The maximum age of a tree. How many years do trees live? And how old is the oldest tree on the planet? What affects the age of plants

in mixed and deciduous forests The northern hemisphere is often found birch tree. It is one of the most common deciduous plants. temperate latitudes. Botanists have recorded more than 100 varieties of the birch family. They are represented by trees or small shrubs.

The name of the genus birch is associated with the Old Slavic word "glow, turn white", which characterizes the appearance of the plant. The Latin name betula - "white" has a similar meaning.

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    Birch has a straight, even trunk. The size of the tree depends on the type and growing conditions:

    • height 35–45 m;
    • trunk girth 1,-1.5 m.

    Birch is traditionally represented as white-trunked, but the bark of the tree has a rich palette of shades:

    • white;
    • yellowish;
    • pinkish;
    • reddish brown;
    • gray;
    • brown;
    • black.

    A characteristic light color is given to the bark by the substance betulin contained in the layer of cork tissue. The outer part - birch bark - peels off easily. In ancient times, the Slavs used it instead of paper.

    Branches of young trees are covered with red-brown bark. Growths are often visible on the branches and trunk. Leaf blades are distinguished by a triangular-elongated shape (4 * 7 cm) with denticles along the edge. After blooming, they are sticky to the touch and light green in color. As it grows, the shade becomes darker, and with the onset of the first cold weather, the leaves quickly turn yellow.

    Flowering begins before the leaves appear on the tree (April-May). Small buds are collected in earrings. There are 2 types of inflorescences:

    • male - long, green-brown in color, appear in summer, and open in spring;
    • female - short, dark green, appear and bloom in spring.

    Pollination occurs with the help of wind. Male inflorescences quickly fall off. In place of female earrings, an ovary is formed, resembling a miniature green cone (pineal thyrsus). The fruits ripen in late July-early August. They are fruit nuts. Inside them are small light seeds with small wings. Gusts of wind carry them far from the tree - this is how reproduction occurs.

    Depending on the habitat conditions and the type of plant, birch roots can be located close to the surface or go deep. The root system acts as a powerful pump. It pumps water from underground soils, which allows the tree to grow under adverse conditions.


    All existing species botanists divided birches into 4 groups:

    1. 1. Albae - with light tones of the bark.
    2. 2. Costata - with an uneven trunk and rough leaf blades.
    3. 3. Acuminatae - grows in the subtropics, has large leaves.
    4. 4. Nanae - squat trees with small leaves.

    The most common types of birches include:

    • fluffy;
    • warty;
    • stone;
    • dwarf;
    • Karelian.

    Fluffy (pubescent)

    The plant owes its name to heavily pubescent annual shoots. The tree is of considerable size:

    • height 15–25 m;
    • trunk diameter 0.8 m.

    The birch has a characteristic silhouette with branches stretched upwards and a wide crown. The color of the bark changes with age: first red-brown, then snow-white. Earrings do not fall off immediately after flowering and hang on branches for a long time. On the trunk, a tree fungus - chaga is often found.

    The growing area covers European part Russia, Siberia, Caucasus. Downy birch prefers areas with excessive moisture. It tolerates frost and poor lighting well.

    Hanging (warty)

    On the young branches of the tree, small seals are noticeable - “warts”, hence the name of the species. The plant is characterized by a height of 25–30 m and a trunk diameter of 0.75–0.8 m. The bark acquires a white tint gradually (within 10 years). In the root zone of old plants, it becomes black and cracks. The branches of the tree are lowered, hanging, so the second name of the species is hanging.

    Birch is the most widely distributed throughout Eurasia and North Africa. It is well adapted to conditions of severe frost, lack of moisture, soil salinity, but requires good lighting. In the forest-tundra zone, the warty birch is called the spruce nanny. This is due to the fact that Christmas trees grow rapidly around it, which eventually crowd out the older tree.

    Erman (stone)

    The species has the longest life expectancy among the birch family (up to 400 years). The trees are medium tall (12–15 m). Unlike other species, the trunk is curved at the bottom. Its diameter reaches 0.9 m. The bark has a gray or brown color. The crown is wide, with branches directed upwards.

    The area of ​​distribution of Erman's birch covers the Far East region (from Yakutia to Korean peninsula). The plant is unpretentious, resistant to severe frosts and lack of sunlight.

    Dwarf (small, dwarf)

    By appearance it is a low growing creeping shrub only 0.2–0.7 m tall. It is also called birch slate. Growth areas belong to the subpolar regions, highlands. The trunk is covered with dark brown bark. "Warts" are noticeable on the branches. Leaf blade of tiny size, beautiful carved shape.

De-re-vya is many-year-old races . "Many years" means that they live for many years. And how long do de-re-vyas live? Some live for ten years, while others live for hundreds of years. There are on our plan-not-te de-re-vya-dol-go-zhi-te-li, they live for more than a thousand years. Ras-look at the tab-li-tsu pro-long-liv-tel-no-sti of the life of some de-re-vie.

Dol-go-zhi-te-lem yav-la-et-sya Se-quoya, its longevity of life is more than one thousand years.

It takes many years for de-re-woo to become big-shim and mo-gu-chim. How old is de-re-woo, you can find out by go-to-vym rings on a saw cut. Every year, de-re-ra-tet, forming a new go-to-voe ring. Pay attention-ma-tel-but look-ri-those go-to-vye rings, in them for-cipher-ro-va-on the history of all life de-re-va.

All de-re-vya have a common structure. They have roots, a solid trunk, covered with bark, branches form a de-re-va crown.

From-whether-cha-yut-sya de-re-vya thick trunk, the shape of my crown and the color, pattern of the bark. Ras-look-rim ri-sun-ki and opre-de-lim de-re-vya on the bark.

Birch bark

Oak bark

And also de-re-vya from-li-cha-ut-sya from each other leaves-mi, flowers-ta-mi, fruit-yes-mi, se-me-na-mi. They are different things, shapes and colors. Consider the structure of the leaves.

The sheet is composed of leaves-of-howl-pla-sti-ny and che-resh-ka. Simple leaves they have one leafy pla-sti-well. Linden, oak, aspen have such leaves.

Complex leaves consist of several leafy plates, each of which has its own che-re-shock. Kash-ta-na, rya-bi-na, ash have such leaves.

Sometimes, in one place, there are de-re-via of one kind. For example, only be-re-zy, oaks, spruces or aspens; such places have their own names.

Birch Grove

Du-bo-vaya grove or oak-ra-va



Like all races, de-re-vya na-chi-na-yut flowers spring-noy. Willow and alder, and behind them - be-re-za, rya-bi-on, maple. Following him for-color-ta-oak . In place of flowers, fruits are grown. Ras-look-rim ri-sun-ki and opre-de-lim de-re-vya by their colors.



Opre-de-li-te de-re-vya according to their fruits.

maple fruit

The fruits of rya-bi-ny

oak fruits


How che-lo-vek uses-pol-zu-et dre-ve-si-nu ? Wood- this is the inner part of the de-re-wa without bark. From dre-ve-si-na people build houses, de-la-ut furniture, boo-ma-gu, use-pol-zu-yut as top-li-vo and from-go-tav-li -va-yut different things.

Ku-star-ni-ki- this is a many-year-old race. They live 10-20 years. Ku-star-ni-kov does not have a main trunk, they have several hard trunks covered with bark. Let-you-know-to-me-xia with some-ry-mi before-a-hundred-vi-te-la-mi of this group.

The name came from the word "bream". The round leaves of this ku-star-ni-ka are shaped like a-on-mi-on-fish. The fruits of the le-shchi-ny are nuts, it is eaten-dob-ny. The second name is ku-star-no-ka - hazel-nick.

Black-but-fruit-naya rya-bi-na

Ku-star-nick with black fruits. The fruits are eaten, ob-la-da-yut le-cheb-us-mi-properties. The second name of this ku-star-ni-ka is Aro-niya.


This ku-star-nick got its name from the color of the fruits. The fruits are not edible.


Tra-vya-ni-stye races do not have a solid stem, their stem is soft, juicy and green. Among the grassy races, there are also many-year-old races.

To them from-no-sit-sya Tansy. This race is easily recognizable by its yellow flowers and leaves, which look like the leaves of a rya-bi-na.

Burdock or re-pay-nick. The fruits of this race have hooks, it’s worth at least one hook to drink for the wool of an animal or clothes and it is almost impossible to tear them off. It is not in vain that you are s-s-s-s-s-u-ing: “I have stuck like a burdock.” And also b-go-da-rya lo-pu-hu was made-la-but-opened - for-stitch-ka-li-puch-ka. She was invented-re-te-na in 1948 by the Swiss-tsarist in-same-not-rum Georges de Mest-ra-lem, some-time-look-del se-me-na lo -pu-ha, with-tse-beer-shi-e-sya to the coat of his co-ba-ki.

Among the grassy races, there are also one-year-old races, some live on the same year. In the spring, they pro-ra-ta-yut from seeds, in the summer - bloom-here, in autumn-new - they bear fruit with se-me-on-mi and from-mi-ra-yut.

To one-but-years-him tra-vya-ni-shy races-te-ni-pits from-but-sit-sya graze-those bag. The fruits of this race-te-niya are in the form of on-on-mi-na-yut bag pass-tu-ha.

Quinoa. The leaves of this race-te-niya in-roof-you are se-reb-ri-sta-mi in-lo-ka-mi, in this way it seems that they are in-sy-pa- us flour.

Mok-ri-tsa. The name of the race is in-lu-chi-lo in a way that it is always wet even in dry weather. Because of the flowers on-of-mi-on-y-stars-daughters, spreading in-lu-chi-lo the second name is Star-chat-ka.


Mok-ri-tsa, le-be-da and pass-tu-shya bag - this is di-ko-ras-tu-ras-te-niya, someone-rye in-lu-chi-li is one more on -title - weed races or weeds. They grow here in the fields and hoo-ro-dah along with the cultural tours-we-mi races-the-ni-i-mi. Weeds gulp a large amount of water and pi-ta-tel-ing substances, thereby they deafen cultural ras-te-niya and reduce the harvest.

Pro-half-ka is one of the ways to fight weeds.

At the next lesson, there will be a review of the topic “Leaf-vein-nye and coniferous de-re-vya”. During the lesson, we de-lim de-re-vya into two groups and you-clear them from-li-chi-tel-signs.


Among the trees of our forests, oak lives up to 800 years. Spruce and pine live up to 600 years. The shortest living tree is quince (about 50 years). Sequoia and baobab are real centenarians, they live for about 5000 years. In turn, cypress and yew live for 3000 years, and the beauty - larch is able to survive more than one generation (400 - 500 years). With careful care, the apple tree is ready to serve you with delicious fruits for 200 years. Rowan lives an average of 80 years, just like a person!

And how old is the oldest tree on the planet?

The oldest tree on Earth is considered to be a pine tree, whose age already exceeds 4850 years! This pine grows in the White Mountains in the western United States, at an altitude of 3,000 meters above sea level. The ancient pine is located in California, in National Reserve, however Methuselah's exact whereabouts are kept a closely guarded secret to protect him from the public. None of the employees of the reserve will tell you exactly where it grows, because everyone is afraid of a terrible influx of tourists who want to take a picture with a tree, climb it or tear off a small piece of bark for themselves as a keepsake. But, given the fact that there is simply no older pine, tourists are only happy to walk around the reserve and look for an ancient pine.

The tree is named Methuselah after one of the biblical characters who lived for 969 years. Now, this pine is considered the oldest individual (non-cloned) living organism on our planet. Before national park The Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest is not easy to get to. It lies away from the main tourist roads, is quite high in the mountains and is closed for most of the year due to snow drifts. It is in this reserve that the most ancient trees of our planet grow.

Here, on the slope of Mount White, surrounded by his own kind, Methuselah lives. Surprising silence reigns around, the dazzling sun shines, but in some places, even in the June heat, there are still lenses of snow. Time and adversity have twisted and bizarrely twisted the trunks of many pine trees, and some of them have long lost their bark and look almost dead. But somewhere one living branch lurks, and this is exactly what the most ancient of the locals look like.

These trees endure harsh natural conditions. In the reserve, the average rainfall is less than 30 centimeters per year, most of the precipitation falls in the form of snow, so there is very little moisture there. The soil is dominated by dolomite, a type of limestone that contains very little nutrients. In addition, there are sharp temperature changes and blowing strong winds. However, such harsh conditions contribute to the longevity of the trees living there. The climate in the reserve is so dry that even viruses and bacteria can hardly survive in it. And the wood [of long-lived pine] is very dense and resinous, which makes it practically inaccessible to insect pests. There is a risk of lightning strikes, but the trees are spaced apart so that the flames do not spread far. The growing season of these trees lasts approximately 45 days. They conserve their limited energy resources by growing very slowly. In circumference, they increase by only 25 millimeters in one century, and their needles (leaves) fall off after about 30 years. The tallest of these trees reaches 18 meters in height. According to experts, the oldest of these pines can live another 5 centuries. !

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Description of the tree. Maple types


artocarpus (breadfruit)

- apple tree.

maple lifespan

larch, eucalyptus

Norway maple


Factors Affecting the Lifespan of the Common Maple

Have you ever wondered how many years trees live?

Maple white

Silver Maple

Manchu maple

Oak bark is used as a medicinal raw material (lat.

Maple Crismon King

Pedunculate oak - wood, medicinal, volatile, food, honey, dye, fodder, ornamental and phytomeliorative plant.

Tatar maple

The beauty of maples has long conquered the hearts of people, they are especially fantastically beautiful in autumn. How many poems have poets of different times devoted to this tree, how many times has it been depicted on the canvases of artists ... In Japan, there are even catalogs and guides from which you can learn the most Beautiful places where maple grows. But this tree is not only famous for its beauty. Carpenters, for example, are very fond of him for the quality of wood, and folk healers - for healing properties. This tree can be found in the forests of many countries. Botanists number about one hundred and fifty types of maple. More than ten varieties of this wonderful tree grow in Russia. This article will describe some types of this plant. You will also learn about the lifespan of a maple tree.​


Pedunculate oak - Wikipedia

Chemical composition

Economic importance and application

150 - 200 years

1000 years

​For the conditionality of indicating the class of dicotyledons as a higher taxon for the group of plants described in this article, see the section "APG Systems" of the article "Dicotyledons".​

Cortex Quercus

​Oak bark and wood are the source of one of the best tanning agents. For the tanning industry, oak bark at the age of 15-20 years is considered the best. Since its bark is a beautiful tanning agent, it is used directly as a tanning material, and tanning extracts are produced from the tree. In practice, the bulk of tannins are obtained from waste products from the woodworking industry, which usually make up at least 20%. With a large mass, the oak tree is one of the main sources for the production of tannins. First-class tanning extracts obtained from oak are the basis of modern tanning production.​

Maple is a very common type of tree. It can often be found in parks and squares, as well as in broad-leaved forests. But despite this, given tree is not dominant, most often maple grows in nature as an "admixture" to various dominant tree species. Translated from Latin, "maple" means "sharp". The tree got its name for the pointed shape of the leaves. Maple, numbering more than a hundred species, can be found in Europe, Asia, South and North America, North Africa.​


400 years

In medicine

Here is the corresponding table. ​12​ ​​

). Raw materials are harvested from young shoots during the sap flow period from April to June. Dry it by spreading it in a thin layer in well-ventilated areas, as well as in the sun.

Oak wood has beautiful coloring and texture. It is dense, strong, resilient, well preserved in the air, in the ground and under water, moderately cracks and warps, easily pricks, resistant to decay and house fungus.

Maple is a dioecious plant with small pale green flowers. The fruits of the maple tree are two "winged" seeds fused together, which disintegrate after ripening. It should be noted that maple seeds can germinate even at zero temperature, even if there is snow around. This is no longer observed in any tree. Despite the great diversity of these trees, they are all united by a wide angular-rounded shape with pointed protrusions. This form is called palmate-lobed. In autumn, the color of the leaves changes from green to bright orange, red, brown, yellow. Because of such a riot of colors, maple is often referred to as decorative types plants.​

In green building and ornamental gardening


Garden forms and cultivars

Collection, processing and storage

English oak, silver poplar, large-leaved linden, plane tree (plane tree)

* In brackets - height and life expectancy in especially favorable conditions.

Seed preparation

Neishtadt M. I.


  1. The bark has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic properties. A decoction of the bark is used for rinsing the mouth and throat with gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, halitosis and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, in the form of baths, washings and compresses is used to treat burns, frostbite, abscesses and other skin diseases, for foot baths for sweating feet, for washing bleeding hemorrhoids, drink for diarrhea, dysentery, poisoning with alkaloids and salts of heavy metals, gastrointestinal bleeding, heavy menstruation. Strong and durable oak wood has long been used in shipbuilding, the furniture industry, in the construction of mines ("miner rack") and hydraulic structures(bridges, mills), residential buildings, for the production of parquet, sleepers, doors, frames, for the manufacture of rims, skids, plywood and sliced ​​veneer, turning and carved products, parts of horse-drawn vehicles: drawbars, shafts, divorces, wheels. Oak wood does not have a special smell, it is used to make barrels for cognac, wine (tannins contained in oak wood give drinks a peculiar taste and aroma), beer, alcohol, vinegar, oil.
  2. The root system of maples is superficial. It reproduces by shoots and seeds. The tree is very light-loving, special form crowns and jewelry folded leaves help to collect the maximum amount of light. Also, the tree is thermophilic and drought-resistant, in the northern regions it can suffer from severe frosts and harsh winters. Maple also has amazing ability"cry". Even with a slight increase in air humidity, drops ("tears") begin to fall from the petioles of the leaves of the tree. Next, some types of maples will be described in more detail. quince
  3. ​.​walnut, olive tree​.​ 5000 years​14​ ​Plant guide middle lane European part of the USSR. Benefit for high school. - M.: GUPI MP RSFSR, 1954. - S. 169-171. - 495 p.​ Fresh crushed leaves are applied to abscesses and wounds to heal them. Oak wood is also used to make coffins. The custom of burying the dead in wooden coffins, borrowed by Christianity from the beliefs of the Slavic and other Indo-European tribes, was spread by him almost throughout Northern Europe (both Eastern and Western). It has been established that at one time these territories were characterized by the burial of the dead in decks, log cabins or coffins made of various types of wood, including oak. In this regard, oak wood is already acquiring a ritual character in some way (hence the comic expression “give oak”, in the sense of “die”, “die”). Echoes of these traditions have survived to this day in the usual painting of pine (or from other cheap softwood) oak-like coffins. It is believed that maple lives from two hundred to three hundred years. Many scientists claim that some species can be up to five centuries old! In our latitudes, the life expectancy of maple is about a hundred years. But if the tree grows in favorable conditions, then this figure may increase. birch 100-150 years old, mountain ash 80-100, linden - 300-400, oak up to 1500​.​ 100 years​.​ ​600 years​​-​ ​15​ ​​ Dried oak seeds, crushed into powder, are used for diseases Bladder, with diarrhea. Especially appreciated in the furniture industry is "bog oak" - tree trunks that have lain at the bottom of lakes or rivers for many years. Such wood acquires extraordinary strength and almost black color. Its second name is common maple. This type most common in our country. This is a deciduous tree with a dense, pronounced spherical crown shape. It reaches a height of twenty to thirty meters. The bark of young trees is very different from old ones. In the former, it is smooth reddish-gray in color, while in the latter it is rough, gray color, cut with small cracks. The leaves of the common maple are five-lobed, wide enough (up to eighteen centimeters in diameter). The surface of the leaves is glossy. Norway maple blooms with delicate yellow-green flowers, collected in small inflorescences. This type is very useful from the point of view of ecology, as it retains benzene vapor, harmful suspensions heavy metals thereby purifying the air and improving ecological situation surrounding territory. Birch lives 150 years, mountain ash - 100, linden - 300-400, oak - 1000-2000 25-30 years old
  4. ​-​ 300 - 400 years​-​

How long do trees live? 1 class

sequoia, baobab


From acorns, a coffee surrogate is made, which is not only nutritious, but also a remedy for gastrointestinal diseases, rickets, anemia and scrofula in children. It is also useful for nervous patients and for excessive menstrual bleeding.

apricot, bamboo, mangrove​-​Scotch pine, juniper​.​

​17​ ​2​In veterinary medicine, oak bark is widely used as a remedy for indigestion. Common oak - spring pollen. Bees collect a lot of highly nutritious pollen on it, in some years they collect nectar from female flowers. But honeydew and honeydew often appear on oak. In places where oak occupies large areas, bees collect a lot of honeydew and honeydew, from which they produce honeydew honey unsuitable for winter eating. To avoid mass death bees pump out such honey during wintering.

The second name is sycamore. This type of maple grows in the Caucasus and the Carpathians. Also found in Eastern countries and Western Europe. The tree is very slender and tall, has a dense spherical-pyramidal crown. The bark of the sycamore is grayish-brown, gradually cracking with age, and under it you can see a young, lighter one. The leaves are large, reaching a length of twenty centimeters. The shape of the leaves is heart-shaped, five-lobed. Maple blooms in mid-late May with small yellowish flowers. Rowan grows rapidly for the first 15-20 years, bears fruit annually from 8-10 years of age, lives up to 100 years, although some trees live up to 200 years. sea ​​buckthorn​.​

beech ​.​ 3000 years​18​

​3​ Common oak is used in green building as an ornamental and volatile plant when creating suburban groves, alleys, curtains, single plantations in parks and forest parks. Such decorative forms of common oak are known: with a pyramidal crown and a shape in which the foliage falls 15-20 days later than that of an ordinary oak. Oak leaves contain pigment quercetin, which, depending on the concentration, dyes wool and felted products in yellow, green, greenish yellow, brown and black. From the bark, a light-resistant, durable dye for carpets and tapestries is obtained. This tree reaches a height of forty meters - a real giant among maples. The annual growth is quite large - forty centimeters wide and fifty high. Therefore, it is easy to calculate how many years a maple grows in order to reach such gigantic sizes. The crown of this representative of the fauna is powerful, openwork. The branches are slightly drooping. A young maple has a light gray bark, young shoots are bright red. The leaves are large, five-lobed, strongly dissected, whitish or gray below. In autumn they become light yellow. This type of maple is moisture-loving, frost-resistant, prefers open lighted areas. Found in North America.​

​.​ 80 years old​.​

500 years ​-​ ​19​ ​4​

The common oak is recommended as the main species in forest reclamation plantations, in field-protective forest belts, in anti-erosion plantations along beams and ravines, on washed-out soils. It can be planted along irrigation canals because its root system does not drain the walls of the canals and does not destroy their coatings. Oak acorns are a highly nutritious food for domestic pigs. However, there are cases of poisoning by acorns (especially green ones) of other domestic animals. Cows (especially dairy cows) and horses are most sensitive to poisoning, sheep are less sensitive. Solitary oak trees bear fruit annually; in plantations, abundant fruiting is repeated after 4-8 years, and in the north of the range less often than in the south. Individual trees produce up to 40-100 kg of acorns. The yield of acorns in an oak forest is 700-2000 kg / ha. This species grows in China and Far East. The tree reaches a height of twenty meters. The crown is openwork, rounded. The bark is light gray with small cracks. The leaves are trifoliate, thin and graceful. The color of the leaves changes three times a year: in spring they are red-orange, in summer they are dark green, and in autumn they are purple-red. Maple blossoms with large lemon-yellow flowers. The plant tolerates transplantation well, as the root system is shallow. Oak lives up to 800 years, birch is only about 100 years old.

​Amazing trees on earth:: Look, very interesting!​ ​-​ 250 years- common maple

cypress, yew Gubanov I. A. and others

​5​ The bark of an ordinary oak for medical purposes is harvested mainly during sap flow ( April May), removing it from young branches and thin trunks (up to 10 cm in diameter) in cutting areas or thinnings. To remove the bark, annular incisions are made every 30 cm, which are connected by longitudinal incisions, after which the bark is easily removed. Dry under a canopy with good ventilation. The yield of dry raw materials is 40-50%. Dry bark is packed in bales weighing 100 kg. Store in a dry, well-ventilated area. Shelf life is five years. Acorns, containing up to 40% starch, crushed into flour, were added to bread in famine years; bitter taste limits their food use. This type of maple is interesting for the color of the leaves. In the spring they are blood red, and in the summer they become almost black. This tree is very popular with landscape designers.​

The age limit for most birch trees does not exceed 100-120 years, for yellow birch - 150 years, individual trees reach 300 years. Rowan grows rapidly for the first 15-20 years, bears fruit annually from 8-10 years of age, lives up to 100 years , although some trees live up to 200 years.​ rowan​-​

, ash, chestnut ​.​ Wild useful plants of the USSR / Ed. ed. T. A. Rabotnov. - M.: Thought, 1976. - S. 95-97. - (Reference books of the geographer and traveler).​ ​6​

Oak fruits (acorns) are harvested in autumn under the trees after falling. Dry in attics under an iron roof or under sheds with good ventilation, spreading in one layer on paper or cloth and stirring occasionally. Finish drying in ovens, ovens or dryers. Acorns are cleaned from leathery fertilization and seed peel. The raw material consists of individual cotyledons. It is packed in 60 kg bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas. Shelf life has not been established. Acorns serve as food for many wild animals, including commercial ones, they are also used for fattening domestic pigs. Often cattle graze in oak plantations, which causes great damage to the normal growth and development of young plants.Another name is black maple. The distribution area is quite wide - Western and Central Europe, Asia, Eastern Siberia, central part Russia. This species is a small tree or shrub, the height of which varies from two to ten meters. This tree looks very delicate - thin angular branches covered with fluff, pale gray bark. The leaves are small - five to ten centimeters in diameter, pubescent along the veins. Maple Tatar is an excellent honey plant. The tree tolerates frost well, shade-resistant and unpretentious to the soil. It is often planted in parks and squares. birch lives 100 years

Among the trees of our forests, linden lives for a very long time: on average, up to 300-400 years, and some individuals live up to 1200 years. ​.​ birch​.​

​1200 years​​​​7​ The raw materials for the production of tanning extracts from the oak tree are hemp, roots, as well as waste from logging and the woodworking industry in the form of logs with or without bark. For tanning skins, oak bark is harvested from young trees (up to 20 years of age). On older trees, a crust forms, which is completely unsuitable and even harmful when used for tanning. It is possible to harvest the bark at any time of the year, but it is better during the period of sap flow (April - May) during the main cuttings and thinnings. The bark removed from the trunks and branches is dried under a canopy with good ventilation. Relative Humidity dry bark should not exceed 16%.​

deciduous trees

Lifespan (year)

Height, m

Crown diameter, m







White acacia

Amur velvet

Warty birch

Beech oriental

Western beech

Elm smooth


forest pear

Pedunculate oak

white willow

weeping willow

horse chestnut

Norway maple

field maple

Silver Maple

Ash-leaved maple

Sycamore maple

Large-leaved linden

Linden small-leaved

Linden silver

Black alder

Manchurian walnut


Mountain ash

Poplar white

Canadian poplar

Poplar pyramidal

white mulberry

forest apple tree

common ash

"Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture", L.I. Rubtsov

Growing conditions have a decisive influence on the development and longevity of tree plantations. One of essential conditions The successful development of green spaces is the presence of a fertile soil layer of sufficient thickness and its correct pre-planting treatment. On poor poor soils not only slows down general development plantings, but their lifespan is also reduced. The dying off of trees in urban plantations long before the onset ...

Types of tree crowns (from a linocut by art. Olyushin). Architectonics of the crown of the common pear. Architectonics of the linden crown. White acacia crown silhouette. Pines in the period of old age (from a painting by the artist Reindorf). "Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture", L.I. Rubtsov

Architectonics of the crown of ginkgo biloba. Oak Tamme Laura (from a painting by artist Reindorf). Oak grove (from a painting by the artist Shishkin). Five-hundred-year-old oak in the Children's Park - (Simferopol). Ancient oaks (arboretum "Kachanivka", Chernihiv region). Plane tree on the waterfront of Yalta. Old linden (in front of the entrance to the Sofiyivka arboretum, Uman, Cherkasy region) "Trees and shrubs in landscape architecture", L.I. Rubtsov

deep old age and huge size reach the oaks. Once upon a time, the oak forest thickets of Germany terrified the Romans. Pliny writes: "In northern Germany, the huge Hercynian oak forest, untouched by centuries and of the same age as the universe, surpasses miracles with its almost immortal fate." In the Rykhlovsky forestry of the Koropsky forestry enterprise (Chernihiv region), in quarter 119, a oak giant grows. In 1951 he ...

Some types are also distinguished by great durability. coniferous trees, especially yew. In the Telavi forestry (Kakheti), in the Batsara gorge, there is a yew grove, in which there are about 600 trunks. To study the course of growth, a model tree was cut down, and its age was found to be 448 years. A yew tree (Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc.) was cut down in the Tigrovaya dacha of the Nikolsko-Ussuriysk timber industry enterprise…