Define the word etiquette. What is etiquette? Etiquette: rules of conduct in society and public places

AT recent times on every corner you can hear the already slightly annoying word "etiquette".

Adults say that you definitely need to know what it is, what it is eaten with, and you are probably much more interested in chatting with your girlfriends, going to a disco or listening to your favorite music.

Don't think that in Everyday life etiquette is a useless thing, because if you do not want to get into an awkward situation, then you will certainly have to adhere to certain rules of conduct.

Suppose you are going to sunbathe, but there are no places on the beach. What to do in this case?

How to behave if someone knocked you down on the rink and did not even apologize. What is it: politeness or its complete absence?

First of all, remember: etiquette is a certain set of rules of conduct.

Imagine a huge building where each floor is reserved for a special kind of communication. On each floor, information is placed in rooms to make it easier to understand.

Each room has shelves, like in a library, on which books are placed containing the answer to any question related to communication and behavior.

We can say: etiquette is a science that contains all the rules that we use in everyday life.

It includes many sections; for example, you can learn how to behave at the table, in transport, at school or in a store, because even there you can’t do without rules.

If in the store you politely address the seller: “Please give me a loaf and a cake,” then you are fully aware of the rules of etiquette.

But how would you like an answer that contradicts them, for example: “Wait! Can't you see I'm talking? You probably won't visit this store again.

Having mastered the rules of etiquette, you will learn how to dress properly, behave at the table, get acquainted and keep up a conversation with strangers, adults and peers.

You think that no one needs it, but you already know how to behave with your mother or friends. But this is a delusion: you need to know and apply the rules of etiquette always and everywhere.

Believe me, he is fraught with many wonderful discoveries and mysteries that we will try to reveal to you.

Let's remember a little the history of the development of etiquette itself. This word came to us from medieval France. Louis XIV outlined the rules of communication for them. Translated into Russian, "etikuette" means "label".

Since ancient times, human behavior at home and in society has been determined by a number of rules. True, at that time there were not so many of them.

For example, a woman did not have the right to pick up her husband's club or enter the cave before him.

In a later period, people improved these rules and introduced many others.

Man has evolved, and along with it, new forms of behavior have appeared.

With the advent of speech and the formation of languages, specific ways of communication began to emerge, which are peculiar only to given people and according to his customs.

In all eras, the upbringing of respect for the older generation has been unchanged.

AT prehistoric times children were obliged to respect the elders and leaders of the clan, to obey their parents.

As you can see, not much has changed since then: you also respect your parents (at least you should), school teachers and, in general, all adults.

Rules of conduct at the table did not exist then; however, there were no tables yet.

ate ancient people right on the ground, sitting by the fire. But it was customary to give the best pieces to those who distinguished themselves in hunting, and to the oldest, which indicates that the ancestors had a certain etiquette, however, in its most primitive form.

❧ Are your acquaintances sometimes rude and annoy you with their wild manners?

Don't worry, in medieval Europe this was not so rare.

The ancient tribes of the Vikings inhabited the territory of the Scandinavian countries and were particularly ill-mannered among their brethren.

Perhaps one of them was embodied in your friend Vasya or your neighbor Sveta?

In those distant times, tables already existed, and the Vikings, returning from hunting or another raid on the neighboring territory, arranged a grand feast.

Servants brought whole boars or even deer roasted on a spit on huge wooden dishes.

The Vikings took out huge knives from their bosoms and attacked the food with particular greed: everyone tried to grab a bigger and tastier piece for themselves, not paying any attention to their neighbor, even if he was older. Well, no respect, complete lack of education! Who did not have time, he was late!

❧ Perhaps you are interested to know how women behaved in those ancient times? Could they, like you now, go to a disco or a movie?

Alas, women had no such rights. Do you think it's a shame not to be able to freely go outside and chat with your friends?

We agree with you, but at that time, perhaps, it was necessary, because internecine wars and strife were not uncommon, and battles could take place right on the main square of the city.

It is good that in the house the women had their own rooms where they could meet with their neighbors or do needlework.

But women did not have the right to enter the male half of the house without the special permission of their father or spouse.

Subsequently, the representatives of the weaker sex were given greater freedom, but they never achieved equality in rights with men.

But it was customary to dedicate poems to the fair sex, give flowers, erect buildings in their honor and perform feats, call them the names of cities and ships.

The whole world began to revolve around the cult of the Beautiful Lady. Here's where to go! But the outfits at that time were very, very uncomfortable, not like the current jeans.

❧ Ladies had to suffer from too tight outfits, but as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. So women had to walk around castles all day in corsets and an incredible amount of skirts and petticoats. One dress of an average lady weighed up to twenty kilograms (and this is without a whalebone!). Here's a good opportunity to keep your figure!

But this is not the most perfect model of society, so we will continue our journey and turn to times closer and more familiar.

Europe gradually introduced certain rules behavior. But in the Middle Ages, etiquette existed only for those who, in the opinion of society, were worthy of it. A commoner could not count on learning this science.

An abyss appeared between people: the richer a person was, the more courtesy he demanded of himself.

Remember the films about those times: not a single visit was complete without hundreds of squats in curtseys and bows with constant waving of hats with feathers.

Every movement said something to your interlocutor. In the Middle Ages, etiquette began to be divided into two parts: speech and gesture.

If the first was more or less clear, then the second science was more complicated.

Imagine that your future will depend on how you look at the interlocutor or what gesture you accompany with a compliment.

How easy it is to communicate in our time: you can just shake your hand at a meeting or say hello verbally, ask about life and business, and after listening to the answer, throw a couple more phrases on the go and move on.

Yes, in this age you don't have to wave your hats for half an hour just to be considered a well-mannered person.

In the Middle Ages, people invented gloves. Immediately appeared and the rules of etiquette associated with them. We still take off our gloves when we greet each other, only because during hostilities, kings, when they met for negotiations, took off their gloves, thus demonstrating friendly intentions.

Nowadays, if a boss greets a subordinate or an adult with a young enough person, then the first one can remain in the glove, but the second one is simply obliged to remove it from his hand.

Women have always been in a privileged position, so you don't have to take off your gloves.

Greeting, men from time immemorial lifted the edge of the hat or took it off altogether, in some cases it was only possible to touch the brim - and this was quite enough to greet the person.

❧ Women, on the other hand, did not touch their headdresses, it was always considered bad manners. With the passage of time in glades, beautiful ladies there was a split: some remained socialites, others - rushed to conquer new world on par with the stronger sex.

It was then that business etiquette appeared, which helped to build and maintain relationships in the service.

But some things still remain unchanged. For example, the rules of conduct in society. Do you know why a lady is usually on the left side of her partner?

❧ This tradition is also rooted in history. When male knights accompanied their ladies, all sorts of obstacles could stand in their way. But it was originally assumed that strong man is the defender of the weaker sex, so the knight's right hand should always be free to repel any blow.

We are used to the fact that women are always let in front: in transport, at the doors of institutions.

Then why does the lady have to go up the stairs from behind?

We note right away that there is no contradiction here, but there is a story: once upon a time, people lived in huge castles with tangled narrow stairs, walking along which was creepy even during the day (there was no electricity then).

So the man had to go ahead with a candle and light up the dark stairs, scaring away not only bats, but also ghosts. And also...

The ladies were dressed in chic outfits,

So you won't get close or near.

And so that the lady does not step on the outfit,

Men began to walk forward proudly.

But a man still has many other privileges and "joys" of etiquette, for example, he may well help a lady down the stairs.

You will probably also be very pleased if even a complete stranger helps you get off the bus or climb on the footboard of the tram.

Every day you put a clean handkerchief in your pocket, take gloves with you in winter and don’t even think about the fact that these items used to be an integral part of etiquette: things could introduce people or turn them into bitter enemies.

Proud (mind you, and very smart!) ladies "accidentally" dropped cambric handkerchiefs in the presence of gentlemen.

Men immediately rushed to the aid of the lady (in fact, she herself could not squat in such a chic outfit!).

As a result, pleasant acquaintances took place. Seeing off the next campaign of the knights, the ladies waved them handkerchiefs from the walls of their towers, wishing them good luck on a long journey.

With a glove, everything was much more serious. If some rude man spoke a bad word to the lady, then the gentleman immediately stood up for his companion.

As you might have guessed, this was done just with the help of a glove that was thrown on the floor in front of the offender.

Moreover, if the glove fell to the left of the troublemaker, then the men had to fight with swords, if on the right, then with pistols.

You are probably very lucky, because in order to become a well-mannered person in our time, you do not need to learn so many subtleties associated with gloves and hats, which means there are fewer difficulties!

Although not everything is so simple in all countries, and if you are going to travel with your parents, you will have to learn a little about the peculiarities of etiquette in other countries.

Word " etiquette”appeared under King Louis XIV in France.

At one of the magnificent receptions of the king, all those invited were awarded code of conduct cards that guests must comply with.

From here it happened the concept of "etiquette" - good breeding, good manners, the ability to behave in society.

These cards are called labels».

Medieval etiquette

Many rules originated in the middle Ages. For example, take off one's hat or glove when greeting.

The medieval knight, wishing to show that he is in a circle of friends and has nothing to fear, took off his helmet or raised his visor.

Subsequently, when the helmet gave way to other headgear, the nobleman took off or raised his hat for the same purpose to show that he is in a circle of friends.

Even later, they began to remove the hat in front of a higher person, and when greeting an equal to themselves, they only touched it. Women were always greeted by removing their headdress.

And in this form, this ritual was preserved in the 19th century, not changing over the centuries. Even the kings of France, who did not take off their hats to anyone, touched her when the lady appeared.

handshake custom

The custom of shaking hands has more ancient history. The man held out his unarmed palm with outstretched fingers right hand as a sign of the absence of hostile intentions. A tradition has survived to this day, according to which the youngest in age or position never extends his hand first, since it may simply not be accepted.

Etiquette in Egypt

Since ancient times, chroniclers, philosophers, writers and poets have given numerous recommendations regarding the behavior of a person at the table.

AT Ancient Egypt in the III millennium BC. e. one of the popular manuscripts was compilation good advice"Teachings of Kochemni".

Even then, the Egyptians considered it necessary to use cutlery, as well as the ability to eat beautifully, silently. Such behavior was regarded as a great dignity and a necessary component of culture.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette reached the point of absurdity. There was even a saying:
"Etiquette makes kings slaves of the court."

Cases from history when the desire to observe etiquette could cost people their lives

Spanish King Philip III in the name of etiquette he sacrificed his life. Sitting by the fireplace, in which the fire flared up too much, the king did not allow any of the courtiers to put a damper and did not move himself away. The courtier, who was supposed to watch the fire in the fireplace, was absent. The king decided not to move, although the flames were already burning his face, and the lace on his clothes caught fire. Having received severe burns, he died a few days later.

BUT at the Spanish court of Philip II the queen once fell from her horse, her foot stuck in the stirrup. The horse dragged the queen behind him, but no one dared to help her, so as not to offend her majesty by touching her leg. When two courtiers nevertheless decided to save the half-dead queen, they hurried to immediately hide from the wrath of the king for a gross violation of the rules of etiquette.

Development of etiquette in Russia

In Russian, the word etiquette entered at the beginning of the 17th century. At first, etiquette was used as a court ceremonial. With the advent of printing, began to appear first etiquette guide.

The first book on etiquette was called "Domostroy". It outlined rules of human behavior in everyday life.

Peter I, who traveled a lot in Europe, really wanted his subjects to look like Europeans. He wanted to adopt their customs, mores.

Under Peter I in 1717 it was published a book on good manners called "Youth's Honest Mirror" or " Indications for everyday life". This book was addressed to young people and talked about rules of conduct in society.

An educated nobleman was supposed, for example, to always be polite and courteous, to know foreign languages be able to speak eloquently, treat elders with respect.

AT modern world not knowing the rules of etiquette means spitting against the wind, putting yourself in an uncomfortable position. Unfortunately, many perceive the observance of certain norms and rules of communication as something shameful, considering this a sign of high-browed aesthetes who are very far from real life. However, these people forget that rude and tactless behavior can cause the same reaction in response.

In fact, the basics of etiquette are quite simple. This is a culture of speech, elementary politeness, neat appearance and the ability to manage your emotions. Both apply to both men and women.

  1. If you say the phrase: "I invite you" means you pay. Another wording: "Let's go to a restaurant" - in this case, everyone pays for himself, and only if the man himself offers to pay for the woman, she can agree.
  2. Never do not come to visit without a call. If you are visited unannounced, you can afford to be in a dressing gown and curlers. One British lady said that when intruders appeared, she always put on shoes, a hat and took an umbrella. If a person is pleasant to her, she will exclaim: “Oh, how lucky, I just came!”. If unpleasant: "Oh, what a pity, I have to leave."
  3. Don't ask a girl out on a date and, even more so, to communicate like that with her.
  4. Do not place your smartphone on the table in public places. In doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how much you are not interested in annoying chatter going on nearby. At any moment, you are ready to leave useless conversations and once again check the feed on Instagram, answer an important call or get distracted to find out what fifteen new levels have come to Angry Birds.
  5. The male never does not carry a women's bag. And he takes a woman's coat only to carry it to the locker room.
  6. Shoes should always be clean.
  7. If you are walking with someone and your companion says hello to you person, should say hello and you.
  8. Many people think that you can only eat with chopsticks. However, this is not entirely correct. Unlike women, men can eat sushi with their hands.
  9. Do not talk on the phone. If you're in need of a heart-to-heart conversation, it's best to meet with a friend face to face.
  10. If you have been insulted, you should not respond with similar rudeness, and, moreover, raise your voice to the person who insulted you. Don't get down up to his level. Smile and politely move away from the ill-mannered interlocutor.
  11. On the street the man should go to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to perform a military salute.
  12. Drivers should remember that in cold blood splashing passers-by with mud is blatant incivility.
  13. A woman may keep her hat and gloves on indoors, but no hat and mittens.
  14. Nine things should be kept secret: age, wealth, a gap in the house, prayer, the composition of the medicine, a love affair, a gift, honor and dishonor.
  15. Arriving at the cinema, theater, to a concert, you should go to your seats only facing those seated. The man goes first.
  16. The man enters the restaurant always first, main reason- on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. Then he finds empty seats.
  17. Never you should not touch a woman without her desire, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street.
  18. If someone calls you impolitely (for example: "Hey, you!"), do not respond to this call. However, there is no need to lecture, educate others during a short meeting. It is better to teach an etiquette lesson by your own example.
  19. Golden Rule when using perfume - moderation. If by the evening you smell your perfume, know that everyone else has already suffocated.
  20. A well-mannered man will never allow himself to fail to show his due respect for a woman.
  21. In the presence of a woman, a man smokes only with her permission.
  22. Whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - entering the room, say hello first.
  23. Keep correspondence confidential. Parents should not read letters intended for their children. Spouses should do the same with each other. Anyone who rummages through the pockets of loved ones in search of notes or letters is doing extremely ugly.
  24. Don't try to keep up with fashion. It is better to look not fashionable, but good, than bad.
  25. If after an apology you are forgiven, you should not return to the offensive question again and ask for forgiveness again, just do not repeat such mistakes.
  26. Laughing too loudly, talking too loudly, intently looking at people is offensive.
  27. Don't forget to thank your loved ones people, relatives and friends. Their good deeds and willingness to offer their help is not an obligation, but an expression of feelings worthy of gratitude.

I am very sensitive to the rules of good taste. How to pass a plate. Do not shout from one room to another. Do not open a closed door without knocking. Let the lady go ahead. The purpose of all these countless simple rules- make life better. We cannot live in a state of chronic war with our parents - this is stupid. I am careful about my manners. It's not some kind of abstraction. It is a language of mutual respect that everyone understands.

American actor Jack Nicholson


State budgetary educational institution of higher vocational education


Faculty of World Economy and Trade

Interdisciplinary Department of Humanities


by discipline

"Ethics public service and civil servant"

Topic: What is etiquette

Made by a student

course, group No. Td31z / o

Laptev I.V.

scientific adviser

Petrova A. G.

Moscow -2014


The concept of etiquette and its inseparable connection with ethics

Features of etiquette

Features of business etiquette

office etiquette




The relevance of the study of etiquette is undeniable and is due to the following.

Etiquette has existed since time immemorial, during which it gradually changed, modifying its rules in accordance with the conditions of life, culture and civilization. At present, issues of ethics, ethical standards of behavior, and etiquette are becoming increasingly important. Without observing these norms, political, economic, cultural relations are impossible, since it is impossible to exist without respecting each other and without imposing certain restrictions on oneself.

Interpersonal communication in society requires each person to comply with certain norms and rules of conduct. The rules and norms of human behavior in society are known under the concept of etiquette.

Etiquette is a kind of code of good manners and rules of conduct, generally accepted rules of behavior in society, external orders of how to behave, an established order of behavior, these are the norms of relationships between people of different legal, social and intellectual status.

Etiquette can be conditionally divided into business and informal.

The main purpose of etiquette is to protect the honor and dignity of a person when communicating in society.

The purpose of the study: to study the features and various aspects of etiquette. Research objectives:

consider the concept of etiquette and its inseparable connection with ethics.

identify the features of etiquette.

determine the features of business etiquette.

consider office etiquette.

Object of study: etiquette.

Subject of study:

The structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. The concept of etiquette and its inseparable connection with ethics

Modern etiquette is universal and contains global rules and norms, although each nation makes its own additions to it based on national and cultural traditions. Etiquette contains norms of behavior that regulate human actions in various public places. Based on this, there are different types of etiquette, corresponding to the places where a person finds himself.

Etiquette in society implies the unity of a person's high internal morality with outwardly worthy manners. Only such a harmony of the inner and outer "I" allows you to make a person's behavior sincere and natural.

Business etiquette - regulates the rules and norms of behavior in the workplace.

Diplomatic etiquette - the rules of conduct for employees of the diplomatic corps in dealing with representatives of the country in which

it is located. It regulates the order of visits, diplomatic receptions and meetings.

Military etiquette is the rules of conduct for military personnel that define a strict hierarchy and unquestioning observance of the orders of senior officers.

General civil etiquette - the rules and norms governing the daily communication of people. Respect for elders, men for women, between passengers in transport.

The rules of etiquette are not absolute and should be followed according to the situation. What is unacceptable in one case may be the norm in other circumstances.

Etiquette norms are, as a rule, unwritten rules, unlike morality, but their knowledge is an important part of the formation of a person's internal culture.

A cultured person not only accepts these rules, but strictly follows them not only in public places, but also at home.

The basis for the formation of internal etiquette is goodwill, responsibility and dignity. In addition, etiquette is impossible without tact and a sense of proportion, which should be inherent in every educated person. Disposition to people and at the same time a sense of proportion will help to adequately represent yourself in any situation.

If ethics in a broad sense is understood as a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in the process public life. Ethics, according to A. Schweitzer, is an unlimited responsibility for everything that lives.” Ethics is the accepted rules of internal morality and morality regarding such concepts as good and evil, friendship, compassion, self-sacrifice and conscience, and so on, then etiquette is a set of rules for external behavior, a certain ritual in external relations with others, a historically established order of behavior in society.

What is the etiquette accepted in society - such is society. Etiquette in society requires a person to constantly cultivate an internal culture based on respect for the entire society. AT modern society a person who does not know the basics of etiquette is considered uncultured.

The simplest norms of etiquette are familiar to us from childhood. But with ethics, not everything is so simple, because this concept is somewhat abstract, unlike etiquette. But both of these concepts are closely related.

Moreover, etiquette follows from the norms of ethics. And ethics without etiquette would not be implemented, remaining only as an unwritten rule.

There is a huge difference between etiquette and ethics, although the former follows from the latter. The difference is obvious and lies right on the surface. For example, giving way to public transport elderly person, we are guided by ethics, because moral person it is uncomfortable to sit in a comfortable chair if a pensioner or a disabled person is kept on his feet next to him. But after all, such is the rule accepted in society - to respect elders. And, for example, helping a woman to put on a coat in the theater wardrobe, a man obeys the rules of etiquette, because it is inconvenient to do otherwise when everyone is doing it. Or offering her hand when she gets off the footboard of a city bus, otherwise she will think that he is an uncultured and selfish person. Here, the rules of etiquette will help to look like a moral person who is not indifferent to whether a woman falls off the bus step or safely gets home without injury.

Etiquette will help to impress a woman, because she will understand that in front of her is a caring person. or in a given group of people, and what not. In contrast to the norms of morality, it is, as it were, the nature of an unwritten agreement of people. Ethics operates with moral categories. Unlike ethics, whose task is to regulate the moral standards of communication, etiquette dictates the rules adopted for certain groups of employees and various situations. Etiquette in this case regulates the norms of communication.

In some ways, ethics and etiquette can coincide, for example, it is necessary to tell the truth both from the point of view of etiquette and morality. But courtesy requires only etiquette. Both etiquette and ethics are different codes of conduct. For example, a man protects a woman from hooligans, fights with them. In this case - a violation of etiquette, but not ethics. The man showed determination, courage, strength, that is, positive qualities, he protected the woman from hooligans.

Etiquette is the established order of conduct anywhere. These are the norms of relations between people of different legal, social and intellectual status. This is part of the moral culture associated with the category of beauty. Etiquette connects inner world man with his external manifestation.

Etiquette regulates what is permissible and acceptable in this society

or in a given group of people, and what not. It is associated with the concepts of politeness, culture, intelligence. Etiquette is based on respect for people.

Etiquette in process business communication is an essential part of running any business. Unlike ethics, whose task is to regulate the moral standards of communication, etiquette dictates the rules adopted for certain groups of employees and various situations.

Etiquette in this case regulates the norms of communication, sometimes down to minor trifles of a ritual nature. This greatly facilitates communication between employees of the company, and plays an important role in negotiations with partners. In everyday consciousness, ethics and etiquette often merge, since they are associated with people's behavior. However, a "civilized" person who observes the norms of etiquette is not always moral. After all, etiquette regulates only the external manifestations of human relations, it is integral part external culture of man and society.

Features of etiquette

There is a whole science about the rules of behavior in society, called etiquette. This word is known to every person from childhood, but this does not at all mean a good knowledge of its canons. Alas, many features of etiquette today are irretrievably lost, and extremely simplified and often too familiar relations have come in their place. Etiquette, as a set of rules and laws, was formed over years. Suffice it to recall the classical Russian literature, which describes the delicacy and utmost courtesy of relations between people. A similar line of behavior brought up and educated people The golden age is amazing. But, unfortunately, it also makes you feel nostalgic for the times of gallantry of gentlemen and the modest charm of beautiful ladies that have gone into oblivion. In the modern concept of etiquette, in

Basically, it comes down to business relationships.

The concept of "etiquette" penetrated into Russia at the beginning of the 18th century.

Of course, even before that time there was a generally accepted order of behavior at court and outside it. We know from history that the patriarchal demands spelled out in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible in a kind of Domostroy code of conduct were of great importance in the life of Russian society. By these rules, people were to be guided in their attitude to power, to the church, to the family, to work.

Modern traditions are fundamentally different from the life of that time. Relationships at work<#"justify">what is needed. And work etiquette is no exception.

Today they talk a lot about the etiquette of relationships with business partners and colleagues, about the etiquette of negotiations and meetings.

Indeed, this area of ​​human relations is extremely important. And today, cheeky familiarity, fortunately, is in disgrace among serious and educated people. But, unfortunately, in everyday life it is hardly possible to reward relations between people with the title of the pinnacle of etiquette. Of course, most people in our cynical age retain style and good manners, referring to people on "You" and using an invariably polite and restrained manner of speaking.

Despite the fact that the main features of etiquette are explained today in almost every school, success depends only on the accepted norms and canons in the family of each student. It is impossible to instill in a child the rules of graceful behavior in society without having them used in his own family. Only by the personal example of adults does the most effective learning children's etiquette.

In fact, the basics of etiquette must become part of the character of each person, otherwise this science, necessary for everyone, will turn out to be superficial, and manners false. And it is not known what will look more positive - rough naturalness or deliberate mannerism. Therefore, only the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, not only in the field of science and art, but also in the rules of etiquette, can give the desired effect and in much better side transform our society.

At the heart of any set of rules of conduct lies, above all, immense respect for a person. And it should manifest itself regardless of his lifestyle, social status or character.

Only the rank of Man should be conducive to correct and delicate communication with him. On this, and only on this important postulate, the whole science of etiquette is based, and the rules invented by people are only details of a great and comprehensive concept.

One has only to pick up a book that would describe in detail the gestures, manners and rules adopted by etiquette in order to easily learn and master their mechanical execution. But all this is only secondary, and therefore not

it happens and it is important to follow the protocol of behavior and other features of etiquette, how to master this science in its deepest basis.

Only by respecting others, you can learn polite manners.

Rather, this process does not even require additional training, it will happen by itself, naturally and naturally without the intervention of strict mentors and cramming an endless set of rules. That is why etiquette, first of all, requires introspection and revision of one's own point of view in some areas. And in any case, both behavior, and communication with others, and external manifestations of manners should be based on spiritual harmony and boundless love to people.

Features of business etiquette

Features of business etiquette structure general rules, forms, unwritten rules with the help of which each of us has the opportunity to evaluate his counterpart, the level of his internal culture, moral and intellectual advantages and disadvantages. Historically, the features of business etiquette were formed on the basis of universal (secular) moral and moral norms. Not surprisingly, these features differ little from the generally accepted forms of communication and behavior.

The main difference between business etiquette is, perhaps, its greater pragmatism, focus on the success of the business. The fact is that etiquette in the business world is, first of all, an economic category, which, although it does not have a specific price expressed in numbers, is nevertheless highly valued.

The basis of business etiquette is courtesy, respect for any person, including work colleagues, their subordinates and superiors. career ladder. Politeness, first of all, is manifested in goodwill.

Tact is one of the manifestations of politeness. It is closely intertwined with the elusive concept called a sense of proportion in everything. In conversations with partners, colleagues, customers, in relationships with them, personal and business. Tact helps to take into account the specific conditions in which communication takes place. It takes into account the difference in age, gender, social status, place of communication, the presence or absence of strangers. But the basis of the sense of tact is still a respectful attitude towards any person.

Modesty is a manifestation of noble restraint in assessing one's own merits and a clear understanding of one's shortcomings. A business person is very beautiful behavior when there is no obsessive desire to show himself, his knowledge, abilities and superiority. A business person strives for success, and not for external forms of manifestation of such success - obtaining privileges, special conditions, bonuses in social position, etc. At the same time, modesty has nothing to do with timidity or morbid shyness.

Correctness is the most general form courtesy in the business world. It is contraindicated in the nature of personal perception of people and events. Correct behavior is especially helpful when a business person finds himself in a strange, unfamiliar environment or in conflict situations. An official, restrained, even rather dry style of communication is absolutely appropriate here.

Features of business etiquette, including several simple conditions, the implementation of which will lead to successful business:

treat all your business partners the way you would like to be treated;

dress in such a way that no details of your clothing distract the interlocutor from work issues;

do everything on time. This applies not only to being late for work, but also to the timely fulfillment of one's duties, tasks, etc.;

write and speak good language”, so that all the notes and letters you write carry a clear and precise thought. In no case is the use of obscene expressions allowed.

Do not mix personal and business relationships.

Features of business etiquette include the rules for holding business meetings, presentations, conducting business correspondence, using business cards, exchanging gifts and souvenirs.

Basic methods of negotiation. Negotiating requires knowledge of the basics of psychology, sociology, and jurisprudence. People of different temperament, with different education, etc. can take part in negotiations.

There are three methods of negotiation:

variation method. It involves the clarification of a mass of questions with different orientation during negotiations, and contains the expected response of the partner. It is from the answers that the variation of the questions depends.

integration method. Designed to convince a partner about cooperation in cases where the partner's opinion is reduced only to defending his own positions and he is not interested in social relationships.

compromise method. It is determined by the willingness of the negotiators to compromise. In this case, the opponents make minor concessions, and then offer new terms of cooperation.

Necessary rules of etiquette in other countries. Features of business etiquette also take into account the observance of the etiquette of those countries with which a joint business is conducted. There are several universal rules for use in any country:

there is no need to criticize anything and compare it with the life of your country;

be sure to study the currency of the country in which you are;

the rules of business correspondence are very strict, all sent letters must be very official;

respect the holidays, religion and leadership of this country.

business conduct etiquette

4. Service etiquette

Service etiquette is a set of appropriate rules for the behavior of people in work collectives. These rules are determined by the most important principles of universal morality and morality.

It is no secret that at work every person is the object of attention of colleagues, clients who pay attention to her greeting, ability to ask, listen, show respect for others, etc. “In any small, even insignificant, inconspicuous act, our character is already revealed: a fool comes in, and goes out, and sits down, and gets up, and is silent, and moves differently than clever man," wrote J. de La Bruyère.

Compliance with the rules and requirements of official etiquette is mandatory for everyone: both managers and subordinates. So, in the service, people usually address each other as "you", behave politely, try to be polite and correct. At secular rounds, according to the rules of etiquette, they talk about pleasant and interesting things, do not discuss personal life, the appearance of those present, business problems, they try to smile.

Etiquette is a language of symbols. A person should use it in order to better interact with others (colleagues, partners). The rules and requirements of office etiquette should contribute to the creation of a healthy moral and mental climate and a rise in mood, an increase in labor productivity. Scientists advise:


try to make comments to subordinates face to face;

learn to encourage subordinates;

admit your mistakes;

be able to punish

do not argue over trifles;

be benevolent, delicate;

to all employees:

have a common culture;

Treat others with respect;

Respect the human dignity of colleagues;

Do not be hypocritical, do not lie;

Be polite;

Leave your problems, troubles outside the institution;

To be benevolent, conscientious, respectful, tactful, delicate, be able to express condolences.

Service etiquette also includes rules of conduct with customers and business partners. Etiquette of official relations obliges:

be polite to all clients (the opinion of each client affects the image of the company, institution);

meetings start on time;

respond to all customer calls and emails in a timely manner;

decisions taken fulfill within the specified time;

be in neat clothes.

All this will contribute to reliable and long-term relationships with customers, the growth of the company's profits. Office etiquette involves dealing with foreigners. For business communication with them, you need to know well the customs, traditions of the country of which your partner is a representative, as well as the rules of etiquette adopted there. But it should be remembered that one of the most important principles of foreign business etiquette is to maintain an honest and respectful relationship with a partner.


So, etiquette is the established order of behavior somewhere. These are the norms of relations between people of different legal, social and intellectual status. This is part of the moral culture associated with the category of beauty. Etiquette, as it were, connects the inner world of a person with his external manifestation.

Etiquette regulates what is permissible and acceptable in a given society.

or in a given group of people, and what not.

In today's world, it is not enough to simply be educated and polite person. Violating the norms of behavior in society and at home, you mainly risk your reputation. As for business, such "blunders" can lead to the loss of a career and cash receipts.

To successfully run any business, you need to know a lot of subtleties in dealing with people. In the future, this will help create an environment that will favorably influence financial condition firms. Any person can master the rules of good manners, determine for himself the style and manner of behavior, master one or another method of negotiating if he is interested in this. Understanding the basics of etiquette and using them, you can succeed great in life - and find real friends, and find an interesting occupation for yourself, and interest your loved one. Because love and ethics are also akin to each other. Knowing how to communicate, you are able to arouse genuine interest in yourself and at some point become one of the most necessary for a person.

The basics of etiquette must become part of the character of each person, otherwise this science, necessary for everyone, will turn out to be superficial, and manners false. Only the harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, not only in the field of science and art, but also in the rules of etiquette, can give the desired effect and transform our society in a much better way.


Beringova, N.V. Business conversation: tutorial/ N.V. Bering. - Tomsk: Tomsk Polytechnic University, 2010. - 160 p.

Volchenko L.B. Humanity, delicacy, courtesy and etiquette. - M .: Progress, 2008. - 115 p.

Gorbatov, A.V. Business ethics: textbook / A.V. Gorbatov, O.V. Yeleskin. - Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2007. - 142 p.

Kuzin F. A. Culture of business communication. - M.: Academy, 2009.- 320 p.

Solonitsyna A.A. Professional ethics and etiquette. Textbook / A.A. Solonitsyna. - Vladivostok. - Publishing house Dalnevost. un-ta, 2005.- 200p.

Shepeleva, A.Yu. Modern business protocol and etiquette / A.Yu. Shepelev. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2009. - 64 p.

Schweitzer A. Life and Thoughts / Comp., Per. with him. A. L. Chernyavsky. - M.: Respublika, 1996. - 528 p. [Electronic resource]


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Definition- a set of rules of conduct that relate to the external manifestation of attitudes towards people.

Respect for the person is not an abstract thing.

The history of etiquette in a distant kingdom

One king had a very ill-bred son, Frederick. The boy had a good heart, he did not do bad things, but simply did not think about others.

One day, the neighboring king invited the king and the prince to a ball that was in honor of the princess.
- What to do, my son is so badly brought up that no princess will choose him!

Convoked the best good manners teachers for them to teach the prince. He really wanted to please the neighboring king, but he could not remember so many rules. Finally, he became capricious and said that he was refusing this study.

There were three days left. The ministers advised the king to seek help from an old wise man. The sage agreed to teach the prince good manners in one hour.

To be not only good, but even educated, consider that everyone else is better than you, and therefore love and respect everyone. If you think first about others, and then about yourself, then you will not do anything bad or unpleasant. And all the rules of conduct will be fulfilled by themselves.
- How can I think that a hunchbacked dwarf or a nasty footman is better than me?
- And you imagine that the dwarf is not a dwarf, but an enchanted prince. The main thing is never deviate from this rule. If you remember him, you will be able to remove witchcraft from both the jester and yourself.
In search of the dwarf, Frederick managed to open the door and let the minister go ahead, pick up the handkerchief for the lady of the court, and ask the courtiers for forgiveness for loud singing. Having met the jester, the young man affectionately greeted him. The dwarf decided that the prince was laughing at him as usual, and therefore began to grimace, grimace.
- I'm sorry. I am very ashamed of the way I treated you,” said the prince.
The dwarf's eyes changed and Fryderyk saw a completely different person. They soon became devoted friends.

And here is the long-awaited ball. All the queens were kind and friendly.
But when the king asked Princess Ilsa who was the best, she exclaimed:
- Of course, Prince Friedrich! He is so kind and well-mannered that it is impossible not to fall in love with him.
This tale is the best way to show us what ETIQUETLE is..

Etiquette in fairy tales

Have Italian writer Gianni Rodari tale of the traveler Giovannino Perigiorno .

This Giovannino, in his travels, once came to the country of straw people. They flared up not only from fire, but even from a hot word. The inhabitants of the country of wax people were soft, supple, agreed with everything.

And the Glass People were so fragile that they could die from a careless touch.

We perfectly understand the allegorical meaning of the tale. You don't have to travel to meet people like that. Each of us has acquaintances who can flare up, flare up from one word, there are comrades who agree with you in everything or, on the contrary, are always ready to argue.

We met with people who are offended by trifles, with guys who are self-satisfied and boastful.

Among our friends, probably, there are calm, balanced and impatient, unrestrained. We communicate, learn and play together, demand and ask, quarrel and make peace.

Understanding all this is not so easy. Let's try to figure this out together.

Etiquette in the Bible

Respect and think of others- here the main rule of politeness and good breeding.
This is also mentioned in Holy Scripture : "Love thy neighbour…".

We study, go to theaters, go in for sports, attend concerts, exhibitions, museum lectures, go on a visit. Each of us has dozens of contacts with other people in just one day - at school, in the store, on the bus, in the library.

Contact- touching a person. It can be 5 lessons at the same desk with a friend, a minute conversation during a break, a look that you exchanged with the teacher.

And every time the mood, well-being, performance of people largely depend on friendly whether they were benevolent or irritable and rude, whether they have found the right course of action. It is very important to find the right line of conduct. After all, people are all different.

Etiquette in verse

What is ETIQUET -
We should know from childhood.
These are the rules of conduct:
How to go on a birthday?
How to meet?
As it is?
How to call?
How to get up?
How to sit?
How to say hello to an adult?
There are many different questions.
And he answers them
This is the same etiquette.