What can be said about the letter u. Synopsis of a correctional and developmental lesson for children of the preparatory group "Introduction to the sound and the letter" Yu

AbstractlessonsforchildrenWithFFN. Vowels of the second row.

Letter U.

Teacher - speech therapist Sukhorukova N.L.

Topic: Vowel sounds.

Target.Introduce students to the formation of a vowel of the second row - the letter Yu. Indicate the softness of consonants with the help of vowels of the second row; develop reading skills.

Tasks: clarify and consolidate the articulation of vowels, develop phonemic perception to develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: table of syllables, counting sticks, cords, split alphabet, puzzles.

Course progress.

1. Org. Moment

Introduction to the letter Yu

Listen to a funny poem.

Pigs love the letter U!

Without it, they will not say: oink!

I. Gamazkov

Look at the desk. The word (oink) is written here. Find the letter Yuyu among the letters of the split alphabet.

What elements does it consist of? Build a large yu and a small yu with sticks and string.

Now let's pronounce this sound (pay attention to articulation)

2. Designation of softness of consonants with the help of vowels

A) Let's remember our fairy tale about the letters IiY. These sister letters were very similar, only I sounded drawn out and knew how to sing beautifully, but Y did not know how, it sounded short, jerky. Then the letter Y came to visit the vowels of the first row and offered to sing together. First they sang with the letter A, when their sounds merged, what letter did they get? - I, then they sang with the letter E? -E, then with the letter O? -E, and today we will listen to a wonderful song with the letter U, let's all together-Yu ...

B) Game (with a ball) “On the contrary”:

La-la-la la-la-la

So-so-so sho-sho-sho

Lu-lu-lu lu-lu-lu

Tu-tu-tu tu-tu-tu


Speech with movement.

Matron walked from the garden

Found a hoopoe under a bush.

And the hoopoe to her: “Doo-doo-doo!

I won't go with you!

I'll run away to Baba Dunya,

She will give me curd!”

Let's continue our game with words and write in a notebook:




3. Acquaintance with the letter Yu-serves to indicate the softness of the consonants in front. Reading from syllable tables with comments.

4. Physical Minute.

5. Development fine motor skills: complete the puzzle "Yu"

6. Oculomotor gymnastics.

Outcome: What letter did we meet today in the lesson? How is it different from U? What exercise did you like?

Good day, my dear readers!

I continue the section learn letters and today a vowel letter "U". Practical material the one I selected will help your child remember the letter “Yu” faster, your child will not only remember the letter, but also learn to distinguish the sound [y] in words.

Invite the child to listen to G. Yudin's fairy tale "Bul-Bul Camel Cub" and remember the words with the sound [yu]


Bul-Bul the camel really wanted to have everything, like people have.

- Mother! I also want to sleep in the bassinet.

– Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? the camel asked.

- No, he is so soft ... - Bul-Bul was delighted.

“Mom, I also want to play with Yula,” he said the next time.

- Is the bell on your neck worse? the camel asked.

No, he's so funny! Bulbul rejoiced.

“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.

“Are the thorns we eat any worse?” the camel asked.

No, they are so sweet! Bulbul laughed.

“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.

– But does the yurt grow as many tulips as we have in the steppe? the camel asked.

- Of course not! Bulbul laughed. And it will never grow.

Letter "U"

Merry Poems

Jung sailed on the ship, Jung led the ship to land.

Young sailed the ship skillfully,

And he looked forward boldly.

Yurka rolls a snowball.

A blizzard is circling outside the window.

I don't know Yuri...

With a lump he is like a letter YU.

V. Stepanov

Yura drags a tasty load -

Wonderful watermelon.

In the arena, the tamer -

Terrible tigers lord.

He is like a letter YU, with ring

Face the tigers boldly.

V. Stepnov

Yura just sat on a chair,

He folded his legs and fell asleep.

Yura is very tired -

Spinning around all day long.

F. Bobylev

* * *To O did not roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened

It turned out ... a letter YU.

A. Shibaev

I made a skirt for a doll

I'll hide a new jacket.

The doll says to me: "Mom!"

So I sew for my daughter.

Pigs love letter YU:

Without it, you can’t say: “Oink!”.

On the way, in an unknown land

The compass is our best friend.

One capital letter YU

It marks the south.

Above the clouds we fly

Compass south.

On the seashore, in the southern Crimea,

Where there is no blizzard in winter.

I recognize my Yulu

When I look at a letter YU.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Young men think about the future, and old people think about the past.

2. If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.

Tongue Twisters


The game "Who is attentive?".

1. Name the same sounds in words: cabin boy, south, skirt, junior, nimble, yurt.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [ Yu] in words: apple, tree, Edik, Elena, Julia, humor, street, pit.

The game "Who is more?".

Think of as many words as you can that begin with the letter "u".
(Yula, skirt, youngster etc.)

The game "Tell me a word."

Game "Find the word".

1. Lessenka. 2. With a letter

yu - - yu - -

yu - - - yu - - -

yu – – – – yu – – – –

yu – – – – – yu – – – – –

Possible variant Answer: Possible answer:

south, yula, cabin boy, young naturalist. people, duchesse, budget,


The game "Transformation of words - a magic chain."

1. Replace one letter in words: nibble, hat, hole, onion, lettuce, cry.

Answer: beak, boat, Nyura, hatch, salute, hook.

2. Make a chain of words containing the letter "u", in which each next word begins with last letter the previous one.

Answer: unnat - tulip - still life - tube - ditch - tulle etc.

Play Add Sound.

- ny, - burden, - g, - biley, - rist.


1. Crib.

2. Lighting device.

3. Vessel for wine on a thin leg.

4. A stick with a bent upper end for support when walking.

Answer: cradle, chandelier, glass, stick


Thank you for visiting my page.

Correctional and educational goals:

  • introduce the letter "u";
  • teach children to clearly pronounce the sound "yu";
  • highlight the sound "yu" in a series of vowel sounds;
  • determine the position of the sound "u" in words;

Correction-developing goals:

  • develop phonemic awareness;
  • develop breathing;
  • develop fine motor skills;

Correctional and educational goals:

  • develop cooperation skills;


  • leaves
  • pictures with the sound "yu";
  • mirrors;
  • cards;
  • the letter "u";
  • counting sticks;
  • hedgehog with pictures;
  • spinning top toy;

Organizing time

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves fall like rain
rustling underfoot,
And fly, fly, fly...

When does it happen? (in autumn)

Close your eyes, imagine that you have come to the forest - leaves are around, berries and mushrooms are visible between them. The breeze blows and rips the leaves from the trees. Yellow, red, dry. And wears them on the tracks. See how many leaves.

Breathing exercise “Autumn leaves are flying”: children blow on paper leaves lying in their palms.


Ear exercises.

"Let's find and show ears"

"Let's clap our ears"

"Let's pull the ears"

"Let's warm up the ears"

introduction to new material

Who is it rustling there?
- It's a hedgehog. She drags on her pins and needles for us Pictures.
(Each of the children comes up and takes a picture. The pictures contain drawings with the sound u). (Yula, skirt, yurt, etc.).
- Today we will get acquainted with the sound "yu".

The whole letter Yu is bent,
Holds his wand.
This is what it looks like -
old grandmother with a stick.

articulation gymnastics "tube"

My lips are a tube -
Turned into a pipe.
Loudly I can blow:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo.

articulation of the sound "yu"

When pronouncing the sound [ yu ], the tongue is slightly pulled away from the lower teeth, the lips are rounded, but do not protrude forward as when pronouncing the Russian sound “u” . The sound is pronounced with a voice.
Yulia new Yulu
Spread out on the floor.
Yu-la-la! Yu-la-la! -
The spinning top is spinning fast.
Ah, I hit the shoe,
Whack! - fell on the barrel.
Yulechka Yulu
Turned into a letter ... (Yu).

characterization of the sound "yu"

The sound "yu" is a vowel sound.

catch the sound "u"

The speech therapist pronounces sounds, syllables, words, children "catch" only with the sound "u":
- a, o, u, u, s, and, uh ...
- mu, mi, ia, eat, yum...
- magnifying glass, table, spinning top, soap...

the position of a sound in a word

Determine in which trailer to put the hedgehog (where is the sound "u" in words). (Pictures).

fizminutka "autumn leaves"

We are autumn leaves.
We were sitting on branches.
The wind blew - they flew.
We flew, we flew
And they sat down on the ground again.
The wind came up again
And lifted all the leaves.
Twirled, flew
And they sat quietly on the ground.

Yulia game.

On a visit to the ball YULA
Once invited.
How can she get to her friend?
After all, the spinning top goes in a circle!


Yulia new Yulu

Spread out on the floor.

Yu-la-la! Yu-la-la! -

The spinning top is spinning fast.

Ah, she hit a shoe,

Whack! - fell on the barrel.

Yulechka Yulu

Turned into a letter ... (Yu).

familiarity with the letter "u"

So that O does not roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look what happened
It turned out ...... the letter Yu.

1) Show letters.
2) What does the letter look like?
3) Lay out the letter from the sticks.


What tasks did you find difficult?
- What tasks did not cause difficulties?

Literacy lesson

Chapter: teaching in elementary school.

Teacher: Davidovich Svetlana Adamovna

Subject: The vowel Yu, yu (pp. 170-171).

Lesson Objectives:


1. Introduce students to a special vowel Yu, denoting two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel.

2. Expand the function of the letter Yu as an indicator of the softness of a consonant.


3. To form the skill of reading words with learned letters; read and understand texts, quickly navigate through the text.

4. Promote the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, phonemic hearing.

5. Expand the horizons of students.


6. Raise interest in reading, in domestic literature, in the culture and traditions of different peoples, in the professions of people.

Teacher equipment: schemes of syllables, words; magnetic alphabet; tables with the image of the studied letter; houses (blue and green) for vowels; house with words and their schemes; portrait and books of S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse"; ribbon of letters.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Working methods: verbal, visual, inductive, stimulating.

Interdisciplinary connections: connection with the lesson of the surrounding world.

Poll form: individual, frontal.


I . Organization of the beginning of the lesson. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

a) Greetings.

Today, guests came to our literacy lesson: teachers from our school. Say hello to them.

b) Psychological training.

In nature there is a sun. It shines for everyone, its warm and gentle rays warm us. Close your eyes and imagine a small star. A ray of sun touched her and she became bigger. I am sending a ray of goodness, joy, health to your star. Now this star is in your heart. Open your eyes. What is your mood? (Good).

Here with this good mood we will begin our lesson.

c) Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with another “cunning” letter, find out what sounds it has, learn how to read syllables and words with a new letter, practice reading words with studied letters, we will develop our speech, memory and attention.

II . Repetition of the past. Knowledge update.

1. Work on the topic "Speech".

    What is our speech like?

    What is oral speech?

    What is written language?

    What is our speech?

    What do we say when we talk?

    What are the sounds?

    What do we know about vowel sounds?

    What do we know about consonants?

    What color do we designate them on the diagrams?

2. Work on the "tape of letters". Game "Find your house".

Take a close look at the "tape of letters". How many vowels do we already know? (eight)

Was good weather and the vowels came out for a walk. Suddenly the sky darkened, the sun hid behind the clouds, and it began to rain. The letters saw the houses and rushed to them, but the owner could only let his letters into the house.

What do you think, which letters will hide from the rain in the blue house, and which in the green?

(AT blue - a, o, u, s; in green - e, e, i, i)

- What work do the vowels a, o, y, s do? (Make consonants sound soft).

What work do the vowels e, e, i, i do? (Make consonants sound solid).

    What letters do we call "cunning"? (e, e, i)

    Why? (They represent 2 sounds when they are at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word after a vowel.)

    What two groups are consonants divided into? (Voiced and deaf.)

    What consonants have the same sound? (w, w, h, d)

    What are the sounds of the lettersand and sh? (Always solid.)

    What is the sound of the lettersh and th?(Always soft.)

    What can you say about the letterb? (Does not have sound.)

    What does he always point to? (On the softness of the previous consonant sound.)

III . New material.

1. Acquaintance with a new letter .

Guess the riddle: “Guys have fun with me:

On the leg I spin alone.

While spinning, I do not grieve

I'm spinning, I'm spinning, I'm spinning, I'm spinning.

What's this? (Yula).

Sometimes this toy is called differently - "top". (I am exposing a drawing of a spinning top.)

2. Syllabic-sound analysis of the word "yula".

Let's carry out a syllable-sound analysis of the word "yula" and make a guess from the letters.

Let's pronounce the word "yula" and determine how many syllables are in the word? (2)

Name 1 syllable? (Yu)

Name 2 syllable? (la)

What sounds do we hear in the syllable yu? ([yʼy])

Describe the sound [yʼ]. (consonant, voiced, always soft, color in green on the diagram)

Second sound? ([y] is a vowel, color it in red on the diagram)

- Guys, if at the beginning of a word next to us we hear the sounds [yʼu], then we write the word with the letter “u”. (Showing the letter "U").

What sounds do you hear in the 2nd syllable? ([l] and [a])

Describe them. ([l] - acc., sound, tv., in the diagram - blue; [a] - ch., on scheme - red)

Now I know a lot of letters.

And I will read the words.

I fold Yu Yes la

It turns out YULA.

3. What does the letter "U" look like.

Find and show the letter "U".

How many sounds does she have if she is at the beginning of a word? (2)

What are these sounds? ([yʼ] [y])

What does the letter "U" look like? (Piece of letter H + letter O)

Correctly. The letters H (en) and O played,

N(en)'s wand was broken.

Oh, I'll attach to the wreckage,

It turned out the letter "U".

So that O does not roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened

It turned out the letter "U". (A. Shibaev)

4. Showing the capital and lowercase letters Yu, Yu.

The letter U is capitalized and lowercase. To make it easier to remember, we will print them in our notebooks.

In ancient chronicles, the chroniclers depicted the letter "U" like this. (Showing the old style of the letter u on a separate sheet).

5. Game "Tell me a word"

1. Pigs love the letter U:

You can't tell without her ... (oink)

2. I was spinning under my feet,

I bothered my mother a lot.

And for this my brother

He called me ... (Yula)

Who is called Yula in this poem? (girl fidget)

Do we have such girls in our class?

6. Solving the puzzle.

On the board are subject pictures depicting: yurts, lilies of the valley, apples. (The drawings are upside down.)

What is shown in the first picture? (yurt)

What is a yurt? (round house)

Yurt - traditional dwelling Kazakhs. The wooden frame of the yurt is covered with felt mats made of pure wool. In the center of the yurt is the place of the hearth, revered by the Kazakhs as Holy place your dwelling. Behind the hearth, opposite the entrance - the most honorable place. Covered with the finest carpets. Chests with clothes are stored behind it, on top of which carpets, blankets, pillows are laid out in a “slide”. To the right of the entrance - food, dishes are stored, a little further there was a resting place for the owners, to the left - horse harness and other tools hung, and a little further - a place to sleep for the younger members of the family. Now the yurt is used by the Kazakhs as a summer home.

What sounds do we hear at the beginning of this word? ([yʼ], [y])

What did we learn about the sounds [yʼ], [y] at the beginning of a word? (if we hear [yʼy], then we write with the letter Yu)

(I put the letter U under the picture)

- Guess the riddle:

Gray hare at night

Do not miss your home:

Pathway until dawn

Illuminate the lanterns.

On large poles in a row

The lamps are white.(Lily of the valley.)

Then another mystery about this subject.

White peas on a green stem. (Lily of the valley.)

What is the first sound? ([l])

What letter do we designate it with? (letter "L")

Another riddle. round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids. (Apple.)

What sounds do we hear at the beginning of a word? ([yʼa])

What letter shall we designate them? (I)

It turned out the word: “Julia” (I insert a picture)

What can you say about this word? (name)

What letter do we write people's names with? (with capital)

(I put the capital letter U)

7. Physical education.

We read and got tired

And now they all stand together.

Hands clapped: "One, two, three!"

They stomped their feet: “One, two, three!”

Stretched out their necks,

And, like geese, they hissed: "Shhh."

They hissed, were silent,

And, like bunnies, they jumped.

Jumped, jumped

And disappeared behind a bush.

Sit down, be quiet

And again they stood at their desks.

8. Reading syllables with the letter Yu.

The girl Yulia spun her spinning wheel so that it rushed along the country road. And consonants meet towards her. Let's remember their names. (R, D, T, L, S, N).

The letter "u" runs up to the consonants - it turns out a syllable.

Reading syllables: RYU LU



What is the role of the letter Yu in these syllables? (softens the previous consonant)

It's time to settle the letter U in your apartment in the house of letters (I put the letter on the tape).

9. Reading words with the letter Yu.

Spinning, spinning top and hit the Big city. There is an unusual house in the city. Words live in it. They hid behind the shutters. Let's open them and read the words:

draw - draw

sing - sing

play - play

How many sounds do we hear after the vowels [a], [o], [y]? (2)

Which? ( [ yʼy ] )

What letter denotes these two sounds? (Yu)

What is more in these words: sounds or letters? (sounds)


Pay attention to the place of the letter Yu in these words. Where is she? (in the middle of a word and at the end of a word after a vowel).

Conclusion : The letter Yu stands for 2 sounds if it is at the beginning of a word or in the middle of a word after a vowel.


1. Examining the illustration on page 171.

Open your textbooks on p.171, look at the picture.

Who do you see in the picture?

What is the hedgehog doing?

Name the words according to the picture with the letter U. (trousers, iron)

2. Reading the text below the illustration on page 171.

Read the text below.

What is the hedgehog sewing?

Who is he dressing?

Let's read the text again.

In what words did the letter U occur?

Now remember what they call a person who invents clothes for people? (fashion designer or designer)

Fashion designers, drawing on the history of costume, tradition different countries, monitor the emergence of new fabrics, materials from which they create later fashionable clothes and accessories to it (handbags, brooches).

3. Examining the illustration on page 170.

What moment is shown in the illustration?

What song does the mother mouse sing while rocking her baby? (lullaby)

How are lullabies sung? (quietly, kindly, calmly).

Let's read an excerpt from the lullaby: p.170.

Guys, maybe someone knows what fairy tale this illustration is for? ("The Tale of the Stupid Mouse").

(Exhibiting a portrait of S.Ya. Marshak)

Why is there a cat in the illustration? (Mother Mouse invited her to babysit.)

Would you like to listen to an excerpt from this story?

4. Dramatization of an excerpt from a fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse" (Appendix 1).

Who else did the mother mouse invite to babysit?

What happened at the end of this fairy tale to the little mouse?

If you would like to know further fate mouse, then read "The Tale of the Smart Mouse" by S.Ya. Marshak.

V . Lesson summary .

What letter did you learn about in class?

What do you remember about her?

VI . Homework:

Attachment 1.



The mouse sang at night in a mink:

- Sleep, little mouse, shut up!

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.

The mouse answers her:

- Your voice is too thin
Better, mom, not food,

Find me a babysitter!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a duck as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt duck,

Shake our baby.

The mouse duck began to sing:

- Ha-ha-ha, sleep, little one!
After the rain in the garden
I'll find you a worm.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

- No, your voice is not good.
You're singing too loud!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a toad as a nanny:

- Come to us, aunt toad,
Shake our baby.

The toad began to croak loudly:

- Kwa-kva-kva, don't cry!
Sleep, little mouse, until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

- No, your voice is not good.
You are very boring!

The mother mouse ran

Aunt horse in the nanny call:

    Come to us, aunt horse,

    Shake our baby.

    And-go-go! - the horse sings.

    Sleep, little mouse, sweet-sweet.
    Turn to the right side
    I'll give you a sack of oats.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

- No, your voice is not good.
You are very scared to eat!

The mother mouse began to think:

I need to call the chicken.

- Come to us, aunt klusha,
Shake our baby.

The mother hen cackled:

- Where-where! Don't be afraid, baby!
Get under the roof!

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

- No, your voice is not good.
You won't fall asleep at all!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a pike as a nanny:

- Come to us, aunt pike,
Shake our baby.

Pike began to sing mouse

- He didn't hear a sound.
The pike opens its mouth

And you can't hear what he's singing...

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

- No, your voice is not good.

You sing too quietly!

The mother mouse ran

I began to call a cat as a nanny:

Come to us, aunt cat,

Shake our baby.

The cat began to sing to the mouse:

Meow, meow, sleep, my baby,

Meow, meow, let's go to bed.

Meow, meow, on the bed.

Silly little mouse

Answers her awake:

You eat very sweet!

The mother mouse came running

Looked at the bed

Looking for a stupid mouse

And you can't see a mouse.

Purpose: creation of conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound Yu.




Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 105 "of the municipality of the city of Bratsk


activities with older children

preschool age

on this topic

"Letter and sound Yu"

Compiled by:

Molchanova I.L.



Target: creation of conditions for acquaintance with the letter and sound Yu.


Introduce the letter and sound Yu;

Continue to learn to perform sound analysis of words; name sounds, give them characteristics;

Strengthen the ability to select words for a given sound

Material: presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Lesson progress

1. Motivation.

My bell is ringing, pouring.

All the guys are gathering around.

The bell chimes ding, ding, ding.

He calls a guest to you: "Ding-ding-ding."

And who came to us? Guess yourself.

Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy - Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school after all, but it is very difficult for him. He doesn't know much, and he decided to turn to you guys. Can you help him? You need to complete several tasks. Pinocchio is a joker, and he hid them in a group, and left you a map.


The children are looking at her.

What number is the first task?

3. game task Name the sounds.

Children find an envelope with the number 1. It contains blue and green chips.

What do you think it is? What does the token mean of blue color? What vowels can come after a consonant solid sound? (a, u, s, oh, uh)

What vowels can come after a consonant soft sound? (i, e, e, i)

Game "What has changed?"

The teacher swaps the letters, and the children must find the mistakes.

All the following tasks in envelopes are searched for by the children themselves.

4. Acquaintance with the letter Yu (slide 2).

Julie's Mystery.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning

And I'm not lazy

Spin around all day long. (yula)

The teacher invites the children to listen and say what the 1st sound in the word is yula (th). Reminds that the sound (th) is always a soft consonant. How shall we denote it? Further, intonationally highlights the sound (y), the children name the sound and, together with the teacher, designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds follow one after another, then they are denoted by the letter yu and replaces the chips of sounds (yu) with the letter yu.

The analysis of the word is continued by the child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What are the vowel sounds in the word? What is a soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant sound?

So that O does not roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened

It turned out ... the letter Yu.

5. The game "Name the name that begins with the sound Yu" (slide 3, 4).