Who is the Goddess of Beauty? Goddesses of love and beauty in different mythologies

Who is Aphrodite? The most beautiful of all the Olympic goddesses, before the spell of which people and immortal gods were powerless. The personification of love, spring and endless youth. Poets sang of her beauty, and artists tried to capture it on their immortal creations. The name of Aphrodite is associated with many traditions and legends, which we will learn about in the article.

Aphrodite - what is this deity?

Aphrodite is one of the most revered and beloved. Her importance can be confirmed by the fact that she was one of the twelve great Olympians. Aphrodite is, first of all, the goddess of love and beauty. She is also the patroness of marriage and childbearing, the personification of eternal spring. The forces of Aphrodite were obedient not only to people, but also to the immortal gods, with the exception of Athena, Artemis and Hestia. She blesses women with beauty and gives them happy marriage, and in the hearts of men kindles the fire of true and eternal love.

Myths about the origin and life of the goddess

The Greek goddess Aphrodite also appears in the myth of Pygmalion. According to legend, he was a talented sculptor who carved a statue of a beautiful girl. The more he admired her, the more he fell in love. When his feeling became so strong that he could no longer cope with it, he began to ask Aphrodite to give him a wife similar to his sculpture. In response to the prayers, the goddess revived the beautiful statue. This girl became his wife.

An interesting myth is how the husband of the goddess Hephaestus found out about her connection with Ares. Angry, he forged a golden net, extremely strong, but thin and weightless, like a cobweb, and secretly fastened it to the bed. Then he told his wife that he was going to be away for a few days. Without thinking twice, Aphrodite called Ares to her. In the morning, the lovers found that they were surrounded by a net and could not free themselves. Soon Hephaestus appeared. Ares was released only by promising to pay a rich ransom, which, however, he never did.

Relations between Aphrodite and mortals

Aphrodite had many lovers among the gods. But she also had a very close relationship with mortals. One of the most famous myths is the story of the feeling of the goddess and the young youth Adonis. He was perhaps the most strong love Aphrodite. Adonis was a talented hunter, the only man with whom the goddess forgot about her beauty. She was afraid for his life and asked to avoid predatory animals. But one day a boar attacked Adonis, set on him by a jealous Ares. The goddess of love and beauty could not help her chosen one, and Adonis died. From his blood grew beautiful flowers - anemones.

Aphrodite patronized those who loved her, but at the same time she cruelly took revenge on those who rejected her help. For example, on the daughter of a priest Mirra, who did not want to perform rituals in honor of the goddess, she sent an unnatural passion for her father. Narcissus, who rejected the love of the nymph Echo, she punished with death.

Analogues of Aphrodite in other cultures

Knowing who Aphrodite is, one can list goddesses from other mythologies that correspond to her. For example, among the ancient Romans, Venus was the patroness of love. Among the ancient Egyptians, its counterpart was Isis, and among the Phoenicians, Ishtar.

AT Slavic mythology there were no goddesses who fully corresponded to Aphrodite. But you can identify it with Mokosh, personifying fertility. According to some mythologists, the Slavic pantheon also had its own goddess of love, the patroness of the family - Lada. However, most reputable scientists consider it a fiction.

The most beautiful in the circle of the Olympian gods

The image of this goddess is surprisingly attractive, and not least because of its duality. She favorably patronizes lovers and cruelly takes revenge on those who deny this high and bright feeling. This is both the embodiment of sin and a sample of the purest beauty.

So who is Aphrodite: beauty or vulgarity, spirituality or sensuality? We can say that Aphrodite is love itself in all its manifestations, earthly and sublime at the same time. And to this day, she remains the most beautiful goddess in the history of mankind.

Since ancient times, the feminine has been extolled and honored. Our ancestors believed in spiritual love, and not only in carnal needs, and tried to convey this concept to their descendants. Goddess of love is a symbol female beauty, fertility, mistress of weddings, a harmonious spiritual principle.

Goddesses of love in different mythologies

Different peoples depicted their maidens in various guises. and beauty - not just a fragile girl, but the personification of the highest blessings, the unity of spirit and mind. She was placed on a par with other deities. Temples were erected to honor the beautiful maiden, and sacrifices were made as a gift to appease and receive blessings for a long and happy life. family life. The names of the goddesses of different mythologies are different.

  1. Lada is a Slavic beauty.
  2. Freya is a Scandinavian deity.
  3. Ein is an Irish idol.
  4. Hathor is an Egyptian creator.
  5. Goddess of love - Aphrodite.

They were all portrayed differently. Each nation has its own concept of beauty, its own standards. For some, this is a celestial with large features, a knocked down physique and elastic muscles, and for some, a fragile thin creature. The institution of marriage was highly valued, so people were very careful about their traditions and tried to instill them in their children and grandchildren.

Egyptian goddess of love

Hathor. This goddess enjoyed special reverence in ancient times. The goddess of love in Egypt was originally depicted as a cow that gave birth to the sun. Gradually, the displays changed and the deity already looked like beautiful woman with long horns, later reincarnated into a crown with the sun in the center. It was believed that the goddess could take the form of any living being. Patronized:

  • women;
  • motherhood;
  • creativity;
  • fertility.

Hathor is the daughter of the God Ra, the solar Eye. Embodies the power of heaven and life energy. Now, after centuries, many women come to her temple, asking for blessings and maternal happiness. The revolution in the world of religion did not affect the attitude towards Hathor either - the sanctuary of the goddess has a huge energy power for believers, because the Goddess of Love works miracles, as many claim.

Greek goddess of love

Aphrodite. Neither god nor man could resist her charms. The goddess of love in Greek mythology, Aphrodite helped lovers and cruelly took revenge on those who neglected her and the cult of the goddess. In the images, the deity is always surrounded by violets, roses, lilies, accompanied by an escort of nymphs and charites. It was always presented in a guise corresponding to the standards of beauty of the time in which the artist worked.

According to legend, a maiden appeared from the sea foam. Being a chthonic goddess, she had the power to inspire and feel all-consuming emotions that are inherently destructive. It is described as a loving beauty, loving bliss and affection. Later mythological editions attribute spirituality to the goddess of love. Homer, in his works, weakens the chthonic possibilities of the deity, which indicates a change in the human attitude to natural processes.

Roman goddess of love and beauty

Venus. Greek mythology greatly influenced Roman mythology. The origins were deification natural phenomena, family ties and other interpersonal relationships. Thus, there was a special ratio of Roman and Greek deities. For example, the goddess of love in Rome, Venus, is similar to the Greek Aphrodite. Among the Romans, a divine being was considered the progenitor of their kind.

According to legend, as many people know, she fell in love with a man and as a result of this pure feeling gave birth to a son, Aeneas, who founded ancient civilization. She was subject to love and fertility. Those feelings that today are the brightest and most necessary in our lives. Everything that was created by the maiden was defended with special fury and protected. The legends say that the symbols of the celestial were:

  • cow;
  • bee;
  • goat;
  • martin.

Slavic goddess of love

Lada. The keeper of the hearth, harmony in the family, the symbol of spring, prosperity and prosperous nature was Lada - the goddess of love among the Slavs. This deity gave the most valuable thing in the world - life. Warriors, going to war, carved the face of a celestial on the stones, in the hope that she would save them. The progenitor of the entire female tribe. Portrayed as a gorgeous young beauty. Was a part of perception, worldview marital relations and interpersonal. A festival dedicated to a deity. On this day, young people met and got to know each other.


  1. The white swan is a sign of virgin purity, fidelity.
  2. A circle with an inverted triangle inside is a commemoration of the vast universe and its heart.

Phoenician goddess of love

Astarte. Symbol feminine and combining all the qualities, the beautiful half, humanity at the same time - Astarte is the goddess of love in Phenicia. The most ancient idol, mentions of which are found with the beginning of writing. She gave rise to all subsequent personifications of mother goddesses in various cultures. Initially, the image of Astarte displayed not only standard female features, but also extraordinary strength, absolute power.

Rather, he showed a warrior maiden than a sweet and kind one. Such symbolization is built on matriarchal principles. ancient society. With the advent of patriarchy, the image underwent tremendous changes. In the end, from the pantheon of the gods, her image was lowered to the patroness of prostitutes, lies and deceit. The stronger the establishment of patriarchy, the less space was given to female power.

Indian goddess of love

Lakshmi. This deity symbolizes not only well-being and prosperity, but also the power of knowledge, immortality, happy karma. The goddess of love in India, according to one of the legends, was one of the 14 miracles produced by the ocean, during the transformation into milk. She came out of the lotus flower with a lotus flower in her hand. The deity can be depicted with two hands, with four and with eight. Goals of the beautiful maiden:

  • bring love and beauty into a person's life;
  • the material should not be an end in itself;
  • harmonious development of spirit and body;
  • the desire to reach heights for his chosen one.

Japanese goddess of love

Benzaiten. Shichifuku-jin is a list of seven gods who bring happiness. The goddess of love in Japan is one of them. Benzaiten brings good luck, especially in sea voyages, patronizes art, love and passion for knowledge. According to legend, the island of Enoshima arose from the depths of the lake, after which the beautiful Benten appeared with her children. The dragon, rampant at that time in the vicinity, instantly took over the rule of the maiden, was fascinated by her. As a result, the couple got married.

Celtic goddess of love

Bridget, Nemon and Cliodne. The mythology and religion of the Celtic peoples is not entirely clear to many of us. What is the name of the goddess of love of the Irish peoples is difficult to say. Each god personified not only the natural element, but also a spiritual trait. The most ancient celestial was Nemona - the patroness and keeper of the hearth and community. Approximately the same symbolization is carried out for Brigid:

  • marks the element of fire;
  • patronizes fertility, divination, art, helps in childbirth.

Later, with the advent of Christianity, her image was combined in Saint Brigid, the daughter of a druid, who was a blacksmith and healer. Most a prime example the transition of paganism to Orthodoxy, with the preservation of the ancient idol. Cliodna is the queen of the fairies. The goddess who kept chastity before meeting her loved one. Love was so strong that the divine beauty left her home and began to live on earth. The rest of the gods were unhappy with this course of events and formed a coalition to bring Kliodna back.

Chinese goddess of love

Nuwa- a snake woman, reborn seventy times, created the universe. The goddess of love in Chinese mythology is the creator of mankind. Traditions describe her as a deity who saved the world from the flood and doomsday. snake woman divided people into classes. Those who were sculpted from yellow clay and their offspring became the ruling dynasties. Scattered dirt and clay with the help of a rope became the working class. Nuwe was attributed very great strength even her intestines spawned ten gods.

Aztec goddess of love

Shochiketsal. What is the Aztec goddess of love called and what do her images symbolize? Shochiketsal was associated with the moon. A charming deity in the Aztec pantheon. The image is identified with fruit trees, flowers, butterflies. While living in paradise, Xochiquetzal disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruits of the tree, on which all kinds of fruits grew. It bled and announced sin to the inhabitants of the paradise country. She appears as the patroness of illicit love, vice, betrayal. The goddess represents:

  • virginity;
  • femininity;
  • The goddess of love Venus is comparable to her.

Lithuanian goddess of love

Milda. This deity soars above the world on an air carriage drawn by white doves. The goddess of fertility and love among the peoples of Lithuania patronizes lonely people who are tired of loneliness and wandering. Unlike other deities, it is not a benefactor of marriages, but only a spiritual feeling. The symbolism of the goddess fully conveys the essence and meaning of her deeds and inspires lovers.

  1. The spiral, which is the sign of the first mythological month of April, the month of Milda.
  2. Figure of a woman with flowers.

Not much is known about the deity. The first time her name was mentioned in a document of 1315, along with the name of the river Milda. The day of honoring the beautiful maiden was called the Feast of Love, corresponding to our days. In Lithuanian countryside various idol sculptures are popular. The goddess of love Milda is associated with the Greek Aphrodite.

The mythologies of different cultures influenced each other, finding further reflection in legends and religious views. Over time, the foundations changed and gradually the level of power of the female goddesses decreased. However, even now many people believe that this or that goddess of love will help to fulfill the innermost. And individual images have found their place in the Orthodox Church.

The ancient tablets of the Aegean culture give us the first information about who the Greek gods and goddesses were. Mythology Ancient Greece became for the famous authors of Hellas. It provides us with rich material for artistic fantasy even today. Like powerful Olympian male rulers, female divine incarnations have strong character and remarkable mind. Let's talk about each separately in more detail.


Not all greek goddesses can boast such a harmonious interweaving of fragility and grace with a decisive and tough character, like Artemis. She was born on the island of Delos from the marriage of the powerful Zeus and the goddess Leto. The twin brother of Artemis was the radiant Apollo. The girl became famous as the goddess of hunting and the patroness of everything that grows in forests and fields. The brave girl did not part with her bow and arrows, as well as with a sharp spear. She had no equal in hunting: neither a fast deer, nor a shy doe, nor an angry boar could hide from the dexterous goddess. When there was a hunt, the forest was filled with laughter and cheerful cries of the eternal companions of Artemis - river nymphs.

Tired, the goddess went to the sacred Delphi to her brother and, to the magnificent sounds of his harp, danced with the muses, and then rested in the cool grottoes overgrown with greenery. Artemis was a virgin and sacredly kept her chastity. But nevertheless, like many Greek goddesses, she blessed marriage and childbearing. Symbols - doe, cypress, bear. In Roman mythology, Diana corresponded to Artemis.


Her birth was accompanied by fantastic events. It all started with the fact that the Thunderer Zeus was informed that he would have two children from the goddess of the mind, Metis, one of whom would overthrow the ruler. Zeus did not come up with anything better than how to lull his wife with affectionate speeches and, sleeping, swallow. After some time, God felt a painful headache and ordered his son Hephaestus to cut his head, hoping to get deliverance. Hephaestus swung and cut the head of Zeus - and from there, in a sparkling helmet, with a spear and a shield, the divine Pallas Athena came out. Her war cry shook Olympus. Until now I didn't know Greek mythology goddess so majestic and sincere.

The mighty warrior became the patroness of fair battles, as well as states, sciences, and crafts. Many heroes of Greece won thanks to the advice of Athena. Young girls especially honored her because she taught them the art of needlework. The symbols of Pallas Athena are an olive branch and a wise owl. In Latin mythology, she is called Minerva.


One of the three sisters - goddesses of fate. Klotho spins the thread of human life, Lachesis closely watches the course of destinies, and Atropos ruthlessly cuts the threads of human fate when he considers the life of a particular earthling to be over. Her name translates as "inevitable." In ancient Roman mythology, in which Greek goddesses have Latin counterparts, she is called Morta.


She was the daughter of the god Uranus, patron of heaven. It is well known that Aphrodite was born from the snow-white sea foam near the island of Cythera, and the wind carried her to an island called Cyprus. There young girl the goddesses of the seasons (ora) surrounded her, crowned her with a wreath of wild flowers, throwing gold-woven robes over her. This gentle and sensual beauty is the Greek goddess of beauty. Where her light foot stepped, flowers instantly bloomed.

Ores brought the goddess to Olympus, where she caused quiet sighs of admiration. Jealous wife Zeus Hera hastened to arrange the marriage of Aphrodite with the ugliest god of Olympus - Hephaestus. The goddesses of fate (moira) gave the beauty only one divine ability - to create love around herself. While her lame-legged husband was diligently forging iron, she inspired love with people and gods with pleasure, fell in love herself and patronized all lovers. Therefore, Aphrodite, according to tradition, is also the Greek goddess of love.

An indispensable attribute of Aphrodite was her belt, which endowed the owner with the power to inspire love, seduce and attract. Eros is the son of Aphrodite, to whom she gave her instructions. Symbols of Aphrodite - dolphins, doves, roses. In Rome she was called Venus.


She was the daughter of Hera and Zeus, the sister of the bloodthirsty war god Ares. Traditionally considered the goddess of youth. In Rome, her name is Juventa. The adjective "juvenile" is often used today to define everything related to youth and adolescence. On Olympus, Hebe was the chief butler until her place was taken by the son of the Trojan king Ganymede. In sculptures and paintings, the girl is often depicted with a golden goblet filled with nectar. The goddess Hebe personifies the youthful prosperity of countries and states. According to the myths, she was given in marriage to Hercules. They became the parents of Alexiaris and Aniket, who were considered the patrons of youth and sports. sacred tree Hebes - cypress. If a slave entered the temple of this goddess, he was immediately granted freedom.


The goddess of the light of the day, in contrast to Hekate, the patroness of cancer and nightmarish visions, as well as sorcerers, the clever Hemera was the eternal companion of the sun god Helios. According to one of the mythical versions, she kidnapped Cephalus and gave birth to Phaeton, who crashed on the sun chariot, unable to control it. In Roman legends, Hemera is equal to Dies.


Goddess Gaia is the progenitor of all living things. According to the legends, she was born from Chaos and ordered all the elements. That is why she patronizes the earth, the sky, and the seas, and is considered the mother of the titans. It was Gaia who persuaded her sons to rebel against Uranus, the progenitor of heaven. And then, when they were defeated, she "set" her new giant sons against Olympic gods. Gaia is the mother of the terrible hundred-headed monster Typhon. She asked him to take revenge on the gods for the death of the giants. Gaia was the heroine of Greek hymns and songs. She is the first soothsayer in Delphi. In Rome, the goddess Tellus corresponds to her.


Companion of Zeus, famous for her jealousy and spending a lot of time trying to eliminate and neutralize her rivals. The daughter of the titans Rhea and Kronos, swallowed by her father and rescued from his womb due to the fact that Zeus defeated Kronos. Hera takes special place on Olympus, where the Greek goddesses shine in glory, whose names are associated with duties to patronize all spheres of human life. Hera patronizes marriage. Like her royal consort, she could command thunder and lightning. At her word, a downpour could fall on the ground or the sun could shine. Hera's first assistant was the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Irida.


She was also the daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Hestia - the goddess of the family hearth and sacrificial fire - was not conceited. By right of birth, she occupied one of the twelve main places on Olympus, but she was supplanted by the god of wine, Dionysus. Hestia did not defend her rights, but quietly stepped aside. She did not like wars, or hunting, or love affairs. The most beautiful gods Apollo and Poseidon sought her hand, but she chose to remain unmarried. People honored this goddess and made sacrifices to her before the beginning of each sacred action. In Rome, she was called Vesta.


The goddess of good fertility, who experienced a personal tragedy when the underground god Hades fell in love and kidnapped Demeter's daughter Persephone. While the mother was looking for her daughter, life stopped, the leaves withered and flew around, the grass and flowers withered, the fields and vineyards died and became empty. Seeing all this, Zeus ordered Hades to release Persephone to earth. He could not disobey his powerful brother, but asked to spend at least a third of the year with his wife in the underworld. Demeter was delighted at the return of her daughter - gardens immediately bloomed everywhere, fields began to grow. But every time Persephone left the earth, the goddess fell into sadness again - and a fierce winter began. In Roman mythology, Demeter corresponds to the goddess Ceres.


The Greek goddess of the rainbow, which has already been mentioned. According to the ideas of the ancients, the rainbow was nothing more than a bridge connecting the earth with the sky. Irida was traditionally depicted as a golden-winged girl, and in her hands she held a bowl of rainwater. The main duty of this goddess was to spread the news. She did this with lightning speed. According to legend, she was the wife of the wind god Zephyr. By the name of Irida, the iris flower is called, striking the game color shades. Also from her name comes the name chemical element iridium, the compounds of which also differ in the variety of color tones.


She is the Greek goddess of the night. She was born from Chaos and was the mother of Aether, Hemera and Moira, goddesses of fate. Nikta also gave birth to Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Hades, and the goddess of revenge, Nemesis. In general, Nikta is connected with everything that stands on the verge of life and death and contains the secret of being.


Daughter of Gaia and Uranus, goddess of memory. From Zeus, who seduced her, reincarnated as a shepherd, she gave birth to nine muses who were responsible for the birth and types of arts. In her honor, a source was named that gives memory in spite of the spring of oblivion, for which Leta is responsible. It is believed that Mnemosyne has the gift of omniscience.


Goddess of law and justice. She was born to Uranus and Gaia, was the second wife of Zeus and conveyed his commands to the gods and people. Themis is depicted with a blindfold, with a sword and scales in her hands, personifying an impartial fair trial and retribution for crimes. She still symbolizes legal organizations and norms. In Rome, Themis was called Justice. Like other Greek goddesses, she had the gift of bringing order to the world of things and nature.


Sister of Helios, god of the sun, and Selene, goddess of the moon, Eos is the patroness of the dawn. Every morning she rises from the ocean and flies across the sky in her chariot, causing the sun to wake up and scattering handfuls of diamond dew drops on the ground. Poets call her “beautifully curly, pink-fingered, golden-throned”, in every way emphasizing the magnificence of the goddess. According to the myths, Eos was passionate and amorous. The scarlet color of the morning dawn is sometimes explained by the fact that she is ashamed of a stormy night.

Here are the main goddesses sung by the singers and myth-makers of Ancient Hellas. We talked only about the blessed goddesses who give a creative beginning. There are other characters whose names are associated with destruction and sorrows, but they are a special conversation.

Aphrodite (Greek Ἀφροδίτη) is the goddess of love, beauty and passion. According to numerous myths, she was born from the foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus, after the genital organ of Uranus was thrown into the sea by his son Kronos. However, according to other legends, Aphrodite is the daughter of Thalassa (the personification of the sea) and Uranus, and in a different interpretation, the daughter of Dione and Zeus.

In Rome, Aphrodite was revered under the name of Venus. Aphrodite, like other gods of the Pantheon, patronizes some characters in mythology. But her protection extended to people who had a strongly expressed sensual sphere - love and beauty - the attributes of Aphrodite.

One of the most famous heroes who deserved the favor of Aphrodite was the sculptor Pygmalion, from the island of Cyprus, who fell in love with the statue he created. Features embodied in the statue perfect woman. Pygmalion chose to live a life of celibacy in Cyprus, avoiding the licentious courtesan ways of Cypriot women.

Aphrodite, pitying the artist, once followed Pygmalion's request to save him from loneliness and turned the statue he created into a beautiful woman, whom Pygmalion married.

And nine months later, Pygmalion and Galatea had a daughter named Paphos, who gave the name to the island. In addition to protecting loving hearts, the goddess protected her family members.

Aphrodite gave beauty to the Coronides, the two daughters of Orion, after the death of their mother. She also took care of the orphaned daughter of Pandareus, the favorite of Demeter, who tried to rob the temple of Zeus in Crete and was turned to stone by the gods.

His daughters, Cleodora and Merope, who also grew up without a mother, received the patronage of Aphrodite, who raised and cared for them.

However, when asking for happy marriage for girls, they were overpowered by the Furies.


One day, when Aphrodite and her son Eros were hugging, one of Eros' arrows wounded her.

Aphrodite thought that there was nothing dangerous in this. But when she saw a mortal youth named Adonis, she fell in love with him. However, Persephone also loved him. There was a dispute between the goddesses, and Zeus found a solution.

Adonis spends a third of the year with Aphrodite, a third with Persephone, and another third with the one he has chosen. Adonis was later mortally wounded by a wild boar, which was sent by Apollo in revenge on Aphrodite for blinding his son, Erymanthus.

Aphrodite bitterly mourns Adonis and turns him into a flower from the genus of anemones, sprinkled with the nectar of shed blood. Beroya became their common child with Adonis (Aphrodite turned her into the goddess of the city).

Trojan War

It began with the deeds of Aphrodite. This happened when Aphrodite told Paris that she would grant him true love Helena, if he gives Aphrodite the title of the most beautiful goddess.

Paris chose Aphrodite, which caused a war between the gods. In addition, Helen was already married to the ruler of Sparta. Paris and Helen fell in love and their forbidden relationship led to a war between the Trojans and the Greeks.

Marriage with Hephaestus

According to the mythological version of the story of Aphrodite, because of the unsurpassed beauty of the goddess, Zeus was afraid that other gods would start fighting and arguing with each other. To avoid this, he forced Aphrodite to marry the blacksmith Hephaestus, lame and ugly.

According to another version of the story, Hera (the mother of Hephaestus) abandoned the child from Mount Olympus, believing that the ugly cannot live with the gods. He took revenge on his mother by creating a throne of heavenly beauty that captured her. In exchange for his release, Hephaestus asked the gods of Olympus for the hand of Aphrodite.

Hephaestus successfully married the goddess of beauty and forged her beautiful jewelry, including the cest, a golden belt that made her more irresistible to men. Aphrodite's dissatisfaction with this arranged marriage leads her to look for suitable lovers, most often Ares.

According to legend, once the sun god Helios noticed Ares and Aphrodite, secretly enjoying each other in the house of Hephaestus, and quickly informed the Olympian spouse of Aphrodite about this.

Hephaestus wanted to catch illegal lovers and therefore made a special thin and strong diamond net. At the right moment, this net was thrown over Aphrodite, who was frozen in a passionate embrace. But Hephaestus was not satisfied with his revenge - he invited the gods and goddesses of Olympus to see the unfortunate couple.

Some commented on the beauty of Aphrodite, others impatiently wished to be in the place of Ares, but everyone mocked and laughed at them. As soon as the embarrassed couple was released, Ares fled to his homeland of Thrace, while Aphrodite withdrew to Paphos in Cyprus.

After the destruction of Troy, Aphrodite asked her son, Aeneas, to take his father and wife and leave Troy. Aeneas did as his mother told him, and traveled through mediterranean sea to reach the Italian peninsula, where his descendants built Rome.

This is stated in Virgil's epic poem "Aeneid", which became the pinnacle in Latin literature.
In the Roman epic, Venus (in the Greek version of Aphrodite) is now considered the guardian goddess of Rome. One myth tells that when Juno (in Hera's variant) tried to open the doors of Rome to an invading army, Venus sought to thwart her plans with a flood.


The most important names associated with the love affairs of the goddess Aphrodite, like Ares and Adonis, revolve around the story of Aphrodite's main enemy, the Hero, who harbors hatred for her.

When Hera found out that Aphrodite was pregnant by Zeus, she cursed her belly, because of which the child was born ugly - Priapus. But other myths say that Priapus is the son of Dionysus or Adonis.

Aphrodite's other lovers are Hephaestus, Dionysus (with whom she had a brief love affair), Hermes (from whom Hermaphrodite was born), and Poseidon.

Poseidon had children Rod and Herophilus.

Aphrodite's longest romance was Ares from the Iliad. They had seven children, the most famous of which are Phobos, Deimos, Harmony and Eros, although most myths depict Aphrodite giving birth to Eros. Among her mortal lovers, the most famous was Adonis, who was considered her great love and from whom the children of Golgos and Beroya appeared, which gave the name to the Lebanese capital.

Anchises, Prince of Troy, was another famous love, and some versions of the myth say that Aphrodite fell in love with him as punishment from Zeus for causing the gods to fall in love with mortal women. With Anchis, Aphrodite's children, Aeneas and Lyros, were born, and shortly thereafter, her passion for Anchises disappeared.

Other lesser-known mortal lovers include Phaethon of Athens, who guarded the temple of Aphrodite, as a result of their love affair Astin appeared.

Butes, one of the Argonauts, was rescued by Aphrodite, who carried him to a separate island where they made love (Eryx appeared as a result of this connection).

There is also the Daimon (representing desire), the constant companion of Aphrodite, who was seen in some myths as the daughter of the goddess. However, the authors of this myth do not say who her father is.

Sphere of control

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, desire, sexuality. Even though she is only the goddess of love and beauty, she is one of the most powerful Olympians because she controls looks, love, and sexual desire.

At the beginning of the formation of Rome, she was considered the goddess of vegetation. The goddess protected gardens and vineyards, but after the Romans got acquainted with Greek legends, they realized that she should not be a deity. Agriculture. While the Greeks saw Aphrodite as a proud and vain goddess of beauty, the Romans saw her as the supreme deity who provided food for her people.


Venus (Aphrodite) is represented in the Lusiades poem by the writer Luis de Camões, who tells the history of Portugal. The Portuguese patron goddess turns into Venus, who sees in the Portuguese the heirs of her beloved and known Romans.

Camões was a passionate man who also celebrated love in his lyrics, which is perhaps why he chose a Roman goddess who felt the need to patronize the Portuguese. Venus asks Jupiter to protect the people she patronizes from the intrigues of Dionysus. The king of the gods agrees and gathers the council of the gods.

Personality and appearance

Aphrodite is a vain goddess, proud of her appearance and despising ugliness. She is arrogant and jealous. Aphrodite is also unfaithful and had relationships with many gods such as Ares, Poseidon, Hermes and Dionysus. She can make anyone fall in love with anyone, and even Zeus with his power is not immune from this. She has great power over lust. She is often depicted as a beautiful young woman taking off her clothes.