Workbook on correction of dysgraphia. Optical dysgraphia prevention workbook




It was a warm spring. Misha was bored sitting at home. He took the net, called the Beetle and went to the meadow. And there flowers grew and butterflies flew: white, yellow, black. Misha ran across the meadow and caught butterflies with a net. And the Beetle ran after the boy. Fun boy, fun Bug.


There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken. The hen laid an egg. The egg is not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke. The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the pock-marked hen cackles:

Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman, I'll lay an egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.


The black cat sat down

On the oven.

And softly sang

Yurochka song:

“Here the cockerel woke up,

The hen got up.

Get up my friend

Get up, my Yurochka.

By the river there is a lamb in rings, And the river said to the girl:

Rings do not fall into the river. "Don't cry about your ring,

And the girl had a ring - Touch the sheep for the ring

The ring fell into the river. And you'll get your ring."


Black ink, Rook blacker than night, With blackened dog

Black stockings, black bug, the boy popped in,

Black gloves, Bird's black beak, Her he is through a stick

Black glasses. Black worm. Taught to jump

Night butterfly

With a little black wing, Sitting on a bench, In a little rhyme,

Squirrel tame Black paws But he will teach

Above the black hole. The ball moves. Distinguish the sound "h".

By a wonderful Christmas tree In the night, not bricks A seagull warmed up a kettle,

Frequent needles, Babbling on the stove. Invited eight gulls.

Frequent needles Chatter on the stove Everyone flew in for tea!

At a wonderful fir-tree In kalachi dough. How many seagulls - answer!

Cha - cha ach - at cha - cha - cha

Cha - cha yach - yat cha - cha - cha

Cho - cho at - ach cho - cho - cho

Cho - cho yat - yach cho - cho - cho

Chi - ti och - ot chi - ti - chi

Ti - chi ich - it ti - chi - ti

Chu - tu ut - uch chu - tu - chu

Chu - chu et - ech chu - chu - chu

Jaw, repair, clean, clean, celandine, reader, a little, smell, seal, be silent, pump, receive, heal, teach, wet, sharpen, mosque, leak, birdie, roach, chick, teaching, reading, confluence.

A wheelbarrow is rolling. The calf is mooing. The teacher is reading. Hot iron. Heavy pack. Close closet. Five checks. Braided twine. Dark night. Sharpen the sword. Warm kalach. Receive change. Weed lentils. Bend the key. Five textbooks. Tight shelf. Warm kettle. To drink tea. Use the stove.

The theme is cleaning shoes. Petya is sitting on the stove. A tulip has four stamens. The bird flew out of the cage. A night light glows in a dark room. There was almost no water left in the kettle. Tema fixed the cast-iron boiler for my aunt. It is necessary to send a checkmark by mail. The children enthusiastically threw the ball. the children wanted to swing on the swings. A black cloud is crawling across the sky. The girl lost her umbrella. Subject in the dark stumbled upon the stove. The ball rolled into the closet. Chapa's dog barked at rabbits and ducklings. A soldier was cleaning a cauldron of barley porridge. My aunt has kittens, ducklings, calves, hares. In the evening, in the dark, Tanechka and Olechka lost their way and ran into a fence. It is necessary to heat the oven and bake cookies for the guests. Drink, children, warm milk and eat cookies. Go to the closet and take some flour and tea. The teacher told the students to prepare an essay on a free topic for Monday.

At this hour Gold will not buy Honor.

On all hours Honest honor is not

Quiet time, give in.

Quiet hour. He needs honor

Arrows go light.

On socks Happy to sell her

At this hour, dishonest,

Quiet hour. But, as everyone knows,

The dishonest have no honor.

Why are you here, birdie?

To the fontanel, where is the water pouring?

I came for a drink

Wash little chicks!

Topic: Differentiation of sounds Ch - T in words, phrases.

Targets and goals: teach to give comparative characteristic sounds H - T; develop skills phonemic perception phonemic analysis; enrich vocabulary; reinforce word formation skills with the help of suffixes; develop skills of orientation in space, visual perception, writing skill.

Equipment: letters H - T, subject pictures: a turtle, a duckling, a ball, glasses, a cup, a key, a teapot, a butterfly, a shuttle; cards with words written on them to form phrases.

Lesson progress

I. Organizing moment

1. Exercises of the kinesiology program

2. Development auditory perception

SPEAKER: Listen to the pairs of words and identify the sounds they differ in. (Sounds H - T). A couple of words is how many words?

weaver - weave a scarecrow * - scare

Pugach is a children's toy in the form of a pistol.

3. Formulate the topic of the lesson and write it on the board

II. Main part

1. Pronunciation of sounds and their comparison by articulation

H - consonant, soft, deaf.

Th - consonant, soft, deaf.

2. Acquaintance with the heroes of the lesson (Turtle and duckling)

What shall we name a baby turtle? What shall we name the baby duck? What do you think, which of the sounds will the turtle choose for itself, and which one will the duckling?

3. Development of visual orientations

SPEECH THERAPIST: The kids found the pictures. They want to play with you, look at the objects and determine what is where. Answer the questions. PICTURES:

What do these items have in common?

What item is missing and why?

Where are the glasses?

What is under the ball?

Where is the cup?

What is to the left of the key?

Find an ambiguous word. Explain its meaning.

What items can be combined into one group according to

any sign?

4. Development visual memory

SPEAKER: Write down the names of the objects from memory and indicate the presence of the sounds of the lesson.

5. Development logical thinking and dictionary

SPEECH THERAPIST: One day the turtle and the duck wanted to go on a journey. Can you tell me what they can swim on? (Boat, boat, ship, raft, steamer...) You have chosen the right items for the trip, but your friends have chosen something else. What exactly? You will find out the answer to this question if you complete the task.

Guess the riddles and add a new word from the first letters of the riddles. Puzzles:

1. Guess who is this? 2. Needles lay, lay

Walks in a bone coat? And ran under the table?

(Turtle) (Hedgehog)

3. A cloud of iron, 4. I wear a horn on my nose,

And the cloud has a pen. I call myself. . . . (rhinoceros)

This cloud is in order

I walked around the garden bed. (Water)

What word did you get? (Canoe) Write down this word and do sound analysis. To do this, use the pens of red, blue and green. MUTUAL CHECK

6. Differentiation Ch - T in words.

SPEECH THERAPIST: The turtle and the duckling got into a boat and swam along beautiful river. And to make it more fun, the kids came up with a game. Play with them, fill in the missing letters H - T. Read the resulting words.

that. . . ka by. . . that. . . heel heel. . . OK

sve. . . a. . . games. . . aces. . . Jan. . . ka

P. . . and. . . ka. . . ita. . th. . . Theater at . . yata

Graphic dictation. The speech therapist calls these words, the children write down the syllable scheme.

7. Grammar of phrases

SPEECH THERAPIST: The turtle and the duckling saw insects on the shore and wanted to play with them. Who are these insects, in the name of which there is a sound H? (Firefly, grasshopper, spider, bee, worm). New acquaintances gave the task to our heroes and you. Connect the words from the left column with the words from the right column with lines.






III. Summary of the lesson

What sounds did you learn in class?

Correction-developing tasks.

To teach the child to listen carefully to the speech of an adult, to find and correct errors in the use of personal endings of verbs.

To teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [H] - [T '].

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activities.

Develop the child's auditory-speech memory.

Practice word formation.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Correct mistakes". The adult reads the sentence, and the child corrects the mistakes and pronounces the correct variant.

He's flying on a plane. We are writing a letter. Mom is feeding the baby. The boy is going to school. Children watch movies. People are walking down the street. The clock is right. The dog barks loudly. The cat catches the mouse. The girl sings a song.

Task 2. Differentiation of sounds [H] - [T '] Name the extra word in the series (by the presence of sounds) and explain why it is superfluous:

Miracle, seagull, telephone, chizhik; aunt, body, tima, kettle.

Compare the articulation of sounds [H] - [T '] (common and different), recall the characteristics and designation.

Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [H]":

Tchm - n - h - t; ma - cha - flow - choit - ich;

seagull, notebook, Tim, Alien, wrinkle, ball......

Task 3. Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

cha-cha, chu-.,., ach-at, och ...

Repeat a series of syllables for an adult:

cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha, cha-cha-cha.

Arrange the pictures into two piles: objects whose names have the sound [H] and objects whose names have the sound [T ']. Determine the place of sounds in words, divide them into syllables. Make up a sentence with each word.

Task 4. An adult calls 3-5 words with the sound [H] ([T"]), and the child must listen carefully and repeat them in the same sequence.

Pick up as many words as possible with the sounds [H] and [T"].

Replace the sound [H] with the sound [T] in words. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words.

Ball - knead, scourge - ..., bangs - ..., stove - ..., weaver - ...,

clearly - ..., river - ..., oven - ..., evening - ..., why - ...

Recall riddles, tongue-twisters with the sounds [H] and [T "] (see topics No. 10, 35).

Task 5. Correct mistakes, draw the child's attention to the change in the meaning of the whole sentence when replacing the sounds [H] and [T '] in words.

The stove sits on Petka. A river grows by the radish.

The boy began to bake a song. Mom was going to sing pies.

Pick up related words to the words:

to write (writer, novelist, copyist...),

to teach (teacher, teacher, student...),

Remember the words: with the sound [H], with the sound [T ’], with the sounds [H] and [T "] at the same time.

Repeat for an adult sentences:

The pet is sitting.

Boy Petka is sitting.

Boy Petka is sitting on the stove.

The big boy Petka is sitting on the stove.

The big boy Petka sits on a warm stove.

The big boy Petka has been sitting on the warm stove since morning.

The big boy Petka has been sitting idle on the warm stove since morning.

Task 6. Recall the letters that the letter represents the sounds [H] and [T '] .