Can pregnant women eat flaxseed? Flax seed during pregnancy: contraindications and benefits

Much has been said about the fact that a pregnant woman should eat right. However, for most expectant mothers, this statement is somewhat abstract. "What is right"? What products and in what quantity should be consumed and what useful substances do they contain? Not everyone can answer these questions. Therefore, we offer readers a special section dedicated to healing properties products that are on our table every day.

The benefits of nuts: not only calories...

Nuts are a source of vegetable proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and fat with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper and other useful and necessary substances for the body. The nutritional value of nuts is provided by a favorable combination of proteins and fats in them; Walnut protein contains many essential amino acids. Due to the presence of oleic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances, nuts are useful as a means of protecting the body from atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

The World Health Organization has set a recommended lower limit for nuts, seeds and legumes of 30 grams per day. But here too, moderation must be observed. Over 100 g of nuts at one time the body does not absorb, and it is this amount that provides it daily requirement in complete protein.

Name Proteins, g Carbohydrates, g Fats, g Fiber, g Nutritional value, kcal
Peanut 25,8 16,14 49,24 8,5 567
Almond 21,26 19,74 50,64 11,8 578
walnuts 15,23 13,71 65,21 6,7 654
Pine nuts 11,57 19,3 60,98 10,7 629
cashew nuts 15,31 32,69 46,35 3 574
Hazelnuts 14,95 16,7 60,75 9,7 628
Pistachios, unsalted 20,48 29,19 43,19 10 551

Nuts must be well chewed or pre-chopped in any way. To improve the absorption of nuts, they can be soaked in water.

Due to the irritant effect (a large amount of fiber makes the intestines work more actively), nuts may not be desirable in the diet of people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, nuts, due to the content a large number protein, are a product that provokes allergic conditions, which can cause not only manifestations of allergies in the mother, but also an allergic predisposition in the unborn baby. Therefore, during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters, the daily use of nuts is absolutely excluded.

It is acceptable to eat nuts 1-2 times a week, in small quantities - several kernels.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds have properties similar to nuts: they are also rich in essential amino acids. Seeds, however, just like nuts, it is better not to fry, otherwise they lose useful substances. Treats are prepared from seeds that can be used during pregnancy; this is halva, gozinaki.

Vegetable oils during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman also needs vegetable oils. They contain such important components as polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid, fat-soluble vitamins E, D, A, K, and phosphorus compounds.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids- the basis of any natural vegetable oil. They must be supplied with food: the body cannot produce them on its own, but it turns them into the compounds it needs, for example, into hormone-like substances - prostaglandins. These are the "conductors" of many life processes. Especially a lot of these acids (up to 85-90%) in linseed, hemp, sunflower, corn, cottonseed oils. If the saturated fats found in animal fats lead to an increase in cholesterol 1 in the blood, then polyunsaturated fats are able to reduce this level.

1 Cholesterol is a chemical compound. It enters the body with food, and is also one of the metabolic products, with an increased content of which is associated with the occurrence of atherosclerosis, gallstone disease and a number of other diseases. Cholesterol forms the most important chemical compounds- corticosteroids, sex hormones, bile acids, etc., necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Vitamins E rightfully deserved the name "vitamin of youth". This most valuable ingredient vegetable oils coordinates the work of all bioactive factors in the body. Without it, polyunsaturated acids would not only be useless, but even harmful: they would be transformed into highly aggressive peroxides that damage cells and cause a decrease in resistance to adverse factors, including pathogenic microbes and viruses. Vegetable oils are the main source of complete vitamin E.

Vitamin D(calciferol) affects mineral metabolism and is especially needed during pregnancy. A lack of vitamin D in the diet of a pregnant woman leads to rickets in the baby.

Vitamin A(retinol) ensures that the eyes adapt to light of varying intensity. Retinol deficiency is manifested by the tendency of the skin to peel, dryness and brittle hair.

Vitamin K(phylloquinone) - stimulates blood clotting.

Phosphatides, phytosterols, pigments- useful substances contained in vegetable oil, which ensure its stability during storage, give it a special taste, aroma and color. Phosphatides also have a very beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

During pregnancy, the laxative property of vegetable oils is extremely useful.

Vegetable oils: from A to Z

Unrefined sunflower oil. Saturated dark color with a sediment and a bright smell of seeds. Contains the whole range of biologically active substances. It also retained phospholipids, which protect the oil from oxidation and improve its absorption.

Refined sunflower oil. Golden or light yellow, transparent, without sediment, deodorized - odorless, not deodorized - with a slight sunflower aroma.

What is the difference between refined oil and unrefined oil?

Refining is the purification of oil from various contaminants: residual pesticides and other harmful impurities. The oil is treated with alkali, free fatty acids, phospholipids are removed from it; the product is stratified, the purified oil rises up. Then it is washed again and filtered. It is cleaned, but at the same time almost loses its taste and smell. But it should be taken into account that we eat vegetable oil every day, and if some harmful substances remain in it, then, gradually accumulating in the body, they can contribute to various diseases. Therefore, refining is necessary at least for security purposes. In addition, only a small part is lost during refining. useful substances, so by nutritional value refined and unrefined oils approximately equal.

Olive oil. It occupies a special position among vegetable oils, because it also contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which play a special role in the prevention of atherosclerosis (a disease in which cholesterol plaques form in the vessels).

high quality olive oil called Provence. Oil the best varieties- light or golden yellow. Oil of lower grades has a greenish tint. Olive oil is well tolerated even by people suffering from digestive disorders, diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It has a slight choleretic effect. A spoonful of sunflower oil in a similar situation can provoke hepatic colic.

Olive oil, like any other oil, can be refined, that is, cleaned. As a rule, oil of not very high quality is subjected to refining. It is used most often in cooking. The oil obtained from the first cold pressing without the use of chemicals is labeled as Extra Virgin.

Connoisseurs value unrefined natural olive oil. It has a specific smell and taste, in general, unusual for our consumer. But it is this oil that is most valuable and nutritious. It is ideal for preparing vegetable, fruit and vegetable and fruit salads.

Corn oil. It goes on sale only in refined form. Light yellow, transparent, odorless. Corn oil contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E is not less than in sunflower oil.

Peanut, sesame and rapeseed oils. They belong to the group of the least useful vegetable oils. They have much less polyunsaturated acids and relatively many fatty acids with a large molecular weight.

Soybean oil. On sale there is only refined, but not deodorized. Very popular in Western Europe, USA and China. It has a characteristic taste and strong aroma. It has a strong anti-cholesterol effect.

Cedar oil. Beautiful light amber color with a pleasant nutty smell. Unique in the content of biologically active substances. It has a general strengthening effect, increases physical and mental performance.

Mustard oil. It has pronounced bactericidal properties, slowly and weakly oxidizes, and is stored for a long time. Indispensable for canning. Canned fish made with mustard oil retains the natural taste of fish, bakery products do not get stale for a long time.

Maria Ozerkovskaya
dietitian, Ph.D.

Pregnancy is not just a joyful and long-awaited state, it is such a time when you need to pay attention to absolutely everything that happens to the mother, so as not to inadvertently harm the unborn child. It is especially important during such a period to pay attention to what kind of diet a pregnant woman has and whether she receives all the necessary substances for the normal development of the fetus and maintaining her body.

Perhaps absolutely all pregnant women know about this, which is why they begin to include in their diet what they need and what they don’t need! This happens for one simple reason - ignorance! It is important to organize your diet in such a way that, thanks to it, useful substances enter the body in clearly controlled proportions, there is no overabundance or lack of one of them. Then the hormonal fund will be normal, and pregnancy will pass successfully.

Already the ancient Romans advised their pregnant women to use linseed oil and flax seeds in order to increase immunity and help their bodies adapt to a new state as soon as possible.

The effect of flax seeds during pregnancy

The most important thing is that flax seeds are able to enrich the weakened body of a pregnant woman with a large amount of fatty acids. These substances not only strengthen immune system, the metabolism in the body normalizes, and the hormonal background as a whole does not suffer.

Receiving fatty acids of the Omega group, a woman protects herself and the developing fetus of a baby from colds and viral diseases. In the presence of such an important component in the body, pregnant women are not threatened with inflammation of the kidneys, they are protected from inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

In addition, it is believed that the use of flax seed saves a woman from unexpected miscarriages, strengthening the pregnancy as a whole. Even constipation can be avoided by using flax-seed or its oil, however, there is another positive point that is important for many pregnant women. Using flaxseed, you can absolutely not remember the set excess weight which often happens during pregnancy.

Side effects

Knowing about the positive effect of flaxseed on the body of pregnant women, it should not be consumed immensely. An increased intake of omega fatty acids will certainly lead to the fact that the tone of the uterus will increase greatly, which is also not good.

How to use flaxseed for pregnant women?

Many try to consume most of the flax seed in the form of additives to baking, this is wrong. After heat treatment, the properties of the product are partially lost. Therefore, it would be better if you add flaxseed to salads in the morning or use flaxseed oil.

Even after the birth of a child and already while breastfeeding, you should not stop eating flax seeds. The composition of this product is so good that even after childbirth it remains indispensable in the presence of many individual problems, both in the infant and the mother herself. Just make sure that the product is as fresh as possible, properly cooked and stored properly before eating!

The article discusses flax seeds during pregnancy. You will learn the composition of flaxseed, its benefits and harms, the features of the use of this product by women who are expecting a baby.

Is it possible to flax seeds during pregnancy

Flax seeds during pregnancy can be consumed only after consulting a doctor Flaxseed during pregnancy - useful product, he contains:

  • fatty acid;
  • lignans;
  • fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • protein;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins A, groups B, E, K, PP.

The composition of the product in question contains folic acid, which is necessary for the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.. allowed to be taken for conception. To do this, it is enough to eat 1 tbsp. semen in the morning on an empty stomach for 1 month. The result will be the normalization of hormonal levels. future mother.

Pregnant women can use flax seeds, but only after consulting a doctor.. It is important to know not only the benefits of the product, but also the negative effect that flax seeds can have. If used improperly, there is a possibility of bleeding with increased fragility of blood vessels. Possible aggravation of existing diseases in the expectant mother (uterine fibroids, problems with the thyroid gland, etc.). Increased gas formation when overeating flaxseed on later dates pregnancy can provoke uterine hypertonicity, lowering blood pressure.

Thus, the decision on the possibility of using flax seeds by pregnant women is made by a gynecologist based on medical examination and test results.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, flaxseed should be taken with caution so as not to provoke a miscarriage.

Useful properties of flax seeds during pregnancy

A large amount of lignans is noted in white flax seeds, which during pregnancy can be prescribed by the attending physician in order to prevent cancer and viral diseases.

Flaxseed during pregnancy is useful because:

  • product components act as an immunostimulant;
  • helps to replenish the concentration of necessary substances in the body;
  • contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels and metabolism;
  • participates in the process of removing toxins from the body;
  • prevents inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of the body;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • prevents placental insufficiency, reducing the risk of miscarriage;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer cells in the mother and fetus;
  • participates in the normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • improves the active development of the fetal brain.

Despite the large number useful properties, flaxseed during pregnancy, especially in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, should be taken with caution and only after consulting a gynecologist. He will eliminate risk factors and prescribe the optimal dosage.

How to take flax seeds during pregnancy

Decoctions and infusions can be made from flax seeds. A decoction of flax seeds during pregnancy helps to eliminate the burning sensation in the stomach. The recipe for the decoction is shown below.


  1. Flax seeds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour flax seeds with a glass of water, put on fire and cook for 10 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and put in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 70-75 ml in the morning on an empty stomach, the course should not exceed 14 days.

Result: Eliminates pulling pains in the stomach area, improves immunity.

The solution can also be used in cosmetic purposes(wipe with a cotton pad soaked in a decoction, the skin of the abdomen, make hand baths, etc.). With such procedures, the skin tone increases, the decoction prevents stretch marks.

To cope with such a problem as a burning sensation in the stomach, which occurs in the morning in pregnant women, it is possible with the help of infusion. The recipe for its preparation is as follows.


  1. Flax seeds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour flax seeds into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the infusion in the morning.

How to use: Drink ready infusion (whole volume) in the morning on an empty stomach.

Result: Eliminates the burning sensation in the stomach.

Pregnant women can use flaxseed for constipation, but only after consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Upon receipt of a positive response from a specialist, to eliminate the unpleasant situation that suffers most of women in position, you must use the recipe below.


  1. Flax seeds - 1 tbsp.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the flax seeds, keep the container on low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for at least 30 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid and put it in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take 60 ml 1-2 times a day.

Result: Eliminates constipation.

Contraindications and possible harm

Flax seed when planning pregnancy, as well as in its early and late stages, is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • allergy;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • fibroma of the uterus;
  • diabetes;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • cholelithiasis.

For more information about the benefits of flax seeds, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Flax seeds are rich in fiber, micro and macro elements, vitamins, lignans and other substances.
  2. During pregnancy, you can use flaxseed after consulting your doctor, who can eliminate risk factors.
  3. The benefits of flaxseed during pregnancy are great: normalization of hormonal levels, elimination of constipation, increased elasticity of blood vessels.
  4. You can take flaxseed in an amount not exceeding 2 tbsp. per day.

Good day.

Probably there is no such person who would not know about the benefits of flax seeds. I first encountered this drug many years ago when I was diagnosed with gastritis. The complex of treatment included the intake of infusion of flax seeds. Also, at the direction of the doctor, I added flax seeds to the cereals that I ate during the treatment of gastritis.

Flax seeds - composition and useful properties:

Flax seeds are concentrates of vitamins and nutrients. Their particular value is their high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9.

In addition to essential fatty acids, flax seeds are rich in vitamins and biologically active substances:

  • Vitamin F is a rare vitamin that is essential for normal fat metabolism and the regulation of blood cholesterol levels. The high content of this vitamin makes flax seed an indispensable addition to the diet for weight loss;
  • vitamins A, D and E - these fat-soluble vitamins are involved in all types of metabolism, are powerful antioxidants and are necessary to maintain youthful skin;
  • vitamins of group B - vitamins of this group are necessary for normal cellular respiration, conduction of nerve impulses in the brain and peripheral nervous system, as well as to provide the body with energy;
  • selenium - entering the human body, selenium takes part in the metabolism and is responsible for removing toxins and salts from tissues and organs heavy metals and other harmful substances.
  • lignans - "plant hormones", have powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties, destroying not only any pathogens, but also their own "wrong" cells, preventing the development of tumors;
  • lecithin is a substance necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, it restores damaged connections between nerve cells and improves brain function;
  • vegetable fiber - flax seeds contain 2 types of fiber - soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber - pectin, resin, helicellulose and other substances, under the influence of water swell and fill the stomach, which gives a feeling of fullness. Insoluble fiber in water swells and absorbs toxins and toxins, removing them from the intestines, while improving digestion;
  • protein - in terms of its nutritional value, flax seed protein is not inferior to soy, in addition, it is easily digested and absorbed.

I prepared the infusion according to this recipe: take a tablespoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for at least 4 hours. At the same time, flax seeds secrete mucus, which envelops the walls of the stomach and pacifies the burning sensation. Drink this infusion before every meal. And I also drank it at night, if the pain worsened. The infusion is almost tasteless, there is only a slight specific aftertaste, similar to nutty. Flax seeds have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound-healing effects. At the same time, they are absolutely harmless, since this is a remedy of plant origin that does not contain any chemicals.

But the most important thing is that this drug really helps. After the first dose of the infusion, relief comes.

The second time my gastritis worsened during my pregnancy. In the first trimester, along with early toxicosis, it was just terrible. My doctor, except for Rennie and Gaviscon, did not allow me to take anything. Gaviscon made me terribly sick, I had to refuse to take it. Rennie relieved the burning sensation a little, but only if you take 3-4 tablets in a row and the effect was very short-lived.

The doctor did not say anything about flax seeds, I asked myself if they can be taken during pregnancy. Allowed. But no recommendations, nothing about the dosage and all that. I then looked at all this on the Internet, on various forums and sites.

As a result, I prepared and applied the infusion in the same way as during the first exacerbation of gastritis. But this time I cooked it twice as much. Because often after taking it there was vomiting, especially in the morning. It's all about toxicity. Then she drank the infusion again. It was not possible to get rid of the disease completely immediately, she suffered for almost a month, but the infusion of flax seeds alleviated the condition.

A big plus for me was the lack of taste and smell of this drug, since I could hardly endure smells at the beginning of the term. It is also possible to use an infusion (or decoction) of flax seeds for heartburn in the later stages, but heartburn didn’t really bother me. Rennie coped with its rare manifestations.

Flax seeds are sold in almost all pharmacies, the price is from 25 rubles. per pack, depending on the manufacturer.

Thank you all for your attention to my review, I hope it was useful to you. Be healthy!

Providing the expectant mother with good nutrition includes taking foods containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful elements. For easy assimilation, it is optimal that they enter the body in natural, natural form, and were not obtained synthetically. Flax, as a storehouse of health and beauty, has long been known to many women, but not everyone knows whether pregnant women can use flax seeds.

Unique composition of the product

Flax is known primarily as a source of large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omega-3 and Omega-6 alone in the seeds of the plant contains three times more than in fish oil. But, besides this, they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins A, E and group B, important trace elements - selenium, magnesium, potassium and others.

In general, the product has an anti-inflammatory, tonic and enveloping effect on the body. The lignans contained in flax are able to influence female sex hormones, increasing their concentration and preventing the development of cancer.

If you regularly take flax seeds during pregnancy, you can normalize the hormonal background of a woman.

Flax has a very beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. strengthens the immune system;
  2. improves metabolism;
  3. treats varicose veins;
  4. copes with constipation and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. improves the condition of blood vessels, makes them elastic;
  6. normalizes sugar levels.

In addition, if you drink flax seed, you can not worry about the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to the ability to inhibit oxidation processes, remove toxins from the body and thereby slow down aging, the product has a positive effect on appearance women.

Benefit and harm

It is not surprising that with such a composition and effect on the body, there is a desire to drink flax seeds during pregnancy. After all, constipation, and changes in hormonal levels, and reduced immunity are frequent companions of women in position. And before turning to medications for help, they try to look for an alternative among the gifts of nature. The goal is the same - maximum benefit and no harm to the child.

Can pregnant women drink flax seeds? Subject to dosages and rules of use, the product will have only a positive effect. But, only a doctor can prescribe seeds, this also applies to oil and flax flour. If you do everything correctly, then they will be a salvation for the expectant mother, they will ensure her normal health and mood. There are studies proving that taking flax during pregnancy had a direct effect on the developmental activity of the child's brain, increasing it.

Situations when flax seeds are contraindicated for pregnant women:

  • cholelithiasis - stones may begin to move away;
  • uterine fibroids - the disease requires strict supervision by a specialist without independent use of any types of drugs, including flax;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers - seeds can increase irritation of the mucous membranes;
  • problems with the ureter.

Particular attention should be paid to the first trimester of pregnancy or if a threatened miscarriage is diagnosed. Influence on the hormonal background can provoke the appearance of cramping sensations and lead to the loss of the child. The effect of loosening the stool is also able to increase the tone of the uterus with all the ensuing consequences.

In the absence of restrictions on the use of flax seeds, pregnant women should include them in their diet. With adequate use, they will become a source of substances that help the child develop properly and easily endure pregnancy for his mother. And a variety of options for their reception will make flax not only useful, but also tasty.