A long-term plan of individual work on the correction of sound pronunciation. Work program to overcome speech disorders

Municipal educational institution

"Dubkovskaya secondary school» Yaroslavsky municipal district


protocol method. Association Director of the school Sukhova N.N.

1 dated August 28, 2015 Order No. __________ dated __________

Head Frolova I.V.


on overcoming violations of sound pronunciation (rotacism, lambdacism, pararotacism, paralambdacism) among students for 2015-2016 academic year

Program developer

teacher speech therapist

Emelyanova E.V.

2015-2016 academic year year

Explanatory note.

This program developed on the basis of the program Kashe G. A., Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. (Program for the upbringing and education of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech (7 years of age). - M .: Ministry of Education of the USSR Research Institute defectology of the APN of the USSR, 1986)

One of the important indicators successful learning child at school is his speech development, which does not always correspond to the age level of development of the student. There is a need for special classes on the development of speech.

At present, some first-graders of general education schools have not formed the phonetic-phonemic side of speech by the beginning of the academic year. The lack of formation of this component of speech is an obstacle for students to master program material, because unadjusted sides oral speech most often reflected in reading and writing.

Purpose of the program. Prevention and elimination of poor progress due to a violation of the sound pronunciation of students; creating the basis for successful assimilation general educational programs.

Tasks of correctional and developmental work:

    formation of a strong, directed air jet;

    development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

    staging sounds that are not correctly pronounced by the child;

    automation of delivered sounds in isolation, in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, tongue twisters, poems, tongue twisters, coherent speech;

    differentiation of mixed sounds.

In addition to specific ones, there are a number of general tasks, the solution of which is carried out at all stages corrective work:

    activation speech activity students;

    development of communication skills;

    formation of the prosodic side of speech;

    activation of attention, memory, thinking;

    development of fine finger motor skills;

    development of language intuition;

    individualization of remedial education.

Program Structure. The program consists of two stages of correctional and developmental work: preparatory and main.

Deadlines for the implementation of program material. The program for overcoming violations of sound pronunciation (rotacism, lambdacism, pararotacism, paralambdacism) for students is designed for 1 year of study. Classes are held with subgroups of students from September 15 to May 15.

Full course correctional and developmental training involves 60 lessons (hours) (30 weeks).

The program is addressed to teachers-speech therapists of secondary schools; can be used by teachers primary school for the prevention of speech disorders.

Calendar-thematic plan for overcoming violations of sound pronunciation (rotacism, lambdacism, pararotacism, paralambdacism) among students for the 2015-2016 academic year

(60 hours per year)


Number of hours

Preparatory stage(15 hours)

Development of directed speech exhalation. Exercise "Drive the ball into the goal."

Development of directed speech exhalation. Exercise "Blow off the snowflake."

Development of directed speech exhalation. Exercise "Butterflies".

Development of forced (strong) speech exhalation. Exercise "Storm in a glass".

Development of forced (strong) speech exhalation. Exercise "Inflate the balloon."

Development of forced (strong) speech exhalation. Focus exercise.

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Pancake".

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Needle".

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Candy exercise.

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Brush your teeth"

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. An exercise " delicious jam».

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Cup".

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Horse exercise.

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Fungus".

The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Exercise "Drummers".

main stage(45 hours)

Setting the sound "l" by imitation.

Automation of the isolated pronunciation of the sound "l".

Automation of the sound "l" in open syllables.

Automation of the sound "l" in closed syllables.

Automation of the sound "l" in syllables like "ala", "olo", etc.

Automation of the "l" sound at the beginning of a word.

Automation of the "l" sound in the middle of a word.

Automation of the "l" sound at the end of a word.

Automation of the sound "l" in words with a confluence of consonants.

Automation of the "l" sound in words with multiple "l" sounds.

Automation of the sound "l" in pure phrases. Setting the sound "r".

Automation of the sound "l" in phrases, the sound "r" in isolated pronunciation.

Automation of the sound "l" in sentences, the sound "r" in open syllables.

Automation of the sound "l" in sentences, the sound "r" in closed syllables.

Automation of the sound "l" in poems, the sound "r" in syllables such as "ara", "oro", etc.

Automation of the sound "l" in poems, the sound "r" at the beginning of a word.

Automation of the sound "l" in tongue twisters, the sound "r" in the middle of a word.

Automation of the sound "l" in tongue twisters, the sound "r" at the end of the word.

Automation of the sound "l" in the text, the sound "p" in words with a confluence of consonants.

Automation of the sound "l" in the text, the sound "r" in words with several sounds of "r".

Automation of the sound "r" in pure phrases. Setting the sound "r '".

Automation of the sound "r" in phrases, the sound "r'" in open syllables.

Automation of the sound "r" in sentences, the sound "r'" in closed syllables.

Automation of the sound "r" in sentences, the sound "r '" at the beginning of a word.

Automation of the sound "r" in poems, the sound "r '" in the middle of a word.

Automation of the sound "r" in poems, the sound "r '" at the end of the word.

Automation of the sound "r" in tongue twisters, the sound "r '" in words with a confluence of consonants.

Automation of the sound "r" in tongue twisters, the sound "r '" in tongue twisters.

Automation of the sound "r" in the text, the sound "r'" in sentences.

Automation of the sound "r" in the text, the sound "r '" in poems.

Automation of the sound "p'" in the text.

Differentiation of sounds "l", "r", "r'" in syllable series from open syllables.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in syllabic rows from open syllables in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in syllable series from closed syllables.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in syllabic rows from closed syllables in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r'" in the syllable rows of syllables such as "ala", "ara", "arya", etc.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r'" in the syllable rows of syllables such as "ala", "ara", "arya", etc. in written language.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in the rows of words in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in words with several delivered sounds in one word.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in words with several delivered sounds in one word in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in phrases in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in sentences in written speech.

Differentiation of the sounds "l", "r", "r '" in the text in written speech.

    Gaubih Yu. G. , Lipkina Yu. S. . Games in speech therapy work with children. Pos. for speech therapists. Ed. Seliverstova V.I. -2nd ed. – M.; Education. - 1979.

    Kashe G. A., Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. The program of education and training of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech (7 years of age). - M .: Ministry of Education of the USSR Research Institute of Defectology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, 1986

    speech therapy. // Ed. Volkova L. S., Shakhovskoy S. N. - M.; 1998.

    Speech therapy: Textbook. Allowance for students ped. in-comrade. // Ed. Volkova. - m.; 1989.

    Fundamentals of speech therapy with a workshop on sound pronunciation. // ed. T.V. Volosovets. – M.; 2002.

    Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy. // Ed. R. E. Levina. – M.; 1968.

    Paramonova L. G. Exercises for the development of speech. - St. Petersburg; Delta 1998. - 208.

    Reznichenko T. S., Larina O. D. Speak correctly: sounds, words, phrases, speech.: An album for a teacher. – M.; Vlados, 2000. - 96s.

    Seliverstov V. I. Speech games with children. – M.; 1994.

    Tkachenko T. A. If the child does not speak well. - St. Petersburg; 1997.

    Filicheva T. B., Tumanova T. V. Children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment. Education and training. Teaching aid for teachers and educators. – M.; 2000. - 80s.

    Fomicheva M.F. Education of correct pronunciation in children. – M.; 1981.

    Shvaiko G. S. Games and game exercises for speech development. // ed. Armorial V.V., - M.; Enlightenment, 1983.

Explanatory note

Among the violations of the pronunciation side of speech, the most common is the violation of sound pronunciation. Such a defect is called "dyslalia". In dyslalia, sounds are distorted, skipped, or replaced by other sounds.

A. G. Bogomolova, K. P. Becker, L. S. Volkova, R. E. Levina, O. V. Pravdina, E. F. Rau, M. Sovak, T B. Filicheva, M. F. Fomicheva, M. E. Khvattsev, N. A. Cheveleva.

To correct the sound pronunciation in children, a special working program has been developed. The system of correctional work on educating children in the correct pronunciation of sounds is based on a psychological and pedagogical approach. Great importance the program also has in the timely awareness of adults about the possibilities and methods of correctional pedagogy, as well as in raising the culture of parents in the field of raising and educating children of primary school age.

Speech therapy work at a school for children with intellectual disabilities is an important link in common system corrective work. Intellectual deficiency negatively affects the speech development of the child. In some children, underdevelopment of speech may be due to the level of intellectual underdevelopment, in others, in addition to underdevelopment of speech, various speech disorders may be observed.

R.M. Lalaeva (1998) notes that a semantic defect is predominant in the structure of speech disorders in mentally retarded children, and speech disorders are manifested against the background of a violation. cognitive activity, abnormal mental development generally. Speech disorders in children with intellectual disabilities have a complex structure and a persistent character. In general, speech suffers as a functional system. Most often these are children with a polymorphic violation of sound pronunciation, they have disrupted the processes of formation phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, agrammatisms in word formation and inflection, unformed coherent speech. Therefore, the planning of classes with such children is drawn up taking into account the principle from “simple to complex”; phased formation mental action; reliance on intact mental functions. Classes are complex, work is being done on the development of mental processes, graphomotor skills, articulatory and general motor skills, and prosodic components. The content of speech therapy classes is coordinated with the program for reading, speech development, the Russian language, and in addition to correcting speech disorders, it helps prepare children for the assimilation of educational material.

The number of hours for studying each topic is adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the speech development of children.

A working correctional and developmental program to eliminate defects in sound pronunciation in junior schoolchildren compiled on the basis of a mandatory minimum content primary education and normative documents:

Instruction letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2000

Instructive-methodical letter about the work of a speech therapist teacher at a general education school” A.V. Yastrebova, T.B. Bessonova, M.: KOGITO-CENTER, 1991

To create a program analyzed:

The program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type: Preparatory, grades 1-4. / Ed. V.V. Voronkova; 4th edition. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006. - 192 p.

The program of correctional education and upbringing of children with general underdevelopment T.B.'s speeches Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova. (Gnome and D, 2000)

The program is designed for... hours per year (4 hours per week).

Program goal:

Building an integrated system of correctional-developing and health-improving work at school, providing for full interaction and continuity of actions of all specialists educational institution and parents of students. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at equalizing the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensures their comprehensive harmonious development.

The purpose of our influence is the formation of skills and abilities for the correct reproduction of speech sounds in the conditions of a school speech center.

The program contributes to the solution of a number of tasks:

Elimination of speech defects;

Organization of friendly medical and pedagogical work of specialists

In parallel with the implementation of the main tasks, the speech therapist also solves the following tasks:

Filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech;

Filling gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure and speech;

Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning;

Development and improvement of communication skills;

Providing conditions for the possibility of acquiring by students the knowledge, skills necessary for the successful assimilation by students of material on the Russian language and reading;

Normalization of muscle tone in the speech muscles, voice formation and breathing, development of mobility of the speech apparatus.

2. The main content of the program

The course of speech therapy classes reflects a complete system of work with speech pathologists, integral in time, tasks and content. The program is designed for 34 hours. The number of classes for each child will depend on the age, capacity for work and the structure of the defect. According to the duration and general tasks, it is divided into stages:

Istage - Preparatory.

Purpose of the stage: Preparation of speech-auditory and speech-motor analyzers.

IIstage - Formation of pronunciation skills and abilities.

1. Setting sounds

Purpose of the stage: To achieve the correct sound of isolated sound.

Three ways to set the sound:

1. By imitation:

The attention of the child is fixed on the movements, positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (visual control) and the sound of this phoneme (auditory control). Tactile-vibrational sensations are used (with the palm of the hand), we check the jerky air stream. At this stage, onomatopoeia is used.

2. Sound production with mechanical assistance:

It is used when the child is not enough visual, auditory, tactile - vibration control. In this case, it is necessary to help the organs of the articulatory apparatus to take the appropriate position or perform the desired movement. With this method, reference sounds are also often used.

3. mixed way:

All are used possible ways to achieve the ultimate goal - setting the correct pronunciation of an isolated sound. Actually, the production of sound itself is the development of new connections in the child and the inhibition of previously incorrectly formed ones.

2. Sound automation:

The purpose of the stage: To achieve the correct pronunciation of sound in phrasal speech.

In each period, all classes for the correction of sound pronunciation are distributed according to the degree of increasing complexity:

Exercises in joint and reflected speech, in the pronunciation of memorized phrases, poems, recitation is widely used.

Exercises in the oral description of pictures on questions, in compiling an independent story from a series of pictures or on this topic, in retelling the content of a story or fairy tale read by a speech therapist.

Consolidation of acquired skills in everyday conversation with surrounding children and adults, during games, classes, conversations and at other moments of children's life.

IIIstage - Improving phonemic perception and skills sound analysis and synthesis

Purpose of the stage: formation and development phonemic hearing, sound analysis and synthesis skills.

1. Sound differentiation:

Purpose of the stage: To teach children to distinguish between mixed sounds and to use them correctly in their own speech.

IVstage - Development of coherent expressive speech.

The purpose of the stage: the introduction of correctly pronounced sounds into spontaneous speech.

Form of final control:

Control over sound pronunciation is carried out on the speech material of each stage of a speech therapy lesson.

Criteria for assessing speech after a course of speech therapy classes:

Pure, correct speech

With significant improvement

With a slight improvement

No improvement.

3. The requirement for the level of training of students.

Learners should know:

Terms used to denote basic concepts - speech, sound, letter, articulation, etc.;

Know all parts of the articulatory apparatus and their functions.

Skills and abilities of students by the end of the school year

Dividing speech into sentences, sentences into words, words into syllables.

Distinguishing sounds by ear and in one's own pronunciation, establishing a sequence in words.

Analysis of words by sound composition and their compilation from letters and syllables.

Fluent reading of syllables and short texts, answers to questions on the content of what was read and on illustrations to the text.

Writing lowercase and uppercase letters.

Copying from the blackboard and primer read and parsed words and sentences

Recording without distortion under dictation of words, the spelling of which coincides with the pronunciation

sentences from such words.

Learners should be able to:

- listen to the instructions of the speech therapist and follow them consistently;

- correctly perform articulation exercises in front of a mirror (conjugated, reflected, independently);

Perform simple self-massage techniques;

Isolate individual sounds in words, determine their sequence;

Notice errors in pronunciation;

To achieve the correct pronunciation of sound in syllables, words, sentences, text;

Ask questions, use a common sentence in speech;

Determine the place of stress in a word;

Isolate words from sentences;

Compose accurate, complete stories according to the plot picture, according to a series of plot pictures;

Articulate freely, pronounce the sound correctly and correct your mistakes and the mistakes of your comrades in speech;

Distinguish sounds in syllables, words, sentences, text;

Determine the similarity and difference of differentiable sounds;

Be able to characterize sounds;

Possess the skill of retelling;

Know how to organize study

Be observant to linguistic phenomena,

Perform self-control, control actions.

4. Evaluation of the achievement of the expected results of the development of the curriculum.

Control examination of children who attended speech therapy classes at the end of the year to determine the level of speech development after correction of sound pronunciation.

5. Thematic planning

6. Literature

1. T.V. Budyonnaya " Speech therapy gymnastics", St. Petersburg, "Childhood-Press" 2001,

2. L.S. Volkov "Speech therapy", M, "Enlightenment" 1995,

3. R.A. Zalmaeva "Your own speech therapist", St. Petersburg, "XXI century" 1997,

4. G.A. Kashe "Preparing children with speech impediments for school", M., "Enlightenment", 1985,

5. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko "Individual-subgroup work on the correction of sound pronunciation", M., Gnome-PRESS 1998,

6. A.I. Maksakov “Does your child speak correctly”, M., “Enlightenment”, 1989,

7. T.B. Filicheva, N.A. Cheveleva, T.V. Chirkin "Fundamentals of speech therapy", M., "Enlightenment", 1989,

8. M.F. Fomicheva "Educating children with the correct pronunciation", M., "Enlightenment", 1989

(Danilov Alexey - the pronunciation of the sounds Ts, Sh, L, Zh, R, P *, Ch, Shch is violated)

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

Development of non-speech processes

the date of the

according to plan

In fact

Development fine motor skills.

The development of manual motor skills.

The development of attention.

Formation of an air jet. Breathing exercises.

The development of manual motor skills.

Development auditory attention and memory.

Development of phonemic hearing.

(differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words similar in sound composition).

A set of exercises for setting the sound C.


· "Smile",

· "Fence",






Sound setting C.

Motor development.

Formation of attention and memory.

Automation of sound C in reverse and direct syllables.

Highlighting the first and last well-pronounced consonant sound in a word, the ability to hear the sound “s”

Identification of a well-pronounced consonant sound in the middle of a word.

Determination of the presence of the sound "s" in syllables by ear.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Automation of the sound C in syllables with a confluence of consonants.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Automation of sound C in words.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Automation of sound C in words and sentences.

Automation of sound C in sentences.

Performing exercises on the assimilation of spatial relationships.

Differentiation of sounds C - C.

Differentiate by ear sound in syllables, words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Sound setting Sh

A set of exercises for setting the sound Sh.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of the sound Ш in direct syllables and words.

Enrichment vocabulary words with the sound "sh".

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Sound Automation reverse syllables and words.

Enrichment of the vocabulary with words with the sound "sh".

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of the sound Ш in syllables with a confluence of consonants and words.

Automation in spontaneous speech.

Enrichment of the vocabulary with words with the sound "sh".

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

preparatory articulation exercises(creation of an articulatory sound base).

A set of exercises for setting the sound L.


· "Smile",


"Let's say the language"

· "Airplane".

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Sound setting L.

Motor development.

Development of attention and memory.

Automation of sound L in syllables and words.

Vocabulary Enrichment

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of sound L in words and sentences.

Vocabulary Enrichment

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Differentiation of sounds L - L *.

Automation in spontaneous speech.

Differentiate sounds in words, determine their place in a word. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis.

Consolidation of the concepts of hardness and softness of consonants.

Preparatory articulation exercises (creating an articulation base of sound).

A set of exercises for staging the sound J.


"Delicious jam"



Let's warm up our hands.

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Preparatory articulation exercises. Staging sound Zh

Motor development.

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Automation of sound Zh in direct syllables and words

The development of fine motor skills.

Development of attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking.

Automation of sound Zh in syllables with a confluence of consonants and words.

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words: dividing words into syllables; determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, what is the sound, after which or before which sound is the sound "g".

Formation of attention and memory.

Automation of sound Zh in sentences and texts.

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis.

Formation of attention and memory.

Differentiation of sounds Zh - Sh, Zh - Z

Formation of attention and memory.

Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech.

Improvement of phonemic perception.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

The development of mental operations.

The development of coherent expressive speech.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

The development of mental operations.

Calendar-thematic planning.

(Veretennikov Danil - the pronunciation of the sounds C, Z, C *, W is violated)

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

Development of non-speech processes

the date of the

according to plan

In fact

Motor development.

Games for the development of physiological and speech breathing, fine motor skills, the development of visual-spatial representations.

The development of auditory attention and phonemic perception (differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words similar in sound composition).

The development of manual motor skills.

Games for the development of physiological and speech breathing.

The development of auditory attention and phonemic perception (differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words similar in sound composition).

The development of fine motor skills of the hands. Finger gymnastics.

The development of manual motor skills.

Formation of attention and memory.

Preparatory articulation exercises (creating an articulation base of sound).

Learning a set of exercises for setting the sound C.


· "Smile",

· "Fence",






Development of perception and orientation in space.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Sound setting C.

Motor development.

Formation of attention and memory.

Sound setting C.

Motor development.

Formation of attention and memory.

Sound automation With syllables and words.

Identification of the first and last well-pronounceable consonant sound in a word, the ability to hear the sound “C” at the beginning and end of a word, the development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words.

Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word: which one is in a row, which sound is behind it.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Automation of C sound in sentences and spontaneous speech.

Performing exercises on the assimilation of spatial relationships.

Sound setting Z.

Learning a set of exercises for sound production.

Motor development.

The development of memory and attention.

Sound setting Z.

Motor development.

Development of attention and memory.

Automation of sound in syllables and words.

Dictionary enrichment.

Formation of the concept of "place of sound in a word".

Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception

Automation of sound Z in sentences and spontaneous speech.

Dictionary enrichment.

Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception

Differentiation of sounds C - Z

Differentiation of the concepts of "sonority, deafness of consonants". Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words in a sentence.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

staging soft sound FROM*

Motor development.

Memory development

Automation of C* sound in direct syllables.

Dictionary enrichment.

Formation of the concept of "place of sound in a word".

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Dictionary enrichment.

Formation of the concept of "place of sound in a word".

The development of mental operations.

Automation of C* sound in reverse syllables.

Dictionary enrichment.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of the C * sound in words.

Dictionary enrichment.

Formation of the concept of "place of sound in a word".

Development of voluntary attention, memory,.

Automation of the C* sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants.

Dictionary enrichment.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of C* sound in words

Dictionary enrichment.

Formation of the concept of "place of sound in a word".

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation of C* sound in phrases and sentences.

Enrichment of vocabulary.

The development of connected speech.

The development of mental operations.

Differentiation of sounds З* - С*.

Differentiation of the concepts of "sonority, deafness of consonants". Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words in a sentence.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Differentiation of sounds C - C *.

Differentiation of hardness and softness of consonants. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words and sentences.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Automation in spontaneous speech.

The development of connected speech.

Memory development



"Delicious jam"



Let's warm up our hands.

Preparatory exercises for setting hissing.

Memory development.

Setting the sound Sh.

Motor development.

The development of memory and attention.

Automation of sound in syllables and words.

Dictionary enrichment.

The development of memory, mental operations.

Automation of the sound Sh in sentences and spontaneous speech.

The development of connected speech.

Development of voluntary attention.

Differentiation of sounds С - Ш

Differentiation of the concepts of "sonority, deafness of consonants". Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words in a sentence.

Development of voluntary attention, memory, mental operations.

Calendar-thematic planning.

(Idrisova Ilvina - the pronunciation of the sounds Р, Р* is ​​broken)

No. p / p

Topic of the lesson

Development of non-speech processes

the date of the

according to plan

In fact

Formation of precise movements of the organs of articulation.

Motor development.

Games for the development of physiological and speech breathing, fine motor skills, the development of visual-spatial representations.

The development of auditory attention and phonemic perception (differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words similar in sound composition).

Formation of a directed air jet. The development of fine motor skills.

The development of manual motor skills.

Games for the development of physiological and speech breathing.

The development of auditory attention and phonemic perception (differentiation of non-speech sounds, syllables and words similar in sound composition).

Preparatory articulation exercises (creating an articulation base of sound).

Learning a set of exercises for setting the sound R.


· "Chatterbox",


· "Turkey".




· "Machine gun".

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Development of the concepts of "right" and "left".

Development of tongue vibration. Setting the sound R.

Motor development.

Calendar-thematic planning of individual-subgroup work on the correction of sound pronunciation will allow the speech therapist to build the work of both an experienced teacher and young specialist. The planning shows the main stages.



Calendar-thematic planning

Individual-subgroup work

Correction of sound pronunciation

for 2015-2016 academic year

Work on the correction of sound pronunciation begins in mid-September, after the completion of the survey.

All individual-subgroup correctional work is conditionally divided into several stages.

  1. Preparatory

Tasks - careful and comprehensive preparation of the child for long and painstaking work, namely:

Generate interest in speech therapy classes, even the need for them;

Development of auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception in games and special exercises;

Formation and development of articulatory motor skills to the level of minimum sufficiency for staging sounds;

In the process of systematic training, mastering the complex of finger gymnastics;

strengthening physical health(consultations of doctors - narrow specialists, if necessary drug treatment, massage, oxygen cocktail).

II. Formation of pronunciation skills and abilities.


Elimination of defective sound pronunciation;

Development of skills and abilities to differentiate sounds that are similar articulatory and acoustically;

Formation of practical skills and abilities to use corrected (phonetically clean, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech.

Types of corrective work at this stage:

1. Setting sounds in the following sequence:

whistling C, Z, C, C, Z

hissing sh

Sonor L

sizzling F

sonora R, R

hissing H,Sh

The method of setting is mixed.

Preparatory exercises:

For whistlers: "Smile", "Fence", "Shovel", "Groove", "Pinch", "Football", "Focus"

For the sizzling: "Tubule", "Delicious jam", "Cup", "Fungus", "Let's warm our hands";

For P, Pb: Chatterbox, Painter, Turkey, Horse, Mushroom, Drummer, Accordion, Machine Gun;

For L: "Smile", "Shovel", "We will punish the tongue."

Work on setting sounds is carried out only individually.

2.Automation of each corrected sound in syllablesas it is set up, it can be carried out both individually and in a subgroup:

a) S, Z, W, F, X, Z, Lare automated at the beginning in direct syllables, then in reverse syllables, and lastly in syllables with a confluence of consonants;

b) C, H, W, L - on the contrary: first in reverse syllables, then in direct and with a confluence of consonants;

c) R, R you can start automating with a protor analogue and simultaneously generate vibration.

3. Automation of sounds in syllablesis carried out following the traces of automation in syllables, in the same sequence.

As you master the pronunciation of each syllable, it is immediately introduced and fixed in syllables with this syllable. To carry out work on the automation of sounds in words, children with similar defects are united in groups. All further corrective work is carried out in subgroups.

4. Automation of sounds in sentences.

Each word worked out in pronunciation is immediately included in separate sentences, then in short stories, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, rhymes with the given word are selected.

5. Differentiation of sounds:

S-Z, S-S, S-C, S-Sh;

F-Z, F-Sh;

Ch-S, Ch-T, Ch-Sch;

Shch-Sh, Shch-T, Shch-H, Shch-Sh;

R-L, R-R, R-L, R-Y, L-L;

6. Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech(in dialogic speech, in games, entertainment, regime moments, excursions, work ...).

III. Improvement of phonemic perception and skills of sound analysis and synthesis in parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation.

IV. Systematic exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking on the material worked out in pronunciation.

V. The development of coherent expressive speech based on correctly pronounced sounds.

Lexical and grammar exercises;

normalization of the prosodic side of speech;

storytelling training.


Stages in the content of work on the correction of phonetic speech disorders

Enrichment with the lexical and grammatical system of speech (in practical terms)




Whistling sounds

Preparatory articulation exercises for the development of whistling sounds

Sound setting C

Formation of the concept of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of the first and last well-pronounceable consonant sound in a word, the ability to hear the sound “C” at the beginning and end of a word, the development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words such as mind, mu, poppy.

Vocabulary enrichment with words with the sound C is pronounced in each lesson.

Sound Automation C;

c) in a closed syllable;

d) in combination with consonants

Highlighting a well-pronounced sound in the middle of a word. Determination of the presence of sound C in words by ear. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words in the following sequence: poppies, bag, sand-juice, tables.

Topic: "Dishes", "Garden", Word formation: diminutive suffixes of nouns. The development of connected speech.

Staging the sound C and automating it (similar to the sound C).

To learn to hear the sound X among sounds, syllables, to determine its place in them. Formation of the concept of hardness and softness of sounds.

Imperative form of the verb, change of nouns by cases.

Differentiation of sounds C-C

Differentiation by ear sounds C and C (hardness, softness). Dividing words into syllables.

Animals and their babies.

Setting sound Z and automating it

Formation of the concept of sonority and deafness of sounds. Learn to hear the sound 3 among

other sounds, syllables, in words. Further consolidation of the skills of sound-letter analysis of words. stress.

Plural formation of nouns. Strengthening the skills of building a proposal.

Staging sound 3 and automating it

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words. Learn to hear the sound 3 among other sounds of syllables. In words. Consolidation of the concept of hardness and softness of sound. stress.

Ways to indicate the softness of consonant sounds in writing. Antonyms.

Sound differentiation

Z and Z

Differentiation of hardness and softness of consonants. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Fixing ways to indicate the softness of consonants in writing.

Sound differentiation

F and W

Differentiation of concepts, sonority and deafness of consonants. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words in a sentence. stress.

Words are paronyms. Prepositions.

Sound differentiation

C and Z

Consolidation of the concepts of hardness and softness of consonants

Word formation: compound words. Sounds, their sonority and deafness.

Setting sound C and its automation:

a) in a closed syllable;

b) c direct syllable;

Learn to hear the sound Ts among other sounds, syllables, in words. Determine its place in words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, sentences.

Singular and plural verbs. Conjugation of verbs.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate these sounds in words, determine their place in the word. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis.

Definition of noun gender

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds in words, syllables. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Derivation of nouns from nouns

hissing sounds

The development of auditory attention non-speech sounds. Clarification of the concepts of "sentence", "word", "sound". Isolation of the 1st vowel sound in words. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of syllables like ya, ay.

Sound setting Sh

Isolation of the first and last well-pronounced consonant sound in a word. To learn to hear, among other sounds, syllables, the sound Sh at the beginning and end of a word. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words like: he, mind, mu, but. Formation of the concept of place in a word.

Vocabulary enrichment with words with the sound Ш will be carried out at each lesson.

Sound Automation Sh

Highlighting a well-pronounced sound in the middle of a word. Determining by ear the presence of the sound Sh in the middle of a word. Determining its place in words. Development of sound-letter skills

Analysis of words like: poppy, san-ki, push-ka, bag-shock, wardrobe, wardrobes. Determining the sequence of sound in a word: which one is numbered, which sound is behind it.

Plural formation of nouns. Agreement of cardinal numbers with nouns. Conjugation of verbs. The development of connected speech.

Staging the sound Zh and automating it

Define the concept of loudness. Determination of the presence of the sound Zh in words, its place in them

Enrichment of vocabulary with words with the sound Zh

Automation correct articulation sound Zh and its automation (similar to the sound Ш).

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words: dividing words into syllables; determination of the sequence of sounds in a word, what sound is in a row, after which or before which sound the sound Zh.

R.P. nouns. Verb conjugations. generalizing concepts. Dative case of nouns. The development of connected speech.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Differentiation of the concepts of sonority and deafness of sounds.

Development of coherent speech

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Differentiate the concepts of whistling and hissing sounds. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Development of coherent speech

Sound differentiation


Differentiate these sounds by hearing these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Fixing the concept of voiced, deaf whistling and hissing sounds.

Development of coherent speech

Setting the sound Ch and its automation:

a) in a closed syllable;

b) in a direct syllable;

c) in games, poetry, reading, retelling.

Learn to hear the sound Ch among other sounds, syllables, in words. Determine its place in words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, sentences.

Enrichment of vocabulary with words with the sound Ch. Generalizations. Word formation (diminutive suffixes of nouns)

Differentiation of sounds C-CH

Conjugation of verbs.

Development of coherent speech

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Ts

Conjugation of verbs.

Development of coherent speech

Staging the sound Щ and its automation:

a) in a closed syllable;

b) in a direct syllable;

c) in games, poetry, reading, retelling.

Learn to hear the sound Щ among other sounds, syllables, in words. Determine its place in words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, sentences.

Enrichment of the vocabulary with words with the sound Щ, definitions, generalizations, words denoting professions. Definition of the gender of nouns. Development of coherent speech

Differentiation of sounds Ch-Sch

Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Determine their place in words. stress.

Word formation: diminutive suffix of nouns. Development of coherent speech

Differentiation of sounds Ш-Ш

Conjugation of verbs.

Development of coherent speech

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Determine their place in words

Development of coherent speech

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Determine their place in words

Development of coherent speech

Sound L

Preparatory articulation exercises for the development of hissing sounds

Development of auditory attention to non-speech sounds. Clarification of the concepts of "sentence", "word", "sound". Isolation of the 1st vowel sound in words. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of syllables like ya, ay.

Sound setting L

Sound Automation L;

a) in a direct syllable at the beginning of a word;

b) in a direct syllable in the middle of a word;

c) in a closed syllable;

d) in combination with consonants

e) in games, poetry, retelling, reading, spontaneous speech.

Highlighting a well-pronounced sound in the middle of a word. Determination of the presence of the sound L in words by ear. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words in the following sequence: poppies, bag-ka, sand-juice, sto-ly.

Determining the sequence of sounds in a word: which number, which sound is behind. stress.

Plural formation of nouns.

Formation of new words by building up syllables. The development of connected speech.

Setting the sound L

Learn to hear the sound L among sounds, syllables, determine its place in them. Formation of the concept of hardness and softness of sounds.

Generalization. Word formation: adjectives from nouns. Plural nouns. R.p. nouns.

Sound Automation L;

a) in a direct syllable at the beginning of a word;

b) in a direct syllable in the middle of a word;

c) in a closed syllable;

d) in combination with consonants

e) in games, poetry, retelling, reading, spontaneous speech.

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis. Dividing words into syllables. Determination of the sequence of sounds in words.

The development of connected speech.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. To consolidate the concepts of softness and hardness of these sounds.

Words are paronyms. Agreement in the gender of nouns with past tense verbs. Antonyms. The development of connected speech.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Words are paronyms. The development of connected speech.

R sound

Preparatory articulation exercises for the development of hissing sounds

Development of auditory attention to non-speech sounds. Clarification of the concepts of "sentence", "word", "sound". Isolation of the 1st vowel sound in words. Development of skills in sound-letter analysis of syllables like ya, ay.

Setting the sound R

Formation of the concept of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of the first and last well-pronounced consonant sound in a word, the ability to hear the sound “L” at the beginning and end of a word, the development of skills in sound-letter analysis of words such as mind, mu, poppy.

Vocabulary enrichment with words with the R sound is pronounced in each lesson.

R sound automation;

a) in a direct syllable at the beginning of a word;

b) in a direct syllable in the middle of a word;

c) in a closed syllable;

d) in combination with consonants

e) in games, poetry, retelling, reading, spontaneous speech.

Highlighting a well-pronounced sound in the middle of a word.

Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis. Dividing words into syllables. Determination of the sequence of sounds in words: ma-ki, ra-ka, ru-kav, crane, cranes.

Enrichment of the vocabulary with words with the sound R. Word formation diminutive suffixes nouns. Education pl. number of entities. Coordination of adjectives with ouch. related words. Formation of the 1st person singular of verbs. Animated. Inanimate objects. Themes: "Birds", "Animals". Clarification of concrete-spatial meanings of objects. Distribution of offers. Topic: "Professions" antonyms. Word formation: verb prefixes. The development of connected speech.

Staging the sound Pb and automating it (similar to the sound P).

Learn to hear this sound among other sounds, syllables, in words. Formation of the concept of hardness and softness of sounds. Consolidation of the skills of sound-letter analysis. stress

Topic: "Vegetables", "Who lives where?". Coordination of nouns with adjectives. accusative and Genitive nouns. Education pl. number of entities. Definition of the kind of entities. Polysemy of words.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Consolidation of the concepts of TV. and softness of sounds.

The development of connected speech.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.

Affectionate suffixes of nouns. Antonyms. Formation of past tense verbs, imperative form. Formation of compound adjectives. The development of connected speech.

Sound differentiation


Differentiate by ear these sounds among other sounds, syllables, words. Strengthening the skills of sound-letter analysis of words.




Topic 6. Disadvantages of pronunciation of voiced and voiceless consonants.

Objective. Familiarize yourself with the forms of violation of the pronunciation of voiced and deaf consonants; master the basic skills of identifying shortcomings in the pronunciation of voiced and deaf consonants in children; learn to plan and carry out work on the formation of the correct pronunciation of voiced and deaf consonants.

Theoretical part. Note the age-related features of the appearance of voiced and deaf consonants in the child's speech. Present the linguistic characteristics of voicing defects.

Practical part. To uncover General requirements to work on correcting defects in voicing. To study the state of sound pronunciation of one child with voicing defects (indicate the form of manifestation and the group of disturbed sounds). In the conclusions on the diagnosis, describe the diagnostic methods used and the voicing defects in the child. Develop an individual plan for correcting the sound pronunciation of this child and present it in a table.

Table 1.

Individual plan for correcting sound pronunciation

(last name, first name, age)

Methods and techniques


Applications. Speech material necessary to overcome mitigation defects in speech (syllables, words, speech exercises, phrases, stories, poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue-twisters, nursery rhymes).


    Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and the organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution / Comp. V.P. Balabanova and others - St. Petersburg, 2001.

    Ivanovskaya O.G., Gadasina L.Ya. Encyclopedia of logopedic games. - St. Petersburg, 2004.

    Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist. - M., 1998.

    speech therapy. Ed. L.S. Volkova, S.N. Shakhovskaya. - M., 2003.

    Russian E.N., Garanina L.A. Pronunciation side of speech: practical course. - M., 2003.

    Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A., Chirkina G.V. Fundamentals of speech therapy. - M., 1989.

    Flerova Zh.M. speech therapy. - Rostov-on-Don, 2003.

    Khvattsev M.E. Logopedic work with preschoolers. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

Svetlana Mamedova
Planning of corrective work on the development of sound pronunciation in older children preschool age

One of the main challenges facing preschool , is a speech child development and overcoming the phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment through targeted speech therapy sound correction work sides of speech and phonemic perception.

Sound correction work We start with an examination. To do this, we use traditional methods in speech therapy. (Lalaeva R.I., Arkhipova E.F.). The examination reveals the features of articulatory motility, sound pronunciation and phonemic hearing of each child.

This survey allows not only to identify the features of speech development of each child, but also to group children for further work , and also, in accordance with the principle of a person-centered approach, develop individual referral corrective action.

Didactic games are one of the main and effective forms of work with preschool children, since the game is the leading activity of this age, while elements are generated in it learning activities. Besides, speech games contribute to the creation psychological readiness children to verbal communication ; the need to repeat them over and over speech material; training children in choosing the right speech option, which is a preparation for situational spontaneous speech. That's why didactic games used on individual subgroup lessons, in regime moments, in homework. In case of difficulties, additional speech therapy assistance is provided.

Developed us, the examination scheme allows us to identify the features of articulatory motility, sound pronunciation and phonemic hearing of each child. Content correctional work on the development of sound pronunciation in preschool children with FSF is built taking into account the level development phonemic perception, articulatory motor skills and the sound of each child, his personal and psychological features, as well as taking into account the goals and objectives corrective program and prospective speech therapy plan.

Didactic games for corrections hissing pronunciations sounds.

1."Cheerful tongue". Target: develop mobility of the organs of articulation, to form the necessary articulation to pronounce hissing sounds. move: the child is invited to listen to a fairy tale about a cheerful tongue and perform articulation exercises necessary to prepare for staging hissing sounds.

2."Pinocchio's Journey". Target: prepare the articulatory apparatus for setting hissing sounds. move: the teacher explains to the child that Pinocchio went to the forest. In order for him to get to the forest, the child needs to help him overcome various obstacles (for example, build "bridge" across the river, ride on "horse", collect "mushrooms" etc.). The child performs precise articulation movements.

3. "Bubble". Target: develop a smooth sounds. move: Soap bubbles are distributed to children. The task of each child is to inflate the biggest soap bubble. Follow the long, smooth exhalation.

4. "Focus". Target: develop a smooth, a long, directed exhalation necessary for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. move: a piece of cotton wool is placed on the tip of the child's nose, the child blows it off, putting the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip.

5. "Orchestra". Target: develop a long, smooth exhalation. move: at the signal of the teacher, the children play toy wind instruments (pipes, flutes, harmonicas).

6. "Traffic light". Target: highlight sound among other sounds, on the background of the word.

move: children are given squares of blue color. If in the spoken row sounds sound, then raise a blue square if others sounds, then a red signal. The word game is played in the same way.

7. "Goalkeepers". Target: highlight sound among other sounds, on the background of the word. move: the speech therapist pronounces various sounds, if in the spoken row sounds children hear a given hissing sound, then "catch" him by clapping his hands. The word game is played in the same way.

8. "Where sound. Target: learn to locate sound in a word. move: children are given "houses" with three windows. A chip that means hissing sound, the child puts in the first box if the first sound in a word, in the third window, if last sound in a word, in the second window, if sound is in the middle of a word.

9. "The words". Target: exercise children in determining first and last sound in words. move: The children stand in a circle. One child passes the ball to another, calling any word. Another child takes the ball, passes it to the next child and says the word beginning with the last one. sound the previous word, etc. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

10. "Kuzovok". Target: train children in determining the place of a given sound in a word. Equipment: a set of toys, three boxes with diagrams attached to them sound composition of words. move: speech therapist asks children arrange the toys in three boxes in accordance with the diagrams sound composition of words pasted on boxes. It is possible to play the game in the form of a competition between two teams children.

11. "Help the hedgehog cross the swamp". Target: exercise children in the auditory discrimination of the isolated sound among other sounds. Equipment: toy hedgehog, cubes. move: Speech therapist asks children help the hedgehog cross the swamp. To do this, they are invited to clap their hands when they hear the given sound. Next, the speech therapist pronounces isolated sounds, with correctly made claps, the hedgehog moves from one "bump" (dice) to another. If the children make mistakes, the hedgehog returns to the previous block.

12. "Insert desired letter» . Target: train children in performing operations on sound- letter analysis of words. move: The speech therapist shows the children cards with words written on them, in which letters are missing. Children guess which letters are missing in each of the words.

13. "Think of a Word". Target: train children in the choice of words with a given sound. move: Speech therapist shows children « magic wand» . Informs that if children name words with the specified sound, then it blinks.

14. "Cross the Road". Target: development of auditory attention, phonemic perception. Move. The children stand in a line. The speech therapist pronounces words that are similar in sound (frog, pillow, cuckoo, cracker, cheesecake; daughter, bump, dot, barrel, night, etc.). When a certain word is pronounced by a speech therapist (for example, the word "pillow") children must cross the "road" (carpet). The game is repeated several times. In this case, a speech therapist can use different sets of words.

15. "Silence". Target sound Sh. move: the driver stands at one wall, and all the other children at the opposite. Children quietly approach the driver; with a loud movement, the driver brings his index finger to his lips and pronounces:sh-sh-sh. Whoever made the noise must stop. Whoever reaches the leader quietly first becomes the leader.

16. "Forest noise". Target: form correct pronunciation sound Sh. move: the teacher reminds the children how green leaves rustle in summer trees: sh-sh-sh. The teacher offers to raise your hands, like twigs near trees, and make noise with the leaves as if the wind is blowing on them.

17. "Flies in the Web". Target: form the correct pronunciation sound Zh.

move: children form a circle and lower their hands - this is a web. Other children are flies. They are buzz: Well, they run into the circle and run out of the circle. At the signal of the speech therapist, the children depicting the web raise their hands. Those "flies", which did not have time to run out of the circle, fall into the web and are eliminated from the game.

18. "Train". Target: form the correct pronunciation sound H. move: children stand one after another - these are wagons. standing ahead "locomotive". The host gives a whistle - the train starts moving and emits hh sound . Having allowed the train to pass a little, the presenter raises a yellow flag - the train slows down; on red - the train stops. Then the leader raises the flag again - the driver gives a signal. On green - the train is moving.

19. "Sparrows". Target: form the correct pronunciation sound H. move: children (sparrows) sitting on chairs (in nests) and sleep. into words speech therapist: "The sun has risen, the sparrows have woken up", - children open their eyes and loudly repeat: chirp-chik-chik, chirp-chik-chik. After that, the children scatter around the room, and at the words of the teacher "the night has come" return to their places. The game is repeated several times.

20. "Speak a word". Target: form the correct pronunciation sound H. move: the teacher begins to say the word, the child ends by saying the correct sound h(brick, circus, creak ...., etc.).

21."Wipers". Target: form the correct pronunciation sound u. move: the teacher reminds the children that in the fall, when a lot of leaves fall from the trees, the janitors sweep it into large heaps: w-sh-sh. The teacher invites the children to imagine that they are janitors, and "sweep" yard.

22. "Catch a fish". Target: sizzling automation sounds in words. Equipment: metal clips and small subject pictures, a box and a fishing rod with a magnet. move: children take turns catching various objects with a fishing rod and naming them. Determine the place sound in a word. For a correct answer, the child receives a point. The one who scores more points wins.

23. "Help Masha". Target: automation Sh sound in words. move: caregiver He speaks: “Masha walked and walked and found toys”. The child helps Masha collect toys, naming subject pictures (cat, matryoshka, car, tumbler, etc.).

24. "Dress the doll for a walk". Target: automation Sh sound in words. move: the paper doll needs to match the items of clothing according to season: summer or winter. The child selects and names subject pictures (fur coat, hat, boots, scarf, shorts, hat, flip flops, etc.).

25. "Call it sweetly". Target: automation sound Sh(H, W) in words. The teacher throws the ball to the children and calls the word, and the child throws the ball back and calls the word with a diminutive suffix (ring-ring, heart-heart, cock-rooster, sun-sun, pea-pea, pie-pie, snow-snow and etc.).

26. "Name cub» . Target: automation sounds Zh, h in words. move: the teacher throws the ball to the children and calls the adult animal, and the child returns and calls it cub(camel - camel, bear - teddy bear, hedgehog - hedgehog, hare - hare, squirrel - squirrel, etc.).

27. "Small big". Target: automation sound Ch in words. move: the teacher throws the ball and says the phrase, and the child returns the ball and ends the phrase with a word in excellent degrees:

a cat has a mustache, and a tiger has ....

a bird has eyes, a dragon has ....

the gnome has a house, and the giant ....

28. "Treadmills". Target: fix the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds. Equipment: tracks are drawn on cardboard with start and finish. Pictures are pasted on them on different sounds. move: Children (two) lead a finger along the path and pronounce the words. Speech therapist asks pace: "Who quickly?"