Chicken broth for the sick, recipe step by step. Chicken broth for a patient, how to properly prepare a delicious medicine

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

After surgery or after another illness, doctors always prescribe a special, low-calorie, gentle diet. It always includes low-fat chicken broth. Today I will tell you how to prepare not only healthy, post-operative, but also delicious chicken broth that can cheer up anyone who is sick. Well, watch how chicken broth is prepared after surgery, see the recipe below. I would like to draw your attention to this one too.

Required Products:

- 1.5-2 liters of water;
- 300 grams of chicken fillet;
- 1 small carrot;
- 1 small onion;
- A couple of sprigs of fresh herbs, for example, dill;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 4-5 black peppercorns.

Recipe with photos step by step:

For the broth I will use lean meat without skin. Chicken fillet, namely breast, is perfect for this. If your breast is on the bone, it’s okay, just remove the skin. I wash the fillet and cut off if there are small areas of fat. There are not many of them, but I even cut them off so that the broth is as clear as possible.

Place the fillet in a pan of cold water. When the water warms up, I add salt, but there should be a little salt, after all, the broth needs to be prepared in a dietary and correct manner.

To make the broth have a pleasant taste, I add some natural spices: a laurel leaf and a pea of ​​allspice.

I peel the carrots, rinse them and add them to the broth so that the color of the broth is not too pale. Carrots will also give the dish a pleasant sweetish taste. I peel the onion and put it in its entirety in the broth so that the taste becomes brighter and richer. After preparing the broth, I simply remove the onion. The chicken breast itself does not add much of a distinct flavor to the broth, but root vegetables will make it a pleasant treat after a procedure such as surgery.

After the broth boils, foam will appear on its surface, which I immediately remove with a slotted spoon. The foam needs to be removed so that the broth is then clear as glass.

I will cook the broth for 30-40 minutes, take out the finished chicken fillet to make it easier to cut it into pieces.

I put chopped chicken and a few pieces of boiled carrots in a plate.

I pour hot broth on top.

I sprinkle with freshly chopped dill to make the broth even tastier.
A wonderful tonic and strengthening dish is ready!
This broth perfectly restores strength both after surgery and after a prolonged cold.

If one of your relatives feels unwell or has a slight cold, then a plate of such miraculous broth will get anyone back on their feet.
Bon Appetite!

It is one of the keys to maintaining the beauty, health and youth of our body. A balanced meal allows you to obtain a certain complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

One of the healthiest products Dietary chicken broth has a beneficial effect on human health. It is no coincidence that doctors advise patients to use it in case of severe colds or postoperative period.

In this article we will talk about the beneficial properties of light chicken broth, and also share recipes for its preparation.

What are the benefits of chicken broth for our body?

Properly prepared chicken broth is the most valuable source of:

  • squirrel;
  • proteins and peptides;
  • polyunsaturated acids;
  • minerals: iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, etc.;
  • cysteine.

It contains a large number of protein, which maintains the normal functioning of all systems of our body. At the same time, this dish does not create additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract, so its digestion does not require large energy consumption.

The increased protein content in the broth helps the body gain strength to fight infections and viruses, and therefore recover faster. Due to the high content of proteins, peptides and polyunsaturated acids, light, unsalted chicken broth is indicated for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

It helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, restores heart muscle tissue, and normalizes heartbeat. And then surgical operations- helps improve blood circulation in damaged areas.

Dietary chicken is indicated for various diseases of the digestive system, as it affects the secretion of digestive juice.

Broth made from chicken contains B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes in our body. Regular use this healthy dish helps improve immunity and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.

A sufficiently large amount of easily digestible iron helps to increase hemoglobin, enrich the body with oxygen, and also has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes.

Is all chicken broth considered equally healthy?

Homemade chicken broth is especially beneficial

Any chicken broth contains a certain set of vitamins and minerals. But their number and, therefore, beneficial features dishes largely depend on what part of the bird it was cooked from.

The broth made from a soup set has the greatest benefits for the body, since the bones and cartilage contain more elements necessary for health than the pulp.

Broth made from breast meat is considered the most dietary, although it is very inferior in content useful substances soup on the bone. But for many diseases this option is the most preferable.

For a tasty and healthy broth, you need to choose lean chicken carcasses. It is better to choose poultry meat rather than broiler chickens. It is recommended to drain the first water when preparing a dish, as substances harmful to the body are released into it.

You can improve the taste and beneficial characteristics of the broth by adding various vegetables, herbs and a little salt.

Energy value of chicken broth

The calorie content of the broth is largely determined by what part of the chicken it was prepared from. The nutritional value of the dish is also affected by the fat content of the carcass taken, the duration of cooking, and the use of additional ingredients.

The average calorie content of 100 g of chicken broth ranges from 50 to 250 kcal. The lightest and diet broth Chik is made from skinless chicken breast meat. His energy value is only 15-20 kcal per 100 g of product.

Popular recipes for preparing dietary chicken broth

Making broth is not at all difficult

It is better to prepare dietary broth from fresh chicken breasts, necks or backs. The skin must be removed from the meat.
You can find it on the Internet various options preparing chicken broth. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Classic version

To prepare the broth you will need:

  • bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • parsley root;
  • seasonings to taste (bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns).

We wash and peel the vegetables. Fill the washed skinless meat with the required amount cold water and let it cook. After boiling, continue to cook the meat for 5 minutes over medium heat, then drain the first water and rinse the chicken with warm boiled water.

After this, pour clean cold water into the pan, add meat, prepared vegetables and spices and cook the broth over low heat for 40-50 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam.

The finished broth must be strained. You can serve it with fresh herbs, a boiled egg, vegetables, and chicken in which the broth was cooked.

Diet broth with rice and egg

To prepare the broth you will need:

  • chicken meat (breast, neck or back) – 0.5 kg;
  • rice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb;
  • medium carrot;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley root;
  • salt and seasonings to taste (bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns).

The first steps of preparing the broth will be the same as in the previous recipe. After the carrots are ready, you need to remove the meat and vegetables from the broth. Chicken and carrots are cut into small pieces, the onion is thrown away.

Chopped meat, carrots, washed rice and spices go into the pan. At the same time, boil eggs in another pan. The broth is cooked until the rice is ready. The finished dish is served to the table along with half an egg.

Broth with herbs and egg

Based on the functional characteristics of various systems and organs, as well as taking into account the specific physiological consequences of their surgical treatment, an appropriate surgical diet after abdominal surgery has been developed. Its goal is to reduce the load on the entire body and on the operated organ, but at the same time provide the body with energy.

What diet after surgery is prescribed immediately after surgery? Regarding the acceptable range of foods and methods of their culinary processing, the most strict is the zero diet after surgery. In clinical practice, this diet is followed for the first three days after surgical intervention. This diet consists of sweetened tea (with or without lemon), rose hip infusion, various jellies and diluted fresh juices, fruit and berry jelly, low-fat meat broth and slimy rice water. Portions are small, but meals are served up to seven times a day.

Such nutrition helps to avoid unwanted stress on the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system of the operated patient. Moreover, a diet after surgery on the esophagus, a diet after surgery for stomach cancer, a diet after surgery for peritonitis, as well as a diet after heart surgery can be prescribed by doctors only after a few days, since such patients in the intensive care unit can first be given nutrition through a tube or by parenteral introduction of special drugs.

The zero diet after surgery has three options - A, B and C. The zero (surgical) diet 0A is described above, its daily calorie content is minimal - no more than 780 kcal. The difference from diet 0B is the addition of rice, buckwheat and oatmeal(liquid and pureed), slimy cereal soups, decoction of vegetables seasoned with semolina or low-fat chicken broth. In addition, depending on the patient’s condition, steamed omelet (only from egg whites) and steamed meat soufflé are allowed. This diet also includes low-fat cream, berry mousses and jellies (non-acidic). The single volume of food is limited to 360-380 g, the number of meals is 6 times a day, and the daily calorie content should not exceed 1600 kcal.

Diet after abdominal surgery 0B (2200 kcal), in addition to pureed soups, includes dishes from pureed boiled meat, chicken and lean fish; vegetable puree; liquid milk porridge, pureed cottage cheese with cream, kefir; baked apples and white crackers (no more than 90-100 g per day). In general, such a postoperative diet - as the patients' condition improves - is like a transition to a more complete diet, which in most cases is also limited by the indications of various therapeutic diets.

Diet 1 after surgery

It must be borne in mind that diet 1 after surgery (No. 1A surgical and No. 2 surgical) largely repeats the prescriptions of diet 0B, but with a higher daily calorie content (2800-3000 kcal). Diet: 5-6 times a day. There are two options here - mashed and not mashed.

What should you not eat after surgery if you are prescribed this diet? You should not consume meat and fish broths, fatty meats, poultry and fish, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, any fresh bread and pastries and, of course, all pickles, smoked meats, canned food, hot sauces and seasonings. You also need to exclude millet, barley, pearl barley and corn porridge, legume dishes, sour dairy products, spicy cheese and eggs - fried and hard-boiled. Excluded from vegetables White cabbage, radishes and radishes, cucumbers and onions, as well as spinach and sorrel. Diet 1 after surgery also excludes fiber-rich and sour fruits. And also chocolate, ice cream, black coffee and carbonated drinks.

What can you eat after surgery on this diet? Warm boiled (or steamed) food - in highly chopped form. You can prepare soups from pureed vegetables and boiled cereals and pureed soups from pre-cooked meat.

Compliance with diet 1 after surgery allows the consumption of sweet fruits and berries in the form of puree, mousse and jelly, and drinks - tea, jelly and compote.

This is the diet after lung surgery, the diet after stomach ulcer surgery, and the diet after stomach cancer surgery. Moreover, in the latter case, three weeks after the operation, doctors recommend that patients include meat and fish broth in their diet - so that digestive system started working more actively.

Diet after gallbladder surgery

Diet after gallbladder surgery (its partial or complete resection) - after canceling diet 1 - imposes a complete ban on fatty and fried foods; for smoked meats, pickles and marinades; excludes the consumption of canned food, mushrooms, onions and garlic, as well as confectionery products with cream, ice cream and carbonated drinks. Sweets are strictly limited, primarily chocolate.

What can you eat after gall bladder surgery? Gastroenterologists recommend consuming only lean meats and fish, first courses based on weak meat and vegetable broths, dried bread, and various low-fat fermented milk products. Between butter and vegetable oil, you should choose the latter.

It is harmful to eat very hot or cold: optimal temperature food corresponds normal temperature bodies. Portions should be small, and there should be at least five meals throughout the day.

Diet 5 after surgery

Diet 5 after surgery is the main therapeutic diet after liver surgery, after gallbladder surgery (including its removal), and also the most commonly prescribed diet after pancreatic surgery.

As expected, meals should be fractional, that is, five or six times a day. The patient needs approximately 80 g of proteins and fats per day, and carbohydrates - in the range of 350-400 g. The daily calorie content does not exceed 2500 kcal. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water. This gentle diet after surgery allows you to consume 45 g of cream and 65 g of vegetable oil per day, no more than 35 g of sugar and up to 180-200 g of dried bread.

Diet 5 after surgery does not allow in the diet such foods as fatty meats and fish, lard, and offal; any broths; sausage and canned food; fatty dairy products; fried and hard-boiled eggs. It is also unacceptable to consume garlic, green onions, radishes, spinach and sorrel, mushrooms and legumes, fresh bread and baked goods, confectionery, ice cream, chocolate, black coffee and cocoa. Cooking methods include boiling and steaming, although baking and stewing are also allowed.

Diet after intestinal surgery

Considering the location of the surgical intervention, the diet after intestinal surgery completely excludes the consumption of coarse plant fiber, as well as any food products that are difficult to digest, cause increased contractions of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, that is, intestinal peristalsis, and also provoke flatulence.

Easily digestible liquid homogenized food in small quantities 5-6 times a day are the main rules on which the diet after intestinal adhesions surgery, the diet after sigmoid colon surgery, as well as the diet after intestinal obstruction surgery and the diet after rectal surgery are based. As the condition of these pathologies improves, the doctor gives permission to include lean meat, poultry, sea fish, eggs and low-fat fermented milk products in the menu.

Since a gentle diet after surgery is most suitable for the intestines, the food must be thoroughly crushed. Over time, diet 4 is prescribed, in which vegetables and fruits (in any form) are completely absent from the menu; milk soups and dairy products (except cottage cheese); bread and flour products (except for crackers made from wheat bread); meat soups (with any dressing, except steamed meatballs or boiled minced meat); fatty meat, sausage and frankfurters; fat or salty fish; fats (you can put only a little in prepared dishes butter).

The diet after intestinal surgery does not allow the consumption of legumes and any pasta, all sweets (including honey), as well as cocoa, coffee and carbonated drinks.

What can you eat after intestinal surgery? Puree porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal); vegetable decoctions (without the vegetables themselves); soft-boiled eggs and in the form of a steam omelet; jelly and jelly (from apples, pears, quince); black and green tea, cocoa, weak black coffee. It is recommended to drink diluted fresh fruit and berry juices (except grape, plum and apricot).

Diet after appendicitis surgery

The diet after appendicitis surgery aims to ensure the fastest possible absorption of food and consists of eating exclusively liquid food in the first days after surgery. What should you not eat after surgery to remove an inflamed appendix? The consumption of any raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk, fatty and fried, spicy and salty foods, as well as strong tea and coffee is strictly prohibited. The rapid absorption of food is also facilitated by split meals: 7-8 times a day in small portions.

For 8-10 days, the diet after appendicitis surgery consists of: low-fat broth, vegetable and rice broth, pureed vegetable soups and liquid puree (from zucchini, pumpkin, sour apples). The diet menu after appendectomy also includes water-cooked porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), boiled or steamed chicken, veal and lean sea ​​fish, fruit and berry jelly, compotes, rosehip decoction. Next, boiled and stewed vegetables, noodles, eggs (soft-boiled or protein steamed omelet), day-old white bread, cottage cheese, and fermented milk drinks are introduced into the diet.

After removal of the sutures and discharge from the medical institution, a gentle diet after surgery is recommended - therapeutic diet 2, in which the following are excluded from the diet: fatty meat, lard, salted and smoked, canned food, fresh bread, baked goods, legumes and millet, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs . It is contraindicated to eat onions and garlic, radishes and radishes, Bell pepper and cucumbers, fresh fruits and berries with rough skin or grains. A complete ban is imposed on cakes, ice cream, cocoa, black coffee and grape juice.

Diet after gastric surgery

At the first stage, the diet after gastric surgery and the diet after gastric ulcer surgery are diets 0A, 0B and 0B (read more above). The peculiarity of this clinical case is that salt can be completely excluded from the diet, and the number of meals can be increased to 8-10 times a day - with the same minimum single amounts. But daily fluid intake should be at least two liters.

The diet after gastric ulcer surgery (on average three days after surgery) is the 1A surgical diet (mashed). Acceptable foods include the same as for exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, that is, low-fat chicken broth, milk and fruit jelly and jellies, low-fat cream, slimy soups (with the addition of butter), eggs (soft-boiled only), sweetened decoction or infusion rose hips, carrot juice and diluted non-acidic fruit juices. Patients adhere to this diet for about half a month. Then the range of products and diet menu after surgery gradually expand, but the key principle of nutrition remains in order to protect the gastric mucosa from any irritating factors for as long as possible and thereby promote recovery.

Diet after hernia surgery

The diet prescribed by doctors after a hernia operation - the diet after an inguinal hernia operation or the diet after an umbilical hernia operation - in the first days is absolutely similar to the nutrition that patients receive after operations on the intestines and stomach.

Approximately on the fifth or sixth day after the operation, the diet expands to include various first courses, primarily vegetarian soups, as well as second courses - cereals and meat. However, the principles of a gentle diet after surgery remain for some time (this is determined only by the attending physician).

In order to prevent constipation, which leads to overstrain of the smooth muscles of the peritoneum and pelvis, doctors advise patients who have undergone suturing of a hernia to henceforth refuse fatty foods, eat more plant foods, not overeat and control their weight.

Diet after hemorrhoid surgery

The diet after surgery for hemorrhoids and the diet after surgery for anal fissure, as well as the diet after surgery for prostate adenoma, are based on the same principles. And the key point that unites medical nutrition in the surgical treatment of the listed pathologies is the prevention of constipation, the prevention of flatulence and the facilitation of bowel movements.

Therefore, on the first day, such patients are only advised to drink, and then they are prescribed a diet that completely excludes: milk, rye bread, cabbage, radishes and radishes, onions and garlic, spicy herbs, legumes, fiber-rich raw fruits and berries (apples, pears, grapes, gooseberries, etc.), as well as all types of nuts. This diet in some sources is referred to as a slag-free diet after surgery. We would like to note that such therapeutic nutrition is not included in official dietetics...

It is clear that it is unacceptable to consume particularly harmful foods (fatty, spicy, salty and sweet) and anything canned. And what you can eat after an operation of this localization includes crumbly buckwheat and millet porridge, white wheat bread (made from semolina flour), all fermented milk, lean beef and chicken. There is a taboo on fried food: everything needs to be boiled, stewed or cooked in a double boiler. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid bladder problems.

Diet after hysterectomy surgery

The diet recommended for women after hysterectomy, as well as the diet after ovarian surgery, is not much different from the rules already given above. However, a couple of days after these operations, the food regime is completely different: no liquid porridges, slimy soups or jelly.

Firstly, the volume of liquid you drink during the day should be at least three liters. Secondly, food should help loosen the intestines. To do this, in the diet menu after surgery on the uterus and its appendages, doctors introduce fermented milk products (low-fat kefir is especially useful), various cereal dishes (for example, crumbly porridge), weak broths and boiled meat, light vegetable salads (except cabbage) with sunflower or olive oil, fruits and berries (except grapes, figs and pomegranates). Meal regimen: small portions, five to seven times a day.

The following remain prohibited for a long time: salty, spicy and fatty foods; almost all groceries; everything fried; legume dishes; white bread, pastry and confectionery; strong tea, coffee, cocoa (and chocolate), as well as alcoholic drinks.

Diet after heart surgery

The diet after heart surgery involves a zero diet (0A) in the first three days. Then the operated patients are transferred to diet 1 after surgery (1 surgical), and on approximately the 5-6th day (according to the condition) diet 10 or 11 is prescribed. Similar rules apply when a diet is prescribed after bypass surgery.

We think we should briefly describe the mentioned diets. So, therapeutic diet 10 is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and is aimed at normalizing circulatory functions and general metabolism. Her key features consist of a significant reduction in the consumption of table salt, liquid (up to 1200 ml per day), fats (up to 65-70 g) and carbohydrates (up to 350-370 g), as well as enriching the diet with potassium and magnesium. The daily caloric value is 2500 kcal.

A protein diet after surgery (diet 11) is used to increase the body's defenses and restore normal conditions, in particular in cases of anemia, general exhaustion and chronic infections. In many cases, it is also prescribed to improve the quality of nutrition of patients with other pathologies, since it is a protein diet after surgery (up to 140 g of protein per day). This physiologically complete diet is fortified and high in calories (3700-3900 kcal), which contains up to 110 g of fat and up to 500 g of carbohydrates. With this diet, after heart surgery, patients eat five times a day. There are no restrictions on the culinary processing of food and its consistency, but in any case, fried and fatty foods are contraindicated to eat even in the absence of any internal diseases.

The diet after bypass surgery is aimed at reducing cholesterol in the blood, and its recommendations must be followed constantly to prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels.

The diet after bypass surgery limits the consumption of fats and completely excludes all fried and fatty foods, as well as ghee and sunflower oil (you can only olive oil cold pressed). The diet menu after coronary artery bypass surgery should include: boiled meat (lean beef and veal), beef liver, poultry, low-fat dairy products, white sea fish, legumes, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts.

Diet after kidney surgery

As experts note, a diet after kidney surgery - in the case of ultrasonic crushing of stones in it - is not prescribed, but it is recommended to eat light, steamed foods, avoid eating fatty and spicy foods, and avoid canned food and carbonated water.

If stones are removed by abdominal surgery, the patient needs a zero diet after surgery, then a diet 1 after surgery (return to the beginning of the publication and read the characteristics of these diets).

During the standard course of the postoperative period, approximately on the fifth or sixth day, doctors establish a diet for their patients in accordance with therapeutic dietary table 11 (also written about above).

But the diet after kidney removal surgery (after eating according to the zero and first surgical diets) involves a balanced, nutritious diet with some well-founded restrictions. So, it is necessary to add less salt to food, reduce the amount of meat dishes, instead of white bread, eat black bread, drink kefir instead of milk. And there is no doubt that steamed cutlets are healthier than fried ones, and stewed rabbit meat is better for a single kidney than pork kebab.

Various cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits - all this is possible. And all canned food, semi-finished products and food products with preservatives, flavorings and food colors can only cause harm. By the way, they lead to kidney removal different reasons Therefore, the diet after kidney removal surgery is prescribed to each patient individually.

Diet after bladder surgery

All diets for the surgical treatment of pathologies of the pelvic organs, including the diet after bladder surgery, prescribe the consumption of food that is easily digestible. Therefore, it is natural to prescribe a diet after abdominal surgery, that is, food with a liquid and semi-liquid consistency, with a limitation or complete exclusion of fats, table salt, coarse fiber, etc.

The main recommendations of urologists regarding diet after bladder surgery boil down to drinking more water more frequently and plentifully, as well as the need to avoid foods that contain oxalic acid compounds (oxalates).

Diet recipes after surgery

Is it necessary to bring detailed recipes diets after surgery, in the sense of that same zero diet? It’s unlikely, because while patients are eating slimy rice water or low-fat chicken broth, they are in the hospital...

And outside the hospital you will have to learn how to cook, for example, milk jelly. To prepare it for a glass of milk you will need a teaspoon of regular potato starch and as much granulated sugar.

The milk should be brought to a boil and starch diluted in a small amount of water (50-60 ml) should be poured into it. The starch is added with continuous stirring to ensure the jelly is homogeneous. Add sugar and remove from heat. The principle of preparing all jelly is similar to this diet recipe after surgery.

Here's some advice on preparing pureed porridges - rice, buckwheat or oatmeal. In order not to bother with grinding the finished porridge, you need to grind the corresponding cereals and oatmeal almost to the state of flour. And while stirring, add the already crushed product into the boiling water (or boiling milk). This porridge cooks much faster.

Diet after surgery is the most important component of rehabilitation after any surgical intervention. And now you know the basic rules of therapeutic nutrition.

To cook chicken broth for a patient, all you need to do is choose high-quality chicken and master the simplest skills of preparing this dish. All chicken broth recipes are quite simple - after all, in this case you just need to cook the bird correctly.

However, there are also some peculiarities regarding cooking time and the addition of certain components. Chicken broth for a patient should not be too fatty - this is the main rule. Especially if it is prepared for those after surgery.

A detailed description of how you can prepare chicken broth to restore a sick person after a cold, surgery and other complications is given below.

Chicken broth is an excellent food for a patient after surgery.

First of all, you need to be especially responsible when choosing the main product from which the broth will be obtained - chicken. It’s good if we know for sure its origin (a trusted manufacturer or a village chicken purchased from friends).

But in most cases, the purchase is made in a regular supermarket. Therefore, we need to arm ourselves with what nature has given - eyes, smell and tactile sensations.

Here are a few simple tips, how to choose the right meat for chicken broth, which will help a person recover after surgery:

  • First of all, there is no need to buy poultry in unverified places - from hand, in unfamiliar markets, etc. It is better to purchase it in packaging, with all the relevant marks (manufacturer, GOST, date of manufacture and packaging, expiration date).

  • We immediately discard the option of frozen chicken - in most cases it is better to purchase chilled meat. Firstly, then we don’t overpay for ice, which adds “extra” grams. And most importantly, frozen meat cannot be smelled or touched. Therefore, there is a real risk of encountering low-quality products that have long expired.

  • Of course, first of all we pay attention to appearance. The surface of the chicken skin should be smooth, without defects. The skin is clean and elastic. The presence of feathers, dents, and scratches is unacceptable.
  • To determine the age of a bird, you can simply look at the color of the skin. In young chickens it is pink, quite a pleasant color. Older chickens have a yellowish color, which is quite normal. This kind of meat takes longer to cook, although it produces a very rich, aromatic broth. We categorically exclude bluish, blackened, green carcasses.
  • Now let's check the freshness of the meat. The date indicated on the package is one thing, our feelings are another matter. Just press on the surface of the skin (the fleshy parts). Fresh meat will instantly “spring back” and no dents will remain. The old will leave a hole.
  • Besides, the old hen will have enough loose skin– it will give several folds on the surface, and the color will be very uneven.

  • And one last point. Even if everything looks fine with the chicken, we will definitely smell it. If the smell is fresh, it means your eyes haven’t deceived you. The slightest foreign odors are a reason to reject the carcass.

How to cook chicken broth for a patient after surgery: a classic recipe

This dish is very simple, although it takes quite a long time to prepare:

  1. The average cooking time is at least 1.5-2 hours.
  2. At the same time, the calorie content is only 15 kcal per 100 ml of liquid (essentially 2 g of protein in 100 ml of soup). Moreover, every 100 g of meat itself will provide approximately the same amount of calories - about 120-140 kcal, which is quite normal.

In the classic recipe we will need the following products:


  • chicken – 1 carcass;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • greens - 1 sprig (usually dill);
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces (or 4-5 quail eggs);
  • salt - to taste.

We will act like this - first of all, we will decide on the part of the carcass from which we will cook chicken broth for the patient:

  • if a person just needs to regain strength after a debilitating illness, a cold, or after surgery, you can use any part.
  • but if a strict diet is prescribed (for example, for diseases of the digestive system), our option is only breast and maximum wings.
  • At the same time, it is better to remove as much skin from the chicken as possible.

How to cook chicken broth - recipe

Step 1. Cut the skinless chicken into 3-4 large pieces (or divide the carcass into 2 halves) and place in cold water. You can put it in whole - then it will be easier to take out, and cooking will take a little longer. This is an unimportant point.

But the amount of water matters - you need to take 3-3.5 times more water than chicken. For example, a chicken carcass weighs 1.5 kg. Then take a large saucepan and pour 5 liters of water into it at once, because some part will inevitably boil away.

Step 2. Place the pan with the chicken on the fire and first turn on the stove at full power. You need to wait until it boils, then immediately reduce the heat to medium. This is a very important stage, because it largely determines how to cook chicken broth for a sick person, and for healthy people as well.

We monitor the foam all the time and remove it. Also, cook in a saucepan without a lid, because otherwise the water will become too cloudy due to strong boiling.

Step 3. Immediately after boiling, the soup can be salted - first it is better to take a known small amount of salt, for example, a teaspoon. Thanks to this, we will definitely not over-salt our broth. To make the broth have a pleasant taste, you can also add a bay leaf and a couple of peas of allspice.

Step 4. After boiling, the broth will cook for at least 45 minutes, and in the case of old chicken - from 1.5 hours. All this time it should not boil at all.

There should be a very weak, barely noticeable formation of bubbles on the surface of the water (water temperature no more than +80 o C). And again, we constantly remove the foam, especially since after adding salt it will come off more intensively for some time.

Step 5. Meanwhile, thoroughly wash the onions and carrots and remove all contaminated areas. Cut the vegetables in half and fry in a completely dry frying pan until a blackish surface appears.

In the end, the vegetables should look something like this. They don’t look very appetizing, but that’s okay - they are not intended for consumption, but to create the taste and color of our broth.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to bother with frying, then you can do this. Peel the carrots, rinse, cut into large cubes. Peel the onion and wash it as well. You can also take parsley root - peeled and well washed.

Step 6. Place the vegetables in the broth and cook all together for 15-20 minutes. Taste the broth and add more salt if necessary.

Step 7. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the stove (if necessary, you can cover it with a thick towel). The soup must sit for another half hour, or even more.

Step 8. Meanwhile, boil 2-3 chicken or 4-5 quail eggs. This can be done as you wish, because eggs serve only as an addition to our main recipe. But eggs will provide additional calories without the slightest fat, and they will also add beauty to the finished broth.

Step 9. Everything is almost ready. Now we take the meat out of the pan, remove the vegetables - they have already given up their color and aroma. Be sure to strain the chicken broth through a sieve. This general principle preparing chicken broth according to the classic recipe - both for a patient after surgery and in other cases.

When serving, add some greens and half a boiled egg. If you want to make the dish brighter and more beautiful, also add a few slices of carrots to the plate.

And don’t forget to sprinkle with finely chopped dill. If necessary, the broth can be salted.

Chicken broth for the sick - with herbs and egg

As a result of simple efforts, we get a delicious dish - chicken broth, which has long become a classic. It awakens the appetite and evokes some cozy, homely sensations. And most importantly, it helps a person recover from surgery or illness, giving him new strength for life.

Bon appetit and be healthy!