Secret mirror. Secrets of mirrors that mystics and scientists talk about

H folk ritual of closing mirrors in the house of the deceased, this is a kind of symbol of our fear of the possibility of an unknown, but bad event that can happen with the help of mirrors during the funeral of a person. Let's analyze this situation in more detail and try to uncover the secret of the physics of this ritual. The tradition of closing mirrors in the house where a person died originates in ancient times, when people attributed mystical significance to almost any object or phenomenon. In the mirror, according to the ancients, two worlds touch: ours, the real (reality) and the otherworldly, dark (nav). Many well-known superstitions are associated with this household item, the echoes of which have reached the 21st century. But people attach special importance to everything connected with death, and this is not surprising: in any culture there are beliefs about the afterlife. And let every nation have a place to which the soul is sent, it appears differently, everyone agrees on one thing - it is better not to intersect the world of the living and the world of the dead. To date, there are several beliefs that are associated with mirrors in the house and death. According to the first opinion, the soul, after leaving the body, stays in the room for a certain time. And if she sees herself in the mirror, she might get scared. There is also a belief that the mirror in some way plays the role of a door between two worlds. If the soul of the deceased falls into the mirror, then it will be stuck there forever, having no chance of release. Or, it is believed that the soul of the deceased can return to the body within three days, and if it is reflected in the mirror at that moment, it will forever remain on the other side of it. But these are all myths, and I have not yet found a real scientific analysis, so I will try to make my own analysis based on the information that I have.

My analysis of the ritual
. I didn’t even find a comment from esotericists on the network, llogical clarity, and even the physics of the process itself. Therefore, let's slowly and from the very beginning analyze the situation with mirrors. Everyone will agree with me that the funeral rite consists of three stages. The first stage is "three for after death." What's going on in this inbelt? Answer: the first, coarsest spiritual body, the Etheric, is separated from the material body. Then comes the time we call "9 days". During this period, the second spiritual body is separated from the gross dead body - the Astral body (the body of emotions). And finally, the time comes - "40 days". Now the thinnest and lightest body of thought is separated from the body of the deceased, this is the Mental body. It is here that the memory of the soul is located, which remembers all the events of life. While at this stage of the analysis, I think that many people will agree with me. Since this is not yet the mystery of the mirror. And what is this secret? The fact that the mirror is the boundary between the worlds - I agree. But the border between which worlds is a simple mirror - I do not agree. Well, now in order, as I myself touched on the study of the properties of mirrors. First, I will give an example from Castaneda's book. There is such a cool writer in the USA. I call it the IMPULSE of the SKY. Why? The impulse from HEAVEN always changes the consciousness of many people. Unlike thousands of not very smart esotericists, Castaneda graduated from the university and was a scientist who, with his scientific MIND, touched the right hemisphere, that is, INTUITION. Castaneda was taught by a native Mexican with the soul of the former Atlanta (Toltec). A certain teacher is Don Juan. Just walking along the road in the hills of Mexico, this Don Juan decided to show Castaneda an example of working with parallel worlds. He took a simple copper plate, went to a stream, cleaned the plate to a shine, so that it would play the role of a mirror, and placed the plate on the bottom of the stream so that the sun's rays reflected from the surface of the plate. In less than a few minutes, suddenly, right from the reflection of the sun of the record itself, some terrible creature and starts running around them. What is it? Put yourself in the place of Castaneda? Thus, don Juan taught a new worldview, using a practical example of the work of mirrors, in which parallel worlds exist. But, the appearance of parallel worlds in the mirror, this is another way of scientific research. I have my little spiritual experience of seeing these parallel worlds. For the first time I saw a parallel world, being with a group of esotericists in the mountains of Crimea, when our guru asked the entire group of 30 people to sing the famous phrase - “AU-M”. And suddenly in my head, something switched and I saw with my own eyes a completely different world. Say I liked it? So no, I wouldn't say that. Because it was a desert world of mountains, and I don't really like dark mountains. Many years later, I read that next to us in frequency there are hundreds of parallel worlds, many of which are deserted and not yet inhabited by anyone. Thus, my first hypothesis is a mirror, it is a border with parallel worlds in which there may be bad, evil beings for us people. And at the same time, in the process of leaving the etheric body on the third day or the astral body on the 9th day, the spiritual body of the deceased can get stuck in these bad worlds. Another question of physics is the possible difference in time between your body and the image. Know that in the spiritual world the concept of time is quite different. And yes, the space is different. So in the astral we have space in the form of a Mobius strip. And therefore, it will lack the concept of left and right, but only up and down. Now back to the concept - Time. Look at the picture. And although for sure it was made in Photoshop. Let's ask ourselves a question. Or is it possible that we can see ourselves or another entity in the mirror, but in a different time? You know, I still haven't understood what the difference is between the concept of the Soul and the concept of the Double of a person. Nevertheless, my acquaintance with such a strong healer-general Babich A.P. led to the following concept of the Twin. Double, this is the Energy-Soul of a person. It is located above the head and turned upside down to the crown. Isn't it like the physics of a mirror? Each person is obliged to grow his double or twins. In turn. First ethereal, then astral, and only then mental. Your doppelgänger also has chakras. Therefore, you can increase their number by growing a double. Remember that the double is in the spiritual world without time. Therefore, under certain conditions, you can see it exactly. I was interested in infa on the net about the evolution of the gods in ancient egypt. And this is directly related to the birth of twins.

M if egypt. In the later time of the New Kingdom, the cult of the god-spirit, the god of the creator of the entities Ptah was replaced by the cult of the purely material Amon-Ra, which was reduced to the worship of the triune god (Lion-Atum \ Bull-Osiris \ Falcon-Horus) ... The former god Ptah acquired a new name and a new entity: Sokaris (Seker), the god of the buried ancestors, the most hidden and powerful of the gods, dwelling in the most hidden caves of the Duat. It was there, in these caves, with the consent of Sokaris himself, after his trial, Isis (perhaps it was here that the god-spirit Ptah himself was, who was later replaced by Isis with the victory of the cult of Osiris). Here you can clearly see the hierarchy of the courts increasing in the order of the gods: the court of Osiris \ the court of Sokaris \ the court of Ptah (Isis) ... Ptah created at the level of the embryo, from the seed to the formation of the form, from conception to birth ... Or from the moment of loss of consciousness due to illness until a sudden resurrection ( story with Ra) ... In fact, the cult of the single god-spirit Ptah has not disappeared, it has become part of the mystery of the resurrection of Ra himself, most hidden from all the uninitiated. The sacrament, without which the very daily cosmogony, the very transformation of the world would be impossible ...

What does this passage mean to me? And the fact that the effect of mirrors is associated with the concept of Kind. In our ancient interpretation, even if this interpretation is pagan. Ah kind of energy, this is the energy of the earth and means gravity. And gravity can only be controlled by the energy of water. But the most important thing is that, according to the hierarchy of the importance of the gods of Egypt, it clearly gives us the advantages of the god Duat, over a god like Horus? What is the conclusion? Moreover, this primacy of the kingdom of the dead, over the kingdom of light, is still hidden in front of us. But it is precisely the effects of mirrors that help us, albeit indirectly, to comprehend the significance of mother earth and the energy of gravity. If it represents the capabilities of our twins as the goal of our evolution, then it becomes much clearer. That doubles belong to the spiritual hierarchy of Darkness. And for me it is very significant that in the movie the Battle of the Titans. It is Hades who gives Zeus, the God of all Greek gods- 10 thousand years of life. So whose hierarchy is more important or rather takes precedence in the creation of the world. There is also the writer A. David-Neal. It was she herself who conducted experiments in Tibet with the concept « tulpa is the mental counterpart in Tibetan. Here is what she writes about the doppelgänger. “I shut myself up in my cell and began the appropriate mental concentration exercises and other ritual activities. A few months later, the ghostly monk appeared. His appearance gradually became more and more clear and vital. He became like a guest living in my room. Some time later, I broke my seclusion by setting out on my journey with my servants and tents. The monk has joined us. Even though we were out in the open all the time, riding for miles on horseback, the ghost did not disappear. I could see the fat monk all the time, and I didn't have to think about him for him to show up. without my command.
And here's how the effect of mirrors and the appearance of doubles was used. But already in geopolitics. There is a movie called The Illusionist. Here, an illusionist who traveled to Tibet uses his knowledge of the physics of mirrors to create a doppelgänger of his supposedly deceased fiancee. See how he uses candle fire to connect with the spirit world. And it's happening in front of hundreds smart people its time in 1912. The period of preparation for the 1st World War. By the secret of the mirror, this illusionist creates the situation of the suicide of the heir to the Austrian Empire. The son of the same monarch, because of the murder, which started the world war. Here is the secret of the mirrors. And it happened! On the one hand, it's funny, but on the other, it's a shame for our science, which even today with so much information and spiritual sites on the net. She cannot allow herself to search for truth in the spiritual worlds. And life goes on. I am impressed by one statement of Academician E.P. Velikhov. When asked why we still do not have a fusion, he replied: "We are faced with MULTI-DIMENSIONALITY." So what? And nothing has changed yet. The chief academician of the country speaks of the complete helplessness of the thought of atomic physics. And this is our energy future. Over the past 50 years, physicists have not crossed their psychological barrier, which is called the storm of MULTIDIMENSIONALITY. But the mirrors that we continue to close. This is one of the methods of this scientific assault.

This mysterious story developed in France at the end of the 20th century. To be precise - in the 97th year. In the Middle Ages, this, perhaps, would not have surprised anyone, but in our time it is already too much ... In general, the following happened: all antiques dealers went to the newspapers for help with a call to convey antique items to collectors so that they would never did not acquire a mirror with the inscription "Louis Arpo, 1743". They explained their request by the fact that since the creation of this mirror, while it wandered from one house to another, at least three dozen people died. The fact that, as if cursed, the mirror "Louis Arpo" disappeared, pushed the antiquarians to an unusual request. They found out about the loss when a teacher from the police academy asked permission to take a picture of the mirror - the killer, so that he could later show it to his students. “The Louis Arpo mirror has been in the warehouse of the police since the moment when he was found guilty of the death of two people in 1910,” says E. Frenet, head of the Paris Association of Antiques Dealers. “So, a few years ago, someone broke into the police station and robbed it, taking the ill-fated mirror with them. We believe the attacker will want to sell it, so we are doing everything in our power to publicize the sad story of "Louis Arpo" so that potential buyers act prudently and immediately report to the police. In the past, many theories have been put forward regarding the strange mirror. Some believed that the mirror "Louis Arpo" causes hemorrhage in the brain due to the specific features of its reflective surface. Others believed that the negative energy chained in the mirror was to blame for everything. Still others thought that “Louis Arpo” was a magical tunnel of mirrors that sucked people's lives into another world. There was no clear answer to what was happening before, and there is not now. In addition, after the disappearance of “Louis Arpo”, it is almost impossible to comprehend his secret at all. And, despite this, the most desperate researchers do not stop and build new hypotheses. It was said that a mirror, like a magnet, can suck and retain all kinds of poisonous vapors. The famous mystic and physician of the 16th century, Paracelsus, believed in this in particular. Two centuries later, this assumption was vigorously considered by French researchers. For example, here is an excerpt from the documents of the Paris Academy of Sciences of that time: “When a woman in years approached an absolutely clean mirror and stayed near it for too long, the mirror took away a lot of her harmful juices concentrated on its reflective surface. Studies have shown that these juices are extremely dangerous for humans.” And most importantly - everything converges. Otherwise, why since ancient times it was considered a rash act to approach the mirrors in the process of illness. There is an opinion that even with a bad mood, the human body begins to emit poisonous mixtures, which immediately accumulate on the mirror that sucks them. Then, gradually evaporating, these poisons are able to hit people who own the poisoned mirror. The theory described above may be true, but with "Louis Arpo" everything is somewhat more complicated. Poison from the surface of the mirror can be easily wiped with a cloth. It is unlikely that for several centuries in a row the Louis Arpo mirror has not been wiped at all. It's a different story if the mirror is able to save not only poisonous secretions, but also possess informational memory... A mirror in a dwelling is a silent and often the only eyewitness to all events. It sees the good and the bad, love and hate, joy and sorrow... It happens that you think: what if someday you could see everything, everything that this or that mirror saw in your life... But everyone is sure: the pictures reflected by the mirror, immediately disappear into nowhere, replaced by the following. “A mirror,” A. Vulis writes in his book “Literary Mirrors,” is a reflection of the present alone, it knows neither the future nor the past. A mirror is an absolute unconsciousness…” To be honest, I myself do not share the opinion that mirrors, as if on a video cassette, record all events inside themselves. However, I am sure that they can and do keep some things. Only what? I do not think that a mirror is able to distinguish, for example, the features of a human face. Its endless information layers would inevitably destroy each other. But perhaps a mirror, like any other thing, keeps a special seal of its owner inside. That's what they thought in ancient times. Those people were sure that all things belonging to a certain person are filled with his thoughts, emotions, character traits. And in modern world noticeable evidence of this. A decent number of cases have already collected, to some extent indicating the presence of memory in inanimate objects. Let's take such a case. Professor H. Berands organized unusual research with a girl endowed with very subtle feelings. Her task was to characterize the sensations caused by things hidden in several containers identical to each other. So, the first container provoked a strange powerful push from the girl, resembling a blow. The other one suddenly inspired her with the feeling of an old abandoned amphitheater ... After opening the containers, in the first one she saw pieces of glass knocked out of the window frame, and in the second - ancient Roman coins brought from excavations. There are many psychics on Earth who can intentionally connect with the memory of any object. Even a piece of fabric from a person’s clothes is enough for them to find out, in addition to his physical data, also his current whereabouts. Evidence of these abilities is documented and, of course, attracts a mountain of researchers who, little by little, begin to unravel the mystery. Let's draw an analogy with a very funny children's experiment. Metal shavings are scattered on a piece of paper, and a magnet is brought from below: the shavings immediately line up along the lines of the magnet's fields. But when the impact ceases, the contours of the magnetic lines from the chips crumble. And in the same way they act on the world human thoughts and feelings. According to some researchers, under the influence of waves emitted by a person, tiny elementary particles Universes, like metal shavings on a piece of paper, are ordered, forming a unique pattern - a stamp of human thoughts and feelings. Any thing that you touch has such a stamp. Information about a person can be stored for many centuries. Antiquarian things still conceal in their memory a piece of information about the long-dead people who once disposed of them. In this case, the mirrors do not fall out of general rule. Moreover, mirrors with silver amalgam are a good repository of information. It can be assumed that under certain conditions, the data stored in the mirror's memory can be reproduced, therefore, affect people nearby it. Recent research supports this assumption about the memory of mirrors. To study the bioactive radio waves created by DNA molecules, they were installed in the middle of a laser and an external (“cold”) mirror. Then the direct beam and the beam reflected by the mirror were saturated with data from the DNA molecule, spreading them in the radio range. The resulting discovery is simply incredibly important (in fact, it means that life on our planet could have originated due to the external impact on it of waves that describe all kinds of DNA). However, the main thing is yet to come! The DNA information did not stop emitting even when the sample was extracted. It turned out that the mirror absorbed all the data, broadcasting them later. Experiments helped to find out the duration of storage of the received data inside the mirrors. Scientists have learned that heated mirrors in a laser device store DNA data for several hours, and an external mirror that is not affected by temperature is many times longer - more than a quarter of a year. However, the researchers were hardly pleased with their own discovery, since the memory of mirrors prevents the normal organization of experiments. So the hotheads began to think about how exactly mirror memory works. This is necessary at least in order to qualitatively remove unnecessary information from the mirrors at the end of each session. As a maximum - in order to create new means of storing and storing data. Now there is an assumption associated with photon recording in mirrors. Due to the fact that previously “preserved” data is able to exit the mirror back, scientists thought that behind everything lies the pumping of photons “stuck” on its surface. This causes a sharp release of the data stored in the “memory” of the mirror. It is permissible to preserve the imprints of human thoughts or feelings in mirrors. Especially when they are very powerful. When a person is unwell, or is in great excitement, his body strengthens its influence. Consequently, the level of radiation of various waves by the body jumps, which are well absorbed in the memory of the mirror. There is nothing wrong with this phenomenon if the mirror remembers positive information for many years, for example, a loving and peaceful family. Here it will support, help out its owners, bring them happiness. This conjecture explains the superstition that it is bad luck to break the ancient family mirror. But the whole problem is that people often do not know how to control their feelings and emotions, accumulating bad energy in the memory of mirrors. And what do we use it for? See if there are any flaws in the appearance: either the hair is crooked, or the mascara has flowed, or we generally begin to gain weight ... At this time, the mirror records all the experiences and thoughts that later turn sideways for us. Now, when people step by step comprehend the whole essence of things, it is worth paying attention to their behavior. Don't look at yourself in the mirror a lot when you're feeling sick or bad mood. And even more so, you don’t have to scold your appearance around him - it will be easier for you to live later. It is very important to look in the mirror with a smile every time, and going, for example, to work, look into it and wish yourself a great day. A positive background multiplied by a mirror is able to remove depression and push for good luck. That's why once again think about buying yourself an antique mirror. It is not known what information is stored in the depths of his memory. It is possible to understand that next to a person there is a mirror with a turbulent past, according to his dreams. If, after acquiring this item, you suddenly have annoying and incomprehensible images, thoughts that are uncharacteristic for you, causeless mood swings, etc., then it may well be that the answer to everything is a mirror ...

edited news Core - 25-08-2011, 17:39

At all times, people were interested in the question of what secret such an interesting object hides in itself. Let's start with the fact that for our everyday life a mirror is the most common, ordinary and seemingly unremarkable attribute. Without a treasured mirror, a person cannot do even a day. We need a much-needed item in order to be always fully armed. Put yourself in order: comb your hair, make up and, of course, the most important thing is to choose the right clothes.

What secret do mirrors hold?

The role of the mirror in our life is very great, but not so safe. Since ancient times, the mirror has been a mysterious and, moreover, mystical object. With its help, it was believed that it was possible to make a connection with the other world (parallel) world and learn how to influence the psyche of people.

One of the first who decided to try to reveal the great secret of mirrors was the medieval physician and philosopher Paracelsus, who suggested that such a unique object is a tunnel of two worlds: the subtle (otherworldly) and our world (physical). In his opinion, it is through the tunnel that information from the other world penetrates into our world, disturbing the consciousness and psyche of people, causing various inexplicable visions and real hallucinations.

Paracelsus believed that with the help of such an unusual object, it is possible to heal people. To do this, he sat the patient facing the mirror, cast a spell and began to draw magical formulas. Considering that by this rite he makes the mirror absorb all the energy of the disease. With his knowledge of the mystery of mirrors, Paracelsus created a whole trend in medieval medicine. Many alchemists and mystics of the past used mirrors to influence the subconscious of people.

In the old days in Russia, a mirror was used in rituals and divination. Fortune-telling was considered very popular: mirrors were placed opposite each other, candles were placed and lit between them, fortunetellers stared intently into the mirrors trying to see images of the future in the reflections cast by the candles. Surprisingly, this type of divination is still used today.

Previously, women were forbidden to look into mirrors during periods of critical time, as well as during pregnancy, at such a time a woman was considered unclean and could inflict damage on herself transmitted through a mirror. It was this statement that served as the conviction that the mirror has the power to absorb all the negative energy of damage and also share it with the person looking into it. That is why at one time Ivan the Terrible ordered that only blind craftsmen make mirrors for his wife.

Secrets associated with mirrors were carried away not only in Russia, also in the cities of fashionable Europe, in order to drive away various negative energies from their homes, it was customary to block all windows with mirrors. In the East, if there was a road near the dwelling, then in order to prevent negative energy from penetrating into the house, mirrors were installed at the entrance to the house. In Spain, so that unkind glances do not touch children, it was customary to sew small mirrors on children's clothes.

Stories in which mirrors are involved with their inexplicable manifestations great amount. One of these stories is: the story of a merchant who found out about his wife's infidelity, after which he killed her, then himself, this terrible bloody story happened in front of a large mirror. After all that happened, the women who lived in the house found their death near this huge mirror.

The mystery of mirrors is still a mystery to mankind. Modern scientists are trying to find a clue and believe that the mirror, like many other things, carries predestined information, and such information can be both positive and negative. We know the fact that a mirror can reflect invisible rays (infrared radiation is one such example), so why can't we assume that it can reflect human feelings in the same miraculous way.

The most dangerous are mirrors located in public places, as a huge flow of people passes through them. It is better not to look into such mirrors, it is better to use your pocket version of the mirror.

Being close to the mirror, a portion of the energy of objects and living beings is absorbed by it. You can’t just get rid of the mirror in which you looked, since it keeps your reflection for a long time. If, nevertheless, you decide to do this, then for this you need to conduct a rite of purification.

To begin with, the mirror must be washed. You need to open a tap with running water, put a mirror under it, hold it for 15 to 60 minutes. The next step is to wipe the mirror dry and hide it in an inaccessible place for at least three days. Only after all that has been done can it be thrown away.

Why accidentally break a mirror

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a broken mirror is bad sign. As the legend says, a person who breaks a mirror is doomed to misfortune. There is a lot of truth in this. The mirror is invisible thread connection with our soul, any crack formed in the mirror forms a crack in the human soul. It is also very dangerous to look in a mirror that is cracked, because of this a serious illness can happen.

If, nevertheless, you broke the mirror, then a ceremony is performed: you need to spit over your left shoulder, sprinkle the fragments of the broken mirror with salt, when you throw it away, you say: “misfortune, not for me.” Then, in the church, put a candle in your own health.

There are also a few rules to follow:

  • You can not eat when you see your reflection in the mirror;
  • You can not sit with your back to the mirror - it can lead to loss of strength and even illness;
  • You can not look in the mirror when you are sick;
  • You can not show the baby up to a year in the mirror, this is necessary in order for the baby to grow up happy and healthy.

In case you have an old mirror in your house already deformed by smudges and stains, then the best option is to get rid of it. Since it has ceased to be a conductor of positive energy, but gives more and more negative energy.

It is worth thinking about another important fact. A person, being in a state of sleep, should not be reflected in the mirror, because in this state he is more vulnerable. In this case, the mirror is a funnel, enticing and tightening the transparent thin component of our mortal body, and in the end it can swallow us forever.

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The mirrors have been shrouded in mystery since their inception. They saw portals to other worlds, magical attributes that could show the future and change fate.

The human imagination has made mirrors part of the legend. Despite the fact that most of them do not have any reasonable basis, they are still alive.

Secrets of mirrors that scientists talk about

- The mirror can cause hallucinations. The human brain is a unique tool, the possibilities of which are not yet fully understood. To check the version of hallucinations, it is enough to conduct a small experiment. You need to sit in front of the mirror, dim the lights and just carefully examine your reflection.

After a while, there will be a feeling that your face does not belong to you, a fantastic copy of yourself will look at you from the mirror. Quite often, such experiments lead to the fact that people begin to see strange and sometimes frightening visions in the mirror surface. In scientific circles, this effect is called "meeting another self" and has been successfully applied in psychiatry. - Mirror therapy. One of clear examples how to trick the highly efficient human mind, the experiment with phantom limbs showed. The mirror is installed vertically in such a way that the reflection of a healthy limb "replaces" the missing one. When a person, for example, sees both of his hands (although he lost one of them), it seems to him that he again has a healthy body, he does not leave the feeling that the reflection in the mirror is his hand.

Real and fake mirrors. Normal reflection shows the person "inverted", the right side is on the right and the left side is on the left. But there are also real mirrors, or as they are also called "truthful". The reflection in them is shown the way other people see you.

This effect can be observed at home. Two mirrors are installed perpendicular to each other, you need to look into the reflection from these mirrors.

- "Smart" mirror exists. This is an unusual media carrier, which is designed to select and display advertising to the target audience. As soon as a person approaches, the mirror comes to life and shows a video that could potentially interest the approached person.

A special system is built into the miracle mirror, which recognizes and processes the image. It determines age, gender, emotional state and displays a suitable video on the screen. The probability of hitting the target is 85%, but specialists are working to increase the accuracy of the system to 98%. A similar technology was used for the needs of the beauty industry. The media can provide expert advice to help you look your best.

The mirror is the key to the mystery. There is a whole trend in art associated with mirrors. You can see what is depicted in many anamorphic paintings only in reflection. Leonardo da Vinci is recognized as the creator of this trend.

mirror rides

Mirrors can not only scare people with their amazing features, but also entertain. At the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called Palaces of Illusions came into fashion. One of the first mirror attractions appeared at the World Exhibition in Paris and was simply wildly popular.

The principle of its operation is simple, a huge pavilion was built up with a number of full-length mirrors. Thus, the one who entered inside had a crazy illusion of being in the crowd. Add to this the suspiciousness of a person of that time and you will get a frenzied hype around a unique attraction.

Even today, mirrors are often used to create an unusual effect for the amusement of the crowd. The Disney amusement park has an Infinity Hall where two mirrors are placed opposite each other. Naturally, the reflection of the mirrors in each other is multiplied by an infinite number of times, and this has become the main "highlight" of the attraction.

Mysticism of mirrors

A huge number of beliefs and legends are associated with mirrors, which have become so firmly established in our lives that mystical rituals have become a habit for some:

If you break a mirror, do not despair, you need to throw salt over your shoulder, turn clockwise, collect mirrors in paper and throw them away.

Another persistent myth is that vampires are not reflected in the mirror. This is due to the fact that otherworldly entities in our world are only guests, and mirrors for them are a portal to enter another world. That is why they will not be able to admire their own reflection.

In a house with a dead person, the first thing they do is curtain the mirrors. It is believed that it is through the mirror that terrible ghosts can enter the house. In addition, the soul of the deceased can "get stuck" in the mirror and suffer until the end of time.

Mirrors can attract good luck if you work with them correctly. Standing in front of the mirror, smile at yourself and say that you can handle everything. Positive energy will literally be absorbed into the mirror and will become an excellent protector of your home.

For the same reason, you need to look in the mirror when you return home if you forgot something. With your reflection, you will restore the protection of the house and will be able to calmly continue on your way.

There is a belief that a mirror can double profits if it reflects beautiful things, or cause financial ruin if unpleasant things are reflected in it - dirty laundry, a toilet bowl or any other garbage.

The most famous mirrors

Mirrors rarely have names. This is such a familiar thing in the house that you remember about it only when it is not at hand at the right moment. However, there are mirrors about which they write stories, make films or dream of seeing at least a glimpse.

Mirror. Entrance to another world

Bagua Mirror

It is known for its unique ability reflect negative energy and is one of the main tools for any follower of the philosophy of Feng Shui.

The shape of the mirror itself and the individual sectors on its sides form a powerful tandem for attracting positive energy and reflecting negative. Like any tool, it can be used for good and bad. Perhaps only Feng Shui masters know the full rules. We will tell you about the most important thing: you should not look into this mirror.

Mysterious Chinese mirrors

There are bronze mirrors, over the riddle of which the best minds of mankind are still struggling. They have been found in several ancient Chinese tombs and are a small disk with a bronze reflective surface. FROM reverse side they are decorated with hieroglyphs and mystical signs.

The main mystery is that the sun's rays falling on its surface trigger the appearance of light signs that have nothing to do with reverse side mysterious item. Cave-grotto Ama-no-Iwato, in which the goddess hid

by the most interesting fact associated with him is that none of the mere mortals have seen him. It is located on the territory ancient temple and is carefully guarded as one of the symbols of imperial power (along with Yakasani-no-Magatama jasper pendants and the Kusanagi-no-tsurugi sword). The appearance of the mirror is also unknown to anyone, because it is stored in a special case, which is sealed personally by the emperor himself.

Cellini's magic mirror

Every beautiful woman would gladly agree to keep her youth forever. The cherished thing for many ladies for a long time was a magic mirror that could fulfill this dream.

According to legend, the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini managed to create a similar thing. The first owner of this coveted item was Diana de Poitiers, the main favorite of the French emperor of the 16th century. It is believed that it was the mirror that helped Diana become the only and beloved woman of the monarch, who was 20 years younger than her, it also attracted a huge crowd of fans to her feet and gave eternal youth.

Mirror by Benvenuto Cellini. The secret of eternal beauty.

The mistresses of this mysterious mirror are Isadora Duncan, Marlene Dietrich and Anna Judic. Maybe that's why the beauty of these women inspired poets and composers, and they themselves are still considered the standards of femininity.

The editors of the site recommend that you read the article about the most mysterious civilizations.
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Abstract on the topic:

Mystery of Mirrors


student of Svb-11 group

Byvaltseva O.E.

1.History of mirrors

What do mirrors do?

The Sinister Mystery of Mirrors

Witch mirrors

Predictive mirrors

Magic mirrors

How to use mirrors - rules and prohibitions. Signs


mirror magical omen divination

1. History of mirrors

Mirror - at first glance, the most ordinary and nothing remarkable object, but it is only at first glance. From time immemorial, among different peoples, a mirror was considered a mystical and mysterious object, with the help of which it was possible to communicate with a parallel world and influence people. From the moment of its appearance, the mystery of mirrors began to excite the minds of people.

The first mirrors began to be made by the ancient Sumerians, and later in Egypt and India, they were made mainly of silver, bronze and obsidian. And it was among these ancient peoples that the mirror acquired a mystical meaning, which gave rise to the mystery of mirrors, which mystics and scientists are trying to unravel to this day.

The first glass mirrors appeared on the island of Murano, near Venice, in the 12th century.

One of the first to try to reveal the secret of mirrors was the medieval physician and philosopher Paracelsus. He believed that the mirror is a kind of portal between subtle world and ours - physical, and through this portal otherworldly information penetrates to us, influencing a person, causing him various visions and hallucinations. Paracelsus also believed that a mirror can absorb images and various kinds of energy, both light and dark. He used this secret of mirrors everywhere to treat people. Having put the patient in front of the mirror, Paracelsus began to cast spells and draw magical formulas, thereby forcing, as he believed, the mirror to absorb the negative energy of the disease.

Paracelsus, with his doctrine of the mystery of mirrors, created a whole trend in medicine in the Middle Ages. Based on his writings, many mystics and alchemists of that time used mirrors for hypnosis and all sorts of suggestions.

History is replete with all sorts of stories about the strange and mysterious manifestations of mirrors. So one of the acts of the Paris Academy of Sciences, dated 1739, contains the following lines: “When one old woman approached a completely clean mirror and spent more time in front of it than necessary, the mirror sucked a large number of its bad juices, which were then collected and analyzed by scientists. Chemical studies have shown that they are very poisonous.

There is a story that tells how in the Middle Ages one merchant, after he found out that his wife was cheating on him, killed her, and then himself, and this whole bloody scene took place in front of a huge mirror. In the future, all the women who lived in this house found their death in front of this mirror.

The mystery of mirrors is also being solved by modern scientists. So many of them believe that the mirror, like other things, has a certain field containing certain information. This information can be both negative and positive, it all depends on what the mirrors “observed”: events that carry positive emotions or negative ones.

If a mirror is capable of reflecting invisible rays, such as infrared radiation, then perhaps they are able to reflect other radiations, such as human emotions and feelings. It is for this reason that many psychics categorically advise against trying to unravel the mystery of mirrors on their own, experimenting with divination, divination and other mystical manipulations. After all, the information contained in the mirror can damage the energy of an unprepared person.

The scientist was equipped with a mirror room in which he conducted his experiments. The results were quite intriguing: five out of ten people placed in this room were able to observe the reflection of deceased relatives, and some even communicated with them, telepathically or in direct speech.

In Russia, there are also scientists who dared to reveal the innermost secrets of mirrors. One of them is Viktor Vitvin, a well-known researcher and psychotherapist from St. Petersburg. Witvin's experiments are similar to those of Moody, he also has a mirror cabinet in which he puts people, but to increase the effect, he uses stereophonic music, synchronizing the activity of both hemispheres of the brain.

The results of Witwin's experiments are even more striking than Moody's. People who have been in his mirror office sometimes change their worldview radically.

The mystery of mirrors will not soon be revealed to the general public, despite the zeal of many scientists and researchers. But still, the time will come when the mirror will open its mysterious facets, letting a person into an amazing and mysterious world through the looking glass!

What do mirrors do?

.Make the transition between the worlds. The physician and alchemist Paracelsus believed that mirrors were a corridor between two worlds. For this reason, the traditions of many countries prescribe to hang mirrors when there is a dead person in the house. It is believed that through the "open window" the soul of the deceased can drag someone into another world. Or, on the contrary, restless souls will penetrate into the house from the looking glass.

.Keep information. Mirrors "remember" all the events that happened in front of them. Antique mirrors with a rich history keep a lot of memories. If, after buying a mirror, you begin to have nightmares or strange dreams, you can be sure that the new acquisition is to blame.

.Introduce a person into a state of hypnotic trance. The brilliance of the mirror makes it difficult to focus on external objects, and attention seems to be driven inside. This effect is successfully used during hypnosis sessions.

.To age or rejuvenate a person. Bioenergetics believe that most modern mirrors - energy vampires. Studies have shown that people who spend a lot of time in front of a mirror and look into their eyes for a long time get tired quickly, their memory deteriorates, and they age faster. There are examples of the reverse action of mirrors. Legends have been preserved about wonderful mirrors that gave their mistresses eternal youth and beauty. Fact: in many antique mirrors, faces look younger and seem to glow from the inside.

The Sinister Mystery of Mirrors

It is generally believed that having a lot of mirrors in the house is good luck. This is explained by the alleged property of mirrors to reflect evil and attract good. But there is another, sinister magic of mirrors.

The history of the mirror is lost in the mists of time. It is clear that the very first mirror was an ordinary puddle. They learned how to make concave mirrors in 1240, and finally, in 1500, the first was cast in France. flat mirror. The price of antique mirrors can be represented by the following example: a mirror measuring 1.2 meters x 80 centimeters cost ... two and a half times more than a painting by Raphael!

It is sometimes said that those people who look in the mirror more often age faster. And such a statement from the standpoint of modern bioenergetics is quite understandable: your energy, reflected from the mirror, as if “eats away” your own field, the so-called protective aura. No wonder superstitious people never hang mirrors in their bedrooms and generally try to keep as few reflective surfaces around them as possible. After all, even in ancient times it was noticed that a mirror is capable of transmitting "bad" energy to other people, if before that it itself was infected with it. negative energy have mirrors in front of which there were quarrels, scenes of violence, murders.

There is, for example, such medieval history about the killer mirror. A rich merchant, having learned about his wife's betrayal, killed her and himself in front of a huge mirror. Subsequently, the house, along with the furnishings, was acquired by another rich man, whose wife, a few days later, was also found dead in front of the same mirror. Subsequently, the house with the killer mirror passed from one owner to another, and, as a rule, the women who lived here met their death in front of the mirror surface.

According to the researchers, in the old mirror, which is always in one place, sometimes you can see what happened in front of it in the past. The famous mystic of the Middle Ages Cornelius Agrippa, for example, showed his guests in the magic mirror of their beloved: not only the living, but also the dead, and some could see themselves there in past lives...

What you see in a mirrored surface at midnight may well be a prediction of the future. An old legend tells of how worried Alexander the Great was before the battle with the Persians in 331 BC. e. He could not fall asleep, and for a long time he peered into the traveling mirror: what will tomorrow turn out to be? Suddenly the reflection turned into a veil and showed him the future battle and his victory.

It is believed almost all over the world that a broken or cracked mirror is a bad omen. Here is a story that took place in one of the tenement houses in Petrograd in 1923.

In one of the rooms of a large communal apartment, it was barely midnight when one of the family members noticed a human figure on the left side of a mirror hanging on the wall, which, having "sailed" to the middle, acquired clear contours ... a resident of the same apartment named Yemelyanov . His arms hung lifelessly at his sides, right hand there was a knife, his head bowed to his chest. Passing the middle of the mirror, Yemelyanov's image blurred and disappeared. At that moment, the mirror split exactly in the middle. A commotion began, the tenants rushed to the neighbor's room. Having landed the door closed from the inside, they saw Yemelyanov sitting in an armchair, who seemed to be dead. However, in the mirror opposite the chair where the neighbor was sitting, only the chair was reflected. There was no human figure in it! Suddenly, the figure of a neighbor appeared in the mirror with a knife in his hands. Immediately, the "corpse" in the chair came to life. One of the neighbors, unable to withstand the nervous tension, threw a chair over a mirror, and Yemelyanov, who was about to come to life, fell dead on the floor. That night, all the mirrors in the house shattered, and one of the tenants, Strelnikov, was found stabbed to death. Later it turned out that Emelyanov and Strelnikov served together during the First World War and, being in intelligence, Emelyanov was wounded, and Strelnikov, leaving his comrade, fled. After hanging for almost a day with a wound in his stomach on barbed wire between Russian and German positions, he was rescued by two volunteers. Emelyanov, apparently, harbored a grudge against Strelnikov and took revenge on him in such an unusual way.

The mirror can also be dangerous for fans of "mirror" divination. When a mirror is placed in front of the mirror at a distance of 15-20 centimeters, and lit candles are on the sides, the sight is impressive: a kind of corridor stretching into the distance, along the edges of which many lights flicker. This is how such a fortune-telling ended for one of our contemporaries Nadezhda V. Having decided to find out which of the two guys who were courting her at that moment was destined for her, Nadezhda once decided to tell fortunes. Looking in the mirror for a long time, the girl saw a road along the sides of which two men were moving towards her. One of the faces was unfamiliar to her. The other was one of the guys the girl was dating. The stranger soon disappeared, and the face of the acquaintance increased in size, occupying the entire space of the mirror. The girl, maddened with fear under his gaze, forgot to say: "Stay away from me!" - magic words that you need to pronounce as soon as you see the image of the betrothed in the mirror, and throw a scarf over the mirror. The mirror attracted her until she touched her forehead to the face that appeared in the mirror. Nadezhda felt that this face was even warm! And then a hand from the mirror grabbed her head in a death grip. The girl began to read the only prayer familiar from childhood, “Our Father”, and baptize the mirror, but in response only the satanic laughter of the “betrothed” was heard from there. Finally, Nadezhda guessed to cross the mirror not from left to right, but vice versa.

True, the mirror does not always behave so scary. Medieval physician Paracelsus diagnosed patients by the way a mirror fogged up when they breathed on its surface, and used mirrors for treatment. With the help of spells and magical formulas, Paracelsus "persuaded" the dark energies of the disease, absorbed by the sick, to pass into the reflection of the patient, planted in front of a mirror surface. And now the mirror double "sick" for real person.

Residents of the East installed mirrors in front of the entrance to the house, if there was a road nearby, so that it would reflect bad radiation, or outside the windows, in order to protect themselves from the energy of a "bad" neighbor or nearby "harmful" buildings: prisons, hospitals...

FROM harmful influence geopathogenic zones can also be fought with a mirror: by placing it under the bed with the reflective surface down, it is possible to significantly reduce the level of underground radiation, and sometimes even get rid of it.

4. Witch Mirrors

The Middle Ages did not favor mirrors. Mirrors of that time - a convex shape with a dark surface - caused superstitious fear and were referred to only as mirrors of sorceresses. Every decent witch had in her arsenal not only a large cauldron for preparing potions, but also a small mirror. It was supposed to be fed by the light of the full moon, and hidden from the sun during the day. It was believed that with the help of this magical item, a witch could cause damage and the evil eye, summon the devil and keep demons and evil spirits locked up. The Inquisition looked at the mirrors with suspicion. So, in 1321, the girl Beatrice de Planissol was accused of heresy and sentenced to life imprisonment only because a mirror was found among her things. The very fact of owning such a thing could lead a woman not only to prison, but also to the stake. They also disliked mirrors in Russia - until the 17th century they were not put on display, but were curtained with taffeta or hidden in chests.

Predictive mirrors

And yet the mirrors had a tremendous attraction. A person was attracted to them by curiosity, a desire to look into the future. There are many predictions and prophecies made with the help of mirrors.

Looking into the rotating mirror brought to her by Nostradamus, Catherine de Medici saw pictures of some festivities, fires of fires and streams of blood - it was the night of St. Bartholomew. Then a man appeared on his deathbed, in whom the queen recognized her son Henry III ... Another soothsayer, Count Saint-Germain, showed King Louis XV the fate of his children. The king recoiled in horror, seeing in the magic mirror the image of the headless dauphin.

In Russia, mirrors have been used for divination since ancient times. by the most the right way to know your fate from time immemorial was considered Christmas divination. The girl locked herself in an empty room alone, put two appliances, a mirror, a candle on the table and began to call her betrothed: "Betrothed, mummers, come to dinner with me." About five minutes before his arrival, the mirror began to dim. The girl peered into the mirror surface, trying to see the groom. Having seen it, it was necessary to "churn" the betrothed in time. Otherwise, the devil, who took on his image, could come out of the mirror and sit next to him at the table.

Fortune telling at midnight with two mirrors was considered one of the most terrible. Two identical mirrors were placed opposite each other and lit with two candles so that the reflections formed an endless mirror corridor. The fortuneteller sat between the mirrors and began to peer into this corridor, at the end of which the betrothed should have appeared.

Magic mirrors

Magic mirrors are the way to another dimension.

One of the first explanations for the mirror phenomenon was given by Paracelsus. He believed that mirrors serve as a tunnel between two worlds: the subtle and the physical. And that through this tunnel otherworldly information penetrates to us. Obviously, it is this energy that most powerfully affects the human psyche, bringing down hallucinations and visions on him. By the way, based on the theory of Paracelsus, physicians of the past used mirrors for hypnosis and all sorts of suggestions.

Why do we look in the mirror? It seems to me, in most cases, to find faults in oneself. And I must say, we succeed in this: the hairstyle is not the same, the face is pale, the nasty crease at the waist ... We begin to get angry and upset. And the mirror captures all our emotions and next time generously “shares” them. After all, it not only reflects, but also absorbs (and therefore remembers) the energy that falls on it. By the way, our ancestors were well aware of this. From those ancient times to this day, an unshakable faith in the mystical properties of mirrors has been established.

At one time, fortune-telling was popular in Russia: they put mirrors opposite each other, lit candles and peered intently into a long corridor formed by a mirror image, waiting for an image of the future to emerge in it. Before divination, it was necessary to hang the icons, remove the cross from the neck and put it under the heel - that is, in fact, renounce the protection of the holy forces! Perhaps it was from that time that the belief began that Satan himself gave a person a mirror so that he would not be bored alone and could have an eternal conversation with himself.

The Prince of Darkness reasoned correctly: loneliness enlightens the soul, and the internal dialogue, a kind of bifurcation, on the contrary, brings confusion to the spiritual world ... Another curious touch: Ivan the Terrible, mortally afraid of all slander and curses, ordered that mirrors for his wife Maria Naked were made by blind craftsmen. But how! Indeed, in Russia they were convinced that a mirror could be “infected” with damage and pass it on to anyone looking into it.

For the same reason, women were forbidden to look in mirrors during "unclean periods" - on the days of menstruation, pregnancy and the first weeks after childbirth.

Enlightened Europe shared a superstitious attitude towards the mirror - in many countries it was customary to insert mirrors into windows to reflect “bad” energy from a bad neighbor or nearby “harmful” buildings: industrial facilities, hospitals, prisons ... In Spain, they sewed baby clothes on a lot of mirrors: it was believed that their surface would avert the eyes of envious people and bring them back like a boomerang.

7. How to use mirrors - rules and prohibitions. Signs

If you break the mirror, seven years of misfortune await you. This is our double, and if you hurt him, you hurt yourself. To avoid this, the fragments (those that are larger) are painted over with black, or immersed in running water.

You can't look into a broken mirror, because you can see the devil. But more seriously, then you lose energy, looking into a cracked, broken mirror or into its fragment - and this is at best, and at worst - you can expect trouble.

If you show a mirror to a child under one year old, he will be shy. He may also not speak for a long time or his teeth will not cut well. He will get sick often.

If, having left the house, a person is forced to return, one must look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.

Mirrors in the house where the deceased is are hung so that his soul cannot be reflected there and frighten the living.

It is forbidden for a woman to look in the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy or after childbirth, since at this time the "grave is open" in front of her. I explain: you can’t spin in front of the mirror, intently examining yourself, all the more you can’t spin naked. These days, energy is weak, and the mirror weakens it even more, opening the way to illness, misfortune and poverty.

If you suspect that someone is plotting evil against you, try to bring this person to the mirror. Take a look at your joint reflection. If your suspicions are justified, his true feelings will appear on the face of your enemy for a moment.

You can go up to the mirror every morning (preferably the one in the hallway, living room) and passing your hand over it (the distance between the hand and the mirror should be 0.5 cm - no more) ask: "Mirror, reflect everything bad that is in this the house will come. Protect our whole family (list the names)."

In connection with all of the above, the mirrors in the house must be kept clean. Wipe them should be every week, and if necessary - more often.

Don't hang a mirror at the head of your bed or next to your bed.

In the bedroom, mirrors are closed or curtained at night. And above the wedding bed, you can’t hold a mirror at all. Many people like to hang a mirror on the ceiling above the bed - this will not lead to good. A mirror at the head is also unacceptable - you will make many mistakes in life. Changes are possible.

Mirrors must be in frames, salaries, so as not to injure your energy and physical health. Mirrors should hang no lower than the top of the head of the tallest member of the family.

After the departure of unpleasant or simply noisy guests, wipe the mirror to wash off the "dirty" energy from it. My mirrors as often as possible, no harm will come.

Strange, but today, in the third millennium, we continue to believe in the magical essence of mirrors. We shudder when we drop the mirror on the floor, and carefully look to see if a piece has broken off, and when we return home for a forgotten thing, before leaving the apartment again, we will definitely take a look at ourselves in the mirror. After unpleasant guests leave our house, we will certainly wipe the mirror with water to wash off the trace of these people from the mirror “memory” (we are afraid of the evil eye and damage no less than Ivan the Terrible!). If a loved one dies, we cover the mirrors with a cloth - fearing that otherwise the soul of the deceased will penetrate through the mirror into the world of the living and forever remain restless ...

All this is so. However, to make the list complete, let me give you a few more tips regarding the mirror.

Do not hang the mirror too low or too high: if it reflects us in full growth, then our energy decreases.

Do not bring the baby to the mirror, otherwise he will have difficulty teething or he will start talking late.

Do not eat while sitting in front of a mirror, otherwise there is a chance to “eat” your beauty.

For the same reason, do not look into a mirror in a dimly lit room or by candlelight.

Under no pretext do not accept as a gift a powder box, a box, a cosmetic bag - any thing decorated with a mirror.

Do not put a mirror "face" to the bed: nightmares, headaches, chronic lack of sleep will be provided to you. Rearrange the furniture or at least cover the mirror with something at night.

Never scold yourself (or scold others) in front of a mirror. Look at it less often on “critical days”, when you are sick or overworked.

Remember that some mirrors have strong negative energy, especially if negative scenes of quarrels, violence, and even more murders took place before “their eyes”.

It is also worth thinking carefully before taking into the house a mirror left after the deceased. And even more so, you need to be vigilant when acquiring a mirror whose history is unknown to you. But if you are still “lucky” and the candles go out in front of your mirror, take it away from home and break it ...

Surprisingly, most of today's researchers, faced with the mirror phenomenon, do not consider the calculations of their predecessors groundless. Our contemporaries are convinced that a mirror, like any other thing, is surrounded by some kind of invisible field.

Around rough objects, this field is loose and absorbs the energy incident on it, while smooth and shiny objects create a dense field around themselves, and it almost completely reflects subtle radiation. The fact that the mirror has just such a dense field can be seen at home.

Try to control the TV with remote control, but not in the usual way - directly, but by pointing the remote at the mirror. And you will see: the programs will switch perfectly. But if a mirror reflects rays invisible to the eye, then it is also capable of reflecting more subtle energies, for example, the energies of human feelings and emotions! That is why both scientists and psychics in unison advise not to experiment with a mirror: do not guess, do not tell fortunes. After all, a “mirror strike” can damage (or even destroy) our fragile energy.

So, let's get back to where we started: whether we are cheerful or upset - each time, approaching the mirror, we imprint a mold from our energy into its depth. And looking into the mirror again, we subconsciously read the “barcode” that was left for the last time. That is, the boomerang principle works. Conclusion? You have to be white and fluffy, beautiful and happy! And only such to see yourself in the mirror! And it won't rust after it...


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