Lines of magnetic induction of a conductor with current. The magnetic induction of the field created by an infinitely long straight conductor with current, -

Does the magnitude of the magnetic field induction depend on the medium in which it is formed? In order to answer this question, let's do the following experiment. Let us first determine the force (see Fig. 117) with which the magnetic field acts on a conductor with current in air (in principle, this must be done in a vacuum), and then the force of the magnetic field on this conductor, for example, in water containing iron oxide powder (in the figure, the vessel is shown by a dotted line). In an iron oxide medium, a magnetic field acts on a current-carrying conductor with greater force. In this case, the magnitude of the magnetic field induction is greater. There are substances, such as silver, copper, in which it is less than in vacuum. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction depends on the environment in which it is formed.

The value showing how many times the magnetic field induction in a given medium is greater or less than the magnetic field induction in vacuum is called magnetic permeability of the medium. If the induction of the magnetic field of the medium is B, and the vacuum is B 0, then the magnetic permeability of the medium

The magnetic permeability of the medium μ is a dimensionless quantity. For different substances she is different. So, for mild steel - 2180, air - 1,00000036, copper - 0,999991 . This is explained by various substances magnetized differently in a magnetic field.

Find out what the magnetic field induction depends on direct conductor with current. Near straight section And a coil of wire (Fig. 122) we place the indicator C of the induction of the magnetic field. Let's turn on the current. The magnetic field of section A, acting on the indicator frame, rotates it, which causes the arrow to deviate from the zero position. By changing the current strength in the frame with a rheostat, we notice that how many times the current in the conductor increases, the deviation of the indicator arrow increases by the same amount: V~I.

Leaving the current strength unchanged, we will increase the distance between the conductor and the frame. According to the indication of the indicator, we notice that the induction of the magnetic field is inversely proportional to the distance from the conductor to the point of the field under study: V~ I / R. The magnitude of the magnetic field induction depends on the magnetic properties of the medium - on its magnetic permeability. The greater the magnetic permeability, the greater the magnetic field induction: B~μ.

Theoretically and with more precise experiments, the French physicists Biot, Savard and Laplace found that the magnitude of the magnetic field induction of a straight wire of small cross section in a homogeneous medium with a magnetic permeability μ at a distance R from it is equal to

Here μ 0 is the magnetic constant. Let's find her numerical value and the name in the SI system. Since the induction of the magnetic field at the same time is equal to then, equating these two formulas, we get

Hence the magnetic constant From the definition of an ampere, we know that the segments parallel conductors long l = 1 m, being at a distance R = 1 m from each other, interact with the force F \u003d 2 * 10 -7 n, when current flows through them I = 1 a. Based on this, we calculate μ 0 (assuming μ = 1):

And now let's find out what the induction of the magnetic field inside the coil with current depends on. Let's assemble the electrical circuit (Fig. 123). By placing the frame of the magnetic field induction indicator inside the coil, we close the circuit. Increasing the current strength by 2, 3 and 4 times, we notice that, respectively, the induction of the magnetic field inside the coil increases by the same amount: V~I.

Having determined the induction of the magnetic field inside the coil, we will increase the number of turns per unit of its length. To do this, we connect two identical coils in series and insert one of them into the other. With a rheostat, we set the previous current strength. With the same coil length l, the number of turns n in it doubled and, as a result, the number of turns per unit length of the coil doubled.

Magnetic field of electric current

A magnetic field is created not only by natural or artificial ones, but also by a conductor if an electric current passes through it. Therefore, there is a connection between magnetic and electrical phenomena.

It is not difficult to make sure that a magnetic field is formed around the conductor through which the current passes. Above the movable magnetic needle, place a straight conductor parallel to it and pass an electric current through it. The arrow will take a position perpendicular to the conductor.

What forces could make the magnetic needle turn? Obviously, the strength of the magnetic field that has arisen around the conductor. Turn off the current, and the magnetic needle will return to its normal position. This suggests that with the current turned off, the magnetic field of the conductor also disappeared.

Thus, the electric current passing through the conductor creates a magnetic field. To find out in which direction the magnetic needle will deviate, apply the rule right hand. If you place your right hand over the conductor with your palm down so that the direction of the current coincides with the direction of the fingers, then the bent thumb will show the direction of deflection of the north pole of a magnetic needle placed under the conductor. Using this rule and knowing the polarity of the arrow, you can also determine the direction of the current in the conductor.

A magnetic field straight conductorhas the form of concentric circles. If you place your right hand over the conductor with your palm down so that the current seems to come out of your fingers, then the bent thumb will point to North Pole magnetic needle.Such a field is called a circular magnetic field.

Direction lines of force circular field depends on in the conductor and is defined by the so-called "Gimlet" rule. If the gimlet is mentally screwed in the direction of the current, then the direction of rotation of its handle will coincide with the direction of the magnetic field lines of force. Applying this rule, you can find out the direction of the current in the conductor, if you know the direction of the field lines of the field created by this current.

Returning to the experiment with the magnetic needle, we can make sure that it is always located with its northern end in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

So, A straight conductor carrying an electric current creates a magnetic field around it. It has the form of concentric circles and is called a circular magnetic field.

Pickles e. Solenoid magnetic field

A magnetic field arises around any conductor, regardless of its shape, provided that an electric current passes through the conductor.

In electrical engineering, we are dealing with, consisting of a number of turns. To study the magnetic field of the coil of interest to us, we first consider what shape the magnetic field of one turn has.

Imagine a coil of thick wire penetrating a sheet of cardboard and connected to a current source. When an electric current passes through a coil, a circular magnetic field is formed around each individual part of the coil. According to the “gimlet” rule, it is easy to determine that the magnetic lines of force inside the coil have the same direction (toward or away from us, depending on the direction of the current in the coil), and they exit from one side of the coil and enter the other side. A series of such coils, having the shape of a spiral, is the so-called solenoid (coil).

Around the solenoid, when a current passes through it, a magnetic field is formed. It is obtained by adding the magnetic fields of each coil and resembles the magnetic field of a rectilinear magnet in shape. The lines of force of the magnetic field of the solenoid, as well as in a rectilinear magnet, exit from one end of the solenoid and return to the other. Inside the solenoid, they have the same direction. Thus, the ends of the solenoid have polarity. The end from which the lines of force come out is north pole solenoid, and the end into which the lines of force enter is its south pole.

Solenoid poles can be determined by right hand rule, but for this you need to know the direction of the current in its turns. If you put your right hand on the solenoid with your palm down, so that the current would seem to come out of your fingers, then the bent thumb will point to the north pole of the solenoid. From this rule it follows that the polarity of the solenoid depends on the direction of the current in it. It is easy to verify this in practice by bringing a magnetic needle to one of the poles of the solenoid and then changing the direction of the current in the solenoid. The arrow will instantly turn 180°, i.e., it will indicate that the poles of the solenoid have changed.

The solenoid has the property of drawing light iron objects into itself. If a steel bar is placed inside the solenoid, then after a while, under the influence of the magnetic field of the solenoid, the bar will become magnetized. This method is used in the manufacture.


It is a coil (solenoid) with an iron core placed inside it. The shapes and sizes of electromagnets are varied, but the general arrangement of all of them is the same.

The electromagnet coil is a frame, most often made of pressboard or fiber and having various forms depending on the purpose of the electromagnet. A copper insulated wire is wound on the frame in several layers - the winding of an electromagnet. It has a different number of turns and is made of wire of different diameters, depending on the purpose of the electromagnet.

To protect the winding insulation from mechanical damage, the winding is covered with one or more layers of paper or some other insulating material. The beginning and end of the winding is brought out and connected to the output terminals mounted on the frame, or to flexible conductors with lugs at the ends.

The electromagnet coil is mounted on a core made of soft, annealed iron or iron alloys with silicon, nickel, etc. Such iron has the least residual. Cores are most often made composite of thin sheets isolated from each other. The shape of the cores can be different, depending on the purpose of the electromagnet.

If an electric current is passed through the winding of an electromagnet, then a magnetic field is formed around the winding, which magnetizes the core. Since the core is made of soft iron, it will be magnetized instantly. If the current is then turned off, the magnetic properties of the core will also quickly disappear, and it will cease to be a magnet. The poles of an electromagnet, like a solenoid, are determined by the right hand rule. If the electromagnet winding is changed, then the polarity of the electromagnet will change accordingly.

The action of an electromagnet is similar to that of a permanent magnet. However, between them there a big difference. A permanent magnet always has magnetic properties, and an electromagnet only when an electric current passes through its winding.

In addition, the attractive force of a permanent magnet is unchanged, since the magnetic flux of a permanent magnet is unchanged. The force of attraction of an electromagnet is not a constant value. The same electromagnet can have different strength attraction. The force of attraction of any magnet depends on the magnitude of its magnetic flux.

The force of attraction, and hence its magnetic flux, depends on the magnitude of the current passing through the winding of this electromagnet. The more current, the more strength attraction of an electromagnet, and, conversely, the smaller the current in the winding of an electromagnet, the less force it attracts magnetic bodies to itself.

But for electromagnets of various design and size, the force of their attraction depends not only on the magnitude of the current in the winding. If, for example, we take two electromagnets of the same device and dimensions, but one with a small number of winding turns, and the other with a much larger number, then it is easy to see that with the same current the attractive force of the latter will be much greater. Indeed, than more number turns of the winding, the greater at a given current a magnetic field is created around this winding, since it is composed of the magnetic fields of each turn. This means that the magnetic flux of the electromagnet, and hence the force of its attraction, will be the greater, the greater the number of turns the winding has.

There is another reason that affects the magnitude of the magnetic flux of an electromagnet. This is the quality of his magnetic circuit. A magnetic circuit is a path along which a magnetic flux closes. The magnetic circuit has a certain magnetic resistance. Magnetic resistance depends on the magnetic permeability of the medium through which the magnetic flux passes. The greater the magnetic permeability of this medium, the lower its magnetic resistance.

Since m the magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic bodies (iron, steel) is many times greater than the magnetic permeability of air, therefore it is more profitable to make electromagnets so that their magnetic circuit does not contain air sections. The product of the current and the number of turns in the winding of an electromagnet is called magnetomotive force. The magnetomotive force is measured by the number of ampere turns.

For example, the winding of an electromagnet having 1200 turns carries a current of 50 mA. Magnetic motive force such an electromagnet equals 0.05 x 1200 = 60 ampere turns.

The action of the magnetomotive force is similar to the action electromotive force in an electrical circuit. Just as EMF causes an electric current, the magnetomotive force creates a magnetic flux in an electromagnet. Just as in an electric circuit, with an increase in EMF, the current in the price increases, so in a magnetic circuit, with an increase in the magnetomotive force, the magnetic flux increases.

Action magnetic resistance similar to action electrical resistance chains. As the current decreases with an increase in the resistance of an electric circuit, so in a magnetic circuit an increase in magnetic resistance causes a decrease in magnetic flux.

The dependence of the magnetic flux of an electromagnet on the magnetomotive force and its magnetic resistance can be expressed by a formula similar to Ohm's law formula: magnetomotive force \u003d (magnetic flux / magnetic resistance)

The magnetic flux is equal to the magnetomotive force divided by the magnetic resistance.

The number of turns of the winding and the magnetic resistance for each electromagnet is a constant value. Therefore, the magnetic flux of a given electromagnet changes only with a change in the current passing through the winding. Since the force of attraction of an electromagnet is determined by its magnetic flux, in order to increase (or decrease) the force of attraction of an electromagnet, it is necessary to increase (or decrease) the current in its winding accordingly.

polarized electromagnet

A polarized electromagnet is a combination of a permanent magnet and an electromagnet. It is arranged in such a way. So-called soft iron pole extensions are attached to the poles of the permanent magnet. Each pole extension serves as the core of an electromagnet; a coil with a winding is mounted on it. Both windings are connected in series.

Since the pole extensions are directly attached to the poles of a permanent magnet, they have magnetic properties even in the absence of current in the windings; at the same time, their attraction force is unchanged and is determined by the magnetic flux of a permanent magnet.

The action of a polarized electromagnet is that when current passes through its windings, the force of attraction of its poles increases or decreases depending on the magnitude and direction of the current in the windings. On this property of a polarized electromagnet, the action of other electrical devices.

The action of a magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor

If a conductor is placed in a magnetic field so that it is located perpendicular to the field lines, and an electric current is passed through this conductor, then the conductor will move and will be pushed out of the magnetic field.

As a result of the interaction of the magnetic field with the electric current, the conductor starts to move, i.e. Electric Energy becomes mechanical.

The force with which the conductor is pushed out of the magnetic field depends on the magnitude of the magnetic flux of the magnet, the current strength in the conductor and the length of that part of the conductor that the field lines cross. The direction of this force, i.e. the direction of movement of the conductor, depends on the direction of the current in the conductor and is determined by left hand rule.

If you hold the palm of your left hand so that it includes the magnetic field lines, and the outstretched four fingers are facing the direction of the current in the conductor, then the bent thumb will indicate the direction of movement of the conductor. When applying this rule, we must remember that the field lines come out of the north pole of the magnet.

You can show how to use Ampère's law by determining the magnetic field near the wire. We ask the question: what is the field outside a long straight wire of cylindrical cross section? We will make one assumption, perhaps not so obvious, but nevertheless correct: the lines of field B go around the wire in a circle. If we make this assumption, then Ampère's law [equation (13.16)] tells us what the magnitude of the field is. Due to the symmetry of the problem, the field B has the same value at all points of the circle concentric with the wire (Fig. 13.7). Then one can easily take the line integral of B·ds. It is simply B times the circumference. If the radius of the circle is r, That

The total current through the loop is simply the current / in the wire, so

The magnetic field strength decreases inversely proportionally r, distance from the axis of the wire. If desired, equation (13.17) can be written in vector form. Recalling that B is directed perpendicular to both I and r, we have

We have singled out the factor 1/4πε 0 with 2 because it often appears. It is worth remembering that it is exactly 10 - 7 (in SI units), because an equation like (13.17) is used to definitions units of current, ampere. At a distance of 1 m a current of 1 a creates a magnetic field equal to 2 10 - 7 weber/m 2 .

Since the current creates a magnetic field, it will act with some force on the adjacent wire, through which the current also passes. In ch. 1 we described a simple experiment showing the forces between two wires carrying a current. If the wires are parallel, then each of them is perpendicular to the field B of the other wire; then the wires will repel or be attracted to each other. When currents flow in one direction, the wires attract; when currents flow in the opposite direction, they repel.

Let's take another example, which can also be analyzed using Ampère's law, if we add some information about the nature of the field. Let there be a long wire coiled into a tight spiral, the section of which is shown in Fig. 13.8. This spiral is called solenoid. We observe experimentally that when the length of a solenoid is very large compared to its diameter, the field outside it is very small compared to the field inside. Using only this fact and Ampère's law, one can find the magnitude of the field inside.

Since the field remains inside (and has zero divergence), its lines should run parallel to the axis, as shown in Fig. 13.8. If this is the case, then we can use Ampère's law for the rectangular "curve" Γ in the figure. This curve travels the distance L inside the solenoid, where the field is, say, B o, then goes at right angles to the field and returns back along outer area, where the field can be neglected. The line integral of B along this curve is exactly At 0 L, and this should equal 1/ε 0 s 2 multiplied by the total current inside G, i.e. by N.I.(where N is the number of turns of the solenoid along the length L). We have

Or, by entering n- number of turns per unit length solenoid (so n= N/L), we get

What happens to the B lines when they reach the end of the solenoid? Apparently, they somehow diverge and return to the solenoid from the other end (Fig. 13.9). Exactly the same field is observed outside the magnetic wand. well and what is magnet? Our equations say that the field B arises from the presence of currents. And we know that ordinary iron bars (not batteries or generators) also create magnetic fields. You might expect that on the right side of (13.12) or (16.13) there would be other terms representing the "density of magnetized iron" or some similar quantity. But there is no such member. Our theory says that the magnetic effects of iron arise from some internal currents already taken into account by the term j.

Matter is very complex when viewed from a deep point of view; we have already seen this when we tried to understand dielectrics. In order not to interrupt our presentation, we postpone a detailed discussion of the internal mechanism magnetic materials type of iron. For the time being, it will be necessary to accept that any magnetism arises due to currents and that there are constant internal currents in a permanent magnet. In the case of iron, these currents are created by electrons rotating around their own axes. Each electron has a spin that corresponds to a tiny circulating current. One electron, of course, does not give a large magnetic field, but an ordinary piece of matter contains billions and billions of electrons. Usually they rotate in any way, so that the total effect disappears. Surprisingly, in a few substances like iron, most of electrons rotates around axes directed in one direction - in iron, two electrons from each atom take part in this joint movement. A magnet has a large number of electrons spinning in the same direction, and as we shall see, their combined effect is equivalent to the current circulating on the surface of the magnet. (This is very similar to what we found in dielectrics—a uniformly polarized dielectric is equivalent to the distribution of charges on its surface.) So it is no coincidence that a magnetic wand is equivalent to a solenoid.

where r is the distance from the conductor axis to the point.

According to Ampere's assumption, in any body there are microscopic currents (microcurrents) due to the movement of electrons in atoms. They create their own magnetic field and navigate in the magnetic fields of macrocurrents. Macrocurrent is the current in a conductor under the action of an EMF or potential difference. Magnetic induction vector characterizes the resulting magnetic field created by all macro- and microcurrents. The magnetic field of macrocurrents is also described by the intensity vector . In the case of a homogeneous isotropic medium, the magnetic induction vector is related to the intensity vector by the relation


where μ 0 - magnetic constant; μ is the magnetic permeability of the medium, showing how many times the magnetic field of macrocurrents is strengthened or weakened due to the microcurrents of the medium. In other words, μ shows how many times the magnetic field induction vector in the medium is greater or less than in vacuum.

The unit of magnetic field strength is A/m. 1A/m - the intensity of such a field, the magnetic induction of which in vacuum is equal to
Tl. The earth is a huge spherical magnet. The action of the Earth's magnetic field is detected on its surface and in the surrounding space.

The magnetic pole of the Earth is the point on its surface at which a freely suspended magnetic needle is located vertically. The positions of the magnetic poles are subject to constant changes, which is due to the internal structure of our planet. Therefore, the magnetic poles do not coincide with the geographic ones. The South Pole of the Earth's magnetic field is located off the northern coast of America, and the North Pole is in Antarctica. The scheme of force lines of the Earth's magnetic field is shown in fig. 5 (dotted line indicates the axis of rotation of the Earth): - the horizontal component of the magnetic field induction; N r , S r - geographic poles of the Earth; N, S - magnetic poles of the Earth.

The direction of the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field is determined using a magnetic needle. If you freely hang the magnetic needle, then it will be set in the direction of the tangent to the line of force. Since the magnetic poles are inside the Earth, the magnetic needle is not set horizontally, but at some angle α to the horizon plane. This angle α is called the magnetic inclination. As we approach the magnetic pole, the angle α increases. The vertical plane in which the arrow is located is called the plane of the magnetic meridian, and the angle between magnetic and geographic meridians - magnetic declination. The power characteristic of the magnetic field, as already noted, is the magnetic induction B. Its value is small and varies from 0.42∙10 -4 T at the equator to 0.7∙10 -4 T at the magnetic poles.

The induction vector of the Earth's magnetic field can be divided into two components: horizontal and vertical
(Fig. 5). The magnetic needle fixed on the vertical axis is set in the direction of the horizontal component of the Earth . Magnetic declination , inclination α and the horizontal component of the magnetic field are the main parameters of the Earth's magnetic field.

Meaning determined by the magnetometric method, which is based on the interaction of the magnetic field of the coil with a magnetic needle. The device, called the tangent compass, is a small compass (a compass with a limb divided into degrees) mounted inside coil 1 of several turns of insulated wire.

The coil is located in a vertical plane. It creates an additional magnetic field k (the diameter of the coil and the number of turns are indicated on the device).

A magnetic needle 2 is placed in the center of the coil. It must be small so that the induction acting on its poles can be taken equal to the induction at the center of the circular current. The plane of the contour of the coil is set so that it coincides with the direction of the arrow and is perpendicular to the horizontal component of the earth's field r. Under the influence r the induction field of the Earth and the induction field of the coil arrow is set in the direction of the resultant induction R(Fig. 6 a, b).

From fig. 6 shows that


Induction of the magnetic field of the coil in the center -


where N is the number of coil turns; I is the current flowing through it; R is the radius of the coil. From (6) and (7) it follows that


It is important to understand that formula (8) is approximate, i.e. it is correct only when the size of the magnetic needle is much smaller than the contour radius R. The minimum measurement error is fixed at an angle of deflection of the needle ≈45°. Accordingly, the current strength in the tangent compass coil is selected.

Work order

    Install the tangent compass coil so that its plane coincides with the direction of the magnetic needle.

    Assemble the circuit according to the scheme (Fig. 7).

3. Turn on the current and measure the deflection angles at the ends of the arrow
. Enter the data into a table. Then, using switch P, change the direction of the current to the opposite without changing the magnitude of the current, and measure the angles of deviation at both ends of the arrow
again. Enter the data into a table. Thus, the error in determining the angle associated with the non-coincidence of the plane of the tangent compass coil with the plane of the magnetic meridian is eliminated. Calculate

Measurement results I and enter in table 1.

Table 1

    Calculate In cf. according to the formula

where n is the number of measurements.

    Find the confidence limit of the total error using the formula


- Student's coefficient (at =0.95 and n=5

    Write the results as an expression


Control questions

    What is the induction of a magnetic field? What is its unit of measurement? How is the direction of the magnetic induction vector determined?

    What is called the strength of the magnetic field? What is its relationship with magnetic induction?

    Formulate the Biot-Savart-Laplace law, calculate on its basis the induction of the magnetic field in the center of the circular current, the induction of the direct current field and the solenoid.

    How is the direction of induction of the magnetic field of direct and circular currents determined?

    What is the principle of superposition of magnetic fields?

    What field is called a vortex field?

    Formulate Ampère's law.

    Tell us about the main parameters of the Earth's magnetic field.

    How can you determine the direction of the Earth's magnetic field lines?

    Why is it more advantageous to measure the horizontal component of the magnetic field induction at a pointer deflection angle of 45°?

LAB #7

Electromagnetic Phenomena

Electromagnetic phenomena reflect the relationship of electric current with a magnetic field. All their physical laws are well known, and we will not try to correct them; our goal is different: to explain the physical nature of these phenomena.

One thing is already clear to us: neither electricity nor magnetism can exist without electrons; and this is where electromagnetism comes into play. We also talked about coil with current generates a magnetic field. Let's linger on latest phenomenon and let's see how it happens.

We will look at the coil from the end, and let the electric current flow through it counterclockwise. The current is a flow of electrons sliding along the surface of the conductor (only on the surface - open suction troughs). The flow of electrons will drag the adjacent ether along with it, and it will also begin to move counterclockwise. The speed of the ether adjacent to the conductor will be determined by the speed of the electrons in the conductor, and it, in turn, will depend on the difference in ether pressure (on the electrical voltage on the coil) and on the flow area of ​​the conductor. The ether carried away by the current will affect the neighboring layers, and they will also move inside and outside the coil in a circle. The speed of the swirling ether will be distributed as follows: its greatest value, of course, is in the region of the turns; when shifted to the center, it decreases according to a linear law, so that in the very center it will be zero; when moving away from the turns to the periphery, the speed will also decrease, but not according to a linear, but according to a more complex law.

The ether macrovortex twisted by the current will begin to orient the electrons in such a way that all of them will turn until the rotation axes are parallel with the coil axis; while inside the coil they will rotate counterclockwise, and outside it - clockwise; at the same time, the electrons will tend to coaxial arrangement, that is, they will be collected in magnetic cords. The process of electron orientation will take some time, and upon completion, a magnetic beam appears inside the coil with the north pole in our direction, and outside the coil, on the contrary, the north pole will be removed from us. Thus, we have proved the validity of the well-known screw or gimlet rule in electrical engineering, which establishes a connection between the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field generated by it.

The magnetic force (strength) at each point of the magnetic field will be determined by the change in the speed of the ether at this point, that is, the derivative of the speed with respect to the distance from the turns of the coil: The steeper the change in speed, the greater the tension. If we correlate the magnetic force of the coil with its electrical and geometric parameters, then it has a direct dependence on the magnitude of the current and an inverse dependence on the diameter of the coil. The larger the current and the smaller the diameter, the more possibilities collect electrons in cords of a certain direction of rotation and the greater will be the magnetic force of the coil. The fact that the strength of the magnetic field can be strengthened or weakened by the medium has already been mentioned.

electricity conversion process direct current into magnetism - it is not reversible: if a magnet is placed in the coil, then no current arises in it. The energy of the macrovortex that exists around the magnet is so small that it cannot force the electrons to move along the turns at the smallest resistance for them. Let us remind once again that in the reverse process the ether macrovortex, acting as an intermediary, only oriented the electrons, and nothing more, that is, it only controlled the magnetic field, and the field strength was determined by the number of unidirectional magnetic cords.