What is happening now in the life of psychic julia wang. The real name of Julia Wang is the exposure of the clairvoyant Why is Julia Wang so scary

After appearing in the popular TV show "Battle of Psychics", the spectacular blonde Julia Wang became the darling of the whole country. Almost 40 thousand people voted for the victory of the extravagant clairvoyant in the television competition of magicians and psychics. However, along with the advent of fans of her gift, she also gained many ill-wishers who doubt the psychic abilities of the "androgyne" Julia. SUPER was contacted by the former PR manager of the winner of the show, Angella Grand, who spoke about Wang's past.

Angella, have you known about your friend's superpowers for a long time?

You know, she said that she had some kind of visions, but when we met in 2007, she was a photographer, she was a model, she danced in Soho Rooms. Basically, all the men wanted to sleep with her, and she was looking for herself, she wanted to do something else. And she turned to the warlocks to teach her.

Were the lessons successful?

She applied to different centers, so there was obviously some progress. Visions of Wang, as far as I know, are still coming, but she communicates mainly with dark gods, performs black rites. After breaking up with her, the singer Danko's career flew down ( On the this moment the artist left the big stage, is not married and for a long time trying to cure a daughter suffering from cerebral palsy. — Approx. ed.) He now says that he doesn’t even remember who she is, but in general, they lived together for a very long time. Just then he knocked up another girl and they broke up with Julia.

How did you meet Wang?

I worked at the production center of Ulyana Semenova, now it is closed. Julia decided that she needed to be promoted, and turned to me, but I was an unofficial PR person: I was mainly engaged in Internet promotion. I was the first administrator official group"Vkontakte", and then we had a fight.

Because of which?

Our mutual friend - pseudo-psychic Yulia Kim - posted on the Web our personal correspondence with Julia. Wang was offended, and we did not communicate for two years.

What was in that correspondence?

Julia confessed to me that she decided to go to the "Battle of Psychics" because during 20-30 years of astral time she met with David Bowie and he encouraged her to become a psychic. It's no secret that he is prone to magic and he also has abilities.

So Julia Wang really has the gift of seeing the past and the future?

It's hard for me to answer. Until she began to work closely with magic in 2007, she was far from this world, doing anything, but then she could not be called a psychic. Once I was looking for confirmation that she was deceiving people. But she only found out that she, most likely, hides her real age, that earlier her surname was Gavrikova, then Ogareva, and then she took the surname of her great-grandfather - Wang. Well, her name was just Julia. Only her mother called her Juliet as a child.

Looking at the photo, many cannot even imagine that this is the same person. Where are your gorgeous hair, full lips? You are ill?! - now and then the fans of Julia Wang, the heroine of one of the seasons of the Battle of Psychics, scream.

Julia herself recently added fuel to the fire by posting a photo where she looks “really bad.”

At least that's what the fans think. And the star herself calls them stupid as boots.

Fans are worried about Julia. Many of them are confident terrible disease celebrity or even "karmic retribution".

Although, as for me, everything is much simpler. The fact is that the appearance of the girl in the show was frankly unnatural. I had no illusions about the face, hair, lips, etc. In addition, she always went out to act in powerful makeup, which gave her the necessary resemblance to a witch (you didn’t think that she walked the streets in the form of a shocking witch all her life?). Now this is obvious, but in 2014 such “beauty injections” were new, and unusual appearance together with in an interesting way caused a stir.

And now, Julia, apparently tired, and maybe she thinks that it is no longer fashionable to "inject". This is what happened to her. Moreover, she is leaving somewhere in Europe, it seems, and there fashion trends come and go even faster.

All that happened to her, in fact, was that her “beep” was a little blown out, her eyebrows became wider and more natural, and her hair extensions were probably removed. In addition, several mimic wrinkles appeared.

Overall, it's certainly different than the face people saw on the show. But, on the other hand, I am disturbed by the fact that people with a clearly unnatural appearance are considered beauties, and people who look like people are already moving into the category of "sick and miserable."

Worse than this fact is only the fact that someone else believes in the "Battle of psychics", which does not honor either the Soviet or Russian education. But that's a completely different story.

By the way, what do you think when you see a clearly "improved" female appearance? Do you think it's beautiful, or do you really dislike it, or do you not care?

Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th Battle of Psychics on TNT, shocked the audience of the project: not only did the star lose a lot of weight and cut off her blond curls, but after winning the Battle she doesn’t practice her psychic abilities, declaring that she does not have them.

By the way, speaking about the fact that she is not a psychic, Julia Wang emphasized that the Battle of Psychics on TNT itself is a show, a production, and the producers came up with the image of a long-haired blonde in black to attract viewers: "That pig-faced man didn't exist."

The TV star also said that she did not change her image and always looked like in more recent photos, and what the creators of the project came up with disfigured her for the sake of high ratings.

Julia Wang: The battle of psychics - deception and staging

From the very first season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT, the opinions of the audience of the project were polar: someone believes in the existence of supernatural powers and a special gift in people, someone is skeptical, if not to the other world and the connection of a person with it, then to the “Battle” itself .

Julia Wang inflamed the degree of suspicion towards the project and brought it to new level their behavior and statements. As soon as the girl got a victory in the 15th season of the Battle, she literally disappeared - she didn’t practice, didn’t communicate with her fans who fell in love with her at the Battle, and it turned out that now she is in Britain, married, lives ordinary life. Often it was said on the Web that Julia Wang is a liar, and the show itself is a production in which there are more "actors" than real psychics.

And Julia, it would seem, is the winner, there is a huge demand for the winners of such a rating project after the show, crowds of people are ready to pay considerable sums for their services. But for some reason she does not “practice”, although doubts about her have already arisen on the show.

Why did Julia Wang change, where does she live, what happened to her

More recently, fans of the show have been following her, who believe that everything is true there. She really made an impression, and above all with her appearance. She is quite beautiful, tall with slim waist, beautiful eyes, and even a blonde with noticeable breasts. With such an appearance, success was guaranteed to her, in addition, she showed talents in the supernatural, which she could not confirm after the project.

After that, she disappeared and people began to forget about her. Over time, she became what she was - an ordinary person. She no longer played the role of a psychic, because it is known that she is a good actress and was involved in TNT projects at one time, by the way, she played evil spirits. After the project, few people remembered her until her new photos appeared and they began to discuss her again.

She apparently got tired of her image and she became who she was. Her image is truly amazing. One could say that she became a trans, if not for the information that she is married. And so she lost a lot of weight, stopped wearing makeup, wears mostly trouser suits and began to resemble a young man.

Julia Wang is known to us as the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics. In fact, this long-legged blonde has a lot of other hobbies and talents. Do you want to know where Julia Wang was born and lived? Are you also interested in the height, weight and parameters of her figure? The article contains information about this unusual girl.

Julia Wang: biography

The psychic was born on October 29, 1981 in Germany. Since childhood, she was not like everyone else. She was not interested in dolls and toy houses. Julia preferred solitude. Even the mother could not understand why the daughter does not seek to communicate with her peers.

Julia Vladimirovna Wang is not a pseudonym. This is the real name of our heroine. She grew up in Latvia, went to a regular school. She has always liked Riga. Indeed, in this city there are many sacred corners and places of power. FROM early years the girl had a gift There was not a single case when she did not achieve what she wanted.

A family

Julia Vladimirovna Wang does not like to talk about her childhood. Later you will understand why. Her mother has nothing to do with extrasensory perception. She is a nuclear physicist by profession. Tatyana Vladimirovna is a smart and serious woman. She fully supports and shares her daughter's passion.

Julia Wang, whose biography is now interesting to many, never saw her father. She herself is sure that he is not of this world. Tatyana Vladimirovna claims that in 1980 she had contact with an extraterrestrial being who appeared to her in the form of a man. The public reacts differently to her words. Some believe a woman, while others consider her crazy. There is another version. Allegedly, Julia Wang herself asked her mother to tell this story.

In an incomplete family, our heroine lived only the first few years of her life. Soon she had a stepfather. The obstinate Julia did not immediately develop a relationship with him. And the man himself did not seek to find mutual language with stepdaughter. Scandals constantly arose in their house. And when the girl was 12 years old, her stepfather began to harass her. Julia told her mother about this more than once. But she believed her husband. One day, a girl broke her stepfather's head when he climbed up to her again.

Our heroine left home early. At that time, she was barely 16 years old. She continued to study at school, and in free time worked in the market. The girl lived with her friend. Mother secretly from her stepfather communicated with her and brought food.


At the age of seventeen, the blonde came to conquer Moscow. Then no one knew who Julia Wang was. Height and weight allowed the girls to build a brilliant modeling career. She couldn't help but take advantage of this opportunity. But we will talk about this later.

Our heroine has successfully passed entrance tests and was enrolled in GITIS. After 5 years, she received a diploma of graduation from the university. Since then, Julia could call herself professional actress. But even that wasn't enough for her. The girl enrolled in the French school of perfume art. The ability to combine ingredients, incredible smells still brings her a good income.

Whom only not worked Julia Wang. Height and weight helped her make a good acting and modeling career. AT different years she was a hairdresser, costume designer and even a singer. Famous psychic she performed episodic roles in such films as “Tumbler”, “Day Watch”, “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own ...” and others. She always found something to her liking.

Julia Wang (psychic): height, weight

Some girls would like to be as bright as Julia Wang. The height, weight of the blonde is not the only thing that distinguishes her from thousands of women. She has a humanoid face. This is especially evident when Julia wears her hair in a long ponytail. She also has chameleon eyes. In different lighting they can be green, blue or gray. And when a girl is angry, her eyes become poisonous snakes.

Modeling career

A few years ago, we did not know who Julia Wang was. The height, weight, age of the blond beauty was of little interest to anyone. She was just starting her journey in the world of show business.

London, New York, Paris, Milan - Julia Wang visited all these cities. Parameters, height, weight allowed her to become successful model. Leggy blonde participated in the filming of commercials, clips and short films. She posed for the best European and American photographers. She was invited to work as a model for hairstyles and make-up. Julia Wang, height, weight, whose biography we are considering today, attracted everyone with her brightness and originality. But at that time, no one knew that she had superpowers.

According to Julia, she rethought her life after reading the book "The Tao of Chaos". The girl was seriously interested in esotericism. Before joining the "Battle of Psychics", our heroine went through many years of practice. About her powerful inner strength and other abilities were known only to close people.

"The fight of extrasensories"

From the first minutes of her appearance on the show, Julia Wang attracted everyone's attention. Some participants were afraid to accidentally look into the "cat" eyes of the witch. And the eternal skeptics constantly teased the blonde. They didn't believe that former model and the actress has some paranormal abilities. The brothers believed that she came to the program to promote herself.

But soon the guys realized that they were wrong. Already in the qualifying test, the blonde showed herself as a strong psychic. She quickly found the young lady, whom the Safronovs had hidden in the trunk of one of the cars. It was clear that Julia did not guess the location of the girl, but felt it.

In each issue, Wang delighted the audience with original outfits and phenomenal abilities. looking at the pictures dead people She talked about them as if she knew them personally. In one of the tests, Julia scared even a professional psychologist. In a matter of seconds, the psychic managed to put the girl into a trance, forcing her to speak in an unknown language.

Wang's main competitor in the show was the St. Petersburg witch Tatyana Larina. Two blondes disliked each other from the first meeting. Throughout all issues they went "nostril to nostril".

Winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics

For three and a half months, viewers followed how people from supernatural abilities are being tested. Every week, one psychic left the project, whom she recognized as the weakest. The leader must have been present. Julia has repeatedly become the best psychic of the week. But sometimes this title was given to her main rival - Tatyana Larina.

4 participants made it to the final. The fans supported them as much as they could. First of all, with your SMS. AT latest release"Battles of psychics" host Marat Basharov announced the results of the vote. The fourth place was taken by Arseniy Karadzha. On the honorary third step is the Slavic witch. As expected, the main struggle unfolded between the two blondes. Tatyana Larina took second place. And the winner of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics (70% of the votes) was Julia Wang. Height, weight, biography of the witch - all this aroused incredible interest among her fans.

Life after the "Battle"

After participating in a paranormal show, our heroine woke up famous. On the streets they approached her strangers, asked for an autograph and a joint photo. Julia treated her fans with respect.

Representatives print media and TV channels are also showing remarkable interest in Wang. She is invited to take part in various programs, asked to give an interview. Julia continues to create exclusive perfumes. She also writes songs and sings as part of her own rock band.

past lives

Julia Wang asks to call her none other than the Spirit of Chaos. She doesn't think she has any. Why? Wang publicly declares that she is magic. To believe in it or not is the business of each of us.

In one of the interviews, the psychic said that she remembers all her past lives. And there were about 150 of them. She managed to try on both female and male looks. AT last life Wang was a 15-year-old girl living in Paris. Constant difficulties and depression caused her to jump off the roof and crash to her death.

Personal life

Despite the bright appearance and the army of fans, Julia Wang is still lonely. She had dizzying romances with men. But she will only marry someone like herself. Wang openly says that he is unlikely to ever decide on a child.


Now you know where Julia Wang was born, studied and worked. Height, weight of the psychic were also announced in the article. You can treat this long-legged blonde in different ways. But with the fact that she is a bright and original person, hardly anyone will argue.