How to learn to think positively to change your life for the better. How to live easily? Learning to be simpler

Life is often not a gift. Who would argue! Crises, family difficulties, bad bosses. It’s tempting to cry into a warm vest - at least someone will regret it. Sound familiar? In this article we will discuss how you can learn to think and live positively?

Let's imagine a situation: friends met in a cafe to talk about life. One has naughty children, the other has a very jealous husband. And the third sits silently, doesn’t know what to say: the job is good, the salary is big, everything is great in the family. If you brag, they’ll look at you like you’re an alien: everything in life can’t suit us!

This is how it is accepted in our society: we complain about bad things, please, but you can’t boast about joy - they will envy you and “jinx it”! So we live in the midst of negativity. And somewhere in another dimension, although very close, live “positive people” - people who enjoy life, are bursting with energy, and earn good money. They're probably lucky in life. I just want to say: why am I worse? This is already a blunt question.

Differences between “positive people” and all others

Are “positive people” really people from another planet? How are they different from the rest? Maybe they just don't have problems? No, . Perhaps their reaction to life's difficulties is completely different from ours.

Positive thinking is their main difference from ordinary person. Let's see how they can react to different life situations.

  1. Alarm ringing:

Ordinary person (OP): “Back to work. I don't want to! When will it be a day off? – starts the morning with negativity, in addition – dreams about the future and does not want to live for today.

“Positive person” (P): “New day, new things - it’s interesting!” – lives now and is positive about today.

  1. Traffic jam:

OC: “These traffic jams every day! How can? They make me late all the time!” – expresses negativity, blames circumstances for his failures.

P: “It looks like the plug won’t go away soon. Well, I’ll turn on the audiobook for now,” he’s trying to make the best of everything that’s happening.
  1. Heavy precipitation in the form of snow:

OC: He grumbles: “It’s snowing again, it’s impossible to walk, and the roads aren’t cleared yet” - even little things irritate him (if the weather can be called that).

P: “It’s so fabulous outside!” - knows how to see miracles in the everyday and enjoy the little things.

  1. Conflict at work:

OC: “Disgusting guy! He doesn't respect me. But I’ll show him again!” – sees the world around him as hostile, so he is ready to defend himself. Unable to hear another point of view.

P: “He has the right to a different opinion. I’m also tired, that’s probably why I couldn’t restrain myself” - I’m ready to accept another person with his weaknesses. Sympathizes with people.

Which of these two do you think is happier? What is the secret of such positivity?

What is the secret of positive thinking?

Surely, you will agree with me that the lives of these people are determined by their thinking. A positive attitude towards others makes people happier, doesn't it?

Many, however, may object: my thoughts are an assessment of reality; when everything is good, I think positively, and if my life is not too rosy, should I really start lying to myself, thinking that everything is great? Where then is objective perception?

It is worth saying, no matter how hard we try, we cannot remove our own subjectivity from our judgments. It’s not for nothing that they say that everyone has their own truth, but who really knows what is there in reality! Therefore it is important.

In your own perception of the world, it is important to approach an objective assessment of what is happening. The reality that surrounds us is often just a projection of our thoughts. And that means it can, to some extent, be changed!

Discussing the topic of the surrounding reality and attitude towards it, Max De Pree once said: “If you cannot change the direction of the wind, change the position of the sails.” That is, think differently! Everything is simple and complex at the same time. How can you learn to think and live positively?

Learning Positive Thinking

When our life is a continuous holiday, positive thoughts they rush into our heads. What to do when everything is different? Control and manage your thoughts! You ask: How is this possible when hundreds of them flash through our heads every second?

Agree, you can probably track it general direction movements of thoughts in your head. Often we think automatically in the direction in which we are accustomed to thinking. This is similar to the skills we have mastered to the point of automatism: walking, writing, playing the piano, etc.

However, we can control our thoughts, including situational awareness and willpower. True, we will have to control ourselves until a new skill takes the place of the old one, otherwise, as soon as our consciousness turns off, everything will return to normal.

  • Find yourself thinking – what are you thinking about? This will allow you to understand in which direction your usual stream of thoughts is moving. The technique of mindfulness can be very helpful here, which consists of striving to be aware of oneself at every moment of time, to feel “here” and “now.”
  • Analyze your thoughts, the surrounding reality. Try to find the most objective assessment of the situation, despite the fact that it is impossible to do this completely.
  • Set yourself up for a positive wave - replace your thoughts with positive ones. If you expressed a negative attitude towards reality, take your words back. In any situation there is always another, good side. Try to find her!
  • Make the most of everything that happens - there is a great expression about this: if life gives you a lemon, make lemonade out of it!
  • How to accept the world as it is - including life circumstances, other people and even yourself. Do not create vain illusions, because everything in life is imperfect. However, don’t “vilify” the surrounding reality. It is very possible that she will become like that for you. And who needs it?
  • Learn to enjoy the little things - then you will understand how to enjoy your whole life, since it consists of those very little things. As children, we automatically succeeded in this. As an adult, there is a natural reaction to life's difficulties, so you will have to learn this skill again! Fortunately for us, enjoying the little things is not so difficult - since they are still around us. For example, a traffic jam gives us the opportunity to admire the snowfall, listen to our favorite song and tune in to the right mood.
  • Thank you! Scientists have proven that gratitude improves not only your mood, but also physical state body! Just think - the more grateful you are to your friend, boss, mother, fate, the happier you are! Don't forget about this.
  • Smile! Even when you don't want to! With this trick you can trick yourself into lifting your mood and learn to think positively. Try to experiment: when you are in a bad mood, force yourself to smile and keep the smile for a couple of minutes. Your condition will improve significantly because the facial muscles will send a signal to the brain: everything is fine, we are smiling!

When things are difficult, consult a psychologist. The specialist knows what to do to improve the situation. He will definitely tell you how to manage your thoughts!

The main thing to remember is to learn to think positively and live within your power, and that’s it! Take action!

And don’t forget to say the magic spell in the morning: “Get rid of bad life, get attached, good one!” Oddly enough, it helps - tested by experts.

All of you, of course, have heard many times: “Do you want to be happy? Be it!” It's easy to say. But how to do that? How to live easily and joyfully, no matter what?

Here are 7 simple and accessible methods that will help you, in case of any adversity in life, not to become limp, not to hang your nose and not to be overwhelmed, but to preserve positive attitude and a joyful mood! Psychologist's advice:

  • Be grateful for what you have!

Often many of us are captured by painful experiences and depressive states of depression. One common reason for this is focusing on what we DON'T have, instead of thinking gratefully about what we DO have as often as possible. We see that, for example, we don’t have a car, but our neighbor does, and we feel sad about this. And with each such memory, our car drives further and further away from us!

Therefore, we need to remember that we have, for example, a bicycle. Class! Many people don’t even have it... Make yourself a list of what you ALREADY HAVE. This could be your health, work, apartment, relationships, healthy children, living parents, recent purchases, a cat and a dog finally... Everything you have today. And thank the Universe for this! What do they say? “What we have, we don’t keep; if we lose, we cry.” Let's just be grateful that everything in our lives IS as it IS!

  • Praise yourself!

Remember all your positive qualities. Write them down. List below all your abilities, talents and skills. Remember what you have learned and gained in your life. In short, praise yourself! Right now, take it and pat yourself on the head. Don't be afraid, do it right now! Stroke, stroke yourself and say: “ good girl…" or " good boy...”, “Well done...” “I have achieved a lot, done a lot of things...” Be proud of yourself! This is how you raise your self-esteem! To find happiness and bring back joy to life, you first need to learn to BE SATISFIED WITH YOURSELF!

  • Reprogram your mind!

We are used to blaming someone or something for all our misfortunes in life. And we don’t suspect that it’s the fault bad mood and emotional decline is ourselves, or rather, our negative reaction to this event. Our brain is designed like a computer and we ourselves give commands to it how to feel. So let's train our minds to respond positively to negativity and live joyfully. How? It's very simple - you just need to train him change attitude to trouble that depresses you. Change your thinking using the "" method - How to become a different person in just 21 days?

If you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it.

Dale Carnegie

Here are a couple of effective techniques.

Focus number one

Imagine wearing black glasses all the time. And the whole world seems gloomy and gray to you. Introduced? Now take them off and put on glasses with beautiful rainbow lenses. How has everything changed around you? It's more fun, don't you agree? The world is the same, the problem is the same, but for some reason my soul became joyful and my mood improved!

Focus number two

Look at your situation from above. Imagine that you climbed the tallest skyscraper in the world and look at your trouble from there. How do you see her now? She has clearly shrunk in size. Now this is no longer a PROBLEM, but a problem. A trifle. Was it worth worrying about? Of course not! Nonsense! As they say, this too shall pass!

Whenever something bad happens to you that unsettles you and makes you unhappy, ask yourself: “What could be worse than this?” and imagine this picture. I assure you, this alone comparison will make you instantly see everything meaninglessness your worries and fears and bring joy back to life.

  • Back to the past!

Remember a joyful moment in your life. Mentally return to it and relive it. Be filled with the energy of joy and happiness that filled you then! A powerful charge of fun and positivity will displace gloomy thoughts from your mind! You will feel better immediately! Tune your inner receiver to positive and joyful frequencies!

  • Forward to the future!

Get into a time machine and travel 5 years ahead! Imagine that some of your dreams have come true there. Live a few minutes new life. Feel the joyful emotions and be filled with positive energy! After all, you have achieved your goal! Connecting an energy source from the future kills two birds with one stone - it evens out your present emotional condition and at the same time, according to the Law of Attraction, it shapes your likely happy tomorrow.

  • Activate your “inner drug”!

Switch to your favorite activity. Drop everything and do something that brings you joy in life and gives you a charge of vigor and Have a good mood. You know better than me what it is. Reading interesting book, communicating with a pet, playing sports, playing with your child, going out into nature - do what brings you the most positive emotions. In other words, activate your “inner drug”, connect to your personal source of pleasure!

  • Laugh at yourself!

Think for a few minutes about your problem and about your life in general. And then laugh loudly and heartily! Laugh sincerely and with all your heart! Laugh at yourself, laugh at your problem!

Look at things more simply. Don't take yourself or people too seriously. Laugh heartily from time to time!

J. Teutsch

As studies have shown, when laughing, the level of stress hormones in a person’s blood sharply decreases, and the brain produces serotonin – “hormone of happiness”, uplifting and euphoric. So laugh at yourself more often!

In any unpleasant situation, instead of “what’s wrong with it?” look for “what’s funny about it?” This will make you take adversity LESS SERIOUSLY, which means reducing its significance and impact on the quality of your life!

Friends, try to put into practice at least one of these methods - how to live easily and joyfully - and you will see that your life has become much more fun!!!

On a light joyful wave,

Arthur Golovin


Sometimes you get up in the morning, but you have no strength, you don’t want to do anything. Apathy, the mood has disappeared, and all sorts of bad thoughts creep into your head. You are trying to look into the future and see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is not visible. Look out the window, and the sun is not happy. What to do? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

Let's find the root of the problem

Why do people get depressed? Many will easily answer the question, citing a lack of money, a quarrel with their other half, failures at work, or simply internal anxiety. But if you look at it all from above, these reasons are just a consequence of one big problem.

People lose meaning in life. In a race against time, we want to get ahead of him and accomplish a lot. But everything goes wrong. Because everyday life and the current pace of life, the desire for material enrichment pushes spirituality into the background. We forget why, what we live for, what we want. Indifference appears, which drives you into a depressive state. And only we ourselves are able to get out of it, we just need to be able to tune in to the positive.

Let's tell ourselves "stop"!

Bad thoughts and anxiety are all in our heads. You need to understand that feeling sorry for yourself and crying makes no sense, nothing will change: wages will not rise, the quarrel will not resolve itself, depression will not go away. First you need to put your thoughts in order. How to get rid of all the bad things from your head:

  1. Figure out what's bothering you. Describe on paper your fears, the reasons and the solution to how to get rid of them.
  2. Don't hide them deep in your mind. Even if you are positive, they will still break out.
  3. Nip bad thoughts in the bud, switching to good moments, think about children, about a wonderful event in life.
  4. Don’t create horror; there’s no need to make mountains out of molehills.
  5. Find the positive in everything.

And remember that there is a way out of any situation. Positive thinking will relieve you of depression, and only then can you work on raising your mood.

How to cheer yourself up?

The first step was positive thinking. It is important to always think about the good, remember only the bright, good moments in life. Write them down in a diary, re-read them, it improves your emotional state. So how do you stay positive? Adviсe:

  1. You need to appreciate what you are rich with. Look around, maybe everything is not so bad. Living in peace, having a job, healthy family and friends is already great happiness.
  2. Believe in yourself and your strength. You need to set a goal, break it down into small tasks, solve one after another, get closer to your dream, but never doubt.
  3. Use affirmation exercises. These are short installation phrases. We write thoughts expressed in a positive way, in a maximum of two sentences, in simple and understandable words. Only in first person. We say it all the time. For example, “I am always happy!” Negative particles are not recommended for use. With positive attitudes we program ourselves for success.
  4. Let's forget about the past. You cannot live with the failures that have occurred; they and envy must be left behind. We've learned our lesson and moved on.
  5. Visualize. Another effective exercise. Draw your dream. You can make a wish map using pictures or create a personal horoscope. Schedule your life for a certain period, what you want to achieve. Thoughts are material, dreams come true.
  6. Music will help you get into a positive mood. If bad thoughts creep into your head, turn on a rhythmic, cheerful song, and they will immediately disappear.
  7. Surround yourself positive people. Don't communicate with pessimists. Take criticism appropriately.
  8. Always praise yourself for your successes. Celebrate every small victory with a gift.

These tips will help you stay positive. This general tips, let us now consider the question in more detail. Agree, everyone knows an evil morning when everything irritates you. I just want to scream. Let's talk about how to create a positive morning mood.

What is it - good morning?

To have a successful day, you need to be positive in the morning. How to do it? So, tips:

  1. First you need to get a good night's sleep (7-8 hours), healthy sleep is the key to success.
  2. There is no need to suddenly jump out of bed. Lie in bed for five minutes, stretch, sing your favorite song and get up on your right foot.
  3. Don't stuff cones in the dark. Open the curtains, open the window, breathe in a breath of fresh energy.
  4. Play your favorite music.
  5. Find a reason to be happy. These could be plans for the weekend, for example.
  6. Do morning exercises. It will give you vigor and lift your spirits.
  7. Drink a glass of water. Then take a shower.

After all this, go to the mirror and say affirmative phrases that will set you up for positivity.

Morning affirmations

How to set yourself up for positivity and good luck for the whole day? Very simple. Having thrown off the shackles of sleep, you can begin to practical exercises. It may seem stupid at first and you may not notice a change right away. But it works. And the more you put positivity, positive emotions and energy into your spoken words, the better results they will give.

You can make several affirmations, but repeat them every day, and you will notice how your life will improve.

Example phrases

The main thing is that they come from the heart, so that you want to say them. Think about them in advance and write them down on a piece of paper. So, you can say these words:

  • I am the most beautiful and happiest in the world!
  • I am a positive, lucky person!
  • I achieve all my goals!
  • I am healthy)!
  • I am the best specialist at work!
  • Everything works out for me!

Choose the phrases that are right for you, say them, even shout them, and secure them with a radiant smile. And watch how wings grow behind your back, you will want to fly and create.

Let's tear off the masks

What is said about a positive attitude in psychology? If you artificially put on a smile, abstract yourself from problems without solving them, nothing will change. Our thinking is determined by a number of psychological program settings that create a positive attitude.

Therefore, everyday positive psychological attitudes create positive thinking, which will attract health, luck, success, while negative programs repel them. Everything that surrounds us is the result of our perception, attitude to life, so first we need to start changing ourselves, our thinking, working with the subconscious, because that is where our thoughts are formed. Let's look at this using an example of one technique.

"Change your life in 21 days"

Its author is clergyman Will Bowen. Studying the psychology of people, he came to the conclusion that our thought process depends on what we say, how, and then affects our emotional state and actions.

This amazing method is incredibly effective. Those who wished had to put a simple bracelet on their hand purple and wear it for 21 days on one hand. But one condition had to be fulfilled: not to discuss anyone, not to get angry, not to gossip and not to complain about fate. If the rule was violated, the jewelry was put on the other wrist, and the countdown began again.

The lucky ones who reached the end of the experiment changed beyond recognition. The point is that by putting on a bracelet, you deliberately program yourself to be positive and begin to think well about people. Self-control, control over thoughts and speech are activated. Self-improvement occurs, new hidden facets of thinking and possibilities open up. We need to learn to live positively.

Now let’s share some little feminine tricks

A happy person glows from within, he succeeds in everything. What can I advise women to have a positive attitude? There are several practical recommendations. So:

  1. Smile. The morning should begin with it. Smile at your children and husband. And your mood will immediately lift.
  2. Make the most of everything. No matter how the situation turns out, look at it from the other side.
  3. Pamper yourself. Visit beauty salons, buy yourself gifts.
  4. Movement is life. Do what you love, go to the pool, go to the gym, for example. It distracts from problems and lifts your spirits.
  5. Don't put things off. Your needs and desires must be satisfied immediately.

Following these simple tips, you can be positive. The main thing is to drive bad thoughts away from yourself. And, of course, use the affirmation method and apply autogenic training (positive attitudes) in the morning and before bed.

There is so much negativity in the world, you need to try to protect yourself from it as much as possible:

  1. Avoid watching negative television programs and horror films. All bad information settles in the subconscious, which can significantly affect our lives.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations. They have a detrimental effect on our psyche and perception of life.
  3. Train your brain. Improve yourself, develop your memory. Firstly, it will help in making any decision, and secondly, when the head is busy with the thought process, there is no time left for negative thoughts.
  4. Plan. Set goals for yourself and achieve them. This way you will look for ways and incentives to achieve them and at the same time get rid of fears and uncertainty. When a person clearly knows what he wants, life is immediately filled with meaning, changes for the better, and sometimes completely, beyond recognition.

These recommendations seem complicated only at first glance. You just need to work hard, because if you sit back, grace will not fall from the sky. Only by working on yourself can you achieve success. We managed to get positive, but what to do next?

Take action!

A positive mood will help you change your life and find new ways to solve problems. The main thing is to do everything with pleasure, with desire. Enjoy life, help others, experience this positive emotions. Smile, show concern for your family and friends, don’t expect gratitude. Do it selflessly.

Once you have managed to tune in to the positive, learn to stay in this state always, and believe me, your life will change for the better.

Remember the pendulum in physics lessons? Oscillatory motion, waves. Doesn't it remind you of your current life? At first everything is great, but a day later it’s a decline. Over and over again, day after day. I finally want to stay in positive mood. How to do this? Total1 tipwill help you with this. Everything is in this article. Forward!

How to live positively

On the Internet you can find the following advice:

  • Don't watch TV.
  • Give thanks to the world.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Hang out with positive people.
  • Play sports.

Of course this is good advice, but there is a more effective one.

Anthony Robbins -American writer, entrepreneur, dedicated to the topic of self-development.

What if I told you there are no problems? This will be absolutely true. In fact, there are only situations in the world that you encounter every day. There is a kind of program installed in your head that determines the impact of these situations on your future and draws conclusions accordingly - to be happy or upset. The coolest thing is that programs can be controlled. You yourself determine how to treat what happened: as an obstacle or as an adventure.

Hence the conclusion - we can live a positive life if we look at life in a positive way.

It's easy to say, but not easy to do. After all, when a truly interesting “adventure” comes, there is no time for jokes. The main thing here is to control yourself. Straighten up, straighten your shoulders, speak in a confident voice, and your body will respond to your actions with confidence.

Want another problem? Bend over, relax painfully - and now you are in a deplorable state.

It is worth understanding that everything passes through the prism of consciousness and automatically forms the state of the body. Take off the autopilot and set yourself up for adventure, not problems!

Positivity in a person's life is a daily duty

This small addition may open your eyes to the stark truth. This truth will allow you to spend your time more productively and put meaning into every minute. What is it?

The fact is that How you live your day is how you live your life. It will never be better in the future. Everything is determined at this very second. If now you are doing empty and unnecessary things, in a year you will find a donut hole, not beautiful dreams that are floating around in your head.