What to expect from a woman with the character of a she-wolf. Modern women - she-wolves or lapdogs? - And wolf women are insured against crises

Exploring female archetypes based on ancient myths, legends and fairy tales, Clarissa Estes argues that healthy woman in a favorable psychophysical state, she looks like a she-wolf.

She Who Runs With Wolves may have been received in different ways. If not for the serious name of its author, who earned himself a place in the sun not at all with this book, but scientific works school of Jung, it, probably, could well be declared some kind of strange notes - the arguments of Clarissa Estes are so unexpected and sharp.

Be that as it may, in Europe, fans of the theory of the female wolf declared this book the Women's Bible and under the cry "She-wolves of all countries, unite!" gather in associations "Wolves" or open websites "Wolves-wolves".

wild and pristine

"Running with the Wolves" Female archetype in myths and legends»

Women Who Run With the Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype.

Translated into more than twenty-five languages, Clarissa Estes' book has been one of the first places in the world book ranking for several years.

This book about the female archetype is truly universal. Replace the concept of "primordial woman" with "primordial man" and you will see that the benefit that this book will bring to your soul has no gender.

Inside every woman lives a primordial, natural being, full of good instincts, compassionate creativity and eternal wisdom.

But this creature - the Wild Woman - is on the verge of extinction. The "civilizing" influence of society, unfortunately, suppresses everything "wild", that is, natural, in the child.

Clarissa Estes, who has been practicing and teaching Jungian psychoanalysis and researching the myths of different cultures for more than twenty years, shows how the primordial spirit of a woman can be revived through "psychoarchaeological excavations" in the area of ​​the female unconscious.

The healthy, instinctive, clairvoyant, healing archetypal Wild Woman lives life to the full in ancient myths and

fairy tales. But it can reappear in the soul of every woman in the conditions of the modern world.

Runner with the wolves

Our correspondent in France met with the president of the popular European movement"Women-wolves"

My interlocutor, Nicole de Troyat, is a classically trained psychologist whose life took on meaning after she said she discovered her desire and strength to engage in psychoanalysis in the manner of Clarissa Estes. Concurrently, Nicole is the president of the Wolf Women Association.

- Madame Troyat, do you think that today in civilized countries female wolves are not yet listed in the Red Book?

— I understand your question. Of course, at first glance it seems that domestic lapdogs have better living conditions than wild wolves. Dogs are served food in a bowl, they are taken out for a walk in warm coats, they are bought warm blankets for sleeping.

But this is the whole point: without a struggle for one's own actualization, without conflicts, the vital forces leave. And this can be seen in the example of two or three generations.

Today's dogs give birth to such weak offspring that you need to look in advance for a good veterinarian who will observe your pet from childhood.

Returning from this comparison to women, I will quote Madame Estes, who in the book "Running with the Wolves" writes that decrepit women are not the most best achievement our civilization.

- But there is a simpler solution - fitness centers, skiing, swimming pool...

“We are talking about the mental health of a woman in the first place. Of course, sports loads are important, but if at the same time a woman constantly feels internal discomfort, which she gets used to, does not notice until the first crisis ...

If the husband is cheating

- Are wolf women insured against crises?

- Of course not. But they react differently. For example, an ordinary woman, having learned that her husband is cheating on her, will throw a tantrum, try to intimidate her husband with threats or begin to blackmail him with children, become depressed, and bother all her friends with her complaints and tears.

Adultery is a very strong test, so any means are understandable from the point of view of the female victim.

And the she-wolf, who is focused on fidelity in a couple, will also, of course, experience pain. But she will not be stuck in depression for a long time - her natural forces, intuition, wisdom and healthy wolf egoism will keep her healthy, recover faster and help her make an objective decision.

In this situation, such a woman can act differently - how many she-wolves, so many decisions. But what unites wolf women is that she will first of all listen to herself.

If she wants to save the marriage, after a good beating, she will still leave the guilty wolf with her. If he already got it, no arguments will work here. A she-wolf has the strength and love to raise her cubs alone. Although other young wolves will try to get into her cozy lair - after all, it is so cozy and reliable with a she-wolf.

- You told me that in your association there are women of different faiths, nationalities and skin colors. It turns out that the theory of the wolf woman managed to overcome religious and national prejudices?

- Because, discovering new opportunities in yourself, the support of the life force, the woman becomes more generous and tolerant. The she-wolf does not distinguish skin color, she selects comrades by smell - that is, according to the principle of compatibility.

A prostitute won't become a she-wolf

What about the professions of female wolves?

- Variety. Although it must be said that basically, of course, educated women, capable of introspection and active organization of their lives, become she-wolves.

I once interviewed a woman who was the leader of a prostitutes union in Paris. She was a kind, generous, courageous woman. In her charisma, she fits the description of a female wolf...

By taking on the role of protector of many women—prostitutes in this case—this woman developed a caring, active, and benevolent personality. And these traits are just on the list of qualities that characterize a wolf.

Can prostitutes become she-wolves?

- Not. These women tend to be too cornered. By serving with her body various men who pay her for it, a prostitute violates the sacred principle of she-wolves - to be self-willed in choosing a partner.

It also violates the principle of fidelity and self-love, as well as taking care of one's health, which is dictated by biological intuition that sends signals in defense of future offspring.

So, although prostitutes are worthy of the compassion of she-wolves (in no case should they be condemned - after all, nature does not know condemnation at all) - but they cannot become she-wolves.

- And the models?

- Why not? If in life they are as confident and self-sufficient as on the covers of magazines.

The path of a model for a wolf woman is acceptable, but dangerous. It is very easy to start treating yourself as a model.

There are now many articles on the death of Anna Nicole Smith. Various versions are put forward about its causes. As a psychoanalyst, I see this situation differently. She died because she saw no reason to live on. She ran out of vital reserves and the belief that something can be changed.

Of course, with all her wealth, she would like to change her life. This is a constant motive of all women - even those who say that they are happy.

If a woman has a visible segment of the path for change, she is balanced and purposeful - whether it be professional or personal life. If she has a complete confusion in her head and feelings, then she has lost her way and herself.

Of course, having worked as a child porn model for so many years, it is difficult to maintain love for yourself ... Such a tragic end for many women in this profession, but we will learn about the loudest names.

Sexy seductress or housewife?

How does society feel about wolves?

These are the requirements modern society to women. Be beautiful and sexy or practical - and you will earn a place in the sun. It is beneficial for men to have both of these types of women on hand, which provides them with full service.

A she-wolf can be sexier than beauties with gel lips and breasts, but only if she herself wants to seduce and enjoy.

She will not pretend to be in love in order to win a man who is not interested in her - she has a sense of the value of her time and, of course, herself.

But on the other hand, I’ll tell you: a man with whom a she-wolf falls in love can be called lucky. He will come closer to understanding that heavenly state when the two halves were connected together, and he will never have the feeling that he is living life for nothing. The degree of actualization in such novels is incredibly high. People who have experienced an honest and strong feeling of love change so intensely internally that God probably has no other way.

We are not abandoned!

But not all the strongest feelings remain forever...

Yes, such is life. But on the other hand, no man will ever leave a she-wolf. This is a sign by which I determine for myself the degree of my inner she-wolf.

If some man leaves me, then I turn into a lapdog.

The she-wolf leaves on her own or the partners part by mutual agreement, so that later they always call each other at Christmas ...

How do wolves feel about plastic surgery?

“If the she-wolf wants something, then it is impossible to resist it. She's allowed to be arbitrary. Positively masterful, I note.

If she wants to change her appearance, she will change it for sure, you won’t work on her with any persuasion. If she is afraid of pain, then no Pamela Anderson is an example for her.

The wolf is the only animal that can go into battle against a stronger opponent. If he lost the fight, then last breath looks into the eyes of the enemy, and then dies.

And some more interesting facts about wolves:

  • Under certain weather conditions wolves can hear sounds at a distance of 9 kilometers in the forest, and 16 kilometers. in open area.

  • The Vikings wore wolf skins and drank wolf blood before the battle, which they took with them to raise their morale.

  • The earliest depictions of wolves are found in caves in southern Europe and are over 20,000 years old.

  • A wolf cannot be tamed and made a guard dog, he is afraid strangers and will hide from them, not bark.

  • The autoimmune disease lupus, or skin tuberculosis, literally means "red wolf" because in the eighteenth century doctors believed that the disease developed after a wolf bite.

  • Wolves distinguish about 200 million shades of smell, people only 5 million. The wolf family is able to smell the smell of other animals at a distance of 1.5 kilometers.

  • The eyes of wolf puppies are always blue at birth. They turn yellow only by eight months.

  • The gestation period of a she-wolf is about 65 days. Wolf puppies are born deaf and blind, and weigh only half a kilogram.

  • Wolves were once the most common land predators, the only places where they did not live were deserts and rainforests.

  • Enormous pressure is created by the teeth in the cleft palate, approximately 300 kilograms per square centimeter (compared to 150 kg/cm^2 in a dog).

  • North American population gray wolf in 1600 there were 2 million individuals. Today there are no more than 65 thousand of them left in North America.

  • A hungry wolf can eat 10 kilograms of meat in one sitting, it's like a person eating a hundred hamburgers in one sitting.

  • A wolf pack can consist of two or three individuals, or maybe ten times more.

  • Wolves are descended from ancient animals called "Mesocyon" that lived about 35 million years ago. It was a small dog-like animal with short legs and a long body. Perhaps they, like wolves, lived in packs.

  • Wolves can swim for distances of up to 13 kilometers, helping themselves when moving in the water with small webs between their fingers.

  • Between 1883 and 1918, only one US state Montana killed over 80,000 wolves.

  • Adolf Hitler (whose name means "leading wolf") was fascinated by wolves and sometimes demanded to be called "Herr Wolf" or "Conductor Wolf" as a pseudonym. "Wolf Gorge" (Wolfsschlucht), "Wolf's Lair" (Wolfschanze) and "Werewolf" ( Wehrwolf) were Hitler's code names for various military headquarters.

  • In the 1600s, Ireland was called "Wolfland" because there were so many wolves there at the time. Wolf hunting was the most popular sport among the nobility, who used wolfhounds to locate the wolf and kill it.

  • Biologists have determined that wolves will react to humans imitating wolf howl. It would be strange if it were different...

  • In 1927, a French policeman was convicted of shooting a boy he thought was a werewolf. In the same year, the last wild wolf was killed in France.

  • When the Europeans sailed to North America, the wolf became the most popular prey among them in hunting animals in all American history. These animals were on the verge of extinction at the beginning of the 20th century. The U.S. federal government even enacted a wolf eradication program in the Western states in 1915.

  • Dire wolves ("canis dirus") are one of the representatives of prehistoric wolves that lived in North America about two million years ago. They hunted mainly prey of such sizes as mammoths.

  • Wolves can run for a minute or two at a speed of 32 km / h, and in moments of danger or pursuit - up to 56 km / h. It has been observed that during the day they run at a “trot” (about 8 km / h) and can travel at this speed throughout the day.

  • The smallest representatives of wolves live in the Middle East, where they reach a mass of no more than 30 kilograms. The largest wolf individuals live in Canada, Alaska, and Russia, where they gain weight up to 80 kilograms.

  • Wolves use howls to communicate with disunited members of their group to rally before a hunt, or to warn rival packs to stay away from them. Lone wolves howl to attract mates or simply because they are alone. In fact, the wolf howl lasts no more than 5 seconds, just because of the echo it seems that the sound is longer.

  • The reflective layer in the eyes of the wolf is called "tapetum lucidum" (Latin for "bright tapestry"), it glows in the dark and also promotes night vision in the animal.

  • Where wolves live, crows (sometimes called "wolf birds") are often found. Crows often follow packs of wolves to finish off the remains of the hunt, and also use wolves as protection.

  • According to Pliny the Elder, a Greek scholar of the first century, she-wolf rubs the gums of puppies with her tongue to relieve the pain when they appear. He also believed that wolf dung could be used to treat stomach cramps and cataracts.

  • The Aztecs used wolf liver in the treatment of melancholy as an ingredient in medicines. In addition, they pricked the chest of the dying man with a sharpened wolf bone in an attempt to delay the date of death.

  • During the Middle Ages, Europeans used wolf liver powders to relieve the pain of childbirth.

  • The Greeks believed that if one ate the meat of a wolf that kills lambs, then one was at a high risk of becoming a vampire.

  • The Cherokee Indians did not hunt wolves, because they believed that the brothers of the dead would take revenge on them. In addition, the weapon with which the wolf was killed was considered "corrupted."

  • The British King Edgard introduced a special annual tax of 300 skins for Wales, as a result of which the Welsh wolf population was quickly destroyed.

  • In 1500 the last wild wolf was killed in England, in 1700 in Ireland, and in 1772 on Danish soil.

  • Germany was the first country to place a wolf population under conservation laws in 1934. Under the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche (b.1844-d.1900) and Oswald Spengler (b.1880-d.1936), society became convinced that natural predators mattered much more than their value after being killed. By the way, in Germany, all wild wolves were exterminated by the middle of the nineteenth century.

  • Unlike other animals, wolves have a range of distinctive facial movements that they use to communicate and maintain relationships within a pack.

  • AT Japanese the word wolf is characterized as "great god".

  • Between 6,000 and 7,000 wolf skins are still sold annually in the world. They are supplied mainly from Russia, Mongolia and China, and are most often used for sewing coats.

  • In India, simple traps are still used to catch wolves. These traps are pits camouflaged with branches and leaves. Wolves fall into the pit on sharp stakes, and people finish them off from above with stones.

  • Wolves were the first animals to be listed as endangered in 1973.

  • John Milton's famous poem "Lycidas" takes its name from the Greek "wolf cub" lykideus.

  • In the world of Harry Potter, there was a werewolf Remus Lupine, whose name is directly related to the Latin word "lupus", but the surname most likely came from Remus, the founder of Rome, who was fed by wolves.

  • The last wolf in Yellowstone Park was killed in 1926. In 1995, people managed to restore the wolf population, and after ten years, approximately 136 wolves roam the park, huddled in 13 packs.

  • Currently, there are about 50 thousand wolves in Canada and Alaska, 6500 in the USA. On the European continent, in Italy - less than 300, in Spain about 2000, in Norway and Sweden - less than 80. There are about 700 wolves in Poland, and 70 thousand in Russia.

Greetings, friends!

In this post, I decided to talk about the wolf totem. Working with totem animals is one of effective methods self-development. It gives you the opportunity to realize your strengths and weaknesses, your characteristics. By activating the energy of the totem in ourselves, we get additional strength and protection.

In this and the following posts, I plan to talk about totems and power animals that I myself have worked with. About the rest, I will give information in an introductory manner. However, many groups of totems have similar characteristics and, shall we say, functionality.

For example, representatives of a particular family (feline, canine, marten) have a lot in common, although, of course, there are features inherent in this particular representative. Therefore, it will be possible to draw some analogies, taking as a basis information about one of them.

How many power animals can one person have

As for the question about the number of totems and power animals, I believe that a person still has one totem animal. The one that most reflects his character, and the one that leads him along the path of development.

However, our unconscious is connected to the energies of all animals, to one degree or another. Therefore, it is very natural that we can connect to other totems. This is especially useful for mastering behaviors that were not characteristic of us before, expanding the range of actions.

For example, I have one personal totem, and I interact with the rest as power animals. However, the names are not so important, it is rather conventions for convenience. The principle of interaction both there and there is almost the same.

wolf totem

The wolf is perhaps one of the most common totems, which is why I decided to start with it. It is considered masculine, but work with his energy is also available to a woman. It is very versatile, very difficult.

It takes time to tune in to his energy. Although it is among the “wolf people” that more often than among all other groups there are those who have been aware of their connection with the wolf since childhood.

Spiritual paths, the search for purpose, self-knowledge - these are his topics. It so happened that the totem animal wolf appeared in my life when I was at a crossroads. It was not clear to me which way to go further, and the wolf led me very confidently.

Intuition sharpened, contact with oneself became more dense, and then, later, it already seemed strange that there had been doubts before, and the path was not unobvious.

At the same time, I was actively engaged in creativity and vocals, and this is also not an accident. In general, the wolf patronizes vocalists.

It is known that wolf howling is tonal. It distinguishes great amount different tones and timbres, which are signals.

Along with the energy of the wolf comes some introversion, self-deepening, thoughtfulness. Also, this totem gives strength, physical endurance. With him, I learned to spend my energy more wisely, to move away from everything that can deprive me of strength, and this was a very useful lesson.

In addition, the wolf works great with fears. If you called him and he came to you - you will almost immediately feel that you are under powerful protection. There comes a sense of balance, calmness and even some slowdown. There is a feeling of distance and at the same time a sense of shoulder, as with a true friend.

In general, working with the energy of the wolf, I felt not so much patronage as cooperation, that is, interaction on an equal footing. This energy is not isolated somewhere. It is within you and manifests itself directly through you. And at the same time, this energy is isolated.

Which, however, fully reflects the behavior of a wolf in nature: on the one hand, he can live in a pack and gently take care of the members of the pack, and on the other, be a loner and not depend on anyone. Dissolve and not lose yourself - another lesson of this totem.

By the way, the wolf and the dog are still two different totems. They have different tasks, although, of course, there are similarities.

To work with the energy of a wolf, a talisman is suitable, for example, in the form of such a pendant, depicting this animal. For male owners of the wolf totem, we can recommend just such a solid mug with the image of the beast. However, if you wish, you can make a pocket wooden amulet or make an image on a piece of paper - choose what suits you best and trust your intuition.

The archetype of the wolf among the ancient Slavs and other peoples

The image of a wolf among the Slavs was associated with the god of fertility - Veles, and also, possibly, with Dazhdbog, who turned into a lame wolf, and some other Slavic deities.

This archetype had a dual meaning. On the one hand, it symbolized endurance, determination and intelligence, and on the other hand, evil spirits, lower instincts and was closely associated with werewolf, when a person who failed to curb his animal instincts turned into a wolf.

Also, the wolf was a guide to another world, and existed, as it were, on different layers of reality - between This and That world. He was feared, but also revered, and his fangs were worn as amulets that protected from evil spirits and gave courage and stamina.

In addition, the wolf was associated with the image of a warrior - brave, selfless, fighting to the end.

At ancient Scandinavians two wolves are the helpers of the god Odin, his escorts and guides. By the way, the image of a wolf is often associated with the image of a raven. The god Odin also had two crow assistants.

In addition, in Scandinavian mythology, there is also the wolf Fenrir (the child of the fire god Loki), who, according to predictions, will swallow the god Odin at the very end. He personifies chaos and destructive power, temporarily bound in chains. The war god Tyr sacrificed his hand to subdue Fenrir.

At Indians North America the wolf was revered as a protector and a wise guide. Shaman Indians often adopted wolves as power animals. Also, as a totem animal, they had a cult of the coyote.

The nature and appearance of people with a wolf totem

Such people are usually athletic. The build is average, often with a tendency to thinness. They have a good appetite, prefer mostly meat food. The look is penetrating, and somehow a little uncomfortable from it.

Usually they are somewhat introverted, but at the same time they are not so immersed in themselves that they do not track what is happening in the outside world. On the contrary, they are very observant and nothing escapes their gaze.

They are loyal, devoted, value friendship, ready to help at any moment. Often good family men. However, they need their own space.

Oddly enough, wolves sometimes allow themselves to be abused by close people, but, having escaped from the captivity of such relationships, they can then cruelly take revenge on the offender.

The wolf, like the dog, is able to endure for a very long time. However, his patience always has a clear limit. If he already for a long time allows it to cross, then it is most likely not a wolf, but a dog.

Such people feel quite comfortable both alone and in company. Although they tend to be a little reserved, they are good communicators and a pleasure to deal with. Intelligence, grammatically correct speech, the ability to listen to the interlocutor attracts people to them.

Also, as I said above, the wolf totem often patronizes musical people. In general, people with this totem can be found in any profession, but they are instinctively drawn to areas where a hierarchy is expressed. Therefore, among them there are many employees of law enforcement agencies, the military.

Despite the fact that the wolf has good protection, he will prefer to prevent the conflict as soon as possible, and even more so he will not provoke it, unless, of course, he pursues some special goal.

Such a person will not get into fights just to wave his fists or prove something. It is almost impossible to take on weakly. However, he will fight to the last if one of his loved ones is under threat.

The main conflict that the wolf decides is, of course, the balance between freedom and belonging. Such a person has a very developed sense of duty. And at the same time, he needs to feel independent. If he manages to keep this balance, then he will be happy.

About the wolf, you can talk endlessly. However, it should be understood that even within the same species, wolves can vary greatly. Individualism is very wolf-like. In nature, in wolf packs, each wolf is an individual, and his place is clearly assigned to him.

Therefore, people with this totem can be quite different from each other. In this article, I have described the typical features inherent in them. In order to understand such a person, you need to understand the general concept of the wolf, to feel it from the inside.

In addition, the animal of strength still gives something of its own to each person. The wolf rewards someone with greater insight, someone with speed, someone with intelligence, and someone with communication skills. We can also observe these accents.


Perhaps I will stop there today. I hope the article was interesting and useful for you, write comments, ask questions.

And I do not say goodbye to you - see you in the next post.

What do people know about wolves? What qualities of a wolf come to mind first when it comes to these animals? Surely you think that they are dangerous and cruel, insidious and treacherous. However, those who know almost nothing about the life of these animals think so. In this article we will try to talk a little more about them. Perhaps some interesting fact about wolves will make you change your attitude towards them.

Genus Lupus (wolves)

This genus includes wolves, jackals, coyotes, and dogs. These are the most major representatives wolf. All arctic foxes, foxes, maned wolf and

Each wolf is endowed with its own character - there are individuals who are cautious, self-confident and daring, some of them behave naturally and freely in the company of their fellow tribesmen, while others prefer to stay in the shadow of their more active relatives.

Wolves live on the plains of the northern hemisphere, as well as in the mountains and forests. Unfortunately, in some countries they are completely exterminated. And in Antarctica, white wolves are on the verge of extinction. They are listed in the International Red Book. Hunting these animals is prohibited.

These predators live in various landscapes - in forests, tundra, mountains and steppes. Mostly they are sedentary animals, but at the same time they wander over very long distances in search of food. As biologists say, wild nature they occupy their niche. In habitats, wolves tend to be the largest group of predators that prey on large mammals.

External characteristics

A male wolf usually weighs about fifty kilograms, a she-wolf is five kilograms lighter. The height at the withers of an adult is 75 cm, and the body length can be up to two meters. This, of course, is an average.

Wolves have a thick and coarse coat with an undercoat. Color may be different. There are gray, black, red, red, white wolves.


Wolves are animals that prefer to live in families. Any pack of wolves has its own “charter”, in which everyone has a role to play. Aggressive and strong young people rule, and those who need a firm hand obey them.

A wolf pack, in which animals are related, is led by a wolf and a she-wolf. The rest of its members, mostly their offspring (from completely unintelligent puppies to 3-year-olds), obey them. Sometimes strangers are nailed to the flock, for some reason they left their flock. Usually in such a family lives up to 15 animals.

Endurance and vitality of wolves

These qualities of the wolf deserve special attention. A hungry predator without food can remain active for up to ten days. A wounded animal leaves the hunters for several kilometers. Surrounded by hunting dogs, it fiercely defends itself to the last breath. And the wolf, caught in a trap, gnaws off its paw to hide from its pursuers.

A case is known when a wolf, which broke its paw during a hunt, lay motionless on the ground for 17 days, after which it got up and continued to search for prey. The will to live of wolves is amazing.

But they have small weaknesses that experienced hunters know about. Surprisingly, these brave predators are lost at the sight of a rag that flutters in front of their muzzle. This feature of theirs served as the appearance with flags. Hunters, having discovered a pack of wolves, surround it around the perimeter with a rope with patches of any fabric hung on it. The wolves, seeing the waving flags, do not dare to jump over them, and the hunters shoot at the animals point-blank.

And one more fact. The wolf in the forest never attacks people first. He avoids a person, prefers to stay away from him.

wolf lair

The wolf's hole is arranged quite simply. As a rule, it has one entrance. In the forest-steppe regions of Siberia, they have a depth of about four meters, the diameter of the entrance is about 50 cm.

In Transbaikalia, researchers observed how wolves dig tarbagan burrows in autumn, and wolf broods were found in them in spring. One of these holes was more than five meters long, forty centimeters wide and twenty-five centimeters high. The nest inside the burrow was half filled with dry grass bedding. It contained the skins of a tarbagan.

In the Far North, these predators build burrows along the banks of streams and rivers. In these areas, the soil is well drained, there is no permafrost, so digging a hole is easy.

Many holes can be found near the summer pastures of deer. As a rule, wolves roam after herds of these animals. Before the pups appear, they move forward, closer to their burrows, where deer also come, but a little later.

wolf howl

Each hole is inhabited by one pair of wolves, and they gather in a pack using the means of communication available to them - howling. This is not just the voice of a predator, this is an encrypted message with certain signals. Howling can be enticing (especially in mating season), calling. It can be heard when the leader calls the pack to hunt. Howling can be in response when members of the pack respond to the call of the leader. It can be dying and, finally, be entertainment. Oddly enough, wolves often howl for no apparent reason, probably their wolf soul asks for this.

Social life of the pack

The strongest wolf becomes the leader of the pack. A faithful friend, a she-wolf, helps him manage. In order for pack members to obey them, leaders must have strong character. All decisions that relate to the life of the family, the wolf and she-wolf make together. In a pack where the leader keeps order, the males never fight among themselves. But strangers who violate the border of possessions are usually severely punished. The wolf pack goes out to hunt only on its own, limited territory. The owners very zealously guard and mark it. This is a warning to neighbors that it is better for them to stay away from this land.

Sometimes in large packs of a single wolf, for unknown reasons, all his brethren are poisoned. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a rejected animal to live in a family, and he leaves it. He becomes a wandering loner. True, he has a chance to create his own pack if he meets the same lonely she-wolf. If these animals want to rule the pack, they must completely subjugate all its members to their will and force them to comply with the laws of the family.

How does the leader govern?

A pack of wolves unconditionally accepts the leadership of the leader. He dominates the males, and his girlfriend keeps order among the wolves. The leader does not tire of reminding his subordinates who is the master in the pack - he growls at them, bites, even knocks them down, doing this in front of the whole family.

As a rule, one fixed and stern look of the leader or his she-wolf is enough for those whom he targets to submit. Grinning, and rather ingratiatingly, the wolves fall to the ground, and then, if they succeed, stealthily leave the place of punishment. Sometimes they lie on their backs, as if to say: "We agree that you are the most important."

An interesting fact about wolves is that the position of a predator in a pack can be judged by the way he holds his tail. At the leader, he is always held high. For ordinary "subjects" - omitted. And those individuals who are at the lowest level in the pack, tail is drawn in.

Family members show their love and respect to the leader and his mate in a welcoming ceremony. With flattened ears, crawling and with smoothed hair, they crawl up to them, lick and gently bite their muzzles.

Wild wolves are faithful animals

Perhaps not everyone knows that wolves are one of the most faithful animals. These strong predators They become very attached to their pack mates. They express their emotions and feelings through body movements and facial expressions. Thanks to the “wolf tongue”, the pack unites, acts as one. They express their tenderness and sympathy by licking each other, while they rub their faces.

Why does a wolf need a tail?

Not everyone knows that the wolf's tail is a kind of indicator expressing his feelings. If it is raised high, and the tip is slightly curved, then this means that the wolf is quite confident in his abilities. A friendly-minded animal lowers its tail, but its very tip is raised up. A wolf that tucks its tail is either afraid of something or reports its humility.

wolf family man

This interesting fact about wolves is known only to experts. These dangerous predators experience strong emotional attachment. They are monogamous - they choose their mate once and for life.

I must say that the wolf is an ideal family man. He does not make scandals, does not cheat on his she-wolf, does not disagree with her, does not start a young "mistress" on the side, he carries all the prey to the family.

Wild wolves love their cubs very much. Wolf cubs are taken care of not only by their parents, but by the whole pack.

The attitude of the ancients to the wolf

This beast is sometimes called mythical. In ancient times, he was revered and respected for his courage, endurance, ingenuity. Many warlike tribes perceived him as their ancestor. During the heyday of the patriarchy, he was compared to the groom, the kidnapper of brides.

For our ancestors, the wolf was, as it were, an intermediary between the gods and people. It was considered a talisman against evil. When the wolf became a faithful companion of George the Victorious, he began to be perceived as a solar deity.

Apollo, ancient greek god light, sometimes called the Wolf Apollo. ferocious predator was a sacred animal of the god Upuaut in ancient Egypt.

In the myths of the Scandinavian peoples, wolves are called "dogs of Odin." Romulus and Remus, who founded Great Rome, were raised by a she-wolf sent by Mars.

There are many legends about these predators. Sometimes extremely controversial and controversial. Russian fairy tales depict the wolf as a dim-witted, dull-witted, not very smart animal. On the other hand, zoologists consider the wolf to be one of the smartest and most intelligent animals, capable of fast learning and adaptation. Many questions are also raised by personal relationships between animals within the same flock.

The loyalty and devotion of wolves to their pack is surprising. And the loyalty of the wolf is worthy of a poem. Surprisingly, but this is the real truth.

A she-wolf chooses a partner for herself once and for life. It is clear that life in the wild dictates quite peculiar rules. The candidate must meet certain criteria. He must be a brave, strong, skillful hunter and getter, caring and devoted, a recognized leader and leader of the future pack.

wolf and she-wolf

As for the pack, then, probably, this is not entirely true. Because the Wolf Pack First of all, it's a family. It consists of a leading pair, a wolf and a she-wolf, and their descendants of different generations: from wolf cubs less than a year old, to two or three-year-old teenagers. Moreover, personal relationships in the family are supported not only by the authority of the leader, but also by the amazing relationships between all family members.

Of course, conflicts also arise, which are quickly resolved with just a stern look from the leader or his girlfriend. The main goal of the wolf family is to take care of the kids. Moreover, all members of the pack take care of the wolf cubs with all their might.

The leader wolf is usually responsible for order among males, young wolves obey the mother wolf. Grown up wolves either remain in the pack if they are ready to obey the leader all their lives, or leave in search of a free she-wolf in the hope of eventually creating their own pack.

Thus, the leader can be one who not only passionately wants freedom and independence, but is also able to defend this right. Surprisingly, the same rule applies to the she-wolf. Only capable of renouncing a calm and inconspicuous existence in the family of her parents, where her whole life will be devoted to raising her younger brothers and sisters, the she-wolf will begin to look for her betrothed with the sole purpose of creating her own family pack.

It is in this way, once and for all, that the wolf and she-wolf unite their destinies and lives, making their entire subsequent existence a continuous struggle. Unlike dogs, wolves have remained monogamous.