Louis Funes wife and children. Jeanne de Funes - the story of a wise woman

There have been a lot of actors in the history of cinema, and each made a special contribution to its development. But it must still be noted that not every actor managed to win immortality on the pages of cinema, to make sure that he was remembered even after his death, cited as an example in any genre and admired even centuries later. The same can be said with confidence about Louis de Funes - an inimitable actor in the world of cinema, a comedic genius who, with his charm and inimitable charisma, knew how to captivate the viewer, tell about himself better than any storyteller, and, in general, win everyone’s favor. It was not for nothing that when the film with his participation began, the audience could not tear themselves away from the screens, laughing heartily at the sweet and funny old man, who was always energetic, charging those around him with his enthusiasm. Even now, after many years, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not smile at the name of Louis de Funes.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Louis de Funes

Height, weight, age. The years of the life of Louis de Funès are still of interest to the audience, despite the fact that the great actor has long since died. He didn't live that long, but over the years he managed to accomplish a lot of great things in the world of cinema. His acting talent was admired by millions; he was always in the spotlight, despite the fact that he could hardly be called a Hollywood handsome man. At the time of his death, he was 68 years old; it is impossible to say exactly about his height and weight now. At first glance, his unprepossessing appearance did not prevent him from achieving success where many failed; he believed in his own strength. But, nevertheless, his story has its beginning; he was not always a great actor, which is remembered by many viewers. His life initially did not promise anything particularly interesting or memorable. Let's now take a closer look at how it started life path comedian, how he became an actor in the first place and what followed from it.

Biography and personal life of Louis de Funes

The biography and personal life of Louis de Funes definitely deserves attention, because, despite the fact that he did not even live seventy years, he still made a long and winding path, which contained not only amazing ups, but also downs, without which not a single ascent is complete. He was born in Spain, his father cut diamonds, that is, he was far from cinema. But little Louis, from childhood, preferred to do something interesting and educational for himself. He knew three languages, fluently speaking English, French, and Spanish. He also played the piano amazingly, captivating everyone who listened to him.

It was thanks to this love of music that he began to work as a pianist in his youth. Regarding his personal life, the future actor got married for the first time quite early, because at the age of twenty-two he tied the knot with a pretty girl whose name was Germaine Louise Elodie. She gave birth to his first child, but at the same time, the marriage did not last long. After some time, the couple divorced, most likely, the reason was that the spouses were too young to make concessions, show patience and a tendency to compromise. It is interesting that a year later the young man married again, and this time he lived with his wife for forty years, sharing joys and sorrows with her. She gave him two sons.

As for his rise to the top of cinema, before that, Louis had to survive the Second World War, after its completion, he began to try his hand there. And no matter how surprising it may sound, recognition did not come to the actor immediately; for thirteen years he had to work on himself to be noticed. The actor’s filmography is very rich; he believed in himself and knew that he would succeed. At the end of the fifties, he played in the film “If Not Caught, Not a Thief,” where he got the main role.

Filmography: films starring Louis de Funes

But true popularity came to him already in the sixties, when he began to act very often and in interesting roles. For example, his role in the famous “Fantômas” brought him worldwide fame, but not only this film served to his recognition. Also, such films as “Razinya” and “The Big Walk” were very warmly received by the audience. All this allowed the actor to confidently move towards his goal, to gain money, fame and glory. It must be said that de Funes often remarked that he did not regret that his career developed so slowly, saying that it gave him the opportunity to understand the world of cinema as better and more detailed as possible. He constantly had the opportunity to improve and achieve more. In the seventies, the comedian was at the top of his popularity because both directors and audiences loved him.

The actor survived two heart attacks at once, and on the recommendations of doctors, he left the noisy city for some time and moved to a calmer and more secluded place, of course, while leaving cinema. There he was busy growing roses with interest, some of them were later named after him. But even when he had health problems, he still did not always refuse tempting roles.

Family and children of Louis de Funes

The family and children of Louis de Funes have always played for the actor big role, if only because he is with early youth knew what marriage was and could compare. The fact is that the actor first married at the age of twenty-two, but the marriage did not last long. But the result of this marriage was his first son, who was named Daniel. Later, when he married a second time, he had two more sons, whose names were Patrick and Olivier. Long years, the actor’s family was a real support; he understood that only the fact that he had close people helped him overcome troubles and continue to move towards his goal. When he left the cinema, he lived with his family in a luxurious mansion, on the territory of which he planted beautiful roses.

Sons of Louis de Funes - Daniel, Patrick, Olivier

The sons of Louis de Funes - Daniel, Patrick, Olivier - became his direct heirs from different marriages. The first son Daniel was born from his first marriage, Patrick and Olivier became his sons in his second marriage, which lasted for forty years. It is difficult to say what kind of relationship he had with his first son, but it is safe to say that he loved him, despite the fact that Louis de Funes became a father early. The other sons were always close to their father, but little is known about their lives either. Perhaps in the actor’s homeland more is known about his family, but here we don’t have much. What the sons are doing now is also unknown; most likely they have their own families and honor the memory of their father.

The ex-wife of Louis de Funes - Germaine Louise Elodie Carruyer

Ex-wife Louis de Funes - Germaine Louise Elodie Carruyer became his first chosen one in his early youth. It is difficult to say why the actor got married so early; perhaps it seemed to him that this was the love of his life. Therefore, passionate dates quickly grew into married life, which didn't last long. But even in this short period, Louis managed to become a father, because his young wife gave him a son, Daniel. On the other hand, the marriage did not last so long, a whole six years, but if compared with the second marriage of forty years, then this is really not long. It is difficult to say whether he communicated with her after the divorce; very little is said about this.

Louis de Funes' wife - Jeanne Augustine de Barthelemy de Maupassant

Louis de Funes's wife, Jeanne Augustine de Barthelemy de Maupassant, married him, becoming his second wife, and they met at an evening where the actor played the piano. Jeanne is the great-niece of the famous writer Guide de Maupassant. She reciprocated this musician, who played like a god on the piano. And the young people decided to unite their destinies, and, as it turned out, they were right. They lived together for forty years, shared sorrows and joys, experienced many events in life. And, of course, they became the parents of two charming sons. The woman was always faithful to her husband, and supported him in difficult times, when he especially needed it.

Wikipedia Louis de Funes

Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funes,_Louis_de) Louis de Funes is the main source from which you can learn about the life of the great actor. Of course, during his life, there were no social networks, so you can read about him on websites, but you won’t find a Twitter page or Instagram. But this is not necessary, because the name Louis de Funes speaks for itself, they will still know about him at any time. And for those who don’t know, just turn on a film with his participation, and this will be enough to understand that he was a great person and a brilliant actor. And even years later, after he passed away, it’s all the same, his films live to this day.

Everyone remembers very well the wonderful comedy films with the participation of the legendary Louis de Funes, such as “Little Bather” (1968) or a whole series of films about the gendarme. However, few people know that he has two sons from his second marriage: Patrick de Funes, who will be discussed in this article, and Olivier. Read more about the eldest of them below.

Patrick de Funes: biography

All my adult life I dreamed of creating a whole acting dynasty. However, his sons chose a different field of activity. His youngest son, Olivier, became a pilot, and his eldest, Patrick, became a doctor. True, at a fairly young age, both sons managed to star in several films.

Patrick de Funes was born on January 27, 1944. Already from youth, despite pressure from his father, who wanted his sons to also become actors, Patrick decided to build a career in a field of activity radically different from cinema.

After studying at the university to become a doctor, he began practicing medicine. In medicine, he reached quite great heights. This was largely due to his positive approach to work and to life in general. In addition, he liked his profession, which he chose consciously. His favorite activity brought him not only income, but also a feeling of satisfaction from own activities and achievements.

"Don't talk too much about me, my children!"

Patrick de Funes and Olivier de Funes, whose photos you can see below, together with their mother wrote a book dedicated to their legendary father. The book contains the sons' memories of their father, and they, unlike the pleasant humorous memories of the fans of the great comedian, are in many ways not joyful.

For example, Louis de Funes was an almost complete copy of the characters he played in the movies. And if in comedy films the eccentric miser brought a smile, then in life Louis was so greedy that it reached an almost manic state. Of course, such behavior of the head of the family had an extremely negative impact on relationships within the family.

However, this does not mean that the book contains only negative and negative memories of Louis de Funes; on the contrary, most of the book is still devoted to pleasant moments.

One of its most important advantages is sincerity, as well as authenticity, since it was written from the brothers’ own memories. No one can describe Louis de Funès more accurately than his own children. After all, they knew him when they themselves were children. The book is written without embellishment and reflects the personal memories and feelings of the actor’s sons.

Patrick de Funes: filmography

Despite the fact that Patrick did not build an acting career, he still took part in the creation of several films, mainly in the documentary genre, where he appears as himself.

These films include the following:

  • "Louis de Funes, or the Art of Making Laugh" (2003);
  • "Two against Fantômas: De Funes and Koenigson" (2010).

Besides documentaries, associated primarily with the personality of his famous father, Patrick de Funes also appeared in several television series, including “Long Live Sunday” (TV series, 1998 - ...), “Everybody’s Talking” (TV series, 1998 - 2006) and “You you're disturbing everyone's sleep" (TV series, 2006 - ...).

Almost all of his acting activities are limited to the above-mentioned TV projects and documentaries.

However, in addition to his film activities as an actor, he is the screenwriter of a documentary film about his father, Louis de Funes: The Comedy Man (2003). This work is considered the most significant cinematic work of Patrick de Funes.

Personal life

Everyone is well aware of the outstanding French actor Louis de Funes, who is Patrick's father, but few people know about his mother, Louis' wife.

The mother of Louis's sons, Patrick and Olivier, is Jeanne de Barthelemy, who was the great-niece of the world famous French writer Guy de Maupassant.

Almost nothing is known about Patrick’s personal life, since he is not a media personality and does not strive to advertise his private life.

Patrick never married, unlike his brother. He also has no children. He devoted his whole life labor activity, in which he achieved considerable success.

Medical activities

Having become a professional doctor, Patrick de Funes did not lose his sense of humor, which he inherited from his father. Even serious ones scientific works in medicine, Patrick managed to fill him with unique humor and originality.

Patrick's specialty is a cardiologist and mammography specialist.

It was the originality and extravagance of his scientific medical works that Patrick became famous in the narrow circles of professional medical workers.

Today, he is deservedly considered one of the most outstanding doctors who practiced medicine in the second half of the 20th century.

Writing activity

In addition to the above-mentioned book “Don’t talk too much about me, my children!”, written together with his brother, Patrick is the author of several other literary works.

Unfortunately, other books written by Patrick have not been translated into Russian, so they can only be found in the original language, that is, in French. The titles of the books in French are:

  • Médecin malgré moi, Le Cherche midi (2008). In this literary work Patrick tells the story of his medical career and how he chose his profession. In fact, this book is his memoirs.
  • La Folie de la grandeur, Le Cherche midi (2012). This book is also autobiographical and, traditionally for Patrick, is filled with sparkling humor and self-irony.

Patrick's literary talent is what made him famous. It was thanks to Patrick’s ability to beautifully express his thoughts in the text that the documentary film “Louis de Funes: The Comedy Man” (2003), for which he wrote the script, became one of the best documentaries about the legend of French humorous and family cinema Louis de Funes .


Unlike his younger brother and father, Patrick de Funes, about whose family quite a lot is known, does not advertise the details of his personal life.

Therefore, we can only say with certainty that he has brother and step-by-step - on his father's side, from his first marriage. To say that almost everything is known about his parents is to say nothing.

Patrick's legendary father is known all over the world, and in France itself he is a cult figure whom any Frenchman knows and remembers.

Above you can see Patrick de Funes in the photo with almost his entire family.

Not many such photographs have survived, so this photo is of particular interest both from fans creative activity Louis de Funes, and among people interested in the personality of his son Patrick.


Let's sum it up brief summary. The eldest son from his second marriage did not follow in his footsteps famous actor, although my father really wanted it. Louis de Funes dreamed of a whole dynasty of film actors, but fate decreed somewhat differently.

Despite the fact that all three sons of Louis de Funes took part in the filming of a number of films, it is still impossible to call them professional actors, since each of them left the film industry, realizing that cinema and actor career they are not suitable.

Patrick managed to star in several films in his youth, and then almost completely switched to medicine. However, he still continued to work in the film industry from time to time, but as a screenwriter rather than an actor.

Despite Patrick de Funes's impressive contributions to medicine and cinema, it is his writing activity, and first of all, a book of memories about their father written together with his younger brother Olivier.

By the way, this book was highly rated not only literary critics and readers, but also birth mother brothers, who was very grateful to the sons that they perpetuated the memory of their father in this way.

Largely due to the fact that the sons of Louis de Funes remember and honor their legendary father, write books about him, participate in the filming of documentaries about him, the memory of the great actor not only does not fade, but becomes stronger over the years.

Divorce with condition

Louis de Funes was born in Courbevoie, the quietest suburb of Paris - in those places where the La Défense quarter of modern business centers was later built. Before becoming an actor, he tried many professions and achieved his greatest success as a jazz pianist. During the war years he performed in a Parisian tavern, where he met Jeanne Barthelemy (Maupassant's great-niece), with whom he later lived for forty years.

The only problem was that by the time he met Jeanne, Louis de Funes was already officially married. True, he separated from his wife a long time ago - she found someone else. But nevertheless, they had a common son, Daniel. And the wife agreed to give a divorce on one condition: Louis should never communicate with the child again. De Funes had to agree to her demand. In his biographies, even thick ones, this first son is mentioned in one line...

The new wife took great care of de Funes. In particular, it was she who found him a permanent on-screen partner, actress Claude Jansac, who appeared as the artist’s wife or beloved characters in many films, in particular in “Frozen” and in the series about the adventures of a gendarme from Saint-Tropez. Zhansak, by the way, is alive, she is now 87 years old.

World Grandfather

The greatest French comedian of the 20th century personified hysteria, cunning, absurdity and greed on screen. In real life, nothing like that could be said about Louis de Funès. The sons from his second marriage, Patrick and Olivier (who wrote a book about him called “Don’t talk too much about me, my children!”) remember their father as a decent and peace-loving man, with whom they never got bored.

He adored nature. Animals and plants delighted him, causing him almost admiration.

For the sake of Zhanna, the artist had to give up his son.

“90 hectares of our park did not seem like an excess to him,” Olivier recalled. - After the birth of his granddaughter Julie, he set out to expand the chicken coop and put cages for rabbits so that the baby could play with animals and eat organic eggs. He came up with all sorts of stories for her, convincing the girl that the rabbits were talking to him: “The big red rabbit is Mr. Count. He asks you to cook him something tasty!”

Invariably calling Julie Madame Countess, he drew her into his fictional world.

What de Funes seemed to share with his heroes was a heightened anxiety. And the role of his grandfather further strengthened his vigilance. He constantly checked that the doors and shutters were locked, that the babies' nipples were clean, that the sockets and radiators were safe, and padlocked the doors on the stairs. The telephone numbers of firefighters, police, and ambulance were glued to each telephone.

"Fantômas" at risk of life

One of the traits that Louis de Funes did not forgive people was bad upbringing. Because of this, he broke off relations with another great French actor, Jean Gabin. They starred together in the comedy “Tattooed.” Gabin, an elderly cunning man, decided to piss off his partner. He made a list of things Louis couldn't stand and methodically made fun of him. De Funes, for example, preferred to play on an empty stomach, and Gabin constantly overeat on the set.

“Once a journalist interviewed both of them on the set,” Olivier recalls. - He asked his father which films with Jean Gabin he preferred.

“I like them all,” the father answered.

When it was Gabin’s turn, he replied that he had not seen a single film with Louis de Funes.”

The two actors did not communicate anymore.

In his profession, de Funes was extremely selfless. On October 25, 1957, he learned of his mother's death, but out of respect for the audience, he refused to cancel the performance and went on stage.

And on the set of Fantômas, in the episode where the villain escapes from the police in a helicopter, and Commissioner Juve clings to a crane and rises high above the ground, the actor had to hang on his hands for a long time. In fact, of course, combined filming was used: de Funes was hanging just a meter from the floor. But filming the episode lasted several hours! The actor unquestioningly fulfilled the director's demands. As a result, he sprained his shoulder ligaments so badly that the next day he couldn’t even get dressed on his own.

De Funes had to recover from this injury for several years.

In the film “The Adventures of Rabbi Jacob”, de Funes’ hero ends up in a chewing gum factory. And this is a new reason to laugh.

Easter heart attack

In 1975, de Funes was offered the role of a South American dictator in the adventurous comedy “Crocodile”. The role required physical activity, the actor went to get checked by a doctor just in case. He said: “You have the heart of a young man!” And exactly three days after this examination, de Funes had a heart attack...

In the hospital, when he seemed to be on the mend, the second one suddenly happened. It was Easter, when the medical staff went home, and the actor was saved by a nurse who called the attending physician at home in time. Doctors literally pulled de Funes from the other world, but put him on a strict diet and forever banned him from acting in films.

However, the artist managed to return to cinema and play several more roles. Including the role of his dreams - Harpagon in “The Miser” according to Moliere. He became the co-director of this film. And its release coincided with the presentation of the only award that de Funes received in his entire life - an honorary “Cesar” for the achievements of his entire career.

There are many projects that he could not implement. For example, he dreamed of working with Roman Polanski, and he was not against it - but, alas, it didn’t work out. The actor’s health was deteriorating, and on screen he looked noticeably older than his age.

On January 27, 1983, at the age of 69, the artist died of a stroke. He was buried in a cemetery not far from the place where he spent last years, - Clermont castle on the banks of the Loire River.

5 most famous films Louis de Funes

The Fantômas trilogy (1964 - 1966)

A series of films about the gendarme Cruchot (1964 - 1982)

"Razinya" (1965)

"Frozen" (1969)

"The Big Walk" (1966)


Beloved by Russian viewers, the famous Commissioner Juve from “Fantômas” and the cunning mafioso Saroyan from “Razini” - in real life was a completely different person. He was distinguished by his peaceful, cheerful character, decency, and love for his family and children. The famous French comedian Louis de Funes did not suffer from hysteria, ardor and a tendency to insidious attacks. His loved ones felt like they were behind a stone wall with him. Of course, most of this security was provided to them by the wife of Louis de Funes, Jeanne Augustine.

Her full name- Jeanne Augustine de Barthelemy de Maupassant and she was the great-niece of the famous writer. Zhanna and her future husband met in Paris during the German occupation in 1942 and lived together for 40 years. Shortly before this, Funes divorced his first wife, Germaine Louise Elodie Carruyer, family life which I didn't get along with. There is information that Germaine gave her consent to the divorce only in exchange for Louis’ promise to never see their common son Daniel. There were also rumors that the actor secretly saw the boy, but, in any case, all his biographers do not pay much attention to the existence of this child in Funes’ life.

Jeanne Augustine and Louis married in September 1943, when he was working as a jazz pianist in nightclubs and she later recalled that she did not know a more talented and charming musician. In order to support his family, Funes got a job as a storekeeper. This made it possible to feed his wife and son Patrick, born in 1944. The second son, Olivier, was born in 1949. After the end of the war, in 1946, Funes starred in his first film. His film career developed slowly and the actor gained fame only in 1958, playing the main role in the comedy “Not Caught, Not a Thief.”

After 1960, Louis de Funes began appearing in 3-4 films annually, and then even more often. The incredible comes to him world fame, awarded in 1974 with the highest French award - the Order of the Legion of Honor. All these years the actor lived in full of love and agreement with his charming Zhanna, who became for him not only his wife and friend, but also his comrade-in-arms in the art of cinema. She was involved in many aspects of her husband’s creative activity. In particular, she found an ideal companion for him in many films - actress Claude Zhansak. It happened that she was paid for her presence at film set next to Louis, as director Jules Borcon did.

IN privacy Funes adored plants and animals, with which he surrounded his family in the ancient castle of Chateau de Clermont near Nantes. He cared touchingly for his children and grandchildren and was delighted with his wife until the end of his life. Their mutual respect, unanimity and spiritual closeness were later described in the book by their sons as one of the best memories of childhood and youth. In 1983, in the arms of Louis de Funes' wife, Jeanne Augustine, the great French comedian died of a heart attack. His sons chose their own path in life. Although Olivier acted in several films with his father in his youth, he decided to become a pilot. Patrick wanted to become a doctor.

Louis de Funes is one of the world's most famous film actors. He played in large quantities movies. The most famous were the stories involving the artist about Fantômas and the gendarmes. Our hero received several prizes and awards. He received the Order of the French Legion.

The actor was creatively developed from childhood. He drew well and played the piano.

The great artist of world cinema was married twice. He called his second wife his guardian angel until his death. The comedian was proud of his three sons. The only thing that upset him was that none of his sons connected their lives with cinema.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Louis de Funes

The world cinema star, despite his passing away in the 80s, is of interest numerous fans Now. It is documented what the comedian's height, weight, and age were. The years of Louis de Funes' life are officially known. The man would have celebrated his centenary in 2014. Events dedicated to this were widely held not only in France, but also in other countries. In 2014, movie lovers in Russia were able to watch almost all the films in which the comedian played.

Louis de Funes, whose photo in his youth and now can be found quite easily, died at 69 years old. This became a real tragedy not only for the artist’s family, but also for numerous fans.

The world cinema star had small stature, he barely exceeded 150 cm. And the man weighed 55 kg. For many years, Louis played sports, he ran in the morning, did push-ups and swam. The artist paid special attention to his daily routine. He did not drink alcohol or fatty foods. Every day De Funes drank milk at night, he assured that it would prolong his days. When health problems arose, our hero carefully followed all the doctors’ recommendations.

Biography and personal life of Louis de Funes

The baby was born in 1914 in a small French town. Louis's mother and father moved to France because the young people's relatives objected to them getting married.

Since childhood, the world cinema star has been able to speak several foreign languages. He could speak English, French and Spanish. The guy was an excellent drawer, so he was destined for a career as an artist. De Funes learned to play the piano. He loved jazz music most of all and amazed his friends. In difficult times, our hero earned money by playing the piano in one of the Parisian restaurants.

Louis entertained the audience with his acting and funny grimaces. At this time I did new round his biography. And the personal life of Louis de Funes began to flow with a girl named Germaine. After the birth of their son Daniel, the lovers separated. The reason was the man's new love.

Within a few months, the marriage was officially registered, in which two sons were born. Our hero named the first Patrick, and the second Olivier. The marriage lasted more than 40 years. Only the death of the great comedian ended the relationship between the spouses.

In the mid-40s, our hero began to play in films. At first these were episodic roles. But the artist does not lose hope of playing with the most popular film directors.

Since 1961, Louis was offered to play in films about Fantômas. From that moment on, he became incredibly popular. After this, the man played in several dozen more films. He has been awarded several prizes and awards from the French Film Academy, including special place is given to the Order of the Legion of Honour.

In 1980, de Funes tried his hand at directing. He made the movie "The Miser." The actor had another film in his plans, which was never made.

The world cinema star wrote scripts for several films. His scripts were used to film Oscar, Frozen, The Gendarme and the Aliens, Cabbage Soup and others.

Although the man passed away in the early 80s of the last century, the number of admirers of his talent does not decrease. Every year the artist’s work attracts a large number of fans.

The departure of Louis de Funes occurred in 1983. The man had a heart attack. The doctors did not have time to help the artist. Summoned ambulance only stated the death of the star of “Fantômas”.

Filmography: films starring Louis de Funes

The great actor played in a large number of films. He became one of the most sought after artists. Currently, his filmography includes more than 2 hundred paintings. Films starring Louis de Funes in leading role began to appear in the early 60s of the last century.

Since appearing in “Captain Fracas,” the actor has become incredibly in demand. Famous directors began to invite him. Then the actor played in “American Beautiful,” “Vendetta,” “The Devil and the Ten Commandments” and others.

After the role of Ludovic Kruchov “The Gendarme of Saint-Tropez”, the artist began to be considered a comedian. The President of the French Republic awarded Louis de Funès the first prize. Then he impressed with his comic talent in “Fantômas”, “Revelers”, “The Great Walk” and many others. Every year the star starred in several films. He was incredibly in demand and popular. De Funes was invited to meetings with fans around the world. He also came to the Soviet Union.

Louis's last film was the continuation of the story about the adventures of the gendarme Louis Cruchot in "The Gendarme and the Gendarmetes." The actor had plans for the next film, which was never made.

Family and children of Louis de Funes

The family and children of Louis de Funes mourned greatly after the departure of the star of “Fantômas” and “Gendarmes”. They have preserved and preserve the memory of the world cinema star to this day. A man lived happily with his second wife for 40 years. They traveled, worked and relaxed together. After the actor’s death, the woman lived for another 10 years. At the end of the last century she passed away.

Louis de Funes had three sons. Only Olivier played in several films with his father. But he did not devote himself entirely to cinema.

Our hero's father was a lawyer. But I didn’t work in my specialty for a day. The guy fell in love with the girl with whom he fled from Seville. Carlos Luis began working with diamonds in France. He closely followed the fate of his son. In the 60s, the man passed away. He is buried in one of the French cemeteries.

The hero's mother was born in the Spanish city of Seville. The girl ran away from her parents with her lover in order to preserve her relationship. The woman did not work. She took care of the house and her son, for whom she developed creative talent. After her husband's death, my mother lived with Louis. She died in the late 60s and is laid to rest next to her husband.

Sons of Louis de Funes - Daniel, Patrick, Olivier

The sons of Louis de Funes - Daniel, Patrick, Olivier were born in two marriages of the actor. They were far from cinema and did not want to continue their acting profession.

Daniel was born in the late 30s. He became the first-born of the actor. After the boy was born, his parents divorced. Louis met Daniel often. He took it on weekends. The guy decided to connect his profession with creativity. He worked in one of the French musical groups. Daniel was married and had a son and daughter, whom their grandfather never saw.

In the 40s, our hero became a dad for the second time. They decided to name the boy Patrick. The guy became a professional doctor. He married twice and became the father of a son, whom he named after his father Louis.

The world cinema star named his last son Olivier. The guy played in several films. But Olivier chose the profession of a pilot. For many years he worked for one of the French airlines.

All three sons came to our hero's funeral. They organized the funeral. The men maintained friendly relations. The division of the great comedian's inheritance did not become the reason for the artist's three sons to stop communicating.

The ex-wife of Louis de Funes - Germaine Louise Elodie Carruyer

The young people met in the 30s. Louis played in one of the restaurants, and Germaine worked there as a waitress. Soon they began dating, and then officially registered their marriage. The ceremony was quiet. Only a few people attended. Soon the family was replenished with a boy.

In the early 40s, the couple began to quarrel, and then our hero left the family. The ex-wife of Louis de Funes, Germaine Louise Elodie Carruyer, did not interfere with communication ex-spouse and son. The woman lived alone for several years, and then met new love. It was with him that Germaine lived until her death. A woman came to the star's funeral.

In the late 80s, Carruyer passed away. She is buried in one of the Parisian cemeteries.

Louis de Funes' wife - Jeanne Augustine de Barthelemy de Maupassant

Having met Jeanne Augustine, the future star of world cinema left the family, despite the appearance of his son Daniel in the family. At first the lovers lived civil marriage, and then registered their union quite officially. The ceremony was quiet. Only the parents of the newlyweds were present.

Louis de Funes's wife, Jeanne Augustine de Barthelemy de Maupassant, was the great-niece of the famous French classic Guy de Maupassant. The woman supported her husband in everything. She always traveled with him. The actor ate only food prepared by his wife.

The wife of the world cinema star gave birth to two sons. The woman considered her husband and children to be her greatest wealth.

After the death of Louis, Jeanne Augustine worried a lot. She lived with youngest son- Olivie. The woman passed away quietly. She was buried next to de Funes's grave.

Wikipedia Louis de Funes

A lot is known about the great world actor. Most of information contains Wikipedia Louis de Funes. Here you can read about a man’s parents, his wives, and children. The page lists all the films in which the man played. This includes information about prizes and awards received by our hero.

IN in social networks Louis did not work, since during his life there was no Internet yet. On Instagram, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte there are pages named after the star “Fantômas”. Here you can read about many events in the artist’s life. Here you can also view excerpts from various films by de Funes. They are often viewed by fans who regret that the great master of cinema passed away so early.