Finger gymnastics with items of benefit. Development of fine motor skills with finger games


Theme: Houseplants


Correctional and educational:

    teach children to use verbs in the past tense;

    learn to extract single-root words from the text.


    to consolidate in children the skill of using possessive pronouns;

    to activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic;

    exercise in the selection of adjectives and verbs that are opposite in meaning.

Correctional and educational:

    to bring up in children an interest in indoor plants, hard work and a desire to help adults in caring for them.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting indoor plants, story pictures that depict various care activities indoor plants.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: The one who will name the indoor plants that are shown in the pictures will sit down.(Children take the named plant with them.)

2. Announcement of the topic.

Speech therapist: Today we will talk about indoor plants and how to care for them.

3. Introductory conversation.


Flowers come in different colors and shapes: blue, yellow, red, like bells and stars ... They grow in wild nature and in the garden. Garden flowers are often very beautiful relatives of wild flowers. In spring and summer, the glades are full of flowers. Butterflies and other insects "visit" the flowers because they like the bright color of the petals and their scent. Some flowers are rare and grow only in certain places. Such flowers cannot be torn!

And flowers can be grown at home, on the windowsill. They grow well if they have enough light, they are watered and cared for. And even in winter they will be covered with leaves. Houseplants usually beautiful leaves or flowers.

4. Development of lexical and grammatical categories.

Speech therapist: Each of you has a picture of a houseplant. Now we will tell you whose plant it is now.

The game "Vanin or Katin?". Formation of possessive adjectives.

Vanya has a cactus. Whose cactus is this?(This is Vanin cactus.)

Kolya has a fat woman. Whose fat girl is this?(This is Colina fat girl.) Etc.

Speech therapist: In order for indoor plants to grow well, they need to be looked after. Look at the pictures. I will name the actions that are performed with flowers, and you imagine that this happened yesterday.

Game "And yesterday?". Formation of the past tense of verbs. It is carried out according to the pictures depicting these actions.

Olya is watering the cactus. But yesterday?(Olya watered the cactus.)

Vanya and Lida are rubbing the leaves of a sansiviera.

Sveta transplants ficus.

Ira loosens the earth around the violet.

Angela sprays begonia leaves.

Denis feeds the fat woman.

The children take care of the flowers.

Speech therapist: We have already talked about what the words-relatives are. Now I will read a short story, and you should find in it words that are relatives to the wordflowers.

Spring will come soon. Multi-colored flowers will bloom in the meadow, in the field and in the flower beds. In the spring, the time will come for planting and transplanting indoor plants. Flower growers will plant seeds in colorful pots and wait for the flowers to appear. Soon the flowers will gain strength, begin to bloom one after another and please the eye with their flowering. One flower fades, and the other blooms with a bright color.


On a sunny window

Sun overhead.

Violet blossomed -


purple flowers

Raised it a little.

Wave your hands from bottom to top.

She hides among the leaves

Doesn't like to jump ahead

They cover their faces with their hands.

But everyone leans towards her

They bend over without touching the floor with their hands.

And take it carefully.

According to E. Serova

They get up a little.

Speech therapist: Look closely at the flower and name its parts.

Name the parts game. Replenishment of the dictionary on the topic "Flowers".

Stem, leaf, flower, cutting, roots.(Several children repeat the names of the parts of the flower.)

Speech therapist: We named one part of the flower, and now we will name a lot of them.

Game "One - a lot of". Formation of the plural form of nouns.

One stalk, but many ...(Stalks.)

One sheet, many...(Leaves.)

One flower, many...(Tsvetkov.)

One stalk, but many ...(Cherenkov.)

One root, but many...(Roots.)

Game Say the opposite. Choice of antonyms.

A prickly leaf is a smooth leaf.

Wet ground is dry ground.

warm water- cold water.

Thick sheet - thin sheet.

big flower- a small flower.

A flower has blossomed - a flower has blossomed.

Soft ground - hard ground.

Thick stalk - thin stalk.

5. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: How to call it in one word: sansiviera, violet, ficus, fat woman, cactus? What needs to be done in order for indoor plants to grow well?(Loosen, water, transplant ...)

What it is: stem, leaf, flower, stalk, roots.


  • the formation of the ability to compose a story based on a picture;
  • enrichment and systematization of knowledge on the topic "Indoor plants";
  • agreement of numerals with nouns;
  • development of olfactory sensations;
  • development of facial expressions, pantomime;
  • strengthening the ability to perform movements at a certain pace to the music, to coordinate movements with words;
  • development of visual attention and memory;
  • developing the ability to compare and draw independent conclusions.

Preliminary work:familiarization of children with a memo on caring for indoor plants, caring for indoor plants (it is necessary to introduce children in advance to indoor plants, their names, care rules - see the appendix).

Equipment: indoor plants, "Magic Flower" with tasks, split pictures, ball, symbol pictures, story pictures, pictogram cards, rope, tape recorder.

Course progress.

I. Organizational moment.

1. Relaxation exercise"Flower".

Guys, now you will turn into flowers that grow and enjoy the sun.

Stretch up, raising your arms and tensing the muscles of the whole body, depicting how “the flower grows and reaches for the sun.”

Then successively drop the hands, depicting that “the sun hid and the flower head drooped”, relax the forearms, bending the arms at the elbows - “the stalk broke”, and, relieving tension from the muscles of the back, neck and upper shoulder girdle, passively lean forward, bending knees - "the flower withered."

II. Main part

Formula correct speech(see previous lessons).

Guys, listen carefully to the story, and you will find out what we will talk about today in class.

1. Reading the story "Indoor plants."

They can be seen in apartments, classrooms, in the workshops of factories and plants. Beautiful begonia leaves turn bright green. Pleased with blue and pink flowers of violets. Prickly cacti attract the eye. But indoor plants not only decorate the premises, they purify the air, create good mood. Medicines are obtained from some plants.

Alenka loves to take care of indoor plants. She especially likes fuchsia. This plant has thin, flexible stems that are reddish in color. Many small leaves with teeth along the edges. The flowers are large, bright, reminiscent of multi-colored lanterns - red, pink, purple.

What are we going to talk about in class today?

Why are indoor plants grown in factories, classrooms, apartments?

2. Exercise "Name indoor plants, count them."

It is necessary to remind children about the correct speech breathing.

What are the houseplants we have in the classroom? (children call flowers, tapping the rhythm with their hands).

Count indoor plants (coordination of nouns with numerals).

3. Didactic game"Magic Flower"

Guys, look, an unusual magic flower has grown in our class. On his petalsassignments are written. Children take turns tearing off the petals and doing tasks.

petal 1. "Make a flower" - drawing up split pictures with complex configuration incision. Children must put together a whole image from separate parts, say the name of the flower.

petal 2. "Recognize a houseplant by its smell."

Children are given a chance to smell the flowers. The child is then blindfolded and tries to recognize the houseplant by smell.

petal 3. "Name the parts of the plant" (with a ball).

1. Roots.

2. Stem.

3. Leaves.

4. Petals.

5. Bud.

Draw the attention of children that some indoor plants have stems and leaves modified.

Petal 4 . "What changed?"

The child turns away, and the children change the places of indoor plants. The child must name what has changed, accompanying his words with actions.

Petal 5 . "Compare indoor and wild flowers."

Children should independently name the differences: in indoor plants, leaves do not fall off in autumn, in winter they remain green; some indoor plants form new leaves in winter, and some even bloom - primrose, begonia.

Petal 6. "Unscramble the Symbols"

The teacher shows pictures-symbols, and the children try to guess what they mean.

1. How 2. What does it look like? 3. How does it smell? 4. What kind of 5. How to care

called? size? behind a plant?

Petal 7. "We are writers" (in the picture).

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture using pictures-symbols.

Petal 8 Mimic dictation.

An adult reads an emotionally colored text, during which the children sequentially put up pictogram cards with the corresponding facial expressions and reproduce them themselves.

Olya went for a walk.

How sweetly the sun shines!

I feel warm and pleasant.

Olya saw a flower:

— Ah! What a beautiful flower!

How nice it smells!

A bee sat on a flower.

“Oh, what if she stings me?!

And Olya waved her hand to drive the bee away.

- Mother Mother! I got stung by a bee, how painful!”

Physical education minute(in the middle of class).

Carousel game.

The players become in a circle. A rope is lying on the floor, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). Children pick her up from the floor and hold on to her right hand, walk in a circle to the music. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction.

III Final part

Exercise "Let's blow on a flower" - the formation of speech breathing

Slow breath (before inhalation, of course, you should exhale.) through the nose and slowly exhale through the narrow hole formed by the lips. During the exercise, calm music is played.

Application No. 38

Tips for caring for indoor plants.

Water your houseplants when the potting soil is dry. In summer it is better to water in the evening, in winter - in the morning.

Put the spout of the watering can on the edge of the flowerpot. Water so that the earth in the flowerpot gets wet, and part of the water spills onto the pan.

Every 7-10 days, wipe large leaves with damp cotton wool or a cloth. Wash plants with small leaves with a watering can with a strainer.

In spring and summer, feed the plants with special fertilizers.

Remove dry and diseased leaves. The scientific name is uzambara violet. Blooms in May, all summer and September. In spring, autumn and winter, this flower can be placed on a sunny windowsill. And in the summer you need to take it off and put it on the bedside table, because the leaves of this plant turn yellow from the action of the sun's rays.


Cacti are very diverse. Some of them serve as thorny hedges and "Christmas tree" for Mexican children - these are large columnar cacti. All cacti do not have leaves, they have changed so much that they have turned into thorns. This helps the plants withstand prolonged drought. Therefore, cacti are very fond of the sun and moderately warm rooms. In winter, this flower needs to be watered once every 10 days, because over the summer it has accumulated a supply of water in its stem. Very beautiful cactus flowers. - large, similar to bells, only pink. They bloom at night and bloom only one day.

Abstract of the final lesson on lexical topic: "Houseplants".

Open urban viewing of speech therapy classes.

Year of study: second

Age: 5-6 years

Lesson form: final frontal lesson.

On a lexical topic: "Houseplants"

Who spent: teacher-speech therapist Kolesnikova Irina Anatolyevna


1. Nishcheva N.V. Summaries of subgroup speech therapy classes in senior group kindergarten for children with OHP. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2007.

3. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education for preschoolers. (Practical development of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games). - M .: "Wako", 2005.

4. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy, speech, movement. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Korona print, 2004.

Organizational moment, the purpose of which is the creation positive attitude for the lesson, were taken from the book by Lopukhina I.S. "Speech therapy, speech, movement".

In my work, I used the manual Nishcheva N.V. "Summaries subgroup lessons for children of the senior speech therapy group "it is included in the methodological kit for the" Program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group kindergarten for children with general underdevelopment of speech (from 4-7 years old). The manual reflects all areas of work of a speech therapist.

The material of the allowance is designed for children of the sixth year of life with III level speech development at general underdevelopment speech (second year of study).

In my work, I also used the manual of Kovalko V.I. "The ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers." This manual discusses the use of physical minutes. They are carried out in order to reduce fatigue and relieve static stress in children. preschool age and are intended for all age groups.

These manuals contain interesting material for preschoolers, can be of help in the work of teachers.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational

Compensatory Kindergarten Institution


Final frontal speech therapy

classes on a lexical topic:


Date: 03/20/12

Time: 9h.30min.

Number of children: 6 people

Who conducted:

speech therapist Kolesnikova

Irina Anatolievna

Krasny Sulin


Abstract of the final lesson on the lexical topic: "Indoor plants."

Open urban viewing of speech therapy classes.

Year of study : second

Age : 5-6 years old

Lesson form : final frontal lesson.

On a lexical topic: "Houseplants"

Who spent : teacher-speech therapist Kolesnikova Irina Anatolyevna

Sources :

1. Nishcheva N.V. Abstracts of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with ONR. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 2007.

3. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education for preschoolers. (Practical development of physical education minutes, game exercises, gymnastic complexes and outdoor games). - M .: "Wako", 2005.

4. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy, speech, movement. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Korona print, 2004.

The organizational moment, the purpose of which is to create a positive attitude to the lesson, was taken from the book by Lopukhina I.S. "Speech therapy, speech, movement".

In my work, I used the manual Nishcheva N.V. “Summary of subgroup classes for children of the senior speech therapy group” is included in the methodological kit for the “Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general underdevelopment of speech (from 4-7 years old)”. The manual reflects all areas of work of a speech therapist.

The material of the manual is designed for children of the sixth year of life with the III level of speech development with general underdevelopment of speech (the second year of study).

In my work, I also used the manual of Kovalko V.I. "The ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers." This manual discusses the use of physical minutes. They are carried out to reduce fatigue and relieve static stress in preschool children, and are designed for all age groups.

These manuals contain interesting material for preschoolers, can be of help in the work of teachers.

Correctional and educational goals.Clarification, activation and updating of the dictionary on the topic "Indoor plants". Improving the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of nouns with numerals two and five ). Improving the syntactic side of speech, compiling complex sentences with words to. Improvement of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis. Automation of sound [p] in a sentence.

Correctional and developmental goals.Development of coherent speech, development phonemic representations(selection of words for a given sound), orientation on the plane, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals.Education skills of cooperation in the game and in the classroom, independence, initiative, responsibility.

Equipment. Object pictures with images of indoor plants, chips for sound analysis, toy - Brownie Kuzya, split pictures (according to the number of children).

Preliminary work.Examination of indoor plants, composing phrases:two tradescantias, five cacti, three geraniums, etc.Work on complex sentences with words to in individual lessons.Learning the exercise "Our scarlet flowers."

Lesson scheme

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Ex. "Finish the sentence"
  3. Game "Two-Five"
  4. Ex. "Guess the word"
  5. Phys. minute.
  6. Ex. " Ladybug».
  7. Ex. "Collect a flower for mom."
  8. End of class.

Lesson progress

Ld meets the children, organizes a greeting.

1. Organizing moment

L-d : Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, greet:

Good morning.

Children: - Good morning! -

Sun and birds.

Good morning!-

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trustworthy...

May good morning

Lasts until the evening.

Ld: Today Brownie Kuzya came to visit us, he invites us to take a trip to the country of indoor plants.

2. Ex. "Finish the sentence." (Improving the syntactic side of speech, compiling complex sentences with words to. )

And we will begin our journey with the game "Finish the sentence."

I start a sentence, and you compose the second part of it, and begin your answer with the words to.

Houseplants need to be watered…

1-… that they do not wither.

Leaves on houseplants need to be wiped ...

2-… that they can breathe.

Houseplants need sunlight...

3-… so that they can grow well.

Indoor plants are necessary for a person ...

4-…to decorate his house.

And why else do people need indoor plants ...

5-…to purify the air.

Indoor plants need to be fertilized ...

6-…for plants to grow beautiful and healthy.

(Kuzya asks the children questions.)

Name your favorite houseplant. Why do you like it more than others?

Children's answers.

3. The game "Two-Five" (improving the grammatical structure of speech.)

(Children take subject pictures with their favorite indoor plants.)

Guys, let's imagine that you have not one, but two and five plants in your pictures. Tell about it.

Children's answers.

1st - I have two cacti and five cacti.

2nd- I have two geraniums and five geraniums.

3rd- I have two tradescantia and five tradescantia

4th- I have two begonias and five begonias.

5th - I have two violets and five violets

6th-I have two saxifrages and five saxifrages.

Well done. You did a great job on your first mission.

4. Ex. "Guess the word"(Improvement of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis)

And now Brownie and I want to see if you can find the plant by the first and last sound.

Questions are asked by a speech pathologist.

Guess what houseplant we conceived, if it has the first sound [k], the last [s]? ( Cactus. ) And the word in which the first sound is [b "], the last is [i]? ( Begonia .) And in this word the first sound is [k], the last is [a]? ( Saxifrage. )

And now I give you "scattered" sounds [ l, i, f, a, k, a. ] What word can be formed from them? ( Violet ). Circle this word.

Children represent words with symbols.

How many consonants are in this word? How many vowels?

Children's answers.

You did a good job, learned to hear the sounds. Now show how you can divide words into syllables. I will name the first syllable, and you will complete the word: ge .... ( ran), tra ... .. (descantation ). How many syllables are in these words?

Children's answers.

5. Fizminutka "Our scarlet flowers". (Development of coordination of speech with movement)

Brownie invites you to exercise.

Speaking in chorus with imitation of movements.

Our scarlet flowers

The petals are unfolding.

Slowly raise your hands up.

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Swinging arms left and right.

Our scarlet flowers

Close the petals

They sat down and hid.

shake their heads,

Head movement to the left - to the right.

They fall asleep quietly.

6. Ex. "Ladybug". (Automation of sound [p] in a sentence.)

The little brownie did not come empty-handed, he brought a wonderful ladybug, invites you to play with her. You will tell what she does. Follow correct pronunciation sound [p].

Children's answers.

1st- Ladybug sits on a pot of geraniums.

2nd-Ladybug flies over the geranium.

3rd-Ladybug hid under a leaf of geranium.

4th-Ladybug flies around the geranium.

5th-Ladybug sits near the geranium.

6th-Ladybug hid behind a pot of geraniums.

Guys, I had a problem, he brought flowers as a gift to his mother, which he grew himself, but the wind blew, and they fell apart, help collect them.

7. Ex. "Collect a flower for mom." (Orientation on a plane.)

Let's collect flowers for the mother of the brownie Kuzi:

Children talk about their actions.

I put the stem,…………………..

8. Summary of the lesson.

Thank you guys, you made me very happy with your answers! It was my pleasure to work with you. And it's a pity that the lesson ended so quickly and we have to leave. And so that you remember our meeting, I want to give you "magic flowers" (distributing flowers to children).

1. Consolidation, expansion of ideas about indoor plants, their appearance, care for them. Expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Object words: plant, cactus, begonia, violet, chlorophytum, pelargonium (geranium), asparagus, aloe, root, stem, leaves, thorns, flower.

Words-signs of objects: indoor, thick, smooth, fluffy, round, elongated,
prickly, beautiful, fragrant, juicy, bright, green, white, red, blue, pink.

Action words of objects: care for, water, loosen, transplant, feed,
wipe, spray, admire.

2. Think and explain why these plants are called indoor? Observation of indoor plants, their flowering, participation in the care of plants at home.

3. Remember how to care for indoor plants and complete the sentences.

In order for the flowers not to dry, they must be _______________.

Dusty leaves need to __________________.

In order for indoor flowers to bloom, they need _______________.

4. Memorizing the poem "Violet"

5. Coordination of numerals, pronouns, adverbs with nouns.
one poppy; my chamomile; many cornflowers and etc.

6. Education plural nouns. Cactus - cacti. Etc.

7. Drawing up a story-description about a violet according to this plan. The development of connected speech.
This is a violet. She's beautiful. It has green leaves and pink flowers. It grows in a brown pot. It needs to be watered and fed.

8. The game "Flower and ladybug." Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the use of simple prepositions). Highlight suggestions with your voice.

9. The game "Call it affectionately."