Exercises for children onr 3 levels. Speech games and exercises in the logopoint of the preschool educational institution and at home for children with OHP III-IV levels

With normal speech development, by the age of 5, children freely use expanded phrasal speech, various constructions of complex sentences. They have sufficient vocabulary, possess the skills of word formation and inflection. By this time, the correct sound pronunciation is finally formed, readiness for sound analysis and synthesis.

However, these processes do not proceed successfully in all cases: in some children, even with normal hearing and intelligence, the formation of each of the components of the language is sharply delayed: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. This violation was first established by R.E. Levina and defined as a general underdevelopment of speech.

All children with general underdevelopment of speech always have a violation of sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, a pronounced lag in the formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure.

General underdevelopment of speech can manifest itself in varying degrees. Therefore, there are three levels of speech development.

Ilevel of speech development characterized by the absence of speech (the so-called "speechless children").

For communication, children of this level mainly use babbling words, onomatopoeia, individual nouns and verbs of everyday content, fragments of babbling sentences, the sound design of which is blurry, indistinct and extremely unstable. Often the child reinforces his "statements" with mimicry and gestures. A similar state of speech can be observed in mentally retarded children. However, children with primary speech underdevelopment have a number of features that make it possible to distinguish them from oligophrenic children (mentally retarded children). This primarily refers to the volume of the so-called passive dictionary, which significantly exceeds the active one. In mentally retarded children, such a difference is not observed. Further, in contrast to oligophrenic children, children with general underdevelopment of speech use differentiated gestures and expressive facial expressions to express their thoughts. They are characterized, on the one hand, by a great initiative of speech search in the process of communication, and on the other hand, by sufficient criticality to their speech.

Thus, with the similarity of the speech state, the prognosis of speech compensation and intellectual development in these children is ambiguous.

A significant limitation of the active vocabulary is manifested in the fact that with the same babble word or sound combination the child denotes several different concepts ("bibi" - an airplane, dump truck, steamer; "bobo" - hurts, lubricates, injects ). It is also noted that the names of actions are replaced by the names of objects and vice versa ("adas" - pencil, draw, write;"tui" - sit, chair).

Characteristic is the use of one-word sentences. As N. SZhukova notes, the period of a one-word sentence, a sentence of amorphous root words, can also be observed during the normal speech development of the child. However, it is dominant only for 5-6 months and includes a small number of words. With severe underdevelopment of speech, this period is delayed for a long time. Children with normal speech development begin early to use the grammatical connections of words ("give heba" - give me bread) which can coexist - with shapeless structures, gradually displacing them. In children with general underdevelopment of speech, there is an expansion of the sentence to 2-4 words, but at the same time the syntactic constructions remain completely incorrectly designed ("Matik tide tuya" - The boy is sitting on a chair. These phenomena are never observed in normal speech development.

The low speech abilities of children are accompanied by poor life experience and insufficiently differentiated ideas about the surrounding life (especially in the field of natural phenomena).

There is instability in the pronunciation of sounds, their diffuseness. In the speech of children, 1-2-syllable words predominate. When trying to reproduce a more complex syllabic structure, the number of syllables is reduced to 2 - 3 ("avat" - crib,"amida" - pyramid,"tika" - train). Phonemic perception is grossly disturbed, difficulties arise even when selecting words similar in name, but different in meaning. (hammer - milk, digs - rolls - bathes). The tasks for the sound analysis of words are incomprehensible to children of this level.

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Transition to IIlevel of speech development(the beginnings of common speech) is marked by the fact that, in addition to gestures and babbling words, although distorted, but fairly constant common words appear ("Alyazai. Children of Alyazai kill. Kaputn, lidome, lyabaka. Litya dress the earth" - Harvest. The children are harvesting. Cabbage, tomatoes, apples. Leaves fall to the ground.)

At the same time, a distinction is made between some grammatical forms. However, this only happens in relation to words with stressed endings. (table - tables; noetsing) and relating only to certain grammatical categories. This process is still rather unstable, and gross underdevelopment of speech in these children is quite pronounced.

The statements of children are usually poor, the child is limited to listing directly perceived objects and actions.

The story according to the picture, according to the questions, is built primitively, on short, although grammatically more correct, phrases than children of the first level. At the same time, the insufficient formation of the grammatical structure of speech is easily detected when the speech material becomes more complicated or when it becomes necessary to use such words and phrases that the child rarely uses in everyday life.

The forms of number, gender and case for such children essentially do not have a meaningful function. Inflection is random in nature, and therefore, when using it, many various errors are made (“I go myatika” - I play ball).

Words are often used in a narrow sense, the level of verbal generalization is very low. One and the same word can be called many objects that are similar in form, purpose or other features (ant, fly, spider, beetle - in one situation - one of these words, in another - another; cup, glass denoted by any of these words). The limited vocabulary is confirmed by the ignorance of many words denoting parts of the subject (branches, trunk, tree roots), crockery (dish, tray, mug) means of transport (helicopter, motor boat), young animals (squirrel, hedgehog, fox) and etc.

There is a lag in the use of words-signs of objects denoting shape, color, material. Often there are substitutions for the names of words, due to the generality of situations (cuts - tears, sharpens - cuts). During a special examination, gross errors in the use of grammatical forms are noted:

1) replacements case endings("ride-gokam" - rides on a hill);

2) errors in the use of forms of number and gender of verbs ("Kolya pityalya" - Kolya wrote); when changing nouns by numbers ("yes pamidka" - two pyramids,"two cafes" - two cabinets);

3) lack of agreement of adjectives with nouns, numerals with nouns ("asin adas" - Red pencil,"asin eta" - Red ribbon,"asin aso" - red wheel,"pat cook" - five dolls,"tinya pato" - blue coat,"tinya cube" - blue Cube,"teeny cat" - blue jacket).

Children make many mistakes when using prepositional constructions: often prepositions are omitted altogether, while the noun is used in its original form ("Kadas ledit aepka" - The pencil is in the box) replacement of prepositions is also possible ("Tetatka downaya and melting" - The notebook fell off the table.

Unions and particles are rarely used in speech.

The pronunciation abilities of children are significantly behind the age norm: there are violations in the pronunciation of soft and hard sounds, hissing, whistling, sonorous, voiced and deaf ("tupans" - tulips,"Sina" - Zina,"tyava" - owl etc.); gross violations in the transmission of words of different syllabic composition. The most typical is the reduction in the number of syllables ("teviki" - snowmen).

When words are reproduced, sound filling is grossly violated: permutations of syllables, sounds, replacement and assimilation of syllables, reduction of sounds when consonants converge ("rotnik" - collar,"shadow" - wall,"to have" -bear).

An in-depth examination of children makes it easy to identify the lack of phonemic hearing, their unpreparedness for mastering skills sound analysis and synthesis (it is difficult for a child to correctly select a picture with a given sound, determine the position of a sound in a word, etc.). Under the influence of special remedial training, children move to a new - III level of speech development, which allows them to expand their verbal communication with others.

IIIlevel of speech development characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children of this level come into contact with others, but only in the presence of parents (educators) who make appropriate explanations ("Aspak went with her mother. I went to the zoo with my mother. And then she walked, where the cage is, there is a monkey. Then they didn't go to the zoo. Then we went to the park.

Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly, in their independent speech, the chat does not sound clear enough.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, the child replaces the sound with "still not clearly pronounced, the sounds with" ("syapogi" instead of boots), sh ("syuba" instead of fur coat), c ("syaplya" instead of heron).

At the same time, at this stage, children already use all parts of speech, correctly use simple grammatical forms, try to build complex and complex sentences (“Kola is an ambassador to the forest, shook a little squirrel, and Kolya’s rear is a cat” - Kolya went to the forest, caught a small squirrel, and lived with Kolya in a cage).

The pronunciation capabilities of the child improve (it is possible to distinguish correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds, the nature of their violation), the reproduction of words of different syllabic structure and sound filling. Children usually no longer find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs, qualities and states that are well known to them from life experience. They can freely talk about their family, about themselves and their comrades, about the events of life around them, make up a short story (“The cat is poshya kueuke. And now she wants to eat rashes. They run. bad cat" The cat went to the chicken. And now she wants to eat chickens. They run. The chicken chased away the cat. Lots of chickens. She is worth it. The chicken is good, she drove the cat away).

However, a thorough study of the state of all aspects of speech makes it possible to reveal a pronounced picture of the underdevelopment of each of the components of the language system: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

Orally speech communication children try to "get around" words and expressions that are difficult for them. But if you put such children in conditions where it turns out to be necessary to use certain words and grammatical categories, gaps in speech development are quite distinct.

Although children use extended phrasal speech, they experience greater difficulties in independently compiling sentences than their normally speaking peers.

Against the background of correct sentences, one can also meet agrammatic ones, which, as a rule, arise due to errors in coordination and management. These errors are not permanent: the same grammatical form or category in different situations can be used both correctly and incorrectly.

Errors are also observed when constructing complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words("Misha zyapyakal, ato-mu fell" - Misha cried because he fell). When making suggestions for the picture, children, often correctly naming actor and the action itself, do not include in the sentence the names of the objects used by the protagonist.

Despite a significant quantitative increase in vocabulary, a special examination of lexical meanings allows us to identify a number of specific shortcomings: complete ignorance of the meanings of a number of words (swamp, lake, stream, loop, straps, elbow, foot, gazebo, veranda, entrance etc.), inaccurate understanding and use of a number of words (hem - sew - cut, cut - cut). Among lexical errors the following stand out:

a) replacing the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object (clock face -"watch", bottom -"kettle");

b) replacing the names of professions with the names of actions (ballerina- "aunt dances", singer -"uncle sings", etc.);

c) replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa, (sparrow -"bird"; trees- "Christmas trees");

d) substitution of signs (high, wide, long-"big", short- "small").

In free statements, children make little use of adjectives and adverbs denoting the signs and state of objects, methods of action.

Insufficient practical skill in the use of word-formation methods impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation, does not give the child the opportunity to distinguish the morphological elements of the word.

Many children often make mistakes in word formation. So, along with correctly formed words, non-normative ones appear ("stolenok" - table,"jug" - pitcher,"vase" - vase). Such errors as single ones can occur in normal children at earlier stages of speech development and quickly disappear.

A large number of errors occur in the formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with food products, materials, plants, etc. ("fluffy", "puffy", "downy" - a scarf; "klukin", "cranberry", "clucon" - jelly; "glass", "glass" - a glass, etc.).

Among the grammatical errors of speech, the most specific are the following:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case ("Books lie on large (large) tables" - Books lie on large tables);

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns ("three bears" - three Bears,"five fingers" - five fingers;"two pencils" - two pencils etc.);

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, understatement ("We went to the store with my mother and brother" - We went to the store with my mother and brother;"The ball fell from the shelf" - The ball fell off the shelf)

d) errors in use case forms plural ("In the summer I was in my grandmother's village. There is a river, a lot of trees, gu-si").

The phonetic formation of speech in children with level III speech development lags far behind the age norm: they continue to experience all types of sound pronunciation disorders (sigmatism, rotacism, lambdacism, voicing and softening defects).

There are persistent errors in the sound-filling of words, violations of the syllabic structure in the most difficult words("Ginasts perform in the circus" - Gymnasts perform in the circus;"Topovotik repairing the water main" - The plumber repairs the plumbing;"Takiha tet tan" - The weaver weaves the cloth.)

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully master literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

So, the totality of the above gaps in the phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical structure of the child's speech serves as a serious obstacle to mastering the kindergarten program. general type, and in the future, the program of a comprehensive school.

Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A.
Speech disorders in children. - M., 1993.

Level III of speech development is characterized by the presence of extended phrasal speech with elements of lexical-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment.

Children of this level come into contact with others, but only in the presence of parents (educators) who make appropriate explanations (“Aspak went with my mother. to the zoo. And then I went, where the cage is, there is a monkey. Then they weren’t at the zoo. Then they went to the park).

Free communication is extremely difficult. Even those sounds that children can pronounce correctly do not sound clear enough in their independent speech.

Characteristic is the undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds (mainly whistling, hissing, affricates and sonors), when one sound simultaneously replaces two or more sounds of a given phonetic group. For example, the child replaces the sound s, not yet clearly pronounced, with the sounds s (“boots” instead of boots), sh (“syuba” instead of a fur coat), and ts (“syaplya” instead of a heron).

At the same time, at this stage, children already use all parts of speech, correctly use simple grammatical forms, try to build complex and complex sentences (“Kola is an ambassador to the forest, shook a little squirrel, and Kolya’s rear is a cat” - Kolya went into the forest, caught a small squirrel, and lived with Kolya in a cage).

The pronunciation capabilities of the child improve (it is possible to distinguish correctly and incorrectly pronounced sounds, the nature of their violation), the reproduction of words of different syllabic structures and sound content. Children usually no longer find it difficult to name objects, actions, signs, qualities and states that are familiar to them from life experience. They can freely talk about their family, about themselves and their comrades, about the events of life around them, make up a short story (“A cat is a kuyosha. And she wants to eat rashes. They run away. cat "- The cat went to the chicken. And now she is eating chickens. They are eating. The chicken drove the cat away. There are a lot of chickens. The chicken is good, he drove the cat away).

However, a thorough study of the state of all aspects of speech reveals a pronounced picture of the underdevelopment of each of the components of the language system: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

In oral speech communication, children try to “get around” words and expressions that are difficult for them. But if such children are placed in conditions where it turns out to be necessary to use certain words and grammatical categories, gaps in speech development appear quite clearly.

Although children use extended phrasal speech, they experience greater difficulties in independently compiling sentences than their normally speaking peers.

Against the background of correct sentences, one can also meet agrammatic ones, which, as a rule, arise due to errors in coordination and management. These errors are not permanent: the same grammatical form or category can be used both correctly and incorrectly in different situations.

Errors are also observed in the construction of complex sentences with conjunctions and allied words (“Mishya zyapyakal, the atom fell” - Misha cried because he fell). When compiling sentences for a picture, children, often correctly naming the character and the action itself, do not include in the sentence the names of the objects used by the character.

Despite the significant quantitative growth of the vocabulary, a special examination of lexical meanings reveals a number of specific shortcomings: complete ignorance of the meanings of a number of words (swamp, lake, stream, loop, straps, elbow, foot, gazebo, veranda, entrance, etc.), inaccurate understanding and the use of a number of words (hem - sew - cut, cut - cut). Among the lexical errors are the following:

a) replacement of the name of a part of an object with the name of the whole object (dial - “clock”, bottom - “teapot”);

b.) replacing the names of professions with the names of the action (ballerina - “aunt dances”, singer - “uncle sings”, etc.);

c) replacement of specific concepts by generic ones and vice versa (sparrow -

"bird"; trees - "Christmas trees");

d) mutual substitution of signs (high, wide, long -

"large", short - "small").

In free utterances, children make little use of adjectives and adverbs denoting the signs and state of objects, methods of action.

Insufficient practical skill in the use of word-formation methods impoverishes the ways of vocabulary accumulation, does not give the child the opportunity to distinguish the morphological elements of the word.

Many children often make mistakes in word formation. So, along with correctly formed words, non-normative ones appear (“stolenok” - a table, “water lily” - a jug, “vase” - a vase). Such errors as single ones can occur in normal children at earlier stages of speech development and quickly disappear.

A large number of errors occur in the formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with food, materials, plants, etc. (“fluffy”, “puffy”, “downy” - a scarf; “klukin”, “cranberry”, “clucon” - jelly; "glass", "glass" - a glass, etc.).

Among the grammatical errors of speech, the most specific are the following:

a) incorrect agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case (“Books lie on large (large)

tables" - Books lie on large tables);

b) incorrect agreement of numerals with nouns (“three bears” - three bears, “five fingers” - five fingers

tsev; “two pencils” - two pencils, etc.);

c) errors in the use of prepositions - omissions, substitutions, omissions (“We went to the store with my mother and brother” - We went to

shop with mom and brother; "The ball fell from the shelf" - The ball fell

d) errors in the use of plural case forms

number ("In the summer I was in my grandmother's village. There is a river, a lot of trees, geese").

The sound design of speech in children with the III level of speech development significantly lags behind the age norm: they continue to experience all types of sound pronunciation disorders (there are violations of the pronunciation of whistling, hissing, L, L, P, Pb, voicing and softening defects).

There are persistent errors in the sound filling of words, violations of the syllabic structure in the most difficult words (“Ginasts perform in the circus” - Gymnasts perform in the circus; “Topovotik repairs the water drain” - The plumber repairs the water supply system; “Takikha tet tan” - The weaver weaves fabric).

Insufficient development of phonemic hearing and perception leads to the fact that children do not independently develop readiness for sound analysis and synthesis of words, which subsequently does not allow them to successfully acquire literacy at school without the help of a speech therapist.

Natalya Pertsevaya
Synopsis of the frontal speech therapy session for children with OHP level 3. Lexical theme "Family"

Program content:

1. Activate the dictionary on the topic « A family» .

2. To form the ability to form nouns with the help of a diminutive - pet suffixes from nouns denoting members families;

form possessive adjectives

agree adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case;

3. To form the ability to use prepositional cases in speech designs, make simple common sentences;

build sentences with homogeneous members suggestions.

4. Develop coherent speech (text paraphrase).

5. Improve the development of general and finger motor skills, constructive praxis.

6. Develop cognitive processes.

7. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment:

Speech therapist: A boy came to us today.

(Picture of a boy).His name is Misha.

He wants to play with you, introduce you to his family.

2. Finger gymnastics.

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me.

This is all mine a family.

3. Consideration of the plot picture « A family»

Speech therapist: Who do you see in the picture? (I see Misha's mother) etc. (dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother).

Speech therapist: How many people are in this family?

Guys, look at the picture and tell me how many moms are there?

(There are two mothers in the picture).

How many dads?

How many sons?

How many daughters?

Who is Misha related to mom and dad? (son,

Grandma and grandpa? (grandson,

Sister (brother?

Speech therapist: Children, who do you think is the oldest in family?

(I think grandfather is the oldest in family) .

Who can say what it is a family? (Friendly, big, strong, real).

2. D / i "Prepositions" (conversation on the plot picture)

Speech therapist: Where is grandpa sitting? (Grandpa sits on the couch).

Speech therapist: Where is grandma sitting? (Grandma sits in a chair).

Speech therapist: dad is standing in front of the sofa? (No, dad is behind the sofa).

Speech therapist: the cat is sitting on a chair (No, the cat is sitting near the table)

Speech therapist: Where is the painting hanging?

(The picture hangs on the wall. The picture hangs over the sofa).

Speech therapist: Where are the children? (Children sit at the table)

Speech therapist: Sasha, where is Misha? (Misha is standing near the sofa).

Speech therapist: Misha, loves his family. He helps his parents clean the apartment. Let's help him.

Di "Whose things are these?"

Speech therapist:

Whose scarf is this? Whose dress? Whose toys are these? Whose shoes? Whose glasses? Whose textbook? Whose rod? (Grandma's scarf, dad's shoes, mom's dress,). Etc.

Speech therapist Q: Where do we put our clothes? (We'll put the clothes in the closet).

Speech therapist: Where will we put the toys? (Toys put on the shelf).

Speech therapist: Where do we put the textbook? (we put the textbook in the portfolio).

Where do we put the shoes? (put the shoes on the shoe shelf)

4. Development of general motor skills.

Speech therapist: Guys, we have worked hard, let's have a little rest.

Our rest is a physical education minute. (We walk in place.)

Take your seats:

Step in place of the left, right,

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight

One and two, one and two!

And don't look under your feet (Move hands to the sides, up, to the sides, down.)

One and two, one and two!

5. Speech therapist: Listen riddle:

Tie socks and cook dinner

Knows an old recipe for jam,

Often bakes pies and pancakes,

Our good, kind... (grandmother). –

Who worked all his life

Surrounded by care

grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Respect for ordinary people?

Retired for many years

Our ageless. (grandfather)

Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us how to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

Having fallen from a great, do not whine,

And scratched my knee

Don't cry? Of course. (dad)

Who is the cutest person in the world?

Who do children love the most?

I will answer the question directly:

Ours is dearest of all. (mother)

Who loves me and my brother,

But does she like to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl

My oldest (sister)

Here is a funny little one -

Quickly crawling on the belly?

Amazing boy -

This is my youngest. (brother)

6. Didactic game "Tell me which one?"

Now I suggest that you pick up as many words as possible about each member. families.

Children sit on the carpet speech therapist rolls the ball to each in turn, and the child calls the word and rolls the ball back.

Mom (what, dad (what, grandmother (what, grandfather (what), sister (what, brother (which)

7. Didactic game "Let's share the responsibilities"

All members families perform miscellaneous work at home. Let's name what everyone does.

Speech therapist(sitting on carpet) exposes boxes in front of the children, on which pictures of members are pasted families(mother, father, grandmother, grandfather sister, brother) and a box of colored buttons. Children name one type of work and put one stone in a box. At the end of the game, it is summed up which of the members families performs the most duties.

8. Psycho-gymnastics "Mom's Mood" (performed sitting on chairs)

Guys, I know that all of you love your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters very much. But, despite this, sometimes you upset them. Now I will tell you the actions children. If you think it's a good deed, smile, and if it's a bad deed, make a sad face.

The son watered the indoor flowers.

My daughter ate all the porridge.

The boy tore the book.

Guys, what should you do if you tore a book?

The children put the toys away.

The girl broke the cup.

If you accidentally break the dishes, what should you do? (sorry)

The son had a fight in the yard.

How should you play? (together) What if you don't like something? (need to negotiate or seek help from an adult)

The daughter washed the dishes.

The boy wiped off the dust.

9. Text retelling "Birthday"

Speech therapist reads a story:

“Misha has a birthday today. Mom baked for Misha a delicious cake. Dad gave his son a rubber ball. Sister Masha and brother Nikita drew beautiful picture. Grandparents gave their grandson a big car. Misha was very happy with the gifts!”

Questions to the text:

1. Who is the story about?

2. What is Misha's holiday today?

3. What did mom bake?

4. What did dad give to his son?

5. Who gave Misha a picture?

6. What did Grandma and Grandpa give Misha?

Speech therapist: I will read the story again. You listen carefully and look at the pictures. Then you you will tell it.

Re-reading the story speech therapist.

Retelling of the text by children.

8. D\u "Gifts for Misha"

(Development of thinking, logic).

Speech therapist: What would you give Misha?

Speech therapist: Thanks guys!

Misha really liked your gifts!

Let's say goodbye to Misha.

Outcome lessons:

Speech therapist Q: Whom did we meet today? What did you like the most?

And I liked you today.

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The modern world is oversaturated with information, means of communication, wide access to books is open, many educational and entertaining children's channels have been created. It would seem that in such an environment, speech in children should develop without any difficulties, and speech therapists' offices will become a thing of the past. However, it is not. Bad ecology, cultural degradation in many respects, reduced degree psychological protection- all this is reflected in the development of the child's speech. For some children, a speech therapist diagnoses "general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) level 3", the characteristic of which indicates that the child needs additional classes. The full development of each baby primarily depends on the efforts of his parents. They are obliged to seek help from specialists in time, noticing some deviations in the formation of the personality of their child.

OHP characteristic

ONR is observed in children with a normal level of development of intelligence corresponding to their age, while not having any physiological problems with the hearing aid. Speech therapists say about such a group of patients that they do not know how to phonemic awareness, do not distinguish individual sounds, therefore, in a distorted form, they understand the meaning. The child hears words differently from how they are actually pronounced.

In children with OHP level 3 (characteristics are presented below), such speech skills as word formation, sound formation, the semantic load of the word, as well as the grammatical structure are distorted. When speaking, older children may make mistakes that are inherent in a younger age. In such children, the rates of development of speech and the psyche do not correspond to each other. At the same time, children with OHP are no different from their peers in terms of development: they are emotional, active, play with pleasure, and understand the speech of others.

Typical manifestations of OHP

The following indicators are considered typical manifestations of general underdevelopment of speech:

  • the conversation is incomprehensible and illegible;
  • phrases are constructed grammatically incorrectly;
  • verbal interaction has low activity, words are perceived with a lag when they are used independently;
  • the first pronunciation of the first words and simple phrases at a later age (instead of 1.5-2 years at 3-5 years).

At general development psyche:

  • new words are poorly remembered and pronounced, memory is undeveloped;
  • the sequence of actions is broken, simple instructions are carried out with great difficulty;
  • attention is scattered, there are no skills to concentrate;
  • logical verbal generalization is difficult, there are no skills in analyzing, comparing objects, separating them according to their characteristics and properties.

Development of fine and gross motor skills:

  • small movements are performed with inaccuracies and errors;
  • the child's movements are slowed down, there is a tendency to freeze in one position;
  • coordination of movements is broken;
  • rhythm is undeveloped;
  • when performing motor tasks, disorientation in time and space is visible.

The characteristic of OHP level 3, as well as other levels, contains the listed manifestations to one degree or another.

Causes of OHP

Experts do not find in operation nervous system and the brain of children with ONR gross pathologies. Most often, social or physiological causes are considered to be the sources of speech lag. It can be:

  • transferred during pregnancy or hereditary diseases of the mother;
  • during the period of bearing the baby, the mother had nervous overload;
  • bad habits during pregnancy (alcohol, smoking);
  • receiving any injuries during childbirth;
  • very early or too late pregnancy;
  • infection, complex diseases in a baby in infancy;
  • possible head injury in a child;
  • trouble in the family, where the baby is experiencing early stress;
  • there is no emotional contact between the baby and parents;
  • unfavorable moral situation in the house;
  • scandalous, conflict situations;
  • lack of communication and attention;
  • abandonment of the baby, rough speech in adults.

Classification. OHP level 1

General underdevelopment of speech is classified into four levels, each of which has its own characteristics. Level 1 OHP differs in many ways from Level 3 OHP. Characteristics of speech in pathology of the 1st level: babbling, onomatopoeia, pieces of small phrases, parts of words. Toddlers make sounds indistinctly, actively help with facial expressions and gestures - all this can be called the skills of babies.

Children actively show interest in the world around them, communication, but at the same time, the gap between active and passive vocabulary is much larger than the norm. Also, the characteristics of speech include the following:

  • the pronunciation of sounds is blurred;
  • one-syllable, sometimes two-syllable words predominate;
  • long words are reduced to syllables;
  • words-actions are replaced by words-objects;
  • different actions and different objects can be denoted by one word;
  • words that are different in meaning, but consonant can be confused;
  • in rare cases, there is no speech at all.

Level 2

OHP 2, 3 levels of characteristics are somewhat similar, but there are also significant differences. At level 2, there is an increase in the development of speech. A greater number of common words are assimilated, the simplest phrases are used, the vocabulary is constantly replenished with new, often distorted words. Children are already learning simple words grammatical forms, often with stressed endings, distinguish between plural, singular. Level 2 features include:

  • sounds are pronounced with great difficulty, often replaced by simpler ones (voiced - deaf, hissing - whistling, hard - soft);
  • grammatical forms are mastered spontaneously, are not associated with meaning;
  • speech self-expression is poor, vocabulary is poor;
  • different objects and actions are denoted by one word if they are somehow similar (similarity in purpose or appearance);
  • ignorance of the properties of objects, their names (size, shape, color);
  • adjectives and nouns do not agree; replacement or absence of prepositions in speech;
  • inability to respond coherently without leading questions;
  • endings are used randomly, replaced by one another.

Level 3

The characteristics of children with OHP level 3 looks like this: general speech skills are lagging behind, but the construction of phrases and extended speech are already present. The basics are already available to children grammatical construction, simple forms are used correctly, many parts of speech are used, more complex sentences. Life impressions at this age are already enough, vocabulary increases, objects, their properties and actions are called correctly. Toddlers are able to compose simple stories, but still experience the freedom of communication. OHP level 3 speech characteristic has the following:

  • in general, there is no active vocabulary, vocabulary is poor, adjectives and adverbs are not used enough;
  • verbs are used ineptly, adjectives with nouns agree with errors, so the grammatical structure is unstable;
  • when constructing complex phrases, unions are used incorrectly;
  • no knowledge of subspecies of birds, animals, objects;
  • actions are called instead of professions;
  • instead of a separate part of an object, the whole object is called.

Approximate characteristic for a preschooler

The characteristic for a preschooler with OHP level 3 is as follows:

Articulation: anatomy of organs without anomaly. Salivation is increased. The accuracy of movements and volume suffer, the child is not able to keep the organs of articulation in a certain position for a long time, the switchability of movement is impaired. With articulation exercises, the tone of the tongue increases.

Speech: the general sound is inexpressive, a weakly modulated quiet voice, breathing is free, the rhythm and pace of speech is normal.

Sound pronunciation: there are violations of the pronunciation of sonorous sounds. The sizzling ones are set. There is an automation of sounds at the level of words. Control over the pronunciation of sounds, free speech is controlled.

Phonemic perception, synthesis and sound analysis: phonemic representations are formed with a delay, the level is insufficient. By ear, the child selects a given sound from the syllabic, sound series, as well as a number of words. The place of the sound in the word is not determined. The skills of sound and letter analysis, as well as synthesis, are not formed.

Syllabic structure: Words with a complex syllabic structure are difficult to pronounce.

If a diagnosis of "general underdevelopment of speech (OHP) level 3" is made, the characteristic (5 years - the age when many parents are already preparing their children for school, visiting specialists) should include all of the above items. Children at this age should be given utmost attention. A speech therapist can help you with speech problems.

Speech at OHP level 3

Characteristics of the speech of children with OHP level 3:

Passive, active vocabulary: poverty, stock inaccuracy. The child does not know the names of words that go beyond the scope of daily communication: he cannot name parts of the body, the name of animals, professions, actions with which they are associated. There are difficulties in the selection of single-root words, antonyms, synonyms. The passive vocabulary is much higher than the active one.

Grammar: speech therapy characteristic a child with OHP level 3 indicates that in the formation of words, their coordination with other parts of speech, agrammatisms are observed. The child makes a mistake when choosing plural noun. There are violations in the formation of words that go beyond the scope of everyday speech. Word-building skills are difficult to transfer to new speech. Mostly simple sentences are used in the presentation.

Connected speech: there are difficulties in detailed statements, language design. The sequence in the story is broken, there are semantic gaps in storyline. The text violates temporal and causal relationships.

Preschool children with OHP level 3 are characterized at the age of 7 by a speech therapist who conducts classes with them. If the results of classes with a speech therapist do not bring the desired result, it is necessary to seek the advice of a neurologist.

Level 4

Above, an approximate description of the OHP of level 3 was given, the 4th is somewhat different. Key parameters: the child's vocabulary is markedly increased, although there are gaps in vocabulary and grammar. new material assimilated with difficulty, inhibited learning to write and read. Children correctly use simple prepositions, do not abbreviate long words, but still, some sounds are often missing from the word.

Speech difficulties:

  • sluggish articulation, slurred speech;
  • the narration is dull, not figurative, the children express themselves in simple sentences;
  • in an independent story, logic is violated;
  • expressions are chosen with difficulty;
  • possessive and diminutive words are distorted;
  • properties of objects are replaced by approximate ones in meaning;
  • the names of objects are replaced by words with similar properties.

Help from a psychologist

The characteristics of children with OHP level 3 indicate the need for classes not only with a speech therapist, but also with a psychologist. Comprehensive measures will help correct the shortcomings. Due to the speech disorder, such children have problems concentrating, it is difficult for them to concentrate on the task. As a result, the performance decreases.

During speech therapy correction, it is necessary to connect a psychologist. Its task is to increase motivation for learning and classes. The specialist must psychological impact, which will be directed to the development of concentration. It is recommended to conduct classes not with one, but with a small group of kids. It is important to take into account the self-esteem of the child, underestimated inhibits development. Therefore, a specialist should help children with ONR to believe in their own strength and success.

Complex corrective action

The pedagogical approach to correcting OHP is not an easy process, it requires a structural, special fulfillment of the tasks set. The most effective work is carried out in specialized institutions where qualified teachers work. If, in addition to OHP, a diagnosis of dysarthria is established, therapy is based on all pathologies. Corrective action can be added drug treatment. This is where a neurologist should be involved. Special institutions, centers aim at correcting deficiencies in the development of intellectual functions and correcting deficiencies in communication skills.

The first thing I want to say to parents: do not despair if the child suffers from ONR. There is no need to conflict with teachers, specialists, if they diagnose "OHP level 3". This will only help you take action in time. Classes with the baby will help to quickly correct his speech, deal with pathologies. The sooner you get to the bottom of the problem, start working together with specialists, the faster the recovery process will turn in the right direction.

Treatment can be long, and its outcome largely depends on the parents. Be patient and help your baby enter the world with confident, well-developed speech.

General underdevelopment of speech level 3- these are moderate deviations in the formation of various aspects of speech, mainly relating to complex lexical and grammatical units. It is characterized by the presence of a detailed phrase, but speech is agrammatic, sound pronunciation is poorly differentiated, phonemic processes lag behind the norm. The level of speech development is established using speech therapy diagnostics. Correction of underdevelopment of speech functions involves further work on coherent speech, the assimilation of lexical and grammatical categories, and the improvement of the phonetic side of speech.


F80.1 F80.2

General information

The allocation of four levels of speech development is caused by the need to combine children with speech pathology into groups to organize special remedial training, taking into account the severity of the speech defect. OHP level 3 in Russian speech therapy is defined as the presence of a detailed phrasal statement with specific lexical-grammatical (LG) and phonetic-phonemic (FF) errors. This is a higher stage of speech development compared to OHP levels 1 and 2. However, all linguistic means are not yet sufficiently formalized to be considered as corresponding to the norm, therefore, they need to be further improved. Such a disorder of speech skills can be diagnosed in preschoolers, starting from 4-5 years of age, and in junior schoolchildren.

The reasons

Factors causing insufficient speech formation can be biological and social. The former may affect the child in different periods development - from intrauterine to younger preschool age. The second group of factors affects children's speech after birth.

  • Biological. This group includes non-rough, non-severe lesions of the central nervous system in a child that disrupt the regulation of speech motility, auditory perception, VPF. Their immediate causes may be bad habits. future mother, toxicosis of pregnancy, birth trauma of newborns, perinatal encephalopathy, TBI, diseases transferred by the child to early age etc. A speech therapy diagnosis in such children can be dysarthria, alalia, aphasia, stuttering, and in the presence of clefts of the hard and soft palate - open rhinolalia.
  • Social. Include a dysfunctional family and speech environment of the child. Experienced stresses, lack of emotional contacts between children and parents, conflict situations in the family, pedagogical neglect and hospitalism syndrome inhibit the development of speech and adversely affect mental development. Other possible reason OHP in a child - a lack of verbal communication (for example, in the presence of deaf and dumb parents), a multilingual environment, incorrect speech of adults. An increase in the level of speech development from 1-2 to 3 can occur as a result of targeted speech therapy training.


The mechanism of unformedness speech activity in OHP is closely related to the primary speech defect. The etiological substrate can be an organic lesion of the speech centers or cranial nerves, pathology of the peripheral organs of speech, functional immaturity of the central nervous system. At the same time, in children with the third level of OHP of various genesis, common typical signs are observed that indicate the systemic nature of speech impairment: elements of PH underdevelopment, pronunciation errors, distortion of the syllabic structure of words with complex sound content, difficulties in sound analysis and synthesis. It should be emphasized that with a general underdevelopment of speech, all these shortcomings occur against the background of intact biological hearing and intelligence.

OHP Level 3 Symptoms

The main neoplasm of this stage is the appearance of a detailed phrase. The speech is dominated by simple common sentences of 3-4 words, complex sentences practically absent. The structure of the phrase and its grammatical design may be violated: children skip secondary members of the sentence, allow many agrammatisms. Typical errors are in the formation of the plural, the change of words by gender, person and case, the agreement of nouns with adjectives and numerals. When retelling, the sequence of presentation is violated, elements of the plot are omitted, the content is depleted.

The understanding of speech in a child with OHP level 3 is close to the age norm. Difficulties arise in the perception of logical and grammatical structures that reflect spatial, temporal, causal relationships. It is not always possible to accurately understand the meaning of complex prepositions, prefixes, suffixes. The volume of the dictionary at first glance is close to the norm; when compiling an utterance, children use all parts of speech. However, the examination reveals insufficient knowledge of parts of objects, indistinguishability of the lexical meanings of many words (for example, a child cannot explain the difference between a stream and a river). The skill of word formation is not formed - children find it difficult to form diminutive forms of nouns, possessive adjectives, prefixed verbs.

The sound design of speech is much better than with OHP level 2. Nevertheless, all kinds of phonetic defects remain: the replacement of articulatory complex sounds with simpler ones, defects in voicing and softening, distortions (sigmatism, lambdacism, rotacism). The reproduction of words with a complex syllabic composition suffers: syllables are reduced, rearranged. The formation of phonemic processes lags behind: the child experiences difficulties in isolating the first and last sound in a word, in selecting cards for a given sound.


Gaps in the development of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics have their long-term consequences in the form of specific disorders of learning skills. Schoolchildren may suffer from the memorization of verbal material. They cannot focus on one task for a long time or, conversely, quickly switch to another type of activity. Due to the lack of motor skills of the hands, which often accompanies OHP, illegible handwriting is formed. Children have difficulty learning to read and write educational material in general - as a result, there is dysgraphia, dysorphography, dyslexia, poor academic performance. With OHP level 3, children are embarrassed by their speech defect, which causes isolation, complexes, and communicative maladjustment.


Examination of a child with OHP level 3 consists of three diagnostic blocks. The first block is medical, includes clarification of the neurological status, establishing the causes speech problems with the help of consultations of pediatric specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, maxillofacial surgeon, etc.) and the results of instrumental studies (radiography of the facial skull, MRI of the brain, EEG). The second block - neuropsychological - belongs to the competence of a child psychologist, involves an assessment of the development of mental functions, cognitive processes, personal sphere, general and fine motor skills. The third block - pedagogical, is carried out by a speech pathologist and includes an examination of the following aspects of speech:

  • Lexico-grammatical. The child's vocabulary is being studied (subject, verb, signs, possessive pronouns, adverb). The ability to select antonyms and synonyms for words, knowledge of the parts of the whole, the level of generalization are assessed. When checking the level of grammar formation, priority is given to the ability to construct common simple and complex phrases, to coordinate sentence members in number, gender and case.
  • phonetic. The nature of sound pronunciation is specified in isolation, in syllables, words and phrases. The types of pronunciation disorders are revealed: substitutions, unstable and undifferentiated use, distortions and confusions. Most children have a violation of 3-4 or more groups of sounds.
  • phonemic. The reflected repetition of pairs or rows of syllables, the distinction of oppositional phonemes, the ability to distinguish the first and last sounds in words are checked. For this, verbal, picture and game didactic material is used.
  • Syllabic structure. The child's ability to reproduce words with a complex sound-syllabic structure is determined. Defects in sound filling, elision, permutation, anticipation, iteration, contamination are revealed.
  • Coherent speech. It is investigated on the material of retelling a familiar text, compiling a story from pictures. At the same time, the completeness, logical sequence of presentation, the ability to convey the main idea and content are evaluated.

Level 3 OHP correction

For corrective work compensatory speech therapy groups are organized in preschool educational institutions, where children are enrolled for two years of study. Classes are held daily in an individual, subgroup or group format. The following tasks are solved as part of the correction of the OHP of the third level:

  • assimilation grammar rules language. The child is taught to competently build a simple common phrase based on the question of a speech therapist and a diagram, to use complex and complex sentences in speech. Attention is paid to the correct agreement of words in the gender-case-numerical forms.
  • Vocabulary enrichment. It is carried out in the process of studying various lexical topics. Dictionary expansion is achieved by mastering generalizing concepts, features, actions, parts and whole objects, synonyms and antonyms. Attention is paid to word formation with the help of suffixes and prefixes, the study of the meaning of prepositions that reflect the spatial arrangement of objects.
  • Improving Phrasal Speech. The development of speech involves the formation of the ability to answer questions in detail, compose stories from illustrations, retell texts, and describe events. At first, a question-answer technique is used, a story scheme, then the child independently plans his story.
  • Development of pronunciation skills. Includes clarification articulation patterns, sound production and automation of difficult phonemes. Much attention is paid to the auditory differentiation of mixed sounds. When working on phonemic perception the child is taught to distinguish between hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants.
  • Preparing for literacy. Propaedeutic work is carried out with the aim of subsequent successful development of reading and writing skills. For this child, they are taught sound and syllabic analysis(the ability to highlight given sounds and syllables, stressed vowels) and synthesis (invent words with the desired sound), transform direct and reverse syllables into each other. At this stage, the image of sound (phoneme) is trying to correlate with the image of the letter (grapheme).

Forecast and prevention

Children with the 3rd level of speech development study in ordinary general education schools, however, they may experience significant learning difficulties, and therefore they must continue to study at the school speech school. A properly organized speech mode, regular classes with a speech therapist and the exact implementation of all his recommendations will help the child achieve a clean and correct speech. The prevention of perinatal and early postnatal lesions of the central nervous system, a favorable speech environment and the family environment in which the child grows up help to prevent a lag in speech development. For the timely detection of speech defects, it is necessary to visit a speech therapist at the age of 2.5-3 years.