Bioshock: guides and walkthroughs. BioShock Infinite Walkthrough

We can build the world's first bionic man... He will be better than before - better, stronger, faster. We have the technology. We have magic.

t/f “The Six Million Dollar Man”

Life in an underwater city is an ordeal. In the morning you get up with the first whales, constantly struggling with leaking glass roofs, claustrophobia and annoyingly screaming vending machines... Then there is the leader of the intellectual proletariat, the entertaining industrialist Andrew Ryan, dripping on his brains and pushing his idealistic speeches, not seeing what’s in the city There has been a struggle for power for a long time. In general, you wouldn’t wish anyone to live in Raptur - it’s disgusting, damp, and the mood is always at zero. Is it any wonder that the city’s residents became addicted to genetic modifications of the splice system and turned into carefree but vile monsters? The city is in complete decline and discord - it is filled with monsters, psychopaths and strange-looking girls. And who is to blame for everything? Ryan, of course!

It’s rare luck to swim out after a plane crash in the middle of the night Atlantic Ocean and find a lonely lighthouse a stone’s throw away, sticking out from the vast expanse of water like a dried mushroom. It’s a rare act of courage to find yourself inside a building and discover an invitingly open bathysphere, climb into it and pull the lever. A rare act of recklessness - finding yourself in an abandoned underwater city with traces of violence around and seeing a syringe with a mysterious red liquid, immediately stick it into your vein so that after a short unconsciousness you will acquire the ability to throw lightning bolts with your finger. Our hero, Jack, seems to have all the qualities needed to be a hero - maybe not a savior of the world, but one who will punish the bad guys in one particular city.

With an adjustable wrench in hand and a couple of zippers in our bosom, we set off to explore the dangerous and alluring underwater city of Raptur, created by an industrial genius-dreamer and destroyed by the harsh reality of the year 1960 AD.

Third try

Sometimes they return as echoes from the distant past - games that awaken memories of glory times, past accomplishments and the hopes of youth. Behind the modern and even trendy appearance in places lies a game that, almost ten years ago, burst brightly on the horizon of the action genre, and then just as quickly faded away. It's no secret to anyone that Bioshock- ideological heir (or heir of ideas) of the world of cosmic horror System Shock 2(1999).

The mid-Atlantic lighthouse will be our first stop on the way down to the crazy city.

No one is afraid of us when handsome Rosie is on our side.

At one time, the second part of System Shock (the first was released in 1994) became an event and set the stage - developers from Looking Glass Studios And Irrational Games during the unchallenged reign of militants from id Software And Valve managed to create a fantastic action movie with role-playing elements, capturing the very essence of cosmic horror. The game gave players a sense of fear that could be described as: “In space, no one will hear your last cry.” System Shock 2 had zombies and crazy artificial intelligence, claustrophobic insides of spaceships, diaries as silent witnesses to nightmarish events, hacking defensive equipment and psionic abilities as game “magic”.

Tellingly, the Irrational Games studio was founded by former employees of Looking Glass, so we can to some extent consider that “Spyglass” “multiplied” in such an original way before it overtook it in the spring of 2000 unenviable fate. For many years Irrational Games, later mutated into 2K Boston, was doing various little things like Freedom Force And SWAT 4. But the ideas, the ideas remain!

Simply repeating the story of System Shock by making a clone game would not be entirely fair to the memory of Looking Glass. But moving the game to an equally claustrophobic underwater city is a completely different matter.

And thus the idea of ​​Bioshock was born. For at first there was a city under the water, at the same time beautiful and terrible, corrupting and alluring Raptur (rapture - “delight”), which became a place of greatness and collapse of the human spirit. And then his owner Andrew Ryan appeared, the latter’s rival Frank Fontaine, the mysterious revolutionary leader Atlas, monsters in diving suits roaming the corridors and our hero Jack, who is trying to understand the events taking place and over the course of a dozen levels piece by piece the picture of the disaster.

My abyss

Water... there is a lot of it in the city. It presses a multi-ton mass on each glass, behind which you can see neighboring buildings and neon advertising, strange in this place. Water seeps through unnoticeable cracks, pours from the ceiling and flows into small puddles underfoot. The city is separated from the Atlantic by very strong glass. But when you see a web of cracks on it, you feel uneasy.

Jets of pouring water flood the picture, leaving dripping drops on the screen from the inside. It’s hard to get used to this water - it reminds you that the abandoned city is slowly but surely turning into a second Atlantis.

From the outside, the dying city looks quite alive. The lights are burning, the whales are swimming...

The 1959 New Year's masquerade ball was interrupted by an attack by mutants. Andrew Ryan's empire collapsed that day.

And everywhere there are traces of destruction - blood on the walls, bodies, chaos in the premises and traces of abandoned activities. Based on the remains of the New Year's carnival "Masquerade 1959", which was very conveniently interrupted by an attack by mutants, it can be determined that the city finally said goodbye to the roof more than a year ago.

After the war, the underwater city of Raptur was conceived by the talented and wealthy industrialist Andrew Ryan as a small and self-sufficient community of the best representatives of humanity - a world of free enterprise, not constrained by the far-fetched restrictions of science. The embodied “industry chain” that will pull culture and art into the world of a wonderful future.

This is interesting: Behind the ideas and the name of Andrew Ryan, the game reveals the objectivist philosopher of Russian origin Ayn Rand (Alice Rosenbaum), who advocated reasonable egoism, individualism and unlimited economic freedom.

Dr. Tannenbaum played a key role in subsequent events, discovering a species of invertebrates that can generate stem cells. The prospects for treating all diseases, correcting appearance and unlimited body modifications using splice technology have opened up. The discovery was taken over by the company of former smuggler Frank Fontaine. New market was mastered quickly and not without the help of aggressive advertising. Power quickly flowed out of Ryan’s hands - having come to his senses, the industrialist got involved with Fontaine in a competition for the consumer, and the number of “splicers” increased sharply. It became clear too late that the abused “splicers” were going crazy - while acquiring superpowers, they lost their minds and human appearance.

There will be gentle rain

When the last normal (well, more or less normal) people died or locked themselves in secluded places, the city was handed over to the mutants. Now they live here, hunting each other and various Jacks who arrived from the surface.

Splicers are the entire local population. These mutants are dexterous, fast, evil, and you cannot reason with them.

The neon signs are still burning, the houses of bold architecture still standing, celebrating the optimism of exotic art deco, but everything is marked by death and decay. This city is scary to be in - and not at all because of the mutants. Yes, they strive to jump from the ceiling, sneak up from behind, or pretend to be an innocent corpse until Jack comes closer. However, even as they prepare to jump on Jack from the ceiling, the mutants loudly clack with their hooks, pour plaster down the hero’s collar and mutter to themselves.

Splicers sometimes get on your nerves, but do not cause fear - there is too much left of people in them. Very often they give themselves away from afar by muttering, screaming, incoherent prayers, threatening someone unknown and swearing. Someone is calling father. The girl, jumping from the ceiling and cutting the hero into slices, demands the return of her daughter or her lost youth. Each mutant brings with it a personal tragedy. Everyone suffers, but cannot remember and realize themselves.

In addition to mutants, there is a man-made danger lurking in the city - active defensive systems. If you catch the eye of a security camera, then in response to an alarm, handicraft-looking flying guards will fly out in the direction of the hero. They look funny until they open fire with machine guns. And stationary sentry installations don’t even need cameras: upon noticing the hero, they immediately begin to shoot. But robots are just robots - you can almost always bypass them, deceive them, or simply hack them by playing a mini-game. If you wish, you can even... bribe the equipment.

This girl squeezed the experience of my hero. Now I will extract hell from it.

And what are these little girls in touching dresses wandering along the corridors with strange-looking syringes in their hands and sparkling red eyes in the dark? Maybe these are Sadako or Alma's girlfriends, whom the developers inserted into the game to heighten the fear? The girls plunge syringes into the corpses, extracting the substance "Adam", the fuel for genetic modification. Each Younger Sister is a walking factory for processing used adam into a priceless pure substance. The sisters would have been caught long ago by Adam-hungry mutants if each were not guarded by a huge and powerful monster - Big Daddy.

Perhaps Jack shouldn’t come across such monsters that resemble body divers? No. Daddies are harmless. They don't even react to the hero. Only if you come close to them and the girl, the monster will growl threateningly and push Jack away. Armored bodyguards react only to direct aggression, suppressing it quickly and decisively. The Papas hit hard, but they always do the job.

The girls are doing their hard work. The daddies look after them touchingly. This is some kind of family idyll, and not at all the horrors of our town.

So what causes the feeling of fear? No, not the inhabitants of Raptur at all, but only the atmosphere of this place. The atmosphere of evil, disease and madness, which the developers reproduced so convincingly that the smell of mustiness and damp rot simply flows from the monitor.

And the gramophones in the game continue to play joyful jazz, optimistic Splice advertisements look at us from the walls, and naive advertisements still sound in the empty corridors.

From two to six

An antistatic agent probably won’t help here.

The atmosphere is, of course, great, but Jack didn’t come to the city on an excursion, but quite the opposite - hitting faces, shooting, throwing fire, cold, lightning and other funny things in the style Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

He has plasmids (combat spells), and a set of weapons - a revolver, a shotgun, a Thompson submachine gun, a sniper crossbow, a makeshift grenade launcher and a curious fire-ice-electric launcher.

There are three types of ammunition for each weapon (this is an old System Shock tradition), and you can carry only a very limited amount of ammunition. You have to scratch your head - whether to spend armor-piercing bullets on harmful guard cameras or use an electric plasmid: spend mana, but save the saved ammo for larger targets. Should you spend valuable explosive shot, and if so, on whom? In what cases should you take out a grenade launcher with grenades made from coffee cans (“That’s it, I want coffee!”). Or even take the adjustable wrench out of your wide trousers and rush into the attack with it, shouting: “And I’ll save money!”...

The game has the opportunity to fight with the dentist in a fair fight! Okay, not entirely fair - I fried him with lightning.

By the way, fighting exclusively with an adjustable wrench is a completely workable option if you put together a good set of combat tonics (that’s what implants are called here). Tonics will mostly be found in vending machines, given out as rewards, or simply lying around in secluded places. Some are curious, others are moderately useful, others “work” only when combined with others.

The problem is one thing - from the very beginning the hero has only two “slots” for combat spells and two slots each for combat, hacking and enhancing implants. You can’t fight much with this, and with two spells there’s not much to do in battle: a gentleman’s set consists of at least four. Of course, lightning is needed to jam equipment. It is advisable to have a distracting phantom on hand so that in case of danger, “throw away the tail.” And if you need to melt the ice along the way, will you really have to run for fire to the gene bank in order to exchange one plasmid in the active set for another?

No, it won't work that way. The hero needs to develop. It is necessary to increase the number of places for plasmids, for tonics (to a maximum of six) - and it would also be nice to increase your red health bar and blue Eva bar - that’s what they call mana here. All this can be done at special machines, and all improvements cost serious... alas, not money. Money is easy to find in the city, but it is spent on mundane things - ammunition, first aid kits, syringes with mana. Adam is spent on improving the hero himself - the same red substance that is collected at the girl’s level under the protection of “divers”.

“If you please, stand in a pose. I will drill your figure!”

And where can I get it? Take it out of the girls. And to do this, you must first rid them of their bodyguards. To attack a “diver” means to greatly upset him. After such an unfriendly gesture, Big Daddy usually shows remarkable agility, knocks the player down and plunges his signature drill into the body. Each battle for Adam requires serious planning. While Daddy, not suspecting a trick, wanders after Sister, Jack lays out mines (if any) and uses a crossbow to stick electric trip wires (if any) in key places. This is where a moral dilemma emerges: a “diver” wanders around, a serious and responsible defender, not bothering anyone, and here people are greedy for someone else’s adam, and use grenades to kill him.

You can, of course, console yourself with the fact that the girl can then be saved from her unenviable fate and returned to normal life... or the whole thing can be transferred to Adam - with a fatal outcome for the wearer. In the second case, the hero will receive twice as much Adam. The choice only affects the game ending - it will be “good” or “bad”. However, the first three Sisters must be saved for reasons of strength development - a very good gift will be given to the hero for his nobility.

There is no death

Big Daddy, of course, will stand up for himself, and how. But he will not be able to defeat the player in battle. Even if he finishes off Jack, he will immediately be reborn in the nearest resurrection chamber to run back and try to finish off the wounded bodyguard. And then - again and again, if necessary. The Bioshock developers have taken to their logical conclusion the idea of ​​“There is no death, you made it up”, which once surprised us in Prey. The death of the hero no longer ends the game and is not even punishable by forced spirit hunting. On the field of a lost battle, Jack will be able to come running immediately - alive and practically healthy.

This innovation surprised some players, and even offended some, especially console owners who were accustomed to difficulties. How is this a game that even the weakest can win? A game where you don't even have to save and load? But what about the challenge, what about overcoming obstacles and the sweetness of a snatched victory?

Abuse of Adam leads to side effects, including skin rashes, insanity, and death.

I will say this - it’s better to snatch victory from living people in multiplayer modes and in online games. Linear action game developers tell a story first and foremost - and in the case of Bioshock, it's a dark tale that can't be happy ending. By telling a story, the audience can be frightened, manipulated, and provoke emotions: anger, joy, empathy. But forcing the audience to dance in a crouch during a story and removing those who do not do it diligently enough from the audience is a bad habit.

The game developers are also experimenting with linearity. We are accustomed to the fact that each level left behind goes into the foggy distance forever. Here, from almost every level you can return to the previous ones to rummage through secret places, remove the adam from the Little Sisters left behind and fight random mutants (no, this is not a life simulation, but a banal respawn). At the same time, the game is absolutely linear, and no one feels inconvenienced about this, since Jack is given Ariadne's thread - the player goes from task to task, looking at the arrow that friendlyly points out each turn to him.

It's always nice when game creators think first of all about the player's convenience. Ergonomics is a courtesy of the developers, and Bioshock is made extremely ergonomically and conveniently: except that there is no automatic selection of things, and every first aid kit, every cartridge has to be grabbed manually (a tribute to tradition).

The game is helpful to such an extent that it can confuse a player who is accustomed to tasks in the spirit of “go there, I don’t know where, and if you get lost, then the mistake is not with us, but in your DNA.” In Bioshock you can't not only get lost, but also simply get stuck. As soon as you wander around aimlessly around the level, the system will work, guessing the moments of plugging, and offer help. At first it will be a hint - say, do you remember that you need to find iron boots? Then the hint will be replaced by a direct hint for those who do not listen to the audio diaries attentively - the shoes, they say, are in the library.

The player’s behavior is also analyzed to see if he is missing any aspects of the gameplay. Maybe he forgot that at each level you need to search cabinets, boxes and bodies for valuables? Or got a lot of money, but passed by a vending machine selling first aid kits, which Jack just doesn’t have enough of? Artificial intelligence, who was supervising the game, amused me a lot - both with tips “to the point” and funny mistakes. He may irritate some people, but that’s okay: the virtual warden can be disabled in the menu.

Freedom is slavery

The city is interactive - and not only in the sense that you can scatter boxes and buy useful things from vending machines. The effect is created from little things. The taps flow, the jukeboxes actually play jazz, and the slot machines can hit the jackpot. Even automatic prophets work in entertainment centers - they, as usual, predict all sorts of dirty tricks. If you are lucky enough to come across a piano or guitar, it will be difficult to immediately tear yourself away from playing the devil's trills.

If the splice makes Jack's hands look like this, then it's better not to know what his face looks like. By the way, there are no mirrors in the game.

The developers encourage collecting, and this will certainly be appreciated by fans of the series Thief. It’s one thing to pick up a poorly placed first aid kit or a revolver that has fallen from the weakened hands of a mutant. It’s another matter to rummage through every desk, every drawer and, of course, every corpse (primarily dead mutants - their bodies quickly dissolve into thin air). Most often, money is found in small quantities, ammunition and other consumables - first aid kits, blue syringes with eva and devices for one-time hacking. At later levels, you can even collect all kinds of garbage, from which the hero can then collect rare ammunition and other useful things with the help of specific “inventive” machines.

Having given the player a huge set of different ammunition, a solid set of plasmids and tonics, the developers doomed him to the freedom to choose battle tactics - that same gaming freedom that pleases some and frightens others. What, for example, can be done with an ordinary mutant? Oh, my eyes are filled with possibilities here! Shoot with regular bullets or anti-personnel bullets (against vehicles, the choice is between armor-piercing and electric). You can simply blow it up with a coffee grenade. Plant a mine or tripwire with a crossbow on him. Submit him to security systems, marking him as an enemy (exotic method). If a security robot that he hacked is flying next to the player, you can simply remove yourself and let the equipment work.

You can use a telekinesis plasmid, which works like Gordon Freeman's gravitational gun, and throw a gas cylinder at the mutant. You can set fire to spilled gasoline by organizing a fire wall between yourself and the monster - was it in vain that the developers diligently poured gasoline puddles throughout all levels and placed cylinders? Finally, no one will stop you from throwing a fireball directly at the mutant. The effect is excellent. If there is open water nearby, the burning mutant will try to jump into it - don’t waste time here either, hit the water directly with lightning.

In general, plasmids open up a sea of ​​possibilities. The cyclone trap throws the enemy to the ceiling with a trampoline. You can strike with lightning and, while the mutant is shaking, finish him off with a swift jack. Or freeze it, and then break it into small pieces - quickly and safely (only in this case it will no longer be possible to rob the body). Sometimes wounded mutants run away to the nearest first aid station - if you took care of this in advance and hacked the station, it will not heal, but will poison the enemy. Surprise!

For those who like two-in-one bombs, it is possible to attach a mine to an explosive cylinder and throw the entire resulting structure at the enemy. Finally, for the most inventive - the hit of the season, the craziest weapon reminiscent of better times Postal, - dead cats! They can even beat Big Daddy to death. And if you first set the cat on fire...

The damage system, however, is simple. Artificial intelligence too. He is smart, but without any breakthroughs. We have already seen all this, everything was done according to modern standards. Enemies are trained to become wary when they hear the hero. Having noticed Jack, they go into attack mode, and when they lose him, they go into search mode with appropriate comments out loud. The mutants fight ingenuously - they attack, evade attacks. The shooters try to move sideways and shift to an advantageous position. No one runs from grenades - on the contrary, the mutants look at the mine that lands at their feet with a hilariously puzzled look. The only noticeable problem with the AI ​​is its frequent attempts to shoot at the player through walls, which is a problem for both mutants and automatic guns. And bullets in the game do not fly through walls, although they can break through glass and quickly scatter a blockage of light boxes behind which the player is hiding.

It will be more difficult for the game to disavow accusations of monotonous gameplay. Whatever one may say, the hero passes through all twelve-odd levels in a confined space of the city - there are no battles with noisy whales, no shooting of mutants from large guns, no combat swims on bathyspheres. And the mutants, in general, are the same - only their appearance and the weapons in their hands change, and by the end of the game the mutants are eaten off.

Unity of place is unfashionable these days, and by modern standards the game lacks the dynamism of the action style Half-Life 2. There are also “collect-give-bring” tasks, which would have looked good in 1999, but now make one think of artificially prolonging the game. However, Bioshock's slow pace actually stems from its RPG elements. If you remember that the player is expected to have at least minimal curiosity about the interiors around him, experiments with tonics and plasmids, and attention to the smoothly unfolding details of the plot (and it is easy to miss if you do not open your eyes and ears), then it becomes clear that the rush is here contraindicated. Anyone who runs through the game quickly will simply not see it. But the leisurely player will be fully rewarded.

Under thick water and thin glass, Jack will pass through the entire city, vigorously reducing its population, in order to ultimately learn about his destiny and fulfill it. Together with him, we will take a last look at the dying Raptur, slowly turning into a pile of ruins and a pale shadow of its former greatness. If Jack does what he must, he will be able to see again sunlight.

But the fading beauty of the underwater palaces will never be forgotten.

Undersea world dreams

A fully developed character can take with him up to six plasmids and another six tonic implants of three different types.

The mad screams and laughter of a vending machine fill the empty hospital. It's impossible to get used to this creepy clown.

Life in an underwater city is beautiful and amazing. The city of Raptur hides many treasures, dangers and secrets. The opportunities for development and interaction with the environment are given to the hero, which are simply limitless by the standards of action films and very good even for role-playing games. But some terms can be puzzling if you’re not used to it. What is "Adam"? What does he have to do with “Eve”? Do you drink “tonics” and burn “plasmids”? How do hackers work in the game, and why do they break everything?

Behind the vague terms lies a simple and clear system, time-tested. Let's call a spade a spade, and everything will become clear.


Health— red HP bar. If it is depleted in battle, the hero will wake up in the resurrection chamber with incomplete health and eva. After this, he will be able to immediately continue the battle, returning to the place of death. Health is usually restored with first aid kits, which can be accumulated and used as needed, bandages or food - they cannot be accumulated, they are used immediately when the player takes them.

This is interesting: There are a lot of different alcoholic drinks in the underwater city. They can intoxicate the player (and are said to lead to the development of alcoholism as a result), restoring health when consumed, but taking away energy in small portions. Coffee and cigarettes act in the opposite direction - they restore eve, but take away health.


Money - dollars that the hero takes where they are bad. And they are bad everywhere, even in safes, which can be cracked with the help of hacking skills and a bit of luck. Money is exchanged at vending machines for valuables, first aid kits, eva syringes and other mundane material. The best source of money is dead Big Daddies. A player can have no more than five hundred dollars with him, so it makes sense to spend money at the first sign of a shortage of things needed in the household.


Fly agarics and big-headed girls made of papier-mâché - this is the machine where you can exchange your expropriated Adam for new abilities.

It is convenient to fry mutants with lightning in bulk when they are standing in a puddle. The main thing is to stand in a dry place yourself.

Plasmid- This is a combat spell. When Jack strikes an enemy with lightning, burns him with fire, makes him throw himself at a ghostly deceptive shadow or at his fellow mutants, he uses plasmids. Eve- this is mana, a blue strip of magic that is spent on casting spells. The main way to restore Eva is through syringes with blue liquid, in which mana potions can easily be guessed.

There are several plasmids in the game, and for many of them there are enhanced versions.


A universal electric shock that can help out in almost any situation. The electricity temporarily paralyzes monsters, making them more vulnerable to blows from an adjustable wrench. Equipment - temporarily disables it, giving you the opportunity to slip past or start a hack. Lightning can open a door locked with an electronic lock, or disarm an electrical trap. When lightning hits water, it fries everyone in it.

Of course, this plasmid is included in the gentleman’s kit - that is, I would always recommend having it with you.


The fire effectively sets enemies on fire, causing enormous but spread-out damage (a burning mutant will try to jump into water if he finds it nearby, and then he can be short-circuited with lightning). At levels there are very often flammable puddles that can form a dangerous fire wall between the hero and the monster. In addition, using fire you can effectively melt ice, opening up a story path or secret places.

Fire is not used as widely as lightning, so if necessary, it can be replaced with other plasmids (I remind you that the maximum number of active plasmids that a player can always keep with him is six). However, it is still advisable to have it with you.

Our hero replenishes his magical energy in a somewhat unconventional way.


Another plasmid from the gentleman's set. Using telekinesis, the player can move things, grab and throw boxes and explosive cylinders at enemies, disarm traps and attract valuables from inaccessible places. Telekinesis greatly facilitates the fight against mutants throwing grenades or fire bottles. It can be used in conjunction with fire, throwing burning objects at enemies.

Decoy target

A universal rescue plasmid that makes sense to keep at the ready whenever there is a danger of running into an ambush. A ghostly target (aka a “stuffed animal”, aka a “cardboard fool”) effectively distracts monsters for a few seconds, giving them the opportunity to prepare for an attack (the attacked monster usually switches its attention to the hero).

Chuchelko is an unconditional and obligatory plasmid for a gentleman’s set.

Ice Strike

Ice Strike can be used to freeze vehicles, slowing down the flow of liquid in the mini-game and making hacking easier.

Big Daddy Hypnosis

Hypnotize Big Daddy

A unique plasmid that can only be obtained if you save three Little Sisters in a row. Hypnosis spends the entire eve bar when used, but for a few minutes it “recruits” Big Daddy to be the player’s bodyguard, making life much easier. This is a gentleman's kit plasmid for those who are not averse to raking in the heat with someone else's hands. In addition, in battle, Daddy can suffer badly, and this will make the battle for Adam easier later.

Be careful - even a tamed Daddy can turn on the player if he thinks that he has attacked him.

High-quality hacked defense guns and flying robots can do all the dirty work for us.


It can be useful when two or more enemies attack. Anger turns the enemy against his own comrades, but is not widely used due to unreliability - it is better to use a scarecrow as a distraction.

flock of insects

Releases a swarm of stinging insects that attack nearby enemies, disorienting them. Usually not used due to low efficiency compared to stuffed animals. In addition, bees will usually attack a tamed Big Daddy if he happens to be nearby, causing him to reconsider his attitude towards the hero.

Vortex trap

A mine that throws an enemy into the air. It is useless because it does not cause much damage, and its small size does not guarantee that the monster will fall into a trap.

Bull's eye of security

Security Bullseye

Marks the monster as an "enemy" for security systems, causing fire from automatic cannons (if they are nearby) or defensive flying systems (if there is a camera nearby). A useless plasmid, good only for entertainment.


Adam- this is experience, XP, a measure of a player’s advancement. Adam can be spent in the "Gatherer's Garden" slot machines to purchase new plasmids (and improved versions of old ones), to buy additional spaces for tonics, and to increase the magic and health bar. The main way to obtain adam is to eliminate the Big Daddies, who are preventing you from shaking out the adam from the Little Sisters - girls with syringes, of which there are usually two or three at each level. You can also receive Adam as a gift if you follow the path of good and save girls (in this case, the hero receives much less Adam, so the gift is like compensation for his efforts).


The gun is stunned by lightning - it's time to delve into its circuits and thoroughly wash the electronic brain.

Good job! The water pipeline has been built, and the hacked security camera will now work for us.

Breaking is a mini-game in which the player receives useful bonuses if he wins.

The game is a classic Pipes puzzle, in which you have to quickly build a path for liquid from straight and curved pipes, opening each cell with a piece of pipe with a mouse click and swapping the pipes. If you manage to build a path for the flowing liquid to the desired “exit,” the hack will take place. If the liquid hits a dead end, the short circuit will severely damage the player's health (but never kill them).

In addition to pipes in the cages, there are “non-working” places and alarm buttons - accidentally pressing such a button stops hacking and raises an alarm at the level. In some places, “bad” buttons completely block the path of liquid - useful tonics will help to avoid “impossible” hacking. Some types of defensive equipment can be disarmed with a bribe. If the player has an automatic hack with him, it can be spent to instantly and with a guarantee carry out a hack, without even starting the mini-game.

Different techniques - different effects from hacking:

    Safes open.

    Doors with combination locks open without requiring a code.

    Defensive cannons, grenade launchers and flamethrowers ignore the hero. They begin to track the mutants and attack them themselves.

    Security cameras raise the alarm at the sight of mutants and summon flying robots that are neutral to the player but hostile to mutants.

    Flying robots begin to guard the hero - they attack enemies only if they have caused damage to the player or the player has damaged them.

    Vending machines reduce prices and expand the range.

    Invention machines require fewer ingredients to exchange for "invented" items.

    Instead of treating wounded enemies, medical stations poison them.


Tonic is a passive skill, or, simply put, an implant. Tonics are inserted into free slots, of which the hero has six at the beginning - two for combat tonics, two for hacker tonics and two for physical ones (and two more slots for plasmid spells). Additional spaces for tonics and plasmids can be purchased for Adam in the Gatherer's Gardens. Most often, the player will find tonics at levels in the form of bright multi-colored vials. But they can be bought, received as a gift for good behavior, or in the form of “discoveries” for actively photographing enemies in the game. Two tonics of the same type can be hung at the same time, and their effects will stack.

There are a lot of tonics in the game, and among them there is a lot of garbage. I will list only the most useful ones.

Physical tonics

Natural camouflage (Natural Camouflage) - with it, the player, standing still, dissolves into the shadows and becomes invisible (unless someone was looking at him at the moment when he stopped). The effect is amazing - literally bordering on foul play. In addition, this tonic will be useful for those who like close combat. Obtained through careful study of endangered mutants.

On a note: In a state of stealth, the hero can reload, but any shot or blow will take him out of the shadows. However, if the enemy never discovered the hero, then after a couple of seconds he will again - suddenly and smoothly - disappear from view.

Bloodlust (Bloodlust) - restores health and eve when the hero hits enemies with an adjustable wrench. Indispensable for those who have chosen the path of close combat. Invented in the level "Fort of Pranks".

Medical Expert (Medical Expert) - health is restored in larger portions when using first aid kits. Picked up at the "Gifts of Neptune" level. The player will receive the second level tonic in the “Fort of Pranks”.

Athletic growth (SportBoost) - speeds up the player's movement and melee attacks. Indispensable and very easily obtained by studying “melee” mutants (Thuggish Splicer).

Battle Tonics

Sledgehammer Master (Wrench Jockey) - increases damage from hits with a key. Indispensable for those who chose close combat. Obtained from the medical pavilion.

Sneaking with a key (Wrench Lurker) - makes steps quieter (an element of stealth) and strengthens attacks against enemies that the player cannot see. Obtained at the "Gifts of Neptune" level, useful for those who love close combat.

Photographer's eye (Photographer's Eye) - speeds up the exploration of enemies. Obtained by intensively studying the Daddies of the Rosie system.

Armored carapace (Armored Shell) - reduces damage in melee and from bullets. Indispensable in close combat. Freely sold at the Medical Pavilion level.

Damage Study (Damage Research) - increases the effect of enhanced damage on those enemies that you have studied. You can find it in the Hephaestus level next to the unfinished bomb.

Static discharge (Static Discharge) - an electric “skin” that shocks everyone who fights with the hero in close combat with a chance to temporarily paralyze. Tonic requires special caution around Big Daddies - the discharge may cause their anger. The first level is obtained in the medical pavilion, the second - from researching mutant shooters.

Hacker tonics

Signaling specialist (Alarm Expert) - when hacked, removes two (four) cells with alarms from the field. Indispensable for opening safes at later levels. Obtained in the theater of Fort Mischief, the second level of tonic is at the Prometheus Point level.

Focused Burglar (Focused Hacker) - when hacked, removes two (four) “useless” cells. The first level is in Neptune's Gifts, the second is in Apollo Square, in a building on the fourth floor.

Hacking Expert (Hacker Expert) - when hacked, removes the alarm and the “useless” cage. The first level is in the medical pavilion, the second is in the “Gatherer’s Garden” in Fort Mischief.

Bugbear (Safecracker) - greatly simplifies hacking safes by removing unnecessary cells and slowing down the flow of liquid. The first level is a reward for saving six Sisters, the second can be found in the autopsy room in the Prometheus Point level.

Security Expert (Security Expert) - greatly simplifies hacking defense guns, cameras and flying robots. Obtained from the medical pavilion.

Fast Burglar (Speedy Hacker) - slows down the flow of liquid in the mini-game, making life a lot easier. Obtained from the medical pavilion.

Scientific research

If you don’t forget to take pictures of all the red-eyed girls you meet, the hero will get stronger physically.

At the level "Gifts of Neptune" the player will receive a research camera at his disposal. This is a very valuable thing - with the help of the camera, in each battle the player will be able to take two pictures of each monster encountered along the way, moving forward in scientific knowledge and receiving two things: increased damage against a specific type of enemy and valuable tonics. There are five levels of knowledge in total, and how quickly the hero learns the enemy depends on the quality of the photo.

The criteria for a high-quality image are simple:

    The entire monster should be visible in the photo.

    It should be in the center of the full-face photo and as close as possible close-up(the camera allows you to zoom in a little).

    It is desirable that the monster at the time of the photo was alive and doing something (ideally, attacking the hero or fighting with someone else).

    If there is more than one monster in the picture (the others do not have to be alive), this counts as an additional plus.

You need to photograph all mutants, all hostile and neutral equipment (friendly ones are not considered a suitable object), all Big Daddies and all Little Sisters (for studying them, the hero receives increases in health and mana). The photo distracts slightly from the battle, but the effect is amazing.


The proud word “invention” in the game refers to a very simple concept where the player collects unnecessary parts and small things throughout the level, and then goes to a special “Invention” machine and exchanges it for rare ammunition, hacking devices and other things that are very difficult to find in the usual way. difficult.

This is the best and easiest way to get the most effective types of ammo in the game.

Weapon Upgrades

From time to time, at the levels you will encounter cars with the strange name Power to the People (no less than “Power to the People”). These are very nice machines, they can take and modify your weapon - once, but for free. Each type of weapon can have two modification options.

Since these units are rare, first of all you need to improve the weapon that you use most often.

Weapon Types

There aren't as many weapons in the game as there are ammo types and upgrades for them. The only thing that stands apart is...

adjustable wrench

A simple and reliable thing that can not only serve well, but also become the main weapon in the entire game if the player has a taste for “fighting” tonics. The method of application is simple - walk up and knock. Or so - they gave an electric shock, approached, tapped (once on the head is enough). With the key you can make holes in script blockages, break locks on doors and break glass.


Cleaning red-eyed girls from foreign organisms is good for the soul, but not for general development hero.

A simple weapon that can become too weak by the middle of the game, as often happens in action films with singles. However, the revolver hits very accurately, and it can always be used to “mark” enemies, calling down on their heads the wrath of the hypnotized Big Daddies friendly to the hero and the security “Carlsons” you hacked.

Possible improvements: increased magazine (removes a lot of problems with reloading) and increased damage.

This is interesting: all modifications obtained using the “Power to the People” machine are clearly displayed on the weapon and are drawn so well that sometimes you even begin to vaguely understand how exactly these “add-ons” work.

Standard ammunition: regular cartridges are good at the first five levels, when you have the opportunity to aim and shoot an enemy in the head. Then it becomes outdated and is only suitable for “incitement”.

Rare ammunition: armor-piercing cartridges are good for “removing” defensive mechanisms from afar: guns and cameras. They can also be used in battle with Big Daddies, but only as a means of last resort.

Invented ammunition: anti-personnel ammunition, whatever that means. The term is simply deciphered: they provide increased damage against mutants. A headshot is almost always fatal to mutants up to the Hephaestus level.

On a note: Invented ammunition can be obtained not only through invention machines. They come across levels on their own and are sometimes given to the hero as a reward. But they are extremely rare.


Not a very useful thing in a battle with fast-moving mutants - a long reload after four shots and a significant spread are very annoying, although just one shot at point-blank range will demolish almost any mutant at early levels. Another thing is the fight against stationary guns and large targets (read Daddies), where a shotgun allows you to inflict quick and serious damage.

Possible improvements: faster shooting or increased damage. Both are moderately useful.

Standard ammunition: ordinary fraction. There are few areas of application - the shotgun is too slow for mutants, ineffective for vehicles, and weak for Daddies.

Rare ammunition: electric shot. A good thing, when you need to jump out from around a corner and destroy a sentry cannon with one shot. It also works well against Daddies, replacing electroplasmids.

Invented ammunition: explosive shot. The scope is vague. I used it to: 1) save other ammunition; 2) in boss fights and 3) because there is nothing to do.

It is sad: Changing ammunition in a weapon is always accompanied by reloading. In the case of a shotgun, the process of changing from one type of cartridge to another is very long and painful. Although, in case of danger, you can always cancel reloading and quickly take out another weapon or use a plasmid.

Submachine gun

A wonderful thing in close combat - the stream of lead spewed out by the Chicago Typewriter stuns mutants and has remarkable stopping power. And at medium and long distances, the Thompson, alas, is useless - the spread is such that the cartridges will go to waste, and the hero cannot afford this - he carries too few cartridges with him.

Possible improvements: reduced recoil (useful for those who like long bursts), increased damage (this is worth taking first).

Standard ammunition: bread and butter. There are metal “pancakes” lying everywhere. Cheap, widespread - in general, it’s a sin to complain.

Rare ammunition: anti-personnel It helps a lot in the fight against overfed mutants at the last levels. There is only one complaint - these cartridges are too few, there are not enough for everyone.

Invented ammunition: armor-piercing. Area of ​​application: Big Daddies. And only them.

Grenade launcher

Now coffee cans will fly at someone. We won't name names, but this character has eight yellow eyes.

A funny thing, riveted from scrap materials. A funny-looking grenade launcher is very effective against large groups mutants and simply saves lives in battles with Big Daddies.

Possible improvements: increased damage (will do) and reduced damage to the player from his own grenades. This is interesting and cool, it allows you to shoot grenades at point blank range. “Take it, definitely take it!”

Regular ammunition: grenades from coffee cans. They fly along a gentle trajectory, bounce a couple of times, then explode. They have an intelligent system for recognizing enemies - if they crash into a mutant, a cannon or Daddy, they will rush right away. I like this kind of coffee. The only problem is that there are too few of them. The mutant is unlikely to get many of these grenades - even the Daddies may not have enough of them.

Rare ammunition: mine grenades. Indispensable if you are expecting an attack. They work over a large area and destroy mutants simply and reliably.

Invented ammunition: homing missiles. They explode beautifully, they taxi in flight, but they are not particularly needed, since it is extremely difficult to miss the Big Daddy. However, they will do well on the farm.

Chemical Thrower

Simply put, a flamethrower with the ability to throw ice and electric gel. Not a very useful thing, although it has areas of application.

Possible improvements: reduced ammunition consumption and increased throwing range. The first is moderately useful, the second makes no sense.

Standard ammunition: napalm. Sets mutants on fire well, replacing fire plasmids. It's not very reliable in battle, but it does a decent amount of damage.

Rare ammunition: a liquid nitrogen. Freezes enemies, replacing the corresponding plasmid. The scope is questionable.

Invented ammunition: electric gel. Replaces plasmid lightning. Good at stopping Big Daddies.


A hypnotized Big Daddy is a weapon of retribution. Let him fight by my side for only a few minutes. Mutants don't need any more.

A classic sniper weapon - you will like it, especially those who have studied stealth mutants and learned to hide themselves. At later levels there will be many convenient places for sniper shooting. The rate of fire, of course, is not important, and you will have to reload after every five shots. But the used bolts can be picked up and reused. Some, of course, will break, but the saving effect is obvious. And you can take it with you for three dozen standard bolts, and this is a very good supply.

Possible improvements: increased damage (for sure!) and reduced chance of bolt breakage (for the budget conscious).

Standard ammunition: what you will use most often.

Rare ammunition: incendiary bolts. They help inflict additional damage if it is difficult to hit the head and the “one shot - one dead” system may not work.

Invented ammunition: tripwire traps - a little death on a string. Shoot the wall and the arrow will throw the cord in the opposite direction (remember to step aside). Anyone who touches the sparking “wire” will either die immediately (mutant) or suffer greatly (player or Big Daddy). If you hang your head sadly and thrust an arrow into the floor, the cord will stretch vertically, which is extremely convenient for fighting “divers”.

Visit to Utopia

1960 An airplane flies over the night Atlantic Ocean. On board, the main character Jack lights a cigarette and reflects, looking at family photos:

“I was told that I was special and born for great things... That must be true.”

Bathysphere awaits! Transport links in the underwater city are surprisingly well established.

Andrew Ryan will save people underwater from both American hawks and the Soviet hammer and sickle.

Special or not, but very lucky - that's for sure. When the plane crashes into the ocean, only our hero survives. He emerges from the depths and discovers that burning kerosene has illuminated a strange building resembling a lighthouse. We go there.

When the automatic transport submersible descends to the depths, flies over impressive underwater buildings decorated with neon advertising, and “parks” on an open dock (how many atmospheres of air pressure are there?), in a short voice-over automatic filmstrip “For City Visitors,” Andrew Ryan himself will clarify his position.

As often happens with utopias, something went wrong in the city. The ceremonial meeting is disrupted: before our eyes, a local resident was killed by a strange humanoid female creature with red-hot hook hands. This is a spider splicer. He will try to climb into our submersible, but after mature reflection he will decide it is better to wait outside.

Fortunately, we already have a friend in the city of Raptur who will contact you via radio (you will remove it from the wall) and become your guide. The unknown benefactor's name is Atlas. Welcome to Raptour, the accidental Cousteau.

Welcome to Rapture

The mutants fight hard and can run along walls, but the whirring of automatic protective robots throws them off balance.

Exit the bathysphere to take a first look at the “station” and the city beyond glass wall. To your right is a rebirth chamber, in one of which the hero will “wake up” if he accidentally dies and does not want to load the game. The piled-up posters (“Ryan, let us go,” “You are not our master”) transparently hint that residents, at a certain stage in the city’s development, lost enthusiasm and tried to escape—not very successfully.

“How many have I stabbed, how many have I cut,” sings the hidden girl with hooks. Hook-bearers generally adore effective phrases and songs and often give themselves away by doing so.

If you come closer to the barricade, the beauty maiden will reveal herself, but your guide Atlas will turn on the defensive system. A combat mechanical carlson will fly in and drive the enemy away with machine-gun fire.

Next we will have to work with our own hands. “Find yourself a crowbar or something,” Atlas will say. In front of a small stone blockage there is an adjustable wrench - a good argument in conversations with all sorts of mutants. Swing this iron thing a couple of times, and then punch a passage in the concrete pile. But be careful - you'll get a warm welcome upstairs, so dodge the burning bench and fight the first bandit-like splicer of your career. He is weak and frail, and behind the stairs the first plasmid awaits you - a lightning spell. You will encounter creepy big-headed girls with mushrooms many times, denoting the plasmid vending machine “Garden of the Gatherer.” From him you can purchase not only new and improved plasmids, but also additional seats for plasmids and tonics using your honestly earned Adam currency.

It is important: Get into the habit of rummaging through everything: bins, tables, container boxes, lockers, corpses, cash registers, safes, broken mechanisms. This way you will have much less problems with money, ammunition and equipment, and chocolates, bandages and chips will improve your shaky health. Grab everything, but do not abuse alcohol (especially vodka).

You don't have Adam right now, so you'll get the lightning bolt for free. Out of habit (it’s not every day that you rearrange your DNA), the hero gets so overwhelmed that he falls off the balcony and lies helplessly while his condition is discussed first by two splicers, and then by a strange girl with a reverberation effect in her voice. An overweight creature reminiscent of a deep-sea diving suit obediently wanders behind her. We will meet with this couple later, but for now it’s worth getting up from the ground, dusting yourself off and testing Zeus’ skills on the sparkling lock from the nearest door.

With a confident gesture, Jack plunges the syringe with the plasmid into the vein. It seems, great experience in this kind of matter.

In the glass passage between the buildings, you will witness the “arrival” of the plane’s tail in the city. This thing sank for a long time! Not otherwise, it was waiting for us to break through the glass ceiling and try to replace part of the tunnel. Jump into the rear of the passenger cabin, ignoring the water, and exit through the door. At the end of the corridor, open the door and go into a (relatively) dry room.

The blue eva syringe is one of those things that you will look for and be happy to find. Let me remind you that this is an analogue of a magic potion that restores mana (sorry - “Eva”, which, moreover, is not drunk, but, to say the least, injected into a vein). It's a pity that you can only keep nine bottles with you.

The battle with the next pair of splicers will be easy if you use a combination of technology and magic - first we shock the mutant, then his life is in full swing. One hit, one dead. It's better to aim for the head.

When you come out to a large hall with elevators and burning splicers, Atlas will ask you for a favor: he will tell you that his family is hiding in a secret place, in the town of Neptune's Gifts, and he needs help to get to them. Why not help to a good person?

Take the elevator to a higher level and listen to the groans around the corner. Look at the shadow of the stroller and the woman, then take out the pocket zipper - the woman is not a real welder, she’s just wearing a mask. The stroller is the most natural, but what lies in it is not a child, but an excellent revolver. It's a pity there aren't enough cartridges.

New Year 1959 was celebrated at the Kashmir restaurant. The masquerade did not end entirely successfully, as evidenced by the setting and the audio diary (the first of many) on the lower level. Carefully go down the stairs, listening to the two splicers communicating. When you knock on someone who is banging on the door, be careful - there is an aunt on duty behind the door with a revolver, and you cannot deal with her with one blow. Pick up her weapon.

This is interesting: In the game, in order to pick up a weapon, first aid kit, Eva potion or ammunition, it is not enough to “step on” them. You literally have to pick them up. This tradition found its way into a game from the System Shock series.

After searching the kitchen, go back and quickly discharge lightning into the water around the statue to deal with a couple of mutants who appeared here, obeying the game scripts.

The mutant dared to touch the Little Sister, and now her iron bodyguard will carry out an exemplary execution before our eyes.

After killing another mutant upstairs, go into the women's restroom and look at the harmless ghost. Make sure you haven't missed anything in the containers and exit through the hole in the wall of the men's room. I can guess why the owner of the theater was furious - there must have been quite a stink in the room.

Here you will find an educational program regarding the Younger Sisters, girls with sparkling eyes and cold hearts.

Follow the iron lighting fixtures to the other side of the room and go down the stairs. Each Younger Sister carries vast reserves of valuable adam. But taking it away from a girl is not so easy. Firstly, they themselves are strong to the point of invulnerability. Secondly, don't forget about the Big Daddies - now it's time to get to know them closely. These are huge, armored, dangerous creatures, and behind their external clumsiness they hide incredible speed and agility. Yes, you will see everything for yourself when the arrogant mutant tries to pester the girl before your eyes.

Loot the body of the brave splicer, break the chain and lock with the key, then eliminate a couple more mutants in the corridor. Even Big Daddies sometimes fail - take the money from the pile of scrap metal and jump into the water. When they won’t let you into Neptune’s Gifts, scaring you off with a flamethrower, wait for guests. There will be a lot of mutants, but almost all of them can be electrocuted when they jump from the stairs into a puddle.

The bypass road to “Gifts” runs through the medical building. On the way there you and big screen Andrew Ryan himself will greet you. He will suspect you as a Russian spy and, in general, he will not be so wrong. While the splicers he has trained will break through the glass, Atlas will open the locked door for us. Don't hesitate!

Medical Pavilion

The medical pavilion is the kingdom of Dr. Steinman, who is engaged in inhuman experiments in the field of cosmetology. He approaches beauty issues like a true artist. Unfortunately for his patients, Steinman's idol is Picasso.

The glass is covered with cracks, water is ready to pour into the tunnel... not good at all! Hurry up to the airlock!

In the hospital lobby, try to get comfortable with the Circus of Values ​​machine. Bargain with him - hack so that prices drop a little. If you are missing something, buy it - the clown has first aid kits and syringes with eva in its assortment.

An awkward Carlson security machine was stuck in the broken doors. This is an invitation for a hacker - the buzzing flyer will become your best friend and will help you in battle when you come across two quarreling mutants outside the door. The task is simple: you need to disable the security system in order to get into Neptune's Gift, but this can only be done with the help of Dr. Steinman's key. And it follows from this that it’s a bit cramped for the two of you on the same level.

Switch the lever at the top, behind the stairs, to supply electricity to the hospital. Behind the door behind you you will find a Thompson submachine gun. When you open the door to the medical pavilion, mutants will jump out at the noise. They are armed, and the glass of the booth is poor protection from bullets. It is best to meet enemies in a narrow corridor. Your new friend Carlson will help with a spark. Remember that by itself it will only attack those mutants that hit you or that you hit.

In the corridor on the way to the surgical department, you will have the opportunity to admire another non-scary ghost and learn how to cope with stationary defensive guns. The rules are the same - fast lightning strike, sprint and hack. It is advisable to leave the guns safe and sound - they will be useful to you later.

Three restless mutants will provide an excellent opportunity to experience the fireball in action.

Look into The Aesthetic Ideals of Dr. Steinman (the iron door is straight ahead) and see that a heavy sign blocks the entrance. Return to the foyer and begin exploring the adjacent rooms in search of new adventures, enemies and valuables.

Your next stop is the crematorium (indicated by a torch). Check out the new enemy - the Splicer Grenade Launcher. Hack the camera (if you are not tall enough, try doing it while jumping), burn the body to remove from it the very useful tonic “Hackbreaker's Joy”, which will restore health and eve with each successful hack.

In the room at the top behind the stairs is your second plasmid - a fire spell. You can get into the room through a narrow passage. Do you see the spilled fuel and the red barrels? They are here for a reason. When the splicers come running to the room and start hitting the glass, set the fuel on fire. When the smoke clears, don't forget to loot the bodies.

With fire in hand, you can return to the frozen doors to the funeral home and carefully melt the ice. If, once in front of the counter, you turn left, you can eliminate the sobbing splicer and loot the coffin. There is a note “0451” nearby. This is the code to the door opposite. Behind the door is a warehouse.

This is interesting: Passcode 451 was found in System Shock, System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. The origin of the code is Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451.

To the left of the registration desk, a splicer is hiding behind a coffin, and a stationary cannon is hidden in the wall. It can simply be eliminated. Don't forget to open the safe.

And here are visual instructions for using the fire plasmid: “Try it right now!”

There's not much to see behind the door to the morgue. Crappy lighting, a couple of shadows on the wall, a Security Expert tonic on the autopsy table, and a splicer that will try to scare you on the way back.

Return to the double staircase and go down to the ice rubble. Behind the door on the right you will find some valuables, and ahead is the dental department. Go through the door with the red round sign. Beware of the automatic cannon - this one shoots grenades. To get to the powerful “Sledgehammer Master” combat tonic, you will have to look into the ventilation shaft next to the screen. Go back to the corridor.

You probably noticed the shotgun lying alone on the floor and guessed that an ownerless weapon usually does not mean anything good. That's right - as soon as you take the gun, the lights go out and the splicers will attack you in almost pitch darkness. A couple can be taken out with shots from a shotgun, the rest can be finished off the old fashioned way - with electric shock and a key.

Now you can climb into the dental department (toothy smile as a sign). A plasmid for telekinesis will be given to you by the “Gatherer’s Garden” machine gun. Replace the fire plasmid with it, since you can only keep two spells with you. Practice catching and throwing tennis balls in flight.

All you have to do is clear out the remaining rooms, pick up the very useful Quick Burglar tonic and, using telekinesis to get the key, open the locked door (where the dead surgeon is hanging from the window). There will be a lot of enemies and TV cameras, but the splicers can be lured to the door.

Carefully! When visibility in a room with fog begins to deteriorate, at one point you will find a mutant surgeon behind you. Keep a couple of zippers on hand.

Dr. Steinman's aesthetic ideals are very... original.

Now you can return to “Aesthetic Ideals”, where a fallen sign blocked your way. On the balcony nearby, grenade launcher splicers do not work. When I caught a grenade from the tenth mutant on the fly and sent it back, I realized that this was a hint. The grenade must be thrown not at the mutant, but at the sign, and the path will be clear.

It is advisable to hack all the guns with cameras that come your way and pick up the “Static Discharge” tonic.

Clean out the office on the right, save and go to meet Dr. Steinman himself, who is experiencing a crisis of creativity (“Nothing works!” - and a scalpel whack-whack).

He has a machine gun, and the battle will not be easy. You'll have to hide a lot and shoot accurately. Throwing canisters is dangerous - the doctor can blow them up with a stray bullet while they are in your hands. It is possible to make the battle a little easier if you jump around the corner to the left or right into the water. Lure the doctor into some water - the easiest way to do this is to set him on fire - and give him several shocks (just make sure you're standing in a dry place first).

When the doctor goes after his patients, don't forget to pick up the key from the body and open the safe, from which you can replenish your first aid kits. On the way back, mutants are waiting for you - here it will become clear that you hacked the guns for a reason.

Dr. Steinman is experiencing a genre crisis. He called our hero ugly too. Big mistake on his part!

How to proceed? By and large, the choice only affects the game ending. More Adam means more abilities, a longer bar of life and magic, but for good behavior, Dr. Tannenbaum will give out a reward every three girls - valuable tonics, spells, ammunition and 200 units of Adam. This means that the difference in Adam received is not that great - in fact, 146 versus 160. In addition, only a “good” player will be able to get the most valuable spell “Big Daddy Hypnosis” at the beginning of the game. So there is an imbalance - being good at the game is more profitable, at least at first.

Buy health or food at the nearest “Garden” and go out through the door into the familiar foyer, where another sister is wandering around with a normally functioning Daddy with her. Now you have to fight seriously, and even with the most dangerous variety of Popes - the Bouncer system, which runs quickly, knocks you down, drills and causes unwanted visual effects.

The El Ammo Bandito vending machine specializes exclusively in ammunition. Crazy city.

You will have to use all possible electric and armor-piercing weapons. If you don't have enough of it, go around the nearby Circus of Values ​​and stop by El Ammo Bandito. The battle plan is relatively simple: we open fire with electric shot (or lightning from our fingers) and finish off with armor-piercing shots from a revolver or submachine gun, while the creature is in the line of fire of the defense installations you hacked.

The intricate architecture of the foyer is on your side. It is advisable to stick to the corners to prevent Daddy from knocking you down, and in case of danger, Jack must flee as quickly as possible. Finally, it is possible to lure the defender to places where he cannot reach you, such as stairs or narrow holes.

It is important: just one Sister with a completely deflated Adam can lead to a “bad” ending - even if you saved everyone else.

When Daddy collapses on the floor, pick up his wallet and do your dark or light business with Sister. Return to the very beginning of the level (to where you repaired the flying Carlson), turn off the alarm and climb into the bathysphere, which will transport you to the fishing village “Gifts of Neptune”.

Neptune's Bounty

It's interesting here. There is room for maneuver and also live fish. Finally, this is where you can try yourself for the first time as a paparazzi.

Look at the crucified smuggler - Ryan waged a serious fight against illegality, but it did not help him. Go to the gene bank, where you can shuffle plasmids and tonics for free. For now, you have little choice. Remember that in any case you must keep at least two key plasmids with you: lightning and telekinesis.

The brutal reprisal against the caught smugglers did not at all strengthen the authority of Andrew Ryan.

On the lower pier you will see a new variety of Big Daddies - Rosie. They are not as dangerous as bouncers, because they prefer not to get into melee combat, but to shoot from afar and throw mines that a dexterous player can throw back. However, don’t get involved in battle - hide and watch as Daddy is unsuccessfully attacked by splicers, greedy for someone else’s adam.

While the battle is going on, carefully climb under the two piers and “repair” the stationary cannons as needed. When the flow of mutants dries up, pick up the goodness from the bodies (don't forget about the Medical Expert tonic in the mud between the piers), wait for Daddy to knock Little Sister out of the wall, and eliminate him.

The fight will be simple - even though each hit from Daddy's gun is unusually painful. Hide, lure Rosie into the open, catch and throw back the mines.

Having done all the work on the pier, go out through the doors to the production premises and fight with the mutants for possession of the gene bank. If you saved the third girl in a row, then next to you, behind the column, a gift will be waiting for you - the Hypnosis plasmid, with which you can attract Big Daddy to your side for a while. Take it as an active plasmid. And beware - a very harmful cannon will start firing grenades at you from the left. Shooting lightning bolts, get close to it and hack it - it will come in handy in case someone bad comes up the stairs from below. By the way, yes - go downstairs, pick up the things behind the stairs and open the door to the improvised interrogation chamber with code “5380”. Don't forget to search the body. Climb the stairs up to the makeshift barricade on which stands the grenade launcher you hacked, jump over it and knock on the door behind which stands... a welder? No, just an acquaintance of Atlas named Peach Wilkins, who will not let you inside until you get him a research chamber. He will open the lattice doors to the upper pier for you and give you a grenade launcher.

It is better to treat the first three Little Sisters you meet well, so that later the Big Daddies will stand up for Jack on occasion.

During the conversation, a mutant girl will swoop down on you from the ceiling in anger. Her hooks are very dangerous, and her health is incredibly high. It is not necessary to fight with her - you just need to hold out for a few seconds until Wilkins calls Carlson.

Go towards the upper pier. After a small battle with a couple of mutants, be sure to crawl under the floor and pick up all the good things. On the way back there will be more mutants - they can be shot from below, right through the bars.

The Big Daddy wandering around the floor can be tamed or eliminated by waiting until he acquires a Sister - fortunately, this will be much easier with a grenade launcher. In any case, it makes sense to electronically brainwash all the automatic guns in the area. A trip to the pier master's office (break the lock and chain) will be accompanied by shooting and other outrages, but with the help of Big Daddy you can get to the office without losses.

You can deliberately catch the eye of a security camera in order to summon robots, and then for twenty dollars you can turn them off at the bottom of the stairs in order to subsequently tame them. Unfortunately, in the end you will have to crawl through the ventilation, where Daddy will not be able to accompany you, so I advise you to still eliminate him when he gains clarity of mind and takes the girl out of the hole in the wall.

In the boss's office, grab the camera and immediately take a couple of pictures of the mutant behind the glass. He won't touch you. Returning back, you will find that the ventilation has been blocked, but another passage has opened, where the Bull's Eye of Security plasmid lies, with which you can “tag” splicers, provoking defense systems. You can use it right here by substituting the mutant captain, but, as I already said, this plasmid is almost useless in the game. Don't forget to take a photo of the mutant. And in general, from now on, at the beginning of each battle, take two pictures for each mutant, for each defensive system, for each Little Sister or Daddy. At the first opportunity, buy film - it costs a penny.

The ability to set security systems on a mutant is fun, but there is little real benefit from this plasmid.

Your task now is not just to return with the camera to Wilkins, but along the way to photograph two more spider splicers (besides the one we photographed in the interrogation room). So go to the tavern and post office. In the room with the mail you will meet a second spider splicer - be prepared to shoot it quickly before it shyly fades away. There is a third spider in the tavern - you will see it as soon as you enter under the sign with the rooster. If you did everything correctly, each killed hook holder will give you his heart, which replaces the first aid kit (it even goes into the same pile in the duffel bag).

In general, in the tavern there are a lot of enemies as objects for filming, a lot of valuables and rooms with useful things. A mutant captain is hiding behind a bed with a chained corpse. The locked door where Masha's (now Little Sister's) parents lived is opened with the code "7533". Listen to the audio diary and pick up the “Shortened Anxiety” tonic - also a very useless thing.

A door with a sparkling lock opens with a zipper. On the way back, don’t forget to take pictures of everyone, everyone, everyone. And perhaps it’s time to return to Wilkins. Deal with the spider splicer (now that you know a lot about them, this will be much easier). Pick up the “Sneaking with a Key” tonic along the way near the gene bank - it’s an excellent thing: it muffles footsteps and enhances the impact of the key against mutants who are not aware of the player’s presence.

Wilkins will let you inside, but will order you to put all your weapons in the pneumatic tube, except for the adjustable wrench. Smells like betrayal. And that's right - as soon as you enter the freezer compartment, the fog thickens and you are attacked. Don't forget to melt the ice and pick up the Focused Burglar Tonic before entering.

You don't have any weapons in this battle, so you'll have to rely on magic. It is highly advisable to have lightning, flame, rage and a Target Dummy with you. Use the gene bank just before the entrance on the left.

The battle plan is as follows - upon entering the hall, immediately run to the camera in the niche on the right and break it. Then, without waiting for the end of the speech, skip forward to the boxes and bars. In two jumps, climb onto the grates to the hole in the wall closed with a square piece of iron. When the attack begins, the plate will move to the side - don’t waste time, break the cannon in the niche. Now you have technology on your side, and the battle will be very easy, especially if you place a scarecrow in a puddle of water opposite.

“You ruined my entire youth!” - this creepy creature screams. Will shock therapy help?

The most dangerous enemy is a mutant throwing Molotov cocktails. Try to make other splicers armed with revolvers dislike him. Hide behind the slate sheets, but away from the cannon - if the bottle flies into it, Jack may be hit by the explosion.

It is important: Don't forget to take pictures, don't forget!

By the way, this is where the previously described method of eliminating enemies will finally be fully useful to us. First we set them on fire and watch them intelligently run towards the puddle to jump into it. Some make it, others don't. In any case, once the mutant is in the water, he can be shocked. This is the easiest way to deal with an arsonist. He has a lot of health, so don’t forget to refresh the stuffed animal from time to time - its duration is short.

After the battle, you can melt the ice around the freezers and clear them out. Believe me, they have a lot more money and valuable things than enemies. To get to the large pile of money under the block of ice, you can use the hole in the wall of the adjacent freezer. Take your items from the pneumatic tube behind the grate and go down the stairs, where the most amazing reward awaits you - the first Power to the People station in the game, which can improve one type of weapon in one direction once. Don't forget to melt the ice under the stairs.

Finding the secret smugglers' tunnel will not be easy, but it will be very easy - it will naturally be shown to you by two ghosts talking to each other and demonstrating a distinct Harlem accent.

You are in a secret tunnel. That's basically the whole level.

Smuggler's Hideout

This is the shortest and easiest level in the game.

Take a “gentleman’s set” from the gene bank - lightning, fire, a stuffed animal and, if there is one, free place, telekinesis. Don't be afraid of the rolling bottle - it's just there. Search all the boxes, pick up weapons and ammunition (somehow there is not enough loot for the secret warehouse of smugglers). Disarm the lone automatic cannon. You don’t have to “break” it - you won’t need it.

Atlas rushes to the submersible, but he will never see his family - for a number of reasons.

Very soon, without meeting a single mutant, you will find a submarine where, according to Atlas, his family is languishing. Old man Ryan noticed us and is intimidating us in every possible way, threatening us with all kinds of punishment if we pull the lever and let Atlas into the dock. You shouldn't do this right away. It’s better to go further through the level, pick up all the stuff from the locked room and “pull” the things lying on the stones in the water. Look at the bathysphere (“Are they moving there? Knocking?”) and return to the lever. Get ready for battle and pull the lever. Atlas is indoors, he runs to the bathysphere, but suddenly spiders jump out and the entire dock is filled with smoke. Ryan chuckles evilly, Atlas is panicked, but appears to be alive.

When the door opens, a spider splicer will immediately attack along the corridor on the left. Set it on fire mid-flight so it hits the gas cylinder and take a photo. If the mutant is still alive, you can throw another balloon at him.

At the dock, two more spiders will jump out to meet you, but you are unlikely to have time to kill them. The bathysphere explodes, Ryan is delighted, Atlas is sad and eager to take revenge (of course, not personally, but at the hands of Jack). There is nothing else you can do on the level - move towards Arcadia.


Arcadia is a "green" level, full of grass and trees. Here, for the first time, you can start collecting small junk in order to “invent” useful things and improved ammunition. I would also be right if I call Arcadia the most confusing place in all of Raptur. It's really hard to navigate here, so follow the mission compass and look at the signs.

Once in the Tea Garden, find a door with one burning torch, set the second one on fire and loot the tomb (seems to be a nod to the series of games Zelda). Admire the harmless ghosts and go through the paper doors to clean out another room.

Before entering the door leading to the subway, take a camera and quickly take a photo of the character who is calling for help. The photographic fact is inexorable - this is not a ghost, but a new type of splicer - Houdini. They are unpleasant - they throw fireballs that are difficult to catch, and in addition they disappear, appearing in another place - usually behind the hero's back. Remember to stand with your back to the wall when the Houdini is out of sight.

In a small room there are two holes. One is in the center of the room (there is a universal burglar), the other is against the wall. The bald head behind the pile of bags is not a splicer in ambush, but an ordinary corpse. Don't rush to get out of the niche - a mutant with a revolver is waiting for you in the room.

Behind the door are a couple more mutants. He is with a revolver, she is with a rake. It’s easier to shoot him from afar and set her on fire. In the next room, the entrance is shot through by an automatic cannon - beware. A couple more mutants won't give you much competition. Open the warehouse by electrocuting the sparking panel.

Around the bend on the right there will be a “staff only” room. It is booby-trapped with electric trip wires, but you don't have to touch them - just jump onto the table and then jump back when the mutant attacks you. He will fry in the stretch, and in the meantime you can calmly collect things in the room, using telekinesis and jumping over dangerous cords.

Going out into the large corridor, make sure that the regular splicers and Houdinis don't like each other, and then force one of the stealth mutants to go into stealth. Explore the channels if you like—the only thing to be wary of is the occasional tripwire or lone Houdini. Continue past the flower-filled entrance to the Tree Farm, check out the pay alarm disabling mechanism, and watch Big Daddy fight a random mutant. Then there will be a couple more meetings with unfriendly locals - in general, nothing serious. Don’t turn anywhere - when you find yourself in full view of the camera, I advise you to play giveaway with it, and then quickly flick the Carlson current, run back and turn off the alarm. Both aircraft will crash to the ground; hack them and you'll have green-eyed bodyguards - the best motorized bodyguards in the world. Don't destroy the camera - you may need to replace the flying pieces soon.

Tamed security robots often get in the way, but in essence they are wonderful creatures - brave and selfless.

Advice: The camera can be used for strength development if you catch its eye, and then photograph the flying Carlsons in bulk. You can gain the maximum level of knowledge about these flying protective devices in this way in a couple of minutes.

Behind the door with the sign is the entrance to Rolling Hills. Before going there, turn left and search the storage rooms - there you will find a clown shop, a gene bank, weapons, change for invention, a passage through the ventilation to the safe and several enemies.

Return to the entrance to the "Hills", where you will immediately be fired upon by a grenade launcher. Try to “break” it, since in the future it will be useful to you in the battle with Big Daddy - and here he is, by the way. If you want to compete with him, make sure the girl is with him. You can, however, hypnotize him and pit him against the Pope you saw before.

An attempt to go further to the metro will be unsuccessful. It looks like we're stuck at this level and we're in serious danger. Ryan sprayed defoliant across Arcadia, the trees lost their leaves, stopped producing oxygen (and no one cares that with artificial lighting they won’t produce much anyway), and, in general, the entire population of the region is in danger of dying from suffocation.

The sprayed defoliant did its job - it turned the gardens of Arcadia into a rather gloomy place.

If anyone can help us, it's Dr. Julie Langford, who planted this forest. She lives here in the laboratory, the entrance to which is covered by a security camera. Julie will immediately send you to get a flower for her - she needed a rose for some reason. The rose bush can be found in the grotto with the waterfall. On the way back to the grotto, it makes sense to look into the opened holes in the walls, where Houdini live, worshiping trees and very angry at the lack of greenery. Look for green flasks with chlorophyll solution, pick them up from Houdini bodies - very soon we will really need these flasks. Several more secret places will open up - for example, a path along a wooden cornice immediately after the entrance to the “Hills”.

The door to the grotto will be open - behind it three mutants are enthusiastically beating someone's lifeless carcass, giving you the opportunity to shoot first, and then pick up a tonic that will allow you to delay the reaction time of guns and cameras to your presence.

The grotto is guarded by harmful cannons and tripwires. Mined areas can be bypassed; it is better to hack the sentry guns. Also get rid of the camera and open the sparkling door to the warehouse. The rose bush is impossible to miss. When the flower is in your hands, give the cannons time to shoot the two mutants rushing up the stairs towards you. On the way back you will meet a couple more, but, in general, nothing serious. Place the rose in the pneumatic receiver and Julie Langford will let you into the laboratory. Pay attention to security systems - you will soon have to hack them.

The Power to the People weapon modification machine is a nice find at any level.

On the table, pick up the “Hacking Expert” tonic, which removes two “wrong” squares from the hacking card - it is extremely useful at the last levels, when you have to break a defense that basically cannot be overcome otherwise. Search the entire office, and then go to Julie's office. Alas, you won’t be able to see her in person (in general, the developers do not allow the player to meet face to face with any normal person). Before she leaves us, she scribbles four numbers for Jack. Here they are: "9457". This is the code to her safe. When the gas has cleared from the room, go around the room in a circle, pick up a homemade flamethrower (or an ice thrower or, God forgive me, “liquid current” - depending on what is charged).

Here's your next task: you need to invent a mysterious drug that restores vegetation called the Lazarus vector. On the way back, carefully break the defensive cannons and camera - they will very soon save your life. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Your path for now leads through the “Tree Farm” to the level where we will collect all the necessary ingredients for the invention - seven units of distilled water and seven samples of bee enzyme. If you've thoroughly searched grottoes and dead Houdini, you already have the chlorophyll samples you need.

The entrance to the tree farm is on the left, just past the exit from The Hills. You will recognize the farm by its large tank with a funny picture. Explore the cornices on the right, overcome the security systems and move towards the collective farm market.

Farmer's Market

To find the enzyme, you need to visit the beehives; for distilled water, you will be sent to the distillery - a rather disgusting place.

Immediately after the entrance, you will find the first enzyme sample on a corpse. Break the grenade launcher on the right around the corner - it will help later in the battle against Big Daddy. The market itself is small, but there are plenty of enemies here, so be on your guard. Pick up a tonic that restores Eva every time you use the first aid kit. Someone hid grenade mines and hacking devices in the ventilation shaft. A mutant is waiting for you on the bridge behind the stairs. Three more will jump out from behind the counter around the corner.

This powerful, translucent old man saved Jack his young life many times. He diverts the mutants' attention to himself. I call him "Zitz-Chairman Pound."

If you meet Big Daddy behind the stairs at the top, next to the security camera, you already know what to do with him. In addition, there are many stairs and convenient places to throw grenades at the enemy from above. The code for the room with the pumps is “0512”, use it.

Before entering the glass tunnel leading to the Silver Wing Apiary (anyone in Raptur like the battles in Warsong Gulch?) and Worli Distillery, pick up distilled water in the area. It’s impossible to miss it, these cylinders glow very brightly - one in the basement, the other right next to the door.

Come to the apiary. Don't watch how the bees deal with the unfortunate mutant, because then they will start attacking Jack. It’s better to immediately go through the door and turn on the smoke screen so that the bee army hides in the hives and does not show the sting from there. Now you need to search All hives until you have collected the required number of enzyme samples. Before doing this, place a mine on both sides of the door through which you entered - very soon you will have guests. If the smoke effect ends, immediately run back and turn it on again, because the bees bite very painfully. Renew the mines at the door if necessary, or eliminate the splicers manually.

Now your road leads to the distillery. If you know how to tame Big Daddies and find one nearby, have him become your bodyguard. It is not difficult to find water in the basement by the bright glow. Unfortunately, mutants can quickly find you in the basements, and there are a lot of them here. A hacked camera and Daddy will help you.

Open the safe, clear the floor and don't forget to look into the second Power to the People machine, which will help strengthen the weapon one more time. In one of the containers there is a secret that will turn into a trap: as soon as you go inside and grab the useful tonic “Photographer’s Eye” (speeds up the study of monsters), the exit will be blocked by tripwires. If you have Big Daddy at your disposal, there is nothing to worry about. And in general, in the most extreme case, you can bombard the guy wires with lightning, and deal with the splicers the old fashioned way.

Once you have seven enzymes and water cylinders, use any inventive machine to create a Lazarus vector. Now it’s time to return to the previous level - to Arcadia, where you should again find “The Hills” and Julie Langford’s laboratory.

Mutants are cunning. If I fire with a lead, they hear the sound, stop to listen, and the bolt flies in front of their nose. This is unfair!

As soon as Jack leaves the market for Arcadia, he will be attacked by flying Carlsons, raised on alert. Just shock them until you get to the toll alarm station, or just run straight to the Hills without stopping to save twenty.

There is a battle ahead - it’s not for nothing that Big Daddy is wandering around the laboratory. Its developers have sent it to your aid - at least to those of you who can charm this monster and temporarily earn its trust.

The plan is this: you put the Lazarus vector into a cunning mechanism, and there it is distributed throughout the system. This process will take several minutes, and during these minutes you will have to defend the laboratory. Tame Papa, place a couple of mines near the main entrance door (it is very important that the explosion does not hit your bodyguard), and hide somewhere in the corner. If you have managed to study Houdini well, then you should have at your disposal a “chameleon” tonic that allows you to dissolve into the shadows like an elf.

Stock up on ammunition, first aid kits and potions that replenish your eve. Atlas will send some swag through a pneumatic tube. And then mutants will attack - shooters, bandits, Houdini... Your task is to make sure that part of the battle takes place without your participation. Use a distracting scarecrow, mark enemies with a shot from a revolver so that Daddy can take care of them, throw away mines to replace the exploded ones, and do not forget to resume hypnosis.

When the vector is ready to spray, simply run to the control room again and pull the lever. Everything around became blue and green, the trees and air were saved.

Now the road to the metro is open. And our next stop is Fort Mischief.

Fort Frolic

Mutants often wear masks. For what? To remember your old life. So as not to see each other's ugly faces.

Fort Mischief is the entertainment, shopping, gambling and erotic center of the entire Raptur. But it is famous primarily for the fact that Sander Cohen, a subtle connoisseur of all kinds of art, settled here. I probably won't be wrong if I call him the most remarkable character in the game.

At the very beginning, nothing foreshadows trouble (well, except perhaps for a paid automatic fortune teller). You can play the slot machine and try to hit the jackpot by saving first. You can even lightly rob the windows of locked stores. It’s okay that security robots will fly in - if you already have a chameleon tonic, they simply won’t find you and will fly away.

In general, Jack did not plan to stay at Fort Mischief, but just wanted to transfer to another bathyscaphe. But, alas, Sander Cohen thinks otherwise - the bathyscaphe will disappear from view, the performance will begin against the backdrop of magnificent red curtains, and Cohen will greet you.

As you exit the "station" back toward the shops, you'll notice two things. Firstly, the space around is lined with stretch marks. Secondly, several pairs of spider splicers were sent in your direction. I advise you to combine the first and second by placing a cardboard dope between the stretched electrical cords. Before the splicers are blown up by mines, take pictures of them.

The last couple will most likely have to be dealt with in a more traditional way - or use an enraging plasmid to make the mutants bite each other. Please note - the new, improved mutants not only swing hooks, but also throw them with deadly accuracy.

Cohen will ask you to go into the atrium, and you have no choice but to follow the instructions - without his help you will not be able to get the submersible.

I understand everything - a crazy fantasy, the creativity of a psychopath... But why in the women's restroom?

Look around the area. Note the leaking roof, perhaps symbolizing Cohen's own health. Do not try to sneak the medical tonic behind the glass - it is not yet available to you. Try hitting the plaster statues near the stage a couple of times. Yes, they are made of living people, and encounters with these statues in various places throughout Fort Mischief are perhaps the creepiest moments in the entire game.

There is a lot of interesting things at the level. Mutants are fighting on the first floor (break the camera so that it obeys you). Don't go to the women's restroom if you value your sanity. Turn right. In Sofia's salon there are clothes and a safe hidden behind a piece of fabric. In the cocktail room there is an inventive machine (when you return through the cocktail room, watch out for the bottle thrower behind the counter). And in the tobacco shop on the ground floor there is a “Power to the People” machine and, of course, a couple of mutants at the entrance and exit.

Advice: At the next level, you'll really need a crossbow, which you'll get very soon, so it's probably worth waiting on the upgrades - at least until you get that great sniper weapon.

There is also a lot of interesting things on the second floor. In the room “Cohen Collection” is really a collection, and a very creepy one. Upstairs is a sentry cannon and some very difficult safes that will probably cost you a couple of autocrackers if you don't have a tonic to make it easier to break into. Be careful - Houdini may come running in response to the noise.

Cohen's young student is alive as long as he plays the piano.

Nearby is the entrance to the Fleet Hall. Please note that the “Tickets” signs at the box office are in two languages: English and Russian. Tame the security alarm - it will come in handy when a crowd of mutants run down the stairs after hearing the noise of the elevator you called. You can go up the stairs to try playing the guitar (it's fun), but you won't be allowed into the movie booth where all the good stuff is for a while.

Go out to the stage where the maestro’s former student, young Kyle Fitzpatrick, is performing on the piano. The piano is wrapped in explosives, Cohen commands: “Don’t stop! Allegro!" - and the fate of our unexpected acquaintance (even if it’s a splicer) is predetermined, as is clearly hinted at by three female silhouettes armed with scissors on the curtains. After the explosion, Sander Cohen will demand that you take a photo of Fitzpatrick's body ("Quick, he can't pose forever!") and set the photo to Cohen's "masterpiece." Where is this masterpiece? In the atrium.

Clean out the boxes (there's an Alarm Expert tonic waiting for you) and exit through the passage under the stairs. Simply eliminate the two guns in order to open the safe without interference - there is no need for you to return here, even at the very end, when the door to the movie booth opens.

Enter the atrium, where the curtain rises on the theater stage and “plaster” figures in bunny masks hold four empty canvases. We will paste Fitzpatrick's posthumous photograph onto one of them. Cohen has three students left, he keeps all three in the fort, all three must be killed and photographed.

Don't forget to pick up the reward from Cohen - a crossbow. If you want, “charge” it in the “Power to the People” machine and go towards the frozen door to Poseidon Plaza. Cohen opened the door for you.

Ghosts walking around here and there are a side effect of splicing. They are not scary at all, and sometimes they even give very useful tips.

The frozen bodies inside are actually alive. You can “thaw” them with fire so as not to lose your prey. At a certain stage of exploring the freezer, the main character himself will freeze, but then thaw out and find himself in the same room with Martin Finnegan. He is one of the frozen figures against the left wall. In fact, Martin is a Houdini who throws ice instead of fire.

Advice: Frozen enemies can and should be photographed up close.

The easiest way to kill him is to use napalm. Don’t forget to pick up the Frost Field tonic and return to Cohen’s “masterpiece” with a photo of the body. If a bouncer is wandering around the atrium in the company of a Little Sister, I advise you to knock him - then the sisters will be difficult to find.

Cohen's last two students are hiding in Paradise Plaza. To get them, you need to go there, into the freezer, but do not turn left, but go through the door, after melting the ice.

It's dark and there are a lot of spiders. There are also many shops and casinos here, which it is advisable to walk around and carefully explore. The access code for the tobacco shop is “7774.” At Sir Prize Casino you'll find a supply of crossbow arrows - including several tripwire arrows that are more than suitable for taking on Big Daddies. Hidden in the Sinclair's Perfume store is the Extra Nutrition 2 Tonic and the Power to the People machine - you can open it if you find the switch from inside the counter.

Lastly, go to the strip bar "Eve's Garden", where you will be greeted by an inconspicuous-looking female ghost and invited to the ladies' room to watch horrors (not particularly terrible, however). Before following her, you should place a couple of mines at the front door. Or stretching. Or both.

Cohen's masterpiece is completed - and not without our participation.

Hear a story from the past that reveals sinister family secrets, admire the bloody footprints of bare feet and search the corpse on the bed. Collect all the evidence and go back out to stumble upon Hector Rodriguez, who is drinking in a bar. When he sees you, he will immediately rush out - this is where a big surprise awaits him in the form of your mines. If you miss Rodriguez, you can chase him for a long time - the scoundrel runs fast and also throws all sorts of nasty things over his shoulder.

Take a photo of the dead Rodriguez. Now it makes sense to climb the stairs to the second level - you can use the stairs in the strip bar. On the second floor, go around all the available shops and casinos. If you encounter a Big Daddy and a Little Sis, get rid of them.

This is interesting: There is one quick and easy way to eliminate Daddies using tripwire arrows. You just need to place them in a narrow corridor - but not between the walls, but vertically, that is, sticking the arrows into the floor and taking a step back. Having run into five tripwires, Daddy will not feel the best.

Our final character, Silas Cobb, is hiding out in the record store Raptur Records. Jump towards the bonfire and get ready to take out some burning mutant spiders falling from the ceiling. When the fire goes out in the ventilation pipe, crawl there and prepare the telekinesis plasmid. All you have to do is pelt Cobb with his own Molotov bottles. All you have to do is click the camera once, and you can leave this gloomy and inhospitable Paradise Plaza.

Fine art aficionado Sander Cohen is a very strange character, even by the standards of this crazy city.

When you return to the atrium and frame the third photo, Cohen will for some reason freak out and send several splicers in your direction. It is best to meet them under the camera you have tamed, behind the wall. The fight will be relatively simple, and Sander Cohen will apologize at the end, refer to his fragile artistic nature and give you a gift in a box (on the stage - in the same place where you picked up the crossbow).

Anyway, complete the masterpiece by installing the fourth photo. After this, Cohen himself will appear on stage under the spotlights and fireworks. In gratitude, he will give you the same “Medical Expert 2” tonic that we were licking our lips at from behind the glass, and will offer you to go on with your business. At the same time, Atlas’s voice will also begin to grow (all this time, Cohen was jamming the radio broadcasts).

Should I kill the artist or not? Definitely not. Firstly, an unprovoked attack would be a sign of deep ingratitude on Jack's part. Secondly, if you kill Cohen now, you will not be able to visit his personal quarters later in the game.

Before boarding the bathysphere, stop by the Fleet Hall, the projectionist's booth. There's a lot of tasty stuff there.


“Bomb, light up!” This sweet little thing will help us get to Andrew Ryan.

Hephaestus is the powerhouse of the city of Raptur. Energy is mined there, and by coincidence, the main office of our enemy with Atlas, Andrew Ryan, is also located there. The level is unpleasant - mainly because the enemies, without any warning, will acquire an additional portion of health, and a very significant one. The fact that the shooters picked up the “Tommigans” can somehow be explained: they say, the militia. But where did they get their health?

Along the road, lined with signs “To Ryan's Office”, you will find battles, sweat and blood. Be especially careful in a room with a table under a vertical pipe. It’s better to immediately place a scarecrow at the table so that the “landing” mutants who descend from the ceiling will take care of it first.

In the large lobby with columns and a huge metal bust, make sure the door to the office is tightly sealed and search all the bodies pinned to the columns - you are looking not only for valuables, but also for diaries. From the diary you will learn that in order to disable the lock that prevents you from getting to Ryan, you need to reboot the system. The hare, as they say, is sad, but there is nothing to do - you have to go to the power plants and run around there for a long time in search of the truth.

The door to the core of the Hephaestus energy system is in the corner of the lobby. It will open on its own, and a crowd of enemies will fall out of it. Blow them up or do something bad to them. In the room with the beds, pick up the Frost Field 2 tonic and past Daddy lying in the puddle (remember him, by the way - you will need him later) go under the neon lightning.

Somewhere above the glass tunnel, whales beat their tails. Daddy is wandering around the corridors. You know what - take it with you! It's more fun together. Exterminating mutants screaming something religious along the way, go down to the heat release control rooms - the road there is marked with yellow signs.

My tame Daddy fights with another Daddy (wild). As you might guess, I support the Greens.

This is interesting: on the lower tier of the power station there is a junk shop called “Circus of Values”, which sells everyone the same thing - a bomb with a burning fuse.

If you find yourself in a room with spinning wheels, be extremely careful. The light will blink, and you are preparing a mine or a coffee grenade. There are three dead mutants lying on the floor right in front of you. Let me give you a hint: they are not as dead as they seem.

Advice: You can recognize a pretending corpse by the tenacious grip with which he holds the weapon in his hands. Shooters with Thompsons especially often get scorched by this.

In the monitoring rooms, search everything around. If you meet another Daddy, you can have fights without rules.

The next stop is the workshops (white signs). Go down the stairs to the two cannons and disarm them. The access code to the office is “0126”. Disarm the tripwires, search the room and at the same time press the mysterious button on the table, preparing the lightning to quickly click the cannon. There is a strange shining clip sticking out of the wall. This is nitroglycerin. You will soon need it - not for medical needs, but for pyrotechnic purposes.

After leaving the office, turn right, get rid of the mutants and follow the bloody trail to find a secret passage to the secret workshop where the unfinished electromagnetic bomb lies. This is a great thing - but in order to power it, you need nitroglycerin (already there!), several portions of ionic gel (can be found on the level in shining flasks) and four wire clusters, and not ordinary ones, but model R-34 . These are only found on Big Daddies. We saw one (lying in a puddle in front of the station entrance), the others will have to be destroyed on our own. There are just enough of them for this end-to-end - perhaps even one will remain to help you with the bomb later.

And here are the main characters of the drama. The young guy in the middle is Jack.

As for the gel, one bottle of this valuable substance is on the table in the workshops, the other is on the upper floors of the station. Having obtained everything you need, load the bomb and grab it. Don't look at how big it is, you can easily drag it away. Just beware of fake corpses on the way to the workshop - the mutants seem to love just lying around and avoiding work.

Now your task is to get to the core through the geothermal energy control room. There in the large hall, in strategic places, there are two cannons that must be hacked at any cost. The hero must turn the valve for some time until the flowing lava dries up the water that prevents him from reaching the right place. While you are spinning the wheel, mutants will begin to break into the doors - not very actively, but they will indicate their presence. Cannons, a couple of mines at the doors and a tame Daddy will help you.

Go down the elevator (grab the Short Alarm 2 tonic along the way) and go out to the platform - it will take you to the core. Having gathered your courage, plant the bomb. It will explode merrily, with sparkles. Now the door to Ryan's office is open - it's time to check it out for yourself.

There will be a lot of fighting on the way back. This is tiring, but there is nothing to do, because we are two steps away from the villain’s lair. Open the door by pulling the lever. Ryan, sensing the end is near, will not want to give the city into the wrong hands and will launch the Raptur self-destruction procedure. Oh!

Atlas is in a panic, but don't stop halfway. There are two stairs on your right - go up the one on your left and dive into the ventilation system. You will find yourself in one very strange room, pasted over with photographs and mysterious diagrams.

This is interesting: Judging by the security camera images, our hero wears a light sweater, prefers practical short hair and looks like a young Russell Crowe.

Andrew Ryan, industrialist. Another person who failed to build a utopia.

What does it mean? And what do these very unusual audio recordings mean? There is no time to think - the city is about to self-destruct. Andrew Ryan is two steps away from us, playing golf completely calmly behind the safety of glass. When he deigns to notice our hero, very unexpected events will occur, which would be simply dishonest to retell.

Be that as it may, Ryan has left us, and his key will help us stop the self-destruction procedure. After this, we will have to quickly move our feet with the help of several Younger Sisters who will come running to help us.

“Oh, you little ones...!” - the hero will automatically think, collapsing into a deep well like Alice. And he will wake up in Dr. Tannenbaum’s shelter.

This is interesting: not even Dr. Tannenbaum would deign to talk to Jack face to face. Is she afraid of him, or what?

Olympus Heights

Interesting things are happening at the shelter, but sooner or later you will have to leave it. Little Sister will open the doors to the sewer for you. While the hero is looking for a valve to open the airlock, Frank Fontaine will get in touch and begin to say various nasty things under his arm, causing the hero’s health bar to begin to shrink. It is undesirable to linger on a level - the longer the hero fiddles, the less health he has. Jack will not die completely, but his health will no longer be the same - at least until he gets a portion of the medicine under the index “192”.

Even Younger Sisters need someone to train on.

At this and the next level, tamed Big Daddies will make life a lot easier, so grab one and run to apartment house"Mercury". It is assumed that the medicine lies in the apartment of the now deceased doctor with the dissonant surname Suchong.

Along the way you will come across splicers - one at a time and in pairs. Sentry guns will also be a problem. Suchong Apartment is on the first floor on the left. There will even be a couple of mutants inside, but alas, no sign of a cure. Dr. Tannenbaum will assume that she has the cure in her apartment, so use the Power to the People machine at the elevator and take the stairs around the shaft to the third floor, readying the lightning to disarm the camera on the wall. Along the way, you will meet a camera, a dead owner and a paparazzi confession, from which you will learn the access code to the elevator - “5744”.

Dr. Tannenbaum's quarters have been gutted, and the cure has most likely been taken to Atlas's private penthouse suite. It’s time, then, to go to the elevator and go up to the very roof. The entrance to Atlas's home is guarded by two mutants and a video camera. They won't notice you at first, as they will be behind the rock garden and columns. Jack's secret appearance on the floor can be an excellent opportunity to make a couple of sniper shots.

There are not many people inside the room. Go past the stuffed bear into the room and take medicine 192 from the table. After this, you can calmly, without fear of loss of strength, clean out the entire apartment - it will be guarded by lazy guards and sluggish sentry guns. On the way back, a couple more mutants and Carlson are waiting for you at the elevator.

Life is short, art is eternal - two mutants spin to the sounds of an ancient waltz and talk quietly.

You are half cured - your health no longer decreases, but a side effect has occurred: you only have one plasmid at your disposal, and even that changes randomly every minute. In principle, if things are really bad (for example, you want to tame Daddy, but there is no plasmid), you can wait a few minutes until the hero receives the one he needs for temporary use. There is an advantage to this - you will even receive plasmids that you have never used or had in your hands. If, for example, you play on the side of evil, then only at this level will you be able to tame Big Daddy.

Before going through places infested with pretend mutants and guard cells to Dr. Suchong's hospital for a second dose of medicine, it makes sense to clean out all open apartments on all floors.

This is interesting: If you didn't kill Sander Cohen a couple of levels ago, you can visit his apartment on the first floor and enjoy a traditional performance in the spirit of this eccentric... psychopath. Here you can finish him off and go up to the bedroom to collect some goods there. To call Cohen, just play a couple of chords on the piano.

Apollo Square

Drug number 192 has funny side effects. Jack looks with amazement at the new colors of the world and the fighting Carlson flying around.

Apollo Square - creepy place, which bore the brunt of the rebel mutants. We won’t stay here for long, we just want to take the medicine and take all the goodies with us to the next level.

When you see Big Daddy, do not rush to tame him, but wait until he reveals three splicers pretending to be dead. When the fight is over, grab the “diver” by the hand and lead him along. After passing the luxurious gallows, you will find yourself in the building where Dr. Suchong Hospital is located. Here it is advisable to deal with the security alarm gently and gently - it will be useful to you on the way back. After drinking the medicine, do not forget to listen to the audio diary, which became an accidental witness to the stupid and absurd death of the doctor.

In the kitchen, beware of the mutant pretender. Go back to take the elevator to the next level, after clearing the Poor Center further down the street (there you can find a bunch of weapons and a Power to the People machine). Split the wooden fence with an adjustable wrench.

When there are no valuables or Sisters left on the level, you can move to the lower floors, where the hero will have a faint hope of quickly catching Fontaine.

Point Prometheus

The visual propaganda at the Little Sisters training center is worth checking out.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to catch the villain. He cowardly ran away, locked the doors, and it was impossible to open them. But Dr. Tannenbaum will tell you that it is possible to get to Fontaine if you use the services of the Little Sisters - they are so small that they can crawl through the “dog” holes and open the doors from the other side. But how can you convince the girls to help Jack? There is only one way - you have to pretend to be Big Daddy yourself. To do this you need to borrow from these funny creatures appearance, voice and smell. Pick up the suit control panel lying in Daddy’s room, use the “Power to the People” machine and turn into the door on the left.

The easiest way to start your search is with pheromones - they are poured into illuminated flasks and are located in different places in the living quarters for girls (the entrance to them is marked with cubes and soldiers). There is a lot to see here - from “test” corpses punctured by Adam extractors to “cave paintings” of the girls themselves. Take three flasks and go back. Now your path lies in the “iron” department under the sign “Trouble-free armored escort.” Be careful - the doors are protected by an automatic grenade launcher.

The yellow color of the porthole is an indicator of Daddy's neutral attitude towards the player. Do you want me to hit him? It will turn bright red.

Behind the decontamination room there are disabled Carlsons - this is a good reason to take a couple with you and, if necessary, return for others. Inside the laboratory there are the usual enemies: spiders, shooters and bandits. You need to find a spacesuit, helmet and boots. The suits are suspended from the conveyor belt - take any one. The helmets are in one of the training rooms for candidates for Big Daddies. Be careful: as soon as you put on the helmet (you can hardly see anything in it!), you will be attacked by three spider splicers. The good news is that the more iron Jack wears, the better his protection against unwanted influences.

It’s time to leave the “iron” workshop and move to the library nearby - a pair of boots was delivered there through an oversight. Take them and don't forget to nail the "librarian" behind the counter.

Now the image is almost complete. The last step left is the voice modulator. It is located in the Optimized Eugenics rooms across from the Iron Department.

The device is easy to find if you turn right through the door after the right disinfection lock. Having picked up the modulator and roared properly, pay attention to the corpses that were not here before. It’s time to repeat the legendary phrase: “Don’t trust him! This is Glot from the planet Katruk. He's pretending."

In the next room for eugenic analysis there is a rich catch: a safe and a “Power to the People” machine. In the center of the laboratory is an emergency generator room. If you want to get to the safe without getting electrocuted on your heels, pull the lever and the generator will turn off for a while.

The girl is about to be torn to pieces by mutants, and I can hardly see anything in this stupid helmet! What kind of commission, creator...

Now all that remains is to go down to the beginning of the level and tap on the round hole in the wall with the adjustable wrench. A girl will get out from there and lead the fake Daddy through the entire museum.

This is an escort task - your girl is not immortal this time, but she still has the habit of taking Adams from corpses, and you will have no choice but to wait each time until she finishes poking the next “angel” with a syringe.

There will be three stops in total, and at each one you and Little Sister will be attacked by a company of splicers. In general, it will be quite difficult. After going through the first couple of doors, try to be in front of the girl, shooting random mutants. When you see a security camera, immediately break it. The “sample” lying here will become the first stop. When the girl starts using the syringe, mutants will run from both sides of the corridor. You can make your work easier if you install a scarecrow in one corridor, and take the second one at gunpoint or throw a mine there. I advise you to save grenades - for now.

If the girl dies, it doesn't matter. You can always “knock” another one out of the wall. The second stop will be a little easier in defense if you quickly break the flamethrower unit (a powerful thing), repurpose the camera and tame the disabled Carlson. The flamethrower will do a good job of filtering out enemies on one side, and you can set fire to the fuel if you want and throw a couple of mines in the other direction. Don't forget to place a distracting ghost in the threatened direction.

Two daddies once argued about which of them was real...

Once you find yourself in a room with a collapsed fish skeleton, do not relax, but look for two automatic cannons that need to be quickly disabled - you don’t have to hack them, because you don’t need them. When a large puddle opens around the next turn, throw a grenade into it. Let the jar fall about two meters from your edge of the puddle - this way it will quickly and safely take out a group of “divers”.

The third stop will be the most difficult - enemies will be able to attack from three sides at once and the cannon will most likely be quickly eliminated. Hack the camera around the corner as quickly as possible. Throw a mine around the corner behind you and place the ghostly scarecrow slightly behind the cannon.

When the flow of splicers dries up and the girl decides to continue the hike, do not relax, because you will have another battle - this time not against mutants. Your enemy will be another Big Daddy of the “Bouncer” system - the one who runs fast and drills everything. He will break down the wall just around the corner (a good reason to throw a mine there in advance) and can cause trouble in a narrow corridor. Pour “liquid current” over it and throw saved grenades at it. Use your first aid kits with confidence. First of all, there are a couple of pieces lying under your feet. Secondly, before the final battle you will be provided with an abundance of first aid kits, food, and ammunition.


“How many liters should I fill?” — Our interlocutor did not appreciate the joke.

The bronze man turned into ice and depicts Morozko. And you know, I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

While you were leading Little Sister through the museum and protecting her from all sorts of mutants, Frank Fontaine seemed to have suddenly developed a taste for Adam and decided to pump himself up to his eyebrows with it. Collect everything valuable in the room in front of the elevator, invent everything that has enough materials, buy first aid kits and Eva up to nine portions (but don’t spend all the money, leave at least fifty dollars). Make sure all weapons are reloaded so you don't end up with only one grenade left in the grenade launcher's magazine.

The rescued girl will lean out of the wall and give you her Adam's extractor. Ready? Go ahead, into the elevator! He will take you to the very top room of the very top tower, where the rather bronzed Fontaine crucified himself and stuck him with needles and systems through which Adam receives.

Look around, and then artlessly approach Frank Fontaine and poke him in the chest with the extractor. He will, of course, be slightly dissatisfied with this turn of events, turn into a fiery monster and begin to burn with a verb.

The problem with this arrogant villain is that he is not at all familiar with the concept of strafe and pre-emptive strike. Both his fireballs and his high-speed attacks will not harm Jack if he spins around the room shouting: “Another one burned at work!” — fill Fontaine with liquid nitrogen.

When Frank calms down a little and freezes into ice, hit him. You can even use a key. But it’s better to use something more substantial - for example, crossbow bolts.

They were always so cute and shy. Who would have suspected such a surge of unmotivated aggression in these girls!

Slightly tired and quite cold, Fontaine will again find himself among the syringes. And we'll poke him again! This time he will become an ice man - fast, dangerous and throwing ice blasts. At the same time, he will turn on the alarm. The robots will arrive and start shooting. And we'll do a trick with our ears - we'll spend twenty bucks to turn off the alarm on the panel on the left. The robots will fly away without a sip.

Ice Fontaine must be driven with napalm until it becomes hot and loses its shape. At this point you can start firing rockets until he evacuates again. And for the third time we will poke him with the extractor! This time he will summon mutants. You don’t have to touch them - just put a stuffed animal somewhere in the corner for them, let them play, while we finish off Fontaine with guided missiles and everything else we have left.

And when, with the last of his strength, he utters the villain’s signature speech, drops Jack to the floor and prepares to finish him off, an army of volunteers armed with very dangerous weapons - Adam extractors - will come to our aid.

System requirements

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Video card Nvidia 6600
ATI X1300
DirectX 11, 128 MB
Nvidia GeForce 7900 GT
ATI X1300
DirectX 11, 512 MB
8 GB 8 GB
operating system Windows 32-bit: XP/ 7 / 8.1 Windows 64-bit: XP/ 7 / 8.1

1. Collection is our everything. We collect things from killed enemies, from ashtrays and trash cans, boxes and other things. There are also always a lot of things around, you just have to look more carefully. Sometimes, we may need the help of telekinesis.

2. The differences between ammo types do matter. Anti-personnel and incendiary are effective against living flesh and blood opponents. And armor-piercing and electricity are good against mechanisms and big daddies.

3. Hacking has important. With its help, we can open access to unique products in the store, receive fire support from turrets, robots and security cameras, and open locked doors.

Passing levels

1. Prologue
BioShock. Walkthrough. Plane Crash

1960 Atlantic Ocean. We play as a man named Jack. While on the plane, he takes out a photo with his family and a box with a gift. He manages to remember what his parents told him: “You are not like everyone else, you are destined to become a hero,” and at that moment the plane crashes, falling into the ocean.

Jack was the only one to survive. We float to the surface, finding ourselves in a ring of flame, and swim to the only opening. Against the background of the moon we see a lighthouse standing in the middle of the ocean, and we head towards it. Inside the lighthouse, a bathyscaphe is discovered leading to the underwater utopian city of Rapture. During the descent, we manage to hear a conversation between two people, Johnny and Atlas. They talk about a plane crash near the lighthouse and that mutants will soon meet the bathysphere.

2. Welcome to Rapture
Bioshock. Walkthrough. Welcome to Rapture

Johnny is killed by a mutant, and we take the radio, through which Atlas reports that we need to go higher. In the station hall we take wrench and destroy the rubble. Be careful when climbing the stairs, you need to dodge the thrown burning sofa. This was done by a mutant thug. We hit him with the key, and then search him.

We go up to the second floor and inject ourselves with plasmids at the Gatherer's garden machine. After the splash screen, activate Plasmid "Electro Bolt" to a shorted switch at the door. Walking along the flooded corridor, we meet two thugs. During the battle, we stun opponents with electricity, and then hit them with a key.

We go up the elevator and take revolver in a stroller. In the Kashmir bar you can find several first aid kits and Evas. A mutant shooter has locked himself in the kitchen. According to Atlas's advice, if the enemies are standing in the water, we can shock the water with electricity, this is almost fatal for the enemies. We go to the toilet. In the women's ward, we see the memories of a girl who was mutilated by Dr. Steinman. In the men's section, in the last booth there is a hole leading to the Rampa Theater.

Walking along the cornices, we observe a fight between the big daddy and the mutant. Then we go down the stairs, where we fall into a trap. Several thugs attack us. You can lure them into the water. The road to Neptune's Gifts is blocked by a grate with a turret; you will have to take a detour through the medical pavilion.

3. Medical pavilion
BioShock. Walkthrough. Medical Pavilion

First we need to hack the security robot that is stuck in the door. (Hacking is carried out by laying pipes from beginning to end. To do this, we must freely move pipe segments across the field, and open closed ones with a mouse click). After hacking, the bot becomes our bodyguard. After learning how to hack, you can try to hack the vending machine that is nearby. This will give you a larger selection at a lower price.

We go upstairs and open access to the pavilion. We take a new weapon - machine. New task "Get the key from Dr. Steinman." There are a pair of security turrets in the pavilion's foyer. They can be hacked after receiving an electric shock.

Eternal Flame Crematorium

At the entrance to the crematorium we meet a nitro mutant who throws grenades at us. Entering the crematorium we get acquainted with the cells. If she notices you, she will call security bots that will attack you for a minute. If you hack the camera, then it will notice opponents instead of you.

There is a closed office on the second floor of the crematorium. We'll get into it by crawling through the hatch near the door. There we find a new one Plasmid "Incinerate". At this moment, mutants will attack the office. We just set fire to the oil stain on the floor and they all burn safely. Having received a new plasmid, we can melt the ice and open blocked doors.

Twilight Fields Funeral Home

Dentistry (Dental Services Area)

On the lower floor we see the entrance to the dentistry, we melt the ice with a fiery hand. To the right of this place there is a door to the storage room (Supply), we open the door with an electric hand and find useful items inside.

On your way down to the dental departments you will find shotgun. If you pick it up, the light will go out and you will fall into the mutants' trap. The fight won't be the easiest.


First-class dentistry (Dandy Dental)

The department of First Class Dentistry, which sponsors telekinesis, needs to study this very Telekinesis Plasmids in the tennis room. We only have two cells for plasmids, and this is already the third. We put telekinesis instead of fire. (Later we will be able to change the set of plasmids in a special vending machine).

Secret. In the dentistry we find a locked door with a sign “Painless Dental”. Through the window we see that a machine gun turret is installed in this office. We quickly climb onto the boxes, crawl into the opening where the glass is broken, turn off the machine gun with an electric hand, and then break it open. We pass through the office into a smoky room, in the far right corner on the table we find engineering tonic "Speedy Hacker". Here we climb into the ventilation hatch, find ourselves in another blocked room, kill the mutant girl, and collect items.

Secret. Also, in the dentistry there is a locked door with a button, next to it is a broken window in which a mutant woman is stuck. We use telekinesis to pull the key card through this window, after which we can enter the Chompers Dental department with the key. Inside we hack two surveillance cameras and a safe.

We leave the area along the upper floor through the "Surgery" door.


After studying the plasmids, go to the Surgical Foyer, where you will meet Dr. Steinman. He will collapse the passage behind him, but with the help of the Telekinesis plasmid and the nitro mutant on the balcony we clear the rubble. When entering the department, be careful, the doctor uses security systems.

In the far corridor, two doors on the right lead to the Surgical Savings. Here we quickly hack the security camera and collect useful items.

Along the corridor we reach the viewing rooms, we find ourselves in the operating room (Aesthetic Ideals), where we see Steinman’s victims and the psychopath himself.

Boss: Steinman

To fight him, you should use telekinesis on gas cylinders. Or you can simply set it on fire using the appropriate plasmid. If Steinman catches fire, he, like all other mutants, will run down to the water to extinguish himself. We can take advantage of this and shock the water with electricity. (If you do not have this plasmid, then use the appropriate ammunition for weapons). And don't forget to hack the ambulance station, which is located under the stairs. Steinman will certainly want to use it when he is low on health.

After defeating the boss, we take the key to the emergency exit from him and go back. On the way, we will be attacked by mutants. The corridor will be destroyed, but the door will be open leading to the hall where we see the defeated "Big Daddy". The mutant, who defeated the boss, tries to kill the "Little Sister", but is prevented by a girl named Tanenbaum. She asks you to save her little sister, while Atlas insists on killing her. You can choose the path yourself:

1. "Rescue (L)". They will give much less ADAM for saving the sister, but Tanenbaum promises a reward in the future.

2. "Harvest (H)". For killing we get ADAM from Atlas.

We use the collected ADAM to buy improvements in the “Garden of Gatherers” slot machine.

On the way to the exit we will meet another little sister, but this time she is guarded by a big daddy. Fighting him is quite a difficult task. To do this, you need to get armor-piercing cartridges and, if possible, hack security systems. We open fire and try not to fall under a ramming attack. After a protracted battle, we again collect ADAM from my sister. Our further path lies in “Gifts of Neptune”. We return to the foyer, on the second floor we press the switch, the security system turns off, we can go into the transport capsule.

4. "Gifts of Neptune"
Walkthrough Bioshock. Neptune's Bounty

At the entrance we find the Gene-Bank machine, which gives us the opportunity to freely change plasmids and three types of tonics. Moving along the corridor, we will meet a female mutant. She will jump into a hole in the ceiling, from which we take out cartridges for weapons using telekinesis.

Lower Wharf

On the lower pier there is a little sister walking with "Big Daddy" Rosie (the first type of big daddies, distance combat). If you don’t attack, then soon the mutants themselves will attack daddy. Be careful, there are two turrets under the platforms that open when you go down. One of them can be hacked. It is better to take the big daddy using the red barrels near the entrance (telekinesis).

(If you save three sisters, then Tanenbaum will send you a gift to the “Garden of Gatherers” - ADAM, a new plasmid, cartridges, additional improvements are unlocked in the garden. You can also purchase an additional cell for plasmids).

We go through any of the two doors, we find another “Gene Bank” machine, and behind it a “Garden of Gatherers” machine and a new Plasmid "Hypnotize Big Daddy" as a gift from my sister.

From the vending machine we can buy:

Increases maximum health and energy.

Additional slots for plasmids.

Plasmid "Sonic Boom" (repel enemies).

Plasmid "Enrage!" (make the enemy aggressive).

Battle Tonic: "Armored Shell".

Physical tonics: "Extra Nutrition", "EVE Link", "Hacker's Delight".

Secret. Here we go down to the water level, under the stairs we find a grate with a combination lock. You don't need to know the code; we can hack it. Behind bars we find an audio recording, cartridges, and first aid kits.

(When going to the Fontaine fish factory, stock up on first aid kits, there you will meet a female mutant, the same one that killed Johnny at the station).

We knock on the steel door, Peach Wilkins through the window will ask us to get a photo scanner from the pier master's office. After a short conversation, we are attacked by a very fast mutant. It won’t be possible to kill her right away, but we will have time to inflict some damage, after which Wilkins’ robots enter the battle. They drive the monster away from us. In addition, on the conveyor belt we are given grenade launcher.

We go to the far corridor following the sign. In one place we can go down under the grated floor and collect bonuses and an audio recording. We rise to the next area.

Upper Wharf

We pass along a narrow corridor. Another Big Daddy awaits us here.

Wharfmaster's Office

The approaches to the chief's office are guarded by a system of cameras, and the office itself is guarded by many turrets. You can destroy them or try to hack them, which will give you a well-covered rear.

Having reached the office of Sullivan (the head of the port), we find camera lying on the table. It can be used to photograph enemies, including Big Daddies and even Little Sisters, to learn their weaknesses and increase weapon damage. The quality of the photo can be improved by taking a photo of movement and/or multiple opponents.

After receiving the camera, we receive a new task from Wilkins “Take a photograph of the mutant spider.” Let's follow them to Fight Club. On the way we go out onto the balcony, take Plasmid "Security Bullseye".

Airmail (Jet Postal)

Fighting McDonagh

In the hall on the bottom right we climb into the ventilation and find ourselves in the basement of the club. We open the entrance door to the club from the inside.

On the second floor of the club in room No. 5 we find a safe. We open room No. 6 with an electric hand. Door No. 7 with a combination lock (the correct code is 7533 ). After taking three photos of monsters with hooks, we return to Pichu.

Fontaine Fisheries

On the way back, on the upper platform in front of the port next to two vending machines we find battle tonic "Wrench Lurker".

Peach Wilkins offers to enter, but first demands that he surrender his weapons. We put it into a pneumatic pipe. Nearby, melt the ice on the floor and take out the “Focused Hacker” engineering tonic. We go down, where we, of course, are ambushed by Peach. But he couldn't take our plasmids, so we're not completely unarmed. Before the battle, we hack the security camera and the machine gun. Ulkins fights as a nitro mutant, so we use telekinesis. Additionally, you can set enemies on fire and when they run to put out the fire, shock the water. We also look at the surroundings for puddles of water and oil stains to help us.

Having won, we inspect the freezers on the left and right, collecting bonuses. We go down and take our weapons from the pneumatic pipe. Here we will find a weapon improvement machine (for one improvement, after which the machine will close). Afterwards, we melt the frozen door and go through the tunnel into the smugglers’ lair.

5. Smugglers' Den
BioShock walkthrough. Smuggler's Hideout

In the smugglers' lair there is a submarine with the Atlas family. We get to the control room, where we press the lever that opens the door for Atlas. But Andrew Ryan causes a short circuit and sets spider mutants on Atlas. He manages to retreat and asks us to get to the submarine. Fighting our way through mutant spiders and mutant shooters, we almost reach the submarine, and at that moment it explodes. Atlas is in despair, he asks us to run to Arcadia, which we actually do.

6. "Arcadia"
Walkthrough Bioshock. Arcadia

Tea Garden

Behind the doors of "Arcadia Glens" there is still a dead end, we find a couple of audio recordings there and go out. We go to the right through the doors of "Rapture Metro". A new type of enemy awaits us here - a mutant magician. They can teleport and attack with fireballs. Balls can be caught with telekinesis and returned to the sender. It is good to use electric buckshot against magicians, as it prevents them from teleporting. They feud with other mutants over territory.

We go up to the second floor. Here the ventilation pipes are hidden behind wooden hatches. In the room behind the bridge in the ventilation we find a safe. Behind the "Employees Only" door we will encounter traps in the form of live wire. It deals significant damage to both you and enemies. It can be neutralized by throwing any object at it, or using electricity.

Arcadia Glens

We kill Daddy. Once you reach the Gatherer's Garden, you will be able to open additional slots for tonics.

Since the enemies are becoming stronger, it is advisable to photograph them more often. Rare types of ammunition and a car burglar can be assembled using a universal converter (U-Invent). Before doing this, it is better to hack it.

Rolling Hills

We go into a room with hills and meet another Daddy. Having reached the Rapture metro, we see that Ryan is spraying a chemical and destroying all the trees in the city. Atlas suggests finding Professor Julie Langford, who grew this forest.

Waterfall Grotto

The professor sends us to the grotto under the waterfall to get the Galika rose. We go there, hack several security devices, find audio recordings and other bonuses. We kill a crowd of mutants, we get physical tonic "Security Evasion". Under the large spinning wheel we pick the desired rose.

Research Laboratory

We return to the laboratory and give the rose via pneumatic mail. On the table we find engineering tonic "Hacking Expert". Ryan intervenes again and poisons Langford. Before her death, she manages to write the code for the wall safe on the glass ( 9457 ). In the safe we ​​find the key to the market and the formula for the “Lazarus Drug” - a substance that can restore life to trees. We take a new weapon on the table - Chemical spray(Chemical Thrower).

Tree Farm

We will be able to enter this room only when the trees wither. Inside we find Big Daddy. There is also a machine gun for upgrading weapons. Our path lies to the market.

7. Food market
BioShock. Walkthrough. Farmer's Market


There is one little sister on the market. Not far from the entrance near a dead body we find physical tonic "EVE Link 2". A locked door in the market opens with a code 0512 . (This code is found on Hephaestus under the stairs in the lower workshops).

To create the drug, we need to find 7 Enzyme Samples in the apiary and 7 bottles of Distilled water in the distillery.


Before entering the apiary we find the “Garden of Gatherers” machine gun. Nearby is a gift from my sister - engineering tonic "Safecracker". In the machine itself you can buy the "Insect Swarm" plasmid (send a swarm of insects to your enemies). For taking photographs we get physical tonic "SportBoost 2".

You can’t just walk into an apiary, bees will attack you. In order to collect the enzyme from the hives, you need to press the lever at the entrance that sprays smoke, and then you will have about thirty seconds to collect the component from the hives. Be careful, because after each open hive you will be attacked by one to three mutants.


At the distillery, people began to complain that the wine was being diluted with distilled water, which meant that there was too much of it. On the upper and lower floors you can find enough water.

Afterwards, we can easily create the “Lazarus Preparation” in any U-Invent vending machine and go to the central fogger, which is located in Langford’s office.

8. Arcadia (part two)
Bioshock. Walkthrough. Arcadia

Returning to the laboratory, we inject the drug into the device. Nearby we find Battle Tonic "Static Discharge 2".

Now we need to hold out while the drug is synthesized. Ryan's people will storm us, so we run and close the exit doors. This will delay them for a while. For defense, it is good to have turrets and a security camera. Big Daddy can also help you if you hypnotize him with a special plasmid.

After several waves of enemies, the drug will be ready. We spray the drug, thereby returning the plants to life and opening the way to the bathysphere.

9. Fort "Vesely"
BioShock walkthrough. Fort Frolic

We are arriving at Cultural Center Delight. Ryan's bathyscaphe is on the opposite side, but as we approach it sinks into the water. We are greeted by the creative personality Sander Cohen. According to Atlas, this is a complete psycho. Cohen is cutting off our connection to Ryan and Atlas. Now following Cohen's instructions, we go to the Fleet Hall Theater.

Fleet Hall Theater

In the theater, Kyle Fitzpatrick is playing on stage, but his piano is booby-trapped. Cohen doesn't like Kyle's performance and blows him up. Our task is to photograph the body after the explosion. We take the photograph to the Atrium on the lower floor (Lower Atrium), where Cohen's Masterpiece - Quadriptic - stands. We place the photograph in the masterpiece (in any empty picture frame), and Cohen gives us a new weapon - crossbow(Crossbow) and a new task. We need to find three more of Cohen's students who betrayed him, kill them and photograph the bodies.

Cohen's Collection Fine Art

Frozen Tunnel

1 target - Martin Finnegan, who is in a frozen tunnel on the way to Poseidon Square. Martin is a mutant ice mage, and when you approach him, a cutscene will begin in which he will freeze you. After thawing, you can engage in battle with him.

For victory over the enemy we receive battle tonic "Frozen Field". After taking a photo of the body, we go back. Upon returning to the Atrium, we can meet the little sisters who are guarded by Elite Brutes. The fight with them has become more difficult due to increased health and armor. The tactics remain the same: armor-piercing cartridges and electricity.

Poseidon Plaza

Target 2 - Silos Cobb. This is a mutant nitro with Molotov cocktails. He is located in the Rapture recording studio (Rapture Records). There you will fall into a trap where you will have to fight off mutant spiders. Then we get out of the pit through the ventilation and engage in battle with Cobb. For defeating him we get Plasmid "Hypnotize Big Daddy 2". We put the photo in the frame again.

After inserting Cobb's photo, Cohen will go crazy and send a lot of mutants at you. A little later he will apologize and wait for the next photo.

Target 3 - Hector Rodriguez, who likes to drink at the Eve's Garden nightclub. A nitro mutant who will run into the Atrium when he sees you.

After inserting the last photo, Cohen himself will appear and, after a few minutes of admiration, will thank you with a new physical tonic "Medical Expert 2". It is not necessary to fight Cohen, but if you are interested in the contents of his chest, then you need to defeat him and take the key to the chain.

We go to the bathyscaphe, which will take us to Hephaestus.

10. "Hephaestus"
Walkthrough of the game Bioshock. Hephaestus

Hephaestus is a thermonucleus of delight that generates electricity for the entire city. We move through narrow tunnels to the central control, where the entrance to Ryan’s office is located.

Central Control

The door is energized and we need to search the bodies hanging on the pillars. There we find an audio recording that leads us to the lower thermal control point.

Hephaestus Core

There are several circular floors here. On the top floor there is a "Garden of Gatherers" machine gun, we can return here after killing all the Big Daddies on the level.

Heat Loss Monitoring

We pass into the indicated zone. Downstairs, in one of the compartments we find physical tonic "Security Evasion 2". We search for secrets under the stairs. In another compartment from above, we turn off the electricity and go down to the flooded part. Anja Andersdotter tried to overload the kernel, but it didn’t work. At the bottom point, we learn that Pablo sent Anya to the Kiburz workshops.

Upper Workshops

In the workshops we climb into the ventilation and find the shelter of Kiburts. We take it on the table "Damage Research" combat tonic. We find Kiburz's diary, which says that a bomb can be assembled from the following components:

1) Nitroglycerin, which is stored in Kiburz’s office (the code is Australian Independence Day - 0126 , a poster with this date hangs nearby). There are a lot of tripwire traps in the office; we take any body with telekinesis and hold it in front of us to defuse the traps. In the office we find weapon upgrade machine. Nitroglycerin is hidden in a recess in the wall, looks like a red circle.

2) 4 wires R-34. We collect this component from killed Big Daddies.

3) 2 cylinders of ionic gel. They look like cylinders with a bright blue stripe. They can be found in the core of Hephaestus.

Having found all the components and inserted them into the bomb, we take it with us, return to the Core and go to geothermal control.

Geothermal Control

To access the core we need to get rid of the coolant. To do this, you need to turn the valve responsible for the flow of magma. Before this, it is better to mine the entrances and take turrets or Big Daddy to help. While turning the valve, you will not be able to shoot. After the valve is turned all the way, magma will pour in the water and evaporate it. You can take the elevator down and go to the core.

At the entrance we find engineering tonic "Shorten Alarms 2".

Having taken the freight elevator, we place an electromagnetic bomb that overloads the core. Now our goal is the power switch on the gate to Ryan's office. When pressed, the electrical interlock will reboot and you will be able to enter the Rapture Control Center.

11. Rapture Control Center
BioShock. Walkthrough. Central Control Rapture

Ryan is extremely unhappy about our invasion and launches a core destruction program. The door to his office is broken, but we go through the ventilation above it.

We learn some interesting details about our lives. We get to Ryan and find him playing golf. We kill him with our own golf club, take the key card and turn off the self-destruction of the city. But now Frank Fontaine gains control of the city. And we need to run after our little sister and shoot back from the security robots. Through the ventilation we find ourselves in the sisters' shelter.

12. Olympus Penthouse
BioShock walkthrough. Olympus Heights


Tanenbaum brings us up to date and gives us the next task - to find the apartment of Dr. Suchong. Leaving the safe house, we lift the valve and use it to open the hatch.

We can buy from a vending machine physical tonic "Bloodlust".

For photos of Big Daddy we get battle tonic "Photographer's Eye 2".

Mercury Suites

On the surface we meet the elite Rosie. Let's go to the suites. Suchong's room is the door on the left on the first floor. In the library of his apartment we find engineering bionic "Clever Inventor" and an audio recording that talks about "antidote 192", which counteracts the control plasmids. There is one ampoule in Fontaine's apartment.

Here we can enter Sander Cohen's apartment.

The elevator to Fontaine's apartment is located in the center of the hall. From the Paparazzi message on the top floor we find out that the code is for the elevator 5744 .

House of Frank Fontaine

Going up to Fontaine's room, we find “drug 192” in his office. Near Battle Tonic "Electric Flesh 2". By taking the drug, we are freed from addiction, but now our plasmids have been redistributed and we cannot choose which ones we charge. We need a second dose of the drug, which can be found at Suchong near Apollo Square.

13. Apollo Square
Bioshock. Walkthrough. Apollo Square

Artemis Suites

The area is similar to Olympus Penthouses. In this area, you need to get to Suchong's office in the Artemis Suites. There we find his corpse, physical tonic "Medical Expert 3" and another flask of the drug. Now we can use plasmids again.

On the third floor there is a photo studio where you can collect a lot of film, open the safe and take Battle Tonic "Armored Shell 2".

Hestia chambers

We can visit the Hestia building for the poor. The penultimate floor is closed, but from the top floor you can get to the floor below. In these secrets we find weapon upgrade machine, engineering tonic "Focused Hacker 2".

Atlas's apartment has a weapons room, closed with bars. We can attract and get all the weapons with telekinesis. Having jumped to the lower floor, you can only get back through the half-open window.

After which our path lies to Prometheus station, where we will meet with Fontaine.

14. Prometheus Station
BioShock. Walkthrough. Point Prometheus

Arriving at the station, we see Fontaine, who begins to run away from us. We follow him to the atrium, where he disables the door. To follow him, we need the help of a little sister, but for this we need to become a big daddy.

Little Wonders

1) First of all, we go to the “Little Miracles” shelter and look for three flasks with pheromones to smell like big daddy. The flasks can be found on the second floor or on the first floor in the little sisters' rooms. Some doors are closed; you need to get into such rooms through the second floor. On the top floor there is engineering tonic "Safecracker 2".

Optimized Eugenics

2) The voice can be changed in "Optimized Eugenics" in the Live Subject Testing section. We approach a special device on the wall. Nearby we find engineering tonic "Alarm Expert 2". In the next room there is weapon upgrade machine.

Armored Escorts

3.1) The helmet can be obtained from “Armored Escort” in the “Candidate Induction” department. Next to the helmet there is physical tonic "Hacker's Delight 3". There is also a closed warehouse where Suchong stores ammunition. Code 1921 (can be learned from the audio diary in "Optimized Eugenics").

3.2) The suit is in another department - "Candidate Conversion".

Mendel Family Library

3.3) The boots can be found in the library, which, according to Suchong, were delivered there by Ryan’s people by mistake. Nearby we find combat tonic "Damage Research 2".

Near the "Garden of Gatherers" machine we receive as a gift from our sisters engineering tonic "Prolific Inventor". We buy the remaining plasmids and tonics.

By collecting everything and making ourselves a big daddy, we get 25% more protection from any damage. In order to go through the door, we must knock with a wrench on the vent from which the little sisters come. The little sister who appears has her own health. She will open the door to the Test Site for us.

15. Test site
Walkthrough Bioshock. Proving Grounds

In this zone, our only goal is to accompany our little sister. She will walk around the training ground and sometimes stop to collect ADAM. At this moment, she must be protected from waves of enemies.

After the third collection, the big daddy will attack you. In front of the elevator there will be all the shops and terminals. You need to stock up well before the final battle with Fontaine. Once you are ready, take the ADAM collection syringe from your little sister and go into the elevator.

16. Fontaine
BioShock. Walkthrough. End Game

The fight with him will be quite simple if you don’t panic and constantly monitor your environment. When entering the room, immediately run to Fontaine, who is in a chair in the center of the hall, and inject him with a syringe. He will throw you away and take the form of a mutant with fire plasmids. We dodge the fire and use anti-personnel weapons. Plasmids can also be useful.

After Fontaine runs out of health, he will return to the chair and we can re-inject him with the syringe. After this, he will take the form of a mutant with ice plasmids. Security bots will come to his aid. You can destroy them or, better yet, hack them.

We repeat the procedure with injecting the syringe and as a result we get Fontaine with electrical plasmids. In addition to bots, various mutants come to his aid. To make the fight easier, there are medical stations outside the arena, as well as a huge pool of water.

After the fourth use of the syringe on Fontaine, he weakens and the final cutscene begins.

Bioshock. Walkthrough

1. If we saved all the Little Sisters.

At the end, Jack will accept the key to Rapture from Little Sister and they will emerge to the surface. Everyone will live long and happy life, and when Jack is already old and bedridden, we will be shown his hand, which is hugged by several women’s hands. Tenenbaum will say that we gave the Little Sisters freedom and they will always be grateful to us.

2. If the first Little Sister was killed and the rest were saved.

We will see the first ending, in which Tanenbaum will tell everything with sadness in his voice.

3. If we killed the Little Sisters instead of freeing them.

At the end, Jack will snatch the key to Rapture as a matter of course. We will see how sailors from a submarine near the lighthouse will try to catch things, and at this time mutant spiders will attack them. As a result, the submarine with missiles on board will be captured and Rapture will be able to dictate its terms to the whole world.

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9. Fort Vesely. 10. Hephaestus. 11. Rapture Control Center. 12. Olympus Penthouse.
13. Apollo Square. 14. Prometheus station. 15. Test site. 16. Fontaine.
BioShock Walkthrough:

1. Plane Crash

The game will begin with a short introductory video in which we will see the last minutes of the life of a plane crashing over the ocean. We sail to a structure similar to a lighthouse, keeping a safe distance from the burning wreckage of the crashed liner. We go up the stairs and go through the door. We find a staircase on the other side of the room and go down it to the bathyscaphe. Inside the bathyscaphe, press the lever to go to the bottom of the ocean. We sit comfortably in front of the porthole and observe the beauty of the unknown underwater world.

2. Welcome to Rapture

We take the portable radio from the shelf to the left of the porthole. We listen to the message from Atlas. We leave the submersible. We turn left and go up the stairs. We watch a humanoid fight with a security system device. We go to a passage littered with pieces of concrete. We lift the adjustable wrench from the ground and break the concrete blocks with it. We pass into the next area. We stand in front of the stairs until we see a couch engulfed in flames next to us. Then we go up the stairs and use the key to deliver a couple of fatal blows to the humanoid who attacked us from around the corner on the right. Don't forget to search the bodies of the enemies you kill in search of plasmids, first aid kits, cartridges and other useful things. Then we go up another ladder and take the first Electrobolt plasmid from the special machine Gatherer's Garden.

Upon awakening, you will find that you have become the owner of supernatural power. You can now fire electrical discharges if you have the appropriate plasmid reserves. We release an electrical discharge into the door control panel. We go into the tunnel. We go to the tail of the plane, which has broken through the transparent wall of the tunnel, due to which water began to rapidly flow into it. We climb into the tail of the plane and through the emergency exit we get out to the other side of the tunnel. We continue to go along the tunnel to the door with the Securis sign. We pass through this door into a dimly lit room. We find here a couple of syringes with a supply of plasmids and kill several humanoids.

We pass through the door, above which there is a sign with the inscription Airlock Active. We go up the long stairs. We kill the humanoid engulfed in fire. We go into the next room and take the elevator to the upper level of the underwater complex. Pay attention to the arrow that appears at the top of the screen, it will point you in the right direction.

We go into the arch with the inscription restaurant Kashmir. We destroy another humanoid and take a revolver from the stroller. We go to the restaurant. We are looking for a men's restroom, in which part of the wall in the far stall must be broken. We climb through this hole into the next room. We move along the lighting fixtures to the opposite balcony. We go down the stairs. After the end of the skirmish between the humanoid and the robot, we shoot from your revolver at the padlock that locks the grate. We pass to the next sector. We take cartridges for the revolver from the killed humanoid. We walk along the corridor, destroying all enemies along the way. Having reached the stairs, we release an electric discharge at two humanoids standing in the water. We go down to the center of the hall and go to the door of Neptune's Bounty.

As soon as the grate slams right in front of your nose, we immediately move away from the door and hide in the arch opposite the waterfall. We kill humanoids by releasing electrical discharges into the water. We leave the shelter after the message from Atlas is heard. We go to the Medical Plaza sector. Here we look at the screen on which an appeal from Andrew Rhine is broadcast and wait for help from Atlas. We go into the next room after his command, in which we turn the valve to get into the medical pavilion.

3. Medical Pavilion

We turn left and stop in front of a closed double door. The doors jammed the security system device. We hack the device's software code. The essence of the hack is this. A screen divided into squares will appear on the screen. You will need to connect the pipe so that the liquid travels smoothly from the starting point to the final destination. After a successful hack, the device will come over to your side and help you deal with your enemies. We go into the next room. Here we kill two humanoids and go up either of the two stairs. There is a control panel on the balcony. Press the lever to open the door behind you. The voice of Atlas will be heard on the radio, who will tell you that you must get the key from Dr. Steinman. We pass through the door and head to another control panel. We press the lever to supply power to the hall of the medical pavilion. Let's go down. We deal with the humanoids and go through the door, which opened as soon as the light appeared in the hall. We observe the actions of the ghost and pass through another door into the very belly of the medical complex. It is worth noting the accumulation of a large number of humanoids in all rooms and corridors of the complex. Be careful. Also, don't forget about automatic fire towers. First, we release an electric discharge into the tower and then destroy it with any in an accessible way.

First of all, we look for the door above which the inscription “Dr. Steinman"s Aesthetic Ideals" is written. We go into this door and go to the end of the tunnel. We leave the tunnel into a large room in which Dr. Steinman should be. As soon as the doctor notices you, he will quickly run away, leaving behind a pile of ruins.

We return the same way to the center of the medical complex. You must now complete the challenge of infiltrating the Dental Services area (staircase next to the entrance to Dr. Steinman's area). The entrance to this area is covered with a thick cap of ice. We need to somehow melt all the ice to clear the passage. Let's go to the crematorium. In the back of the crematorium, we temporarily incapacitate using an electric discharge.

surveillance camera and go up the stairs. We destroy the humanoid near the storage room. We find a hole in the wall of the storage room and, bending down, crawl inside. We select Incinerate plasmids from the floor, with which you can release fire. We set fire to the humanoids surrounding the storage room from all sides. We are waiting for the end of the fiery extravaganza. We leave the storage room and go to the frozen passage to the Dental Services area.

Melt the ice with the help of a new plasmid. The only thing we need to pick up here is the telekinesis plasmid. It lies in the left area of ​​the dental complex in the broken Gatherer's Garden machine. To install telekinesis plasmids in the nest, you will have to throw away one of the two plasmids you already have. What to leave is up to you, but I recommend leaving the electric plasmid. Having taken possession of the telekinesis plasmid, we go with him to Dr. Steinman's clinic. Using the power of telekinesis, we "catch" a grenade flying in your direction from the balcony and launch it into the blocked passage. We go into the next room. We destroy two security systems and go into the operating room through any of the two doors. We observe the doctor's actions through the glass of the operating room. Literally in a minute he will rush in your direction with a machine gun at the ready. It's time to put an end to the doctor's mocking experiments. This enemy does not pose a particular danger to your health. If you have an arsonist plasmid, then you can try to lure the doctor on the oil slick behind the operating table and quickly set it on fire.Another option is to use an electrical plasmid if you lure the doctor to a puddle of water in the corner of the operating room.

Immediately after the murder of Aesculapius, we listen to a message from Atlas. We search the doctor's body and find the key on him. We return to the tunnel. We go to the other side of the tunnel until we see an open passage on the left. Let's go into this area. We pass through the glass door into the large hall. Atlas contacts us again with a demand to kill his little sister, and Tennenbaum wants you to spare her. The choice is yours. Let me just note that for killing your sister you will get 160 points and you will only get 80 points if you let her live.

After making a certain decision, Atlas will direct you to the vending machine, installed right in this room and until recently hidden by a massive curtain. We explore the contents of the store and buy what you need most at the moment.

We enter from the hall through the door on the eastern side of the hall, then go through another door into the central sector of the medical pavilion. We head towards the hall. Along the way you will encounter big daddy and little sister. Dad is a serious rival, no match for the doctor. When fighting him, it is especially effective to use explosive or armor-penetrating ammunition. You will also have to constantly be on the move to be at a safe distance from dad, because despite his size, he moves quite quickly.

When the robot is finished, we decide on the sister: kill her or subjugate her. We go down to the hall and go to the far open door. We kill humanoids along the way. We go into the room and go up the stairs to the second floor. We press the switch to open the path to the bathyscaphe. Let's go down. We go into the submersible. In the submersible, lower the lever to the lower position and select the Neptune's Bounty route.

4. Neptune's Bounty

We go up the stairs and go around the column on the right side. We select ammunition from the floor, climb through the ruins and go through the door. Having passed a long corridor, we come out onto the pier, along which a father and sister and a couple of humanoids are walking. We climb under the wooden flooring before they have time to notice you. We find an automatic cannon nearby, release an electric discharge into it and hack the security system. We perform the same operation with another cannon under the decking on the opposite side of the pier. Now you can begin the operation to eliminate dad. Try to keep him in the center of the area in the cannon fire zone. You can also try to lure him into the minefield outlined in the red circle.

Having destroyed dad and dealt with my sister, we head to the pier on the south side of the dock. We are looking for a metal door nearby, in front of which a humanoid is walking. We destroy the enemy and go through the metal door into the next area. We approach the Gatherer's Garden machine gun and turn left. You find yourself in the firing zone of an automatic cannon firing a rocket in your direction. We use telekinesis plasmids to “catch” the rockets and deploy them in reverse side. Two or three accurate hits and the cannon will finally be destroyed.

We go down the stairs and head towards the giant inscription "Fountaine Fisheries". We climb over the boxes with fish and go through the door. We look at the dead lady lying on the floor. We collect ammunition and health. We knock on the door on the opposite side of the room with an adjustable wrench. Listen to Peach Wilkins' monologue. He wants you to go to one office (Wharfmaster office) on the upper pier and take a regular camera there. Before you can go in search of the camera, you will have to fight a humanoid spider. This enemy can move along walls, ceilings and fall right on your head, thereby causing serious damage to your health. In this episode, we try to hold out until an automatic security device appears in the room, which will help you quickly deal with the spider. After which Wilkins will again open the observation window in the door and deliver a short monologue. We take the rocket launcher from the table and leave the room. We get over the obstacle in the form of boxes with fish, go up the stairs to the platform with machine guns and go to the right. The gate should now be open. We kill all the humanoids walking near the gate and go to the next sector.

First of all, we run up several flights of stairs to the upper level of the pier. Then we go through a couple of doors and eventually find ourselves in a large room with dad and a small cluster of humanoids. We quietly pass through the arch and hack the circuit of the automatic cannon installed in the corner to your right. Now, with the help of fire support, you can try to destroy dad and all the other little things. We are looking for Masha's sound diary on the floor along the left wall. We listen to it and remember the following numbers: 7-5-3-3. You'll need this door code a little later.

We pass through another arch and go towards the Wharfmaster office. We knock down the lock on the grate. We destroy the humanoid with a machine gun. We disable the security camera and climb the two stairs to the top floor. In order not to fall into the field of view of another security camera, as soon as we leave the last step we hide in a small room with a switch and a closed grille. We knock down the lock on the grate, enter the room and quickly hide behind the table so as not to fall under the crossfire of the fire towers. Don't forget to use telekinesis in the fight against the turrets that fire rockets. Having cleared the room of automatic devices, we go to the wall opposite the front door. We climb into the next room through a hole in the wall. We find a door labeled Interrogation room. In this room we take the camera from the table. Peach Wilkins will contact you immediately. He wants you to take pictures of three different spider-humanoids with this camera.

We point the camera lens at the first humanoid spider, which we see behind the glass, and as a result we get the first picture out of three. We leave the office and walk along the corridor. As soon as the smoke from the explosion that thundered ahead clears, you can go explore the area affected by the blast wave. We approach the edge of the slab and eliminate the enemy standing below. We jump onto the boxes and then onto the floor. We open the only door in this room and go out into a small corridor. We pass past the fire and open another door to exit into the tunnel. We go along the tunnel to the fork, destroying the security camera and two humanoids along the way. At the fork we look both ways. We see metal doors on both sides. We explore the area starting behind these two doors in order to find two humanoid spiders and photograph them.

When you have all three photographs in your hands, we go out into the tunnel and follow it in the opposite direction. We return to the room into which you jumped after the explosion in the Wharfmaster office. Now the gate is open and thus the path to the lower level of the pier is open. We get to the site where a vending machine and a gene bank are installed. Make sure you have an Electric Plasmid and most importantly a Pyro Plasmid. Use the services of a gene bank if you are missing one of the plasmids. We destroy the humanoid spider and follow into the room with a locked door and Peach Wilkins behind it. We knock on the door. He will let you in, but will force you to put all the weapons you have into a yellow device labeled "Pneumo" (it will come back to you, don't worry). Let's go down. Melt the snow on the floor to take the tonic plasmid. We go down even lower and pass through the door into a large room, in which we have to clash with Wilkins and his friends. You don't have weapons, but you do have plasmids. Try to lure your opponents into the water and release an electric discharge at them. You can also try to hack security systems so that they are for you and not against you.

Having destroyed Peach Wilkins and his entire honest company, we find a ladder nearby and go down to the landing. We take the weapon from the yellow column (though with a reduced amount of ammunition) and go down even lower. We go into the room in which we melt the snow, near the gate of the western bunker. We go inside and observe two ghosts. We continue to melt the snow and slowly walk through the tunnel. We listen to the message from Atlas and move forward to the next level.

5. Smuggler's Hideout

We exit the tunnel into the grotto. We find a ramp nearby and climb up it into the cave. Here we destroy the automatic cannon. We leave the cave. We go along the tunnel in the direction of the submarine parking lot. As you approach the harbor, Atlas will contact you. He wants you to sneak into the control room with the sole purpose of opening the submarine's hatch. We go to the control center along the only possible route. We activate the switch in the control room. After active negotiations on the radio, we leave the control room through another door. We shoot at the cylinders and barrels in front to destroy as many humanoids as possible. We go down to the harbor. Not reaching it a couple of meters, we hear and see an explosion that destroys the submarine. Following the arrow, we go into the room in which we immediately turn the valve to close the door behind us and move to the next level.

6. Arcadia

We follow to the end of the narrow corridor. We knock down the lock on the door and go out into the park. Once it was blooming and fragrant, but now all the vegetation in it has withered and withered. We go to the left side of the park along the path lined with stones. We go through the door marked with signs “Rapture Metro/Arcadia Glens”. In this sector, for the first time you will meet a very insidious enemy - a humnoid Houdini. He can disappear and appear in the most unexpected places and release fire towards the enemy. We turn right and go up the stairs. We are looking for a nearby door marked with the sign "Rapture Metro". We go out onto the balcony and quickly run to the other side, while simultaneously shooting at the cluster of humanoids ahead. We pass through the door and in a calmer environment we reload our weapons. We go down the stairs closest to you to the lower level. Following numerous "Rapture Metro" signs we reach the entrance to the "Arcadia Glens" area.

We go inside and go left. Around the corner we meet a big dad and his sister. We deal with him and run along the wooden flooring past the door marked as Waterfall Grotto (you will look into this area a little later) into the Rolling Hills area. We pass through the door and go down the slope to a wooden canopy, under which a cannon is installed. We destroy the cannon, the lone humanoid nearby and look for a ladder nearby. Let's deal with the next big daddy, whom you will meet as soon as you start going down the steps. In the next location we head towards the still closed entrance to Rapture Metro. We receive instructions via radio. Atlas asks you to find Julia Langford, who was growing the forest, and ask her to help you save the forest from drying out. Luckily, you're very close to her research lab. We go into the laboratory. First of all, we destroy the camera to your right. We go through the door. We look at the screen from which Julia Langford will look at us and speak. She wants you to go to Waterfall Grotto and find a specimen of Rosa Gallica there.

We leave the laboratory and immediately find ourselves under the close tutelage of humanoids. Having destroyed the uninvited friends, we go to the Waterfall Grotto area (you already know where it is). Having entered the Waterfall Grotto, we immediately begin to get rid of a group of motley humanoids by any means necessary. We find a genetic tonic in one of them. Let's go to the edge of the cliff. We look at the water wheel, near which red roses grow. With all precautions, we go down, pick one rose and prepare to repel the attack of the humanoid who came down from the stairs behind you.

We return to the Langford laboratory. She will ask you to send her a rose via pneumatic mail. We put the rose in the yellow column with the inscription "Pneumo". We go into the reception room and, not finding anything interesting in it, we go into the next room. Here Langford will inform you that she has disabled the security system, so you can walk around the laboratory without fear. Following the arrow, we find the entrance to the tunnel, along which we go straight to the office of Mrs. Langford herself. Looking through the glass, we become an involuntary witness to the painful death of Julia Langford from exposure to the yellow gas that filled the entire office. Before her death, she will write the numbers on the glass: 9-4-5-7. We wait until the gas has completely cleared from the office, and only then go inside.

We take a new weapon from the table - a chemical installation. We find a locked safe under the painting and put on the lock the numbers seen on the glass. In the safe we ​​find a sound diary, a key and a formula (Lazarus Vector Formula). We listen to the audio diary and remember what components you must find and collect in order to create the liquid substance Vector Lazarus, which should breathe new life into the vegetation of the park.

Let's start with chlorophyll. Vials of this solution can be found on humanoids you kill, especially Houdini humanoids. Try to find seven portions of chloroform at this level. Other components: distilled water and bee enzyme tests can be found at the city market, which is almost a stone's throw away. We get out of the Langford laboratory into the Rolling Hills area. Here Atlas will contact you again. He will direct you to the Farmer's Market area, where you can find all the components indicated in the formula. We leave the Rolling Hills area and follow to the beginning of the Arcadia Glens area. The entrance to the Farmer's Market should be nearby, you should go there. We turn right. Having passed all the arches, we see the inscription Farmer's Market. Behind it we find a camera. We go into it and turn the valve to close the bulkhead behind us.

7. Farmer's Market

We examine the farmer's body on the floor near the pneumatic mail. We find in him a bee enzyme, the first of the necessary seven. We select a sound diary from the floor, which contains information about the location of the remaining enzymes. We go through the door. From the tunnel we emerge into a closed area with shopping arcades and tents. We beware of numerous guns and cameras installed in secluded places. We select the tonic from the alcove on the right side. We go into a large room with a balcony and a large spreading tree. We go up to the balcony and go through the door to your right. First of all, we turn all our attention to the big daddy, or rather, we enter into a fight with him. Then we walk along the path in the direction of the inscriptions on the wall “Silvering apiary” and “Worley Winery”. We go through the door with the sign "Securis". We go along the tunnel until we see a branch to the left, that's where you go. We watch how a swarm of bees deals with the humanoid. Afterwards the bees will fly straight at you, but that was not the case. We retreat behind the oil slick and set it on fire, thereby blocking the path of the bees in your direction. When the fire goes out completely, we go into the room with the killed humanoid. Then we go through the door behind the counter to find ourselves in a room with beehives. We pull the lever on the control panel to release special smoke into the room, forcing the bees to hide in the hives. The smoke will envelop everything around for about 20-30 seconds. We use this time to search for enzymes in the hives. We repeat the simple operation until you have 7 enzymes available. The search will be further complicated by the fact that as soon as you go to the hives, a couple of humanoids will immediately burst into the room. So be on your guard.

We go out into the tunnel after all the hives have been examined and all the enzymes have been collected. We proceed to the Worley Winery area. We search all the premises of the distillery in search of seven carafes of distilled water. When you have all the components indicated in the formula, find the nearest U-Invent machine to create the Lazarus Vector substance. We return to the beginning of the level, go into the chamber and close the bulkhead behind us. Returning to the previous level

8. Arcadia - second visit

Before leaving the cell, we listen to the message from Ryan. We destroy the air security systems that have flooded this area. We go to the Langford laboratory, since the route is already known. At the entrance we deal with a lone enemy and go non-stop to the office that was once occupied by Julia Langford. We install the flask with the Lazarus Vector substance in the Central Misting Control installation in the left free slot. We head to the reception. We block the front door by activating the lab access seal device. From this moment on, you have about a minute to prepare for the attack of a large horde of humanoids who will certainly break into the laboratory as soon as they cut the front door by welding. We hold a perimeter defense while the installation prepares to launch the Lazarus Vector into the park's spraying system. When Atlas informs you that everything is ready to start, go to the office and activate the lever on the right side of the installation. We leave the laboratory and head to the Rapture Metro area (to the right of the laboratory). We find a submersible inside the Rapture Metro, on which we go to Fort Frolic.

9. Fort Frolic

Welcome to an area that can rightfully be considered the cultural nerve of the underwater city. Theaters, museums and other cultural institutions are concentrated here. We go to the door of Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We pass through it and go towards the bathyscaphe. We listen to the monologue of Sander Cohen, an artist with a very unusual character. We leave here as soon as we receive a new task. We deal with a couple of humanoid spiders who will literally fall on your head. The artist decided to test your “combat” state in this way. We repel the attack of five or six humanoids and go into the main atrium as soon as Cohen unlocks the door. We go up the wide stairs. We go to Fleet Hall. After the ticket office, we pay attention to the security camera before it has time to detect you. Next, press the elevator call button. We turn back and enter into battle with three humanoids. Then we go into the cabin and, by pressing the button, we smoothly rise to the top.

We go to the theater. We are watching the performance of a nervous pianist, which will end very badly for him, namely in the hot embrace of flame. Following Cohen's instructions, we take a photograph of the dead pianist.

We return to the central part of the atrium. We approach a group of sculptures installed on a small stage. We insert a photo of the former pianist into the frame. We take from the hands of the sculpture that appears on the stage a new weapon - a crossbow. The artist wants you to kill three more of his enemies, take photographs of their bodies and place the photographs in the remaining three free frames.

So, next up is Martin Finnegan. We rise to the upper level of the atrium. Cohen will open the way for you to the Poseidon Plaza area. We are looking nearby for the central door behind which this area begins. We exit the ice tunnel and look to the left to see Finnegan in the distance and almost instantly lose sight of him. We begin to approach the point where he recently stood. After small metamorphoses with your body, mobility will return to you again. We approach the leftmost pseudo statue. We hit Finnegan when he starts to melt. Then we fight, just like with any humanoid Houdini. We photograph Finnegan's body and, returning to the atrium, insert the photo into the frame.

The next victim is Rodriguez. We return to the Poseidon Plaza area. We pass through the ice tunnel. Then we go around the fallen column and melt the snow near the door. We go through this door into another segment of Poseidon Plaza. We are looking for the strip club Eve's Garden. Inside we see a ghost dancing near the pole. We climb onto the stage and go along the corridor into a small room with a corpse on the bed. We return to the club. We see Rodriguez near the bar. We begin to chase him. Rodriguez will throw in your direction fireballs. We shoot in the back of the ever-running Rodriguez and, of course, if possible, avoid close contact with his fireballs. We take a photo of the victim and display it in Cohen’s personal gallery in the atrium.

Cohen, playing the role of a temperamental artist, enters a streak of anger and sends countless motley humanoids at you. We kill all the enemies, after which Cohen will still apologize to you. We return to the Eve's Garden strip club. We go into the door next to the bar and go up the stairs. We go through a couple of automatic doors, after which we destroy two fire stations located on both sides of the last door. We go into Rapture Records (on the northwestern side). We go down to the fire, in front of which there is a chair on which a dead humanoid has collapsed. Having heard a characteristic ticking, we retreat to a safe place - in a couple of seconds an explosion will sound. The last character from the list of Cohen’s personal enemies will begin to scream from the top floor. We destroy all the humanoids , sent by Cobb down to you. We climb into the ventilation shaft. At the exit from it we encounter your opponent. Like Rodriguez, Cobb has the same fireballs, the same tricks and movements in his arsenal. We photograph the dead body and take the picture to the atrium. We observe Cohen's majestic descent along the stairs. In no case do we kill him, he will still be useful to you. We leave the atrium. We go into the Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We get into the submersible and go to the Hephaestus area.


Hephaestus - greek god blacksmiths Starting from this level, your enemies will become more dangerous and invulnerable, so be careful. We leave the submersible. We go up the stairs, go through the door and further along the tunnel, and it doesn’t matter which route you choose - all roads lead to the same place. At the end of the tunnel we open the door and see ahead a large sign "Ryan industries".

We go down the slope to the door and go into the territory of the enterprise. We turn to face the sign “office of Andrew Ryan”. We go along the wall to the nearest door. In the next very large room we find the exit on the other side opposite the entrance. We make a lightning-fast dash to the nearest door without falling into the lens of the security camera. Having opened this door, we go into the corridor that will lead you to Raine’s office. The entrance to Raine's office is inaccessible due to a clever device that creates electric field around the door. We examine the corpses of people who once had the imprudence to visit the office. We find sound diaries near the first and third corpse on the right columns. The second diary contains suggestive information about the method of access to Raine's office. Listening to the diary will end with a message from Ryan and another change in your goals. Next, we destroy a group of humanoids sent by Ryan with one sole purpose - to grind you into powder. They will weld open the locked door of Hephaestus Core and break into the office. After a small skirmish with the enemy, we enter the now open passage into the Hephaestus Core area. We release an electric charge into the water, thereby leaving no chance of survival for several humanoids crowded around the corpse of the big daddy. We leave the room into a tunnel that will lead you to the Hephaestus Core area.

We look from the balcony at the central core of the station. We go into the door on your left. We deal with a couple of humanoids and go down the stairs to the lower level of the station. We are looking for the entrance to the Heat Loss Monitoring area, since the signage will make it easy to do this. Having passed the tunnel, we find ourselves in a large room with working mechanisms. We go to the door on the other side of the room. When you only have to reach it just a couple of meters, three corpses will suddenly come to life and attack you. We destroy all the enemies, after which we receive a sarcastic message from Raine. We go into the next room. We head to the illuminated corner on the right side of this room. We pick up the sound diary from the floor. It contains the door code for the Kyburz office: 0-1-2-6. We go down the stairs to your left and enter the passage engulfed in steam. We go to the next staircase, killing another suddenly revived humanoid along the way. Going even lower, we head to the balcony hanging over the flooded area. We see the ghost of a station worker. We turn 180 degrees and go look for the stairs on the right side of the room. Below we take the sound diary from the table. We leave the Heat Loss Monitoring area.

Now you need to find the entrance to the Workshops area. Signs will point you in the right direction. We go into the door marked with the Workshops sign, go through the tunnel and, opening the door, go directly into the area itself. We go down the stairs, which is located next to the vending machine. Turning left, we see that the entrance to the Kyburz office is covered by two firing points. We destroy them in any available way and go into the corridor to the right of the office. We find a bookcase nearby. We go behind the shelf and carefully examine the wall in search of a closed passage to the secret room. We move the blood-stained flap and climb inside. In the room, we take the sound diary from the right table, from which we find out what components you will need to create an EMP bomb. The bomb body lies on a nearby table.


Nitroglycerin: we will find it in the Kyburz office.

Ionic Gel (2 containers): Scattered throughout the Hephaestus area.

Wireless transmitter R-34 (4 pcs.): removed from the corpses of big daddies.

We leave the secret room. We remove the first R-34 from the corpse of the big daddy in the next room. We head to the Kyburz office. Enter the code (0-1-2-6) and go inside. We deactivate the electric beams (we shoot at special devices on the walls and ceilings) and go down to the lower level of the office. We examine the table by the window in search of the button. Press this button to open the glass door of the cabinet in which the nitroglycerin is stored. This manipulation somehow activates the firing point near the front door. We take nitroglycerin, destroy the turret and leave the office.

Now let's look for an ionic gel. We leave the Workshops area into the central Hephaestus sector. We turn right and go down the stairs. We find a container with gel on the floor near the box. The path to the second container: we pass past the Heat Loss Monitoring, up the stairs, past the Gatherer's Garden machine and the Geothermal Control door, go up the stairs and take the gel from the control panel.

The final component of the bomb is the R-34 transmitter. You already have one, you just need to get three transmitters. We find the bodies of the big daddies you killed earlier and seize the R-34 from them.

When you have all the components in your hands, return to the secret room in the Workshops area. We place all the components into the bomb body and take it from the table. We leave the Workshops area. We look for the door marked as “Geothermal Control” on the signs.

We pass through it and then look for an exit to the next room on the opposite side. We hack two firing points. They will become your cover when you are busy with a very important matter. Turn the valve until streams of magma begin to pour out of both pipes. While you are busy, the firing points will protect you from unwanted contact with humanoids. We go into the lift behind you and go down. We get out of it and run to the end of the flight to the elevator. Let's take it to the main core. We place the bomb on a special base. We return to Ryan's office. We destroy the air security systems and a group of humanoids. Then press the device lever in front of the office door to open the door itself. We go into the chamber, close the bulkhead behind us and go to the next level - Central Control Rapture.

11. Central Control Rapture.

An extremely short level, but very important in terms of further development plot. It's time to meet with Mr. Andrew Ryne to clear up some issues. We go into the large hall. We listen to Andrew's chatter on the radio, after which the red lights in the hall flash. We go into the right corridor and go up the stairs to the top floor. We climb into the ventilation shaft. We get out of the mine into a small room with one exit. We walk down the corridor to meet Andrew Ryne himself. After finishing the first part of his monologue, he will open the door especially for you. We approach him and observe from the side a small scene with the participation of the main character of the game and Raine.

We follow into a room with a device resembling an organ and a monitor with the Ryan logo.

We are starting the process of self-destruction. We listen to Frank Fontaine and Atlas on the radio. We leave here when the grate finally opens behind you. We follow the sister, who will lure you into the ventilation shaft.

12. Olympus Heights

Tenenbaum sent you to the Little Sisters' Sanctuary to save your life. When she finishes her monologue, we go up the stairs to the second floor. We are waiting for the little girl to unlock the entrance to the sewer. We go out into the collector tunnel, here Fontaine will contact you. He somehow gained complete control over you, and now your health level is completely dependent on Fontaine's actions. It is in your interests to find an antidote as soon as possible, which should save you from Fontaine's destructive thoughts. Information about the antidote can be found in Sachong's apartment.

We go to the illuminated area at the end of the tunnel. We lift the wheel from the floor. We approach the gate control mechanism that blocks the exit from the collector and place the wheel on the rod. Turn the wheel until the gate is completely open. We go outside.

We follow to the barricade, above which there are posters "Who is Atlas?" We clear the Central Bistro Square from enemy forces. We proceed to the Mercury Suites area, where Sachong and others live famous people Rapture.

In Sachong's apartment, in a flooded room, we find an audio diary on the table, which contains additional information about the antidote. We leave Sachong's apartment.

We retreat to the elevator in the center of the hallway. We meet along the ramp to the second floor. We see that Tenenbaum’s apartment, the only one on the floor, is blocked from the inside. We go to the third floor along the same slope. First of all, we pay attention to the security camera, and then to all the other bipedal opponents. We find a U-Invent machine on the balcony. Near him, on a box near the railing, there is a sound diary. Inside, the access code to Fontaine's apartment is 5-7-4-4. We go further along the balcony to a huge hole in the wall. It opens a passage to the bathtub in Tenenbaum's apartment. We go into the bathroom. We move deeper into the apartment, into Tenenbaum’s office. We hear her voice over the radio, after which the local targets change.

We go down to the first floor. Enter the numbers 5-7-4-4 on the elevator combination lock. We go up to Fontaine's apartment. In the corridor we successively destroy a fire tower, a couple of humanoids and a security camera above the apartment door. If the alarm sounds, the entrance to the apartment will be blocked. We go into the hallway and go up the left stairs. We go through the door. We walk to the end of the corridor and go into the bedroom through the door to your left. Adjacent to the bedroom is Fontaine's study. We go into the office. We find the necessary antidote on the table with test tubes and flasks. The antidote will restore your health, but, unfortunately, it will have one side effect. You will temporarily lose the ability to select plasmids. Moreover, they will change chaotically after a certain period of time, without any possibility on your part to stop this disgrace. Tenenbaum advises looking for an antidote to this effect in Sachong's laboratories in the Artemis Suites in the Apollo Square area.

We leave Fontaine's apartment and take the elevator to the first floor. We return to Bistro Square. We are looking nearby for the entrance to the Apollo Square area.

13. Apollo Square

Your only and main task in this level is to infiltrate Sachong's laboratory in the Artemis Suites and take a dose of the Lot 192 antidote from there.

We pass through the open grated passage. We go along the large tunnel to the area with the gallows. Without attracting attention to ourselves, we slip into the arch to the left of the gallows. In the next segment of the tunnel, we deal with a pair of humanoids and destroy the security camera installed on a column next to the burning carriage. We run to the end of the tunnel to the Artemis Suites area.

We destroy the security camera on the column behind the vending machine. We go up the stairs. We find the entrance to Dr. Sachong's clinic nearby. We are looking for a doctor's office in the depths of the clinic. We take the antidote Lot 192 from the table. We listen to Tenenbaum on the radio and head to the submersible, the path to which will be indicated by the arrow at the top of the screen. We are heading to Point Prometheus.

14. Point Prometheus

We go up the stairs and run after Fontaine. We wait until the oil stain on the floor burns out. We go into the tunnel. In the room after the tunnel we destroy a couple of flying security systems. We go into the next room. Here we see a scene where Fontaine will knock down a pillar and walk through the door into the museum area, threatening to destroy Rapture if you continue to pursue him. Unfortunately, you cannot follow him. Only little sister can open the door, but she trusts only big daddy and no one else. The only way out in this situation is to turn into big daddy and force your sister to open the door.

In the same room we examine the corpse of the big daddy, but only after Tenenbaum gets in touch with you. We take the suit control controller from him. Tenenbaum is back in touch with you with his plan for how to quickly and least hassle transform into a big daddy.

First, you should smell the same as big daddy. We pass through the eastern doors and run to the other side of the room. We kill the humanoid and go to the Little Wonders Educational Facility area. We pass through the tunnel. In the next room, we immediately crouch down to the floor so as not to come under fire. When big daddy comes out of the next room, we climb onto the metal structure and, breaking the glass, climb into the room. We destroy two towers. We go out to the main sector of the Little Wonders Educational Facility area. Three bottles of big daddy phermones are scattered throughout the sector. One bottle is in the room marked Autospy, and the other two are on tables in the second floor hallway. We find the only exit on the second floor. We look at the ceiling, immediately after we go through the door. We destroy the security camera. We exit the tunnel into the upper area of ​​the Little Wonders Educational Facility. We go into one of the doors to the Optimized Eugenies area. After decontamination, you will be able to move on. We enter the Live Subject Testing room through the door next to the camera on the east wall. We walk past containers with a yellow substance. We go up the steps, go right to the Candidate Induction door. Inside we find a voice changing device and use it for its intended purpose.

Tenenbaum encourages you to follow Failsafe Armored Escorts for a protective suit.

We return to the upper area of ​​the atrium. We enter the area voiced by Tenenbaum. We go into the Candidate Conversion room on the western side of the area. We destroy two fire towers. We take the sound diary from the table. It turns out that Tenenbaum sent you to the wrong place. To get boots you need to go to the Mendel Family Library. We'll go there a little later.

We leave the room through the door in the northwestern part of the room. We enter the laboratory through the Securis door. We leave the laboratory through the door on the opposite side from the entrance. Let's take the suit. Now all you have to do is find a suit and a helmet. We go to the Candidate Conversion room. We find a helmet here. We return to the atrium. We find the entrance to the Mendel Family Library. In the central part of the library we find boots on the table.

All. All the ammunition is collected and now you are completely ready to immerse yourself in the role of Big Daddy. We follow to the room where you missed Fontaine, he hid in the museum. To call the little sister, knock on the hole in the wall to the left of the museum entrance with the key. Let's follow our sister. Let's go to the next level, Proving Grounds.

15. Proving Grounds

Quite a simple and fast level. You must accompany the little sister to the end of the level so that she opens the last door for you, behind which Fontaine is hiding.

Her health is reflected as a yellow bar below your health. The little sister is quite fragile, so don't let humanoids or other enemies get too close to her. If an accident happens, you can always call another sister by tapping the key on the hole in the wall, however, if there is a green light above the hole. And you don't have to start the level from the very beginning. Also, do not be afraid of security cameras, because you are in the guise of Big Daddy. Each new sister, as soon as she sees a corpse on the floor, will run up to it and begin to stick her syringe into it. At this moment she is most defenseless and, as luck would have it, at the same moment humanoids begin to attack her, and not just one or two. I recommend hacking fire towers (if they are located in the right locations), they will really help you in these moments. At the very end of the level you will have the last opportunity before the final battle to replenish your supply of ammunition, plasmids, and health. It is highly advisable to acquire protective genetic tonics: Human Inferno, Frozen Field and Electric Flesh.

When you are ready for the fight, take the syringe from your sister and go into the elevator.

16. End Game

The game will automatically save as soon as you exit the elevator. Also, you will not be able to save the game during the fight with Fontaine. If you die, you will have to start all over again.

First, a little about the fight. Basically we have to drain Fontaine's supply of ADAM using the syringe the little sister gave you. The ADAM supply is clearly presented on the screen in the form of four flasks with red liquid. You can stick a syringe into it when it is in a special device in the center of the room. As soon as you drain him for the first time, he will quickly jump onto the platform in front of the device and attack you. Next, you must reduce his health reserve to a minimum, and he will again return to his place in the center of the room to restore his health to the initial level. It is necessary to repeat the above operation three more times to finally defeat Fontaine.

There are three stages of struggle. At each stage, Fontaine will have a certain power.

In the first stage - fire, in the second - ice and in the third - electricity. Your task is to use opposing forces in response in various stages of the struggle: ice or electricity in the first stage; fire or electricity in the second stage; fire and ice in the third stage. Your chemical setup and plasmids are best friends at all stages. Grenades and other explosives are also extremely effective, especially in the final stages. In the third stage, a group of humanoids will join Fontaine. If possible, ignore them at the moment when Fontaine goes to replenish his health. You won't have much time to stick the syringe into it. If you don't hurry, he will again jump around the area with a full supply of health and you will have to replay a certain stage again.

The fight will end after you drain his health for the fourth time. There are two possible endings depending on how you dealt with the sisters throughout the game: subjugate or destroy.

The game will begin with a short introductory video in which we will see the last minutes of the life of a plane crashing over the ocean. We sail to a structure similar to a lighthouse, keeping a safe distance from the burning wreckage of the crashed liner. We go up the stairs and go through the door. We find a staircase on the other side of the room and go down it to the bathyscaphe. Inside the bathyscaphe, press the lever to go to the bottom of the ocean. We sit comfortably in front of the porthole and observe the beauty of the unknown underwater world.

Chapter 2: Welcome to Rapture

We take the portable radio from the shelf to the left of the porthole. We listen to the message from Atlas. We leave the submersible. We turn left and go up the stairs. We watch a humanoid fight with a security system device. We go to a passage littered with pieces of concrete. We lift the adjustable wrench from the ground and break the concrete blocks with it. We pass into the next area. We stand in front of the stairs until we see a couch engulfed in flames next to us. Then we go up the stairs and use the key to deliver a couple of fatal blows to the humanoid who attacked us from around the corner on the right. Don't forget to search the bodies of the enemies you kill in search of plasmids, first aid kits, cartridges and other useful things. Then we go up another ladder and take the first Electrobolt plasmid from the special machine Gatherer's Garden.

Upon awakening, you will find that you have become the owner of supernatural power. You can now fire electrical discharges if you have the appropriate plasmid reserves. We release an electrical discharge into the door control panel. We go into the tunnel. We go to the tail of the plane, which has broken through the transparent wall of the tunnel, due to which water began to rapidly flow into it. We climb into the tail of the plane and through the emergency exit we get out to the other side of the tunnel. We continue to go along the tunnel to the door with the Securis sign. We pass through this door into a dimly lit room. We find here a couple of syringes with a supply of plasmids and kill several humanoids.

We pass through the door, above which there is a sign with the inscription Airlock Active. We go up the long stairs. We kill the humanoid engulfed in fire. We go into the next room and take the elevator to the upper level of the underwater complex. Pay attention to the arrow that appears at the top of the screen, it will point you in the right direction.

We go into the arch with the inscription restaurant Kashmir. We destroy another humanoid and take a revolver from the stroller. We go to the restaurant. We are looking for a men's restroom, in which part of the wall in the far stall must be broken. We climb through this hole into the next room. We move along the lighting fixtures to the opposite balcony. We go down the stairs. After the end of the skirmish between the humanoid and the robot, we shoot from your revolver at the padlock that locks the grate. We pass to the next sector. We take cartridges for the revolver from the killed humanoid. We walk along the corridor, destroying all enemies along the way. Having reached the stairs, we release an electric discharge at two humanoids standing in the water. We go down to the center of the hall and go to the door of Neptune's Bounty.

As soon as the grate slams right in front of your nose, we immediately move away from the door and hide in the arch opposite the waterfall. We kill humanoids by releasing electrical discharges into the water. We leave the shelter after the message from Atlas is heard. We go to the Medical Plaza sector. Here we look at the screen on which an appeal from Andrew Rhine is broadcast and wait for help from Atlas. We go into the next room after his command, in which we turn the valve to get into the medical pavilion.

Chapter 3: Medical Pavilion

We turn left and stop in front of a closed double door. The doors jammed the security system device. We hack the device's software code. The essence of the hack is this. A screen divided into squares will appear on the screen. You will need to connect the pipe so that the liquid travels smoothly from the starting point to the final destination. After a successful hack, the device will come over to your side and help you deal with your enemies. We go into the next room. Here we kill two humanoids and go up either of the two stairs. There is a control panel on the balcony. Press the lever to open the door behind you. The voice of Atlas will be heard on the radio, who will tell you that you must get the key from Dr. Steinman. We pass through the door and head to another control panel. We press the lever to supply power to the hall of the medical pavilion. Let's go down. We deal with the humanoids and go through the door, which opened as soon as the light appeared in the hall. We observe the actions of the ghost and pass through another door into the very belly of the medical complex. It is worth noting the accumulation of a large number of humanoids in all rooms and corridors of the complex. Be careful. Also, don't forget about automatic fire towers. First, we release an electric discharge into the tower and then destroy it in any available way.

First of all, we look for the door above which the inscription “Dr. Steinman"s Aesthetic Ideals" is written. We go into this door and go to the end of the tunnel. We leave the tunnel into a large room in which Dr. Steinman should be. As soon as the doctor notices you, he will quickly run away, leaving behind a pile of ruins.

We return the same way to the center of the medical complex. You must now complete the challenge of infiltrating the Dental Services area (staircase next to the entrance to Dr. Steinman's area). The entrance to this area is covered with a thick cap of ice. We need to somehow melt all the ice to clear the passage. Let's go to the crematorium. In the back of the crematorium, we temporarily incapacitate using an electric discharge.

Surveillance camera and go up the stairs. We destroy the humanoid near the storage room. We find a hole in the wall of the storage room and, bending down, crawl inside. We select Incinerate plasmids from the floor, with which you can release fire. We set fire to the humanoids surrounding the storage room from all sides. We are waiting for the end of the fiery extravaganza. We leave the storage room and go to the frozen passage to the Dental Services area.

Melt the ice with the help of a new plasmid. The only thing we need to pick up here is the telekinesis plasmid. It lies in the left area of ​​the dental complex in the broken Gatherer's Garden machine. To install telekinesis plasmids in the nest, you will have to throw away one of the two plasmids you already have. What to leave is up to you, but I recommend leaving the electric plasmid. Having taken possession of the telekinesis plasmid, we go with him to Dr. Steinman's clinic. Using the power of telekinesis, we "catch" a grenade flying in your direction from the balcony and launch it into the blocked passage. We go into the next room. We destroy two security systems and go into the operating room through any of the two doors. We observe the doctor's actions through the glass of the operating room. Literally in a minute he will rush in your direction with a machine gun at the ready. It's time to put an end to the doctor's mocking experiments. This enemy does not pose a particular danger to your health. If you have an arsonist plasmid, then you can try to lure the doctor on the oil slick behind the operating table and quickly set it on fire.Another option is to use an electrical plasmid if you lure the doctor to a puddle of water in the corner of the operating room.

Immediately after the murder of Aesculapius, we listen to a message from Atlas. We search the doctor's body and find the key on him. We return to the tunnel. We go to the other side of the tunnel until we see an open passage on the left. Let's go into this area. We pass through the glass door into the large hall. Atlas contacts us again with a demand to kill his little sister, and Tennenbaum wants you to spare her. The choice is yours. Let me just note that for killing your sister you will get 160 points and you will only get 80 points if you let her live.

After making a certain decision, Atlas will direct you to the vending machine, installed right in this room and until recently hidden by a massive curtain. We explore the contents of the store and buy what you need most at the moment.

We enter from the hall through the door on the eastern side of the hall, then go through another door into the central sector of the medical pavilion. We head towards the hall. Along the way you will encounter big daddy and little sister. Dad is a serious rival, no match for the doctor. When fighting him, it is especially effective to use explosive or armor-penetrating ammunition. You will also have to constantly be on the move to be at a safe distance from dad, because despite his size, he moves quite quickly.

When the robot is finished, we decide on the sister: kill her or subjugate her. We go down to the hall and go to the far open door. We kill humanoids along the way. We go into the room and go up the stairs to the second floor. We press the switch to open the path to the bathyscaphe. Let's go down. We go into the submersible. In the submersible, lower the lever to the lower position and select the Neptune's Bounty route.

Chapter 4: Neptune's Bounty

We go up the stairs and go around the column on the right side. We select ammunition from the floor, climb through the ruins and go through the door. Having passed a long corridor, we come out onto the pier, along which a father and sister and a couple of humanoids are walking. We climb under the wooden flooring before they have time to notice you. We find an automatic cannon nearby, release an electric discharge into it and hack the security system. We perform the same operation with another cannon under the decking on the opposite side of the pier. Now you can begin the operation to eliminate dad. Try to keep him in the center of the area in the cannon fire zone. You can also try to lure him into the minefield outlined in the red circle.

Having destroyed dad and dealt with my sister, we head to the pier on the south side of the dock. We are looking for a metal door nearby, in front of which a humanoid is walking. We destroy the enemy and go through the metal door into the next area. We approach the Gatherer's Garden machine gun and turn left. You find yourself in the firing zone of an automatic cannon firing missiles in your direction. We use telekinesis plasmids to “catch” the missiles and turn them in the opposite direction. Two or three accurate hits and the gun is finally will be destroyed.

We go down the stairs and head towards the giant inscription "Fountaine Fisheries". We climb over the boxes with fish and go through the door. We look at the dead lady lying on the floor. We collect ammunition and health. We knock on the door on the opposite side of the room with an adjustable wrench. Listen to Peach Wilkins' monologue. He wants you to go to one office (Wharfmaster office) on the upper pier and take a regular camera there. Before you can go in search of the camera, you will have to fight a humanoid spider. This enemy can move along walls, ceilings and fall right on your head, thereby causing serious damage to your health. In this episode, we try to hold out until an automatic security device appears in the room, which will help you quickly deal with the spider. After which Wilkins will again open the observation window in the door and deliver a short monologue. We take the rocket launcher from the table and leave the room. We get over the obstacle in the form of boxes with fish, go up the stairs to the platform with machine guns and go to the right. The gate should now be open. We kill all the humanoids walking near the gate and go to the next sector.

First of all, we run up several flights of stairs to the upper level of the pier. Then we go through a couple of doors and eventually find ourselves in a large room with dad and a small cluster of humanoids. We quietly pass through the arch and hack the circuit of the automatic cannon installed in the corner to your right. Now, with the help of fire support, you can try to destroy dad and all the other little things. We are looking for Masha's sound diary on the floor along the left wall. We listen to it and remember the following numbers: 7-5-3-3. You'll need this door code a little later.

We pass through another arch and go towards the Wharfmaster office. We knock down the lock on the grate. We destroy the humanoid with a machine gun. We disable the security camera and climb the two stairs to the top floor. In order not to fall into the field of view of another security camera, as soon as we leave the last step we hide in a small room with a switch and a closed grille. We knock down the lock on the grate, enter the room and quickly hide behind the table so as not to fall under the crossfire of the fire towers. Don't forget to use telekinesis in the fight against the turrets that fire rockets. Having cleared the room of automatic devices, we go to the wall opposite the front door. We climb into the next room through a hole in the wall. We find a door labeled Interrogation room. In this room we take the camera from the table. Peach Wilkins will contact you immediately. He wants you to take pictures of three different spider-humanoids with this camera.

We point the camera lens at the first humanoid spider, which we see behind the glass, and as a result we get the first picture out of three. We leave the office and walk along the corridor. As soon as the smoke from the explosion that thundered ahead clears, you can go explore the area affected by the blast wave. We approach the edge of the slab and eliminate the enemy standing below. We jump onto the boxes and then onto the floor. We open the only door in this room and go out into a small corridor. We pass past the fire and open another door to exit into the tunnel. We go along the tunnel to the fork, destroying the security camera and two humanoids along the way. At the fork we look both ways. We see metal doors on both sides. We explore the area starting behind these two doors in order to find two humanoid spiders and photograph them.

When you have all three photographs in your hands, we go out into the tunnel and follow it in the opposite direction. We return to the room into which you jumped after the explosion in the Wharfmaster office. Now the gate is open and thus the path to the lower level of the pier is open. We get to the site where a vending machine and a gene bank are installed. Make sure you have an Electric Plasmid and most importantly a Pyro Plasmid. Use the services of a gene bank if you are missing one of the plasmids. We destroy the humanoid spider and follow into the room with a locked door and Peach Wilkins behind it. We knock on the door. He will let you in, but will force you to put all the weapons you have into a yellow device labeled "Pneumo" (it will come back to you, don't worry). Let's go down. Melt the snow on the floor to take the tonic plasmid. We go down even lower and pass through the door into a large room, in which we have to clash with Wilkins and his friends. You don't have weapons, but you do have plasmids. Try to lure your opponents into the water and release an electric discharge at them. You can also try to hack security systems so that they are for you and not against you.

Having destroyed Peach Wilkins and his entire honest company, we find a ladder nearby and go down to the landing. We take the weapon from the yellow column (though with a reduced amount of ammunition) and go down even lower. We go into the room in which we melt the snow, near the gate of the western bunker. We go inside and observe two ghosts. We continue to melt the snow and slowly walk through the tunnel. We listen to the message from Atlas and move forward to the next level.

Chapter 5: Smuggler's Hideout

We exit the tunnel into the grotto. We find a ramp nearby and climb up it into the cave. Here we destroy the automatic cannon. We leave the cave. We go along the tunnel in the direction of the submarine parking lot. As you approach the harbor, Atlas will contact you. He wants you to sneak into the control room with the sole purpose of opening the submarine's hatch. We go to the control center along the only possible route. We activate the switch in the control room. After active negotiations on the radio, we leave the control room through another door. We shoot at the balloons and barrels in front to destroy as many humanoids as possible. We go down to the harbor. Not reaching it a couple of meters, we hear and see an explosion that destroys the submarine. Following the arrow, we go into the room in which we immediately turn the valve to close the door behind us and move to the next level.

Chapter 6: Arcadia

We follow to the end of the narrow corridor. We knock down the lock on the door and go out into the park. Once it was blooming and fragrant, but now all the vegetation in it has withered and withered. We go to the left side of the park along the path lined with stones. We go through the door marked with signs “Rapture Metro/Arcadia Glens”. In this sector, for the first time you will meet a very insidious enemy - a humnoid Houdini. He can disappear and appear in the most unexpected places and release fire towards the enemy. We turn right and go up the stairs. We are looking for a nearby door marked with the sign "Rapture Metro". We go out onto the balcony and quickly run to the other side, while simultaneously shooting at the cluster of humanoids ahead. We pass through the door and in a calmer environment we reload our weapons. We go down the stairs closest to you to the lower level. Following numerous "Rapture Metro" signs we reach the entrance to the "Arcadia Glens" area.

We go inside and go left. Around the corner we meet a big dad and his sister. We deal with him and run along the wooden flooring past the door marked as Waterfall Grotto (you will look into this area a little later) into the Rolling Hills area. We pass through the door and go down the slope to a wooden canopy, under which a cannon is installed. We destroy the cannon, the lone humanoid nearby and look for a ladder nearby. Let's deal with the next big daddy, whom you will meet as soon as you start going down the steps. In the next location we head towards the still closed entrance to Rapture Metro. We receive instructions via radio. Atlas asks you to find Julia Langford, who was growing the forest, and ask her to help you save the forest from drying out. Luckily, you're very close to her research lab. We go into the laboratory. First of all, we destroy the camera to your right. We go through the door. We look at the screen from which Julia Langford will look at us and speak. She wants you to go to Waterfall Grotto and find a specimen of Rosa Gallica there.

We leave the laboratory and immediately find ourselves under the close tutelage of humanoids. Having destroyed the uninvited friends, we go to the Waterfall Grotto area (you already know where it is). Having entered the Waterfall Grotto, we immediately begin to get rid of a group of motley humanoids by any means necessary. We find a genetic tonic in one of them. Let's go to the edge of the cliff. We look at the water wheel, near which red roses grow. With all precautions, we go down, pick one rose and prepare to repel the attack of the humanoid who came down from the stairs behind you.

We return to the Langford laboratory. She will ask you to send her a rose via pneumatic mail. We put the rose in the yellow column with the inscription "Pneumo". We go into the reception room and, not finding anything interesting in it, we go into the next room. Here Langford will inform you that she has disabled the security system, so you can walk around the laboratory without fear. Following the arrow, we find the entrance to the tunnel, along which we go straight to the office of Mrs. Langford herself. Looking through the glass, we become an involuntary witness to the painful death of Julia Langford from exposure to the yellow gas that filled the entire office. Before her death, she will write the numbers on the glass: 9-4-5-7. We wait until the gas has completely cleared from the office, and only then go inside.

We take a new weapon from the table - a chemical installation. We find a locked safe under the painting and put on the lock the numbers seen on the glass. In the safe we ​​find a sound diary, a key and a formula (Lazarus Vector Formula). We listen to the audio diary and remember what components you must find and collect in order to create the liquid substance Vector Lazarus, which should breathe new life into the vegetation of the park.

Let's start with chlorophyll. Vials of this solution can be found on humanoids you kill, especially Houdini humanoids. Try to find seven portions of chloroform at this level. Other components: distilled water and bee enzyme tests can be found at the city market, which is almost a stone's throw away. We get out of the Langford laboratory into the Rolling Hills area. Here Atlas will contact you again. He will direct you to the Farmer's Market area, where you can find all the components indicated in the formula. We leave the Rolling Hills area and follow to the beginning of the Arcadia Glens area. The entrance to the Farmer's Market should be nearby, you should go there. We turn right. Having passed all the arches, we see the inscription Farmer's Market. Behind it we find a camera. We go into it and turn the valve to close the bulkhead behind us.

Chapter 7: Farmer's Market

We examine the farmer's body on the floor near the pneumatic mail. We find in him a bee enzyme, the first of the necessary seven. We select a sound diary from the floor, which contains information about the location of the remaining enzymes. We go through the door. From the tunnel we emerge into a closed area with shopping arcades and tents. We beware of numerous guns and cameras installed in secluded places. We select the tonic from the alcove on the right side. We go into a large room with a balcony and a large spreading tree. We go up to the balcony and go through the door to your right. First of all, we turn all our attention to the big daddy, or rather, we enter into a fight with him. Then we walk along the path in the direction of the inscriptions on the wall “Silvering apiary” and “Worley Winery”. We go through the door with the sign "Securis". We go along the tunnel until we see a branch to the left, that's where you go. We watch how a swarm of bees deals with the humanoid. Afterwards the bees will fly straight at you, but that was not the case. We retreat behind the oil slick and set it on fire, thereby blocking the path of the bees in your direction. When the fire goes out completely, we go into the room with the killed humanoid. Then we go through the door behind the counter to find ourselves in a room with beehives. We pull the lever on the control panel to release special smoke into the room, forcing the bees to hide in the hives. The smoke will envelop everything around for about 20-30 seconds. We use this time to search for enzymes in the hives. We repeat the simple operation until you have 7 enzymes available. The search will be further complicated by the fact that as soon as you go to the hives, a couple of humanoids will immediately burst into the room. So be on your guard.

We go out into the tunnel after all the hives have been examined and all the enzymes have been collected. We proceed to the Worley Winery area. We search all the premises of the distillery in search of seven carafes of distilled water. When you have all the components indicated in the formula, find the nearest U-Invent machine to create the Lazarus Vector substance. We return to the beginning of the level, go into the chamber and close the bulkhead behind us. We return to the previous level.

Chapter 8: Arcadia

Before leaving the cell, we listen to the message from Ryan. We destroy the air security systems that have flooded this area. We go to the Langford laboratory, since the route is already known. At the entrance we deal with a lone enemy and go non-stop to the office that was once occupied by Julia Langford. We install the flask with the Lazarus Vector substance in the Central Misting Control installation in the left free slot. We head to the reception. We block the front door by activating the lab access seal device. From this moment on, you have about a minute to prepare for the attack of a large horde of humanoids who will certainly break into the laboratory as soon as they cut the front door by welding. We hold a perimeter defense while the installation prepares to launch the Lazarus Vector into the park's spraying system. When Atlas informs you that everything is ready to start, go to the office and activate the lever on the right side of the installation. We leave the laboratory and head to the Rapture Metro area (to the right of the laboratory). We find a submersible inside the Rapture Metro, on which we go to Fort Frolic.

Chapter 9: Fort Frolic

Welcome to an area that can rightfully be considered the cultural nerve of the underwater city. Theaters, museums and other cultural institutions are concentrated here. We go to the door of Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We pass through it and go towards the bathyscaphe. We listen to a monologue by Sander Cohen, an artist with a very unusual character. We leave here as soon as we receive a new task. We deal with a couple of humanoid spiders who will literally fall on your head. The artist decided to test your “combat” state in this way. We repel the attack of five or six humanoids and go into the main atrium as soon as Cohen unlocks the door. We go up the wide stairs. We go to Fleet Hall. After the ticket office, we pay attention to the security camera before it has time to detect you. Next, press the elevator call button. We turn back and enter into battle with three humanoids. Then we go into the cabin and, by pressing the button, we smoothly rise to the top.

We go to the theater. We are watching the performance of a nervous pianist, which will end very badly for him, namely in the hot embrace of flame. Following Cohen's instructions, we take a photograph of the dead pianist.

We return to the central part of the atrium. We approach a group of sculptures installed on a small stage. We insert a photo of the former pianist into the frame. We take from the hands of the sculpture that appears on the stage a new weapon - a crossbow. The artist wants you to kill three more of his enemies, take photographs of their bodies and place the photographs in the remaining three free frames.

So, next up is Martin Finnegan. We rise to the upper level of the atrium. Cohen will open the way for you to the Poseidon Plaza area. We are looking nearby for the central door behind which this area begins. We exit the ice tunnel and look to the left to see Finnegan in the distance and almost instantly lose sight of him. We begin to approach the point where he recently stood. After small metamorphoses with your body, mobility will return to you again. We approach the leftmost pseudo statue. We hit Finnegan when he starts to melt. Then we fight, just like with any humanoid Houdini. We photograph Finnegan's body and, returning to the atrium, insert the photo into the frame.

The next victim is Rodriguez. We return to the Poseidon Plaza area. We pass through the ice tunnel. Then we go around the fallen column and melt the snow near the door. We go through this door into another segment of Poseidon Plaza. We are looking for the strip club Eve's Garden. Inside we see a ghost dancing near the pole. We climb onto the stage and go along the corridor into a small room with a corpse on the bed. We return to the club. We see Rodriguez near the bar. We begin to chase him. Rodriguez will throw in your direction fireballs. We shoot in the back of the ever-running Rodriguez and, of course, if possible, avoid close contact with his fireballs. We take a photo of the victim and display it in Cohen’s personal gallery in the atrium.

Cohen, playing the role of a temperamental artist, enters a streak of anger and sends countless motley humanoids at you. We kill all the enemies, after which Cohen will still apologize to you. We return to the Eve's Garden strip club. We go into the door next to the bar and go up the stairs. We go through a couple of automatic doors, after which we destroy two fire stations located on both sides of the last door. We go into Rapture Records (on the northwestern side). We go down to the fire, in front of which there is a chair on which a dead humanoid has collapsed. Having heard a characteristic ticking, we retreat to a safe place - in a couple of seconds an explosion will sound. The last character from the list of Cohen’s personal enemies will begin to scream from the top floor. We destroy all the humanoids , sent by Cobb down to you. We climb into the ventilation shaft. At the exit from it we encounter your opponent. Like Rodriguez, Cobb has the same fireballs, the same tricks and movements in his arsenal. We photograph the dead body and take the picture to the atrium. We observe Cohen's majestic descent along the stairs. In no case do we kill him, he will still be useful to you. We leave the atrium. We go into the Rapture Metro Hephaestus. We get into the submersible and go to the Hephaestus area.

Chapter 10: Hephaestus

Hephaestus - Greek god of blacksmiths. Starting from this level, your enemies will become more dangerous and invulnerable, so be careful. We leave the submersible. We go up the stairs, go through the door and further along the tunnel, and it doesn’t matter which route you choose - all roads lead to the same place. At the end of the tunnel we open the door and see ahead a large sign "Ryan industries".

We go down the slope to the door and go into the territory of the enterprise. We turn to face the sign “office of Andrew Ryan”. We go along the wall to the nearest door. In the next very large room we find the exit on the other side opposite the entrance. We make a lightning-fast dash to the nearest door without falling into the lens of the security camera. Having opened this door, we go into the corridor that will lead you to Raine’s office. The entrance to Raine's office is inaccessible due to a clever device that creates an electric field around the door. We examine the corpses of people who once had the imprudence to visit the office. We find sound diaries near the first and third corpse on the right columns. The second diary contains suggestive information about the method of access to Raine's office. Listening to the diary will end with a message from Ryan and another change in your goals. Next, we destroy a group of humanoids sent by Ryan with one sole purpose - to grind you into powder. They will weld open the locked door of Hephaestus Core and break into the office. After a small skirmish with the enemy, we enter the now open passage into the Hephaestus Core area. We release an electric charge into the water, thereby leaving no chance of survival for several humanoids crowded around the corpse of the big daddy. We leave the room into a tunnel that will lead you to the Hephaestus Core area.

We look from the balcony at the central core of the station. We go into the door on your left. We deal with a couple of humanoids and go down the stairs to the lower level of the station. We are looking for the entrance to the Heat Loss Monitoring area, since the signage will make it easy to do this. Having passed the tunnel, we find ourselves in a large room with working mechanisms. We go to the door on the other side of the room. When you only have to reach it just a couple of meters, three corpses will suddenly come to life and attack you. We destroy all the enemies, after which we receive a sarcastic message from Raine. We go into the next room. We head to the illuminated corner on the right side of this room. We pick up the sound diary from the floor. It contains the door code for the Kyburz office: 0-1-2-6. We go down the stairs to your left and enter the passage engulfed in steam. We go to the next staircase, killing another suddenly revived humanoid along the way. Going even lower, we head to the balcony hanging over the flooded area. We see the ghost of a station worker. We turn 180 degrees and go look for the stairs on the right side of the room. Below we take the sound diary from the table. We leave the Heat Loss Monitoring area.

Now you need to find the entrance to the Workshops area. Signs will point you in the right direction. We go into the door marked with the Workshops sign, go through the tunnel and, opening the door, go directly into the area itself. We go down the stairs, which is located next to the vending machine. Turning left, we see that the entrance to the Kyburz office is covered by two firing points. We destroy them in any available way and go into the corridor to the right of the office. We find a bookcase nearby. We go behind the shelf and carefully examine the wall in search of a closed passage to the secret room. We move the blood-stained flap and climb inside. In the room, we take the sound diary from the right table, from which we find out what components you will need to create an EMP bomb. The bomb body lies on a nearby table.


  1. Nitroglycerin: we will find it in the Kyburz office.
  1. Ionic Gel (2 containers): Scattered throughout the Hephaestus area.
  1. Wireless transmitter R-34 (4 pcs.): removed from the corpses of big daddies.
We leave the secret room. We remove the first R-34 from the corpse of the big daddy in the next room. We head to the Kyburz office. Enter the code (0-1-2-6) and go inside. We deactivate the electric beams (we shoot at special devices on the walls and ceilings) and go down to the lower level of the office. We examine the table by the window in search of the button. Press this button to open the glass door of the cabinet in which the nitroglycerin is stored. This manipulation somehow activates the firing point near the front door. We take nitroglycerin, destroy the turret and leave the office.

Now let's look for an ionic gel. We leave the Workshops area into the central Hephaestus sector. We turn right and go down the stairs. We find a container with gel on the floor near the box. The path to the second container: we pass past the Heat Loss Monitoring, up the stairs, past the Gatherer's Garden machine and the Geothermal Control door, go up the stairs and take the gel from the control panel.

The final component of the bomb is the R-34 transmitter. You already have one, you just need to get three transmitters. We find the bodies of the big daddies you killed earlier and seize the R-34 from them.

When you have all the components in your hands, return to the secret room in the Workshops area. We place all the components into the bomb body and take it from the table. We leave the Workshops area. We look for the door marked as “Geothermal Control” on the signs.

We pass through it and then look for an exit to the next room on the opposite side. We hack two firing points. They will become your cover when you are busy with a very important matter. Turn the valve until streams of magma begin to pour out of both pipes. While you are busy, the firing points will protect you from unwanted contact with humanoids. We go into the lift behind you and go down. We get out of it and run to the end of the flight to the elevator. Let's take it to the main core. We place the bomb on a special base. We return to Ryan's office. We destroy the air security systems and a group of humanoids. Then press the device lever in front of the office door to open the door itself. We go into the chamber, close the bulkhead behind us and go to the next level - Central Control Rapture.

Chapter 11: Central Control Rapture

An extremely short level, but very important in terms of further development of the plot. It's time to meet with Mr. Andrew Ryne to clear up some issues. We go into the large hall. We listen to Andrew's chatter on the radio, after which the red lights in the hall flash. We go into the right corridor and go up the stairs to the top floor. We climb into the ventilation shaft. We get out of the mine into a small room with one exit. We walk down the corridor to meet Andrew Ryne himself. After finishing the first part of his monologue, he will open the door especially for you. We approach him and observe from the side a small scene with the participation of the main character of the game and Raine.

We follow into a room with a device resembling an organ and a monitor with the Ryan logo.

We are starting the process of self-destruction. We listen to Frank Fontaine and Atlas on the radio. We leave here when the grate finally opens behind you. We follow the sister, who will lure you into the ventilation shaft.

Chapter 12: Olympus Heights

Tenenbaum sent you to the Little Sisters' Sanctuary to save your life. When she finishes her monologue, we go up the stairs to the second floor. We are waiting for the little girl to unlock the entrance to the sewer. We go out into the collector tunnel, here Fontaine will contact you. He somehow gained complete control over you, and now your health level is completely dependent on Fontaine's actions. It is in your interests to find an antidote as soon as possible, which should save you from Fontaine's destructive thoughts. Information about the antidote can be found in Sachong's apartment.

We go to the illuminated area at the end of the tunnel. We lift the wheel from the floor. We approach the gate control mechanism that blocks the exit from the collector and place the wheel on the rod. Turn the wheel until the gate is completely open. We go outside.

We follow to the barricade, above which there are posters "Who is Atlas?" We clear the Central Bistro Square from enemy forces. We proceed to the Mercury Suites area, where Sachong and other famous people of Rapture live.

In Sachong's apartment, in a flooded room, we find an audio diary on the table, which contains additional information about the antidote. We leave Sachong's apartment.

We retreat to the elevator in the center of the hallway. We meet along the ramp to the second floor. We see that Tenenbaum’s apartment, the only one on the floor, is blocked from the inside. We go to the third floor along the same slope. First of all, we pay attention to the security camera, and then to all the other bipedal opponents. We find a U-Invent machine on the balcony. Near him, on a box near the railing, there is a sound diary. Inside, the access code to Fontaine's apartment is 5-7-4-4. We go further along the balcony to a huge hole in the wall. It opens a passage to the bathtub in Tenenbaum's apartment. We go into the bathroom. We move deeper into the apartment, into Tenenbaum’s office. We hear her voice over the radio, after which the local targets change.

We go down to the first floor. Enter the numbers 5-7-4-4 on the elevator combination lock. We go up to Fontaine's apartment. In the corridor we successively destroy a fire tower, a couple of humanoids and a security camera above the apartment door. If the alarm sounds, the entrance to the apartment will be blocked. We go into the hallway and go up the left stairs. We go through the door. We walk to the end of the corridor and go into the bedroom through the door to your left. Adjacent to the bedroom is Fontaine's study. We go into the office. We find the necessary antidote on the table with test tubes and flasks. The antidote will restore your health, but, unfortunately, it will have one side effect. You will temporarily lose the ability to select plasmids. Moreover, they will change chaotically after a certain period of time, without any possibility on your part to stop this disgrace. Tenenbaum advises looking for an antidote to this effect in Sachong's laboratories in the Artemis Suites in the Apollo Square area.

We leave Fontaine's apartment and take the elevator to the first floor. We return to Bistro Square. We are looking nearby for the entrance to the Apollo Square area.

Chapter 13: Apollo Square

Your only and main task in this level is to infiltrate Sachong's laboratory in the Artemis Suites and take a dose of the Lot 192 antidote from there.

We pass through the open grated passage. We go along the large tunnel to the area with the gallows. Without attracting attention to ourselves, we slip into the arch to the left of the gallows. In the next segment of the tunnel, we deal with a pair of humanoids and destroy the security camera installed on a column next to the burning carriage. We run to the end of the tunnel to the Artemis Suites area.

We destroy the security camera on the column behind the vending machine. We go up the stairs. We find the entrance to Dr. Sachong's clinic nearby. We are looking for a doctor's office in the depths of the clinic. We take the antidote Lot 192 from the table. We listen to Tenenbaum on the radio and head to the submersible, the path to which will be indicated by the arrow at the top of the screen. We are heading to Point Prometheus.

Chapter 14: Point Prometheus

We go up the stairs and run after Fontaine. We wait until the oil stain on the floor burns out. We go into the tunnel. In the room after the tunnel we destroy a couple of flying security systems. We go into the next room. Here we see a scene where Fontaine will knock down a pillar and walk through the door into the museum area, threatening to destroy Rapture if you continue to pursue him. Unfortunately, you cannot follow him. Only little sister can open the door, but she trusts only big daddy and no one else. The only way out in this situation is to turn into big daddy and force your sister to open the door.

In the same room we examine the corpse of the big daddy, but only after Tenenbaum gets in touch with you. We take the suit control controller from him. Tenenbaum is back in touch with you with his plan for how to quickly and least hassle transform into a big daddy.

First, you should smell the same as big daddy. We pass through the eastern doors and run to the other side of the room. We kill the humanoid and go to the Little Wonders Educational Facility area. We pass through the tunnel. In the next room, we immediately crouch down to the floor so as not to come under fire. When big daddy comes out of the next room, we climb onto the metal structure and, breaking the glass, climb into the room. We destroy two towers. We go out to the main sector of the Little Wonders Educational Facility area. Three bottles of big daddy phermones are scattered throughout the sector. One bottle is in the room marked Autospy, and the other two are on tables in the second floor hallway. We find the only exit on the second floor. We look at the ceiling, immediately after we go through the door. We destroy the security camera. We exit the tunnel into the upper area of ​​the Little Wonders Educational Facility. We go into one of the doors to the Optimized Eugenies area. After decontamination, you will be able to move on. We enter the Live Subject Testing room through the door next to the camera on the east wall. We walk past containers with a yellow substance. We go up the steps, go right to the Candidate Induction door. Inside we find a voice changing device and use it for its intended purpose.

Tenenbaum encourages you to follow Failsafe Armored Escorts for a protective suit.

We return to the upper area of ​​the atrium. We enter the area voiced by Tenenbaum. We go into the Candidate Conversion room on the western side of the area. We destroy two fire towers. We take the sound diary from the table. It turns out that Tenenbaum sent you to the wrong place. To get boots you need to go to the Mendel Family Library. We'll go there a little later.

We leave the room through the door in the northwestern part of the room. We enter the laboratory through the Securis door. We leave the laboratory through the door on the opposite side from the entrance. Let's take the suit. Now all you have to do is find a suit and a helmet. We go to the Candidate Conversion room. We find a helmet here. We return to the atrium. We find the entrance to the Mendel Family Library. In the central part of the library we find boots on the table.

All. All the ammunition is collected and now you are completely ready to immerse yourself in the role of Big Daddy. We follow to the room where you missed Fontaine, he hid in the museum. To call the little sister, knock on the hole in the wall to the left of the museum entrance with the key. Let's follow our sister. Let's go to the next level, Proving Grounds.

Chapter 15: Proving Grounds

Quite a simple and fast level. You must accompany the little sister to the end of the level so that she opens the last door for you, behind which Fontaine is hiding.

Her health is reflected as a yellow bar below your health. The little sister is quite fragile, so don't let humanoids or other enemies get too close to her. If an accident happens, you can always call another sister by tapping the key on the hole in the wall, however, if there is a green light above the hole. And you don't have to start the level from the very beginning. Also, do not be afraid of security cameras, because you are in the guise of Big Daddy. Each new sister, as soon as she sees a corpse on the floor, will run up to it and begin to stick her syringe into it. At this moment she is most defenseless and, as luck would have it, at the same moment humanoids begin to attack her, and not just one or two. I recommend hacking fire towers (if they are located in the right locations), they will really help you in these moments. At the very end of the level you will have the last opportunity before the final battle to replenish your supply of ammunition, plasmids, and health. It is highly advisable to acquire protective genetic tonics: Human Inferno, Frozen Field and Electric Flesh.

When you are ready for the fight, take the syringe from your sister and go into the elevator.

Chapter 16: End Game

The game will automatically save as soon as you exit the elevator. Also, you will not be able to save the game during the fight with Fontaine. If you die, you will have to start all over again.

First, a little about the fight. Basically we have to drain Fontaine's supply of ADAM using the syringe the little sister gave you. The ADAM supply is clearly presented on the screen in the form of four flasks with red liquid. You can stick a syringe into it when it is in a special device in the center of the room. As soon as you drain him for the first time, he will quickly jump onto the platform in front of the device and attack you. Next, you must reduce his health reserve to a minimum, and he will again return to his place in the center of the room to restore his health to the initial level. It is necessary to repeat the above operation three more times to finally defeat Fontaine.

There are three stages of struggle. At each stage, Fontaine will have a certain power:

  1. In the first stage there is fire;
  1. In the second - ice;
  1. The third is electricity.
Your task is to use opposing forces in response in various stages of the struggle: ice or electricity in the first stage; fire or electricity in the second stage; fire and ice in the third stage. Your chemical setup and plasmids are best friends at all stages. Grenades and other explosives are also extremely effective, especially in the final stages. In the third stage, a group of humanoids will join Fontaine. If possible, ignore them at the moment when Fontaine goes to replenish his health. You won't have much time to stick the syringe into it. If you don't hurry, he will again jump around the area with a full supply of health and you will have to replay a certain stage again.

The fight will end after you drain his health for the fourth time. There are two possible endings depending on how you dealt with the sisters throughout the game: subjugate or destroy.

Name: BioShock
Developer: Irrational Games
Foreign publisher: 2K Games
Publisher in Russia: 1C
System requirements:
P4-2.0, 1GB RAM, 128 MB 3D Card
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 512 MB 3D Card
Genre: Action\FPS
Rating: 9.0

After taking a breath of air, swim through the water not engulfed in flames to the lighthouse. Next, go up the stairs and go inside the building. When the lamps turn on, go down to the submersible, which will take you to the underwater city.

Welcome to Rapture

After exiting the submersible, go forward and turn left, up the stairs and left again. At the end of the corridor, jump over the rubble and go left to the door littered with concrete blocks. On the floor near the door you will find an adjustable wrench - your first weapon. With the key you can break the blocks and crawl under the door. Dodge the burning sofa falling from above and go upstairs. When you go out into the hall, you will meet your first opponent - a man in a carnival mask and with a piece of pipe in his hands. After knocking him down, search the body. Your inventory will be replenished with a first aid kit and a syringe with a blue liquid of unknown purpose. After this, you can examine the trash cans lying on the floor; inside them you will find some edibles. Go up the stairs to the second floor and approach the machine, inside of which there is a syringe. After injecting yourself, you will lose consciousness and wake up on the floor.
Once on your feet, use your acquired ability to throw lightning from your palm to open the door leading to the tunnel. To do this, you need to hit the sparking switch with a discharge. When you go halfway, the tail of the plane will crash into the tunnel. To continue moving, you need to go inside the fuselage and climb out through the hole in the hull on the right. Next, go through the door at the end of the corridor. Standing against the locked door, search the rooms on both sides of it. Atlas will contact you via radio, after which a crazy city resident will appear from behind a locked door with a piece of pipe in his hands. After killing him, go through the door and go up the stairs.
Having properly met another native who jumped out of the elevator engulfed in flames, go forward and get into a working elevator, which will take you upstairs. After leaving the cabin, you can go left to the makeshift grave, where you will find a first aid kit and a syringe, but this is not necessary. Go right. Around the corner you will see a woman standing by a baby stroller - kill her, she is an enemy. In the stroller you will find a revolver, a more serious weapon than an adjustable wrench.
When you enter the restaurant, go down the stairs to the first floor. Near the corner door you will see a local resident who is banging on the door with curses. When you deal with him, the angry wife of the man you killed will jump out of the door with a pistol in her hands. Having solved this problem, go to the kitchen to collect the dollars scattered there. Returning back, inspect the opposite corner. There are a couple of corpses lying near the locked door that can be searched. There are tables on the area flooded with water. On the nearest one you will find a syringe, money and Diana McClintock's audio diary.
After going up, go to the right of the stairs. When you pass by the phone booths, look around and you will find some money. Next, go to the men's room. When the vision leaves you, go to the end of the room. There you will find another audio diary, whose owner was Steve Barker. Then go to the women's restroom. Through the last booth you can go to the next room.
Go to the other side of the hall along the metal frame. Next, go downstairs and see what happens to those who offend little girls. Then break the chain locking the door and go into the hall where the showdown took place. Search the corpses, go into the corridor and turn right. Moving along this passage, you will reach the stairs down. On the lower landing you will see a couple of adversaries swarming around Kreps - spray plasma into the water to kill both “hares with one stone”. After searching the bodies, jump down and go from the flickering column to the left - you will find yourself in the men's toilet. In one of the booths you will find a couple of medical patches. After going to the women's toilet through the hole in the wall, pick up the first aid kit from the floor. Returning to the hall, you will find yourself close to an open passage, but when you try to go into the corridor, the door will close and an alarm will sound, which will attract the attention of a small group of crazy residents. Take a position at the entrance to the women's restroom and start shooting at the enemies that appear above. When the attack is repulsed, a door will open on the left side of the hall, and you can walk along the corridor into a small vestibule, where you will be shown an educational film.

Medicine Pavilion

After passing through the opened door, you will find yourself in a corridor along which you will exit to the medical block. Go to the reception desk. Behind it on the floor you will find money, cartridges for a revolver and a first aid kit. At the counter itself you can pick up the second audio diary of Diana McClintock. At the opposite wall there is a machine in which you can spend your money by buying cartridges or some supplies. There is a door to the right of the device. If you want to open it, you'll have to solve a plumbing puzzle. In the window that opens, you will have to create a pipeline so that the water can reach the exit point. When this is done, the doors will separate and release a security bot, which will help you shoot local residents.
After going into the corridor, examine the desk standing in the corner, and then take part in a shootout near the stairs leading up. Once on the balcony, turn on the switch to open the door behind you. After entering it, go left to the end of the corridor. Raise the Thompson machine gun and turn on the second switch. He will open the grate located at the other end of the hall. A small group of enemies armed with automatic weapons will enter the room through it.
Jump down, solve the overcrowding problem and go through the opened grate. Along a short corridor you will exit into a large room. Go to the wall and take Stayman's diary, then go left. When you turn the corner on the right side, look at the middle wall. A security bot is located next to her. Use a plasmid charge on him, and then start shooting at him with a pistol or machine gun. After destroying the bot, go forward along the left wall and you will reach a door where an aunt in a red dress is knocking. In a couple of seconds there will not be a wet spot left of it, since the doctor who appears from behind the door will destroy it with a grenade. You need to neutralize the doctor and go through the opened room to the autopsy room.
Go straight from the door. When you notice that the security camera has been activated, shoot plasma at it to disable it for a short time, and then go up the stairs to the second floor. At the exit you will be met by a former employee of the establishment, who needs to be shot. After that, go right to the refrigerators. In one of them you will find cartridges for the machine gun. Go back and go to the entrance to the office - the door is locked, but you can get inside through the hole in the wall on the left. Inside the room you will acquire a new plasmid - fire. A small group of crazy residents will come running to see your upgrade. Having destroyed them in one way or another, return to the medical block through the doctor's office.
Turn the corner on the left and walk along the railing, and then go through the door and step to the end of the glass tunnel. When you leave it, go behind the stand - you will have time to see a man hiding in the passage. After this, you will have to take part in a shootout and, of course, destroy all opponents. Return through the tunnel to the medical block.
After going through the door, destroy the three nurses waiting for you to appear, and then go left and go down the stairs. Turn on the fire plasmid and shoot at the block of ice blocking the passage. Once in the corridor, shoot the doctor who is standing near the table. After this, fight off the grenade thrower that appears behind you. Go left through the door into a small corridor. From the room located at the end of the corridor, a security bot will open fire on you, destroy it and go into the room. There you will find revolver cartridges, money and a first aid kit. Next, leave the room and go through the door located on the right. Walk along the wall, break the ventilation grille at the bottom and climb into the box. Using it you can get into the office, where there is also something to profit from. Returning from the office, go forward to the water-filled part of the room. In its left corner, under the surveillance camera, you will find a safe built into the wall. You can open it by breaking the security, which means you again need to lay the water supply. The difficulty is that the water flows much faster in this case. A large amount of ammunition is stored inside the safe - if you need it, then engage in hacking. Return to the main block and step forward to the clock. There you will find a gun and ammunition for it. Once you pick up the weapon, the lights around you will go out and you will be attacked by a group of locals. Stay near the clock and fight off the attack.
When the light comes back on, go behind the clock and enter the door located in the left corner. In the reception area, jump over the reception desk. On its shelves you will find cartridges, and on the floor a first aid kit. Exit into the hall, go through the glass door to the left and turn again to the apparatus. There you will find a telekinesis plasmid. After this, go to the half-flooded part of the hall. On one of the walls you will find a safe, inside of which there is a first aid kit, money and an injection syringe. After this, you need to return to the hall where you saw a normal person - that is, return to the main block and go through the glass tunnel.
Grenades will fly from the balcony in your direction. You must use telekinesis to intercept one of them and throw it at the stand blocking the passage to the corridor. At its end there is a security bot. I recommend using an electroplasmid to neutralize the machine. Having finished with it, go back a little and go into the office located on your left. Inside it there is a safe where a couple of first aid kits, shotgun shells and money are stored. On the nearby table you will also find useful things for you.
Returning to the corridor, walk past the bot and go through any door. You will find yourself in the doctor's office, whom you will see through armored glass. Near the surgical table the villain will do his dark deeds. When he takes out the machine gun, the doors located on the left and right will open, and you can get inside the operating room. You need to kill the doctor to get the key. At first glance, this may seem like a rather difficult task, since the adversary has a fairly large supply of health and runs off to restore it to the apparatus located in the flooded part of the hall every time his condition reaches a critical level. This is where you can destroy the doctor by shooting an electroplasmid into the water.
After taking the key from the doctor, return to the glass tunnel and follow it through the opened door to the left. Next, proceed to the room where you will see a little girl. After talking to the woman on the balcony, you will receive a bottle of red liquid, and you will need to decide what to do with the child. I saved her - I felt sorry for her. Next, go to the left side of the room. Behind the curtains you will find a device with which you can upgrade your skills as much as your money allows. Then go through the door and exit the corridor into the medical block. This part of the premises is familiar to you. From this place you need to get to the door that you hacked first. Go along the corridor to the stairs, kill the grenade thrower, go up to the top floor and pull the lever on the control panel. After that, all you have to do is get into the submersible and go to the next level.

Neptune's Bounty

After exiting the submersible, go forward and left. Take the machine gun and cartridges from the bench, then go around the wall on which the man is crucified, and, if necessary, use the machines to buy the necessary small items. Then climb over the rubble and go through the door. From the corridor you will exit into a large hall, where you will see a little girl and “Big Daddy”. You can destroy the “dad” and save the girl, or you can pass them by. Under the flooring you can collect a lot of useful things, but the space is controlled by security bots. When you cross to the opposite side of the hall, go right and go through the door. From the corridor, exit to the right - you will see a machine selling supplies, but do not rush to approach it, since there is an automatic cannon on the left side of the room. She will open fire as soon as you are near the device. It is best to run forward and go down one flight of stairs. From this position, shoot a couple of local aborigines, and then take care of the cannon. Neutralize her with an electric charge, and then shoot her. After that, climb over the place where the cannon stood and go through the door. Once in a small room, pick up the ammunition and medicine lying next to the corpse and go to the table. Examine it and try to open the door. After a short conversation with the guy whose face is hidden behind a welder’s mask, take the grenade launcher from the conveyor belt and leave the room. Get over the rubble, go up the stairs and go past the machine guns to the right. Next, go through the broken grate, shoot the woman who is throwing grenades at you, and go right. Having risen to the top floor, go through the vestibule, picking up mines and cartridges. On the left you will see a couple of locals who will immediately start shooting at you, and “Big Daddy” with a little girl. After killing the natives, take care of the “dad” to free the child. Next, go forward to the chained door. Use the wrench to break the lock, shoot the madman who appears on the right, and then go left and up. When you climb the stairs, look around, there are surveillance cameras on the walls - destroy them or hack them. Once you reach the offices, break the chain on the grate and go inside. Once indoors, immediately turn right and hide around the corner. The passages are controlled by automatic cannons and machine guns. First, destroy the machine gun, approach it and stop at the corner. There will be a cannon behind him on the right - shoot that too. Next, climb into the hole located in the left wall next to the door. Inside the office there is a camera hanging on the right wall - hack or destroy it, this will allow you to freely collect weapons and ammunition, of which there is plenty in the room. There is also a safe in the office, inside of which there are very useful things, you just need to open the box. After leaving the office, go forward and turn right. Go into the cell where the diver is lying to search him. Go back and open the grate, knocking down the chain with a blow from the adjustable wrench. Next, go to the office located at the end of the corridor. There you will find a camera with which you need to take three pictures of the aborigines who have hooks instead of hands. You can take a picture of one of them right away, since it is located in the next office. Next, leave the office and go along the corridor. After the explosion sounds, come out from around the corner, kill the man with the pistol, and then go to the exploded device and climb out through the hole in the window.
Go right along the ledge. Pick up the gun and ammo, then jump down. After killing one local resident, destroy the camera on the wall, go through the door and follow the corridor into the glass tunnel. Having passed it to the end, turn into the room located on the right. You will find yourself at the post office, where you will be greeted by a couple of armed men. Having dealt with them, go through the door and stop behind the shelving. On the left on the far wall there is a security camera - it is better to destroy it. Then you will be attacked by an aunt with hooks in her hands. Before you kill her, take a photo with your camera. By the way, with a camera you can shoot all the enemies that get in your way in order to receive bonuses for this. Search the corpse and take the heart. If you wish, inspect the room too - you can find photographic film, money and a first aid kit. Back in the hallway, go straight through the door. Near the stairs you will have to fight again; after the battle, go right and go down into the water. Climb into the ventilation box and follow it into the wine cellar.
After killing a couple of baddies, go left and go through the door on the right. You will find yourself in a small room with a glass wall. Take the audio diary from the table, and then look behind the drawers. There you will find a hole in the wall through which you can get into the storage room. It is guarded by an automatic turret. After destroying it, open the safe in the corner, where you will find a lot of useful things. Next, leave the room and go through the second door using the electroplasmid. Standing behind the bar, kill the owners of the establishment, then exit the restaurant through the passage on the right. You can pop into the toilet to pick up cartridges for the machine gun, which are in the second stall. After going up the stairs, kill the two crazy people who appear from the far door. To the left along the corridor there will be rooms numbered 6 and 7. There is nothing particularly useful there, but if you are interested in looking there, do so, then go to room number 5. After examining the room and breaking into the safe, go out into the corridor. There you will meet a man with hooks, whom you need to photograph and then kill. Having three photographs in your hands, return to where you talked with the guy under the mask of a welder. On the way you will meet another girl accompanied by “Big Daddy” - I highly recommend saving her. Once you do this, you will receive a gift that will be left for you near two vending machines.
Place all your weapons in the tank located to the right of the door, and then go into the room. There you will be attacked by local residents who will decide that you should not live in this world. You will have to get out of this situation with the help of plasmids and an adjustable wrench. To the left of the entrance there is a door leading to a storage room, where you can find first aid kits and injection syringes - this should help you. When the adversaries are finished, go through the opened grate, grabbing your weapon from the tank. After going down, go to the weapon upgrade station, which is located on the wall, to upgrade one of your “barrels”. Once you're done, use the fire plasmid to melt the ice at both doors. Behind the left is a storage room, which is guarded by a couple of local aborigines. After killing them, search the boxes and crack the safe. Then go through the second door - you will have a vision. The exit from the storage room is blocked by an ice block - a fire plasmid will solve this problem.

Smuggler's Hideout

Moving along the corridor, you will reach the submarine parking lot. Break the chain on the grate and go to the control room. After you pull the lever, something will go wrong and there will be a commotion in the caves. After some time, the power supply will be restored - exit through the second door. Kill the aunt who rushes at you, and then go around the corner, where you will run into a couple of locals. Go forward and go down to the level below. You will see a passage to a submarine - you should go there. Alas, dreams of a quick rescue are not destined to come true, as the villains will blow up the boat. Having dealt with them, go left past the flaming skeleton of the submarine and go into the corridor along which you will reach the door leading to the next block.

Once you enter the tea garden, go left. When you find yourself at the stream, turn onto the bridge on the left and go through the door. After the vision ends, examine the benches for vacationers, you will find first aid kits and a couple of audio diaries. Next, exit through the second door, turn left again and go through the next door.
Walk forward and turn the corner on the right. In the water-filled room you will find ammunition for a grenade launcher - return to the door. Turn left and go upstairs. There you will have to fight with a man who has a wooden mask on his head. He can turn invisible and appears from a red cloud, by the location of which you can quickly identify him and finish him off. Next, examine the right side of the room, and then go to the door. In the left wall you will see a small hatch that is closed. There is no lock on it, and you can easily get into a small storage room, where you will find the corpse of another of the many local residents. Having taken everything you need, get out of the closet, kill the aunt who suddenly appears and go through the door. Cross the bridge, kill another woman, go through the door. A crazy “doctor” will jump out of the door located on the left in the corner - finish him off as quickly as possible, since there is a medical station nearby from which he will be able to restore his health. There is another villain on the right side of the room - deal with him too. There is an automatic turret installed in the far corner; if you are going to buy something from the vending machine, you will need to destroy it or “hack” it. There is a secret room in this room, the entrance to which is located to the right around the corner from the medical station. Inside this room you will find cartridges for a revolver and a locked safe. highest category difficulties. The best way to open it is to use a quick lock picking tool. There is a second exit in this room, but using it is problematic, since high-voltage wires run nearby. You can only neutralize the far wire by shooting the contact; you will have to jump over the second one. Take nitrogen from the wall on the left and search the corpse. Next, inspect the racks, then go out the door and go down the stairs. After killing the guy with a piece of pipe in his hands, go to the far right corner and leave the basement through the door on the left. Go up the stairs and go right. Near the wall you will see a device with which you can turn all the trash - screws, batteries, hoses and the like - into ammunition.
Then go back. On the right around the corner you will see "Big Daddy" and a girl. Go a little further to the right and go through the left door. In the room that opens you will find ammunition for the grenade launcher. Return to "Big Daddy" and destroy him, then save the girl. Having completed this task, go to the vending machine near the wall. It will allow you to buy things like an additional slot for a plasmid or tonic, the plasmid itself or a new skill - in short, a lot of things. Next, go left past the doors with the inscription "Metro Rapture". After going through the other door, turn right. You will find a hatch near the wall, through which you will enter a small room. Inside there is a safe containing a lot of interesting things, but the lock of the safe has high degree difficulties. Once back, go into the next room through the door in the far left corner. In the water-filled office there are vending machines, and you will also find cartridges for the machine gun and a first aid kit. When your things are collected, go back and go through the door leading to the subway.
After walking a little from the door to the left, you will see an automatic cannon. It’s better to hack it and make it your own - it might come in handy. Next, go behind the "machine gun", go down to the lower level and go through the door in the left wall. There will be a security camera to your right. It is best to destroy it to protect yourself. After passing through the lift door, listen to the woman who appears on the monitor screens.
Go back to the place where you saved the girl. When a door with the inscription "Waterfall Grotto" appears on your right, go in. After killing three locals, go forward. There are a lot of high voltage wires in the left corridor. There is an automatic turret installed a little further, but you can get closer to it by hiding behind the boards. It is best to “hack” it, as you will definitely need it. Going even lower, pick a rose from a large bush, and then fight back to the doors near which you received the task to find a flower. Place the rose in the urn and the doors will open.
From the office, go right along the corridor into the next room. There, go forward, turn right, then right again and go through the door. Next, all you have to do is walk through the glass tunnel to the office. Inside it you will see a girl who is not affected by the virus, but after a while she will be poisoned by gas. Next, go into the office, take the flamethrower from the table, and then go to the safe located in the wall. The access code to the box is 9457. The numbers go from top to bottom. After taking the contents of the safe, go back to where you saved the first girl. After leaving the door marked "Metro", turn left and go through the door marked "Tree Farm". Next, walk past a small water tower, turn left and go forward to the end into a small vestibule. There is a door here leading to the next level.

Farmer's Market

Go through the glass tunnel ahead. When you get to the market, keep in mind that there is an automatic cannon in the right corner - destroy it or hack it. Go down the stairs and go to a clearing where a lone tree grows. There, kill the crazy traders and go left behind the cash register into a passage without doors. In the warehouse you will find a bottle of distilled water. You need to find 6 more such bottles. Go back, go up the stairs and go through the door on the left - you will find yourself on the market street. There you will see a little girl and her "Big Daddy". After freeing the girl, go forward to the automatic door. Next to it you will find a second bottle of water. Go through the tunnel, turn left at the fork and go through the door. You will find yourself in a honey shop, where a girl will leave you a gift near the vending machine. After picking up the bear, go through the door to the apiary. Immediately outside the door you will see two small devices, these are smoke generators that will allow you to get rid of the bees. You need to examine the apiary, crack the safe in the far left corner, and then return to the tunnel and go through the door to the left. Around the corner turn right. There will be a surveillance camera hanging above your head, and near the safe you can see an automatic turret - destroy everything. By hacking the safe, you will get two bottles of distilled water. From the place where the safe is, you can see another bottle lying on the floor. Pick it up and go forward onto the stairs. At the top on the horizontal beam you will find the sixth bottle. After going down, go left and follow the corridor to the end, and then turn left again. You will find the last bottle at the vending machine. Next, use the machine to create a "Lazarus Vector". After that, go down the stairs and go forward into a small room where the weapon upgrade machine is located. After finishing the upgrade, leave the level, returning to the vestibule leading to Arcadia. Now you need to get to the laboratory in which the woman wrote the code to the safe on the glass.
You need to insert the “Lazarus Vector” you created into the control panel located by the window, then return to the office and activate the second remote control. Next, you will have to withstand the attack of local residents who will trample from everywhere like cockroaches. We will have to fight until the air at the entrance to the subway clears. When everything is ready (you will be informed about this), return to the laboratory to turn on the lever. Next, go to the metro entrance.

Fort Frolic

After exiting the submersible, go to the slot machines located on the left. By using them twice you will win $50. Next, go to the next room. There you will see how the bathyscaphe goes under the water. After this, you will have to listen to the monologue of the main villain, who will contact you via radio. When he finishes speaking, leave the hall and go left to the doors. There you will have to repel an attack by a group of crazy residents who are holding hooks. When the last adversary is defeated, the doors will open and you will be able to go into a large round hall.
Go up the stairs and through the glass door into the bar. Be careful, as there is a security camera hanging above the bar. Go right from her and up the stairs. At the warehouse, collect the things you need, then return and go forward to the elevator. To activate it, use the control panel located on the wall to the left. While the cabin is going down, shoot the three natives who appear in the bar.
Go to the hall where one of the locals is playing the piano - kill him. Go down, go around the spectator seats to the left and go out into the bar, but before that, destroy the automatic turrets to the left of the door. You need to go through the bar and go down into the round hall.
Approach the sculpture group and click on the leftmost fresco - another sculpture will appear on the right, from which you can pick up a crossbow. Next, go through the passage to the left, then turn right and go up the stairs. Go through the door and move along the icy corridor to the left. There you will see many ice figures, among which your target is hidden. Start destroying the pieces, and the villain will make himself known - you will become frozen. After the ice crust releases you, destroy the adversary and take a photo of his corpse. After that, you need to go back and click on the second mural. A gift box will appear in the hands of the far right sculpture, containing machine gun cartridges, first aid kits and money. A girl with “Big Daddy” will also appear in the hall. After freeing the child, return to the icy tunnel and follow it to the frozen door. Use the fire plasmid to melt the ice and go into the hall.
Go through the door opposite, kill the people and go up to the second floor - you will find ammunition for the crossbow. By the way, a crossbow is an excellent weapon for destroying the “Big Daddy”. Returning to the hall, go forward past the stairs leading to the second floor. Turn left and go to the end of the corridor. When you are at the bar, you will have a vision of a girl dancing at a pole. Jump onto the stage and go to the room located at the end of the corridor. There you will find a corpse lying on the bed. Under the bed, pick up the audio diary and money. Hack the safe in the corner, and then go out to the bar. There you will see Rodriguez. You will have to run after him to kill him. Next, take a photo of Hector's corpse and go into the round hall to activate another fresco. After this, you will have to deal with the local residents who have appeared, and only after that the door to Poseidon Plaza will open again.
Back at Poseidon's Palace, go up to the second floor, go right and go through the first door on the left. Go down one level. After the mine explodes, fight off the local aborigines, and then make your way through the hatch in the left corner of the room to get to the top. Your goal is Mr. Cobb, whom you must catch up with and destroy. After taking the post-mortem photo, return to the round room to place the last photo in the frame. After this, Sander Cohen will appear on the top landing, who has repeatedly told you all sorts of nasty things on the radio. After killing him, take everything you find in his pockets. Use the found key to unlock the lock on the glass cover to open the music box located to the right of the stairs. Next, you need to return to the room with the bathyscaphe and use it to move to the next level.


Follow the corridor to the left. At the fork, turn left again and go through the gate. When you get to the workshop, be prepared for the appearance of an enemy with a machine gun in his hands. Having dealt with him, go through the door to the right. Cross the hall diagonally to the left and go along the corridor into the next room, on the walls of which corpses are hung. Go to the end of the room to activate the switch on the machine. After that, search the woman's body hanging on the left. Immediately after this, you will have to destroy a couple of villains sent by Ryan. Having finished with them, go through the opened door.
When you find yourself in a cave with huge cylinders rotating in the center, go through the door to the left. Kill a couple of locals, and then take care of "Big Daddy". Next, go down the stairs, turn left, kill another city resident and move forward to the next stairs leading down. Once down, kill a couple of locals, then go forward and go through the door on the left. Coming out of the glass corridor, you will find yourself in a long workshop with working machines. At the end of the room, you will be attacked by Ryan's henchmen pretending to be corpses. Having won, go through the door, go to the other side of the hall and go down into the corridor, and from there to the workshop located on the lower level. You need to get to the right side of it. There is a table against the wall on which you will find the diary of a certain Pablo. After listening to the recording, return to the center of the cave, go right, climb the stairs and go through the door on the right.
After leaving the corridor, go to the rooms located on the right to collect ammunition and first aid kits. Collecting these things will be complicated by the presence of a couple of local residents and an automatic turret, but if you wisely use the cylinders standing near the walls, difficulties can be avoided. Once you've finished getting ready, return to the first room and go down the stairs to the lower level.
Destroy the automatic turrets on your left, then go along the corridor and cross the workshop. In the room with shelving, go to the far left corner - there you will find a hatch in the wall. Through it you will find yourself in a secret room where Kurbs' audio diary lies. From it you will learn about the bomb that lies in this room. Now you need to assemble it, but to do this, you need to find several missing components. You should get your hands on four breathing apparatus worn by "Big Daddies", two bottles of blue Quarter tonic liquid and a bottle of nitroglycerin.
Get out of the room. The first device is with the dead “dad”, who lies in the corner. You will find nitroglycerin in Kurbs's office, the entrance to which was guarded by two automatic turrets. To enter it, you need to crack the combination lock. The container lies in the right wall; To open the glass cover, you need to press a button on the remote control, which is attached to the side wall of the desk. You will have to take the second R-34 device from the “dad” located in the upper room, where you will also find a bottle of “tonic”. Next, return to the center of the cave and turn right. Walking along the wall, you will find a second bottle of tonic. All that remains is to pick up the third and fourth breathing apparatus "dads" - remember where you destroyed them.
Go downstairs and go through the door marked "Geothermal Control". Automatic turrets are located in the right and left corners of the opened room. Try to hack them so that they cover you with fire while you turn the valve located on the control panel. Next, get into the elevator that opens behind you and go down to the lower level.
Go through the door, go to the end of the corridor and take the elevator. Place the bomb on the control panel, and then quickly run into the hall where corpses are hung on the walls. There you need to press the lever again to open the door and get through it into the vestibule leading to the next level.

Rapture Central Control

When you find yourself in the large hall, you will have to listen to Andrew Ryan's monologue. Run around the perimeter of the room to collect ammunition and other useful things. Buy first aid kits and injection syringes from the vending machine and go up the stairs located on the right side of the hall to the second level. There, climb into the ventilation hatch.
After jumping into the small room, collect ammo and audio diaries and go out into the corridor to go to Andrew Ryan's office. There you will have to listen to him again, and then kill him. This will happen without your intervention. Go through the opened door into a small room where there is a device made in the shape of a city model. You need to insert the key you received from Andrew into the device. Immediately after this, Atlas, the man who accompanied you throughout the game, will contact you via radio. It turns out that he is not who he says he is. His real name is Frank Fountain, and he is a real villain.
After the grate rises, run after the little girl - she will lead you out of Ryan's office.

Olympus Heights

After getting out of bed, go to the right. Follow the girl to the large doors, then you will go alone.
Go right to the end of the tunnel. In the right corner you will find a wheel. Use it to open the gate located in the center of the right wall. Having done this, go upstairs. Go forward to the end of the platform and go inside the building, turn right and jump over the rubble. Take the gun from the ticket booth, then turn the corner. The space will be controlled by an automatic turret - destroy or hack it. Next, follow to the left, near the pillar you will see another turret. Immediately behind her there is a vending machine, near which the girl will leave you a gift. Next, go to the next room. There you will meet "Big Daddy" and another child. Having dealt with this problem at your own discretion, go to the end of the platform and go inside the building. Once in the hall where the second “Papa” is walking, go left and go through the door. You will find yourself in Dr. Cohen's apartment. In the back room, take the audio diary from the table and listen to the recording. After this, you will have to fight off the enemies that appear in the rooms. Having done this, go out into the hall, go up to the top floor and go right to the end, destroying everyone who meets you along the way.
Go through the hole in the wall and turn into the bedroom on your left. Go from there to the office with the inscription on the wall. At the end of the communication session, leave the office and go left and down the stairs. From there, go through the door, breaking the padlock, and go down to the base of the tower. There you will see a door with a combination lock - enter 5744.
Once upstairs, go through the rock garden, killing three local aborigines, and go up to the hall. Next, go up and to the left and go through the door.
Walk along the corridor around the corner and open the door. Once in the office, remove the electrical wires, go to the table and take solution No. 192 from it. The resulting solution has a side effect - the plasmids will work in an unclear way. In this state, you will need to go back down, go out to the platform and walk along it to the end. Once inside the building, go left and go through the door leading to the vestibule.

Apollo Square

Move forward along the platform, destroying opponents. When you get to the hall with the gallows, kill all the women who throw bombs at you, and then go through the passage on the left side of the hall. Walking along the platform, you will find yourself in a hall, from where you will need to climb the stairs on the left. From there, go to the room located in the far left corner. Inside the room, there is a security camera hanging on one wall, and an automatic turret is located behind the other. Having solved these problems, go to the far room, located on the left at the end of the corridor. There you will find the second component of solution No. 192. Leave the room and go to the hall with the gallows. From there, go left, follow the platform and go down to the elevator. A submersible is already waiting for you at the station, which will take you to the last level.

Point Prometheus

Run along the corridor after the Fountain. When you get into the hall with a globe hanging from the ceiling, approach the dead “Big Daddy”. Take the pressure gauge from him and go right and up the stairs. There, go through the first door on the right - you will find yourself in the library. Its central passage is guarded by an automatic cannon, so feel free to destroy it. Having done this, go to the center of the library, there you will find "Big Daddy's" boots. Having taken them, leave the room and go right through the door. In the next room, turn right around the corner and go through the right door, having previously destroyed the automatic turret. From the corridor, go through the door along right hand away from you and take the audio diary from the table near the opposite wall. Having done this, leave the room through the second door located in the far left corner.
Walk forward to the fence and turn to the door in the right corner. Melt the ice and go inside. Once in a small room, switch the levers on the three control panels, leave the room and cross the channel to the room opposite. After breaking the combination lock, go inside the room. Inside it is a lot of ammunition for various weapons and three more control panels. After switching the levers, exit the room and go right around the corner. After removing the "Big Daddy" suit from the hook, go straight through the door. In the opened hall you will find the "Big Daddy" helmet. Next, exit the room through the second door and go right along the corridor into the hall.
After killing the enemy controlling the aircraft, go to the other side of the hall and go through the door on your right. Once out into the corridor, destroy the security camera and go through the door on the left, using an electroplasmid on the lock. Inside the room, switch the temperature generator lever, and then return to the corridor. Go through the door on the right, from there go between the large flasks to the left and go up the stairs to the room where you will find a voice changing machine. Since there is nothing else to do in this wing of the complex, you can return to the hall and go through the door on the left.
Go to the right and take the bottle with red liquid from the desk. Next, go to the other side of the hall, kill a couple of crazy residents and take the second bottle from the table. After that, go down the stairs located in the right corner. From there, go forward and turn the corner. Enter the first cell on the left. Inside you will find the last bottle - you are now "Big Daddy". Next, return to the hall with the door behind which Frank Fountain disappeared. To the left of the door there is a hole from which little girls appear. To call the child, you need to hit the hole with an adjustable wrench. The “sister” who appears will open the door for you.

Proving Grounds

Follow the girl, protecting her from attacks from adults, especially when the “little sister” lingers near the corpses. Even if she dies, it’s okay, you can always summon a new girl from the nearest hole in the wall. When you reach the room where the elevator is located, take her syringe from the girl, and then get into the elevator.


So, you've reached the main villain. He is waiting for you on the platform in the center of the large hall. You need to get close to him and stick the syringe into his chest. After this, the Fountain will jump out into the hall; This is where he will need to be shot with all types of weapons. When he returns to his place, run as fast as you can to him to stick the syringe into him again. In total, you need to kill Frank three times - on the fourth time the girls you saved will come to your aid. All. Then watch the final video.