Types of cold fish dishes. Fish dishes and snacks

practice report

6.1 Assortment and preparation of complex cold dishes and snacks from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials

Snacks from fish gastronomic products. Fish gastronomic products include: salted and pickled fish, ripened by salting (herring, herring, sprat, etc.); lightly salted fish products from fish that mature during salting (salmon, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salted salmon, etc.); hot and cold smoked fish; caviar; canned fish.

Appetizers made from lightly salted fish products. The salt content in salmon, chum salmon, and salmon is 4-10%, so they are not soaked. The nutritional value of these fish is very high: they contain a lot of proteins (17-20%), fats (up to 20%). Preparation of lightly salted salmon fish appetizers involves filleting, slicing and decorating. These appetizers are delicacies and are usually served without side dishes with lemon slices and herbs. Notothenia of rennet salting is also served.

Smoked fish appetizers. Cold and hot smoked fish are used to prepare cold appetizers. Hot smoked fish (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cut into portioned pieces without skin, cartilage and bones. Served with a side dish of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad or with a complex side dish of boiled vegetables, green peas and potatoes with mayonnaise sauce (fish sturgeon breeds). Hot smoked fish is served separately with mayonnaise or horseradish sauce.

Salted fish snacks. They have a pungent taste, a specific smell and stimulate the appetite. In addition, they contain proteins (13 - 18%) and fats (6 - 28%).

Jellied fish rolls

Remove the spinal bone from the processed fish, sprinkle the inside of the fish with salt, pepper, dill, roll, starting from the tail, into a roll, securing the edge with a sharp wooden pin. Place the prepared rolls in a prepared dish in one layer, pour in the broth, add vinegar and simmer for 5-10 minutes. The finished products are carefully removed, cooled, the pin is removed, placed on a dish, decorated with sprigs of greenery, poured over the jelly and cooled until completely solidified.

Vinaigrette with salted fish

Cut the fish into fillets without skin and bones and cut into pieces, boiled potatoes, carrots and beets, as well as salted cucumbers- cubes, onion- with straws. Mix vegetables and season salad dressing, place in a heap in a salad bowl, place pieces of fish around and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Fish and squid pate

Boil the squid. Let the fish fillet without skin and bones simmer and cool. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Pass the squid, fish and egg yolks through a meat grinder twice. Soften the butter, combine with grated cheese and mix. Combine the mixture of fish and squid with oil, mix, add fish broth, salt and spices to taste to the desired consistency. Beat the whole mass thoroughly, form into a loaf and cool. When serving, cut the pate into portions and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Herring with apples. Gut the herring soaked in cold water, cut off the head, tail and fins, rinse, peel, remove bones, finely chop, mix with finely chopped peeled apples, white bread soaked in milk or water, butter and sour cream. Grind everything thoroughly and place it in a herring bowl in the shape of a herring, attaching the head and tail.

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Dishes made from non-fish aquatic raw materials

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Cold dishes and snacks

The range of cold dishes and snacks is very diverse: sandwiches, salads and vinaigrettes, dishes and snacks from vegetables, fish, meat, poultry and eggs, jellied dishes, pates, jellies, fried and boiled meat, fish, poultry...

Sturgeon and stellate sturgeon are cooked in links, beluga - in large pieces 40...60 cm long, 10...12 cm wide, sterlet - most often in portioned pieces. Partial fish is cooked in portioned pieces. Pike perch, pike and trout, intended for stuffing and cooking jellied fish, boiled whole.

Fish served with mayonnaise, or for salads masked with mayonnaise, is sometimes poached. The fish, drenched in marinade, is lightly fried without much coloring. Cleaned herring fillets are soaked and stored in tea broth or milk.

Lightly salted fish(salmon, salmon, chum salmon, etc.) are washed and layered along the spine, the rib bones are removed, the skin is trimmed and, starting from the tail, cut into portions, holding the knife at an angle of 30...45°. Portioned pieces are placed on appetizer plates and garnished with a slice of lemon and herbs.

When serving in multiple portions, lightly salted fish is placed on an oval dish or herring bowl, and the portions are given red-

gray form (rolled up like a rose or laid in a ladder). Place lemon slices at the ends of the dish (the skins of the slices are folded in for stability), and sprigs of herbs are placed on the sides.

U corn products trim the skin, remove cartilage and cut the flesh from the skin into thin wide pieces, holding the knife at an angle of 30...45°. To prevent the pulp that remains uncut from becoming dry, it is covered with skin or wrapped in parchment. Balyk products are served in the same way as lightly salted fish, garnished with lemon and herbs.

Fish hot smoked(stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cleaned of skin and bones, and sturgeon - of cartilage and portioned. Sturgeon are cut into portions of the established weight, holding the knife at a right angle.

Portions are placed on snack plates or in multi-serve dishes (an oval dish, a herring bowl), garnished with lettuce, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes; you can also serve a complex side dish of boiled vegetables, green peas, potatoes with mayonnaise.

The fish is served separately with horseradish sauce and vinegar or mayonnaise.

For assorted they use several, but not less than three types of fish gastronomy: salmon, salmon, cold and hot smoked fish, also include cold boiled fish, caviar (chum salmon, pressed, granular), canned crabs, sprats, sprat. Beautifully cut pieces of various types of fish gastronomy are placed on an oval dish or herring bowl, alternating in color. The assortment often includes caviar, which can be placed in baskets or vol-au-vents made of puff pastry.

The assortment is garnished with fresh or pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, jelly figures (flurons), lemon slices and decorated with sprigs of herbs and lettuce. Mayonnaise or horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately in a gravy boat.

Crabs placed in tartlets and covered with a mesh of jelly with mayonnaise or jelly.

Sprat, cleaned and freed from bones, roll into a ring and place on boiled egg slices.

Canned fish - very nutritious product. In catering establishments they are used as cold food.

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piece, as well as for preparing snacks, sandwiches and cold dishes. Canned snacks - fish in oil, fish in tomato, cod liver, pates.

Sprats and sardines in oil are served on appetizer plates or herring bowls, garnished with lemon and herbs. The carcasses are laid out in a ladder or fan so that all the tails are facing one way, and the backs of the carcasses cover the belly of the neighboring ones, and the oil in which they were cooked is poured on top.

Fish in tomato or own juice removed from the jars and dispensed in portions of the established mass along with sauce or juice in salad bowls or on snack plates, sprinkled with chopped green onions or chopped herbs on top.

The cod liver in oil is removed from the jars, crushed, combined with chopped boiled eggs, finely chopped onions, seasoned with the oil in which the liver was located. The cooked liver is served in salad bowls and sprinkled with green onions on top.

Spit sprat, anchovy and herring are cleaned, removing the head and entrails, washed, carefully placed on a snack plate or herring bowl with their backs to one side and garnished with slices or slices of boiled egg and finely chopped onion.

You can sell canned onions with rings. When on vacation, sprinkle with mustard dressing.

Caviar. Granular or chum salmon caviar is placed in a heap on the rosette of the caviar dish, and finely crushed ice is placed in the caviar dish and decorated with butter. Pressed caviar is kneaded on a board, cut into a diamond, triangle, square and placed on a small dessert plate, decorated with sprigs of parsley on the sides. Shredded green onions, a slice of lemon, a piece of butter.

Natural herring with potatoes and butter. Prepared fillets of salted herring are sometimes served whole, uncut, but more often they are cut crosswise or diagonally into pieces 2.5...3 cm wide, placed on a herring tray in the form of a whole fish, with the head (without gills) and tail attached; The sides are decorated with sprigs of greenery. Serve separately with boiled hot potatoes and a piece of butter.

6.10. Cold dishes and snacks

Herring with garnish. Pieces of herring fillet cut crosswise or obliquely are placed on seasoned vegetables cut into slices, and a side dish of potatoes, cucumber, carrots or beets, onions and eggs is beautifully placed on the sides. The herring is topped with mustard or vinegar dressing.

Chopped herring with garnish. Prepared herring fillets, peeled apples, wheat bread soaked in water (or milk) and onions lightly sautéed in vegetable oil are passed through a meat grinder. The crushed mass is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and placed in the form of a whole fish. Sprinkle the herring with chopped egg and green onions, and garnish the sides with butter flowers, carbed boiled carrots, slices of fresh cucumber and tomato.

Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish. Slices are cut from the cooled, peeled section of boiled sturgeon fish

1_1.5 cm thick. Garnish the fish with boiled potatoes,

carrots, rutabaga, cucumbers, cut into small cubes, green peas, etc. The side dish is placed in bouquets and topped with salad dressing.

Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately. As an additional side dish, you can offer diced fish jelly.

Partial fish is prepared and decorated in the same way, but it is boiled in portions, cooled and lightly dried before release.

Fish with mayonnaise. Place a portion of boiled fish on one third of the vegetable side dish, seasoned with a small amount of mayonnaise, and fill it with mayonnaise from a paper envelope with a jagged cutout. On top of the dish you can decorate with crabs and sprigs of herbs, slices of fresh tomatoes, and place bouquets of vegetable garnish around it.

For custom-made dishes, mayonnaise sauce is prepared with fish jelly in a 1:1 ratio, the fish is poured, decorated and transparent jelly is poured on top.

Jellied fish. This dish can be prepared in two ways.

First way. Portioned pieces of fillet of pike perch or other fish are boiled and cooled on a sieve. The broth left after cooking

6. Production of finished products

ki fish, combine with fish broth food waste and filter. Soaked and squeezed gelatin is placed in the hot broth, dissolved, the broth is cooled to 50...60 "C, a guy is introduced, boiled for 20...30 minutes, seasoned with salt and filtered. A layer of jelly 4...6 mm is poured onto a baking sheet and when it hardens, place dried pieces of fish on it at intervals of 2 cm. Decorate them with boiled carrots, lemon, parsley, crayfish necks, attaching decorations with jelly. After that, cool the decorated pieces of fish again, pour in jelly (with a layer of at least 0.5...1 cm) and cool again. Pieces of fish are cut out on a baking sheet so that the edges are corrugated and the layer of jelly around the pieces of fish is at least 5...8 mm. Horseradish sauce with vinegar is served separately.

Second way. The fish is prepared in a mold. First, a “shirt” is made from jelly: the mold is placed in the refrigerator, cooled and warm (45...55 ° C) fish jelly (lanspig) is poured to the very edge of the mold. When a layer of frozen jelly 3...5 mm thick forms on the walls of the mold, the mold is quickly removed from the refrigerator, wiped with a cloth, the unfrozen part of the jelly is poured out, and the mold is again put in the refrigerator and the jelly is allowed to completely harden. Decorations of brightly colored vegetables and herbs are placed on the jelly inside the mold, they are secured with jelly, then pieces of boiled fish are placed in the mold with the front side facing the jelly, leaving intervals between them. The molds filled with fish are placed in the refrigerator, filled to the very edge with semi-frozen but still liquid jelly and allowed to completely harden.

Before release, the molds with the aspic are immersed in hot water for 3...5 seconds, removed from the water, turned over, holding it slightly inclined, shaken and the aspic is placed on a round or oval dish. Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Jellied pike perch (whole). The prepared pike perch is boiled, cooled in the broth, removed from the cauldron, dried well, transferred to a dish and decorated on the sides and back with various brightly colored vegetables, herbs, lemon, and crayfish necks. All decorations are glued using jelly. After this, the fish is filled with semi-hardened jelly completely or in the form of a mesh, using a pastry bag with a straw.

6.10. Cold dishes and snacks

with a diameter of 1...2 mm. Vegetable side dishes, jelly, cut into cubes, and vegetables are placed around the pike perch in bouquets; pour over salad dressing. The sides of the dish are decorated with stars, crescents, and jelly triangles. Horseradish sauce with vinegar and mayonnaise sauce are served separately.

Stuffed fish (pike perch, pike). Fish prepared for stuffing is filled with minced meat made from fish pulp, bread, milk, sautéed onions, fat, and garlic. The fish is given the appearance of a whole carcass, wrapped in gauze, tied with twine at the head and tail, placed on the grill of a fish kettle and simmered with spices and seasonings until cooked (30 ... 40 minutes). The cooked fish is cooled, cut crosswise into pieces and served.

The fish can be placed on a platter in the form of a whole carcass, with a vegetable side dish placed in bouquets around it. Horseradish sauce with vinegar or mayonnaise sauce is served separately.

Fish in white marinade. Cleaned whole smelt, small navaga or pieces of pike perch fillet, perch are breaded in flour, fried in vegetable oil, placed in a non-oxidizing container and poured with marinade. After 3...4 hours, the fish is transferred to a salad bowl, the marinade is finally seasoned with salt, sugar, and vinegar, pour over the fish, evenly distributing the roots on the surface of the fish. Sprinkle the fish with herbs.

Fish in tomato (red) marinade. Pieces of fish fillet are fried in vegetable oil, lightly tinted and without drying, placed in a deep non-oxidizing bowl, poured over with warm tomato marinade and cooled. Before serving, the fish is sprinkled with herbs.

Fish is always welcome on the table of all lovers of tasty and low-calorie food. But our article is by no means about the benefits of vertebrate inhabitants of the seas, lakes and rivers, especially since this truth has not been disputed by anyone for a long time; we bring to your attention the most interesting fish. The recipes, as you can see for yourself, are quite simple and do not require any special knowledge or skills from you. Our selection is not made up of random dishes. This material contains only those fish dishes and snacks that have received the most positive reviews from professionals and amateurs.


Red fish is unusually good in cold appetizers.

If there is not enough time to set a large table, simple and varied miniature appetizers will come to the rescue. Noble varieties of fish produce incomparable fish that can be laid out on large dishes - it looks very elegant. They cook quickly and are eaten with great pleasure. For them, it is best to buy toast bread in advance.

Cut off the crusts from each slice, spread the bread with a thin layer of butter and cut into 9 pieces. Place a piece of salted pink salmon on each and insert a skewer.

Another canapé option is bread, fatty salted fish, preferably salmon, and lemon. Place a slice of salmon on a square of bread and a small piece of lemon on top. Insert a skewer to hold the fish and lemon.


Preparing fish appetizers is a fun and creative activity. With some experience in rolling koloboks, you can make a delicious dish with an original shape. It will require cutting fresh herbs dill and parsley and feta cheese. The greens should be chopped as finely as possible and ground with cheese. Don't forget to season with white pepper and, if it's too bland, salt. You should get a dough-like mass. Form balls from it and wrap each one in fish. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to make them firmer, prick them onto skewers and present them to your guests.


Freshly caught fish is cleaned of bones, finely chopped, generously salted, peppered, sprinkled with vegetable oil and natural fruit vinegar. After marinating for a day in the refrigerator, it is ready to eat.

Salmon with avocado

Fish appetizers are usually served on a beautifully presented platter. Salmon with avocado is made in the form of a cylinder, which is placed on a large leaf of lettuce. Mayonnaise is squeezed out of the pastry bag along the edges of the cylinder. With some training, everyone will be able to depict stars, waves, and cobwebs.

The cylinder is formed using conventional tin can. Confectionery film is placed in it, pressing it to the edges. Next, salted salmon cut into small cubes, similarly cut, salted and peppered avocado, soft cheese, boiled rice and a slice of tomato are placed tightly in layers on the film. Everything goes into the refrigerator. Before serving to guests, the contents are carefully pulled out of the jar, freed from the film and served on a plate.

Salad with canned fish

Salads are perhaps the most traditional fish snacks. They are made quickly and easily. It is important not to overdo it with ingredients. For one can of canned natural pink salmon you need 300 g of fresh cucumbers, 100 g of Chinese cabbage, a bunch of fresh dill and mayonnaise. All ingredients are chopped with a knife and mixed in a salad bowl along with mayonnaise. The main secret of this dish is not to skimp on the sauce. A little ground black pepper will be very helpful. The peculiarity of cold appetizer salads is that, having learned how to prepare several different ones according to the recipe, over time you can begin to experiment and come up with your own, signature one. The following go well with fish in the salad: boiled rice, potatoes, eggs, canned green peas, corn, various types of lettuce, olives, pineapples.


This salad is layered. Between each of them there is a layer of Mayonnaise sauce. “Dunes” will look especially impressive if the layers are tightly packed into a cylindrical jar, and then the resulting cylinder is placed on a dish. The colors of the snack are reminiscent of the Baltic sand dunes in winter.

The first layer is mashed egg yolks, the second is pieces, the third is a Napoleon-type cake crust broken into pieces, the fourth is grated egg whites, the fifth is a second Napoleon cake crust, only now crushed into crumbs. And don’t forget about layering with mayonnaise.


This salad has been consistently popular for many years and collects numerous positive reviews. It has a delicate taste and looks very appetizing. It is customary to lay it in layers, but if this is difficult, it will not be a sin if all the ingredients are evenly mixed. For snacks you need very ordinary products that are sold in any supermarket. This is a can of canned pink salmon, boiled eggs, onions, butter, hard cheese and mayonnaise.

The preparatory stage includes freeing the onion from bitterness. To do this, peel the onion, cut it into small cubes and put it in boiling water for a few seconds. After draining the water, drying it slightly in a colander and cooling in the refrigerator, it is used in a salad. The onion must be divided into two parts.

Crush the fish with a fork and also divide in half.

The oil will subsequently have to be grated. To make the task easier, it is better to freeze it first.

The sequence of layers is as follows.

Place the yolks mashed with a fork at the bottom of a flat dish. They have half a salmon on them. Next - onions. Mayonnaise is generously poured on it. Next come the grated egg whites. There is another layer of fish on them. For fish - onions. Onion - mayonnaise again. For mayonnaise - grated butter. Grated cheese on butter.

Like any salad, Mimosa takes time to brew and soak in the sauce and juices from the fish. Therefore, after preparing the salad, you should not put it in the refrigerator. It should stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes. After that, you can put it in the refrigerator and eat it cold.

Russian rolls

Russian rolls require toast bread, salted salmon, seafood and fresh dill.

The crusts are cut off from the toast, and the bread itself is rolled out with a rolling pin. The salmon, better if it is ready-cut, is laid evenly over the entire surface. Four peeled boiled shrimp are placed on the edge. Everything is sprinkled with dill and carefully wrapped tightly with film. The rolls are then placed in the refrigerator. After about three hours they are taken out and cut into four rolls. Such fish and seafood snacks will perfectly complement any holiday table.


Who remembers that this dish is from Jewish cuisine, because it has long and firmly taken an honorable place in the list of traditional holiday snacks in almost all European countries? However, this is true. For mincemeat you take salted herring, white bread, onions, a hard sweet and sour apple and hard-boiled eggs, 3-4 pieces. If the herring is too salty, it is soaked in milk or tea.

A thin film-skin is pulled off the carcass, the flesh is separated from the bones and crushed as thoroughly as possible. The loaf is crumbled, the yolk is ground, the white is cut, the apple is peeled and grated. The onion is chopped or grated like an apple. All ingredients are mixed, salt, a little vinegar, sugar and pepper are added. Using a spatula, a truncated pyramid is formed. If desired, the onion can be freed from bitterness, as described in the Mimosa salad recipe.


Recently, a snack of pita bread with fish has become very fashionable. The recipes are full of variety. We have chosen the most popular. It requires a thin sheet of lavash, Philadelphia cheese, fresh spices- parsley, dill, celery, etc., at your own discretion.

The main ingredient is salted or smoked salmon cut into slices. The preparation is very simple. You need to unwrap the pita bread, grease one half with cheese, sprinkle with chopped herbs, arrange the pieces of fish, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and carefully wrap. Put it in the refrigerator to freeze a little - this makes it easier to cut. After a couple of hours, remove and cut crosswise into pieces one and a half to two cm thick. Such fish and pita bread snacks can also be made with other fillings, for example, canned or boiled fish. Greens are replaced with lettuce.


Make a very strong broth from the bones and scales. As spices for flavor, add one juniper berry, about 15 black peppercorns, lovage, maybe root, bay leaf, onion peel and salt. You need to cook for a long time, several hours, and add whole carrots at the end. It will be used for decoration. Then strain, place pieces of fish, cut into pieces 2 cm thick, into the pan and put on fire. It is important not to overcook the fish, otherwise it will lose its shape and disintegrate. Dissolve gelatin in a separate cup. Remove the cooked fish and carefully place it in the mold. Pour the gelatin into the broth and bring to a boil. Pour the broth over the fish to just cover and place in the refrigerator. Cut carrots into flower shapes. When the aspic has set, place carrot decorations on it, a few leaves of fresh celery, add a little broth and refrigerate again. When it hardens a little again, take it out and pour in the remaining broth. They eat fish aspic with horseradish sauce.

This dish made from pike perch is especially tasty.

Organization and preparation of complex cold dishes from fish, meat and poultry

Assortment and preparation of complex cold dishes and snacks from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials

Snacks from fish gastronomic products. Fish gastronomic products include: salted and pickled fish, ripened by salting (herring, herring, sprat, etc.); lightly salted fish products from fish that mature during salting (salmon, salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, salted salmon, etc.); hot and cold smoked fish; caviar; canned fish.

Appetizers made from lightly salted fish products. The salt content in salmon, chum salmon, and salmon is 4-10%, so they are not soaked. The nutritional value of these fish is very high: they contain a lot of proteins (17-20%), fats (up to 20%). Preparation of lightly salted salmon fish appetizers involves filleting, slicing and decorating. These appetizers are delicacies and are usually served without side dishes with lemon slices and herbs. Notothenia of rennet salting is also served.

Smoked fish appetizers. Cold and hot smoked fish are used to prepare cold appetizers. Hot smoked fish (stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, sea bass, cod, omul, etc.) are cut into portioned pieces without skin, cartilage and bones. Serve with a side dish of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, green salad or with a complex side dish of boiled vegetables, green peas and potatoes with mayonnaise sauce (sturgeon fish). Hot smoked fish is served separately with mayonnaise or horseradish sauce.

Salted fish snacks. They have a pungent taste, a specific smell and stimulate the appetite. In addition, they contain proteins (13 - 18%) and fats (6 - 28%).

Jellied fish rolls

Remove the spinal bone from the processed fish, sprinkle the inside of the fish with salt, pepper, dill, roll, starting from the tail, into a roll, securing the edge with a sharp wooden pin. Place the prepared rolls in a prepared dish in one layer, pour in the broth, add vinegar and simmer for 5-10 minutes. The finished products are carefully removed, cooled, the pin is removed, placed on a dish, decorated with sprigs of greenery, poured over the jelly and cooled until completely solidified.

Vinaigrette with salted fish

Cut the fish into fillets without skin and bones and cut into pieces, boiled potatoes, carrots and beets, as well as pickles - into cubes, onions - into strips. Mix the vegetables, season with salad dressing, place in a heap in a salad bowl, place pieces of fish around and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley or dill.

Fish and squid pate

Boil the squid. Let the fish fillet without skin and bones simmer and cool. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Pass the squid, fish and egg yolks through a meat grinder twice. Soften the butter, combine with grated cheese and mix. Combine the mixture of fish and squid with oil, mix, add fish broth, salt and spices to taste to the desired consistency. Beat the whole mass thoroughly, form into a loaf and cool. When serving, cut the pate into portions and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Herring with apples. Gut the herring soaked in cold water, cut off the head, tail and fins, rinse, remove the skin, remove the bones, finely chop, mix with finely chopped peeled apples, white bread soaked in milk or water, butter and sour cream. Grind everything thoroughly and place it in a herring bowl in the shape of a herring, attaching the head and tail.

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Cooking studies the technological processes of preparing high-quality culinary products.

A dish is a combination of food products (raw materials) that have undergone culinary processing and prepared for consumption as food, taking into account portioning and presentation.

A culinary product is a collection of food products that have undergone culinary processing, but are prepared for consumption only after additional processing, heating, portioning, and decoration.

A technological process is a series of scientifically based, sequential methods of mechanical and thermal processing of raw materials, as a result of which a semi-finished product, culinary product or culinary product is obtained.

Raw materials are food products intended for the preparation of culinary products. Semi-finished products are products that have undergone partial culinary processing, but have not yet been brought to culinary readiness and are unsuitable for consumption. Culinary products produced by public catering establishments must be of high quality. According to GOST, the quality of culinary products is a set of properties that determine its suitability for further processing and consumption, safety for consumer health, stability of composition and consumer properties.

Catering enterprises are intended not only for the production of culinary products, confectionery and other products, but they sell and organize the consumption of these products. The central place in a catering enterprise belongs to the cook. Much depends on his qualifications, professional skills, education and spiritual qualities, including the quality of the prepared dishes. This is achieved not only by a correctly carried out, scientifically based technological process, but also by the ability to use natural features raw materials, the possession of a subtle and well-developed taste, and artistic abilities. Thus, a high-quality dish, tasty, healthy and beautiful, is a combination of the qualities of the products from which it is prepared with the skill of a professional chef who meets modern requirements.

“A cook must have a primary or secondary professional education. Know the recipes and technology for the production of semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products, interchangeability of products, changes occurring during the culinary processing of raw materials. Know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, techniques and sequence of technological operations during their culinary processing. Comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements during the production of culinary products, conditions, periods of storage and sale of products. Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of culinary products, signs of poor quality of dishes and culinary products, methods for eliminating defects in finished culinary products. Know the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition. Be able to use collections of recipes, standards and technological maps when preparing dishes. Be aware of responsibility for the work performed.”

Objectives of the work: to explore the history of the emergence of cold fish dishes, technological process preparations and assortment.

Job objectives:

- characterize the raw materials used in the preparation of cold fish dishes;

- calculate the amount of raw materials for preparing simple and complex cold fish dishes;

- draw up technical and technological maps and technological schemes for preparing cold dishes;

- calculate the price of dishes.

dish cold fish raw

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Nutritional value and chemical composition fish

Foodvalue fish depends on the required set of essential amino acids, fat content and mineral composition.

In fish muscle tissue the amount connective tissue is only 0.6-3.5% (about 5 times less than in the meat of slaughtered animals), so the fish has a delicate texture, good digestibility and high taste properties.

The nutritional value of fish meat also depends on its good quality, that is, the absence of unusual, damaging odors and the content of edible parts. The content of edible parts in fresh fish, depending on the type, ranges from 46 to 80%.

Chemicalcompound fish is not constant and depends on the type and age of the fish, the time of catch and food resources in its habitat.

The older the fish, the more fat and less water contained in its meat, and vice versa. During pre-spawning migrations and spawning, the fat content in the body of fish sharply decreases.

The composition of the fish's body includes a large number of different chemicals - organic and inorganic.

More than half of the mass in fish meat is water, and its amount varies widely: on average 62% in fatty fish and over 80% in skinny fish.

Quantity proteins in fish meat is relatively constant and is in the range of 18-20%.

Mineralsubstances fish are distinguished by a variety of macro- and microelements.

Of the macroelements contained in fish meat, the most valuable are compounds of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Microelements in fish meat include iodine, copper, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc and others, which in small doses play an important role in metabolism, and some have medicinal properties.

Fishyfat, mainly cod and whale, are used as an essential source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D. In addition, fat is an energy source.

Fat distributed unevenly in the tissues and organs of fish. In some species (herring, sturgeon, lamprey), fat is deposited mainly under the skin and between individual muscle groups; in other types of fish (cod, flounder, etc.), the entire mass of fat is concentrated in the liver (up to 60%) with an insignificant content in muscle tissue (0.3%).

Fish is a source of not only protein and fat, but also some extractive substances necessary for the human body.

Extractivesubstances are contained in fish tissues in small quantities from 0.6 to 4.5%. They improve the quality of fish; give it a specific taste, smell and aroma to the broth, as well as the tenderness of the texture of the fish.

From vitamins Fish contains mainly fat-soluble A, E and D , there are many of them in the liver, caviar, internal fat; There are also vitamins in fish meat, such as vitamins C, group B, and nicotinic acid.

1.2 Classification and characteristics of the main families of commercial fish

Fish are classified into families taking into account certain species characteristics that differ from each other in appearance, size and have their own anatomical differences.


The body shape is fusiform, there are no scales, but there are five rows of bone plates on the skin, a cartilaginous spine, and a cartilaginous string (notochord) filled with brain tissue. The meat is fatty and tasty. Sturgeon fish have gray or black caviar.

Familysalmon. Fish of this family differ in appearance in that, in addition to the dorsal fin, they have an adipose fin on the ridge near the tail. Salmon meat is tender, without muscle bones. Despite the presence of a common feature, many salmon differ sharply in the color of their meat, size, the nature of chemical changes in the meat after salting, taste characteristics and nutritional value. According to the color of their meat, salmon are classified as red meat or white meat. Of the red-meat salmon, the most valuable are European salmon, which include salmon (Pechora, Mezen, Dvinsk), Caspian salmon (Kura, or Kizlyar) and Baltic salmon, Chinook salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, and coho salmon. Of the white-fleshed salmon, the most valuable representatives are white fish, nelma, whitefish, omul, trout, smelt, etc. The main fishing areas for fish of the salmon family are the Far Eastern and Northwestern.

High-quality gastronomic products are prepared from fish of the salmon family: caviar (red), balyk products, canned food, lightly salted and smoked fish.

Familyherring Fishes of this family have a laterally compressed body, covered with small and easily falling scales. The back is dark, the sides and belly are silvery; there is one fin on the back, the caudal fin has a deep notch. Herring meat is bony, fatty, and ripens well when salted. The herring family includes many species of commercial fish, of which highest value have sea herring - Atlantic, Pacific, White Sea, Baltic (herring), Azov - Black Sea, Caspian, sardines, sprat, sprat, etc. They are used salted, spicy salted and pickled, in barrels or in jars.

Cod family. This family includes cod, pollock, haddock, blue whiting, navaga, pollock, hake and burbot. In all cod fish, the pelvic fins are located in front of or below the pectoral fins. Fish have three dorsal and two anal fins (with the exception of burbot), which has two dorsal and one anal fin. The body is covered with small scales. All cod -- sea ​​fish, except for burbot, which lives in fresh water. Their meat is white, low-boned, tasty, with a specific sea smell, lean, but the liver contains up to 70% fat. Cod are used to prepare fish fillets, canned food, smoked and dried fish products, and delicacy canned liver products.

Familyflounder. Azov-Black Sea flounder, Far Eastern, North Sea, halibut, tongue. General signs: body flat, wide, both eyes on one side of the body, caudal fin without a notch in the shape of a fan. Flounder and halibut meat has good taste and is usually fatty. Used in cooking, smoked, and canned.

Mackerelsfish. These fish include several families: mackerel, bonito, tuna and a number of others, living in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters. They have a spindle-shaped body, a thin caudal peduncle, and a tail plumage with a deep notch (mackerel) or curved in the shape of a crescent (all others). There are two large fins on the ridge (in mackerels they are spaced apart, while in others they are fused). Behind the second dorsal and anal fins there are 5-7 small (additional) fins.

In the mackerel family the largest commercial value Black Sea and Atlantic mackerel have. Black Sea mackerel has very tender, tasty fatty meat. Atlantic (round) mackerel is much larger than the Black Sea mackerel. Its meat is less fatty, but tasty. Cold smoked mackerel is especially highly valued.

Familyhorse mackerel: oceanic horse mackerel, Azov-Black Sea horse mackerel, Lichia, vomer, seriola, etc. In almost all of them, the lateral line has a sharp bend in the middle of the body and is lined with hard, comb-like horny outgrowths. Most have a flattened body, all have two dorsal fins and one wide anal fin. There are two spiny spines in front of the anal fin. The tail stalk is very thin. The most delicious and fatty is the Black Sea mackerel, the length of which is 10-15 cm. It is used for canning and cold smoking.

Eelsfish. Fishes of the eel order are characterized by an elongated serpentine body and the absence of pelvic fins. The fins (dorsal, caudal and anal) are fused. The body at the head is almost round in cross-section, laterally compressed in the caudal part. There are families of river and sea eels.

Smelts. These fish have an elongated lower jaw, an adipose fin (like salmonids), and small sizes.

Scorpionidae. Caught in northern seas. This fish has two dorsal fins, big eyes. The skin is pinkish-reddish. The meat is white, tender, tasty, fatty (8-12% fat), without small bones. Caught in the northern seas. This fish has two dorsal fins and large eyes. The skin is pinkish-reddish. The meat is white, tender, tasty, fatty (8-12% fat), without small bones.

Icyfish. The body is naked, often translucent, with wide transverse dark stripes. There are two or three longitudinal lateral lines on the body. There are no red tones in the color due to the peculiarity of the blood, which does not contain red blood cells. The head is large, almost a quarter the size of the body, elongated and flattened at the top, and has large toothy jaws. The large, non-retractable “pike” mouth exceeds half the length of the head. The skeleton is soft. There are few bones.

Anchovies. Anchovies are small, silvery fish with a greenish-black stripe along their spine. They have an elongated body, a large mouth extending behind the eyes.

Mullet. It has two dorsal fins, an elongated body covered with large scales, and longitudinal stripes. There is no side line. The meat is fatty, white, juicy, tasty. The fish has valuable caviar.

Acne. It has a serpentine body without pelvic fins. The meat is tender, fatty (20-25%), tasty. Caught in the Baltic Sea basin, used for hot and cold smoking and canned food in jelly.

Pike. The body is elongated, arrow-shaped, covered with small scales. The pelvic fins are located far behind the pectoral fins. The dorsal fin is strongly displaced back. The mouth is big. The snout is elongated, flattened from top to bottom, the lower jaw protrudes slightly. The caudal fin is notched.

Lampreys. It is mined in the Caspian and Baltic basins. The fish have a ribbon-shaped body, without scales, covered with mucus. The spine is cartilaginous. The meat is very fatty (up to 34% fat), tasty. They sell fried, marinated and smoked lamprey.

Saira. Lives in the waters Pacific Ocean. It has an elongated body, one dorsal fin, and easily falling scales. The meat is tasty, fatty (from 4 to 25%). Saury is used to make canned food.

Catfish. They are mined mainly in the Barents Sea. They catch motley, striped, blue. The body is elongated, laterally compressed in the back. The dorsal and anal fins are long, there are no ventral fins. The meat of these fish is tasty and lean.

Tuna. Several species are caught that live in warm and temperate waters of the World Ocean. The meat of these fish is thickened - torpedo-shaped, the caudal peduncle is thin, the head is conical, and there are two dorsal fins. The fish are large (up to 600 kg). Tuna meat is divided into light and dark (red). Used to make canned food. Available fresh and frozen.

Chilled, frozen, salted and smoked fish are used to prepare cold dishes and snacks.

Chilled fish is fish that has a temperature inside the muscle tissue ranging from + 5° (not higher) to - 1° C (but not lower), without the formation of ice crystals in the body of the fish.

The main purpose of cooling fish is to protect against putrefactive decomposition of tissues by microbes. Cold creates unfavorable conditions for the proliferation and activity of bacteria, suppressing enzymatic processes.

Frozen fish should have a temperature in the thickness of the muscle or block, depending on the freezing method:

not higher than minus 18 0 C - with dry artificial freezing,

not higher than minus 10 0 C - during natural freezing,

not higher than minus 6 0 C - with ice-salt freezing.

Frozen fish of high quality can be obtained by quick freezing (at a temperature of -25°C and below) live or freshly frozen fish. The fish is first sorted by size, cut (or left whole) and washed.

Requirements for the quality of frozen fish.

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The quality of frozen fish is determined by its appearance, paying attention to the correctness of cutting, fatness, and the presence of damage and skin tears. After defrosting, the meat consistency and smell are determined, and if necessary, a cooking test is performed. The fish should not contain live helminths or their larvae, which are dangerous to human health.

1.3 Salted and marinated fish

Fish salting is used as:

an independent method of canning, a preliminary operation before pickling, drying and smoking. The essence of canning is that salt penetrates the tissue cells of the fish, displaces the cell juice, forming brine. When salting fish, various biochemical processes occur, called ripening, as a result of which the fish loses its raw characteristics, acquires a pleasant taste and aroma, a juicy and tender texture, the meat is easily separated from the bones, and the fat is evenly distributed in the tissues.

It is advisable to use salting only for those types of fish that do not lose, but improve their taste and nutritional properties when salted. These fish include: herring, mackerel, small herring, salmon. For cod and some other types of fish that do not acquire a specific taste, smell and delicate texture, salting is irrational, since their taste properties deteriorate.

Requirements for the quality of spicy and marinated fish.

Spicy and pickled fish products are not divided into grades. Their surface should be clean, the meat should be tender, juicy, and easily separated from the bones. The taste and smell of fish should be pleasant, with the aroma of spices. The meat is juicy, soft, and the marinated one is loose.

1.4 Smoked fish. Balyk products

The essence of smoking fish is to impregnate it with aromatic volatile substances (aldehydes, ketones, phenols, ethers, etc.), released during the slow combustion of wood. These substances give the fish a specific pleasant smell, taste, color and presentation and inhibit the vital activity of microflora.

During smoking, fish loses some of its moisture, becomes saturated with preservatives and, as a result, can be stored longer.

For hot smoking, mainly frozen fish is used, less often fresh or chilled. Under the influence high temperature it is baked, boiled and acquires a delicate, juicy consistency, slightly crumbly.

Quality requirements. Hot smoked fish (except sturgeon) is not divided into grades based on quality. It must be smoked until fully cooked: the meat must be easily separated from the bones; no signs of dampness or uncoagulated blood are allowed in the caviar or milk. In appearance, the fish should be clean, with a dry surface, uniform color - from light golden to brown, with juicy or dense meat of a pleasant taste and smell, without discrediting signs. In hot smoked fish, minor protein and fat deposits and minor burns, crumbly consistency, and mechanical damage are allowed. The mass fraction of table salt is from 1.5 to 4.0%.

Cold smoked fish. It is prepared from a salted semi-finished product. This is a shelf-stable product, as it contains less moisture, more salt, there is a drying crust on the surface, the consistency of the muscle tissue is dense, and there are more smoke preservatives in the meat (Fig. 10). Salt content - from 5 to 12% (depending on the variety).

Requirements for the quality of cold smoked fish.

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For balyk products, the fattest, well-fed fish with tasty and tender meat is used; these products are delicacies; they are made from:

Sturgeon fish;

Salmon fish.

Balyk products from Far Eastern salmon are divided into first and second grades.

1.5 Mechanical processing of raw materials

In fish shops, fish is pre-processed (thawing, soaking), cleaned, cut, and prepared semi-finished products.

Thawingfrozenfish. Skin and scales protect fish from significant losses nutrients during defrosting. During the process of freezing and subsequent storage, complex changes occur in fish, some of which are irreversible. The water contained in fish meat turns into a crystalline state. Ice crystals form primarily between the muscle fibers, and a redistribution of moisture occurs (some of it moves from the muscle fibers into the space between them). When frozen, the volume of water increases by 10%, which can lead to destruction of the structure of muscle fibers. Small crystals that form during rapid freezing change the structure of muscle fibers to a lesser extent. Since rapid freezing reduces water loss from muscle fibers, fish tissue retains its juiciness and elasticity after thawing.

Cell sap is a colloidal solution of proteins that are partially denatured during freezing and storage; after thawing, their original properties are completely restored.

Changes in fats also occur, so when thawing, the properties of the fish cannot be fully restored. These changes occur especially intensively in the temperature range from 1 to ~5°C. Therefore, defrosting should be carried out quickly. Thaw the fish in water at a temperature not exceeding 20°C with a weight-to-liquid ratio of 1:2. At the same time, the fish swells and its weight increases by 5-10%. When water thaws, some of its soluble nutrients are lost. To reduce losses, add salt to the water (7-10 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The concentration of salts in water and muscle juices is equalized, and their diffusion decreases. During the defrosting process, the fish must be stirred to avoid freezing of the carcasses. The total duration of thawing is 2-3 hours. Thawing is considered complete if the temperature in the fish depth rises to -0° C.

Large fish (sturgeon) and fillets are thawed in air. To do this, fish and fillet briquettes are laid out on racks or tables. At a temperature of 20°C, the duration of thawing of sturgeon fish is 10-24 hours, and fillets in blocks are 24 hours (up to a temperature in the thickness of -0°C -1°C). Defrosting fish in a microwave field is also used).

Soakingsaltyfish. During storage, irreversible changes in nutrients occur in the tissues of salted fish, reducing its quality. That's why specific gravity salted fish in the diet is relatively small.

Entering enterprises salty fish contains from 6 to 17% salt. Fish intended for frying should contain no more than 1.5-2%, and for cooking - no more than 5% salt. Excess salt is removed by soaking. The fish is placed in cold water To make it swell, they clean it of scales, cut off the head, fins and plaster it. When fish is soaked, some of the mineral salts, soluble proteins, and flavoring substances pass into the water, which reduces the nutritional value of salted fish dishes. You can soak the fish in replaceable and running water. In the first case, the fish is poured with cold water in a ratio of 1:2.

Since the difference in salt concentration in the fish and in the water at the beginning of soaking is large, diffusion occurs quickly and stops after 1 hour, as concentration equilibrium occurs. As the salt content of the fish decreases, diffusion slows down, so the water can be changed less frequently.

The water is changed after 1, 2, 3 and 6 hours. After 12 hours, the salt concentration is usually reduced to 5%. Then a test boil is carried out, and, if necessary, soaking is continued, changing the water after 3 hours. The disadvantage of this method is that as salt accumulates in the water between individual water changes, the soaking process slows down. In addition, towards the end of soaking, due to a decrease in the salt concentration in the fish pulp, spoilage may begin.

When soaking in running water, the fish is placed in a bath with a grated flooring, under which there are pipes supplying water.

Remove water through a drainage pipe at the top of the bath. Soaking continues for 8-12 hours, after which test cooking is carried out.

The herring is soaked after cutting. To do this, the skin is removed, starting from the head, gutted, the head and tail are cut off, and the spine and rib bones are removed. Dressed carcasses are soaked in water, tea infusion, milk or milk with water. The tea infusion contains tannins that prevent the pulp from softening during soaking. Milk gives herring a special tenderness and aroma. You can also soak uncut herring (in water).

TreatmentfishWithboneskeleton. Mechanical cooking fish with bony skeleton includes the following operations: cleaning from scales, removing the head, fins, humerus, gutting, washing, cutting and slicing semi-finished products (see figure).

Scales are removed from fish by hand or with mechanical scrapers. If the scales are difficult to remove (tench, etc.), the carcasses are immersed in boiling water for 25-30 seconds. Flounder that has bugs on its skin is also scalded before cleaning. The cleaned fish is washed. In scaleless fish, the removal of scales is replaced by stripping their surface of mucus.

After cleaning the fish from scales, the fins are removed (starting from the dorsal). To do this, the fish is placed on its side and the flesh is cut along the fin, first on one side and then on the other. They press the cut fin with a knife and, holding the fish by the tail, move it to the side, while the fin is easily removed. With this method, a prick on the fin is eliminated, which is especially important when processing pike perch and sea bass. The anal fin is also removed, after which the remaining fins (ventral, pectoral) are cut off or cut off. The fins (all except the caudal fin) are cut off at the level of the skin, and the caudal fin at a distance of 1-2 cm from the base of its middle rays.

The head is removed along the contour of the gill covers. The humerus bones of headless fish are removed by cutting into the flesh of the fish, partially exposing them, and then separating them. The pulp, removed along with the humerus bones, is subsequently used to prepare broth.

They gut the fish in two ways: without cutting the belly, but by removing the entrails along with the head; cutting the abdomen from the head to the anus. The insides are removed carefully so as not to damage gallbladder, otherwise the fish will taste bitter. The internal cavity is cleaned of dark film, as it spoils the presentation, and sometimes is poisonous (marinka fish). After gutting, the carcasses are thoroughly washed with cold water and dried on wire racks for 20-30 minutes.

Depending on size and culinary use, fish can be cut in a variety of ways. This produces a whole fish with or without a head; unlayered; plated fillet with skin and rib bones, with skin without rib bones, without skin and rib bones (pure fillet). In addition, the fish is prepared for stuffing.

Cuttingfish,usedentirely. Herring, smelt, gobies, sabrefish, small trout, navaga, grayling and other fish weighing up to 200 g, as well as larger fish intended for preparing banquet dishes, are cut whole, leaving the head (without gills) or removing it. The fish is cleaned of scales, fins are cut off, gutted and washed. The waste from such cutting is 14-20%, and in the case of removing the head, it increases by another 15%. Sometimes the entrails are removed simultaneously with the gills, without cutting the abdomen (smelt processing).

Cuttingfish,usedunlayered. Almost all types of medium-sized fish (weighing up to 1.5 kg) are cut in this way. The fish is cleaned of scales, the fins are cut off, the head is removed and with it most entrails. Then, without cutting the abdomen, the internal cavity is cleaned, the humerus bones are removed, washed and dried. The entrails can also be removed through an abdominal incision. Waste with this processing method averages 30-40%. Prepared carcasses are used for cutting portioned semi-finished products.

Cuttingfishonfillet(layering). Fish weighing more than 1.5 kg is filleted by flattening, and then cut into portions.

To obtain fillets with skin and rib bones, the fish is cleaned of scales, the fins and head are removed, the belly is cut and the entrails are removed, washed and dried. After this (starting from the head or tail), cut off half of the fish (fillet), moving the knife parallel to the spine, but so that there is no pulp left on top.

As a result of this layering, two fillets are obtained: with skin and rib bones (upper fillet) and with skin, rib and vertebral bones (lower fillet). To remove the vertebral bone, the lower fillet is turned over, placed on a board, skin side up, and the flesh is cut off from the vertebral bone, leaving the spine on the board. This way you get two fillets with skin and rib bones. The waste amounts to an average of 40-50% (10% is vertebral bone).

To obtain fillets with the skin of the rib bones, the rib bones are additionally cut from each half. To do this, place them across the cutting board, skin side down. The bones are cut off while holding them with the left hand. Waste increases due to the removal of rib bones by another 5-8%.

To obtain fillets without skin and rib bones (clean fillet), the fish is not scaled so that the skin does not tear when removed. The fish is cut in the same way as for fillets with skin without rib bones. The fillets are then placed across the cutting board, skin side down, tail end facing you. Trim the skin of the tail by 1-1.5 cm, holding it with your left hand, cut off the flesh (Fig. A.5). Waste increases by another 5-6% and averages 50-60%.

For all cutting methods, the amount of waste (in%) depends not only on the methods of industrial and culinary processing, the type of fish, but also on its size: the larger the fish, the less waste, as a rule, except for bream and pike perch.

CuttingfishForstuffing. The fish is stuffed whole (pike perch, pike, carp, crab, trust), in portioned pieces and in the form of a loaf.

To stuff the whole pike perch, remove its scales, being careful not to damage the skin. Then the fins are cut off and deep cuts are made in the back, cutting through the rib bones along the spine. After this, the spine at the tail and head is broken or cut and removed. Thus, a hole is formed on the back of the fish from head to tail, through which the entrails are removed. The fish is washed thoroughly. The flesh and rib bones are cut off with a thin knife, leaving a layer of pulp on the skin of no more than 0.5 cm. The fins and bones inside the fish are cut out with scissors. The gills and eyes are removed from the head. Thoroughly washed fish is filled with minced meat, wrapped in clean gauze, tied with twine and sent for heat treatment.

To stuff the whole fish, you can cut it differently: the pike is carefully cleaned of scales, the skin is cut around the head and the pulp is removed with the end of a knife. Then with the left hand they hold the fish by the head with a towel, with the other hand they grab the skin and remove it with a “stocking” in the direction from the head to the tail, cutting off the flesh near the fins with a knife or scissors. At the tail itself, the flesh and vertebral bone are cut and two parts are obtained: the inverted skin with the tail and the carcass.

The skin is washed well, and the carcass is gutted, washed and the pulp is separated from the bones. The pulp is used to prepare minced meat.

Then the skin is filled with minced meat, the processed head is placed, wrapped in gauze, tied with twine and sent for heat treatment.

Carp, carp and cod are stuffed in portions.

Unlayered fish is cut into round pieces approximately 5 cm thick

Using the end of a knife, cut out the flesh on both sides of the spine so that a layer of pulp 0.3-0.5 cm thick remains on the skin. The hole is filled with minced meat and the prepared fish is sent for heat treatment.

In mass production, the fish is stuffed in the form of a loaf. For this purpose, river and ocean fish, in which there are few bones in the muscles.

In this case, part of the fish is cut into fillets without rib bones, and part is cut into clean fillets, which are used to prepare minced meat. Place the fillet skin side down on the cellophane, and mince fish on top of it; cover the fillet skin side up on top. The formed loaves are tightly wrapped in cellophane, tied with twine and sent for heat treatment.

To prepare minced meat, fish fillets are minced twice in a meat grinder along with wheat bread (without crusts), soaked in milk or water, sautéed onions and garlic. Add softened margarine, eggs, salt, ground pepper to the minced meat and mix until smooth. You can use frozen commercial minced fish.

Peculiaritiesprocessingsomespeciesfish The processing of some fish with a bony skeleton has a number of differences.

Burbot, eel. The skin is cut around the head and removed with a “stocking.” Then the abdomen is cut and after gutting and washing, the head, tail and fins are cut off.

Som. The fish is cleaned of mucus with a knife. In small specimens, the head and fins are cut off, and then gutted and washed. For large specimens, the skin is first removed with a “stocking”.

Eel-pout. The body of the fish is round, tapering towards the tail and covered with sparse small scales, barely noticeable on the dark skin. The skin is rough, so it is removed by removing it with a “stocking”, like that of a burbot.

Lampreys. This fish is not gutted. The mucus that covers the fish can be poisonous and must be removed. To do this, the carcass is thoroughly rubbed with salt and washed well.

Navaga. Frozen navaga is cut without defrosting. In small specimens, the lower jaw with part of the abdomen is cut off, gutted through the resulting hole, leaving caviar in the carcass, the skin is cut along the spine, it is removed from both sides of the carcass, starting from the head, and then the dorsal fin is removed.

The head of a large fish is cut off, gutted, the skin is cut along the back, the dorsal fin is cut out, and the skin is removed from the back to the belly. Large fish plastered.

Cod, haddock. Cod are usually supplied without the head and entrails. In this case, their processing consists of removing the black film (on the abdominal cavity), cleaning the scales and washing.

Hake (silver and Pacific). The film from the abdominal cavity of the fish is removed. Small specimens (weighing up to 250 g) are cut whole and used for frying. Large specimens are cut without plastering and cut into portions. The skin of hake is rough and it is better to remove it.

Flounder. All flounder fish have a flat body, covered on one side with dark skin and on the other with light skin. On the light side of the fish, the scales are cleaned off. The head and part of the abdomen are removed with an oblique cut. Gutted through the resulting hole, then the fins are cut off and washed. The dark side of the carcass is skinned. Small flounder is cut crosswise into portioned pieces, large flounder is cut lengthwise along the spine, and then cut into portioned pieces. The spines of flounder (kalkan) are removed after cooking.

Saber fish. It has a flat body, so it is not stripped or filleted. The fish arrives gutted. The black film is peeled off and, starting from the tail, the fins are cut off from the back and abdomen along with a strip of flesh. The processed carcass is cut into portions at right angles.

Horse mackerel. The fish is covered with tough scales that adhere tightly to the skin, so it is scalded before cleaning. Tench. This fish has scales that fit tightly to the skin and are covered with mucus, which is difficult to clean. Therefore, before cleaning, the fish is immersed in boiling water for 20-30 seconds, and then quickly transferred to cold water. The fish is taken out of the water, the mucus and scales are cleaned off with a knife, the fins and entrails are removed and washed.

TreatmentfishWithosteochondralskeleton. Sturgeon fish, with the exception of sterlet, are supplied frozen and completely gutted. Its processing includes defrosting, removing heads, dorsal bugs, fins, viziers, flattening, scalding and stripping.

The heads of thawed carcasses are cut off along with pectoral fins and bones shoulder girdle two oblique cuts along the gill covers. After this, the dorsal bugs with the dorsal fin are cut off from the fish, the anal and ventral fins are removed along the line of their base, the caudal fin is separated in a straight line perpendicular to the spine at the level of the beginning of the rays, and the vizig is removed. Sometimes the caudal fin is not cut off until the vizier, the dense cartilage that replaces the spine of sturgeon fish, is removed. At the same time, cut the flesh around the tail and pull it out along with the tail, being careful not to tear it. You can also remove the viziga in another way - after the fish has been stratified, but in this case it can be damaged. In some cases, the fish arrives without vizig, which is removed simultaneously with the entrails during industrial processing.

The fish is flattened by cutting along the middle of the fat layer on the back into two halves - links. Large links are cut in the longitudinal and transverse directions so that the length of the piece does not exceed 60 cm and the weight is 4-5 kg.

To facilitate further cleaning of the fish from bone bugs, the links are scalded by immersing them skin side down in a fish kettle or a special bath with hot water for 2-3 minutes. Moreover, they take such an amount of water that only the lower part of the link with the skin is immersed in it, and the pulp is above the water. Then the link is quickly cleaned of lateral, abdominal bugs and small bone formations, and the abdominal film is removed. Further processing of the links depends on their culinary use.

To boil the whole links, after scalding and stripping the bugs, they are washed, the thin abdominal part is tucked in, tied with twine to better preserve their shape, and then placed on the grate of a fish boiler. As a result of scalding, the mass of the links decreases by 5-10%.

When using sturgeon fish links for poaching or frying whole or in portioned pieces with or without skin, the cartilage is first cut off, then scalded and cleaned of bugs.

Portioned pieces are scalded again before heat treatment. To do this, they are lowered for 1--2 minutes into water at a temperature of 95--97°C (3--4 liters per 1 kg of fish). After scalding, the pieces are washed in water to wash away any protruding protein clots. During the scalding process, the fish decreases in volume and becomes denser, so during heat treatment its shape is retained and when frying, the breading does not lag behind it. The water with which the fish is scalded a second time can be used to prepare broths.

After thawing, the sterlet, without scalding, is cleaned of bugs, the abdomen is cut, and the entrails, gills and viz are removed. In sterlet intended for poaching as a whole, the dorsal bugs are separated after heat treatment, and in sterlet intended for boiling, poaching, and frying in portions, before it. To prepare portioned pieces, the gutted sterlet is flattened after removing the dorsal bugs, and then cut crosswise into pieces. The amount of waste when processing sterlet is 42%.

1.6 Assortment of cold fish dishes

1) Herring with garnish.

2) Herring with potatoes and butter.

3) Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish.

Sturgeon fish is boiled in sections with skin and cartilage. Fish with a bone skeleton is cut into fillets with skin without rib bones and prepared as indicated in the recipe. No. 616.

4) Jellied fish with garnish.

5) Fish jelly.

6) Fish with mayonnaise.

2. Calculation - explanatory part

2.1. Calculation of raw materials for cooking.

Product name: “Herring with garnish”

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

Vegetable side dish for herring


Bulb onions

Salad dressing

Vegetable oil

Vinegar 3%

Granulated sugar

Ground pepper

Product name: Herring with potatoes and butter

Product name: Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish

name of raw materials

Consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products

Vegetable side dish

Fresh cucumbers


Green salad

Horseradish sauce

Vinegar 9%

Granulated sugar

2.2 Drawing up technical data - technological maps


"HerringWithside dish"


This technical and technological map applies to the sweet dish “Herring with garnish”, produced and sold


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish: “Herring with garnish” must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate .

Vegetable side dish for herring


Bulb onions

Salad dressing

Vegetable oil

Vinegar 3%

Granulated sugar

Ground pepper


Herring fillet (pulp) is cut into thin pieces and garnished with various raw or boiled vegetables, cut into small cubes, and a slice of boiled egg. The side dish is placed alternating vegetables by color. Before release, the herring and side dish are topped with dressing. The dish can be served without eggs, reducing the yield accordingly.

Appearance -

Consistency -

Taste and smell -





This technical and technological map applies to the sweet dish “Herring with Potatoes and Butter”, produced and sold


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish: “Herring with potatoes and butter” must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety certificate and quality.


The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

Herring fillet (pulp) is cut into thin pieces. Potatoes for herring are served hot, sprinkled with vegetable oil, or with a piece of butter.



Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - in

Consistency -

Taste and smell -



FishboiledWithside dishAnddamn


This technical and technological map applies to the sweet dish “Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish”, produced and sold


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the dish: “Boiled fish with garnish and horseradish” must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, certificate safety and quality.

Name of raw materials and products

Consumption of raw materials and products per 1 serving, g

Vegetable side dish

Fresh cucumbers


Green salad

Horseradish sauce

Vinegar 9%

Granulated sugar


The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

Sturgeon fish is boiled in sections with skin and cartilage. Fish with a bony skeleton are cut into fillets with skin without rib bones.
When leaving, add a side dish. You can serve it without a side dish, reducing the yield of the dish accordingly.



Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance -

Consistency -

Taste and smell -


Unified form No. OP-1

Approved by a resolution of the State Statistics Committee

Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132

Serial number of the calculation,

approval date



Total cost of raw materials for 100 dishes

Extra charge 100 %, rub. cop.

Selling price of the dish, rub. cop.

Yield of one finished dish, grams

Production director

Calculation compiled


Head of the organization

Unified form No. OP-1

Approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132

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