The main women in the life of Zhenya Belousov. Zhenya Belousov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Talkov Jr. followed in his father's footsteps

Zhenya Belousov // Photo:

June 2 marks twenty years since the death of one of the most popular singers of the 90s, Zhenya Belousov. He passed away very young, the musician was only 32 years old. The memory of the vocalist, who performed such hits as “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Alyoshka”, “Cloud of Hair”, was dedicated to the release of the Saturday program “Tonight” with Andrei Malakhov. The producer of Zhenya Belousova Lyubov Voropaeva came to the studio, concert director musician Nikolai Agutin, singer Alena Apina, presenter Ksenia Strizh and others. Zhenya Belousov's beloved women, his widow Elena Belousova, Zhenya's former keyboard player Oksana Shidlovskaya, were invited to the program, last love Belousova Elena Savina.

Elena Belousova said that she knew about her husband's many hobbies. “I accepted that Zhenya was fond of. It was accepted, not forgiven. These are different things,” the woman emphasized.

A couple of years after the musician and his wife got married, Belousov was born illegitimate son. His mother is the same keyboardist Oksana Shidlovskaya. At some point, Eugene decided to confess to his wife that he had a child on the side.

“Zhenya told me: Roma is my son, I leave you alone with a glass of wine. What are your thoughts, tell me tomorrow. I don’t want to divorce you, ”Elena Belousova recalls one of the most dramatic moments from her personal life. - I decided that I also want to be with Zhenya. And life began ... Children and women require attention. I couldn't stand it. She said to Zhenya: here is God, and here is the threshold. To be honest, I myself asked him to leave.”

Both heirs of Zhenya Belousov came to the studio of the program. The son of Zhenya Belousov became a welder, and his daughter became a translator

The first daughter Christina appeared from her marriage to Elena. The girl turns 30 this year. The stately red-haired beauty immediately captivated the audience. By education, Christina is a clinical psychologist, she is fond of esotericism. The young man of the girl knows perfectly well who her father was.

“I often think about dad, I think about how everything would be if he were alive,” Christina said. - I often watch videos with him. I see that we are similar to him in manners.

Then the illegitimate son of Zhenya Belousov, 24-year-old Roman, came to the studio. Seeing the guy, the studio gasped - the young man is strikingly similar to his famous dad. The same gait, luxurious hair and voice. Roman sang a song that his father once sang, "Where the maple makes noise." The audience could also be convinced that the son of Zhenya Belousov inherited both his timbre and intonation.

In the 90s of the last century, this singer was the idol of millions and broke a huge number of girlish hearts that bombarded him with letters of declaration of love. Zhenya admitted that he did not read these messages, because they all contained the same words, but the fans did not lose hope for reciprocal feelings. In his personal life there were many frivolous acts, like any spoiled female attention stars, but his first marriage was concluded before the popularity came to the singer. He was in love with his classmate Elena Khudik, and their romance continued after high school. Eugene came to Elena in between tours, and when he found out that she was pregnant, he proposed to her. First official Evgeny Belousov's wife Elena Khudik gave birth to his daughter Christina, and together they settled in his hometown of Kursk.

Zhenya was not yet so popular and he was not surrounded by crowds of fans, however, his developing career absorbed him completely, and family life with Elena gradually faded away. He had an affair with television producer Marta Mogilevskaya and lived with her for a whole year in civil marriage. Thanks to Marta, Belousov met the poetess Lyubov Voropaeva and the composer Viktor Dorokhin, who became his producers and made him a real star. When the civil marriage with Mogilevskaya broke up, Zhenya returned to his official wife and daughter, but this time his return to the family was not final. When the singer's daughter was three months old, he and Elena decided to break up. During this period, the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya appeared in his biography, and a few days after they met, he proposed to her.

In the photo - the second wife of Evgeny Belousov Natalya Vetlitskaya

This marriage, one might say, was based, rather, on emotions, and not on real feelings. The second wife of Zhenya Belousov is a singer Natalia Vetlitskaya at the time of their acquaintance, she was already popular, and he was just climbing the pop Olympus. Their romance developed very quickly, and the marriage turned out to be so short-lived that they did not have time to feel like husband and wife - Evgeny Belousov lived with his second wife for only eight days. On the last day of his marriage, the singer went on tour, and when he arrived home, he found a note with words of farewell from Natalia. After the divorce, he again returned to Elena Khudik, they again formalized the marriage and even decided to get married. However, the amorous Eugene could not become exemplary family man- by that time he was playing in a band in which he met a keyboardist and backing vocalist Oksana Shidlovskaya. Despite the fact that she was married at that time and assured that she loved her husband, Oksana gave birth to Eugene's son Roman. Shidlovskaya became civil wife Evgeny Belousov, and when in 1993 he decided to go into the vodka business, he was also the chief accountant of his company.

In the photo - Evgeny Belousov and Elena Savina

The third and last common-law wife of Evgeny Belousov was Elena Savina with whom he lived the last three and a half years of his life. She never insisted that he make her his official wife, because she did not consider the stamp in her passport to be something very important. After the death of Yevgeny Belousov at the end of April 1997 from a stroke, Elena Savina took his last name, and for some time performed with his repertoire. Then she married the millionaire Viktor Bondarenko and gave birth to a daughter from him, whom she named Evgenia. However, this marriage did not work out for her. Zhenya Belousov was easy on his novels and did not become an exemplary family man, but he always found time to communicate with his children. His eldest daughter from her first marriage with Elena Khudik became a translator and works in one of large companies, enjoys equestrian sports.

In the late 80s, a boy from Kursk began his career in Bari Alibasov's Integral rock band. But the real recognition came to the singer when he began to perform solo. Hits "My blue-eyed girl", "Such short summer”, “Night Taxi” quickly made a pop idol out of a simple boy.

The life of a musician ended as quickly as his career began. In 1997, Belousov died after brain surgery at the Sklifosovsky Institute.

Few then knew that Zhenya had a twin brother Alexander. Sasha and Zhenya were born with a difference of 25 minutes. Alexander is also a musician and drummer. He worked in many groups, but his career did not become a star.

On the eve of the round date, we talked with Alexander about his brother.

Zhenya and I have always been different, by no means copies of each other, - Alexander Belousov told KP. - Although between us it was felt invisible connection that all the twins talk about. From a distance we understood each other's mood.

Zhenya was our leader, the ringleader, and I was in the wings. But we were united by the love of music. Brother after the fifth grade went to music school accordion class. And I participated in drumming competitions in a pioneer camp. In the seventh grade, my brother and I assembled the first ensemble. So everything turned around.

- When Zhenya became a star, did he invite you to his team?

He immediately invited me to the Integral group. I was listed as a graphic designer there, I was engaged in light. And when Zhenya began to perform solo, he immediately took me to him. I resigned from the Pskov Philharmonic and followed my brother. Now I work in a cover band that performs at corporate parties, in clubs, restaurants.

- Why did your brother die so early? Depression? Alcohol?

Zhenya had no thoughts of death. On the contrary, he came to the hospital to be healed. Only now he was going to cure himself of an inflammation of the pancreas, but he died of a stroke. Apparently it was an old injury. In the third grade, my brother was hit by a car, which resulted in a severe concussion and an aneurysm of cerebral vessels. Time bomb. With it, you can live to gray hair. And you can leave in the color of years. They say that Zhenya drank godlessly, but this is not so. Like all musicians, I used it. There were holidays, fishing, feasts. But I wouldn't call him an alcoholic.

- Zhenya had several marriages. Who did he consider the main woman of his life?

I do not think that people of his status are happy in their personal lives. Zhenya believed that all his women saw in him only a famous artist. Like, if not for his popularity, they would hardly have been with him. He told me: “If I were a tractor driver Vasya Ivanov and they would love me, then maybe I would believe in their love. And I don't believe it."

- Many people remember that in spirit Belousov was a rock musician and he was depressed that he had to sing pop songs.

He didn't like rock pure. Rather, he was a fan of jazz-rock. But he did not worry about his repertoire. Zhenya was well aware that the music he loves is not in demand in our country.

By the way, after the death of my brother, many producers offered me to continue his work, to perform instead of Zhenya. I refused. If I am so talented, who prevented me from becoming a star under Zhenya? In general, I saw dishonesty in such a production move.


thrice wife

Belousov's first official wife was Elena Khudik, the mother of his daughter Christina. He met Elena Belousov long before the start of his career, performing with a courtyard group at a disco at the Kursk medical school. Then the artist had a fleeting romance with television editor Marta Mogilevskaya, who introduced the singer to producers Voropaeva and Dorokhin. Having lived with Mogilevskaya for about a year in a civil marriage, Belousov returned to his wife.

The family boat cracked again when the daughter of Zhenya and Elena Khudik was only three months old. The musician divorced and proposed to the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Family life lasted only nine days. According to acquaintances, Belousov found the beauty with a famous TV producer.

Soon Belousov again reconciled with Elena Khudik. The couple not only remarried, but also got married. But then Zhenya had an affair with the keyboardist of his group Oksana Shidlovskaya, who bore him a son, Roman. A little later, the loving musician left the family for the singer Elena Savina. With her, he lived in a civil marriage for three and a half years. After the death of the singer, Savina took the name Belousov and performed with his repertoire.


Artist producer Lyubov VOROPAEVA: Racketeers were paid for a quiet life

“Night Taxi”, “Such a Short Summer”, “Golden Domes” - these and not only hits for Belousov were written by his first producers - composer Viktor Dorokhin (he passed away in 2009) and poetess Lyubov Voropaeva.

The times were not easy. Racket flourished everywhere, - recalls Lyubov Voropaeva. - I remember, we arrived in Kyiv, and our guards warned us: Kharkov bandits were coming to us. Nobody knew me by sight, so I had to move around the city with a huge bag full of bundles of money. I walked along the other side of the street, did not appear at the concert venue, so that no one would understand that I was from the Belousov team. However, in Moscow it was constant. My husband Viktor Dorokhin had to communicate with bandits and pay racketeers for Belousov's quiet life. Otherwise, Zhenya and I could simply be killed or kidnapped. Both Zhenya and we even went to the bakery with two guards.

Having earned our first big money, we bought a lot of things for two families at once - for me and Viktor Dorokhin and for Zhenya's family. We bought two identical bedrooms, Romanian walls, upholstered furniture, washing machines, audio systems, refrigerators.

Zhenya was one of the first millionaires, if you calculate all this in dollars. In Moscow, a whole staff of people worked for us. Everything that was found scarce was immediately brought to us. The mezzanines in our apartment, where Zhenya lived at the time, were filled with boxes of imported cigarettes. In the grocery store, they also took food from the back entrance: boxes of black caviar, sweets, cervelat, bush legs that were then fashionable.

And, of course, Zhenya bought cosmetics, suits, bags for his wife, Lena Khudik ... Some trifle could be exchanged for currency. Moscow money changers simply crowded in our entrance. We tried our best to save the money from the rapid depreciation.

And they gave away a lot of money. Helped several families. They just handed out bundles of banknotes, because there was nowhere to put them. But we were romantics and treated "despicable metal" impractically. Maybe that's why big money didn't make Zhenya and Dorokhin and me into non-humans.

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Zhenya Belousov: the greatest hits. The famous hit "My blue-eyed girl" turns a quarter of a century Ekaterina GUBAIDULLINA

The wife forgave the singer endless cheating because she was sure that she - main woman his life

His heart stopped on June 2, 1997 at the age of 33. There were many versions of death, despite the official conclusion of doctors. Someone even associated such an early departure with gang warfare. Now you can say with pathos: I didn’t like it, I didn’t finish it.
But for that short term, which God measured for Zhenya BELOUSOV, a swirling guy with an affectionate smile that drives millions of girls crazy, he managed a lot. And loved, and hated, and suffered, and experienced unearthly pleasures ...

Eugene was born on September 10, 1964 (by the way, rock musician Yegor Letov was born at the same time) in the village of Zhikhar, Kharkov region. 25 minutes earlier this world was greeted by his brother Sasha. He also became a musician - he plays the drums.

After the eighth grade, I entered SGPTU No. 1, and Zhenya went to the ninth. But for a long time we could not live without each other. And then our school bought the latest equipment! Zhenya in the middle school year left school and, motivated by the fact that all his adult life he wanted to be a repairman, he moved to us. Trips to the collective farm began, the first girls, fights, port wine, registration in the children's room of the police ...

Very young, Eugene married Lena Khidik from Kursk. In July 87, their daughter Christina was born (now she is a translator, has medical education). Then Zhenya began Solo career under the direction of Lyubov Voropaeva.
- I lived in Kursk, but that didn't stop us from loving each other, - says Elena. - At first, Zhenya sang in the Integral ensemble with Bari Alibasov. But even with Bari's strict discipline, he managed to escape from the rehearsal space and rush to me. I ran to the institute for half an hour - and back. From the tour he always brought expensive gifts. Helped financially, even when we were divorced. And do not believe anyone if they say that Zhenya's money was ruined. He helped everyone, gave in debt.

True, people were in no hurry to return. He often repeated: “If all of a sudden everyone repaid my debts at once, I could buy a luxurious villa in the Canary Islands!” But he had a lot of girls. But these are more often some fleeting stories than something serious. What normal man will refuse if pretty girls hang themselves around their necks?! I'm sure he loved me very much. And he said more than once that Christina and I are the most precious thing in his life. When they parted, he even took to drink with grief ...

Marriage with Natalia Vetlitskaya lasted a little more than a week. They got married on December 31, and on January 9 they fled. The singer assured that they signed as a joke - they say that one annoying lady tried to lure Zhenya, but he did not want to become her husband, and for an excuse it was necessary to urgently put a stamp. I'm sorry, I'm married.
- Zhenya is very emotional, he lived easily. But I think they were serious with Natasha, - shared close friend singer Sergei Shustitsky. - On the day when Vetlitskaya left him, I saw Zhenya's tears. He could not cope with his feelings for several minutes, after which we sat down and wrote the song "Karina": "The light of faith has faded, our friendship is gone, / The world is dreary and boring ...".

Not fleeting was the affair with the keyboardist Oksana Shidlovskaya. In 1992, their son Romka was born. Eugene hid this fact for a long time from his legal wife, Elena Khudik (then they signed for the second time). And Oksana was married. The husband, of course, fiercely hated Belousov, but when he called him to the group as a guitarist, he changed his attitude towards Zhenya. The men even became friends.
Roma grew up, became interested in motorcycles and now he is ready to spend hours in a car service, welding new elements, making something incredible. From his father, he inherited excessive love of love.
- Only if I see the same girl with him more than three times, I go to get acquainted, - his mother smiles.

The musician met 18-year-old St. Petersburg student Lena Savina in 1994 at a party. And immediately fell in love.
“An hour after they met, he confessed his love and offered to move in with him,” Lena said.
They tried to spend everything together free time. Often traveled abroad. AT last time a few months before his death.
- Let's go to Tai, - said Shustitsky. - There, Zhenya was constantly irritated by smells, he did not eat anything. With great difficulty, they found one place where he could peck at least a little. In Moscow, this "persecution" continued. Once I came to his house, and he fed me shurpa. He himself could not take anything in his mouth. Zhenya cooked, I want to note, divinely!
The next day, his brother called and said that Zhenya was taken to the hospital, he had severe pancreatitis, hellish pain, necrosis began, and the doctors warned: “Guys, don’t expect anything good.” But a miracle happened, he began to recover. And soon new blow- stroke! (Brother Sasha believes that an old injury had an effect: in the third grade, Zhenya was hit by a car, the result was a severe concussion and an aneurysm of the cerebral vessels. - O.E.) The day before, I visited him in Sklifa. I was driving home from the night shift from Ostankino, and literally turned the steering wheel in the direction of the clinic. We talked for forty minutes. He had many plans, crazy energy, and in the evening - a stroke, a coma ... Three weeks later he opened his eyes, answered something with a look. And then closed them forever...