What to do with a child in the evening (14 quiet games). Prospective planning of matinees and entertainment

Program content:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales.
  • Correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.
  • To form ideas about justice, kindness, friendship, courage.
  • To develop the creative manifestations of children, expressively convey game images (a cunning fox, a proud rooster, etc.).
  • Evoke an emotional response from children.

Event progress

On stage, the silhouette of a fairytale forest. A storyteller appears in her hands, holding a large book with the inscription "Tales".

Vasilisa. Hello guys!

Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa,

Invited you to remember

Old tales and listen to new ones.

Today we are visiting fairy tales,

There is a swarm in the book of fairy tales,

This is where my friends live with me.

All the characters in every story

They love songs, games, dances.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale knocks on the door

Tell the guest to come in.

(The sad Masha enters)

Storyteller. Hello Masha, why are you so sad?

Masha. Aunt Vasilisa, brother Ivanushka disappeared. Wherever I just did not look for him in the forest, and in the garden, and went to Baba Yaga herself, he is nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka got into trouble, what kind?

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, grieve. I will help you.

Here I give you a pen

After all, it is magical.

The feather will shine

Open doors to fairy tales.

Masha, your brother must have gotten lost in some fairy tale.

Look, what a big book with fairy tales. The kid will only knock on the children's book "Knock-knock-knock" and now you look, the pages will come to life. Wave, Masha, a magic feather and it will take you to any fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

My dear brother, find yourself!

(Masha leaves).

The storyteller opens the book:

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not a pancake.

I took out of the oven neither a pie nor kalachi,

As I put it on the table

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's a round bun! (shows an illustration)

What fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Kolobok.

(Gingerbread Man, Wolf, Hare, Bear, Fox come out of the book, go in a circle, Gingerbread Man sings)

Kolobok. I'm sweeping the box, sweeping the barn.

I have a ruddy side, who am I, children - (kolobok).

Game "Kolobok".

Masha. Kolobok, have you seen my brother Ivanushka?

Kolobok. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Masha, a new fairy tale start.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. I wonder what fairy tale Masha's pen has now transferred to?

(Three little pigs run out to the music)

1 Piglet. We know a lot about songs, dances,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

We are three funny brothers

And our name is ...... (pigs)

Storyteller. Children, what fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Three pigs

2 Piglet. We are three funny brothers

We love to run and play

We invite you guys

Dancing together.

The song "Starting Krakowiak"

Masha. Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, have you seen my brother?

(the pigs answer that they have not seen and leave)

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, wave your feather.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds in the recording)

Red Riding Hood. And here I left the picture, I carry the gifts in a basket,

Butter pot, yes a delicious pie.

Storyteller. Children, who is this girl and from what fairy tale?

Children. Red Riding Hood. (Sits down to the children. A howl of a wolf is heard).

Wolf. Where's she? Where's she? It must be here somewhere. My lunch will be delicious. Have you met her?

Children. No.

(Looks for her, finds her, drags her by the hand to the middle.)

Storyteller. Shame on you wolf!

Little ones began to be offended.

Isn't it a shame

They don't want to play with you.

Would you come to us as a guest,

Let us into the house both in the rain and in the cold.

It is very good,

If everyone plays together.

Enough, wolf, you growl,

Invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka". (Wolf dances with Little Red Riding Hood in the center)

Masha. Tell me, please, have you seen my brother?

Wolf. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Don't be discouraged, Mashenka, let's look some more.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. Cockerel with spurs

His tail is patterned.

This tale is about

Like a rooster saved by a cat. What kind of children is this fairy tale?

(cockerel runs out)

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko.

There is a fox nearby.

What should I do, that's the problem.

Hide me somewhere.

Storyteller. Don't be sad cockerel

Get into the bag quickly.

And don't be afraid, be brave

We will reconcile you with her.

(hides in bag)

Fox. Oh, it smells like cock in here!

Now we are hiring offal.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Where are you, dear friend?

I brought for you

Both peas and wheat.

Rooster. You fox, don't rush

You find me first.

Fox. Here's a bag!

Maybe it has a rooster in it.

(Rooster jumps out, runs)

Rooster. Kitty, brother, help me out!

Cat. What's the noise, what's going on?

Who is screaming, who is being caught here?

Rooster. It's me, your cock

Help me out buddy!

Cat. You see, Petya, how many times

I gave you orders.

You didn't listen and ran away

And got into trouble again.

I'll save you this time

And I'll ask the fox:

"Be kind and kind

Let go of the rooster."

Fox. I agree to be

I will live peacefully with you.

Storyteller. Children, so that they never quarrel, let's sing a song to them.

Song about Friendship

(Mashenka asks about Ivanushka. The cat replies that he has not seen)

Masha. What to do, Aunt Vasilisa? This was the last story.

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, cry, there is one more sheet left in my book. Look who's pictured here.

Masha. Yes, this is my Ivanushka. Where are you brother?

Ivanushka. I am here, Mashenka, visiting the children in kindergarten.

Storyteller. So our journey to the "Land of fairy tales" ended. And now it's time for me. Goodbye kids!

Masha. Wait, wait! Thank you, Aunt Vasilisa, for your kindness. And now I invite you all to the table, I treat you with pies. Ruddy pies with butter, sour cream.


The child went to kindergarten - and you cannot recognize your baby: he becomes uncontrollable, rushes around the apartment like a meteor, jumps on sofas and beds, screams, laughs, easily breaks into tears ... “How they changed the child! - Parents are distressed. "I'll have to talk to the teacher!" And in the kindergarten they say: “Very obedient boy!” or: “Such a quiet, calm girl!”. Mom and dad are surprised. But in vain!
Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend a few hours in a big noisy company - and if you are a calm and “quiet” person, your head will soon ache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and a desire to quickly go home will appear. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to break out along with tears, screams, whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve daytime stress? Unfortunately, there is no magic remedy - one for all. It is always necessary to take into account individual characteristics little man: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child, talk with caregivers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and “catches up” in the evening, you need to help him relax, speak out, but not allow him to become even more excited.

If the child is a “hurricane” in the kindergarten, and cannot stop at home, it is in the power of the parents to smoothly, gradually transfer the energy “into a peaceful channel”. It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually released from the accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time, so that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.

One of the best anti-stress techniques is the game. It allows the child to be liberated, to relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. First, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the "evening" game should not be noisy, accompanied by running around and shouting.

If during the day your child is “quiet”, and in the evening - “savage”, the game “Rvaklya” helps to relieve tension and release destructive energy.

Prepare unnecessary newspapers, magazines, papers and a wide bucket or basket. A child can tear, crumple, trample on paper, in general, do whatever he pleases with it, and then throw it into the basket. The kid may like to jump on a pile of papers - they are very springy.

If the little man didn’t sit down even for a minute in the kindergarten, and doesn’t stop at home, games with a gradual decrease will help him physical activity, which do not contain an element of competition. One of these games is "Mushroom picker". Invite the child to arrange skittles or small toys in a random order at a small distance from each other. If you have a sports complex at home, you can hang toys on it. Then ask him to close his eyes and, from memory, collect all the items - "mushrooms" - in a basket. The collected "mushrooms" can be sorted by color, shape, size ... You can attach a note to one of the items with a further plan for the evening: "Let's read?" or “Will you help me in the kitchen?”

Having muffled the “extra” energy in this way, you can proceed to the usual homework - read, dance, watch a filmstrip. Even if it seems to you that classes in the kindergarten are not enough, try to remove all the additional burden from the child at least for the first month of adaptation to kindergarten. Make sure your child spends as much time as possible fresh air. If time permits, walk with him - this is an ideal opportunity to talk with your son or daughter, discuss the events of the day. You should not postpone this conversation for “before going to bed” - if something unpleasant or disturbing the baby has happened, do not let it put pressure on him for the whole evening.

Try eliminating TV from your toddler's evening entertainment. Screen flickering will only increase irritation and stress on a tired brain. An exception can be made for Goodnight, kids! ”, - this program is broadcast at the same time and can become part of the “ritual” of going to bed.

Almost all children are well helped to cope with the daytime stress of playing in the water. Get some in the bath warm water, put down a non-slip mat, turn on the warm high-pressure shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, tension - will go away, "drain" from the baby. Water games obey general rule- they should be quiet, calm. You can let bubble(ask the child to blow out a big-o-big ball and a tiny bubble), play with sponges (watch how they absorb and give water, make the child “rain” from a sponge, turn them into boats or dolphins), just give two or three jars, - and let him pour some water back and forth. The sight and sound of running water has a calming effect - in 15-20 minutes the child will be ready to go to bed.

Light, subtle smells also help to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. To do this, only one or two drops of oil, such as tangerine, are added to the aroma lamp. Warm citrus aroma refreshes the air well, soothes, relieves nervous tension. Excellent relieves stress smell of mint - it is well refreshing and invigorating. But you should not use it if the child is under six years old, and it is better not to do it before bedtime.

If your child is allergic and you are hesitant to use aromatic oils, put a small canvas bag with valerian root in the child's pillow or attach it to the head of the bed - this will help the baby sleep more peacefully.

Before going to bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen to quiet melodic music together, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain. Remember all the joys of the past day, dream up how the next one could go. No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter how professionals work in it, no one will help your child better than you. If the kid knows for sure that at the end of a noisy day a “quiet pier” awaits him, eight hours in the kindergarten will not seem to him such a deafening eternity, and the stress will recede.


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are piled on the table. At the signal of the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain with the help of paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips in a certain time.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkins, large pasta, etc. All seeds before the game are mixed and divided into identical piles according to the number of players. At the signal of the leader, the participants in the game must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a blindfold competition, arrange a team competition.


All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone has found it, then whispers in the ear of the presenter, where is the alarm clock and silently sits on the floor. The child who was left standing last, as a punishment, entertains all the children - he sings or reads a poem. Tip: for small children, it is better to put the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other's clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and to whom they belong.


You will need many pairs of shoes, towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts his shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns blindfolded and try to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children - look for your shoes on the table all at the same time. Guess the voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, next to the assistant (preferably an adult). The assistant calls the children one by one, without naming names. Children behind the leader in a voice depict some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If he guessed right, he changes places with him.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing to each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word "Water", then the child he pointed to should name a fish, reptile or animal living in the water. If it is called "Earth" - you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called "Air" - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each of the players puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look !!!), gropes for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out - for verification.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on a board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, draws a window, a door, a chimney or a bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will turn out in the end?


Participants of the game are invited to consider any jar, bowl or pan. You can't take it in hand. Then take a sheet of paper and try to cut the lids for the jar so that they fit exactly into the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: "Do you like your neighbors?" If someone does not like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?”. The player must name either names or some sign that his new neighbors should have. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone in jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. Whoever did not have enough chair becomes the leader, and everything starts from the beginning.

11) 1-2-GOOD DAY

Everyone plays in sequence. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you get), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say "good afternoon." That is, the first says "one", the second - "two", the third - "good afternoon", the fourth - "four", the fifth - "five", the sixth - "good afternoon", etc. The one who made a mistake is out of the game until there is only one winner.


They play standing in a circle. The host starts: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee ( right hand twists an imaginary handle of a coffee grinder). The person standing next to him repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the leader and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes her left hand without stopping grinding). Next circles: grandma bought an old one sewing machine(push foot on the pedal), a rocking chair (sway), and finally, a cuckoo clock ("Coo-coo, coo-coo, coo-coo,"). The point is to do everything at the same time.


The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him so that they can see him well. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement, the player listens carefully. If the player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to the place with a hand gesture.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately deposed from the throne and replaced by the first minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to take his place) .


The players sit in a circle. The host begins by saying to his neighbor on the left, "That's my nose," but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him, “This is my chin,” pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him: "This is my left foot", showing him his right palm. His neighbor should answer: "This is mine right palm", pointing to his left foot, etc. You should always show a body part other than the one being talked about.

Entertainment in kindergarten is an important form of children's leisure activities outside of class. Also, the organization of children's leisure in the form of entertainment is useful in that it develops in children creative imagination, fantasy in general. Such leisure helps children develop communication skills, contributes to a good mood, which, of course, has a positive effect on learning. Leisure in kindergarten and its proper organization is one of the priorities any educator.

For kids preschool age interesting pastime outside of class is one of the most important components Everyday life. It's funny and interesting leisure helps children develop a good sense of humor and just get a lot of positive emotions.

There are a lot of options for organizing leisure time in kindergarten. It can be various sports events, theatrical events, quizzes. The main purpose of organizing fun leisure activities is to entertain children, bring them joy. It should be noted that it depends on the skill and skills of the teacher how useful leisure will be for children. Properly organized entertainment for preschoolers can be of great benefit for the harmonious development of the individual.

When choosing ideas for leisure activities, it is worth paying special attention to the development of artistic and aesthetic tastes and opportunities. Children get to know the best examples fiction, listen to music, sing songs, watch performances of puppet, shadow theaters.

Holding amateur evenings as a form of organizing leisure activities for kindergarten students

Evenings of entertainment or leisure have a positive effect on development creative activity children, provide ample opportunities for the manifestation of the creative abilities of each child. Such evenings should be held at a high artistic level and correspond to the tasks educational process taking into account age features children.

When choosing the theme of entertainment evenings, it should be borne in mind that although this is entertainment, they should still be beneficial for personal development. And here it is necessary to acquaint children with different types creative activity: fine arts, music, literature, painting. To hold such an event, it is necessary to prepare a script in advance. This allows you to tie all the components together.

When choosing a work for the scenario of children's holidays, one should take into account their knowledge in this subject, general level development and age.

Also, do not give up on the idea of ​​using children as actors at the event, no matter how it is, and it will be interesting for children to prove themselves. You can also combine the performances of children and adults, or leave the role of the listener to the children.

Entertainment evenings should be held weekly for each age category of children, musical evenings can be held once every two weeks. For children of the younger and middle age groups, events are held lasting 15-20 minutes, for children of the older and preparatory - 25-30 minutes.

It is also worth considering the option of preparing a surprise evening for preschoolers. Of course, this option involves the participation of children in the event only as a spectator, but still a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed.

According to the nature of participation in the entertainment of children, they are divided into three groups:

  1. Evenings of entertainment prepared by adults for children;
  2. Activities prepared by children;
  3. Humorous evenings of entertainment in which adults and children take part.
  4. Minutes of safety in kindergarten.

According to the form of organization, entertainment evenings are also divided into several types:

  1. spectacular character;
  2. Concerts and theme evenings of children's amateur performances;
  3. Evenings of fun;
  4. physical culture leisure.

If you correctly combine all the options and forms of organizing children's leisure, then children at such evenings will never be bored. Well, in the case of the participation of children in such events, a lot of impressions will be only from the preparation of the holiday, not to mention its holding.

At events of a spectacular nature, fairy tales known to children are shown, stories are read, poems are recited, songs are heard. Children of older groups can organize a puppet show.

At evening-concerts, attention should be paid to listening to musical works. They are carried out mainly in older groups of kindergarten. A concert may consist of four or five pieces, mostly known to children.

At amateur evenings, children can sing songs they know, dance, recite poems, and just play games. The topics of such events can be very diverse, depending on the interests, knowledge and skills of preschoolers.

Performances of children's amateur performances can be timed to coincide with the birthday of each child in the group. Moreover, the preparation of the event and the gift can be kept secret from the birthday man, which, undoubtedly, will only benefit.

The repertoire of entertainment evenings may include riddles, jokes, amusement games, funny dramatizations, dramatization games, musical fairy tale games.

Physical culture leisure in kindergarten as a form of leisure organization

When organizing sports leisure, it should be borne in mind that it can be carried out in all age groups, starting with the middle one. The sports nature of the event involves the performance of various exercises by children, participation in outdoor games. Competitions can be organized in senior groups. This evening goes on for about half an hour. Also in kindergarten, a physical education minute can be held between classes.

Thanks to such a variety of activities and forms of their organization, they can be alternated, filling children's lives with interesting and joyful events. The musical director of the group and its teacher are directly related to the planning of children's events.

Are fun games appropriate in kindergarten?

Fun games with a touch of humor, intrigue are most often played with children junior group kindergarten. These games help to concentrate, switch the attention of children, remove the feeling of fatigue and help children enjoy the activity. Also, such games can be held in the senior and middle group for creating Have a good mood in children.

Organization of concerts in kindergarten: is it interesting for children?

Concerts include different kinds activities: solo, ensemble, choral performance of songs, dances, playing the musical instruments. Participation in concerts will be most interesting for older preschoolers, because they can perform, showing their skills to their comrades, children of other groups. At the same time, executive skills, initiative, and creative invention are manifested. Such activities will help to give children a positive mood. However, it should be borne in mind that such activities require the preparation of children, so they should not be carried out too often.

Munira Akbaeva
A promising lesson plan for children of senior preschool age "Sweet Evening"

Target: creating a favorable psychological climate in the group, instilling a culture of communication at the table, introducing children to the rules of conduct (precautions) in different situations, in different in public places, fostering friendly, friendly relations between children


1 week Topic: "We are a friendly family"

2 week Topic: "Traditions of Russian cuisine"

3week Topic: "Visiting Game"

4week Topic: "Celebrating Birthdays"

1 week Topic: Cafe "Ice cream"

Ice cream will serve kefir with sugar. The tables are beautifully set. Children decide where to sit. When placing an order, the teacher demonstrates the rules speech communication, politely talking to the waiter.

2 week Topic: A conversation about autumn. Vintage Russian names of the autumn months.

AT the old days of the year, and in particular, the autumn ones were called quite differently another: september - fieldfare, frowning; october-leaf, mud, wedding; November-podzimnik, chest.

3week Topic: "A family"

Conversation about loved ones, home. Seven-I - this means that you are, as it were, repeated in the family seven times. Your smile, gait, resembles your mother, father, the color of the eyes is the same as that of the grandmother, the oval of the face is like that of the grandfather

4week Topic: "Celebrating birthdays

Congratulate birthdays, give their gifts. When making gifts, individual Creative skills children. They have fun competitions with small gifts.

1 week Topic: "Our Health"

A conversation about the fact that children should follow the daily routine, walk in the fresh air, eat the right foods, not crackers and chips; must master skills self-service: brushing teeth, troubleshooting clothes, etc. In a relaxed atmosphere, let the children show you off.

2 week Topic: "Holidays"

In that age children should name 4-5 holidays. You can tell the children about how it is customary to celebrate these holidays, what they are associated with. Examining beautiful postcards.

3week Topic "What can I give you?"

It is very pleasant to give gifts, you need to do it with all your heart. It is desirable to arrange a gift beautifully, pack it. It is better to prepare a gift in advance. When presenting a gift, do not be silent, but be sure to say a few kind words-wishes. Make gift puzzles.

4week Topic: "Celebrating Birthdays"

Tables are beautifully served, congratulations, gifts are given. At the table you can talk, listen to children's songs. play the game Fanta

1 week Topic: "Hello, hello, hello, you!"

To say hello to people means to wish them well. The word hello has magical power. Read greeting verses, make polite riddles.

2 week Topic: "Preparing for New Year's Eve"

A conversation about what costumes the children will dress up in. Who sews for them? How will it all be to look like? Offer to draw yourself or other children in costumes.

3week Topic: "Journey on a magic carpet through fairy tales"

Make a flying carpet out of cardboard. During tea drinking, pass it to each other and tell in turn fairy tales of the peoples of the world, Russian folk.

4week Topic: "Holiday Tea Party"

Create a holiday in the group atmosphere: beautifully decorate the group, set the tables on a festive basis, turn on children's New Year's music. Reading poems for the New Year.

1 week Topic: “Not a gift of roads, but attention” (Christmas gatherings)

talk about Orthodox holiday Christmas. What do you remember about this Christmas? What gifts did you receive? Children's statements. Lead to the fact that not a gift is expensive, but attention.

2 week Topic: "After a delicious lunch"

mom me delicious porridge cooked. Mom for this I thanked: I hugged her, kissed her, I "Thanks a lot!" said.

Don't forget to thank your family for delicious breakfasts, lunches and dinners? Do I need to thank for all this in kindergarten? Who? What words of gratitude do you think will please adults?

3week Topic: "Celebrating Birthdays"

play in new game "Birthdays". The game continues until all the children have presented their gifts.

1 week Topic: "What is good, what is bad"

Describe several situations or describe pictures, illustrations. Listen to the children's statements

2 week Topic: "Disco"

Invite the boys to ask the girls to dance. The game "Guess!", "Who called you find out!"

3week Topic: Festive Tea Party

Prepare treats with the girls and set the table. Congratulate the boys on the holiday, give gifts. Listen to cheerful music.

4week Topic: "We invite the mystery grandmother"

Evening of riddles and riddles. For those who scored the most a large number of chips to give small gifts.

1 week Topic: "Holiday Tea Party"

The boys serve festive table, congratulate the girls, give gifts made by hand. Organize a concert.

2 week Topic: "Polite Ride".

Discuss the rules of conduct on the bus.

3week Topic: "Proverbs and sayings".

Recall with number proverbs for children"seven". Explain their meaning. Listen to the music of children's songs.

4week Topic: "Birds are our friends"

A conversation about birds: where they live, how they help people. Listen to audio recordings of birds singing.

1 week Topic: "Don't hurt kids"

Thoughtful conversation. Analysis of different situations.

2 week Topic: conversation "How rich is the Earth?"

Talk about how to save nature. Contest of experts-ecologists "What do we know about nature?" The best connoisseurs are awarded.

3week Topic: "Health Day"

What should be done to be healthy? Listen to the children's answers. Looking at illustrations and pictures. S/r game "Hospital".

4week Topic: "Tree Day".

What time of year are trees planted? Why do they do it? How to properly care for young seedlings. Why are they called that. Reading and discussion of L. Tolstoy's story « The old man was planting apple trees

1 week Topic: "The larks have arrived! They brought summer in their beak!

What birds come to us from warm countries? What are bird houses for? Who can build them? Where is the best place to place a birdhouse? Listening to an audio recording "Birdsong in Winter". Drawing on the topic.

2 week Topic: "Victory Day"

Album review "Our Defenders". Conversation; listening to war songs and marches.

3week Topic: "Theater Secrets"

Conversation about the rules of conduct in the theater. Showing a fairy tale on a flannelgraph at the request of the children.

4week Topic: "Celebrating Birthdays"

Scenario repeat. Listening to music.

Svetlana Kolontaeva
Prospective planning of matinees and entertainment. Leisure evenings in preparatory group.

Prospective planning of matinees and entertainment. Leisure evenings in the preparatory group.


Week 1 "Knowledge Day, me and my friends"

Holiday "Knowledge Day".

Target. Summarize children's knowledge about school. Recall what you have learned. Create a happy mood.

2 weeks "Impressions of Summer"

Leisure"Natural phenomenon"

Target: fix a natural phenomenon that can only be observed in summer.

3 week "Let's set up our group»

Leisure(conversation) "I love my group»

Target: consolidate knowledge about objects, toys, furniture that are in group.

4 week "Preschool Worker's Day"

Literary leisure"All work is good"

Target: to remember, to consolidate the knowledge of children about people working in a children's institution.

Week 1 "Autumn. Autumn mood"

Reading a poem "Autumn".

Target: to introduce children to the work of N. Nishchev and his works.

2 weeks "Harvest"

Evening of riddles“What is born in the summer, come in handy in the winter”

Target: to consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about plants, vegetables, fruits, their place of growth. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, which generously endows us with its riches; respect for the work of people working on the ground.

3 week "In the animal world"

Game "Funny monkeys."

Target: develop ingenuity, observation, dexterity and endurance of children, teach children to communicate with each other other, in different situations to stay friendly.

4 week "This Big World"

Holiday at the Russian birch. (verse by S. Yesenin "White birch".)

Target: To form the idea of ​​​​children about the Russian birch, as a symbol of Russia.

5 week "Day of the Elderly"

Autumn matinee.

Target: create an emotional mood for children to say goodbye to autumn. To consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn with the help of a musical game program.

Week 1 "My small motherland. National Unity Day»

Leisure. Journey to the land of kindness. (Walking through the memorable places of our city)

Target: instill good feelings in children and positive emotions from what you see.

2 weeks "Poultry yard"

Belarusian folk game "Vanyusha and the Swans"

Target: develop dexterity, and speed.

3 week "Game World"

Russian folk game "Big Ball".

Target: develop movement dexterity, speed.

4 week "Mothers Day"

Concert, dedicated to the day mother.

Target: encourage children to memorize poems and songs about mom, cause a desire to please her.

Week 1 "My world"

"Journey into the past of counting devices"

Target: to acquaint children with the history of counting devices, with their transformation by man; develop a retrospective look at the objects of the man-made world; activate cognitive activity.

2 weeks "Early winter"

"Fair of games and fun"

Target: introduce children to winter games and amusements.

3 week "Winter Patterns"

The game "Winter Words"

Target: develop attention, the ability to select words related to winter.

4 week "A New Year is Coming"

New Year matinee.

Target: Create a positive mood in children about the upcoming holiday. Activate the speech and musical abilities of children.

1 week vacation

2 week vacation Listening to children's songs "If there was no winter",

Target: create a joyful mood, cultivate a love for music.

3 week "Christmas Miracle"

Fun games "Jolly Train"

Target: develop dexterity in children, reaction speed when performing tasks in relay races. Cultivate friendship, solidarity, mutual assistance. Engage children in healthy lifestyle life through sports entertainment.

4 week "Me and my friends. Winter fun»

staging game "How the sun and frost quarreled"

Target: arouse interest in the theatre.

Week 1 "Week of Kindness"

Entertainment"Our friend is kindness"

Target: to form in children the idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality, clarify concepts "good", "evil", "goodwill", cultivate a friendly attitude towards others. Encourage your child to do good deeds. Create a festive mood.

2 weeks "World of Professions"

"Professions" (puzzles)

Target: bring children joy, cheerful mood.

3 week "The secret of our planets- a week of experimentation"

Quiz "I know space"

Target: consolidate existing knowledge about space. To instill in children a sense of pride in the history of their country. Develop logical thinking , communication skills, the ability to creatively use their experience in emotional communication with peers. Encourage children to be active, the desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance, honesty in relationships with peers. Develop intellectual abilities of children. Engage in a healthy lifestyle physical education and sports.

4 week "Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Fatherland faithful sons"

Target: develop imagination and creativity; consolidate knowledge of history Russian army; to bring up accuracy, purposefulness, pride in the Fatherland on the example of the exploits of the soldiers who defended the Motherland in different periods stories

5 week "Attention, dear!"

Entertainment"Pancake week"

Target: the formation of ideas in preschool children about the traditions and customs of the Russian people.

1 week "Beauty in art and life

Target: to cultivate love for loved ones, the desire to please them.

2 weeks "Soon to School"

Leisure(the game). "What do you need at school?"

Target: reinforce children's ideas about school supplies.

3 week "Book Week"

Entertainment - related quiz: "My Favorite Books"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, develop logical thinking, ingenuity, to cultivate a desire for constant communication with the book and careful attitude to her, to enrich vocabulary, broaden your horizons, find out which fairy tales and which fairytale heroes children know, introduce new concepts "folk" and "literary" fairy tales, reveal the best connoisseurs of fairy tales; promote speech development of children, imagination, thinking, memory; cultivate a love of reading fiction.

4 week "Spring"

(the game) "The rain won't stop us"

Target: develop

Week 1 "Humor in our life"

The game "Day of laughter"

Target: to educate children in sociability, the ability to perceive humor correctly.

2 weeks "The Secret of the Third planets»

Watching a cartoon "The Secret of the Third planets»

Target: to form in children the concepts of good and bad deeds, to clarify knowledge about astronauts.

3 week "The starlings flew in, they brought spring on their wings"

“We meet spring, we call birds!”

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about birds. reinforce ideas about birds: name, habits, appearance, migratory or wintering; develop memory, attention, speed of reaction, ingenuity, resourcefulness, logical thinking, expressiveness of speech; the ability to guess riddles; ability to classify, compare; develop fantasy, creative imagination;

4 week "World Health Day."

"We love sports"

Target: to improve the motor abilities of children; exercise in walking, running, crawling, jumping; educate purposefulness, team qualities; give children a sense of joy.

Week 1 "Children's Rights in Russia"

Relay games.

Target: continue develop dexterity in children, speed, mutual assistance, a sense of empathy

2 weeks "Victory Day"

Musical lounge « Evening of songs of the war years»

Target: the formation in children of an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the Great Patriotic War is; activate children's vocabulary; to cultivate love for the Motherland, pride in the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War. Acquaintance of children with songs written during the war years, showing illustrations.

3 week "Let's go to the museum"

Presentation "Russian hut. Houseware"

Target: the formation of ideas about the life and way of life of the Russian people, about its traditions.

4 week "Seasons"

Entertainment"When It Happens"

Target: To generalize and consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons.

Week 1 "Children Protection Day"

"Our Pushkin".

The game "We can't live without each other"

Target: develop coordination of movements of children, memory, attention, intelligence.

Quiz based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin.

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales, the ability to expressively read excerpts from works.

2 week International "Russia Day."

Quiz game "Journey to "Land of knowledge about Russia"

Target: the formation of patriotic feelings. To generalize and systematize children's knowledge about Russia, to form a respectful attitude towards state symbols. Consolidate children's knowledge of large Russian cities and rivers, the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation, the names of folk crafts. Cultivate love for the Motherland, civic-patriotic feelings.

Week 3 International Friends Day Game of the Peoples of the North "I am"

Target: develop motor skills.

4 week "International Friends Day"

Quiz "Sports and Olympic symbols"

Target: to test the knowledge of pupils about sports and Olympic symbols, to instill in pupils a love for sports, a healthy lifestyle, an interest in sports competitions. To consolidate knowledge about sports and Olympic symbols. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, collectivism and mutual assistance.

Week 1 "Animation Day"

Quiz "Fairytale Journey"

Target: develop cognitive activity children of preschool age, acceleration of the thought process and speech, consolidation of acquired knowledge on a particular topic, development associative thinking.

2 weeks "Day of traffic police"

Quiz game "Road Signs"

Target: determine how children have learned the rules of traffic safety; consolidate knowledge about traffic signals; to clarify the knowledge of children about the work of traffic police officers; consolidate the meaning of his gestures; to educate children in attentiveness, ingenuity, the ability to comply with traffic safety rules; be kind to each other and to others.

3 week "Russian Post Day"

"Profession Postman"

Target: to expand children's ideas about the profession of a postman, about the need and benefits of his work. Learn to compose a descriptive story about mail according to the scheme. Develop general motor skills imitation creative imagination through logarithmic game "What did the postman bring us?" Develop dialogic speech through composition descriptive story according to the scheme.

4 week "Week of native language and creativity"

Competition of poetry reciters about summer.

Target: development speeches of children in the expressive performance of poems.

Week 1 "Athlete's Day"

Holiday "Neptune"

Target: increase interest in physical culture, create a positive emotional mood, improve children's health by the forces of nature (water, sun and air).

2 weeks "Builder's Day"

Competition "Sand Fantasies"

Target: Encourage children to create architectural structures using sand and water.

3 week “Happy birthday children congratulates the kindergarten”

Riddles competition "About Kindergarten"

Target: strengthening the ability of children to guess riddles.

4 week "Journey to a fairy tale"

Literary quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Fix names and characters fairy tales familiar to children. Develop in children auditory attention, creative imagination. Raise children's interest in fairy tales. Cause emotional responsiveness.