We learn the letter p of the task. Game tasks and exercises with sound and the letter p

Organization speech activity in children 6-7 years old

Speech - a special and most perfect form of communication, inherent only to man. In the process speech communication(communications) people exchange thoughts and influence each other. Speech is an important means of communication between the child and the outside world.

Speech communication is carried out through language. Language is a system

phonetic, lexical and grammatical means communication.

There are the followingbasic language functions:

1) a means of subsistence, transmission and assimilation of socio-historical experience;

2) means of communication (communications);

3) an instrument of intellectual activity (perception, memory, thinking, imagination).

In psychology, there are two main type of speech : external and internal. External speech includes oral (dialogical and monologue) and written.

Dialogue is a direct communication between two or more people. A kind of dialogic communication is a conversation, in which the dialogue has a thematic focus.

The monologue does not tolerate incorrect construction of phrases. He makes a number of demands on the pace and sound of speech.

Inner speech, or speech about oneself. It is she who is the material shell of thought in those cases when we think without expressing thoughts aloud.

The speaker selects the thoughts and words necessary for expressing, connects them according to the rules of the grammar of the language and pronounces them throughspeech organs.

The speech apparatus of a person is conditionally divided into two sections - central and peripheral. The central one includes the brain, which is connected by means of pathways with peripheral organs and controls their activity. There are separate areas of the brain that are responsible for speech, but they are no longer "ready-made centers" on which systems of conditional connections, including speech ones, can be formed. For example, if a child is not taught to write, then the centers intended for this will remain “unclaimed” and will be “adapted” to perform some other activity. It is very important. So, if some part of the medulla is damaged, then neighboring parts can take over its function, especially when it comes to the brain of a child - there has not yet been a clear “fixation” of the function for certain parts of the cerebral cortex. For this reason, any brain disorders are much easier to compensate for in childhood.

The speech function is carried out by two analyzers: speech-motor, designed for speaking and speech-auditory, which provides speech perception.

The speech auditory analyzer performs the function of a perceiving organ. These are the ears and complex functional systems covering certain areas of the cerebral cortex.

The motor speech analyzer includes the organs of respiration, voice formation and articulation (tongue, lips, vocal cords, etc.); the respiratory apparatus includes the chest with the lungs, trachea and bronchi located in it, as well as the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. All our speech consists of exhalation, and it is the jet of exhaled air that is the basis for voice and sound formation.

The vocal apparatus consists of the larynx, with the vocal cords located inside it, or, as they are often called folds. They, due to vibration when passing through the larynx of the air jet, form the primary sound of the voice. But all this is still not speech, but only a voice, which, in order to obtain articulate speech, must be given a differentiated sound. This is provided in the articulatory department of the speech apparatus.

The articulatory section of the speech apparatus is the oral cavity and nasopharynx. The main organs of articulation are the tongue, lips, teeth, upper and lower jaw, soft and hard palate. The most active organ of articulation is the tongue.

So, for the normal implementation of the speech function, our speech apparatus must be complete both in the central and in the peripheral sections. Damage to it in any of these departments most often leads to speech disorders, and the nature of this or that speech disorder depends on the nature of the damage to the speech apparatus.

Speech acquisition in all children occurs in different ways and at different times. it

individual process, which depends on many factors. The reasons for the lag in the development of speech may be the pathology of the course of pregnancy and childbirth, the effect of genetic factors (heredity), damage to the hearing organs, underdevelopment of the speech organs, a general lag in mental development child, factors of social deprivation (insufficient communication and education).

The speech of a child is not an innate ability, but is formed under the influence of the speech of adults and to a large extent depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, on education and training, which begin from the first days of a child's life. The social environment stimulates speech development and provides a sample of speech. It is known that in families poor in speech urges, children speak little or begin to speak late. The lag in speech development in such children is often accompanied by a general lag in development, while their natural intelligence and speech abilities may be completely normal.

Normally, by the age of 6-7, the child masters all the components of speech. Let's dwell briefly on each of them.

Sound pronunciation.

At the age of 7, the child is able to notice the peculiarities of pronunciation in other children and some shortcomings in his speech. Under conditions of correct speech education and in the absence of violations of the speech apparatus, a child by the age of 6 years masters all the sounds of his native language and uses them correctly in speech.

Phonemic processes, syllabic structure of words.

By the age of seven, the child does not violate syllabic structure complex words, repeats tongue twisters without errors.

Performs a simple analysis of three-syllable words (names the first and subsequent sounds, determines their location).


By 6-7 years active dictionary child increases to 10-13 thousand words. In the sixth year, generalizing words are already present in the dictionary; children correctly name a wide range of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. In the process of using words, their pronunciation improves.

Grammar, connected speech.

By the age of 6-7, children learn the basic patterns of changing words and

combining them into sentences. In their speech, the number of simple common sentences increases and complex sentences with correct usage in gender, number and case. When making a phrase, all parts of speech are used, without additional questions they make up a retelling of a fairy tale (story), which indicates success in mastering one of the difficult types of speech - monologue speech.

Developing contextual speech(abstract, generalized, devoid of visual support). First, contextual speech appears when retelling fairy tales (stories), and then when describing any events from personal experience, the child’s own impressions and experiences.

Prevention of speech disorders.

In the presence of unfavorable heredity, it is necessary to contact specialists in order to exclude or minimize the risk of having a child with speech pathology. Future parents should also take care of their health. Particular attention in terms of prevention of speech disorders requires the period of pregnancy. Much depends on the woman herself and on her family members. (diseases, stresses, conflicts, the influence of adverse factors), the process of childbirth itself is also very important for the further healthy development of the child, including speech. Much attention should be paid to parents early development child (from birth to 3 years), noting any lag or deviation from its normal course. The shorter the gap from the norm continues, the easier it is to overcome it.

Prevention of speech disorders consists of

  1. Concerns about the physical and neuropsychic health of the child and the safety of his speech organs.
  2. Concerns about the correct speech development of the child, including the creation of the necessary social and living conditions for this.

The solution to the first problem is expressed as follows:

  • Prevention of bruises in the head area;
  • Prevention of various diseases and childhood infections occurring with high temperature(observance of the terms of professional vaccinations, exclusion of direct contact with patients, etc.)
  • Protection of the organ of hearing from colds, from the ingress of foreign bodies, from excessive noise (even during sleep), as well as timely treatment of ear diseases)
  • Protection of articulatory organs, consisting of the following
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets and the possible appearance of anomalies in the bone parts of the speech apparatus;
  • Avoiding finger sucking or constantly putting your hand under your cheek while you sleep (the latter can lead to crossbite)
  • Early dental prosthetics in case of their premature loss, since the loss of teeth in children causes significant deformation of adjacent teeth and jaws (but does not mean age-related change of teeth)
  • pruning short frenulum if indicated by a physician early age(at the age of 4-5 years, cutting the frenulum together with speech therapy classes)
  • Protection of the vocal apparatus from colds, dust ingress, voice overload (excessive screaming, excessively loud and tense speech, etc.)
  • Security nervous system child (exclusion of loud shouts, scary stories, intimidation, a sparing regimen during and after illness) is important in the prevention of neurotic disorders and stuttering.

Concern for the correct speech development of the child is expressed in the following:

  • Ensuring a favorable speech environment as a necessary role model (the absence of speech disorders among others)
  • Encouraging the baby's babbling with facial expressions of joy
  • Raising a focus on the perception of the speech of others, for which you need to talk with the child as much as possible, starting from the first days of his life
  • A clear pronunciation by an adult of words incorrectly spoken by a child, calculated on an unobtrusive and gradual correction of his incorrect pronunciation;
  • Teaching a child to look during a conversation in the face of an interlocutor, since the visual perception of articulation contributes to its more accurate and faster assimilation
  • The systematic creation of such situations in which the child must express his request verbally (one should not strive to “understand him from a half-word”, and even more so with just one gesture or look); it is necessary to organize the life of the child in such a way that the environment itself causes him the need for verbal communication, including “talking” with animals, toys, etc.
  • The complete exclusion of "lisping" with the child, depriving him of a role model;
  • Lessons in music, rhythm and singing. Promotes development correct breathing and a strong voice, and also prevents slurred speech;
  • The development of fine manual motor skills, which plays an extraordinary role in mastering full-fledged speech.

It is important not to forget about the prevention of relapses (returns) of speech disorders. The most frequent relapses in stuttering. Even with a violation of sound pronunciation, a return to the old defective articulation may occur. Parents and after termination speech therapy classes for some time to conduct special exercises with the child and control his speech.

Games for the development of speech.

"think, don't rush"

It is proposed to come up with a word that begins with the last sound of the word onion; but- add one sound make a sentence in which all words would begin with the sound M (mother washes Masha with a washcloth); find objects in the room that have the second sound Y in their names; pick up words so that the first sound is K, and the last is Sh, etc.

"about two hares"

“One morning the rabbits Luta and Luta went to the forest. I wanted to take a walk in the forest, find out who lives there, and see if there is a river nearby to catch fish. In order to bring some fish home, Luta took with her what in the name has the sound P (bucket), and Luta took with her what in the name has the sound Y (fishing pole). The sun was kindly warm. The hares walked and walked and went out onto the path, they see someone crawling out from under the bushes, and its name is short, there are few sounds, and among them there is the sound U. Who is it? (Already) We greeted the snake, let's move on. Soon we came to the river and began to fish. Pulled out first big fish, in the name of which there is a sound C. (catfish) then a smaller fish began to come across, in its name the sound C is also heard. Who guessed it? (carp, horse mackerel) At home, bunny mom and bunny dad fed the kids delicious lunch: the name of the first dish began with the sound U (ear), on the second the hares got cabbage, and on the third - a favorite hare delicacy, in the name of which there is the sound M (carrot). And then the kids took toys: Luta - round like a ball, with a short name (ball), and Luta - a toy, in the name of which there is a sound K. (doll)

And he picked up the name of his doll with the sound O. That's the whole story ”

"if we were artists"

"Toy Store" (toys: hippopotamus, car, dog, doll, donkey, bear, etc.)

  1. Sound pronunciation

"One and Many"

PURPOSE: To exercise children in education plural nouns in nominative case. To teach the ability to listen to a peer and respond in time when it comes to the same subjects.

"Count (from 1 to 5)"

Purpose: To exercise children in agreeing numerals with nouns in gender and number.

"What's gone?"

PURPOSE: To exercise children in agreeing numerals with nouns in genitive case.

Example: offer the child several pictures, then turn them over or close them (in turn) and ask the question - “What is wrong?”, the child must remember and name the picture in the genitive case (spoons, phone, pens)

"Change the offer"

PURPOSE: To exercise children in the use of pronouns: I, YOU, WE, YOU, HE, SHE, THEY in phrases and sentences.

"Call it sweetly"

PURPOSE: To exercise children in the use of nouns with a diminutive suffix.

Work on the development of coherent speech in children is a synthesis of all previous speech exercises. It is inseparable from other tasks speech development, it is associated with the enrichment of the child's vocabulary, work on the semantic side of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the education of the sound culture of speech. Teaching children storytelling can be done in different form: compiling stories-descriptions on a topic, on a picture, on a series of pictures, exercises like “Finish the fairy tale in your own way”, “Finish the sentence”, etc.

The goal is to develop in children the ability to build these sentences with words-objects, words-signs, words-actions.

Children are invited to continue and complete the sentence started by an adult, based on leading questions. For example, an adult begins a sentence like this: “Children are going ... (Where? Why?)” Or a more complicated version: “Children go to school to ...” This option, in addition to enriching grammatical experience, can serve as a kind of test to identify anxiety child in relation to various life situations.

Game "Understand me"

The goal is to develop in children the ability to compose a short story from a picture using different characteristics subject.

The speech therapist shows the children a beautiful box and says that this box is not simple, but magical. It contains various gifts for children. Only those who know how to keep secrets can receive a gift. What does it mean? (This means not telling ahead of time). Then the speech therapist explains to the children that when he approaches someone, this child should close his eyes and, without looking, pull out a picture from the box, look at it, but do not show or tell anyone what is on it. This must be kept secret. After all the children draw one picture for themselves, the speech therapist asks the children if they want to know who got what? The children say yes. Then the speech therapist says that you can’t show gifts, but you can talk about them. But the word gift can not be called either. Then the speech therapist tells about his gift, showing the children how to do it correctly, and the children guess what the speech therapist got. After that, the children talk about their gifts in turn and, when the gift is guessed, open their picture. It is better to play this game sitting on the carpet in a circle.

The goal is to develop in children coherent speech, imagination, higher forms thinking - synthesis, forecasting, experimentation.

The goal is to develop children's imagination, fabulous speech.


With the beginning of schooling, some children suddenly find it difficult to read and write. The guys are at odds with the Russian language, although they do well in mathematics and other subjects where, it would seem, more intelligence is required. These "smart", but devoid of speech talent, sooner or later are sometimes sent to a speech therapist. More often to a psychologist, which is not entirely correct.Dysgraphia is a partial specific writing disorder.

Dysgraphia is often caused by organic damage to the areas of the brain involved in the writing process (alalia, dysarthria, aphasia). Writing disorders are very common in children with MMD, ONR, ZPR, ZRR, ADD.

The etiology of dysgraphia involves both genetic and exogenous factors (pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, asphyxia, a "chain" of childhood infections, head injuries).

Speech symptoms of dysgraphia.

With DYSGRAPHY, younger children school age they hardly master writing: the exercises they performed, dictations contain many grammatical errors. They don't use capital letters, they don't use punctuation, they have terrible handwriting. In middle and high school, the guys try to use when writing short phrases with a limited set of words, but in the spelling of these words they make gross mistakes. Often, children refuse to attend Russian language classes or complete written assignments. They develop a sense of their own inferiority, depression, in the team they are isolated. Adults with a similar defect have great difficulty composing greeting card or a short letter, they try to find a job where you don't have to write anything.

In children with dysgraphia, individual letters are incorrectly oriented in space. They confuse similar letters: "Z" and "E", "P" and "b" ( soft sign). They may not pay attention to the extra stick in the letter "Sh" or the "hook" in the letter "Sh". Such children write slowly, unevenly; if they are not in the mood, then the handwriting is completely upset.

Non-verbal symptoms of dysgraphia.

In dysgraphic children, the lack of formation of many mental functions is noted: visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, auditory-pronunciation differentiation of speech sounds, phonemic, syllabic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, memory disorders, attention, successive and simultaneous processes, emotional-volitional sphere.

The mechanism of dysgraphia.

To understand the mechanism of development of dysgraphia, I will start from afar. It is known that we have at least three types of hearing. The first hearing is physical. It allows us to distinguish the noise of leaves and rain, summer thunder, the buzzing of a bee, the squeak of a mosquito, as well as urban sounds: the rumble of an airliner, the clatter of train wheels, the rustle of car tires ...

The second variety is ear for music. Thanks to this, we can enjoy the melody of our favorite song and the beautiful music of great composers.

Finally, the third type is speech hearing. You can have a good musical and very unimportant speech ear. The latter allows you to understand speech, to capture the subtlest shades of what was said, to distinguish one sound from another. In case of insufficiency of speech hearing, similar consonances are not distinguished, addressed speech is perceived distorted.

If a child has impaired speech hearing, then it is understandable that it is very difficult for him to learn to read and write. Indeed, how can he read if he does not clearly hear sounding speech? He is also unable to master the letter, because he does not know what sound this or that letter stands for. The task is further complicated by the fact that the child must correctly capture a certain sound and present it as a sign (letter) in the fast flow of speech he perceives. Therefore, teaching literacy to a child with defective speech hearing is a difficult pedagogical problem. And you need to learn, because the distortion of one or two sounds changes the meaning of the word. Compare, for example, the words "daughter-point", "coal-angle", "stick-beam", "cup-Sasha". Replacing a dull sound with a sonorous sound, a hard sound with a soft sound, a hissing sound with a whistling one, gives the word a new content.

Along with speech (phonemic) hearing, people have a special vision for letters. Turns out it's easy to see the world(light, trees, people, various objects) is not enough to master the letter. It is necessary to have a vision for the letters, allowing you to remember and reproduce their outlines. This means that for full-fledged learning, a child must have satisfactory intellectual development, speech hearing and special vision for letters. Otherwise, he will not be able to successfully master reading and writing. It is no coincidence that psychoneurologists and speech therapists, when meeting with a poorly performing schoolchild, carefully study the content of his notebooks, handwriting, and the features of his speech. Often a child's poor academic performance is explained not by the state of his intellect, but by the presence of specific writing disorders, which I am talking about. Of course, only a specialist can recognize such disorders.

The most common mistakes in writing:

Missing letter elements (due to underestimation of their number): L instead of M; X instead of W, etc.;

Adding extra elements;

Omissions of elements, especially when connecting letters that include the same element;

Mirror spelling.

What you need to pay special attention to:

1. If your child is left-handed.

2. If he is a retrained right-hander.

3. If your child attended a speech therapy group.

4. If the family speaks two or more languages.

5. If your child goes to school too early (learning to read and write unjustifiably earlier sometimes provokes the occurrence of dysgraphia and dyslexia.) This happens in cases where the child has not yet become psychologically ready for such learning.

6. If your child has problems with memory, attention.

7. Mixing letters by optical similarity: b-p, t-p, a-o, e-z, d-y.

8. Errors caused by impaired pronunciation, the child writes what he says: leka (river), suba (fur coat).

9. When disturbed phonemic perception vowels are mixed o-u, yo-yu, consonants r-l, y-l, paired voiced and deaf consonants, whistling and hissing, sounds c, h, u. For example: tynya (melon), cranberry (cranberry).

10. Omissions of letters, syllables, underwriting of words. For example: prta - school desk, moko - milk, cheerful (cheerful).


Dysgraphia never arises "out of nothing"! The work to eliminate dysgraphia should not begin at school, when specific errors are found in writing, but in preschool age long before the child begins to learn to read and write.

Children with dysgraphia need special speech therapy assistance, since specific writing errors cannot be overcome by ordinary school methods. It is important to bear in mind that dysgraphia is much easier to prevent than to eliminate.

The measures of early prevention of dysgraphia include the purposeful development in the child of those mental functions that are necessary for the normal mastery of the processes of writing and reading.

Is it possible to effectively help children with dyslexia and dysgraphia?

Yes, such children are quite capable of mastering reading and writing if they persevere. Some will need years of study, others months. The essence of the lessons is the training of speech hearing and letter vision.

Mom and dad are unlikely to succeed, they need the help of a specialist - a qualified speech therapist.

Classes are held according to a certain system: various speech games are used, a split or magnetic alphabet for folding words, highlighting the grammatical elements of words. The child must learn how certain sounds are pronounced and what letter this sound corresponds to when writing. Usually, a speech therapist resorts to oppositions, "working out" how hard pronunciation differs from soft, deaf - from voiced. Training is carried out by repeating words, dictation, selecting words according to given sounds, analyzing the sound-letter composition of words. It is clear that they use visual material that helps to remember the lettering: "O" resembles a hoop, "F" - a beetle, "C" - a crescent ... Strive to increase the speed of reading and writing.

There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.

Finger pad massage is important for correct operation brain when writing. I recommend this to all speech pathologists. Therefore, it is good if the place of the "grip" of the writing object (pen or pencil) is covered with ribs or pimples.

But even better, if it is convenient for the student to hold this same pen, then the handwriting will soon stabilize. And for this, the body must be trihedral. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section for the support of three holding fingers are produced, for example, by Staedtler. There are trihedral pencils and felt-tip pens from Centropen.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been seen that both "conveniences" are combined: both the triangle and the pimples. So buy a "pimple" pen and a triangular pencil.

Gel pens are considered the most suitable for dysgraphics (pressure is felt), but in the first grade they will most likely be banned from use: they often leak, freeze, and deteriorate. Therefore, at home, even for the smallest, it is useful to play a medieval copyist - to train to write with a pen and ink (if the parents do not know how, then you can ask your grandparents). "Pen" writing forms the correct position of the hand relative to the surface of the paper. At the same time, however, there is a fascinating opportunity to smear and smear the notebook, table, nose, knees, etc. in ink, so be careful

SOME EXERCISES to help you overcome dysgraphia

I want to warn you that these exercises do not eliminate the problem, but they will help parents in overcoming dysgraphia, they will help the speech therapist in working on the defect.

1) Exercise "Proofreading".

For this exercise, you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. A student every day for five (no more) minutes works on the following task: crosses out the given letters in a solid text. You need to start with one letter, for example, "a". Then "o", then consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time. After 5-6 days of such classes, we move on to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled. The letters should be "paired", "similar" in the mind of the student. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs "p/t", "p/r", "m/l" (similarity of spelling); "g / d", "u / u", "d / b" (in the latter case, the child forgets whether the tail from the circle is directed up or down), etc.

The pairs necessary for working out can be set when viewing any text written by your child. When you see the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.

Attention! It is better if the text is not read (therefore, a boring book is needed). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given appearance of the letter, one or two, and work only with them.

2) "Missing letters".

Performing this exercise, it is proposed to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills.

3) Labyrinths.

Labyrinths well develop large motor skills (hand and forearm movements), attention, continuous line. Make sure that the child changes the position of the hand, not the sheet of paper.

4)development fine motor skills

Finger games, mosaics, art activities, su-jok.

I wish you a lot of free time and success in raising your children. Love your baby and do not shift the care of him onto the shoulders of even the most first-class nanny. Without the help of attentive and caring parents the baby will not be able to master speech skills. Using simple recommendations, day by day, step by step, you will lay the foundation for proper development your child's speech.


Games for the development of phonemic processes:

"think, don't rush"

  • think of a word that starts with the last sound of the word onion;
  • what word will come out if but- add one sound
  • make a sentence in which all words would begin with the sound M (mother washes Masha with a washcloth);
  • find objects in the room that have the second sound Y in their names;
  • pick up words so that the first sound is K, and the last is Sh, etc.

"about two hares"

Listening to a fairy tale, the child helps to find the right words:

“One morning the rabbits Luta and Luta went to the forest. I wanted to take a walk in the forest, find out who lives there, and see if there is a river nearby to catch fish. In order to bring some fish home, Luta took with her what in the name has the sound P (bucket), and Luta took with her what in the name has the sound U (fishing rod) ....etc.

"if we were artists"

Let's imagine that we are artists, we will paint a picture that depicts a rural house. The walls are already ready, and you and I will paint on the details, in the names of which there should be the sounds P or Pb. You can draw with your child.

Games for the development of syllabic structure

"Toy shop"

(toys: hippopotamus, car, dog, doll, donkey, bear, etc.)

An adult offers to buy a toy with a given number of syllables, for example, two. When buying toys, children should clearly and clearly pronounce its name, determine the number of parts of the word.

Who will live in which house?

An adult draws squares on a board, sheet, sand, earth:

Each square represents one part of a word. Animals will live in these small houses.

During the game, questions are asked that make children think about the syllabic composition of the word and its structure (why can the name of the same animal be placed in all three houses: fox, fox, fox? Etc.)

Sound pronunciation

Pronunciation of various tongue twisters and tongue twisters. As well as training exercises on the development of the vocal apparatus (speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper), the pace of speech (speak quickly, moderately, slowly)

Pure tongues:

Sa-sa-sa - a fox runs in the forest.

So-so-so - Sonya has a wheel.

Su-su-su - berries in the forest.

Tongue Twisters:

Eats a pussy soup from a bowl.

Full pussy - empty bowl.

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof.

Lusha washed her ears with soap under the shower.

Lesha and Klasha eat millet porridge.

There are six rascals in the hut.

Near the bell.

Mom did not regret washing,

Milu's mother washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap,

But Mila did not whine.

Mila is young.

Axes are sharp for the time being,

for the time being sharp axes.

Three trumpeters are blowing trumpets.

On the grass trail, grass on the trail.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

One firewood, two firewood -

do not cut wood on the grass yard.

Games for the development of the grammatical structure of speech

"One and Many"

Ball game. An adult names one object, and a child many.

Example: table - tables, hat - hats.

"Count (from 1 to 5)"

Example: one spoon, two spoons, three spoons, four boats, five spoons.

"What's gone?"

offer the child a few pictures, then turn them over or close them (in turn) and ask the question - “What's wrong?”, the child must remember and name the picture in the genitive case (spoons, phone, pens)

"Change the offer"

Exercise children in the use of pronouns: I, YOU, WE, YOU, HE, SHE, THEY in phrases and sentences.

Example: I eat soup, YOU eat soup, WE eat soup, YOU eat soup, HE eats soup, SHE eats soup, He eats soup

"Call it sweetly"

you can play with the ball, as in the exercise "one-many"

Example: boat - boat, fence - fence, sock - sock

Games for the development of coherent speech.

Teaching children storytelling can be carried out in different forms: compiling stories-descriptions on a topic, on a picture, on a series of pictures, exercises like “Finish the tale in your own way”, “Finish the sentence”, etc.

Game exercise "Spread the offer"

Children are invited to continue and complete the sentence started by an adult, based on leading questions. For example, an adult begins a sentence like this: "Children go ... (Where? Why?)" Or a more complicated version: "Children go to school to ..."

Game exercise "If only..."

An adult invites children to dream up on topics such as:

"If I were a wizard, then..."

"If I became invisible..."

"If spring never comes..."

Game exercise "Finish it yourself"

An adult tells the children the beginning of a fairy tale or story, and the children are given the task to continue or come up with an ending.

Reminder for parents

Games and exercises for the development of speech of a child 6-7 years old

"Prevention of speech disorders in middle preschool age using innovative technologies"

Purpose: to acquaint parents with innovative ways to prevent speech disorders in middle preschool age

  • 1. To give an idea to parents about the concepts of “Speech disorders; prevention of speech disorders.
  • 2. To acquaint parents with traditional methods of preventing speech disorders in middle preschool age.
  • 3. Show the role of innovative technologies in the prevention of speech disorders in the middle preschool age.
  • 4. Contribute to the desire of parents to use elements of innovative technologies for the prevention of speech disorders in middle preschool age

Equipment: handout with a description of the exercises.

Meeting plan

  • 1. Speech by a speech therapist:
    • · The relevance of the issue "Prevention of speech disorders in the middle preschool age with the use of innovative technologies";
    • Major speech disorders a brief description of;
    • Traditional methods of prevention of speech disorders in middle preschool age
    • Innovative technologies for the prevention of speech disorders in middle preschool age
  • 2. Demo practical exercises and assignments
  • joint exercises with parents with elements of innovative technologies for the prevention of speech disorders;
  • · Round table in the form of "question-answer";
  • 3. Summing up the results of the meeting.

The methodological novelty of this work lies in the creation of a new format of relations between parents and specialists preschool institutions, which includes the practical implementation of elements of innovative technologies when working with parents, their training based on the demonstration by specialists of methods of using modern ways prevention of speech disorders, the formation of a positive attitude towards innovative modern technologies in working with children.

The effectiveness of such methodological development in practical activities specialists of preschool educational institutions is manifested in:

  • Improving the effectiveness of relations between parents and the preschool educational institution in which their child is located;
  • development high level responsibility of parents in the implementation of recommendations, specialists of preschool institutions;
  • implementation of an integrated approach to the prevention of speech disorders in middle preschool age
  • raising social status preschool educational institution
  • Compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and individual characteristics.
  • 1. Speech by a speech therapist.

Currently, the problems of diagnosing and correcting speech disorders are extremely relevant. Statistics show that among preschoolers, the percentage of those suffering from speech disorders reaches 20-25. More than 30% of children at an early age have speech disorders of varying severity (alalia, speech underdevelopment, speech development delay, dysarthria, dyslalia, dyslexia, stuttering, etc. ). Some of these disorders compensate with age. However, the most difficult of them remain long years and significantly affect human life. The number of speech disorders in last years tends to increase, so the work on the prevention of speech disorders in preschool age should be given great attention. AT recent times The issues of application, along with traditional ones, of non-traditional methods for the prevention of speech disorders have become topical. They will be discussed today.

The main speech disorders include the most typical imperfections in sound pronunciation, such as:

  • - softness of speech ("lezetska" - "spoon", "syumotska" - "handbag")
  • - replacement of hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Щ with whistling ("syuba" - "fur coat" "syapka" - "hat")
  • - replacement of posterior lingual sounds with anterior lingual K - T, G - D, ("torova" - "cow", "blow" - "walk")
  • - stunning voiced sounds ("shuk" - "beetle")

In Russian, children find it difficult to pronounce 2-3 adjacent consonant sounds, and, as a rule, one of these sounds is either skipped or distorted, although the child pronounces these sounds correctly in isolation. Often in a word one sound, more difficult, is replaced by another, available in the same. Very often children make a permutation of sounds and syllables in words.

The traditional methods of prevention of speech disorders include the following methods:

  • · Articulation gymnastics
  • Development of phonemic hearing
  • Development of fine and general motor skills
  • fine and gross motor skills
  • Formation of an impressive and expressive vocabulary of the child

One of the innovative methods for the prevention of speech disorders is "Kinesiology". If to speak plain language, is a science that allows you to develop the mental and physical abilities of children through the implementation of certain motor exercises. If we talk about kinesiology a little more scientific language, then kinesiology is the science of interhemispheric interaction, that is, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Kinesiologists (these are people involved in this topic), I believe that when the interaction in the work of the hemispheres of the brain is disturbed, the child develops the so-called “coordination learning disability” and in order to eliminate it, it is necessary to re-establish the joint work of the left and right hemispheres. And kinesiology, just aimed at this work. That is, under the influence of a complex of certain motor exercises, the child has:

  • · Development of interhemispheric interaction;
  • Synchronization or synchronous work of the hemispheres;
  • Development of general and fine motor skills;
  • Development of memory, attention, imagination, thinking;
  • Development of speech;
  • Formation of arbitrariness;
  • Removal of emotional tension;
  • Creation of a positive emotional mood;
  • Prevention of dyslexia and dysgraphia;

Kinesiology refers to health-saving technology. This technique allows you to reveal the hidden abilities of the child, to expand the possible boundaries of the brain.

Where are kinesiology exercises used?

Kinesiology exercises can be used in the classroom, as dynamic pauses(rest), before classes as an organizing link that sets up the child's body for fruitful work during classes.

For the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

  • a friendly environment
  • carried out systematically, without gaps;
  • children are required to accurately perform movements and techniques;
  • exercises are carried out according to special complexes, lasting 6-8 weeks for 15-20 minutes a day

To gradually complicate the exercises, you can use:

  • acceleration of the pace of execution,
  • performing exercises with closed eyes (excluding speech and visual control),
  • connecting eye and tongue movements to hand movements
  • a combination of exercises from two directions, for example, breathing and movement exercises

Theme: Consonants [n], [n "], letter P, p., 1st grade

Lesson type: learning new material.

Target: formation of communicative and cognitive universal educational activities.


    introduce students to consonants[n], [n "],consonant letter P, p;

    nlearn to distinguish new sounds in words;

    aboutlocate new sounds in words;

    make sound schemes of words with new sounds;

    continue to form the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with learned letters;

    develop speech, memory, logical thinking.

During the classes:

Org. moment.

The bell has already rung
The lesson starts.
Quiet in the classroom, quiet in the school
Is everything in place, is everything ready?
Well, smile
And sit down quietly.

Repetition of what has been learned.

Teacher: What vowels do you already know?

Students: a, o, y, s, i, e.

Teacher: Let's remember what we know about the letter e? what is its feature?

Students: The letter E stands for two sounds at the beginning of a word and after a vowel and one sound after a soft consonant.

Teacher: What other vowel letter denotes the softness of a consonant sound?

Students: Letter I.

staging goals and tasks lesson.

Teacher: How does the dough puff?

Students: Puff - puff - puff.

Teacher: How does a mouse squeak?

Students: Pi-pi-pi.

Teacher: What do you think, what sounds will we meet today?

Students: With sounds [n], [n "]

Teacher: That's right, today we will get acquainted with the sounds[n], [n "]

Let's try to set goals for ourselves, what should we learn in the lesson?

Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson by students:
1) Find out what letter denotes these sounds.
2) Learn to read syllables and words with a new letter.

Working on new material.

FROM logo sound analysis of the word spider , writing the scheme in a notebook.

Teacher: Solve the riddle.

Natket, weave,

Sit down and wait for prey.

Students: Spider.SLIDE


Students: Spider.

Teacher: How many sounds are in a word?


Teacher: How many vowels are in this word?


Teacher: How many syllables?


Teacher: Which syllable is stressed? Call the word.


Teacher: Say the first syllable.

Students: Pa.

Teacher: Highlight the first sound in this syllable.

Students: [P]

Teacher: What is this sound? Vowel or consonant?

Students: Consonant.

Teacher: Prove you agree?

Students: When pronunciation meets an obstacle.

Teacher: How do we pronounce a new sound: hard or soft?

Students: Firmly.

Teacher: Why?

Students: Because after the consonant there is a vowel a, which indicates the hardness of the preceding consonant.

Teacher: Is this sound voiced or dull? Everyone closed their ears together and made sounds [p], what do you hear?

Students: This sound is deaf, because. when pronunciation, it does not give a vibration of the voice. The neck is calm and does not tremble.

Teacher: What color will we designate this sound on the diagram?


Teacher: Say merge.

students : Pa.

Teacher: (Read by direction)

FROM logo sound analysis of the word saw , writing the scheme in a notebook.

Teacher: Solve the second riddle.

toothy animalGnawing with a whistle oak.

Students: Saw.SLIDE

Teacher: Let's say the word in unison.

Students: saw.

Teacher: How many sounds are in a word?


Teacher: How many vowels?


Teacher: How many syllables?


Teacher: Let's put emphasis. Call the word.


Teacher: Say the first syllable.

Students: Pi.

Teacher: Say the first sound in this syllable?

Students: [P"]

Teacher: - What is that sound? Vowel or consonant?

Students: Consonant.

Teacher: Voiced or deaf?

Students: Deaf.

Teacher: And is it hard or soft? Why?

Students: Soft, because after the consonant there is a vowel and, which softens the previous consonant.

Teacher: What color shall we mark?


Teacher: Let's read the received word.(Read by direction)

Teacher: Whichconclusion let's do?

Students: Conclusion: Sounds [p], [n "] can be hard and soft.

Game - physical education "Ice and grass".

Teacher: I will call you the words, having heard:

solid sound- You're standing up,

Soft sound- sit down.

Cook, axe, captain, turnip, pistol, dishes, pirate. Well done!!!

Introduction to letters.

Teacher: In writing, the sounds [p], [p "] are denoted by the letter P, p.SLIDE.

Teacher: Why are there two letters in the textbook?

Students: Othe bottom is lowercase, the other is capital.

Teacher: When do we use capital letters?

Students: In at the beginning of a sentence and when we write proper names.

What does the letter look like. (children's answers)


Get on the letter mischievous:

He decided that P is a horizontal bar. (E. Tarlapan)SLIDE.

Hockey, football

The letter P is the gate in the field. (V. Stepanov)SLIDE.

We will find the letter P at home,

Looking into the doorway. (T. Vanyukhina)SLIDE.

Building and printing letters.

Repetition of the rules of writing and landing rules.

Teacher: Build the letter P on a desk from improvised material. Circle it with your finger.Teacher: Type the letters P, p in notebooks as many times as I clap my hands.

Work in notebooks.

Pupils type the letters P, p.

Physical education for the eyes.

Reading syllables with the letter P.

pa an

by op

pi ip

pu pack

py yp

ne ep

Teacher: boysfind and read the syllables that match the first pattern. Teacher: Girlsfind and read the syllables that match the second pattern.

Teacher: Togetherfind and read the syllables that match the third pattern.

Recording syllables from dictation in a notebook.

Pa, po, pi, po, py, pe.

Now rearrange the letters and write down new syllables.

Up, op, sp, yp, yp, ep.

Compilation of words and their sound - letter analysis.

On the board: pe-, po-, pi-.

Teacher: Read the syllablescomplete these syllables to words that denote the professions of people.Make up a sound-letter analysis of these words. Type the letter you know under each sound.(Three students work at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks)

baker cook pilot


One, two, three, four, five, we know how to rest.

They got up, sat down a little and didn’t hurt their neighbor.

And now you have to get up, sit quietly, and start reading.

Reading words from the textbook.

Saw the cook

Sawing pilot

Carpenter captain

Pair work.

(Card on the desk)

Teacher: Make sentences by connecting the correct words with arrows. Type the first sentence in your notebook.

The carpenter flies.

The cook is sawing.

The captain cooks.

The pilot is swimming.

Teacher: Prove that you made an offer?

Students: We write the first word with a capital letter, all words are written at a distance from each other, connected in meaning, with a dot at the end.

Reading the text “Competition coming soon”, p. 80

(Children read in a chain)

Questions according to the text:

What will be in the classroom soon?

What did Vera draw? And Pavel?

What did Victor draw? And Polina?

After answering the questions, the children easily complete the sentences using the pictures.

Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Teacher: Evaluate what you have learned in class today.

Continue saying:

I have learned ………

I understand)………….

I can…………

Cheerful little man - was active, completed all the tasks.

Sad - found it difficult to complete tasks.

Sad - it was difficult to work.

I am very glad that you all did a good job. You are all great!

Class: 1

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Technology: play, research.


  • introduce new consonants and sounds;
  • develop phonemic awareness, speech, research skills through the use of methods of analysis, comparison, classification, observation;
  • to form the skills of orthoepically correct syllabic, conscious, expressive reading.

Equipment: subject pictures, "Lessons of Grandma Owl" (multimedia disc), syllables - fusions, signal cards, word schemes, cards - texts for individual work.


I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition. Knowledge update

a) On the board:

a o t i u v
r k y l n s

What do you see on the blackboard? (Letters)
What groups can they be divided into? (Letters for consonants and letters for vowels)
What do we know about vowel sounds? (They sing, they are stressed and unstressed, they form a syllable)
What can you say about consonants? (When pronouncing, they encounter obstacles, they are hard and soft, voiced and deaf, etc.)

Exercise: form words from these letters.

b) Verification

- What words did you get?

III. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

a) Viewing the multimedia disc “Grandma Owl Lessons” (5 minutes)

What is the topic of our lesson? (Letter P, p)
What words do you remember?
– What is the task before us? (What sounds does this letter represent)

IV. Working on new material

What items are on the board? (Feather, cook, saw, palm tree, bee, spider, rooster)
What groups can these objects be divided into? ? (animate and inanimate, etc.)
– What unites them? (Words start with P)
Say the first sound and observe. What are these sounds? (Consonants, voiceless)
- What letter will denote the sounds [p], [p ']?

Write on the board:

- Where is the letter P, p located on the tape of letters?
What groups can syllables be divided into? (Syllables with a hard consonant sound and with a soft consonant sound)

Exercise: make syllables - mergers and write them down in groups

- Honor in chorus
- Now let's sum it up. Tell everything you know about the letter P.

V. Physical Minute

VI. Generalization, systematization

1) Work in groups

– Open envelope with #1
– What do you see? (word patterns)


- To the pictures that are shown on the board, pick up word schemes.

1 group - 1 and 2 picture
2 group - 3, 4 picture
3 group - 5, 6 picture

2) Verification

3) Work with the offer

"Who will remember the words more"

The cock went to travel. Walked across the field. He pecked at the wheat. The pond came along the way. Cockerel beware. Bought in the sand. Jumped. Minnows scared. Looked - noon. Cleaned up the feathers.

- What interesting things did you notice?
What did I read to you? (Text)
- What is the text? (from suggestions)
– What is an offer?
- Name the words in which the sound [p] is hard, the words in which the sound [p '] is soft.

Exercise: Make up sentences in which all words begin with the letter P. (Choose one sentence, draw up a sentence diagram, a pictogram; one student at the blackboard with commenting)

4) Verification

5) Individual work with text

- You have envelope number 2 for each task. Distribute. Sign. Read the text.

Dad bought Petya a colored pencil case and a pen. Vera asked for a folder for notebooks and plasticine. And little Lena was presented with a talking doll. Pavlik was presented with brushes and paints.

- What is the text about?
What did dad buy?
What item is redundant? (Doll, because it is a toy, all other items are school supplies)

Exercise: find words in which the letter P occurs. Circle the letter P in blue if it denotes a hard consonant sound and in green if it denotes a soft sound.

- Whoever completes the task, put your work in envelope No. 2.

VII. Lesson summary

- What was the most important thing in the lesson?
What conclusion did we draw?

It's time to learn to read words starting with the letter P. Watch and download the following pages of our reading simulator. As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex. First, reading the syllables-merges in the table is worked out. Then the child reads short words of 3 letters. Be sure to show the young student the clue schemes under the word. Arc - syllable-fusion. A dot is a separately read consonant, a dash is a vowel.

Watch and download the following pages of our reading simulator.

As always, the lesson is built from simple to complex.

First, reading the syllables-merges in the table is worked out.

Then the child reads short words of 3 letters.

Be sure to show the young student the clue schemes under the word. Arc - syllable-fusion. A dot is a separately read consonant, a dash is a vowel.

And at the end they go long words and whole sentences.

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