Laws of the Baptists. Who are the Baptists? Sect? What is Baptism

Servant of God Lyudmila was a member of the Baptist and Pentecostal Protestant sects for more than ten years. At first she did not want to talk about her difficult path to the truth of Orthodoxy, but the argument that this interview could save someone from sectarian networks convinced her to answer our questions.

- Lyudmila, please tell us about yourself. How was faith treated in your family, did you have any religious upbringing as a child?

- In my family, my father's father, my grandfather, was a deeply believing Orthodox Christian. He was born near Diveevo, then moved to Altai. They didn’t even join the collective farm with their grandmother due to religious beliefs, and they had icons at home ... But dad did not inherit the faith of his parents, he sometimes said: “I think God is the sun, it shines, everything grows,” etc. However, according to his calm nature and meek disposition always felt that he came from an Orthodox family. Mamy, on the other hand, was a Muslim woman and its complete opposite - a militant woman, fanatically devoted to Islam. Until the end of her days, she repented that she had married a non-believer, and she and her father did not live very peacefully. When I got into a sect and I got a Bible, my mother began to swear at me often. And later, when she found out that I had converted to Orthodoxy, she literally rushed at me with a knife: “You drove our entire family up to the fourteenth generation into hell!”

At the age of six, a memorable incident happened to me. The children and I played near the school, and a grandmother was sitting on a bench with a Bible in her hands. Of all of us, for some reason, she called me to her and told me about God. I ran home joyful and shared my “discovery” with my parents: “There is a God!” But dad said sternly: “If you talk about God again, I’ll kill you.” Probably, there was still fear of the communist authorities ...

- How did it happen that you got into a sect, what prompted you to do this?

– These were the dashing 90s: the “Iron Curtain” collapsed, many sectarian preachers poured into Russia from the West – believe it as you wish! And then there is “perestroika”: there are no jobs at the factories, salaries are not paid. They destroyed everything, all our life principles; how to live, for what - it is not clear. By the way, in those years, educated people, the intelligentsia, mostly got into sects: leaders, doctors, engineers, cultural workers ... Their social position, status, did not allow them to live badly, but at that time they could not live well, they did not fit in into a new life.

And at this time, Baptists began to come to the school where I worked with a sermon. And back then I had troubles in the family, my son got into a bad company ... All this burdened my soul, and, feeling the participation of these people, their attention, I burst into tears ... It's like a conversation with a psychologist: tell him about the problems and already easier. And then it was very hard for people. And we began to go to their meetings and call others: “Let's go, there are real believers!” It was amazing to us that they devoted themselves to preaching the gospel, leaving their families, jobs...

– Please tell us more about the Baptists. What is the hierarchical structure of this sect, what rites are performed there, what are their “worship services”, what are the sectarians doing, etc.

- I was not particularly interested in the hierarchical issue, but I know that in the regional center they had, as it were, a “church”-mother, where everyone gathered, and they came to us once a week with a sermon. Then they built a "church" in our town, appointed a "presbyter" and bought him an apartment. Later, the sect was divided into various sects due to disagreements in doctrinal issues and there were more "presbyters". We all communicated with each other, but each turned to his "pastor".

The “service” went like this: we sat, listened to the reading of the Bible and “sermons”, reasoned, expressed our opinions about the word of God. All this, of course, developed vanity and pride in us.

There are no sacraments as such in the Baptist sect, except for some semblances of Baptism and Communion. Confession was made in this way: when someone wanted to repent, he went to the middle of the meeting, aloud called his sins, and the “pastor” at that time sat and prayed. Moreover, everyone could “confess” at the same time, listing the sins, some to themselves, some aloud.

The doctrine of fasting in the sect is also perverted; multi-day fasting is not observed. When one of us had some problems and asked for help, the whole community established a one-day fast and everyone prayed intensely for the needy in their own words.

"Baptism" was performed in the lake, a single immersion. I remember that during my "baptism" the clouds parted, the sun shone brightly. It seemed to me then that this was a sign confirming the truth and grace of the Baptist faith. But it was a demonic charm.

The preachers first told us that the Baptists were not a sect. Then they began to hold conversations on theological topics: they criticized Orthodoxy, spoke against the veneration of the Cross, icons, saints, against the Church Slavonic language in the Orthodox Church - they say that they pray and do not understand what they are asking for.

Now our Church is discussing the possibility of translating the service into “understandable” Russian. But this is unacceptable - this is the influence of Protestantism, "that berry field." When I came to an Orthodox church and heard Church Slavonic singing, I immediately felt: here it is, mine, dear; and until I read the entire Psalter in Church Slavonic, I did not receive spiritual relief.

Against the Cross and icons, the Baptists cite the words of the Apostle Paul: “God does not need the deeds of human hands” (see: Acts 17, 24-25. - Here and further, note ed.). They say: “Why do Orthodox people make the sign of the cross, wear a cross? Here, they leave their temples and continue to drink, smoke, fornicate - because their faith is not real. And with such cunning arguments they convince the ignorant.

They do not recognize saints at all. The Mother of God is called "just a good woman", "one of the best." While still in the sect, I once spoke with one sister about the Mother of God: “Look, we read in the Gospel: God has no dead, everyone is alive (see: Mt. 22, 32). So the dead are alive! So the saints are alive! Why can't we ask them and pray to them? Why can't I ask the Mother of God to pray for me and my children? I can ask you, why isn't she here? She is alive, God said! But she answered me: “Lyuda, let’s not discuss this with you (I felt the justice of my words!) - we’ll ask the brothers what they will say on this issue.” The sect cultivates obedience "from" and "to", unquestioning.

What spiritual state were you in when you converted to Baptism? Did membership in a sect affect your family and social life, relationships with people around you?

- Once in the sect, at first I felt delight, euphoria. Sometimes the words of the preacher caused such excitement... I don't know if they knew any methods of influencing people, but their speech was really unusual, with lowering and higher voices, different intonations...

I practically did not appear at home, I kept running, talking with people: we helped the families of drug addicts, alcoholics. It is customary for Baptists to talk very affectionately: “Come on, my dear, sit down, I baked a cake. Well, how are you? .. ”The help was also material. For example, a dysfunctional family rented housing, so the Baptists repaired both their apartment and the entrance so that everything was in order ... And this, of course, captivates many.

– Did you notice anything else in the teaching of the Baptists, besides the disrespect for the saints, which seemed to you incomprehensible, erroneous?

– I think that someone from my deceased Orthodox ancestors prayed for me, and therefore I had a question: why is there one teaching in Orthodoxy, and another in Baptism, why are we, believers in Christ, divided? I began to cry out to God: “Lord, You died for us, and we were all divided. Which one of us is right? Or maybe we're all right? Why then do our faiths differ so much? It shouldn't be the same, so someone is wrong about something. Help me understand where the truth is!” I grieved so much because of these doubts, I cried that I even had to go on sick leave.

Soon, in Baptism, one more thing began to confuse me - the familiar attitude towards God: "You washed me with blood, redeemed me, I am already saved." We were often told in meetings, "Raise your hand: are you saints or not?" Almost everyone lifted, but I couldn't. After all, I understand that I live far from holy, how can I say that I am a saint? “Do you understand that you are washed in blood?! You are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints and Own of God (Eph. 2:19)!” And again I did not understand: yes, God is holy, but I am with sins, and nothing unclean will enter the Kingdom of God (see: Rev. 21, 27). So I began to see the discrepancy between the teachings of the Baptists and the word of God.

– And then you decided to accept Orthodoxy?

– No, for a few more years I wandered around the sects. I began to have insurance: I was afraid to leave the house, go into it, be alone, especially at night, I already experienced this in childhood and adolescence. Then came a terrible despondency, apathy towards everything, indifference to people close to the sect. They will come up to me to find out how things are going, to try to help, and I say: “I have darkness, I can’t help myself, I feel that something is not right here.” They told me: "Well, talk to the presbyter." And our relationship with him became tense. But still, I turned to him with one question: “I am attacked by demons. I pray - long, hard, I don't sleep at night, but they leave only when I baptize them. Why is this happening?" The “presbyter” answered this: “You are infected with heresy – the Orthodox spirit, you are tormented by the Orthodox spirit!” But I have already learned by experience how the enemies fear the Cross. (Then, after the adoption of Orthodoxy, one day sectarians came to my house, and I just showed them my Cross, and they recoiled and ran away!).

I had an icon of the Mother of God - "Vladimir", in a tear-off Orthodox calendar. I talked to her, prayed as best I could. I think that it was the Mother of God who led me out of the sect. But when the sectarians found out about the icon, they forced the calendar to be burned. I also read a book about St. Seraphim of Sarov and once said to my “pastor”: “What a great saint St. Seraphim was!” And he advised me to destroy this book as well: “Here it is that prevents you from being a true believer. Therefore, doubts gnaw at you and you are tormented. But I didn't burn it. And burned Vladimirskaya. But then, sorting through the papers, I found another Vladimirskaya, already a magazine size, and thought: “But it is growing, and I can’t destroy it!” And when I came to an Orthodox church, the first thing I saw was this particular icon!

So the Lord led me to the true faith, gradually leading me out of the sectarian darkness. But the enemy did not want to let go of his nets either: somehow I met a friend who had gone to another sect - to the Pentecostals. They pray with "tongues" - this is such slurred speech, gibberish, but in fact - demonic possession. But the outward life of Pentecostals is generally very pious. I went over to this sect, but even there I had no doubts.

Once during a meeting, when the “preacher” spoke badly about someone, I inwardly resented: “Why are you judging? You are all saints, you can’t!” In Orthodoxy, we do not say that we are saints. We see that we are spiritually sick, and with the help of the Church, her Sacraments, we must gradually heal. And in sects they suggest that we are already saints, but at the same time they condemn our neighbors, develop in people pride and exaltation over our neighbors, the spirit of hypocrisy.

I also read in the Gospel of John: Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you (John 6:53). But Baptists and Pentecostals do not have the Sacrament of Communion. They bake bread, bring it to the meeting, pour wine into the cup, the "presbyters" break the bread and say: "Let's eat this in remembrance of the Last Supper." In the Gospel in one place there is this word - "in remembrance", but in other places it is clearly indicated that these must be true Flesh and Blood. “John the Theologian, have they forgotten?!” I wondered. “No,” they say, “it is implied.” “But then we cannot be with the Lord. We are sitting and celebrating a commemoration for Him!”

And so, when I was at the Pentecostal meeting for the last time, all these contradictions did not go out of my head and I prayed: “Lord, show me the way of salvation!” I came home, took out the Bible, and as if by themselves the pages began to open, where the truth of the Orthodox faith was pointed out to me. The next morning I called one of my sectarian friends: "Let's go to an Orthodox church, we are in heresy."

It was a weekday, but we found the priest. They began to talk, then the second priest came. We talked for probably six hours in a row, until the very night. They told us about the Orthodox faith, and we agreed with everything: “Yes, that’s right,” “yes, it’s written about it here,” but we knew the word of God, but now this knowledge, as it were, was fully and correctly revealed.

– And you were baptized in the Orthodox Church?

- Yes. But I doubted: do I need to be baptized “for the second time”, maybe I just need to be anointed with myrrh? After all, we, it seems, were “baptized”, and the clouds parted, and the sun shone ... But the priest explained to me that we are baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ, and the Body is the Church, and there is only one true Church - Orthodox. And I received Holy Baptism. And my husband, also unbaptized, surprisingly wanted to be baptized in the Orthodox Church himself, although earlier I persuaded him to become a Baptist, but he did not agree. And he went to the Church himself, began to become a church member, and became an Orthodox Christian.

– What changed in your life after you left the sects and accepted the Orthodox faith?

- I had unspeakable joy, I reveled in Orthodoxy, the canons, akathists began to read, the Psalter ... But immediately spiritual warfare began - something that is not known to sectarians. The former zeal was gone, I could no longer, as before, easily help many people. Now every step is given with difficulty, but I understand: Orthodoxy is a narrow path commanded by the Lord.

– How many years did you spend in sects in total?

– We were baptized in 2002, and before that I lost 11–12 years there… I sobbed, realizing this, but, apparently, I had to dig through the whole field in order to find the pearl, as they say in the Gospel (see: Mt. 13 , 44–46). Happy is he who immediately came to the Orthodox Church, he is immediately given a pearl! Therefore, when I see that many Orthodox do not appreciate the treasures of the true faith, I am very upset.

A sect is a devil's trap, staying in it does not pass without a trace. The spirit of delusion, doubt, despondency, as a rule, struggles with the former sectarians for a long time. But there is also a positive point - one priest of a high spiritual life told me about this: sincerely repentant sectarians become more zealous Orthodox Christians. They try to strictly adhere to church rules, all decrees, traditions. Now there are many apostasies in the church life. A delusion is spreading among the Orthodox that all faiths are gracious and pleasing to God: “Surely, in other faiths, are they not saved?!” I can't bear to hear this. One woman, being a sectarian, said: “But we are also Christians, we also live according to the Gospel, it’s just that the paths are different.” “No,” I say, “the abyss! There is an abyss between us! As the teachings differ from heaven and earth, there is nothing in common there at all!” Then she agreed that indeed the differences are great. But one can still understand when sectarians, heretics say so, but when Orthodox...

Recently, I often make pilgrimages to monasteries, where church principles are observed more strictly. Now it became clear to me why monasticism, asceticism exists, that this is the most convenient way to God. I used to consider it a mockery of myself and others. But someone takes on such a cross, and also rejoices and mourns for a day lived without temptations ...

– How, in your opinion, can Orthodox believers resist the dominance of various sects in our country?

- First of all, my life. We must have the Gospel spirit in ourselves, be its bearers. But it seems to me that Orthodoxy is in the blood of our people, the soul itself is drawn to it ...

– The last question: what would you like to wish to the readers of our newspaper and to all Orthodox Christians?

- Do not fall into sects! Save yourself and be true Orthodox Christians. But it's easy to say and so hard to do...

From the newspaper "Orthodox Cross" No. 90

Who are the Baptists?

Baptists are followers of one of the directions of Protestant Christianity - Baptism. To better understand who Baptists are, you should understand the features of this creed, plunge into its history, and also find out how Baptism is developing now.

The word "Baptist" comes from "baptiso", which literally means "immersion" in Greek. The word "Baptism" refers to the baptism that Baptists take as an adult by immersing the whole body in water.

Baptism originated from English Puritanism. It is based on the principle of voluntary baptism of people in adulthood who have strong convictions and do not accept the commission of sins.

Baptism: general principles

In London in 1905, the Apostles' Creed was approved as the basis of Baptism and formulated the following principles:

  • The church should be composed exclusively of spiritually reborn people. In Baptism, it is believed that there is one universal church.
  • The Bible is an authoritative book for man: it teaches how to live and how to keep the faith.
  • Only regenerate people have the right to teach Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
  • Communities do not depend on each other in spiritual and practical matters.
  • All believers in the community are equal among themselves.
  • Believers and unbelievers have freedom of conscience.
  • The church is separated from the state.

There are private and general Baptism. They differ from each other in their understanding of cleansing from sins and ways of salvation.

Private Baptists believe that Christ died for sins exclusively for the chosen people. This or that person can be saved or not, depending on how the will of God desires. General Baptists believe that Jesus redeemed all people by his death. Their salvation requires the joint work of God and man.

Baptism has its leaders. Five main ones can be distinguished among them:

  • WBA President - David Coffey;
  • EAF ECB President - Viktor Krutko;
  • Chairman of the MSC ECB - Nikolay Antonyuk;
  • Chairman of RS ECB — Alexey Smirnov;
  • WBA Secretary General - Neville Cullum.

History of Baptism

The first congregation was organized in Amsterdam in 1609 by English Puritans led by John Smith. They adopted a doctrine in which the refusal of infant baptism is prescribed. In 1612, part of the Baptists created the first English community, where the doctrine took shape and the Baptist dogmas were created.

Baptism found its greatest development on the North American continent. The first associations included exiles from the Puritan colonies. In 1638, a few Baptists settled a colony called Rhode Island, where they proclaimed freedom of religion.

In Europe, Baptism hardly developed until the middle of the 19th century. The first associations arose in Germany and France in the 1920s and 1930s. XIX century. Later, Pastor J. G. Onken contributed to the fact that Germany was proclaimed the center of Baptism in European states. In 1905, the Baptist World Alliance was formed in London at the first Baptist convention. Today there are 214 communities there.

Baptism in Russia

In Russia, it began to spread in the second half of the 19th century. The center of Baptist associations includes the Caucasus, as well as the east and south of Ukraine. In 1944, the Baptists and Evangelical Christians united, and so the Baptist Christians appeared.

The largest association of Baptists in the Russian Federation is called the Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists. There is also the International Union of Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches.

Now you know who Baptist Christians are. You can learn about other religious terms from the articles in the section.

This article can tell you a little about the essence of such a trend in Christianity as Baptism:

The word Baptist comes from the original texts of the New Testament, which were written in Greek. Translated from Greek, Baptism (Βάπτισμα) means baptism, immersion. From this general term comes the direction in Christianity, which pays special attention to baptism. This is not accidental, because through baptism, a person enters the Church. Baptism is a special covenant between God and man. Baptism shows the seriousness and depth of a person's personal faith, and the degree of awareness of his actions in following God.

So who are the Baptists?

First of all, Baptists are a community of people who believe in Jesus Christ.

What are the characteristics of Baptists?

1. A Baptist is a person who is born again by faith in Jesus Christ. Baptists believe that each person must personally and consciously come to a time in their lives when they can believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior.

2. A Baptist is a person who recognizes the exclusive authority of the Bible. Baptists believe that the Bible is the Word of God and contains no errors. 2 Tim. 3:16 "All Scripture is inspired by God..." . The Bible should be the foundation of every creed. Baptists may recognize various "professions of faith". However, no man-made document of creed has absolute authority over the Church. The Word of God is the supreme authority, and Baptists acknowledge its sufficiency.

3. A Baptist is a person who recognizes the Lordship of Jesus Christ in his life and the life of the Church. It is the Lord Jesus Christ who is at the center of Baptist life, worship and service. Qty. 1:18-19 “He is the head of the body of the Church; He is the firstfruits, the firstborn from the dead, that He may have preeminence in all things: For it pleased the Father that all fullness should dwell in Him.”.

4. A Baptist is a person whose understanding of God is based on faith in the Holy Trinity. Baptists believe in the Biblical doctrine of God as Eternally Existing and One in three Persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the Father who created the visible and invisible world, our universe and everything that exists in it, and who has an amazing plan and a wonderful purpose for the life of every person. God is the Son, namely, the Lord Jesus Christ, who became the victim of atonement for the sins of all mankind. His nature was wholly divine and, at a certain time, human. This is a great mystery, which is not subject to the human mind. His birth from the Virgin Mary, His holy and sinless life, His voluntary death for others, and His promise to return are at the core of the Baptist faith. God is the Holy Spirit. John 14:16,17 “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you forever, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him and does not know Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”. The Holy Spirit lives in and guides believers in Christ in everything they do as He gives us understanding of the Word of God.

5. A Baptist is a person who recognizes a certain degree of autonomy for each particular local church community that is part of the Universal Church. No person or organization outside the church community has supreme power or absolute control over it. Each local congregation, like the early New Testament Church, is a community of born-again, faith-baptized Christians united in Christ to worship God and serve primarily in the area where they live, as well as throughout the world.

Baptists do not have any hierarchy that would have absolute authority over a particular local church community. At the same time, the Baptists recognize the spiritual authority of the ministers chosen by the Church and delegate to them a certain part of the administrative powers in accordance with the Biblical teaching.

The Lord Jesus Christ established two main sacraments for the Church: the breaking of bread (the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper) and Baptism. The Church must keep these ordinances until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The word “baptist”, which comes from the Greek word “immersion” and translated into Russian as “baptism”, implies that baptism is performed, if possible, by immersing the believer’s whole body in water.

6. A Baptist is a person who is deeply committed to the cause of preaching the Gospel throughout the world and believes in the need to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ: Matthew 28:19,20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you all the days to the end of the age. Amen". Baptists understand that Jesus Christ has a desire to save the whole world, and the more a believer approaches Christ, the more missionary work will occupy his life.

7. A Baptist is a person who supports and defends the possibility of the free confession of Jesus Christ to any person in any territory. Baptists believe that Church and State should be separated in their functions, and that this will be better for both Church and State. Throughout the centuries of Christian history, in cases where the state was under the control of the Church, or the Church was under the control of the state, both declined, corruption prevailed, and true religious and civil freedom suffered.

The appearance in our time of a large number of sects and heretical teachings prompts us to give the Orthodox Christian the opportunity to get acquainted with the teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church regarding some of these errors.

We bring to the attention of pious Christians this small pamphlet, published at one time by the Optina elders. We hope that it will help to establish oneself in the Holy Orthodox Faith and arm oneself against false teachers, who are especially intensifying their activities now - during the period of the spiritual transformation of society.

May our Lord strengthen us all in all piety and purity.

Their origin

Their original name was Anabaptists, that is, rebaptists, since the baptism received in childhood was considered invalid by the sect and baptized again. This sect, one of the violent ones, is the offspring of the Western Reformation of the sixteenth century. Pastor Thomas Müntzer (1523) considered Catholicism and Protestantism not only useless, but even dangerous, because they distorted the commandments of God. Therefore, he called a new generation, enlightened by His Spirit. Müntzer's sermons flattered human passions, the people strove to listen to them, and Müntzer's followers were all rebaptized. Soon the farmers in Franconia, numbering more than forty thousand, rebelled against the owners, but the rebels were defeated. Müntzer is captured and executed. In 1533, the Anabaptists caused a new turmoil in Westphalia in the city of Münster, where, having overthrown the city government and seized the city, they proclaimed the apprentice tailor John of Leiden king of the new Zion. The army of the Bishop of Münster laid siege to the city, John of Leiden and his companions were taken prisoner and put to a painful death. Among the remarkable false prophets among the Anabaptists in the middle of the 16th century was Melchior Hoffmann, who gave his name to a particular sect; he spread many ravings about the millennium and died in Strasbourg, where he was imprisoned for his teachings. But the strongest and most lasting influence on his co-religionists was Simonides Mennon, a Friesian Catholic priest who accepted the teachings of Luther; he united the Anabaptists into a community and replaced their shaky beliefs with a positive doctrine.

In addition to the Dutch and German Anabaptist sects, there is a Baptist sect in England, Scotland and North America. From the beginning of the 17th century, they could already unite in communities; their main imaginary ones: baptism only for adults and faith in Christ the Redeemer without deeds. Then they reject the Apostolic Council, the Sacraments, the Hierarchy, Holy Tradition, fasting, monasticism, and the whole church system in general; also the veneration of the Most Holy Theotokos, the invocation of saints, the veneration of relics, icons and prayers for the dead.

The teaching of the Baptists originated from the Western Reformation, the era of the struggle of human passions. They appeared on the world stage as self-proclaimed preachers and teachers, thereby violating the divine order laid down by the Founder of Christianity, the Lord Jesus Christ; for he said to the apostles, and in the person of their successors: As the Father sent me, so I send you(), and as the apostle Paul says: No one accepts this honor on his own, but he who is called by God, like Aaron ().

So, the Baptist sect is a phenomenon of the near future; they appeared with their sermon by themselves, without divine witness, which justified the words of the Savior: He who does not enter the sheepfold through the door, but crosses the other way, the same is a thief and a robber ().

Here is the groundlessness of their teaching:

About adult baptism only

Baptists, without baptizing babies, forget that circumcision was established by God in the Old Testament Church, on the eighth day after birth with the name (). It was a sign of entering into a covenant with God, uniting with Him in spirit and the inheritance of His vows. It, as a great, necessary thing, was protected by the threat: "The uncircumcised on the eighth day his soul will be cut off from his people"(). It served as a prototype of baptism, which is rebirth into spiritual, holy life, about the omission of which it is strictly said: "Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God"(). Therefore, a baby who died before the age, that is, not baptized, remains outside the promises. In Holy Scripture there is no prohibition to baptize infants, on the contrary, there are clear indications of examples of baptism of children: “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of St. Spirit. For the promise belongs to you and to your children.”(). Sectarians say that children without baptism are pure from original sin, their sins are forgiven for the sake of the Name of Jesus (), they are holy (); but after all, the world was redeemed by the blood of Christ (), but can he be saved without baptism? No, as stated above ().

On Faith and Works

Faith is a person's heartfelt attraction to God: “Have the faith of God, therefore I say to you: whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you will receive and it will be for you” ().

Faith is also the knowledge of God: “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”(). Faith of the heart can also be among the Gentiles, such as, for example, the centurion () and the wife of the Canaanite (); good deeds can also be among the pagans, like the centurion Cornelius (). Therefore, whoever has faith of the heart and good deeds, but does not have true dogma, is like a good pagan, but is not a true Christian, and therefore sectarians who do not have true dogma cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven, for it is said: “that we should no longer be babies, tossed about by every wind of doctrine, by the craftiness of men, by the cunning art of deceit”(). And elsewhere the Apostle Paul clearly says: “If we, or an angel from heaven, announces to you more than a gospel, let him be anathema”(). And so, the Baptists self-confidently teach that the justification of man consists in faith alone without works, referring to the fact that Christ offered a sacrifice for the sins of people for all time, and thus pass over in silence the doctrine of the good works of the Savior and the Apostles. Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, instructing the people in good deeds, charged them with the duty to reach perfection in them: “Be therefore perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”(), - and at the Last Judgment, according to the teachings of the Savior, only deeds will justify believers (). The Apostle James says: "Faith, if there are no deeds, it is dead about yourself"(). The Apostle Paul, instructing the Corinthians about good deeds, shows them the Apostolic deeds as an example: “In everything we show ourselves as servants of God, in great patience, in calamities, in needs, in difficult circumstances. Under blows in dungeons, in exiles, in labors, in vigils, in fasts.. The Apostle counts the same similar cases in the epistle to the Hebrews (). But the Baptists, against such clear and obvious truths, set up a lie, in truth: "Lie to yourself"(), that is, according to St. Athanasius: "untruth was exhausted."

About the Church

"Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst"(). With this saying, the Baptists cover up their unauthorized assembly, but the composition of the Church is completely different: "And he(Christ) appointed some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as shepherds and teachers. To the perfection of the saints, for the work of service, for the building up of the body of Christ"(). Eternity of the Church: “And I say to you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build mine, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” (); "I am with you all the days until the end of time"(). Unity of the Church: “And so you are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God. Being established on the basis of the Apostles and Prophets, having Jesus Christ Himself as the cornerstone" (). "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism"(). Holiness of the Church: Holy because she was sanctified by Jesus Christ through His teaching, prayer, suffering and through the sacraments: “Sanctify them with Thy truth; your word is truth. Just as You sent Me into the world, so I sent them into the world. And for them I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth. I do not only pray for them, but also for those who believe in Me, according to their word; May they all be one: as You, the Father are in Me, and I in You, so may they also be one in Us.”(). But there can be sinners in the Church of Christ, as can be seen from the Apocalypse; for the Church of Ephesus is reproached for having left her former love (), - Pergamum for the fact that there are Nicolaitans (). Sacraments of the Church: John Chrysostom says: “As the Son of God is of our nature, so we are of His essence; and just as He has us in Himself, so we have Him in ourselves.” This is accomplished in Baptism and supported by repentance and communion. Blessed Theodoret also says: “As Eve was created from Adam, so we are from the Lord Christ. We are buried with Him and rise in baptism, eat His body and drink His blood: “Eat My flesh and drink My blood, have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day” (). There is no salvation outside the Church, as Christ said: “If he does not listen to the Church, then let him be to you, like a pagan and a publican”(). After this, what about the Baptist meeting? These are those who say that they are true Christians, but they are not such, but lie; this is a satanic assembly ().

About Hierarchy

Sectarians call themselves saints, referring to themselves the saying: "And he made us kings and priests to his God and Father"(); but it is said conditionally in the Old Testament: "If you keep my covenant, you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation"(). The hierarchy has a historical origin, its beginning was laid by God Himself, who called Aaron and his sons for priesthood in the Tabernacle (); her dignity is protected by a terrible punishment: "If any outsider approaches, he will be put to death"(). But the priesthood of the Old Testament, as imperfect, was replaced by the most perfect priesthood of Christ, which is irrevocable, eternal, for it is strengthened by the oath of God; "The Lord has sworn, and will not repent: You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek"(). Arranging the Hierarchy, Christ granted only the Apostles, and in the person of their successors, the right to teach people the faith, perform the sacraments for them, and rule them to salvation. Appearing to the disciples after the Resurrection, Christ said: “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth; go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”(). In the Church of Christ, three degrees of priesthood have been established: episcopal (), presbyter (), deacon (). Self-appointed teachers are called by the Apostles false teachers, false apostles, crafty workers. Apostle Peter says: “There were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will introduce destructive heresies and, denying the Lord who redeemed them, will bring swift destruction upon themselves”(), also the Apostle Paul says: “False apostles, crafty workers, disguise themselves as the Apostles of Christ. And no wonder, because Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light.(). So, the Word of God deposes the teachers of the Baptists to the end, and the 6th canon of the Gangra Council also says: “If anyone, apart from the Church, makes up a special assembly and, despising, wants to create church, not having a presbyter with him at the behest of the Bishop, let him be under an oath.” Unfortunately, sectarians have ears and do not hear.

About Sacred Tradition

Moses fasted for forty days before receiving the law, did not eat bread and did not drink water ( ). Christ, teaching about the exorcism of evil spirits, said: “This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting”(). The Savior showed the example of a great fasting and hermit as follows: "Truly, I tell you, of those born of women, John the Baptist did not rise again."(). The benefit of fasting is that it curbs carnality and promotes exercise in prayer, while the Baptists stand for the opposite, which only promotes bodily life. Monasticism is the highest spiritual life, likening the life of an angel; Jesus Christ showed her example, as it is said: And he was there in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan, and he was with the beasts, and angels ministered to him.(; ). So did monastic ascetics at all times of Christian history. “Those whom the whole world was not worthy wandered through the deserts and mountains and ravines of the earth”(). Truly these were men of high spirit; their deeds consisted in the glorification of God, in spiritual help and consolation of neighbors; besides this, they were seers and prayer books for the salvation of people, they were "light of the world, salt of the earth", their deeds are kept by history on their tablets.

Baptists say that one Holy Scripture is enough for salvation, which everyone has the right to understand and explain according to his conviction; but under such a condition, is general agreement and unity possible? Doesn't Scripture say: “Strive to keep the unity of spirit in the union of peace. One Lord, one faith, one baptism"(), that is, the path to unity is opened by faith, which is one for all, as if one-word. This concept follows from the words of the Savior: “May they all be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, so may they also be one in Us.”(). Can this be in a society where everyone has his own point of view, where the ability to understand is infinitely diverse? And such absurdity is called teaching! However, the whole teaching of the Baptists is a daring absurdity. “I am saved,” they say furiously, inspired by a flattering spirit, pleased with their blasphemy.

Their prayer meetings are limited to singing, reading and preaching; at the end of everything there is a rite of breaking bread: bread and wine in this rite are nothing but a sign of the Body and Blood of Christ: crumbled bread and wine poured into glasses are placed on the table, and the elder of the brethren invites everyone to eat. Thus, the sacrament of the Eucharist, established by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper and commanded to the Apostles and in the person of their successors, with these words: "Do this in remembrance of me"(), the Baptists blasphemously depict at their meeting and blasphemously assume the form of the builders of the Mysteries of God.

So, the Baptists are the natives of not distant times. They are not sent by God, but come by themselves, as self-appointed teachers. Their difference is clear: they did not enter by the door, that is, not by succession from the Apostles, but as thieves (thieves) and robbers () to kidnap and destroy the simple-minded and ignorant from the flock of Christ. The whole work of their false teaching consists in this. to deceive the listener that the path to heaven is close and calm: "You only believe that you have been redeemed by Christ, and you are saved." Silent what the Savior said: "Narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life"(); but in their insolence, having a burnt conscience, the sectarians do not submit themselves to the Gospel, but the Gospel subject to their own false interpretation and, instead of true teaching, bring outrageous lies and crafty words, which they think to justify their evil thoughts. Comparing the Orthodox Church and the Baptist community, we see that the history of the Apostolic Church, at all times to the present day, has hosts of holy men and women who, like stars in heaven, shine with heavenly glory and miraculous power; while the past and present of the Baptists bear no divine witness; these are people living according to the elements of the world, calling themselves wise, went mad (); for by their pride they have fallen into an evil heresy and, apart from fanaticism, they can imagine nothing worthy of a life of a higher order. Therefore, brethren, know what a danger there is to listen to heretical teachings when the councils of the Holy Fathers forbid, even under the threat of an ecclesiastical ban, to pray with Jews in synagogues, or with heretics in their assemblies. . Sectarians cannot understand that the contradiction of a clear and proven truth, as well as the rejection of the Apostolic Church, that is, the Orthodox faith, is a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - not forgivable in this and the next age. The Prophet David () prayed for deliverance from such people; but the Apostle Paul gave us a warning: “Even if we, or an angel from heaven, began to preach to you not what we preached to you, let him be anathema”(). Knowing that "The Apostolic Church is the pillar and ground of the truth"(), we run from people living and acting under an oath.

Each religion has its own characteristics and its followers. One of the directions of Protestant Christianity, Baptism, is the most popular all over the world. According to its rules, many famous politicians and show business figures were baptized. However, when interested in Baptism, it is important to remember that it is a sect. We propose to find out who the Baptists are.

Baptists - who are they?

The word "Baptist" comes from "baptiso", which is translated from Greek as "immersion". Thus, Baptism means baptism, which should take place in adulthood by immersion of the body in water. Baptists are followers of one of the directions of Protestant Christianity. Baptism has its roots in English Puritanism. It is based on the voluntary baptism of a person with strong convictions and not accepting sinfulness.

Baptist symbol

All areas of Protestantism have their own symbolism. Supporters of one of the popular beliefs are no exception. The sign of the Baptists is a fish, symbolizing united Christianity. In addition, for representatives of this creed, it is important to completely immerse a person in water. Even in ancient times, the fish personified Christ. The same image for believers was a lamb.

Baptists - Signs

You can understand that a person is a supporter of this belief, knowing that:

  1. Baptists are sectarians. Such people always unite in a community and invite others to come to their meetings and .
  2. The Bible for them is the only truth where you can find answers to all questions of interest, both in everyday life and in religion.
  3. The Invisible (Universe) Church is one for all Protestants.
  4. All members of the local community are equal.
  5. Only reborn (baptized) people can receive knowledge about Baptism.
  6. There is freedom of conscience for believers and non-believers.
  7. Baptists believe that church and state should be separated from each other.

Baptists - for and against

If for an Orthodox Christian the teaching of the Baptists may seem wrong and in such a way that it completely contradicts the Bible, then there may be those who are interested in Baptism. The only thing that a sect can attract is an association of people who are not indifferent to you and your problems. That is, having learned who the Baptists are, it may seem to a person that he has landed in a place where he is really welcome and always expected. Is it possible for such good-natured people to wish evil and instruct on the wrong path? However, thinking in this way, a person is increasingly moving away from the Orthodox religion.

Baptists and Orthodox - differences

Baptists and Orthodox have much in common. For example, the way Baptists are buried is reminiscent of the funeral of an Orthodox Christian. However, it is important to understand how the Baptists differ from the Orthodox, because both of them consider themselves followers of Christ. The following differences are called:

  1. Baptists completely reject Holy Tradition (written documents). They interpret the books of the New and Old Testaments in their own way.
  2. The Orthodox believe that a person can be saved if he keeps God's commandments, purifies his soul through the sacraments of the Church, and by all means living piously. Baptists, on the other hand, are sure that salvation happened earlier - at Calvary, and nothing more needs to be done. At the same time, it is not so important how righteous a person lives.
  3. Baptists reject the cross, icons and other Christian symbols. For the Orthodox, all this is an absolute value.
  4. Supporters of Baptism reject the Mother of God and do not recognize the saints. For the Orthodox, the Mother of God and the saints are defenders and intercessors for the soul before God.
  5. Baptists, unlike Orthodox Christians, do not have a priesthood.
  6. Baptists have no organization of worship and therefore pray in their own words. The Orthodox, on the other hand, consistently serve the Liturgy.
  7. During baptism, the Baptists immerse a person once in water, while the Orthodox - three times.

How are Baptists different from Jehovah's Witnesses?

Some believe that the Baptists are. However, in reality, these two directions have differences:

  1. Baptists believe in God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit, while Jehovah's Witnesses consider God Jesus Christ to be the first creation, and the Holy Spirit to be the power of Jehovah.
  2. Baptists do not believe that it is necessary to use the name of Jehovah God, but Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is necessary to use the name of God.
  3. Jehovah's Witnesses forbid their followers to use weapons and serve in the army. Baptists are loyal to this.
  4. Jehovah's Witnesses deny the existence of hell, while Baptists believe that it exists.

What do Baptists believe?

To distinguish a Baptist from a non-Baptist, it is important to understand what Baptists preach. For Baptists, God's word is paramount. They, being Christians, recognize the Bible, although they interpret it in their own way. Easter is the main holiday of the year for the Baptists. However, unlike the Orthodox, on this day they do not go to church services, but gather in a community. Representatives of this trend profess the trinity of God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Baptists believe that Jesus is the only mediator between people and God.

In their own way they understand the Church of Christ. For them, it is like a kind of community consisting of spiritually reborn people. Anyone whose life has changed because of the gospel can join a local church. For Baptists, the important thing is not the church, but the spiritual birth. They believe that a person should be baptized as an adult. That is, such an act is very important and should be conscious.

What can't Baptists do?

Anyone who is interested in who the Baptists are should know what the Baptists are afraid of. Such people cannot:

  1. Drinking alcohol. Baptists do not accept alcohol and consider drunkenness as one of the sins.
  2. Be baptized in infancy or baptize your children, grandchildren. In their opinion, baptism should be a conscious step of an adult.
  3. Take up arms and serve in the army.
  4. Be baptized, wear a pectoral cross and worship icons.
  5. Use too much makeup.
  6. Use protective equipment during intimacy.

How to become a Baptist?

Anyone can become a Baptist. To do this, you need to have a desire and find the same believers who will help you start your path in Baptism. In this case, you need to know the basic rules of the Baptists:

  1. Get baptized as an adult.
  2. Visit the community and take communion exclusively there.
  3. Do not recognize the divinity of the Virgin.
  4. Interpret the Bible in your own way.

Why are Baptists dangerous?

Baptism is dangerous for an Orthodox person for the very reason that the Baptists are a sect. That is, they represent a group of people who have their own views on religion and their own beliefs that they are right. Often, sects use hypnosis or other methods to convince a person that they, being with them, are on the right path of salvation. It is not uncommon for sectarians to deceitfully seize not only the consciousness of a person, but also his material means. In addition, Baptism is dangerous because a person will go the wrong way and move away from the true Orthodox religion.

Baptists - interesting facts

Orthodox and representatives of other religious beliefs are sometimes surprised by some things, such as, for example, why Baptists have a sauna in the temple. Proponents of Baptism respond that here believers cleanse their bodies of accumulated chemicals that do not allow them to receive further spiritual progress. There are many other interesting facts:

  1. There are 42 million Baptists worldwide. Most of them live in America.
  2. There are many well-known political figures among the Baptists.
  3. Baptists recognize two positions in the church hierarchy.
  4. Baptists are great benefactors.
  5. Baptists don't baptize children.
  6. Some Baptists believe that Jesus atoned for sins only for the elect, and not for all people.
  7. Many famous singers and actors have been baptized by the Baptists.

Notable Baptists

This belief interested and interests not only ordinary inhabitants, but even famous personalities. Many popular people have been able to find out who the Baptists are from personal experience. There are such famous Baptists:

  1. John Bunyan English writer, author of The Pilgrim's Progress.
  2. John Milton- English poet, human rights activist, public figure also became a supporter of the world-famous direction in Protestantism.
  3. Daniel Defoe- is the author of one of the most popular works of world literature, the novel "Robinson Crusoe".
  4. Martin Luther King- Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize, an ardent fighter for the rights of black slaves in the United States.