Romanov defensive systems. Defense systems

In development investigative journalism conducted by my colleague Eduard Sokolov regarding the situation in the Ministry of Industry and Trade (issues 10 and 12 for 2012) and my own regarding the abuses of the director of the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) Sergei Maksin, we inform our readers about the next new “technologies and innovations” in the field theft of state property.

According to RV, since 2003, the current incumbent. Minister of Industry Denis Manturov takes special care of the Defense Systems holding. It turns out that he successfully lobbies not only for everyone’s benefit famous Mr. Sergei Maksin, whose company, UOMZ, was pumped up with huge budget injections, without noticing the huge credit debt, but also a number of other “favorite” companies. Today we will talk about Defense Systems OJSC, which Manturov appoints as the contractor for the implementation of export contracts. That is, “Defense Systems” receives money, and then, like a typical intermediary, places orders with factories, thus earning a handsome profit. Some of our sources claim that Manturov has his own interest in such zeal for “Defensive Systems”.

However, Manturov's defenders object. So what? Everyone knows, at least in the media they write, that Defense Systems is controlled by Oboronprom, which is part of the Russian Technologies State Corporation. So, they say, Manturov helps a state or almost state company.

But let's try to figure it out. Indeed, the Wikipedia website reports that the united industrial corporation Oboronprom is the parent management company for Russian Helicopters OJSC, United Engine Corporation OJSC and Defense Systems OJSC. It also reports that Oboronprom controls OJSC Defensive Systems (more than 75% of the shares). Let us note that “Defensive Systems” is registered in the same complex of buildings as “Oboronprom”, in Moscow, on Vereyskaya Street, 29. Remember this address, it will come up in our investigation.

But then let’s take a look at the official website of Oboronprom. There actually is a whole section dedicated to “Defensive Systems”. But it is not indicated in any way what corporate or other connections exist between Oboronprom and Defense Systems.

We were also interested in the fact that in an interview on March 14 this year. In the Kommersant newspaper, the head of OJSC OPK Oboronprom Andrei Reus does not mention Defense Systems at all. The foregoing forced us to try to understand this issue more deeply.

And this is what we learned on the Defense Systems website in the affiliates section. It turns out that at the moment OJSC "Defense Systems" belongs to LLC "Defense Systems Finance" (24.96 percent of shares) and LLC "Defense Systems - Invest" registered at the already mentioned address "Vereyskaya, 29" (75.04 percent of shares).

It is curious that there is very little information on the Internet about both structures (Defense Systems - Invest LLC and Defensive Systems Finance LLC) on the Internet. But in the Globalstat database there is information that Defensive Systems - Invest LLC belongs to the Limited Liability Company Defensive Systems Finance. That is, it turns out that OJSC “Defense Systems” is completely owned by the company “Defense Systems Finance”.

And from this moment the most curious thing begins. Let's start with the fact that the general director of OJSC "Defense Systems" and LLC "Defense Systems Finance" is the same person - Andrey Borisovich Romanov. Only if the authorized capital, in accordance with the Globalstat database, of Defense Systems is 23 million rubles, then the authorized capital of Defense Systems Finance LLC is only 10 thousand rubles. That is, a company with an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles controls a powerful corporation with an authorized capital of almost 23 million rubles.

We find the address of Defense Systems Finance LLC. Both according to the information contained in the “List of Affiliated Persons” section on the “Defense Systems” website and various databases, “Defense Systems Finance” LLC is registered at the address: Moscow, st. Mnevniki, house 14, building 1. We go to this address and find there... a school. Yes, yes, it is secondary school number 100. When trying to find out whether the arms barons are based in the school (you never know what can happen in our times), we are offered to go to see a psychiatrist. Indeed, we are already ready to go to this particular doctor. Only a psychiatrist can explain how a public school can own one of the country's largest defense holdings.

By the way, we note that “Defense Systems Finance” LLC, “registered at the school”, despite its illusory nature, carries out interesting activities. So in 2010, LLC “Defense Systems Finance” acquired from OJSC “ChRZ “Polyot” nine registered shares of OJSC “Defense Systems” at a price of 123 thousand rubles per share for a total amount of one million one hundred seven thousand rubles.

And just recently, in March of this year, Defensive Systems Finance LLC acquired shares in OJSC FSPC NNIIRT for almost 3 million rubles. And this is the famous “Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering”.

Well, let's try to unravel the tangle further. And we find out that according to Globalstat, Defense Systems Finance LLC belongs to the limited liability company Astrelia, registered at the address: Moscow, st. Samokatnaya, 2-A, building 1. We call the company’s phone number listed on the Internet. Answer: “You have the wrong number.” We go to Samokatnaya Street and find in house 2-A, building 1... a car service and tire service. We knock on the building itself, in the courtyard of which there is garbage dump. The guard lets us inside - and there are dark, dirty corridors. Just in case, we ask if the Astrelia company is here and receive a negative answer.

It becomes interesting - we look further. And another surprise awaits us. According to Globalstat, Astrelia LLC is owned by two legal entities, Veles LLC and Land Capital LLC. Both of these companies are registered in the already familiar complex of buildings on Vereiskaya, 29. So, through the school and the tire shop, we again return to the place of registration of Oboronprom and Defense Systems.

We continue our search. And here the fat point awaits us. According to the Globalstat database, both legal entities, Veles LLC and Zemelny Capital LLC belong to individuals, citizens of Russia, without disclosing their names in the public space.

That is, as a result, we come to the conclusion that one of the largest defense holdings in our country, “Defensive Systems”, through a long chain of ghost companies, through schools and tire shops, belongs to certain Russian citizens.

Doesn’t Denis Manturov, while lobbying the interests of Defense Systems, know this? And if he knows, then how can he admit that the most important export contracts concluded at the state level are executed by a defensive holding company controlled by ghost companies and certain individuals? Or maybe everything is much simpler? Maybe it was Denis Manturov, through front companies and individuals and is the true owner of Defense Systems?

The blatant fraud with state property in the military-industrial complex described above is only part of the iceberg of the system created by Mr. Manturov for earning huge personal capital in the military-industrial complex. Hence the prices of the products are not surprising. military industry, which are offered for purchase to the Ministry of Defense - billions go into the personal pockets of officials through clever schemes created not without the participation of the acting Minister of Industry. And in terms of exports - and even more harshly - by substituting an enterprise such as Defense Systems with a confusing form of ownership, you can easily tear away from 15 to 30 percent of export contracts. The military-industrial complex enterprises, the direct executors, will not see this money.

And Mr. Manturov has many such favorite “brainchildren” as “Defensive Systems”. The country's leadership, relying on the professional integrity of the performers, allocates huge billions to the military-industrial complex. The “smart” leadership of the ministry redirects these financial flows into private pockets. And the military-industrial complex enterprises entrusted to them either eke out a miserable existence or go bankrupt.

And we would like to draw attention to the situation of the Russian FSB.

Key figures

Andrey Romanov - CEO


production of air defense systems

Parent company Website

OJSC "Defense Systems"- an open joint-stock company created in 1996 on the initiative of a group of leading design bureaus, research institutes and serial enterprises - developers and manufacturers of air defense equipment and systems. In addition, the Russian-Belarusian interstate financial and industrial group (IFIG) of the same name, created on the basis of a joint-stock company. Headquarters - in Moscow.


IN Soviet time The organizational integration of numerous enterprises and design bureaus was carried out by ministries, departments and departments. After the collapse of the Soviet system of managing the defense-industrial complex, the task of organizational and production integration ceased to be relevant for some time due to the cessation of mass production of the S-300 systems in the interests of the Russian armed forces.

However, in 1994, the first contract was concluded for the supply of these systems to the PRC. Accordingly, a need arose for the restoration and integration of production cooperation, which necessitated the determination of the main executor of the contract. For this purpose, the financial and industrial group “Defensive Systems” was formed, and OJSC “Defensive Systems” was created for the purpose of coordinating actions and management.

The founders and shareholders of the Company in 1996 were such enterprises as MKB Fakel, Central Design Bureau Almaz, Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Automation, Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering, Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant and a number of other enterprises. On March 21, 1997, the function of the central company of the financial and industrial group was transferred to OJSC Defensive Systems.

As of April 1999, the financial industrial group included 34 enterprises, design bureaus, factories and banks. In January 2000, the OJSC made a third issue of shares, as a result of which the authorized capital of the joint-stock company increased by more than 15 times. The shareholders of Defense Systems additionally included some serial plants participating in production cooperation on the S-300PMU - the Moscow Avangard Machine-Building Plant, the Novosibirsk Comintern Plant, as well as one of the leading domestic avionics manufacturers - United Aircraft Instrument-Making Concern JSC ". At the same time, due to the crisis in the relationship between OJSC Defensive Systems and Central Design Bureau Almaz, the latter’s representation in the central company of the financial industrial group was reduced by “dozens of times” as a result of the third issue of shares. The main shareholder of OJSC "Defense Systems" in 2000 was the company "Interros" (46% of shares).

In 2000, on the basis of the holding company "Defense Systems", the Russian-Belarusian interstate financial and industrial group "Defense Systems" was created (based on the order of the President of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2000 No. 10-rp, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 26, 2000 No. 70 and Agreement between the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus dated February 11, 2000). According to the interstate agreement, OJSC "Defense Systems" is vested with the functions of the parent company of the MFPG "Defense Systems" and carries out coordination economic activity and business management. The agreement on the creation of the IFIG "Defense Systems" was signed by 19 participants, incl. 15 - from Russian Federation and 4 - from the Republic of Belarus (currently 12 and 5, respectively).

In 2002, President of Russia V.V. Putin signed a decree on the formation of the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern. According to the decree, state blocks of shares in almost all enterprises that were part of the Defensive Systems financial industrial group at that time were transferred to the concern. Only a 70% stake in the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant and a 35% stake in the Kuntsevo Design Bureau remained under the control of Defense Systems OJSC. Thus, Defense Systems has largely lost its function as a leading company in the development and production of air defense systems, largely retaining only the function of an asset management company, as well as a coordinating company in an interstate financial and industrial group.


LLC "Defense Systems Finance" 25% LLC "Defense Systems -Invest" 75%

Corporation composition

  • JSC NPO Moscow Radio Engineering Plant
  • OJSC "KB Kuntsevo"
  • JSC "Optical-electronic technologies. Defense systems"
  • CJSC "OBSC "Oboronpromservice""

The company owns 51.42% of the shares of KB Kuntsevo (another 35.49% of the shares of Kuntsevo belong to Almaz-Antey), 63.94% of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant (10.49% of the shares are in the Almaz piggy bank -Anthea").

Composition of the MFPG

From Russia

  • JSC NPO Moscow Radio Engineering Plant
  • OJSC "KB Kuntsevo"
  • JSC "Machine-building design bureau "Fakel" named after academician P. D. Grushin"
  • OJSC "Radio Equipment Plant"
  • JSC "Leningrad Northern Plant"
  • OJSC "Chelyabinsk Radio Plant "Polyot"
  • JSC "Pyrometer"
  • OJSC "Novosibirsk Plant named after Comintern"
  • OJSC "Joint-stock commercial bank "Rosbank"

From Belarus

  • RUE "Research and Production State Enterprise "Alevkurp"
  • RUE "Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant"
  • RUE "2566 radio-electronic weapons repair plant"
  • OJSC "Joint-Stock Savings Bank "Belarusbank"
  • CJSC "Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Belrosbank"


  • production, supply, repair and maintenance of the Pechora-2M air defense system, the Phoenix all-round optical-electronic station, the electronic defense complex (KRTZ-125-2M) and the UV-38 optical-electronic system
  • production and supply of a mobile repair center for the restoration of S-300 air defense systems
  • supply, repair and maintenance of P-18 and Kama-N radar stations when supplied together with the Pechora-2M air defense system
  • development, production of equipment and commissioning of the territorial automated air-sea surveillance system (TAS VMN).




  • Companies by alphabet
  • Companies founded in 1996
  • Machine-building companies of Russia
  • Arms manufacturers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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Andrey Borisovich, about nine months have passed since you were approved as the general director of Defense Systems, and the company itself became part of the holding OJSC OPK Oboronprom. Although this is a short period of time, is it possible to talk about any results?

Over the past nine months, in my opinion, a lot has been done. First of all, with the direct participation of FSUE Rosoboronexport, the concept of promoting our main product - the Pechora-2M air defense system - to the foreign market was radically revised. If previously “Defensive Systems” took part in tenders for the modernization of “Pechora”, which are in service in various countries ah, then we are currently positioning Pechora-2M as new complex, created using elements of the S-125 air defense system, which allows us to expand the potential market to countries that did not have the S-125 in service.

As a result, in the first half of 2005, FSUE Rosoboronexport concluded two new contracts for the supply of Pechora-2M air defense systems produced by our company. As a result, our portfolio of orders for Pechora amounts to 25 complexes. In July, we demonstrated the Pechora’s capabilities to a number of foreign delegations during shooting exercises. The target was hit with 100% effect by the first missile. In March, we conducted successful tests of the radio-technical protection complex (KRTZ). This complex is capable of deflecting enemy missiles homing towards the radiation of an antenna post to a safe distance. Its use increases the combat survivability of the Pechora-2M air defense system several times.

The Defense Systems holding showed good financial results at the end of last year: revenue exceeded 3 billion 200 million rubles, and profit - 404 million rubles.

Born in 1969. In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1986-1987 worked as a programmer at the design bureau of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant. From 1993 to 2001 - head of the RCM group of companies. In 2000-2005 was a member of the Board of Directors of JSC ASTC named after A.N. Tupolev. In 2001-2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Gosinkor". From 2003 to November 2004 - General Director of OJSC NPO Moscow Radio Engineering Plant. From November 17, 2004 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC NPO Moscow Radio Engineering Plant.

- What place does Defense Systems occupy in the structure of OJSC OPK Oboronprom, which, as you know, is the management company of a helicopter manufacturing holding?

- Oboronprom is a multi-industry diversified corporation, one of the activities of which is the creation of an integrated helicopter manufacturing structure. OJSC "Defense Systems" represents a direction related to production in the structure of "Oboronprom" electronic systems, in particular air defense systems. We expect to expand our participation in this business.

Do you mean the formation of an electronic warfare holding company on the basis of Defense Systems?

Yes, including this direction. This business has, in our opinion, good prospects. Sophisticated electronics, given the changing conditions of warfare, are in great demand in the armed forces of various countries. Therefore, we must offer potential buyers decent Russian-made products.

We have developed and are starting to implement a program for structural restructuring and technical re-equipment of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant (MRTZ), which is part of OAO Defense Systems.

Our maximum goal is to increase the knowledge intensity and manufacturability of processes. The restructuring program involves merging workshops with similar profiles, updating fixed assets through the purchase of high-performance equipment, improving the system for forming product costs, rationing, accounting and control over the consumption of materials, depreciation of fixed assets, use of energy resources, etc.

Moreover, this program contains, in our opinion, innovative proposals that have not yet become widespread in the defense industry. This is, for example, equipment leasing.

As a result, we plan to obtain an effective diversified production facility that will successfully engage in both military and civilian projects.

How is the relationship between Defense Systems and the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, considering that the main topics and cooperation of air defense enterprises are concentrated there? In addition, a number of enterprises of the Defense Systems holding are also part of Almaz-Antey.

Currently, to a certain extent, a cross-system of participation, ownership and, accordingly, mutual interest of our structures in agreeing and coordinating their activities to implement current export contracts has developed. It should be noted that constructive and responsible relationships have developed between the leaders of Oboronprom, OJSC Defensive Systems and the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern, which allow them to effectively solve emerging problems. By the way, this good example cooperation at the corporate level of large integrated structures, which proves the effectiveness of integration into the defense industry and from the point of view of eliminating unfair competition that took place at the level of individual enterprises.

The interstate financial and industrial group "Defense Systems" is the only example of cooperation between enterprises of the CIS countries in military-industrial production. How are things going with the MFPG now?

Today our group includes 13 Russian and 6 Belarusian enterprises. The MFPG "Defensive Systems" was created for a very specific project - the modernization of the S-125 "Pechora" complex. In cooperation with Belarusian colleagues, we solved this problem, and now normal work on this complex is underway.

Within the framework of the FIPG, we are working to create joint projects with the CIS countries service centers, which will provide warranty and post-warranty service, repair and modernize anti-aircraft missile systems in service with armies both near and far abroad. Work on the creation of a Belarusian-Russian air defense service center "Oboronpromservice", in which the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Rosoboronexport" also participates, is in its final stage.

It is also planned to expand the group by including a number of Ukrainian enterprises. Enterprises from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan expressed interest in working within the MFPG.

What do Defense Systems show at MAKS-2005?

Certainly, " business card""Defensive Systems" - a modernized air defense system "Pechora-2M", in which 90%, compared to the S-125 "Pechora" complex, has changed electronic filling. The element base of the 2003 level meets the most modern requirements, starting from processors in computing vehicles and ending with color liquid crystal displays displaying the air situation. The launchers, control cabins and antenna post can be spaced over a significantly greater distance (instead of the former 70 meters), which significantly increases the “survivability” of the complex when fired by the enemy. The Pechora-2M - 8 launchers instead of 4. The target detection range under interference conditions is twice as long and the mean time between failures is 5 times longer.

In addition to "Pechora-2M", "Defensive Systems" is presenting at the exhibition the optical-electronic all-round viewing station "Phoenix", which has no analogues in the world. This station can be installed on warships of various classes, ground vehicles, air defense combat vehicles and fixed posts.

The civilian products of our holding are represented by an x-ray installation for uncontrolled inspection of the contents of hand luggage in order to detect and identify unauthorized attachments (IntroSpect-6371). This device will become an invaluable assistant to special services in detecting explosives, narcotic and other substances at airports and public events.