To do everything in a day. Life hacks to increase productivity

"Successful people don't make to-do lists, don't use sophisticated time management techniques - instead, they think about values ​​and priorities, and build on the right habits." Kevin Cruz's 15 Time Management Secrets convincingly debunks many of the myths about the relationship between success and a productive schedule.

To achieve success, you have to work day and night, without days off and almost without sleep. If you think so, then many will disagree with you. For example, Virgin founder Richard Branson loves to travel, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg leaves the office at 5:30 every day to have dinner with his kids, and ex-president Intel Andrew Grove always came to work at 8:00 am and left exactly at 6:00 pm.

The state that things are pouring on you every minute and you do not have time for anything indicates that you are becoming slaves to a falsely understood idea of ​​productivity.

Former workaholic and now best-selling productivity author Kevin Cruz, in his book 15 Secrets of Time Management, suggests measuring productivity only by doing things that really matter.

Determine the most important task (MOT)

“Many people like to start the day with the easiest and fastest tasks,” Cruz writes. “Sorting through overnight mail, answering emails, signing purchase orders – cracking those things like nuts makes you feel so productive.” And here the main trap lies in wait for us: the desire to appear effective, but not to be.

Our resources - time, attention, productive state - are finite. If we shoot sparrows with a cannon, we will not achieve anything. Instead, Cruz suggests that you use your willpower to focus on what matters most—what fits in with your big plans, what will move you forward.

The goal should be specific, measurable and tangible. If you can’t narrow it down within one day, define an “area of ​​focus”. For example, if you need to prepare a webinar, the focus area will be collecting material, analyzing case studies, and creating a presentation. If you are a startup, your area is creating an investor-attractive product presentation.

Having decided on main task start your day right there. Psychologist Dan Ariely says our most productive hours are in the morning. Creative work is best done at the peak of cognitive abilities (and it comes about half an hour after waking up). Leave the "reactive" work for later.

Schedule tasks in blocks

Immersive work requires a different mode of activity than one-minute debriefing. Remember this. Constantly switching between different types of tasks during the day is like trying to sleep fitfully: you will earn headache and you won't be able to do anything.

To-do lists that aren't backed by a measurable resource (particularly time) will never work.

"In all the interviews and surveys I've done for this book, one of the main messages I've gotten is that if you want something done, you need to schedule a specific time for it."

Think of planning your day like building a building that people can live comfortably in. You also need to be comfortable in your schedule - otherwise it simply will not work. Plan even for things that are not considered to be business - for example, time to "breathe". The head of LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, does just that: he includes blocks of “air” in his daily schedule just to keep from going crazy.

Create an "auto-responder" in case of unforeseen cases

Ability to transfer problem solving free time, so as not to violate your plans, is a very useful habit that will significantly increase your productivity. Remember: you can always return to a non-urgent task, and interrupted work will completely knock down your rhythm of the day.

Train yourself to automatically respond to unexpected requests that conflict with your schedule. Something like this: “Unfortunately, from 16:00 to 17:00 I have an important business scheduled. Can we talk after 5:00 pm or will it wait until tomorrow?”

Set a limit

“Like any housewife, a manager's job is never done. There are always tasks that still need to be done. And there are always more than we can handle,” writes Andrew Grove in High Performance Management. Many of our attempts to do everything are connected with the fear of not being perfect, not performing enough, and ultimately being vulnerable. In fact, this only leads to the fact that we choose momentary calm, but sacrifice our long-term goals.

Ultimately, the price of such a choice is your full life, where there is a place for joy and relaxation.

Don't be a slave to your to-do list, says Kevin Cruz. Take it for granted: the flow of incoming tasks is endless, you can always find something else to do. Instead, analyze how you spend your time throughout the day. Find what is truly important to you, and invest in doing it well, with full dedication.

Apply the SODA Rule

SODA stands for "make, postpone, delegate, archive (delete)". Any information that comes to you must be processed quickly. If the reaction takes less than a minute - do it. If the matter is not urgent, postpone it (be sure to make a note for yourself what to do with it later). If the task is simple and someone can do it for you, delegate. If it does not fit into any of the previous categories, feel free to delete it.

For email, apply the 3-25-0 principle: look into mailbox you can only three times a day, you can spend no more than 25 minutes on letters and communication in messengers, and so that not a single task is left without a specific solution. Otherwise, our thoughts will constantly return to what is "hanging" - this feature of unfinished business was explained by the Soviet psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik.

Use the "Pareto Principle"

It is also called the 80/20 principle. In the most common interpretation in relation to productivity, it sounds like this: 80% of efforts give 20% of the result, and vice versa. This ratio magically turns out to be true for almost any field. For example, for sales (80% of revenue comes from 20% of loyal customers) or for education (20% of the material contains 80% of all significant information).

How to apply the Pareto principle? It is necessary to clearly define the tasks and activities that will bring the maximum return.

Try to determine what exactly in each case will fall into the top 20 (and require the most effort), and what will remain a routine. If you are a leader, focus on developing a small number priority areas; if you are an entrepreneur, think about the needs of your most important customers.

Delegate everything

In 2013, professors Julian Birkinshaw and Jordan Cohen published the findings from their productivity experiment. It turned out that highly skilled workers spend 41% of their time on things that are not related to their immediate tasks and can be done by others. According to the researchers, it's about the satisfaction that small "victories" bring.

But if we invest this time in learning new things, the search for more effective ways doing your own thing - it will pay off in the long run. Kevin Cruz suggests evaluating each task in terms of what can be done with it - delegated, forgotten, or done more efficiently. The same “80/20 principle” works here: find a goal that is worth your effort and achieve it. For the rest, try to think as little as possible.

It is not necessary to have a personal secretary. There are many services on the service market that allow you to delegate cleaning, cooking, garbage disposal, walking the dog. There is a service of personal assistants Fins, with which you can deal with small assignments. Evaluate the gain in time and think about where it could be invested.

And finally - a quote from Danny Iny, founder of Firepole Marketing: “How to increase your efficiency? Very simple: plan for yourself what you need to accomplish, and not let others decide it for you. Most people do just the latter, practicing the seemingly innocent but completely counter-productive habit of starting the day by checking email... As a result, their attention and energy is directed to where other people want, and not where they would produce more Effect".

Many of us have found ourselves in a situation where 24 hours in a day is absolutely not enough. This could be due to the launch of a new project, the establishment of a new business, a quick move to another country, or some other fateful change. In such situations, you need to structure the process as much as possible, focus on the main thing and take control of what is happening. If we can do this, then the most difficult period will be a powerful breakthrough and take us to a completely different level.

I had this period too.

Writing the first book in my life, articles, conducting consultations, preparing and designing new online programs, conducting courses and groups, as well as many other current affairs. Among other things - family, children, school, kindergarten, training and great amount household questions. To complete all these tasks, there was a deadline - at best, marked “do it today”. But basically - "to do yesterday."

So, how do you manage to do everything and not go crazy at the same time?

I will share the secrets that help me keep the rhythm, and also explain what it takes to make everything work.

1. Individual sleep and wake schedule, or why getting up early does not work.

Once I conducted an experiment - for a month I got up at 6:00. Everything seemed to be going well, and I really managed to do a lot of things in the morning. But there was one incident: I was sleepy at 21:00. Soon I noticed that my husband and children did not receive my attention, resentment grew and all the bonuses from getting up early literally melted before my eyes.

Why can't you get up earlier?

You may be taking this task literally and not seeing the big picture. After all, the obvious benefits have their own price. And if you soak up in bed in the morning - for you a charge of vivacity for the whole day?

What to do?

Getting up early is very individual, considering the benefits and losses of forming a new habit. After examining the situation, you can determine the optimal time for your “early rise”, which is right for you and will not bring unnecessary inconvenience.

2. Concentration of attention, or why we do not have enough energy to focus.

Once I noticed that with total concentration on the task at hand, my productivity increases significantly. The biggest breakthrough was that I wrote 75 pages of a book in 2 days. Of course, I guessed so that no one bothered me. The children were with their grandmother. Husband is on a business trip. I was distracted at this time only for the most necessary.

Why can't you focus on a task?

Probably, you simply do not know how to work with attention, and it runs in different directions, like a homeless boy.

Or perhaps you overdid it and left out an important detail. You can concentrate totally only by the “rotational” method: tension-relaxation. That is, after a strong tension, you need to please yourself with the same intensity of deep relaxation.

It is also important to ask yourself some questions:

  • Why do you need to complete this task?
  • What bonuses will you get from this?
  • Do you really want to do/do this?

What to do?

Think about the meaning of the task for you and learn to concentrate. The following may help you with this:

  1. : will teach you to focus on the reactions of the body.
  2. Psychotherapy course: you realize how thoughts are connected with feelings and the body
  3. : will teach you to concentrate on the current moment.

3. Delegation, or why we tend to shoulder everything.

I realized that if I don’t outsource some of my work, I’ll just run out of steam. Therefore, a nanny partially helps with the children, and a cleaning lady helps with the apartment. I also took an assistant - an assistant who puts things in order in tables and presentations.If you can't afford the extra expenses, then think about who could help you just like that. Grandparents - to sit with the child, a friend - to take your baby to training with her. I'm sure, with any income you can find different ways don't take everything on yourself.

Why can't I delegate tasks?

You probably think that you can handle everything yourself and no one can do it better than you. And you just got used to doing what you do and it’s difficult for you to change the established system.

But think about this: "In order to get what you never had, you have to do what you never did." Authorship attributed to Coco Chanel

But we dream big, right? This means that something needs to be changed in the system and focus only on strategic tasks.

What to do?

Break down tasks by priority. This can be done using the Eisenhower Matrix.

Determine which of these cases it is possible to give to other people to complete, and start looking for them.

4. Sports, or why we do not use this resource in our lives.

I do yoga and after a workout I often find myself thinking what I came up with new idea. form new neural connections, which in turn affects creative thinking and creativity. And, of course, an excellent mood after a workout is provided to you!

Why can't you play sports?

You may not have found your sport. For example, I started running several times, but each time I quit. Running is not mine. But I found the sport that suits me the most. Don't give up looking for: physical exercise are directly related to general health, they also affect the psycho-emotional state and cognitive abilities.

What to do?

Find a sport to your liking and write it into the tasks that you must complete. Watch how your productivity changes after classes, and see for yourself that it works.

5. Perfectionism, or why we are constantly preparing for something.

The need to do everything for five plus - hello from school. For mistakes there they put deuces, and by any means we tried not to make mistakes. Commitment to the quality of the task is very important factor but in many cases it does more harm than good.

I am writing this article now, today I need to send it. You can arbitrarily improve its quality, but I have a deadline! Therefore, I do everything that depends on me in this moment time, and do not let perfectionism run wild. After all, it’s better to get a response from the editors with a proposal to fix or redo something, or even try next time, than not to take this step at all.

Most effective learning only happens through practice.

Done - received feedback- made work on the mistakes - did it again.

Why do we feel we are not ready?

It's all the same hello from childhood. We are not taught to go straight into practice. Look: the school is a theory, the institutions are also basically a theory. When do we start practice on average? At 20? And we get used to the idea that before you start working, practicing something, you need to prepare for many, many years.

Maybe it's time to reconsider this setup?

What to do?

Answer your questions:

  • Why are you preparing for so long?
  • Are you afraid of the opinions of others?
  • What specifically do you want to improve?

The key is action.Scientists have proven that every new acquired skill changes the structure of our brain. This means that, learning new things, a person changes at the level of physiology. He becomes capable of more and gains access to new opportunities.

6. Quality rest, or why we do not allow ourselves to relax

If you are “both a Swiss and a reaper, and a gambler on the pipe”, then you cannot do without quality rest. It is impossible to concentrate on completing a number of tasks and make a breakthrough if you are tired and, as they say, your brain is not cooked.

Why can't you get a good rest?

We often feel like we're wasting our time when we're relaxing. We do not see the benefit of rest, because we are in a hurry and we have deadlines. But it is interesting that with a quality rest, your efficiency increases many times, because we get down to business with renewed vigor, which just leads to saving time and to greater results.

What to do?

Be sure to arrange a day-off for yourself as a reward for the work done. Get out of town on the weekend, come through, turn it on

7. Planning, or why we are afraid of this word like fire.

Write down 6 tasks for each day that are necessary and possible to complete during this time. Distribute them in the list so that the first two are the most important, or key, without which you will not budge.

Do everything in order!The idea is that with this approach, you will do the most difficult things first, because they are at the top of the list. This will make your movement towards the goal very noticeable.

Why can't you plan?

Sometimes there is something that knocks down all our plans. And then we are disappointed and give up this disastrous business, deciding that it is absolutely not ours. It may also seem to you that you are a creative person, and planning is a matter of structural people. Or you take on too much, which leads to burnout and exhaustion.

What to do?

Try the Six Technique affairs. Divide your big task or set of tasks into small pieces and distribute them along the timeline. After all, "an elephant cannot be eaten whole, you need to eat it in pieces."

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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The modern rhythm of life, unfortunately, leaves a big imprint on women, most often of a negative nature. The reason for this burnout is that a person does not know how to correctly calculate the time, as a result of which their life, as a rule, resembles a squirrel in a wheel. Every day the same chores, but there is almost no time left for yourself. However, experienced people say that if you just change your lifestyle a little, it will sparkle with completely new colors.

Sometimes banal habits that seem insignificant, but can radically change the life of any woman, can help improve life. And for men, the advice from the article will be useful for a more productive and bright life:

Women shouldn't be in charge of the household

When after work there is almost no strength, experienced housewives instead of shouldering the cooking on themselves, they entrust the preparation of dinner to the household. Even if they order pizza or sushi instead of the desired hot, such help will be quite tangible and there will be more time for rest and for themselves;

Important things to do early in the morning

Especially such advice will appeal to larks. After all, if you have more strength in the morning, then things will go faster. Some, leaving important projects for the evening, completely forget to take time for themselves and their families. And getting up early in the morning and getting enough sleep, you can save a lot of time by doing an important project. And there is less noise in the morning, therefore, the work will go faster. And in the evening you can safely go to bed without worrying about important unfinished business;

You need to learn how to plan your work day

Many coaches advise writing down important projects in a diary. first-second paragraph. So you can clearly understand which projects are in priority for the day, and not look for them with your eyes from the list in the organizer;

You need to learn to devote at least half an hour a day to yourself

A relaxing bath, or a cozy cafe where you can put your thoughts in order, being alone with yourself, going to a massage therapist. All these things will not take much time, but they will get rid of the routine and help you relax not only with your body, but also with your soul. Also a useful skill will be the ability to relax in the middle of the week. You can try to carve out a day for yourself and not think about work, devoting it to your family and yourself. This will help to relax better than gatherings on social networks;

Don't limit your diet too much.

The fact is that when sitting on too rigid and exhausting diets, girls notice a decline in strength and mood. You can just learn to count calories and sometimes indulge yourself with harmful foods. Do not be too strict about diets and figure. Also, signs of an inappropriate diet can be apathy, depression, irritability and unwillingness to do anything at all;

Do not make life gray and monotonous

A well-placed joke can always help make the morning more fun. And if there is no sense of humor, you can look at ideas for pranks on the Internet. The main thing is that jokes should be in place. Indeed, often due to a depressed state, productivity and, in general, a craving for action deteriorate. Therefore, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

These tips will help not only learn how to properly allocate time, but also bring new, bright colors and emotions.

Hello, friends! With you Ekaterina Kalmykova. There is no person in the world who would not ask the question “How to do everything and live full life? and who would not like to become successful businessman or businesswoman. Do you agree with me? Any successful person once smog and its worst qualities.

At one fine moment, he simply organized his life correctly and began to manage three times as many things in a day. The problem of lack of time is for any inhabitant of this modern world, whether for a mother of many children or a student, an office worker or a teenage freelancer, is quite acute.

So let's formulate some rules, adhering to which you can do everything.

Young mothers, admit it, you dream that there are 48 hours in a day. I - yes! The question “How to keep up with everything and live a full life?” torments you almost every night. Me - yes!

It is important to understand that a fairy will not come to you or to me and wave magic wand and turn us into all-successful ladies. And there will still be 24 hours in a day. It turns out that all hope is only on you and me.

Young mothers, I know how hard it is for you, but the only way to start new life is to learn self-discipline and planning.

  1. First of all, accustom yourself to a clear daily routine: firstly, try to do exercises every morning, and secondly, feed healthy eating not only the child, but also himself. After a month of such a schedule, you will feel like a new person, you will not feel tired.
  2. When discipline returns to normal, you can start the schedule. Your schedule should be moderately tight, it is best not to deviate from the schedule, but force majeure is always acceptable. With the acquired discipline, the question of “how to do everything around the house” will no longer be acute for you.
  3. Distribute and plan time so that it is enough for the house, and for the child and for the husband. It will be enough for your husband if you meet him in a neat appearance, with an affectionate word, with a delicious dinner.
  4. Remember that involves transferring some of the responsibilities to other people. Use parents, friends, perhaps a babysitter as child care assistants.

How to succeed and not get tired? It's very simple. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • delegate some of the responsibilities to other people, for example, if you have older children, let them help you around the house;
  • self-discipline and adherence to a schedule;
  • get rid of all the time wasters.

These simple rules help a young mother and subsequently become a successful woman.

Time Eaters: The New Plague of the 21st Century?

How to be more successful? The simplest thing: give up time wasters.

Time wasters include:

  • Internet and social networks;
  • gossip and talk during work;
  • constant breaks;
  • laziness and putting things off until tomorrow.

How can a woman succeed? Get rid of time wasters, once and for all reduce the time of using each of them. Let's start with social media. Surely, you can guess that successful and rich people spend a minimum of time social networks. It would not occur to them to be distracted by reading and viewing tapes during work. Take an example from them.

For conversations with girlfriends or colleagues at work, allocate special 5 minutes during lunch, and the rest of the work should go without them. If you smoke, do not try to take a break from work under the pretext of a smoke break.

How to learn to do everything? Exterminate the craving for the above time wasters and practice willpower.

How not to be lazy and do everything? Laziness is one of the main time wasters. As a rule, laziness overcomes precisely at the moment when we have to do an unpleasant or boring business. To do it without being distracted, promise yourself to reward yourself with something pleasant. Again, the unpleasant thing done will no longer darken your mood, because only pleasant things will remain ahead.

Related articles:

How to do everything in a day? You need to forget the phrase "I'll do it in n ... minutes."

If you have an urgent matter, you need to do it at the same second in order to forget about it forever. For example, do you have to get up at 8 am to avoid being late for a meeting? Set an alarm for this time and forget about the phrase "I'll sleep for another half hour."

According to statistics, a person who calmly gets ready for work, arrives on time, almost never experiences stress, or very rarely gets sick. Whereas the always in a hurry worker very quickly begins to suffer from bad memory, headaches and other diseases.

Do you need it? I'm sure no. You need to solve the problem of how to plan your day in order to do everything.

Business planning at home: more hours in your day

It doesn't matter if you work or not. The question of planning your day is relevant for almost all categories of people.

How do you allocate time to get everything done? First of all, you need to learn how to plan your day in advance.

Set aside 20-30 minutes each evening to create a to-do list and a rough schedule for the next day. Let a beautiful diary or a planning program on your phone help you with this. By planning your day ahead of time, you will find that you have enough free time to put to good use.

How to organize your day so that everything is in time?

In the first half of the day, put important and urgent things that require your immediate attention. In the afternoon, address important but not urgent issues that may affect your immediate (up to 2 weeks) future. Finally, an hour and a half before the end of the working day, you can start solving some non-urgent and unimportant issues.

Thus, if you do without force majeure, you can devote time from 6 pm onwards to yourself and your family. Thanks to this scheme, the question “how to manage to do everything” will forever leave your head.

The question of how to organize your time in order to do everything should be approached without ardent fanaticism. This means that in case of failure or a shift in the planned schedule, you should not panic and get upset.

So many people think when their plans are violated: there is nothing useful in planning, anyway, chance will intervene, and my lovingly compiled schedule will go down the drain. Under no circumstances should you have such thoughts. We are all human, and we all have unforeseen circumstances. But they are not a reason to abandon planning and let life take its course.

How to plan your day so that you can do everything, but at the same time be prepared for the unexpected? Just calmly carry out the planned tasks, watching the environment. If the meeting suddenly canceled, don't be upset, but just proceed to the next task. You can make yourself a gift and in the free time go to drink coffee.

How to get everything done? Read the answer to this question below.

To learn how to keep up with everything and forget about the lack of time, I recommend the course of E. Popov. It was created just for those who are constantly and everywhere in a hurry and do not know how to tame this precious resource - time.

The methodology developed by the author is effective, and confirmation of this is the great popularity of the course and the author himself. Many have already tried the method and left their admiring reviews about the course. The course content will be of interest to everyone: schoolchildren, students, mothers on maternity leave, bloggers, secretaries and other office workers, managers of any level. The course is designed for anyone who wants to tame time or improve their planning skills.

The information contained in the course is unique. It is not on the Internet and will not be discussed at seminars and trainings. The only way to learn the secrets of planning is to become its owner.

Everything that is contained in the methodology may seem unusually simple and understandable, as soon as you start practicing, you will realize that planning is complex issue, but his solution is very efficient. Do not hesitate to decide, apply and implement information right now.

Dear reader, we are sure that you too have effective planning secrets. Share them with us, subscribe to our pages on social networks and become part of the company of successful people.

Hello, friends! With you Ekaterina Kalmykova. The situation when you do not have time to do anything is known to most women. Few people can boast that they manage to work, feed their children, and please their husband.

Modern girls are concerned about the issue of promotion career ladder and forget about family values. Meanwhile, with age, it is the family that will become a reliable rear, and work will fade into the background.

How to do everything around the house if you work and chase high social status? How to find this balance between everyday life and working? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

You say, "Oh, that's planning again, it's getting nowhere!" It even leads - I will answer you. Thanks to planning, you can clearly structure your work and not worry about lack of time.

The first rule of time management: have a plan.

To make it more pleasant to organize your day, you can buy a beautiful diary. Is it so important for us girls to write in a special notebook?

Tasks for the day should be divided into urgent and important, secondary and remote. Things that can be postponed - postpone, do not load your time with them.

The second rule is that things that take less than 15 minutes should be done right away.

By collecting quick things, you litter your free time and leave no chance to complete them. How to keep up with everything at work and at home in this situation? Just don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Wash dishes immediately without piling up. Make calls to customers immediately, not when you have nothing to do. Then the phrase “I don’t have time for anything at work” will not apply to you.

Don't be scared, no one is telling you to give them up entirely. Just set aside a special time for viewing the Instagram feed and others. No more than 15 minutes twice a day after hours. If you want to be distracted by the Vkontakte feed while writing the report, just remember that the report will not disappear, and you will have to finish it after work. But you can flip through the tape on the way home or during a break, if you really want to.

Is there a child in the house? Surely, disorder and chaos reigns, the ability to find the right thing is practically absent? Do you recognize yourself? Then the next planning rule is for you.

Fourth rule: try to maintain order in everything - in notebook, in a diary, in clothes, in dishes, in emotions.

A woman who manages everything, first of all, is mentally and physically assembled. She does not allow herself excessive laziness and tries to bear for her actions.

Fifth rule: the presence of new interests.

Get yourself interesting hobby, on which you do not mind spending at least an hour a day. It could be anything: learning a new language, hitting the gym, or taking a driving class. A new business is a powerful incentive to put things in order in life and at work.

Work and family - let's live together: how to remove chaos at work

How to get everything done at work?

This is a difficult question, especially if you are in a responsible position. Nowadays, many vacancies at home have appeared, but this has not solved the problem of academic performance in the frantic pace of life.

Many working mothers ask: I don’t have time at work, what should I do? At the same time, it seems to them that they are geniuses, and failures are associated with other people. When working from home, discipline is especially important. often have a lot of work to do, but at home there is always something distracting. Then, as at work, a strict boss will helpfully give a kick for the slightest deviation from business.

How to keep up with a working at home mom?

First of all, you need to make a list of small tasks for the day and start doing them. The same advice applies to office workers. Do the little quick stuff first, like making phone calls at work, discussing a project with co-workers, sorting through work emails, and answering important ones.

After completing quick tasks, you can proceed to more global ones. Big things need to be done in several stages, which should be reflected in your diary. This way you will not have the idea that the project, which should be ready on November 1st, can be started on October 30th.

Do not be afraid of large tasks, because once you break them down into several small subtasks, it will be easier for you to perceive them.

Many people say the phrase "work less, do more." Of course, when a person works, he practically does not have time for himself, for his beloved, for his family. If the job would disappear, then he would build his own business, and complete the garage, and so on. No, I wouldn't build it and I wouldn't finish it.

Because a person who does not know how to build his time with work will not build it without it.

How do you get things done after work?

The answer to this question is simple - finish the work on time! According to statistics, people who leave half the work for the second part of the day are twice as likely to be late at work than those who try to do everything in the first part of the day. Want to leave work early? Do not be lazy during the work process and you will have more time for your family.

How to keep up with everything at work and at home, if work and home are the same place?

If you are the mother of a student or kindergartener, the best opportunity for productive work comes when your child is in kindergarten or school. Take advantage of this time, do not be distracted by secondary matters, communication with friends and so on.

Clearly decide how much you will work and how much you will do housework. Identify what exactly distracts you from work and try to get rid of it. If you live with family, ask them to take over some of the responsibilities, at least for a few days a week. And remember, nothing slows down the workflow like a mess.

Keep things and thoughts in order, then you will not have to waste precious time looking for things and remembering the right events.

How to manage to live and work?

The secret is to learn how to properly allocate your time, you need to remove from your life everything that prevents you from moving up. Remember that others are not to blame for the fact that you do not have time to do anything.

Learn how to allocate your time so that it is enough for friends, work and family. There are 24 hours in a day, so at least three hours of them can be devoted to a family or a favorite business (person).

How to be the master of your time

To finally become a pro in the matter of time management, pay attention to the author's course by Evgeny Popov "Master of Time".

From the course, you will learn how to properly organize your life so that work and family become friends forever. Everything about time planning, its monetization, and much more interesting information contained in the course and waiting for you to study it.

Having spent quite a bit of time, you will learn how to build your schedule so that every day will bring you profit and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Maybe you like to sit at the computer and dream that your hobby will bring you income? "Master of Time" will tell you how even the most useless activity can bring you dividends. The planning approaches that are described will open your eyes to many things.

By carefully studying the information and putting it into practice, you will forget what a lack of time is. This will not be taught at school or institute. You will not find such information on the Internet. All the secrets, all the tricks of time management are outlined in this course and are looking forward to when you use them.

Friends, this is the end of our conversation today. Dear readers, share your rules and secrets, how do you manage to do everything? I will look forward to your answers.

See you soon!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you,