The result of what is in process. What is better – process-orientated or result-oriented? Examples of processor speech

Many people teach how to set specific goals tied to a specific date that can be measured and so on (the well-known SMART). I myself have been setting similar goals for a long time. With this approach, a person focuses on the result of achieving the goal, and the process of achieving the goal itself is missed. And it is not entirely clear what to do with this goal later, after achieving it. By limiting the goal to a specific result tied to time, we thereby limit the duration of the joy that we will experience when achieving the goal.

What happens if you set a goal, focusing more on the process of achievement than on the result?

I will try to demonstrate the difference between setting a “goal-result” and a “goal-process”.

A couple of examples of different goal setting:

Example one:

The goal is to earn $10,000. And what after that? Is it possible to earn less again, or should you set a goal to earn more? Let's say $15,000. In the second case, we again fall into the trap of “what’s next” and again find ourselves on the carousel in pursuit of a new meaning for the same goal.

How could this goal be formulated differently? I want to live in abundance, I want to not deny myself anything, I want my income to increase by 15% per month. There are no questions, this goal is not specific and is unlikely to pass the SMART test, but it becomes clear what to do with it later. Being rich does not mean earning a certain amount of money. This means having wealth and savings that are constantly growing and multiplying.

People, setting a goal to earn a certain amount of money or buy an apartment or a car, think that they will become rich. But this is not true at all. After achieving such goals, people do not become rich, and those who still earn the amount of their dreams cannot understand why they did not receive the expected happiness and what to do next.

Deep or shallow immersion in the action being performed. Position inside or outside the process.





What is easier, what is more difficult

  • It's easier for processors, harder for results: concentrate attention, immerse deeply in actions and retain the details of one process, avoid unnecessary switching of attention, superficial and careless actions and decisions, work together on one task, do one thing conscientiously.
  • It’s easier for the results, more difficult for the processors: do several things at once and bring them to intermediate and complete results, change the situation, do not tie yourself to one process, switch between things, react to changes in the situation, distribute tasks and responsibilities between people, sum up.

The meaning of the sign

A person with a process mindset ( CPU) feels part of what he does. He is deeply immersed in one process, is able to freeze in it for a long time and has difficulty switching from one thing to another. The need for processors to complete the task is weak, but the degree of elaboration of this task is thorough.

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Results-oriented person result) does not delve deeply into his actions. It is easier for such people to do several things at once, switching between them. The need for results to complete a task and periodically change activities is natural. If the task is large, it is automatically divided into smaller tasks - and each is completed to an intermediate finish. Resulters have a greater risk of doing things at the top, but have a greater sense of proportion, the ability to dose out efforts and switch.

You have already guessed how important this sign is in everyday life and in such a broad topic as a person in the workplace. And of course, when arranging people and forming teams. And what are the consequences of the fact that few people know about this - even the majority of socionicists who are satisfied with Model A.

While working on the Internet, have you noticed how images load differently on websites? Some, in the usual format - slowly from top to bottom, but immediately in the required resolution. This is how processors work. Illustrations in progressive format are loaded vaguely at first, but immediately throughout the allotted space. A moment has passed and you can already understand what is shown in the progressive picture, while in the regular picture the upper half is drawn perfectly, but nothing can be said about the lower half.

So it is with different types of people: the result has a ready-made draft solution, and the processor is still on the way to its ideal.

If a person is burdened by a constant working day and needs a project-based work style, this is a candidate for results. The results cannot help but change their occupation and the rest of the environment. This happens automatically: the old has exhausted itself and no longer inspires. And here is something that the resulter will rush to with new passion. Example: Oleg Tinkov (LIE) once produced beer, but is now involved in finance. What does he have tomorrow?

Steve Jobs (IEE) for last years changed the focus of his life more than once: first iPod and iTunes were added to Apple computers - and connections with music companies, then iPhone, then iPad

A good way to feel the difference between the processor and the result is to talk to a talkative friend on the phone. If all the deadlines have long passed, and the conversation does not end, and you have to make an effort, your interlocutor is probably a processor. Watch your favorite videos of Vladimir Zhirinovsky (EIE) or Alexander Bubnov (ILI). These showmen are so immersed in the process of verbal assault that they cannot get out of it for a long time - and the audience comes running!

Examples of processor speech

Steve Ballmer (SEE): “Here have to decide: if you want to enter the market, it is better be prepared to live by the laws of this country. If you are not ready to live according to the laws of the country, there is only one choice - to leave. At school we studied a book called Care, Criticism and Loyalty about the role of business during apartheid in South Africa. Are you leaving? Do you stay and keep your mouth shut? Or do you stay and voice some questions? I, of course, Think, best role for such a company, like ours, Yahoo, Google and others - to stay in China."

I love buying shoes, especially boots and stilettos (although I used to not like stilettos at all), I really like to buy evening dresses , and then surprise friends and acquaintances. I usually try to buy things thinking about it, what you can wear them with and what you need to buy with them. Once I saw a white coat in a magazine, went looking, found it, bought it, and realized that it definitely needed red suede boots, a scarf, a handbag and gloves. I spent a long time looking for the ingredients and didn’t wear a coat. haven't picked it up yet full set. — EIE

Examples of results speech

Stanislav Cherchesov (ESI): “I regularly visited my homeland, so I can't say I didn't realize what was going on here. If for ten years I had never appeared at home, I might have experienced a shock. And so I was internally prepared for what I would see. After all, the country is still called Russia and the people there speak Russian. Yes, a lot has changed. Moscow in particular

"State became unbearable. For nothing could be taken out of such a level of immersion, and Akela, even in his present form, remembered and knew - Only confusion and emptiness invariably evaporated into a dry residue. Welter. The state of "enlightenment" was purely decorative, but was a necessary evil, integral part ritual: without communion there is no absolution" - IEI

What should not be mistaken for the process

A detailed story as such. Declarative extroverts tend to describe events at length and in detail, and dynamics (ESE and LIE) - moreover, continuously.

What should not be taken as a result

The words “as a result”, “as a result” are used more often by result-makers, but they are not the only ones who use them. It is necessary to check the context in which they are said or written. The best test is based on a combination of speech characteristics: statics - positivism - process, dynamics - negativism - process, dynamics - positivism - result, statics - negativism - result ( small group №33).

Based on the book

Have you ever noticed that we are different? Some people find it easier to work passionately on one task and get carried away process that they don’t think at all about the result, the destination. Others try to complete more different tasks and dream of completing them as quickly as possible to receive result, and not receiving much satisfaction from the process of their implementation. And it also happens that a person enjoys condition, in which he is, not caring at all about where and how to move further. Employers like to gauge a person's mindset during interviews to see if the person is suited for a process-oriented job (such as a help desk worker) or a results-oriented job (a Tier 1 software engineer). I believe that employers generally do not hire people who are wealth-oriented (only if they are the president of the company, let him enjoy it, the main thing is that he does not interfere with J’s work). These three categories are extremes. Although people from each category know how to rejoice and get pleasure in their own way - from a state, a process or a result - you should not deprive yourself of pleasure from the rest of 2/3 of your life.

When did you first get a job as a testing specialist? software, I was more process oriented. It was common for me to sit up at night and code, just for fun. I had a lot of ideas and often rushed into them without thinking about where they would lead. There was no time to stop and think, who am I, what have I already achieved? The attraction to the process resulted in the desire to get two full-time jobs at once (8 hours on one, 8 hours on the other, 1.5 hours for travel, 1 hour for breakfast, lunch and dinner, leaving 5.5 hours for friends, personal life, hobbies, sleep and etc. J). It is not difficult to imagine what the outcome of such a schedule would be, and how quickly it would occur. Thanks to the head of the department (the second “potential” employer), who dissuaded me from this idea.

Six months later I met my future wife. We spent almost every evening together throughout the summer. I enjoyed every moment of our meeting, while at work things went on by inertia. I didn’t have the same abundance of new ideas as before, and none of the existing ones were put into practice. In a word, I was obsessed with my condition, not thinking about the future, about the results, and not really enjoying the process, since there was no progress. This lasted 3-4 months.

During a late-night conversation after my bachelor party, a friend of mine remarked that I had changed a lot since the last time we met. The fact is that I was then very absorbed in the idea of ​​​​setting and achieving goals, the process was seen as a path that is secondary, it doesn’t matter which one we choose, the main thing is to achieve the goal in as soon as possible and immediately set yourself the next one. Perhaps everything was not so pathological, but the fact remains that at that moment I was very result-oriented.

I believe that each of us at different moments can enjoy both the state and the process and the result. The truth is that these three-arm scales are not always in balance - some part always outweighs. It's always good to stop and enjoy what you have now. Then, think about how this condition could be improved, what would I like to achieve in life? Once you have decided, choose the most pleasant way to achieve your goal - it can be difficult, new, but still enjoyable. Develop, move towards your goal, enjoy every moment of movement, get pleasure from it. Having received the result, enjoy this moment - you did what you truly wanted. Your condition has changed, enjoy what you have received.

It is interesting that all these types of attitudes towards life are very interconnected. If we get really carried away by the process, we will involuntarily receive some results, albeit unconsciously. Enjoying the result obtained, we involuntarily enjoy the state in which we find ourselves. While enjoying the state, we are, one way or another, involved in some process, although, again, unconsciously.

Full and happy life can be lived through harmonization between three components: state, process and result. Determine which part of you outweighs, and try to get more pleasure from other aspects of your personality.

Who are you now, a person of state, a person of process or a person of results?

Many years ago I read Leo Babauta about minimalism and step-by-step implementation of habits, 1 piece per month. Once - and over several years, introducing 12 habits a year, Leo became a completely different person. Absolutely different. Very successful, good looking, manages to devote time to his blog, wife and children.

Leo Babauta is the author of the books “Focus Freely”, “No More Procrastination” and others. Author of the ZenHabits blog. He tried for a very long time to change his life, but he succeeded only when he radically reconsidered his approach to change.

He is for small portions, small changes, constant daily implementation, clear identical triggers, minimalism and calmness.

In 2005 he had excess weight, moved little, had a lot of debts and various problems. In 2006 I had healthy eating habits, ran marathons, and in 2007 I paid off my last debt. There were many other changes. This is what his morning looks like now:

He introduced these habits step by step, in very small portions, positively reinforcing them, without rushing, without worrying if he couldn’t consolidate them. I have already written the most important thing about establishing automatic habits from my own experience - he writes in his books about the same thing. Only he actually implements everything the way he writes about it. But I just tried - partially, but doing a lot of things the other way around.

Having lost the desired 5 kg, tired of diets, even if you give up a little slack - once again, you come back. And additional kilograms with them from depression, that again nothing worked out, and it seems that this is generally unrealistic.

Your whole life turns into setting goals - a breakthrough - achieving a result - fatigue - a setback according to the result - overcoming yourself, gathering strength through “I don’t want” - several years of trying to make the next breakthrough.

How much more environmentally friendly in relation to oneself, more harmonious and natural, more pleasant, easier to add healthy and good habits into your life.

Imagine if you knew that you needed to get results in 2 weeks - brush your teeth 50 times for 3 minutes.

No matter what the load it was and how much resistance it caused... 50 times. But there are still so many other things to do. You would probably procrastinate and every day you would suffer more and more that there was still so much left.

But do we think about this action every morning? No, we often don’t remember, we do it automatically, minimum energy, no pressure. If you have a good brush and use an irrigator, then all this will also bring pleasure.

On our attitude towards all the desired changes haste and the categoricalness resulting from it are strongly influenced.

We are in a hurry to make sure everything goes according to plan, we are in a hurry to implement everything that is planned next after the current event. If something gets stuck, it’s a hindrance, we’re in a hurry, we’re in a hurry to live a perfect day or put on a dress of the desired size. New Year. Therefore, we react categorically and irritably to any obstacle, instead of going calmly with the flow, carefully and with interest (well, since it happened) consider any unexpected event and perceive it as new episode games as something potentially useful, and maybe even much more useful than what we had planned. When you're not in a hurry, everything is calm, easy, interesting, simple. The process itself becomes enjoyable.

Yes, numerical characteristics and measurements are important. But you can measure not the result - not kilograms, or even body volumes in centimeters, but the process of movement - the introduction of new healthy habits from month to month.

And everything will lead you smoothly, without stress, to your desired goal.

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Personal efficiency at 100%: Lose ballast, find yourself, achieve your goal Dmitry Boldogoev

Process and result orientation

Another important meta-program is process or result orientation. Let's first define what we mean by these terms.

Result– specific, visible to man the end of his activity, as a rule, is measurable, and the person has influence on achieving this end.

Process– carrying out certain operations, following technologies and performing actions that either do not have a visible ending, or a person cannot fully influence this ending.

Process or outcome orientation, like other metaprograms, does not imply the existence of only extreme options (there are many people with intermediate characteristics). Also, neither option is absolutely bad or good, successful or unsuccessful. Depending on their orientation towards the process or the result, people can be more or less successful in certain types of activities (at work and not only), and also have certain strengths and weaknesses and can be motivated differently (Table 2).

“I’ll go to a concert, get a lot of impressions and leave with a positive charge for the future,” a result-oriented person will say. “At the concert I will have a lot of impressions and positive emotions“, the process man will say.

Before we continue with the process, try to answer honestly and in detail in writing the following discussion about the difference in worldview, strengths and areas of development of the “result person” and “whose questions (Key).

1. Describe your work over a period of time that is representative of your activity (depending on the scale of the work, this could be a day, a week, a quarter or a year).

2. What do you enjoy most about your job?

3. Imagine that you need to give a presentation to an important client. Describe the preparation for this presentation.

table 2

Strengths and areas of human development depending on the “Process – Result” meta-program

Depending on how you determined your type based on the test results, pay attention to your strengths, try to constantly show and demonstrate them. But development zones should simply be kept under control, trying to constantly regulate them.

Now let's look at what to do to effectively interact with process or result people if you yourself belong to the opposite type (Table 3).

Table 3

Rules for effective interaction with people depending on their meta-program “Process – result”

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