Relationship astrology. Sexual compatibility according to the horoscope

When sexual compatibility is considered according to the horoscope in the synastric chart, then the analysis must be carried out, considering three levels - the lowest (sex), the middle (eros) and the highest (spirituality).

Sexual Horoscope Compatibility: Pluto and Moon

The lower level is sex, which is determined by the pair Pluto and the Moon. It is desirable that Pluto belongs to a man, and the Moon to a woman. In matters of sex, it is important to consider the position of these planets, and not just the traditionally considered aspects between Mars and Venus. Pluto is the open expression of our instincts, our subconscious, or more accurately, our unconscious libido. The moon is a direct expression of the emotional nature, unconscious feelings.

To analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, first of all, we will analyze each of the partners to the question - how does each of them individually relate to sex? We look at what prevails in the cosmogram - Yang or Yin, or possibly Dan.

Yang: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Yin: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

With a YIN cosmogram, you will have a very, very negative attitude towards sex. For the YANG cosmogram, sex will be high. DEN - the attitude will be indifferent.

Let's assume, in your chart of the man there is a quadrature between the Moon and Pluto. The quadrature is the YANG aspect, which means that he will treat sex very, very positively.

If a man’s Pluto is quite strong and positive in terms of karmic status, the Moon is medium and slightly negative in status, then the YANG aspect and the YANG cosmogram are also between them. Then we can say with confidence that he has a moderately positive attitude towards sex, that is, "with coolness." Squeezed - good, no - also good, I'll sleep. But still, during certain transits of the Moon to the natal Moon, a spermatosaurus can wake up in it for a while. And then in contact he will be furious and tireless.

Some negativity of the Moon in the cosmogram of a man with an intelligent woman will only contribute to the development of self-confidence in him. Self-confidence not only in the field of sex, but also in many other equally important areas of his activity. If he feels sexy enough a normal person, his self-esteem rises, and this is always good

If a man has a YIN cosmogram with the data described above, then he will not persistently seek sexual contact. He will not seek contact intrusively and boringly, explaining its necessity, but will simply wait for the partner to “fall on his head” herself.

Suppose a man has a slightly evil Pluto, the Moon is strong and kind. The aspect between them is YAN and the cosmogram is YAN. Such a man treats all women very well, he is both kind and courteous, and even somewhere a knight, but having “broken off” on one or two partners, for the third time he will come into contact with a woman only in two cases: the YANG aspect of transit Mars to natal Pluto or under a strong lunar influence of a woman - this usually leads to very long sexual relationships in which the man is not quite a man, and the woman is not quite a woman. There is no struggle for leadership, here everyone takes his place, everything is fine here, everything is in order here.

And the last option: the same man, but with a YIN cosmogram. This is already an obvious impotence. Pluto is weak, the Moon is strong and kind. He has no concept of the psychological and physical difference between a man and a woman, and he treats both sexes almost equally. This is a truly kind, cultured person, ready to help everyone and in everything, except for the issue of sex, of course ...

Sexual compatibility according to the horoscope: Mars and Venus

The second level of sexual compatibility is a pair of Mars and Venus. To analyze sexual compatibility according to a horoscope, it is necessary to mention two types of love: passion and spiritual love. Consider male Mars and female Venus. Again, the same question - am I capable of earthly love, of passion? We look, if there is no aspect between the planets, then it means that it is not capable.

Analyze your cosmogram and start comparing with your partner's cosmogram. If Mars and Venus interact in the cosmograms of partners, then a connection of an emotional nature arises, i.e. satisfaction or dissatisfaction, harmony or disharmony of relationships.

Mars carries the active principle, Venus, naturally, perceives. Let's suppose that the cosmograms of the partners have the same beginning, let's say - YANG, Mars and Venus are also connected by the YANG aspect, let's say the opposition. Great, in the normal version, this is a mutual complement. Venus has no mind, Mars has no mind, what is marriage based on?

If Mars is "lower", then this is an instinct, a passion for possession, and in this case love will be a violent passion. Venus is ready to accept everything, like a Yin planet, and Mars is ready to give all his instincts, all his strength, all his rage. If Mars is so “low”, animal, instinctive, then this marriage will be based on what Mars gives, and Venus takes, saves.

If only there is an imbalance in terms of level, i.e. Venus is not only perception, but also the beginnings of love, and love is always bestowal, and Mars will remain at the same level. There will be an imbalance.

Or vice versa: Mars rose "up" - controlled will, Venus sits and waits, and he sits, draws a cosmogram. She will wait, wait and go to bed. That's it, the union is over, the levels have diverged.

But this option is also very possible: Mars of a man in YANG aspect to Venus of a woman, and Venus of a man in YIN or creative aspect to Mars of a lady, and in this case, love turns out to be not quite love. Unusual love. There are elements that are not characteristic of her. For example, slavery, dependence, despotism and more. Love does not allow this. Well, how compatible are love and slavery?

In order to analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, it is important to look at the nature of the planets: it is bad for Mars in Taurus, because Mars is a violent planet, and in Taurus it is in exile, i.e. inside. And in this case, a person always has to control himself.

Mars fallen - this is the same problem, but multiplied by N times, it's all inside. Fallen Venus in Scorpio is somewhat different - it is also inner love, but in Scorpio it is an aggressive love, a subjugating love, a love that does not disdain any means to enslave that same Mars.

Sexual compatibility according to the horoscope: Sun, Moon and Neptune

The next level of sexual compatibility is the highest, in which the Sun of a man and Neptune of a woman participate, the Moon of a woman is Neptune of a man, and this is one of the highest forms of love, ideal love. Supreme form love has no real object and refers to some transcendental levels of feelings for which Neptune is responsible. Here, in general, the object is not so important, but what is important is what a person thinks about the object.

Summing up the above levels of sexual compatibility, it should be noted that one must first analyze how a person perceives sex in general, and then consider sexual compatibility.

A complete analysis can help each couple understand each other, avoid disappointments and betrayals in the future. To analyze sexual compatibility according to the horoscope, it is important to add that the relative position of the Lunar nodes, Lilith and Selena also play a huge role. And these points can fundamentally change both the quality of compatibility and its direction.

Elena Isaeva, astrologer

Men and women meet, fall in love, build relationships. How successful this romance will be depends on their zodiac signs.

The position of the Stars has always attracted the eyes of people. With the advent of the science of astrology, scientists have been able to penetrate some of the mysteries of the universe. The position of the Stars and Planets affects our life, character, ability to love.

Venus has a particularly strong influence on our sex life and love.

There is a concept - sexual compatibility of zodiac signs according to Venus. If you know the month of your partner's birth, then it is not difficult to find out everything about his preferences, dreams, secret desires. This will help you keep passionate love for long years. Astrology gives us unique opportunity understand how to find real way to the heart of a beloved or even a legal spouse.

Zodiac sign and position of the planets

There are 12 months in a year, each of which passes under the sign of one of the constellations. If you still do not know which zodiac sign is yours, then find your birthday in the table. It's not difficult, but you can find a lot useful information about yourself, your compatibility with other people in business, love, work, friendship and, of course, in sex.

Each sign gives a person special properties, which is why it can be difficult to get along with certain people - your compatibility is small, or maybe not at all. People are different, so they say, but the roots of this difference lie much deeper than it seems. The stars have already determined the path of each person, have chosen the best companion for him.

So men and women find each other through time and distance - their signs are drawn to each other, no matter what. Constellations are made up of Stars, but not only they affect our life and destiny. The position of other planets and stars is important - the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars.

Of course, all the planets of our solar system are taken into account, but these have the strongest impact on the main areas of life of each person, his ability to build any relationship.

Determine your zodiac sign

The planets and stars are millions of light years away from us. How can they determine our life? Here it is best to ask a qualified astrologer a question.

At the time of the birth of each person, male or female, the Planets, Stars and Constellations lined up in a certain way relative to each other. It is customary to use the term Zodiacal Energy here. This concept is scientific and philosophical, but not fictional. indeed, the totality of all conditions gives a certain charge of energy that a person receives at the moment of his birth, a whole life passes with him.

Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars

The Sun and Mars are masculine, while Venus and the Moon are feminine.

Venus - affects the sensual sphere of human life, if love and sexual compatibility with other signs of the zodiac. Considered as the position of the planet Venus relative to the Zodiacal Constellation. Although the planet is “feminine” in its essence, it affects men to the same extent.

Mars - determines the level of independence, inclination to aggression, struggle. This is a very masculine planet, but, again, women also have their influence. Studying the horoscope of Joan of Arc, the virgin warrior, astrologers came to the conclusion that at the time of her birth, Mars was in its peak, most powerful, position. She acquired qualities that are not characteristic of a woman, especially in that century. If her birthday had fallen the next day or a couple of days later, history books would hardly have contained a mention of her, and Jeanne could have lived a completely ordinary life.

Moon - has an impact on the spiritual life of man. If there is a lot of the Moon in the zodiac sign, then people turn out to be dreamy, out of touch with life. Of course, these qualities, but not so strong, are needed by everyone. We all have the ability to dream, to fantasize. Someone even makes good money on this - poets, writers, screenwriters, artists. The moon is a symbol of creativity.

The sun is the strongest influence exerted by the sun. This is a huge Star with an incredibly powerful force of attraction. The sun is able to model the waves of energy that affect each of us. The desire for self-realization, activity, character, this is what gives us the position of the Sun at the time of birth.

Naturalness, the totality of the influence of the Stars and Planets gives us compatibility with other signs. All this is an integral part of human life, because it is impossible to explain why we are like this and not others. Our identity depends on the day, month and hour we were born. The stars have blessed us. All men and women receive their destiny without knowing it. After all, fate depends on ourselves, on what we are.

The influence of Venus on our lives

Venus influences each sign of the zodiac in its own way. This determines the sexual temperament, the tendency to have casual relationships, or commitment to one partner. You can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself and your partner, because sex is an integral, very important part of our life. It is commonly said to characterize this connection "Venus is in Aries (in Leo or Capricorn)".

Aries combines reason and feelings, although the practical prevails.


When Venus is in Aries, its influence is very weak. This does not mean that love is impossible for this zodiac sign or sensuality is reduced. Simply, the presence of love energy is not so strong. It increases dramatically when a person meets his soul mate with strong sexual energy.

Venus in Aries is located in such a way that he can live his whole life without strong feelings, unfortunately. It is important here that on its way Aries meets a person who is able to love without any “buts”. Then the influence intensifies, new qualities are acquired. A person literally opens up, gaining sexual energy day by day. In such pairs, compatibility is very high, but in the case of Aries, this is rare.

This situation is not the best for a woman, because they are not very sensitive. You need maximum male energy to awaken a storm of emotions in Aries.


Here everything is in order with the sensual component of the personality. Taurus has a lot of sexual energy, the ability to love. These people even know how to give their energy to other signs, share it. Taurus ignite the flame of passion in other signs. Their sexual compatibility is very strong, practically it is noted. Venus in Capricorn occupies almost the same position - these signs are considered very compatible in all respects.

It will be important to choose the right partner, who not only “pumps” their energy, but also knows how to complement Taurus with his own. Then such an alliance will be considered very successful. Taurus will like Virgo because of their active nature, but they will not succeed. Venus in Virgo deprives her of sensuality, and for Taurus this is the worst thing.

If the partner has Venus in Cancer or Aries, then nothing will come of it either - here, after the very first night together, Taurus will look at the partner with regret. He expected more from them.


Gemini in love and sex is very curious. They don't always have boundaries. The motto of such people is “you need to try everything, even if it seems strange to others.” It is easy for them to find a partner for sex, but they do not know how to start long-term relationships. They have the same problem as in the case of Venus in Aries - it is hard to find someone who is ready to interact with them.

Those Gemini who were born in the first half of their cycle have a very strong ability to love. This increases their compatibility, helps build relationships. Such people are like the heroes of novels because they are capable of a very vivid manifestation of their sensuality. Do not be afraid of this, they are quite sincere with you.

They dream of Leo, although they see how unbridled his temper is. If there is Leo surrounded by Gemini, then he is the first candidate for a stormy romance.

Cancer's love is more maternal than passionate


Men and women under the sign of Cancer suffer from the peculiarities of the position of Venus in their sign. Venus in Cancer is represented almost negatively. The thing is that they do not have the degree of sexuality and sensuality that most partners need.

With them it is good, it is cozy, as in the native house. They have a difficult attitude towards sex - it is necessary, especially in marriage, but no more. For other signs of the zodiac, this attitude may seem offensive, because they want real intimacy. The planet Venus in Cancer gives them many other positive sensual qualities, but not sexuality.

If the connection is with a sign that is similar in energy, for example, we are talking about Aries or Libra, then it does not get any easier for them. Here in a couple there may be no attraction at all. Venus in Cancer is unfortunate for marriage, but great for friendships that don't want sex.

a lion

Venus in Leo works wonders. By itself, the sign is strong, proud, not failing. In love and sex, he becomes even less tolerant. On the one hand, more weak signs they are simply afraid of him, they don’t even want to start building relationships. For the strong, all the ardor with which Leo tries to prove his superiority will be a pleasant surprise.

If we are talking about Leo, born in the second half of his cycle, then this is a person with a big heart. Sometimes, even very much. This encourages him to cheat. If Venus in Cancer or Aries restricts a person from any manifestations of sexual aggression, then in Leo she becomes even a little dangerous.

Can establish good compatibility with Gemini, for example, who are always in need of experimentation. Venus in Leo makes him a collector of victories over the opposite sex, so be careful when starting an affair with such a suave but assertive partner.


Venus in Virgo occupies a special, disappointing position. These people don't know how to love. They appreciate the partner, his qualities, strength. It is important for Virgo to be loved, then she blossoms. This situation is not quite typical, because it is completely aimed at the perception of love. Virgo needs to hear compliments, receive signs of attention. Only then can she say, "Oh, I'm a little in love."

Venus in Virgo has little influence on the sexual sphere. Under the influence of her impression of a partner, she can be very active for a while, and then let the situation take its course. Of course, gifts, confessions, prayers can revive this passion. Virgo's relationship with other zodiac signs is complex.

It is easy to fall in love with her precisely because of this first impressionability, but living together doesn't add up very well. Virgo wants to criticize everything. This sign of her can still be forgiven in love, but in bed it can be fatal. Many signs reject her due to constant criticism.

Libra knows how to love, show their feelings


Libra is a strong sign. To some, they may seem cold, not at all passionate. This is not true. Men and women of this sign know how to impress a partner with their charms. If you pass their checks, you can be sure that this union will bring a lot of joy, love, courtship. But, of course, not for every sign of the zodiac, Libra will be open and friendly.

Venus in Leo is considered sexually aggressive, but their union with Libra will be quite harmonious. Libra will be able to direct Leo along the right path, and his passion will be supported for years. Compatibility with other signs is also not bad, especially at a young age.


The position of Venus in Scorpio is very harmonious. They know how to love with pure love. For them, the desire of a partner is very important. Scorpio wants a sincere relationship, ready for long-term courtship. If you follow mercantile goals, then it is better not to contact representatives of these signs. They are good at spotting lies.

In sex, Scorpios prefer active partners who are ready for experiments. In Leo, they may be disappointed, or they may not. It all depends on the degree of sexual emancipation Leo has reached. They immediately reject those who are too passive, because sex is a type of communication, and there is nothing to talk about with a boring interlocutor more than once.


The situation with Sagittarius is similar to the position of Venus in Aries. There is only one difference - Sagittarius knows how to manipulate his love, sex. This does not mean that such people do not know how to love, cannot experience the pleasure of intimacy with a partner. At full compatibility no problems will arise.

Sagittarius knows his worth, he is very self-confident. Women under this sign believe that they are in themselves a gift of fate for any man. They need to be achieved, beautifully looked after. Whether the partner will be pleased with the result or not - it does not really matter to them.

Sagittarians know how to be passionate, but keep a sober head. This zodiac sign has a complete, distinct idea of ​​what their love is worth. Contacting them for a small affair can be dangerous, but you can only win the heart of Sagittarius with sincerity.

This is a wise sign that can predict the behavior of a partner a few steps ahead.


Venus in Capricorn gives the sign a heightened sense of the partner's importance. They never take it lightly, if your couple did not work out, then because Capricorn has a clear opinion - nothing will work out. He carefully considered all the pros and cons, but the conclusion made. Those whom Capricorn fell in love with were very lucky. He is open and honest, will not go to treason.

Capricorn combines tenderness and passion. They do not like to experiment in sex if they consider the experiment unworthy. When women talk about their Capricorn lover, they are always full of delight. He knew exactly what she wanted. True, he did not necessarily take the connection itself seriously. Don't worry if he doesn't call you back. You can call yourself.


Aquarians have a hard time in life, because few people understand them. The compatibility of this sign with others is not as strong as that of other signs. By their temperaments, they are rather weak, do not like words. Aquarius can only speak good friend or beloved. It’s hard with lovers, because Aquarius is not very sociable, it’s difficult to get to know him.

In sex, they try to take the initiative until they get bored. Gets bored quickly. Aquarius men are popular only with those women for whom sexual ardor does not matter. Venus in Virgo or Cancer recognizes Aquarius. They are good together emotional sphere when everything is clear in the eyes, no extra words are needed.

Venus in Leo is dangerous for Aquarius. With such a partner, life will turn into torment. Male lions may think that there are devils in this "still pool", but they will be mistaken. Such a woman cannot be persuaded to a stormy romance.


Pisces are jealous in love. They value a partner, but the fear of losing him and their spiritual connection is above all for them. That is why we are ready for anything. They are liberated in sex, do not tolerate betrayal. It seems to fish that they are so wonderful, they are ready for anything. so why would partners cheat on them? Pisces men have a subtle mental organization that allows them to please everyone, even the Virgo woman. True, they have a dubious future, because Fish will not stand up to criticism and reproaches in bed.

Otherwise, these are loving natures. Fish cannot be called cold. Their sphere of love and sex is surprisingly balanced according to Venus. Sometimes fish dream of Leo as a passionate and faithful partner, they take his ardor into account. It is not always so. Yes, Leo and Pisces have very good compatibility, but the pressure of the first can ruin everything.

Pisces are romantic, their hearts are ready to accept almost anyone. This ability to love can play a cruel joke on a young Pisces, because the world is cruel.

Your passionate love waiting. Find your man, because the Stars have already planned your meeting. Everything will work out, do not be disappointed if you have not yet reached maximum compatibility in love, relationships, sex. The most interesting is waiting for you ahead.

Partners are drawn to each other and they want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners "speak the same language" and understand well what each other needs. Their addictions can coincide in the most necessary moments.

Print of happiness for a man

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right time she can cheer up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please with some gift. She is ready to support his undertakings in many ways. This is a very good aspect.

Non-conflict union

With such a combination, a man and a woman do not oppose themselves to each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are well coordinated and do not hurt the interests of the partner. Even if a collision does occur (which is rare), in almost any case they can find a compromise sooner or later.

Male and female look good together. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the "flourishing" of a woman and the "masculinity of a man." This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible complexion. This aspect is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and their "habits".

Psychological understanding

Examples of an intimate compatibility horoscope:

intimate satisfaction

Partners are drawn to each other and they want intimacy. If they receive it, then this is accompanied by significant satisfaction, since both partners "speak the same language" and understand well what each other needs. Their addictions can coincide in the most necessary moments.

Intimate dissatisfaction

Partners are attracted to each other, and a connection may even arise, but it cannot become strong after a while. It will be difficult for them to get satisfaction from each other, since there are no common points of contact in the compatibility horoscope, as if they "speak" different languages.

Excellent intimate compatibility!

A man and a woman can truly enjoy each other, being on the same wave of sensations and pleasant impressions. This is exactly the compatibility horoscope that gives the best picture - the partners "charge" each other with positive, which strengthens their union in the strongest way.

No intimate intersections

In this case, it is more of a negative situation than a positive one. Partners need some kind of core relationship, attraction, satisfaction with each other, which will keep them together and not let them look at other, more interesting candidates. Here it is quite difficult to get it. Especially in the long run.

Examples of the level of happiness in the compatibility horoscope:

Seal of Happiness

A woman makes a man happier. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but one thing is clear - a man enjoys the company of this woman, since at the right time she can cheer up, give advice, and even (not uncommonly) please with some gift. She is ready to support his undertakings in many ways. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Seal of Happiness

A man makes a woman happier. He treats her more favorably than women with whom he does not have this aspect. This can be expressed in completely different ways, but the essence is the same - he is generous to her, ready to support and delight in every possible way. He is ready to answer her "Yes" more often to her various undertakings, requests and even whims. This is a very good aspect in the compatibility horoscope.

Mutual seal of happiness!

it unique case- both partners share each other happier. Couples with this combination are very happy due to the fact that partners mutually support each other, treat each other with warmth. With this combination and in the absence of other negative aspects in love horoscope they can survive almost any adversity that in ordinary couples creates a heavy mood and disunity.

Examples of the level of unhappiness in the compatibility horoscope:

Print of misfortune for a man

The woman suppresses the man. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the action of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the woman treats the man very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In her presence, he clearly feels it on himself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. couples with such aspects in the horoscope, compatibility is rarely formed, but if they are formed (for example, forced circumstances), then the man then suffers from the attacks of the woman, unless he is accustomed to matriarchy from childhood or loves the woman so much. A woman should pacify her demands on a man and try to treat him softer and kinder.

Seal of misfortune for a woman

The man oppresses the woman. This is a very negative aspect in the compatibility horoscope, which overshadows the action of other harmonious aspects. In this case, the man treats the woman very strictly, dryly and perhaps even cruelly. In his presence, she clearly feels it on herself: an outflow of strength, a drop in mood and motivation. Married couples with such aspects are rarely formed, but if they are formed, then the woman then suffers from the sometimes unreasonable harsh attitude of the man. This is fraught with depression on her part. A woman should not take to heart the rigidity of a man and try to maintain a good mood.
(please check the accuracy of the entered birth time of both partners - this aspect may disappear if the correct birth time is entered)

Mutual seal of misfortune!

Both partners suppress each other. This is the most negative heavenly combination that can be found in life. Couples with this aspect live in discord. It is very difficult to live in harmony and good spirits. Usually such pairs are formed due to forced circumstances.
(please check the accuracy of the entered birth time of both partners - this aspect may disappear from the compatibility horoscope if the correct birth time is entered)

Examples of the level of conflict in the compatibility horoscope:

Non-conflict union

With such a combination, a man and a woman do not oppose themselves to each other. They are tactful where necessary, and their actions are well coordinated and do not hurt the interests of the partner. Even if a collision does occur (which is rare), in almost any case, they can sooner or later find a compromise.

conflict union

With such a combination, a man and a woman oppose themselves to each other. There are times when they are tactless where necessary. It happens that the conflict arises from scratch: they become aggressive, stubborn or principled, believing that they are right, while refusing to apologize or take the blame. Failure to reach an agreement often leads to disunity, alienation and often to a breakdown in relations. If there are 3 such aspects in the compatibility horoscope, then good intimate compatibility is necessary so that there is “something to forgive for”, so that there is affection.

Examples of external compatibility in a horoscope:

"External" compatibility (nice addition)

Male and female look good together. Their gender roles fit well together, resulting in the "flourishing" of a woman and the "masculinity of a man." This can be expressed, for example, in the same taste in clothes, in the same lifestyle, in the same facial features or compatible complexion. This aspect in the compatibility horoscope is very good for theater actors or dance partners - they can be similar in appearance and in their "habits".

Minor "external" incompatibility

Men and women may not be exactly alike. This can be expressed, for example, in the difference in tastes in clothes, in a different lifestyle, in different facial features or different complexion. By itself, this aspect in the compatibility horoscope does not bring any trouble.

Examples of psychological compatibility in a horoscope:

Psychological understanding

Men and women understand each other well psychologically. With such aspects it is quite easy for them to communicate, share impressions and experiences. Perhaps a general sense of humor. The ability to understand the mood of a partner and adjust to the wave. Or sympathy for the inner world of a partner.

A little psychological misunderstanding

In this case, difficulties may arise in understanding one partner to another. There are situations when it is difficult to convey your mood or experience in such a way that the partner is imbued or at least understands what is being said.

A chapter from the book by Sergei Shestopalov "Astrology of Relationships". It presents the results of many years of research - the author's method for determining compatibility in marriage and other types of partnerships. Eight types of psychological interactions have been identified.

The main method for determining the compatibility of subjects. Blocks of interaction

To belong to solar sign in matters of compatibility determines mutual understanding between people. Lack of understanding can be overcome. Throughout a long interaction, spouses learn to understand each other. Divorce figures testify to this - even in the most bad choices(male - Taurus and female - Cancer) half of the marriages are stable. The influences of other planets can tip the scales in one direction or another: conflicting ones can make understanding difficult, and good planets can improve it. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, being a sexual planet female horoscope when well aspected by the sexual planets of the partner, it receives significant reinforcement, which to some extent improves the situation.

Major aspects make the main contribution to the interaction of horoscopes. The energy of minor aspects is insufficient to ensure the proper level of activity, both in sexual and in psychological relations. The minor aspects are too weak for that.

To predict relationships in marriage, one should take into account those blocks of interactions that ensure the stability and duration of the union, and are not significant for other options for relationships between people.

Psychological interaction

The next information block of personal interaction is psychological. It is expressed by mutual understanding, sincerity, a sense of sympathy and mutual kindness, care, tenderness and affection. This type of interaction between people is determined by the participation of the following pairs of planets: Venus or the Moon of the horoscope of one person with Venus or the Moon of another, the Sun in the horoscope of one with the Sun in the horoscope of another. In relationships, Venus will determine sympathy, tenderness, affection and sympathy. Moon - kindness, emotional attraction, care and attention. The sun is mutual understanding, a common view of the world, a similar philosophy. This type of interaction - psychological - does not have a decisive influence on the stability of the union, but in the presence of harmonious aspects it indicates a good friendly disposition of people towards each other. The presence of disharmonious aspects between these planets does not lead to serious contradictions and breaks in relations, although it can somewhat darken the psychological atmosphere between partners.

Sexual interaction

As mentioned above, the sensual, emotional basis of sexual relations is provided by the sexual planets, and Venus in the horoscope of men, the Sun and Mars in the horoscope of women. When evaluating sexual relationships in a couple, we must first consider the interaction of these particular planets in their horoscopes.

Often amateur astrologers insist with fervor: male potency is Mars!

Why did Ptolemy think otherwise? Undoubtedly, he possessed information from the field of medicine and physiology. Let's turn to these sources. Speaking of potency, physiologists and doctors mean the ability to have an erection. The male genital organ, as you know, is not a muscle, but is a collection of cavernous bodies belonging to the venous system. Filling the cavernous bodies with blood and providing an erection. Muscles are ruled by Mars, while Venus is responsible for the venous system. The circulation of fluids in the body, their inflow and outflow to a particular organ is controlled by the Moon. If the sexual organ were a muscle, there would be no problems of impotence, since a person can contract any muscle in his body at will. Potency is a consequence of the health of the vascular system. Consequently, male potency is provided not by Mars, but by the participation of Venus and the Moon. Therefore, when considering sexual interaction, we will look at the positions of Ptolemy.

Naturally, harmonious aspects will determine the harmony of sexual relations and emotional-sensual interaction. Disharmonious aspects create tension in the sexual sphere and aggravated-tense sensual relationships, which are called passion. Passionate relationships cannot be long-term. The intense interactions of the sexual planets in horoscopes lead either to psychophysical exhaustion, or to a discrepancy between the sensual desires of two people. Simultaneous realization of these states is also possible. Therefore, for long-term, including marriage, unions, the presence of disharmonious aspects will be an unfavorable factor. With regard to such an aspect as a connection, it is necessary to take into account which planets create it. The conjunction with the Sun, with all certainty, can be attributed to harmonious interactions, while the conjunction with Mars will be positive in assessing sexual relations, but negative for psychological interactions. Especially evil is the conjunction of Mars with the Moon. Mars is able to hurt the Moon and bring her to tears.

An analysis of cases of disharmonious interactions of sexual planets makes it possible to clarify ideas about quadratures and oppositions when evaluating sexual relations. The opposition does not look unambiguously negative, partners will sexually satisfy each other. A completely different result will determine the influence of quadrature: the partners will not have sexual satisfaction with each other.

We will reveal these provisions, based on our own research. There is an important astrological rationale for the above statistical generalizations. It is known that the highest sexual need is communicated to their owners by female signs belonging to the elements of Earth and Water. The most sensual are the signs related to the elements of Water. Earth, having a high sexual need combined with restraint, easily responds to the calls of the water element, but characterizes the slow development of excitement.

Sexual need refers to the ability to have frequent sexual intercourse and the duration of sexual intercourse.

Male signs of the elements of Fire and Air do not have such a high sexual need. Air signs are the least sexual. At the same time, the most non-sexual signs are Gemini and Aquarius. However, Fire, not prone to private sexual contacts, has a high temperament and is able to ignite Air. Therefore, the sexual relations of the representatives of the elements of Fire and Air are harmonious. We emphasize that sexuality is evaluated not by the solar sign, but by the position of the sexual planets in the signs of the elements.

From this it becomes clear that the conjunction of the sexual planets will provide the same sexual need, due to the presence of the planet in the same sign. An exception is a conjunction separated by a sign boundary, in which one planet is at the end of one sign and the other at the beginning of the next. In this case, sexual interaction will be characterized by a different sexual need, since the planets will fall into the signs of unfriendly elements. But such a connection option is quite rare.

The trine also provides a similar sexual need, which follows their belonging to the same element of the partners' sexual planets.

The sextile determines the interaction of friendly elements with an equal sexual need: Water with Earth, Fire with Air.

The same applies to the opposition, although this is a tense aspect. This is a tense interaction of signs with an equal sexual need, so the opposition can be considered as an acceptable aspect for marriage.

And, finally, quadrature creates a tense interaction of unfriendly elements with different sexual needs: Fire and Air with Water or Earth. Such a sexual union is clearly disharmonic.

A significant non-astrological factor that affects sexual relations is the health of partners and age. If one of the spouses is much older than the other or is sick and the disease has its effect on potency, then there may not be intimate relationships, despite the good interaction of the sexual planets. In this case, the favorable aspects of the sexual planets will produce sexual emotions that create a sensual basis for relationships without real sex, which can cement the marriage.

Analysis shows that no matter how unsuccessful the interactions of the sexual planets are, this is not the reason for the destruction of unions. There are many examples of sexually disharmonious couples who have kept the family for decades without getting proper sexual satisfaction, but do not think about parting. They may have connections on the side in secret from a partner, and sometimes they don’t even hide it. However, the union does not break up. What is the reason for such a relationship? Why in such marriages there are no crashes and dramas? The answer is given by a painstaking astrological analysis of the horoscopes of such couples. The fact is that relationships in marriage are not limited to one sex. It is only in unsuccessful films that they try to impose on us a simplified model that demonstrates the destruction of the family due to sexual dissatisfaction and adultery. In real life, this reason occupies one of the last positions in long list reasons for divorce.

Gender Interaction

The next integral block that forms the foundation of this technique is the astrological accounting of behavioral interaction associated with gender. This type of interaction can be expressed in one term, which has received active use in the last 2 years due to the interest of psychology in behavioral differences at the gender level - gender. An addition to sexual interaction is the gender compatibility of a man and a woman, which is determined by the external manifestation of sexuality.

This compatibility block allows you to assess how much the interaction of a man and a woman, taking into account their sexual characteristics, but minus the sexual component, reveals the potential due to gender, namely, female femininity and male masculinity.

Male planets in the male horoscope characterize masculinity, male behavior, male behavioral reactions. Female planets in the female horoscope - femininity, female behavior, female behavioral reactions. Femininity and taste, external attractiveness of the weaker sex depend on the Moon and Venus in the horoscope of a woman, and external masculine qualities, masculinity are determined by the Sun and Mars in the horoscope of a man.

Therefore, the interaction of the male planets - the Sun and Mars - male horoscope with the female planets - the Moon and Venus - the female horoscope characterizes external behavioral, or gender, compatibility. The study of gender compatibility in horoscopes allows you to determine how much a particular woman allows her partner to reveal his best male qualities, whether he becomes in her presence not a boy, but a husband, whether he feels like a man with this woman.

It is also possible to assess the extent to which a particular partner reveals a woman. Does this man allow a woman to show her truly feminine features, express her femininity to the fullest, realize her ideas about taste and beauty, and whether he will help her achieve perfection in this.

When Venus and Moon of a woman interact with the Sun and Mars of a man, this or that type of behavioral compatibility arises. This interaction primarily determines the harmony of mutual behavior, which includes complementarity in appearance and behavior, consistency in movements, external manifestations of care and attention towards each other without mutual physical attraction. With good gender interaction, a man and a woman are perceived by others as a harmonious couple that make up a single whole. With disharmonious interaction, their appearance may contradict each other. They may dress ignoring the joint result, it has been observed that such couples never walk holding hands or arm in arm. In companies, they behave independently from each other and are so successful in this that strangers they perceive them as outsiders and are extremely surprised to find spouses in these people. Others do not see them as a married couple.

The same man, regardless of his external data, in the presence of one woman can feel like a macho, because she excites these qualities in him. And in the presence of another look feminine, infantile and sexless. In the same way, a woman, who is not even the personification of beauty, blooms like a flower in the presence of one man and looks like the embodiment of femininity, and in the presence of another she can feel like a being of the middle sex.

Love Formula

Another important type of relationship between a man and a woman is associated with the presence or absence of a love formula when their horoscopes interact. In this case, we are talking about the elements of the 5th house of one horoscope and the elements of the 7th house of another horoscope. As elements of houses, the owners and planets of these houses are considered, and also sexual planets take part, which act both as elements of the V house and as elements of the VII house.

The analysis is based on the study natal charts partners. In the case of the predominance of disharmonious interactions of the above elements, the union, as a rule, does not become a marriage. Such a picture is observed in the case of so-called civil marriages - long-term relationships without registration of the union. In the presence of harmonious interactions of these houses, unions become stronger, and civil marriages get a chance to be registered.

It should be noted that the formula of love, the interaction of the V and VII fields of the horoscopes of a man and a woman, can be created by non-sexual planets, which speaks in favor of the fact that love is not limited to sex. If the latter were the defining moment, then all men would marry exclusively representatives of the most ancient profession.

Conflict interaction

As we said above, sex is one of several components of the union, and not the most important one. Research has shown that most marriages break down due to conflict. The latter is determined by the interaction of conflicting planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. These same conflict planets destroy relationships not only between lovers and spouses, but also partner, allied, and business relationship. Conflicting planets weigh down any type of relationship.

The type of conflict depends on the planets causing it.

Thus, the intense interaction of the Mars of two subjects leads to conflicts in which there is a desire to cause pain or physical harm to a partner. This type of conflict requires close physical contact.

The intense interaction of Mars and Jupiter gives an explosive type of interaction with a very loud, noisy manifestation. By breaking dishes, slamming doors, shouting and accusing, and, if possible, using firearms. At the same time, if Mars tries to inflict pain and inflict physical damage, then Jupiter strives for formidable sound and light effects, organizing maximum noise and scandalous manifestations.

The disharmonious interaction between Mars of one subject and Saturn of another can be quite dramatic. It creates an extreme degree of hatred and malice. Mars, as in all other interactions, seeks physical contact, and Saturn burns with hidden hatred and silent contempt with clenched teeth.

The tense aspect of Mars of one subject with Pluto of another gives the danger of violent actions in relation to each other. Mars tends to physical harm or pain, and Pluto must give a fitting rebuff to the aggressor.

The disharmonious interaction of Jupiters speaks of accusations against each other and the furious slamming of doors and rattling of chairs.

The intense interaction of Jupiter with Saturn gives rise to cruel and unfair accusations of the most terrible sins.

Jupiter of one, damaging Pluto of another, brings to life conflicts, accompanied by violent indignation and unfair accusations.

The intense aspect of Saturn with Pluto gives rise to a type of conflict in which neither is inferior to the other. Pluto does this defiantly and publicly, challenging his partner in the face. Saturn - silently, rigidly and uncompromisingly, he resists, not yielding even in small things.

Two Plutos are in conjunction between cosmograms of the same age. Among other tense aspects, a quadrature is possible, which implies a difference in age between subjects of 40-45 years. This type of conflict will manifest itself as dictate, everyone will strive to insist on his own, dictate and assert his will.

The seal of happiness is unhappiness

The presence of a seal of happiness or unhappiness in the interaction of horoscopes of subjects, in contrast to psychological compatibility, can significantly affect the entire sphere of relations. In terms of its significance, this block of interaction is comparable to the block responsible for conflict.

We are talking about the aspects of Saturn and Jupiter in the horoscope of one subject to the Sun and Moon of the partner's horoscope.

In ancient astrology, Jupiter was called "great happiness." Hence, the harmonious aspects of Jupiter to the Sun or Moon of the partner make this person happy, giving him a feeling of fullness of life. These aspects we have called the “seal of happiness”, they give happy unions.

Dark influences, evil fate were associated with Saturn, he was considered a “great misfortune”. The damage that Saturn brings to the Sun or Moon in the partner's horoscope brings misfortune to the latter and has received the intriguing name "Seal of Satan". This aspect brings disharmonious unhappy relationships. We called it the "seal of misfortune."

In accordance with the essential nature of the luminaries, conjunction with Jupiter in astropsychology is always good, and conjunction with Saturn is evil. In this case, the tense aspects of Jupiter to the Sun or Moon of the partner are not considered and are of no significant importance, as well as the harmonious aspects of Saturn.

According to our observations, Jupiter, through harmonious aspects, gives the partner's Sun and Moon energy, a charge of vivacity and optimism, as a result, a person feels happy. The influence of Jupiter is especially strong in harmonious aspects to the Moon. When this aspect is performed, one person has a healing effect on state of mind another. And, on the contrary, Saturn, through aspects to the Sun or Moon of the partner, has a depressing, overwhelming effect, as a result of which the partner feels unhappy.

The presence of the “seal of happiness” and the “seal of unhappiness” has several refractions in the horoscopes of two interacting people. All kinds of combinations of relationships are possible, when one feels happy and the other does not, when one is unhappy, and the other does not feel any oppression. Sometimes there are unions in which Saturn of one horoscope damages the Sun or Moon of another, and Jupiter of the second creates harmonious aspects to the Sun or Moon of the first. In this case, the first feels happy with the second, and the second - unhappy with the first. There are also mixed influences of one person on another, when Saturn damages the Sun or Moon in the partner's horoscope, and Jupiter creates harmonious aspects to them. In this variant, one subject brings both happiness and unhappiness to his partner at the same time.

It seems logical to develop this technique, supplementing it with the introduction of the concept of “little happiness”, as the influence of Venus was called in ancient times. But this type of interaction falls either into the block of sexual relations, or gender, or into the block of psychological correspondence (Venus-Moon). Similarly, the interpretation of the Sun as a good planet to describe happy unions leads us to the blocks of relationships already described. The use of aspects of another evil planet - Mars - to the Sun and Moon of a partner does not carry a large destructive charge, similar to Saturnian.

From our point of view, based on painstaking analysis, the contribution of the influence of Mars is not significant enough in the formation of unhappy unions and does not deserve such consideration.

Naturally, not all unions are endowed with the seal of happiness. In real life, there are a large number of marriages, equipped with the seal of misfortune. Can unhappy unions last?

In our observation, everyone comes to terms with suppression in different ways. It depends, both on the subject's belonging to zodiac sign, and from belonging to the floor. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a woman is capable of remaining in a marriage under conditions of suppression. In other words, if women have more flexibility, which makes life easier in conditions of submission, the union in which the husband's Saturn strikes the wife's Sun can be lasting. However, sooner or later, the evil influence of this planet manifests itself with all evidence. Most often in such a union, a woman energetically striving for social realization, does not work, her husband interferes with her professional movement. It has been noted that over time, oppression transforms into neglect, the “oppressor husband” loses interest in the subject of suppression and, in the end, leaves the family.

Men tend to be less submissive, so marriages in which the wife's Saturn afflicts the husband's Sun or Moon are much less common. In such a marriage, the wife is the head of the family, publicly demonstrates her own superiority over her husband, raises him like a child, guides him over trifles, and, as a result, completely suppresses her husband. As a result of this type of relationship, it is the woman who becomes the main culprit in her husband's failed career, drunkenness, alcoholism, and all other options for social decline.

In such pairs, as a rule, some special configurations in the horoscope of the “oppressed” facilitate the situation: the Moon or Sun in Capricorn, as well as the Moon or Sun aspected by Saturn. The presence of Saturnian influence in the horoscope makes such relationships habitual for its owner. If the Sun or Moon is in a harmonious aspect with Saturn, they are resistant to disharmonious influence from Saturn's partner. If it is tense, then the subject becomes accustomed to a feeling of unhappiness or a state of depression, because he did not know anything else in his life. Sometimes, the choice of such a partner is influenced by relationships with parents. In particular, if the luminaries of the son were damaged by Saturn of the mother, then due to the realization of the Oedipus complex, he can choose a wife with the same influence on his horoscope. But the end of such unions, according to our observations, is the same: "Saturn leaves." That is, one of the spouses whose Saturn strikes the luminaries of the partner leaves the family. It is he who suppresses, disrespects and neglects his companion and loses interest in him.

Causing physical harm

And, finally, the last type of interaction is the infliction of physical harm from one subject to another. This block of relations carries the Formula of causing physical harm, when the abscissas - "life interrupters" of one subject affect the chilegs - "life indicators" - of another.

Abscissas, acting as elements of the VIII field of the horoscope of one subject, must interact with the hylegs - elements of the I or X fields of the horoscope - of another. This interaction of abscissors and hylegs suggests that the first subject can cause physical harm or be the cause of death of the second.

This type includes not only the relationship between the killer and the victim, but all cases of harm caused by one person to another. This includes serious consequences for careless, imprudent, or negligent acts done without malicious intent. In this type of relationship, subjects may harm their loved ones not intentionally, but completely. by chance - husband wife, wife to husband, parent to child, child to parent, etc. This can happen in a happy union against the backdrop of the best harmonious relationship. It is significant that against such a favorable background, the victim will still feel happy with his partner and will not endow the situation with excessive drama.

The addition of all compatibility blocks can give a complex and contradictory picture of the relationship between two subjects. But let's not simplify the task, because in most cases this is exactly what relationships between people actually are. For decades, there can be very conflicting unions, marked with the seal of happiness, happy marriages no sex, passionate love relationship with a tragic denouement and many other variants of personal interactions.

Revealing deeply hidden dramas, unraveling the tangles of contradictions and revealing the truth, the astrologer must observe ethics and professional secrecy.

"Do no harm!" - this is the main ethical commandment that an astrologer should be guided by. However, the picture obtained after the analysis should be described fully and truthfully. You should not reassure a person with prepackaged slogans “everything will be fine” if the union is doomed. Based on verified astrological data, it is necessary to illuminate with the utmost care the client all negative sides relationships and their perspective. An unhappy union that has become obsolete and bursting at all seams should not be preserved at the cost of mental, and sometimes physical health spouses. The shock of negative information does not hurt a person as much as a real critical situation. Preservation of the family for reasons of well-being of children is not correct, because conflict relations between parents injure and change the psyche of the child, causing severe psychological trauma. Our extensive archives contain a sufficient amount of information about conflict unions that ended tragically. We have good reason to recommend to doubting conflict spouses not to tempt fate indefinitely and to end exhausting relationships in a timely manner.

In a bad union, there is no need to look for the guilty: two people can be wonderful separately, but completely incompatible with each other. The realization of this fact is often decisive. Spouses stop quarreling and make a divorce without mutual negativity, which is especially important if a child grows up in the family. Each of them has the prospect of a new relationship in which they can be happier if they heed the advice of a professional based on reliable astrological techniques.

You can order a compatibility horoscope

You can find out whether people are suitable for each other not only due to compatibility by the sign of the zodiac, but also by the planets. Venus is the second planet in solar system and it is often considered the twin of the Earth, since many of the parameters of these planets are similar.

Venus Compatibility

Venus and Neptune. Relations in such a union are based on some kind of magnetic attraction. Such people will perfectly understand each other. Neptune helps Venus express her self correctly.

Venus and Moon. This union is considered one of the most successful. Between such people there is almost perfect mutual understanding and they perfectly complement each other. The compatibility of the Moon and Venus is based on a huge emotional connection. This combination is ideal not only in the personal, but also in the business and financial sphere. In such a union, mutual understanding, peace and harmony will reign.

Venus and the Sun. At the heart of this relationship is romance and physical attraction. That is why the sex compatibility of the Sun and Venus is almost perfect. People in such a union strive to create a strong family. Both partners enjoy each other, and most importantly, they see their future together. Still such people will be able to build excellent relationships in the field of business. The Sun and Venus complement each other, helping to express themselves.

Venus and Jupiter. Relations between such people are based on common interests, as well as on intellectual and psychological aspects. They are a great incentive for each other to, and first of all it concerns social sphere. The union is harmonious for creating a family, relations in which will not be devoid of romanticism.

Venus and Uranus. Compatibility in a Venus horoscope in such a union is based on some kind of magnetism, but this does not ensure their duration. Often, spontaneously arisen passion ends quickly. Such a union is undesirable for matters that are related to finance.

Venus and Saturn. Mutual interest allows you to build good business and financial relationships. As for the compatibility in love of Venus and Saturn, it is small. If desired, such people can build strong friendships.

Venus and Pluto. Between such people there is an attraction on a physical level. Such an alliance has a good prospect in the financial and business sphere. Venus helps Pluto become more sensual.

Venus and Mercury. Such a tandem allows people to learn how to express themselves. Mercury and Venus compatibility is based on sexual attraction. Passion helps to smooth corners and solve problems that have arisen in.