The working program of additional education for children “Local history. The history of the native land "Orientation spiritual and moral


additional education

"Spiritual Local History of the Tambov Region"

Explanatory note
Today, one of the most acute problems of parents and schools is the upbringing of children by decent and worthy people who try to fulfill the eternal laws of moral behavior and love for others, which protect against many well-known troubles and harms, ranging from disrespect for parents and teachers, swearing, smoking and ending with drugs, juvenile delinquency, suicide.

Many parents, teachers and young people themselves make efforts for proper upbringing and self-education, but do not use the spiritual and moral law intended for this.

Moral education is ineffective if a sharpened conscience and shame do not awaken and grow in a person. And the shame and conscience of the overwhelming majority of people cannot be awakened and strengthened without their faith, which actually helps to become and be a highly moral, worthy person.

An important need is the spiritual and moral education of the child, which must be started as early as possible through the introduction to the domestic spiritual and cultural tradition.

In the process of modernization of general education, taking into account the current socio-cultural and economic situation in Russia relevance The program is increasing, as it is associated with the solution of such tasks of a general educational institution as social - creative development personality, socialization and personal development of children and adolescents in the conditions of modern disunity of young and adult members of society.

Novelty The program is that it gives students the opportunity to get to know the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, with the customs and traditions of the entire Russian people, as well as the inhabitants of the Tambov region, with the Orthodox spiritual culture of Russia and the Tambov region, with Russian holiness.

Spiritual studies develop non-standard thinking, the ability to creative perception and reflection of the world, form active and independent life position, instill love for the Motherland, for family and loved ones, for the past of the Russian people, for customs and traditions, bring up patience, prudence, kindness, caring, introduce with the feats of life of Russian saints, with Orthodox icons, with the holy ascetics of the land of Tambov.
The program is typical, since it was compiled on the basis of the Program of the course of the regional component of the basic curriculum "Spiritual Local History of the Tambov Region" - the authors: Priest G. Andreev, Priest V. Lisyunin, A.G. Lozovsky, L.Yu. Evtikhieva, I.V. Klemeshova.

^ The main principles of training provided by the Program:

- natural conformity;




^ Purpose:

to introduce children to the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people, to develop their creative abilities.



  • instilling primary skills of Orthodox literacy among schoolchildren;

  • providing sustainable knowledge on a wide range of topics: "People's calendar", "Monuments of history and culture", "Holy devotees of the land of Tambov", etc.

  • the formation of the ability to meaningfully express reasoned opinion according to the spectrum of problems of ethno-cultural orientation: the ratio of the folk and church principles of life arrangement, regional spiritual features and their manifestation, spirituality and regional demography;

  • acquaintance with the Orthodox shrines of the Russian people;

  • involvement in working with sources.

  • instilling a culture of communication;

  • formation of ideas about ethnic norms of spirituality;

  • the awakening of interest in the history of the Russian Orthodox Church;

  • the formation of one's own worldview, the development of the ability to defend one's point of view;

  • education of love for the motherland, for relatives and friends.

  • development of figurative thinking;

  • disclosure of individual abilities;

  • creative activity.

Distinctive feature The program is that the key topic of spiritual local history is the problem of the spirituality of man and society, the spirituality of the world as a whole. Program promotes education of a spiritually developed, morally rich personality, capable of creative activity in the modern world, the formation of a civic position, a sense of patriotism, love and respect for the history of the Russian people, for the values ​​of national culture.
Classes are designed for two years for students in grades 3-4.

Number of hours – 68

Number of hours per week -1

Forms of conducting classes:

  • lesson-explanation;

  • conversation;

  • excursion;

  • exhibition of works;

  • theatrical performances;

  • lecture;

  • work with the book;

  • listening to records;

  • watching videos;

  • study

Teaching technologies:

Explanatory and illustrative;

Communicative and dialogue activity;

Information and communication;

Health saving;

^ Formation mechanisms core competencies, ability and willingness to use knowledge, skills and generalized methods of action learned in the learning process in real life:


- communicative;



-general cultural.
Types of control: current, thematic, final.

Forms of control:


Exhibitions of drawings and crafts

^ Planned results of the educational process:

At the end of the course, students should


  • key concepts of spirituality (conscience, love, spirit, soul, grace, responsibility, homeland, sacrifice, truth, etc.);

  • traditional crafts as part of the spiritual heritage; the most prominent representatives of the spiritual heritage of the region;

  • chronology of biblical history;

  • main events of national and regional history;

  • regularities in the formation of such spiritual values ​​as the family, caring for one's neighbor, caring for the younger ones; respect for elders;
be able to:

  • give a spiritual assessment of the realities of space and time;

  • reasonably explain their personal spiritual orientation;

  • determine the spiritual meaning of the entities of the surrounding world;

  • build and evaluate a behavioral model of a person.
to get skills:

  • Orthodox literacy;

  • communication culture;

  • work with Orthodox literature;

  • Russian customs and traditions;

  • folk crafts.

Educational and thematic plan

^ Section name

Number of hours






Chronology. Church and folk calendar

museum science






Culturology – 24 hours

Introduction. What is "Spirituality", "Orthodox spirituality"? The concept of God.

earthly life of Christ. Sermon on the Mount.

Orthodox virtues.

Biblical texts about peace and enmity, about wisdom and stupidity.
History - 12 hours

What is the "Bible" and what is its impact on the life of mankind.

The Bible is about the creation of man and the life of the first people.

Temples of the land of Tokarevskaya.
^ Chronology. Church and folk calendar - 26 hours

Annual holiday cycle and agricultural calendar.

Church holidays: Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, Orthodox Easter.

Symbols: Orthodox, state and regional.

holy icons native land.

The name and its symbolism.
Museum Studies – 6 hours

^ Didactic material and equipment:

-use of books and tutorials:

Historical local history: the history of the Tambov region. Textbook for students in grades 7-9. - Tambov. Yulis Publishing House LLC, 2007.

-scenarios mass events designed for children's leisure:

G.A. Shesherina, I.V. Klemeshova, T.V. Kozlova. Education of spiritual and moral values ​​in a modern school: a collection of methodological developments on the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren. - Tambov: TOIPKRO, 2007.


PC; TSO; audio and video materials:
List of literature for the teacher

1. Journal "Russian House". – 2010, 2011.

2. Law of God: for family and school. - Nizhny Novgorod; "Christian Library", 2007.

3. "Bell ringing": newspaper. - Tambov, 2010-2012.4. Kuchenkova V.A. Tambov Orthodox Churches. –Tambov, 1992.

5. Polovinkin A.I. "Orthodox spiritual culture" - M.; Vlados, 2003.

6. Russian saints: 1000 years of Russian holiness \ Lives collected by the nun Taisiya /. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2000.

7. Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin: a guide. – M.; "Planet", 1993.

8. Temples of the Tambov diocese: photo album. - Tambov: Yulis Publishing House LLC, 2005.

9. Reading the Gospel: Orthodox calendar for 2012. – Moscow, 2011.

10. miraculous icons. - Moscow, "LOGOS-MEDIA", 2009.

List of literature for children

1. Children's Bible.

2. Sokhransky A.V. "Legends and traditions of the Tambov region". – Tambov, 2004.

5. "I know the world"; encyclopedia

Calendar-thematic planning

No. in order

No. by topic

Topic of the lesson

the date

Forms and types of control

3rd grade

Introduction. What is spirituality? What is "Orthodox Spirituality"?



The concept of God.




What is the "Bible" and what is its impact on the life of mankind?



The Bible about the creation of the world.

Exhibition of drawings



The Creation Bible

Drawing competition



The life of the first people.



Church and national holidays. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.











Ten commandments of God.



People's names. What are name days? The name and its symbolism.



Orthodox and state symbols.




Symbols of the Tambov region.



Biblical texts about Law and Duty.




craft competition



Public and family piety.






Christmas carols.




earthly life of Christ.



Sermon on the Mount.







Traditions of fasting and fasting in the Tambov region.



Icons. Miracles from holy icons.




Holy icons of the Tambov region.



Temples of the land of Tokarevskaya.



Church and national holidays. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.



Church and national holidays. Easter of Christ.




Plant world of the Bible.



Spiritual ideas about flora Tambov region.







Routes of the Tambov pilgrims.



summer holidays church and folk.



4th grade

Introductory lesson. Spiritual lore.




The Bible about the creation of the world.



Bible about the life of the first people. Cain and Abel.




Bible about the life of the first people. Sif. Children of Seth and children of Cain.



Bible about the life of the first people. Noah. Noah's Ark.



Bible about the life of the first people. Flood.

Drawing competition



Church and national holidays. Annual holiday cycle and agricultural calendar.



Church and national holidays. Exaltation of the Cross.



Holidays state and church. Feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.




Biblical texts about peace and enmity.




Biblical texts about wisdom and foolishness.




Bible texts about kindness.

The writing



Biblical texts about honor and conscience.



What does my name mean?




Holy icons of the native land.



Holy icons of the native land.




Orthodox virtues. Virtuous living patterns.




Church and national holidays. Nativity.



Christmas divination.

Practical work



Church and national holidays. Epiphany.



earthly life of Christ.




Orthodox prayers.



Orthodox book In human life.

oral journal



Sermons of Christ. Sermon on the Mount.



Orthodox symbols.



Ten commandments of God.




Bible texts about mercy and compassion.



Absentee journey to holy places.



Holiday "Easter - Holy Resurrection".




The first Orthodox churches in Tambov.



Temples of the land of Tokarevskaya.



Holy icons of the native land.



Saint Pitirim and enlightenment of the Tambov region.



Generalization of the material covered.

Considered: Agreed: Accepted: Approved:

at a meeting of the Deputy Director at the Pedagogical Director of MKOU

ShMO on VR 29.08.12. Council on August 30, 2012 "Pervomaiskaya

Protocol No. 1 ___T.Yu.Auris Protocol No. 7 Secondary School "

from 27.08.2012 ____V.P. Lopatin Head: Order No. 71

From 01.09.2012

Working programm

additional education for children

“Local history. History of the native land "
Orientation - spiritual and moral

artistic and aesthetic

implementation period 4 years

age: 7 – 11 years

Compiled by the teacher primary school: Kabatskova N.N.

The program of the circle "My land"

for children 7 - 11 years old (grades 1-4).
1 Explanatory note.

The program of the circle "My Land" is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. Documents used:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009 No. 373 (as amended on November 26, 2010)

"On the Approval and Enactment of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education"

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 03-1263 dated 07.07.2005

Local act MKOU "Pervomaiskaya secondary school" (on approval of the structure of the work program

The educational plan of MKOU "Pervomaiskaya sosh", approved by order of 31.08. 2012 No. 79 -D

2. Relevance. The specifics of the course. value orientations.

The course is presented for the circle "History of my land" for students in grades 1-4 who want to study their land, explore the history of their village, find out the names of famous fellow countrymen who glorified our land. Each city and village has its own destiny, its own history. One can be proud and rightly consider oneself the heir of the older generations. We must do everything possible to preserve and enhance the beauty of our native land. Labor, cultural and moral traditions must be preserved and passed on to the next generation. Let's start studying the history and modernity of our village, the city of Novomoskovsk. We learn about those who built the settlement, Novomoskovsk, who defended their native land in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. Being engaged in a circle, the child will enrich his knowledge, memory with many interesting facts and information.

The program of the circle is closely connected with the program of the course "The World Around". Knowledge, abilities, skills acquired in the classroom are deepened, improved, expanded in the classroom. .This course plays a significant role in the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual, forms the vector of cultural and value orientations of the younger student in accordance with domestic traditions of spirituality and morality. value orientations. Patriotism as one of the manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity, expressed in love for the Motherland, people, small motherland, in a conscious desire to serve the Fatherland. Labor and creativity as distinctive features of a spiritually and morally developed personality. Moral Choice and responsibility of a person in relation to nature, historical and cultural heritage, to himself and the people around him

3Intersubject communications:

4. Place of employment in curriculum:

The distribution of hours for the year allocated to the classes of the circle,

according to the curriculum of MKOU "Pervomaiskaya Sosh", approved by order No. 79 of August 31, 2012 - 1 hour per week is allotted for the circle, a total of 34 hours per year

5. Purpose of the course:

1. Learn about the history of the construction of your village.

2. Explore and find famous people who glorified our village, our district, our region. Tell about them.

3. Protect the nature of your region.

4. Learn about those who defended and how they defended their land in the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War.

5.Create conditions for raising pride in one's own land, for heroic deeds older generation.

7. Find out in your family about the life of your great-grandparents.

8. Learn about the history of the city, region.

9.Create conditions for the development of the personality of the student,

10. to develop the motivation of the individual for knowledge and creativity,

11. ensure the emotional well-being of the child,

12.prevention of antisocial behavior;

13. Create conditions for social, cultural, professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality;

14. create conditions for the intellectual and spiritual development of the child's personality;

15. Create conditions for strengthening mental and physical health.

6.Principles of the program:

Relevance. Creation of conditions for increasing motivation for learning "The World Around".



Practical focus


7.Methods and forms

excursions - 5 hours,

remote travel - 2 hours,

games - 2 hours,

quizzes - 1 hour,

projects -3 hours,

competitions - 2 hours,

photo contest - 1 hour,

classroom lessons - 15 hours,

research work - 2 lessons

Summing up forms:

Presentation of the project "Autumn has come to visit us"

Generalization on the topic "History of my land". The game "At the map of the Tula region"

Feast of the Wonders of Winter. Generalization on the topic "Winter in the village." Competition! Competition! Competition! Generalization on the topic "What is my land famous for"

Holiday "Oh, you are our magician - the long-awaited spring!"

Quiz “I know this war from books. Generalization on the topic "The memory of my region about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War."

Forms of results evaluation:

participation in holidays, competitions, quizzes, projects, present reports, take photos, tests, diagnostics, list personal growth, portfolio, self-assessment, mutual assessment. To assess the planned results of the development of the program, diagnostic tools are used in the manual "How to design UUD in primary school» edited by A. GASmolov.
8. General educational skills and abilities:

1. Personal UUD: Students will learn: to have a positive attitude towards the school, to the topic being studied, to show special interest in the new,

2. Learn to comply with moral standards, learn to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, learn to highlight the moral aspect of behavior,

3. Learn to establish a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

4. They will get the opportunity to form the foundations of civic identity.

5. Learn the norms and rules of security - careful attitude to nature.

6. They will get the opportunity to form a sense of patriotism and pride in their country, a sense of respect for its history, cultural and historical monuments.

7. Learn to be kind to others.

8. Respect the values ​​of the family.

9. Learn to compare your achievements yesterday and today.

10. Learn to adequately respond to failure and encouragement, overcome difficulties

In the field of meta-subject planned results, communicative, regulatory and cognitive UUD will be formed.

Communicative UUD: ask for help; formulate your difficulties; ask and answer questions necessary to organize your own activities of cooperation with a partner; agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; to formulate own opinion and position; adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others; offer help and cooperation; define common goal and ways to achieve it; exercise mutual control; be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks; conduct oral and written dialogue; provide mutual assistance in cooperation; argue your position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation get used to working in a team and making joint decisions

Regulatory UUD: to formulate and hold the learning task; to set new learning goals in cooperation with the teacher; draw up a plan and sequence of actions; carry out final and step-by-step control on the result; adequately perceive the proposals of teachers, comrades, parents of other people to correct the mistakes made; anticipate the possibility of obtaining a specific result when solving a problem; make the necessary adjustments to the action after the completion of the work based on its assessment and taking into account the mistakes made; adequately use speech to plan and regulate their activities; highlight and formulate what is learned, what needs to be learned, determine the quality and level of assimilation; establish the conformity of the result obtained with the goal; correlate the correctness of the choice, planning, execution and result of an action with the requirements of specific tasks; compare the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard; to distinguish between methods and results of action; carry out ascertaining and predictive control on the result according to the method of action.

Cognitive UUD: search and selection of the necessary information from various sources in various forms (text, figure, table, diagram diagram); collection (extraction of the necessary information from various sources), processing (definition of primary and secondary), transmission of information (oral, written, digital means); analysis; synthesis; comparison; seriation; classification according to specified criteria; establishment of analogies; establishment of causal relationships; to reflect on the methods and conditions of actions; control and evaluate the process and results of activities; pose, formulate and solve problems; independently create activity algorithms for solving problems of a different nature; construction of reasoning; generalization; interpretation of information (structuring; translating a continuous text into a table, presenting the information received, including with the help of ICT); application and presentation of information; consciously and arbitrarily build messages in oral form, including creative and research character; realize semantic reading; choose the type of reading depending on the purpose; recognize, name and define objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in accordance with the content subjects; create and transform models and schemes to solve problems; to model, i.e. highlight and generalize the essential features of objects in order to solve specific problems.

In the area of ​​subject planned results, students will learn to: read conventions kart; describe the nature of the native land; Students will have the opportunity to learn: to realize the value of the nature of their native land and the need to be responsible for its conservation; choose the best forms of behavior based on the learned safety rules; collect material and make a portfolio about the native land.

7. Operation modes:

Characterize the signs of the seasons, explore, observe, evaluate, analyze folk omens, distinguish, characterize, group, discuss, reason, prove, describe, correlate their observations, measure the weather, tell, construct a monologue speech, explore, compare, contrast.

8.Educational technology:

technologies for using gaming methods, technologies for developing and self-developing learning, learning in collaboration, technology problem learning, technology development "critical thinking.


Number of hours.






"Novomoskovsk Land" - an overview lecture. Message children from experience. Acquaintance with the map of the Novomoskovsky district.


30 minutes

5 minutes

Raising love for the native land. Improve your ability to work with a map.


Journey through the Novomoskovsky district.

Antiquity of the land of Novomoskovsk.

Excursion to the local history museum with. Thunderous.




Generate interest in the history of the area.


Official symbols of Novomoskovsk. Practical work (coloring the coat of arms).




Get to know the symbols.


City at the very heart of Russia. History of Novomoskovsk (presentation).




Inform about the significance of this area for Russia.


Excursion to Novomoskovsk (attractions).



Improve your ability to prioritize.


The expanses of the native land (relief). Minerals of the district. Belomestnoe - a quarry for extracting stone (view photos). Drawing up a table of the use of minerals in the national economy.




Expand children's horizons.


Seasons. (autumn winter spring Summer). Collection and design of the herbarium. Drawing competition. "Favorite time of year"




Meet to climatic conditions the edges.


Plant and animal life (presentation). Work in the library with a book on the topic: “Alive and not Live nature native land." Drawing up an environmental appeal "Let's save our land."




Improve your information handling skills.


Our distant ancestors. History lessons.




Ability to work with an explanatory dictionary.


History of my family (information of children).

Exhibition of family photographs "Family Archive".

Tea party "Me and my friendly family"



Show respect for family traditions.


All sorts of professions are needed "Work in the native land." Meeting with labor veterans (interviews). Excursion to the farm, granary.



To expand children's understanding of the work of adults, and its significance.


Creation of the album “Different works are important” (professions of parents)




Working with information.


Famous people of the land of Novomoskovsk (messages from students).

Work with periodicals.



The ability to highlight the main thing in ongoing events.


During the Great Patriotic War. Chronicle of military events Novomoskovsk, Novomoskovsky district.

Collection of information about the life of fellow villagers during the war years (cleaning near the monument to those who died in the Second World War).




Education of patriotic feelings.


Literary and artistic Novomoskovsk. Writers, artists, scientists.




Ability to work with a book (encyclopedia).


Educate yourself as a citizen. Present and future of Novomoskovsk.




Citizenship education.


Chronology of the most important events (research of printed information materials).




Ability to navigate events.


My land in drawings (competition)




Education of aesthetic perception.


Quiz "I know and protect my land"




Understanding one's own importance in the development of the region.


A healthy mind in a healthy body "Heroes of the Russian Land" (sports competitions)




Cultivating healthy lifestyle habits.


Final lesson. Lesson holiday "Songs of my land."




Education of love for the motherland.

Additional education program. Circle "To our origins"


The program of the course "To our origins" is based on the program for the study of the native land "Land of Novomoskovsk" (authors: Godunova E.D., Dorn M.I., -Novomoskovsk, 2000) and the program of the foundations of the Orthodox culture of Tula and the Tula region (authors : Sorvina R.N., Tsaregorodtseva V.S. et al., - Tula, 2010.) and is a kind of symbiosis of two generally related programs. The program has been amended and supplemented about the village of Krasny Bogatyr and regional studies. The purpose of the program is the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren through the formation of ideas about Orthodox culture in the context of the past and present of our Motherland.

"Tell me and I'll forget

show me and I will remember

get involved and I'll understand"

The world of spiritual values ​​cannot be imposed on a child. These values ​​are acquired by their mental efforts. In the process of training and education, moral knowledge becomes a felt experience, a full-fledged personality is formed. This is fully met by classes in the circle "To Our Origins".

The need to develop the interests of students in the field of local history is associated with the social order of society: the fuller, deeper, more meaningful the knowledge of students about their native land and its people, the more effective they will be in educating love for native nature and land, respect for the traditions of their people.

The inclusion of elements of the course of the fundamentals of Orthodox culture is dictated by the fact that one of the priority areas is spiritual and moral education.The novelty of the program lies in the fact that it integrates various educational lines: Orthodox, cultural studies, local history - into a single educational content. The difference from the state program is in the variety of topics that reveal the relationship of moral, spiritual and cultural values, which are based on Orthodox traditions, as well as the traditions and customs of the history of the Tula region.

The culture of Russia for many centuries was formed under the influence of Orthodoxy. Russian literature, the works of Russia's greatest thinkers, are filled with Christian commandments of goodness and mercy, ideals of love and compassion for one's neighbor. It is important to convey this knowledge to younger generation. It is the school that is called upon to give the child systematic knowledge about spiritual culture, ethical norms, spiritual and moral traditions and, of course, about the origins of our culture. The solution of this problem is facilitated by the introduction of elements of the course "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in general educational institutions. Without knowledge of the foundations of Russian spiritual culture, it is difficult to master its values.

This course involves a combination of a variety of teaching methods and techniques. The main ones include the teacher's story; work with illustrative, audio and video material, with texts that evoke a vivid emotional reaction; sketches during the lesson and homework of a creative and exploratory nature in the form of drawings, providing practical activities for students. great place occupies a heuristic conversation and the performance of independent creative tasks.

Our Tula region is rich in events closely related to the history of Russia. The Tula land is glorified by its saints, temples, monasteries.

In 2008, an Agreement on cooperation between the administration of the Tula region and the Tula diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was signed in order to develop the spiritual and moral education of the population of the Tula region, cultural traditions in the field of education, healthcare, social development, youth policy.

the main role in this work assigned to the teacher. It was given to him in a bright, memorable form to convey educational material to children.

Forms of conducting classes - multimedia presentations, conversations, open classes, participation in concerts, staging biblical stories, exhibition of children's works, competitions, quizzes, excursions.

The program is designed for 72 hours, 2 hours a week.

The duration of this program is 1 year.


Development of students' interests in the field of local history

Expanding students' knowledge about their native land and its people

Raising love for native nature and land

Raising respect for the traditions of their people

Education of patriotism and citizenship

Development of the worldview of students in the national tradition

Acquaintance with the spiritual geography of the native land

Spiritual and aesthetic formation of the student's personality, the creation of favorable conditions for the activation of such conscious acts as contemplation, silence, tenderness

Formation of church etiquette skills

Acquaintance with the basics of the history of Russian Orthodoxy

The development of collective forms of cooperation between students through the organization of joint activities: a trip to the holy spring, participation in worship, conversations with representatives of the clergy, a common tea party or meal, etc.

This course is aimed at solving the set problems.


Introduction 2h.

Origin and development Orthodox faith in the Tula region 8 hours.

Coat of arms - the official symbols of Novomoskovsk 2h

Tula region 2h

City at the very heart of Russia 1h

The history of my village

Holy Bible 6h.

Geographic and natural features Novomoskovsky district 9 h.

The influence of Christianity on the development of culture in Russia and the Tula region 6h.

Antiquity of Novomoskovsk land 8h.

Tula saints. Holy springs of the Tula region 9 hours.

Pages of the biography of the city of Novomoskovsk 11h

Benefactors of Tula 6h.

Final repetition 1 hour.


Students should know

The concept of "local history"

Area, configuration and administrative division of the district

Features of the geographical location of the region, city

Basic landforms, type of climate, inland waters, species of plants and animals, phenological features of the territory

Types of natural resources and environmental problems

Rules of conduct in nature

The year of foundation of the city and village, the main stages of their development

Symbolism of the village, city, region

Functions of the city in the material and spiritual culture of peoples

Outstanding countrymen

Tula saints

Tula benefactors

Historical and cultural sights of the city, district, region

Literature about the native land

The main plots of the Old and New Testament

Orthodox monasteries of the Tula region

Orthodox churches in the Tula region

Holy places of the Tula region

Students must be able to

Find the location of your district, city on the map of the region, Russia

Conduct observations of phenomena in nature, search, collect and describe objects of the area

Define geographical position district, city, locality, its influence on the development of the territory

Describe the functions of the city, life, traditions, culture

Create a family tree

Lead elements of research work on the study of the native land.


1. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Tula and Tula region. Collection of materials to help teachers of educational institutions. Tula -2010.

2.Tlskie antiquities. N.I. Trinity-Tula. Prioksky book publishing house. 2002

3. Legends of the Russian people. I.P. Sakharov. - Tula. Prioksky book publishing house, 2002

4. Russian state symbols. History and modernity. N.A. Sobolev. - Humanitarian publishing center "Vlados". Moscow, 2002.

5. Slavic mythology. Moscow, 1995

6. The nobility of the Tula province. V.Ch. Chernopyatov. T.1X, M., 1912

7. Parishes and churches of the Tula diocese. Tula, 1895

8. Tula antiquities. Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. Publishing house "Russian Lexicon", Tula, 1995

9. Holidays of Christian Russia. E.O. Bondarenko. Kaliningrad book publishing house, 1995

10. Novomoskovsk land. Novomoskovsk, 2002

11. "History of the village of Krasny Bogatyr" and the surrounding villages. Collection of local history articles.


Calendar-thematic planning is based on the work program of the course "To Our Origins", designed for 72 hours (2 hours per week)


Topic of the lesson


the date

Introduction. The coat of arms is the official symbolism of Novomoskovsk.

Coat of arms of the village of Krasny Bogatyr.

Introduction. General information about the Orthodox church calendar.

Tula region. Tula city.

The oldest inhabitants of the Tula region and their faith. Baptism of the Tula region. Saint Kuksha, enlightener and first baptizer of the Slavic tribe of the Vyatichi.

Tula region. Cities of the Tula region.

Ancient Orthodox churches of the Tula region and Tula. Origin and development.

Administrative and economic situation of the city and region.

Orthodox churches in the Novomoskovsky district.

What surrounds us?

The first Orthodox monasteries in the Tula region and Tula. Origin and development.


Holy Dormition Monastery in Novomoskovsk. Correspondence and internal excursions.

The surface of our region

Orthodox princes and boyars. Their role in the development of Tula and the Tula region.

Minerals of the Novomoskovsk region

Public education in Russia and Tula. Church-parochial schools of Tula and the Tula region. The first schools in our village.

Water. "Tales of Ivan Lake" A. Logunov

Generalization of the topic "The emergence and development of the Orthodox faith in the Tula region"

Seasons. Autumn. Folk "autumn" celebrations.

About the Bible. Plots of the Old Testament: the creation of the world, the creation of man, the fall into sin.

Seasons. Winter. Folk "winter" celebrations.

Plots of the Old Testament: the first fratricide, the Flood, the children of Noah

Seasons. Spring. Folk "spring" signs

Plots of the Old Testament: Abraham, the appearance of the Holy Trinity to Abraham. The sacrifice of Isaac.

Seasons. Folk "summer" signs

Plots of the New Testament: the life of Jesus Christ. Parable of the Good Samaritan

Flora and fauna.

Plots of the New Testament: about miracles and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This is what archeology says

Generalization of the topic "Holy Scripture"

Presentations of creative works on the topic

Vyatichi - our distant ancestors

Baptism of Russia. The historical significance of the Baptism of Russia

We are going to the archaeological museum. Private tour of the museum

The role of Orthodox culture in society. Church art. Presentation lesson

Kulikovo battle. Historical and architectural complex

"Kulikovo field".

Viewing presentations, videos.


Presentation of creative works

Orthodoxy and architecture, the origin and development of architecture in Tula. Lesson-presentation.

Dmitry Donskoy - defender of Russia

Iconography in Tula

Epiphany locks

Prominent people Tula region (A.S. Khomyakov, N.I. Troitsky)


Generalization of the topic "The influence of Christianity on the development of culture in Russia and Tula"

Presentations of creative works

Spasskoe village

Saint Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevskiy

Watching a movie

The history of my village Krasny Bogatyr.

Venerable Macarius Zhabynsky, Belevsky miracle worker

There will be a garden city

Holy Blessed Euphrosyne of Kolupanovskaya

How it was

Reverend blessed John Tula

The city is fighting. Defense of Novomoskovsk, Tula

WWII in our village

Presentation of creative works "My ancestors at war"

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

Blessed Matrona of Moscow. Sebino village. Correspondence excursion

Life is being restored.

Holy springs of the Tula region. Correspondence excursion to the source "12 keys" (Venevsky district)

Holy springs of the Novomoskovsky district. Osanovo village.

Novomoskovsk is growing. City of Sokolniki.

Generalization of the topic “Tula saints. Holy springs of our region

Presentation of creative works.

Novomoskovsk is being improved

Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov - the creator of the temples of the Exaltation of Christ churches in Tula.

The architectural appearance of the city. Green ring.

Schemamonk Varsonofy (V.I. Makarukhin) - founder of the Theotokos Shcheglovsky Monastery

Monuments. The history of the creation of the monument to A.S. Pushkin, D. Donskoy in Novomoskovsk.

Alexander Stepanovich Vanykin is a hereditary merchant and owner of a chain of stores.

Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Sergius (Lyapidevsky)

Generalization of the theme "Philanthropists of Tula"

Orthodox Easter

Presentation of creative works


Pilgrimage trips

Size: px

Start impression from page:


2 Ovchinnikovskaya basic general education school - branch of the Municipal budgetary educational institution "Kontoshinskaya secondary school" "Agreed" Head of the MO / / Protocol of 201 "Agreed" Deputy director for water resources management / Losenkova S.A. / 201 The work program of additional education local history club "Istoki" for students in grades 5-8 for academic year“I approve” Director of MBOU “Kontoshinskaya OOSh” N.V. Kasatkina Order dated 201. Compiled by: Baranovskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna, teacher of history, social studies, I quarter. categories Ovchinnikovo, 2015

3 Explanatory note "Local history teaches people not only to love their native places, but also to know about them, teaches them to be interested in history, art, literature, to raise their cultural level. This is the most widespread type of science." D.S. Likhachev The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. The relevance of this program lies in the fact that at present there is an increased interest in the study of the native land. The study of local history at school is one of the main sources of enriching students with knowledge about their native land, fostering love for it, forming civic positions and skills. It plays a significant pedagogical role in moral, aesthetic, labor, political education, is an integrating link between the educational and educational activities of the school and provides interdisciplinary connections. The work program "Origins" is intended for students in grades 5-8. The program is educational, has a research, local history and tourism focus. The study of local history becomes the basis for the harmonious comprehensive, multifaceted development of the student's personality, creates the moral core that will help the young person to resist the onslaught of lack of spirituality, preserve the purity of the soul, rich national traditions native people. Terms of the program implementation The program provides for a one-year implementation period at the level of additional education. The program is designed for 35 hours, 1 hour per week. Duration training session 40 minutes. When holding meetings with fellow villagers, excursions, it is possible to combine several classes into one with an increase in the number of hours allocated to it. Educational cycles: cognitive, developing, research take into account age features schoolchildren and have the corresponding stages of activity: preparatory, main, final. The work is carried out within the framework of the school local history club with a total number of up to 10 people. The purpose of the program is to create an environment for moral, patriotic education and development of the child's personality by means of local history activities, as a result of which: the formation of knowledge, skills, development of historical thinking; the organization of independent activities related to emotional experiences; Tasks: 1. To acquaint with the history of a kind, family, village. 2. Teach the basics of museum work, apply these skills in practice, using various forms local history work on the territory of the village, with its inhabitants

4 3. Form a humanistic microclimate through activities, creativity, relationships, create conditions for the development of self-realization, self-determination of each member of the team 4. Instill a steady interest in research and search work in the course of studying the native land - Museum of local lore 6. To form the skills of information culture among schoolchildren. The use of the Internet and information technology in the study of local history 7. To replenish the funds of the school museum with the works of students in local history. Forms of conducting classes: Excursions. Working with archival data, obtaining information through archives. Conferences. Lessons. Work with documents. Research activity. Methods of work: Group; steam room; Individual Principles of building the program: scientific accessibility differentiation practical orientation. Program implementation mechanism: organization of excursions to local history museums; walking tours around the village; conducting excursions, extra-curricular activities in the school museum "Istoki", etc.; collection of materials; creation of projects; registration of the collected materials; participation in school district, regional, all-Russian local history, research competitions.

5 Criteria and indicators for evaluating students' knowledge: Ways to track and control results The program has the following levels of control: - Current control is aimed at identifying the level of assimilation of knowledge, skills acquired during the lesson. Control can take place in the form of observation throughout the lesson, in the form of a conversation (knowledge test), credit cards, crossword puzzles, tests, etc. - Thematic control is aimed at identifying the level of assimilation of the material at the end of the topic in the program. Control takes place in the form of research work with an analysis of the work of each child in terms of its positive qualities (the ability to analyze work). - The final control for each year of study is tracking the results of participation in various competitions. The form of control is the final lessons aimed at summarizing the acquired knowledge, checking the level of formation of skills and abilities. The main result of the effectiveness is the participation of young local historians in competitions. They can be used to judge the successes and achievements of each child. Parameters of the effectiveness of research activities: 1. The success of research activities 2. The level of assimilation of local history knowledge 3. The level of development of communicative qualities 4. The development of cultural forms of coexistence in society 5. Cooperation with centers of additional education, museums. Requirements for the level of training of students To know: - the main dates associated with the history of the village, the chronological framework of significant events and processes; - correlate the events of your village with the history of the whole country; set the sequence of events; - name the place, circumstances, participants, results of the most important events in the history of the village. Be able to: - read a map of your region; - search for the necessary information in one or more sources; - compare data different sources, analyze them; - tell (orally or in writing) about the historical events of the village, their participants, make presentations to students, their parents and village residents; - describe the conditions and lifestyle, occupations of people in different eras; describe historical objects, monuments; - conduct tours of the museum;

6 - classify historical events and the phenomena of the village according to the indicated feature, to generalize; - express their opinions and views on the events of the village; explain the motives of people's activities; assess the events of the village; explain and define your attitude towards them; - be able to communicate with people; find an approach to each person; - be able to quickly write down, listen, sketch, photograph, correctly describe what they see; - to work with technical means. Expected results of the program: the result is the participation of young local historians in events, excursions, competitions that will allow them to meet with interesting people, learn about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the peoples living in our area. The acquired knowledge of the history and culture of their native land, students can apply in the lessons of history, literature, geography. Forecast: children are expected to develop and strengthen a sense of love for their native land; through knowledge of the history and culture of the native land, the personality of a patriot and a citizen of his country is formed.

7 p / p lessons in the section Calendar-thematic planning Theme of the lesson Number of hours 1 1 Introductory lesson 1 I. My house. Family lineage I have my own history What events of the past are reflected in the history of my family What family heirlooms can tell Practice “Creating a family tree” 2 II. native school. Its History and Traditions Veterans of Pedagogical Work Our School Traditions Children's organization in the school, its origins and the present Practical lesson "My school in the future" 2 III. My small motherland Monuments of history around us Written sources on the history of our region (village) Excursion to the regional museum of local lore Legends of our land Church on the territory of the village Excursion to the Orthodox Church of Barnaul Excursion to the regional museum of local lore of Barnaul "What old things can tell" In the name of the beloved Fatherland Our fellow countrymen, participants in the Great Patriotic War Practical lesson “The present and future of my village” 1 IV. History of Ovchinnikovskaya land Journey into the distant past 1

8 Ovchinnikovo during the Great Patriotic War Ovchinnikovtsy - Heroes of the USSR 1 V. Practical exercises How to write a questionnaire correctly How to interview correctly We are learning how to write a report How to properly prepare and conduct a tour Fundamentals of Museum Studies 2

9 1. My home. Family pedigree. 2. Native school. Its history and traditions. 3. My small Motherland. 4. History of Ovchinnikovskaya land. 5. Practical exercises The content of the program Educational and methodological teaching aids Literature 1.Bagautdinova F.G. Tourist and local history activities in elementary school. M Likhachev D.S. Native land. M Makhaneva M.D., Knyazeva O.L. Communion junior schoolchildren to local history and history of Russia. M.: ARKTI My genealogy: A manual for the school. Author compiler Vasilevskaya V.S. M.: Vita-Press Work with schoolchildren in the museum of local lore. Lesson scenarios. // Ed. N.M. Lankova. M.: VLADOS Fine T.A. Research approach in teaching.//The best pages of the pedagogical press. M Yurtaev N.I. Where are your roots? Guidelines. Barnaul METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE PROGRAM For the implementation of the program in addition to equipment big role play historical documents. The materials of the school museum "Origins" help the children. For more successful work on the program, there are the following teaching materials: - class notes; - notes open events; - Handout; -questionnaires, tests, etc. to organize the control of the effectiveness of classes; - portfolio of students; Equipment and materials For the implementation of the program there are: 1. Desktops. 2. Table, wardrobe 3. Materials of the school museum.

10 WORK PROGRAM OF THE ASSET OF THE MUSEUM academic year Appendix Explanatory note Purpose of activity: To give schoolchildren basic knowledge about the organization and conduct of museum business, training of school museum guides. Tasks: To promote early professional orientation of students: acquaintance with the basics of museum business and excursion activities. Raising respect for the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War. To contribute to the formation of a culture of working with historical sources, literature, speaking at conferences, conducting discussions, searching and processing information, conducting excursions, and working with museum exhibits. Contribute to the development of mental, creative, communicative abilities of students. To contribute to the formation and development of the ability to compare historical figures, to determine and explain one's own attitude to historical figures. Forms and methods of work: 1. Lectures, conversations. 2. Practical classes: visiting the museums of the region, the city, listening to excursions conducted by professional guides; conducting excursions in the school museum; preparation of reports, speeches, presentations; conducting surveys, surveys, processing results, preparing reports; 3. Research activities: work in libraries, archives, selection of material necessary for conducting excursions, designing museum expositions. 4. Work in the local network "Internet", with electronic manuals, encyclopedias, textbooks. The continuity of the school museum with other student organizations of the school, institutions and organizations of the city. A teacher of history, literature, a coordinator take part in the conduct of the classes children's movement. In the classroom, students' reports on the completion of search tasks are heard, opinions are exchanged, individual and group consultations are organized. Classes involve lecture, excursion, scientific and exploratory form of activity of students and teachers; classes have a practical focus on making presentations, conducting excursions in the museum, preparing and conducting a virtual tour of the museums of the region and the city of Barnaul. Results of the activity: the program and organization of classes allows for the initial training of a young museologist, creating a solid foundation for further specialization of various groups of the museum asset: young pathfinders, guides, custodians of funds, decorators, etc.

11 Approximate lesson program (fragments) Topic 1. Introductory lesson. What will the school museum tell about? Its main sections Acquaintance with the school museum: the history of its creation, expositions, exhibits. Types and types of museums: local history, military glory, historical, etc.; state, private, municipal, school, etc. Topic 3. Your assistants in search work Where and how to collect materials for the museum. The main sources used to collect material for the museum: about the Great Patriotic War; diaries and plans, photographs, wall newspapers and battle sheets; memories of war veterans, home front workers, children; ; material monuments (symbols, attributes, etc.). Topic 4. How to work with newspapers, magazines, books Working with catalogs in the school library. Preparation of a list of necessary literature. Text study. Drawing up statements. How to cite sources. Topic 5. How to record memories. Conversations, questioning of participants in the war, home front workers and other participants and witnesses of the events under study Preparation for the conversation. Drafting questions. How to behave during a meeting. Recording stories and memoirs. Use of technical means. Topic 6. Accounting and storage of collected documents and things Accounting book (inventory book). What information needs to be included. How to store collected materials. Archive visit. Topic 7. Designing search results and creating an exposition in a museum Designing an album, creating presentations, a museum exhibition (selecting and placing collected materials, compiling explanatory texts, etc.).

APPROVED Director of MBOU "Starokrymsky UVK 1" N.G. Lysenko "" 2017 Work plan of the Military History Museum "Poisk" 1 WORK PLAN OF THE ASSET OF THE MUSEUM

Patriotic education the younger generation is one of the priorities of state policy. Ideas of patriotism, especially in their highest manifestation readiness to defend the motherland, at all times

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program "Museum of School History" is compiled on the basis of regional material of local history. The program is designed for 68 hours, hours per week. Historical local history is one

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program was compiled on the basis of a letter from the Ministry of Education of Russia "On the activities of museums of educational institutions" dated 12.03. 2003, Approximate position about the museum of educational

The work program of the circle "Museum Affairs" Explanatory note

Program "School Museum" The feeling of the Motherland must be carefully nurtured, instilled a spiritual settled way of life. If there are no roots in the native area, in the native side, then there will be many people who look like a withered

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 3" in Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory (662200) Krasnoyarsk region, G.

Explanatory note The work program "Young Patriot" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, on the basis of the state complex-targeted program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children, the center for additional education of children "Perspektiva" of the Lipetsk municipal district of the Lipetsk region

Explanatory note. Currently, much attention is paid to the local history education of students. In the foreground is the task of educating a patriot of the Motherland, an educated person who knows and loves

Explanatory note. Academician D.S. Likhachev said: “If a person does not like to look at at least occasionally at old photographs of his parents, does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden that they cultivated,

“Agreed” “I approve” Deputy. director for VR director of MOU secondary school 7 Bulygina Yu.A. Krasnova E.V. Municipal educational institution secondary school 7 Scientific Society Program

I approve the Director of MBOU "Secondary School 18" Slugina E.L. The work program of the club "Poisk" for 2013 2014 academic year. Year Head Mosolova S.S. Explanatory note Patriotism devotion and love for one's Fatherland, aspiration


WORK PROGRAM OF THE ASSET OF THE MUSEUM OF MILITARY GLORY "Pulkovo Frontier" for the 2012-2013 academic year

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW STATE BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "School 1103 named after Hero of the Russian Federation A.V. Solomatin" Additional general education program

Municipal State Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children House of Children's Creativity of the Dovolensky District of the Novosibirsk Region Considered and approved at a meeting of the pedagogical

Municipal educational institution secondary school 2 of the Levoberezhny district of Voronezh. "Agreed" Deputy Director of the School for SD MBOU Secondary School 2 L.A. Goncharova "_27" August

PATRIOTIC PROGRAM "MEMORY OF THE HEART" Explanatory note In accordance with state program"Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" in the system

Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary school 6 of the city of Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region AGREED: Deputy. director for VR MBOU secondary school 6 R.A. Senovtsov OS, VS. ^Uy/

I approve the Deputy Director for VR N.G. Tselishcheva The work program of the museum "Istoki" Municipal budgetary educational institution "Stepanovskaya secondary school" 2016 2017 academic year

The program of the circle "My native land" (grade 2) Explanatory note The educational component of the GEF IEO is focused on the formation of an active citizenship, social responsibility,

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 4" of the Chistopol municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan Considered Agreed Approved at the meeting of the ShMO Deputy. director and

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Secondary School 4" Approved by: Deputy Director for Water Resource Management / / signature Full name 2014 Minutes of MS from 2014 Approved by: Director

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation APPROVED Director of the MOU DOD "House of Children's Creativity" Mironova G.V. 2010 The work program of the circle "Feat" (MOU "Zavolzhskaya secondary school") Compiled by: Tsybaneva E.M. teacher

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program of the school circle "Young local historian" is compiled on the basis of the author's educational program of the teacher Zh.A. Podolskaya. The program of the circle corresponds to the federal component

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, the main comprehensive school with. Zaplavnoe municipal district Borsky Samara Region I approve for use in educational


Municipal educational institution Gymnasium 18 named after V.G. Sokolov Work program extracurricular activities spiritual and moral direction "Native land in the fire of war" grade 3 4 (9 10 years)

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Karpunikha secondary school of the Urensky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region" Adopted by the decision of the teachers' council Minutes of 08/31/2015

Regional state state special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities "Special (correctional) general education

OLHOVO-ILYINSKY BRANCH of the municipal budgetary educational institution of the Umetskaya secondary school named after the Hero of Socialist Labor P.S. Pleshakova WORK PLAN OF THE MUSEUM ROOM

Municipal budgetary educational institution Golitsyn secondary school 2 School museum of local lore "History" Golitsyno in faces Social project"Memory of generations" Golitsyno

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Saskalinsky Secondary School" "Reviewed" "Agreed" "I approve" at the meeting of the Deputy Director for OWR Director of the Pedagogical School

Municipal educational institution of additional education for children "House of childhood and youth of the city of Galich, Kostroma region" I approve the Director of the MOU secondary school 4 named after. F.N. Krasovsky Okhlopkova E.V. 2016

MBOU "Secondary school 16 named after the Hero of Russia Alexei Vorobyov", Pskov CIRCLE PROGRAM "Young traveler" The program is designed for a year for children in grade 1. Buylova Alena Alexandrovna

MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "SOSH 4 CHELYABINSK" 454014, Chelyabinsk. 40let Pobedy street, 17a. tel./fax (351) E-mail: Considered at the meeting of the methodological association of teachers

Explanatory note The program is focused on tourism and local history. This program has a huge educational potential and is aimed at studying local history material

GBOU boarding school 1 Chapaevsk "I approve" Director of GBOU boarding school 1 Kelchina I.G. WORK PLAN OF THE SCHOOL MUSEUM "ORIGINS" Compiled by the teacher DO Skladchikova E.I. 2014 2015 Explanatory note

“Agreed” “I approve” Deputy. Director for SD Director of MKOU "Boryatinsky secondary school" L.A. Tsibikova L.S. Sergeeva 20 Municipal state educational institution "Boryatinsky secondary general education

Explanatory note "Me and my family" Acquaintance with the history of the country begins with the history of the family of each child. Relying on family history helps students grasp the idea that a country's history is written through

The program of the local history circle "My native land" Development of Udiyarova Tatyana Georgievna teacher of history and social science of the highest qualification category Explanatory note. Currently acute

Contents of the work program Explanatory note 3 3 general characteristics of the training course Description of the place of the training course in the curriculum 4 Requirements for the level of mastering the content of the training course. four

I APPROVE Director of GBOU Gymnasium 1504 N.A. Sharay 2016 School work plan "History of School 636 1504" for the 2016-2017 academic year The main goal of the school is to develop a personality capable of defining, enriching,

Innovation project as part of the implementation of the strategy for the integrated development of the city of o. Samara for the period up to 2025 I. General information. 1. Name of the project: "Discover your city" 2. Information about the institution: 2.1 Name

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE Introduction The program of civil and patriotic education "I am a Russian" was developed in accordance with the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation, the Law

"INTERACTION OF LOCAL HISTORY CIRCLE AND SCHOOL MUSEUM IN DEVELOPING PATRIOTIC FEELINGS OF STUDENTS" In modern Russia, no one doubts the fact that the problem of purposeful patriotic

Explanatory note. The program is designed for 2 academic years. The age of children is 11-16 years old. The goals of the program: to increase the interest of schoolchildren in learning, to provide an opportunity for a deeper study of individual

Museum of Local History of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Secondary School 25 with in-depth study of individual subjects." "APPROVED" Director of MOU "Secondary School

Approved by: Director of the school Panova I.Yu. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL MUSEUM OF LOCAL HISTORY FOR 2014 2018. MOU "Secondary School with. Eleninka of the Kartalinsky district Tregubova N. I. ^ Explanatory note. school museum

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FOR ADDITIONAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN "MEMORY" Age of students: 15-16 years Program implementation period: 1 year Author of the program: teacher of additional education MBU DOD "CVR" Udiyarova


MBOU "Zapadnodvinsk secondary school 1" Patriotic education program for schoolchildren "Know to remember, remember to be proud" Explanatory note Patriotic education is systematic and purposeful

APPROVED: Director of the Lyceum of Syzran, 2013 AGREED: Deputy director for water resources management GBOU lyceum of Syzran 2013 CONSIDERED: at a meeting of the department of social disciplines Protocol of 2013 WORKING PROGRAMM

Municipal budgetary educational institution Konstantinovskaya secondary school. Work plan of the Local History Museum "Poisk" for the 2015-2016 academic year. s.konstantinovka 2015

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 2090 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union L.Kh. Papernik" TIN 7721804748 KPP 772101001 OGRN 1137746787551

DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM OF THE SCHOOL MUSEUM "HISTORY OF EDUCATION IN THE SAO OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW" "The people who do not know their past have no right to the future" EXPLANATORY NOTE (A.S. Pushkin)

long term plan work of the school local history for 2014-2017. Purpose: creation of conditions for the education of patriotic, moral and civic qualities of students on the basis of restoration and development


Annotation to the additional educational program "Museum Lessons" Program focus - tourism and local history Program objectives: - Formation of interest in the museum business; - introducing children to history

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 61" of the city of Magnitogorsk WORK PROGRAM OF EXTRA COURSE ACTIVITIES My Motherland Grade 1-2 Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow Region of August

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education "RYAZAN CITY PALACE OF CHILDREN'S CREATIVITY" Additional general educational general developmental program of tourism and local history orientation

Municipal budgetary educational institution, secondary school of the 4th urban district, the city of Sharya, Kostroma region Agreed Protocol from the deputy. Director for WRM Korobchenko M.V.

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 16 with in-depth study of individual subjects" of the Department of Education of the Administration of the City District Elektrostal of Moscow

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution "Primary General Education School 1" Work plan of the circle "Young local historian" Head of the circle: Larionova N.L. 2016-2017 Explanatory note Working


"Pervomaiskaya secondary school"


at the meeting

methodological council

Protocol No. 3 29.12.2008 ___________________

head teacher ______________

/N.G. Elkina/

additional education

"Spiritual local history of the Tambov region"
for children 10 - 13 years of age


geography teacher

Antipova Svetlana Nikolaevna


Brief information note.
About the author:

  1. Surname, name, patronymic: Antipova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

  2. Position: teacher of geography.

  3. Subject taught: geography.

  4. Place of employment: Municipal educational institution "Pervomaiskaya secondary school".

  5. Institution coordinates: 393700, Tambov region,
Pervomaisky settlement, st. Telman, d.5.

  1. Place of residence: 393700, Tambov region, Pervomaisky settlement,
st. Factory, house 16.

Program information: The program has been implemented since 2008.

Program type: modified.

Direction of activity: intellectual - cognitive.

Level of development: short.

Age Range: junior school age.

The examination and approval of this program was carried out by the Pedagogical Council of the Municipal Educational Institution "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in 2008.

This program of additional education "Spiritual local history of the Tambov region" is focused on younger students and introduces them to the origins of Orthodox culture, the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people.

Contact number: 8 (475-48) 2 - 16 - 04 (working).

Explanatory note

to the program of additional education

"Spiritual local history of the Tambov region" (hereinafter the Program).

Spiritual and moral education of the child must be started as early as possible through the introduction to the national spiritual and cultural tradition. The program forms students' interest in the spiritual culture of their people, respect for its historical past, forms in the younger generation national identity, self-esteem, as well as responsibility for the fate of their Fatherland and the desire to benefit their land.

In the current situation, part of the tasks (which should, but, unfortunately, are not solved in the family) of introducing children into the spiritual and moral tradition of the Russian people, making them the basis of the children's way of life, can be taken over by a school educational institution. This is possible because it implies a joint understanding of various events by children and adults.

This event-content line can be based on the Orthodox Church calendar, in accordance with which you can plan and build your educational work in a group of children for spiritual and moral education.

According to K.D. Ushinsky, it will be filled with real, significant, meaningful, non-invented and meaningful events, “ whole baby year ”, in which the most prominent place is occupied, of course, by holidays.

“Let everyone,” writes K.D. Ushinsky, “remember his childhood, and he will see that the holiday for the child is not at all what it is for us, that this is really an event in the annual children's life, and that the child counts his days from holiday to holiday, how we count our years from one important event of our life to another. The church with its solemn ceremonies, nature with its changes and the family with its festive traditions - these are the three elements that illuminate in my memory every holiday of my childhood.

This Program is modification programs for spiritual and moral education "Russian Mental Book" Potapovskaya O.M. and Makeeva I.P., "Spiritual Local History of the Tambov Region" Priest G. Andreev, Priest V. Lisyunin, Lozovsky A.G., Evtikheeva L.Yu., Klemeshova I.V. .

Program focus- intellectual and cognitive, as it is aimed at developing interest and cognitive activity in the field of studying the regional ethno-cultural heritage of the native land.

Relevance of this Program lies in the fact that it forms students' interest in the spiritual culture of their people, respect for its historical past.

Principle of operation The programs are built as a certain cycle of lessons and are filled with pious content related to the Church calendar and celebrated holidays, like holiday matinees for parents.

Purpose of the Program- introducing children to the origins of Orthodox culture, the spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people and the formation of a holistic picture of the world in the child, based on eternal, enduring values.

Program objectives


  • Distribution of Orthodox literacy among schoolchildren. /Under Orthodox literacy is understood the communication to students of the necessary and sufficient knowledge and practical skills that ensure their competent use in modern conditions in such a rapidly changing reality /;

  • Provide stable knowledge on a wide range of topics: folk and church calendar, historical and cultural monuments, holy ascetics of the Tambov land;

  • Formation of the ability to meaningfully express a reasoned opinion on the spectrum of ethno-cultural problems: the ratio of the folk and the church principles of life arrangement, regional spiritual features and their manifestation, spirituality and regional demography;

  • Expand and deepen the range of topics for study: along with the Gospel story, give students an idea of ​​the history of the Old Testament, the saints whose names our children bear, the Christian way of life and family;

  • Education of creative skills to reproduce the traditions of regional spirituality.

  • Formation of ideas about the ethical standards of spirituality;

  • To fill with content the idea of ​​patriotism, love for the motherland, responsibility for the fate of one's neighbor, society and the state.

  • Formation of key competencies - the readiness of students to use the acquired knowledge, skills and methods of activity in real life to solve practical problems;

  • To teach to give a spiritual assessment of the realities of space and time.

  • Fill with content the idea of ​​spirituality, truth, goodness (goodness), beauty, service to people and the Fatherland.

  • Contribute to the education of the need to build one's behavioral model in accordance with the laws of spirituality, as well as evaluate the behavior of a person, society and the state from spiritual positions.

  • Develop figurative thinking, speech, independence of judgment, creative activity;

  • Uncover individual abilities.

  • To promote the development of the child's volitional sphere: awareness of behavior, self-control.
Main difference The program differs from other additional education programs in that it is completely built on the use of the event-content line of the Orthodox Church calendar, in accordance with which it is possible to plan and build all educational, educational work, primarily in the spiritual and moral education of children.

  • reliance on the regional component, on the regional ethno-cultural heritage;

  • cultural and intellectual-cognitive orientation;

  • personal orientation of the content of the program;

  • activity approach to learning;

  • focus on the formation of general educational skills and abilities, generalized methods of educational, cognitive, communicative, practical, creative activities, for students to gain experience in this activity;

  • strengthening the educational potential and the social and humanitarian orientation of the content of education, which contributes to the establishment of the values ​​of civil society and the rule of law democratic state, the formation of the personality of the student;

  • strengthening the role of disciplines that ensure the successful socialization of students: history, literature, the Russian language, geography, etc.;

  • problem-search methods of organizing the educational process.
Characteristics of students by program

Children of primary and secondary school age take part in the implementation of this Program.

Number of children in the group: 15 people.

Program designed for 1 year of study.

Ways of organizing educational activities:

  • frontal;

  • group;

  • individual;

  • modeling, drawing, application;

  • hearing a story;

  • listening to works of art for soul-beneficial reading, followed by a discussion of what was read;

  • organization of excursions to holy places.
Ways to test knowledge:

  • initial diagnostics, in the format of testing, is carried out with children at the beginning of the year of study in order to identify the MDD that children have;

  • intermediate diagnostics, in the format of testing, allows you to find out the degree of assimilation of this material ZUN for the first half of the year;

  • final diagnostics is carried out in the form of exhibitions, reporting concerts.
Theoretical part final certification can be conducted in the form of a quiz or game. Practical work - reporting concert - festival.

Intended learning outcomes:

As a result of studying the course "Spiritual Local History of the Tambov Region", the student should get an idea of ​​the patterns of formation and development of regional spiritual traditions. Thus, at the end of the first year of study, the pupil must:

  1. Know/Understand:

    • Key concepts of spirituality (truth, good, spiritual beauty, love, conscience, spirit, soul, sacrifice, responsibility, law, Motherland, etc.)

    • Chronology of biblical history, church history, their reflection in the regional church and folk calendar;

    • Veneration of icons and Orthodox shrines of the Tambov region;

    • Traditional routes of Tambov pilgrims;

    • Patterns of the formation of such spiritual values ​​as family, marriage, caring for one's neighbor, caring for the younger ones. Honoring elders, the ability to understand and forgive, demanding of oneself.

    • Lives of famous saints of the Tambov land, such as Bishop Pitirim, Saints Theophan, the Hermit Vyshensky, Tikhon of Zadonsk, Saints Seraphim of Sarov and Ambrose of Optina, Saints Silouan of Athos and others;

    • The history of the creation of the most famous temples and monasteries of the Tambov region and its region, the events or lives of the saints to whom these temples and monasteries are dedicated (for example, the Intercession of the Mother of God, the Transfiguration of the Lord or the life of John the Baptist, the Baptist of the Lord, etc.).

    • Students should be good navigate in Bible history:
know the main events of the Gospel and the Old Testament (for example, the creation of the world, the expulsion from Paradise, the earthly life of the Savior, etc.);

know the most important Orthodox holidays (not only the Nativity of Christ, but also the Most Holy Theotokos, not only the Resurrection of the Lord, but also His Ascension, etc.), as well as the lives of the most revered saints in Russia (for example, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky or St. Nicholas, Myrlikian Wonderworker, etc.);

Be able to:

  • Give a spiritual assessment of the realities of space and time;

  • To acquaint non-resident guests with the main local monuments of spiritual culture, traditions;

  • Build and evaluate the behavioral model of a person, society and state in accordance with the laws of spirituality.

  • Orientation in the temple;

  • Lead to one or another temple of the village (tell where it is located);

  • Tell the story of the emergence of the Tambov fortress, the monasteries of the Tambov region (for example, Tregulyaevsky), one or another temple (Sergius of Radonezh, for example);

  • Retell the main plots of the Old Testament and Gospel stories;

  • Tell the main milestones in the life of the Tambov ascetics of piety, such as St. Pitirim, St. Luke Voino-Yasenetsky, St. Feofan Vyshinsky and others, as well as especially revered Russian and ecumenical saints (for example, Prince Alexander Nevsky or St. Nicholas of Myra);

  • Distinguish images of Jesus Christ, His Most Pure Mother, various saints (for example, the Apostle Andrew the First-Called or Prince Alexander Nevsky) and angels on icons, as well as recognize images of the main Orthodox holidays;

  • Distinguish the vestments of the hierarchies from ordinary clergy;

  • Use a map of the region, district, navigate in terms of the microdistrict and the village.

Forms and methods of conducting classes.

When implementing the program, the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils, their individual characteristics are taken into account.

Introducing children to creativity is successfully implemented when creating a special atmosphere of enthusiasm. To create such an atmosphere, use the following forms of training:

Classes - explanations, conversations, excursions, theatrical performances. Exhibitions of student work.

One of the forms of work is the association of students into groups, where research activities are carried out on selected topics of the Fundamentals of Orthodoxy. Pedagogical process aimed at the development of creative, educational and cognitive activity of students, the development of the mental abilities of the student, his imagination and fantasy.

Forms of summarizing the results of the Program implementation:

Exhibitions by themes:"The Nativity of Christ", "The Prayer of the Publican and the Pharisee"; "The Life of the First People in Paradise", "The Garden of Virtues in the Human Heart";

"Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos".

Festivals: participation in the regional festival of children's creativity "Svyatki", dedicated to the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the celebration of "Easter".

Educational and thematic planning educational program additional education

"Spiritual local history of the Tambov region".




Number of hours






6 hours.

1.1. Introductory lesson.

Initial diagnosis.


1. Preliminary concepts



1.4.-1.6. Origins of Orthodox culture in Russia.




Old Testament

11 o'clock.

2.1.-2.2. Love for God's world. God is the Creator.




2.3.-2.5. Creation of man by God. Life of 1st person in paradise. Fall. Exile from paradise. Good and evil. The Savior's Promise.




2.6. Abel and Cain



2.7.-2.8. The Flood.




2.9.Babylonian pandemonium.



2.10.History of righteous Abraham.



2.11.History of the prophet Moses.




Sacred History of the New Testament.

34 hours

The earthly life of the Virgin:

3.1.-3.2. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.




3.3 Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.



3.4.-3.5. Childhood of the Virgin Mary and Her betrothal to Elder Joseph.



3.6. Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos.



3.7. The Nativity of Christ and the Flight into Egypt.



3.8. Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.



The earthly life of Jesus Christ:

3.9.-3.13. Christmas.



3.14.-3.17. Meeting of the Lord.




3.18. Childhood of Jesus Christ.



3.19. Baptism of the Lord.



3.20. Jesus in the wilderness. Out for a sermon.



3.21. Transfiguration.



3.22. Resurrection of Lazarus.



3.23. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.



3.24. Passion Week.



3.25. Crucifixion and burial of the Savior.



3.26-3.30. Resurrection of the Lord. Easter.



3.31. Ascension of the Lord.



The fate of the apostles of Christ:

3.32. Descent of the Holy Spirit, or Pentecost (Trinity).



3.33. Acts of the Apostles.



3.34. Final work. Report on the topic "The fate of the apostle".

Intermediate diagnosis.




Orthodox saints and ascetics of piety of the Tambov region.

17 hours.

4.1. Rev. Sergius of Radonezh.



4.2. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.



4.3 Rev. Seraphim of Sarov.



4.4 Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.



4.5. Saint Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov.



4.6. Saint Theophan, the Hermit Vyshensky.



4.7. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk



4.8. Saint Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky.



4.9. Reverend Martha of Tambov. Visit to the Ascension Monastery.



4.10. Venerable Theodore of Sanaksar.



4.11. Holy righteous Theodore Ushakov.



4.12. St. Silouan of Athos.



4.13. Saint Ambrose and other elders of Optina.



4.14 New martyrs of the Tambov land.



4.15. Metropolitan Vladimir Bogoyavlensky.



4.16. -4.17. Final work.

Report on the topic "The role of holy ascetics in the life of the Tambov land."




Your Orthodox


8 ocloc'k.

5.1. What is "name day". The name and its symbolism.



5.2. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.



5.3 Great Martyr Catherine.



5.4. Great Martyr Barbara.



5.5. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina.



5.6. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.



5.7. Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious.



5.8. Final work. Research work "My patron saint".

Intermediate diagnosis.




Great post.

17 hours.

6.1.-6.2. Week about the publican and the Pharisee.




6.3.-6.4. The parable of the prodigal son.




6.5.-6.6. Last week before Lent: Maslenitsa. Forgiveness Sunday. pagan traditions in celebration of Maslenitsa.




6.7. Saints whose memory is celebrated during Great Lent.



6.8. Week of the Cross.



6.9. Forty Martyrs of Sebaste.



6.10. Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.



6.11. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.



6.12. Events of Holy Week.



6.13.-6.17. Matinee dedicated to Easter.




Guardian of the Russian land


22 hours.

7.1. Holy wives - myrrh-bearing women - the patroness of all Christian wives.



7.2.-7.4. Matinee dedicated to mothers.



7.5. Conversation with a priest.



7.6.-7.7. Visit to the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.



7.8.-7.9. Visit to the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.



7.10. Honoring the holy icons.



7.11. Vladimir icon.



7.12. Icon of the Protection of the Mother of God.



7.13. Iberian icon.



7.14. "Joy to all who mourn."



7.15. "Quick listener".



7.16. "Zn a less."



7.17. "Sovereign" icon.



7.18. "Help of sinners".



7.19. "Unexpected Joy"



7.20. Celebration of the Kazan Mother of God.



7.21. Icon of the Mother of God of Tambov.



7.22.Kazan - Vyshenskaya icon.




Russian holiness and spirituality.

9 o'clock.

8.1. Christian spirit in folk proverbs.



8.2. Sacrificial love for neighbors.



8.3 Verbosity and silence.



8.4. Heavenly guard. Defense of the Fatherland.



8.5. Patience and diligence.



8.6 Patriotism.



8.7. Spiritual poverty.



8.8. Help from above.



8.9. Final work. Competition for the best drawing "Folk Proverbs".

Final diagnosis.




Routes of the Tambov pilgrims.

17 hours.

9.1.- 9.5. Orthodox shrines of the Kozlovsky district.



9.6.-9.10. Visit to the holy spring of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in Dubove.



9.11.-9.17. Pilgrimage to Mammoth Hermitage.




Diagnostic stage 2 hours.

Final lesson




Total 144


