Robert Kiyosaki years of life. Stock market geniuses

Robert Toru Kiyosaki (April 8, 1947) is an American entrepreneur, teacher, and writer.

Childhood, youth

Kiyosaki is a representative of the 4th generation of Japanese to immigrate to the United States. Robert was born into a family of teachers. His father was a Doctor of Philosophy and also served as Secretary of Education for the State of Hawaii. Having received his education, the future entrepreneur went to serve in the American naval forces in Vietnam. He was a pilot combat helicopter. After finishing his military career, Kiyosaki became a sales agent for Xerox.


During his life, Robert Kiyosaki managed to be both a man on the edge of an abyss and a millionaire known throughout the world. He owes much of his fortune to the sale of his books. At the same time, many experts criticize Kiyosaki’s advice, calling him a pro in the field of “donkey and carrot marketing.” The essence of such marketing is that a person is offered a certain product that will help him achieve his goal. But after purchasing a product, it turns out that achieving the goal with its help is impossible, so the buyer is offered to buy another, usually more expensive, product that will help solve the problem. How did Kiyosaki come to this?

1977 - founded a company that sold nylon and leather products, including the so-called “surfer wallets.”

1985 – together with S. L. Lechter founded the educational company “Rich Dad`s Organization”. In this company, students were trained in business and investing.

  • "Rich dad, poor dad";
  • "Midas's Gift";
  • "Cash Flow Quadrant";
  • "Real Estate Investments"
  • "Rich Dad's Prophecy"
  • "Unfair advantage";
  • "Business of the 21st century."

In his early textbooks, Kiyosaki suggested financial methods ending the "rat race". And in latest books it focuses on ethical issues in business. At the same time, many consider Kiyosaki's advice ridiculous and sometimes downright illegal. In total, Robert wrote 15 books, published in 26 million copies. In addition, he developed board game“Cash Flow 101”, which helps you master the specifics of financial strategies.

2012 - According to some sources, Kiyosaki's fortune was equal to $80 million. The bulk of his fortune is based on the sale of books and investments.

2012 – Kiyosaki’s company “Rich Global LLC” lost trial related to debt collection. This company did not pay The Learning Annex, a marketing agency that promoted the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. The amount of debt amounted to $24 million. Therefore, in August 2012, Rich Global LLC filed for bankruptcy.

Quotes from books by Robert Kiyosaki

The market is driven by only two emotions - fear and greed. On this moment fear dominates.

When you ask an investor for money, talk less and listen more.

Falling in love can be easy, but loving for a lifetime is much harder. This phrase clearly characterizes the relationship between business partners

A real business must solve a problem.

A leader must set a goal, build a team and lead it towards the goal. The team will do everything else themselves. At the same time, a leader must be a perfectionist. He cannot allow half measures and half solutions.

Success can be achieved through character and the willingness to make mistakes and mistakes.

It's not money that makes you rich, it's your assets.

When building a brand, remember your customers.

The biggest mistake is to make few mistakes.

Educating people about entrepreneurship will help solve the growing problem of unemployment.

Don't rely on the dollar to recover - buy gold and silver!

The secret of success is serving people. Try to give people more and then you will start earning better.

Robert Kiyosaki is not even a millionaire - a billionaire. The fortune of the famous American entrepreneur, investor, and sought-after consultant is estimated at two billion dollars. But he is interesting to the whole world because he not only knows how to make money himself, but also helps others. Anyone who is ready to take someone else's experience and make it their own.

The author of the bestselling book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (total circulation - 11 million copies!) was born on April 7, 1947. His father, the great-grandson of Japanese who settled the Hawaiian Islands, served as the fiftieth state's Secretary of Education. It was him, Ph.D. Ralph Kiyosaki, who the future businessman called “poor dad” - not so much for financial insolvency, but for his inability to get rich himself and teach his children the same.

And the “rich dad” for nine-year-old Robert was the father of his friend Michael, who gave him education lessons.

These lessons were not immediately useful. After graduation high school and the Merchant Marine Academy in New York, Kiyosaki served on a merchant ship and in the Marines (including as a helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War), and worked as an agent for Xerox. And only in 1977, at the age of thirty, he began to study own business. First initial capital made money by founding a company selling nylon wallets. Then he started producing rocker T-shirts. Mistakes in investing and failures in the stock market led to bankruptcy. However, the aspiring entrepreneur did not give up, finding his true calling in the educational “Rich Dad’s Company” he created in 1985.

Now the “educator of millionaires” lives with his wife Kim Kiyosaki, also an investor and businessman, in Phoenix (Arizona). Like-minded spouses continue to teach young people the basics of financial literacy, the ability to earn and increase their income. Robert Kiyosaki devoted more than a dozen books to this topic, the circulation of which exceeded 26 million copies.

The author does not stand on ceremony with his readers. Makes fun of sad whiners who whine about the injustice of the world. Offers to “look out of the chicken coop” and make sure that there are plenty of opportunities around to gain financial independence.

To do this, according to Kiyosaki, it is necessary:

stop infantilely complaining about the imperfections of the world, be filled with energy and optimism;
find any hired job and save some for the initial capital that will be needed to open your own business;
learn to sell;
start your own business;
start investing most in expanding your business to make your money work for you.
Studying the biographies of the rich and successful, it is easy to notice that their recommendations are quite similar. Maybe because they are fair and work? Isn't it time not only to read smart books, but also to try to take advantage of the advice of people who generously share their experience on how to succeed?

Who is Robert Kiyosaki? What is his biography and the story of his success? What are the author's most popular books that everyone should read?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch with you.

In this article I want to talk about one of the most competent and famous business gurus of our time. His name is Robert Kiyosaki, he is a successful entrepreneur, investor, author of many books on personal finance management, smart investing and business philosophy in general.

If you have decided that it’s time to change your life for the better, but don’t know where to start, then Robert Kiyosaki’s books will become your reliable guides and assistants!

1. Who is Robert Kiyosaki - biography, success story

Robert Kiyosaki himself calls himself not just an author, but a successful investor, entrepreneur and financial advisor.

Robert Kiyosaki's books will be of interest not only to aspiring entrepreneurs and established businessmen, but also to anyone interested in their own development.

The bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad and other works are serious motivational literature with the highest level of practical usefulness.

Despite the fact that this businessman’s fortune currently exceeds $2 billion, Kiyosaki is not going to retire: he continues to consult with major international corporations and invest in promising business projects.

The achievements of this man inspire respect, especially considering that Kiyosaki was not a Rockefeller son from birth and achieved his current status solely through his own efforts.

The story of the author of the article Alexander Berezhnov or how Kiyosaki helped me

Here I will briefly tell you how I became acquainted with Kiyosaki’s work and what I think about it.

I first learned about Kiyosaki from my friend Oleg, who at the age of 17 advised me to read the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” At that time, my financial situation was not very good, but at the same time I was quite young, and I didn’t have any money then.

But the very ideas of the book, presented in a light artistic form, with a very deep meaning, then changed my whole life. The book about Rich Dad gave me the impetus for further financial education. Then I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book “The Cash Flow Quadrant” and definitely decided that I would become an entrepreneur.

The first book remains the writer's most famous work. It is with “Rich Dad” that I recommend starting to get acquainted with Kiyosaki’s literary heritage. Believe me, this book can really change your life towards radical improvement.

“Poor Dad” is Robert’s own father, who, despite the post of Minister of Education, was unable to teach his son real financial literacy.

“Rich Dad” is the father of Robert’s friend, a truly wealthy man who preached a diametrically opposed approach to acquiring material and spiritual wealth.

“Rich Dad” is a book that has become a reference book for representatives of several generations of businessmen.

Particular attention in the book is paid to criticism of generally accepted methods of education in schools and universities and the formation of creative thinking, leading to stable financial well-being.

Book 2: Cash Flow Quadrant

A kind of “financial primer” for people who want to learn how to manage money wisely own funds. The book talks about the methods and rules of profitable investing.

The cash flow quadrant is a conditional division of the entire business world into 4 categories of people:

  • employees;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • businessmen;
  • investors.

Each of them, according to Robert Kiyosaki, has their own values ​​and a certain way of thinking, which determine their future financial well-being.

The main idea of ​​the book is that having determined our “position” in the quadrant, we can work to change it and further increase our income, including, if you haven’t yet, then by becoming a businessman and investor, you can receive it.

King's 3. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing

Kiyosaki argues that there are investments for the poor and for the rich. The book contains a lot practical advice and allows you to transform your own thinking. Real leadership that works for the long term.

Profitable investing skills will allow you to earn more by working less or not working (in the conventional sense of the word) at all.

From the book you will learn where to invest your money to make it work and learn to see investment opportunities that you had not noticed before.

Book 4. Business School

If you decide to start your business from scratch, then check out another powerful work by Kiyosaki - the book “Business School”. It was co-written by Sharon Letscher and is about hidden values.

By learning how the business actually works, you can find your own path to achieving wealth.

Kiyosaki believes that anyone with motivation and determination can achieve financial and, at the same time, spiritual well-being.

To do this, you just need to change the mentality of a poor person to the worldview of a rich person. We have already written about this earlier.

Book 5. Rich Kid, Smart Kid

A guide for parents who want to develop winning skills in their children. A textbook that clearly and convincingly outlines the basics of financial literacy.

Armed with the knowledge gained, your child will be ready to real life even before finishing secondary education.

The book will help your child make an important and effective financial breakthrough at the earliest stage of independent life.

3. “Cash Flow” game – effective training in investment strategies

When Kiyosaki was writing the book “The Cash Flow Quadrant,” he came up with a brilliant idea: to create an educational game based on his work. He called it CashFlow, which translated into Russian means “Cash Flow”.

In one of the articles in our magazine, I have already talked about the game (Cash Flow) in detail. Let me remind you here that this is a truly effective and exciting method of teaching profitable investing and the rules of successful business.

The game helped me personally earn much more and understand the principles of how money works.

I guarantee that once you start playing, you will change your attitude towards real finance. The game is a kind of training that will allow you to evolve from an employee to a business owner and investor.

The author of the international bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad series, an investor and entrepreneur specializing in the mining and real estate industries, and an educator whose views on money and investing challenge conventional wisdom. His book "Rich Dad Poor Dad", published in 1997 and became a novice investors and entrepreneurs invaluable, remained at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for six years. Translated into 46 languages ​​and published in 97 countries, the Rich Dad series has sold 26 million copies worldwide and topped bestseller lists in Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico, South Africa and Europe. He almost single-handedly challenged and changed the image financial thinking tens of millions of people around the world. The activities and creativity of Robert Kiyosaki are permeated with a keen desire to help people awaken the financial genius that is in everyone, but more often than not, dormant.

Success Story, Biography of Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Toru Kiyosaki born April 8, 1947 on the Hawaiian island of Hilo. His father, Ph.D., head of the government agency responsible for education in the state of Hawaii, sent his son to a better local school, where Robert interacted with children from wealthy families since childhood. It was here that he met the man whom he would call Rich Dad in his future books - the father of his best friend.

After graduating from high school, Robert goes to New York, where he enters the Merchant Marine Academy. After graduating from university in 1969, Kiyosaki is engaged in the activity for which he entered the Academy: he gets a job on a merchant ship. After numerous travels around the world, Robert decides to join the Corps Marine Corps USA. His decision was connected with a great desire to change the world, if not the whole, but at least a tiny part of it, because there is so much injustice, poverty and tyranny on Earth. With the Marine Corps, Kiyosaki ends up in Vietnam. For his service as an attack helicopter pilot and dedication to the United States, Robert Kiyosaki was awarded the Air Medal.

Literally a year before graduation Vietnam War Robert is fired and returns to the United States. So, in 1974, Kiyosaki got a job as a sales agent for Xerox. But three years later, Robert opens his first independent enterprise. It was a nylon wallet company founded in 1977. Today, Kiyosaki admits that at that time, like many entrepreneurs, he made traditional mistakes. Perhaps that is why he will later write a book that will help people avoid the same failures.

But his first venture was not as successful as he would have liked and as we see it today. Although during the time he was running that business, Robert gained a lot of knowledge, which he shares with everyone these days.

Having earned a certain capital, Kiyosaki now seeks to invest his funds with the greatest profit. Robert's next step was to license the production of T-shirts for rockers with the corresponding symbols. This enterprise became more successful than the production of “surfer wallets,” as nylon wallets were called. But music trends change, and hard rock has lost a certain part of its audience over time. Unable to respond in a timely manner to the rapid change in musical fashion, Robert Kiyosaki became bankrupt, which led to the loss of his home.

But the reason was, of course, not the ruin of a single company. At the same time, Robert played in the stock markets and invested in real estate projects. By the time the licensing company was closed, according to rumors, he owed banks about $850,000. Although Kiyosaki considers this experience invaluable. And today he helps people avoid bankruptcy and collapse, teaches them how to invest correctly and wisely. Having experienced the consequences of a couple of wrong decisions, the author of educational books and games teaches how to avoid poverty.

As a result of a series of failures, Robert Kiyosaki comes to understand his main mistakes. Realizing that the actions of entrepreneurs are often identical, he decides to open Education Centre. But Robert will not come to this right away. First, Kiyosaki becomes the host of the “Money and You” seminar, where he teaches how to manage money.

In 1984, Robert got married. His wife, being an experienced entrepreneur, became not only a life partner, but also a business partner.

In 1985, he left the business world and founded the international educational company Rich Dad's Organization, which taught tens of thousands of students around the world about business and investing. The seminar, which Kiyosaki taught with his friends, became increasingly popular. Gradually, its boundaries are expanding to New Zealand. It became obvious that this was a real success - people needed teachers who would introduce them to the world of business prepared.

But already in 1994 he decides to retire. Now he is a multimillionaire and can afford to live the lifestyle he would like. Having stopped conducting seminars, Robert Kiyosaki did not leave the business at all. He continued to play in the stock markets and invest in real estate. It was then, having a lot of free time, that he began to write books.

From his pen at this time came such bestsellers as “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, “Cash Flow Quadrant”, “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” - all 3 books were in the top ten bestsellers of top magazines such as The Wall Street Journal , USA Today and The New York Times.

In his first book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, he talks about the differences in upbringing between his own father and his friend's father. Robert outlined two models of behavior in the book, merged the talents of both fathers, whose ideas he absorbed from childhood, in order to convey to people all over the world the idea of ​​what a person should be like. successful man and what are investment rules.

Deciding to make the process of learning financial success more visual, Robert Kiosaki developed a unique business board game“Cash Flow”, teaching how to handle money, i.e. something that was previously known only to the rich. This business game was created to teach people about financial strategies, which long years taught to him by his Rich Dad... the same financial strategies that allowed Kiyosaki to retire a millionaire at the age of 47.

Now Robert Kiyosaki is engaged in real estate transactions and invests in startups, but his real love and passion are still given to teaching. He talks about his mistakes, how to become successful, how to teach children, how to where can you invest money. Kiyosaki is given a place of honor among such people as Bodo Schaefer, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziegler, Brian Tracy, Og Mandino, Jim Rohn. Robert Kiyosaki's message to people is very clear: “Either you manage your finances, or you dance to their tune all your life. You are either the master of money or the slave of money.”

Books by Robert Kiyosaki

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In this article, we will look at 5 simple ideas from Robert Kiyosaki that have given millions of people around the world the key to financial freedom, and look at specific cases of investors who have already put these tips into practice.

A talented businessman and investor, teacher and author... Robert Kiyosaki is a true legend of our time. His work “,” published in 1997, quickly spread across the planet and is popular to this day. The author published in the book the basic rules of investing and the secrets of effective business.

Today his work has been published in nearly 100 countries and translated into 46 languages. The number of copies sold exceeded the 26 million mark, making the author's creation a real bestseller, and Robert Kiyosaki's quotes have become the rules of success for millions of people.

  • Key ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in 10 minutes
  • Idea 1. Never work for money
  • Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class are liabilities treated as assets
  • Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left
  • Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent
  • Idea 5: If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.

  • Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

With his book, Robert Kiyosaki changed the business of the 21st century, changed the thinking of many entrepreneurs and investors, helped people achieve success and make real estate investments truly profitable.

Key ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in 10 minutes

You can get acquainted with the ideas of Robert Kiyosaki in more detail by reading books. We will focus only on some interesting thoughts.

Idea 1. Never work for money

The entrepreneur showed that if we work for money, we will fall into a vicious circle from which we will not be able to get out so easily. We will have a certain “threshold”, “ceiling”, above which we will not be able to rise. Roberta convinced him of this own life and watching the others.

Idea 2: The rich acquire assets. The poor and middle class are liabilities treated as assets

Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take it out of there. Enough common misconception: The house you live in, the car you drive are assets. In fact, these are the most popular liabilities among poor people. Our course explores this idea in great detail.

Idea 3: The rich operate on the right side of the cash flow quadrant. The poor are on the left

The Cash Flow Quadrant is another fundamental idea of ​​Robert Kiyosaki. According to it, people make money in one of four ways:

1. A hired worker works for little money and risks the most.

2. Works for himself and only. Often he has one source of income.

3. Businesses hire those who work. Transfers risks, receives profit from different sources.

4. The investor invests money.

The first 2 methods belong to the left side of the quadrant. To the right are the second ones.

Idea 4. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent

There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Ruin is a temporary phenomenon, but poverty is permanent. If you look at the success stories of rich people, you will almost always find a period in which these people went completely bankrupt and even fell into a large debt hole, but at the same time found the strength to rise up and become successful again. A striking example- current US President Donald Trump.

Details about how rich and poor people think and make decisions, in what key differences between them, Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump recounted in their new book." It is not necessary to agree with these postulates. But it makes sense to get acquainted.

Idea 5: If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.

Another key component to the success of the rich is continuous learning. They are true professionals in the subject of investing and creating cash flow. Some make money in stocks, others, like Robert Kiyosaki, in real estate. But they all thoroughly understand the issue of investing. Ignorance, as a rule, deprives you of money even when you are just taking your first steps.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth getting the right education. Now there are many opportunities for this - for example, training courses. Many materials are publicly available.

10 most famous books by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki wrote many books in which he discussed his ideas in detail. Here are the most famous of them:

  • "Rich dad, poor dad";
  • "Cash Flow Quadrant";
  • Rich Dad's Guide to Investing;
  • “Retire young and rich”;
  • “If you want to be rich and happy, don’t go to school”;
  • "Rich Kid, Smart Kid";
  • "Before you start your business";
  • “Why we want you to be rich”;
  • “Conspiracy of the rich. 8 new rules for handling money";
  • "Business of the XXI century."

Success story, or what really happened to Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki's homeland is the Hawaiian island of Hilo, where he was born in 1947. Robert's parents were popular and well educated people. His father is a doctor of philosophy and the head of the structure responsible for education in the state. Naturally, he did everything possible to send his son to the best school in Hawaii. It is in this educational institution Kiyosaki was able to meet the future prototype of his book “Rich Dad” - the father of his school friend.

After successfully graduating from school, Robert went to New York, where he became a student at the Merchant Marine Academy without any problems. Upon completion of his studies (in 1969), he went to work in his specialty and got a job on a merchant ship. After just a few years of travel, the man decides to become a US Marine. His desire was to somehow influence the world, change it for the better, remove tyranny and fight poverty. IN future fate sent Robert to Vietnam, where his valiant service earned him a US Air Force medal.

In 1974, Kiyosaki quit military career. Before starting his own business, he gets a job as an ordinary sales agent at the Xerox company. Thanks to his extraordinary talent, within three years Robert managed to open his own company producing nylon wallets. The first business was not successful, but it allowed the novice entrepreneur to learn a lot of new things, analyze his mistakes and not repeat them again.

Having earned some capital, Robert Kiyosaki, who is not yet very rich, is looking for new ways to invest. And the next stage of his career was obtaining a license to produce T-shirts for rockers. At first the enterprise brought good profits, but after the fall in popularity hard rock Robert went bankrupt.

The production of T-shirts was not the only activity of the entrepreneur at that time. At the same time, Robert Kiyosaki invested in real estate and played in the stock market. Judging by rumors, his activities were not very successful. At that time, the man had debts to banks in the amount of 850 thousand dollars. But even such a negative investment experience turned out to be invaluable for Robert. He learned a lot and transferred his knowledge to future books.

In 1984, the businessman decides to tie the knot. His chosen one is Kim Kiyosaki, who became not just a life partner, but also a faithful partner in the business sphere. Already at that time she - rich woman with considerable entrepreneurial experience.

In 1985, Robert decides to open an educational company whose goal is to train novice investors. The master’s seminars are gaining popularity and are held in many parts of the world. People needed a good and experienced teacher, and they got one. With the spread of the global network, knowledge has become available to everyone, and Kiyosaki’s videos can now be watched by anyone.

Today, Robert Kiyosaki is a successful investor who invests in promising business projects and earns a lot of money from real estate. At the same time, he continues to realize himself as a talented and truly experienced teacher.

Projects implemented by the participants of the “Territory of Investment”, based on the advice of Robert Kiyosaki:

  • daily rental of apartments - Andrey's case;
  • secrets of creating capital and passive income in real estate;
  • redevelopment studio apartment– secrets of investor renovation;
  • Yuri Medushenko’s case “How to create a real estate business in 44 days”;
  • affordable investment in apartments in Moscow;
  • how to turn a one-room apartment into two, with one of them being a two-room apartment;
  • and many others.

All this clearly shows that Kiyosaki's ideas work. We checked.