Photo requirements for a biometric passport. What photo do you need to take for a biometric passport?

With the introduction of a new type of passport, photo requirements for documents have changed legislatively.

Most of the branches FMS are equipped with professional photography equipment. They have special settings to create a digital photo that will fully meet the requirements.

Employees Migration Service on one's own take photos and then edit them using modern editing programs. New foreign passports have a built-in chip that contains biometric information, and also in documents digital photo is used.

  • What's worth knowing?
  • What photos are needed?

What's worth knowing?

Old style international passports They continue to issue them, although their number is limited. Such documents are usually prepared in urgent and emergency cases when the applicant does not have enough time to wait.

For issuance, information about the applicant is entered into the form and pasted standard photo for a foreign passport. Digital photographs are not used. Therefore, to draw up an old-style document, the applicant provides a paper photograph made according to previous standards(nobody canceled them).

There are rules for paper and digital versions of photos. FMS inspectors require photographs to be provided even if biometric passports are issued. After all, they will be needed when working with questionnaires, as well as personal cards.

New rules for obtaining a foreign passport are in the following video:

What photos are needed?

To obtain a biometric passport(with a built-in chip) with a validity period of 10 years, you need to provide two photos from one block. They must fully comply with the established rules:

  • Color or black and white format;
  • Dimensions – 45 mm x 35 mm;
  • The face is shown only from the front, all features are clearly visible;
  • Matte image.

Photo requirements for a biometric passport are more flexible than for an old-style ID card.

The photo will be taken directly by an employee of the Migration Service during the submission of documents. However, if all specified requirements are not strictly observed, the photograph may be rejected.

Requirements for an old generation passport:

  • Photo parameters: 45 mm x 35 mm;
  • The photograph is strictly on matte paper;
  • There should be a blurry oval at the bottom of the image;
  • The applicant's face is strictly in a full-face position;
  • The background is white, the applicant’s clothing is of a different shade (this is more a wish than a requirement).

Important! For previous generation passports, 3 photographs are provided in one block (children under 18 years of age are allowed 2 photos).

Requirements for applicants' clothing:

  • Photographs in uniform are prohibited (government agencies, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.);
  • Business attire is required when submitting documents directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Free style - for other applicants.
  • Where can you go on vacation without a passport? Top interesting ideas for vacation - here.

    Face, glasses and hats:

    Electronic format for the State Services portal

    Registration of a foreign passport through the Public Services portal every year is becoming more and more popular. The applicant, when submitting a package of documents via the Internet, must attach a file with a digital electronic photo to it. For the photo to be accepted by the system, it must fully meet the following parameters:

  • JPEG file format.
  • Resolution – up to 450 dpi.
  • Size from 200 to 300 KB.
  • Black and white photo – 8 bits, color – 24 bits.
  • The photo parameters are equal to the paper version (35 mm x 45 mm).
  • Packing for vacation: what to put in your luggage and what to put in it hand luggage? What is generally prohibited from being carried on an airplane? The answer to all these questions is in the next article.

    Can I take a photo myself?

    Allowed to do it yourself high-quality photo for a foreign passport. To do this, install on a personal computer software, and the stated conditions are met. The applicant can also contact a specialized photo studio. The resulting photo is uploaded to a removable storage device, after which it is sent to the FMS through the State Services portal.

    Experts do not advise risking your time and efforts and strongly recommend contacting specialists.

    A passport will be issued only if the applicant has original documents - a general passport, corresponding photos, and other related documents.

    If the applicant wishes to take a photo solely on his own, professionals recommend the following:

    • Use a flat white surface (wall, fabric) as a background;
    • If possible, use professional equipment;
    • Wear formal clothing in contrasting colors;
    • Do not wear tinted glasses or sunglasses. If you always wear vision-correcting glasses, make sure that there is no glare from the flash in your photo. But it’s better to take pictures without glasses;
    • Process the image in a proven graphics editor;
    • Endure technical specifications in strict accordance with the norms established by law.

    The documents for a foreign passport have been submitted and the question arises: where is the best place to go on vacation? We'll tell you! The most popular places in different time year - here.

    A photographic image is considered an integral element of every personal identification document. A foreign passport is no exception, which requires a special list of conditions for photographs in order to comply with modern standards. international security. According to the current rules, persons wishing to obtain a foreign passport can choose 2 options for its provision. The first of them is an old type document, which is issued for five years. The second one is biometric passport new model, valid for ten years.

    Photograph taking into account innovations for international passports

    Newly appeared ones have no special distinctive features in your appearance. The main innovation is the provided internal microcircuit, which contains individual biometric data.

    Photographs for this type of passport are taken on specially prepared devices and contain exceptional biometric characteristics that are not identical and allow people to be identified with the greatest convenience, for example, data on the distance between the pupils.

    To receive this document in absentia, you will be required to fill out a form accompanied by a photograph of the following contents:

    1. Dimensions: 35 x 45 mm.
    2. Paper with matte finish.
    3. Made in color.
    4. With a clearly depicted face.
    5. Single color background.

    Note! To obtain a foreign passport when full-time You will not be required to provide your pre-prepared photographs. Today, most centers have been equipped with devices that allow images to be taken on site. After the photograph itself, your image will be automatically printed on the application form and in the future this photo will be assigned to you on your biometric passport. It will be applied under the varnish coating using a special laser.

    Recommendations for a biometric passport photo

    note! For your own awareness, you should contact either the MFC to clarify the requirements for preparing a photograph within a predetermined period or equipping these centers with special equipment and on-site photography.

    1. In total, you will need two photographs, which will later be attached to the documents. If the person is under 18 years old, then one.
    2. Wear the same type of casual clothing.
    3. It is recommended that the emotional expression on the face be neutral, that is, without facial expressions and in the presence of sufficient lighting.
    4. If you have special permission from your doctor to wear glasses, they should not darken your eyes and your pupils should be visible naturally.
    5. The image should be in clear quality.

    Video - Do-it-yourself passport photo

    Restrictions regarding biometric passport photos

    The embassies of the countries came to joint agreements regarding some of the characteristics required for the photo. If there are a number of elements that are unacceptable by agreement, the biometric passport will be considered invalid:

    1. Avoid headwear. However, if it is part of your religious affiliation, then the authorities are obliged to make concessions to you.
    2. The use of uniforms (police, medical clothing) is prohibited.
    3. Ban on red-eye effect.
    4. Without using shading.
    5. The gaze is clearly directed at the lens and without tilting the head.
    6. If you are photographing a young child, then he should appear in the image with with open eyes, on a light background, with a straight gaze.

    Transfer of documents electronically

    If you decide that you want to take a photo through a photo salon or studio, then the employees of the service provider can move the resulting photo to any removable media.

    For proper execution of documents, the following conditions will need to be met:

    1. The file size must be within the limits of no more than 300 kB and no less than 200 kB.
    2. In JPEG format.
    3. Dimensions 3.5 by 4.5 millimeters.
    4. The resolution of the photograph cannot be less than DPI (pixels).

    Note! But the best option will still use the services of a highly specialized profile and take a photo in a biometric booth. Each department of the Federal Migration Service is expected to have special equipment to perform this function.

    Old style international passport

    This type of passport, unlike the new one, is valid for a much shorter period - 5 years. But it takes shape in more short period and will allow you to save significant time. The difference lies in the number of pictures provided. For an old-style passport, you will need 3 of them, two of which should be attached to the application form, and one will be attached to the first page of your future passport.

    RequirementsTheir characteristics
    SizeThe ratio of width to length should be 35 by 45 millimeters
    Paper materialIts base should be matte
    ColorBoth color and black and white photographs are accepted.
    DecorThere should be a blurred oval at the bottom of the photo
    QuantityThree copies required
    BackgroundMust be made in light shades
    FaceThis main part of the photograph must be clearly visible and directed directly into the lens.

    Other General requirements The rules regarding hats, clothing, the use of glasses, etc., which were applied to a biometric passport, should be followed by analogy when preparing an old-style passport.

    Attention! The photo should not contain creases, shadows, uneven light or other imperfections.

    Preparing photos yourself

    You can take a photograph at home only if you have a good digital camera and a computer or laptop, which will be a means of editing the image.

    It is worth meeting several conditions for the relevant services to accept your photo:

    1. The image should appear on a white background. This can be a light wall, fabric or a specially prepared sheet.
    2. Properly prepared lighting that would rid the image of unwanted shadows, distortions and overlaps.
    3. High resolution photography. Most modern cameras have no problems with this shooting property.
    4. Moderate use of retouching won't hurt. If it is used excessively, the photograph may not be accepted.
    5. After preparing the photo in in electronic format use a printer to print it.

    All other specifications regarding size, material and color have been described above and must also be observed without exception. If you follow all the steps and advice, no problems should arise with obtaining a foreign passport, both new and old.

    If the time has come for you to apply for a new international passport, it is worth checking what requirements apply to the photo for an international passport in 2019. Even if you have already taken photographs before and are sure that you know what photo size is required, you need to look at the website of the Russian Passport Service. There are some differences in the requirements for photographs for issuing an old and new type Russian foreign passport. Be careful so that you don’t have to redo anything later.

    In 2019, the basic requirements for passport photos have not changed. We advise you to contact a professional photo studio where they take photographs for documents. The employees there do this kind of work all the time and know well how many photographs are needed and what size they should be. The print quality will not disappoint you either.

    The photographer will set the light correctly so that there are no sharp shadows, and will make sure that the face appears accurately from the front. If you come in white clothes and there is a risk that they will blend into the background, you will be asked to throw a jacket or stole over your shoulders. Believe me, little things like this matter too.

    If you are unlucky and you get an inexperienced employee, or you decide to handle the task yourself and are confident in your abilities, pay attention to our recommendations for taking a photo for an international passport.

    Photography Rules

    Examples of good and bad photos

    • Photo size – 35×45 mm.
    • Matte paper, colored or black and white.
    • The image is centered and occupies approximately 80% of the image area. Facial features are clearly distinguishable, full face.
    • Eyes open, directed at the lens. You can't make a face. This point is especially important when photographing small children.
    • It is not allowed to be photographed wearing a headdress that hides the ears and jawline. Exceptions are possible only for religious reasons. But even in this case, the face is as open as possible.
    • It is not allowed to wear sunglasses or frames with tinted lenses for photography. If a person wears glasses all the time, he can be photographed wearing them, but at the same time make sure that the eyes and eyebrows are visible in the picture. A massive frame is not suitable for a passport photo.
    • You should avoid wearing white clothes so that the shoulder line is clearly visible in the photo. You cannot be photographed in uniform of law enforcement agencies. Better stick business style in choosing an outfit.
    • It is advisable to create diffuse lighting. The background of the photograph is neutral, without foreign objects or color spots.

    Photo for an old-style international passport

    The requirements for a passport photo coincide with the basic ones, but it should be taken into account that it is recommended to design the lower part of the shoulders in the photo as a blurry oval.

    Don't forget that you will need at least three identical pictures. Two will be glued to the application form, and the third will appear in your passport. Children under the age of majority may provide two photographs.

    Photos are taken in advance and submitted for processing to the passport office along with a set of documents.

    We issue a new biometric passport

    The peculiarity of providing a photograph for issuing a biometric passport is that it is allowed to bring the image in electronic form on a medium or take a photo directly at the passport office at the time of submitting the documents. Employees usually have digital camera. They will take a photo and archive the image and attach it to your file.

    The advantage of this practice is that you don’t have to worry about taking photographs in advance. The downside is that you can’t predict how the photo will turn out, and you’ll have to admire it for ten years. In addition, instant shooting can be merciless to the subject of photography; it is rarely possible to expose diffused light. The photo will be black and white, with sharp shadows.

    If you decide to take a photo in advance, remember that you will need at least two identical photos for your passport application. It is not necessary to make a blurry oval. The photo can be either color or black and white. And although these photographs will not appear in your passport, you should be just as careful when taking them, because if they do not meet the basic requirements, your documents may not be accepted.

    Electronic version for the portal of State Services of the Russian Federation

    This option for applying for a foreign passport is becoming popular in 2019. An electronic photograph is attached to the application.

    The parameters that the photograph must meet are indicated on the website. Observe required dimensions photo and save the file with the correct extension, otherwise your photo will not be accepted by the system. If you cannot process the file yourself, copy the data and ask a photo studio to format the image. Save it on a disk or tablet. Now you are ready to send the photo to work.

    Good luck! You will succeed.

    With the introduction of a new type of passport, photo requirements for documents have changed legislatively.

    Most of the branches FMS are equipped with professional photography equipment. They have special settings to create a digital photo that will fully meet the requirements.

    Migration Service employees independently take photos and then edit them using modern editing programs. New foreign passports have a built-in chip that contains biometric information, and also in documents digital photo is used.

    What's worth knowing?

    Old style international passports They continue to issue them, although their number is limited. Such documents are usually prepared in urgent and emergency cases when the applicant does not have enough time to wait.

    For issuance, information about the applicant is entered into the form and a standard photo for a foreign passport is pasted in. Digital photographs are not used. Therefore, to draw up an old-style document, the applicant provides a paper photograph made according to the previous standards (nobody has canceled them).

    There are rules for paper and digital versions of photos. FMS inspectors require photographs to be provided even if biometric passports are issued. After all, they will be needed when working with questionnaires, as well as personal cards.

    New rules for obtaining a foreign passport are in the following video:

    What photos are needed?

    To obtain a biometric passport(with a built-in chip) with a validity period of 10 years, you need to provide two photos from one block. They must fully comply with the established rules:

    • Color or black and white format;
    • Dimensions – 45 mm x 35 mm;
    • The face is shown only from the front, all features are clearly visible;
    • Matte image.

    Photo requirements for a biometric passport are more flexible than for an old-style ID card.

    The photo will be taken directly by an employee of the Migration Service during the submission of documents. However, if all specified requirements are not strictly observed, the photograph may be rejected.

    Requirements for an old generation passport:

    • Photo parameters: 45 mm x 35 mm;
    • The photograph is strictly on matte paper;
    • There should be a blurry oval at the bottom of the image;
    • The applicant's face is strictly in a full-face position;
    • The background is white, the applicant’s clothing is of a different shade (this is more a wish than a requirement).

    Important! For previous generation passports, 3 photographs are provided in one block (children under 18 years of age are allowed 2 photos).

    Requirements for applicants' clothing:

    1. Photographs in uniform are prohibited (government agencies, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.);
    2. Business attire is required when submitting documents directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
    3. Free style - for other applicants.

    Face, glasses and hats:

    Electronic format for the State Services portal

    Registration of a foreign passport through the Public Services portal every year is becoming more and more popular. The applicant, when submitting a package of documents via the Internet, must attach a file with a digital electronic photo to it. For the photo to be accepted by the system, it must fully meet the following parameters:

    1. JPEG file format.
    2. Resolution – up to 450 dpi.
    3. Size from 200 to 300 KB.
    4. Black and white photo – 8 bits, color – 24 bits.
    5. The photo parameters are equal to the paper version (35 mm x 45 mm).

    Can I take a photo myself?

    Allowed to do it yourself high-quality photo for a foreign passport. To do this, software is installed on a personal computer, and the stated conditions are met. The applicant can also contact a specialized photo studio. The resulting photo is uploaded to a removable storage device, after which it is sent to the FMS through the State Services portal.

    Experts do not advise risking your time and efforts and strongly recommend contacting specialists.

    A passport will be issued only if the applicant has original documents - a general passport, corresponding photos, and other related documents.

    If the applicant wishes to take a photo solely on his own, professionals recommend the following:

    • Use a flat white surface (wall, fabric) as a background;
    • If possible, use professional equipment;
    • Wear formal clothing in contrasting colors;
    • Do not wear tinted glasses or sunglasses. If you always wear vision-correcting glasses, make sure that there is no glare from the flash in your photo. But it’s better to take pictures without glasses;
    • Process the image in a proven graphics editor;
    • Maintain technical parameters in strict accordance with the standards established by law.

    This is interesting:

    In contact with


    The photo requirements for the new international passport have changed in 2017. Most Russian branches of the Federal Migration Service that issue new-style international passports are equipped special devices for photography. The FMS inspector takes the picture himself and corrects it with special graphic editors.

    • What you need to know

    What you need to know

    An example of a passport photo is shown in the image on the right.

    The issuance of old paper passports is still ongoing, although in limited quantities. These documents are more of an emergency nature, since they are quite simple to make: you just need to enter information about the owner on the form and paste it regular photo for a foreign passport. Accordingly, the photograph must be paper, made according to old standards.

    Therefore, speaking about modern requirements for a photograph for a foreign passport, we will consider both paper and digital versions of the photograph, its parameters when sending the photo via online service. In addition, inspectors ask to bring photographs, even if a biometric passport is issued - they are needed when working with personal questionnaires.

    What should paper photographs look like?

    The photo parameters are as follows:

    • photo size 35*45 mm;
    • color does not matter, both b/w and color options are acceptable, but it is better to take a passport photo in color;
    • the paper must have a matte base;
    • the biometric version is made without placing the face in an oval;
    • the image is taken from the front;
    • The background of the photo is light.

    For an old document you need to take four photographs, for a new document - only two. The size of photographs of the first and second options is the same. If four photographs are submitted, then two are needed to paste into the application form, and two more are given to the inspector.

    Photo parameters for a biometric passport

    A new type of foreign biometric document is made using special equipment where required characteristics. If the FMS office at the place of residence or registration does not have the technical capabilities for photography, the applicant will be sent to where such capabilities exist. The remaining papers will need to be submitted there.

    Paper versions of photos for a biometric passport are made to the same standards as for old forms. For children, two separate photographs are also needed.

    General requirements for the style of the photo

    The requirements for a passport photo include not only the parameters of the photo, but also its general style.

    The clothes are plain, but White color prohibited. Uniforms and head coverings are not allowed, except for the hijab, which is prohibited from being removed due to religious requirements. The oval of the face should be clearly visible. The passport photo must not have any shadows, creases or other defects.

    If the applicant always wears glasses, he must wear them when filming. The glass is transparent, glare is not allowed. Neutral facial expression and gaze into the lens.

    Electronic photograph for the portal

    The state online service is becoming increasingly popular. When submitting an application online through the State Services portal, the applicant must attach a file with an electronic photograph. In order for the system to accept the file, the digital passport photograph must meet the following requirements:

    • file extension – JPEG only;
    • resolution no more than 450 dpi;
    • size no more than 300 KB and no less than 200 KB;
    • for a color image – 24 bits, for b/w – 8 bits;
    • The size of the photo corresponds to the paper version: 35*45 mm.

    An applicant for an online version of a photo for a new passport can easily take the photo himself and process it in any graphic editor. If this is difficult, then you can take a photo in the studio, copy it to any medium, and then upload it online through the State Services website.

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