healing effect of prayers has been known for a very long time and often it was the only anti-stress method.

Meditation as a method of stress prevention has also been known for a very long time. Now there are many schools and techniques of meditation. Therefore, you need to choose what benefits you and helps in Everyday life resist stress.


Thus, we can say that stress is something that is with us all our lives. Unfortunately, very often it brings us negative experiences and worsens our condition.

There are many ways to deal with stress that have been developed. This is aromatherapy, and music, and relaxation techniques, and entire schools of anti-stress.

Ultimately, they all serve the same purpose - to reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of stress. Therefore, at present there is no shortage of certain methods of dealing with stress. In this case, everything is in your hands and the desire to act so that stress does not become the norm of your life. Take action and everything will work out.

And in old age they are found in every second pensioner, or even more often, because not many of our old people turn to specialists or share their worldview with relatives.

Many people, regardless of their age and where they live, experience depression. It is characterized by various stages and symptoms. Some people are not even aware of this condition in their body, but it is present.

This condition occurs due to many factors: poor ecology, constant stress, overstrain at work, constant fatigue, nervous breakdowns and much more.

But it is important to remember that this condition is fraught with various consequences, and in many cases it can turn into serious diseases if you do not take up and observe the state of your health, because health, first of all, depends on a person and on his attitude to his health.

Absolutely any person can be in this state: young, elderly, fat, thin, doctor, teacher, person with high level income and with little income, beautiful girls and not much. With depression, there is no time period and there should not be a certain age. In childhood, children can also endure such a state of health.

But, the difference between age-related depression is that children's depression is little understood by specialists, and they have not fully figured out why it occurs in early age. It has not yet been scientifically proven, but there are enough excuses for depression in old age.

An elderly woman and an elderly man can worry a lot, get nervous, suffer without realizing it, in most cases this condition develops into depression.

Older people, with age, become more irritable and sensitive to many situations. Chronic diseases that a person used to have had an effect in old age, after which irritability and depression occur.

Elderly people in a state of depression do not want to meet with relatives, they do not want to do anything, most of the things that happen in their lives are unpleasant to them, nothing is theirs. Turning to an unprofessional clinic for diagnosis and treatment, the doctor incorrectly diagnosed and prescribed drugs that were not exactly the right ones to drink.

With age, deformation occurred, and the person became depressed and irritable, since the body rejected the treatment completely. Memory changes in depression. It becomes more and more difficult to get out of this state with age, so it is easier to prevent this disease at a young age.

If you turn to a specialist in an advanced stage in old age, then after some time this condition can be cured.

Requires regular systemic treatment. Specialists should treat such diseases carefully, qualitatively and draw up individual plan treatment. Also, along with the treatment of depression, a complete diagnosis of the state of health should be made.

The organ that spreads the most irritants and requires treatment should be treated first. Two diseases need to be treated simultaneously. Especially need to pay attention to the state of pressure.

If you notice depression, depression and stress in old age, you can contact a private clinic or boarding house for the elderly. The network of boarding houses "Lotos" in St. Petersburg has highly professional specialists in its staff who will help the pensioner feel better. In such institutions for the elderly, they rehabilitate after a stroke or heart attack.

If relatives do not give up, they endure the reproaches of an elderly person suffering from depression, they go to a specialist for help, then the disease can still be cured. It's not just medication that helps. You have to be patient with the old man. Anyone can find themselves in such a difficult situation.

In any case, depression, depression and stress in the elderly can be treated, it is important to show the elderly person to specialists as soon as possible.

Happiness is good health

and bad memory.

Albert Steitzer

Stressis the body's response to some stimulusexpenditure of physical and mental energy. Often it is quite difficult for a person to cope with stress and get some relief. Properly handled stress is good for the body. Divorce, moving, grandchildren - severe stress. Missed the bus - mild stress.

Our lives are constantly accompanied by stress. Under the influence of an external or internal stress factor, for example, in situations requiring great physical or mental stress, as well as infection and trauma, the secretion of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases sharply. These hormones increase cardiac activity, cause vasoconstriction of the internal organs and expansion of the vessels supplying the muscles. In addition, they inhibit peristalsis. gastrointestinal tract and cause the expansion of the bronchi and the activation of the muscular system. Sugar is thrown out, the muscles are ready to work, but there is no work - from here they accumulate:

Ulcers and gastritis - the abdominal cavity does not work

· Shortness of breath, hypertension- lungs don't work

· Problems with appetite- disorders in the gastric tract - a person loses weight or gains weight

・Sleep disorders - in any case - the feeling that they did not sleep, but did not fall asleep either

This is chronic stress. If it drags on, a depressed state appears before depression, conflicts with others. There is a vicious circle: depression and estrangement from others. Requires active physical recreation physical activity. In the family - permission conflict situation, it is better not to bring to distress (unreacted stress):

1. Express what you think (in an adequate form)

2. Go for a long walk, do intense work (physical activity)

3. Hit something, break dishes

4. Say it all so people can hear. Talk only about myself and without derogatory language.

Psychosomatic problems arise when feelings are hidden and hard to experience. Asthma - holding back tears, sore throat - something unspoken. For yourself, you need to write down: how much "you", how much "I". "You" must be absent, "I" must be. Talk only about your feelings, offer a way out of the situation.


- "I'm very sorry that we quarreled"

- “What a pity that we could not understand each other”

- "I'm so upset about what happened"

- “I am very unhappy and just angry!”

And as for the communication of relatives with the elderly ..... I strongly recommend dosing the information that you carry for your mother or father, grandparents, just stranger in old age - a minimum of negative information and a maximum of positive. At this age, people are sensitive to any news, especially concerning their loved ones. Therefore, if you surround them with a loop of positive information, good news, a joyful smile and hugs, then by doing so we will increase their stress resistance, set them up for mental and physical health!

Elderly peopleare one of the risk groups for stress. It's hard whenget sick. Worry, worry, panic . They are afraid that there will not be enough money for treatment, thatbecome helpless, dependent on others , including from their children. Old people forget a lot. And as paradoxical as it sounds, the ability to forget the unnecessary for them may beone of the ways to deal with stress . human memory - it's not only memorization, but also, as a rule, ability to erase from memoryexactly what we don't want to remember, somethingunpleasant, tragic, something that brings pain or resentment . The body tries to displace this information. Psychologists have special techniques, which help to force out some sharp memories that prevent a person from living.


With images, you canmentally erase or gloss over bright paint unpleasant events, “burning in a candle flame” unnecessary dates, phones, names, faces, write in the sand with a twig events that you want to forget. In the same way, you can learn how to remove dental and headache, fatigue, incipient illness.

· You can spend practical exercise with the help of images and observe your condition. You will most likely feel better.

At the heart of all these skills is a way of life,

who can really heal!

Don't believe? I suggest checking...

Tatyana Zaitseva.