Differentiation of hissing and whistling sounds speech material. Speech and didactic material for differentiating hissing and whistling sounds


Our pump Our pump

Inflates the wheel:

S-S-S, S-S-S!

How to inflate - so let's go

With a friend on a bike.

(The picture of the big pump is laid out)

This is the pump dad. Let's sing the song of the big pump together. Lips smile. The tip of the tongue lies below, resting against the front teeth. The air stream is long, cold, exits along the groove in the middle of the tongue. Sound [C] - solid, deaf. Let's sing the song of the big pump together.

(Pictures depicting small pumps are laid out)

And for small wheels

He called his sons - pumps.

Lips smile. The tip of the tongue is below, rests against the front teeth. The middle part of the tongue rises forward upwards. The air stream is long, cold, exits along the groove in the middle of the tongue. The sound [СЫ] is soft, deaf. Repeat the sound [SH].

1. Differentiation of isolated sounds [С] - [СЬ].

Raise the big pump if you hear the sound [С], the small pump if you hear the sound [СЫ].

C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C.

2. Differentiation of sounds [C] - [C] in syllables.

(A sheet of paper is laid out in front of the child with outline images of large and small pumps arranged in two rows).

Pumpkins love to draw.

Listen carefully to the syllables, repeat and color the big pump in blue if you hear the sound [C], the small pump in green if you hear the sound [CL].

SA - SO - SU - SY - SI - SE - SYA - SU

(Syllables with vowels A, O, U, Y, I, U, E, I, YU are pronounced).

Repeat after me:





3. Differentiation of sounds [C] - [C] in words.

Little pumps invite you to play a game with them

Mobile game "Jump, squat". You will hear in the word [С] - repeat, sit down and stand up, and the sound [СЫ] - repeat, and then jump on the spot.


4. Determining the place of sound in a word.

The owner of the pumps is a grandfather who likes to look at pictures and play games with pictures.

Listen to the words and determine where the sound [С] or [СЬ] is located: at the beginning, middle or end of the word, and put the circle of the desired color in the appropriate cell. The song of the father - the pump will be denoted by a circle of blue color. And the song of the pumps in green circles.

(In front of the child is a table of three windows, pictures are laid out alternately).


(The child determines what sound is in the word, selects the desired circle, puts it in a cage).

5. Differentiation of sounds [С] - [СЬ] in phrases.

Autumn leaf fall salted herring

Heavy snowfall Sweet syrup

Aspen leaf spring dawn

Tall aspen gray-haired old man

dry hay beautiful stork

Delicious kissel Slender chamois

Blue Plum Strict System

sunflower seed A funny story

6. Sounds [С] and [СЬ] in sentences.

The girl is Vassa, and the boy is Vasya

At the wheels of the axle, above the axles of the wasp

Ships are sailing here and there

They sing solo, in the countryside - villages

A tall aspen squinted under the snow

Boletus not under a pine, but under an aspen

Spring dawn brought his greetings

Autumn has come, but not for slender pines

The messenger brought the load feasible

Under the autumn wind the whistle flies aspen leaf

The gray-haired old man is accustomed to gray hair

7. Differentiation of sounds [C] - [C] in tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

Repeat tongue twisters, clearly pronouncing the sounds [s] and [s "].

Sa-sa-sa - the fox runs. Se-se-se - ribbons in a braid.

So-so-so - they gave me a wheel. Si-si-si - a taxi drove up.

Su-su-su - berries in the forest. As-as-as - crucian swims.

Sy-sy-sy - the clock is ticking. Axis-axis-axis - an elk in a clearing.

As-as-as - the light in the window went out. Claim-claim - there is a bowl on the table.

Os-os-os - a sailor on deck. Si-si-si - mow the hay.

Us-us-us - there are a lot of beads on the Christmas tree. Us-us-us - a goose is coming.

Ys-ys-ys - dachshund catches rats. Ys-ys-ys - a lynx in a trap.

Repeat tongue twisters, clearly pronouncing the sounds [C] and [C "].

A sparrow sat on a pine tree

Fell asleep and fell asleep...

If he had not fallen in a dream -

Until now, I would sit on a pine tree.

Sanka has a brand new sled.

Sonya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Forty sat on an old pine tree,

Forty laughed in the beautiful spring,

Everyone had fun in the spacious forest,

And the sun was shining, shining with might and main.

Mow, scythe, while dew,

Dew down - and we are home.

In the field - everything, everything, everything:

In the field - sowing, sowing, sowing.

Don't be afraid of the cold

Wash up to your waist.

Mara bought this beads grandmother,

In the market, I stumbled over a granny goose,

Young Marusya will not have a gift -

All the beads were pecked by a bead by a geese.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Mow, scythe, while dew.

Little Sanya's sleigh drives by itself.

Senya carries hay in the canopy.

Senya will sleep in the hay.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree.

Fell asleep and fell asleep.

If he hadn't fallen in his sleep,

would still be sitting on a pine tree.

8. Differentiation of sounds [C], [C "] and the letter C.

Equipment: cash registers of letters, cards with the letter C, circles of blue, green and red colors.

What do ears hear? (sounds)

- What are sounds? (sounds are what we hear and pronounce)

What should the eyes see? (letters)

- What are letters? (this is what we see, write, read)

What are the letters and sounds? (vowels and consonants)

What is the difference between vowels and consonants? (vowels are drawn, sung, but consonants cannot be sung, they always meet an obstacle)

What are the consonant sounds? (voiced and deaf, hard and soft)

Open the box of letters:

I Yo YU And E

What letters do you see? (vowels) – What are vowels for? (to form syllables) - You have a card with the letter C, we form syllables with vowels of the first and second rows: SA SO SU SY SE XIA SHIO SIU SI SE - What did we do? (made up syllables) - Name the syllables with a hard consonant sound (SA SO SU SY SE) - Name the syllables with a soft consonant sound (XIA SHIO SIU SI SE) - Which vowels show us that the consonant C is hard? (A O U Y E) - Which vowels show that the consonant СЬ is soft? (I'm Yeo Yu and Ye).

Writing syllables on the board (we designate vowels and consonants with colored circles).


Lesson No. 1 Playing with the ball "Replace the sound"

Having worked out separately the sounds [C], [C "], [Z], [Z"], let's deal with their distinction (differentiation). Take paired ones for deafness - sonority and hardness - softness: [C] - [З], [С "] - [З"].

The game with the ball "Replace the sound" will teach the child not only to replace the sound [C] with [Z] in a syllable or word, but also consolidate skills correct pronunciation these sounds. So, an adult pronounces a syllable and throws the ball, the child catches it and thinks about what syllable it will turn out if you replace the sound [C] with [З]:










We do the same with soft phonemes [C "] - [З"]:

There are many words in Russian that differ by ear with just one sound (phoneme): KOSA - GOAT, OWL - CALL, ROSY - ROSES, etc. It is necessary to explain to the child that these words sound very similar, but have a different meaning. If you do not know this and allow a replacement, you can get into an absurd situation. For example, using the word "LISA" instead of the word "FOX", it turns out that "Lisa has a long, fluffy tail." Really, it's funny?

Play with the child in the game "Change the sound" already on the material of words, using the following pairs:

saika - bunny

sugar - Zakhar

sowing - yawning

pour - piss off

the word is evil

cathedral - fence

advice - testament

meeting - testament

absolutely - for everything

jay - Zoyka

salt - pour

solo - ash

soya - Zoya

soup - tooth

soup - tooth

soup - tooth

rash - swell

bead - elderberry

braid - goat

fox - Lisa

foxes - Lisa

dew - rose

dew - roses

Lesson number 2 Funny verses for distinguishing sounds [S] - [Z]

It is easiest for a child to distinguish words in context. Read him funny rhymes, from which the baby will easily understand the meaning of each pair of words:

Tasty soup

Ela Zoya tasty soup,

Suddenly a milk tooth fell out.

Zoya bit him.

Thought it was soy.

knocked over the soup

Lost my tooth.

A jay perched on the window:

"Don't cry, girl Zoya!"

(E.G. Karelskaya)

Where did the goat go to drink?

Zoya has a blond braid.

Lisa has a red goat.

The river also has a spit.

A goat used to go there to drink.

The goat scared off a flock of owls.

They made a strange call.

Oh, it's scary for Lisa and the goat.

From now on, they will not go for a walk to the spit!

(E.G. Karelskaya)


Equipment: type-setting canvas; subject pictures: nightingale, titmouse, heron, magpie, owl, bullfinch, chicken, stork, swallow; offer cards; plastic letters c and c, pens, notebooks, mirrors.

1. Organizational moment.

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

The game "On the contrary" with the ball.

Small -

High -

Wide -

Heavy -

Wet -

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

We start our lesson. FROM eyes closed you can feel by touch which letters lie in front of you. Tell me what sounds we will talk about today. Right. The topic of our lesson is the distinction between the sounds “s” and “ts” in words and sentences.

3. Clarification of the articulation of “s” and “c”. Sound characteristic.

Guys, let's remember what the sound "c" is? What about the "s" sound? What letters do we designate the sounds "s" and "ts"? That's right, the letters c and c.

4. Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Development of orientation in space.

Game "Magic Square"

The poster “Magic Square” is hung on the board

Guess the riddle and put the picture in the Magic Square.

Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty. (Magpie).

Find a picture of a magpie on the table and put it in the upper right square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

Greenish back,

yellowish belly,

little black cap

And a strip of scarf. (Tit).

Find a picture of a titmouse on the table and put it in the lower left square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word? Is there a sound (c) in this word? Where is this sound?

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in the winter he will find shelter:

He is not afraid of a cold -

With first snow

Right here! (Bullfinch).

Find a picture of a bullfinch on the table and put it in the middle right square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

Standing on one leg

He gazes into the water.

Pokes beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron).

Find a picture of a heron on the table and place it in the lower middle square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

This old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs to the swamp. (Stork).

Find a picture of a stork on the table and put it in the middle left square. What sound do you hear? Where is the sound?

Comes to us with warmth

The path has been long.

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay. (Martin).

Find a picture of a swallow on the table and place it in the upper middle square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this ... (Nightingale).

Find a picture of a nightingale on the table and put it in the upper left square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

Eat a worm, drink some water,

Looking for bread crumbs

And then I'll lay an egg

I'll feed the kids. (Chicken).

Find a picture of a chicken on the table and put it in the lower right square. What sound do you hear at the beginning of a word?

She has big eyes,

Predatory beak - always crochet.

She flies at night

Sleeps on a tree only during the day. (Owl).

In the word owl, where is the sound? What square do we put in? Right in the center. Well done!

So what words do we have here? With what sounds?

5. Guys, how to call in one word what you put in the “magic” square? And in the word of a bird there is a sound that we are talking about. Name it. Where is the “C” in the word bird? (in the middle of a word).

6. Parsing the word bird - sound-letter analysis.

Physical minute.

The birds are sitting in the nest (children squat)

And they look around. (head turns sideways)

They want to take a walk

And quietly all fly. (children “scatter”, wave their hands)

Flew, tired

And they returned back. (squatting down)

7. Development of phonemic hearing.

Children Sparrow brought us two envelopes. Which envelope will we open first? (The first). Allow me to read? Something is not clear, let's fix it and say it right. Children repeat correctly.

The nightingale sings song loudly. Sesarka has a rash. Sapli has long legs. Aitzt walks through the swamp. Tskvores collects worms for chicks. On the shore, the lamb flowered its nest. Tsnegir flies to us in winter.

Phys. minute. The development of fine motor skills.

- "Rings".

We ringed the birds

Observed, learned

Flying away to what distance,

They survived the cold.

- What, birds, pecked?

Where did you make your nests?

Where did you lay your eggs?

How much are you in the end

Have chicks been bred in nests?



toy "Snowman";


manual for the game "Vases";

pictures - snowflakes with the image of objects in the name of which there is a sound [s] or [w];

manual for breathing exercises "Storm".

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: - One, two, three, four, five - start playing in a circle! A new day has come, let's meet it with a smile. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly, affectionate.

Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale kindness, beauty, health into yourself, and exhale all resentment, anger, grief through your mouth (Lyric music sounds.)

Children breathe in and out three times.

And now, look who came to visit us?

Children: snowman.

2. Alternate pronunciation of sounds [s] - [w].

Speech therapist: - Right. He came to us from the Far North and brought a radiogram. He does not know what kind of weather awaits them in the near future, and you will help him decipher it. (In previous classes, the word "radiogram" was explained to the children.) The speech therapist distributes cards to the children (Figure 1):

Picture 1.

Children take turns saying: S - Sh - SS - Sh, etc. (Pronounced loudly, softly, moderately.)

The up arrow indicates that you need to pronounce the sound [w], and down the sound [s].

Speech therapist: - Well done, guys! They correctly deciphered the radiogram: “Snowstorms and wind await the Far North.”

3. Exercise for the development of facial expressions.

Guys, does the snowman have friends, do you want to know which ones? (picture 2)

Figure 2.

These are the friends of our snowman!

4. Differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words.

Speech therapist: - And now the snowman wants to play with you (d / and "Repeat after me"). Let's show him how attentive we are:

5. The game "Vases". Agreement of the numeral with the phrase.

Figure 3

Speech therapist: - Guys, our snowman brought these jugs as a gift to friends and accidentally broke them.

Help him collect them. (picture 3)

Children pick up the missing pieces.

Now let's count how many jugs? And we will count as follows: one beautiful jug, two beautiful jugs, etc.

Children count by correctly pronouncing the sounds [s], [sh].

6. Logarithmic exercise.

Speech therapist: - Well done, guys! And let's try to cheer up the snowman, let's play with him, otherwise he was very upset because of the broken jugs:

Sha - sha - sha - we walk slowly,

Sa - sa - sa - blue skies,

Shu - shu - shu - I'll crumble the birds,

Su - su - su - and I'll bring some water,

Shi - shi - shi - our kids are good,

Sy - sy - sy - we need to hide our noses,

Eyes - eyes - eyes - clap our hands.

Performing movements in accordance with the text.

7. Exercise for the development of breathing "Storm in a glass".

This game requires a cocktail straw and a glass with Styrofoam crumbs. A hole is made in the lid of the glass into which a straw for a cocktail is fixed. The child blows through the straw to make the styrofoam crumbs fly up. You should pay attention to the fact that the cheeks do not puff out, and the lips are not mobile.

Speech therapist: - So we got warm, and our snowman began to melt. What to do?

Children prompt: "Storm".

8. Game for the development of phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist: - Oh, guys, how many snowflakes you blew. And the snowflakes are magical, with pictures. You need to put snowflakes with the sound [w] in the car, and with the sound [s] in the sleigh. Pictures on snowflakes:

horse, mouse, pear, cup, bear, sock, bus, cactus, sled, scales, etc.

9. Didactic game "Is this right?"

Speech therapist: - And the snowman came up with a game for you because you did not let him melt. It's called "Is It Right?". The snowman will tell you wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.

The girl eats porridge. The boy is reading a book. The man is drinking tea. The woman goes to the store. The cat is sitting on a chair. The mouse got into the closet. Mom sews daughters elegant dress. Father reads a book to children.

10. Didactic game "Tell me a word."

Speech therapist: - And also, our snowman is a big joker. Listen to what he came up with:

One evening an old lady

We drank tea and ate ... drying.

The cat on the pillow

Washes with a paw ... ears.

Goes to bed, groaning, old woman,

He puts a pillow under his head.

The old woman baked donuts

And she put the donuts in ... a bowl.

Speech therapist: - Guys, now let's, and we will teach the snowman, and tell him a pure phrase about our tongue:

tongue up: sha-sha- sha,

Porridge, pies, noodles.

Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,

Sugar, butter, sausage.













berth-sit down


shouted and danced

little gosling



smoked pig

I will cure-I will endure

I want to carry


eccentric pike perch


pepper peach

aspen larva

fox wolf


very autumn




swing-sat down

earring poker



bumpy boards


prickly prickly





river forester

I study, I spin, I suffer, I roll, I heal, owls, an hour, often, a part, a net, a candle, a knot, a daredevil, a hairstyle, jumps, jump, a dog, wire cutters, juicy, a shirt, pieces, hibernation, hide, a match, a pigtail, fox, candle, word, sleigh, handbag, seeds, Sonya, Siberian, bench.

A pen in a bag. The girl has a watch. Sonya has pigtails. The boy has a shirt and socks. This is not a twine, but a ribbon. Sonya loves autumn very much. Let's go to the swings. The pitching began, the mast swayed. Alyonka has two pigtails - they stick out like the ears of a fox. What miracles! Vasya whines for two hours. The wolf at night, thinking to get into the sheepfold, got into the kennel. A sad boy walks, - angry bees bit him. The frost attacked us crackling, biting, biting, prickly, prickly. The cowardly hare hid at the stump. The cuckoo in a new rank sat importantly on an aspen.

In a clean light

Little sisters are napping.

These sisters all day

They get a fire.


Who is walking along the river?

These are our cookies.

And what do they want?

Feed your kids.

Where are the guys?

On the sand

How many?

Son and daughter.

At the son's throat

All wet feathers

Because without asking

He stuck his beak straight into the dirt.

Well, what about your daughter?

Well, daughter

Walks only on the sand.

long-nosed daughter

The daughter is long-haired.

My daughter walks slowly.

Very good daughter.

(N. Dilaktorskaya)

The clock is fast.

Sonya was awakened by her mother.

Get up, baby, get ready for school.

While Sonya was getting ready, her mother boiled the kettle. She put cups on the table, a bowl of cookies, cut a loaf. She poured hot tea into cups.

Sit down, daughter, drink tea.

Sonya is drinking tea. Mom drinks too. Mom looks at her watch and says:

Sonya, stop drinking tea. Time to go.

Mom, the clock is running fast.

No, the clock is not fast. You drink your tea slowly.


1. Pronounce syllables:


ASCH - AS, OSH - AXIS, YASCH - YAS, YUSCH - YUS, ISCH - IS, YESCH - IS, in different variations (i.e. rearranging syllables).

2. Say the words.

With straight lines.

Cheeks, brush, paved, pike, treat, cabbage soup, shield, slot, sliver, bloodhound, sorrel, crack, pinch, goldfinch, puppy, bristles, village, gosling, sieve, jelly, nets, family, strength, Senya, hay, seeds, autumn, sow, Sima, mower, stretcher, foxes, piglets.

With reverse syllables.

Bream, thing, vegetable, cloak, ivy, cartilage, pimple, help, maybe, hang, get angry, crucian, scat, drop, ears of corn.

Words with u and s sounds.

Welder, porter, glazier, tail, mustache, nose, illuminate, thickened, squinted, brilliant, real, luminous, illumination, admiration.

3. Say sentences.

Senya has a box. Vasya has ticks. Sony has a brush. Sima cooks cabbage soup. There is a blue coat on the wall. A puppy is squeaking in the hallway. Grove near the village. In the aspen grove. Goldfinches on aspens. Vegetables ripen in autumn.

4. Say the verse.

The puppy was so frail!

I fed him everything with cabbage soup,

Protected from the furious cold,

The puppy squealed with joy.

Still would! He grew up happy.

Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog -

Real! (A. Barto)


1. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in isolated sound

"Mosquito - beetle." Pronounce sounds: Z Z Z - Z Zh Z

2. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in direct syllables





3. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in intervocalic syllables





4. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in syllables with a confluence of consonants





5. Differentiation of sounds [z - j] in words, sounds at the beginning of a word

Unsteady - liquid dawn - frying

Pour - pity the hall - sting

Calling - living

6. Differentiation of sounds [z - j] in words, sounds in the middle of a word

Ties - snakes knit - run

I'm taking - I'm knitting - licking - lying down

Goats - leather bazaar - fire

Roses - faces black oil - smear

Thunderstorm - threaten to dare - hold

Vine - bed once - horn

Liza - ski carts - reins

7. Differentiation of sounds [z - w] in words, sounds Z - Zh in one word

Life, ignite, clamp, clamp, ignite, perhaps pampered, buzz, iron, lighter, deposits, ran, delayed, deserved, swirl, fry, lay, yellowness, fry, charge, turn yellow, fry.

8. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in phrases

A funny hedgehog, a leather bridle, a dinner party, a paper goat, liquid fuel oil, a forgotten jacket, a heavy cart.

An important musician, wrinkled skin, a bookstore, Zhenya's acquaintance, tender forget-me-nots, tender mimosas, an iron castle.

A knitted jacket, an important task, knitted cuffs, curved tin, a southern sunset, a lingering rain, a familiar artist.

9. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in sentences.

Jeanne shows Zoya the beetle. Mom calls Zoya to dinner. Zhanna makes riddles to Zhenya. The goat runs to the puddle. Zoya puts on a leather jacket. Beetles buzz over the mimosas. Zhenya has a funny bunny. In a vase - paper mimosa.

The children go to the bookstore. Zhenya has jellyfish on her pajamas. The bell rings and the beetle buzzes. At the store - Zhenya and Zoya. Zoya runs after a kite. This autumn it rains heavily. Delicate forget-me-nots bloom near the house. There is a stack of hay by the hut.

Zoya has hedgehogs and snakes. Zoya gives water to the goat every day. Zhenya has a clockwork bunny, Zhanna has a clockwork beetle.

10. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in verse

The bell rings, the bug buzzes.

Buzzing - ringing, ringing - buzzing.

Already invited to dinner

Didn't expect at all

But I don't need supper

Already had dinner.

green toad

With a funny beetle

Forgotten by winter

Find yourself a home.

Bunny funny

Zhenya lives

Jenny doesn't know

With a bunny worries

Bunny is not needed

No lunch or dinner.

11. Differentiation of sounds [h - g] in texts


Desert animals know what heat and thirst are. All their lives they live in the sands. These animals sometimes even forget what rain is. It's hard for them to live there.


Zhora and Zakhar had a dog. Her name was Zhuk.

Zhora and Zakhar picked up a Beetle with a broken leg. They looked after him. The beetle has recovered.

Zhora and Zakhar argued every day: who is the owner of the Beetle?

One day they were walking in the forest. The beetle ran ahead. Suddenly, shepherds attacked Zhuk. Zhora screamed and climbed a tree. But Zakhar did not run away, he took a stick and protected the Beetle. The watchman came running and drove the sheepdogs away. Zhora now did not argue who is the owner of the Beetle.



· workbooks;

  • mirrors;
  • pictures of birds;
  • demonstration cards with the image of the letters Hh, Tss;
  • table with letters.

1. Organizational moment.

(Students stand near their desks.)

Speech therapist: The first to sit down is the one who clearly, clearly repeats the tongue twister: "The black chicken has four chickens."

(Students do the task.)

Speech therapist: What sounds are most often repeated in a tongue twister?

Pupils: Sounds [h] and [c].

Speech therapist (posts up demonstration cards with letters on the board): What letters will we talk about in class?

Pupils: About the letters Ch and C.

2. Working with mirrors.

[ts] and [h] are compared by articulation with clarification of the sound composition: [ts] = [t] + [s], [h] = [t"] + [w"].

Speech therapist: Guys, let's look in the mirrors and find the differences in the articulation of the sounds [h] and [c].

(Students do their homework.)

3. Correlation of sounds with letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the poems:

The letter C is a hook at the bottom,
Exactly with a faucet barrel.
Here is the letter C:
With a claw at the end.
Like a cat paw.
Chizhik confused with the four
And he read: "Four izhiks."
Yes, you made the right decision
H we write like four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We must not confuse the letters.

Speech therapist: Guys, what else do you think the bottom element of the letter C looks like?

Pupils: On the link of the chain and on the leg of the heron.

Speech therapist: And the upper element of the letter H?

Pupils: On the wing of the seagull and on the spout of the teapot.

4. Development of phonemic perception.

Speech therapist: Now I will pronounce syllables and words with the sounds [c], [h]. If you hear the sound [h], then raise your hand up, if [c], lower it down.

Tsa, chu, och, ets, qi, chi, hour, goal, chain, kidney, ring, wheelbarrow, handkerchiefs, mirror, finger, boy.

(Students do their homework.)

5. Didactic game "Chicken".

The game is aimed at developing visual perception.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle: “Kohchet, cackle, convenes children, gathers everyone under his wings.”

Students: It's a chicken.

Speech therapist: Right. The chicken is a poultry. She lives in a chicken coop, sleeps on a perch. She walks around the yard and collects grains. But our chicken is unusual, instead of grains it will collect letters. If the chicken puts them together correctly, she will have a whole word. Listen carefully to my commands and write down the letters that the chicken will collect - and at the end of the journey you will be able to read the received word.

W And b To L E
M H Yo S C Kommersant
To O L At F I

The first letter that the chicken collected is C. Then it went to the left and stopped - Y. Down, down, left - P. Up - L. Up - E. Left - N. Down - O. Down - H. Left - E. Up - K.

What word did you get?

Students: Chicken.

Speech therapist: What is the first letter in this word and what is the eighth?

Pupils: The first letter is C, and the eighth is Ch.

Speech therapist: Let's write the combination of CC, CC to the end of the line, saying it out loud.

(Students do the task.)

6. Physical education minute.

Speech therapist: Well done. Now we will rest a little.

Girls and boys
They bounce like balls. (Jumping on two legs.)
They stomp their feet, (They stomp their feet.)
They laugh merrily. (Pronounced: ha-ha-ha.

Speech therapist: Guys, what other birds do you know, in the name of which there are sounds [C] and [H]?

Pupils: Starling, titmouse, siskin, heron, gull, rook.

(The speech therapist hangs pictures of birds on the board.)

7. Encryption of words.

Speech therapist: Well done! Now you will write these words in a notebook, drawing a triangle instead of the letter C, and a square instead of H.

At the end, there is a test: the students read the words together.

8. The game "Big-small".

Speech therapist: Now let's play the game "Big-small". The great tit and the little tit were talking (the words are written on the blackboard).

Pupils: Porch, hen, egg, chick.

Speech therapist: What sound Ts or Ch sounded in large objects? And in small ones?

Pupils: The sound Ts sounded in large objects, and the sound Ch sounded in small ones.

Speech therapist: Now write these words in your notebook in two columns.

9. Repeat after me.

  • Tsa-tsa-tsa - chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - rooks.
  • Cha-cha-cha - seagull.
  • Tsy-tsy-tsy - chicken.
  • Chi-chi-chi - chizhi.


Sound automation C .................................................. ........... one

Sound Automation ......... 5

Audio automation 3 .............................................................. ........... ten

Sound Automation ........ 13

Sound Automation C.................................................... .......... fifteen


Differentiation of sounds С - СЬ....................................... 19

Differentiation of sounds 3 - Zb .............................................. 25

Differentiation of sounds С - 3....................................... .28

Differentiation of sounds СЬ - ЗЬ .......................................... 31

Differentiation of sounds С - Ц....................................... 33

Moscow 2007


С, С, 3, З, Ц

speech material

For automation and differentiation

Sounds in children 5-7 years old



1. Sing the pump song. Make a sound FROM for a long time on one exhalation: ssss...

2. Repeat direct syllables with the sound C: sa-so-su-sy.

3. Repeat reverse syllables with sound C: as-os-us-ys-is-es-es-yus-yas.

4. Repeat the syllables where the C sound is between vowels.

asa-aso-asu-asy osa-oso-osu-osi

mustache-uso-usu-mustache ysa-yso-ysu-ysy

sta-hundred-stu-sta ska-sko-sku-ski

spa-spa-spa-spa sleep-sno-sno-sleep

sma-smo-him-smu swa-swu-sw






7. Repeat the words where the C sound is at the beginning of the word.

Sa: garden, sled, satin, scooter, polar cod, himself, Sanya, boots, sauna, clogs, cage, Savva; event, owlet, scoop, advice, owl, sofa.

So: juice, sleep, catfish, soy, soda, Sophia, Sonya, sopka, hundred, jay, honeycomb, sleepy.

Su: soup, bag, Saturday, ship, cloth, chest, dry, vanity, day, dry, bustle, subbotnik.

Sy: son, full, son, pour.

consonant cluster: piles, freedom, own, vault, bench, jump, slope, brace, brace, boredom, reel, again, sheaf, dreams,

cat, - “Yes, I’ll take it to my kittens. Let her sing songs to them, otherwise they just don’t want to sleep without songs.”

And the Tsap-tsapu bird: “No, I won’t sing songs to your kittens alone. I sing freely to everyone."

Like a caterpillar wanted to deceive a sheep

A sheep carries a hare a present - cabbage. “What a delicious gift a sheep has, I wish I had one,” the caterpillar thinks.

Sheep, sheep! Give me the cabbage. The hare does not eat such cabbage. He eats cauliflower.

The hare eats any cabbage. And you, caterpillar, are ashamed to deceive me.

18. Repeat tongue twisters *.

At the pine tree the bird drinks water.

In the spring we will plant flowers and acacia bushes.

Merchant Sysoi is walking with a scythe.

Birds and chicks do not sleep on the acacia.

Sani's father took the oats under the shed.

Blossom in spring Acacia with pine.
On a dry bitch A bird with a chick. Spring in flowers, Bird in the bushes.

There is water under the acacia, A tit is drinking water there.

Let the blizzard sweep. The forest is covered in snow.

Flowers are blooming, flowers are blooming In the flowers of the gardens,

flowers in the gardens.

baby tit. A sheep eats flowers in a flower garden. The hare sits under

acacia bush. Spring will come - flowers will bloom.

The sun is shining all day today.

Six words. The dog sits on a chain near the booth. On Sonya

headscarf flowers and birds. The sun shines in the sky all day long.

A tit pecked at a caterpillar on a pine bough.

Seven words. High on a pine branch, an owl chick sleeps. Sanya

sees a flock of birds high in the sky. Sanya and Sonya on stage

singing songs.

Repeat proverbs and sayings.

And the moon shines when there is no sun.

Do not bloom flowers in the snow.

Flowers in spring, sheaves in autumn.

Whoever loves to work cannot sit idle.

Repeat and guess riddles.

The nose is like a needle, not a bird. (Mosquito)

He sits down on everyone, he is not afraid of anyone. (Snow)

A girl sits in a dungeon, On a flower - a flower,

And the braid is on the street. Drink delicious juice.

(Carrot) (Butterfly)

Repeat verses and phrases.

Ets-ets-ets, ets-ets-ets, At night the owl does not sleep.

The chick sees the caterpillars. After all, an owl

Ets-ets-ets, ets-ets-ets, Night bird.

The chick sings songs. V. Shulzhik

Tsa-tsa-tsa, tsa-tsa-tsa,

A sheep is standing by the water.

A. Khmeleva

17. Listen to fairy tales *. Name words with sounds C - C. Retell the tales.

cat and bird

A bird sits on an acacia and sings: "tsiv, tsiv, tsiv." And the cat Tsap-tsap is right there. “Let me catch this bird,” he thinks.

sleep, calmly, satellite, confuse, frighten away, flock, glass, machine tool, herd, shutters, set, become, stadium, stack, one hundred, knock, step, mortar, chill, student, get cold.

8. Repeat the words where the C sound is in the middle of the word.

Sa: wasp, spit, write, bite, landing, gander, Anfisa.

Ace: pasta, shepherd, will come, cascade, helmet, mask, dangerous.

So: sand, piece, sedge, sock, barefoot, high, belt.

Os: post, wax, bridge, kiosk, tail.

Su: I carry, I pass, dishes.

Mustache: bush, empty, cabbage, August, magician.

Is: squeak, bowl, disk, stork, stork, pianist, tanker.

Sy: scarf, sprinkle, scales, beads, goose.

Ys: performance, exhibition.

Her: place, dough, crowded, cramped, spring.

Yas: clear.

9. Repeat the words where the C sound is at the end of the word.

As: kvass, bass, us, went out, pineapple.

Os: nose, mowing, tray, coconut.

Mustache: taste, cactus, bite, focus, bus, ficus, minus.

Ys: cape, koumiss.

Is: Denis.

Yos: dog, oats, cliff, carried away.

Her: canopy.

10. Repeat words with two C sounds.

Stae, nipple, pine, vinegar, pump, sauce, Susanna, Samson, space, saxophone, vessel, chisel.

11. Repeat phrases.

delicious soup whiskered catfish tall pine

suspension bridge pine bough dry kerchief

mother's beads soft wax high cliff

sleepy pussy honeycomb clear day

skillful magician dangerous ledge pastry

morocco boots empty bowl thick juice

shady garden pineapple juice satin belt

empty bus hearty jelly meat sauce

bus stop broadcloth empty room

Repeat suggestions.

Three words: Wasps in the garden. The catfish has a mustache. The son is eating soup. The shepherd was tending the flock. Denis drinks koumiss. The son is washing the dishes. Sanya washes the dishes.

Four words: There are many wasps in the garden. Sonya eats the soup herself. Anfisa drinks delicious juice. There is a bus on the bridge. The dog eats a piece of meat. Savva cooks soup for a pussycat. The garden has a high bridge. The bench is in the garden. Deniska himself puts on boots.

Five words: There is a tall pine tree in the garden. Under the pine stands the dog Soyka. Sonya has a braid down to her waist. Sonya puts her bag on the bench. At Sanya, the sleds go by themselves. There are two owlets on a pine bough. Stae and Sonya go to the garden. There is a hanging bridge near a tall pine tree. An empty bus is driving across the bridge. Anfisa cooks a delicious lunch herself.

cauliflower delicious candied fruit bobtail highly rated children's costume polar fox hat

Six layers: On Saturday, Stae goes to the garden. Mom cooks delicious soup with cabbage.

Seven words: Sanya has pineapple and cabbage in her bag. Savva has a ficus, and Sonya has a cactus. Sonya and Sanya go to a dog show. Denis puts his scooter by the bench.

Seven words: Sanya has a catfish with a mustache in a jar.

Eight words: We have bushes and tall pines in our garden.

Repeat and guess riddles.

Where there is a nose, there is a tail. (Needle)

Meta, meta - I won’t sweep, They go, they go,

I take it, I take it - I can't take it. (Shadow) And they won't leave the place. (Watch)

8. Repeat the words with the sounds C-C at the beginning of the word.

juice - tsok svetik - steppe flower - chain

goals - boarded saber - heron light - color

9. Repeat words with sounds S - C in the middle of the word.

overshadow - evaluate fox - face ring - wheel

crouched - sight dawn - flourishing

10. Repeat words with sounds S - C at the end of the word.

bass - bam sailor - mattress

11. Repeat words with sounds C-C in one word.




salad bowl

garden flowers blue button chintz scarf garden flower spring flower motley chicken

flock of birds, sleepy chick high acacia, steppe flowers, flower headscarf fresh water

13. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Flowers on stage. Caterpillars are dangerous to flowers. Acacia blossoms in spring.

Four words. Sheep have a bushy tail. The hare eats cauliflower. Many flowers bloom in spring. The train is approaching the station. There are twelve months in a year. Birds make nests in spring. Tits whistle in the bushes. There are many birds in the garden. Acacia blossoms in the garden. Sonya and Sanya laugh. The bird sits on a branch. There are many flowers in the garden. Sonya buys colored buttons. The sun shines in the window. Singers perform on stage.

Five words. Birds sing songs in the garden. On a branch of acacia si-34


1. Repeat isolated sounds S - C.

Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl? The pussy eats soup from the bowl: The pussy is full - the bowl is empty.

Differentiating isolated consonant sounds C - C, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: C - pump, C - the girl asks not to make noise.

2. Repeat direct syllables with sounds C - C.

sa - tsa so - tso su - tsu

tsa - sa tso - so tsu - su

3. Repeat reverse syllables with sounds C - C.

as - ats os - ots us - uc ys - yts

is - ic. yos - yots yus - yuts yas - yats

ats - as ots - os uc - us yts - ys

itz - is yots - yos yuts - yus yats - yas

4. Repeat the syllables where the sounds C - C are between vowels.

asa - atsa aso - atso asu - atsu asy - atsy

wasp - otsa oso - otso osu - otsu osy - otsy

mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache mustache

ysa - ytsa yso - ytso ysu - ytsu ysy - ytso

5. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.

sta - tsta sto - tsto stu - tstu sty - tsy

tsta - one hundred tsto - one hundred tstu - stu tsy - sty

sva - tsva svo - tsvo svu - tsvu svy - tsvy

tsva - sva tsvo - svo tsvu - svu tsvy - svy

sma - tsma smo - tsmo him - tsmu smy - tsmy

tsma - sma tsmo - smo tsmu - him tsma - smy

sleep - tsna sleep - tsno sleep - tsnu dreams - tsna

tsna - sleep tsno - sleep tsnu - sleep tsna - dreams

6. Repeat backward syllables with consonants.

ast - atst ost - oct mouth - uct yst - yct

atst - ast oct - ost uct - mouth yct - yst

asv - acv osv - otsv uev - ucv vysv - ytsv

acv - asv otsv - osv ucv - uev ucv - ysv

7. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants C - C.

stsa - stso - stsu - sts - sts

15. Repeat verses and tongue twisters. I bring soup-soup! And to whom? Psu-psu! A. Shibaev

In the garden, the sleigh of Stas, Vanya.

On a sleigh the Flock rides us. A. Khmeleva

Here are the noses, noses,

Here is the mustache, mustache,

Here are the tails, tails,

Here are the cats.


Su-su-su, su-su-su,

Gander in the shade pass.

Su-su-su, su-su-su,

I bring oats to the goose.

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa,

Empty bowl - no oats.

Su-su-su, su-su-su,

I take my bag home.

Su-su-su, su-su-su,

I bring juice home to Stas. A. Khmeleva

16. Listen to a story. Name the words with the sound S. Retell the story.

Sanya has a new scooter. Sanya thinks: “I will put my foot on the scooter, the scooter will roll me. That’s why he’s a scooter!” Sanya puts his foot on the scooter, but the scooter does not move, Sanya does not roll anywhere.

Rides past Sani Denis on his scooter. "Yeah, that's the way to go!" Sanya thinks. And Sanya rushed on his scooter into the shady garden.

Repeat phrases.

There is no herd without a shepherd: Sysoy has a mustache to the waist. four

Sanya's sleigh rides by itself.


1. Sing a "water song". Say the sound Съ with a smile, for a long time, on one exhale: s-s-s-s...

2. Repeat direct syllables: si-se-sho-syu-sya.

3. Repeat reverse syllables: es-axis-us-ess-is-ess-ess-ess-ess.

4. Repeat the syllables where the sound S is between the vowels.

asi-ase-ase-asyu-asya axis-axis-axis-axis-axis

usi-use-use-usyu-usya ysi-yse-yse-yse-ysy


5. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.

sti-ste-stu-stu-stu ski-ske-skyo-sku-ska



6. Repeat the words where the sound Съ is at the beginning of the word.

C: Sima, Simone, blue, sits, sieve, siphon, blue, bruise, shine, sitting, symphony, shine, blue, turn blue.

Xie: hay, seven, family, seed, sowing, Senya, Seva, network, networks, sow, canopy, mesh, seeds, gray-haired, today, second, sow, family.

Sho: Shoma, salmon.

Xu: suite, over here.

Xia: sit down, here and there.

consonant cluster: poems, back, sleeping, snapshot, pig, mumps, pork, pig breeder, retinue, wall, wall, drain, Stepan, steppe, snow, snowman, snowfall, laughter, change, sour cream, light, Light, shine, scheme, take off.

7. Repeat the words where the sound S is in the middle of the word.

Ash: Vaska.

Axis: string bag, pug, eighth.

C: taxi, aspen, aspen, axes, spout, wear, geese, mow, Maxim, boletus, doggie, antennae, barefoot, Osip, bead, bead.

Si-si-si, zi-zi-zi,

Take it to the winter quarters.

Zya-za-za, sya-sya-sya,

The whole family is in the winter.

Si-si-si, zi-zi-zi, bring basins here. Ze-ze-ze, se-se-se, We do not carry all the basins. Zyu-ziu-ziu, syu-syu-syu, I give the basin to Sena.

Si-si-si, zi-zi-zi,

Take the nails to Kuze.

Ze-ze-ze, se-se-se,

We'll take all the nails.

Sem-sem-sem, earth-earth-earth,

We carry nails, we sing!

9. Listen to a fairy tale. Name the words with the sounds C - Z. retell the story.

Dobry Tuzik

E. Spivak

Chilly in winter. The snow is blowing. Everything is covered in snow. Tuzik sits in the booth, does not get cold. A kitten is walking past the booth.

Meow meow! Let me in, Tuzik, into the booth, I'm cold.

Come on, let's spend the winter together.
A rooster is walking past the booth.

Ko-ko-ko! Let me in, Tuzik, into the booth, I'm cold.

Come on, let's spend the winter together. A turkey is walking past the booth.

Boo Boo Boo! Let me in, Tuzik, into the booth, I'm cold.

Come on, let's spend the winter together.

So they all winter together and do not get cold!

10. Repeat tongue twisters *.

In the winter in the hay Buy, Kuzya, Zina

Not chilly Seine. Sieve in the store.

Kuzma, buy nails.

Zina and Syoma, stay at home!

Take Stepan.

The mistress has eight geese,

Yes, eight pigs.


/. Repeat isolated sounds- 3b.

When differentiating isolated sounds C-Z, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: C - a trickle of water flows from the tap, C - a mosquito rings.

2. Repeat direct syllables with the sounds C - Z.

si - zi se - ze sho - ze syu - ziu sia - zya

zi - si ze - ce ze - sho zyu - syu zya - sya

3. Repeat the syllables where the sounds are С- 3 are between the voices


asi - azi osi - ozy usi - uzi isi - easy

ase - ase ose - ose use - use ise - ize

ase - azyo ose - ozyo useho - uzyo isyo - izyo

asyu - azyu osyu - ozyu usyu - uzyu isyu - izyu

asya - azya osya - ozya usya - uzya isya - izya

sleep - sleep sleep - sleep sleep - sleep sleep - sleep sleep - sleep media - snake sleep - snake sleep - snake sleep - snake sleep - snake svi - call sve - sve svy - svy svy - svyu svy - svya

5. Repeat words with sounds S- 3b.

Sima - winter family - snake turn blue - ring

sevok - yawn sit down - son-in-law

6. Repeat phrases.

blue basin cousin family of eight carnations

gray-haired Kuzma winter steppe Zina's geese

blue star crumpled newspaper Svetin raisin

Cousins ​​goslings Vasina monkey Ashina newspaper

Kuzino's letter from Semin Zina's carnation beads

7. Repeat and guess the riddle.

In winter - a star, in a spring day - water. (Snowflake)

8. Repeat verses and tongue twisters *.

Kuzya is taking Sveta and Zina to the store.

Is: letter.

Xie: autumn, eight, ash, song, songbook, Vasenka, insect, gazebo, mother hen, cassette, fidget, muslin, pouch, pool, hang.

Yes: braid.

Sho: that's it, ribbon.

Xu: everywhere.

Xia: Asya, Vasya, goslings, Tosya, joint, oatmeal, ten, grandfather, grandmother, ten, wear, mow, knead.

8. Repeat the words where the sound S is at the end of the word.
Axis: axis, maybe.

Wus: goose.

Ys: height

Is: inscription, signature, bend over.

Yes: all.

Yus: I'm afraid, I wash, I wash, I get dressed, I get up.

9. Repeat words with two sounds S.

Sit down, seventy, lisp, demolish, mix, laugh, whistle.

10. Repeat phrases.

goose family blue pouch autumn day

eighth house thin aspen spring sowing

blue ribbon gray grandfather steppe geese

crumpled fabric aspen arbor seven wagons

new suit blue bead goose joint

11. Repeat the proverb.

If only this laughter - yes, for everyone.

12. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Asya washes the sieve. Maxim sows seeds. The dog eats sausages. The goose has goslings. Vasya is grazing geese. Senya is carrying a letter. The aspen has a boletus. Seva sings a song. Pigs eat oatmeal. Maxim walks barefoot.

Four words: Senya blows the whistle. Vasya is on the bus. The pig sleeps in the hay. Grandma has ten geese.

Asya has her mother's cassettes. The goslings are sitting on the hay. There is an inscription on Vasya's cassette. Light shines on the wall. Cat Vasenka rolls beads. The sieve hangs on the wall. Senya's cat has a mustache. Grandpa has a blue pouch. The pug sits on the snow. There are seven sausages in the package. Grandma sits under an aspen.

Five words. The cat Vaska sits on an aspen. Seva is visiting today. Asya's window has a thin aspen. Vasya the cat is walking in the snow. Asya brings home an autumn bouquet. My family is sitting in the gazebo.

Six words. Semyon has a lot of salmon in his nets. Asya and Tosya are going in a taxi. The mother hen sits in the passage against the wall. The gray-haired grandfather Semyon has a lot of seeds.

Seven words. Neighbor Vasya goes to visit Maxim.

Repeat and guess riddles.

A sieve is hanging, but it is not twisted by us. (Web)

He will dress everyone, but never himself. (Needle)

Who wears a house? (Snail)

Who has a house on their back? (Snail)

Who walks in a bone suit? (Turtle)

Not fluff, not fur, but will dress everyone. (Cotton)

They go, they go, and everything is here and there. (Watch)

Bunny and goat

According to L. Uspenskaya, M. Uspensky (adapted text)

Zoya has a bunny and a clockwork goat. They bring a goat - she runs along the board. Such a funny one! Zoya takes care of the goat herself. And I completely forgot about my bunny.

Repeat phrases.

Let's launch a satellite into space. Sanya is unfamiliar with the name of the fairy tale.

There is a cart of oats

There is a goat near the cart. Ficus in Zoya's basin.

L. Ulyanitskaya A. Khmeleva

Repeat phrases.

oblique bunny funny dog ​​forgotten bag

Sonina's ABC Clockwork Bus Familiar Gardener

dry umbrella pine wagon shifting sand

spare pump empty building satin curtain

pine hut crumpled belt Saturday sunset

stork nest toothpaste sleepy bunny

sultry August Zoya's emergency exit beads

Repeat suggestions.

Three words. Zoya drinks koumiss. Bunny under a bush. Zoya has beads. The goat eats cabbage. Zoya's dad is a shepherd.

Four words. Sonya has a funny bunny. There is a chest in the hut. Sanya makes riddles to Stas. Sophia rings the bell. The goat eats from the basin. Zoya drinks pineapple juice. The bunny does not eat the saika. Stae knows many fairy tales. Zoya's mother washes the dishes. Zoya has new boots. There are many machines in the factory. The vase is on the windowsill. We have new basins. Cabbage is being brought in. The plant has a high bridge. Sonya buys toothpaste.

Five words. Sonya washes the bunny in the basin. The building has pine trees and bushes. Zoe has a braid down to her waist. Zoya puts the mimosas in a vase. The gardener will plant forget-me-nots near the building. There is a thin satin curtain on the window. Sonya rides a bunny on a sled. Sonya and Zoya drink kvass. Mom bathes Sanya in a basin. Denis shows his scooter to Zoya.

Six words. A vase of mimosas is on the windowsill. In the shady garden of mimosa and forget-me-nots. In Zoya's bag there is an alphabet and a bunny.

Seven words. On a clear day, Zoya will leave the umbrella at home. Zoya puts a glass of juice on the tray.

Repeat and guess riddles.

Toothy, not biting. (Rake)

Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat. (Saw)


Conversation Geese, geese, Ga-ha-ha! Do you want to drink? Yes Yes Yes. - Geese, geese, here is water. - Ha-ha-ha! - Ha-ha-ha!

Fidget Vasenka

Not sitting still

Fidget Vasenka

Everywhere with us together.

Vasenka has a mustache

Gray hair on the mustache

Vasenka's tail is arched

And a stain on the back.

L. Uspenskaya, M. Uspensky

- Geese, geese! - - Ha-ha-ha. - Do you have food, water? And in response to me geese: -Yes! We have food, water, we have goslings. - A lot of them? - Ten!

Si-si-si, si-si-si,

Bring hay to us in the canopy.

Sya-sya-sya, sya-sya-sya,

The aspen has two geese.

Us-us-us, us-us-us,

Two goslings, one goose.

E-e-e, e-e-e,

All the snow melts in spring

Yus-yus-yus, yus-yus-yus, I am not afraid of the Dark.

15. Listen to stories. Name the words with the sound S. Retell the story.

E. Spivak Goose and goslings are sitting in the passage. Asya brings them hay.

Sit, geese, on the hay!

A. Khmeleva

My grandmother has a goose and ten goslings. Goslings are only eight days old. And they are so restless! Do not sit in the hallway on the hay. They will see some kind of insect and run there. Either they run to the booth to the dog, then to the pig.

And today one gosling will sit, sit on the back of the mother goose, slide down, run, run, and again to the mother on the back. These are the grandmother's goslings!

bouncer dog

A. Khmeleva A dog and a gosling are sitting under an aspen. Doggie gosling:

I have a nose like a button. And you have?

I don't have a nose, I have a beak.

And do you have a mustache?

I don't have mustaches.

And I have a mustache, and a tail, and a back in gray hair. And I run barefoot on the water.

And the gosling - into the water and swam away from the bouncer.

sleep - zna zna - sleep sma - zma zma - sma sva - zva zva - sva

Repeat phrases.

Not all songs about the steppe have been sung.

Everyone should sit down and eat together. In the autumn, Senya has a canopy in the hay.

Talk to your neighbor - Kostya mows the hay,

A grey-haired homebody. Senya carries hay in the canopy.

Gray-haired Semyon Semyonov This afternoon we are carrying a letter,

He gives Semyon a ton of hay. Me and Senya from Senya's grandfather.

A. Khmeleva E. Spivak

Autumn, autumn, autumn

At aspens and pines, Goose and goose.

At aspens and pines A. Khmeleva

Autumn, autumn, autumn.

A. Khmeleva


1. Repeat isolated sounds C- 3.

Differentiating isolated consonant sounds C - 3, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: C - pump, 3 - a large mosquito with a bell.

2. Repeat direct syllables with C sounds- 3.

for - sa zo - so zu - su zy - sy

sa - for so - zo su - zu sy - zy


A. Khmeleva

Zoya and mother are walking past the elderberry. They see how the spider weaves a web. But he has no thread! "That's the spider!" Zoya thinks. “And how does a spider weave a web without thread?” And Zoya's mother: “Take a book and find out!”

12. Repeat tongue twisters *.

Kuze and Zine buy new clothes in the store. Buy Kuzya Zina carnations in the store.

The bell rings loudly: Zinaida is unlucky:

Ding-ding-ding! Zina is not taking the train.

Zinaida's name is Zina, Zina has a mosaic,

And Kuzma's name is Kuzey. Zoya has a bunny.

Kuzma, buy nails. Kuzma, take the nails to Kuzma Kuzmin. Yes, Kuzma Fomin.


1. Sing the “mosquito song.” Say sound 3 for a long time on one exhale: z-z-z ...

2. Repeat direct syllables: for-zo-zu-zy.

3. Repeat reverse syllables: az-oz-uz-yz-iz-ez-ez-yuz-yaz*.

Repeat phrases.

new umbrella hot day clockwork goat

funny bunny ringing call Zoina idea

new basins dinner party dark nook

familiar music funny kitten flossing
familiar musician

Repeat suggestions.

Three words. Zoya has a goat. Zoya has an umbrella. Zoya buys the alphabet. Zoya makes riddles. Zoya's dad is a musician.

Four words. Zoya knows a lot of mysteries. Zoya is late for class. Zoya shows the alphabet to the bunny. The zone bunny's name is Znayka. Mom gives Zoya a new umbrella.

Five words. Pheasants drink water from a basin. Aunt Zoya rings the bell. Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella. A lot of castles are being carried on the cart. Aunt Zoya does not have an umbrella. Zoya is a bunny, a bully and a smartass.

Six words. The castle has many forget-me-nots and mimosas. Mom asks Zoya a riddle about a bunny.

Repeat and guess riddles.

He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut. (Door)

He walks in the hallway, but does not go into the hut. (Door)

You are after her - she is from you,

You are from her - she is behind you. (Shadow)

Has no language, but whoever visits - He knows a lot. (Newspaper)

Four words. Zina rings the bell. Mom ties Zina a bow. Zina makes riddles for Zoya. Zina has a clockwork bunny. Zinaida has a fidget goat. Zoya buys goat down. The hostess has an oak hut. Zoe has green eyes. There are funny monkeys in the zoo.

Five words. Kuzya and Zina buy a snake. Zoya spends the winter in a cozy winter hut. Zina's bell rings loudly. Tuzik has a newspaper in his mouth. Zina comes home for Zoya. Zina goes to the zoological museum.

Six words. Zoya and Zina are on the train. Zoya and Zina know many riddles. Aunt Zoya buys a basin in the store. Mom will prepare a lot of compotes for the winter.

Seven words. On a hot day, Zina walks under an umbrella. Zoya has mimosa and carnations in a vase.

Eight words. Mom and Zoya go shopping.

10. Repeat the verses.

Zoya the alphabet is given, Lisa's mother, Zina's mother

She knows letters. We visited the store.

Zina does not know the letters, they bought a bunny for Liza,

Yawns in class. And Zina-mosaic.

A. Khmeleva E. Alifanova, N. Egorova

11. Listen to stories. Name the words with sounds 3 - Зъ.
Retell the stories.

The bell is ringing

E. Spivak

A ringing bell rings. He invites Kuzya, Zina and Zoya to classes. Children have new alphabets.

Zoya and Zina

E. Spivak

Zoya and Zina know many riddles. Zina makes them to Zoya, and Zoya to Zina. Zina guesses Zoya's riddles, and Zoya Zinina's.


/. Repeat isolated sounds 3 - Зъ.

Differentiating isolated sounds 3 - Zb, it is recommended to use pictures-symbols: 3 - a large mosquito with a bell, Zb - a small mosquito with a bell.

2. Repeat direct syllables with sounds 3 - Zb.

for - zya zo - zyo zu - zyu zy - zi

zya - for ze - zo zyu - zu zi - zy

3. Repeat the syllables where the sounds 3 - 3 are between the voice

aza - azya oza - ozya uza - uzya yza - yzya

azo - azo ozo - ozyo uzo - uzyo yzo - yze

azu - azyu ozu - ozyu uzu - uzyu yzu - izyu

basics - azi ozy - ozy ties - uzi yzy - yzi

4. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.

knowing - knowing knowing - knowing v knowing - knowing knowing - knowing

Zma - snake Zmo - snake Zmu - snake snake - snake

call - call call - call call - call call - call

back - back - back - back - back - back - back

5. Repeat words with sounds 3 - Z at the beginning of the word.

6. Repeat words with sounds 3 - Z in the middle of the word.

goat - Kuzya carts - carry.

7. Repeat words with sounds 3 - Зъ in one word.

Ring, star, stars, import, stellar, gape, hibernate, skid, starfall, zigzag, starship, stargazer, turn green, freeze, load.

8. Repeat phrases.

winter sunset funny monkey forgotten newspaper

starry sky zoological museum green eyes

9. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Kuzma hammers nails. Cousin dad is a musician. Under the elderberry stutter.

12. Repeat verses and tongue twisters:

Two goats and two bison In the hut of a hare

They trampled all the lawns. A bully and a know-it-all.

E. Alifanova, N. Egorova

There is a goat, a goat-rigid, For-for-for, for-for-for,

For-for-for, for-for-for. Zoya the goat is coming.

The bunny goes with the goat

Zoy-zoy-zoy, zoy-zoy-zoy. The curl of that goat.

Zoya. leads a bunny, a goat, Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu,

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu. I'll give water to the goat.

A. Khmeleva For-for-for, for-for-for

At the hut in the shade is a goat.

14. Repeat tongue twisters *.

Buffaloes in the pen, Mimosa at the hut,

And the goats in the paddock. At the goat's hut.

Aunt Zoya won't forget Aunt Zoya gives

Solve a riddle for Zoe. Zoe umbrella from the heat.

Basins on carts, Goats under mimosas

The carts have two goats. They eat mimosa.


1. Sing the “mosquito song”. Say the sound Зъ with a smile,

for a long time, on one exhalation: z-z-z...

2. Repeat direct syllables: zi-ze-zi-zi-zi.

3. Repeat the syllables where the sound Зъ is between the vowels.

azi-aze-azyo-azyu-azya ozi-oze-ozyo-ozyu-ozya

uzi-uze-uzyo-uzyu-uzya yzy-yze-yze-yzyu-yzya


4. Repeat direct syllables with a confluence of consonants.


5. Repeat the words where the sound Зъ is at the beginning of the word.

Zee: winter, Zina, winter quarters, wintering, wintering.

Ze: yawn, zenith, onlooker.

Zya: chilly, chilly.

consonant cluster: snake, snake, snake, ring, link, ring.

6. Repeat the words where the sound Зъ is in the middle of the word.

Zee: shop, gasoline, elderberry, carry, Tuzik, basin, Asia, visit, gymnasium, division.

Ze: museum, newspaper.

Ride: monkey, monkey, monkey.

Zyo: lucky, snow.

Zyu: raisin, raisin.

Zya: master, hostess, booger, chill, Kuzya.

Uz: Kuzma.

Confluence consonants: nails, carnation, take, all-terrain vehicle.

7. Repeat phrases.

winter day cozy winter hut smart monkey

goat down underground passage poisonous snake

thin nail new newspaper winter weather

winter holidays skinny Tuzik new store

water taxi

A. Khmeleva There is a goose and seven goslings on the water. One gosling sits on the back of a goose. Children stand by the water and think:

Is the gosling afraid of water?

No, this gosling is somehow special, so his mother goose rides on her back. The goose's back is like a water taxi.

Repeat phrases.

A wasp doesn't have whiskers, it has antennae.

The hay would still sleep on the hay.

Ten owls are sitting on a pine tree.

Seven owlets will sit here.

A stork with storks sit on an ash tree.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Barefoot Sysoy mows hay with a scythe

There are seven kittens on the bench, All the kittens want to eat.

Under the snow - a sheaf of hay, And a haystack under the snow.

Seven owlets, seven owlets Sitting on a branch of a pine tree. A. Khmeleva

Senya carries hay in the canopy. Senya will sleep in the hay.

Not eight at all on a cliff of pines Not eight at all, but seven.

Sanya and Sonya mow hay,

Asya and Nastya are carried in the canopy,

They carry, they carry hay in the canopy,

Senya will sleep in the hay.

Delicious juice at Senya, It's dark outside the window,

Delicious soup at Sonya. The children have been sleeping for a long time

Senya eats Sonya's soup, but the owls are still awake,

Sonya drinks juice from Senya. They sit on branches in the garden.

A. Khmeleva A. Khmeleva

Denis and Sonya

E. Spivak

Sonya has a snow scooter, and Denis has a sled. Sonya and Denis go to the garden along the bridge. The whole garden is covered in snow: pine trees, bushes, and benches. Everything sleeps under the snow! Sonya rides Denis on a snow scooter, and Denis rides Sonya on a sled.

Grandma's birthday

E. Spivak Today is Grandma's birthday. She cooks delicious saiki.

Sima and Vasya help her.

Grandmother and grandchildren prepare saiki from the dough. Children put them on themselves

into the oven. Saiki are ready. Granny will treat the whole family with saiqi.

Visiting Aunt Sonya

E. Spivak Mom has a son Savva. Savva is five years old. He puts on his own suit, socks and boots. Today, the son and mother are going to visit Aunt Sonya by bus. Aunt Sonya's house by the shady garden.

Aunt Sonya and mother prepare delicious soup and meat under a canopy. Aunt pussy and Savva are sitting in the garden on a bench under a tall pine tree. Savva sings songs to the pussy, and mom and Aunt Sonya sing along.


A. Khmeleva Sonya has a letter from Senya. Senya is resting with grandfather Semyon. At

Grandfather Semyon has geese, a pig and a dog. Senya helps grandfather pasture the geese. And today Senya and grandfather will go for haymaking. grandfather will carry

scythe, and Senya a string bag with food. Grandfather Semyon will mow a lot of hay.

8. Repeat the sentences.

Three words. Kuzi has a newspaper. The hostess has raisins. Kuzma has a monkey. In winter, snow blows. Zinaida will put on an zipun. The owner delivers gasoline.

Four words. Zina spends the winter in a winter hut. Kuzma goes to the museum. At the house of Zina elderberry. Acey yawns at the store.

Five words. Kuzya gives nails to grandfather Zinovy. Zina leads Tuzik on the vodka. Kuzya will buy raisins in the store.

Six words. Mom and Kuzya are going to the museum.

9. Repeat verses and tongue twisters *.

The horse is taking me to the store, ringing with its hooves.

Zi-zi-zi, zi-zi-zi,

Take the nails to Kuze,

Zu-Zu-Zu, Zu-Zu-Zu,

I'll take a highlight.

A snowstorm sweeps in winter,

My master will not be cold.

The owner has an oak house,

The owner has a new house.

10. Repeat tongue twisters.

There are no carnations in the vase, there are carnations in the vase.

Takes Kuzya Zina to a new store.

I'm going by train to Zina and my grandfather.

Kuzma Kuzmin has one elderberry near the house.


1. Imitate the girl who asks not to make noise. Pronounce-

ti sound Ts clearly, abruptly, on one exhale: ts-ts-ts...

2. Repeatreverse syllables: ats-ots-uts-yts-its-ets-yots-yuts-yats.

3. Repeat the words where the sound Ts is at the end of the word. Ah: bam.

Yetz: fighter, end, father, singer, dance, chick, Indian, little finger, blacksmith, Chinese, German, merchant, messenger.

Yats: clown, hare.

4. Repeat the words where the sound Ts is in the middle of the word.

Tsa: sheep, bird, singer, button, unity, marten, smart girl, hunter, fashionista, water, girl, dungeon, bear, Friday, cavalry.

Tso: egg, crimson.

Tsy: dances, fathers, singers, ends, chicks, buttons, Germans, teeth, stubby.

Qi: acacia, aviation.

Tse: hook, hook, score.

5. Repeat direct syllables: tsa-tso-tsu-tsy-tse.

No. 3 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Words: Sasha, six, drying, highway, sun, machinist, sixteen, plug, sixty, chess player, six hundred, traveler, shepherd, shepherdess, prank, rhyme, glass, fluffy, son, smile, old woman, successfully, obedient, coward, silent, chuckle, freckles.
  2. Score 1-10 - son, chess player, shepherd, old woman.
  3. Learning tongue twisters:

Checkers on the table, pine cones.

Sashka's hat knocked the bumps off.

4. Conjugation (I, You, We, You, He, She, they) in present. time:

Knock pine cones.

Collect pine cones.

No. 4 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Phrases: Natasha's freckles, cheerful shepherd boy, obedient baby, fluffy cat, funny rhymes, dangerous journey, a luxurious box, a vociferous nightingale, a gentle sun, a fragrant lily of the valley, a fluffy earflap, dried pears, funny nursery rhymes, a mowed meadow, a noisy highway, reeds rustle, forest edge, ripe cherries.
  2. Related words: Laugh - laughter, chuckle, chuckle, funny, mockery, grin, funny. Hurry - haste, hastily, hasty.
  3. Present conjugation (I, You, You, We, He, She, They): Hurry along the highway and eat dryers. Whisper a funny rhyme in your grandmother's ear. Dry down pillows in the sun.

No. 2 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Syllables: sa-sha, so-sho, sy-shi, su-shu, sha-sa, sho-so, shi-sy, shu-su, sash, sosh, sush, sysh, shas, ​​shos, shus, shis.
  2. Isolation of sounds С, Ш in words:

satin, walk, pour, rustle, litter, hiss, make noise, dry, raw, well-fed, vermicelli, cornflowers, sour cream, potatoes, reel, mop, root, edge, new settlers, leaves.

  1. Add the syllable SI or SHI: gu (si), pru (shi), lo (si), small (shi), take out (si), shaking (si), voro (shi), roof (shi).
  2. Form new words with prefixes C-, CO-: interfere - mix, ask - ask, sewed - sewed, dances - dances, sew - sew, draw - sketch, carry - take down, write - write off, take - collect, shake - shake .

No. 7 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Offers: Cars are speeding down the highway. Leaves rustle in the garden. Pears are drying on the roof. Mice rustle in the barn. The cat is basking in the sun. Tall pines rustle in the forest. A fragrant lily of the valley blossomed at the edge of the forest. The vociferous nightingale sings in the garden. The bushes were covered with snow. Aspens quietly rustle in autumn forest. Natasha found a colorful scarf.
  2. Proverbs: Don't hurry with your tongue, hurry with your deeds. As you lay down, so you sleep. In a harmonious herd, the wolf is not terrible. AT cloudy weather don't dry the hay. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than the native side. A good gardener, good and pears. Cat - toys, mouse - tears. Hurry up and make people laugh.

No. 3 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Words: dry, audible, nimble, nightingale, hastily, chance, rustle, procession, pole, staff, invasion, wool, pole, funny, haste, pestle, plug.
  2. Score 1-10 - traveler, plug.
  3. Learning to speak:

Our big fluffy cat is sitting on the window,

And your little funny cat leaves the window.

4. Selection of signs and actions for the sounds С, Ш to the subject:

The cat (what?) is big, fluffy, funny, eared, plush. What is he doing? Hurries, breathes, plays pranks, sleeps, eats.

5. "Guess the word" (missing C or W):

Apka, .nk, .uba, .om, .mka, .lem, .ova, .aiba, .ol, .umit, .ok, .up, .um, .pat, du., kva., anana., kamy., comp., we..

No. 11 Sounds S-Sh

Russian folk tongue twisters:

Cheerful Savely, move the hay.

They gave Glasha yogurt, and Glasha had porridge.

Oak oaky, broad-leaved.

Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Sashka hit the bumps with his hat.

Even though the pike is sharp, it won't eat the ruff off its tail.

Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole.

Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese.

At the edge of the hut live old chatterboxes.

Every old woman has a basket. There is a cat in every basket.

Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

No. 5 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Phrases: rustling in silence, rustling in the barn, heard in the garden, rushing to school, drying on a hanger, rushing along the highway, fluffy snow is falling, a loud noise is heard, Misha's coat is hanging, a cheerful song is heard.
  2. The story "Pine" (memorization or retelling):

Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine cones. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. And high, at the very top, there are big cones. Cones with noise fall down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine. Sasha and Masha raise the cones. With a package of cones, they rush home. And from behind comes the sound of a pine forest.

  1. Isolation of words from the story: with the sounds "S", "Sh" in one word; with the sound "C"; with a "sh" sound.

No. 6 Sounds S-Sh

  1. Count 1-10 with the phrases: fluffy pine, pine cone, foamy shampoo, blue shawl.
  2. Present conjugation: (I, You, He, She, They)

Hurry to the forest for pine cones.

Hurry home from the forest with pine cones.

Whisper a funny story in your grandfather's ear.

  1. Pronunciation of sentences:

Sasha hurries along the highway and carries dryers.

The driver hurries along the highway and carries drying.

Traveler …. Shepherd.... Shepherdess….

  1. Selection of items for signs:

Funny (-th, -th). Fragrant (th, -th). Silent (th, -th).

No. 8 Sounds S-Sh

Tongue Twisters:

There are six rascals in the hut. Sasha's hat knocked the bumps off.

Mother gave Sasha whey from curdled milk.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof

and your gray cat was sitting higher.

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies,

Two worse mice carried two pennies each.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Our sail is sewn to the conscience. The storm won't scare us.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers. Sasha dried about six.

And the old women of Sasha's dryers are in a funny hurry to eat.

A rustle in the reeds is heard - it makes noise in the ears.

One hundred fearless frogs frighten the heron in a whisper.

No. 9 Sounds S-Sh


- Speak quieter! - ask the little mice.

Don't make noise early in the morning. The cat sleeps in the corner of the couch...

At night we played tag in a damp basement with a cat

Do not wake our cat - let him rest a little.

The mouse dried the dryers. The mouse invited mice.

Drying mice began to eat, their teeth were immediately broken.

Five merry frogs hurry about their business.

While it's wet, while it's puddle, you need to jump to the river.

If you meet frogs, do not interfere, they are in a hurry.

I took a teddy bear under my arm.

I sat in the bath and went for soap.

I looked back - oh, oh, oh! My bear got mad.

No. 10 Sounds S-Sh

Curdled milk was given to the Clan - Klasha is dissatisfied:

- I don’t want curdled milk, just give me porridge.

They gave us porridge instead of yogurt.

- I don’t want just porridge like that, without yogurt.

They gave our Clasha porridge along with yogurt.

Ate, ate Klasha porridge with yogurt.

She ate and got up. "Thank you," she said.

The little mouse is dreaming nightmare that he is not a mouse, but an elephant.

That he came to Africa, lay down in an elephant's bed.

I began to sleep and there I saw a dream that he was a mouse, not an elephant,

And that he is not sleeping in Africa, but at home he is again.

"What a terrible dream I have!" - waking up in a dream

He thought and asked half asleep: "Am I an elephant or a mouse?"


Zhikhareva-Norkina Yu.B.


Once Zhenya caught a beetle. The beetle was big and green. Zhenya put the beetle in his pocket, but the beetle flew out.

The beetle began to spin and buzz: zhu-zhu-zhu! Zhenya got scared and ran away.


1) Who did Zhenya catch?

2) What was the beetle?

3) Where did Zhenya put the beetle?

4) What did the beetle do?

5) Why did Zhenya run away?


1) Who else can buzz?

2) What beetles do you know?

Masha cat

Natasha had a cat Masha. The cat had six kittens.

One day a cockerel flew in through the window. Masha the cat hissed and rushed at the cockerel. She decided that the cockerel could harm the kittens.

Natasha heard a hiss and a cock's cry, ran up and drove the cockerel out of the house. Then she came up, stroked and calmed the cat Masha and the kittens.


1) Who lived the cat Masha?

2) How many kittens did the cat have?

3) Who once flew into the window?

4) Why did the cat Masha hiss and rush to the cockerel?

5) What did Natasha hear?

6) What did she do?


1) What does a cat feed small kittens?

2) What animal is a cat?

3) What benefits does a cat bring to a person?

In the garden

Jeanne was walking in the garden. There were many wasps in the garden.

Here one wasp flies and buzzes. She circled over the chamomile and sat on it. Jeanne came closer and began to look at the wasp. She saw a stinger on the striped belly of the wasp.

Jeanne could not resist and held out her finger to the wasp. The wasp suddenly flew up and stung Jeanne. Zhanna was in pain, but she tried not to cry and ran home to her mother to burn the bite with greenery.


1) Where did Jeanne walk?

2) Who flew and buzzed in the garden?

3) Where did the wasp land?

4) What did Jeanne see on the striped belly of the wasp?

5) What did Zhanna do, unable to resist?

6) What did the wasp do unexpectedly?

7) Why did Jeanne run home to her mother?


1) Why can a wasp sting?

2) Who else can sting?

Misha - teddy bear

Winter came, white snow fell.

Misha rejoices in winter. Fun in winter: snowballs and snowmen, sleds and skates.

Dad bought Misha skis. Mom sewed Misha a warm coat. Grandmother knitted a colored hat, scarf and mittens.

Misha put it all on and became like a funny bear cub.


1) When did the snow fall?

2) Why is Misha happy about winter?

3) What did dad buy Misha?

4) What did mom sew for Misha?

5) What did grandma knit?

6) Who does Misha look like in clothes?


1) What is the big holiday in winter?

2) What do you wear in winter?

3) Name the winter months.


There is a stable in the village. Many horses live there. A red foal was born to the horse Ryzhukha. They named him Ryzhik.

The redhead takes care of her foal, feeds it with milk, licks it. Ryzhik's legs are weak, he even barely stands.

Gradually, Ryzhik got stronger, became a big foal. Now he runs after Redhead everywhere and does not lag behind his mother.


1) Who lives in the stable? 2) What foal was born to the horse Ryzhukha?

3) What was his name?

4) How did Redhead take care of the foal?

5) Why did Ryzhik barely stand?

6) What happened to Ryzhik then?


1) What animal is a horse?

2) What benefit does it bring to a person?

Alyosha and the beetle

Alyosha was walking in the garden. flew big beetle to Alyosha. Alyosha, frightened, sat down on the ground, and the beetle in his hair buzzed and buzzed.

Alyosha cried. But the beetle cannot fly away, it is tangled in Alyosha's hair. And Alyosha and the beetle made such a fuss together!

Grandmother heard the noise, went up to Alyosha. She pulled the beetle out of her hair, and the beetle flew away. “Shame on you, Alyosha, to cry. Oh, you scared the beetle!” - said the grandmother.


1) Where did Alyosha walk?

2) Who ran into Alyosha?

3) What did Alyosha do out of fright?

4) Why did the beetle buzz in Alyosha's hair and not fly away?

5) Who approached Alyosha?

6) What did grandma do?

7) What did grandma say then?

hedgehog at school

Sasha brought a hedgehog to school. He put the hedgehog on the floor. The hedgehog lay motionless. When the schoolchildren moved a few steps away from him, the hedgehog ran into a corner and hid under a cupboard.

Six days have passed. The hedgehog was no longer afraid of anyone and ran around the classroom. The hedgehogs were well fed.

So the hedgehog lived at school for six weeks. Then the hedgehog was released.


1) Who brought the hedgehog to school?

2) Where did Sasha put the hedgehog?

3) How was the hedgehog?

4) What did the hedgehog do when the schoolchildren moved away from him?

5) How many days did the hedgehog get used to children?

6) How many weeks did the hedgehog live at school?


The kids went to their grandfather's apiary for honey without permission. They lifted the lid of the hive, and they themselves say: “Funny grandfather, he doesn’t put watchmen to guard the honey.” And the bee is right there:

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I look around,

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I'll tell my grandfather,

Zhu-zhu-zhu - I will please you in the nose.

Asa it flies another, third. The kids got scared and ran away. Grisha says: “Honey is good, but there are a lot of watchmen! They fly and buzz: I will say, I will say, I will say.


1) Where did the kids go without permission?

2) What did they say when they lifted the lid of the hive?

3) What are the kids afraid of?

4) What did Grisha say about honey?


Andryusha's grandparents live in the village. In the summer, Andryusha lived with them. Andryusha wrote a letter home:

"Father and mother! Here comes the haymaking. I go to hay every day. Once we went with grandfather to distant meadows. I lay in the hay. In the bushes stood our jug ​​of milk. I lie down and see: two large snakes are crawling towards me. I was terrified, I lie quietly, I do not move. The snakes are getting closer and closer to the jug. One of them has already put her head in the jar. Grandpa came over. He said: “Why are you, Andryusha, lying and not seeing how snakes drink milk? Oh, you're already scared! The snakes are not terrible, they have no poison.


1) Where do Andryushin's grandparents live?

2) When did Andryusha live with them?

3) Where did Andryusha write the letter?

4) Where does Andryusha go every day?

5) Where was Andryusha lying?

6) What was in the bushes?

7) Who approached the jug?

8) What did grandfather Andryusha say?

After school

Masha came from school. My grandmother and younger brother were at home.

Grandma fed Masha lunch. After that, Masha found a book with fairy tales and read it to her grandmother and brother.

Grandmother and brother listened attentively to the story. It was a good story! Yes, and Masha read well: quickly and without errors.


1) Where did Masha come from?

2) Who was at home?

3) What did grandma do?

4) To whom did Masha read a book with fairy tales?

5) How did grandmother and brother listen to Masha?

6) How did Masha read?

Thrifty hedgehog

Serezhin's grandfather worked as a watchman. He guarded the orchard.

One day, grandfather put some good pears and apples on the bedding. At this time, Seryozha called his grandfather to have dinner. Grandfather came again to the garden and sees: there are fewer pears and apples.

Grandfather decided to trace who was carrying pears and apples.

Suddenly, grandfather saw a hedgehog on the path. The hedgehog went up to the bedding and lay down with his back right on the pears and apples. One pear and one apple pricked the hedgehog on needles.

The hedgehog went back along the path, and grandfather quietly followed him. The hedgehog came to his nest and put a pear and an apple there. Grandfather saw a lot of pears and apples there.


1) What was Serezhin's grandfather guarding?

2) What did grandfather once put on the mat?

3) Where did Seryozha call grandfather?

4) What did grandfather see when he returned?

5) What did grandfather decide to do?

6) How did the hedgehog carry fruit?

7) Where did the hedgehog put apples and pears?


Seryozha has a dog named Sharik. They live together.

Seryozha goes to school, and Sharik runs after him. Seryozha is studying at school, and Sharik lies in the yard, waiting for Seryozha.

Schoolchildren are coming from school, and Sharik is running with them, barking merrily.

Sharik does not lag behind Seryozha: he even plays football with the guys. It’s good and fun for everyone: Sharik, Seryozha, and the guys.


1) Who lives with Seryozha?

2) How do Seryozha and Sharik live?

3) What does Sharik do when Seryozha is at school?

4) What is Sharik playing with Seryozha and the guys?

5) Who is feeling good and having fun?


1) What season is in the picture?

2) How did you guess?

3) Name the autumn months.

That's how I ride!

The children came from school. They took skis and sleds and went for a walk.

Gosha called the dog Druzhka, took the reins and harnessed Druzhka to the sled. Gosha got into the sled and began to drive Druzhka. Druzhok rolled Gosha around the yard.

Suddenly, a cat ran down the path. My friend saw her, rushed and ran after her. The reins broke, the sled overturned, and Gosha fell into a snowdrift.

Gosha's hat fell off, and a lot of snow got into his fur coat and mittens.

The children laughed: “That’s how I rode!”


1) Where did the children come from?

2) What did they go for a walk with?

3) Who did Gosha harness to the sled?

4) Where did Gosha Druzhok ride?

5) Who did Druzhok run after?

6) What happened to Gosha, with his hat, fur coat and mittens?

The cat and the lark

On the roof of the barn, curled up in a ball and tucking its paws, the cat was sleeping. A lark sat on the roof near the cat and began to smooth out the feathers.

The cat woke up, but did not immediately open its eyes. First she listened to where the lark was sitting and what he was doing. Then she opened her eyes a little and got ready to jump.

The cat rushed at the lark, but he managed to fly up.

Birds should not sit next to a cat, even if she is sleeping. Cats are cunning animals.


1) How did the cat sleep on the roof of the barn?

2) What was the lark doing on the roof?

3) What did the cat listen to with its eyes closed?

4) Why did the cat open its eyes?

5) Why didn't the cat catch the lark?

6) Why can't birds sit next to a cat?


1) Name other pets besides cats.

2) What kind of birds does the lark belong to?

3) What migratory birds do you know?


In winter, there is a lot of snow in the yard. The children made a snow slide. Everyone is skating, except Zhenya. Zhenya doesn't have a snowmobile.

Grandpa, buy me a snow scooter, please. We built a snow slide, but I don't have a snow scooter!

Okay, Grandpa says.

The next day, grandfather and Zhenya went to a sports store and chose a snow scooter: yellow, with a hard wide seat.

Zhenya immediately ran with him into the yard and rode down the hill all day.


1) What did the children do in the yard in winter?

2) Why didn't Zhenya ride down the hill?

3) What did Zhenya ask his grandfather?

4) Where did grandfather and Zhenya go to buy a snow scooter?

5) What snow scooter did Zhenya buy?

6) What did Zhenya do all day?

By ski

George was six years old. Dad bought him skis.

Zhorik put on his skis and went up the hill. But the skis did not go up at Zhorik. Then Zhorik took off his skis, picked them up and went up the hill on foot.

Zhorik's friends were skiing down the hill. They helped Zhorik put on his skis and showed him how to go down.

Zhorik went and immediately fell. The second time he also fell, but not immediately. Then Zhorik drove down the hill well.

Zhorik came home satisfied: he already knew how to ski down the hill.


1) How old was Zhorik when dad bought him skis?

2) Where did Zhorik go skiing?

3) How did Zhorik climb the hill?

4) Who rode down the hill?

5) How did friends help Zhorik?

6) How did Zhorik learn to slide down the hill?

7) Why did Zhorik come home happy?

Grandpa Sasha

Grandpa Sasha lived in the forest. He guarded the forest: he watched that people did not spoil plants, did not offend animals.

Grandpa Sasha's hut was good, big. Granddaughter Natasha lived there in the summer.

Natasha cooked lunches and dinners for her grandfather, looked after the garden, and helped grandfather Sasha in the forest.


1) Where did grandfather Sasha live?

2) What was he doing in the forest?

3) What kind of hut did grandfather Sasha have?

4) Who lived with Sasha's grandfather in the summer?

5) What did Natasha do?


1) What did grandfather Sasha work in the forest?

2) What animals live in our forests?

3) What can be grown in the garden?

in winter

There is a mountain behind the school. In winter it is covered with snow.

All day long there are a lot of kids on the mountain: both older and younger.

Here Antosha and his dog Fluff sat on a sled and rolled down. The sled is going fast down the mountain. The gun is a little scary, but Antosha is cheerful.


1) What is behind the school?

2) What mountain in winter?

3) Who are many on the mountain in winter all day long?

4) What does Antosha sit down with the dog Fluff?

5) Why is Pushuk a little scared, but Antosha is fun?


1) How can you guess that the picture is winter?

2) What can you do outside in winter?


One autumn Pasha found a crane behind the garden. The crane's wing was broken. He couldn't fly, only walked clumsily.

Pasha took the crane to his home and began to look after him.

Pasha called the crane Zhurka.

Zhurka gradually recovered. He got used to Pasha and funny followed him everywhere.

In the spring, Zhurka, who had grown up and recovered, flew away from Pasha to his family.


1) Whom did Pasha find behind the garden in autumn?

2) What was broken at the crane?

3) What could the crane do?

4) What did Pasha do?

5) What did Pasha call the crane?

6) What did Zhurka do funny?

7) What happened in the spring?

Christmas tree

Soon it will be New Year's Eve. Schoolchildren are in a hurry to make toys for the Christmas tree and decorations for the hall.

Here are ready-made toys: a mouse, a teddy bear and a hedgehog. They were molded from clay and painted by Sasha Bushuev. Sasha loves to sculpt. It can even blind a giraffe, a cat and a monkey.

Sasha and other schoolchildren will hang their toys on the Christmas tree, decorate the hall with rain and balloons. The school will be beautiful, and the New Year will be fun!


1) What will be at school soon?

2) What are the students in a hurry to do?

3) Whom did Sasha Bushuev blind from clay?

4) Who can Sasha blind?

5) How will schoolchildren decorate the Christmas tree and the hall?

6) Why do we need toys, rain and balls?


1) When is the New Year?

2) What is Christmas?

3) What do you need to celebrate the New Year?


cha-tsa cho-tso chu-tsu chi-tsy che-tse

tsa-cha tso-cho tsu-chu tsy-chi tse-che

ach-at ech-ets ats-ah ots-och

uts-uch yats-yach ts-ich ets-ech

ich-its och-ots uch-uts yach-yats

Pilot, student, mustard, wolf, poultry, excellent student, thrush, clinic, lentils, chicks, teacher, inkwell, chicken.

dacha-eggs shoulder-face melon-sheep

checks-chains jaw-whole booty-vodica

Czech-workshop strike-compass sword-reaper

gull-heron hotter-salce buckwheat-walnut

Black starling, clean street, foreign button, black chicken, brown mittens, pure water, prickly flowers, excellent singer, foreign border, baked eggs, hot pepper, sensitive hare, evening sun, fourth finger, chiseled ring, whole cup, tenacious hook .

The sun bakes. Vova cleaned the egg. Cherry blossoms. The cavalry is galloping. I want to drink tea. The blacksmith forges hot metal. There are bricks on the porch. Learning is always helpful. The birds have sung, the flowers have bloomed. A bug on a chain by the porch. A sparrow chirps on an acacia tree. The coachman sat down on the beam. The carriage rushes: tsok-tsok-tsok. At the mill, the river is angry.


On the window a prickly flower

Looks around.

You better not touch him -

It hurts very badly.


Silent over the forest thunder thundering

Three whole hours ago.

But mushrooms just in case

They look from under umbrellas.

(V. Orlov)

6. Exercise


A bee sits on a flower

How small she is.

Picks up sweet juice

Our bee in the proboscis.

And the flower sways

She doesn't like it.

(K. Bykova)

First worm

The chicken led the chickens to teach the worms to search.

There are all kinds of worms, and it’s not easy to find them, the chicken taught.

Eight chickens listened to the chicken. And the two chickens didn't listen. They rushed to look for the worm. I really wanted to be the first to find the worm.

One chick tripped over something and fell.

This is the worm, - the chicken shouted.

We'll dig it up and take it to these fools. After much labor, the chickens finally dug up the worm and carried the worm to their brothers.

That's what a worm is, - said the chickens and threw ... a nail.

(According to M. Petrov)


sha-cha sho-cho shu-cha schi-chi

cha-cha cho-cho choo-choo

che-shchi che-che

ash-ah osch-och usch-uch ysh-ych

yash-yach yusch-yuch isch-ich still-ech

ach-ash och-osch uch-usch ych-ysch

cell-box yuch-yusch ich-isch ech-esch

Thicket, cleaner, cheek, pike, box, little thing, puppy, hands, sliver, brush, students, grinder, watchmaker, little cheek, wolf, screaming, bored.

Cha-cha, shu-choo

dense-heap forest-cloud squeak-print treat-sway

illuminate-candle place-mark pop-meet

dragging-grinding treat-silent pike-chock

Che - what

rosary brush

paved - soaked polished - chiselled condensed - smoked

Shchi - chi

shield-siskin pincers-shoulders racer-hound box-ball

drag-sharpen cracks-growls bream-treat squeaks-mumbles

peel-get a gizmo-wolf search-teacher

Che - Che

slit-swing slit-swing

sliver-bonnet gorge-learning

goldfinch-case stubble-four

Black puppy, brown coat, foreign things, juicy vegetables, mailbox, spiky brush, cleanroom, bird chirping, sturdy shield, milk food, smoked pike, hot cheek, wonderful treat.

More often rooks. Misha has a box. A plaque is nailed to the door. A wolf roams in the forest. The boy has a brush. The porter carries things. The candle barely illuminated the hut. The buffet has condensed milk and smoked sausage. The watchmaker, narrowing his eyes, repairs the watch for us. I brush the puppy with a brush, I tickle his sides. The snow has melted in the sun, the rays shine in the puddles. I'll boil the samovar and treat you to sweet tea. Magpie met us and cracked loudly. Firewood crackles cheerfully in the stove. The young grove rang, bird voices sounded.


I saw a snowdrop in the autumn forest

Where the hare dragged the fox along the edge

And the wolf followed the hunter.

I heard: the hunter chattered his teeth,

I heard him "Help!" shouted

And laughed out loud with fear!

Yesterday I went on foot for firewood,

Grass was green under the snow.

I did not bring a whole load of firewood from the forest

And rubbed his frostbitten nose in the heat!

(T. Belozerov)


We have a puppy. He is black, and therefore he has the nickname Chernysh. Chernysh lives in a closet. There is a box in the closet. He sleeps in a box. The puppy is very naughty. Chernysh drags things into the closet. You can find anything there. Cloak, brushes, stockings, planks... In summer Blackie runs around in the yard.

6. Exercise. Learn the poem by heart.

The sun is smiling

In a thousand rays

The sun illuminates

A thousand things

meadow, river,

Bridge over the river

And a cart rides over the bridge,

Carrying sacks of wheat

A driver sits on the bags,

The driver sits high

The station is visible from above.

(E. Gutsalo)

live rods

The inhabitants of the sea are sometimes amazing.

Once we pulled a small fish onto the deck. She had a toothy mouth, and from her head grew ... a fishing rod. The rod turned out to be longer than the mistress herself. This predatory angler fish lives in the depths and is rarely caught. Where she lives, there is no light. The sun's rays cannot penetrate the sea.

This is a real angler with a fishing rod. At the end of the fishing rod, the angler fish lights a flashlight. It burns in the darkness like a firefly at night. Stupid fish swim to see: what is it that glows? And of course, they fall into the mouth of the fish.

There are also electric ramps - flat and with a tail like an awl. They are electrically protected.

(Yu. Kachaev)


tsa-cha-scha tsy-chi-schi sho-cho-tso sche-che-tse

ats-ach-ash yats-yach-yash ash-ach-atz yash-yach-yats

tso-cho-sho tse-che-sche shu-chu-tsu

ots-och-otsch its-ich-isch och-och-ots ich-ich-its

tsu-chu-shu cha-cha-tsa shi-chi-tsy

uts-uch-uts ets-ech-esch uts-uch-uts still-ech-ets

sheep-heap-thick chain-whose-slit face-shoulder-else

virgin-four-bristle hold-clear-sliver

heron-gull-hound circus-teal-shield sheep-melon-borscht cement-case-goldfinch cling-sneeze-pluck

3. Exercise. Name the items in the pictures.

The boy caught the lizard. A she-wolf roams in the forest. The chicks squeak at the rooks. The puppy is busy in the closet. Birds are chirping in the grove. Hares gnaw bark in the thicket. Birds are looking for worms. The chicken is looking for bugs. The hen lost and is looking for chickens. The bug drags a mitten. The bird of prey carries its prey. On the street planks and chips. The frost grew stronger and pinched his cheeks and fingers. The rays of the sun shine through the clouds. My father caught a pike with a bait. The boy is dragging the ball outside. The puppy is chasing a bird. The seller showed a black cloak. A sparkling stream runs down the street. Clouds are rushing, clouds are winding; The invisible moon illuminates the flying snow.


He does not see or hear himself.

Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.

Who will come across

Hugs and fights. (Wind)

Come and learn to shoot with me

In the garden you look for me.

I can hit the bird accurately

And more often I get into cabbage soup. (Onion)

Turned towards the sun

Golden bottom.

At the bottom of the window

Nutcrackers at the windows

Nutcracker rodents.



Vitya and Vanya are comrades. They caught a lizard. Where to put her? They took the box. Made a door on the side. A mesh was nailed on top. River sand was poured into the box. They put herbs. They put a lizard in a box. Caught flies and bugs. The lizard ate them.


In spring, many birds flew into the grove. Rooks and starlings are the most noticeable. Black and agile. The birds are busy in the thicket. Branches and twigs crack. It is the birds that make the dwelling. The sun shines radiantly. Birds are chirping merrily. Birds hatch chicks. Chicks need food - bugs, worms, caterpillars. Birds look for food not only in the grove. They fly to the fields.

6. Exercise. Learn the poem by heart.

Song of grinders

We sharpen, Supplies:

Sharpen, Oil,

Let's sharpen the knife! Salo,

There will be bread

Very Sausages,

He is good. Tomatoes,

Will Cucumbers -

Cut it Help yourself, well done!

Crustacean sailor

After the voyage, we cleaned the ship of shells and grass. There are so many of them on the bottom that the ship is prevented from sailing. A whole beard drags along the bottom. They cleaned with what: with a scraper, brushes and even a chisel - they clung so tightly to the bottom of the crustaceans.

Cleaned, cleaned, and the boatswain says:

In the sea we will grow again. Crustaceans and snails are only looking for someone to settle on.

Finally, the bottom was cleaned and began to paint. And the boatswain made me beat off the sea acorn. An acorn is a white shell with a lid, inside a crustacean. I began to knock down with a scraper - the shell does not go astray. Inside the crustacean champs, only slightly opened the lid.

“Oh, - I think, - let the crustacean-sailor remain. He firmly clung to the bottom and swims with us.

At sea, I thought about the crustacean: how much more he will have to experience in swimming.