The most beautiful black actresses. Black singers: list, short biographies, photos

In the film The Jungle Book, the she-wolf Raksha is voiced by one of the most spectacular actresses in Hollywood, Lupita Nyong'o, whose fame was brought by the film 12 Years a Slave. Today we will talk about ten dark-skinned beauties who conquered the world of cinema.

Lupita Nyong'o

The Kenyan beauty quickly won worldwide fame. Lupita's path to success has been somewhat cloudless compared to other actresses. So, being a native of Mexico, the girl spent her childhood in Kenya. Growing up, Nyong'o moved to the United States, where she began to learn the basics acting skills while studying at the university. By the way, the actress soon began to combine education and work in some theatrical productions. However, we know the stories of many actors whose professional path counts unsuccessful debut roles in the movies, frank failures, etc. But with Lupita, the story is completely different: her debut work in the film “12 Years a Slave” brought the actress worldwide popularity and an Oscar statuette for best actress. It is not surprising that after such a breakthrough, offers from eminent directors literally rained down on Nyong'o, and the girl herself topped the list of the most famous directors two years ago. beautiful women planets.

Zoe Saldana

The exotic appearance of the actress is quite understandable: Zoe has Libyan, Jamaican, Irish and Indian roots, so it is not surprising that with such external data the girl managed to reach the top in show business. His acting career Saldana owes much to the ballet and modern Latin American dances she studied at Dominican Republic. It was this experience that brought the future actress to the youth theater in New York, where the girl was noticed and invited to an acting agency. Dance lessons were not in vain, Zoe made her debut with the role of a ballerina in the film "Proscenium". Then, the actress starred in such films as "Crossroads", "Pirates caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl", "Terminal", " Star Trek". But the most striking role of the girl is the sensational film by James Cameron "Avatar". It was this picture that elevated Saldana to new level success. And the work in the film "Guardians of the Galaxy" only secured the status of a superstar for the actress. By the way, in 2018 the premiere of the second part of "Avatar" will take place, where leading role Zoey will play again.

Halle Berry

Forever young and luxurious Halle Berry continues to delight fans with impeccable appearance. By her almost fifty years, the actress has reached heights that no black actress would dare to dream of. Holly is the first black actress in the history of cinema to win an Oscar for the lead female role. The actress won the coveted statuette for the film "Monster's Ball". However, the path to success as a star was long and winding. At first, the girl cost a career in the fashion world, and participation in beauty contests brought Holly several prestigious titles, including Miss Ohio USA and First Vice Miss USA 1986. By the way, the future superstar also became the first black model - the representative of the United States at the Miss World pageant in 1986. Then Berry took sixth place. After some time, the girl decided to master the world of cinema. The first episodic roles did not bring Holly the long-awaited success. However, after Spike Lee's film Tropical Fever, the name of the actress finally became more or less recognizable. After this work, the following more successful ones followed: The Case of Isaiah and Chasing the Sun. And for her role in the biopic Meet Dorothy Dandridge, Berry received an Emmy and a Golden Globe. You can tell the story of the formation of the actress for a long time, but one of Holly's brightest works is the mystical picture "Gothic", a series of films "X-Men". In addition, the Hollywood actress has been repeatedly named the most beautiful woman on the planet and still holds this title.

Kerry Washington

The American actress gained popularity after the film "Fantastic Four", and the sequel to the film that followed only strengthened Carrey's success. Rumor has it that this stellar role was originally written for a white-skinned and blue-eyed actress, but the creators of the picture rewrote the role specifically for Washington. However, the resounding success world fame the girl brought the main role in Quentin Tarantino's film "Django Unchained". By the way, in parallel with her work in the cinema, the girl is also involved in television. So, the political series "Scandal" starring Kerry brought her an Emmy nomination. Thus, Washington became the first black actress to perform a dramatic role on American television.

Thandie Newton

The debut for the English actress was the dramatic film "Flirting". By the way, this film opened the way for another actress, Tandy's friend - Nicole Kidman. And Newton achieved success after her role in the film "Jefferson in Paris", thanks to which she immediately got a role in another film "Beloved". On account of Tandy's bright work in the film "Mission Impossible - 2", where Tom Cruise acted as her partner, and in the science fiction "The Chronicles of Riddick" the actress's partner was Vin Diesel. In addition, the crime drama Clash, in addition to critical acclaim, brought the girl a BAFTA award. By the way, Newton was originally supposed to play the role in Charlie's Angels, but later she was replaced by Lucy Liu.

Rosario Downson

The American actress owes her extraordinary appearance to her ancestors: her mother has Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican roots, and her father, whom, by the way, Rosario has never seen, is half Irish and Native American. Even at an early age, Dawnson first got on television, her debut was the popular children's show Sesame Street. And at the age of fifteen, the girl was incredibly lucky: she was noticed by a famous photographer and producer, with whose light hand Rosario starred in the scandalous film "Children". After that, the career of a young actress skyrocketed. She has roles in such films as Men in Black 2, Sin City, Death Proof, My Zoo Boy. And now Dawnson is filming in the television series Daredevil, which is successfully broadcast on American television.

Alisha Keys

Arguably the most popular soul artist needs no introduction. Over the years of creativity, there was not a single person left who would not see and hear this charming girl. And yet the path to the glory of Alisha was long and thorny. Born in a poor area of ​​New York, the girl, possessing remarkable talent, managed not only to get out of poverty, but also to make a huge fortune. The winner of fourteen Grammy statuettes, the author of soundtracks for popular films - all this is the merit of Keys herself, who began working on herself from adolescence. At the age of fourteen, the girl began to write music, and at sixteen, in just three years, she studied at one of the most prestigious performing arts schools. For all my creative career the girl released four studio albums, which were sold in millions of copies and were a huge success. But now, apparently, Alisha took a short break in her career and decided to devote herself to the family: the singer is happily married and has two sons.

Mestizos are descendants of interracial marriages. Mestizos are present in almost all countries of the Western Hemisphere, including in the world of stars.

Day.Az offers a selection of mestizo celebrities.

Adriana Lima: The beauty owes her beautiful appearance to French, Portuguese and Caribbean ancestors.

Milla Jovovich was born on December 17, 1975 in Kyiv. Father - Bogdan Jovovich, a doctor, a Serb by nationality, originally from Montenegro; mother - Galina Loginova, Russian.

Angelina Jolie acquired the blood of several peoples - Czech, English (by father), French-Canadian (Iroquois) and Greek (by mother).

Nicole Scherzinger, place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii, June 29, 1978. Nationality: Hawaiian, Russian, Filipino.

Megan Denise Fox was born on May 16, 1986 in US state Tennessee. She has Irish, French and Native American ancestry in her pedigree.

Shakira. A Lebanese Arab father and a Colombian mother of Spanish and Italian blood gave her a name that means "grateful" in Arabic and "Goddess of Light" in Hindi.

beyoncé. Knowles' father is African American, and his mother is Creole (there were African Americans, Native Americans and French in the family) by origin. Knowles was named after maiden name mother.

Salma Hayek She was born in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. She is the daughter of Diana Jimenez Medina, opera singer of Spanish descent, and Sami Hayek Dominguez, Lebanese.

Charlize Theron.On the maternal side, the actress has German, and on the paternal side - French and Dutch roots.

Cameron Diaz. The parents are of mixed blood, mother is half German, half English and father is Cuban born in the USA. It also has Indian roots.

Kate Beckinsale Born in London in the family of theater and television actress Judy Lo and famous television actor Richard Beckinsale. Great-grandfather Beckinsale was a native of Burma.

Mariah Carey. She is the third and most youngest child Patricia Hickey, an Irish-born former opera singer, and Alfred Roy Carey, an Afro-Venezuelan aeronautical engineer.

Jessica Alba was born on April 28, 1981 to Katherine (née Jensen) and Mark Alba. Jessica's mother has Danish and French Canadian roots, and her father is Mexican American.

Natalie Portman was born on June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem. The maternal ancestors of the actress are Jews from Russia and Austria, and on the paternal side - from Romania and Poland.

Christina Maria Aguilera. Christina's mother, Shelley, is Irish by nationality and is a professional violinist and pianist. Her father is a native of Ecuador.

Russia is home to several tens of thousands of people with African roots. In the 2010 census, more than 13 thousand people indicated their nationality as Russians / Afro-Russians, several thousand more registered as representatives of specific African countries and peoples, of which the nationalities most often indicated were Nigerians (651 people) and Angolans (457 people).

15th place. Cornelia Mango - singer and artist. She was born in Astrakhan on April 24, 1986. From an interview with Cornelia: “My mother is a Nogai by nationality, she grew up in a religious family. The Nogais are a small Turkic-speaking people, related to the Tatars. Oddly enough, relatives did not condemn my mother for loving an African. by the way, not particularly dark, because his mother is Spanish, but his father is an African from Guinea-Bissau." Now her father lives in Portugal.

14th place. Elena Khanga(born May 1, 1962, Moscow) - TV presenter. Her father, Tanzanian Abdul Kassim Hanga, was the prime minister of Zanzibar (now part of Tanzania), was repressed after a coup d'état and died in prison. Her mother is of African American and Jewish descent.

13th place. Tina Ogunleye (Charles)(born May 17, 1979, St. Petersburg) - DJ, singer, former member of the Cream group. Father is Nigerian, mother is Russian. VK page -

12th place. Liber Kpadonu(born December 17, 1987, St. Petersburg) - a participant in the television project Dom 2. Her father is from Benin, her mother is Russian. Page Liber Kpadonu VKontakte -

11th place. Elizabeth Martinez(born November 10, 1986, Moscow) - actress of the Satyricon Theater, also acts in films and TV shows. Father is Afro-Mexican, mother is Russian.

10th place. Nkeiruka (Kira) Ezeh(born October 17, 1983, Moscow) - Russian curler, three-time European champion (2006, 2012, 2015). Her father is Nigerian and her mother is Chuvash by nationality.

9th place. Emilia Touray(born October 6, 1984, Astrakhan) - Russian handball player, 3-time world champion, silver medalist of the Beijing Olympics as part of the Russian team. Emilia Turey's father is a native of Sierra Leone, her mother is Russian.

8th place. Judith-Flores Yalovaya(born June 9, 1987, Ryazan) - Russian volleyball player, bronze medalist of the Russian Beach Volleyball Championship 2010, silver medalist of the Russian Open Cup 2010 (with Natalya Stepanova). Father - Angolan, mother - Elena Pisnyuk. Before marriage, Judith-Flores bore the surname Pisnyuk, then she took her husband's surname - Yalovaya. Her first husband Dmitry Yalovoy, a military man, died in Abkhazia during the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict in 2008. Now she is married for the second time, to the master of sports in powerlifting Kirill Baev. Page on Odnoklassniki -

7th place. Alice Edun- singer. Born in St. Petersburg. Father is Nigerian, mother is Russian. Now he lives and works in Italy. Facebook -

6th place. Victoria Pierre-Marie- blues and jazz singer. Born in Moscow on April 17, 1979. Her father is a Cameroonian, her mother is Russian. In 1996, Victoria was awarded the title " Russian queen blues" by the president of the Association of Jazz Musicians Yuri Saulsky. Victoria's height is 167 cm, weight 87 kg, figure parameters 120-100-120. Victoria Pierre-Marie's website -

5th place. Victoria Castro(born December 5, 1986) is an actress and journalist. She hosted the talk show "Girl's Tears" on STS in 2003. She starred in several films and TV series, as well as in Dima Bilan's video "Mulatto". Her father is Afro-Cuban, her mother is Russian.

4th place. Camilla Ogun(born May 7, 1999, Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region) - Russian basketball player, 6-time Russian champion, European champion among girls under 16 years old as part of the Russian national team. Father is from Nigeria, mother is Russian. Camilla - younger sister model Julia Ogun. VK page - Odnoklassniki page -

3rd place. Julia Ogun(born March 20, 1991, Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region) - Russian model. Height 181 cm, figure parameters 84-60-89. Father is from Nigeria, mother is Russian. Julia - elder sister basketball players Camilla Ogun. VKontakte page - Odnoklassniki page -

2nd place. Carolina Cabakuala(born August 11, 1988) - Russian actress and model. Height 182 cm. Carolina's father is a Congolese.

1 place. Catherine Keyru(after marriage Novoseltseva) - Russian basketball player, attacking defender of the Dynamo team (Moscow) and the Russian national team. She was born on December 4, 1988 in Rostov-on-Don. Height - 182 cm, weight - 70 kg. Katerina's father is a native of Sierra Leone. Katerina's brother Victor Keyru is a basketball player who played for the Russian national team at the Beijing Olympics. Page of Katerina Novoseltseva VKontakte -

This top presents the most beautiful black actresses and singers of the last century and the present.

27. Keke Palmer / Keke Palmer(born August 26, 1993, Illinois, USA) is an American actress and singer.

26. Kenya Moore / Kenya Moore(born January 24, 1971) is an American actress, model, author, and producer. Competition winner "Miss Michigan 1993" and "Miss USA 1993", entered the Top 6 at the competition "Miss Universe 1993".

25. Whitney Houston / Whitney Houston(August 9, 1963, Newark - February 11, 2012, Beverly Hills) - American pop, soul and rhythm and blues singer, actress, producer, fashion model. One of the most commercially successful performers in the history of world music.

24. Michael Michele / Michael Michele(b. August 30, 1966) - American actress, has African-American roots on the maternal side. He is best known for his role as Dr. Cleo Finch on the television series ER.

23. Pam Grier / Pam Grier(born May 26, 1949) is an American actress. A notable actress in exploitative films from the 1970s directing a woman in prison, such as Big Cage, Black Mama, white mom” and “Caged Women”, as well as the direction of blaxploitation, which later became one of the favorite actresses of feminists and African Americans.

22. Kerry Washington / Kerry Washington(born January 31, 1977, The Bronx, New York) is an American actress and political activist. She is best known for her roles in Ray, Fantastic Four, The Last King of Scotland, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Django Unchained, and more.

20. Rihanna / Rihanna(b. February 20, 1988, Barbados) - R&B and pop singer and actress. At the age of 16, she moved to the United States to start her career as a singer. She later signed with Def Jam Recordings. She is of Afro-Guyanese ancestry on her mother's side.

19. Paula Patton(born December 5, 1975, Los Angeles) is an American actress. Famous films: "Deja Vu", "Treasure". She is of African-American ancestry on her father and Caucasian on her mother.

18. Vanessa Williams / Vanessa Williams(born March 18, 1963) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, actress, and model who went down in history in 1984, becoming first black woman to be crowned Miss America.

16. Alicia Keys / Alicia Keys(born January 25, 1981, New York) - singer, pianist, poetess and composer, performing in the styles of rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul, winner of fourteen Grammy awards.

15. Ciara / Ciara(born October 25, 1985) is an American singer, songwriter, producer, dancer, actress, model, music video director. Ciara made her debut in the summer of 2004 with the single "Goodies", which hit the top of the Billboard Hot 100. The album has sold over five million worldwide and received numerous awards and nominations.

13.Lupita Nyong'o / Lupita Nyong "o(b. March 1, 1983) - Kenyan actress, director and producer, winner of numerous awards, including an Oscar, for her role as slave Patsy in the historical drama 12 Years a Slave.

12.Christine Milian / Christine Milian(born September 26, 1981) is a famous American actress and singer of Afro-Cuban origin.

11. Christina Milian / Tamara Dobson(May 14, 1947 - October 2, 2006) - African-American actress and fashion model. Films: "Cleopatra Jones", "Women Behind Bars".

10. Katerina "Kat" Graham / Kat Graham(b. September 5, 1989, Geneva, Switzerland) - American actress, singer, model, music producer and a dancer. She is best known for her role as Bonnie Bennet in The Vampire Diaries. She is of Liberian ancestry through her father.

9. Joy Bryant / Joy Bryant(born October 19, 1976) is an American actress and former model. Films with her participation: "The Story of Antoine Fischer", "Scoundrel", "Bobby".

8. Nicole Scherzinger(born June 29, 1978) is an American pop R&B singer, dancer, songwriter, record producer, actress and fashion model of Filipino-Hawaiian-Russian origin, best known as the vocalist of The Pussycat Dolls.

7. Gugu Mbatha Row / Gugu Mbatha-Raw(born 1983 Oxford, UK) is an English actress. Her father is from Republic of South Africa. Films with her participation: "Doctor Who", "Desire for Revenge", "Larry Crown", "Weird Thomas".

4. Dorothy Dandridge / Dorothy Dandridge(November 9, 1922 - September 8, 1965) - American actress and singer became the first African-American woman to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress.

3.Beyonce Knowles(born September 4, 1981, Houston) is an American R'n'B singer, record producer, actress, dancer, and model. She became famous in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the female R&B group Destiny's Child. Knowles' father is African American and her mother is Creole.

2. Lisa Bonet / Lisa Bonet(b. November 16, 1967 in San Francisco, California, USA) is an American actress, best known for her role in the sitcom The Cosby Show and its spin-off Underworld. Has African American roots on the paternal side.

1. Jane Kennedy / Jayne Kennedy(b. October 27, 1951) - American actress, sports commentator. She was chosen "Miss Ohio USA" in 1970 and thus became the first African American woman to win the title. She was also one of 15 semi-finalists in the competition "Miss USA 1970",which was a rare achievement for an African American woman. Films with her participation: "Women's Prison", "Forces of Death", "Body and Soul".

November 13 marks the 58th birthday of Whoopi Goldberg, the most famous black actress in Hollywood. Today we decided to recall a few more artists with dark skin who managed to gain popularity and love of the audience.

Whoopi Goldberg. Born in the Negro quarter of New York in a family with Jewish roots. FROM early childhood Whoopi was a lively and mischievous child, and at the age of eight she confidently played on stage in children's performances. In the early seventies, Goldberg joined the hippie movement, became addicted to drugs and lived for several years on meager unemployment benefits. In order not to die of hunger, the future star learned many professions - she even managed to work in the morgue. Her duties included makeup, which Whoopi skillfully "imposed" on the faces of the dead. A little later, Goldberg managed to get a job in one of the theater troupes. The first success for a black girl came after Whoopi showed own show with dressing up. In just a few minutes talented actress managed to try on six completely different characters at once. In 1985, by chance, Goldberg was invited to the film "Purple Flowers of the Fields", and after the release of the screens, Whoopi became not only famous, but also received an Oscar nomination. Goldberg received her coveted statuette for her role in the film "Ghost". Now Goldberg is the most popular black comedian in the world, and her fees exceed a million dollars per film. Whoopi has a very difficult character and not a very pretty appearance, and she admits it, but this does not prevent Goldberg from having affairs with handsome and successful men! For several years, her life partners were Frank Langella and Ted Danson, but the loudest romance in Whoopi's life was her relationship with Gerard Depardieu, who loved this dark-skinned actress to the point of madness.

Jada Pinkett Smith. Another black actress who managed to conquer Hollywood. Jada was born in 1971 in Baltimore, the son of a director construction company and nurses. However, Jada's parents soon divorced, and the girl was mainly raised by her grandmother, who discovered Pinkett's talent and enrolled the girl in ballet, piano and tap dancing lessons. Jada is very interesting origin- Her ancestors were Jews, Portuguese and Creoles. In 1990, Pinkett decides to conquer Hollywood and moves to Los Angeles. First, he plays episodic roles in TV shows, and Jada's first big role goes to the 1994 film The Missing Millions. Pinkett's most famous film is The Matrix. Reboot". In addition, Pinkett is known for voicing the hippopotamus in the cartoon Madagascar. The actress has more than twenty roles in films, as well as in serials. 23 years ago, Jada met Will Smith at the casting of the series, but the romance between the actors began much later. Only at the end of 1997 did she play a wedding. Now the union of Smith and Pinkett is considered one of the strongest in Hollywood. The couple are raising three children. However Last year information often appears in the press that the couple is going to divorce.
Halle Berry. Currently, Halle Berry is considered the most famous and most beautiful black actress. She was born in 1966 in Cleveland. Her father is black, and her mother is white, they worked in a clinic where they met. Halle is the only black artist to win an Oscar for her lead actress. Parents divorced when Berry was four years old, and his father did not take any part in the upbringing of Halle. After graduation, the girl worked as a salesman in a department store, participated in various beauty contests. In 1986, Berry participated in the Miss USA pageant, where she took an honorable sixth place. The girl begins to be invited to act in TV series, but in 1989, during the filming, Hallie loses consciousness. After being diagnosed with diabetes, Berry not only continues to act, but also develops his own nutrition system for diabetics and begins to actively play sports. Soon, Berry was invited to the main role in the film "Love Fever", which brought her worldwide fame. Halle several times got to the top lines of various ratings of the sexiest and most beautiful women in the world. As for the personal life of the actress, the first time she married the basketball player David Justice, the second time - the musician Eric Bene. From civil marriage Halle had a daughter with model Gabriel Aubrey. In October of this year, the actress gave birth to a son from her third husband, Olivier Martinez. By the way, Berry is a distant relative of Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg.
Queen Latifah. This versatile Hollywood actress was born in 1970 in Newark in the family of a police officer and a teacher. Quinn is an Academy Award and Emmy nominee, and also has Golden Globe and Grammy awards. Latifa will not only act in films, but is also considered one of the most popular singers in America. Quinn was very overweight since childhood, which did not stop her from playing on the basketball team. After leaving school began musical career Latifs. Popularity came to the girl after a couple of years. In 1991, she, along with Halle Berry, starred in the popular film Love Fever. On account of the actress such famous movies, like Upside Down House, where she starred with Steve Martin, Scary Movie 3, Once Upon a Time in Vegas, Last Vacation. In 2006, Latifa's star was laid on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Few people know that a terrible tragedy occurred in the life of this woman. In 1992, she gave her brother a motorcycle, which she purchased with one of her first large royalties. A few months later, my brother had a terrible accident and died on the spot. Latifa blamed herself for her brother's death for many months, fell into depression and became addicted to drugs. In 1996, she was even detained by the police for possession of marijuana. Quinn managed to get rid of bad habit. Latifa is currently engaged solo career, acts in films, and also advertises clothes for obese women.
Zoe Saldana. One of the youngest and most successful black actresses in Hollywood. Zoe was born in 1978 in New Jersey to a Puerto Rican and Dominican parents. Saldana is of Jamaican, Libyan, Indian and Irish ancestry. When the actress was nine years old, her father died in a car accident, and her mother, along with Zoe, left for the Dominican Republic. Saldana studied dancing there and graduated from high school, after which she and her mother returned to America. From the age of seventeen, Zoe performed on the stage of one of the Brooklyn theaters, and in 2002 she made her debut with Britney Spears in the film Crossroads. The popularity of the actress came after the films “Terminal”, “Guess who?”, “Pirates of the Caribbean. Black Pearl". However, Saldana's most stellar role is considered to be Navi in ​​Avatar. In the near future, Zoe will star in the continuation of the sensational blockbuster. This summer, Saldana married Marco Perego. The actress met with him for only a month, after which they had a secret marriage ceremony.