Irreplaceable employee. How can a manager protect himself from blackmail?

Is it worth blackmailing the employer with dismissal and what is the risk? The expert speaks.

Vera Ignatkina,
editor-in-chief of the portal

The period before the 2008 crisis was called the “candidate market” for a reason. Blackmailing an employer was commonplace. Employees often threatened to quit if they were not given a pay raise, a free schedule, or additional benefits in the social package. And often the blackmailers got their way.
At that time I was working in a large international company. The level of wages was higher than the market, but they still grew by leaps and bounds, often unreasonably and inadequately. But the fear of losing key employees overpowered common sense and the employer made concessions.

Today, recruiters receive hundreds of responses and resumes for one vacancy, and few for another. Companies have learned to count money and abandoned the unbridled growth of salaries: it has become more efficient to leave good performers, and not "stars" who constantly fill the price.

About blackmail: how the leader sees it

As a manager, I have my own attitude towards blackmail. I allow situations when a subordinate says about dismissal if work in the company gives him inconvenience of a personal nature:

  • the employee is not satisfied with the work schedule from 10 am to 7 pm, as he does not have time to pick up the child from the kindergarten;
  • the employee lives in the region, and it is convenient for him to go to work early in the morning so as not to get into traffic jams;
  • the employee combines work with study, and the first couple begins two hours before the official end of the working day.
I also understand that employees turn to threats simply because they do not know how to build communication with the manager: by hushing up the problem and threatening to fire them, employees exacerbate the conflict.

In case of difficulties, first of all think over scenarios for solving the problem: shifting the work schedule to morning / evening, canceling or shortening the lunch break, reducing the working day, doing work at home. As soon as you have a coherent script, feel free to go to a conversation with the leader. As experience shows, in most cases it is possible to find a compromise.
The only point that worries any boss is whether the work will suffer from such changes and whether there will be additional costs. All. For example, the method of presenting information (threat or normal dialogue) does not affect my decision - I always find out the background of changes (requests), discarding emotions.

biased blackmail

There are workers who “cover behind” plausible arguments, ask for concessions, while they themselves sit back or earn extra money “on the side”. How many times have I been asked to go to the kindergarten for a child, and they themselves ran to court to defend the rights of the “left client”. Or they pretended to be sick, took time off from work, and they themselves made models for other customers. How did I know all this? No, I did not follow the employees, the "initiative" employees give themselves up. They lay out “non-working” documents on the table, forget about the printer, discuss side projects in the office, brag about the won business on social networks or mutual friends ...
Such behavior affects the future decisions of the manager, and when a real need arises, he will not meet the employee halfway, and no blackmail will help.

There are employees who complain about the lack of funds to pay for renting an apartment, buying a car, and so on. Surprisingly, when getting a job, they did not know about it. Of course, inflation devalues ​​the income workers once agreed to. But when you start talking about a salary increase, coupled with threats of dismissal, the chances of success tend to zero.

The standard recipe for successful employment is simple - the employer must understand what he will get if he hires you. When an employee, instead of demonstrating skills, results of work, voicing initiatives, begins to demand a salary increase due to a lack of money to rent an apartment (even if his salary is below the market), then I want to wish him good luck and send him home. And sent, by the way.

It is important for the employer how the business will benefit from the promotion of an employee in a position (salary). No one cares about a raise for the sake of a raise.

Pwhy employers don't follow blackmailers

The egos of most blackmailing employees are inflated: they believe that if they quit, the company will be on the verge of bankruptcy, and the employer will beg them to stay (read: offer a private jet, company shares, etc.). No, it's not like that.

Fallback option. If the employer is not stupid (and fools do not stay in the bosses for a long time), then he always has a plan "B":

  • duplicate technology,
  • the person who will do your work (or he will do it himself),
  • The manager knows how to assemble a team in a day.
For example, a great salesperson threatens to leave and “not give up” the customer base if they don’t increase the percentage of sales. Does he really think that his superiors did not foresee this situation and did not copy the database earlier? I know of a case when a salesperson “left” a customer base to an employer, but at the same time changed a few numbers in all phones (how much work he put in to annoy the boss!). Even if a person goes for such a scam, it is not difficult for a manager to hire an operator who will restore this database in a week. Blackmail in order to obtain benefits under the sauce of its own indispensability is doomed to failure.

The chatter of employees. Managers are reluctant to accept the terms of blackmailers, because some employees do not know how to keep their mouths shut. For example, Vasya was about to quit and told Petya about it. The management offered Vasya a salary increase, he stayed. Petya realized (or Vasya told him) that he had a chance to increase his income, and went to the authorities with the same ultimatum. Begins chain reaction, which ends with conflicts in the team: someone will be considered insufficiently competent and will not increase their salary, someone has already been promoted and will not be anymore, etc.

Sequence of employees. Practice proves that an employee who once resorted to blackmailing an employer and got what he wanted will not stop there and in six months or a year will still quit or start putting forward new demands.

This does not apply to a situation where problem solving (for example, the kindergarten situation) makes employees super-loyal.

When is blackmail effective?

Unfortunately, not all leaders are leaders leading a team. Sometimes these are personnel pleasing to higher management with a certain set of weaknesses and shortcomings. Such bosses, in turn, select personnel in such a way as to cover their weak points.

Blackmail will bear fruit if the boss understands that you are his reliable rear and he cannot lose you. To bring the leader to this point, adapt the personal vision of indispensability to the vision of the boss's indispensability. In any case, going into a conversation, calculate the options in advance so as not to be left with nothing. What if the boss has been looking for a replacement for you for a long time - a “cheaper” specialist, and your ultimatum will make it easier for him to dismiss him? Remember this always.

2 chose

Unethical practices in the office are different: manipulation and moral pressure, shifting responsibility, etc. And there is also quite a frank blackmail. Because of what and how it happens - we will discuss today.

Victim of circumstance

It happens that the company decides to review the current staffing. For example, due to the fact that he is experiencing not better times and forced to drastically cut costs. Or the ongoing projects, goals and objectives have changed significantly, and there is no longer a need for expensive specialists in a number of profiles.

Dismissing an employee in full compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - in this case, reducing it - is not cheap, compensation reaches several salaries. Therefore, some human resources departments require you to write an application for own will or by agreement of the parties. Then the employer is not required to pay additional severance pay.

Ways to achieve this can be different: to force to perform duties in excess of the agreed job description, hoping that a person will not stand it for a long time and will ask himself "to go out" (or will work hard for two, as if saving salary budgets).

Or to overwhelm with work more than the allowable volume, not to get, of course, the proper result and to achieve the effect of incompetence of a stubborn one.

It happens that they threaten to spread disgusting rumors among acquaintances of personnel officers so that no one wants to take on new job. In general, this category includes any situation in which a worker is forced to take a disadvantageous position by force or meanness.

Only you can decide whether you are ready to go to the end: endure emotional pressure, study the TC and consult with lawyers, diligently record all illegal demands (in writing or on a voice recorder) so that in case of a court case you have at least some evidence. However, sometimes it is enough to demonstrate your knowledge in the matter, and harsh HRs become more flexible. After all, it is known that judges often decide in favor of the plaintiff dismissed in this way.

snout in the cannon

Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Some offenses are frivolous and insignificant, others are more significant. And even if management is unaware of your gaffe (you managed to avoid a catastrophe that would have revealed unsightly facts, or your participation was not obvious), there may be a possibility that someone else knows about what happened or somehow finds out. For example, your colleague or partner.

What if one day he wants you to fulfill any of his conditions, and if you refuse, he threatens to make public the information he has? There are several options.

You can agree and "pay the ransom", but it's worth remembering not to rely on the word of someone who resorts to such a low method of getting his own. This means that there is a great chance that the situation will repeat itself periodically, while the appetites of the blackmailer will grow.

Sometimes it's worth trying to find out something similar about the one who bullies you, and then bang on bash. He is silent about what he knows, you do not disclose what you managed to scout.

You can take a chance and refuse to follow the lead, counting on the fact that his revelations will either not be believed or will not be given any importance. However, if the information turns out to be valuable to the authorities and is obtained from third parties, the scandal can turn out to be very ugly.

And there is an option, which, perhaps, is the most difficult to decide - to confess first. Yes, you run the risk of being reprimanded and jeopardizing the credibility of your competence. But the reputation of an honest person who has the courage to take responsibility for his mistakes is worth a lot.

Unscrupulous boss

"Brawler", "Scoundrel", "Boyak" - we sorted out with you somehow common types of obnoxious bosses. It is possible and even worthwhile to get along with the shortcomings of leadership for the time being. However, at some point, "jumps" may go beyond the allowable.

It's one thing to ask to work overtime, explaining the real production need and signing an application for time off. And a completely different ultimatum in the spirit “If you don’t complete an urgent assignment, you won’t go on vacation”, “If you don’t go out on weekends, I’ll deprive you of your bonus”, “If you don’t take on additional functionality so that we don’t hire a new employee, look for a new job”.

In such a situation - if these are not empty threats for a red word - it is worth considering the methods described in the previous paragraphs. And the fact that you can and should always appeal to the Labor Code, and the fact that once, as they say, bending down, you only confirm a person’s confidence in omnipotence - after some time you will still go to the dry cleaner for his suits.

If you have the opportunity to contact the HR director, you should use it. Confirming your words with letters or audio recordings. Believe me, not in every organization, top managers unite against ordinary employees. There are also those who honor decency and fight against violations of ethical principles.

If this is not the case for your company, and you are not ready to leave for whatever reason, try, for example, to transfer to another department or defend your value as a professional in order to report not to the head of your department, but directly to the CEO.

Or really, monitor the labor market - it will be very, very difficult to remain calm and composure in an environment of constant tension. It is not necessary to quit on the first impulse, but it will be useful to have in mind vacancies where you can send your resume immediately. In the meantime, you are looking for sidings, and an unpleasant boss can be removed.

With all my heart I wish you never to end up in similar situation! But if so, how would you behave? What advice would you give to someone who is in this position?

Every person has a weak point, and the extortionist is looking for such a “control pedal” for his own benefit. Blackmail is a real psychological terror, for which the legislation provides for real punishment. But, even with all the protection of citizens by law, everyone can become its victim, because Internet blackmailers and hackers operate very skillfully on the World Wide Web.

Blackmail - what is it?

Blackmail is a criminal offense associated with the threat of disclosing compromising facts (information, photographs, video, audio) for the purpose of profit or obtaining the desired services, concessions. Blackmail is a great way to manipulate people, and each of us can become a victim of a blackmailer.

Psychology of blackmail

To be well prepared for a meeting with swindlers, and to know what to do with blackmail, you should first understand the psychology of this phenomenon. Power over the victim! This is the whole effect of extortion, so the threat during blackmail acts as the main lever of pressure, which allows you to drive the victim into a corner and subdue him, forcing him to follow orders for his own benefit. Basically, blackmailers do not stop when they get what they want, and continue to oppress a person, demand the fulfillment of their desires and enrich themselves at his expense and further.

emotional blackmail

One of the forms of everyday manipulation is energy vampirism and emotional blackmail, which comes down to only one thing - to get what you want by any means. Most families have such relatives. From their mouths fly threats, reproaches, pursuing one goal. And almost everyone succumbs to such “persuasions”, not suspecting that they themselves are elevating themselves to the rank of a victim of blackmail.

There are three types of emotional tormentors:

  1. "Tyrant" demands unquestioning obedience. He acts tough, stubborn, assertive in achieving his goal, not giving the victim the slightest chance of refusal. Rough handling of threats: "Try not to do ..." or "I warn you last time…”, bring the victim into a state of emotional depression and depression.
  2. "Sufferer". This type of blackmailer complete opposite first. Feigned weakness, soreness, depression makes caring relatives follow their lead. Often, dreary speeches end with statements about a serious illness or desire to die, a planned suicide, or the phrase “no one loves me, does not understand, no one cares about me” in order to achieve fulfillment of requirements.
  3. "Guilty Without Guilt". Such blackmailers are subtle psychologists who are able to instill in their victim the idea of ​​some kind of guilt or a sense of duty to them. The “guilty” practically drive themselves into such bondage and believe that they are doing everything right, indulging the whims of the blackmailer.

sexual blackmail

In relationships between people, sexual blackmail can also take place, but it is divided into several types:

  1. Blackmail in relationships. He is temperamental, she is not very. As a result of the dissimilarity of temperaments, sooner or later an ultimatum will arise: "not with you, so with the other." In such a situation, relationships are usually doomed to failure, because under constant pressure, intimacy will only lead to irritation and disgust.
  2. Forced sex under pressure. This is a common scenario in most dating site or party relationships. As a rule, men act as blackmailers in such a situation, demanding intimacy from women, and the latter may agree without much desire for fear of missing out on a promising groom. However, do not forget that many men can only play blackmail, thus checking the lady they like for availability.
  3. Compulsion to intimacy either for the provision of some service, or as a payment for concealing compromising evidence. This is the most heinous form of sexual blackmail, coupled with violence.

Signs of blackmail

The most important weapon of a blackmailer is information backed up by evidence. It could be provocative photo compromising audio or video. In personal relationships, the blackmailer can play on feelings for him, for example, threatening suicide, moral suffering. Often the victim is not always aware of his dependence on the blackmailer. This can be determined by the following aspects:

  • search for justification for their actions against the blackmailer;
  • doing things to please someone else;
  • unquestioning compliance;
  • committing acts against one's will, to end the suffering of a loved one;
  • indifference and complete obedience.

What to do if you are being blackmailed?

Blackmail and extortion, in fact, are crimes with one underlying reason - a ransom demand. It should be noted right away that for the most part, neither swindlers nor domestic "terrorists" stop when they get what they want, and continue to continue to use their power over the victim for the sake of satisfaction. Therefore, it is imperative to know what to do when blackmailed and how to behave with a tormentor.

How to deal with a blackmailer?

  1. Under no circumstances should you panic. You should pull yourself together and think soberly.
  2. Do not take into account what the blackmailer tells you, because his main goal is to intimidate and take everything under his control. Behave calmly, because the swindler certainly does not expect such behavior from you.
  3. Do not try to negotiate with the extortionist and do not give him what he asks for. In this situation, it is best to take time so that law enforcement officers can sort out this case.
  4. If you are being blackmailed with information, it is better to tell your relatives about your “sins” on your own. So you will present the information as it is, without embellishment and there will be nothing to blackmail you with.

How to get rid of a blackmailer?

The main defense against blackmail is the absolute disregard of the blackmailer. If you do not respond to threats in any way, then extortion is more likely to stop, because the goal of the blackmailer is not to compromise, but to gain. It should also not be forgotten that best defense- assault, that is, bringing charges, and punishment for blackmail provides for real and serious terms of imprisonment under several articles, depending on the severity of the atrocity. Consider the liability for blackmail on the example of the laws of the Russian Federation:

  • Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - extortion, up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles;
  • Art. 138 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of the secrecy of correspondence is punishable by a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles;
  • Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - violation of immunity privacy. Punishment up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles.

How to prove blackmail?

Fraud and blackmail are two concepts that go hand in hand in the criminal code, and the evidence base of which has many nuances. How do you prove the fact of blackmail?

  1. Try to make correspondence or a recording of a conversation with a blackmailer.
  2. When the attacker announces his demands, try to delay the transfer of money or what the swindler requires. And in no case do not follow the swindler's lead without a safety net from the investigation, otherwise it will be almost impossible to prove the fact of blackmail.
  3. Next, contact law enforcement with a detailed statement and the provision of all available evidence of blackmail and other criminal acts.
  4. After starting a criminal case, follow all the requirements of the police. It is quite possible that it will come to espionage equipment (wiretapping, covert filming) and labeled banknotes.
  5. When in contact with a blackmailer, behave naturally so that “the fish does not leave the hook of justice”, suspecting something was wrong.
  6. After completing the investigation and obtaining all the necessary evidence, you can be sure that the swindler will receive a real sentence for blackmail.

Films about blackmail

One of the most action-packed genres in cinema are films and series about extortion:

  1. "Pretty little Liars". The action of this series is tied around four girls who, a year after the death of their mutual friend Alison, begin to blackmail an unknown person. In the hands of the blackmailer are many of their secrets and secrets, even those that were known only to the deceased.
  2. "Enemy of the state". When you unwittingly become the owner of evidence incriminating a high-ranking official, it is no longer clear who in this case is the ideal victim for blackmail, because a real hunt begins for you.
  3. "The beauty and the Beast". Are you ready to remain imprisoned in the monster's castle to save your father's life? A serious step that will completely change the fate of the beautiful Belle.

Blackmail is an inducement to commit acts that are contrary to the principles of the person being blackmailed or the current legislation. How can blackmail be avoided? What to do if blackmailed at work? Read the answers to these and other questions below.

Blackmail is not called an independent crime, but a means of committing other crimes. Blackmail should not be confused with malpractice. After all, blackmail can be used by all persons without exception, and abuse of official position, only by those who are one step higher in the hierarchical ladder.

Facts of blackmail in the workplace are becoming more common, and many do not know what to do in such a situation. Apart from Labor Code, here are the norms of the Criminal Code to protect the rights of citizens. After all, blackmail can manifest itself in such crimes as:

  • extortion
  • racket
  • manipulation
  • ultimatum
  • and others…

Blackmail is always used for some purpose, and that is why it is manifested in various kinds of crimes.

How to avoid blackmail

Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that blackmail is used by all participants in labor relations. In particular, by the workers themselves, who blackmail their superiors with various methods. The question arises - how to avoid such blackmail and how can it be counteracted?

First of all, it is necessary to carefully read all the contracts and agreements that the parties conclude between themselves, that is, the employee and the employer. Because in the terms of the contract there are certain points that may infringe on the rights of one of the parties. And these doubtful provisions of the contract must be settled in advance by mutual agreement.

Situations often arise when an employee tries to blackmail an employer. The reasons for blackmail can be different. And the most common threat is a complaint to the tax authorities. Most often they try to prove the fact that the employer does not pay officially wages and use illegal labor.

In this situation, there is no need to worry. After all given fact offenses still need to be established and proven, and no one will pay attention to the complaint of one employee. At a minimum, it is necessary to record the moment the offense was committed so that there is weighty material evidence. And do not forget when taking the case to court that the employer can file a counterclaim against the employee. Yes, and to prove the fact of payment of wages "in an envelope" is very difficult.

What should employees do

There are also situations when the employer is to blame for the current situation. Promising stable and high wages to employees, he pays the exact opposite of what he promised. In this case, blackmail may be almost the only way out of this situation.

If an employee is being blackmailed, then it is advisable to record the fact of blackmailing on an audio or video recording device so that you can safely take him to court. After all, labor and criminal law while still standing guard to protect the interests of citizens. The main thing to remember is that no one ever has the right to blackmail a person for the sake of their interests. Article 163 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation stands for the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, not allowing anyone to carry out the facts of extortion or blackmail.

At the present time, blackmail, alas, has become a common occurrence, and according to statistics, every third Russian is faced with this. Do not forget about the norms of the law that protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you should not be afraid to seek help from the court or the tax authorities.

Emotional blackmail at work and how to deal with it.

Some people are constantly trying to shift some of their x official duties on co-workers. Moreover, they sincerely believe that this is how it should be. Since it is he who is underestimated, or completely special circumstances. Therefore, a return service, even the most insignificant, is regarded as a personal feat. If it will be provided, which is highly doubtful.

At the same time, according to such a colleague, you owe him something, almost every day. Such a manipulation of compassion and a sense of pity is emotional blackmail at work. And the only way to deal with this blackmail at work is not to allow yourself to be manipulated.

The most common methods of emotional blackmail at work.

Personal circumstances. Sometimes, some circumstances of personal life are not only actively discussed in the team, but are also used by the employee to come later or leave earlier. At the same time, those around him are additionally loaded with his requests to finish something, redo it, etc. When faced with blackmail like this at work, you need to make it clear that you, too, have a family and a personal life. And you don't have to work for him in your free time, since this is not displayed in any way on your salary, and it does not benefit your relationships with loved ones and you personally.

Employee age. Very often, older colleagues do not want to learn anything new and simply try to shift these responsibilities to younger colleagues. If you do not initially stop such emotional blackmail at work, then over time, the fulfillment of these duties by you will become something for granted.

Therefore, it is advisable to immediately notify the authorities that this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork is being carried out by you. If it is difficult for an older employee to adapt to new conditions, this is just an excuse to redistribute your duties or wages.

Employee experience. In this case, your colleague is sure that he is right, because he is more experienced and older. Moreover, the fact that the world around is changing, and perhaps such an experience is already outdated, may simply not occur to him. As a rule, new or young employees face such blackmail at work.

The only way is to listen, as carefully as possible, and only then give their arguments. Avoid conflict and bring as much as possible more facts well justify your position. If it is absolutely unrealistic to convey it, go to the trick. Do not present the innovation as your proposal, but come to such an employee for advice. Let him voice the advantages of such an innovation, based on the fact that he is more experienced, which means that they are immediately visible to him.

Small salary. If one of the employees is trying to reduce the scope of his duties, blackmailing a colleague at work with the fact that he has a small salary, this does not mean that it is less than yours! Most likely, this is a kind of internal protest, due to the fact that he feels underestimated, or believes that he deserves more.

It will be difficult to prove anything in this case. Try not to deviate from your responsibilities. In order not to provoke squabbles, pretend to be busy, in order to avoid requests to do someone else's work, resort to other tricks. So you will be able to avoid serious conflicts when faced with such a phenomenon as blackmail at work.