Someone eats cabbage seedlings with what to process. Diseases and pests of white cabbage and their control

He will not be able to calmly watch how sick or destroyed by pests what he spent part of his life on. Therefore, proven effective products that help preserve the harvest of your favorite crops growing in open field. Let's talk about such a burning topic: cabbage pests and fighting them. Photos and descriptions will help you identify their varieties and take appropriate action. And carefully selected lists of funds will help you make the right choice.

Cabbage: diseases and pests, their control

First of all, in order to effectively protect cabbage in your beds, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​how its diseases manifest themselves and what pests look like (a photo will be provided for each) in order to determine in time what you have to deal with. In the open field, no crop can be absolutely protected.

There is always danger on the open ground

The fight against cabbage diseases

Cabbage has many enemies that can completely destroy the entire crop or make it unfit for human consumption. Among them are such diseases:

Alternariosis (blackening and decay),
white rot (mucus),
quila (formation of blisters and growths on the roots),
mosaic (deformation of leaves),
powdery mildew ( white coating),
transporosis (yellowing),
rhizoctoniosis (brown spots),
gray rot (fluffy brown bloom),

Photo of gray rot

Wet rot (suppuration),
vascular bacteriosis (black rot),
late blight (tissues die and turn gray),
Fusarium wilt (yellowing and death of leaves),
black leg (darkening of the lower part of the stem).

Photo of Alternariosis

Most of these diseases, such as Alternaria (shown in the top photo), are caused by fungal spores, less often viruses and bacteria are infected. Many of these ailments appear with increased moisture. For prevention, it is necessary to carefully remove all last year's residues from the open ground area, disinfect cutting devices and storage rooms. For the treatment of various diseases of cabbage, substances containing copper and sulfur are most often used.

Destruction of green pet pests

Outdoor cabbage may not show signs of being infested by voracious insects for a long time. You can sometimes find out about this only when harvesting, discovering with horror that the heads of cabbage are spoiled. Especially often, summer residents have to deal with such harmful insects as cabbage flea, aphids, leaf beetles, secretive trunks, scoops, bugs, and flies.

The control of these pests can be carried out with the help of chemicals that have special appointment and various folk ways that have proven their effectiveness over the years. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

cabbage flea
Very often destroys cabbage in cottages and fields. There are many species of this insect, but most often cabbage is eaten by small black fleas, the backs of which are decorated with yellow stripes. They create many holes in the green leaves of the crop.

Pictured is a cabbage flea

Sparing measures:
early drop off,
sanding the earth
sprinkling plants with lime, crushed tobacco, ash,
spraying with a solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon / 10 l).


cabbage aphid
The diet of these insect pests includes the juice of cabbage leaves, which is why they quickly wither and curl. Eggs are laid in the autumn on weeds, and the larvae that hatch in the spring move to cabbage leaves.

Cabbage infested with aphids

Gentle ways to fight:
luring ladybugs(for example, planting umbrella crops);
rubbing the leaves with a soapy cloth;
spraying with an infusion of garlic, onions, tobacco, tomato or potato tops mixed with soap.


cabbage leaf beetle
This small green bug, only a few millimeters in size, is a real thunderstorm of cabbage heads in the open field. Already in May, one can notice the first traces of his activity - leaves that are united along the edges and riddled with through holes. In one laying of the leaf beetle there can be up to 400 eggs.

Pictured is a cabbage leaf beetle

Gentle methods of struggle:
early planting of seedlings;
sprinkling of soil with tobacco-ash dust at the rate of 30 g for each square meter;
glue traps.


cabbage fly
This insect is very similar to the common fly, but is smaller and lighter in color. An adult debugs about 150 eggs on the ground near the cabbage, and then the voracious larvae get to the roots of the culture and eat them, rushing into the trunk.

cabbage fly

Sparing measures:
covering the soil near the cabbage with any non-woven material without holes,
sprinkling with hot pepper, ash, mustard (once every five days),
landing near cabbage wormwood.

DDT + hexachlorane,
chlorophos solution,
thiophos emulsion.

Hidden trap leaf
The larvae of this 3 mm gray beetle are deposited by the females in plant stems. These gluttonous "babies" gnaw through the stems and rush to the roots. Already in May, you can notice how cabbage sprouts begin to wither.

In the photo: the larvae of the hidden trunk gnaw through passages in the stem

Gentle ways to fight:
Covering the open ground area where the cabbage is planted with a net.
Spraying with a decoction of capsicum (500 g) and tansy (100 g) in 10 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for one hour and insisted for a day, then 30 g of households are added. soap. The procedure is carried out once every two weeks.
Spraying with a solution of birch tar (every three days).


cabbage scoop
It is especially dangerous until it has passed from the caterpillar stage to the butterfly stage. He debugs his eggs under cabbage leaves. The larvae break through their own passages inside the head of cabbage, leaving traces of their vital activity there and thereby making the cabbage unsuitable for consumption.

It looks like cabbage, in which the cabbage scoop settled

Gentle methods of struggle:
Hand picking early in the morning or at dusk.
Processing with a decoction of hot pepper (two or three times a month). Ratio - 500 g/10 l; preparation - boil for 60 minutes, dilution - 100 g / 5 l. You can add 40 g of soap.
Treatment with mustard solution (10 g/4 l).


Cruciferous bug
They harm cabbage plantings on open ground no less than other pests. Both adults and small individuals feed on the juice of this valuable crop. Cabbage leaves dry up as a result, and the affected flowers crumble.

In the photo: the bug eats cabbage leaves

Sparing measures:
mix tobacco with sand and sprinkle,
naphthalene + sand/ash (1:5),
soap solution (300 g / 10 l).

Cabbage, edible and ornamental, amateur gardeners willingly grow on their plots. Like any cultivated plant, it is susceptible to diseases and pests. We hope that our tips will help you grow a healthy crop.

General information on measures to combat cabbage pests and prevent their occurrence

In the garden there are many insects that can harm cabbage. Its juicy leaves are to the taste of caterpillars and bugs, slugs are capable of destroying a young head of cabbage in one night. There are many methods of dealing with them, but it is best to take preventive measures, then you will not have to destroy insects.


Other plants will help in the struggle for survival of the culture. By planting dill, fennel, carrots and celery on a garden bed with cabbage, we will not only scare away pests, but also attract other insects - their natural enemies.

Ornamental cabbages and heads of edible species can be successfully grown in a flower bed. Properly selected plants will not only scare away harmful insects, but also give shelter to their enemies. For phytoprotection, we plant marigolds, marigolds, mint, coriander in a flower bed. To attract insects that destroy pests, piles of wood chips should be left between plantings, and umbrella plants should be planted on the beds.

Marigolds and marigolds planted between rows of cabbage will scare away pests - such plantings are called "phytoprotection"


Unfortunately, phytoprotection is not always effective. Against a large number of insect pests, other prevention and control measures must be used.

Used to protect cabbage chemicals. Found on sale a large number of highly effective chemical protection products, but their improper use can adversely affect the environment. On personal plots, several broad-spectrum drugs are used:

  • the low-toxic biological product Fitoverm weakens the insect and it dies after a while. handle early varieties cabbage during the entire growing season, processing is stopped a week before harvesting;
  • preparations Inta-Vir, Decis and Iskra-M act on the pest instantly, they can process cabbage of late varieties and cabbage of medium ripening. Spray plants in dry weather in the morning or evening, stop using a month before eating cabbage.

Cabbage pests: prevention and destruction

As already mentioned, cabbage has a great many pests:

  • cabbage aphid,
  • cabbage fly,
  • cruciferous flea,
  • cabbage leaf beetle,
  • cabbage butterfly,
  • slugs.

Let us consider in more detail what can be done when each of them is found on heads of cabbage and how to prevent the appearance of pests on a cabbage bed.

Aphid attacked the cabbage

The most common garden pest is the cabbage aphid. This small insect, about two millimeters in size, feeds on the sap of the plant, sticking to it with its proboscis. Cabbage aphids are attracted to tender cabbage seedlings. A plant deprived of juices weakens and may die.

The aphid sucks juices from young cabbage, its leaves stop growing and curl

Due to the special metabolism, the cabbage aphid, unlike the usual one, contains a substance that is deadly poison for her natural enemy, the ladybug.

Preventive measures:

  • at the end of the season, remove cabbage stalks and leftover leaves from the beds;
  • if there are anthills near the cabbage ridge, destroy them: ants “graze” aphids, feeding on secretions from its abdomen;
  • sow carrots between cabbages, aphids do not like the smell of its tops.

Pest extermination:

  • heavy rain - we pour cold water over the plant, it should wash off the pest;
  • Fitoverm preparation: dissolve 4 ml in 1 liter of water and spray the plant. Re-treatment is carried out in a week;
  • drugs Iskra-M (10 ml + 10 l of water) and Inta-Vir (1 tablet + 1 l of water) help to quickly cope with the pest; processing is carried out with an interval of 2 weeks.

How to get rid of the cabbage fly

The offspring of this small fly is capable of destroying the entire crop. The fly makes its first flight when the dandelion blooms and catkins appear on the birch. She starts laying eggs when flowers appear on the cherry. Expect a massive raid of spring flies as soon as the lilac begins to bloom. The summer fly will appear in mid-June if the air warms up to 18 °C.

The cabbage fly does not fly in rainy weather.

Cabbage fly larvae damage the root, the diseased plant is easily identified by its sluggish appearance.

A fly can lay up to one and a half hundred eggs, the larvae will appear in a week. The eggs are either attached directly to the plant or in the topsoil. Carrying out preventive measures, we pursue two goals: to prevent the fly from laying eggs on the cabbage and, if this does happen, to prevent the larvae from reaching the roots. If the larvae penetrate the root system, the plant will inevitably die.

Preventive measures:

  • we do not plant cabbage for two years in a row in one place;
  • in autumn, we deeply dig the soil to a depth of 30 cm;
  • after planting the seedlings, we close the ground in the root part with a piece of roofing material or linoleum;
  • we cover a bed with cabbage with a thin spunbond for the period of the fly's flight (density 17 g / sq. m);
  • we loosen the soil 2 times a week to a depth of 2-3 cm - this makes it difficult for the larvae to access the roots.

A piece of roofing material will protect the roots of cabbage seedlings from cabbage fly larvae

To destroy the pest, before planting seedlings in the soil, we introduce the insecticide Zemlin at the rate of 3–5 g per 1 sq. m. The drug is mixed with sand. The larvae, if they remain in the soil, will die in a day.

According to the author's experience, in order to protect cabbage from flying insects, butterflies and bugs, after planting seedlings or sowing seeds, you need to cover the bed with a thin non-woven material (spunbond with a density of 17 g per 1 sq. M is suitable). It passes air and water well, in the heat it protects from the sun's rays. The material should be spread freely so that the growing plants themselves raise it to the desired height. The edges must be fixed with improvised materials - pebbles, boards. We do not remove the coating until mid-summer. By this time, the cabbage will get stronger and be able to resist pests.

Cruciferous flea - the main enemy

Young cabbage leaves attract cruciferous flea. A small jumping beetle about three millimeters long gnaws small holes in the leaf plate. The pest wakes up in early spring and activated in hot weather.

The cruciferous flea damages the cabbage leaf and it dries up

The beetles lay their eggs in the soil. The hatched larvae feed on cabbage roots, but adults do the most damage.

Preventive measures:

  • we dig the soil in autumn to a depth of 30 cm;
  • before planting loosen the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm;
  • after planting seedlings or emergence of seedlings, we cover the beds with a thin spunbond (density 17 g / 1 sq. m).

We destroy the pest:

  • spray the plant with Inta-Vir (1 tablet + 1 liter of water); if necessary, repeat the treatment after 2 weeks;
  • we process heads of cabbage with Decis (0.5 g + 5 l), also with a repeat after 2 weeks.

A small shiny beetle 5 mm long leaves large holes in cabbage leaves, eating away the flesh. The pest hibernates in the soil, awakening in early spring. The leaf beetle lays its eggs in gnawed leaves; the larvae, emerging two weeks later, continue to destroy the plant, eating the skin of the leaf.

Cabbage leaf beetles and their larvae feed on cabbage leaves.

Preventive measures:

  • we dig up the soil in spring and autumn;
  • we destroy weeds;
  • we close the plantings with a thin spunbond (density 17 g / 1 sq. M).

We destroy the pest:

  • when beetles and larvae appear, we spray the cabbage with Inta-Vir (1 tablet + 1 liter of water);
  • we process plantings with Decis (0.5 g + 5 l of water), repeating the treatment if necessary after 2 weeks.

Butterfly pests

Butterflies themselves are harmless - they pollinate flowers and serve as food for small predators, frogs and dragonflies. Their caterpillars are dangerous. Pests of cabbage - caterpillars of white butterflies and cabbage scoops.

Butterfly white, or cabbage, appears in early May and late July. In her short life, she is able to lay several hundred eggs.

Young cabbage caterpillars gnaw on the underside of the leaf; having grown up, they switch to its upper part

The butterfly attaches the clutch to the underside of the leaf. Under favorable conditions, dozens of voracious caterpillars will be born in a week. Before pupating, they feed on cabbage leaves for two to four weeks and during this time they can deprive the vegetable of its presentation. Caterpillars gnaw out a soft leaf plate, leaving only thick veins. Adults are able to migrate and settle on other plants.

The white butterfly is also attracted to other cruciferous plants - swede, horseradish. She does not disdain and nasturtium leaves.

Preventive measures:

  • we dig a garden in the fall on a shovel bayonet;
  • in the spring we destroy all weeds in the garden;
  • planting seedlings in early dates- before butterflies appear.


  • mechanically remove eggs and caterpillars during daily inspection;
  • spray with Fitoverm (4 ml + 1 l of water);
  • spray with Inta-Vir (1 tablet + 1 liter of water);
  • treated with Iskra-M (10 ml + 10 l of water).

cabbage scoop - moth. She hatches from a chrysalis 2-3 times a year and lays her eggs on the underside of a cabbage leaf. This pest especially affects cabbage of medium and late deadline maturation. Caterpillars of cabbage scoops are able to eat the core of cabbage seedlings.

Cabbage scoop is capable of laying up to a thousand eggs in its life, caterpillars make moves in a head of cabbage and pollute them with their excrement

Caterpillars hibernate in the ground at a depth of up to 30 cm, and with the onset of spring they move to the upper, warmer layers of the soil. There they pupate at a depth of three to ten centimeters, and a month later a butterfly hatches.

Preventive measures:

  • we loosen the earth between the rows to a depth of 10 cm in autumn and spring;
  • carefully weed out the weeds;
  • we plant seedlings in the early stages, before the appearance of butterflies;
  • we close the landings with a fine mesh;
  • do not plant close other cruciferous crops;
  • we sow coriander next to the cabbage bed in the fall, in the spring it will bloom and mask the cabbage with its pungent smell.

A fine-mesh net stretched over cabbage will prevent butterflies from laying eggs on it

Pest extermination:

  • mechanical removal of eggs and caterpillars (scoop caterpillars are easier to detect at dusk, when they are activated);
  • spraying with a biopreparation Fitoverm (4 ml + 1 l of water);
  • treatment with insecticides Inta-Vir (1 tablet + 10 l of water), Iskra-M (10 ml + 10 l of water), Decis (0.5 g + 5 l of water).

omnivorous slugs

Slugs and snails are happy to eat cabbage of any kind. They feel especially at ease in wet weather, actively settling in cabbage beds. During the day in hot weather, they hide under the leaves, and at night they gnaw holes in them.

If you do not fight them, voracious gastropods will destroy the entire crop of cabbage

Preventive measures:

  • we surround the cabbage plantation with a strip of plowed land;
  • weed out weeds;
  • we surround each plant with a shallow furrow filled with seed husks, coarse sand, egg or nut shells;
  • remove shellfish from cabbage leaves daily;
  • sprinkle cabbage with superphosphate powder to repel snails.

A plastic fence installed around a young plant will not only protect it from slugs, but also prevent the scoop from laying eggs in the root area.

Tender cabbage seedlings will be saved from shellfish by a ring of plastic bottle with sharp edges

Pest extermination:

  • a layer of lime poured near the plants will burn the belly of the mollusk and lead to its death;
  • with a massive invasion of gastropods, the chemical preparation Thunderstorm will help. It is scattered in the garden, a package of 15 g is enough for 20 square meters. m. The preparation contains a substance that kills slugs and snails.

Video: we destroy pests of cabbage

According to the experience of the author of these lines, digging the beds in the fall 30 cm deep will destroy pests that have prepared to winter in the soil. Digging in the spring to the same depth, in turn, will destroy the pests that managed to overwinter. Periodically hilling the plant, we strengthen its root system and increase resistance to pest damage.

Cabbage diseases

If the rules of agricultural technology are not followed in the process of growing cabbage, the plant may get sick. Viral and bacterial infections can cause serious damage to your crop.


This fungal disease affects the roots of cabbage. The plant looks sluggish, does not grow and may die.

Kila affects cabbage at any age, the roots of the diseased plant are strewn with decaying growths

Kila spores do well in acidic environment. To avoid disease, we plant cabbage only in limed soil.

Preventive measures:

  • a week before planting, we spill the earth with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid (10 l of water + 10 tablespoons of the drug);
  • put 1 tablespoon of ash in the landing hole;
  • every 2-3 weeks we water the plant with milk of lime (10 l of water + 1 glass of dolomite flour); per plant - 1 liter of solution.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for quila. The diseased plant must be removed and cruciferous plants should not be planted in this place for four years.

black leg of cabbage

The development of this fungal disease is facilitated by waterlogged soil and wet weather. The fungus infects seedlings in the basal part. In young seedlings, this part of the stem rots and the seedling dies. Mature seedlings can survive, but their stems will dry out and develop poorly.

fungus causing black leg, does well in damp, acidic soil

Preventive measures:

  • we do not allow waterlogging of the soil;
  • we lime the soil;
  • before planting, soak the seeds in a solution of Fitosporin-M according to the instructions;
  • seedlings in the phase of 2–3 leaves are sprayed with a 2% solution of Fitosporin-M;
  • periodically spill the plants with a solution of colloidal sulfur (50 g of sulfur + 10 l of water).

Weak young seedlings cannot be saved; they must be destroyed and the seeds re-sown. Before sowing, it will help to destroy the fungus in the soil by spilling it with high concentration sulfur preparations (40 g of sulfur + 5 l of water).

Vapors emitted by sulfur stop the development of the fungus. The drug is practically safe, it does not penetrate into the plant. Sulfur is most effective at temperatures between 20 and 35 °C.

White and gray rot

Fungal diseases white rot and gray rot, or botryx, usually affect cabbage heads when stored improperly. The fungus feels comfortable in conditions of high humidity and temperature..

On the left - a head of cabbage affected by gray rot; white rot (head on the right) can also affect the plant in the garden

When affected by gray rot, a fluffy mold appears on the leaves, the disease is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. With white rot, a white mycelium with black spores forms between the leaves, mucus is noticeable on the leaves. The infection spreads quickly and can destroy the entire crop.

Preventive measures:

  • do not get carried away with nitrogen fertilizers;
  • harvest in time, preventing it from rotting in the beds;
  • before laying cabbage in the storage, disinfect it;
  • store only healthy, undamaged heads of cabbage;
  • when cutting a head, leave a short stalk and remove the lower leaves;
  • maintain 95% humidity and 0-1°C in a well-ventilated store;
  • periodically check the condition of vegetables and remove diseased specimens.

The disease is not treatable. Remove as many affected leaves as possible. Do not store the affected head, it is better to put it in for processing.

This viral disease is manifested by a scattering of small black dots on cabbage leaves, and their lower side is more affected. The causative agent of the mosaic virus is carried by cabbage aphids.

When the mosaic virus is infected, the veins of the cabbage leaf plate stop growing and the leaf shrivels.


  • remove weeds of the cruciferous family (shepherd's purse, colza, yarutka and others);
  • destroy cabbage aphids.

A diseased plant cannot be cured. Affected heads must be destroyed.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt (tracheomycosis, jaundice) causes yellowing of the leaves. This fungal disease can destroy the entire crop. The development of tracheomycosis is promoted by hot, dry weather.

Fusarium wilt symptoms of cabbage disease resemble signs of clubroot disease

In a plant affected by a fungus, the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off. First, the lower leaves are affected, then the upper ones; the head of cabbage is not tied.

Preventive measures:

  • apply crop rotation rules;
  • we cultivate the soil before planting with copper sulfate (5 g of the drug + 10 l of water).

Sick plants must be dug up and burned, it is impossible to cure them.

Peronosporosis, or downy mildew

This fungal disease affects both young and mature plants. Seeds can be infected, the fungus is well preserved in acidic heavy soil.

The first signs of peronosporosis appear on young cabbage leaves in the form of yellow spots.

First, the leaves turn yellow, then a gray coating containing spores appears on them. If a diseased plant is left untreated, the infection will quickly spread to all plants.

Preventive measures:

  • we use crop rotation;
  • we process the seeds before sowing with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or subject them to hydrothermal treatment:

Treatment consists in spraying the affected plants with Bordeaux liquid (100 g of copper sulfate and 100 g of lime per 10 liters of water).

Video: how to deal with cabbage diseases

Folk methods for the prevention and control of cabbage pests

Over the many years of the battle for the harvest, gardeners have tried a wide variety of pest control methods. Summarizing their experience, we present some useful recommendations.

How to deal with the invasion of slugs and snails

Harmful gastropods eat cabbage leaves, they can completely destroy seedlings. The following measures help to cope with the invasion of pests:

From personal experience: you need to remove snails and slugs from plants daily. It makes no sense to release them outside the site, they will crawl back anyway - either to you or to the neighbors. The collected snails are placed in a container with a strong saline solution, then thrown into a cesspool or thrown into a fire.

How to scare away butterflies

Butterflies themselves are harmless, but they lay eggs that hatch into hungry offspring. To prevent insects from planting, they offer different methods:

  • dummies of chicken eggs are placed on the beds. Presumably, having seen large white spots, the white butterfly should lose interest in these landings occupied by competitors. Models can be made from foam or use the shell of whole eggs, pouring gypsum into them;
  • sweet baits are placed near the beds. Thick syrup is boiled from 12 teaspoons of sugar and a glass of water, poured into flat dishes and dry yeast is added at the tip of a knife. The heady aroma of the fermented liquid attracts butterflies, and they get stuck in the syrup;
  • marigolds and nasturtium are planted next to cabbage - the smell of these plants repels pests.

One way to repel insect pests (for example, cabbage flies) is mixed plantings with marigolds, nasturtium, and herbs

Simple pest control

Simple home remedies that can be found in the kitchen and in the first aid kit help to fight pests. They are used to prepare solutions or mixtures for dusting (dry pollination).

According to the author's experience, dry pollination of cabbage is best done early in the morning. The leaves will be slightly damp from the dew, the powder will stick to them and last longer. In order for the powder mixture to get where it is needed, the author of these lines puts it in a gauze bag and gently taps it on the leaves.

Table: Home Remedies for Cabbage Pests

Means Cooking method Application
Vinegar10 liters of water + 1 glass of 9% vinegarSpray cabbage with this solution - helps repel snails, cruciferous flea and cabbage fly
Ammonia10 l water + 5 ml ammonia Water the bush with a solution at the first sign of wilting - it has a detrimental effect on the cabbage fly
Salt10 l water + 200 g saltPour the solution under the root, it destroys the larvae of the cabbage fly
hot pepperBoil 100 g of fresh pepper or 50 g of dry raw materials + 1 liter of water for an hour, then leave for 2 days; Dissolve half a liter of the finished infusion in 10 liters of waterSpray the soil and the plant with a solution - it helps to get rid of many pests of cabbage
  • 50 g dry mustard powder + 300 ml warm water insist day;
  • dry mustard + ground pepper;
  • a mixture of ground black and red pepper
  • spray the plant - a pungent smell repels pests and gastropods;
  • Sprinkle the soil in the region of the basal neck with a mixture during the flight of the cabbage fly weekly and dust the plant;
  • dust cabbage with this mixture
onion peel10 l of warm water + 200 g of husk, leave for 4 days
  • during the mass flight of butterflies, cultivate cabbage plantings;
  • lay out the husks on the beds, this will save you from the cabbage fly
Valerian10 l warm water + 40 ml (1 bottle) valerian tinctureTreat seedlings to protect them from the cabbage fly
Toothpaste10 liters of water + half a tube of mint paste. Stir the solution thoroughly, leave for 4 hoursSpray the cabbage from the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground. White butterflies do not like this remedy very much.

garden plants

Infusions can be prepared from cultivated plants and weeds:

Organic fertilizers added to the solution enhance its effect.

Spraying is carried out in the evening, the solution should fall on all parts of the cabbage leaf. For better adhesion, add 2 tablespoons of grated laundry soap to the product and mix until completely dissolved. Spraying should begin immediately after planting seedlings in the ground and then carry out this procedure prophylactically every week.

Ash is not only fertilizer

An indispensable assistant in the struggle for the harvest is ash. By burning wood and grass waste, the gardener will always have the necessary amount of this beneficial substance. A plant sprinkled with ashes repels pests. If the ash is mixed with tobacco dust, ground pepper and dry mustard in equal proportions, the effect will be stronger. Sprinkle not only the plant, but also the soil around it.

Heads of cabbage sprayed with an ash solution (10 liters of water + 2 cups of ash) also cease to attract insects.

Cabbage leaves sprayed with ash solution stop attracting insects

The risk of keeled cabbage disease is reduced if an alkalizing composition is used for irrigation (10 l of water + 200 g of ash, leave for a day).

Video: cabbage pest control folk methods

A plant that is not weakened by pests will also successfully resist viral and fungal diseases.

Cabbage heads are bursting

Often you have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as cracking heads. The crop is ripe, you can shoot it, but the cabbage has lost its presentation.

A bursting head of cabbage cannot be stored, it must be sent for processing

The defect, which manifests itself in a violation of the integrity of the head, is in no way associated with diseases or pests of cabbage. Rather, it is caused by violations of the rules of care. Cabbage needs regular watering. If at the last stages of ripening it will experience a moisture deficit, this will serve as a signal for the plant to start preparing for wintering and coarsen upper leaves. Subsequent abundant watering will cause rapid growth of the lower leaves, and the heads of cabbage will begin to crack. To keep them intact, you need to harvest on time.

To grow a good crop of cabbage, you should purchase seeds of varieties that are resistant to diseases. To fight pests and diseases will help the implementation simple rules agricultural techniques - plant in suitable soil, water and fertilize properly, observe crop rotation, remove weeds, and take protective measures in time. Don't forget helper plants. If planted next to cabbage, they will help repel pests and provide conditions for the normal development of the plant.

Of the pests, aphids, cruciferous fleas, butterfly caterpillars, cabbage fly larvae, leaf beetles, slugs and thrips most often cause trouble for cabbage.


You can protect cabbage and other vegetables from slugs by pouring narrow paths of mineral fertilizers along the edges of the beds on the surface of the earth. Lime (quicklime or chlorine) destroys slugs even better, but it must be used carefully under cabbage so as not to disturb the acidity of the soil. But most often, slugs are destroyed by setting simple traps on them - in the evening, wet rags and large cabbage leaves (including spoiled ones and therefore unsuitable for food) are laid out in the aisles and on the paths in the evening, and during the day they turn them over and get rid of the slugs that have accumulated under them . You can also place shallow containers (for example, canned food cans buried in the ground) with sour diluted beer or sour jam around the garden that needs to be protected.

cruciferous bugs

Sometimes they move to cabbage from weeds and cruciferous bugs that feed on leaf sap. These are large, conspicuous insects (green with red spots on the elytra) that can be collected by hand. Also, the destruction of weeds in the neighborhood with the bed will help.

Cruciferous fleas

Cruciferous fleas- small jumping bugs that feed on the pulp of leaves and are especially fond of young shoots. If there are too many of them, they are able to eat all the seedlings in general (however, this rarely happens, only if they are very poorly monitored). They can affect any cruciferous plants, including not only vegetables, but also flowers. These bugs hibernate in the soil or under the remains of plants and lay their eggs there, and therefore, in order to protect themselves from them, it is often good enough to dig up the soil both in autumn (with turning the layer) and in spring. If they have already appeared, a good way to get rid of them is to spray the plants with an ordinary soap solution (or even better, a mixture of tobacco infusion and soap solution).


- These are very small sucking insects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is possible to understand that the plant is infected with them by the fact that in the place of their nutrition and habitat, the tissues first discolor, and then turn brown and die. Onion or garlic infusions, as well as ordinary liquid soap, can protect against them. Stronger chemicals such as Aktara, Arrivo, Taran, Decis and others cannot be used for cabbage (but it can be used on many other vegetables, except for leafy ones).

In addition to these pests, they can also prevent you from getting a good cabbage crop. rapeseed beetle,, and with a seedless method of cultivation, sometimes centipede mosquitoes.

Delicious mother cabbage. Not capricious in cultivation. Feed and heal. Therefore, not only people and animals love it, but also pests. Lots of them. Sucking and gnawing representatives of the fauna are ready to be saturated with the juice and pulp of cabbage from the first days of sprouts of this crop. Is it possible to get an environmentally friendly crop of products at home? After all, beautiful heads of cabbage in the markets and in official sales are at least 15-20 treatments for the growing season of a crop, which are far from harmless to health drugs.

Ways to protect cabbage from pests

Ways to protect cabbage from pests can be divided into 3 groups:

  • traditional chemical,
  • new biological,
  • folk.

All types of protection with the correct and timely conduct of agricultural activities ensure success.

  • Chemical - fast, but dangerous to the health of family members and animals.
  • Biological - longer, requiring a system of treatments throughout the growing season, which takes a lot of time, but is absolutely safe for health.
  • Folk - the method of our grandmothers. Not always successful, overgrown with legends of supposedly instant destruction of pests with decoctions of herbs that are not always safe for humans (decoctions of hemlock, pyrethrum, aconite, etc.).

In order for the protection to be successful, it is necessary to know the most vulnerable periods in the development cycle of crop pests, their feeding methods, which will help to select the appropriate preparations. It is impractical to poison each pest separately, therefore it is better to treat the culture with tank mixtures that include several preparations and in one go destroy several species of individuals that are similar in type of nutrition in a certain period. In the autumn-winter, more free from gardening, time, in a garden diary, you can compile a table of plant treatments with the following columns:

  • Periods of hatching of larvae and caterpillars by months (combine them into groups according to the way of feeding),
  • pick up preparations for sucking and gnawing pests,
  • indicate the waiting time (action) of drugs,
  • choose combinations of preparations for tank mixtures in order to destroy several pests with one treatment, including preparations designed for only one type of pests.

A table, schedule or list of works will help in the summer season to reduce the preparatory work for protective measures.

The main sucking pests of cabbage


The main sucking pests include aphids, which settle on the underside of young leaves of a curling head. In spring, aphids move from surrounding weeds, mostly cruciferous plants growing nearby, to young cabbage plants. The most numerous aphids are in June - the time when live larvae are hatched by female settlers and in August, when female stripes appear. They lay overwintering eggs. During these periods, treatments against aphids are mandatory.

Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae).

Cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae).


Not the pest that is great in growth, but the one that is insatiable. This is what people say about thrips. Invisible to the naked eye, adults suck out the juice, leaving plentiful black dots of excrement on the mutilated leaves. The primary signs of plant damage are whitening of cabbage leaf blades. Later, the leaves turn brown and, drying up, fall off. Thrips damage about 400 plant species, being especially active during the dry season. In areas that are constantly moistened, they practically do not harm. Under natural conditions, thrips can overwinter in the form of all stages of development, and with the onset of warm, dry weather, they begin active movement and colonization of plants. For more effective destruction of the pest, simultaneous processing of dry areas of soil and plants is necessary. Infected soil is treated with early spring until late autumn in 2-3 weeks.

Thrips in different stages of development.

Signs of cabbage damage by thrips.

cruciferous bugs

Large insects of bright color in the form of red, yellow, white spots, dashes, stripes on a black background. They mainly damage leaves by sucking plant juices. The leaves change their natural color, turn yellow with marble spots, fade. Head formation stops, it becomes ugly, soft. Young plants die. The greatest harm in the development cycle of the pest is caused by the larvae emerging from the eggs. They are a wingless form, therefore they are attached to the plant and, feeding on it, destroy the entire plant. They leave for wintering in mid-August. During summer period they can be harvested by hand, which greatly reduces their numbers and harmfulness.

A group of gnawing cabbage pests

Of the gnawing pests, the most common are the cabbage fly, cruciferous fleas, cabbage moth, cabbage scoop, and whitefish. Do not mind feasting on cabbage shoots flower beetles, centipede mosquitoes.

cabbage fly

The cabbage fly is a serious pest of cabbage. At the end of May lays eggs on the soil near cabbage plants. After 7-8 days, larvae hatch, whose life cycle takes place in the roots and lower part of the stem of the culture, where they penetrate from the ovipositions deposited in the soil. Damaged organs rot. External manifestation: a general wilting of the plant is noticeable and the appearance of a lead tint on the lower leaves of the cabbage.

Caterpillars of butterflies of cabbage scoops, moths, and whites cause significant harm. Gnawing holes in the leaves of a head of cabbage and polluting them with their waste, they are able to transfer the entire crop intended for the market to feed livestock.

Spring cabbage fly (Delia radicum).

Cabbage fly larvae on cabbage roots.

Signs of defeat by a cabbage fly.

cabbage moth

Cabbage moth is a small butterfly of a gray-brown color. Life span 30 days. Lays up to 300 eggs in early June (small yellow dots on the underside of the leaf) - in the northern regions, and from April - in the south. After 3 days, yellowish spindle-shaped, fast cabbage-eating caterpillars appear, intensively feeding on the pulp of leaves around the clock. During the summer, the pest forms 5-6 generations (every 5-7 weeks a new generation appears).

Cabbage moth (Plutella xylostella).

Cabbage moth larva before pupation.

A cabbage leaf gnawed by a cabbage moth caterpillar.

Butterfly white

The favorite butterfly of kids, who enthusiastically catch it with nets. This is a large moth. hallmark are black round spots on the wings. Lays up to 100 eggs on leaves. The development cycle of caterpillars from eggs is longer than that of the small moth. After 8-15 days, caterpillars appear, eating leaves to the veins.

Cabbage, or white cabbage (Pieris brassicae).

Cabbage butterfly egg laying.

Cabbage butterfly caterpillar.

butterfly scoop

It is especially harmful because it damages about 70 species of plants, including vegetables, fruits, garden flowers, etc. Scoop (baby owl) is nocturnal. Inconspicuous beige-brownish, gray-brown with broken spots of light shades on the wings. Its flight is observed from the first days of May to the end of October in warm regions. The female lays up to 2700 eggs on the underside of the leaves, from which colored caterpillars (from green to brown spotted) hatch after 5-8 days. They overwinter as pupa and larvae. For wintering, they go deep into the soil up to 10 cm. In the southern regions it forms 3 generations, in the northern regions - one.

Butterfly cutworm (Mamestra brassicae).

Caterpillar of cabbage scoop.

Oviposition of the cabbage scoop.


Cabbage fleas damage all cruciferous plants. Small bugs with characteristic type movement - jumping, characterized by increased appetite. If they are not stopped, they are able to completely destroy seedlings or young seedlings, damaging young leaves. They overwinter in the soil and under various garbage, including under plant residues.

In addition to the pests described above, young cabbage plants suffer from bears and wireworms. Annoying slugs that harm plants. In the heat, they hide in secluded cool places, often in the leaves of the head of cabbage that serves them as food at night. The eaten edges of the leaves are silent witnesses of the night feast. This whole army of pests requires immediate protection measures. The most practical are measures that combine soil and plant cultivation.

Cabbage pest control methods

Brief characteristics of the main crop pests clearly indicate the need for systemic treatment of plants. 1-2 treatments during the summer period against the background of a neglected area will not save the plants from damage, the crop will be so poor quality that it cannot be eaten.

Familiarization with the development cycles of pests clearly indicates the need for treatments from early spring until harvest. Their number can be reduced different ways, the basis of which is compliance with the technology of growing crops. Healthy developed plants better resist the destructive work of pests.

Agricultural practices

Agricultural practices do not destroy cabbage pests, but proactive agricultural technology and precise implementation of crop cultivation technology contribute to their significant quantitative reduction and less harm to plants.

  • In order to destroy wintering forms of pests, autumn tillage and territory is necessary (garbage, weeds, soil digging, etc.)
  • Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to destroy the bear, wireworm, May beetle using one of the methods used in country conditions.
  • Around the site in the spring should not be allowed to bloom forbs. Early emerging butterflies settle on wild plants and during germination or planting, seedlings are moved to beds with vegetable crops. The grass is mowed, leaving 4-8 cm of sod that keeps the soil from negative impact environment.

It is better to propagate insecticidal plants and plants around the site that attract natural enemies of pests - Trichogramma, Apanteles, Nitobia, Diadromus.

Destroy aphids larvae of lacewings, beetles and larvae of coccinellids, larvae of surfids, which consider weeds to be the main home. Thrips (larvae and adults) are eaten with pleasure by Orius and Anthocoris bugs, predatory phytoseiidae mites, neoseiuluses. For breeding on the site, they can be bought in specialized stores or firms.

Chemical protection measures

Cabbage is one of those crops where the use of chemical means of protection is unacceptable. A tightly curled head does not allow washing off the remnants of the drug, and it ends up in the kitchen and further on the menu. It is unreasonable to rely on the period of decomposition. It is not known what is more dangerous the drug itself or its residues.

If there is no way out, then in compliance with all personal safety measures and strictly following the recommendations, it is possible to use systemic and contact chemicals for the treatment of leaves and soil on cabbage beds in the first 2-3 weeks (before the start of head curling).

In April-May (mass shoots and 3-4 day cabbage seedlings), plants and soil can be pollinated with dust, naphthalene, dry celandine powder. Or in the same period, you can sprinkle the plants with solutions of actellik, decis, actara. For 10 liters of water, dilute 20 ml of one of the drugs. Solutions act on adult insects, so they spray plants and soil. Spend no more than 1-2 sprayings with a period of 3-5 days.

AT recent times more often they recommend preparations specifically for cabbage: Iskra-M, Fury, Bankol. They can also treat the soil and plants. To 3 liters of water, add 2 ml of bankol and sprinkle the plants and soil. The fleas will disappear. In a later period, it is necessary to move on to other means of protection (biological, folk, physical destruction).

Biological preparations for protection against pests of cabbage

Biological products, unlike chemical ones, are created on the basis of live fungi, bacteria and nematodes. Their peculiarity is that they do not harm humans and animals. They work well in tank mixes. Many have contact and systemic effects of neurotoxin action on pests. After treatment, gnawing pests stop eating after 4-6 hours, sucking pests after 8-12 hours and die.

In his garden first-aid kit, it is enough for a gardener to have the following biological products:

  • Bitoxibacillin and Bicol - mainly used against sucking pests of aphids and bedbugs.
  • Verticillin - against whiteflies and aphids.
  • Nemabakt and Antonem-F - against nematodes, thrips, wireworms, cabbage flies, mining flies, May beetle larvae, bears, locusts.
  • Pecilomycin and Metarizin will replace Nemabact in protection against nematodes.
  • Aktofit will effectively destroy sucking and gnawing pests. One of the best biopreparations for summer residents. It destroys cabbage moth, aphids, scoop, cabbage white. You can use it not only for processing cabbage, but also for all vegetable crops with one dressing. After 4-16 hours, all pests treated with a biological product die. Up to 10-12 treatments per season with Aktofit, repeated during epidemics after 4-8 days, do not adversely affect plants. 2 days after processing, the products can be eaten. If Aktofit is not available for sale, then biological products Aversectin-C and Avertin-N have similar properties.

All of the listed drugs are compatible in the tank mix. If you use a mixture of Aktofit with Nemabact and Bicol, the garden will be cleared of the main pests not only of cabbage, but also of other vegetable crops. When preparing the tank mix to enhance adhesion, use laundry soap. Laundry detergents and dishwashing detergents are chemicals and can kill or reduce the effectiveness of bioinsecticides.

When working with biological products, it is necessary to take into account that their effectiveness reaches a maximum when working in temperature regime from +18°С. Therefore, in early spring, when temperatures fluctuate within +10 .. + 12 ° С, it is possible to treat cabbage plants with chemical preparations 1-2 times. Remember that when preparing a tank mix, each drug is dissolved separately in accordance with the recommendation, and then the solutions are poured into one container, stirred and sprayed on the plants.

It is advisable to check each drug for compatibility with the others, especially if it is used for the first time. Biological preparations are easily washed off with water during sprinkler irrigation and rain, which necessitates frequent treatment. But health is more valuable. Only with bioprocessing can you get a full-fledged, environmentally friendly products.

If you have begun to protect cabbage from pests with biological products, you cannot use chemicals. They will cause the death of the living basis of the biological product (fungi, bacteria). Biological products contain live microorganisms for which the soil is natural environment a habitat. Accumulating in the soil during the processing of plants, some of their species self-reproduce. The soil is enriched with beneficial microflora, which also protects plants from pests.

Folk remedies for pest control of cabbage

Offered on various sites great amount decoctions and infusions of herbal insecticides. But their use must be commensurate with their toxicity. For example: plants treated with hemlock decoction can cause poisoning, and the use of aconite decoctions can lead to death. Be attentive and careful. Use only insecticide plants that you are familiar with and always wait 2 weeks before eating processed fruits and other produce.

  • You can not use decoctions, but plant beds with different types of cabbage with sharp-smelling plants: mint, cilantro, sage, dill, fennel, parsley, calendula and others. Pests will leave the beds.
  • Not to apply chemical substances, young cabbage plants before curling the head can be pollinated from a flea with tobacco or finely sifted ash mixed with dry mustard.
  • From aphids, young plants can be sprayed with soapy water and washed off with watering in a day.
  • Caterpillars do not tolerate baking soda. Sprinkle unwrapped cabbage leaves with baking soda.
  • Snails and slugs are best collected in crowded places that are prepared for them in advance. In the aisles, moisten the soil and cover it with old rags, cardboard, newspapers moistened from below with kvass, beer, yeast solution, another sweet and sour drink or just water at night, and in the morning collect the "drunk" brothers. Mustard powder, hot pepper, tobacco, crushed shells will become an insurmountable barrier to pests on the way to cabbage if they are scattered between rows.

In order to overcome insects and thereby protect your crop from the "helpers" of its collection, you need to know the enemy in person. BUT folk remedies pest control will help keep the crop ecological without resorting to toxic chemicals for plant treatment. There is a solution for every cabbage pest.

Aphid pest

In a volume of 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute a glass of tobacco dust, a glass of wood ash, 1 large spoonful of mustard powder and 2 large spoons of liquid tar soap. Infuse the product for 24 hours, strain and spray the root soil and the lower part of the ground surface of the cabbage, especially the wrong side of the leaves.

Laundry soap

Dissolve completely in 10 liters of water 500 grams of grated shavings of laundry soap. Spray the cabbage plant and root soil with the product. Before spraying, the soap solution must be mixed well.

Maybug, scoop, cabbage flies

The May beetle is an insect of the Coleoptera order, the lamellar family. Known to the people as Khrushchev. The size of the pest can reach 10-40 millimeters. The body color can be from light brown to dark brown and black, the body is covered with small hairs. The insect has antennae and small claws, it is with them that it spoils the ground part of the plants. The insect is not picky about its habitat.

Scoop - cabbage scoop, it is a pest of cabbage. Outwardly, it resembles a silver-gray moth or butterfly. The length of the butterfly can be up to 5 centimeters. The butterfly survives in many negative conditions. The pest damages plants mainly at night. After the invasions of scoops, figured holes remain in the foliage of plants. During the day, the scoop hides in the root zone of cabbage.

Cabbage fly - there are two types of such flies: spring and summer. Representatives are outwardly identical, from 6 to 8 millimeters in size, ash-gray in color, with three stripes on the abdomen. The invasion of different types of flies occurs in its own period, that is, in spring and summer. Flies attack the plant in droves, leaving a clean, leafless stem from it.

Attracting Garden Ants

To attract rescue ants, you need to dig a container with sweet honey or sugar syrup in the root zone of cabbage. You can also water the ground or the plants themselves. Ants will absorb not only the larvae and eggs on the cabbage, but also cleanse the land of the pest.

Liquid soap with ash

You need to take 2 cups of liquid soap. You can soften laundry soap by rubbing it on a grater and mixing it with a little water. Mix the soap part with 1 tablespoon of wood ash. Add a mixture of soap and ash to 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly. With the resulting solution, it is worth making 1-2 sprays of cabbage affected by pests.

Onion peel tincture

To prepare the tincture, you need 0.5 kilograms onion peel for 4 liters of water. Water must be taken hot. The tincture must be defended for 2 days. Strain the composition and add 1 large spoon of tar soap to it. Spray infected cabbage with this remedy for 3-5 days in a row.

Baking soda

Seedlings and the adjacent territory of the earth must be sprinkled baking soda. After each watering or rain, the procedure must be repeated.

Attract wasps

Wasps eat the larvae and eggs of most garden pests. The ground around the seedlings and the ground part of the cabbage itself can be watered with a sweet syrup made from honey, sugar or jam. Wasps flock to sweet bait and at the same time absorb harmful insects.

Snails and slugs

Snails and slugs are gastropods. Snails have a spiral shell, while slugs have underdeveloped or absent shells. Pests reproduce by eggs. They lay their eggs in the ground at a depth of up to 30 centimeters. In one year, 2 generations of these pests manage to develop. Live up to 7 years. The larvae of these mollusks die even with the slightest loosening of the soil.


It is necessary to dissolve in 50 milliliters of ammonia in 6 liters of water. With this solution, you need to completely water the cabbage heads 2-3 times in a row.

mustard powder

It is necessary to prepare a spray solution in the proportion of 100 grams of powder per 10 liters of water. The action of the product stops after each watering or rain, the protective procedure must be repeated. And also you need to pollinate the soil in the root zone of the damaged plant and in places where the pest accumulates.

Lures in the ground

Snails and slugs die if containers with fermented juice, kvass or yeast sweet sour solutions are dug in the ground, in their habitat. Pests crawl onto the bait, then you need to simply dig out the containers in the morning and eliminate them.

Hot pepper infusion

Pour 100 grams of bitter red pepper with 1 liter of water and leave for 48 hours. After the time has elapsed, the infusion must be boiled and insisted for another 24 hours. Strain the brew. For 10 liters of water, 0.5 cups of infusion is required. Before spraying, add 2 large spoons of liquid soap to the composition. You can only spray the ground around the bush with such a tool; you cannot spray the ground part of the plant.


On the territory of the beds with cabbage, it is necessary to spread out the stems and leaves of common nettle. Through these barriers, pests will not stick to the cabbage. But the nettle needs to be renewed 1-2 times a day for fresh.

Cabbage caterpillars

Cabbage caterpillars are a representative of the whitefly butterfly in the second and third stages of development. The cabbage butterfly lays up to 200 bright yellow eggs at a time. A week later, the eggs hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillar looks slightly fluffy, green in color and with small black patches. It is the caterpillars that cause irreparable harm to the crop more than other pests. With large pest invasions from cabbage, an empty bald stalk may remain in the ground.

tops of tomatoes

To prepare the product, you need to take 2 kilograms of chopped tomato tops, pour raw materials with 5 liters of water and leave for 3-5 hours. After this mixture should be boiled for 3 hours over low heat, strain and dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2. Add 2-3 large spoons of tar liquid soap to the product and spray the infected cabbage.

wood ash solution

Take 1 liter of wood ash, 2 large spoons of table salt, 2 large spoons of ground black or red pepper and 2 large spoons of dry mustard powder. This burning mixture must be diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed on the plant and its root soil.

cruciferous flea

The cruciferous flea beetle is a very small, black-colored jumping beetle. In another way, this pest is called the leaf beetle. The size of the body of such a beetle varies from 1.8 to 3.5 millimeters. In one productive year, fleas give 2-3 generations. Beetles lay their eggs in the ground under the food plant. Insects also overwinter in the ground under plant debris. They are not picky about conditions and food, they absorb everything that is in the garden.

Infusion of tops and garlic

You need to take 1 glass of chopped garlic and potato tops and pour into 10 liters of water. Stir the composition and insist 3-5 hours, and then strain. Add half a glass of liquid soap to the expressed liquid. Spray cabbage very liberally, wetting its leaves.

planting garlic

When planting garlic in the ground, it is necessary to provide a place between it for planting cabbage seedlings. It is necessary to plant cabbage between young shoots, the pungent smell of garlic repels the attacks of underground and ground pests of cabbage.

fir essential oil

When watering seedlings to prevent all pests, in particular fleas, you can add 15-20 drops of essential fir oil to 10 liters of water. The pungent odor repels most small pests.

chicken manure

It is necessary to prepare an infusion for spraying. 200 grams of chicken manure will be required for 10 liters of water. Infuse for 24 hours until the litter is completely dissolved. Stir before spraying.


Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 1 cup of vinegar. With the resulting solution, it is necessary to spray the flea on the cabbage by spraying.

Covering cloth

Beds with young seedlings can be covered with a covering cloth (film, non-woven fabric, thin tarpaulin) to protect against fleas. Seedlings should be left closed until the foliage is coarsened and rooting is sufficiently dense.