The strongest gorilla. Top most powerful predators on the planet

Gorilla. A gorilla can lift 10 times its own weight. Males reach 1.75 m in height and weigh up to 200 kg. Females are almost half the size. Gorillas live up to 50 years. The word "gorilla" comes from the Greek "gorillai", which means "a tribe of hairy women." Like humans, gorillas have individual fingerprints.

Shell mites. The strongest creature on Earth (in strength-to-weight ratio) is the shell mites, which can be found in your nearest garden. This tiny creature can support 1180 times its own weight. It's like if a person could lift 82 tons.

Dung-beetle. This bug can lift the equivalent of six double-decker buses, or 1,141 times its own weight. Dung beetles vary greatly in size - from 1 mm to 6 cm in length. Scarab is a type that makes up 10% of all beetles. He was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians that his activity (when he rolled balls of dung) is the personification of the movement of the sun.

Ant-leaf cutter. The jaws of this insect can bite off part of a leaf, the weight of which is 50 times their body weight. It's the same as if a person lifted an object weighing 2.5 tons. These insects have some of the most complex relationships in the world - each group is responsible for a certain process.

African crowned eagle. The first - and only - bird on the list of the ten most powerful animals. In flight, it can carry prey weighing up to 16 kg, that is, four times its own weight. This is a powerful and aggressive predator that kills monkeys and even small antelopes. Its wingspan is almost 2 meters. He can build his huge nest for five months, but mates only once every two years.

Human. We reached the sixth step of this “strongest” hit parade thanks to Zydrunas Savickas, the strongest man in the world who can lift twice his own weight. Savickas is 34 years old, his height is 1.9 meters.

Tigers. They can carry a weight twice their own - about 540 kg. The average length of a tiger from nose to tail is 3.3 meters, weight is 300 kg. And despite their weight and size, they can reach speeds of up to 64 km/h. The strike of a tiger's paw is powerful enough to crush a cow's skull.

Elephants. They can lift different weight, and they themselves are not lightweight. They can lift up to 9 tons, which is 1.7 times their weight. own body. These are the largest mammals on earth, they live up to 70 years. largest elephant in history was 4.2 meters tall. At birth, they weigh 120 kg.

Oxen. An ox can handle a weight one and a half times its own - about 900 kg. Usually oxen are used only for carrying heavy objects. They are usually paired up.

Grizzly. At birth, a grizzly bear weighs only 0.5 kg, and at maturity it is already all 550 kg. Standing on its hind legs, the grizzly reaches almost 2.5 meters in height. They can run at a speed of 54 km/h, but run faster uphill than downhill due to muscle distribution. In the wild, grizzly bears live up to 30 years.

Tops are very popular today. We present you the top most dangerous predators our planet.

10th place. Wolf

View - Wolf, detachment - Predators. The body length of the animal is on average 105-160 cm. The weight is 32-50 kg.
The best habitat for a predator is the tundra, semi-deserts, steppe and forest-steppe zones. The wolf is a characteristic representative of the Predator Squad. To get their own food, wolves hunt their prey. These are mainly ungulates: antelopes, deer, wild boars, roe deer, moose. Also, if there are settlements where a person lives nearby, then he can attack livestock.

9th place. Leopard

- a species of predators, belongs to the cat family. The weight of the animal is from 32 to 40 kg, but occasionally it can reach 100 kg. The leopard lives in all forests: tropical, subtropical and mixed. Also on mountain slopes, plains, savannahs and in thickets along river banks. Basically, these animals live alone and go hunting at night. The leopard feeds on deer, antelopes, roe deer, but can also hunt birds, rodents and monkeys.

8th place. Jaguar

The jaguar is larger than the leopard. The weight of the animal can reach 136 kg. Jaguar lives in tropical forests, and most of them live in bushes that have dried up. The prey of the jaguar are - ungulates such as deer. It can also eat - snakes, foxes, monkeys, birds, rodents and turtles. Willingly attack pets.

7th place. a lion

The lion is second only to the tiger in size and is the second of the cats living on Earth now.
The weight of the animal is 250 kg. These predators mainly live in the savannahs, but sometimes they can also be found in shrublands and forests. They live in special so-called family groups - prides. This family usually includes related females, their offspring and several adult males. The main prey of lions is large ungulates, which they hunt in groups. It has also been noted that lions attack people and very often, but not purposefully.

6th place. Tiger

The tiger is the largest member of the cat family. Average weight animal from 180 to 250 kg.

The tiger finds food by hunting hoofed animals: deer, roe deer, wild boars.

It can also feed on other animals, this includes crabs, fish, turtles, crocodiles and even insects. It is not difficult for this animal to catch prey that lives in a reservoir, as it loves to swim very much and swims well. At present, the species of these predators has been preserved in the north of Iran, Afghanistan, Thailand, Indochina, Nepal, Burma. In Russia they are only on Far East, in Primorsky Krai.

5th place. The Bears

Bear - belong to the family of the predatory order. On the this moment are the largest of the land predatory animals that live on Earth. For example, polar bears are about three meters long and weigh from 725 to 1000 kg.

The most common habitats of these predators are dense forests, which alternate with swamps and reservoirs. In the forest, the bear feels safe and only there he finds refuge, and on open spaces goes out to look for food. These animals feed mainly on berries, nuts, plants and fish. Hunting for large animals (wild boars, deer, elk and others) is arranged mainly by old males.

4th place. Crocodile

Crocodile - belongs to the order of aquatic vertebrates. The average size of this animal is 4-5 m in length and they reach a weight of 400-500 kg. These animals live in all fresh water bodies, tropical countries. Crocodiles mainly go hunting at night. Their prey is mainly fish, but they can also attack other prey, but only if they can handle it.

3rd place. sharks

Shark is a type of cartilaginous fish. The largest predatory shark is the great white. Its dimensions are about six meters, and its weight reaches 1900 kg. Sharks live in all the oceans of the Earth (except the Arctic Ocean).

Sharks feed on fish, squid, and can also attack other sharks and dolphins. This type of predator is the most dangerous for humans.

2nd place. killer whale

Killer whale is the most dangerous marine predator. The second name is the killer whale.
marine mammal cetacean order, dolphin family. Female killer whales reach seven to eight meters in size and weigh four to five tons. Males are much larger: up to ten meters and about eight tons.


They were born with extraordinary qualities and each one is exceptional in its own way.

Here are the strongest, venomous, loudest, fastest, longest and oldest representatives from the animal world.

1. The strongest animal

The strongest animal in the world is the copepod. At only one millimeter in length, the copepod is the strongest and fastest multicellular creature.

Relative to its size, the copepod moves at the highest body acceleration relative to length per second.

Scientists are now studying the jumping abilities of this animal, which will be used in robot technology. The copepod is said to be 10 to 30 times stronger than any machine or animal in the world.

2. The loudest animal

Blue whales make the world's loudest sounds using low-frequency pulses whose noise is up to 188 decibels. The calls of blue whales can be heard at a distance of 800 km. Blue whales are also the largest animals.

3. The deadliest animal

The female malarial mosquito is the deadliest creature in the world. These malaria-carrying mosquitoes kill more than a million people worldwide every year.

4. The most poisonous animal

One box jellyfish with 60 tentacles, despite the fact that each of them is 4.5 meters long, has enough poison to kill 60 adults.

5. The oldest animal

The oldest reptile is the Galapagos giant tortoise, which can live for over 175 years. However, among the oldest animals there are such representatives as the oceanic venus, a mollusk that lived to be 405 years old.

6 Fastest Aquatic Mammal

The fastest aquatic mammal is the white-winged Harbour porpoise, which can swim 56 km per hour.

7 Longest Animal Pregnancy

Asian elephants have a gestation period of 19-22 months.

8. The smartest animal

The most intelligent animal, excluding humans, is the chimpanzee, followed by the dolphin.

9. The longest migration in animals

The Arctic tern has the longest migration of all migratory birds. They cover distances of 22,400 km. Among mammals, gray whales and northern sea ​​elephants who travel 20,900 km round trip each year.

10. The highest flying bird

Mountain geese are the highest flying birds. There is evidence that they can fly at altitudes of 10,175 meters and above.

11. The slowest animal

The garden snail is the slowest animal, moving at 48 meters per hour.

12. The tallest and longest land animal

The longest and tallest land animal is the giraffe. It can grow up to 6 meters in height, which is roughly equivalent to a two-story building.

13. The fastest animal

The fastest animal is the peregrine falcon. It can reach speeds up to 321 km per hour.

14. The smallest insect

Baby wasps, mimarids are the smallest insects, whose size is approximately 0.46 mm.

15. The longest animal

The longest animals are nemerte worms, of the species Lineus longissimus. Their longest representative reaches 55 meters in length.

Not all the largest animals are the strongest and most dangerous. Certainly, for the most part huge size predators are quite strong and more hardy than smaller animals. And yet there are some small creatures that have incredibly great power.

What is the most powerful animal in the world, we will try to determine. True, this is not so easy to do. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to evaluate each representative according to various characteristics: parameters, speed, strength, endurance and others.

The most dangerous insects

Despite their tiny size, some animals are a danger to people and not only. So they are strong.

In fact, there are many surprisingly small creatures that could be on the list of "Top Strongest Animals in the World" or, for example, dangerous for the reason that for the most part they can simply be carriers of viral infections.

For example, common flies are carriers of approximately 40 million different types of bacteria. Among them may be dozens of death-bringing diseases. And mosquitoes are dangerous to humans. With their bite, they are capable of transmitting diseases to almost 700 million people a year. At the same time, about several million of them die for sure. But it was all about danger. Below will be about strength.

The strongest animal in the world, top 10

Insects are not so dangerous on their own. This is the nature of the spread of most viral diseases. Therefore, consider a list of those deadly animals that can cause severe harm to humans and all living things consciously.

Let's try to decide which of them is the strongest in the world. Moreover, this concept can be applied to different types groups of animals. It is possible to single out strong beast, the strongest insect, the strongest bird, the strongest snake or the most strong fish etc.

For example, the following animals (mammals) can be attributed to the strongest: elephants, tigers, oxen, lions, lynxes, gorillas, hippos, etc.

Below we consider what is the most powerful animal in the world. The top 10, regardless of which group or species these creatures belong to, is presented below. Consider the rating depending on the ratio of "strength-weight".


A newborn grizzly weighs only about 0.5 kg, but in adulthood it reaches an impressive size (2.5 meters) with a weight of up to 600 kilograms.

The maximum speed with which he is able to run is 55 km / h. It is better to stay away from him in any case, the formidable beast can easily catch up. Turns out he's dangerous.


This animal is able to lift a load 1.5 times its body weight - 900 kilograms. This ability is often used by people to carry heavy loads.


And this creature is not only the most powerful animal in the world, but also the largest mammal living on land.

At the birth of this giant, its weight is 120 kilograms. And an adult elephant can easily lift a load weighing 9 tons (its body weight is 1.7 times less). But elephants are just herbivores. They live in the wild for almost 70 years.


These ferocious and predatory animals are also capable of carrying huge loads, almost twice the weight of the animals themselves.

The length of a tiger (adult) can reach more than 3 meters, and its body weight is about 300 kilograms. At the same time, he can run at a speed of 65 km / h. Just one of his blows can kill even an adult cow.

crowned eagle

This eagle is not only the strongest of all existing birds, but also the most aggressive. The flap of its wings, capable of killing anyone, reaches a width of 2 meters. This courageous eagle is able to hunt even large antelope and monkeys.

Thus, the bird takes pride of place in strength - in the top 10 (the strongest animal in the world) among the largest and strongest.


Of all existing monkeys formidable-looking gorillas also have powerful strength. They can lift large loads, weighing 10 times the weight of the monkey itself.

leaf cutter ant

These small ants have no problem dragging the materials they need to build their homes. They are called leaf cutters due to the fact that they themselves cut the leaves, which they then carry to their homes.

While an ordinary ant carries a load exceeding 20 times its own weight, a leaf-cutting ant is able to lift a mass exceeding the weight of the insect itself by 50 times.

Rhinoceros beetle

This little insect got a well-deserved 3rd place in the top 10 "most powerful animal in the world".

In connection with the formation, which is very similar to the horn of a rhinoceros, this beetle received such interesting name. The rhinoceros beetle, whose size is only 4 centimeters, is capable of both carrying and carrying a load with a huge mass - 850 times its own weight.


The second place in strength goes to the ordinary dung beetle.

Regardless of the fact that its dimensions are from 1 to 6 centimeters, this insect is able to carry a mass of 1141 times its own weight, which is equal to the mass of six buses (double-decker).

AT Ancient Egypt these beetles for people represented the personification of the movement of the Sun.

And, finally, the strongest animal in the world (in terms of "strength-weight") is the armored tick. This creature lives almost anywhere, but due to its tiny size, a person is not able to see it without special devices.

Such a tick lifts a load 1180 times heavier than itself. With such an opportunity in a person, he could lift an object weighing up to 80 tons.

The armored tick completes the list of the 10 most powerful animals in the world.

It is quite possible to bring a lion, a crocodile, a shark and many other animals into the top of the strongest creatures on earth. There can be many such lists depending on the rating criteria.

Questions were repeatedly raised on similar topics about which of the living beings is stronger. Man has always been interested in finding a worthy rival in the world of fauna or just out of curiosity to find out who is the strongest on Earth.

An elephant will trample a rhinoceros, a walrus will easily finish off a polar bear, and a gorilla will stuff a leopard in the face.

The answer to the question "Who is stronger: a tiger or a lion, a crocodile or a hippopotamus, a falcon or a hawk?" - not only parents who are tortured by curious children are looking for. Quite serious scientists and simply lovers of the animal world are also trying to figure out who will defeat whom. It turned out that not always the most powerful wins.

It would seem, what is so difficult? We need to find out who is the largest and fastest of the animals and who has stronger jaw. However, victory in a real fight does not always depend on these parameters. American naturalist Joseph Kullmann set out to find out who is the best in the animal world. He studies all cases of one-on-one fights and identifies features that help win. Some of the stories included in the book, we bring to your attention.

In wild nature

* Hunters of Primorsky Krai tell about the fights of tigers with brown bears. The winner is more often the tigers, who do not just fight for prey, but specifically hunt clubfoot. However, it is not uncommon for rivals to disperse after a stubborn struggle without finding out who is stronger.

* In fights between elephants and rhinoceroses, the former more often win, despite the fact that formidable weapon rhinoceros, its horn is located at an angle dangerous for the enemy and can easily pierce the elephant's stomach. However, the enraged elephant tramples the rhinoceros, sometimes first stunning it with a blow from a log.

* A rhinoceros who came to a watering hole was crushed by a hippopotamus skull with his fangs.

* The giraffe decided to eat the leaves of a tree and did not notice that a leopard was sleeping on it. The cat jumped on the giraffe's neck and strangled him.

* In India, an 11-meter reticulated python defeated a tiger in a long fight: he strangled him and swallowed him.

* Fights of martens with wild forest cats are not uncommon. Outnumbered by their rivals, cats rarely come out victorious. A case is described when a marten at the end of an exhausting battle strangled a cat.

* On Komodo Island, monitor lizard feeding turns into a real show for the amusement of tourists. One day a goat destined for dinner tried to fight giant lizard: exposed the horns and went on the attack. But the lizard dodged to the side, interrupted the goat's legs with its powerful tail and, pulling its muzzle, broke its neck.

* The cougar that attacked the alligator jumped up, punched the reptile in the eyes with its paws, landed on its back, bit and bounced to a safe distance. The second attack followed immediately: the cougar again jumped on the back of the alligator, rested its front paws on the scruff of the neck, ducked down and closed its jaws where the skull ends. During all this time, the alligator managed only once to wave its tail, from which the cat easily dodged.

Robot Animal Fights

Joseph Kullmann also studied the fights of animal robot models created by experts. They were shown in the Animal Battles series on the Discovery Channel. Simulators did not reproduce the animal in full, but had the same jaws, claws, impact and bite force.

Saltwater crocodile vs great white shark

The crocodile damaged the shark's tail fin, then bit through its chest, grabbing it by the rib. It seemed that he could celebrate the victory, but the shark did not retreat. She swam away and then attacked the crocodile. By clinging jaws, both animals began to sink. The crocodile began to lack air, and when he tried to emerge to take a sip of oxygen, the shark ripped open his stomach.

wolf vs cougar

Gray seized the cougar's paw with a death grip, but she threw the toothy one away with a blow of her paw. Then he tried to grab the cat's throat, and again unsuccessfully - the cougar seriously wounded him in the stomach with its claws. A "control" bite in the neck - and the puma comes out victorious in this fight.

Hippo versus blunt shark

A bleeding wound on the hippo's body attracted a shark. She could not bite the animal properly - his paws and stomach were too thick. However, the predator did not give up her attempts. This terribly angered the hippopotamus, and another attack of the shark ended in his mouth - he swallowed a 3-meter fish like some kind of sprat.

Amur tiger vs brown bear

The tiger tried to bite the bear by the throat, but failed. Then the striped one attacked the bear from behind and grabbed it with its claws. However, the bear threw off the tiger with a blow to the head with its paw, broke its spine and finished it off with a bite in the throat.

Polar bear walrus

The bear could not bite through the thick skin of the walrus. The latter decided to take refuge in the water. The bear went after him, but the walrus wounded him with fangs. After that, the bear tried to get out onto the ice floe, but the walrus finished him off by sticking his fangs in his back.

Anaconda vs Jaguar

The snake wrapped itself around the cat and tried to pull it under the water. The jaguar bit the tail of the reptile and almost made it to land. Anaconda made a second attempt, this time successful, and drowned the jaguar.

lion vs crocodile

Sharp teeth and claws did not help the king of beasts to break through the dense shell of a crocodile. Once again driving the lion away from the river, the crocodile went under the water. Then the lion came closer, trying to understand where the enemy had gone. And he paid for his curiosity: the crocodile, holding the lion's muzzle in its mouth, dragged it into the water and finished it off there.

Alligator vs black bear

The alligator tried to bite the bear's paw and hurt him, but not too badly. Then he attacked again, but the clubfoot dodged. The tired alligator decided to retreat, but the bear stopped him with a paw strike, the alligator turned over and exposed its unprotected stomach to the opponent. Having torn it open, the black bear won.

Gorilla vs Leopard

On the side of the leopard were the ability to see in the dark and feline dexterity. However, this did not help the leopard. All his attacks were easily repelled by the gorilla, and finally delivered a fatal blow with a powerful paw.

Giant squid vs sperm whale

While the sperm whale frightened the squid with sound signals, it attacked toothed whale, clasping it with its tentacles. However, this was of little concern to the sperm whale. Stunning giant clam and seizing it in his jaws, he went into the depths and dined quietly there.

lion vs tiger

For a long time, the fight between the two cats was on an equal footing. By the end of the duel, the tiger tried to grab the opponent by the throat, but the mane of the king of beasts prevented him. But the lion's attempt to grab the enemy's neck was successful, and he won.

Everyone will beat the king of beasts

Our observer Ruslan IGNATIEV is a hunting biologist by profession. He defended his diploma under the guidance of Nikolai Nikolaevich DROZDOV, he practiced under him in the program “In the Animal World”. We asked a colleague who he would bet on in threes: elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus; polar bear, lion and tiger; whale, sperm whale and killer whale.

* Polar bear, lion and tiger. The polar bear, the largest of the terrestrial predators, would certainly win. By the way, he is the only one who, according to scientists, hunts a person. I won’t choose between a lion and a tiger for a long time either: of course, the tiger will win. Fights between these animals are not uncommon - in circuses where they are kept together. The tiger is an experienced hunter, dexterous and bold, while females hunt among lions, while males are lazy and stupid. For nothing that the kings of beasts.