Diseases of guinea pigs scabies mite than to treat. Description and photo of water mites

Scabies mite (subcutaneous mite) -

Trixacarus caviae

These microscopic mites hide under the skin and cause severe pain. You may notice scratches on the skin, the mumps willmyselfbite with her teeth, her hair falls out. Serious infestations can be life-threatening. If you suspect that one of your pets has a subcutaneous tick, examine the rest as soon as possible. Ivermectin (Ivermectin), Otodectin, Novomek, Ivermek - a drug for quick relief. Several injections of the drug are needed because these drugs do not kill the eggs laid by the females under the skin.

Subcutaneous mites, manifested in guinea pigs, cannot reproduce or live on humans.

Death of a guinea pig can occur due to severe dehydration, from larger and larger wounds and from refusing to eat, due to extreme pain and discomfort. In a healthy animal, the tick can be dormant for months or years, becoming a problem in a pregnant guinea pig, a debilitated animal during another illness, or after stress. The most serious infestations occur in babies or very old animals, in which the immune system is most weakened. The disease in animals of other ages is no less serious, perhaps due to poor care or weakened immunity.

scabies mite (Trixacarus caviae) is an arachnid insect. Infection occurs primarily through direct contact with infected animals, although eggs can be introduced through carelessness. Ticks rarely leave their host, usually as a result of overcrowding or the death of the host. Without a host, they usually die within 3 weeks. However, eggs that have been laid in burrows in the skin can live for a long time.

A photo - Kat .

Signs: microscopic mites cause unbearable itching in the animal and can lead to thinning and/or patchy hair loss, flaky skin (may resemble dandruff) and, ultimately, open sores resulting from heavy scratching, which increase hair loss. Scratching an area of ​​skin infested with mites can cause your guinea pig to itch so much that it falls on its back, squealing, and convulsing.

While skin scrapings can confirm mites, this is often not done. Because this procedure is very painful for the guinea pig and not at all reliable. Often a veterinarian will use Ivermectin (and analogues) for severe itching and hair loss, in the treatment of another disease (such as fungal infection) when there is no improvement with treatment. It is important to note that your guinea pig may be suffering from several causes at the same time.

Diagnostics: Sometimes a veterinarian will completely misdiagnose a mite infestation based solely on the result of a skin scraping.


“A guinea pig was brought in for treatment with severe scratching. The vet ruled out mite disease when he didn’t find any in a skin scraping. He prescribed treatment for a fungal and yeast infection, sent samples to the laboratory, took a skin biopsy, and felt that he had already explored every possibility The guinea pig has already been anesthetized twice during sampling, all the while the guinea pig (which has already lost most hair) was in unbearable pain, with wounds, and no improvement. A few weeks later, the condition only worsened. The vet finally suggested that Ivermectin shots be given in case it was mites. The result was immediate."

If a subcutaneous mite disease is suspected, do everything to cure your animal.

Scabies mites can cause the death of an animal!

Treatment: when infested with ticks, an injection is madeIvermectin (Otodectin ) under the withers. Two or more injections are required 7 to 10 days apart. Ivermectin is best not used on guinea pigs weighing less than 340 grams. Otodectin is designed for use in small animals and is suitable for treating baby guinea pigs who have stopped suckling their mother. This medicine must be used in a strictly calculated dose. A good veterinarian should be familiar with the drug and know what doses are considered safe for guinea pigs. The supervision of a competent physician ensures that the use of this drug is necessary. The veterinarian may also treat open wounds and scratched skin and other complications associated with invasion. Trim nails to minimize further damage from scratches.

Calculate the dosageIvermectina (Otodectina) in milligrams per kilogram of weight, for different types animals. Therefore, it is necessary to know the weight of the animal. Your veterinarian needs to know how to calculate the correct dosage.

Once the mites have been properly diagnosed, all of your guinea pigs will need to be treated and their living quarters should be thoroughly cleaned. Avoid future infestations by carefully examining newly acquired new animals and isolating them if you suspect they came from a dysfunctional kennel. Breeders usually quarantine new gilts (since they can carry ticks without showing signs of disease). It is better to make the prevention of the subcutaneous mite a newcomer than to risk introducing it to a whole herd of guinea pigs.

A scraping is needed to confirm the diagnosis. Sometimes he gives false result as negative evidence. Larvae are visualized in 50% of cases. But if there are signs of the disease, then treatment is needed.

Sometimes a tick is confused with an allergy. But with allergies, the animal does not show painful symptoms.


There are several drugs used to treat subcutaneous mites in guinea pigs.

Dose - 0.1 ml / 1 kg.

Draw the right amount from the tube with a syringe, remove the needle and drip onto the skin. Hold the animal on your hands for 10-15 minutes so that it does not scratch the place where the medicine was applied.

Repeat after 14 days

The result of treatment appears gradually. Full recovery occurs after 3-4 weeks, when all adult mites and delayed larvae have been exterminated or immunity has been restored to such an extent that the eggs have no opportunity to develop.

Important! Only one drug can be used. The combination threatens intoxication. A repeated cycle of instillation, injections is needed in order to destroy those ticks that have hatched from the deposited larvae. 14 days - the term of their maturation. The drugs do not affect the larvae, because the shell protects them.

Is the tick dangerous to humans?

Care during treatment

What does a guinea pig tick look like?

All the way last ice in the water you often see live balls, sometimes bright red, sometimes brown or greenish, and even motley. Small, usually up to three millimeters, but there are also up to 5-8 mm. The creatures are very active, swimming or crawling almost continuously. These are water mites. If you look at them, you can find four pairs of legs - like all ticks, including many of the well-known ixodid, which force people to be on the alert in spring and autumn so that, God forbid, they do not stick and do not infect with any disease. Aquatic in this regard are harmless. In summer they are full, especially among the underwater grass. They are even found in puddles and ditches. There are many freshwater (there are also marine) mites, and from completely different systematic groups. Only in the group of hydrachnells, which, however, is the most numerous and diverse in the reservoirs of the whole world, more than five thousand species have already been counted, although the aquatic fauna of many vast areas has not yet been properly explored. The variety of these mites, also called true freshwater mites, in northern countries not so great, only a few hundred species, but it is them that we most often notice in our reservoirs. In suitable places, they are very numerous: in coastal shallow waters, there were more than two thousand mites per square meter. meter of the bottom, and several dozen species at once. This alone indicates that they are one of the most important components of underwater communities. Moreover, with many underwater inhabitants ticks are in difficult relationship.

The bright, usually red color of many water mites is often considered a warning - they say, do not work, predators are still inedible. Like ladybugs. Indeed, there are observations that fish, grabbing such mites, spit them out: perhaps the mites secrete some secret that is unpleasant for the fish. But at the same time, in some places, for example, in the tributaries of the Pechora, in some places in Karelia, in a number of alpine rivers and lakes, they often still become an essential component of fish food - in some individuals of peled and whitefish they were found in the stomachs of several hundred at once. And then, many species of red ticks live in temporary puddles, where predatory insects no, not like fish. Therefore, it is possible that such bright pigmentation is some kind of legacy from the ancestors. Their land relatives, I note, are also painted in bright, mostly red colors - they have the corresponding name: red ticks. Life cycles water mites are very diverse, but they all have a larval stage, a nymph stage, and an adult stage. In the summer after a difficult marriage ritual females lay their eggs on the surface of various underwater objects, in plant tissue, and some species in the mantle and gills of toothless. Usually, the female lays eggs in batches several times - hundreds of eggs in total. Tiny, fractions of a millimeter, eggs are surrounded by a swelling secret, and sometimes, if many females "spawn" in one place, the substrate is covered with a continuous slimy layer - such a cluster of eggs is released on general background because many mites have red or reddish-yellow eggs.

And there a nymph appears from the larva - it already has four pairs of legs. Before it turns into an adult tick after complex transformations, the nymph, like the tick itself later, hunts small underwater animals, primarily cyclops and daphnia, larvae of various mosquitoes. Ticks pierce the relatively soft covers of their victims with their mandibles and suck them out.

In winter, nymphs or adult ticks are also active, some species even breed, but, like all living creatures, they prefer to go deeper from shallow waters. However, even in the middle of winter, ticks occasionally swim into the holes.

water mites(Hydracarina) belong to the class of arachnids (Arachnoidea), to the order of ticks (Acarina) and form a well-demarcated group, with a similar lifestyle.
These animals are widely distributed and inhabit a variety of water bodies. On excursions they come across very often, involuntarily attracting attention with their bright color, which is characteristic of many species. They are also found in large reservoirs (Hydrochoreutes) and in the smallest ones. Most often they can be found in ponds densely overgrown with vegetation (Limnesia, Frontipoda, Limnochares). They are found even in small ditches, pits filled with water, in puddles, etc., especially in spring (Acercus torris О. F. Mull., Hydrachna globosa, Hydryphantes). Even in winter, when fishing through an ice hole, water mites are caught in in large numbers(Limnochares aquatica L.).

Water mites, hydracarines. Gone strongly. 1 - Limnochares aquatica is bright red in color, leads a benthic lifestyle, crawling along aquatic plants, can't swim; 2 - Hydrochoreutes ungulatus male - yellowish in color with a translucent dark liver, has very long swimming legs, not shown in the figure, an inhabitant of large reservoirs - lakes, ponds; 3- Piona nodata - red-brown in color, found in large reservoirs; 4 - Acercus torris male - yellow-brown in color, on the legs of males there are special thickenings that play a role in copulation, found in small puddles; 5- Limnesia undulata female - yellow, occasionally red with a translucent black liver, an inhabitant of shallow waters; 6 - Frontipoda musculus female - green, less often yellow or reddish, with short swimming legs, sitting in a bundle near the mouth, lives in heavily overgrown water bodies; 7 - Arrhenurus neumani - red, rarely green in color with a posterior body appendage characteristic of males of this genus; 8 - Hydrarachna geographica - bright red with black spots, has short swimming legs, found in ponds and puddles, especially in spring (length 8 mm - "queen" of hydracarines); 9 - Hydryphantes ruber female - bright red, found in shallow ponds, ditches, puddles, mainly in spring.

Appearance. Ticks have a sac-like non-segmented, more or less rounded body and are equipped with four pairs of six-segmented legs, which usually end in two claws.
The mouthparts are elongated into a "beak" adapted for sucking.
The coloration of water mites is remarkable and especially attracts the attention of observers; it strikes with its brightness and diversity. The red color predominates, which unusually distinguishes animals against the background of the dark bottom of green plants (Umnochares, Hydryphantes, Hydrarachna Arrhenurus, etc.). There are colors: blue-green, orange, yellow, brown, etc. It often happens that the same species varies greatly in color. So, Limnesla undulata is both yellow and red. Frontlpoda musculus is more often green, but it can be yellow and red. Arrhenurus neumani is red, but green is also found, etc. What variegated tones can be observed in some species is shown by the example of the “queen” of water mites - the geographic tick (Hydrarachna geographica), which has bizarre black spots scattered on a bright red background. In most cases, the patterns on the body of ticks depend on the fact that dark lobes of the liver and an extremely diversely colored excretory gland appear through their skin.
With such a conspicuous appearance, it would be expected that water mites would be exterminated en masse by other animals. However, this is not observed, and, for example, they are very rarely found in the stomachs of fish. It has even been noticed that a fish, having grabbed a water tick, does not swallow it, but spits it out. Do not touch them and other aquatic predators from the world of insects. This phenomenon is apparently due to the fact that water mites secrete from their skin glands a poisonous or unpleasant-tasting liquid that repels enemies. Under such conditions, bright coloring is not. only does not harm ticks, but can even be useful for them, playing the role of a color signal that saves them from the danger of attack. A similar "warning coloration" is known in a number of animals (for example, ladybugs). It is possible that here we have something similar.

Masonry of water mites. (According to I. I. Sokolov.)
I - eggs of Piona carnea: 1 - many clutches on a buttercup leaf in eat. led; 2 - three masonry in stole. form; II - Hydryphantes eggs; 3 - masonry in stole. form; 4 - the same masonry with a large magnification; III - clutch of Linnochares aquatica: 5 - in ed. led. on an elodea leaf; 6 - the same stole.

General move development water mites is quite complex. Mature females lay their eggs on underwater parts of plants, stones, piles and the like. Usually eggs are laid in groups, very rarely they are drilled one by one into the plant tissue. Most often, the eggs are colored red or yellow-red and therefore catch the eye, despite their small size, especially since females most often lay eggs in the neighborhood of each other, so that egg clusters can be quite significant (Fiona carnea and etc.).

Pupae of the tick Hydrarachna sp. on a water scorpion. Some led away.

Varieties of ticks

Encephalitic mites - On the territory of Russia, the main carriers of tick-borne encephalitis are two types of ticks. it taiga tick(Ixodes persulcatus) and dog tick(Ixodes ricinus). Encephalitis (ancient Greek ἐγκεφαλίτις - inflammation of the brain) - group diseases characterized by inflammation of the brain (suffix " um" indicates the inflammatory nature of the disease);

Armor pincers - (Oribatidae) - the largest group of soil mites;

barn ticks

  • with a decrease in immunity due to any disease,
  • with beriberi,
  • in poor conditions,
  • in pregnant females
  • in young and old individuals.

An accurate diagnosis can be made only in the laboratory conditions of a veterinary clinic. For this, scraping is done. In some cases, the analysis may turn out to be false - the indicators will be negative, but in fact the animal has a subcutaneous tick. Practice shows that larvae can be visualized only in 50% of cases.

  • feeling of severe itching;
  • soreness of the skin;
  • the appearance on the body of scratching, which swell and suppurate.

What types of ticks can infect a rodent

Subcutaneous mites in guinea pigs start three types, each of which causes its own disease. The animal can get sick:

  • sarcoptic mange;
  • trixcarosis;
  • demodicosis.

Another animal can be struck by an ear mite.

Guinea pigs should be treated by a veterinarian for any type of mites. Self-administration and use of insecticides can lead to intoxication in a pet and its death.

Sarcoptic mange

Visually, the disease is manifested by characteristic triangular growths on the skin, covered with a gray crust. In addition, the animal itches, hair falls out on the muzzle and paws.

Primarily, the disease is diagnosed by bald, wounded muzzle and paws. For laboratory research a skin scraping is taken.

It is allowed to return the pig to its "house" a few hours after the disinfection treatment.


This disease is especially difficult for young and old individuals, animals depleted by other diseases, pregnant females and pigs, which are kept in inadequate conditions. Trixacariasis is suspected by the following signs:

  • severe itching and soreness of the affected areas of the skin;
  • the animal combs the skin with claws and teeth;
  • hair loss and the appearance of significant foci of baldness;
  • open sores and wounds on the skin;
  • lethargy of the animal, refusal of food and drink;
  • convulsions.

With advanced disease, the female may have a miscarriage. If animals are not treated at all, they die.

Trixacariasis is diagnosed by skin scraping in a veterinary clinic, the animal is treated there.


Infection occurs through contact with sick individuals. Quite often at a sick female also cubs get sick.

A sign of the disease is the appearance of characteristic nodules and suppurating spots of a rash in the places of bites on the scalp and paws. The areas affected by the tick go bald. Due to numerous bites, the paws of a guinea pig may swell - then the animal is slightly lame.

Demodicosis is diagnosed in the laboratory by examining skin scrapings.

Treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian. The drug - ivermectin, is very toxic - its overdose threatens the animal with death.

Ear mites in guinea pigs

In the auricles of a guinea pig, an ear mite, Psoroptes cuniculi, can start. Most often, rabbits suffer from ear scabies, so it is also called rabbit. The disease is called psoroptosis.

These mites are visible to the naked eye. During illness, a red-brown wax accumulates in the ears of a guinea pig, in which dark-colored oval-shaped insects swarm. The course of the disease is accompanied by:

  • redness of the skin of the auricles, yellow-red growths form on the ears;
  • otitis, and advanced cases and torticollis, the animal scratches its ears and shakes its head.

Psoroptosis is treated with ivermectin and antibiotics.