Guzeeva's first husband. Larisa Guzeeva showed a family portrait

A fatal beauty, a public favorite, a brilliant actress and the country's main matchmaker. It is enough to say these words, and it will become clear to anyone: we are talking about the wayward and charismatic Larisa Guzeeva, whose biography and personal life are full of events. She has about 60 film roles and eight years of filming on television. In the program “Let's Get Married” on First, Larisa Andreevna has already brought together many romantic couples, some of whom got married and started families. On air, the actress sometimes likes to include a remark about personal experience construction family relations. But he still doesn’t talk much about his novels. However, as Guzeeva herself says, her life before her last marriage was “hectic,” and her heart was constantly occupied with one or another lover.

First love

The actress grew up in the village of Burtinskoye, Orenburg region, where from time immemorial they loved portly women. Guzeeva, in her youth, was thin and was not liked by her peers. When high school student Larisa had an object of desire, she did not wait for his interest to show, but went on the offensive. The future star wrote romantic letters to her lover. He was angry and promised to beat her...

A few years later, having already starred in the “Cruel Romance” that made her famous, Larisa met her “groom” while visiting her mother. He was flabby and slowly drank himself to death. Remembering Guzeeva’s bright feelings, he complained that he regretted his behavior. He always really wanted to live in Leningrad, and now he realizes that he missed his chance.

Looking at the situation from a new perspective, the actress was glad that she could not achieve reciprocal love then, and decided never to “break into closed doors” again.

Bohemian suitors

The capital's men adored and were afraid of the beauty from the outback. Pampered by her loving mother, Larisa had a high opinion of herself. I didn’t join the student theater crowd because I preferred older men, talented and famous.

I was having an affair with avant-garde musician Sergei Kuryokhin, who took her from Moscow (where she came to study as an engineer) to Leningrad. It was he who sealed the fate of his beloved by persuading her to apply to the theater. Having become accustomed to Larisa’s beauty, Kuryokhin cruelly and bluntly declared her provincialism and rustic rudeness. Their affair ended with his marriage to the professor's daughter.

Larisa found solace on a courageous shoulder Sergei Shakurov. Soon after the young people began an affair, the actor was offered the role of Paratov in the filming of “Cruel Romance.” He set a condition: Larisa should play Ogudalova!

Ryazanov looked at Guzeeva and accepted without objection. As a result, Shakurov never acted in a movie: he was invited to a long-awaited role in the theater. During the filming, it turned out that until now no one had truly touched the beauty’s heart, so she had to be literally taught how to experience love.

Test of fate

Real love came a little later.

In 1984, on the set of the film “Rivals,” Guzeeva met her future husband Ilya. A rapid romance with a charismatic man made a hitherto cold heart melt. After very little time, she married her beloved. Later it turned out that the beauty’s husband was a drug addict. For eight years Larisa struggled with his addiction, for eight years she hid her experiences, smiling in public. For eight years I believed that drug addiction could be cured, but it was all in vain.

Worried about her beloved, she became addicted to alcohol, but fortunately she came to her senses in time, decided to quit with the green serpent and put herself in order. A bright marriage with a loved one ended in divorce.

The man who gives birth

Like any woman, Larisa wanted to experience true feminine happiness - with a strong and responsible man. And on the set of the film “The Chosen One” directed by Mikhail Kalatozishvili, fate gives her such a chance.

Guzeeva's new lover - Kakha Tolordava— played a priest in the film. The temperamental Georgian captivated Larisa with his wonderful upbringing and delicacy. Tolordava took care of his beloved, spoiled her and sang her praises. Solved any problems, relieved everyday difficulties. Guzeeva quickly realized that this was exactly what she had been looking for all her life, and admitted that she wanted children from Kakha.

They got married without a grand ceremony, just a few days before the birth of their first child, son George. However mutual love could not stand the difference in cultures in which the spouses were brought up, and after some time they separated. Their common child communicates warmly with her father, constantly goes to see him in Tbilisi.

Love through life: the third husband of Larisa Guzeeva

Third, last, and most happy marriage Guzeeva happened in 1999.

At the age of 18, the future actress, who had just arrived from the outback, found herself in the same student company with a young and modest Igor Bukharov. Larisa never took her shy friend seriously. She laughed at him even as an adult, when after her second marriage she returned to Moscow and had an affair with a banker.

The actress thought that financial well-being- a guarantee of a happy future, but they had no future. She realized this when trouble happened to her son. On the plane, little George was accidentally scalded with boiling water and urgent help was required. It was then that Larisa realized that calling the banker was useless.

But Igor got his bearings right away: he organized the return flight, met him at the airport through the VIP entrance with a doctor, and later took the child for rehabilitation to the burn center, took care of him, and was there.

Now he admits that he fell in love with Guzeeva back then, at 17. It was as if she had always been in his life, only invisibly. The already adult, wise Guzeeva responded to Bukharov with endless gratitude, warmth, and then love.

At the age of forty, Larisa gave birth to her third husband’s daughter Olya. They were very happy together for many years. Larisa Andreevna admitted that this marriage, based on friendship and sensitivity to each other, is the most successful.

At the end of 2016, Larisa Andreevna announced that she had separated from her husband. Fans attributed the actress to an affair with 50-year-old actor Euclid Kyurdzidis, but she herself refused to comment on her personal life.

She was born illegitimate child. She lived with her mother, a history teacher, in a suburb near Orenburg. At the age of five, a stepfather appeared - a positive, non-drinking, correct man. But Larisa did not fit into the framework of correctness since childhood. By my own definition, I lived outside the regime and without brakes. My blood was boiling, I wanted to oppose myself to everyone. IN kindergarten, having torn out the boards in the fence, took the guys into the unknown. As a teenager, I cheekily asked for a cigarette from the principal of the school where my mother worked for a moment. She ran to the gypsy camp - to join the free life. In my youth, I found myself in dangerous company; when meeting young people, I tried to do something nasty or say something impudent. But they still swarmed around her in flocks and lost their heads.

I first met my current husband, Igor Bukharin, during that period. She is 18 years old, he is 17. Larisa then came to Moscow to enter drama school, and Igor returned home from Germany, where his military father served. The guy got into Guzeev's company by accident and was shocked: hippies, punks - everyone in torn jeans, with incredible multi-colored hairstyles, communicating in slang... An indelible impression from everyone. But especially from Larisa. A beauty, slender, in jeans hung with coins, with an aluminum bucket in her hands instead of a handbag, dashingly smoking “Belomor...” Stunning! But she, raised by her mother under the motto: “You are the best!”, accustomed to the admiration of her peers, looked down on the boy, not taking him into account at all.

The word “judge” is written on one leg, “prosecutor” is written on the other.

Yes, in fact, despite numerous loves, she did not take anyone seriously. Moreover, after the film “Cruel Romance” was released, and the actress was hit with crazy popularity with all the ensuing consequences in the form of universal adoration and worship. It was then, in 1984, that she met the man whom she wanted to marry for the first time in her life.

This happened in Sevastopol on the set of the film “Rival”. Guzeeva was 25 years old, and all the men in the film crew were following her. But her chosen one is Ilya, the film’s assistant cameraman. He falls in love with Larisa without memory, and she falls in love with him - unusual, painfully nervous, broken. So, as a result, without understanding what attracted her to this young man, who later turned out to be an alcoholic and drug addict, without education, wearing tattoos (the word is written on one leg

"judge", on the other - "prosecutor..."), and even with two prison sentences under her belt, the actress nevertheless enters into a close relationship with him, which, in her own words, was far from love. Nevertheless, living together, secured by official registration, stretches for 7 years... With all her enthusiasm, Larisa is treating her husband: using her fame, she finds him the best doctors, sends him to drug treatment clinics, where he is treated for alcohol addiction... Nothing helps. But she also needs to work. The nerves of the young, successful actress are fraying from overstrain. To relieve stress, she increasingly resorts to alcohol. While drinking, he convinces himself that he is doing it out of spite, and gets more and more involved. Life turns into a nightmare. The only way out is to sew it up yourself... Finally, the understanding has come that it is impossible to coexist together - there is no normal life, no prospects... There is only one way out - divorce.

In addition, in Larisa's life appears new lover- Kahi, which my husband, by the way, is quite loyal to. The men communicate calmly among themselves... After a while, Ilya disappears. At all. Larisa and Kakha search for him for a long time - they turn to friends, acquaintances, and the police. To no avail... Only six months later it became clear that Ilya died of an overdose - his body (identified by tattoos) was found in one of the St. Petersburg parks...

Larisa Guzeeva in the film "Cruel Romance"

Larisa flatly refused to go to the registry office

Larisa also met Kakha Tolordavo at film set. This happened in 1991, the film was called “The Chosen One,” filming took place in Tbilisi, and Kahi worked at the Georgia Film studio as an editor and also played a small role - a priest. A true Georgian intellectual, brilliantly brought up and educated, graduated from the Institute of European

languages ​​and literature, wrote books. Guzeeva was impressed by him at first sight. As the actress later admitted in an interview, he shocked her imagination with his beauty, so much so that she began to dream of having a son from this man. Despite the fact that I had never even thought about children before. However, the hero himself, whom she chose to play the role of father, did not pay attention to her. Unaccustomed to such an attitude from men, she began to take the initiative herself, using the entire range of female techniques in terms of seducing them. But when the task was completed, and the chosen one, finally and irrevocably taken prisoner, raised the question of stamps in passports, Larisa flatly refused to go to the registry office. I resisted for a long time. As a result, registration took place in 1991, literally a few days before the birth of their son, George. Turned out to be, as I dreamed, very similar to my dad.

We lived in Guzeeva’s St. Petersburg communal apartment. But they didn't last long together. She is energetic, super active in life, she could not come to terms with her husband’s inertia, she tried to force him to become more active, which in her opinion was simply necessary in the heady 90s. Everyone was milling around, selling something, buying something, amassing capital. Looking at them, driving around in expensive foreign cars, moving into luxurious villas, vacationing at prestigious resorts, she wanted to live the same way. But Kakha was in no way suitable for these purposes. The cracks in the relationship grew deeper. As a result, the husband returned to Georgia, and Larisa was left with a tiny child in her arms...

Larisa Guzeeva Photo: Russian Look

That's how love entered her heart

The actress remembers the 90s with horror, how horrible dream. Alone in the unattractive status of a single mother, in a terrible communal apartment, without money - it wasn’t even enough for food, living from hand to mouth, without hope. Hopelessness. I felt humiliated, became hysterical, and fell into severe depression. Again I saved myself with alcohol.

There were plenty of opportunities to connect your life with the rich and successful, and many “useful” men, both in terms of finance and in the profession, flocked to her - bright, spectacular. They courted, appeased, wooed, broke into hotel rooms, climbed over the balcony, showered them with flowers, begged, even stood on their knees, made the best offers... However, Guzeeva, harsh in her assessments and judgments, did not hold back her emotions, she sculpted the truth into her eyes, sometimes rude; especially persistent suitors could even throw vodka from a glass in the face during a feast. In a word, I ran into trouble. Thanks to this, she lost both financial support and many roles... But she preserved herself. Unlike her friends, as they say, who sold themselves profitably, I did not want to exchange myself like that. She fell in love, lived with passions, and most of all was afraid of linking Fate with an unloved person. Larisa was looking for love. I searched for a long time. And yet I found it. In that same Igor Bukharov, who later became a famous culinary specialist, restaurateur, president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia, officially responsible for the Kremlin kitchen, head of his own wine school...

After that long-ago, their first meeting, Larisa began to study not in Moscow, but in St. Petersburg LGITMIK. Igor, having failed to enter medical school, was drafted into the army. After serving in Murmansk, in a motorized rifle division, he got involved in the culinary business - he began working first as an apprentice cook in a restaurant, and then as a cook, while simultaneously entering the Plekhanov Institute. After graduating, he went into the restaurant business.

Photo: East News

For many years, meetings between Guzeeva and Bukharov were rare and accidental. Larisa lived to the fullest, richly, emotionally - she walked, fell in love, got married, divorced, gave birth to a son... All this time, Igor remembered her and still secretly dreamed about her.

Their serious relationship began after breaking up with her second husband, the actress and her five-year-old son moved to Moscow with the hope of building her life here. With these intentions, she came together and began an affair with a wealthy banker.

The next meeting with Igor happened by chance, in a restaurant. Bukharov was already its co-owner, and Guzeeva was invited there as an actress - to promote the establishment. To celebrate the meeting, Larisa, out of old friendship, burdened her old friend with her problems. Having openly talked about her affair with a banker and her desire to improve her personal life, she asked for help with taking her son wherever he needed to go. Igor agreed without hesitation, and from that moment on he became an indispensable person in the family: he helped Larisa, her mother, her son... So, solving a bunch of their problems, he practically became part of the family..

Gradually, in Larisa’s feelings, the banker began to fade into the background, and the image of Igor became more and more prominent. There was an understanding that he was good, a kind person and truly loves her, accepts her as she is, with all her advantages and disadvantages. And she had never seen such an attitude towards herself, such tenderness, care and sympathy from anyone. Igor turned out to be the first man with whom the young woman, who had suffered a lot, was able to speak frankly. She, proud and independent, told him, the only one, about all the vicissitudes of her reckless life. I cried. And he understood everything correctly, regretted it... So love entered her heart.

Ilyusha and I met when I was filming the film “Rivals.” I was 25 years old then. Almost all the men from the film crew looked after me - from the director to the leading actor. And who did I choose? An assistant operator who carries a trolley with equipment! I just saw handsome boy, which walked along the seashore, filming took place in Sevastopol - and fell madly in love! I immediately realized: this is fate! We had a wonderful time filming. Then they returned to Leningrad and got married. And then Ilya surrounded me with such love that I could go crazy! As they say: “I washed my feet and drank water!”

As it turned out, he was a drug addict. I took him to doctors and admitted him to the hospital. Each time he swore to me that he would quit drugs and start new life. But after the next course of treatment, history repeated itself. It was real hell!

- How many years have you lived together?

More than eight. I really wanted to have a child with him, but even after treatment, Ilya could not give up drugs. Then I started drinking. At first it was out of spite for Ilya, but one morning I realized that I wanted to get over my hangover. Then it seemed to me that all this was nonsense, that I could stop drinking at any moment. How terribly I was mistaken!

And one day Ilya did not return home. He was found in the park this morning and died of an overdose. I didn’t remember myself in those days. I still feel his presence nearby. It’s very hard for me because I compare all the men who surround me with him. After Ilya’s death, I was able to pull myself together. And since then I have never allowed myself to relax. My character is ironclad, and I was able to overcome everything.

By the way, I then realized that the best healer is time. And also work. I was offered to star in a Georgian film in the Georgian language. I left for Georgia. One day a handsome young man appeared on the set. He was unusually delicate, attentive, educated, did not pester like others, did not rush into the room, and therefore I liked him.

After filming, I returned to Leningrad, and he moved in with me. Then my son George was born. Unfortunately, I still compared his father with the late Ilyusha. It’s probably impossible to love all the men with whom fate brings you together. One man comes across in order to teach you something, the second - for love, the third - so that you give birth to him.

One day He undressed: he lay down to sunbathe in our garden, and on one leg he had the words “judge” written on him, and on the other “prosecutor.” Mom looked at this and said so sadly: “Don’t take care of him, his life was hard.”

Just old photos of Larisa:

Sergei Kuryokhin made Larisa a woman and an actress, and Sergei Shakurov helped her get a star role

This year Larisa GUZEEVA celebrates her creative anniversary. 35 years ago she became an actress at the Lenfilm studio. However, the movie star herself does not consider this date significant. After all, she played one of her most striking roles - Larisa Ogudalova from "Cruel Romance" - immediately after graduating from the theater institute, when she was not yet on staff anywhere. Be that as it may, along with professional growth Guzeeva’s personal life was also changing rapidly. And now, from the height of her rich female experience, Larisa Andreevna has every right to give intimate advice and strictly scold the participants of her show “Let's get married!” on Channel One.

Young Larochka Guzeeva, skinny as a matchstick, the boys didn’t like her. In Orenburg, the homeland of down scarves, girls with bodies were valued. And in order to be at least a little like them, Guzya (as her classmates teased her) would pull on several tights.

Larisa grew up " ugly duckling"- recalls Victor Popov, who studied with our heroine in a parallel class. - But closer to the end of school, she began to blossom. True, the boys got used to her as before and didn’t notice her girlfriend’s taking shape.


In the ninth grade, the future actress decided to win the heart of a new student. Blue-eyed skank Yurka Krylov transferred to Larisina’s school and immediately attracted her attention. Guzya began bombarding the curly-haired poor student, sporting a fashionable sweatshirt after school, with love notes. Finding checkered notebook sheets under his door, Krylov decided to identify their author. And soon he caught Larisa’s hand.

You stupid fool! - he snapped. - I Kovalev I love her, she already has the third size of her tits!

Ten years later, when Larisa arrived in her hometown as a movie star, she accidentally met her failed first boyfriend. Yuri squeezed the lock of the same, only very washed out sweatshirt and with trembling fingers, crowned with nails that had not been cut for a long time, he tried to touch it. Twisting a button on the actress’s stylish coat, he asked for money for port wine. She didn't refuse.

“I said that I didn’t marry you,” Yuri breathed in fumes. - Now I would live in Leningrad.


In fact, after school, Larisa set off to conquer Moscow, dreaming of at least studying to become an engineer. But I met an avant-garde musician Sergei Kuryokhin. He not only became her first man, but also predetermined all later life. With him, Guzeeva drove off to the city on the Neva. Kuryokhin insisted that his girlfriend submit documents to the local theater theater. The girl showed up for the entrance exams shaved to perfection. But even in this form she was able to surprise the teachers, and she was accepted.

Hanging out with Kuryokhin among the rockers, our heroine was the center of attention of his friends. They fell for her Victor Tsoi And Boris Grebenshchikov, but the student harshly suppressed their persistent attempts to lure them into her bed. And after living with Kuryokhin for four years, she decided to break up with him.

“He tried to break me over his knee, he raised me,” Lara complained to her friends. - I didn’t make any allowances for my age or the fact that I’m from the provinces. In general, we could no longer be together.

Another Sergei

After parting with Kuryokhin, Larisa made acquaintance with his namesake - Shakurov. Sergei had already starred in a dozen films and was in good standing with venerable directors. At that time, the artist divorced his first wife, children's theater actress Natalya Oleneva, and plunged headlong into a relationship with young Larochka. When Eldar Ryazanov invited him to the role of Paratov in “Cruel Romance”, Shakurov decided to get a job in the film for the lady of his heart.

Actually, I should have played Paratov, I lamented at the time Alexander Pankratov-Cherny. - But Ryazanov invited Seryozhka Shakurov. He set the condition: “Only with Guzeeva!” Was his mistress at that time. Ryazanov agreed to this - he approved Shakurov and Guzeeva. And suddenly Shakurov received the long-awaited role of Cyrano de Bergerac at the Stanislavsky Theater. And he left the picture.

As a result, Guzeeva remained in the picture, and her partner in the frame became Nikita Mikhalkov. Meanwhile, Larisa’s relationship with Shakurov quickly deteriorated. Sergei did not grieve for long - he married another actress, Tatiana Kochemasova.


Larisa also quickly got married. On the set of the film “Rivals,” she fell in love with an assistant cameraman named Ilya.

She always liked bad Boys, - the members of the film group told us. “She rejected the advances of artists, administrators and the director of the film and fell for a former prisoner.

Ilya’s criminal past - he served two terms for theft - did not bother the rising star at all. On the contrary, she wanted adventure. And she drank them in full, becoming the wife, as it soon turned out, of a drug addict. Believing that she would be able to overcome her husband’s illness, Larisa began to arrange for him to go to clinics. But in vain. Seven years later, she left Ilya, having met at another film new love. And the drug addict was found dead in the park - he died of an overdose.


With a philologist Kahoy Tolordava Larisa became close in Tbilisi. Director Mikhail Kalotozishvili invited Guzeeva to his film “The Chosen One” for the role of a female commissioner.

Kakha, a friend of the director, played a priest in the film. Tolordava captivated a 32-year-old peer with his intelligence and charm. He spoke several languages ​​and knew how to look after the ladies beautifully. For the love of the stately Georgian, Larisa was ready to do anything. And soon after filming, she seduced Kahu so much that he decided to get married. The wedding took place according to the customs of the mountains.

Then the young people drove off to Leningrad, where their son Georgy was born, who was named after his grandfather from Tbilisi.

Kakha was jealous of his wife’s work, she often left him with the baby in his arms and went off to the next filming. Soon the proud husband could not stand it, filed for divorce and returned home.

Two Igors

Larisa met her current husband by chance. Girlfriend Vera Glagoleva invited her to the presentation of the restaurant. The owner of the establishment turned out to be an old acquaintance of Guzeeva Igor Bukharov. She communicated with him during her affair with Kuryokhin.

Bukharov began to shower the actress with flowers, making it clear that he was in love with her.

Lara herself was in no hurry to reciprocate; she never experienced a shortage of men.

Once, when another rich lover sent Larisa and her son to vacation in Turkey, a flight attendant spilled boiling water on the child on the plane. And the first person the worried mother decided to call upon arrival in a foreign country was Bukharov. The restaurateur quickly helped organize medical care on the spot and ordered to return to Moscow, where good doctors were already waiting.

As a result, the friendship between the businessman and the actress grew into a wonderful marriage that continues to this day. Larisa gave birth to a daughter, Olga, from Igor.

In the acting community they said that Guzeeva’s relationship with her girl’s father was on the brink several times. And for this, they say, another Igor is to blame - the film director Apasyan, for whom the actress starred in several films. Passion flared up unexpectedly, and Larisa plunged headlong into a whirlwind romance. And then she confessed to her husband that she had cheated on her. He forgave.

Igor Apasyan is no longer alive. He died in the late summer of 2008 from kidney disease.

Nowadays, the popular artist and TV presenter does not like to remember her ex-lovers. She is in a hurry to live, adores her husband, who has become hope and support, and raises her children.

19-year-old son Georgiy studies at High school economics, daughter Olya is a schoolgirl.

Our present life is like family idyll, - Larisa Andreevna is sure. “It probably took a long and thorny journey to finally achieve this.”

Dmitry Nagiyev, Sergey Kuryokhin and other men of Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva turned 58 on May 23. The actress and one of the most provocative TV presenters helps find the other half of the heroes of the popular show “Let's Get Married!” Guzeeva herself, who has been married to restaurateur Igor Bukharov for 18 years, does not hide the fact that her personal life was stormy, and the men were bright and unusual.

Sergey Kuryokhin

Larisa Guzeeva came from the village of Nezhinka after graduating from school to conquer Moscow, where she met Sergei Kuryokhin. Avant-garde musician, screenwriter, composer, actor, future leader of the famous group “Pop Mechanics” - in general, a creative and interesting guy. Kuryokhin took Guzeeva to Leningrad, persuaded her to enter the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, and introduced her to extraordinary and talented friends, including musicians Viktor Tsoi and Boris Grebenshchikov. The romance lasted four years and ended, according to rumors, due to Kuryokhin’s desire to remake Guzeeva, whom he considered too provincial, which caused her a storm of indignation.

Sergei Shakurov

An important man in the life of Larisa Guzeeva turned out to be Sergei Shakurov. It was he who suggested that director Eldar Ryazanov give main role in the film “Cruel Romance” to the aspiring actress Larisa Guzeeva, whom he was dating at that time. Shakurov himself was invited to play the role of Paratov, but turned it down for the long-awaited role in the theater. Paratov was eventually played by Nikita Mikhalkov, and Guzeeva, after the release of the film, became a star on an all-Russian scale.

First husband Ilya

Larisa Guzeeva’s first husband was an assistant cameraman, whom she met on the set of the film “Rivals” in 1985. Little is known about him: his name was Ilya, he managed to conquer the wayward Guzeeva and suffered from drug addiction. The actress tried for seven years to help her husband cope with his addiction, but to no avail.

The actress’s romance with TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev was short-lived, but stormy. They spoke publicly about their close relationship only last year. “I knew Dima when he called Nagiyev Jr. not his son at all. I was so forward-thinking that I had an affair with him before it became mainstream. I still have “The Juicer” as a memory of that connection. Thanks to his light hand, I carried this nickname for a very long time,” Guzeeva opened up on the air of a humorous show.

Kakha Tolordava

On the set of the film “The Chosen One” in Tbilisi, Larisa Guzeeva met her second husband. The Georgian intellectual, who speaks several European languages, worked as an editor at the Georgia Film studio and played a small role in the film. At 32, the actress gave birth to her first child, son George, a few days before whose birth Guzeeva and Tolordava got married. The marriage did not last long (it did not meet her requirements for a male breadwinner, and the actress herself could not become a submissive housewife), but warm relations they still support it. The actress recently published in Instagram photo- in the kitchen of her home, her ex-husband and current husband Igor Bukharov feel great in each other’s company. “The fathers of my children: Kakha and Igor. Lelka is filming,” she captioned the family photo.

Igor Bukharov

The actress married her longtime friend, President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia Igor Bukharov, in 1990. They met in the company of mutual friends when she was 18 years old and he was 17. Guzeeva then captivated and surprised Bukharov with her audacity, but she herself did not pay much attention to the modest guy. After more than 20 years, they met and began to spend a lot of time together. Igor Olegovich charmed Larisa’s mother, became friends with her son Georgy and helped her divorce her second husband, with whom he also managed to improve relations. In general, he became a close and irreplaceable person for Guzeeva and was able to conquer the wayward actress. Now the couple are raising their 17-year-old daughter Lelya and host a culinary TV show together.

Photo: East News, Global Look Press, Instagram