How to talk without stuttering. How to learn to read fast

Some people have natural eloquence, bestowed by nature. The rest have to master oratory on their own or at trainings. The purpose of a public speaking speech is to convey information, to convince that one is right and to encourage listeners to take further action.

Communicating with people, it is easy to see that not all of them can hold their attention for a long time with their conversation. And all because they do not know how to speak beautifully.

What does it mean to "speak beautifully"

To speak beautifully means to speak clearly, intelligibly, with the right intonation, moderately emotionally, so as to convince the interlocutor or interlocutors of the correctness of their reasoning and conclusions. A person who speaks beautifully is said to have the gift of eloquence or oratory.

Eloquence can be natural and acquired. With natural, everything is clear - some people have it by nature. Acquired eloquence is oratory, or the art of eloquence, which must be learned. Nowadays, he is taught in all sorts of trainings. And it arose back in ancient times in ancient Greece, where the first schools for teaching the art of eloquence appeared, and gradually developed into a science - rhetoric. In the classroom for oratory, both before and now, they teach how to turn ordinary speech into oratory.

As the French philosopher wrote:

"A beautiful thought loses its value if it is badly expressed."

Why do you need to speak beautifully

Speech at all times has played a huge role for mankind, because it is a means of communication and thanks to it the thoughts of one person are transmitted to another.

There is a proverb:

"They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind."

And a person demonstrates his mind (or lack of it) just with the help of speech. That is why it can be called calling card man: whether he wants it or not, his speech reflects his essence.

As an ancient Greek philosopher said to a constantly silent young man:

"Speak so I can see you."

And the Persian poet Saadi wrote:

“Whether you are smart or stupid, whether you are great or small, we do not know until you have said a word.”

People who can speak beautifully and clearly express their thoughts have always been valued. This is indicated by the existence of schools of oratory in ancient times. And the ancient Greek sage Skileph noted that "Eloquence is more valuable than money, fame and power, for the latter are very often achieved through eloquence." He was echoed by the American political figure Daniel Webster, who lived many centuries later: "Take away from me all that I have, but leave me my speech, and soon I will have all that I had."

The French emperor and commander believed that a person who could not speak beautifully would never make a career.

Nothing has changed even today. Employees who master the art of eloquence make a career much faster than those who do not know how to correctly express their thoughts. Moreover, it often happens that sensible and knowledgeable employees suffer from tongue-tied tongue, who do not understand what it is that makes them unlikely to continue. career. Of course, professionalism, knowledge, skills and experience are very important, since no one needs non-professionals.

But even those who have experience and knowledge, but are not able to convey them to the listener, explain, prove, convince and convince, someday they will definitely have big problems. After all, the higher the official position of an employee, the more often and more he has to communicate with colleagues, subordinates, clients, etc. Therefore, he must definitely be able to logically and intelligibly express his thoughts, influence the interlocutor and convince him.

What prevents people from speaking beautifully

The importance of mastering the art of eloquence does not require proof. However, many people experience fear when they have to perform in public or speak to strangers. Such fear in psychology is called “logophobia” (or “verbophobia”). Curiously, according to psychologists' research, fear public speaking occupies the 2nd place among people after the fear of death.

People suffering from this phobia are terrified of speaking not only in front of a full audience, but also in front of a small group of people. They are thrown into the heat, then into the cold, they begin to tremble, stumble, and cannot concentrate. This has psychological and physiological reasons.

Psychological reasons are related to the fact that a person does not believe in himself, in his abilities, knowledge, experience, that his speech will be of interest and he will be able to keep the attention of listeners.

As for the physiological factor, as we know, in dangerous situations, the human adrenal glands begin to secrete the stress hormone adrenaline into the blood, the action of which is aimed at consolidating all protective forces. The same thing happens when a person is nervous before a performance or some kind of conversation.

However, adrenaline induces a person to physical actions, such as running away, during which it is consumed. In a speech or an exciting conversation, such physical activity no, therefore adrenaline is not fully used, and its excess only brings harm. As a result of strong excitement, instead of a brilliant performance, it can turn out to be uncertain and crumpled.

Success in learning. And most importantly, remember: to learn something, even though it is hard.

Oratory arose long before the era of the development of the computer industry and the invention of the steam engine. It was created as an element of influencing other people and still enjoys great success and continued popularity in this area. If you are going to achieve some success in the oratorical path, it is very important to be able to clearly and concisely convey information to the audience. That is, to speak quickly and without hesitation.


Learn tongue twisters

And do not just teach, but repeat them constantly. Day and night, before a date and during a shower. In general, practice your voice and diction at any time. free time. Do you think that there is no sense in tongue twisters? Completely in vain! And constant pronunciation not only helps you learn how to pronounce complex phrases correctly, but also regulates breathing during a conversation and trains the power of your voice. All the great orators, generals and famous politicians devoted themselves to pronouncing tongue twisters a large number of time. Don't worry, you are in good company.

Watch your breath

Very often, people begin to choke in the middle of their speech, get worried and, as a result, cannot clearly connect two words. To prevent this from happening, exercise regularly at home. Find a long phrase in the book and try to say it out loud. The moment your breath starts to churn, pay attention to what exactly you are doing wrong. Some people instinctively want to say everything in one breath, without pauses and extra breaths. As a result, they simply do not have enough air. To prevent this from happening, train yourself to inhale and exhale evenly throughout your speech. Believe me, having learned this once, you will do it mechanically all the time.

Famous speakers do not have excessively loud voices, but others can hear them perfectly due to the correct timbre and good diction. A voice that is too loud or too quiet is irritating and does not attract long-term attention, so do not try to speak too loudly or too softly. Remember that speech should flow freely, without bumping into any obstacles. If you are in control of your breathing and have no difficulty speaking complex phrases, you should speak clearly and calmly. Excessively emotional speech in raised tones is perceived negatively by listeners, and many simply will not take quiet confidential statements seriously.


The problem of many speakers, oddly enough, is not the lack of memory or charisma, but elementary dryness in the throat. Make sure you always have a glass of water by your side. There is nothing worse than a coughing fit or a choked, hoarse voice during an important speech.

Useful advice

If you are going to speak in front of an audience, be sure to take your speech with you. You may know it by heart, but peeking into the text to check it out or just to make sure everything is going right is a very effective measure of reassurance.

Has it ever happened to you that you know exactly what you want to say, but you still stutter? It usually happens when you least expect it. It's not like you suddenly forgot a whole sentence. More likely, some temporary error in your operating system. As Jonathan Preston, assistant professor of communication sciences at Syracuse University, says, the fact is that your brain coordinates the movements of the lips, tongue and cords at the same time as choosing words. And sometimes it works faster than your vocal apparatus. So when you try to speed up your speech, you stutter. The nervous system also makes it sometimes difficult to speak.

If you're worried about how you sound and look, especially if you're performing in front of a large audience, your brain has to deal with that problem as well. This leads to even more hesitation. But you can pull yourself together and avoid this problem. You just have to practice a little.

Do not rush

The faster you speak, the more likely you are to stutter. Focus on the pace of the story. Imagine that you are giving a speech at a wedding or giving a presentation. Take short pauses to think through the next sentence in its entirety. This will allow the brain and mouth to work in unison. By the way, as a bonus you will receive best contact with the audience. Researchers from Michigan State University analyzed phone calls marketers and found that those who paused periodically during the story were more persuasive than those who spoke without interruptions.

Speak words clearly

As Preston points out, some people find it helpful to change the way they speak or how loud they are. "When you speak in a way that you're not used to, you shift the focus from what you're saying to how you say it, and that can help you stammer less," he says. Just don't take it to the point of absurdity. All your words should be clear to the listeners. Speak slowly and with emphasis. Make sure your thoughts don't run ahead of your voice.

Remember that you worry the most

Since you yourself always hear yourself slipping or stammering, you think that everyone is paying attention to it. Take it easy. As Preston says, people are used to the fact that speakers sometimes stutter. Your listeners also stutter when they perform, so you won't be hated for a couple of awkward pauses.


How to read aloud correctly

1. Not a problem.

If you (or someone else) are bad at reading aloud, this is no problem. It - a task. You need to start reading aloud, and this skill will quickly develop.

And, very quickly. You just need to start doing it.

How to enlarge vocabulary written in great detail here:

How to increase vocabulary

2. What to read aloud

3. How to read aloud

Yes. Exactly. Doubt? And you are doing the right thing. After all, there are many recommendations on the Internet where it is recommended to read at a speed of “120 words per minute”. But I am a public speaking coach, I know what I recommend.
With a normal reading speed, there is no time to pay attention to pauses, intonations, gestures, facial expressions. At this speed, 120 or more, the brain only has time to read.
And when to memorize words?
At this speed (120 words per minute), you can only read by looking at the text. But after all, you need to look not at the text, but directly, at the listener or listeners, or at yourself in the mirror

4. By reading aloud slowly, you will be able to read beautifully.

Try to make the phrases different: something louder, something quieter, something faster, something measured, stretching the sounds, something intonation higher or lower.
By reading slowly, you can have time to switch emotions, and admire them in the mirror.

5. Practice reading aloud to yourself first.

Without a voice recorder, but looking at my face in the mirror. Make sure that every phrase that you pronounce you say looking into your eyes.

It is considered a mistake (in this exercise) to pronounce words while raising your eyes. when you start talking, but your eyes have not yet seen. It will be the same in public, only instead of your eyes in the mirror you will see the eyes of the public

Turn on the camcorder (now it is in any smartphone). Or a webcam for recording. Listen to yourself. Correct your speech.

Check for junk sounds like “uh”, “mmm”.

7. Learn from one text

More useful reread the same text rather than constantly reading new pages.

This is how you will see your result.

8. Don't worry if you don't like your voice.

This is a normal reaction of our subconscious to a voice heard.

You probably know that we hear ourselves with the “inner ear” (this is such a device in our auricle), and other people with the “outer ear”. And suddenly - we heard ourselves with the “outer ear”. It's a completely different sound, a different voice. Here the subconscious mind is “indignant”: “It's not me talking! It's a stranger!"

9. The same can be said about the video.

You have seen the speeches of my students on my YouTube channel, for example, with telling parables. So, from the first time these videos are for everyone except ... the participants themselves. The participants themselves have to be convinced that the video is good, that all the participants of the training like it, that this is one of best performances groups… But the opposite is written on the faces of the speakers: “What a horror!”. Time passes, and after a few such views, the speakers get used to their video image from the outside.

10. Analyze your speech.

Set yourself new challenges. And… read, read, read aloud.

Are there delays or pauses in your baby's speech? Constant exercise, patience and your love is what it takes to win.

What is the cause of the disease? Analyze in what situations the baby stutters (when he is not sure, scared, excited).
Traumatic brain injuries affect the clarity of pronunciation. Stuttering can be caused by fear. The barking dog, the suddenly extinguished light, can scare the baby. Try to protect the child from possible risks. In overly impressionable children, a dangerous illness occurs due to excessive parental severity and quarrels in the family. Toddlers are often afraid of water, heights, spiders - anything and anyone. Even the cartoon villain is dangerous.
If you talk too quickly to each other and to the child, he will not keep up with you and will start to stutter. The communication of the crumbs with stuttering children or adults does not contribute to smooth speech. Do not rush to learn with a child foreign words, count to one hundred and talk about the Roman Empire. To achieve the praise of parents, the little one tries his best. But there comes a moment when he lacks words to express his thought. Then there are stutters in his speech.
Let all adults speak slowly, clearly, in turn, with pleasant intonations. Ask your child questions that require simple, short answers. Is the baby talking about something? Listen with interest to the end. Keep in mind that stuttering is aggravated if the child is tired, sick, frightened or irritated. At such moments, do not demand much from him and do not correct his speech. When does the baby good mood, do not try to repeat verses with him with expression, constantly ask about surrounding things. Turn daily activities into a game during which you communicate quietly. It's soothing nervous system. Maintain this regimen for about a month.
Sing a duet with your child. But during such concerts, pronounce the words in a way that is convenient for the baby - in a whisper or loudly, chanting or in a singsong voice. Choose easy songs with lots of vowels and slow pace. It is better that the strong share falls on the first syllable ("Blue wagon").
It is necessary to develop the muscles of the lips, cheeks and tongue. Let the baby brush his teeth with a brush twice a day, and then rinse his mouth in a fun way. Show him how, looking in the mirror, you need to puff out your cheeks and roll the air from one to another. Speech development also depends on fine motor skills so give your child toys with balls inside. Buy lacing, fold the mosaic. Teach your child how to fasten buttons and tie bows.

L. Ya. Simonov, speech therapist

There are a lot of author's methods for treating stuttering, but most of them are based on traditional, already known, but somewhat modified programs. Effective methods are usually created by people who at one time managed to get rid of their own speech defect on their own. They worked on programs on how to get rid of stuttering for years, improving exercises, honing techniques that helped them directly.

We will offer you two radically different author's methods, containing different views and positions of the authors on ways to get rid of it forever. The methods of Professor Melcolm Fraser and Professor Andronova-Harutyunyan are recognized in the world medical community, have a lot of positive feedback and, most importantly, good examples getting rid of stuttering.

Fraser's technique

The first thing you need to understand is that the cause of stuttering is your fear. And the more you try not to stutter, the more you stutter. Drop the panic, stop the hysteria, take your own speech defects for granted. Admit your shortcomings and stop being ashamed of them. In most cases, as soon as a person informs the interlocutor that he stutters, half of the problems disappear by themselves, or even all at once. If not, the second half can be dealt with under the program of self-correction of speech.

To begin with, conduct an experimental exercise that will allow you to feel confident in the success of the cure. It will give immediate relief, although it will not have a lasting effect.


The essence of the exercise is the so-called "slow start", speaking in a slow, drawling manner. "Slide" for about a second on the first sound of each of the words, and then calmly continue to stretch out the syllables and words. Lengthen almost all vowels and consonants somewhat, slowing down the transition from one to another. Thus, the speech organs touch each other very easily, relaxed. There will be no breathing interruptions, no repetition of sounds.

Vowel sounds are easy to stretch, but consonants will need to be practiced alone. Pronounce explosive consonants such as "d", "t", "b", "p" slowly, lightly touching the muscles of the tongue and mouth. For example, when pronouncing the word "cat": on the sound "k" - a slight touch and a slow transition to the vowel "a". Don't stop practicing until you get the hang of it. Pronounce the sounds of words in a flow, inextricably, trying to attach the end of one word to the beginning of the next.

Speaking in public at 30 words per minute will be awkward for you at first. But don't let this bother you, tell your interlocutor the truth that you are trying to get rid of stuttering in this way - he will understand and support you. Believe that from the outside your speech does not look as slow as it seems to you. Gradually you will increase the speed to normal communication. When you feel some success, proceed to the basic rules for getting rid of stuttering.

12 rules to get rid of stuttering:

No. 1. Speak slowly. In any situation, learn to speak slowly, pronouncing each word carefully, regardless of whether you stutter in this moment or not. Get used to it. Remember: you can not strain during a conversation.

Do not try to blurt out a thought before you stumble - in this way you will stumble for sure, and your fast speech, even without stuttering, will remain incomprehensible. It is recommended to take small pauses during a conversation between sentences or phrases. This will relieve muscle tension. In any case, speech that consists of short, complete phrases separated by pauses sounds good even from a person with "no problem" speech functions.

Practice for 10 minutes daily. Just read aloud or tell your reflection in the mirror a story, but always slowly and carefully. Most stutterers are afraid of embarrassment pauses. Therefore, learn to pause on purpose, so you can keep your speech under your own control (you will love this feeling), and random pauses will stop worrying you.

Make it a rule for the first time to record your speech on audio media, for example, a telephone conversation. Then you will listen to it and you yourself will be able to evaluate the errors, draw an appropriate conclusion, understand why this happened, and correct them. If you can record a video, even better!

No. 2. Stutter easily. We have already talked about the “slow start”, use it, do not squeeze words out of yourself. Complex word forms, words that you are afraid to pronounce, start speaking drawlingly, in a singsong voice. Trying to “push out” words, you pinch your lips or press your tongue tightly against the palate, thereby blocking the path for the flow of air. It's like pouring water from a corked bottle. Do not pinch your lips, do not strain your tongue and jaw - stutter calmly, relaxed, with knowledge of the matter. You will appreciate the difference.

Practice deliberately tensing and relaxing your speech muscles - master control over them. Practice the experimental exercise for at least 5 minutes a day, by yourself. In addition, try every evening, for example, standing at the mirror to simulate a variety of life situations, especially those already familiar to you, those when you felt problems with speech. Play it again, but in a relaxed state.

Following this rule will help reduce tension and stress when speaking, which will improve your speech quality.

Number 3. Down with pretense. Stop pretending you don't stutter. The masquerade does not help, but only makes communication difficult. By trying to hide your own stuttering, you only perpetuate it. Let the audience know that you stutter and accept the fact that you are about to stutter a little. Getting rid of shame and embarrassment forever - you will get rid of stuttering!

Of course, this is not easy, but it can completely change your ideas about the problem of speech and allow you to treat it more healthy, holistically and objectively. Do not be afraid to hurt your self-esteem, if you have been afraid to open up for a long time and carefully tried to hide this problem, you are more likely to experience pride in your own courage. Approach it with humor, say, for example: "There will be a little hesitation due to technical problems" - this will reduce possible tension and create an atmosphere of ease.

No. 4. Get rid of bad habits. You probably know what gestures, body movements, facial expressions or facial expressions are characteristic of you during stuttering. If not, watch yourself in the mirror, ask your loved ones - all stutterers have such movements. Get rid of them - this will be the first step in getting rid of the automatic reflexes that accompany stuttering. These movements are side effects of stuttering, freeing you from which you will become better at speaking. In any case, at first, you will be forced to carefully control your movements, and this will distract you from thinking about how you speak, whether you stutter. During this time, the speech apparatus will get used to the normal pronunciation of sounds, automatically tune in to speech without stuttering.

If getting rid of a bad habit is difficult, start controlling it. To begin with, do these movements on purpose, at times when you do not stutter. Then slightly change the way of movement to a slower one or in a different direction. Learn to do it consciously, i.e. manage your habit, and you will be able to control it or change it.

For example, if your head jerks to the right when you stutter, try talking to your friends on the phone while standing in front of a mirror and in control. First, specifically pull it in words without hesitation, but more slowly. When stuttering, try to shift the accent and make her twitch to the left. You will soon realize that the feeling of helplessness has left you, that you are no longer a slave, but the master of your habits. Then you can easily get rid of them.

No. 5. Don't be afraid of difficulties. No need to avoid pronunciation difficult words, seek to replace them with others, or simply put off a difficult conversation. The habit of avoiding words will only increase the fear and exacerbate the problem. Many speech pathologists believe that this is the most important thing in the treatment of stuttering, which can give an amazing effect even in very difficult cases. Don't feed your fears, don't give yourself time to think, learn to say what you want, when you want!

If you have resorted to such tricks quite often, start with the trick you already know - learn how to do it on purpose. Make a list of words or problems that you would like to move away from and practice them methodically. Make a speech out of words you don't like, use them on purpose, keep going even while stuttering. It's good for you to talk a lot. Try talking more in stressful, difficult situations. Look for one such situation each day and engage in conversation. Go attack your own fears.

No. 6. Look into the eyes. Do not turn away, do not avoid direct looks into the eyes of the interlocutor. Natural, continuous contact can help reduce feelings of embarrassment or shame. Try to learn how not to look away while stuttering, start with relatives and friends. Such interpersonal communication is always more successful, this technique is used by good speakers and famous politicians.

Rehearse a conversation with your reflection, look into your own eyes, fake a strong stutter, and don't look away. Do this until you succeed.

Then call someone and keep looking into the reflection of your eyes. No need to fix an unblinking gaze, look naturally.

No. 7. Do not stop. Keep talking even if you stutter. Don't dwell on the bad sound, don't go back to the bad words, don't stop breathing. If you expect stuttering on a difficult word, pronounce it slowly and smoothly. It is important to maintain a constant flow of air carrying your speech.

No. 8. Speak with intonation. When the previous rules began to work out for you, switch to a conversation colored with emotional colors, speak with intonation, melodiously, with emphasis on semantic words. Try to move away from monotony, change the volume and pace of speech. Practice using some chants, they are usually rich in intonation and emotional components.

No. 9. Work with normal speech. Watch how you speak normally when you don't stutter. What movements do you take, what position do you take. These moments are your guidelines for successful communication. They will boost your confidence. Scroll through them in memory, specifically imitate when you think you might start to stutter. Love yourself this way and cherish this feeling, allowing it to “get out” more often.

No. 10. Speak! And say it again, do it as much and as often as possible. Practice at every opportunity, get in touch, express your opinion, share your thoughts, make the phone your friend. Just call the store to see if they have any item. Stop being silent, you have been doing this for too long.

No. 11. Analyze your stuttering. Study it dispassionately - you are already ready for it. Determine what exactly you are doing wrong, what is happening with the speech muscles at this moment. Having understood what is wrong, you can get rid of incorrect and unnecessary movements of the articulatory apparatus. When you are able to appreciate what is happening, you will learn a lot, reveal the secrets of your problem, understand how to get rid of stuttering once and for all.

Copy these movements, compare them with the correct ones. Say the word with a stutter, repeat it several times, noting all the features, and then say it without stuttering. Hold the speech block, stutter until you understand exactly how it happens, until you can fake this spasm yourself, according to own will. Again, a mirror or video recording may be useful to you. Find out how the muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx move, what exactly prevents you from speaking without stammering.

Over time, you will find out that these movements are of the same type, that you stutter in a pattern. You probably tighten your lips a lot at the time of stuttering and make a lot of unnecessary movements with your speech muscles. Now you can get rid of them in the same way as at the fourth stage you got rid of side bad habits (gestures, facial expressions) that accompanied speech defects. After all, stuttering is something that you do with yourself, it is something that you are able to change yourself.

No. 12. Block correction. Start getting rid of unnecessary and wrong actions your speech apparatus. There are three methods of such correction, which correct mistakes that provoke stuttering, teach how to get rid of stuttering right at the moment of need:

  • 1. Erase;
  • 2. Way out of the impasse;
  • 3. Installation.


This technique is useful directly at the time of the block, a strong speech failure:

  • 1) The word on which they stumbled must be completed. Pronounce it to the end, resorting to evasions, without avoiding pronouncing it.
  • 2) As soon as you have said it, pause.
  • 3) Try to relax the speech muscles as much as possible, especially the muscles of the larynx. Let the tongue just lie sluggishly in the mouth, your lips should be free, the jaw slightly open. Feel the tension subside and your breathing return to normal. Learn to do it in a split second.
  • 4) Remember what happened and analyze the situation. What did you do wrong, what was wrong?
  • 5) Remember how you can correct this sound with slow pronunciation.
  • 6) Imagine how you do it, pronounce it in your mind - easily and freely, thereby changing the very pattern of stuttering. Perhaps your interlocutor will lose interest in the conversation, but this should not bother you. Take your time, keep preparing for the next conversation.
  • 7) Now you are actually ready to pronounce this word, correcting all the shortcomings.
  • 8) Do it slowly and smoothly. And most importantly - keep breathing in order to continue to slowly move from sound to sound.

Do not worry that this may take a long time, 2-3 seconds is enough for this. Don't be put off by some artificiality in the pronunciation of the words you stumble over. Surrounding enough smart people and understand that you are trying to cope with the problem, and this is worthy of respect.

Way out of the impasse.

In this version of error correction, you do not have to pause, do not stop to start over, as in "Erasing". On the contrary, continue to stutter while slowing down your speech, deliberately stretching out the sound. So you stabilize the sound, do not knock your breath, stop the trembling of the muscles, turning the repetitions into one lingering sound.

Having done this, you realize that you can independently control the duration of speech blocking, gently “get out” of the impasse. Try to hold the stutter until you feel yourself taking control. At this stage, you already need to understand how to correct muscle movements. Stop stretching the sound and start slowly correcting the movement of the speech muscles. If you can't do this, go back to the "Erase" technique.


Having mastered all the above methods and ways to exit the block, take on the installation correction. This method will further prevent stuttering and prevent its occurrence. The best way how to get rid of stuttering - prevent it.

Feeling a stutter coming, pause to plan own actions. Use the experience gained before stuttering occurs:

  • 1) As already mentioned, take a break. Calm down and mentally rehearse the pronunciation of this word. This will take a couple of seconds maximum.
  • 2) Try to relax the muscles of the speech mechanism. Feel the tension release.
  • 3) Now remember the mechanism of stuttering on this sound and your response.
  • 4) Remember how you coped with these mistakes during training, how you controlled the speech muscles.
  • 5) Scroll it through in your mind. Say the whole word to yourself slowly, smoothly, unhurriedly.
  • 6) Normalize breathing and pronounce the word without stuttering, copying the actions and sensations produced mentally one to one.
  • 7) pronounce the word melodiously, slightly exaggerating the correction. Pay attention to your positive feelings, not the sound of the word.

Improving in the techniques of correction, you can achieve confidence in own forces, in the ability to control, to be the master of your speech.

Method Andronova-Harutyunyan

This method teaches how to get rid of stuttering by doing it by synchronizing speech with finger movements. Unlike the previous one, the Andronova-Harutyunyan technique can help not only adults, but also cure stuttering in children.

To do this, place your dominant hand on your knee with your fingers slightly bent. While pronouncing the first syllable or word of the phrase, press to the knee thumb and keep it until the end of the word or phrase. Continuing to pronounce syllables and words, press the following fingers, respectively: index, middle, etc.

Hand movements adjust the pace and rhythm of speech. This slows down speech somewhat at first, and the person depends on the hand, but soon this can be abandoned, and speech will be smooth and without auxiliary techniques. For a full recovery, you need to go full course consisting of 4 stages. This technique involves the participation of a speech therapist to observe from the outside and identify errors that require correction. But if you are careful and consistent enough, you can manage on your own. Use video and audio recordings for error analysis or just a mirror. But mistakes must be corrected, otherwise there will be no result.

First stage implies the development of skills of calmness during speech, the ability to relax, get rid of nervous sensations, muscle tension speech apparatus. This is the first step in how to get rid of stuttering.

essence second stage- in teaching the thumb the technique of correct position. For the effectiveness of this technique, use the following exercises:

  • 1. Sit down and relax. Place your hands freely on your knees, shaking slightly. Pull the hands to the middle of the thigh and bend slightly, imagine that you will play the piano. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve a real relaxation of the hands, a complete absence of tension.
  • 2. Starting position: relaxed hand on the hip. Push slowly and lightly thumb on the thigh, but do not strain your arm. At the same time, pronounce any syllable. Rehearse so that the thumb becomes like a sound regulator: when you press on the hip, you make a sound, when you press harder, the sound is louder and vice versa. Hand movements should not accompany the voice, on the contrary, they should be slightly ahead of it - this is very important point! If everything is done correctly, a person will already be able to speak in syllables without hesitation.

To the third stage you need to start when a person has already synchronized his speech with hand movements, to the free pronunciation of words and short expressions, having mastered the previous exercises to perfection.

Exercise number 1.

Starting position: relaxed hand on hip. Press with your thumb and say the first syllable. Next, continue to press in turn with your fingers on the thigh, pronouncing the next syllables.

The pressing of each finger must be strictly synchronized with each syllable. And the "trigger" is your thumb - do not let go of it until the end of the word or phrase. And the rest of the fingers relax as soon as they perform their function - as soon as you pronounce a syllable or a word in a sentence. When finished, shake and lower the brush to the thigh. So you teach her to relax and you can relax yourself.

Mastering this technique, gradually increase the speed of the movement of the fingers and reduce the time for relaxation. Using this technique when treating stuttering in children, come up with some slogans to make hard work look like a game.

Exercise number 2.

Now you need to learn how to stress in words, and then in whole sentences. To begin with, learn to stress the first syllable by pressing harder and longer, respectively, with your thumb. Then on words with stress on the second syllable - making a special pressure with the index finger of the leading hand, and so on.

Do not make sudden movements. Smooth transition is important for your speech, both from syllable to syllable and from word to word. Having mastered this technique, you can already move on to full-fledged phrases and sentences, highlighting their logical meaning with a longer and stronger finger pressure.

At the fourth stage you can start working on texts. Start with short chants, stories, or fairy tales that are familiar to you. Divide the text into words and phrases between which you can relax your hand, i.e. take small pauses and, so to speak, “take a breath”. Having mastered this, you can move on to more complex texts and reduce the intervals between relaxations. At the same stage, a person already completely gets rid of stuttering and begins to work on communication without using a hand, to master the expressiveness of his speech.

For this, as for any other method, training in real life. If you do not apply your knowledge in practice, it is impossible to achieve significant results. Do not be afraid to communicate, at the first stage, a variety of auxiliary tricks will help get rid of fear, such as synchronization with your fingers, but you just need to communicate a lot, speak out if you want.

In most cases, get rid of stuttering in children in early age does not pose any particular problems, as a rule, any method gives a very good result. Therefore, it is not worth delaying treatment, do not delay solving the problem with speech. If you have already missed the moment - none of them will be superfluous, try different methods on how to get rid of stuttering, combine massages and psychological tricks. And most importantly, remember: no one except yourself can cure you, it is you who are the full and undisputed master of your speech.