Resolving conflict situations in a team. Types and causes of conflicts

Conflict situation - An example from practice.

Tired of conflict situations?

— Don't know how to be?

- Looking for a way out?

Today I decided to start a small series of posts. In them I will put on the shelves several traditional, conflict situations . And I will answer the questions that concern many today. All of them will be taken from my practical activities. So, you don't have to think of anything special.

I will start with simple and not intricate stories and gradually move on to the more complex ones.

First conflict situation "Sunday Flash"

Women's side of the coin.

Sunday sunny day. It's noon outside. Dinner is ready. The family is fed. And the woman already wants to escape from the kitchen pots and relax.

She immediately recalls the forest and the extraordinary peace that arises every time after returning from such a walk.

Inspired and inspired by past memories, she approaches her husband to invite him for such a walk.

The male side of the coin.

He is a middle manager. Working with people requires a lot of physical activity and takes a lot of energy.

Therefore, Sunday is the only day of the week. When you just want to shut up. Lie down with a full stomach on the couch. Do not think about anything and stupidly watch TV.

Do you think this situation could lead to conflict ?

The answer is easy!

Do you know why?

Reasons here several. Let me just say the main one.

Initially, a strong polarization was created.

What it is?

And this is when desires of men and women are on opposite sides. As the song says - You are standing on that, well, I'm on the other side. Her wish is from heaven. Its purely earthly.

And no matter how they (a man and a woman) try to “comb” their situation now. With such initial data, conflict is still inevitable.

Even if one of the partners gives in to the other, sacrificing his desire. Seed of Conflict will still lay at the base. Now it will swell and ripen. A little later there will appear (by the way, as always unexpectedly) real shoots of conflict from this situation.

A man and a woman, of course, will forget about her or not attach any importance to her at all.

Know! This is the one germ of future conflict (of course, if it did not manifest itself immediately here and now). And now it's just a matter of time.

And do you know why - I say so confidently?

Because yielding to others, we always fall into the "trap" of dissatisfaction. Even if at the first moment, we do not feel it. And it seems to us that we do it out of good intentions.

But gradually! Day by day, we begin to accumulate - this very dissatisfaction .

Because the unmanifested feeling doesn’t go anywhere (if you didn’t do something with it, something consciously), which means it precipitates every time. Over the years, it (the sediment) becomes more and more thick.

And then, inevitably, pollution sets in. environment, in the form of your soul and body. And then, unable to withstand so many suppressed emotions, the dam breaks.

In the course comes (at best) heavy verbal "artillery", which sometimes not everyone is able to withstand. As offensive phrases You don't appreciate me at all. I endured your quirks for so many years, and you .... How much can you impose your desires on me ... ..

And then they run to the registry office, asking the system to separate their banks.

Yes! Of course! She does it or will do it, only the essence will remain unchanged. In not understanding true reason conflict of this kind.

But ingenious is simple! And the answer to the abbreviated question, WHAT TO DO?- lies on the surface.

- listen and hear yourself. Don't give your want, not under any circumstances.

Because every person living on this Earth has the right to be happy.

And this means that whatever he wants should and can be realized.

But if you require a special decoration from the outside world (men, women).

For example, so that your husband - fulfill your whim. Be sure to go for a walk in the forest with you. So pay for this with your patience and do not be offended by his feeling of dissatisfaction, which will manifest itself in his future statements.

Everything in this world has own price. Our desires also have their price, which we then pay.

Therefore, we do conclusion.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds. folk wisdom, tells us openly - If you want someone to fulfill your WILL now. So be ready to pay your bills in the future, for someone's sacrifice - an offering. Or immediately compensate in equal units, that nascent dissatisfaction in a person. Then everything will be fair - how much you took, so much you gave. And the germ of the conflict will not receive fertile food for its development.

So try this strategy and get your results.

The desire will be - write. Let's look for a way out your conflict impasse.

Well, in the next post, we will analyze another situation.

And now I tell you bye and until we meet again.

I was with you Penyacheva Love.

37 comments on the entry “Conflict situation - Case study.”

    You are the head of the section. You have established the fact of the theft of the ventilation pipe by the tunneller Ivanov. Previously, the disappearance of these pipes was also noticed. What are your actions in this case and their justification.

    Julia is a very good question. But the situation is not fully disclosed.
    Therefore, I will try to fantasize on your topic.
    In your case, I see two aspects - professional and interpersonal.
    If we talk about the professional side, then everything is really simple and clear. There is theft and there are appropriate penalties for this misconduct, prescribed in the collective agreement or some other document of your enterprise.
    Everything looks much more complicated on the human plane. Especially if you managed to get very close to this person during your work.
    For example, they became friends to some extent.
    It's important to always build bridges.
    Yes we can be good friends when we drink tea together and discuss our loved ones.
    But the business (production sphere) is always a zone of personal responsibility.

    If in your case everything looks exactly like this, then the question arises - are you personally ready to bear responsibility for the misconduct of this person.
    If yes, then the situation is simplified.
    If not, then you will have to decide which tool (administrative or otherwise) you will use to resolve this issue.
    And the conflict in this case can become one of these tools.
    Naturally, you provoke him consciously.
    And also consciously manage this process from beginning to end.

    But before you start creating it -
    It is important to set a goal and determine the end result that you want to achieve in the end.

    For example.
    You invite this person to your office and communicate with him.
    Its character will depend, as I said, on your goal (reprimand, kick out of work, just teach and threaten, but still leave him in this area because the specialist is good ....) As you can see, it is very important to always understand what result do you want to see in the end. From here it will be clear which tool to use and to what level this conflict should be raised.

    That's so short.
    If this answer is not enough, you can sign up for a 30-minute free Skype consultation - lubo529

    A small private shop employed 8 people for about 20-30 years. Relationships within the team are good. The owner of the store decided to hire a 45-year-old relative with extensive experience in trade as a senior salesperson. From the very beginning, she made it clear that she did not intend to establish friendly relations with anyone. She pointed out to everyone, including the director, the shortcomings in the work and advised how to conduct business. Some of her remarks were correct, but there were also petty quibbles. In addition, she began to tell her relative about everything that was happening at work and advised him to fire some of the workers. There were no layoffs, but the owner began to interfere in the solution of all issues and sometimes even interfere with work. The store staff was negatively disposed towards the new person. They tried not to talk to her, not to involve her in solving production issues, they told the owner about her dismissal. There were no big complaints. In addition, the owner was against layoffs. The story took place in small town It's hard for employees to find other jobs. How will the conflict develop?

    At the university, two teachers work at the same department - Tatyana and Marina. Both of them are distinguished by the ability to stand up for themselves and not give a descent to another in case of misunderstandings and conflicts. Tatyana also does not know how to keep secret information she knows about other people and seeks to use it to achieve her own goals. She became aware of information from the life of Marina, relating to the period of her divorce from her husband and the time preceding the new marriage. Marina's behavior during this period did not always correspond to the moral standards accepted in society. Marina asked Tatiana not to talk to anyone about what she knew, but Tatiana began to discuss this information with her friends and colleagues. The vast majority of people, if they listened to her, reacted like this: "Such sins happen in life, now Marina is a good person." On the professional position and relationships with colleagues and Tatiana and Marina this information did not affect in any way, but since then enmity has been established between them. What is the way out of this situation? The department is a general university, so even working at the same department, these teachers do not collide with each other at work, because they teach at different faculties.

    Thank you Natasha for the practical situation and your question.

    What is the way out of this conflict?

    There are two solutions - external and internal.
    The essence of the external option is the intention to influence the external cause (in our case, Tatyana).
    Talk to her and explain to her that her actions are not ethical (especially in a university environment), while still putting pressure on her conscience.
    But the chance of success is very small.

    Because the whole charm lies in the fact that we cannot change a person if he himself does not wish it.
    Let's add one more touch to this - most people live and are guided by their habits.
    In your example, Tatyana is no exception to general rules(since she does not know how to keep secret information known to her about other people and seeks to use it to achieve her own goals).
    What he does is regularly and with interest.

    Therefore, you understand. The likelihood of a positive outcome is very small.
    In such cases, I always ask the offended person one question:
    “Tell me, do you swear with the wind when it blows in your ear?”
    The answer is, of course, NO.

    What do you end up doing?
    People just listen to their body. Feels his desires and acts.
    And this is the second way out of the conflict situation, i.e. interior.

    As mine shows personal experience and the practice of working with people, it is the second approach that allows you to get the desired results in any conflict.
    So, what exactly does Marina need to do in this situation, if she strains her (after all, a person can react to her evenly and then there is no conflict, but there is simply a reaction from the witnesses of this event).

    First, deal with your emotional reactions and understand which emotions dominate.
    If this is an insult, then work with your insult. If anger, then with anger, or maybe some other emotion.
    There is only one task here - to free yourself from this destructive emotional clot.

    Second, ask yourself a question: “So, what do I, Marina, want in this situation?”.
    Third, take action and realize your desire.
    And everything seems to be over.

    If not a single BUT!
    Namely, if it were not for the specularity of this world.
    “I look at you like in mirrors,” Y. Antonov sings.

    And indeed it is!
    People are our mirrors!

    The truth is very often we do not want to agree with this.
    The husband yells at his wife, and she wonders why?
    But if she is honest with herself, she very quickly begins to see the inside of this situation.
    And to understand that now it is she inside screaming at her husband, and he just voices it.

    So Marina needs to ask herself where and in what places she mentally condemns Tatyana.
    After recognizing this fact, ask (again mentally) for forgiveness from her and from herself.
    And only after that to form an image of a positive solution to this conflict.
    Fill with this intention. Feel pleasant emotions from such an image.
    And then let him go free with words.
    Everything else is the will of God.

    As you can see, Marina will have to work hard in this part (if she wants to resolve this conflict).
    And believe me - the discoveries here will definitely surprise her.

    P.S. It happens that the root cause of such a conflict is a joint history in the past of these two people. But this is a completely different level of conflict.

    According to what scenario this conflict will develop depends on the participants in this game.
    Now I can only fantasize.
    If the new salesperson has the role of a vampire and her approach is only to provoke negative radiation from the people who surround her.
    So the conflict will be protracted. And one cannot do without powerful neuroses here.

    And if it is characterized by the role of a reformer and business benefits from its actions (i.e., income and profitability grow), then business-technology can take over to the detriment of the psychological climate and, as a result, destructive processes cannot be avoided either (layoffs, tougher conditions work...).

    If this situation is in a small town where it is difficult to find a job, then the fear of sellers of losing it may further exacerbate this conflict.

    And if the old team is dear to the director, then a consensus is possible, and then the history of this conflict may take a different trajectory.
    All these nuances are important and significantly affect the outcome of this conflict.

    It is necessary to analyze the conflict, for example, a subordinate and a boss, point by point, a description of the parties to the conf (age, status, social roles, who belongs to whom)
    2 description conf how the situation ended
    3 subject conf (facts)
    4 cartography
    5 kind of conf according to the nature of the contradiction
    6 definition of transaction roles
    We do the 7th point if we didn’t write mute in 2m “what can be done to be heard, what can be done to get by with little blood”

    Natalia I am pleased with your structural approach to conflict analysis.
    I have a suggestion - show us your version of the conflict analysis.

    Svetlana Eliseeva, a resident of the city of Vladimir and a third-year student of the VSPU, met Roman Teterin, a fourth-year cadet of the VJU. Svetlana and Roman fell in love. Roman Teterin proposed to Svetlana Eliseeva to marry him. She agreed, but said that she could not leave Vladimir for his destination in Lensk (Yakutia) because she had to finish her college. However, after graduating from the institute, Svetlana did not go to her husband, but got a job in her specialty in Vladimir. Roman Teterin, having arrived in Vladimir on vacation, began to insist that Svetlana quit her job and leave with him. Svetlana valued her place of work and did not want to leave. Roman believed that if she married a law enforcement officer, she was obliged to follow him to his place of service and live with him. Svetlana does not think this is obligatory, she believes that it is possible to live in different cities and go to each other during the holidays

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible reasons occurrence. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    Olga and Nikolai filed for divorce a year ago. After the divorce, Olga left for Nizhnevartovsk and took her 4-year-old daughter Anya with her. Before she left former spouses agreed on the procedure for communicating with the child: Nikolai will see her twice a year: once for 30 days, while he must pay for transportation costs, the second time the mother undertakes to bring the child for 14 days, while she pays the costs. After the divorce, Nikolai paid alimony regularly. In January, the mother brought Anya, the daughter stayed with her father for 10 days instead of 14, after which she said in a letter that she could bring Anya again, but for this Nikolai had to send her 45 thousand rubles for tickets, otherwise he would not have a child will see. Nikolai refused to send money, referring to an earlier agreement. After that, Olga practically does not allow him to communicate with the child: she does not give her the phone, insults Nikolai, threatens him that he will never see his daughter again.

    The beginning of any situation is our elections. Svetlana had two of them - to finish the institute. and then get a job. Have Roman take the girl with him. Two obstacles stood in his way, in the form of the election of Svetlana. And - this is all the scenario of the external game. There is also an internal component, and it can also be called a game. It may or may not be realized by our Heroes.
    It is in this vein that we will consider this series.

    On the external plan Svetlana performs two actions (finish her studies, get a job) that are clearly at odds with Roman's external game.
    On the internal plan, such a reality is formed due to internal fear.

    For Svetlana, this may be a fear of the unknown (Yakutia), an unwillingness to part with existing comfort zones (near the house, parents, and this is some protection) or distrust of Roman. She may intuitively feel that this is not her Hero, or maybe she already has some facts are not in his favor.

    Oddly enough, but Roman also has his own fears, which he is apparently afraid to admit to himself.
    For example, the fear of joining fate with a strong girl (and according to your description, Svetlana is perceived that way.
    Why? Because she boldly makes decisions and is not afraid to take responsibility for them.
    At the same time, she challenges Roman and thereby creates a conflict situation for him).

    In this situation, he has resentment and a desire to prove, and, first of all, to himself. This is usually the process of self-assertion.
    It is these fears of our Heroes that keep them on the “chain” and do not allow them to openly tell each other about their true desires.

    Svetlana (now I can only fantasize) apparently does not want to openly refuse Roman.
    And apparently, she wants to somehow offset her refusal in space and time.

    Roman (again, my predictions) wants to hear not so much YES as NO, so that later he can blame her for what he did.

    More than sure - they have long understood everything about each other.
    But since they continue to play this game, it means that there are still some nuances and details in it that they will analyze.
    And until they sort it out, this situation will continue.
    Therefore, they will fool each other for some more time (which in fact they are doing now).

    How to prevent a brewing conflict?
    Step 1. Open up to your fears and honestly admit to yourself in secret things.
    STEP 2. Conduct open communication, without evaluating and analyzing each other.
    Step 3. Be open about your changed feelings.
    STEP 4. Accept each other's choices.
    Step 5. By - thank each other for the experience and leave friends.

    P.S. It is advisable to lead this process to Svetlana in the way she initiated this situation.
    But first, remove your fears so that they do not stand between them in the process of communication. Then Roman will not mirror his own and the process will go smoothly.

    There is no conflict in the plot that you presented. There are simply manipulations of one person in relation to another.

    Anya is definitely the initiator.
    She really violated the original agreements, and now she is simply manipulating Nikolai.

    The further course of this game will now depend only on Nikolai.
    If during their life together he has formed a powerful attachment to his daughter, then he can follow the lead of these manipulations.
    If Nikolai is more friendly with his head, then it is likely that he will make a more rational decision.
    And then Anya will face a choice - to act as before, or still adhere to the primary agreements.

    causes of intergroup conflicts (give a detailed answer, give examples

    Task 2. Is the situation described below a conflict (answer

    brewing conflict?
    After graduating from the university, a student of the Faculty of Philology
    got a job as a Russian language teacher in a school. She was well received in
    school, both students and teachers liked it. She worked
    six months, taught language and literature in grades 5-6, parents were
    satisfied with her teaching method, noting that the children became interested in
    attend classes. The young teacher had tattoos on her arms, however,
    since she always respected the dress code and wore blouses with long
    sleeves, they were not visible. Somehow, the students did learn about
    tattoos and told parents. After that, the parents changed their
    attitude, they began to say that the teacher teaches badly, that
    the students are not interested, and the children began to lag behind the program. After one
    from the parent meetings, where the head teacher was invited, the parents asked
    to change the teacher of the Russian language, justifying this by the fact that a person with
    tattoos - a bad example for children, he cannot teach, and
    The ability of this teacher leaves much to be desired.

    Is the following situation a conflict?
    substantiate). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure,
    dynamics, as well as possible causes of occurrence. Otherwise
    answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent
    brewing conflict?
    The class had a hard time breaking up with the teacher elementary school,
    who was like a mother to him, but the new class teacher was able to
    put the kids in. The class was friendly despite the fact that they came
    seven new students. The class teacher gathered everyone after school,
    the students told him how they spent the day, drew each other postcards,
    The newcomers adapted quickly. Olga Viktorovna (new cool
    leader) taught mathematics. Everyone willingly attended her lessons, lagging behind in
    class was almost non-existent. It's time to decorate a cool corner in
    new office. They came up with the name "Brigantine", drew a large
    ship, made sails from velvet paper, in general, a masterpiece! way
    secret ballot chose the leader of the class (headman). A year later by
    family circumstances, Olga Viktorovna left for another city, instead of
    Svetlana Vasilievna came to her, part-time deputy
    director of educational work. She knew the class superficially, only
    those who participated in her performances, concerts, etc. Svetlana Vasilievna
    immediately divided the class into a “backbone”, which included those who actively
    showed himself in studies and sports, and on those who were the so-called
    "an example of bad behavior" - those who ran at recess and did not
    handed in homework. She immediately dismantled a cool corner, calling it
    "junk", she designed a new one herself, printing pictures on a color printer,
    and independently appointed a new class president. In addition, she removed
    a picture that remained from Olga Viktorovna, a picture that hung on
    the most honorable place. First, Svetlana Vasilievna took her to the very
    far corner, because "the picture does not fit into the interior." But every day is like this
    called "memory", like a bloodstain in Canterville Castle,
    appeared in the old place. After that, the picture ended up in the dump of the rear
    school yard ... The whole class unanimously smashed the school dump "to smithereens" and
    honorably returned the painting to its place. After a while the class became
    truant cool watch. No parent meetings, no conversations with
    director did not give results. Throughout grades 10 and 11, students
    and did not attend class hours except for the new year and May 25 ...

    Akmaral decided to answer your question with a post. Follow the link and read

    Let's look at this situation from two sides - teachers and parents.
    A teacher - he has the right to choose his life and tattoos can also take place in it. She chose to have this experience and she is getting it.
    Parents clearly demonstrate their limited ideas about life and the resulting prejudice.
    In real life, children cannot be protected from meeting a drunk person, a drug addict, etc.
    If the child chose this meeting as a way to gain some experience, she will definitely get it.

    The child cannot develop in sterile conditions. For this there is real life with all its manifestations.
    In this situation, the parents clearly developed a fear for their children, that under the influence of such a teacher, children can repeat this experience.

    Therefore, their demand to change teachers is not yet a conflict. but only fear for their children, manifested in this form.

    If the system gets into a “pose” and starts defending the interests of the teacher as a protege of this system, then this requirement may already turn into a conflict.

    There is only one way out - for parents to accept the teacher as he is and work with their fears so that they do not go to materialization.
    If their child chose to decorate themselves with such things, he will do it anyway.
    The teacher can be removed from the classroom, school, but not from the city in which she lives. And such teachers are now a dime a dozen at every step.
    And you can't hide children from this.
    Well, a changed attitude towards the teacher will also affect academic performance.

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    The municipal department for the lease and use of land is headed by a certain official A. The department received an order from the relevant city authorities to prohibit the use of children's sports, playgrounds and other grounds for any other purposes (for example, building, organizing parking lots, etc.). However, official A's immediate superior interprets the order in his own way and demands the liquidation of one of the playgrounds administered by the municipality. Official A begins to follow the instructions of his superior. He is visited by a member of the public who demands compliance with the law and the restoration of the playground.

    Depending on which side to look at.
    If on the part of an official, then there is simply a commercial interest and no conflict. A person simply uses his power and shoulder straps.
    There is no conflict on the part of the parents who are now defending these playgrounds for their children. There is fear, for their children and the opportunity that they had and that they now want to take away by volitional action.
    This situation will enter a phase of conflict, when parents will start ringing the "bells" and ringing about such arbitrariness and their disagreement. And the more they do this, the more resistance they will meet from officials, the brighter and tougher this conflict will become.

    Therefore, having disagreed with the decision of the administration, the parents who took the initiative into their own hands must now manage this process (as they did not agree with this change in their lives) and go to the end. Of course, the process may be lengthy, but the opportunity to save the site still exists.
    P.S. We had a similar situation in our city. The task was solved with the help of the deputy.

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    Nastya, a student of grade 11-A, claims to be a gold medalist. This medal is very important for a girl: a poor family does not have money for courses and tutors to prepare well for admission, and the medal provides very sensitive benefits when entering a university. At the algebra test, Nastya sat on the first desk in front of the teacher's table. When she was solving the last, most difficult task on the draft, another candidate for the medal, Liza, the daughter of one of the teachers, approached the teacher's table. The teacher began to dictate this task to her in an undertone. Nastya glanced at them and continued to solve, but then the teacher drew attention to her and, looking at the notes in the draft, said: “I didn’t understand - did someone allow you to listen to us?” The teacher took the draft from Nastya and returned it at the next lesson with a mark of "2" for cheating. Nastya went to complain to the director, the teachers were "summoned for a conversation", but she said that Nastya was cheating while she was explaining the incomprehensibly formulated task to Lisa. They also called Lisa to the director, who confirmed the words of the teacher.

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?

    Thank you Olya for the provided example.
    I discussed this conflict in detail in a new post.
    Follow the link -
    Meet my vision and solution to this conflict.

    practical situation.
    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    After control work, which the inveterate loser Sasha wrote for two, the mathematics teacher in front of the whole class scolded him in a rude and insulting way. Rough words (on the verge of profanity), spoken by the teacher, were recorded on the recorder by classmates. The boy's mother demands to punish the teacher, although she publicly asked for forgiveness. The administration, colleagues and even most of the parents sided with the teacher, because the teacher is one of the best in the area. The teacher herself explained that she wanted to motivate the student to work, but she flared up. Many parents perceived the story with the recording as an attempt to put pressure on the teacher. The school was inspected, but officials declined to comment on the situation.

    Therefore, she used the appropriate tools quite correctly. educational system, to solve this problem.
    So, the assessment given is the main criterion that was in her hands.
    The emotional color with which she presented this result to the boy did not add bonuses to her.
    On the contrary, it worked against her.

    For here she did not take into account one small, but very significant nuance.
    Namely, if I begin to show an aggressive style of behavior towards someone,
    then inevitably at this moment I use low frequencies.

    Therefore, whatever my noble impulse, as a teacher.
    Namely, to increase the student's motivation for the subject.
    Still, not knowing the law will not mitigate my guilt.

    This means that now all subsequent events provoked by the teacher's emotion,
    will occur and sound on the same wave.
    What is called like attracts like.

    This is exactly what we see happening.
    Therefore, it is no coincidence that this process has continued.
    And the low frequency provoked a conflict, in the form of a mother's reaction.

    Asking for forgiveness in such a situation is pointless.
    Here it is important to take the conflict itself to another level.

    For the forces behind this negativity are not at all interested in a positive solution.
    They don't need light. They get their desired energy exclusively in the struggle.

    And most likely, mother and her son, as servants of these forces, needed only that.
    Usually people who feed on such energy always wait for the right moment or provoke the situation themselves,
    to saturate yourself with this negativity.
    For for them, it is a powerful stimulus that motivates them to take action.

    In my opinion, this is the way out.
    It is important for the teacher not to yell at the children, but to include in them a conscious approach to business.
    And most importantly, teach them the skill to take responsibility for all the results in their lives.
    At the same time, it will not be necessary to waste yourself on ineffective methods and methods.

    And in fact what happened -
    Mom needs to ask just one simple question, and ask her -
    What does she want in this situation?
    After all, the teacher admitted his guilt.

    Then the mother's desire to manipulate the teacher is very quickly transformed.
    And the conflict will turn into a constructive channel.

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    History teacher Maria Sergeevna is the class teacher of the 11-B class. She has been teaching this class since elementary school and put a lot of effort into it. Good and friendly relations have developed with students and parents. During the entire period of study, students under the guidance of a teacher often gathered outside school hours, went to theaters, attended excursions, and organized various events. AT recent times students began to spend more and more time in the computer science classroom with two young teachers. At all breaks, students run away there, are late for classes, and at the same time they have become less respectful of the class teacher. Maria Sergeevna is very offended by the class for such behavior. At first she endured, but then she gathered the students and said how it upset her, how much she did for them, and now she does not see elementary respect. She brought up the subject and parent meeting, expressed her dissatisfaction with young teachers, who, in her opinion, behave frivolously with students. Relations with the class after that completely deteriorated, the students began to react sharply to Maria Sergeevna's remarks, laughing behind her back.

  1. At the university, two teachers work at the same department - Tatyana and Marina. Both of them are distinguished by the ability to stand up for themselves and not give a descent to another in case of misunderstandings or conflicts. Tatyana, moreover, does not know how to keep secret information known to her about other people, and seeks to use it to achieve her own goals. She became aware of information from the life of Marina, relating to the period of her divorce from her husband and the time preceding the new marriage. Marina's behavior during this period did not always correspond to the moral standards accepted in society. Marina asked Tatiana not to talk to anyone about what she knew, but Tatiana began to discuss this information with friends, colleagues and laboratory assistants. Between them, a persistent enmity was established, affecting relations in the department.
    What are possible actions head of the department to resolve this conflict?
  2. Julia, thank you for the practical situation. The answer is waiting for you on this page -

    Oleg is a second-year student at the university. He managed to get answers for the next test on a difficult topic. Two classmates asked him for these answers, and he dictated them to them over the phone. Earlier, Oleg and one of the two students had a conflict over a girl who seemed to have been forgotten. Nevertheless, the answers dictated by Oleg turned out to be erroneous, and two guys received unsatisfactory marks. Oleg passed the test. It is known that during repeated testing, the teacher makes more severe demands. By nature, both Oleg and the two guys are not cowardly and know how to defend their interests. Oleg treats his studies rather carelessly. Both of his fellow students work and cannot spend much time on preparation, at the same time, study for them is a means of real promotion. What are the options for the development and resolution of this conflict?

    Alina, where is the conflict?
    Personally, I don't see it.
    You yourself write that the conflict between Oleg and another student seems to have been forgotten.
    At least, if I understood you correctly, then the guys seem to not remember this situation or simply do not want to remember.

    As for the test given by Oleg and the subsequent actions of the teacher. That is a purely working moment. Maybe the guys just connected this situation with Oleg's previous relationship. And they took it as revenge.

    But you do not write anything about this and I can only fantasize here.
    In any case, if Oleg passed the test, and the other guys got caught, then Oleg is not to blame at all. It was their voluntary choice (if I understood correctly) to use Oleg's service. And it was they who had to take care of the quality of the test received and their future result.

    If they work and are still studying, then the organization of their life, study and work depends only on them. This is their direct responsibility.

    Alina, but in your appeal I saw not great notes of pity. And this is a big and “fat” minus for you personally, which works against you. Search my blog for a post about pity. I explain in detail there -
    Why can't you feel sorry for other people?
    And what harm do we personally do to ourselves when we pity someone? And even if they are the closest people.

    And I thank you for the practical example. And I wish you all the best.

    Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?
    From the first day they met, the students' relationship with Lyudmila Ivanovna did not work out. The teacher taught her discipline well and clearly, but she evaluated the student not for knowledge, but for the manner of behavior and appearance. The university has not introduced a uniform, and a student can come to classes in a free style of clothing. Lyudmila Ivanovna defiantly discussed the appearance of the students in front of the whole group, allowing herself negative assessments. When the student answered the question, she turned to the individual. Students were dissatisfied, many began to skip classes. The correct answer of the student could not be counted if he did not fall into the category of Lyudmila Ivanovna's favorites. Some of the students applied to the dean's office with a request to replace the teacher, but this request was denied.

    Undoubtedly, the described situation is a conflict and has a specific name - the conflict of times. It cannot be solved peacefully.
    So, neither side is ready to compromise. For everyone has his own truth, which he defends.

    Lyudmila Ivanovna (most likely due to her long teaching experience in this field) is deeply convinced that educational institution- this is not the place
    where it is worth showing fashion (even if it is within the bounds of decency). So, how can this set students up at all on a learning wave. And in order to change the situation, he uses his traditional tools. Namely, he evaluates students not for their knowledge, but for their appearance. Plus, it receives support from the administration of the university
    Students with a strong need for freedom and independence also believe that they have the right to dress the way they want. And this is their truth from which they do not want to refuse (if I understand you correctly) under any circumstances.
    Therefore, in such conflicts, the one who has more power always wins. In your case, she dominates Lyudmila Ivanovna.
    And this is the external side of this conflict. But there is also its inner component. The essence of which is that in this case both sides mirror the internal problem of the opposite side. But for voicing and solving these hidden problems requires a purely individual consent from each participant in the conflict.
    So, if one of the parties finds courage and wisdom in himself at the same time, and admits to himself his egocentrism, then under this condition there is a chance to resolve this conflict.
    The last resort is going to court.
    P.S. But our humane court, as practice shows, is not always objective and fair.
    Purely as a human being, I can advise the student (students) to enter into a negotiation process with L.I. in order to still come to some kind of compromise in order to successfully graduate from the university.

    Task 1. Is the situation described below a conflict (justify the answer). If the situation is a conflict, describe its structure, dynamics, and possible causes. Otherwise, answer the question: what needs to be done in order to prevent a brewing conflict?

    Dasha was very nervous about the upcoming graduation and entrance exams. Constant experiences exhausted her, she began to take to heart any statements addressed to her. When the class was assigned to school event, at the council for its preparation, Dasha, as an active and responsible student, began to offer her ideas. When her proposals began to be criticized, she took it with hostility. Dasha began to respond rudely and sharply to her classmates and even to her class teacher. Soon this resulted in a huge ball of mutual insults between Dasha and other students. Having quarreled with classmates, Dasha went home in tears.

    In the situation you describe, the conflict will manifest itself only if, after such communication, everyone (or someone) disperses with resentment towards each other. Misunderstanding born in such communication can become the fuel that will subsequently strain all or individual players in this process.
    If, at the next meeting, they behave as usual, then the former tension will resolve by itself.

    But if suddenly someone, or Dasha specifically, will keep in his soul a grudge against those who did not understand her. So then negative emotion really cause conflict within her. Which she will wear until she gets the right opportunity to dump it on someone (probably the first person) who disagrees with her.
    But if in force different reasons this style of behavior is not suitable for her, then this conflict will remain unresolved for her. Subsequently, other situations will join it. Because with her resentment (low-frequency sound) she will definitely attract them, and after a while it will result in some kind of body disease.

    What else is the weak link in this situation?
    The fact is that when a person begins to generate some ideas, then at this moment he inevitably enters the flow. And this happens only when he opens up and burns with the desire to contribute to a certain game. Which is exactly what Dasha did. Only the external environment is not always able to adequately perceive this novelty. For at this moment their consciousness is at a lower level.

    Therefore, as a rule, in such situations, their first reaction is defensive. Which manifests itself in the form of impartial assessments. All this in the name of not being worse than another person at this moment. And in your case Dasha.
    To make it clearer what I'm talking about, for example, the TV from its invention to acceptance by people and publication has lain in the "cellar" for 100 years.
    I would like to point out another aspect of this situation. Draw your attention to the hidden side of the "medal". Those. on the internal state Dashi, in which she was at that moment.
    Her worries about exams could really deplete her energy resource. Therefore, in such states, as a rule, the internal ability of a person to withstand the blows (estimations of people) of the outside world weakens. What actually happened to Dasha. Her emotion took over her conscious desire to control herself. As a result, and caused a dispute and disagreement on both sides.
    What is the way out here?
    Lots of tools. The best, of course, is if she can re-live her resentment herself. For this purpose, you can refer to school psychologist or coach.
    You can try a different approach. Have him take paper and a pen. And put all his resentment on paper. It can be text, like an essay. But it is important to end it with a positive text. Or just take a pencil and start drawing wavy lines on paper. Starts with short waves gradually moving to longer ones. Thus, filling in the entire field of the leaflet. And do this until he feels that inside and resentment is gone.

1. Analyze it in terms of the structure of the conflict: dynamics of the conflict, completion. Suggest the best strategy for ending the conflict

When analyzing any case, it is necessary to highlight significant factors, determine the circle of interested people, highlight ethical problems and, possibly, offer your own way to resolve the conflict.

In order to maintain a logical approach in the process of analyzing a conflict situation, you can use Fig. one.

We are considering a conflict case that occurred in the personnel department of the city hospital. In the existing team of nurses there was one worker, Irina, who stood out not only for her experience and knowledge, but also for psychological criteria In particular, she was dominated by leadership qualities.

Some time later, this nurse was appointed head of the nursing staff. Consequently, her duties changed and her work schedule changed slightly. Irina, as a manager, very strictly followed the work of her subordinates: their attitude to work, to clients, to the relationship between the team, so that there would be no conflict situations. She also made sure that employees arrived and left on time. At the same time, if one of the staff asked to leave early for some reason, Lydia would not let go, unless this reason, in her opinion, was very, very important.

A few months later and throughout the rest of the time, the medical staff began to notice that Irina often came to work at the wrong time, sometimes she left early, it also happened that she was absent for some time in the middle of the working day. The dissatisfaction of the nurses with this accumulated, as a result of which a conflict situation began to arise.

Consider the significant factors that had a certain impact on the development of the conflict situation.

Facts from the nurses:

1. Why was this nurse appointed as the manager, and not any other?

2. The manager follows their work schedule very strictly, at the same time violates her schedule;

3. Irina releases the employee before the end of the shift, if she herself believes that this is a serious reason.

Manager's facts:

1. The promotion was not “invented” by Irina herself, but she was appointed to this position, which means there were some reasons for that: a wide range of knowledge in the field of medicine, great experience work in the hospital, separation from the team with their leadership qualities.

2. The manager is not obliged to report to her subordinates about why she violates the working time schedule. It is possible that she differs in the solution of any issues related to the hospital.

3. Work involves high responsibility, especially if it concerns the treatment of patients. If the manager releases the employee before her end of her shift, and at that moment something happens to the patient, and the help of the departed nurse would be very helpful, then, first of all, the authorities will chastise the one who let the nurse go for this situation. Not everyone is pleased to hear a reprimand from the authorities.

We characterize the parties involved in the conflict.

The next part of the analysis is devoted to the stakeholders of the conflict (direct participants in the conflict; indirect ones who, for one reason or another, were involved in the conflict). as well as people whose interests this question affects.

In this case, the stakeholders are:




    clients (sick).

    Formulation of the problem

    Very often, along with the main problem, there are also side (indirect) problems. The above can be represented as a ball of threads: with the advent of a new indirect problem, the ball becomes larger.

    In this example, the main problem is the non-observance of the manager's work schedule. Indirect reasons include such reasons as a lack of understanding of the staff, why Irina was appointed head and the inability to leave before the end of the work shift of the medical staff.

    Analysis of the conflict situation

    With regard to legality, the conflict has three options:

    1. Ethical and legal case. The manager leaves the place of work due to the solution of some issues outside the hospital.

    2. Unethical but legal. Due to the fact that she solves these issues in working time, leaving the hospital at the same time, she gives rise to talk about her wrong attitude to work.

    3. Unethical but illegal. Perhaps the manager is actually absent from work on her own personal issues.

    In fact, the conflict will be settled if they are able to determine which of the above options corresponds to this conflict. This can be done by checking with the authorities what kind of issues the manager solved outside the hospital during working hours. Then the case will correspond to the first option.

    Using Help Guides

    This case is formal. When clarifying the issues resolved by Lydia outside the hospital, it will be clearly seen that she does not violate her official duties, professional ethics. Her work benefits:

    hospital (solving external issues);

    superiors (strict supervision of the team, its full control);

    sick (the possibility of obtaining timely assistance from nurses).

    Conflict Resolution

    To prevent conflict, it is still worthwhile to announce (perhaps some) issues that have been resolved or are being resolved outside the hospital, in order to extinguish the conflict situation. Thus, inside the medical staff, conversations about the correctness and ethics of the actions of the head will stop, and the time allotted for the work shift will be used for its intended purpose.

    It is possible to introduce an ethical code for development professional community. It should consider the ethical standards and rules of conduct for the entire medical staff of the medical staff.

    Compliance with general ethical norms and rules for resolving conflicts is essential condition building healthy and civilized relationships. It is especially important for leaders to understand their great social responsibility. This is manifested in the orientation towards a person in all its manifestations - respect, social help, support.

    It is important to understand at the time that the situation that has arisen is a conflict and then, with the help of an agreement between the parties or negotiations with the participation of a third party, try to solve the problem.


  1. Aniskin Yu.P. General management.–M.: RMAT, 2004.

    Huseynov A.A., Apresyan R.G. Ethics. M., 1998.

    Vishnyakova N.F. Conflictology. M., 2002.

    Zelenkova I.L., Belyaeva E.V. Ethics, Mn., 1995.

    Zolotukhina-Abolina E.V. Modern ethics. M., 2003.

    Kuzin F.A. Do business beautifully: Ethical and socio-psychological foundations of business. - M .: Delo, 1995.

    Mirimanova M.S. Conflictology. M., 2005.

    Fundamentals of personnel management: A textbook for students. universities. M.: INFRA-M, 2002.

    Semyonov AK, EL Maslova Psychology and ethics of management and business. - M .: Delo, 2001.

    On this page we will cover interesting topic. In this article we will talk about the causes of conflicts, consider the types of conflicts and ways to resolve them. In fact, most people want to live in harmony and full understanding with other people, but there are people who do not mind making a fuss. Such people are rare, and they are happy to quarrel only in order to assert themselves, to show how cool and courageous they are. But they do not understand that from the outside they look ridiculous and stupid.

    I will not go into details about such people, just know that such beings exist and you may know those who are in your environment. By the way, this is one of the causes of conflicts, albeit rare ones. Now let's look at the causes of conflicts.

    Causes of conflicts

    Conflicts never arise from scratch, and always the main reason for their occurrence is clash of interests between individuals. That is, there are two or more people who have a different point of view, a position regarding something. As a result, disagreement arises, which leads to conflict.

    Conflict of Interest- a very common type of conflict that arises due to differences in opinion, views, positions. Let's look at examples of this type of conflict.

    Example #1

    Two business partners. One partner wants to invest in opening a cafe, the other believes that it is better to spend money on opening a beer bar. Everyone has their own reasons for this. They have common money, but different interests - one wants one thing, the other another. This is where the conflict arises.

    Example #2

    The child after school wants to enter the theater school, and his parents want him to study economics. This situation leads to one thing - to a conflict due to a clash of interests.

    Example #3

    The wife wants to go to Egypt because of the Red Sea, the husband wants to go to Turkey because of quality beer. And again there is a conflict because of different interests.

    I hope on these examples you understand what kind of species it is. I suggest you have fun and watch a video about the emergence of a conflict situation from scratch and its resolution.

    The next type of conflict is rivalry. I think everything is clear here. This type of conflict occurs when two or more people apply for one place, title. To make everything clear, let's look at examples of such situations.

    Example #1

    Two guys are fighting for the attention of one girl. You yourself understand that the struggle is a rivalry that can lead to violence and even murder.

    Example #2

    Two children want the same toy. They begin to swear, fight, in other words, they do everything to get it.

    Example #3

    Two guys want to take the same highly paid position, as a result of which they begin to talk nasty things behind their backs, slander, set the team against each other, and so on. The struggle for their well-being makes people behave in completely unpredictable ways.

    Rivalry is present in our lives almost everywhere and conflicts do not always arise because of it. Sometimes rivalry unites people, gives a reason to develop and move forward.

    Types of conflicts

    There are several types of conflicts: intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup conflicts. Now let's go in order.

    intrapersonal conflict arises when there is a contradiction and collision of almost equal in strength, but oppositely directed interests, needs and motives of a person. In this type of conflict, strong emotional experiences are always present.

    For example, a person at work is complained about his poor performance and demands to improve the efficiency of his work in next month. The same employee claims that he is giving his best and starts arguing with his supervisor.

    Another example: the general manager of a store instructed the salesperson to stay at his workplace and serve customers, and a couple of days later he reprimanded the employee for not visiting the warehouse to put the goods on the shelves.

    This is how an intrapersonal conflict arises - one side claims one thing, and the other completely different.

    interpersonal conflict mostly occurs in organizations between managers and employees. In most cases, this is due to a disagreement in the workflow enterprise. For example, one employee did not complete his part of the work, which will affect the results of the common cause. In this case, the conflict will affect not only the leader, but also the entire staff. Another example is when an employee does not accept the foundations and norms of the team. In this case, the likelihood of a conflict is also high.

    Very often, interpersonal conflicts arise when there is a change in leadership. And they arise due to the fact that there are changes in the style and method of managing employees. The previous leader was more humane in his demands, while the current one adheres to an authoritarian style. This does not fit into the strengthened relationship between employees and the manager. When rejecting the new conditions that established "new" bosses are bound to have a conflict.

    Intergroup conflict it is a conflict between formal and informal organizations, parties, religions. Inter-group conflicts unite people of the same group, but once the conflict disappears, cohesion can also disappear.

    How to resolve the conflict?

    FROM types of conflicts we met with causes of conflict too, now it's time to talk about ways that will help you resolve the conflict.

    The first way is conflict avoidance. In fact, many people do this, so do not consider yourself a coward if you do this. Try to ignore it and act peacefully. If this does not work, and this happens often, then other methods will help you.

    For example, you can Change the topic. You just have to do it right and inconspicuously. For example, if one person is trying to prove something to you, then you can say that you heard or saw how ... and then went on to develop the topic. The person will be distracted and stop arguing with you.

    Another way is to find a compromise. This is not always possible, but try to find it in your situation. For example, you and your sister fight because you didn't share the car. You have one and oh, how you both need it. In this case, you can agree on who and when will ride it.

    Smoothing also very effective method avoid conflict, though it works against you. Using this method, you agree with the claims of your interlocutor, convince him that you are right (although you do not think so). In this way, you simply calm the person, since you yourself are in a normal emotional state.

    The last way is understand that conflict is normal. During quarrels, a person also develops and reveals his abilities, he feels himself, the people around him are more respectful. That's why, sometimes conflict is not worth avoiding, and it is better to take part in it, as in a competition. This will be very helpful.

    If something was not clear to you, then I suggest you watch a ten-minute video lecture on the causes of conflicts. The lecture is very interesting and contains comprehensive information.

    Types and causes of conflicts



    What is conflict? The definitions of this concept can be divided into two groups. In the public mind, conflict is most often a synonym for hostile, negative confrontation between people due to the incompatibility of interests, norms of behavior, and goals.

    But there is another understanding of the conflict as an absolutely natural phenomenon in the life of society, which does not necessarily lead to negative consequences. On the contrary, when choosing the right channel for its flow, it is an important component of the development of society.

    Depending on the results of conflict resolution, they can be designated as destructive or constructive. Bottom line destructive collision is the dissatisfaction of one or both parties with the result of the collision, the destruction of relations, resentment, misunderstanding.

    Constructive is a conflict, the solution of which became useful for the parties who took part in it, if they built, acquired something valuable for themselves in it, and were satisfied with its result.

    Variety of school conflicts. Causes and solutions

    Conflict in school is a multifaceted phenomenon. When communicating with participants in school life, the teacher also has to be a psychologist. The following "debriefing" of collisions with each group of participants can become a "cheat sheet" for the teacher in exams on the subject "School conflict".

    The conflict "Student - student"

    Disagreements between children are a common occurrence, including in school life. In this case, the teacher is not a conflicting party, but sometimes it is necessary to take part in a dispute between students.

    Causes of conflicts between students


      deceit, gossip


      hostility towards the teacher's favorite students

      personal dislike for a person

      affection without reciprocity

      fight for a girl (boy)

    Ways to resolve conflicts between students

    How to constructively resolve such disagreements? Very often, children can resolve the conflict situation on their own, without the help of an adult. If intervention by the teacher is necessary, it is important to do so in a calm manner. It is better to do without pressure on the child, without public apologies, limiting himself to a hint. It is better if the student himself finds an algorithm for solving this problem. Constructive conflict will add social skills to the child's experience that will help him communicate with peers, teach him how to solve problems, which will be useful to him in adulthood.

    After resolving the conflict situation, the dialogue between the teacher and the child is important. It is good to call a student by name, it is important that he feels an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. You can say something like: “Dima, conflict is not a reason to worry. There will be many more such disagreements in your life, and that's not a bad thing. It is important to solve it correctly, without mutual reproaches and insults, to draw conclusions, to correct some mistakes. Such a conflict would be beneficial."

    The child often quarrels and shows aggression if he does not have friends and hobbies. In this case, the teacher can try to correct the situation by talking to the student's parents, recommending that the child be enrolled in a circle or sports section according to his interests. A new activity will not leave time for intrigue and gossip, it will give you an interesting and useful pastime, new acquaintances.

    Conflict "Teacher - parent student"

    Such conflict actions can be provoked by both the teacher and the parent. Dissatisfaction can be mutual.

    Causes of conflict between teacher and parents

      different ideas of the parties about the means of education

      dissatisfaction of the parent with the teaching methods of the teacher

      personal animosity

      the parent's opinion about the unreasonable underestimation of the child's grades

    Ways to resolve conflict with the student's parents

    How can one constructively resolve such grievances and break the stumbling blocks? When a conflict situation arises at school, it is important to understand it calmly, realistically, without distortion, look at things. Usually, everything happens in a different way: the conflicting person closes his eyes to his own mistakes, while simultaneously looking for them in the opponent's behavior.

    When the situation is soberly assessed and the problem is outlined, it is easier for the teacher to find the true cause. conflict with a "difficult" parent, evaluate the correctness of the actions of both parties, outline the path to a constructive resolution of an unpleasant moment.

    The next step on the path to agreement will be an open dialogue between the teacher and the parent, where the parties are equal. The analysis of the situation will help the teacher express his thoughts and ideas about the problem to the parent, show understanding, clarify the common goal, and together find a way out of the current situation.

    After the conflict is resolved, the conclusions drawn about what was done wrong and how to act so that a tense moment does not come will help prevent similar situations in future.


    Anton is a self-confident high school student who does not have outstanding abilities. Relations with the guys in the class are cool, there are no school friends. At home, the boy characterizes the guys from the negative side, pointing out their shortcomings, fictitious or exaggerated, shows dissatisfaction with teachers, notes that many teachers underestimate his grades. Mom unconditionally believes her son, assents to him, which further spoils the boy's relationship with classmates, causes negativity towards teachers. The conflict erupts when a parent comes to school in anger, complaining about teachers and school administration. No persuasion or persuasion has a cooling effect on her. The conflict does not stop until the child finishes school. Obviously, this situation is destructive.

    What can be a constructive approach to solving an urgent problem? Using the above recommendations, we can assume that Anton's class teacher could analyze the current situation something like this: “Anton provoked the conflict between the mother and the school teachers. This speaks of the boy's inner dissatisfaction with his relationship with the guys in the class. The mother added fuel to the fire by not understanding the situation, increasing her son's hostility and distrust towards the people around him at school. What caused the return, which was expressed by the cool attitude of the guys towards Anton.

    The common goal of parent and teacher could be the desire to rally Anton's relationship with the class.

    A good result can be given by the teacher's dialogue with Anton and his mother, which would show the desire of the class teacher to help the boy. It is important that Anton wants to change himself. It is good to talk with the guys in the class so that they reconsider their attitude towards the boy, entrust them with joint responsible work, organize extra-curricular activities that contribute to the rallying of the guys.

    Conflict "Teacher - student"

    Such conflicts are perhaps the most frequent, because students and teachers spend almost less time together than parents with children. Causes of conflict between teacher and students

      lack of unity in the demands of teachers

      excessive demands on the student

      inconsistency of the teacher's requirements

      non-compliance by the teacher

      the student feels underestimated

      the teacher cannot accept the shortcomings of the student

      personal qualities of the teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)

    Conflict resolution between teacher and student

    It is better to defuse a tense situation without bringing it to conflict. To do this, you can use some psychological techniques.

    A natural reaction to irritability and raising the voice are similar actions.. The consequence of a conversation in raised tones will be an aggravation of the conflict. Therefore, the correct action on the part of the teacher will be a calm, friendly, confident tone in response to the violent reaction of the student. Soon the child will be “infected” with the calmness of the teacher.

    Dissatisfaction and irritability most often come from lagging behind students who dishonestly perform school duties. You can inspire a student to succeed in his studies and help him forget his discontents by entrusting him with a responsible task and expressing confidence that he will do it well.

    A friendly and fair attitude towards students will be the key to a healthy atmosphere in the classroom, and will make it easy to implement the proposed recommendations.

    It is worth noting that in the dialogue between the teacher and the student, it is important to take into account certain things. It is worth preparing for it in advance in order to know what to say to the child. How to say - a component no less important. A calm tone and the absence of negative emotions are what you need to get a good result. And the commanding tone that teachers often use, reproaches and threats, is better to forget. You need to be able to listen and hear the child. If punishment is necessary, it is worth considering it in such a way as to exclude the humiliation of the student, a change in attitude towards him. Example

    A sixth grade student, Oksana, does poorly in her studies, is irritable and rude in her communication with the teacher. At one of the lessons, the girl prevented other children from completing assignments, threw papers at the children, and did not react to the teacher even after several remarks addressed to her. Oksana didn't respond to the teacher's request to leave the class either, remaining seated. The teacher's irritation led him to the decision to stop teaching, and after the bell to leave the whole class after the lessons. This, of course, led to the discontent of the guys.

    Such a solution to the conflict led to destructive changes in the mutual understanding of the student and teacher.

    A constructive solution to the problem could look like this. After Oksana ignored the teacher’s request to stop interfering with the guys, the teacher could get out of the situation by laughing it off, saying something with an ironic smile to the girl, for example: “Oksana ate little porridge today, her throw range and accuracy suffer, the last piece of paper never reached the addressee. After that, calmly continue to lead the lesson further. After the lesson, you could try to talk to the girl, show her your benevolent attitude, understanding, desire to help. It's a good idea to talk to the girl's parents to find out the possible reason for this behavior. Paying more attention to the girl, trusting responsible assignments, assisting in completing tasks, encouraging her actions with praise - all this would be useful in the process of bringing the conflict to a constructive outcome.

    A single algorithm for resolving any school conflict

      The first thing that will be helpful when the problem is ripe is calmness.

      The second point is the analysis of the situation without vicissitudes.

      The third important point is open dialogue between the conflicting parties, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to calmly state one's view on the problem of the conflict.

      The fourth thing that will help to come to the desired constructive result is identification of a common goal, ways of solving the problem, allowing to come to this goal.

      The last, fifth point will be conclusions, which will help to avoid communication and interaction errors in the future.

    So what is conflict? Good or evil? The answers to these questions lie in the way you deal with stressful situations. The absence of conflicts at school is an almost impossible phenomenon.. And they still need to be addressed. A constructive decision brings along trusting relationships and peace in the classroom, a destructive one accumulates resentment and irritation. Stopping and thinking at the moment when irritation and anger surged is an important point in choosing your own way of resolving conflict situations.


    Conflict (lat. Conflictus - clash) -

    1. Collision of opposite sides, lines, forces, states; serious disagreement.

    2. The contradiction on which the relationship between the characters of a literary work is built. (Dictionary of foreign words. M., 2006).

    Conflict (from lat. Conflictus - collision) - a collision of differently directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of the subjects of interaction, fixed by them in a rigid form.

    Any conflict is based on a situation that includes either opposite positions of the parties on any occasion, or opposite goals or means of achieving them in given circumstances, or a mismatch of interests, desires, inclinations of opponents, etc. The conflict situation, therefore, contains subject possible conflict and an object. However, for the conflict to begin to develop, an incident is necessary in which one of the parties begins to act, infringing on the interests of the other side. If the opposite side responds in kind, the conflict from potential goes into topical and further can develop as direct or indirect, constructive. The subject of interaction in a conflict can be an individual (intrapersonal conflict), or two or more persons (interpersonal conflict). Depending on the conflict situation, intergroup, interorganizational, class, interstate conflicts are distinguished. In a special group allocate interethnic conflicts. A constructive conflict can be when the opponents do not go beyond business arguments and relationships. In this case, various strategies of behavior can be observed. R. Blake and J. Mouton distinguish: rivalry(confrontation) - accompanied by an open struggle for one's interests; cooperation aimed at finding a solution that satisfies the interests of all parties; compromise settlement disagreements through mutual concessions; avoidance, which consists in the desire to get out of the conflict situation without solving it, without yielding one's own, but without insisting on one's own; adaptation- the tendency to smooth out contradictions, sacrificing one's own interests. The generalized expression of these behavioral strategies is characterized as corporatism and assertiveness.

    Philosophers understand the conflict as a category that reflects the stage of development of the category "contradiction", when the opposites existing in contradiction turn into extreme opposites, reaching the moment of mutual negation of each other and the removal of the contradiction. The more complex the conflict, the more big forces he demands. In domestic and foreign conflictology, there are many classifications of types of conflicts.

    The specificity of the pedagogical conflict.

    A special place is occupied by the pedagogical conflict. It differs significantly from what we talked about above. Here, the subjects of the conflict are obviously unequal in terms of their level of development. A teacher is a person who has a lot of life experience, he has developed the ability to comprehend the situation. The child, on the other hand, has little life experience, his behavior is impulsive, his will is weak, and his ability for analytical activity is poorly developed. That is why the teacher must skillfully bring it to its logical conclusion so that it allows the child's personality to rise to a new level of development.

    The fundamental difference between these conflicts is that in them the interests of the teacher as the subject of the conflict turn into the interests of the child. The child, due to the weak development of his self-consciousness, lives and acts on the basis of situational interest, an interest like "I want here and now."

    The contradiction is not between two subjects, but between two interests of a different nature. The child does not know this, but the teacher knows, the bearer of the child's interests, drawn out in time and irrelevant for the child on this moment filled with momentary interests.

    In a pedagogical conflict, the "situational interest" of the child is opposed to the sociocultural norm presented by the teacher, which, however, must be realized by the child in the "interests of development." The clash is transferred to the field of interests of the child as a whole, because the teacher is a professional person whose activities are aimed at achieving precisely the interests of the child - but with a focus on his development, entry into a culture that requires effort from the child. When we say that the interests of the teacher in the conflict turns into the interests of the pupil, we want to say that the conflict unfolds on the same field. And then the conflict looks somehow strange: it exists and it does not exist, because there is no clash of conflicting interests of two subjects, but in fact there are conflicts of interests of the same subject, that is, the child. The schematic picture of the pedagogical conflict is modified and does not look so flawlessly beautiful (Scheme):

    As we can see, the whole conflict has moved into the field of interests of the child, and there the struggle unfolds, it is there that the clash takes place. The teacher creates such a collision, initiates the intense spiritual work of the child. The teacher, who translates the conflict into the field of interests of the child, contributes to his spiritual development, and the teacher, proceeding from his personal interests (that is, having forgotten about his professional appointment), outlining the field of his personal interests, either suppresses the child’s mind and will, or initiates the child’s wild willfulness . Now you rarely hear the phrase "put the child in his place." And it's a pity, because it would be good to learn to put the child in a high and worthy place next to the teacher, next to humanity, at the level of the culture of our age. However, let's clarify the wording in order to avoid inaccuracies: not to put him in a place, even a worthy one, but to help him, to take a worthy place - this is the strategic task of the pedagogical conflict.

    The dress of the pedagogical conflict is as colorful and multicolored as the dress of all the conflicts listed above. However, he has something in which he is fundamentally different from all of the above, unfolding in the pedagogical spheres of life - both subjects have the same interest, and for him there is a struggle in the course of the collision of the teacher with the children. It looks like a paradox, but pedagogical activity is full of paradoxes.

    It is worth considering what is the meaning of the proposed characteristics of the conflict. It is highly noteworthy that practice ignores theoretical analysis, relies more on intuition, on traditional ways of responding when conflicts arise. Of course, the ending of such an unprofessional choice is destructive: conflicts destroy relationships and worsen the course of the educational process. The logic of "common sense" is productive, since it proposes to proceed only from a superficial phenomenon, without aggravating the essence. And only a scientific and theoretical analysis allows us to make a significant assessment of what is happening.

    Formula for solving school conflicts.

    Otherwise, pedagogical conflicts are resolved.

    The teacher, by virtue of his professionalism and experience, is able to see both interests: situational and developmental. Its task is to show the child two planes of interest. Three operations help to do this:

      It is necessary to announce the situational interest of the child: "I understand what you want now:"

      Bring to a logical conclusion the prediction of the result: ":but then you: (possible result)"

      Project his interest on relationships with people.

    In adolescence, the number of difficult pedagogical situations, which often acquire a conflict character, increases markedly.

    It is important for a teenager to be accepted by a peer group: they emphasize the behavior and communication learned in such a group. In this acceptance by others, one's own assessment of one's personal qualities is formed. Uniting with peers, he feels the power of collective cohesion, trying to demonstrate something of his own, original.

    Obedience is replaced by independent active action, and how he acts depends on what his past experience of behavior and communication is. Due to the noted regularities in the mental development of adolescents, the nature of interaction with them becomes much more complicated.

    Consequently, the increase in complex pedagogical situations leading to conflicts is explained by objective reasons, namely: the aggravation of contradictions during the crisis period of the adolescent's mental development.

    Consider the most common conflicts at school and ways to resolve these conflict situations: conflict in the classroom, with whom to sit, mischief in the classroom, "difficult" in the classroom, girls' leadership.

    Conflict in the classroom

    Some 9th grade students try to disrupt teachers' lessons throughout the school year. In this class, the role of leaders is played by a number of girls who subjugated the rest of the class and many classmates cannot resist them. They are cheeky and rude. This is done in the following way. Pupils do not listen to the explanations of teachers, speak out of the topic of conversation, shout, interrupt the teacher and their classmates. Showing their leadership qualities at school, they are very much afraid of their parents. They want to be respected without giving anything in return.

    Many teachers are expelled from the lesson, some make comments to them, put unsatisfactory grades in their diaries.

    The way out of this situation can be as follows. To conduct individual conversations with the parents of these students, the work of a psychologist in this team is simply necessary, the coordination of students' actions, their involvement in the fruitful work of the school. The main and most important thing is not to allow "familiarity" on their part, to keep them at a "distance", the teacher needs to be loyal and patient in this situation without breaking into a cry and not letting the situation take its course. After all, here, in addition to their basic personality traits, the characteristics of their age also affect, having left the transitional age, they cannot prove themselves as older people due to their psychological characteristics.

    "Difficult" in the classroom.

    This conflict happened in the 7th grade. A student who does not have an authoritative position, who does not have a successful position in behavior and learning, has decided to win good favor among more successful children. For self-realization, he chose the guys who are more successful in learning, but not included in the "authoritative group". They were a girl and a boy. In relation to the girl, verbal humiliation was used, physical actions, the boy was harassed, they were waiting for him after school, where he was beaten, there was moral humiliation. Although for a few schools, this may be a normal phenomenon, as a means of self-realization and self-expression of a teenager. The situation was taken under control, both by the parents of offended children, and by the class teacher and psychologists.

    In this situation, the help of a psychologist is needed for a boy who has shown incorrect actions towards his classmates, the situation should be taken under control if it is not considered this situation, this can have a bad effect on the attitude of the guys. As well as the conversation of the class teacher with the parents of these children, a conversation should be held with the students of the class about the inappropriateness of this situation.


    It started in the 7th grade, when three girlfriends, being fond of musical directions, decided to try on the image of the Emo subculture. It was expressed as follows: terrible eyeliner on children's eyes, untidy hair, clothes in this style. This appearance shocked the teachers a little, they were asked to change their appearance, but the girls insisted on continuing to attend classes in this form. In the classroom, they kept apart for a long time. The disciples, who had been communicating with them for a long time, before their reincarnation, stopped talking to them, they were persecuted, teased. The girls stopped learning.

    Parents could not understand what was happening to the children. Repeated conversations were held with classmates, in order to settle the conflict situation, the work of the psychologist, both with the class and with individual representatives, gave a result. The conflict situation was taken under control by the parents of these children, as well as by the administration and the class teacher. A long time has passed. At the moment, the girls remain adherents of this movement, but the guys have already accepted their classmates in a "changed" form, the communication between the guys continues. In such situations, it is not necessary to persecute the child to reproach him for belonging to some culture, this is a form of searching for oneself as a person. The main thing is to understand parents and teachers and skillfully coordinate the actions of their children. If they are persecuted and forced to do what adults want, you can only break the child, and there is nothing good in that.


    Once in the 8th grade, you had to choose a class commander. At the class meeting, one girl proposed her candidacy, the whole class agreed, according to the principle, "at least someone is not me." But some time has passed, the girl cannot cope with the duties assigned to herself, for a number of objective reasons. Then the class teacher offered to meet again and re-elect the class commander. At the meeting, the guys proposed the boy's candidacy, to which he replied: "If you choose me, you will regret it." But still the class commander, this boy remained. Since the boy had hidden leadership qualities, they later showed up at one of the events.

    This class commander did not have a perception of his team, he did not want to do anything, hoping that someone else would replace him. But that did not happen. When once again the head asked the commander why this or that work in the class was not completed. The student replied, "But I didn't ask for commanders. It was unnecessary to elect me," while he slammed the table. The teacher kicked the student out of the class. It took some time for the relationship between teacher and student to be established.

    In this situation, it is necessary to understand what led to such actions on the part of the student, why he did so. This situation must be dealt with directly with this student without resorting to the help of outsiders. It is important that both the teacher and the student understand why this conflict occurred, who was right and who was wrong.

    I wanted to give an analysis of pedagogical situations.

      Description of the situation, conflict, act (participants, place of occurrence, activities of participants, etc.);

      What preceded the occurrence of the situation;

      What age and individual characteristics of the participants manifested themselves in their behavior, situation, act;

      The situation through the eyes of the student and teacher;

      The personal position of the teacher in the situation that has arisen (his attitude towards the student), the real goals of the teacher in interaction with the student (what does he want: get rid of the student, help him, or is he indifferent to the student);

      What new did the teacher learn about the students from the situation, the act (the cognitive value of the situation for the teacher);

      The main causes of the situation or conflict that has arisen and its content (conflict of activity, behavior or relationships);

      Options for repayment, prevention and resolution of the situation, adjustment of the student's behavior,

      The choice of means and methods of pedagogical influence and the identification of specific participants in the implementation of the goals set at the present time and in the future.

    When deadlines are burning, there are shortcomings in the work performed, or the wrong work has been done at all, the behavior of the leader in a conflict situation is the determining factor in what turn it will take. How to understand whether your subordinate will stubbornly stand his ground, even if he is wrong or dodge like a frying pan, just not to do what is needed? And in general, if there was a conflict at work, what to do?

    It is easy to recall an example of conflict in an organization. Surely you have noticed that it is worth making a minor mistake, as it immediately reaches the size of an elephant, and there is already a shout on the whole floor, and as if a bucket of slop was poured on you for your worthlessness even in such simple matters. Colleagues with special gusto poke our faces into trifling blunders, asserting their own superiority at the expense of other people's misfires. These and other conflict situations in the organization - examples we see almost daily - often not only spoil our mood, but also force us to be involved in them.

    And how do we act ourselves when there is a conflict situation at work? We carefully hide our mistakes, but we do not miss the opportunity to bring to the point of absurdity others, even the slightest ones. One gets the impression that people are not busy resolving issues on the merits, but are only looking for something to cling to in order to arrange a skirmish and throw mud at each other in a more sophisticated way. Why is this happening?

    As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, the main reasons pushing us to conflict communication are our dislike for other people and dissatisfaction. own life. But conflict situations in the team, although accompanied by these factors, still have a number of features.

    How to resolve a conflict at work, based on the properties of the human psyche?

    When deadlines are burning, there are shortcomings in the work performed, or the wrong work has been done at all, the behavior of the leader in a conflict situation is the determining factor in what turn it will take. How to understand whether your subordinate will stubbornly stand his ground, even if he is wrong, or dodge like a frying pan, just not to do what needs to be done? And in general, if there was a conflict at work, what to do?

    First, understand that everyone is different. That is why it is so difficult for us to find ways out of numerous conflict situations - the causes of conflicts are as diverse as their participants. Here are some examples of how conflicts can start in an enterprise. For some, a money issue can become a cause for conflict, for someone it can be the disrespectful behavior of a colleague, and someone can arrange a conflict without any reason at all.

    To understand the causes of the conflict and understand how to act in order to resolve it as quickly and painlessly as possible, knowledge of the characteristics of its participants allows: their motives, desires and life priorities. A clear, structured understanding of these features is given by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

    System-vector psychology shows the differences between people through the concept of "vector" - a set of innate desires and properties of a person that determine the way of his thinking, character, behavior, values ​​and priorities, as well as potential abilities. Understanding these desires and properties, you can predict the behavior of people in any situations, including conflicts, and also really influence it.

    We will analyze how systemic knowledge can be applied in resolving conflict situations using examples.

    So, for example, knowing that a person has a so-called skin vector, you understand that by nature he has quick and flexible thinking, a rational mind and a desire for material superiority over others (money, status are his main values). Such a person very well feels the benefits, benefits, as well as the potential loss from one or another of his actions. Therefore, in situations of conflict with him, the most effective system of rewards and punishments in the form of bonuses and disciplinary sanctions. The next time he will strive, if not for encouragement, then at least to avoid conflict (that is, to avoid punishment for it - material loss). A person with a skin vector is also willing to compromise, especially if they promise him some kind of benefit.

    Let's look at an example of a conflict situation and its solution with an employee who has a different vector set. The complete opposite of the skin type of a person is a person with an anal vector. This is the owner of a rigid psyche, unhurried, thorough and conservative. Having recognized his vector, you will immediately understand that such a person does not have an unconditional priority of material benefit or benefit, there is no flexibility of thinking. In his work, he values ​​professionalism, perfectionism, recognition and respect. This is a man of principles and in any conflict situation he will stand his ground to the last. Trying to resolve a conflict with the owner of this vector, you will know that a compromise for him is always only equally, and “equally” precisely in his system of values. Therefore, as a “fair compensation”, he can be offered recognition of his authority in front of colleagues or a demonstration of respect for his professionalism (issue certificate of honor, declare gratitude in front of everyone, etc.).

    In total, system-vector psychology identifies 8 vectors - 8 types of the human psyche. Their combination and mixing forms an exact system of possible models of human behavior in conflict. Knowledge of these models gives an understanding of how to resolve absolutely any conflict in the team. Fast and most efficient. Find ways to resolve conflicts at work with little or no loss.

    A person in his place as a factor in minimizing conflicts in the personnel management system

    The most important factor in the sustainable development of the enterprise and minimization of conflicts in management activities- the right selection of staff. When each person is in his place, that is, work allows him to use his natural abilities to the fullest, there are much fewer reasons for conflicts in the team. When a person, as they say, is not in his place, that is, the position at the enterprise does not correspond to his vectors, abilities, conflicts arise as if from scratch. Consider an example.

    A common recruiting mistake is choosing an expert, analyst or narrow specialist for the position - a candidate without an anal vector. This job requires knowledge of the subject in detail and perfectionism - and these are the aspirations of people with an anal vector.

    People with the skin vector - disciplined, organized, competitive and ambitious - can find themselves in such activities only at a short distance (as an intermediate stage career development). If you leave them in such a position for a long time, then sooner or later it will cause a conflict situation in the organization, because as soon as everything becomes familiar in the work for a skin person, he loses interest in it and begins to look for something new. At this time, the quality of work and deadlines suffer.

    Therefore, if you need the best specialist for centuries, it is necessary to appoint a person with an anal vector to such a position. And if the organizer of the work is an enterprising leather worker.

    An interesting example of conflict situations, when bright personalities are in the center of attention. Most of conflicts between groups of employees in a team arise due to undeveloped skin-visual people (people with skin and visual vectors whose properties have not been properly developed), both women and men. Endless coffee drinking, empty chatter about everything and everyone - this is all their path. They are always in the thick of things and in the spotlight, but when it comes to work, their brightness fades. Such people provoke conflicts not only by their incompetence, but also by the psychological nature of the victim. They are said to attract trouble.

    Knowing psychological features team members, you will significantly improve the psychological climate in the organization.

    We looked at several examples of conflicts and their solutions. Thus, the main recipe for avoiding conflicts in a team is to build an optimal team structure, taking into account the vector characteristics of employees, and also to prevent potential brawlers and loafers from entering the team, identifying them already at the interview stage.

    The solution of conflicts in the team and their prevention

    So, we found out that the psychological background is, although imperceptible, but the leading factor in the emergence and development of conflicts.

    That is why the skill of determining the vectors that make up the psyche of participants in difficult situations is of invaluable importance for us. By defining vectors, we reveal the unconscious motives that drive the parties to the conflict, and understand how they will behave in given conditions. Thus, the conflict becomes predictable, and therefore manageable, and we easily find the best ways to get out of it. We know exactly who can provoke a conflict at work, how it will develop and what ways to resolve the conflict exist.

    Knowledge of the vector features of people allows not only to understand how to get out of the conflict at work, but also to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence in the team. So, having seen what set of vectors a person has, we can already at the interview stage determine whether he will be an effective employee or, conversely, a source of conflict situations. Knowing the desires, properties and abilities given to a person, we understand what kind of work he is best suited for and what he will not be able to cope with. That is, we can build such a team structure where everyone takes their place and performs the work as efficiently as possible, without resorting to conflict situations.

    Understanding human value systems by vectors also allows the best way choose a system of motivation for employees, both individually and collectively. This ensures the maximum return of the employee in work, which fully implements the principle of division of labor and ensures the sustainable development of the organization.

    The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan clearly shows that any methods of conflict resolution - conflict resolution management, systems of rewards and punishments, compromise - are truly effective only when they are applied taking into account the mental characteristics of people. And the main principle of a compromise conflict resolution is not mutual manipulation of concessions, but an understanding of the properties of the human psyche, its value systems, which means finding the best solution for the parties to the conflict, taking into account their essential interests.

    Emerging conflicts at work, examples and some features of which we have analyzed, have a lot of nuances, add-ons and branches. So, the conflict between a man and a woman at work has its own specifics. However, according to systems-vector psychology There is only one principle of conflict management: understanding the psyche of the participants in the conflict gives us the opportunity to predict the development of the conflict and speak with its participants in the same language - the language of their values.

    With this knowledge, you can deal with any conflicts, both in the organization and in your personal life - for example, if a difficult situation arose in the family.

    The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»