Scenario of the game program ecological journey. Station of good thoughts “let's save the planet!”

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26.07.2017 | Looked at the script 1439 Human

Oh my forest, my wonderful forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
My life passes in worries and labors,
I hope that you recognize me.
Protector of the forest, friend of animals,
I am a king from a fairy tale...
Children. Berendey.
Well done my friends!
I invite everyone to visit...

Scenario of an environmental event for the summer camp “Less nature, more and more environment”

26.07.2017 | Looked at the script 2344 person

Presenter 1.
June 5 is World Environment Day.
Every flower and every blade of grass,
The birds that are in blue sky take off,
All the nature that surrounds us,
Our protection, my friend, is expected.
The sound of an alarm bell sounds in the background of alarming music.
Reader 1.

Scenario for summer camp. Ecology Day. Ecological Kaleidoscope (Travel Game)

28.05.2013 | Looked at the script 12847 Human

Nature... How often do we repeat this word! For some time now it has become a symbol of our struggle for survival, for the well-being of all life on the planet.

Communication with nature is an integral part of human spiritual life. This is what they say, for example, about the forest...

Scenarios for summer camp. Forest school (role-playing game)

28.05.2013 | Looked at the script 4326 Human

During the preparation period for the game, a “School Staff Headquarters” is created. It includes the older guys, the “director” with his “deputies” and “teachers”. They develop lesson programs, draw up a schedule of “lessons”, equip the work place of the “school”, ...

Ecological cleanup “Picnic in a forest clearing”

28.05.2013 | Looked at the script 4254 person

Host: Dear guys! We all know that the Earth is our common home. From birth we are surrounded by nature - trees, grass, air and water. We live in this world, and what it is and what it will become in the future depends only on us. Nature is very...

Ecological fairy tale "Clean City"

27.07.2011 | Looked at the script 4159 Human

On the banks of the great Volga
The city was built big.
It was called Astrakhan.
All in green spaces!
Oh, what a pleasure!
Walk along wonderful streets,
Breathe clean air.
They say that Astrakhan is a clean city!
But there is a lot of garbage here too...

"This Fragile Planet"

19.06.2011 | Looked at the script 5677 Human

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this
That we must take care of our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Presenter 1. Our...

Ecological game "Happy Anthill"

02.06.2010 | Looked at the script 11863 person

Presenter: Guys, today we will have an ecological and biological game “Merry Anthill” dedicated to World Day environmental protection. Tell me, please, what is ecology? (Children's answers). That's right, guys, ecology is the science of the environment...

The scenario is educational game program"Conservationists!"

Prepared by: Yakovleva N.M., teacher additional education
Description of material: I offer you the scenario of the educational and game program “Defenders of Nature” for children 10-17 years old. This material will be useful to class teachers and additional education teachers. This is a script for a program aimed at expanding and deepening children’s knowledge about nature and its laws; it teaches respect for nature and responsibility for their actions in the natural world.
Scenario of the educational and game program “Defenders of Nature!”
Target: develop students' ideas about the rational interaction of man with nature - acceptable and unacceptable actions in nature, environmental activities.
- expand and deepen children’s knowledge about living nature.
- teach children to take care of animals and the world around us in general;
-develop interest in living nature and curiosity;
- to develop the ability to evaluate the results of people’s interaction with nature (interaction is harmful, or harmless, or useful);
- cultivate a respectful, attentive attitude towards nature.
Requisites: a set of colored circles (red, yellow, green) for each student, presentations, outlines of children's hands, a box containing a slingshot, pens, paper, a magnetic board, the Red Book of Russia, medals.
Age audience: children of middle and high school age.
Preliminary preparation: conversations about rare endangered animals.
Progress of the event.
The hall is decorated with pictures of animals. The presenter enters.
The song “Dogs can bite” plays.

Leading: Hello guys! Our event is called “We value nature!” Look around, look at the pictures around us, look at these words: “To value nature, love it and preserve it, you need to know it!
Know the most basic rules“communication” with nature!” What do you think will be discussed now?

Leading: Guys, why do you think we have gathered here today?
The students' answers are listened to, and the presenter, if necessary, supplements them.
Leading: A person decides for himself what to be: callous or sensitive, cruel or kind, lazy or hardworking. In the end, we choose our own life path, your life position. The world is facing a real threat of environmental disaster. The fate of the Earth is in your hands.
If you care about the future of our planet, if you want to live long, breathe clean air, drink clean water, sleep peacefully, without fear nuclear disaster and many things that today really threaten our existence, you must take a position of creation and bring good to the world.
You take care of us!

And suddenly he sighed as if alive!
And the continents whisper to me:
Take care of us, take care of us!”
The groves and forests are in alarm,
Dew on the grass is like a tear.
And the springs quietly ask:
“Take care of us, take care of us!”
The deep river is sad
Our own, losing our shores,
And I hear the voice of the river:
“Take care of us, take care of us!”
The deer stopped his run:
“Be a man, man!
We believe in you, don't lie,
Take care of us, take care of us!”
I look at the globe - the globe,
So beautiful and dear,
And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,
I will save you, I will save you!
Nature gives man its countless riches, but in return it also requires careful treatment. Unfortunately, not everyone remembers this.
Our program “Defenders of Nature!” dedicated to environmental issues.
Today we will try, either jokingly or seriously, to touch on these problems, and try to learn how to behave correctly in nature.
So, guys, our first competition is called “Erudite”. Look at the screen. (The entire event is illustrated with a presentation).
Slide No. 2 slide from the presentation “We value nature.”

Guys, the task is this: explain the following proverbs from an environmental perspective:

“Without an owner, a house is an orphan”
The “Erudite” competition is being held
Leading: Our next competition is called the “Water is not water” competition. This is a game of attentiveness.
A word is called if the named word denotes something that contains water - you must stand up if an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (ship, fish) - you raise your hands if an object or phenomenon that has no connection with water is called (wind , stone) - you clap your hands: color, wind, puddle, cloud, stone, waterfall, fish, river, bridge, book, stream, window, chalk, tea, basin.
Leading: Okay guys, well done, and now the next competition is “Nature Experts”!
Assignment: to love nature, you need to know it. Guess the riddles.
Alena is standing - a green scarf, a thin waist, a white sundress. (Birch)
Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. (Wolf)
Slide No. 3
There is water all around, but drinking is a problem (Sea)
It flies - it is silent, it lies - it is silent, when it dies, then it roars. (Snow)
Slide No. 4
Falls like peas, jumps along the paths. (hail)
Slide No. 5
There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees. (Hedgehog)
There is such an animal in the world: it doesn’t eat anything that hasn’t been washed, it will rinse everything in the river, and its name is... (raccoon)
Slide No. 6
Who's upside down above us? (Fly)
A painted yoke hung across the river. (Rainbow)
Slide No. 7
For each answer, a slide from the presentation “We value nature” is shown.
Leading: And now the competition “Read the proverb from the first letters of the pictures.” Guys, here's a piece of paper and a pencil. You should read the proverb from the first letters of the pictures. Attention to the screen. Begin.
A competition is being held “Read the proverb by the first letters”
Slides 8,9,10,11 slide from the presentation “We value nature.”

Leading: Great, guys! And now for the quiz! I will read the text to you, and you must guess what animal (bird) we are talking about. Whoever knows the answer raises his hand. Ready?
After each answer, the presenter gives brief information about an animal and shows a picture of this animal from the presentation “Animals”.
Leading: 1st question. This bird comes in 18 species, including: brownie, black-breasted, field, desert and even red-breasted. Gorky and Yesenin, Prishvin and Bianchi, Barto and Sasha Cherny wrote about him. Who is this feathered inhabitant of cities and villages? (Sparrow.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 1, 2 from the presentation “Animals”.
Leading: Sparrows are widespread throughout the world. Their body length is 12-15 cm. Males of many species have a black spot on their throat. Almost all are gregarious, and during the nesting period - colonial birds. Some representatives of the genus damage crops. The desert sparrow is protected.
Slide No. 3,4 from the presentation “Animals”.

2nd question. She is the namesake of some of the girls. It is often confused with another bird of the family to which it belongs. This is not to say that her appearance is beautiful. She has no complexes about this. It can be found in the city, in the forest, and in vegetable gardens. And everywhere she behaves very confidently. (Jackdaw.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 5, 6 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Of course, this is a jackdaw. In size it is noticeably smaller than the rook and crow; its body length is about 30 cm, and its weight is 130-225 g. The plumage is black, on the head, tail and wings - with a purple-blue metallic sheen. The neck is gray on top and sides.
The chicks are fed with earthworms, spiders, beetles, orthoptera, flies, and butterfly caterpillars. By destroying insect pests, the jackdaw brings undoubted benefits to agriculture.
3rd question. Black box item. Here lies something that birds are always afraid of, but some boys love to make. This item serves as entertainment for them, but causes a lot of grief for the birds.
The children's answers are listened to.
Leading: Guys, why does a slingshot cause a lot of grief to birds? Can it be used against birds?
Slide 7, from the presentation “Animals”.
The children's answers are listened to.

Leading: 4th question. This animal was domesticated in Asia approximately 5-6 thousand years ago. In the era of the Great geographical discoveries they were brought to North America And New Zealand, where wild animals were called mustangs. (Horses.
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 8, 9, 10 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Horses are a genus of odd-toed ungulate mammals of the equine family, it includes several wild species, including: kulan, Przewalski's horse, wild ass, steppe tarpan, several species of zebras. In addition, over 200 breeds of domestic horses are equidae. Although some researchers consider zebras and donkeys to be separate genera. Horses' body length is up to 2.8 m, height - up to 1.6 m. The hair lies tightly to the body. The neck has a mane, tail, and long hair. Horses are common in Asia and Africa. Attention, guys! In Europe, wild horses have been exterminated.
5th question. What do a man's smile and a dog's tail have in common? (Express emotions)_.
The children's answers are listened to.

Slide No. 11, 12 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Dogs can't laugh or talk. But they have a tail! They express their emotions to them. Your four-legged friend saw a familiar spaniel and wagged his tail. So he says: “Hi, I'm glad to see you.” It is customary for dogs to greet their friends and members of their pack this way. For your pet, you are also a member of his pack, which is why he wags his tail like that when you come home. This is how he expresses his pleasure and joy, which a person can express with words and a smile.
6th question. Just now we talked about the smile of a man and the tail of a dog, which does not smile, but its positive emotions expresses by wagging the tail. But crocodiles and alligators are unlikely to experience joyful emotions from meeting a person, but some of them are able to smile. Our question is: is it possible to distinguish by a smile who is in front of us - a crocodile or an alligator? And, in general, how to distinguish them, although this is unlikely to be the main thing when meeting. (All of a crocodile's teeth are visible, even if its mouth is closed.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 13,14 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: There is a river in Australia called Alligator. It is full of toothy, green and tailed ones. They got their name from the name of the river - alligators. Therefore, the homeland of alligators is Australia, and real alligators are indigenous Australians. The main difference between a crocodile and an alligator is their smile. If your green friend's mouth is closed, but you can clearly see all his teeth, you know - this is a crocodile. But the alligator shows its teeth only when it opens its mouth wide. If you meet a crocodile in salt water, don’t hesitate to call him “crocodile.” Alligators live only in fresh water.
7th question. If you watch ants, you can see: one ant runs calmly, while the other moves strangely, as if it squats every minute. Explain why the second ant moves like this? (He marks his trail.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 15, 16 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Ants have special glands on their abdomen that secrete an odorous substance. Pressing its abdomen to the ground, the ant marks the path with this odorous liquid. This means that he has found something and will soon come running back with reinforcements - apparently, one cannot carry away the loot alone. And in order to find the way to the find, the ant leaves an odorous trail.
8th question. Have you ever wondered why bees attack almost the entire family if a person approaches the hive? After all, many of them did not even see him approaching and, nevertheless, instantly appear in in the right place. How do they know about the danger? (By the smell emitted by a bee stinging an enemy.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 17, 18 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: It turns out that when a bee stings, along with the poison, it releases a substance that, with its smell, signals: “Danger, enemy!” Having received such a message in the language of smells, the remaining bees immediately rush to attack. The bee's sting is serrated, so it remains in the skin of the enemy. Together with the sting, the entire stinging apparatus and the gland that secretes the odorous substance come off. The bee dies, but the enemy is already marked by its scent and cannot escape. And if he runs, the bees will rush after him.
9th question. It’s rare to hear someone’s singing in winter. And this bird loves winter. And he even loves winter swimming. Who is she? (Dipper, or water sparrow.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 19, 20 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Dipper is a genus of passerine birds; includes 4-5 species, including common and brown.
Length 14-20 cm. Characteristics: short rounded wings, rather long tail, strong legs. The beak is straight, of medium size, the nostrils are covered with a leathery membrane. The ear openings have a leathery flap. The plumage is thick, tightly fitting to the body. The singing is melodic, loud, and can be heard in sunny days and in winter.
Inhabits the banks of mountain, and less commonly, spring plain streams and rivers in Eurasia, Africa and western America; can swim, dive and run along the bottom of a reservoir in search of food: small aquatic insects and invertebrates.
10th question. She wears very high rank- admiral. This title was given not in vain, but for the red stripes on the wings. They are similar to the admiral's stripes and the ribbons that admirals once wore over their shoulders in the old days. Who is she? (Butterfly Admiral.)
The children's answers are listened to.
Slide No. 21, 22 from the presentation “Animals”.

Leading: Butterfly wings are covered with tiny multi-colored scales. They form a bright and complex pattern.
Guys, have you learned a lot of interesting things about the animal world? It turns out that it is not so simple! Everything in it is arranged very, very wisely! And you and I must respect, protect and protect this world in order to preserve its beauty and uniqueness!
Guys, what is this in my hands now? What is it for?
The presenter is holding the Red Book of Russia in his hands. The children's answers are listened to.
Leading: Guys, I think everyone knows we need to take care of animals. Why do you think the animals we named became endangered species?
The children's answers are listened to and supplemented if necessary.
Our last competition It’s called “Evaluate a person’s actions.”
I will read out a description of a person’s actions in nature and a corresponding drawing will be shown. In front of you are circles of three colors: red, yellow, green. You must evaluate this action by raising the appropriate signal circle:

green – action is allowed. Ready? Begin.
1. We found an anthill in the forest and decided to find out how it works by stirring it up with a twig. We are real pathfinders.
2. We found a bird's nest, but did not touch it.
3. We brought pieces of moss home from the forest to create a green corner.
4. We found a large boletus and began to tear the moss around it to find small mushrooms.
5. We found an unextinguished fire in the forest and put it out.
6. In school classrooms and corridors, students grow indoor plants.
7. Every winter, students conduct Operation Bird Canteen.
8. Every spring, it is planted on the school plot. a large number of colors.
Leading: Today nature needs protection and care, I will give you the outlines of children's hands and suggest you write on them what you would do to protect the environment. And then, guys, you will read what they wrote on the outline and arrange them on the board in a circle, in the form of a flower.
Children complete the task.
Leading: Guys, look, you grew this one with your own hands. beautiful flower. May flowers bloom forever on our land and make us happy.
Leading: Our program has come to an end. Did you like her? What do you remember most?
The children's answers are listened to.
Leading: And now I would like to present all of you with the “Medals of Nature Defenders”, since I really hope that, after today’s event, you will make every effort to help animals and nature.
The song “Not sung to birds without heaven” sounds.
Children are awarded medals.

Leading: Us at any time of the year
Wise Nature teaches.
Birds teach singing.
Spider - patience,
Bees in the field and garden
They teach us how to work.
Nature has it all year round
You need to study.
We are trees of all species,
They teach strong friendship.

Let's take care of the PLANET.
There is no other like it in the world!
Summing up our program, I would like to say that you are all great and know a lot about animals and nature. Today you learned a lot of new and interesting things. Treat nature with care and love! Goodbye, guys!

Terms and conditions of the "Erudite" competition

The following proverbs need to be explained from an environmental perspective:
"Thrift is the best wealth"
“As it comes around, so it will respond”
“Without an owner, a house is an orphan”
Conditions of the competition “Water is not water”
A game of attentiveness.
A word is called if the named word denotes something that contains water - children should stand up if an object or phenomenon is indirectly related to water (boat, fish) - children raise their hands if an object or phenomenon is called that has no connection with water (wind , stone) - children clap their hands: color, wind, puddle, cloud, stone, waterfall, fish, river, bridge, book, stream, window, chalk, tea, basin.
Conditions of the competition “Read the proverb from the first letters of the pictures.”
Children must use the first letters of the pictures to form proverbs.
Don't go after a mosquito with an axe.
The frightened hare is afraid of the stump.
Conditions of the competition “Evaluate a person’s action.”
Descriptions of human actions in nature are read and a corresponding drawing is shown. Children should evaluate this action by raising the appropriate signal circle:
red – action is prohibited, harm is caused environment;
yellow – a warning about caution in order to cause less harm to nature;
green – action is allowed.
Conditions of the game “Name the animal”.
Children take turns naming what they think are endangered animals. If the answer is correct, the animal is shown on the pages of the Red Book.

Station one “Guess the tree”.

The teams take turns answering the facilitator's questions. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. Our respected jury will ensure that the answers are correct (we present the jury members).

Riddles for 1 team

1. Russian beauty,
We all really like it.
She is white, slim,
The clothes are green.(Birch.)

2. They rush straight into the sky;
Take a close look:
Not birches, not aspens,
There are no leaves, there are needles.(Spruce.)

3. Here is a barrel with a cap,
Fell from a tree.
A year has passed - and the tree
He became small.(Acorn.)

4. She bowed the branches over the river,
It looks sad in the river.(Willow.)

5. Wonderful tree,
The leaves are interesting -
Fans, fans,
White candle flowers.(Chestnut.)

Riddles for 2 teams

1. In the sultry summer it will bloom -
He immediately calls the bees to come to him.
round leaves,
Light flowers.
Their nectar is tasty and sweet...
Did anyone recognize the tree?(Linden.)

2. Not birch, not pine -
She stands in silence.
But only the wind will pass,
All the foliage on it is shaking.(Aspen.)

3. What kind of tree is this
Treats bullfinches?
The snow is standing, the frost is crackling,
Well, the berries are tastier.(Rowan.)

4. What kind of tree grows?
We get snow in June.
The snow doesn't melt,
Flies in the air.(Poplar.)

5. Quiet autumn will come,
The tree will become marvelous:
The leaves are bright stars,
Golden, hot.(Maple.)

Station two “In the world of animals and plants.”I suggest you answer the quiz questions.

  1. Which tree generously feeds people and insects with sap?(Birch.)
  2. Which forest dwellers do they eat acorns?(Boar, bear, elk, squirrel.)
  3. What kind of mushroom likes to live under a birch tree?(Boletus.) And under the aspen? (Boletus.)
  4. Which forest dweller likes to eat pine cone seeds?(Bear, squirrel, woodpecker, crossbill.)
  5. Who likes to feast on the bark of aspen, apple trees and some other trees?(Hare.)
  6. Who likes rowan berries in the forest?(Bullfinch, waxwing, bear, elk, squirrel.)
  7. What trees are called evergreen?(Spruce, pine.) Why?
  8. What dishes can be prepared from forest pears and apples?(Jam, compote, juice, marmalade.)

Station three “Read the proverb”

You have cards No. 1 on your tables. The letters are connected to each other horizontally (from left to right and from right to left) and vertically (from top to bottom and from bottom to top). Read the proverb.









































Answer. Cutting down a tree takes five minutes, growing it takes a hundred years.

Station four “Folk signs”.

Decipher the meaning of proverbs.

  1. When the leaves from the birch and oak fall cleanly, expect a fruitful year.
  2. Not this wheat before the oak leaf.
  3. When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives.
  4. The rowan tree has bloomed - wait for the warmth.
  5. If there are a lot of rowan berries, the autumn will be damp and the winter will be frosty.

Station five “Guess the tree”

Team members give a description of the tree, pointing out its features, and the other team must guess what plant they are talking about. For example: it can be weeping (willow).

Station six “Do it yourself”

From the accessories you have on your tables (scissors, colored paper, glue) make a model of a tree.

Station seven “Rules of conduct in the forest”

In the rules of behavior in nature, many tips begin with the word “Don’t.” What kind of advice do you think this is?

Sample student answers.

  1. Don't light fires in dry weather.
  2. Don't cut down trees in the forest.
  3. Don't destroy anthills.
  4. Don't scare the birds, don't destroy the nests.
  5. Don't take animals into the forest.
  6. Don't kill toads and frogs, they feed on harmful insects.
  7. Do not pick forest and wildflowers.
  8. Don't kill snakes, they bring great benefits by killing rodents.
  9. Do not make inscriptions on stones and trees, they only cause a feeling of annoyance and regret in those who come after you.

Station eight "Tree".

The figure encrypts the proverb about careful attitude to the surrounding world. Decipher it. How do you understand this proverb?

Answer. It's not hard to cut down a tree, it's hard to grow it. (Read clockwise, “jumping” over syllables.)

Leading : And now the jury members will announce the results of our game.

Ecological competitive game program

“The earth is our common home”

The program goes under the motto:

“We want to protect all nature from humans”

Location: Assembly Hall

Time spending: 1 hour


Illustrations depicting medicinal plants, animals, birds;

audio recording “Sounds of Nature”;

fragments of songs from cartoons about animals and birds;

presentation on the topic “Prohibition signs”;

cards with prohibition signs;

commandments of a young ecologist;

colored pencils, markers, paper;

colored napkins, scissors, glue.

announcement, puzzles on the topic of medicinal plants, signs with the word “answer”,


    The hall is decorated with posters and sayings.

    Exhibition of books on ecology.

    Red Book.

Progress of the program

Introduction:(music “Sounds of Nature” sounds)

Presenter 1:

You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
On pleasure trips
Do not trample its fields;
In the station bustle of the century
Hurry to evaluate it:
She is your long time
Good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it recklessly.
And don’t exhaust it to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
There are many of us, but she is alone. V. Shefner

Presenter 1:

Good afternoon, girls and boys! Good afternoon, dear adults! I am glad to welcome you to the competitive game program “All this is called nature.”

We are all inhabitants of the Earth. We have stepped into the 21st century, having many achievements in the field of technology, science, art, and education. But along with the achievements, humanity also faced big problems. Environmental problems are among the most pressing ones.

Presenter 2:

In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study the laws of living nature very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is made up of two Greek words: “oikos” - “house” and “logos” - “science”. So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common house and about the laws by which we must live in it.

Remember the commandments of the young ecologist:

    not only look, but observe,

    don't make noise, but listen and understand,

    do not offend, do not interfere, but help our smaller brothers - insects, birds, animals.

Whoever fulfills these commandments will become a young ecologist, that is, a defender of nature.

Presenter 1:

We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful Earth, groaning in pain and crying out for help. Today, every person should know what we owe to plants and animals and how to preserve all life on Earth.

I hope that the competitive game program " The earth is our common home", will help you and I think once again about our common home and that this home must be loved and protected.

In order to start our program, I would like to introduce our esteemed jury.

Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for the teams.

So, let's begin!

4 teams will play. Now we will get to know them.

Team presentation. The teams take their place at the table.

Presenter 2:

Today we will take a trip together with a train from Romashkovo. We will learn a lot of interesting and educational things! Well, let's go on a trip? Then let's go!

Station 1 “Natural First Aid Kit”

Presenter 2:

Be careful, now you will be given riddles. Teams will answer in turns. If a team cannot give the correct answer, the next team can answer.

    Oh, don’t touch me, I’ll burn you even without fire. (Nettle)

    The golden mean and the rays go around.

This could be a picture -

Sun in the blue sky? (chamomile)

    All in White dress dressed,

In earrings in lace foliage,

Welcomes the hot summer

She is at the edge of the forest. (birch)

    Whoever touches clings to him,

Attractive and prickly, needles stick out all around (burdock, or burdock)

    We smell the freshness of the forest

Brings in late spring

The flower is fragrant, delicate,

From a snow-white brush. (lily of the valley)

    A thin stalk by the path,

At the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground - small burlap.

To us he is like good friend,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (plantain)

    Green bush growing

Angel flowers,

Devil's claws -

If you touch it, it will bite. (rose hip)

    A fashionista like this

The earth has not yet seen

He loves it very much in the summer

Show off in a downy hat. (dandelion)

After the riddles, the teams are given a puzzle about medicinal plants.

Competition for fans “Medicinal plant”

While team members are putting together puzzles, fans of each team are given an image medicinal plant(dandelion), which needs to be collected from blanks. Which fan team is faster?

For correctly assembled dandelions and the speed of “their” team, additional points are added. Well, everything is great, everyone completed the tasks at the 1st station! And we're off to the next station!

Station 2 "Musical"

Presenter 1:

At this station, teams need to guess the melody from famous songs about natural phenomena, plants, animals, etc. The team that first raises the “Answer” sign answers; if the team does not give the correct answer, the next team can answer. Everything is great, everyone completed the tasks at the 2nd station! And we're off to the next one!

The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.

Station 3. “Riddles from the Earth”

Presenter 2:

Be careful, now they will tell you something interesting riddles. The team that first raises the “Answer” sign answers. If a team does not give the correct answer, the next team can answer.

    It is very durable and resilient, a reliable friend for builders.

Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite.)

    If you meet one on the road, your feet will get stuck.

And to make a bowl or vase, you will need it right away. (Clay.)

    Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen,

It blooms like a blue flower from a match. ( Natural gas.)

    The kids really need him, he’s on the paths in the yard,

He’s at a construction site, on the beach, and he’s even melted into glass. (Sand.)

    Without it, the car won’t even go a kilometer,

Planes and helicopters will not take off,

The rocket won't rise. Guess what it is? (Oil.)

    Plants grew in the swamp... And now it’s fuel and fertilizer. (Peat.)

    It was cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they could make us scissors and keys. ( Iron ore.)

    Come on, quickly take off your hat!
    I am the daughter of a space dad.
    And omnipresent and light, -
    I am ice, I am sweat, I am clouds.
    I am frost, tea, broth, fog,
    River, stream and ocean.
    When I get angry, I seethe;
    And from the frost I freeze. (Water)

Everything is great, everyone solved the riddles at the 3rd station! And we go to the next station “Environmental Signs”!

Station 4 “Environmental signs”

Presenter 1:

We have the right to use natural resources. This right is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, but many people still do not know how or do not want to treat nature with care! Pay attention to the prohibitory signs on the screen. What do you think they mean?

Presenter 2:

Think about what you should not allow people to do so as not to destroy nature. Draw your prohibiting nature sign. (Teams are given paper and markers)

In the meantime, while the teams are completing their task, I want to draw the fans’ attention to the numbers and facts.

The text “Do you know...”, which is placed on the board, is read out. Teams provide and protect their signs. Attach them to the board. The presenter comments. Everything is great, everyone completed the tasks at the 4th station! And we're off to the next station!

The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.

Station 5 “Decipher the Cryptogram”

Presenter 1:

Each team will receive encryption. It needs to be decrypted. Each letter brings you closer to the final phrase that was encrypted.

The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and sums up preliminary results. The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.

Game with fans

Everyone receives a card with a picture of an animal. Players need to unite in groups, but they need to determine on what basis they need to gather in a group. Everything is fine, everyone completed the tasks at the 5th station! And we're off to the next station!

Station 6 "Complaint"

Presenter 2: I suggest you pull out one of the cards with the text of the “complaint” of an animal or plant and determine what it is about and what benefit it brings.

Complaint No. 1.

I know myself that I am not a beauty. If I showed up, many would shy away, or even throw a stone or kick me. For what? They came up with the idea that I caused warts on my hands. This is some kind of nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful!

And people benefit greatly from me.

Toad. One toad saves an entire garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear.

Complaint No. 2

On globe There is, perhaps, no such creature about which so many legends and fables are told as about us. I don’t like that we love the dark, that we don’t look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man’s friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, we were born this way. We like to hang upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.

Bat. She hunts only at night, but her benefits are enormous. It destroys insects.

Complaint No. 3

“Oh, and people don’t like me. You see, they don’t like my voice and they say my eyes are ugly. They think I bring trouble. Is this so?
If it weren’t for me, some would have to sit without bread. I sleep during the day and fly out hunting at night.”

Answer: Owl.

The owl has been under state protection since 1964. One owl catches 1000 mice over the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

Complaint No. 4

Oh, and sometimes I have a hard time. Everyone avoids me and insults me. They say that I am angry and burning, they call me a weed. But you can cook soup and salad from me. And How medicine I am indispensable for thick and beautiful hair, and the decoction from me is good remedy cough and good for the stomach. Answer: nettle

Everything is fine, everyone completed the tasks at the 6th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.

Station 7 "Bird Bazaar"

Presenter 1:

You know that with the arrival of autumn, many birds fly south to survive the cold season and lack of food. And only in the spring they can please us with their singing and sonorous chirping, when they fly back to build nests and hatch chicks. And only a few stay with us to while away the long winter. I suggest you guess the bird by its voice. Now we will see how attentive and observant you are, how well you know the voices of birds!

Everything is fine, everyone completed the task at the 7th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.

Station 8 "Captains"

Presenter 2:

At this station we invite captains from each team. The captains task is to name as many as possible migratory birds. They stand at the same distance from the jury and take turns calling the birds, taking a step forward. The winner is the one who reaches the jury table first. Everything is fine, everyone completed the task at the 8th station! And we're off to the next station! The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and distributes tokens.

Station 9 “Decipher the phrase”

Presenter 1:

Each team receives a phrase that must be deciphered.


Presenter 2:

Humans are not the only ones who have the gift of speech. Books also speak. There is a book that doesn’t just speak, it screams, but not everyone hears it. This is the RED BOOK. The names of endangered animals and plants are written on its pages. Red color is a signal of prohibition, understandable to people all over the world: stop, man! Think about why there are fewer and fewer animals and plants on the planet every day! Leave behind not a pile of garbage, but a planted tree, a clean river, a rescued bird. Hear those who are calling for help. The RED BOOK will help you with this.

The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks. The jury sums up the final results. The winning team is announced and awarded.

Presenter 1:

Friends! Ours has come to the end competitive game program“The earth is our common home.” I hope that it will help you and me to think once again about our common home and that this home must be loved and protected.

Nature is our wealth, preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and duty.

Think about the content of the writer Mikhail Prishvin’s call to you. "For fish you need pure water- We will protect our water bodies. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, and mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, and mountains. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forests, steppes, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

Presenter 2:

We want the birds to sing

So that there is noise around the forest,

To be blue skies,

So that the river turns silver,

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.

For the squirrel to jump,

So that the rainbow sparkles,

May it rain cheerfully in the summer!

Presenter 1:

Let's save the planet!

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole Universe,

There is only one in the whole Universe,

What will she do without us?

Final song with all teams!


We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,

May the skies be blue.

So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics

And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,

So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,

So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.


Task at station No. 5 “Decipher the cryptogram”


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the code, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the code, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________

Using the code, find the words hidden behind these numbers. Write it down.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10 6 3 6 4 8 - ____________________

9 3 8 3 2 7 1 - _______________________



Masha comes out, holding a piece of paper

Masha: Hello, guys!
Today I had an unusual dream:
It's like a cloud flew into my window
And a sheet of paper fell from him onto the windowsill.
It was written on it,
What is the secret of health.
I just started reading...
The geese-swans have arrived,
They snatched this piece of paper from me and flew away,
And I only have one scrap left.
I woke up and saw:
I have this scrap in my hands.
It is written: “The secret of health is simple” and that’s it,
And these geese-swans flew from a fairy tale,
And they live with Baba Yaga.
I have to right now
Go in search of Baba Yaga's hut in order to
To pick up a piece of paper,
Which these birds carried away.

Masha leaves. Leshy appears and sings a song to the tune of “Dogs can bite.” Masha comes out.

Masha: And here, it seems, is the forest in which Baba Yaga lives.
Hello, dear Baba Yaga!

Leshy: What kind of Baba Yaga am I to you?!

Masha: Excuse me, who are you?
And where is Baba Yaga?

Leshy: My friend Babusya-Yagusya is absent now,
She's putting on a makeover in the beauty salon.
Who are you, what did you want?
Masha: I'm Masha.
Geese-Swans took away the secret of health,
They probably gave it to Baba Yaga.

Goblin: Geese brought some piece of paper.
I really can't read,
Yes, it’s a pity to let you go,
You are so appetizing, pretty, and clean.

Masha: I wash my face, brush my teeth, wash my hands with soap,
Otherwise you won’t be able to escape from germs.

Leshy: Who are they?
And they can defeat me?

Masha: They can destroy everyone,
Who has dirty hands, ears, nails, clothes!

The goblin examines himself and cries

Masha: Don't cry, I'll help you.
It all starts with personal hygiene.
Here, hold this comb.

Leshy: I know, Yaga had one like that,
Throw it away and the forest will become dense.

Masha: No. Just when you wash your hair,
Comb your hair gently.
I will also give you a mirror.

Leshy: I know that! Throw the mirror -
And a silver lake will appear.

Masha: No, this is a different mirror.
If you look into it,
Then you can immediately see if you are clean,
And I will also give you soap.

Leshy: What will happen if you give up soap?

Masha: Why throw away the soap?
They need to wash and do laundry.

/ Game “Wash” /

/ shows paper /

Masha: But here are all the instructions!

/ Leshy wants to take the leaf, but Masha won’t let him /

Masha: Only in exchange for our paper!
Leshy: You will leave, and I will be bored.

Masha: And you will do something useful.

Leshy: What else?

Masha: Take from Baba Yaga an environmentally friendly transport - a broom.
So you can become an environmentalist.
Clean up the river
After all, rivers are the arteries of the earth.
The rivers became clogged, and the land became bad.

Leshy: Oh, how interesting! Agree.
/ hands over a piece of paper that says “hygiene” /
Give me your instructions - here's the paper.
But I completely forgot!
I tore off a piece to give a gift to Princess Nesmeyana.
I made her a funny fish
But she never laughed.

Masha: Quickly take us to her!

Leshy: Okay, let's go!
Leshy and Masha leave

Princess Nesmeyana appears and sings a song to the tune of “Pink Elephant”

I have been called Nesmeyannaya since childhood,
I'm even afraid to smile.
Bored, dreary, always sad,
I don't laugh anywhere, ever.
Someone told me: don't be sad
Laugh and sing, dance and joke.
Someone wanted to make me laugh
But I continue to shed tears.
Masha enters

Masha: Why is it so damp here?

Princess Nesmeyana: This is because I cry all the time!

Masha: But it’s harmful to health!
Good mood cures many diseases.

Princess Nesmeyana: No one can cure me!
Nobody will make me laugh!

Masha: And if I succeed,
Will you give away your fish?

Princess Nesmeyana: Okay, I still have nowhere to let her out,
The water is dirty everywhere, that's why I cry.

Masha: I know how to help you!
We need to cleanse the spring and deepen it.
After all, many diseases are caused by dirty water.
In the meantime
fish from a dirty pond
Needs to be moved to a clean one.
The guys and I will help you.

Game "Catch the fish"

Princess Nesmeyana: Thank you, Masha!
Take my fish
/ on the piece of paper from which the fish is made, it is written “clean air and water” /

Masha: But again, that’s not all!

Princess Nesmeyana: I completely forgot
That Koschey the Immortal tore off a piece
And he hid it with himself.

Masha: Let's go in search of Koshchei.

They're leaving
Koschey comes out. Sings a song to the tune of “Songs about a Giraffe”

People's journey through life is fleeting,
I'm the only one like this in the whole world.
I am invulnerable, immortal, eternal,
Because I know the secret.
To what extent, to what extent
I love secrets
Don't want. So that people live
Without getting sick.
It's impossible to deceive me
After all, I hid the secret safely.
Masha comes out

Masha: Hello, Koscheyushka!

Koschey: What kind of Koscheyushka am I to you?
I am the new Russian Koschan!
And you are screwed for disturbing me / grabs your teeth /
Oh oh oh!

Masha: What happened?

Koschey: My teeth hurt! And he cleaned and chewed gum

Masha: You also need to chew gum in moderation
But you can eat better.
And then there are only bones left. / touches /
Thin, puny!
You definitely need vitamins,
So eat more fruits and vegetables.

Koschey: I’ll buy everything! / talking on the phone /
Pull up
How come you can’t get there?
What else garbage dump?
What about a detour? Has the ravine collapsed?
And by helicopter? Can't see anything because of the dust?
All! This is the end!

Masha: This can all be fixed before it’s too late.
Trees and shrubs should be planted near the ravine,
They will stabilize the soil and clean the air.

Koschey: Thanks for the advice, but what should we do with the landfill?

Masha: And with your money, build a waste destruction plant.
I have instructions in exchange for your secret.

Koschey: What are the problems? Let's change! / grabs the lower back /
Oh, something got me.

Masha: This is all because you don’t do exercises in the morning.

Koschey: Yes, I don’t even know how to do your exercises.

Masha: And we will teach you.
Musical game "Charging"
Koschey: I won’t give you anything!
Can you trust Koschan?
Come on, get out of here while I'm good!
Masha: We’ll have to give the last argument.
How do you look at this? / shows an egg /
There is a needle in this egg, at the end of the needle

Koschey: Enough, enough, keep quiet, they will hear.
Yes, I was joking, you can’t even joke?!
/ hands over the paper with “vitamins” written on it and leaves /

Masha: Now I can read the recipe for health,
All the pieces are in place.
“The secret of health is simple: hygiene, clean air and water, exercise, vitamins”
All heroes appear
Princess Nesmeyana: Thank you, Masha and guys!
You taught me how to care for springs,
Now the water is clean
And all the fish live well there.

Koschey: And I created “Ecological Emergency Aid”:
I plant trees and eliminate waste.

Masha: It is very important that our planet is clean,
After all, our health depends on it.
Take care of the planet and be healthy!
Everyone sings a song to the tune of “Chunga-Changa”
It’s a miracle – there is a remedy for health,
You can count everything on your fingers:
Hygiene - this will be the case
The mood is the same as ours now!
That's two, and three is charging.
So that everything is alright
You need to play sports and toughen up.
And four are vitamins,
There is no reason for illness
You just have to try really, really hard.
We can accumulate health,
So that we can live more joyfully,
So that you and I can care
Give the planet blue.
So that the rivers do not become shallow,
Let the springs sing loudly,
So that we warm all the animals with love.
So that the children are healthy
On the happiest planet,
We wish each and everyone good health!
Health to everyone!

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