The speech therapist organizes work in the following areas. The main directions of speech therapy work at the second correctional stage with children of OHP level III of primary school age


The urgency of the problem.Speech for a person is the most important factor in his development and socialization. With the help of speech, we exchange information, interact with each other. But there are many people who suffer from speech disorders.

Often this problem occurs already from birth.

The share of births of healthy newborns has decreased from 43% to 37% over the past few years. Today, about 70% of newborns have a diagnosed perinatal lesion of the central nervous system (Volosovets T.V.), which is one of the fundamental factors in the occurrence of complex speech disorders.

The age from 1 to 3 years, which is commonly called "early age", is of particular importance in the life of children: it has great opportunities for forming the foundations of a future adult personality, especially its intellectual development. At this time, there is such an intensive development of the brain, which will not be in any of the subsequent periods of life. It is in this sensitive period that the foundations of intellect, thinking, and high mental activity are laid.

In this age interval, two (the first - 1-2 years of life and the second - 3 years) of three critical period in the development of speech function. Any, even seemingly insignificant, unfavorable factors operating in these periods can affect the development of the child's speech. Therefore, already at this “favorable” age, it is important to provide speech therapy assistance to eliminate speech disorders.

If you identify the likelihood of speech underdevelopment and begin speech therapy work in the sensitive period of the formation of a higher mental function, this will make it possible to use all the advantages of sensitivity and, therefore, prevent or mitigate speech impairment, and in some cases even eliminate them, thereby ensuring the full development of the child. Also, scientific experiments have shown that a well-organized early correction can prevent the appearance of secondary deviations in development, and for a significant part of children provide the opportunity to be included in the general educational stream at an earlier stage. age development.

Big role in search effective solutions The problems of early intervention were played by the rethinking at the modern level of the provisions of the outstanding Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky about the social development of infants and their relationships with adults, as well as about the use of sensitive periods to prevent socially conditioned retardation and secondary developmental deviations associated with it. Foreign Scientific research such scientists as R. Bolby, D. Vinnik, M. Einsworg (60-80s).

Modern publications on the problems of providing early assistance include articles based on the research of O.E. Gromova, E.M. Mastyukova, N.S. Zhukova, E.F. Arkhipova, N.M. Aksarina, V.A. Petrova, A. Arushanova. The authors listed above describe both diagnostic methods and directions of corrective and developmental influence.

Problemlies in the fact that didactic games for the development of speech of children of primary preschool age are presented in the literature in a fragmented, unsystematized manner, which complicates the speech therapy process in working with this category of children.

This problem led to the choice Topicsresearch : Features of speech therapy work with children 3-4 years old with speech disorders.

Object of study:The process of speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age with speech disorders.

Subject:Directions and content of speech therapy assistance to children of primary preschool age.

Target:Explore theoretical aspect problems of providing speech therapy assistance to children of primary preschool age.


1.Define the basic concepts of the study (early age, early speech therapy, speech disorders, ontogenesis, dysontogenesis).

2.To study the ontogeny of speech activity and to identify the features of the speech development of children of primary preschool age.

.To study the manifestations of speech dysontogenesis in early preschool age.

.Consider the main directions and content of speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age.

1. Basic concepts of research

dysontogenesis speech violation logopedic

This section is devoted to the consideration of the basic concepts of the work. This analysis is necessary in order to understand the many existing terms.

Speech is a historically established form of communication between people through language structures created on the basis of certain rules. This is how the authors of the pedagogical dictionary explain this concept to us. And the author of the conceptual and terminological dictionary of a speech therapist understands this term as a form of communication that has developed historically in the process of material transforming human activity, mediated by language. The authors of the psychological dictionary adhere to the same point of view.

The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation of thoughts by language (speech) means, and on the other hand, the perception of language structures and their understanding.

The development of children's speech begins from the very first days. Philosophers interpret the term "development" as an essential, necessary movement, change in time. The authors of the Dictionary of Pedagogy understand development as a change, which is a transition from simple to more and more complex, from lower to higher. We prefer the interpretation of this concept by the author of the speech therapist's conceptual and terminological dictionary: development is a directed, regular change in a phenomenon or process, leading to the emergence of a new quality.

In order to identify the features of speech therapy work with children 3-4 years old, we need to determine what process is called speech therapy work and find out what period of a person’s life the age of interest to us belongs to.

So, according to the authors of the medical encyclopedia, speech therapy assistance (Greek logos word, speech + paideia education, training) is a type of medical and pedagogical assistance provided to people suffering from speech disorders of a functional or organic origin. Speech therapy classes are classes conducted by a speech therapist with the aim of correcting the speech of speech pathologists.

Let's return to the question of age periodization. The pre-school age includes the stage of the mental and physiological development of the child, corresponding to the age from 1 to 3 years - is a period early childhood, and the age of 3-4 years is referred to as junior preschool.

Thus, speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age is a special work with 3-4-year-old children aimed at stimulating emotional and vocal reactions, speech activity, and the comprehensive development of a speech pathologist, taking into account his actual and potential capabilities.

What do we know about children of the age we are interested in? First of all, we know that 3 years - the age of crisis - the stage of ontogenesis, accompanied by a sharp and radical restructuring of the existing personality neoplasms in children and the transition to a new type of relationship with others. A characteristic feature of this age is negativism, stubbornness, disobedience, obstinacy. The manifestation of these reactions can, apparently, be regarded as the emergence of a need for recognition and respect.

In the fourth year, the child does not strive to be a dictator in the house, ceases to be a "tyrant". Outbursts of anger or displeasure (for example, when he lies down on the ground and refuses to move on) become increasingly rare.

The next important concept for research is speech disorders. A speech disorder is a deviation from the norm (disorder) caused by changes in the structure or operation of the speech system or a delay in the overall mental development of the child in the process of functioning of the mechanisms of speech activity.

Speech underdevelopment (lag) is understood as a qualitatively lower level of formation of a particular speech function or speech system as a whole.

And underdevelopment and violation - there are deviations from normal development - dysontogenesis (dys + ontogenesis) - a violation of the individual development of the organism.

All types of speech disorders can be divided into two large groups depending on what type of speech is impaired: oral or written.

To violations oral speech include dysphonia (absence or disorder of phonation due to pathological changes in the vocal apparatus), bradilalia (pathologically slow rate of speech), takhilalia (pathologically accelerated rate of speech), stuttering (violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech due to the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus), dysalia (violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus), rhinolalia (violation of the timbre of the voice and sound pronunciation due to anatomical and physiological defects of the speech apparatus), dysarthria (impairment of the pronunciation side of speech due to insufficient innervation of the speech apparatus), alalia (absence or underdevelopment of speech due to organic damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex in the prenatal or early period of child development) and aphasia (complete or partial loss of speech due to local brain lesions).

Writing disorders include dyslexia (partial specific impairment of the reading process) and dysgraphia (partial specific impairment of the writing process).

Thus, in speech therapy I single out 11 forms of speech disorders. Within each form, I distinguish types and subspecies. Therefore, in some cases, types of violations related to one form are not an option, but a separate violation.

The next important concept that needs to be considered in this paragraph is ontogenesis (Greek on, ontos being, being + genesis) - a set of successive morphological, physiological and biochemical transformations of an organism from its inception to the end of life. And, therefore, the ontogeny of speech activity is the laws of the formation of language in the individual mind.

The main principle of speech therapy work at preschool age is that speech exercises are selected taking into account the level of speech development. Based on the fact that the general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) I level according to R.E. Levin's thicket is most often observed at the age of 3-4 years, we describe the mental characteristics of children of these two age stages.

A child at 3 years old: stands on one leg for 2-3 seconds, stands on tiptoe, climbs the stairs himself with a side step, pushes the ball with his foot along the way, kicks the ball with his foot in a big way, tries to jump, but does not take his feet off the floor, pedals tricycle, rolls plasticine, making an uneven “sausage”, tries to cut paper with scissors. When walking and running, the baby puts his feet much closer to each other, shaves objects with one hand, he keeps his balance better, moves more smoothly and easily (unlike children of the 2nd year of life).

4-year-old children can change the rhythm of running, jumping. They demonstrate more than three-year-olds, strength, endurance and coordination of movements. Can draw simple shapes and figures with a pencil; draw with paints; made from building blocks, folds paper more than once. They can put on and take off simple clothes and simply serve themselves at the table.

The degree of memorization in a child depends on his interests. Children better remember what interests them and remember meaningfully, understanding what they remember. At the same time, children mainly rely on visually perceived connections between objects and phenomena, and not on abstract-logical relationships between concepts. In addition, in children in this age period, the latent (hidden) period (the period of time during which it is impossible to observe any object or phenomenon) is significantly lengthened, thanks to which the child can recognize an object already known to him from past experience. So, by the end of the 3rd year, the child can remember what he perceived a few months ago, and by the end of the 4th, what was about a year ago.

At this age, involuntary attention predominates - a mental process that occurs independently of a person's consciousness and consists in the subject's forced concentration at a given time on some real or ideal object. Younger preschoolers usually look at the pictures that attract their attention for only 6-8 seconds.

Imagination representations in this age period are formed in the child involuntarily, spontaneously of the situation in which he is. Reproductive imagination predominates - the process of mechanical reproduction of an earlier impression in the form of a mental image.

In the development of thinking, an essential feature is that the first generalizations of the child are associated with action. The child thinks in action. Another characteristic feature of children's thinking is its visibility, which is manifested in the concreteness of thinking. The child thinks based on single facts that are known to him and are available from personal experience or observations of other people. There is also a completely new property of thinking - self-awareness. True, it is still far from complete, but it still appears. In addition, there is an understanding of what food, animals, people, etc. are; learning new activities.

Thus, we have defined the main concept of our study - speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age - this is a special work with 3-4-year-old children aimed at stimulating emotional and vocal reactions, speech activity, the comprehensive development of a speech pathologist, taking into account his actual and potential capabilities. .

2. Features of speech ontogenesis of children of primary preschool age

Speech is not an innate ability, but develops in the process of ontogenesis in parallel with the physical and mental development of the child and serves as an indicator of his overall development. Assimilation of the native language by a child takes place with a strict regularity and is characterized by a number of features common to all children.

In order to clearly understand which speech indicators correspond to the age of interest to us (3-4 years), we need to find out the normative indicators of the development of children's speech, starting from infancy. Let's look at some periodizations.

Speech development during infancy proceeds in a relatively latent form. At this age, on the basis of the innate empathic ability, the development and improvement of non-verbal forms of communication through facial expressions, pantomime, and gestures is carried out. All this, taken together, prepares the transition to a qualitatively new level of development, associated with the active assimilation and use of first non-verbal (wordless) speech, and then its verbalization (expressed in the word).

All normally developing children have a certain sequence in the development of pre-speech reactions: 1.5 months - cooing (a - aaa, etc.), 2 - 3 months - cooing (g - y, w - i, boo - y, ey etc.), 4 months - flute (al - le - e - ly - agy - ay, etc.), 7 - 8.5 months - babble (the child pronounces the syllables ba - ba, yes - yes - Yes, others), 8.5 - 9.5 - modular babble (repeats syllables with various intonations).

So, at the end of the first year of life, children make attempts to repeat individual words after adults. Girls begin to speak a little earlier - at the 8th - 9th month, boys - at the 11th - 12th month of life.

A number of domestic linguists have studied the development of children's speech. N.A. Rybnikov and A.N. Gvozdev. Their research has established a certain sequence in the development of a child's language (Table 1).

Table 1

Age Features of the development of a leak at a given age 9.5 months - 1 year 6 months Words: ma-ma, pa-pa, ba-ba, uncle-dya, te-cha, am-am (there is), etc. Onomatopoeic words: av-av (dog), tick-tock (clock), mu-mu (cow), etc. All nouns are used in nominative case, in the singular. 1 year 6 months - 1 year 8 months Attempts to connect two words into a phrase ("mom, give!"). The imperative mood of the verbs “go, go!”, “give, give!” is assimilated. etc.), since it expresses the desire of the child and is important for him. 1 year 8 months - 1 year 10 months Plural forms appear (since the difference between one object and several is very clear). 1 year 10 months - 2 The dictionary comes up to 300 words. Nouns make up approximately 63%, verbs - 23%, other parts of speech - 14%. There are no unions. From 1 year 6 months to 2 years - the first period of questions: "What is this?" Those grammatical forms appear that help the child navigate in relation to objects and space (cases), in time (verbal tenses). Appears first accusative, then genitive, dative, instrumental and prepositional. However, complete mastery of case forms occurs much later. 3rd year Verbose phrases, subordinate clauses appear; by the end of the year - connecting unions and pronouns. 4 - 5 years Conditional form subordinate clauses. Long phrases. Monologues. The final phase in language development. The second period of questions: "Why?"

In the third year of life, the child speaks and understands speech much better than before. His vocabulary increases by 3-4 times. The kid speaks in short sentences, uses both simple and common sentences, but makes many grammatical errors.

At this age, a child asks an adult a lot of questions: “Why?”, “Where?”, “Why?”

The baby still does not know how to clearly pronounce sounds. It softens many consonant sounds, the child replaces some sounds with others or skips difficult sounds - all these are signs of physiological dyslalia - a sound pronunciation disorder observed in children under the age of 5 and due to insufficient development of the movements of the organs of articulation (tongue, lips, soft palate, lower jaw), as well as insufficient formation of phonemic hearing. Physiological dyslalia is otherwise called age-related violation of sound pronunciation.

The most typical age-related imperfections in sound pronunciation are: consonants are pronounced softly (“lamp” instead of “lamp”, “bowl” instead of “bear”, “teeth” instead of “teeth”); hissing phonemes will be replaced by whistling ones (“loska” instead of “spoon”, “syapka” instead of “hat”, “mesh” instead of “brush”); do not pronounce the sound “r” at all or replace it with the sounds “l, le, v, d” (“lyba” instead of “fish”, “leza” instead of “rose”, “kavman” instead of “pocket”, “yak” instead of “ crayfish"); the sound "l" is most often absent ("ampa", instead of "lamp"); softened or replaced by "y" ("hatch" instead of "bow", "yampa" instead of "lamp"); the sounds “k, g, x” are either absent or replaced by “t” and “d” “p” (“dusi” instead of “geese”, “longing” instead of “cat”, “tleb, pleb” instead of “bread”) .

Looking at books, the child names familiar pictures (mouse, dog, etc.). Children usually ask to read the book they like many times.

Listening to short poems read by parents, the baby can spontaneously repeat the last word or a syllable in a line of poetry. When playing with toys, the child often talks to himself, voices his actions and evaluates them.

The baby understands the two-step request that adults make to him. For example: "Go to the room and bring the ball"; "If you eat porridge, I'll give you candy." Now the baby not only understands the speech of an adult, but also remembers what they say to him.

At the age of 3 to 4, the child does not think about the morphology or syntax of the language. His very significant success in mastering the language is associated with a practical generalization linguistic facts. The main "source" of new words for him are adults. In his speech, the child begins to actively use the words heard from adults. For example, there are quite often cases when a child’s speech contains swearing and even obscene words that he accidentally heard and the meaning of which he does not understand at all. Thus, it turns out that most often the originality of the child's vocabulary is determined by the words most commonly used among his immediate environment, in his family.

However, the speech of the child is not a simple imitation. The child also shows creativity in the formation of new words. For example, wanting to say “a very small giraffe”, a child, just like adults, build neologisms (newly formed words or words known, but used in a new meaning) , speaks by analogy "giraffe".

At 4 years old, the development of a child's speech is closely related to the formation of his reasoning logical thinking. The child moves from simple sentences, in most cases not yet connected with each other, to complex sentences. In the phrases formed by the child, main, subordinate and introductory sentences begin to differentiate. Causal (“because”), target (“to”), investigative (“if”) and other connections in the sentences that make up the child’s speech are drawn up.

According to E.A. Arkin, the growth of the dictionary is characterized by the following quantitative features: 3 years 6 months. - 1110 words, 4 years - 1926 words. According to V. Stern, by 3 years - 1000-1100 words, by 4 years - 1600 words. According to A.N. Gvozdev, in the dictionary of a four-year-old child there are 50.2% of nouns, 27.4% of verbs, 11.8% of adjectives, 5.8% of adverbs, 1.9% of numerals, 1.2% of conjunctions, 0.9% of prepositions and 0 .9% of interjections and particles.

table 2

Vocabulary development Connected speech development Development of the grammatical structure of speech Morphology Word formation Syntax Distinguish and name parts of objects, their qualities (size, color, shape, material), some objects similar in purpose (shoes - boots), understand generalizing words: toys, clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture. answer questions from an adult when looking at objects, paintings, illustrations; repeat after an adult a story of 3-4 sentences, composed about a toy or according to the content of the picture; participate in the dramatization of passages from familiar fairy tales. They agree on words in gender, number, case, use nouns with prepositions: in, on, under, for. Use nouns in the form of units. and many others. hours denoting animals and their young; use the plural form. number of nouns in gender. case (ribbons, apples, hands). Use sentences with homogeneous nouns, learn to correctly coordinate words in a sentence.

Thus, the features of the speech development of children aged 3-4 years are: the heterochrony of the development of speech functions (patterns of ontogenesis, manifested in the mismatched rates of development of different mental processes relative to each other), the permissible imperfection of sound and grammatical design (physiological dyslalia; intracase mixing of endings of nouns of different declensions ; non-normative declension of non-declensible and heterogeneous nouns; occasional formation of generic pairs in nouns, comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs, aspect pairs of a verb; mixing of verb endings, imperative suffixes, participle suffixes; syntactic errors - incorrect use of prepositions, incorrect choice of case in a phrase), presence hypersensitive periods.

3. Features of dysontogenesis of speech and mental development of children of primary school age

We devoted this paragraph to the study of deviations in the speech and mental development of children of primary preschool age. We need this study in order to properly organize speech therapy care, taking into account all aspects of the diagnosis.

Deviations in the child's speech development have the most negative consequences: the child's mental development lags behind; the formation of higher levels of cognitive activity slows down; violations of the emotional-volitional sphere appear, which leads to the formation of special personal qualities (isolation, emotional instability, feelings of inferiority, indecision, etc.); there are difficulties in mastering writing and reading, which reduces the child's academic performance and often leads to repetition.

It is very important to know what is a specific feature for a given age, what is a deviation from proper development speech, and what relates to its disorders.

The delay in the rate of development suggests that the child lags behind his normally developing peer only in terms of the formation of mental processes and speech, that the delay is due to a slowdown in the rate of maturation of brain structures and their functions in the absence of qualitative changes in the central nervous system.

Developmental delay suggests that the child's formation of mental processes and speech is qualitatively deteriorating, as well as the fact that he lags behind his normally developing peer in terms of the formation of these processes.

According to the degree of severity, delayed development suggests a division into a slight delay, a significant (medium) delay, and a gross (severe) delay.

A slight delay in development is evidenced by the fact that the formation of age-related skills is delayed by no more than one or two epicrisis periods (one or two quarters, one half a year). At the same time, there is a tendency to gradually reduce the temporary deficit as it grows and corrects.

With a delay of moderate severity (a delay of two to four epicrisis periods, or two to four quarters, or two half a year), the temporary deficit in the formation of age-related skills does not tend to decrease, and sometimes increases as the emerging functions become more complex. Emerging skills are inferior or have qualitative features.

Severe developmental delay is characterized by a pronounced temporary deficit in the formation of age-related skills, exceeding five to six epicrisis periods (four quarters and two six months), and a steadily increasing lag as the child grows. Age functions either do not appear or are rudimentary and grossly altered.

We will analyze the reasons for the lag in speech development.

The first reason is the insufficient communication of the child with the adult, in which the adult would pay great attention to the development of the child's voice and the expression of his desires and actions not only through gestures, but also with the help of words.

It is very important for a child to communicate with an adult. Only when interacting with the mother, the child fully learns the world around him. The more emotional communication with the baby in the first months of his life, the more comfortable he feels, the more successfully he develops and grows. The baby makes more sounds and sound combinations when interacting with his mother than when he is alone. Children who grow up in the absence of a mother, for example, in Baby Houses, lag behind in vocal and speech development. The stages of cooing and babbling in them come much later than in babies living in families. Deprived infants later begin to smile and laugh, and often lag behind their domestic peers in terms of weight and height.

The second reason delays in the early speech development of a child can be caused by insufficient development and functioning of the motor (motor) sphere.

In their studies, scientists have shown that the child's exact performance of exercises for the legs, trunk, arms, head prepares the movements of the articulatory organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw. A close relationship between the formation of speech and the development of finger movements (fine motor skills) was revealed.

Third reason delayed or impaired speech development may be part of another, more general developmental disorder, such as a mild degree of mental retardation. A differential diagnosis in this case can only be made by a specialist.

The delay in the development of speech can be caused by a more or less severe hearing loss of the child - the fourth reason. A child who does not hear well and, therefore, poorly understands the speech of the people around him, almost always has some kind of impairment in sound and word pronunciation, and with difficulty learns to use his own speech. Therefore, with any form of speech development disorder in a child, parents need to contact an ENT doctor in order to exclude hearing impairment or to treat them in a timely manner.

The next reason for delayed speech development may be part of a general developmental delay, closely related to the characteristics of the biological maturation of the nervous system. A premature baby or a child weakened by a severe physical illness may look younger than his age, lag behind in height and weight. Sometimes the speech of such a child is developed in accordance with age (or even ahead of him), but sometimes he speaks less and worse than his peers. Subsequently, he will “ripen”, get stronger, and along with biological maturation, the delay in the development of speech will also go away.

Also, a slight delay in the development of speech can be observed in an absolutely healthy child, as a variant of the norm. It is known that girls, on average, begin to walk and talk 1-3 months earlier than boys. It is known that "late-speaking" children are often silent for a long time, and then suddenly begin to speak in 1-2 weeks and immediately in whole sentences. This phenomenon is more often observed in children with a high IQ. In addition, it is known that the hereditary factor also plays a significant role in the development of speech. That is, if one or, moreover, both parents spoke late, then the likelihood that their children will also speak relatively late increases significantly. But if a child does not speak simple sentences by the age of three, then the variant of the norm should be forgotten.

Mowgli's syndrome or pedagogical neglect is the seventh reason. The child grows up in such conditions that he simply cannot learn to speak.

The eighth reason is that the child is relatively healthy and socially well-off, but lives in such conditions when he does not seem to need speech. Such a situation is quite often created in child-centric families, where all the thoughts of family members are aimed at satisfying the interests of the child, or when the child is in excessively close contact with the mother, when the father is always at work, and the mother and child are always together within four walls and understand each other not right. that from a half-word, but from a half-look. Such a child is always understood by others, his needs are met, and he speaks little, sluggishly and reluctantly. Quite often, in the anamnesis of such children, a birth trauma, prenatal encephalopathy, hypertension syndrome, or something else of that kind is found. By themselves, these neurological disorders are not very pronounced in the child and would hardly have caused a delay in the development of speech, but in combination with environmental factors.

We also single out the main signs of the unfavorable development of the child's speech:

1.By the end of the 1st month, the baby sometimes does not cry before feeding;

2.By the end of the 4th month, he does not smile when spoken to, does not coo;

.By the end of the 5th month, he does not try, being in his mother's arms, to look for those objects and those people whom she names, he does not serve music;

.By the end of the 9th month, he has no babbling, and he cannot repeat various sound combinations and syllables after an adult, imitating the intonation of the speaker;

.By the end of the 10th month, the baby does not wave his head as a sign of denial or a pen as a sign of goodbye;

.By the age of one, he cannot utter a single word, cannot fulfill the simplest requests (“show”, “bring”), is not able to adequately respond to praise and comments about misbehavior;

.By the 1st year 4 months. he cannot adequately use the words “mom”, “dad”;

.K1 year 9 months. he cannot say 6 meaningful words;

.By the age of 2, the child cannot show the parts of the body that the adult calls him, does not fulfill complex requests: “go to the kitchen and bring a cup”; does not recognize relatives in photographs;

.By 2.5 years, does not understand the difference between the words "big" and "small";

.By the age of 3, he does not understand short poems, stories, fairy tales, does not try to retell them, cannot show which line is the longest, cannot answer the question, what is his first and last name;

.At 4 years old, does not know the name of flowers, does not count within 5, does not listen long tales, can not tell a single poem;

.The child does not willingly repeat after you the words and sentences that he hears;

.When the child hears the request “repeat” or “say it again”, he is silent, clenching his teeth and leaves, as if he does not hear you;

.Prefers to solve his problems on his own, without asking for help (“independent child”);

.Communicates equally with acquaintances and strangers;

.The child is indifferent, someone understands him. Speaks one to him understandable language. Does not respond to remarks about the quality of speech;

.Speech significantly lags behind the level of speech development of peers.

Children with deviations from speech ontogenesis, manifested in a delay of a certain number of epicrisis periods, are divided into the following groups:

· For one term: attention group;

· For two terms: risk group;

· For three or more terms: a group of pronounced risk.

Children who pronounce their first words about one year old, and then their speech development is extremely slow, and the number of spoken words in the second year of life remains practically unchanged, after 18 months they are included in the attention group.

If from 1 year 8 months to 2 years the expressive reserve in children with RDD (attention group) does not increase, phrasal speech does not appear, then after 24 months these children are already considered as a risk group.

Children, in whose active vocabulary there is an insignificant number of words compared to their normally developing peers, after 30 months are included in the group of pronounced risk according to the type of general underdevelopment of speech.

At an early age, various developmental disorders in their external manifestations are not yet differentiated, often have similar manifestations. But a violation of the development of speech to one degree or another accompanies any defect. The organization of observation of the child and remedial classes will help to differentiate speech impairment from other disorders (mental retardation, oligophrenia, hearing impairment, autism), to make a more accurate diagnosis.

Important diagnostic indicators of the ill-being of speech development at the age of 3-4 years are: the absence of phrases of 3 or more words in the child's speech; passivity and lack of initiative in the dialogue; monotonousness or uniformity of answers to questions; the predominance of “frozen” grammatical forms in independent utterances and a high proportion of echolalic utterances; pronounced difficulties in pronouncing polysyllabic words and words with consonant clusters. Separately, persistent hesitations are noted when pronouncing detailed phrases or individual words, multiple repetitions and extended pronunciation of syllables and sounds, accompanied by muscle tension; a large number of onomatopoeic words in a child older than 18 months, with an almost complete absence of attempts on his part to imitate "adult" words; an abundance of numerous undifferentiated gestures that are not communicative, but aggressive; obsessive demands of an inaccessible object with the help of inarticulate lowing).

Thus, we studied the causes that affect the normal speech and mental development of the child (insufficient communication between the child and adults, insufficient development and functioning of the motor (motor) sphere, hearing loss in the child, general developmental delay, pedagogical neglect), leading to abnormal development, and also symptoms of dysontogenetic development (lack of phrases of 3 or more words in the child’s speech; the predominance of “frozen” grammatical forms in independent statements and a high proportion of echolalic statements; persistent hesitations when pronouncing extended phrases or individual words; an abundance of numerous undifferentiated gestures that do not wear communicative and aggressive orientation).

4. Principles, methods and content of speech therapy work with children 3-4 years old

Speech in all its species diversity is a necessary component of communication, in the course of which it, in fact, is formed. The development of speech is closely connected with the formation of thinking and imagination, less closely with the development of other mental and physiological functions. The child's mastery of speech to a certain extent regulates his behavior, helps to plan adequate participation in various forms of collective activity.

Correctional and developmental work with young children - relatively new experience in national speech therapy . The in-depth development of the main content and methods of early influence at the first stages of the formation of verbal communication in children is today becoming one of the strategic directions for the development of children's speech therapy.

Psychological features young child significantly affect the style and methods of correctional work. The main motivation for mastering new units and rules is the communicative need. Therefore, only with a high level of communicative motivation, the child is included in corrective games-classes.

Working on the development of the speech of young children, we influence the emerging speech function in its sensitive period. It is well known that it is precisely the early stages of children's assimilation of their native language that have significant individual differences, which manifest themselves in different rates of accumulation of the first children's words by children, in the time of the appearance of the first phrases and the transition to detailed independent speech. The formation of the initial stages of speech development depends on the gender of children (as a rule, girls begin to speak a little earlier than boys), the characteristics of the social environment, the conditions of medical care and pedagogical support for young children.

Working with young children requires a special approach. Classes with children of early and younger preschool age differ from classes with older preschoolers not only in the volume and content of the material, but also in the specific methods of conducting classes.

So, in working with young children, the following points should be considered.

A child learns the world with the help of an adult by imitation. Toddlers explore with interest the sensory properties of surrounding objects: open and close, throw, touch, sniff, taste. But only with the help of an adult, the child learns the functional purpose of our household items - that they eat soup with a spoon, and dig sand with a spatula, read a book, and draw with a pencil.

An adult introduces the baby to new games when he teaches him to lull a doll, build from blocks, roll a car by a string, etc. Watching an adult and repeating his movements, actions, words, the child learns new skills, learns to speak, serve himself, becomes more independent.

In the joint activity of a child and an adult, it is necessary to combine elements of play and learning.

Young children are active, mobile and inquisitive. Children's spontaneity underlies the knowledge of the world around us and communication with people. The kids have not yet formed the concept of what is good and what is bad, how you can behave, and how others should not. Teaching kids is possible only when the positive emotions of the child are affected. Such an emotional upsurge can only be achieved in the game. A conscious attitude to learning will appear, but for now, if the baby is not interested, he will simply turn away or leave.

For a new skill to become fixed, repetition is necessary. Toddlers love to repeat the same action (or movement, word) over and over again. This is a learning mechanism: a skill needs a lot of repetitions to become established, and the more difficult the skill, the more time and number of repetitions it will take.

It is necessary to control the level of complexity of the proposed material. The level of complexity of the material for classes with young children should be adequate to the age. It should also be remembered that if a child faces an impossible task for him, he will certainly find himself in a situation of failure. The kid will try to complete the task, but he will not succeed, and he will quickly lose interest. In this case, both the child and the adult will be disappointed, and the next time the child may give up trying to complete a difficult task.

It is necessary to control the duration of the lesson. It should be borne in mind that the attention of young children is involuntary and short-lived. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the lesson in advance in such a way as to avoid overworking the child and losing interest in the lesson. Each game lasts from 5-10 to 15-20 minutes. At the same time, the specific situation and behavior of the children in the lesson should be taken into account: you can quickly turn off the game if it is clear that the children are tired, or continue and expand it if the kids have the mood and strength to continue.

A clear lesson structure is needed. In order for the information to be better absorbed by the kids, a clear structure of the lesson is necessary: ​​each lesson, every game within the lesson has a beginning, continuation and end. At the same time, the beginning and end of the game are very short in time. The continuation of the game includes the main content of the proposed material. When varying the duration of the game, this particular part of the game is manipulated. Both in the case of a short and in the case of a long version of the game, one should not forget about the introductory and final remarks that mark the beginning and end of each game.

A change in activities is required. Changing activities, when the lesson consists of several different games, allows you to keep the attention of the kids longer, increase the duration and effectiveness of the lesson. It is important that outdoor games are combined with calm activities.

Transfer of knowledge. Special care must be taken to ensure that the knowledge and skills that children have acquired during classes are actively used by them both in other classes and in Everyday life. To do this, you need to keep your loved ones informed about the new achievements of the child. Since babies are sometimes lazy, sometimes shy, and sometimes simply forget what they have learned, and in a familiar situation they act in the usual way, it is necessary to encourage, encourage, and sometimes demand that the child act in a new way. Only in this case, a useful skill will be fixed faster.

Toddlers need a positive assessment of their activities. During the training period, emotional support from an adult, a positive assessment of achievements are necessary for kids. Therefore, it is important to celebrate any, even the most modest, achievements and successes. In case of failure, do not focus on it.

Speech therapy classes with young children also have a number of features.

The presence of emotional contact between the teacher and the child. Much will depend on how interesting the games are organized, how emotionally involved the child is. It is necessary to take the position of a child, learn to play, be emotional, direct and friendly in communicating with the baby. In addition, it is important to encourage any manifestation of activity by the child, to praise, to encourage new attempts to speak. This will help to avoid psychological problems associated with speech disorders - unwillingness to speak, fear of speech.

The need for a preparatory stage. Before starting work on the development of speech itself, it is necessary to prepare the child. First of all - games for the development of imitation. It is in such games that the child learns to receive important information from another person. Work is also underway to develop the baby's auditory perception and breathing, attention and memory, without the proper level of development of which the formation of speech will also be inhibited.

Features of speech accompaniment of the lesson. The lack of active speech in children does not allow building lessons based on verbal communication. An adult takes on an active role: he leads the child, explains and shows, asks questions and answers them himself, offers the child several answers to choose from. At the same time, repeated repetition of verbal material is necessary in order to make it easier for children to assimilate and memorize it.

A number of requirements are also imposed on the speech of an adult: you need to speak in simple words and phrases; speech must be clear, without violations, an adult gives only samples correct speech(it is unacceptable to repeat substitute words after the child); articulation should be clear, children should see the movements of the lips of an adult.

Organization of special games. A child of 3-4 years old can be engaged productively only when he is really interested. In addition, the activation of children's speech requires visualization and should be closely related to the practical situation. All this can be achieved in the game. In addition to an interesting game plot based on the practical experience of the child, speech therapy games use special methods of work: pauses in the teacher’s speech, the use of gestures, the child’s verbalization of words and phrases, and others.

1.Development of expressive speech:

· work on sounds and onomatopoeia; words with evoked sound;

· phonetic rhythm; work on the pronunciation of sounds and fusion in different rhythms and with different strengths, accompanying the pronunciation of syllables with different movements;

· form an elementary phrase of 2-3 syllables containing the called sound;

· form accessible grammatical categories on the material of new words;

· work on the negotiation of words in poems, nursery rhymes, stories.

2.Development of expressive speech. An adult, using situational moments, names the objects that the child takes, names the actions that the child or adult performs with this object. The teacher speaks in short sentences consisting of two to four words, repeating them two to three times. It is useful to use the same words in different grammatical forms. All words are pronounced with natural intonation, without chanting, but with a somewhat deliberate emphasis on the stressed syllable.

3.Development of general motor skills. The higher the motor activity of the child, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motility has been studied and confirmed by the research of leading scientists. Correction of speech disorders (as well as the speech development of a normally developing child) begins with the formation of motor skills, basic and general developmental movements. Until the age of three, a child must learn to walk, run, jump, crawl, act with various objects, use hands, fingers, perform movements in accordance with the accompanying text, control muscle tension, organize movements in accordance with the rhythm of the sounds of toys, claps, onomatopoeia accompanying movements. In the process of movement, the child naturally, without stress, assimilates a colossal amount of information about the world around him. Thus, a purposeful, systematic course of motor exercises, games, tasks in combination with the text accompanying these movements (preferably poetic) is a powerful, and most importantly, natural means of educating correct speech during its normal development and in cases of pathological formation of speech functions.

.Development fine motor skills. The movement of the fingers and hands is of particular developmental importance. Fingers are endowed with a large number of receptors that send impulses to the central nervous system. There are many acupuncture points on the hands, massaging which can affect the internal organs that are reflexively associated with them. In saturation with acupuncture zones, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot.

5.Development of auditory perception:

· education of non-speech hearing, attention to the sounds of the surrounding world;

· games with sounding toys;

· education of speech hearing, perception of speech of surrounding people;

· the formation of phonemic perception.

The education of speech hearing is the main condition for understanding speech and prepares the child for expressive speech, and when it appears, it provides a perspective for the formation of speech components: vocabulary, grammar, prosodic components.

.Formation of elementary mathematical representations - the formation of basic sensory standards and their designation with a word.

.Formation of skills of articulatory motility. One of the indicators of the successful speech development of a child is the formed skills of correct sound pronunciation. To do this, the baby needs to learn how to control the organs of the articulatory apparatus, be able to "hear" himself and others.

.Development of visual perception. Vision is the main channel of information about the surrounding world. Visual impressions involve the processing of information in the cerebral cortex. The child must highlight the properties of objects perceived through vision: color, shape, quantity; understand the plot of the picture (if the picture is plot), highlight the objects of perception, establish a connection between them.

.Formation of elementary graphic skills. This activity is a great way to develop your baby. The child, leaving a trace of a felt-tip pen or a pencil on paper, begins to feel like a person, feels: “Here is my mark in the world around us.” In addition, this is an effective way to develop fine finger movements, their muscle strength. It is also a means of expanding the child's passive and active vocabulary, a way of mastering a part of speech that is especially difficult for him - the adjective.

.Formation of prosodic components of speech. Prosody is a general name for super-segmental properties of speech, such as raising and lowering the tone, accelerating and slowing down the tempo, rhythmic characteristics, placement of logical stresses, soft attack of the voice, strength, sound duration, smooth speech exhalation, clarity of diction, intonation, timbre coloring. Without all these qualities, our speech would turn into the speech of a robot. Young children with normal speech development already at 6-7 months perfectly understand the intonation of adults and react to it accordingly.

In addition to the standard methods of speech therapy influence, a fairy tale is used in working with children of primary preschool age. Considering the limited speech abilities of children of primary preschool age, the speech therapist first tells familiar tales himself, asking the child to accompany his story only with onomatopoeia. Gradually, the tasks and requirements for the child become more complicated: he begins to reproduce all the speech units available to him.

The use of fairy tales helps the development of children's speech activity.

Thus, the directions of speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age include the development of expressive speech, the development of impressive speech, the development of general and fine motor skills, and the sensorimotor base of speech.


Having studied the theoretical aspect of the problem of providing speech therapy assistance to children of primary preschool age, we solved the tasks set for the study.

We have considered the basic concepts of work. Speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age is a special work with 3-4-year-old children aimed at stimulating emotional and vocal reactions, speech activity, the comprehensive development of a speech pathologist, taking into account his current and potential capabilities. Ontogeny of speech activity - patterns of language development in individual consciousness. Dysontogenesis is a violation of the individual development of the body.

We have studied the ontogeny of speech activity and identified the features of the speech development of children of primary preschool age. These include the heterochrony of the development of speech functions, the permissible imperfection of sound and grammatical design, the presence of hypersensitive periods.

We also studied the manifestations of speech dysontogenesis in early preschool age. Important diagnostic indicators of the ill-being of speech development in this period are the absence in the child's speech of phrases of 3 or more words; the predominance of “frozen” grammatical forms in independent utterances and a high proportion of echolalic utterances; persistent hesitations when pronouncing extended phrases or individual words; an abundance of numerous undifferentiated gestures that are not communicative, but aggressive.

Directions of speech therapy work with children of primary preschool age include the development of expressive speech, the development of impressive speech, the development of general and fine motor skills, the sensorimotor base of speech.

The age characteristics of the organization of speech therapy classes with children were determined: the presence of emotional contact between the speech therapist and the child, the specific features of the speech accompaniment of the lesson.

Thus, the tasks set at the beginning of the study have been fully resolved, the goal has been achieved.


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Nomination " Methodical piggy bank of the teacherelementary school"

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities) requires the organization of educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child. In this context, it is required new estimate the role of a school speech therapist in accompanying students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and bringing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

In the modern educational system, the issue of creating optimal conditions for the successful correction of developmental disorders, training, education, and psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities is especially relevant. The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the Education of Students with Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disabilities), approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1599 on December 19, 2014, requires that each child be provided with the maximum level of physical, mental and moral development; organize educational work aimed at correcting, compensating and preventing secondary deviations in development and learning, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child.

In our special (correctional) school, children with various degrees of mental retardation study. Many of them have visual, hearing, musculoskeletal disorders and other severe and multiple developmental disorders. The number of children with autism spectrum disorders entering the institution is increasing every year.

Thus, as a result of a combination of primary and secondary defects during abnormal development, a complex picture of disorders is formed, which, on the one hand, is individual for each child, and on the other hand, has many similar characteristics within the developmental disorders listed above, which determine the need to create special educational conditions corresponding to the psychophysical characteristics of children.

In this context, a new assessment of the role of a school speech therapist is also required, accompanied by students with intellectual disabilities when they are included in educational activities and introducing something new into the content of corrective speech therapy work.

The purpose of the activities of a speech therapist teacher in a correctional school is the creation of conditions conducive to the identification and overcoming of violations of speech development, as well as the further development of oral and written speech, the improvement of communication of students, the successful assimilation of adapted basic educational programs for the education of students with intellectual disabilities.

All speech therapy work to accompany students with intellectual disabilities is organized in accordance with curriculum and the program of correctional work of the institution and is carried out in the following areas:

  • diagnostic work;
  • correctional and developmental work;
  • advisory work;
  • information and educational work.

Diagnostic direction The work of a speech therapist teacher includes an in-depth study of a child admitted to an institution: the study of documentation, the identification of individual characteristics of speech development and the causes of problems in development. The survey is conducted in the first two weeks of September (from 1 to 15 September) and the last two weeks of the academic year (from 15 to 31 May). The speech therapist teacher presents the results of a speech therapy examination at the school medical-psychological-pedagogical council, which considers the issue of enrolling the student in classes.

Taking into account the individual characteristics and variety of students' speech disorders, diagnostic material was selected to assess the level of formation of speech development of both speaking and speechless children. For this, elements of diagnostic methods of the following authors T.A. Fotekova, T.V. Akhutina, O.B. Inshakova, E.V. Kirillova. Based on the results of the examination, groups of students with a similar defect structure are completed, or individual speech therapy classes are assigned. In the period from May 15 to May 31, the speech development of students is monitored. Based on the monitoring data, the PMPK makes a decision on the need to continue remedial classes or stop them.

The peculiarities of diagnosing children with intellectual disabilities is the observance of the basic principles: an integrated approach, a systematic structural and dynamic study of mental development, a qualitative analysis of the structure of the defect and a holistic analysis of the mental state of the child's development. The process of diagnosing is organized in such a way that each child can respond at the level and with the means that are available to him. Very important in the examination of speech, especially children with ASD, is the moment of visualization of the tasks presented.

Correction and development direction involves the implementation of correctional and developmental programs, compiled taking into account the age, characteristics of the development of students, the structure of the defect. This direction is implemented through the choice of correctional programs, methods and techniques; organization and conduct of specially organized group and individual classes for the correction of speech disorders, determined for each student on the basis of the recommendations of the territorial psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (TPMPK) and the individual program for the rehabilitation or habilitation of a disabled person (IPRA).

The quantitative ratio of individual and group lessons is determined by the educational organization in accordance with the curriculum, based on the psychophysical characteristics of students. The institution has developed working programs for correcting the speech of students with mild, moderate and severe systemic underdevelopment.

The program for the correction of systemic underdevelopment of mild severity is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • correction of sound pronunciation (staging, automation and differentiation of speech sounds);
  • correction of the lexical side of speech;
  • correction of the grammatical structure of speech (syntactic structure of speech statements, inflection and word formation);
  • correction of dialogical and formation of monologue forms of speech;
  • development of the communicative function of speech;
  • correction of reading and writing disorders;
  • expansion of ideas about the surrounding reality;
  • development of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention).

The work program for the correction of speech of students with systemic speech underdevelopment of moderate and severe degree aims to develop speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around it, which contributes to the successful socialization of a speech pathologist child. This course is presented for elementary school students with moderate or severe mental retardation with severe and multiple developmental disabilities who do not have sound pronunciation or only separate sound complexes are noted. The passive vocabulary is limited to the names of some household items. Understanding speech within the limits of everyday household instructions. Knowledge of the environment is primitive and limited. Facial expressions and gestures are used inactively. Students are characterized by lack of motivation to communicate, inability to navigate the situation, inflexibility in contacts, increased emotional exhaustion. They are not prepared for schooling making contact with them difficult.

This work program is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • development of understanding of inverted speech and the meaning of available non-verbal graphic signs;
  • mastering the ability to make contact, maintain and complete it, using traditional verbal and alternative means of communication, observing the generally accepted rules of communication;
  • development of the ability to use available means of communication in the practice of expressive and impressive speech to solve age-appropriate everyday tasks;
  • development of prerequisites for meaningful reading and writing.

One of the fundamental requirements of the programs used by a speech therapist is the observance of which contributes to the optimization of corrective education, the communicative orientation of the entire complex of correctional and educational influence, the development of speech as a means of communication in the context of understanding the world around and the child's personal experience.

Considering that modern information technologies are becoming an effective means of correctional and developmental work and are increasingly used in special education, in speech therapy classes, a speech therapist teacher uses a computer software and methodological kit "Mersibo Plus", "Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in primary school", author's games-simulators, which allows you to conduct classes in an interesting, rich, effective way.

Corrective exercises using information technologies allow to defuse the high emotional tension of schoolchildren and revive studying proccess. The computer is also a powerful stimulus for the creativity of children, including the most infantile or disinhibited.

The practical orientation, the playful and creative nature of training, interactivity, various forms of communication, dialogues, the use of knowledge and experience of students, the involvement of all senses in the process, the activity approach, implemented in the process of using active teaching methods in speech therapy classes, increase the effectiveness of speech therapy correction.

A feature of working with students with autism spectrum disorders is the replacement of verbal abstract images with visual ones, which greatly facilitates the learning of an autistic child. Building a visual range is the main condition for the success of classes with this category. For this purpose, pictograms and visual supports are used in speech therapy classes. The use of elements of the operant approach in the correction of speech disorders contributes to the development of independence in students with autism spectrum disorders.

The full course of speech therapy classes for correctional and developmental education of students continues from September 16 to May 15. The duration of individual and subgroup classes is 15-25 minutes. Correction-developing classes of a speech therapist are attended by students in grades 1-7.

Advisory work, conducted by a speech therapist teacher, ensures the continuity of special support for children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) and their families on the implementation of differentiated psychological and pedagogical conditions for training, education, correction and development of speech and socialization of students.

During the entire period of accompanying the child, the speech therapist constantly maintains contact with the parents, periodically informing them about the dynamics of eliminating speech defects, educates them on speech correction, and works in constant cooperation with the administration of the educational institution.

The speech therapist takes an active part in the work of the school psychological-medical-pedagogical council (PMPC). Revealing children with peculiarities of speech development, he gives the necessary recommendations for the further successful development of the child or directs, if necessary, to a specialist doctor (psychoneurologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, etc.). PMPK is one of the forms of interaction between specialists.

In the course of the analysis, problem areas were identified: not all parents make contact with a speech therapist, do not sufficiently realize the importance of timely medical care for a child, sometimes ignoring the recommendations of specialists. Many parents do not have a sufficient level of pedagogical knowledge and therefore cannot always provide their child with the necessary assistance.

Outreach work involves the implementation of explanatory activities in relation to teachers and parents on issues related to the peculiarities of the implementation of the process of teaching and educating students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), interaction with teachers and peers, their parents (legal representatives), etc.

Information and educational work includes: holding thematic presentations for teachers and parents to explain the individual typological characteristics of various categories of children, designing information stands, advising teachers during teacher councils, seminars, round tables, individual consultations, etc. The publication of methodological and advisory materials in the media, print media, the website of the institution also contributes to an increase in the level of pedagogical activity of all participants in educational relations.

Thus, realizing his professional activity in accordance with the goal, the speech therapist becomes an important link in the activities of support specialists aimed at creating an integral system that provides optimal conditions for students, pupils with intellectual disabilities.


The article reveals the system of work of a speech therapist teacher and discusses the areas of work:

A system of work aimed at maximum correction of shortcomings in the development of students with developmental disabilities;

Consultative and educational work of a speech therapist;

Organizational and methodological work of a speech therapist teacher;

Propaedeutic work of a speech therapist;

  • Diagnostic methods that ensure the effective examination of students, determining the structure and severity of their developmental disorders;
  • A system for diagnosing individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students in order to create conditions for ensuring their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence (using ICT);
  • Dynamics of preserving and strengthening the health of students;
  • System of work with parents (legal representatives).

The system of work of a teacher-speech therapist aimed at the maximum correction of shortcomings in the development of students with developmental disabilities

The professional activity of a teacher-speech therapist of a preschool educational institution is aimed at providing timely correctional and pedagogical assistance to children with speech disorders.

One of the main tasks of a speech therapist teacher is to master children with independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms the psychological readiness for school and ensures continuity with the next stage of the general education system.

The system of correctional and developmental work is aimed at providing a system of means and conditions for eliminating speech deficiencies in children of older preschool age and for the implementation of timely and full personal development, ensuring emotional well-being through the integration of the content of education and the organization of interaction between the subjects of the educational process.

Prevention of possible difficulties in the assimilation of the mass school program, due to the underdevelopment of the speech and phonetic-phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. Formation of a full-fledged phonetic system of the language, development of phonemic perception and the skill of initial sound analysis and synthesis, automation of hearing skills in various situations, development of coherent speech.

Correctional work at the preschool level of education includes interrelated areas:

  1. Correctional and developmental work provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of education and correction of shortcomings of children with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, contributes to the formation of communicative, regulatory, personal, cognitive skills;
  2. Consultative and educational work ensures the continuity of special support for children with disabilities and their families on issues of implementation, differentiated conditions for education, upbringing, correction, development and socialization of pupils;
  3. Organizational and methodological work is aimed at maintaining and formalizing documentation, at improving pedagogical skills;
  4. Propaedeutic work ensures the prevention of the occurrence of deviations in the development of the child.

The effectiveness of correctional and developmental work is determined by the clear organization of children during their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day, coordination and continuity in the work of all subjects corrective process: speech therapist, parent and educator.

Monitoring the speech development of children-logopaths involves a primary, intermediate, final examination.

A comprehensive speech therapy examination is built taking into account the age, individual characteristics of children, the structure of speech disorders, the stage of corrective work with each child, as well as his personal educational achievements.

Speech therapy examination distinguishes 3 stages:

Stage I - indicative- includes the collection of anamnestic data by studying medical and pedagogical documentation, interviewing parents and teachers, identifying the individual characteristics of the child, by talking with him and observing his playing and learning activities.

Based on the data obtained, the speech defect, its possible causes and concomitant diagnoses are preliminarily determined, and the necessary methods for further examination are specified.

Stage II - diagnostic- the actual examination of the leading components of the language system and non-speech mental processes, the result of which substantiates the speech therapy conclusion.

Stage III - analytical– interpretation of the received data and filling in speech cards.

Survey data are recorded in speech cards and a speech profile. They are used to design individual plans for correctional and developmental work (individual routes), adjust educational tasks taking into account the achievements of children in mastering the program.

The main content of the activity of a speech therapist within the PMPK:

  • Carrying out diagnostics of children in order to identify speech disorders and determine the level of speech development;
  • Determination of areas of work for the correction of speech disorders;
  • Discussion with other PMPK specialists, teachers of the educational institution of the results of the examination of children, in order to determine their educational route.
  • Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the prevention of speech disorders in children.

In the system of a comprehensive examination of children in the work of the PMPK, one of the central places is the assessment of the speech development of the child. Speech is almost always an indicator of one or another deviation in big picture mental state of the child.

The effectiveness of a speech therapy examination largely depends on how correctly and competently the diagnosis of speech development was carried out.

In my practice, I use the "Album for a speech therapist" by O.B. Inshakova, "Album on the Development of Speech" by V.S. Volodina.

Speech therapy work with children is carried out in individual, subgroup and group classes.

When completing groups for classes, not only the structure of the speech disorder is taken into account, but also the psycho-emotional and communicative status of the child, the level of his working capacity.

Classes are organized taking into account the psychohygienic requirements for the regimen of speech therapy classes, their structure, and the ways in which the child interacts with the teacher and peers. Implementation of health saving for the protection of life and health of pupils in the educational process is ensured.

The main goal of individual lessons is the selection of a set of articulation exercises aimed at eliminating specific disorders of the sound side of speech in dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria; at the same time, it is necessary to establish emotional contact with the child, draw his attention to monitoring the quality of the sounding speech of the speech therapist and the child, and choose an individual approach, taking into account personal characteristics.

The main goal of subgroup classes is to develop teamwork skills, the ability to listen and hear a speech therapist, to perform exercises at a given pace to develop voice power, change modulation (in chorus, selectively); adequately assess the quality of children's speech production.

The composition of the subgroups is an open system, it changes at the discretion of the speech therapist, depending on the dynamics of achievements in pronunciation correction.

Frontal phonetic lessons provide for the assimilation (automation) of the pronunciation of previously set sounds in any phonetic positions and their active use in various forms of independent speech. At the same time, further expansion of speech practice is ensured in the process of familiarization with the outside world.

Consultative and educational work of a speech therapist

Organization of a system of interaction with parents

Experience shows that the conscious inclusion of parents in a joint correctional process with a speech therapist can significantly increase its effectiveness.

From the moment of detection of violations in the development of the child's speech, parents must be informed of the results of a speech therapy examination and discuss them together, without deviating from the norms of professional ethics.

Parents should be informed about the goals of the individual program for the correction of the child's speech, about the immediate and long-term results, the volume and expected timing of the correctional work. This contributes to the formation of an adequate assessment of the real possibilities and prospects of the child's psychophysical development.

Already at the initial stage of joint activities with parents, it is necessary to assess the degree of their readiness to cooperate with a speech therapist and specialists in various fields, predict the possible degree of their involvement in the correctional and pedagogical process and determine the amount of assistance that parents are capable of, taking into account various factors (professional employment, financial situation, level of education, living conditions).

The effectiveness of working with parents is determined not so much by the skillful selection of its content and forms, but by the psychological mood that arises in them in the process of constant contacts with a speech therapist.

A differentiated approach to parents, tact, attention and empathy contribute to the establishment of partnerships, mutual trust and understanding.

Forms of work with parents are discussed in more detail in the paragraph: Existence of a system of work with parents (legal representatives).

Organization of a system of interaction with teachers of preschool educational institutions

The development of children's speech is a common task of the entire teaching staff. Achieving a positive result of correctional work to overcome speech disorders in preschoolers involves the implementation of an integrated approach in the activities of the entire teaching staff and families of pupils.

In interaction with teachers of the preschool educational institution, the speech therapist acts as a consultant and assistant. It helps teachers to choose adequate methods and techniques of work, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each child with speech disorders and the stage of correctional work.

Organizational and methodological work of a speech therapist teacher

The maintenance and execution of documentation by a speech therapist teacher is an obligatory and integral part of the educational process.

1. Current documentation

List of equipment for a speech therapy room
- Cyclogram of the work of a speech therapist
- Cyclogram of individual work with children
- Annual work plan of a speech therapist
- List of correctional group by semesters
- Employment sheet
- Plan of correctional speech work
- Voice correction profile
- Journal of visits by children of individual work
- Journal of consultations with parents
- Journal of the movement of children
- Journal of interaction between educator and teacher-speech therapist
- Report on the corrective work done
- Long-term planning of individual and subgroup work
in the correction of phonetic and phonemic speech disorders
- Speech examination card (FN, FFNR, ONR)
- Plan of individual corrective work
- Application for admission for remedial work
- Statement of refusal to corrective work
- Abstracts of individual and frontal GCD

2. Advisory work

Working with parents
- Working with teachers
- connected speech

3. Documentation of the planning block of correctional speech work

Tasks of correctional speech work ( individual plan work)
- List of children
- Correctional and speech therapy work with children with ONR
- Approximate planning of the work of a speech therapist in the senior group
- Distribution of subgroup and individual work with children
- Plan of corrective work on frontal exercises on lexical topics
- Calendar plan frontal-group speech therapy classes
- Analysis and introspection of modern speech therapy classes

4. Documentation of the consultative and methodological block of the work of a speech therapist

Planned consultations for the teaching staff
- Ongoing consultations for the teaching staff
- Mutual visits and analysis of the classes of specialists of preschool educational institutions
- Planned consultations for parents
- Work plan of a speech therapist with parents
- Recommended parent meeting topics
- Questionnaires for parents

Propaedeutic work of a speech therapist

Recently, the number of children with developmental dysontogenesis, including speech pathology, has increased. For teachers of the institution, it has become relevant to organize speech therapy work in such a way as to reduce the number of children of senior preschool age with severe speech disorders.

We set ourselves the goal of developing a system of propaedeutic work, which is based on the integration of preschool educational institutions and interaction with the family.

We carry out the implementation of propaedeutic work in two directions: diagnostic and directly propaedeutic.

We carry out early speech diagnostics through professionally organized work to identify children at risk, immediately from the moment the child enters preschool.

The specificity of diagnosing children of early preschool age lies in the need to distinguish the following disorders: tempo delay in speech development (SRR) from cases of early manifestation of a systemic disorder of all aspects of speech (OHP); speech negativism, caused either by the examination situation, or by the period of adaptation or by another reason, from pathological disorders (alalia, autism, mental retardation); pathological pronunciation disorders from physiological difficulties associated with age-related features of the formation of the sound system in ontogenesis.

As diagnostic methods, we use: observation of a child in free and organized activities in a group, which allows us to identify the level of development of communication skills; a visual method that allows you to simultaneously explore coherent speech and grammatical structure; diagnostic conversation based on visual material, with the help of which we check the vocabulary, its qualitative and quantitative components.

Together with a teacher-psychologist, we developed individual educational routes individually for each child with deviations from the norm in speech development, in accordance with the epicrisis of age development.

These routes reflect the work of specialists in interaction with children. The structure of conducting an individual route makes it possible to record the results of the examination in such a way as to trace the dynamics of the development of the child's speech and, in case of a severe violation, recommend an additional examination at the territorial PMPK in order to determine (select) an educational route.

The tasks that are being implemented in the propaedeutic direction are:

  1. Updating the knowledge of teachers about age features speech of children and ways of its development.
  2. Teaching teachers some methods and techniques of speech therapy.
  3. Mastering the system of propaedeutic work in a single educational space.

The speech therapist teacher also contributes to the effective interaction of all participants in the educational process, coordinates their actions, creates didactic material for the work of the educator with children, and organizes the consulting activities of teachers and parents.

Teachers can always contact the speech therapy room and, in accordance with thematic planning, select the necessary games and exercises, and immediately get advice from a speech therapist.

Thus, due to organized, systematic work, the educational process is saturated with elements of speech therapy impact with minimal time, which does not overload the educational process. Assistance is provided comprehensively and simultaneously a large number children.

Propaedeutic work is also carried out with children of older preschool age within the framework of the system additional education under the additional educational program on the course "Expressive reading".

The main directions of this course: the development of intonational expressiveness of speech and the development of phonemic perception.

The main objectives of the course are the formation of the melody of speech, the skills of setting logical stress, the ability to control the pace and rhythm of speech, which will lay the foundations for expressive reading, teach the child to highlight significant information, accurately convey their thoughts and feelings in speech.

By the end of the training this course children of senior preschool age have ideas about the melodic-intonational expressiveness of speech:

They know how to use the intonation of a question to highlight words that are different in their location (at the beginning, middle, end of a sentence);
- are able to arbitrarily change the height and strength of the voice, place the logical stress in the phrase, poetry, tongue twisters;
- have ideas about the rhythmic-melodic side of speech (strength, pitch, tone of voice, speech breathing);
- are able to distinguish various intonation constructions of sentences;
- able to change the strength and height of the voice;
- able to highlight the stressed syllable in the word;
- know how to correctly place the logical stress in sentences of various intonation structures;
- are able to reproduce the rhythmic intonation pattern of phrases, sentences, texts;
- able to pronounce sentences of different intonation (narrative, interrogative, exclamatory).

The formation of the main components of the prosodic side of speech and the development of phonemic perception in children of senior preschool age within the framework of the system of paid educational services is the key to successful education of children at school.

Diagnostic techniques that ensure the effective examination of students, determining the structure and severity of their developmental disorders

The diagnostic stage of interaction between a speech therapist and a child is aimed at clarifying the following points:

  1. What components of the language system have been formed by the time of the examination;
  2. What components of the language system are not formed by the time of the survey;
  3. The nature of the unformed language means;
  4. Formation of mental processes.

In my work, when examining a child, I use observation, conversations and game technologies.

As didactic material I use real objects of reality, toys and models, plot and subject pictures presented singly, in series or sets, verbally presented verbal material, cards with printed tasks, books and albums, materialized supports in the form of diagrams, conditional icons.

The choice of didactic material depends on:

  1. From the age of the child (the smaller the child, the more real and realistic the objects presented to the child should be);
  2. From the level of development of speech (the lower the level of development of the child's speech, the more realistic and real the presented material should be);
  3. From the level of mental development of the child.

The material corresponds to the social experience of the child. Diagnostic material is selected in such a way that several categories of language units can be examined within one diagnostic task (for example, grammatical structure and vocabulary, sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of a word, etc.). In my work, I use the following literature:

  • "Album for a speech therapist". Author: O.B. Inshakov. The album contains illustrated material for examining the oral speech of children of senior preschool and primary school age, which allows you to identify violations: sound pronunciation, syllabic structure of words, phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic perception, vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech in a child. To examine the pronunciation, the illustrations were selected in such a way that sounds are most often disturbed in children.
  • "Album on the development of speech." Author: V. S. Volodina. The speech development album is intended for classes with children 3-6 years old. It allows you to understand whether the child has a sufficient supply of words that he uses, whether he connects them correctly and pronounces how he understands the environment. Exercises of the manual will help develop thinking and imagination, teach you to establish cause-and-effect relationships, find similarities and differences between objects. This manual will be useful not only for a speech therapist, but also for parents and educators.
  • Speech card for examination of a preschool child. Author: O.I. Krupenchuk. Test tasks with pictures on all sides of speech. Convenient form, drawings for tasks - tests for sound pronunciation, grammatical structure, phonemic representation etc., which saves time in the selection of illustrated material and is a good visual aid for children.
  • Speech therapy albums for examining sound pronunciation, phonetic and phonemic system of speech, lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech. Author: I.A. Smirnova. Albums consist of color subject and plot pictures for the diagnostic work of a speech therapist, contain rich illustrative material.

The preschool educational institution has created conditions for diagnosing the speech development of children, which involve:

  • Availability of a specially equipped office, where psychologically comfortable conditions are created for individual work with children and diagnostic studies;
  • Inclusion of diagnostics in the annual work plan of a preschool institution and a speech therapist;
  • Description of diagnostic work in the management system of a preschool educational institution;
  • Availability of diagnostic programs corresponding to correctional and developmental programs implemented in kindergarten;
  • Competent analysis of survey results.

A system for diagnosing individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students in order to create conditions for their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence (using ICT)

Today, the entire pedagogical community is looking for ways to optimize the educational process, stimulate the activities of teachers and children.

The search and development of new effective technologies is one of the areas of innovation processes taking place in our institution. Therefore, the search and independent choice of specific forms of educational work has become the norm of my activity, as well as the activity of the teachers of our institution.

In working with children, me, are used as traditional pedagogical technologies, and highly effective means of training and education based on modern methods and new educational technologies, such as Internet resources. In direct educational activities, in conducting a speech therapy examination, I use developing, cognitive Online Games, flash games: “Put vegetables (fruits) in the basket”, “Help me find a word”, Name and match in shape”, “Insert a letter”, “Fourth extra”, “Find a word by the first syllable”, “Enter a letter” and so on. Games, exercises, tasks, rebuses, mosaics, puzzles, crossword puzzles presented on the sites allow the child to develop logical thinking, memory, attention, observation.

The game can be very fun and entertaining, while helping the child to develop. Programs for teaching drawing (coloring) and writing will help the child recognize letters and syllables.

Introduction of modern technologies, methods, teaching aids, including ICT

The introduction of multimedia technologies today is a prerequisite in the educational process. The informatization of the educational space includes equipping it with modern technology, which makes it possible to fully implement information and computer learning technologies to increase the motivation of children with speech impairments to acquire and assimilate new knowledge.

In a preschool educational institution, an interactive whiteboard is a convenient tool and "assistant" both in organizing the educational process with children and in organizing work with parents of pupils to conduct joint projects, seminars, and parent meetings.

We use an interactive whiteboard in direct educational activities with pupils. The board is quite easy to manage, and the children began to master the work on the interactive board with ease and great pleasure. All manipulations are intuitive, with a hand - we move objects, we take a marker - we write, we take an eraser - we erase.

The board allows you to write and draw on it with electronic ink and save all your notes. Big square The surface of the SMART Notebook board makes sharing activities with children dynamic and fun.

Using large bright images, moving letters, composing words and sentences, operating various objects with just their fingers, children become interactive participants in the process of "live" learning.

In this case, preschoolers perceive information visually and kinesthetically, understand and assimilate the proposed material much more effectively than relying only on the visual perception of pictures and the well-known method of repetition.

I select material for working with an interactive whiteboard according to a promising thematic plan.

In my speech therapy classes, I use computer technologies to correct violations of sound pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, and coherent speech. To this end, I began to create information and practical material, including a variety of educational and educational games, scientific and practical multimedia presentations that can be used both in subgroup and individual classes, depending on the tasks and psychophysiological capabilities of pupils with speech disorders, game exercises and assignments.

It should be remembered that children should work with the board for no more than 10 minutes in one lesson. Therefore, I use the board only as one of the methods in educational activities.

The board cannot be used as a demonstration material during the entire lesson. Activities using an interactive whiteboard should be carried out on the basis of the recommendations of SanPiN, while observing the conditions for preserving the health of preschoolers.

The use of the capabilities of an interactive whiteboard allows you to increase motivation to correct the shortcomings of children's speech, and this is a very important factor in working with preschoolers.

To improve the quality of education of children with speech disorders through a combination of traditional and computer methods of organizing educational activities; provide information in various forms (text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum visibility of the material being studied; mobilize the attention of children; develop the psychological base of speech: perception, attention, thinking by increasing the level of visibility.

Use various digital educational resources (Microsoft Power Point, Smart Notebook); reveal wide opportunities for creative realization in professional activities; conduct educational activities at a high methodological level; provide psychological comfort in the classroom; optimize work with parents of pupils.

In order to optimize the process of development of cognitive activity and speech of preschoolers in my practice, I use educational computer programs that provide real opportunities for high-quality individualization of education for children with developmental disabilities. This has a positive effect on the motivation of learning, its effectiveness and speeds up the process of speech correction.

Computer game “Speech development. Learning to speak correctly

Consists of the following blocks:

Nonverbal sounds.
- Sound pronunciation.
- Speech sounds.
- Development of coherent speech.

Training program "Home speech therapist"

The program is designed for the development of speech, by correcting defects in the pronunciation of difficult, problematic sounds, contains four sections:

  • vowel sounds;
  • consonant sounds;
  • Tips for parents;
  • Mini games.

Includes more than 1000 tongue twisters, tongue twisters and poems for pronouncing whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds.

"Logosauria". "Lessons of the Wise Owl". "Learning with Logosha"
(recommended for parents for homework)

The game contains a software and methodological complex for preparing children for education in elementary school. A virtual school in which each of the educational topics is given in game form divided into 3 difficulty levels. Children learn to find a given sound in a word, determine its place, the sequence of sounds, get acquainted with letters, make sentences with given words.

Features of the program: Methodology of advanced training. Games and alphabet in verses are selected. Designed to teach reading skills based on entertaining games. Colorful animation and animation. Games are voiced by famous actors. Stage I - "Bukvarik". Stage II - "Slogarik". Stage III - "Map with tasks." All the kids who successfully completed the tasks will get a surprise from Baba Yaga.

Mersibault Interactive portal for professionals and parents (recommended for parents for homework)

90 games for the development of speech, memory, attention, outlook, learning to read and count, preparation for school and successful study in primary school. Motivational elements built into the system help the child stay interested for a long time, the development process becomes interesting and reinforces the child’s stable association “Learning is great!”

Designed for ages 2 to 10, educational games cover most of the topics needed to prepare preschoolers and elementary school students. Access to all games is carried out online, which allows the child to study from anywhere where there is the Internet and a computer: at home, in the country, visiting grandmother, on vacation ...

multimedia presentations

This is a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs.

Advantages of the presentation: VISIBILITY + CONVENIENCE + SIMPLICITY + SPEED promote complex perception and better memorization of the material.

  • Articulation gymnastics
  • The development of speech breathing
  • Sound pronunciation
  • Sound analysis and synthesis
  • Vocabulary
  • Connected speech

Dynamics of maintaining and strengthening the health of students

Speech therapy work involves the correction of not only speech disorders, but also the personality of children as a whole.

Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and often thinking.

Accordingly, there is a need for a comprehensive health-improving and corrective work with these children.

In my work, I use health-saving technologies: muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), physical education, exercises for the prevention of vision, logorhythm.

The main direction of health-saving activities is the rational organization of the educational process.

For the implementation of health-improving and corrective measures that would not disrupt educational activities, the preschool educational institution has developed an appropriate daily routine. I conduct corrective speech therapy classes in kindergarten in the mode of changing dynamic postures, for which I use easels, massage mats, multi-level space in the premises (podiums, cubes).

Part of the lesson, the child can sit, part stand, thereby maintaining his bodily vertical.

To restore strength and relieve emotional arousal in children, to calm them down during classes, I conduct muscle relaxation. Relaxation is a set of relaxing exercises that relieve tension in the muscles of the arms and legs, muscles of the neck and speech apparatus.

The most important condition for correct speech is a smooth long exhalation, a clear, relaxed articulation. In students with speech disorders, speech breathing and speech clarity are usually impaired. Breathing becomes superficial, arrhythmic.

Proper breathing is very important for the development of speech, since the respiratory system is the energy base for the speech system. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice development.

Breathing exercises help to develop diaphragmatic breathing, as well as the duration, strength and correct distribution of exhalation.

To develop correct, full-fledged movements and certain positions of the articulation organs necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, and to combine simple movements into complex ones, I use articulation gymnastics.

The main task is to develop accuracy, strength, pace, switchability.

Before starting articulatory gymnastics, I use - a set of exercises helps to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles involved in the work of the peripheral speech apparatus and normalize the muscle tone of these muscles.

S.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From them, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the sources of creative thought. The more skill in the child's hand, the smarter the child.

Systematic exercises for training finger movements, along with a stimulating effect on the development of speech, is a powerful tool for increasing the efficiency of the cerebral cortex, affects the centers of speech development, develops manual skill, and helps relieve stress.
To this end, I use games and exercises to form the movements of the fingers in my classes.

Games and exercises with fingers are varied:

Finger games with small objects;
- finger games with tongue twisters;
- finger games with poems;
- finger gymnastics;
- self-massage of hands and fingers using a "dry pool";
- finger alphabet;
- finger theater;
- shadow play.
- For the development of visual-tactile coordination, a finger copy-book simulator is used.

With the manifestation of fatigue, a decrease in working capacity, with a loss of interest and attention, I include physical training minutes in the structure of the lesson. This form of motor load is a necessary condition for maintaining high performance and maintaining the health of pupils.

I use game gymnastics (logorhythmics) for children to master various movements, which are not only general strengthening, but also correctional and developmental.

Logopedic rhythm is integral part complex method of overcoming speech disorders in preschoolers. The specialized method of logorhythmics is a means of speech re-education through training and development of the necessary qualities of general and speech motor skills.

The whole course of logarithmic lessons, thanks to a large number of motor tasks, contributes to the development of more subtle dynamic characteristics of general and speech motor skills.

To maintain health, I use gaming technology. Movement, activity, inventiveness, socialization are embedded in the system itself: show what this letter looks like, draw your perception of the subject, depict your mood. Children in these classes are involved in active cognitive activity, do not feel tired, save energy for the subsequent time of learning.

Game technologies help to solve not only the problems of motivation and development of children, but also health protection and socialization. In the game and through game communication, a growing person manifests and forms a worldview, the need to influence the world, to adequately perceive what is happening. In the game, regardless of the consciousness of the child, various muscle groups work, which has a beneficial effect on health.

Theatrical and gaming activities:

Dramatization games;
- conjugate gymnastics - theater of fingers and tongue;

An excellent stimulus for children and a means of creating speech situations is the finger theater, which is in the arsenal of a speech therapy room.

The most gentle, comfortable learning for children is learning in the game. The game calms, heals, and in my case stimulates the speech of children. One must see the enthusiastic eyes of my students when they put an animal figurine on their finger and begin to play their role, to speak. Moreover, everyone is happy to participate in the educational game, even timid children. They build dialogues, compose short stories, select words-actions, words-signs, etc.

And even the most silent and shy child tells his story about the animal he plays.

Conjugate gymnastics contributes not only to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also to better coordination of movements. The exercises are united by a simple plot, which allows us to call them a theater of fingers and tongue.

Using sand therapy, the child can relax, calm down.

Sand play is one of the natural activities of a child. Our preschool educational institution has backlit sand tables, we use them in developmental and educational activities.

Since the game takes place in the context of the fairy-tale world, the child is given the opportunity to creatively change the situation or state that is disturbing him at the moment. By transforming the situation in the sand, the child gains experience of independent resolution of difficulties, both internal and external. He transfers the accumulated experience of independent constructive changes into reality.

System of work with parents (legal representatives)

The success of the correctional process is largely determined by how clearly the succession of a speech therapist and parents is organized.

In my work, I build my work based on several principles: the principle of trusting relationships, the principle of personal interest of parents, the principle of approaching parents as partners, the principle of affirming parents' self-esteem.

In the modern world, due to the employment and workload of parents, the problem of parents' indifferent attitude to the correction of speech disorders often arises, it is important to involve them in the work and make full participants in the educational process.

Developing advanced planning for the school year, I combined different forms of interaction with the family into a system and tried to cover the most relevant topics for parents.

In planning, there are such forms of cooperation as: questionnaires, parent meetings, targeted consultations, conversations, sliding folders, an open individual lesson, the Logovichok information stand, information and consultations using ICT. Learn more about some of them.

I conduct a survey at the beginning of the year, from which I learn about the living conditions of the child, his environment, helps to collect anamnestic data. This survey is necessary in order to have an idea about the families of pupils and understand whether they are ready for active interaction, whether they understand the importance and timeliness of solving the problems of their child's speech development.

In the middle of the school year, I conduct an interim survey, the purpose of which is to determine the effectiveness of working with parents, and, if necessary, to find alternative ways of interacting with them.

Parents fill out the final questionnaire at the end of the school year, and it is aimed at determining the success of the interaction between the teacher-speech therapist and parents.

On the parent meetings I consider my main task to be bringing to their attention information about how important and necessary timely work is to form and improve the sound culture of speech.

I pay special attention to the conversation about the implementation of the recommendations at home. At the next parent-teacher meetings, the range of issues discussed remains the same, but in addition, all the teachers of the group (psychologist, educator) talk about the work done with children, about the problems that specific children have, about disciplinary issues.

Folder-slider. This form of cooperation can be called correspondence. For me, its main advantage is that in this way you can introduce parents to a large amount of theoretical material.

Address consultation. One of the forms of work that helps me implement an individual approach both in working with a child and with his family is counseling.

It will depend on how the first meetings of the speech therapist with parents proceed, whether their cooperation will improve in the future. It is very good if both parents come to the conversation.

I do not select a lot of material for the conversation, I limit myself to a narrow range of issues and try not to abuse scientific terminology.

Working terms may not be clear to parents and create a barrier in communication. I consider the discussion of the successes and achievements of the child in overcoming speech problems to be an obligatory moment of individual counseling.

In my work, I prefer to combine individual counseling with an open one-on-one session for parents.

Open private lesson. I invite parents of children with speech impairments to individual lessons. This form of work helps to acquaint parents in more detail and clearly with the methods of speech therapy influence at different stages of correctional work.

Communication with parents through the information stand "Logovichok" refers to visual forms of work. When placing information, I take into account that it should be dynamic and colorfully designed. Stand reflects lexical topic weeks in the group and offers parents recommendations that contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary and the development of grammatical categories.

Informing and consulting using ICT. In that academic year I actively introduced into my practice modern forms work of a speech therapist teacher with parents using ICT:

1. Communication of a speech therapist teacher with parents by e-mail and through social networks,

2. Placement of materials on the DOW website.

The use of a computer and Internet resources allows us to solve such problems as establishing trusting relationships with the family, increasing the competence of parents in the correction of speech disorders, applying the principle of an individual approach to the child

Teacher speech therapist:
Kondratieva Ludmila Vasilievna

A speech therapy center at a general education school is organized in order to assist students with disabilities in the development of oral and written speech, in mastering general educational programs (Instructive letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2000 No. 2 "On the organization of work speech therapy center general educational institution", Standard provision on the logopedic center of an educational institution).

The main tasks of a speech therapist working in a secondary school are:

Timely diagnosis of speech development anomalies in students;

Correction of violations of oral and written speech, aimed at overcoming difficulties in mastering the school curriculum;

Prevention and prevention of speech disorders;

Promotion of special speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents of students.

The speech therapy center enrolls students studying in general educational institutions with various disorders in the development of oral and written speech (general underdevelopment of speech, phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, phonemic underdevelopment, stuttering, pronunciation disorders - a phonetic defect, speech defects caused by a violation of the structure and mobility of speech device).

First of all, students are admitted to the speech therapy station, whose speech defects prevent the successful development of program material (children with general, phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech).

The system of work of a speech therapist of a comprehensive school includes the following areas:

1) diagnostics (examination) of the state of oral and written speech;

2) correctional and developmental process, represented by speech therapy classes;

3) advisory and preventive work;

4) professional development and self-education.

Each of these areas is important in its own way and solves certain problems.

Diagnosis is a speech examination that gives an idea of ​​the state of the child's speech development and allows the speech therapist to determine the type of speech pathology, its form and the severity of the speech defect.

The main tasks of diagnostics are:

Identification of deviations in the development of oral and written forms of speech;

Determination of the structure of the speech defect;

Formulation of speech therapy diagnosis;

Drawing up a program of speech therapy work.

The relevance of this area of ​​work lies in the fact that the corrective action program, and ultimately the effectiveness of speech therapy work with children, depends on timely qualified diagnostics.

Identification of children with speech disorders for enrollment at a speech therapy center is carried out from September 1 to 15 and from May 15 to 30. All children with identified speech defects are registered in the list for subsequent distribution into groups depending on the speech defect.

For each student enrolled in a speech therapy center, a speech therapist fills out a speech card.

At the end of the examination period, the speech therapist completes the study groups. When forming groups, consider:

Age of students;

The structure and severity of speech underdevelopment;

Duration of study (first (second) year of study).

The main form of organizing speech therapy work is frontal (group and subgroup) classes.

The groups are selected children with a homogeneous structure of the speech defect. Of the identified students with primary speech pathology, the following groups or groups with a smaller occupancy can be formed (the number of children in groups with a smaller occupancy is determined at 2-3 people for the main contingent of students with OHP and FSP); children with a more pronounced defect are also enrolled in these groups; the number of children in urban and rural general educational institutions is indicated in brackets):

With general speech underdevelopment (OHP) and reading and writing disorders caused by it (4-5, 3-4);

With phonetic-phonemic (FFN) or phonemic underdevelopment of speech (FN) and reading and writing disorders caused by it (5-6, 4-5);

With deficiencies in pronunciation (6-7, 4-5).

Groups of students in the first grades are completed separately, depending on the duration of education of children in the primary level of a general education school (grades 1-4, 1-3).

Planning of speech therapy.

At the beginning of the school year, after examining and completing the study groups, the speech therapist draws up long-term work plans for the current academic year with each group. If several groups of students with the same defect structure are staffed at the speech therapy station, then it is allowed to draw up one perspective plan.

Based on the long-term plan, the speech therapist develops lesson plans for speech therapy classes, which are detailed summaries outlining their goals and objectives, describing the equipment and material used, as well as the phased progress of work.

A speech therapy lesson should be composed in compliance with all structural components: organizational moment, main part and conclusion. For speech therapists with great experience work, it is allowed to draw up a short lesson plan indicating the types of work. Currently, not all children can easily cope with educational material. Some of them experience serious difficulties in mastering writing and reading. Often this is due to the underdevelopment of oral speech of varying severity, low level formation of mental processes, psychological prerequisites for learning.

An analysis of special and methodological literature shows that many authors are involved in the development of methods and techniques for working with students: L.N. Efimenkova, I.N. Sadovnikova, L.F. Spirova, A.V. Yastrebova and others. The general content of the correctional work proposed by each of the authors is aimed at eliminating gaps in the development of speech among schoolchildren.

In speech therapy work with students, there are several stages:

Word work;

Proposal work;

Working with prepositions;

Formation of coherent speech;

Work on the sound and syllabic composition of words.

It should be noted that the sequence and content of speech therapy work may vary depending on the structure and severity of the speech defect of children enrolled in the group. For example, if students have pronounced violations of the sound side of speech, phonemic processes, sound-letter analysis of words, then you can start work from the last stage, and then move on to the formation of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech and the improvement of coherent speech.

Work on the formation of coherent speech is carried out on separate

classes and is therefore not reflected in this plan. Each specialist can make changes to the plan that are necessary at a particular stage of work with a particular group of students. The number of hours for each topic is set by the speech therapist. The topic of lexical topics also depends on the volume and quality vocabulary students. Equally important is the use of games and entertaining tasks. They stimulate thought processes, increase motivation for classes. Therefore, this plan presents a variety of games that are used at all stages of speech therapy work.

Ministry of Education Russian Federation approaches to the creation of a system of assistance to children with developmental problems were determined on the basis of the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Program for the Development of Education. One of these approaches is the further development of systems of correctional-developing and compensatory education, which are aimed at creating adequate pedagogical conditions.

Federal state standard preschool education is aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of the child during preschool childhood, regardless of its characteristics, including limited health opportunities. In connection with the increase in the number of children with severe speech disorders, the problem of creating conditions for the assimilation of the general educational program by children of this category becomes urgent.

In MBDOU of the combined type No. 539, speech disorders are corrected in the conditions of a speech therapy center. Due to the fact that the number of children with severe speech disorders (general underdevelopment of speech) has increased in general educational preschool institutions, it became necessary to adapt programs for the correction of these disorders in the conditions of a speech therapy center.

Children with speech disorders can be considered a pedagogical risk group, since their developmental features make it difficult to form readiness for schooling. Manifestations of severe speech impairment significantly impede the full and timely assimilation by children of such educational areas as socio-communicative, cognitive, and speech development. Pupils with speech disorders need a special organization of the correctional and developmental process, the content and forms of which should take into account the capabilities of this contingent of children.

primary goal work program - organization of effective conditions that ensure the formation of a full-fledged structure of speech activity in pupils with speech disorders.

The work program is developed on the basis of programs:

1) The upbringing and education of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment (senior group, preparatory group). Program and methodical recommendations. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. M.: 2004.

2) The program of correctional education and education of children with general speech underdevelopment of the 6th year of life. Program and methodical recommendations. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. M.: 1989.

3) The program of correctional education and education of children of 5 years of age with general underdevelopment of speech. Program and methodical recommendations. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. M.: 1991.

The goal is realized by solving problems in accordance with the Federal State Standard for Preschool Education:

Enrichment of active vocabulary,

The development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech,

Development of sound and intonation culture of speech,

The development of phonemic hearing,

Formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

Corrective actions carried out include the following: directions : correction and development of the pronunciation side of speech, the formation of phonemic processes, the development of impressive and expressive speech, the development of coherent speech.

So, sound correctionIt is subdivided into stages: staging of missing sounds and sounds whose articulation is distorted, automation of the corresponding sounds, differentiation of sounds mixed by ear and in pronunciation. Also, the development of the pronunciation side of speech implies work on the development of speech breathing, the formation of a long speech exhalation (up to 5 - 6 words), the normalization of the pace and rhythm of speech, the formation of ideas about the main types of intonation (narration, exclamation, question).

Phonemic processesare formed during the consistent and systematic performance of special exercises aimed at distinguishing oppositional sounds (“Catch the sound” in speech material of varying degrees of complexity, repetition of “syllable chains” - rows with sounds similar in sound and articulation). Visually-effective, and then mentally, the skills of sound analysis and synthesis are being formed (identifying the first and last sound in a word, the second, third, etc., determining the sequence and number of sounds in a word, the place of a given sound - the beginning , middle or end of a word). Syllabic structure words are specified by drawing the child's attention to the sound-syllabic composition of the word and by the preliminary development of spatial representations.

Development of impressive speechis carried out in the course of work on the material of nominative and predicative vocabulary, spatial adverbs, inversion constructions and "conflict" pictures. Sentence comprehension is reinforced by performing two to three actions in one request, correcting and completing sentences.

Improving Expressive Speechincludes the formation of inflection and word formation skills. Children learn to correctly use singular and plural nouns in various cases, to convert the singular into the plural (the One-Many game). Objective activity helps to consolidate the use of prepositions (“Where did you get the pencil from? - From under the box”), and the game “Call it affectionately” - the formation of a diminutive form of nouns.

For development of coherent speechwork is carried out on a story, retelling based on a picture plan or pictograms with the task of automating in speech phonemes refined in pronunciation.

Thus, correctional work is aimed at ensuring the correction of speech disorders; mastering the Program by children, their diversified development, taking into account age and individual characteristics and special educational needs, social adaptation.

In order to identify the positive dynamics of speech development, examinations of children's speech were carried out. The evaluation of the results of the speech examination was carried out according to the materials of Bykhovskaya A.M., Kazova N.A. "Quantitative monitoring of general and speech development of children with ONR". Analysis of diagnostic results for 2012-2013 the year shows an improvement in the development of speech in all respects.

The number of children with a high level of speech development increased from 16.6% to 43.3%%; with a medium-high level - from 10% to 16.6%; the number of preschoolers with an average level of speech development decreased from 96.6% to 33.3%, with a low level - from 10% to 6.6%.

The effectiveness of the speech therapy correction carried out is evidenced by the change in the percentage of levels of speech development, identified at the initial stage of work and at the end of the academic year.

Thus, the work of a speech therapist teacher in the 2012-2013 academic year was aimed at the comprehensive development of the speech of preschoolers. Thus, the purposeful solution of the tasks set contributed to the most complete overcoming of speech disorders in preschoolers.