Good night in Kyrgyz.

Kyrgyz language

The language of the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, although there is currently a gradual transition to Latin alphabet. Pronunciation: θ = “y” (like “u” in English “fur”), Y = “u”, H with a squiggle at the bottom = “n” like “ng” in English. “sing”, F = “j”. In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put the stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases
Hello - salaam alaikum

hello - salam

Goodbye - Dzhakshy kalyngizdar

Thank you - rahmat

Not really
ooba / jock

How are you? (how are you?)
Zhakshysyzby? – ZHAKSHYSYZBY/Kandai?

good, good (-th, -th) - JAKSHY

bad, bad (th, -th) - zhaman

can / can not - swamps / ballboyt

beautiful (-th, -th) - kooz, suluu

delicious (-th, -th) - daamduu

right, true - Yras / tuura

big / small - chong / kichine

very / most - θТθ / en

I don't understand - men tushumboy jatamyn - TYSHYMBθDUM

Where, Where...? - ... kaida?

tam - anda/tiyakta

then, then - anan / kiin

don't go, stay - ketpe/tokto

When? / When will he arrive, will he come? - Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight - sol / he / alga / ace

close / far - zhakyn / alys

Why, why? - Emnege? Emne Yuchun?

How? (How much?) - Kancha? Kanchadan?

money / expensive - akcha / kymbat

sell - satuu

I / we - men / biz

you / you (sing.) / you (pl.) - sen / siz / sealer

father / mother - ata / ene, apa

brother - yeah (how to address an unknown man), bike, ake (southern dialect)

family - yu-bulu - Yy-BYLθ

chief / leader - heads / heads

friend / friends - dos / dostor

human - adam/kishi

guy - zhigit
girl/girl - Kyz

teacher - mugalim

host - kojoyun

woman / women - ayal / ayaldar

man - erkek

child / children - bala / baldar

doctor - doctor

wounded - firefighter

hospital - Oruukana

hotel - meymankanA, konok yu

toilet - daaratkan

stop - ayaldama

airport / bus station - airport / bus station

gas station - maybeket

railway station - temir jol station

car / road / direction - car / zhol / zholdomo

militia - militia

border - check, check ara

hungry - ah

food - tamak

bread - nan

water / boiled water - suu / kainatylgan suu

milk - syut - SYT

meat / fish - et / salmon

rice - kuruch

salt / sugar - ace / cant, sheker

plov - plov / ash

vegetables - jashylchalar

fruit - jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep - koi

horse - zhylky

goat - echki

cow - uy (saan uy - cash cow)

house / home - yu - Yy / yugu - YyГθ

bed - toshok - TθSHθK

yurt - boz yu - BOZ Yy

mountain / mountains / to the mountains - too / toolor / toonu kozdoy

glacier - mongyu - MθNGY

rock - aska

break - jar

gorge - kapchygai

snow / ice - car / muses

swamp - saz

river / lake - uzUn - θЗθН, gifts / kol

desert - chol - CθL

forest - current

source, spring - bulak

rain - jaan / jamgyr

cold / cold - muzdak / suuk

hot, hot - ysyk

wind - jel

rope - jeep

snake / poisonous - zhylan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist - akyn / jazzuuchu / surutchiu - SYRθTCHY

journey / traveler - sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd - mergenchi / koichu

hike - jurush - ZHYRYSH

weather - aba yrayy

distance - aralyk

holiday - miram

guest / guests - konok / meymandar

time - ubakyt

Monday - Dushombyu - DYSHθMBY

Tuesday - Seishembi

Wednesday - Sharshembi

Thursday - Beishembi

Friday - Juma

Saturday - IshembI

Sunday - Jacksembee

3 - uch - YCH

4 - cake - TθRT

10/15 - he/he is besh

22 - zhiyyrma eki

34 - otuz cake

50 - elyu - ELYY

68 - altymysh segiz

100 - juz - ZhYZ

1000 / 6000 - min / alty min

Greeting - SalamdashUU
Hello - SalamAtchylyk
Good morning - Kutmanduu tanynyz menen!
Good afternoon - kutmanduu kununuz menen!
Good evening - Kutmanduu kechingiz menen!
Good night - Beipil tun
Hello - Salam
How are you? – Ishter Kandai? (to a friend, peer, etc.) Kandaisyz? (senior person in status or age)
Good - Zhakshi / Durus
Bad - Zhaman
So-so – Ancha mes
What is your name? - Atynyz kim swamps?
What is your name? - Atyn kim bogs?
My name is ... - Menin atym ...
Thank you - Rakhmat
Not worth it - ArzybAit / echteke emes

The Kyrgyz language is rich and varied. However, even those who consider it native do not always understand all its subtleties. In addition, there are expressions and words that were actively used by our ancestors, but unfairly forgotten by the modern generation. We decided to fix it.

1. Karik adam- a greedy person, miser, greedy. That was the name of a person who could not be interrogated for snow in winter. given word is common to the Kyrgyz and Mongols. The Arabs called the greedy man "haris". There is a possibility that they borrowed this expression from us.

2. Zikiri kagyluu- approximate translation "mountain from the shoulders." The expression means satisfaction from the end of a long and hard work. "Zikir" borrowed from Arabic and means "remember". This is due to the tradition of believers to gather in groups and pray to God until dawn, mentioning 99 names of Allah. In the end, the worshipers literally fell from fatigue, but at the same time peace and tranquility descended on their souls. Over time, the expression began to be used as fatigue at the end of any action or satisfaction from a positive outcome.

3. Kush uyku- this is how the Kyrgyz say about short-term sleep. It can be used when a person takes a nap for a while on the road. "Kush" is translated as "bird". As you know, they sleep sitting on a branch. The nomadic people of the Kyrgyz also tried to sleep on horseback while grazing.

4. Sygandyn atyndai zhulkungan- literally: "jumps like a gypsy horse." It was believed that the gypsies, before taking the horse to the market, gave him vodka to make the horse seem more active. This expression has an ironic color, without a pronounced negative.

5. Taarynsan - Talaska bar- an analogue of the Russian proverb "they carry water on the offended." Literally translated as "offended - go to Talas." The expression is associated with Manas and his forty baatyrs. They are known to have come from different places, offended by someone or something in their native places.

6. At soorusun saluu- literally translated as "show the horse's croup." This expression is used when they want to show an extreme degree of contempt for a coward.

The Kyrgyz fought a lot, and running away from the battlefield was considered a disgrace.

7. Osurgan go kyluu- literally, the phrase translates as "farted cow", this phrase has nothing to do with the Russian expression "how to fart into a puddle." Osurgan uydai kyluu means a person with whom no one wants to do business because of his bad qualities or habits (for example, they said so about those who spread false rumors, gossip or harm in some other way).

8. Salakaluu boz bala; salakaluu adam - educated person which is a pleasure to listen to. "Salaka" from Farsi and Tajik "salik" is translated as "talent", "taste", "relish".

9. Kiyiz kitep- Literally means "felt book". And they used this expression when they wanted to convict someone of a lie. If a person too "decorated" his story with a lie, he was asked: "Did you read this in a felt book?" This was considered an ironic allusion to his lies.

10. Kerdenkeshtik kyluu- do not listen to advice, stubborn. It does not carry a negative meaning, but is said as a fact of disobedience. The expression is often found in the epic "Manas".

"Kerdenkesh" from Farsi - Tajik language consists of two parts: "gerdan" - neck, "kesh" - pull.

Kyrgyz language

The language of the Turkic group. The spelling is Cyrillic, although there is currently a gradual transition to the Latin alphabet. Pronunciation: θ = “y” (like “u” in English “fur”), Y = “u”, H with a squiggle at the bottom = “n” like “ng” in English. “sing”, F = “j”. In words with unknown stress, it is recommended to put the stress at the end of the word.

How to pronounce + spelling in difficult cases
Hello - salaam alaikum

hello - salam

Goodbye - Dzhakshy kalyngizdar

Thank you - rahmat

Not really
ooba / jock

How are you? (how are you?)
Zhakshysyzby? – ZHAKSHYSYZBY/Kandai?

good, good (-th, -th) - JAKSHY

bad, bad (th, -th) - zhaman

can / can not - swamps / ballboyt

beautiful (-th, -th) - kooz, suluu

delicious (-th, -th) - daamduu

right, true - Yras / tuura

big / small - chong / kichine

very / most - θТθ / en

I don't understand - men tushumboy jatamyn - TYSHYMBθDUM

Where, Where...? - ... kaida?

tam - anda/tiyakta

then, then - anan / kiin

don't go, stay - ketpe/tokto

When? / When will he arrive, will he come? - Kachan? / Kachan kelet?

left / right / forward / straight - sol / he / alga / ace

close / far - zhakyn / alys

Why, why? - Emnege? Emne Yuchun?

How? (How much?) - Kancha? Kanchadan?

money / expensive - akcha / kymbat

sell - satuu

I / we - men / biz

you / you (sing.) / you (pl.) - sen / siz / sealer

father / mother - ata / ene, apa

brother - yeah (how to address an unknown man), bike, ake (southern dialect)

family - yu-bulu - Yy-BYLθ

chief / leader - heads / heads

friend / friends - dos / dostor

human - adam/kishi

guy - zhigit
girl/girl - Kyz

teacher - mugalim

host - kojoyun

woman / women - ayal / ayaldar

man - erkek

child / children - bala / baldar

doctor - doctor

wounded - firefighter

hospital - Oruukana

hotel - meymankanA, konok yu

toilet - daaratkan

stop - ayaldama

airport / bus station - airport / bus station

gas station - maybeket

railway station - temir jol station

car / road / direction - car / zhol / zholdomo

militia - militia

border - check, check ara

hungry - ah

food - tamak

bread - nan

water / boiled water - suu / kainatylgan suu

milk - syut - SYT

meat / fish - et / salmon

rice - kuruch

salt / sugar - ace / cant, sheker

plov - plov / ash

vegetables - jashylchalar

fruit - jamishter, jer jamish

ram, sheep - koi

horse - zhylky

goat - echki

cow - uy (saan uy - cash cow)

house / home - yu - Yy / yugu - YyГθ

bed - toshok - TθSHθK

yurt - boz yu - BOZ Yy

mountain / mountains / to the mountains - too / toolor / toonu kozdoy

glacier - mongyu - MθNGY

rock - aska

break - jar

gorge - kapchygai

snow / ice - car / muses

swamp - saz

river / lake - uzUn - θЗθН, gifts / kol

desert - chol - CθL

forest - current

source, spring - bulak

rain - jaan / jamgyr

cold / cold - muzdak / suuk

hot, hot - ysyk

wind - jel

rope - jeep

snake / poisonous - zhylan / zaarduu

poet / writer / artist - akyn / jazzuuchu / surutchiu - SYRθTCHY

journey / traveler - sayakat / sayakatchy

hunter / shepherd - mergenchi / koichu

hike - jurush - ZHYRYSH

weather - aba yrayy

distance - aralyk

holiday - miram

guest / guests - konok / meymandar

time - ubakyt

Monday - Dushombyu - DYSHθMBY

Tuesday - Seishembi

Wednesday - Sharshembi

Thursday - Beishembi

Friday - Juma

Saturday - IshembI

Sunday - Jacksembee

3 - uch - YCH

4 - cake - TθRT

10/15 - he/he is besh

22 - zhiyyrma eki

34 - otuz cake

50 - elyu - ELYY

68 - altymysh segiz

100 - juz - ZhYZ

1000 / 6000 - min / alty min

Greeting - SalamdashUU
Hello - SalamAtchylyk
Good morning - Kutmanduu tanynyz menen!
Good afternoon - kutmanduu kununuz menen!
Good evening - Kutmanduu kechingiz menen!
Good night - Beipil tun
Hello - Salam
How are you? – Ishter Kandai? (to a friend, peer, etc.) Kandaisyz? (senior person in status or age)
Good - Zhakshi / Durus
Bad - Zhaman
So-so – Ancha mes
What is your name? - Atynyz kim swamps?
What is your name? - Atyn kim bogs?
My name is ... - Menin atym ...
Thank you - Rakhmat
Not worth it - ArzybAit / echteke emes